Welcome to Jefferson State Community College Computer Information Systems Jefferson State Community College offers a full portfolio of classes in Computer Information Systems (CIS) designed to improve students’ computer and software knowledge as well as develop and/or upgrade skills for career advancement. These courses are designed so that students can quickly prepare for in-demand Information Technology (IT) jobs. Students who pursue degrees in CIS are prepared for careers as computer professionals in fields such as programming, programming analysis, systems analysis, or software developing. Non-credit CIS coursework available at Jefferson State may also be useful for professionals in other areas who want to develop skills applicable in IT. The range of CIS classes offered at Jefferson State are illustrative of the college’s mission of education and the development of a well-trained workforce in our region. 1
Explanation of Credit and Non-Credit The term “credit” indicates the number of “semester hours’ credit” granted upon the successful completion of a course. A credit hour is based upon the average number of hours of instruction taught weekly. The ratio of weekly contact hours to credit hours varies with the type of instruction being used. Examples of categories of instruction and the corresponding contact/credit hour ratios are as follow: • Lecture: One hour of instruction per week for each credit hour (1:1) • Experimental Laboratory: Two hours of instruction per week for each credit hour (2:1) • Manipulative/Skills Laboratory: Three hours of instruction per week for each credit hour (3:1) In short: “credit” refers to degree credit which means that course or program provides credit towards an associate degree or certificate program and may also be transferable to another academic institution. The term \"non-credit\" refers to classes and coursework that are required for completion of a specific career training program, but are not eligible to apply toward an associate degree or credit certificate program and are not transferable to another academic institution. Non-credit classes are essentially short-term individual training courses in specific disciplines to assist students in preparation for successfully passing a state or national certification examination for entry-level employment. 2
Credit Courses Jefferson State offers two-year, college level programs of study as well as career and professional programs. The college offers educational opportunities that meet or exceed the standards set forth by all appropriate accrediting agencies. 3
Swift App Development Certificate COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS INTERNET CAMPUS CIS 157 Introduction to App Development with Swift 3 •• CIS 220 App Development with Swift I 3 •• 3 •• CIS 227 App Development with Swift II 9 --11 ■ 4
CIS Computer Programming Certificate or Advanced Certificate Class List COURSE TITLE CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS HOURS CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications 3 •• CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 •• 3 •• CIS 215 C# Programming 3 •• 3 •• CIS 251 C++ Programming 3 •• 3• CIS 255 Java Programming 21 CIS 263 Computer Maintenance CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS HOURS CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I 3 •• AAS Degree 3 •• 3 •• COURSE TITLE 3 •• 3 •• CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications 3 •• 3• CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 •• 3 •• CIS 157 Introduction to App Development with Swift 3 •• 3• CIS 207 Introduction to Web Development 3 •• 36 CIS 215 C# Programming CIS 220 App Development with Swift I CIS 222 Database Management Systems CIS 251 C++ Programming CIS 255 Java Programming CIS 263 Computer Maintenance CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I CIS 285 Object Oriented Programming 5
CIS Networking Certificate or Advanced Certificate Class List COURSE TITLE CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS HOURS CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 •• CIS 222 Database Management Systems 3• 4• CIS 237 Virtual Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration 3• 3• CIS 238 Cloud Computing: Infrastructure and Services 3• 3 •• CIS 248 Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things) 3• 25 CIS 260 Network Security and Risk Management CIS 263 Computer Maintenance CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I AAS Degree COURSE TITLE CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS HOURS CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 •• CIS 222 Database Management Systems 3• 4• CIS 237 Virtual Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration 3• 3• CIS 238 Cloud Computing: Infrastructure and Services 3• 3• CIS 239 Information Storage and Management 3• 3 •• CIS 244 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3• 3• CIS 248 Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things) 3• 3• CIS 260 Network Security and Risk Management 3• 43 CIS 263 Computer Maintenance CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I CIS 271 Cisco CCNA II CIS 272 Cisco CCNA III CIS 282 Computer Forensics CIS 287 SQL Server 6
CIS Web Technologies Certificate or Advanced Certificate Class List COURSE TITLE CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS HOURS CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications 3 •• CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 •• 3 •• CIS 207 Introduction to Web Development 3• 3• CIS 209 Advanced Web Development 3 •• 18 CIS 250 E Commerce CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS CIS 263 Computer Maintenance HOURS AAS Degree 3 •• 3 •• COURSE TITLE 3 •• 3• CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications 3 •• 3• CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3• 3 •• CIS 157 Introduction to App Development with Swift 3 •• 3• CIS 202 Python Programming 3• 3• CIS 207 Introduction to Web Development 36 CIS 209 Advanced Web Development CIS 250 E Commerce CIS 255 Java Programming CIS 263 Computer Maintenance CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I CIS 276 Server Administration CIS 278 Directory Services Administration 7
CIS Cybersecurity Certificate or Advanced Certificate Class List COURSE TITLE CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS HOURS CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications 3 •• CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 •• 3• CIS 202 Python Programming 3• 3• CIS 214 Security Analysis 3• 3• CIS 244 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3 •• 3• CIS 246 Ethical Hacking 27 CIS 260 Network Security and Risk Management CIS 263 Computer Maintenance CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I AAS Degree COURSE TITLE CREDIT INTERNET CAMPUS HOURS CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications 3 •• CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 •• 3• CIS 202 Python Programming 3• 3• CIS 211S Principles of Information Assurance 3• 3• CIS 214 Security Analysis 3• 3• CIS 222 Database Management Systems 3• 3 •• CIS 244 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3• 3• CIS 245 Cyber Defense 39 CIS 246 Ethical Hacking CIS 260 Network Security and Risk Management CIS 263 Computer Maintenance CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I CIS 282 Computer Forensics 8
Computer Information Systems (CIS) Class Descriptions Following is a listing of all Computer Information Systems (CIS) credit classes offered at Jefferson State. The descriptions include prerequisites or other skills required before students are eligible to enroll in the specific class. CIS 117 Database Management Software Applications 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 146 or database experience This course provides students with hands-on experience using database management software. Students will develop skills common to most database management software by developing a wide variety of databases. Emphasis is on planning, developing, and editing functions associated with database management. (F, Sp) CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications 3 semester hours Prerequisite: Keyboarding skills recommended This course is an introduction to the most common microcomputer software applications. These software packages should include typical features of applications, such as word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software. Upon completion, students will be able to utilize selected features of these packages. (F, Sp, Su) CIS 150 Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course includes logic, design and problem solving techniques used by programmers and analysts in addressing and solving common programming and computing problems. The most commonly used techniques of flowcharts, structure charts, and pseudocode will be covered and students will be expected to apply the techniques to designated situations and problems. (F, Sp, Su) 9
CIS 157 Introduction to App Development with Swift 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 150 This introductory one-semester course is designed to help students build a solid foundation in programming fundamentals using Swift as the language. Students get practical experience with the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to build a basic iOS system. (Sp) CIS 202 Python Programming 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 150 This course is an introduction to the Python programming language. Topics include input and output, decision structures, repetition structures, functions, working with files, strings, object-oriented programming and inheritance. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the topics through the completion of programming projects and appropriate tests. (F, Sp) CIS 207 Introduction to Web Development 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course introduces basic Web page development techniques. Topics include HTML, scripting languages, and commercial software packages used in the development of Web pages. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to use specified markup languages to develop basic Web pages. (F, Sp, Su) CIS 209 Advanced Web Development 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 150, 207 This is an advanced Web design course emphasizing the use of scripting languages to develop interactive Web sites. Upon completion students will be able to create data driven Web sites. (Su) CIS 211S Principles of Information Assurance 10 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course is designed to introduce students to information security principles. Topics covered in this course will include the need for security, risk management, security technology, cryptography, and physical security. Security policies and legal/ ethical issues will also be covered. (Su)
CIS 214 Security Analysis (PEN Testing) 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to the concept of security analysis, or penetration testing, of information systems. Students will evaluate the security of a computer system or network, assessing security risks from the position of a potential attacker. Emphasis is on identifying security flaws and providing technical solutions. (Su) CIS 215 C# Programming 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 150 This course is an introduction to the C# programming language. The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to develop C# applications for the Microsoft .NET Platform. Topics include program structure, language syntax, and implementation details. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the topics through the completion of programming projects and appropriate tests. CIS 220 App Development with Swift I 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 157 This is the first of two courses designed to teach specific skills related to app development using Swift language. (Su) CIS 222 Database Management Systems 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 150 or database experience This course will discuss database system architectures, concentrating on Structured Query Language (SQL). It will teach students how to design, normalize and use databases with SQL, and to link those to the Web. CIS 227 App Development with Swift II 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 220 This course focuses on building specific features for iOS apps. Students apply their knowledge and skills to 11 developing new apps. (F)
CIS 237 Virtual Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration 4 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to the concepts and capabilities of virtual architecture with a focus on the installation, configuration, and management of a virtual infrastructure, an ESX Server, and a Virtual Center. Covers fundamentals of virtual network design and implementation, fundamentals of storage area networks, virtual switching, virtual system management and engineering for high availability. (Sp) CIS 238 Cloud Computing: Infrastructure and Services 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 237 This course focuses on cloud infrastructure, deployment, security models, and the key considerations in mi- grating to cloud computing. Coverage includes the technologies and processes required to build traditional, virtualized and cloud data center environments, including computation, storage, networking, desktop and application virtualization, business continuity, security and management. (Su) CIS 239 Information Storage & Management 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 238 This course focuses on advanced storage systems, protocol, and architectures, including Storage Area Networks (SAN), Network Attached Storage (NAS), Fibre Channel Networks, Internet Protocol SANS (IPSAN), iSCSI, and Content Addressable Storage (CAS). (F) CIS 244 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course will introduce students to cybersecurity, while they gain additional insight into the challenges companies face today. Students will develop an understanding of cybercrime, security principles, technologies, and procedures and techniques used to defend networks. (F, Sp, Su) 12
CIS 245 Cyber Defense 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None The course provides students with information on the concept of cyber defense. Topics include information relative to legal aspects of cyber-attacks, threats to various levels of national and local social infrastructure, financial systems, personal data, and other direct and indirect threats. As part of this course, students explore current and historical cyber threats and U.S. policy regarding infrastructure protection. (Sp) CIS 246 Ethical Hacking 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course emphasizes scanning, testing, and securing computer systems. The lab-intensive environment provides opportunities to understand how perimeter defenses work and how hackers are able to compromise information systems. With awareness of hacking strategies, students learn to counteract those attempts in an ethical manner. (Sp) CIS 248 Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things) 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of IoT. Emphasis will be on understanding how the IoT is bridging the gap between operational and information technology systems and the security concerns that must be considered, when implementing IoT solutions. (Su) CIS 250 E-Commerce 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course is an introduction to e-commerce. Topics include marketing, building an electronic commerce store, security, and electronic payment systems. Upon completion student will be able to build an e-commerce presence. (F) 13
CIS 251 C++ Programming 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 150 This course is an introduction to the C++ programming language including object oriented programming. Topics include: problem solving and design; control structures; objects and events; user interface construction; and document and program testing. (F, Sp, Su) CIS 255 Java Programming 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 150 This course is an introduction to the Java programming language. Topics in this course include object-oriented programming constructs, Web page applet development, class definitions, threads, events and exceptions. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the topics through the completion of programming projects and appropriate tests. (F, Sp, Su) CIS 260 Network Security and Risk Management 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course exposes students to essential concepts of networking security and IT risk management. Topics include design, protocols and administrative principles of secure networks, identification and elimination of threats and vulnerabilities, compliance and operational security, access control and identity management, application, data, and host security, cryptography and current and evolving issues in network security. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to identify security issues, to mitigate and deter threats, to apply security controls and to implement and maintain an organization’s security policies. This course prepares students to sit for the CompTIA Security+ certification exam. (F) CIS 263 Computer Maintenance 3 Semester hours Prerequisite: None This course provides students with hands-on practical experience in installing software, operating systems, trouble-shooting, and maintaining systems. The class will help to prepare participants for the A+ Certification sponsored by CompTIA. (F,Sp, Su) 14
CIS 270 Cisco CCNA I 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course is the first part of a four part curriculum leading to Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The content of this course is based on current requirements from the CISCO Networking Academy certification standards. (F) CIS 271 Cisco CCNA II 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CISCO 270 This course is the second part of a four part curriculum leading to Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The content of this course is based on current requirements from the CISCO Networking Academy certification standards. CIS 272 Cisco CCNA III 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CISCO 271 This course is the third part of a four part curriculum leading to Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The content of this course is based on current requirements from the CISCO Networking Academy certification standards. CIS 273C Cisco CCNA IV 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CISCO 272 This course is the fourth part of a four part curriculum leading to Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The content of this course is based on current requirements from the CISCO Networking Academy certification standards. 15
CIS 275 Workstation Administration 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course provides a study of client system administration in a network environment. Topics include installing, monitoring, maintaining, and troubleshooting client operating system software and managing hardware devices and shared resources. Students gain hands-on experience in client operating system installation and basic administration of network workstations. (Sp) CIS 276 Server Administration 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course introduces network operating system administration. Topics included in this course are network operating system software installation, administration, monitoring, and maintenance; user, group and computer account management: shared resource management; and server hardware management. Students gain hands-on experience in managing and maintaining a network operating system environment. (Sp) CIS 277 Network Services Administration 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course provides an introduction to the administration of fundamental networking services and protocols. Topics included in this course are implementing, managing, and maintaining essential network operating system services such as those for client address management, name resolution, security, routing, and remote access. Students gain hands-on experience performing common network infrastructure administrative tasks. (Su) CIS 278 Directory Services Administration 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course provides a study of planning, implementing, and maintaining a network directory service. Topics included in this course are planning and implementing network directory organizational and administrative structures. Students gain hands-on experience using a directory service to manage user, group, and computer accounts, shared folders, network resources, and the user environment. (Su) 16
CIS 281 System Analysis and Design 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 213, CIS 222, CIS 251, CIS 255, CIS 209, or CIS 285 This course is a study of contemporary theory and systems analysis and design. Emphasis is placed on investigating, analyzing, designing, implementing, and documenting computer systems. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the topics through the completion of programming projects and appropriate tests. (Sp) CIS 282 Computer Forensics 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to methods of computer forensics and investigations. This course helps prepare students for the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) Certification. (F) CIS 285 Object Oriented Programming 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 255 or equivalent This course is an advanced object-oriented programming course and covers advanced program development techniques and concepts in the context of an object-oriented language, such as C++ or Java. Subject matter includes object-oriented analysis and design, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism (operator and function overloading), information hiding, abstract data types, reuse, dynamic memory allocation and file manipulation. Upon completion, students should be able to develop a hierarchical class structure necessary to the implementation of an object-oriented software system. Currently, courses are available in 285. Advanced Java and 285C. C#. (Sp) 17
CIS 287 SQL Server 3 semester hours Prerequisite: CIS 161 or equivalent experience This course will provide students with the technical skill required to install, configure, administer and troubleshoot SQL Server client/server database management system. At the completion of this series students will be able to: identify the features of SQL Server and the responsibilities and challenges in system administration; identify the benefits of integrating SQL Server and setup clients for SQL Server; install and configure SQL Server; manage data storage using database devices and partition data using segments; manage the user accounts; manage user permissions; identify the various task scheduling and alerting abilities of SQL Executive; identify the concepts used in replication and implement replication of data between two SQL Services; identify the types of backup and create backup devices; identify the factors effecting SQL Server performance and the need for monitoring and tuning; locate and troubleshoot problems that occur on the SQL Server. CIS 291 Case Study in Computer Science 3 semester hours Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor This course is a case study involving the assignment of a complete system development project for analysis, programming, implementation, and documentation. Topics include planning system analysis and design, programming techniques, coding and documentation. Upon completion, students should be able to design, code, test and document a comprehensive computer information system. Currently, courses are available in A. Applications, N. Networking, P. Programming, and W. Web Technologies. (F, Sp, Su) CIS 294 Special Topics 3 semester hours Prerequisite: None This course allows study of currently relevant computer science topics, with the course being able to be repeated for credit for each different topic covered. Course content will be determined by the instructor and will vary according to the topic being covered. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the course topic through the completion of assignments and appropriate tests. (Sp) 18
Eligible for Transfer Jefferson State is committed to providing excellence in all areas of instruction. In addition to granting two-year associate degrees, our academic options meet the needs of those students seeking to earn credits to transfer to four-year universities. COURSE UAB UA AU MONTEVALLO SAMFORD UAH USA TROY CIS 146 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• CIS 150 • •• • • CIS 157 CIS 207 • •• • CIS 209 • •• CIS 215 • CIS 220 CIS 222 • • CIS 227 CIS 250 • • • CIS 251* •• •• •• •• •• •• •• CIS 255 •• •• •• •• CIS 263 • CIS 270 • CIS 271 CIS 272 CIS 273 CIS 275 • CIS 276 • CIS 277 • • CIS 278 • • CIS 282 • CIS 285* •• •• •• •• •• •• •• CIS 287 * CIS 251/285 are listed on the STARS guide for all public four-year schools. They will accept one or the other for transfer. • Courses accepted as a general elective credit 19 •• Accepted as CIS Transfer courses.
Non-Credit Courses Non-credit classes are available for registration to anyone with a high school diploma and/or GED without being admitted to Jefferson State. These Fast-Track/Workforce training programs can be completed in as little as 10 weeks to six months to gain professional skills needed for employment opportunities for in-demand jobs. Non-Credit Computer Programming ON CAMPUS AND ONLINE CLASSES IT Help Desk Support Specialist LENGTH: 12 weeks, 72 total hours, 2 times per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $999 This course provides a foundational overview of information technology that illuminates IT skills and knowledge needed to perform basic tasks commonly performed by end-users and entry-level IT professionals including features of operation systems, troubleshooting, and problem solving, successful communication with users, determining a client's specific needs, hardware and software fundamentals. The course also provides opportunities to develop the skills to establish network connectivity, understand database and computer programming and database and focus on best practices to secure data and enhance web security. CERTIFICATION: CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) certification CompTIA A+ Certification Prep LENGTH: 21 weeks, 96 total hours, 2 times per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $1,199 Set yourself apart from the rest when you train as a Computer Technician! This program provides 21 weeks of traditional classroom instruction to lay a solid foundation for students to sit for and pass the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) certification. The comprehensive curriculum is approved by CompTIA and is specifically designed to: • Prepare students to work with hardware, software, networks, and security issues • Gain knowledge and skills needed to earn CompTIA A+ certification Upon successful completion of the course students will be awarded a Certificate of Completion from Jefferson State Community College. In addition, students will have the option of sitting for the CompTIA A+ certification. CERTIFICATION: CompTIA A+ Certification 20
Cyber Security LENGTH: 14 weeks, 84 total hours, 2 times per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $1,200 This course provides the foundation for understanding the key issues associated with protecting information assets. The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an overview of the field of information security and assurance. Competencies: • Determine the levels of protection and response to security incidents. • Design a consistent, reasonable information security system, with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features. • Identify the spectrum of security activities, methods, methodologies, and procedures. • Perform inspection and protection of information assets. • Detect and react to threats to information assets. • Examine pre- and post-incident procedures. • Provide technical and managerial responses. CERTIFICATION: Security + Certification Full Stack Web Development with PHP LENGTH: 19 weeks/171 total hours/3 times per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $2,000 Full Stack Developers are developers that design complete websites. Companies rely on these developers to build, support and maintain their web applications. Set yourself apart from the rest when you train as a Full Stack Developer! This program provides 15 weeks of traditional classroom instruction designed to aid participants in gaining the skills necessary to secure an entry-level position as a Front-End and Back-End web developer in today’s job market. Competencies: The training will focus on: • HTML • CSS • JavaScript • MySQL • PHP CERTIFICATION: None 21
JAVA LENGTH: 9 weeks, 63 total hours, 2 nights per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $1,199 This is designed to teach students how to utilize Eclipse or IntellJ. Some topics covered included Core Java, Object Oriented Programming and Spring Framework Basics. Competencies: • Introduction to Java Programming • Getting Started with Java • Java Fundamentals • Java Helper Tools • Objects and Classes • Inheritance in Java • Advanced Inheritance and Abstraction • Exception Handling • Java Collections • Creating Web Apps with Java CERTIFICATION: None Python Programming LENGTH: 8 weeks, 96 total hours, 2 times per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $899 Summary: In this fast-track course for an introduction to Python Programming, students will be introduced to the basic aspects of problem solving, data representation, algorithm design, and object-oriented design and programming. Competencies covered: decision structures, loops, functions, and more. The Python programming language will be used as the means to implement programs. This course prepares students for problem analysis and solution design. Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs. CERTIFICATION: None 22
COBOL LENGTH: 15 weeks, 90 total hours, 2 times per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $999 Summary: This fast-track course serves as an introduction to the COBOL programming language, one of the oldest and most important programming languages to government and the private sector. The COBOL Programming Basics fast-track course introduces the COBOL language and its basic structure. It describes the syntax and use of program logic statements in the procedure division of a COBOL program. It examines the standard loop and conditional statements, and the available arithmetic operations. CERTIFICATION: None Data Analytics & Visualization: Microsoft PowerBI LENGTH: 8 weeks, 64 total hours, 2 times per week STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $1,074 Summary: This fast-track course serves as an introduction for Data Analytics using Microsoft PowerBI. Power BI lets you easily display and analyze your real- time data, empowering your organization to gain instant insights from time-sensitive information. Advanced analytics in Power BI helps business users to monitor key performance indicators in real time. It helps the business to determine which metrics are driving more opportunities and success. CERTIFICATION: Microsoft DA-100 Certification in Microsoft Power BI 23
Non-Credit Computer Programming ONLINE FAST-TRACK COURSES CompTIA Cloud + Certification Training (Voucher Included) LENGTH: 6 months STUDENT REGISTRATION FEE: $1,695 C++ Programmer LENGTH: 12 months STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $995 Front End Web Developer LENGTH: 6 months STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $1,995 Python Developer LENGTH: 6 months STUDENT REGISTRATION FEE: $995 AWS System Operations Certification Bundle (Voucher Included) LENGTH: 12 months STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $3,995 Certified Ethical Hacker (Voucher Included) LENGTH: 6 months STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $2,895 24
Certified Information Systems Security Professional LENGTH: 6 months STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $1,995 Cisco CCNA Certification Training LENGTH: 12 months STUDENT REGISTRATION COST: $2,395 25
Jefferson State Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and the Associate of Applied Science degrees. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Jefferson State Community College. 26
JEFFERSON ST. CLAIR-PELL CITY CAMPUS CAMPUS 2601 Carson Road, Birmingham, AL 35215 500 College Circle, Pell City, AL 35125 205-853-1200 205-812-2700 II SHELBY-HOOVER CHILTON-CLANTON CAMPUS CAMPUS 4600 Valleydale Road, Birmingham, AL 35242 1850 Lay Dam Road, Clanton, AL 35045 205-983-5900 205-280-8200
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