Case Study 1. When you are painting in MS-Paint, you feel that is very untidy. So, you want to rub with the eraser a lot of area. When you select Eraser tool to rub, it looks very small like a small pencil tips and takes a lot of time to rub. In such a case how do you solve your problem? Solution : ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 2. When you are making paint, due to some problem you want to go back in the just three times previous situation. In this case which technique do you apply? Solution : ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 3. During working in the paint, you have deleted a lot of unneces- sary works. But last one which is deleted it was more important. So, you thought to recall it using Undo technique. But by mistake again you hade press two times Undo command, due to this sec- ond last deleted function was also recalled but it was not neces- sary. Now, in this situation which technique do you apply to solve your problem? Page Painting & Drawing 96
Solution : ................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 4. Ram Nath Yadav is getting a problem. When he moves a selected object over another object that start to move with background col- or of selected object. He needs to move only selected object with- out its background. Now, to solve the problem, which technique is to be applied? Solution : ................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 5. Rudra Narayan Jha has created two drawings one is cow and an- other is the hut of cow in two separate window of Paint program. These two drawings are of almost full page. Now he is interested to keep both drawing in a single paint window and arrange them properly. Finally he is interested to save this drawing with new name. Now, in this situation, what techniques should be applied by Rudra Naraya. Solution : ................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 97
.................................................................................................................................... 6. Arpita Yadav is editing a picture of Sumi Jha. Some of the typical color is available in the picture provided by Sumi. Again and again, Arpita Yadav has to use this color in the editing task. But it is not available in Color palate and it will not coming exactly after color editing. In this situation, What Arpita should do to use this exact color of picture provided Sumi Jaha. Solution : ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 7. Rabi Kant Chaudhary is making drawing to print in flex board for the auspicious occasion of Maghi Parva celebration in his locality. There are a lot of different types drawing. During his working time he has to move some of the object around the page or interchange place with each other in same page. There may multiple technique to move an object in same window. Which technique should most reliable for Rabi Kant. Solution : .................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Page Painting & Drawing 98
8. Aslam Khan is getting problem in the follow- ing two existing shapes: a. In the first draw- ing he can change color of the stroke and shape's fill with 'Fill with Color' tool. But in the second drawing he is getting problem. Now, Write the reason and solution of this problem. Solution : .................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 99
Skill Test 1. Develop the technique and create following objects with the reference vid- eo: Facebook Logo Messanger Logo Dell Logo Windows Logo Twiter Logo LG Logo GoogleLogo Adidas ogo Pepsi Logo Internet Explorer Logo Mini Cooper (BMW) Logo KTM Logo Microsoft Logo Pepsi Logo Pokeymon Ball Google Drive Logo Ying Yang Logo Mc donald Logo Page Painting & Drawing 100
Project Work 1. Raghu Das has given an assign- 3. Computer teacher of Harpita ment to draw the butterfly in MS- Mishra has asked to make a paint- Paint for the selection of drawing ing of a fish in Ms-Paint. She has competition, he has submitted as submitted as follow. Now you also given. Now, imagine and make as imagine and use your skill to draw this in your computer and paint the fish as given. 2. Shanti Tripathi has to asked a 4. Class four of Vidhya Kunj has as- painting for the selection paint- signed to draw of picture of frog. ing program. She has done as One of the best picture is given given below. Now, analyze and below. Now You also use of your make as same panting. skill to draw a such picture in panting. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 101
CHAPTER 6 MS-Word Laptu : Hi Maxy, It seems, very good ! What are you typing ! Lakpa : I am making a docu- ment for the story telling competition in MS-Word. In the MS- Word, We can type text, insert image, save, edit, format- ting text and many more. Laptu : wow, well and interesting. I am also interested to learn how to make document in the MS-Word. Lakpa : Oky, No problem ! Follow me for the basic knowledge of making document in Ms-Word. Introduction Microsoft Word is a most popular word processing software developed by Microsoft Company USA. It is a useful tool to create varieties of professional documents. The document can include text, picture, graphics, table, Clip Art, borders and shadings, etc. These documents can be created, saved, ed- ited and printed as needed. Page MS-Word 102
Features of MS-Word Some of the major features of MS-Word: 1. You can edit document 2. We can count number of words in the document. 3. You can set margins top, bottom, left, right as well as set orientation of paper and paper size to print. 4. You can correct spelling mistakes. 5. You can format document with Font, style, size, color, line and paragraph spacing. 6. You can save document and open it when you need. 7. You can insert drawing, picture, word Art, Clip Art, etc 8. You can create table, and varieties of list . 9. You can print a part or whole document. There are many word processing software packages available. Some of these are, MS-Word, Word PAd, Wordstar, Word per- fect, Google Docs, AbiWord, etc. Here we learn about MS- Word. Starting MS-Word To start MS-Word, do the following: Step-1 : Type Word in search box. Step-2 : You get Word App. Click on it. Step-3 : Now, you get first screen of MS-Word. Step-4 : Click the Blank Document. Step-5 : Now, Your Microsoft Word ome screen appears as given in next page. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 103
Basic Components of MS-Word 5 The major components of the MS-Word 2007 are : 1 2 34 15 8 67 13 10 11 12 9 16 17 14 18 1. Quick Access Bar 2. Title Bar 3. Ribbon Tab 4. Ribbon 5. Control Buttons 6. Tab Selector 7. Horizontal Ruler 8. Horizontal Scroll bar 9. Vertical Ruler 10. Status Bar 11. View Button 12. Zoom Tools 13. Document Area 14. Vertical Scroll bar 15. Up Scroll button 16. Down Scroll Button 17. Left Scroll Button 18. Right Scroll Button Page MS-Word 104
Creating a New Document Document is a collection of informa- tion within pages that includes text, graphics, images, etc. To create a new document do the following steps: Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click on 'File' tab. Step-2 : Click on 'New'. Step-3 : Select 'Blank Document'. Step-4 : Now, you get new docu- ment. Now, simply you can type your text. Fast Access You can also click on New Document icon from Quick Access Tool bar or press Ctrl+N to create a new document Saving a Document Save is the process to store the document permanently into hard drive of your computer for the future use. When your docu- ment is saved, you can open, use and change it, if you need. To save your document, follow the following steps: Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click on 'Office' button. Step-2 : Click on 'Save' option. Step-3 : You get 'Save As' dialog box. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 105
Step-4 : Find the disk drive and folder where your file is saved. Step-5 : Type the file name Step-6 : Click on 'Save' button. Fast Access You can also click on New document icon from Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl+N to create a new document Trick & TIP • MS-Word automatically adds a period and docx extension to the file name. • When You save first time, the Save As dialog box appeared. The next time onward, it doesn't display, just it save continue. • The Save As option always displays dialog box which is used to save document in new name. Lab Activities 1. Create a new document, type the following two paragraphs and save the document with the file name 'Fruit Farm' Fruit farm Nepal info: Fruit farming in Nepal started since immemorial times for their own use only but popularity of commercial fruit farming in Nepal has been increasing rapidly. Fruit farming is the ideal business to improve the economic condi- tion and life standard of rural communities of Nepal. We grow varieties of organic fruits utilizing natural fruit farming techniques. Let’s visit farms where organic fruits are grown and to know the organic fruit's health benefits. Fruit farm produces different organic fruits like straw- Cbelrorys, peeadr,oocraungme,epneatch, Avocado, guava, grape, pineapple , lemon, ap- ple, litchi, mango, walnut, plum, etc. , hygienic fruits are better for health. Page MS-Word 106
After completing a task in your document that is open on the screen until you close it. If you try to close the document with- out saving, it displays the alert message to save your docu- ment. To close a document, follow the following steps: Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click on 'File' tab menu. Step-2 : Click on 'Close' option. To open a document To open a saved document from the hard drive, follow the fol- lowing steps: Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click on 'File' menu tab. Step-2 : Click on 'Open' option. You get the 'Open' dia- log box. Step-3 : Click the 'Browse' but- ton, find your disk and folder where your file is saved. Step-4 : Select your file. Step-5 : Click on 'Open' button. Step-6 : Now, you notice that your file is open. Fast Access You can also click on Open icon from Quick Access Tool bar or press Ctrl+O to create a new document. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 107
Exiting MS-Word You have to exit from the MS-Word after completing the task. If you try to exit without saving, MS-Word ask you to save your document. To exit from MS-Word, do the following: Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click the 'File 'menu tab. Step-2 : Click 'Close' option from MS-Office file menu, then press close button. Step-3 : If the document is not saved, it display the mes- sage to save. Step-4 : Click ' Save' to save and exit, otherwise, Click 'Don't Save' . Trick & TIP press Ctrl+W to close a new document. Formatting Document Formatting refers to the arrangement of your text. You can arrange the text using formatting features of MS-Word such use font, styles, color, size,alignment, bullet and numbering, indenting text etc. To arrange and change the appearance of text. There are two types of text formatting: 1. Character Formatting 2. Paragraph formatting. Character Formatting Character formatting controls change the appearance of the Page MS-Word 108
individual letters or selected range of text comes within the paragraph. Character formatting consists of text properties : Bold, Italic, Underline, Font, Font Size, Font Color, etc. You can find these proprieties within the 'Font' group of 'Home' tab from Ribbon. To use the character formatting, follow the fol- lowing steps: Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Type text Step-2 : Select text or highlight text. Step-3 : Find the 'Font' group of 'Home' tab and click the formatting option as you like such as Bold, Italic, Un- derline, Font, Font Size, etc. Lab Activities 1. Open the already saved document 'Fruit Farm' in previous Lab Activities class and format as given: Fruit Farm Nepal Info: Fruit farming in Nepal started since immemorial times for their own use only but popularity of commercial fruit farming in Nepal increasing rapidly. Fruit farming is the ideal business to improve the economic condition and life standard of rural communities of Nepal. We grow varieties of organic fruits utilizing natural fruit farming techniques. Let’s visit farms where organic fruits are grown and to know the organic fruit health benefits. Fruit farm produce different organic fruit like strawberry, pear, orange, peach, avocado, guava, grape, pineapple , lemon, apple, litchi, mango, walnut, plum, etc. , hygienic fruits are better for health. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 109
Knowledge Test a. What do you mean by change appearance of text ? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... b. What does formatting include? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... c. What does character formatting include ? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... d. Where do you get character formatting options ? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... e. When do you exit from MS-Word? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Page MS-Word 110
f. What happens when you exit without saving document? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... g. When do you use Open Command ? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... h. What happens when you close document without saving document? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... i. Why do you save your document ? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... j. When do you create new document? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 111
k. When do you use Save As Command ? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... l. When do you use Save Command ? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... m. How do you save your document ? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Page MS-Word 112
Points to Know • Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing software developed by Microsoft Company USA. • Word Processing is a useful tool to create varieties of profes- sional documents. • The document includes text, picture, graphics, table, Clip Art, borders and shadings, list, etc. • Save is the process to store the document permanently into hard drive of your computer for the future use. • Formatting refers to the arrangement of your text. You can ar- range the text using formatting features of MS-Word such font, styles, color, size,alignment, bullet and numbering, indenting text etc. • Character formatting controls the appearance of the individual letters or selected range of text that comes within the para- graph. Terms to Know Bullet : Series of important items for discussion or action in a doc- ument, usually marked by a square or round symbol. Indent : Blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right margins. Clip Art : Graphics art pictures and symbols made available for computer users to add to their documents. Hard Drive : Hard disk drive used to store document for future use. Software : Computer program. Command : Order for the computer. Word Processing : Typing, editing, arranging and formatting the Text. Package : Multiple software programs that work together. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 113
Worksheet Objective Questions ctrl+w docx arrangement font close save character document 1. Fill in the blanks with correct word a. Formatting refers to ................................... of your text. b. .............................. formatting controls change the appearance of the individual items or selected range of text. c. ......................... includes text, graphics, table image, etc. d. Character formatting options are available ............................ group of Home tab. e. ........................ button is to be pressed to exit from MS-Word. f. . ........................ keys is to be pressed to close document. g. .......................... is the process to store the document permanently into hard drive. h. MS- Word automatically adds ..................... extension to the filename. 2. State whether the following statements are true: a. You can not print part of the document. b. MS-Word allows to count number of words. Page MS-Word 114
c. Google Docs is a word processing software d. Once document is created you can not edit e. Save alert message is displayed, if you try to close or exiting document in Ms-Word. f. Color change is a kind of formatting feature of MS-Word. g. Character formatting affects the whole paragraph of the docu- ment h. You can open document from the list of most recently used doc- ument list. i. Closing document is the process of existing from MS-Word. j. Immediately deleted picture can be recalled using Undo com- mand. 3. Match the followings: Group A Group B a. Ctrl+O Save document b Ctrl+B Create new document c. Ctrl+W Open document d. Ctrl+N Bold e. Ctrl+S Closing document Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 115
4. Write the name and use of following icons: Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is word processing ? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... b. What do you mean by document ? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Page MS-Word 116
..................................................................................................................................... c. What do you mean by formatting? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... d. What is meant by open document? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... e. When do you close document? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ f. What do you mean by saving document? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 117
..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... g. Differentiate between Save and Save As? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... h. When do you use character formatting technique? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... i. What happens when do you save your document first time, ? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Page MS-Word 118
Case Study 1. The Social studies teacher has asked to type the major 10 cities name of our country and arrange the text good looking using the character formatting features of MS-Word. Now, note down your plan to solve this problem. Solution : .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... 2. Asmita and Aslam want to type their names, parents' names, and contact number and save the document in 'Contact detail'. After saving and closing the MS-Word, they want to add one more detail is 'Residential Address' Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 119
After the parent's name and again class teacher asked to add re- spective details of whole students of their class. Now, to solve this problem, make a exact plan. Solution : ................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................. ............................................................... ................................................................. ............................................................... ................................................................. ............................................................... ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ............................................................... Page MS-Word 120
3. Your School is invited you to participate in the inter school easy competition. They ask you to submit 500 to 1000 words easy on typed version on the given topic for the se- lection process. Now, how do you prepare this document in MS-Word. Topics: a. Save the Environment b. Eliminate the child Labour Solution : ............................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... ............................................................. ................................................................... ............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 121
Skill Test 1. Ramakanta Chaudhary has to type his name and format the text as given below, you also follow Ramakanta: a. Font face : Arial d. Underline b. Text bold e. Italic c. Font size : 20 f. Color red Your work output looks like as given Ramakanta Chaudhary 2. Type the following information and format as given: Fruits For Health Fruits are the very important foods for our health. They give us energy and immunity power, as well as help us to grow up in proper way. We must eat fruits regularly. We get the different types of fruits as per sea- son in the market. It is better to take fruits as season. But some fruits are harvested in all seasons naturally, banana is the such type of fruits. Some of the list of fruits is below with their harvesting season. Name of Fruits: Season 1. Apple (Ashad-Asoj) 2. Orange Winter 3. Banana Throughout the year 4. Mango Summer 5. Litchi Summer For a healthy life, take fruits regularly in proper amount. If you take more than the necessary, it may cause negative effect for you. Page MS-Word 122
Project Work-1 1. Type two paragraphs about your School and apply the following formatting attributes: a. Heading b. Paragraph c. Bottom of document • Font: Arial • Font : Clibir • Font : Arial • Font Size: 20 • Font Size: 14 • Font Size: 13 • Color : Red. • Color : black • Color : Red and black • Text face : Bold • Text face : normal • Text face : Bold first two line normal • Underline 2. Type the following story and format as shown: Cat and Mice There was a cat. It killed many mice every day and ate them. The mice were worried that soon they would all be killed. They were living in fear. So they all met to find a way to escape from the cat. They dis- cussed many ideas but none were good enough. Then a young mouse got up and suggested that they should tie a bell around the cat's neck. This would help them know where the cat was because the bell would ring every time it moved. The mice thought it was a very good idea. But an old mouse asked who was going to bell the cat. It is easy to say and difficult to do. By : Page Sitasma Bista 123 Class : 4 Laligurans Secondary School Udayapur, Katari-10 Smart Computer Science Book-4
Project Work-2 1. Type the following paragraph, give suitable heading and format as you like for looking attractive. Finally, colored all the articles with blue color. Tom and Jerry is a famous cartoon. It is popular in many countries. Tom is a cat and Jerry is a mouse. The mouse is very intelligent and gives the cat a difficult time. Tom always tries to catch Jerry but he fails. Tom sometimes succeeds in catching Jerry. Tom sometimes beats Jerry, usually when Jerry be- comes a great troublemaker. 2. Type the following paragraph, give appropriate heading, and for- mat as you like for good looking. Finally, colored all the articles with red color and make them italic Yesterday Mohan was at the bus stop. He was waiting for a bus that goes to Gaighat to Biratnagar. He was standing near the people. Soon a girl came there with her dog. She asked him, \"Are you waiting for the bus? \" He smiled and shook his head. The dog stared at him. Just then a big elephant came along the road. The dog got scared and ran way. 3. Type the following sentences and format as given: The dog jumped over a wall. Cat jumped into a garden. The puppy ran out of the garden through the gate. The Lamb is running between the trees. Lion ran under the bridge. Duckling ran towards the pond. Rat is inside Mohan's bedroom. Page MS-Word 124
CHAPTER 7 More on LOGO Laptu : Hi Lakpa ! It seems very good drawing . How is it? It is paint- ing in MS-Paint. Lakpa : No ! No! It's pro- gramming tech- nique. Using MSW- LOGO programming. Laptu : Wow! It's very inter- esting, Lakpa. What do we do in this session? Lakpa : We review and make experiment of LOGO commands . We draw different shapes using Turle like: line, triangles, square, circle, Polygonal. Use the function of PEN command, Text, calcu- lation, change the color and size of pen as well as many more, Laptu ......... Introduction You have been already introduced with the LOGO program- ming in class three. Now, in this chapter you will review com- mands you learned in class three and learn more commands and features of MS-LOGO. Here we create different shapes using polygonal technique. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 125
Review Basic Commands of MS-LOGO Commands Description HOME It is used to move the turtle to its home position where turtle lives originally. Syntax : HOME Example : HOME CS [CLEAN] It is used to clean the screen or drawing. BK (BACK) Syntax : CS or CLEAN FD [FORWARD] Example : CS or CLEAN It is used to move the turtle backward by given number of steps. Syntax : BK <number of steps> Example : BK 10 or BACKWARD 10 It is used to move the turtle forward by given num- ber of steps. Syntax : FD <number of steps> Example : FD 10 or FORWARD 10 RT [RIGHT] It is used to turn the turtle right by the given num- ber of steps. Syntax : RT <number of steps> Example : RT 90 or RIGHT 90 LT [LEFT] It is used to turn the turtle left by the given number of steps. Syntax : LT <number of steps> Example : LT 90 or LEFT 90 Page More on LOGO 126
PE [PENERASE] It is used to erase a line while drawing line. Syntax : PE Example : PE or PENERASE PU [PENUP] It is used to move the turtle without drawing a line. PD [PENDOWN] HT [HIDETURTLE] Syntax : PU ST [SHOWTURTLE] BYE Example : PU or PENUP It is used to move the turtle with drawing a line. Syntax : PD Example : PD or PENDOWN It is used to hide the turtle from the screen. Syntax : HT Example : HT or HIDETURTLE It is used to show the turtle from the screen. Example : ST or SHOWTURTLE It is used to clear LOGO from the computer's memory and return to the Windows desktop. Exit also used in place of BYE command. Syntax : BYE Example : BYE Draw Two Lines with an Angle The following set of instructions make the turtle draw two lines with angle. Set of Instructions: RT 180 FD 100 LT 90 FD100 Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 127
Draw a Square or Rectangle The following set of instructions make the Turtle to draw the square. Due to these set of instructs, Turtle start to walk around the shape and turn four times by 90 degree to draw square. Set of Instructions: FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 Drawing a triangle The following set of instructions make the Turtle to make draw a triangle. For drawing triangle Turtle has to turn by 120 de- gree for each side. Set of Instructions FD 100 RT 120 FD 100 RT 120 FD 100 RT 120 Page More on LOGO 128
PENUP (PU) Command The PENUP (PU) command instructs to the Turtle to lift its pen from the screen . As a result, the Turtle can not draw anything. So, you can use this command to move the Turtle to any part of the screen without drawing anything. Set of Instructions FD 40 PU RT 90 PENDOWN (PD) command PENDOWN (PD) command puts the pen of the Turtle down on the screen. Now, it starts to draw again after giving this com- mand. Set of Instructions FD 100 PU RT 90 FD 80 PD FD 100 PENERASE (PE) Command PENERASE (PE) command instructs to the Turtle to drop the Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 129
pen and pick up the eraser. After using this command, any drawing command start to erase instead of drawing. Set of Instructions FD 50 PE BK 50 PENNORMAL Command PENNORMAL command instructs to the Turtle to behave nor- mal. So, we use this command after using the PENERASE (PE) command to bring the behavior in normal position then the Turtle start to draw anything. HIDETURTLE (HT) Command HIDETURTLE(HT) command instructs to the Turtle to hide it- self. You can no longer see Turtle on the screen. But Turtle works after giving any drawing command. SHOWTURTLE (ST) Command SHOWTURTLE (ST) Command instructs to the Turtle to be visible that had been hiding through the HIDETURTLE (HD) command. Page More on LOGO 130
Lab Activities 1. Anamika had drawn the following sequence. You also write commands. 2. Anamika's Roll number is 21 in the class. She is trying to draw in LOGO. Now you also type the following set of instruction and modify for 121. FD 60 FD 60 RT 90 RT 90 PU PU FD 30 FD 30 PD PD FD 30 FD 30 RT 90 RT 90 3. Type the following commands and notice what happen and why ? FD 30 PE BK 30 Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 131
4. Rudra Narayan has written the following set of instructions to draw a rectangle on the screen. You also try it on your computer. FD 50 RT 90 FD 80 RT 90 FD 50 RT 90 FD 50 a. He hides The turtle by using HT command b. Unhide the Turtle by using ST command 5. Anamika again wants to draw her friend Sandhya's roll number 14 on her com- puter. You also try on your computer as like as given in figure and write the set of instructions. Page More on LOGO 132
Knowledge Test 1. Write the set of instructions to draw the following figures in the MSW LOGO and test in the computer. a. b. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 133
REPEAT Command The REPEAT command instructs to the Turtle to execute the set of instructions again and again several times or specified number of times. So, It is used in order to reduce the number of lines of commands you need to write. For example, if you have to draw figures like square you have to write the same set of instructions again and again. To avoid this, you can use the REPEAT command. The REPEAT Command needs two parameters: 1. Number of time to repeat 2. Set of instruction to repeat. Set of Instructions FD 60 RT 90 FD 60 RT 90 FD 60 RT 90 FD 60 RT 90 Let's look, here the command FD 60 RT 90 is repeated four times. In spite of this, you can use REPEAT command as: REPEAT 4 [FD 60 RT 90) Lab Activities 1. Let's do a fun with REPEAT command. Type the following command and see the output. REPAET 100 [FD 10 RT 5] 2. Type the following Command and see the output REPEAT 4 [FD 60 RT 90) 3. Draw the given rectangle with REPEAT command. Page More on LOGO 134
Drawing Polygons Drawing polygons is one of the easiest technique in the LOGO programming. To draw a polygon, Turtle has to walk around the edge of polygon object with turning through the 360 de- grees before coming back at home. The Turtle has to turns for N number of times for N sides polygon. So simply we can define size of each turn is 360/N degrees. Example-1 Drawing Triangle Find the size of turning degree of Turtle. 360/3=120, so the size of each turn of Turtle is 1200 . We can supply the instruc- tion for this task as: REPAT 3[FD 100 RT 120] Example-2 Square 4 Sides Find the size of turning degree of Turtle. 360/4=90, so the size of each turn of Turtle is 900 . We can supply the instruction for this task as: REPAT 4[FD 100 RT 90] Example-3 Pentagon 5 Sides Find the size of turning degree of Turtle. 360/5=72, so the size of each turn of Turtle is 720 . We can supply the instruction for this task as: REPAT 5[FD 100 RT 72] Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 135
Example-4 Hexagon 6 Sides Find the size of turning degree of Turtle. 360/6=60, so the size of each turn of Turtle is 600 . We can supply the instruction for this task as: REPAT 6[FD 100 RT 60] Example-5 Septagon 7 Sides Find the size of turning degree of Turtle. 360/7=51, so the size of each turn of Turtle is 510 . We can supply the instruction for this task as: REPAT 7[FD 100 RT 51] Example-6 Octagon 8 Sides Find the size of turning degree of Turtle. 360/8=45, so the size of each turn of Turtle is 450 . We can supply the instruction for this task as: REPAT 8[FD 100 RT 45] Page More on LOGO 136
Nested REPEAT REPEAT comes inside a REPEAT is called Nested REPEAT. Sometimes we have to write in this way according to situation. If you are willing to draw two hexagons in different positions as given in the picture, use the following command REPEAT 6 [FD 100 RT 60] LT 60 REPEAT 6 [FD 100 RT 60] Now, you can draw same figure using Nested REPEAT tech- nique as given: REPEAT 2 [REPEAT 6 [FD 100 RT 60] RT 60] Lab Activities 1. Let's do a fun with Nested REPEAT command. Type the following command and see the output. REPAET 12[ REPEAT 6 [FD 40 LT 60] RT 60] 2. Replace the value of REPEAT 6 with 3 respectively and see the out- put. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 137
Drawing Circle & Curves In the LOGO Programming, except straight line and diagonal lines, You can also draw circle and curves. A complete circle is drawn with 360 0 and half circle is drawn with 180 0 . Therefore REPEAT command repeat 360 times for drawing the full circle and 180 times for half circle with 1 point moving and 1 point turning right. Example: REPEAT 360 [FD 1 RT 1] Let's see, it draws a very big circle because Turtle walks 360 steps and turns 360 times by 1 degree . To decrease the size of the circle, increase the size of FD com- mand and number of turning degree. If you increase the FD and RT, the number of repetition will decrease . Now, lets type the this instruction and compare the output of above example. REPEAT 36 [FD 5 RT 10] The number of repetition is defined by : Number of repetition= 360/Number of turns The following table helps you know the number repetition and number of turns. It is obtained by the following formula. Page More on LOGO 138
Right Turn Command (360/N) Number of repetition RT 5 72 RT 10 36 RT 15 24 RT 20 18 RT 30 12 RT 40 9 RT 60 6 RT 90 4 3 RT 120 2 RT 180 1 RT 360 Drawing Half Circle To draw the upper half semi circle, type the following instructions REPEAT 180[FD 1 RT 1] To draw the lower half semi circle, type the following instructions RT 180 REPEAT 180[FD 1 RT 1] Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 139
Lab Activities 1. Let's type the following set of instructions and see the output. REPEAT 360 [FD 1 RT 1] REPEAT 36 [FD 5 RT 10] 2. Modify the value of REPEAT, FD and RT see the output result and develop your skill. 3. Let's type the following set of instructions and see the output. REPEAT 180[FD 1 RT 1] REPEAT 180[FD 1 RT 1] 4. Modify the value of REPEAT, FD and RT see the output result and develop your skill. 5. Type the following set of instructions and see the ouput: CS REPEAT 180 [FD 1 RT 1] REPEAT 180 [FD 1 LT 1] 6. Draw the given shapes and write the set of Instructions : a. b. More on LOGO Page 140
Knowledge Test 1. Write set of instructions to draw the following shapes: a. b. Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 141
c. d. e. Page More on LOGO 142
Points to Know • PENUP (PU) command is used to lift the pen of the Turtle from the screen so that the turtle unable to draw anything. • PENDOWN or PD command puts the pen of the Turtle down on the screen so that the Turtle can start drawing again by giving commands.. • PENERASER (PE) command drops the pen of the Turtle and picks up the eraser. • REPEAT command is used to avoid the repetitive task. • The Turtle on the screen can be made disappear by the HT command and then can be made appear by the ST command. • The Turtle can be positioned on the screen at different posi- tions by the commands, HOME, PENUP, PENDOWN. • Polygons are the shapes having multiple sides. Terms to Know Trutle : Cursor of the LOGO which draws as we instruct. Polygon : Shapes having multiples sides. Hexagons : Shape having six sides. PU : PENUP. PD : PENDOWN. PE : PEN ERASE. HT : Hide Turtle. ST : Show Turtle. Pentagon : Shape having 5 sides Programming : writing computer program Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 143
Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. To draw the square or rectangle, the Turtle turns .............times by b. To draw the triangle Turtle has to turn ....................... by ................ degree. c. ......................... command puts the pen of Turtle and ....................... command takes the pen up. d. ........................... command instructs to the Turtle to drops the pen and picks up the eraser. e. ........................ command is used to hide the Turtle and ................. command is used to show the Turtle. f. ........................ instructs to the Turtle to execute the set of instructions again and gain several times. g. .......................... puts the eraser and picks up the pen. h. REPEAT command needs ............................. parameters. i. REPEAT comes inside of REPEAT is called ..................REPEAT. j. A complete maximum full circle is drawn with ............... and half circle is drawn with.............. degree. k. To decrease the size of circle, ................... the size of FD and number of .................... degree. l. The shape having 8 edges is called ..................................... m. Turning degree means value of ....................... turn or ........................ ............. turn. Page More on LOGO 144
2. State whether the following statements are true: a. The repeated value is always 180 for the half circle. b. It is only possible to draw straight line and diagonal line in LOGO. c. Inspite of hiding the Turtle, it can draw d. PENNORMAL command is used after using the HT com- mand. e. The turning value 120 0 is always for every triangle. f. It is the most essential to write CS command in the top of the instruction. g. Without REPEAT command we can not draw square shape. 3. Write the Full Form of : a. BK f. PE b. CS g. PU c. FD h. PD d. LT i. HT e. FT j. ST 4 . Match the following : a. PE ST b. PU PN c. HT PD Smart Page Computer Science Book-4 145
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