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Home Explore Magazine STCTE Pala

Magazine STCTE Pala

Published by jestinjoychazhi, 2021-02-14 04:26:35

Description: College Magazine Of St' Thomas College Of Teacher Education, Pala.


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HT OYYWUIYAYohNoWYInsThoYnTuonIuBeIpoBdmhuiooduhsrvulucruwmeeeusaraaeocmtartineyatmraynuywlktd'yrtoarsrooit'ttiheaemtjookevsohuotyiesysuesestrnaianyolohsyhrftsltommmmouewshuMeoryhnobtdrieeyeooaainykofmutsklydiuvhmnnktthotrndbsateheesaotvecfhoeyaemsotomnawaoeonecwaoufitmremmfketreluvrotogaah.wioyaree.aenbhnribe.hmgonr,ludlicfbbayorouiywtdmrateneylvoyrtamgldolwibchdylemononelrereeoomutvlngjsydiwndrvonnrebtteeohrelioorbenwtofeaunhthrnnhvalteieaaoggneaaatfvhhctdrisire.hoti.scm.iltwldrdairlvidtee E NOYL L O VE Bitty varghese II B.Ed Social science S T C T E Pala 78

RESOURCES IN RESERVE “Humanity has come to an end” ANNU K. JOSE S –people kept lamenting till the II B. Ed. English T arrival of a centurion visitor, ‘the great flood’. C Sparks of goodness were revealed and the Openness to the surroundings and T embers of concern glowed brighter. environment decides the progress of an E When dams spilled, the reservoirs individual. Being able to adapt and adopt is of humanity had no boundaries. It flowed inevitable in the path of growth. Flexibility Pala out in the form of food packets and rescue counts in cases of trouble and distress. How missions. Daring into strange lanes, came the well a person overcomes difficult times fishing folk in search of life. As Jesus Christ depends on how he involves himself in the had foreseen the fisher folk literally became social system. Social relations are panacea to the seekers after life. many of our troubles. Young generation, often blamed for being hooked up in the virtual world, Unexpected floods that hit Kerala awoke and acted according to the demands brought out the hidden reserves of humanity of time. With their technological expertise, and gave hopes of survival. With such they could co-ordinate the rescue and resources in reserve, there is no need to worry rehabilitation operations. about the future. Wells of human kindness can never go dry with such a resourceful population which acts at the hour of need. 79

Surroundbeyd Social Media, Yet All Alone!!! Tresa Mary Rajan II B.Ed. Mathematics ‘Get connected’ is a phrase that we it. The same technology which was making have grown accustomed to hearing. With us connected to our loved ones is now the technology developing faster than ever, turning to be the cause of loneliness. Does the digital world is literally at our fingertips. our obsession with documenting everything Everyone is on social media posting and through photographs and videos prevent us sharing their time to time activities. Social from ‘living in the moment’? media has transformed the traditional methods of communication by allowing When TV was invented it was meant the instantaneous and interactive sharing for the purpose of entertainment. If we go of information created and controlled by back to our past memories, watching T.V was individuals or groups. Instead of thanking a family event. With the advent of computers our mother for food, we try to click the more precisely with the advancement of image and post it on instagram. Before laptops and smart phones, people tend to shrink to their own ‘isolated world’. Be it in S one actually goes and wishes his friends or a family lunch or friend’s get together, we try T family on their birthdays, posting a wish to findout time to focus more on our own C on facebook is much important now. Even T smartphones and tablets are often used as mobile phones than the conversations. We E ‘electronic babysitters’ by new generation are focusing more on talking to strangers parents. From the food we eat to the time one who are sitting thousand miles apart and less Pala goes to sleep, everything is on facebook and to our friend who is just sitting in front of whatsapp statuses. Technology is there to us. More precisely social media become an make us feel good, satisfied and close to our outlet to leave the real world. The trending friends and family but, the reality is far from technology like Virtual Reality (VR) allows 80

us to enjoy the beauty of Taj Mahal, the views creeping into our formal environment too. S of Himalayas just sitting at our own When we abbreviate our vocabulary what T home. Although it does look fascinating, it we risk is losing the nuances, subtleties and C will take us one step ahead towards loneliness intimate parts of our personalities by not T because one using it will not realize what is being able to fully express ourselves and E happening beside him. communicate as we move forward. Pala In fact, a ‘virtual sharing’ society has Today social networking teens are been created by social media. Psychologists worried about how many ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ are increasingly concerned that this virtual they can get, how many followers they gain world created by social media is breaking and how many re-tweets they have , even down the family communication as well though none of them really matters. We the social chitchats. It affects the modeling usually never share any bad news that clouds with each other social cues, interpersonal our lives; rather we post pictures of us looking relationship skills, communication skills and perfect and share the good news. Some of social bonding skills. Studies reflect that kids us try to rely on this imaginative thought who spend more time using social media have we have of ourselves instead of staying true more difficulty than peers in understanding to who we are. This constant exposure to emotions and developing relationships. “perfection” from social media affects one’s Nowadays parents tend to use smartphones self identity, self esteem and even may cause as a away to keep their children quite for a depression. Our health and happiness is at couple of hours But the fact is that ‘there is stake in many cases. Youngsters are pushed no apps to replace our laps’ .The recent tragic to become unsure of who they are and who cases of young people who had accessed and they want to become. drawn from sites that post deeply troubling content around suicide and self harm, and Technology has made us more who in the end took their lives, should be a connected and globalized than ever moment of reflection. before, yet it is also shaping an age of civic disengagement. As social media reshapes how Our deepening dependence of social we connect, we have to rethink what we need networking sites is indeed changing not only to fulfill in our relationships and realisethat the way we think, but also questions our no amount of tweets or facebook chats can creativity skills. If we are using all our free provide us real happiness.The capacity to times for scrolling through devices, are we reflect, reason and draw conclusions based inhibiting our inherent skill to think out of on our experiences, knowledge and insight is box? While playing online games, the child is what makes us human. So it is important to playing according to someone else’s rules and spend quality time with family, friends etc… designs. Also constant use of social media We should try to put our phone down to be often makes users feel lazy to spell words in more present with the people around us. We full. The use of abbreviated words like OMG have to use our imaginations and fantasy for Oh My Goodness, LOL for Laugh Out to contemplate to be creative that makes us Loud etc…have naturally become a part humans. The real world is pretty great and of our writing, sometimes unconsciously the digital world should be added to our lives, never to be replaced. 81

Explorica 2020 B.Ed. I-e‑m-e-b-P‑o-h‑n-X- Reloaded ¯‑n-s‑e G-ä-h‑p‑w k‑p-µ-c-h‑p‑w a-t‑\\‑m-l-c-h‑p-a‑m-b Z‑n-h-k-§Ä II B.Ed. English k-½‑m-\\‑n-¨ 2018-þ2020 _‑m-¨‑n- s‑e h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ-°‑n-I-f‑p-s‑S h‑n-t‑\\‑m- Z-b‑m-{‑XbmWv Explorica 2020. H-c‑n-¡-e‑p‑w a-d-¡‑m-\\‑m-h‑m-¯ B Z‑n-h-k-§-f‑n-e‑q-s‑S a-\\-Ê‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑v H-c‑n-¡Â-I‑q-S‑n H-c‑p b‑m-{‑X. 2019 s‑â A-h-k‑m-\\ {‑]-`‑m-X-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑v k‑q-c‑y³ I-®‑p- X‑p-d-¶-X‑p‑w R-§-f‑p-s‑S B-t‑L‑m- j-§Ä-¡‑p X‑n-c‑n-s‑X-f‑n-ª-X‑p‑w H-c‑p-a‑n-¨‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. a‑m-k-§Ä- ¡‑p-a‑p³-t‑] X‑p-S-§‑n-b X-¿‑m-s‑d- h‑n-«‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. ]‑p-d-t‑¯-¡‑p I-®‑p‑w-\\-«‑v I‑m-g‑v-N-b‑m- S‑p-¸‑p-IÄ-s‑I‑m-S‑p-h‑n 31-þ12-þ2019-  h‑n-t‑\\‑m-Z-b‑m-{‑X k‑z-Z‑n-¨‑p X‑p-S-§‑n-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p N‑n-eÀ‑, N‑n-eÀ I‑m- B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑m-b‑n. a‑p³-I‑q-«‑n \\‑n-Ý-b‑n-¨-{‑]-I‑m-c‑w g‑v-N-b‑v-s‑¡‑m-¸‑w k‑w-K‑o-X-h‑p‑w B-k‑z-Z‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. t‑I‑m-f-P‑v N‑m-¸-e‑n \\-S-¶ {‑]‑mÀ-°-\\-s‑b-¯‑p-SÀ- \"C-h-s‑c-´‑m H-¶‑p‑w a‑n-ï‑m-X‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑v' F-¶ ¶‑v b‑m-{‑X t‑I‑m-tf-P‑v {‑]‑n³-k‑n-¸Â t‑U‑m. k‑nÌÀ B-i-¦-b‑n N‑p-ä‑p‑w-t‑\\‑m-¡‑p-¶ a-ä‑p-N‑n-eÀ. A-[‑n-I‑w s‑k-e‑n³ t‑P‑m-k-^‑v H‑u-t‑Z‑y‑m-K‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n D-Z‑v-L‑m-S- X‑m-a-k‑n-¨‑n-à A-´‑m-£-c‑n‑, Z‑w-j-c‑m-U‑v-k‑v... C-§-s‑\\ \\‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑p. h‑n-h‑n-[- I-f‑n-I-f‑p-a‑m-b‑n FâÀ-s‑S-b‑n³-s‑aâ‑v-I-½-ä‑n t‑I‑m-f-P‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w t‑I‑m-«-b‑w s‑d-b‑nÂ-t‑h-t‑Ì- c‑w-K-¯‑n-d-§‑n. C-X‑n-\\‑n-S-b‑n R-§-f‑p-s‑S s‑{‑S-b‑n³ j-\\‑n-t‑e-¡‑v ‑‘Colours’ S‑q-d‑n-Ì‑v _-Ê‑n-e‑m-W‑v b‑m-{‑X. ]-e -Ø-e-§-f‑p‑w I-S-¶‑p-t‑]‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. a-§‑n-b- t‑I‑m-«-b‑w-h-s‑c-b‑p-Å b‑m-{‑X ]‑m-«‑p-IÄ-s‑I‑m-ï‑p‑w s‑h-b‑n-e‑n ]‑p-d‑w-I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ ]-g-b X-a‑n-g‑v-k‑n-\\‑n-a-I- \\‑r-¯-¨‑p-h-S‑p-IÄ-s‑I‑m-ï‑p‑w a-t‑\\‑m-l-c-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. f‑n-s‑e {‑K‑m-a-§-s‑f H‑mÀ-½-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑n. X‑o-s‑¸-«‑n-b-S‑p- I‑r-X‑y-k-a-b-¯‑p-X-s‑¶ R-§Ä s‑d-b‑nÂ-t‑h t‑Ì- ¡‑n-b-X‑p-t‑]‑m-e‑p-Å s‑I-«‑n-S-§Ä, h‑o-«‑p-]-S‑n-b‑n-s‑e j-\\‑n-s‑e-¯‑n. ]-i‑p-¡Ä, ]-W‑n-I-g‑n-ª‑p h‑o-«‑n-t‑e-¡‑v a-S-§‑p-¶ B-fp-IÄ. ]-t‑£ F-s´‑m, \\-½‑p-s‑S \\‑m-S‑p-t‑]‑m- S A-[‑n-I-t‑\\-c‑w I‑m-¯‑p-\\‑nÂ-t‑¡-ï‑n-h-¶‑n-Ã. s‑e-b-à ]-«-W-§-f‑n t‑]‑m-e‑p‑w Z‑m-c‑n-{‑Z-¯‑n-s‑â CTTEPala s‑s‑l-Z-c‑m-_‑m-Z‑n-t‑e-¡‑v R-§-s‑f F-¯‑n-¡‑p-h‑m- \\‑n-gÂ-I‑m-W‑m‑w. \\‑p-Å i-_-c‑n F-I‑v-k‑v-{‑]-Ê‑v I‑r-X‑y-k-a-b-¯‑n-\\‑p- a‑p³-t‑]-X-s‑¶ t‑Ì-j-\\‑n-s‑e-¯‑n. C-\\‑n I‑m-c‑y-§Ä k-Ô‑y‑m{‑]‑mÀ-°-\\-b‑v-¡‑v t‑i-j-a‑p-Å A-¯‑m- H-c-e‑v-]‑w k‑o-c‑n-b-Ê‑m-W‑v S1‑, S2 t‑_‑m-K‑n-I-f‑n-t‑e C-c‑p- g-¯‑n-\\‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ s‑{‑S-b‑n³ G-t‑X‑m t‑Ì-j-\\‑n- h‑m-X‑n-e‑p-I-f‑n-e‑q-s‑S R-§Ä s‑{‑S-b‑n-\\‑n-\\-I-t‑¯-¡‑v. e‑m-W‑v. Ø-e‑w X-a‑n-g‑v-\\‑m-S‑m-W‑v F-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑p-¶‑p. A-t‑¡‑m-a-t‑U-j³ I-½‑n-ä‑n-b‑p-s‑S \\‑nÀ-t‑±-i-§Ä A-c-ï s‑h-f‑n-¨-¯‑n t‑Ì-j-\\‑n-s‑e N‑p-hÀ-N‑n- R-§Ä I‑r-X‑y-a‑m-b‑n ]‑m-e‑n-¨‑p. s‑{‑S-b‑n-\\‑n I-b-d‑n- {‑X-¯‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w Ø-e‑w R‑m³ D‑u-l‑n-¨-X‑m-W‑v. b-hÀ A-h-c-h-c‑p-s‑S k‑o-ä‑p-I-f‑n \\‑n-e-b‑p-d-¸‑n-¨‑p. A-¯‑m-g-t‑i-j-h‑p‑w I-f‑n-IÄ X‑p-SÀ-¶‑p. s‑N-d‑n- s‑b‑m-c‑p a‑m-ä‑w A-Ô‑m-£-c‑n-b‑p‑w Z‑w-j-c‑m-U‑v-k‑p‑w F-Ã‑m-s‑a‑m-¶‑p i‑m-´-a‑m-I‑m³ I‑p-d-¨‑p k-a- I-f-s‑a‑m-g‑n-ª‑p. N‑o-«‑p-I-f‑n-b‑n A-[‑y‑m-]-I-c‑p‑w H-¸‑w b-s‑a-S‑p-¯‑p. A-t‑¸‑m-t‑g-¡‑p‑w s‑{‑S-b‑n³ t‑Ì-j³ I‑q-S‑n. I-Ã‑y‑m-W-¯-t‑e-¶‑v h‑o-S‑p-I-f‑n C-¯-c‑w 82

I-e‑m-]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n-IÄ \\-S-¡‑p-¶-X‑v ]-X‑n-h‑m-W‑v. A-X‑v t‑e-¡‑v I-b-d‑n-b-t‑¸‑mÄ X-s‑¶ C-h‑n-S‑p-s‑¯ {‑S‑m^‑nI‑v S t‑\\-c‑w s‑h-f‑p-¡‑p-¶-X‑p-h-s‑c X‑p-S-c‑p‑w. I-f‑n-¡‑m-c‑p- t‑»‑m-¡‑n-s‑\\-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑v G-I-t‑Z-i‑w H-c‑p [‑m-c-W-b‑m-b‑v, T s‑S a-«‑p‑w `‑m-h-h‑p‑w I-ï‑m A-X‑m-hÀ-¯‑n-¡‑m- h-f-s‑c X‑n-c-t‑¡-d‑n-b \\-K-c-a‑m-Wn-X‑v. H-«‑p‑w s‑s‑h-I‑m- C \\‑m-s‑W-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑p‑w. s‑X X-s‑¶ R-§Ä t‑l‑m-f‑n k‑v-]‑n-c‑n-ä‑v s{]‑m-h‑n³- T jy l‑u-k‑n-s‑e-¯‑n. s‑{‑]‑m-h‑n-³jy l‑u-k‑n E N‑m-b‑, I‑m-¸‑n F-¶ c-ï‑v h‑m-¡‑v s‑{‑S-b‑n-\\‑n R-§Ä-¡‑m-b‑n H-c‑p-¡‑n-b‑n-c‑p-¶ k‑z‑m-Z‑n-j‑v-S-a‑m-b t‑I-c-f‑w h‑n-«-X‑n ]‑n-s‑¶ t‑I-«‑n-«‑n-Ã. So, tIm^o, `-£-W‑w I-g‑n-¨‑v b‑m-{‑X-b‑m-bn. Pala So.... \\‑o-«‑n-b‑p-Å h‑n-f‑n tI«m-Wp-WÀ¶-Xv.. H-c‑p N‑q-S‑v S‑o h‑m-§‑n I‑p-S‑n-¨‑v ]‑p-d‑w I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ I-ï‑n-c‑p- R-§-f‑p-s‑S B-Z‑y e-£‑y‑w 36 G-¡À h‑n- ¶‑p. F-Ã‑m-b‑n-S-¯‑p‑w a‑p-f-Iv ]‑m-S-a‑m-W‑v. h-c-¼-¯‑p‑w k‑v-X‑r-X‑n-b‑n h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b‑n-I‑n-S-¡‑p-¶ NTR ]‑m-S-¯‑p‑w ]‑p-Ã‑v I‑n-f‑nÀ-¯‑n-«‑n-Ã. a-®‑v I-ï‑m-e-d‑n- K‑mÀ-U³. B{Ôm-{]-tZiv a‑p³ a‑p-Jya-{‑´‑n NTR b‑m‑w D-W-§‑n-b a-®‑m-W‑v. C-h-c‑n-h‑n-s‑S F-§-s‑\\ d‑m-h‑p-h‑n-s‑â k‑v-a-c-W‑mÀ-°‑w ]-W‑n-I-g‑n-¸‑n-¡-s‑¸-«- I‑r-j‑n-s‑N-¿‑p-¶‑p? \\-à h‑n-f-h‑p-ï‑v. N‑n-{‑X-§-f‑n-e‑p‑w X‑m-W‑v NTR K‑mÀ-U³. s‑{‑]‑m-h‑n³-jy l‑u-k‑n a-ä‑p‑w I-ï‑n-«‑p-Å IÀ-j-I-s‑â a‑p-J‑w H‑mÀ-½-b‑n \\‑n-¶‑p‑w 10 a‑n-\\‑n-ä‑v _-Ê‑v b‑m-{‑X. H-c‑p a-W‑n-¡‑qÀ h-¶‑p. F-Ã‑p‑w t‑X‑m-e‑p‑w-a‑m-{‑X-a‑p-Å, A-[‑z‑m-\\‑w-s‑I‑m- k-a-b-a‑m-W‑v NTR K‑mÀ-U-\\‑n s‑N-e-h-g‑n-¡‑m-\\‑p- ï‑v h‑n-ï‑p-I‑o-d‑n-b s‑s‑I-I‑m-e‑p-I-f‑p-Å {‑]‑m-I‑r-X- Å-X‑v. R-§Ä ]-e k‑w-L-§-f‑m-b‑v ]‑n-c‑n-ª‑v h‑n- s‑\\-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑n-¡‑p-¶ a-\\‑p-j‑y-c‑q-]‑w. \\-½‑p-s‑S i‑m-e-a‑m-b K‑mÀ-U-s‑â I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ B-k‑z-Z‑n-¡‑m³ \\‑m-«‑n-s‑e IÀ-j-I-c‑n- C-{‑X-b‑p‑w A-²‑z‑m-\\-§-f‑p-s‑S XpS§n. s‑N-d‑n-b H-c‑p \\-S I-b-d‑n C-d-§‑n-b‑m A-S-b‑m-f-§Ä D-ï‑m-h‑n-Ã. D-ï‑m-h‑p-a‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p‑w `‑w-K‑n-b‑m-b‑v X-¿‑m-d‑m-¡‑n-b P-e-[‑m-c H-c‑p h-i-¯‑v A-d‑n-b‑n-Ã. H-c‑p X-c‑n \\-\\-h‑n-Ã‑m-¯ a-®‑n s‑]‑m-¶‑v t‑_‑m¬-k‑m-b‑n k-k‑y-§-f‑m A-e‑w-I‑r-X-a‑m-b h‑n-f-b‑n-¡‑p-¶ IÀ-j-I-c‑p-s‑S a‑p-¶‑n A-h-c‑p-s‑S ]‑q-t‑´‑m-«‑w a-d‑p-h-i-¯‑v h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b ]‑pÂ-s‑s‑a-X‑m- A-[‑z‑m-\\-¯‑n-\\‑p-a‑p-¶‑n a-\\-Ê‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑v {‑]-W-a‑n- \\-¯‑v {‑I-a-a‑m-b‑n \\-«‑p-h-fÀ-¯‑n-b X-W a-c-§Ä. ¨‑p-t‑]‑m-b‑n. H-c‑p `‑m-K-¯‑v I‑p-«‑n-IÄ-¡‑m-b‑v ]-e-X-c‑w s‑s‑d-U‑p-IÄ k-Ö‑o-I-c‑n-¯‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ-I-ï‑v I-f‑n-]- 12 a-W‑n-¡‑v s‑N-d‑n-b- t‑X‑m-X‑n-s‑e‑m-c‑p \\‑y‑q- CbÀ d-ª‑v t‑^‑m-t‑«‑m F-S‑p-¯‑v k-a-b‑w I-S-¶‑p-t‑]‑m-b‑n. B-t‑L‑m-j‑w \\-S-¶‑p-s‑h-¶‑v ]-e-c‑p‑w c‑m-h‑n-s‑e-b‑m-W‑v R-§Ä X‑n-c‑n-s‑I h-¶-t‑¸‑m-t‑g-¡‑p‑w S‑o-t‑¨-g‑v-s‑k-Ã‑m‑w A-d‑n-b‑p-¶-X‑v. I‑q-«‑p-I‑m-c‑n N‑n-eÀ I-c‑p-X‑n-b‑n-c‑p-¶ h‑n-{‑i-a-¯‑n-e‑m-W‑v. h-¶-hÀ h-¶-hÀ R-§-f‑p-s‑S t‑I-¡‑v a‑p-d‑n-¨‑v 2020-þ-s‑\\ -k‑z‑m-K-X‑w s‑NbvXp. {‑]‑n³- VIP I-f‑m-b S‑o-t‑¨-g‑v-k‑v-s‑\\‑m-¸‑w t‑^‑m-t‑«‑m F-S‑p-¯‑p. k‑n-¸Ä Dr. Sr. Celene Joseph s‑s‑h-k‑v {‑]‑n³-k‑n- B-I‑m-i‑w a-§‑n-¯‑p-S-§‑n-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. k‑q-c‑y³ ¸Ä Dr. Sr. Beenamma Mathew h‑p‑w h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ- I‑mÀ-t‑a-L-§Ä-¡‑n-S-b‑n H-f‑n-¨‑p. R§Ä K‑mÀ- °‑n {‑]-X‑n-\\‑n-[‑n P‑n-a‑n-e‑p‑w t‑NÀ-¶‑v t‑I-¡‑v-a‑p-d‑n-¨‑v U-\\‑n \\‑n-¶‑n-d-§‑n I‑mÂ-\\-S-b‑m-b‑v l‑p-s‑s‑k³- F-Ã‑m-hÀ-¡‑p‑w \\Â-I‑n. ]‑p-Xp-hÀ-j-s‑¯ a-[‑p-c‑w k‑m-KÀ X-S‑m-I-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. ]-¦‑p-h-¨‑v R-§Ä k‑z‑o-I-c‑n-¨‑p. X‑n-c-t‑¡-d‑n-b \\-S-¸‑m-X-b‑n-e‑q-s‑S s‑s‑I-IÄ- R-§-f‑p-s‑S I-W-¡‑p-I‑q-«Â s‑X-ä‑n-b‑n-Ã. h‑n- t‑¡‑mÀ-¯‑v B-t‑L‑m-j-a‑m-b‑v ]‑m-e‑m ]-«-W-¯‑n-e‑q-s‑S N‑m-c‑n-¨-X‑n-e‑p‑w A-c-a-W‑n-¡‑qÀ a‑p³-t‑] R-§Ä \\-S-¡‑p-¶ e‑m-L-h-t‑¯‑m-s‑S R-§Ä X-S‑m-I I-c-b‑n- s‑k-¡³-Z-c‑m-_‑m-Z‑v t‑Ì-j-\\‑n-s‑e-¯‑n. X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v t‑e-¡‑v. \\-S-¸‑m-X-IÄ s‑N-f‑n-s‑h-Å‑w h‑o-W‑v h‑r-¯‑n- _‑m-K‑p-I-f‑p-a‑m-b‑v t‑Ì-j-\\‑v ]‑p-d-t‑¯-b‑v-¡‑v. ]‑p-d- l‑o-\\-a‑m-W‑v. X‑p-e‑m-hÀ-j-s‑¸-b‑v-¯‑n-s‑â `‑o-I-c-X-s‑b t‑¯-b‑v-¡‑p-Å b‑m-{‑X-b‑n H‑m-hÀ {‑_‑n-U‑v-P‑n-s‑â H‑mÀ-½‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p‑wh‑n-[‑w BImiw I-d‑p-¯‑n-c‑p-ï‑p. a‑p-I-f‑n \\‑n-¶-t‑¸‑mÄ s‑k-¡‑n-{‑µ‑m-_‑m-Z‑v t‑Ì-j-s‑â F-´‑m-b‑m-e‑p‑w a‑pt‑¶‑m-«ph-¨ I‑m ]‑n-t‑¶‑m-«‑n-Ã. h-e‑n-¸‑w h‑y-à-a‑m-b‑n. X-S‑m-I-¯‑n H-c‑p t‑_‑m-«‑n‑w-M‑v. t‑_‑m-«‑nÂ-I-b-d‑m³ I‑y‑q \\‑n-¶-t‑¸‑mÄ X-s‑¶ a-g-¯‑p-Å‑n-IÄ R-§- k‑z‑m-a‑n-i-c-W‑w F-¶-s‑X‑m-g‑n-s‑I s‑s‑{‑U-hÀ s‑f s‑X‑m-«‑p. t‑_‑m-«‑n I-b-d‑n-b-t‑¸‑mÄ R-§-f‑p-s‑S ]-d-ª-s‑X‑m-¶‑p‑w R-§Ä-¡‑v a-\\-Ê‑n-e‑m-b‑n-Ã. a‑p-I-f‑n-e‑p‑w X‑m-s‑g-b‑p‑w s‑h-Å‑w. t‑_‑m-«‑n‑w-K‑v B-k‑z- _-Ê‑nÂ-I-b-d‑n R-§Ä-¡‑m-b‑v H-c‑p-¡‑n-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ Z‑n-¡‑p-t‑¼‑m-g‑p‑w t‑_‑m-«‑n \\‑n-¶n-d-§‑m-d‑m-Ip-t‑¼‑m- X‑m-a-k Ø-e-t‑¯-¡‑v. A-h‑n-t‑S-b‑v-¡‑p-Å b‑m-{‑X- t‑g-¡‑p‑w a-g -I‑p-d-b-W-t‑a F-¶ {‑]‑mÀ-°-\\-b‑m-b‑n- b‑n F-Ã‑m‑w i‑m-´-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. F-Ã‑m-hÀ-¡‑p‑w c‑p-¶‑p a-\\-Ê‑nÂ. ]-t‑£ a-g- \\-\\-b‑m-\\‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p \\-Ã-£‑o-W-a‑p-ï‑v. _-Ê‑v X‑n-c-t‑¡-d‑n-b t‑d‑m-U‑n- 83

R-§-f‑p-s‑S t‑b‑m-K‑w. \"C-t‑¸‑mÄ C‑u a-g s‑]-t‑¿-ï t‑h-g‑v-Ê‑n-ä‑n-b‑p-s‑S {‑]-t‑h-i-\\ h‑m-X‑n-e‑n-e‑q-s‑S A-I- H-c‑m-h-i‑y-h‑p‑w C-Ã‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p.‑' a-\\-Ê‑n H‑mÀ-¯‑p. t‑¯-¡‑v I-b-d‑n-b‑m h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b H-c‑p l‑m-f‑m-W‑v. I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ a-X‑n-b‑m-¡‑n h-ï‑n-b‑n I-b-d‑n R-§Ä l‑m-f‑n-\\‑v a‑p-I-f‑n [‑m-c‑m-f‑w s‑I‑m-¯‑p-]-W‑n-I-f‑p-Å b‑m-{‑X X‑n-c‑n-¨‑p. h-e‑n-b H-c‑p a‑n-\\‑m-c‑w. ]-g-b a‑p-É‑o‑w s‑I‑m-«‑m-c-§- s‑]-b‑v-X-a-g H-c‑p X‑p-Å‑n I-f-b‑m-s‑X a‑p-g‑p- f‑p-s‑S c‑m-P-k-Z-Ê‑n-s‑\\ A-\\‑p-k‑v-a-c‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p‑w h‑n-[‑w h-\\‑p‑w R-§Ä \\-\\-ª‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. I‑n-«‑n-b k-a-b- c‑m-P-I‑o-b-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p A-X‑v ¢‑m-Ê‑p-IÄ \\-S-¡‑p-¶- ¯‑n-\\‑v _-Ê‑n h-¨‑p X-s‑¶ s‑s‑h-I‑p-t‑¶-c-s‑¯ X‑n-\\‑m A-h‑n-s‑S \\‑n-¶‑p‑w N‑n-e N‑n-{‑X-§-s‑f-S‑p-¯‑v {‑]‑mÀ-° \\-S-¯‑n. k-a-b‑w D-t‑±-i‑n-¨-X‑n-e‑p‑w H-c‑p-]‑m- R-§Ä ]‑p-d-¯‑n-d-§‑n h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b b‑q-W‑n-t‑h- S‑v _‑m-¡‑n-b‑m-W‑v. A-§-s‑\\ H-c‑p s‑a-t‑{‑S‑m b‑m-{‑X. g‑v-k‑n-ä‑n t‑I‑m‑w-¼‑u-−‑n-\\‑p-Å‑n H-c‑p t‑£-{‑X-h‑p‑w t‑i-j‑w 8.30 \\v XncnsI s‑{‑]‑m-h‑n³-jy l‑u-k‑n- R§Ä I-ï‑p. X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v _n.-BÀ. A‑w-t‑_-Z‑v-¡À s‑e-¯‑n-. 9 a-W‑n-¡‑v R-§-f‑p-s‑S a‑m-{‑X‑w k‑z-I‑m-c‑y s‑s‑e-{‑_-d‑n-b‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b s‑s‑e-{‑_-d‑nbn A-l-¦‑m-c-a‑m-b A-a‑oÀ P‑n-¶-b‑p-s‑S \"\\‑n-§Ä-¡‑p‑w [‑m-c‑m-f‑w ]‑p-k‑v-X-I-§-f‑p-ï‑v. R-§Ä AI¯v B-I‑m‑w t‑I‑m-S‑o-i‑z-c³' ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n. k‑n-\\‑n-a‑m-X‑o-t‑b-ä- I-b-d‑n-b-X‑v A-d‑n-b‑m-s‑X h‑m-b-\\-b‑n-e‑p‑w F-g‑p-¯‑n- d‑n k‑q-¸À Ì‑m-d‑p-I-f‑p-s‑S ^-Ì‑v t‑U ^-Ì‑v t‑j‑m e‑p‑w a‑p-g‑p-I‑n-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ Nne h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ-°‑n-IÄ. I‑m-W‑p-¶-X‑p-t‑]‑m-s‑e B-t‑L‑m-j-a‑m-b‑n R-§-f-X‑v Ahn-sS-\\n¶pw Nua-lÃm ]me-kn-te¡v. I-ï‑p. ]‑mÀ-¡‑nÂ-h-¨‑v a-g-s‑]-b‑v-X-t‑¸‑mÄ C-t‑¸‑mÄ AhnsS c‑m-P‑m-¡-·‑m-c‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w d‑m-W‑n-a‑m-c‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w C-§-s‑\\‑m-c‑p a-g-b‑p-s‑S B-h-i‑y-a‑p-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-t‑¶‑m? h-k‑v-{‑X-§Ä‑, A-h-c‑p-]-t‑b‑m-K‑n-¨‑n-c‑p-¶ ]‑m-{‑X-§Ä‑, s‑s‑Z-h-t‑a? F-¶ t‑N‑m-Z‑y-¯‑n-\\‑v C-t‑¸‑mÄ D¯-c-am- D-]-I-c-W-§Ä‑, D‑u-¶‑p-h-S‑n-IÄ. H-c‑p a‑p-d‑n-b‑p-s‑S bn. FÃm-h-cp-sSbpw DÅn \\‑n-d-ª‑p-\\‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶ \\‑m-e‑v N‑p-h-c‑p-IÄ \\‑n-d-s‑b ]-e-X-c‑w B-b‑p-[-§Ä. k-t‑´‑m-j-¯‑n-\\‑v B ag B-h-i‑y-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. \\-½Ä-¡‑n-X‑v s‑h-d‑p‑w-I‑m-g‑v-N F-{‑X-t‑]-c‑p-s‑S t‑N‑m-c ]‑p-¯³ I‑m-g‑v-N-I-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑v ]‑p-c-ï B-b‑p-[-§-f‑m-h‑p‑w A-s‑X-¶‑v N-c‑n-{‑X h‑n- Z‑y‑mÀ-°‑n-IÄ R-§-s‑f H‑mÀ-½‑n-¸‑n-¨‑p. X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v G-I-t‑Z-i‑w 8.30 Hm-s‑S R-§Ä b‑m-{‑X ]-g-b t‑a‑m-U I‑m-d‑p-I-f‑p‑w s‑s‑_-¡‑p-I-f‑p‑w I-ï‑p. B-c‑w-`‑n-¨‑p. ]-g-a-b‑p-s‑S \\‑n-d-a‑p-Å s‑I-«‑n-S-§-f‑m-W‑v N‑p-ä‑p‑w. [‑m-c‑m-f‑w {‑]‑m-h‑p-I-f‑p-a‑p-ï‑v. I‑m-g‑v-N-b‑p-s‑S X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v s‑s‑l-‑Zcm-_‑m-Z‑n-s‑â a‑p-J-a‑p-{‑Z-bmb `‑w-K‑n \\-Z‑n-I-f‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w a-ä‑p‑w h-a‑n-¡‑p-¶ Z‑pÀ-K- N‑mÀ-a‑n-\\‑m-d‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. h-f-s‑c X‑n-c-t‑¡-d‑n-b ]‑m-X-b‑n- Ô‑w a-d-¨‑p-I-f-b‑p-¶‑p. e‑q-s‑S-b‑m-W‑v N‑mÀ-a‑n-\\‑m-d‑n-t‑e-¡‑v F-¯‑n-b-X‑v. ]-e \\‑n-d-¯‑n-e‑p-Å X‑n-f-§‑p-¶ I‑p-¸‑n-h-f-IÄ‑, a‑m-e-IÄ... a‑y‑q-k‑n-b-¯‑n-\\‑p-Å‑n I‑y‑m-a-d D-]-t‑b‑m-K‑n- R-§-f‑n ]-e-c‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w I-®‑p-IÄ C‑u I‑m-g‑v-N- ¡‑p-¶ {‑]-t‑X‑y-I A-\\‑p-a-X‑n h‑m-t‑§-ï‑n-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. I-f‑n D-S-¡‑n-\\‑n-¶‑p. t‑]-c‑v t‑]‑m-s‑e-X-s‑¶ h-e‑n-b s‑h-®-¡-Ã‑n X‑oÀ-¶ i‑n-e‑v-]-§Ä‑, s‑]-b‑nâ‑n-§‑p- \\‑m-e‑p a‑n-¶‑m-c-§Ä. N‑mÀ-a‑n-\\‑m-d‑n-\\‑v H-c‑p t‑a‑m-S‑n-b‑p‑w IÄ‑, s‑s‑N-\\‑o-k‑v ]‑m-{‑X-§Ä‑, A-§-s‑\\ I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ h-c‑p-¯‑n-b‑n-«‑n-Ã. ]-g-a-b‑p-s‑S \\‑n-d-a‑m-W‑v C-t‑¸‑m-g‑p- H-c‑p-]‑m-S‑p-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. AhnsS H-ä¯-S‑n-b‑n a‑n-X‑n-\\‑v. I-j‑vS‑n-¨‑v H-c‑mÄ-¡‑v a‑m-{‑X‑w \\-S-¡‑m-h‑p-¶ s‑I‑m-¯‑n-s‑b-S‑p-¯ H-c‑p i‑n-e‑v-]‑w G-s‑d {‑i-t‑²-b- C-S‑p-§‑n-b ]‑m-X-b‑n-s‑e ]-S‑n-IÄ-I-b-d‑n N‑mÀ-a‑n-\\‑m- a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. H-c‑p-h-i-¯‑v D-d-b‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w h‑m-f‑q- d‑n-s‑â a‑p-I-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. a‑p-I-f‑n I-b-d‑n- A-h‑n-s‑S S c‑m³ X-¿‑m-d‑m-b‑n \\‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶ K‑m‑w-`‑o-c‑y-a‑p-Å H-c‑p I‑p-d-¨‑v k-a-b‑w N‑n-e-h-g‑n-¨-t‑i-j‑w N‑mÀ-a‑n-\\‑m-d‑n-\\‑v T ]‑p-c‑p-j-\\‑p‑w a-d‑p-h-i-¯‑v I‑p-e‑o-\\-X-t‑b‑m-s‑S X-e- ]‑p-d-I‑n-e‑p-Å t‑a‑m-k‑v-I‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. A-h‑n-s‑S\\‑n-¶‑v _nÀ- I‑p-\\‑n-¨‑v \\‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶ k‑p-µ-c‑n-b‑m-b b‑p-h-X‑n-b‑p‑w. f‑m a-´‑n-d‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. s‑a-b‑n³ t‑d‑m-U‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w I‑p-d-¨‑v C H-ä-¯-S‑n-b‑n A-¯-c-s‑a‑m-c‑p i‑n-e‑v-]‑w s‑I‑m-¯‑n- D-Å‑n-e‑m-b‑m-W‑v _‑nÀ-f‑m-a-µnÀ. B-Z‑y‑w ¹‑m-\\-t‑ä‑m-d‑n-b- T s‑b-S‑p-¯ i‑n-e‑v-]‑n-b‑p-s‑S I-c-h‑n-c‑p-X‑n-s‑\\ A-`‑n-\\-´‑n- ¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. A-h‑n-s‑S h-¨‑v R-§Ä c-ï‑p {‑K‑q-¸‑m-b‑n E ¡‑m-X‑n-c‑n-¡‑m-\\‑m-h‑n-Ã. I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ t‑h-K‑w I-ï‑p- ]‑n-c‑n-ª‑p. B-Z‑y {‑K‑q-¸‑v ¹‑m-\\-t‑ä‑m-d‑n-b-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w X‑oÀ-¯‑v R-§Ä k-e‑mÀ-P‑w-K‑v a‑y‑q-k‑n-b-¯‑n-s‑â c-ï‑m-a-s‑¯ {‑K‑q-¸‑v _‑nÀ-f‑m-a-µ‑n-d‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w. `‑q-a‑n-b‑n- Pala \\-S‑p-¯-f-¯‑n-s‑e-¯‑n. t‑¢‑m-¡‑v t‑j‑m I‑m-W‑p-h‑m³ e‑n-c‑p-s‑¶‑m-c‑p _-l‑n-c‑m-I‑m-i b‑m-{‑XbmWv ¹‑m-\\-t‑ä‑m- k-a-b‑w 11.00 a-W‑n. t‑¢‑m-¡‑v t‑j‑m I-ï‑v R-§Ä d‑n-b-¯‑n \\-S-¶-X‑v. ¹‑m-\\-t‑ä‑m-d‑n-b-¯‑n \\‑n-¶‑p ]‑p-d-¯‑n-d-§‑n. b‑m-{‑X‑m-h-g‑n R-§Ä {‑]-i-k‑v-X-a‑m-b ]‑p-d-¯‑n-d-§‑n-b-t‑¸‑m-t‑g-¡‑p‑w c‑m-{‑X‑n-b‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. H-k‑v-a‑m-\\‑n-b b‑q-W‑n-t‑h-g‑v-k‑n-ä‑n-b‑n I-b-d‑n b‑q-W‑n- X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v _‑nÀ-f‑m-a-µ‑n-d‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. a-e-a‑p-I-f‑n-e‑p-Å 84

h‑n-j‑v-W‑p t‑£-{‑X-a‑m-W‑v _‑nÀ-f‑m-a-µnÀ. t‑i-j‑w b‑n h-¶‑n-«‑v H-c‑p ^‑n-e‑n‑w-t‑a-¡‑n‑w-M‑v I-ï‑n-s‑Ã-¦‑n- S h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b t‑j‑m-¸‑n‑w-K‑v. k-t‑l‑m-Z-c-§Ä-¡‑mbn s‑e-§-s\\b‑m? k‑n-\\‑n-a‑m \\‑nÀ-½‑m-W-¯‑n-s‑â h‑n-h‑n-[ T ]‑m-h h‑m-§‑p-¶ N‑n-eÀ, am-e-I-f‑p‑w h-f-I-f‑p‑w L-«-§Ä h‑n-i-Z-a‑m-¡‑n-¯-c‑p-¶ H-c‑p t‑j‑m-b‑p‑w C h‑m-§‑p-¶ X‑n-c-¡‑n a-s‑ä‑m-c‑p-I‑q-«À. H-c‑p a-W‑n- A-h‑n-s‑S D-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. A-§-s‑\\ R-§-f‑p-s‑S T ¡‑qÀ t‑j‑m-¸‑n‑w-K‑n-\\p-t‑i-j‑w X‑n-c‑n-s‑I _-Ê‑n k‑p-l‑r-¯‑p-¡-f‑n H-c‑mÄ \\‑m-b‑n-I-b‑p-a‑m-b‑n G-X‑m- E s‑{‑]‑m-h‑n³-jy l‑u-k‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. \\‑p‑w \\‑n-a‑n-j-§Ä-s‑I‑m-ï‑v B ]-S‑w d‑n-e‑o-k‑p-a‑m-b‑n. Pala A-Û‑p-Xt‑e‑m-I-t‑¯-¡‑v A-S‑p-¯-X‑v ^‑n-e‑n‑w-k‑n-ä‑n-b‑n-s‑e G-ä-h‑p‑w {‑i-t‑²-b-a‑m-b Ø-e‑w {‑_-Ò‑m-Þ‑N-e-¨‑n-{‑X‑w Gsd {]Xo-£-tbmsS R§Ä _-Ê‑n _‑m-l‑p-_-e‑n-b‑p-s‑S s‑k-ä‑v. a-l‑n-j‑v-a-X‑n k‑m-{‑a‑m- ^‑n-e‑n‑w k‑n-ä‑n-b‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. A-t§m«p-Å b‑m-{‑X-b‑n P‑y‑w s‑k-ä‑v a‑p-g‑p-h³ \\-S-¶‑v I-ï‑p. H-t‑c k-a-b‑w I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ H-c‑p-]‑m-S‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b I‑p- 3 A-¼‑p-IÄ F-¿‑p-h‑m³ ]-c‑n-i‑o-e‑n-¡‑p-¶ t‑Z-h- ¶‑n³]‑p-d-§Ä‑, ]‑pÂ-t‑a-S‑p-IÄ... A-§-s‑\\ ]-e] t‑k-\\‑, N-§-e-b‑n N‑n-{‑X-h-[‑w A-\\‑p-`-h‑n-¡‑p-¶ e I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ. _-Ê‑v h-e‑n-s‑b‑m-c‑p I-h‑m-S‑w I-S- t‑Z-h-t‑k-\\‑, b‑p-²-¯‑n-\\‑v X-¿‑m-d‑m-b‑n X-s‑â t‑X-c‑n ¶‑v \\‑n-¶‑p. A-t‑¸‑m-g‑m-Wp a\\-Ên-em-bXv B-Z‑y‑w \\‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶ ]Â-h‑mÄ t‑Z-h³ ]-t‑£ F-Ã‑m I-Y‑m- I-ï-X‑v H-c‑p t‑K-ä‑v a‑m-{‑X-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-s¶-¶‑v. A-h‑n- ]‑m-£-§Ä-¡‑p‑w R-§-f‑p-s‑S k-l-]‑m-T‑n-I-f‑p-s‑S s‑S-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w a-s‑ä‑m-c‑p _-Ê‑nÂ-I-b-d‑n H-¶‑p N‑p-ä‑n. a‑p-J-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. ]‑m-c‑o-k‑v, e-ï³ A-§-s‑\\ ]-e Ø-e-§-f‑n I-d-§‑n _-Ê‑v R-§-s‑f H-c‑p t‑d‑m-U‑n C-d-¡‑n A-h‑n-k‑v-a-c-W‑o-b a‑p-l‑qÀ-¯-§-f‑n H-¶‑v A-h‑n-s‑S \\‑n-¶‑v A-S‑p-¯ t‑Ì‑m-¸‑n-t‑e-¡‑v \\-S-¶‑p. C-c‑p-h-i-¯‑p‑w ^‑n-e‑n‑w s‑k-ä‑m-W‑v. k‑n-\\‑n-a-b‑n-s‑e c‑m-h‑n-s‑e-X-s‑¶ D-WÀ-¶‑v _‑m-K‑v ]‑m-b‑v-¡‑v-s‑N- K‑m-\\-c‑w-K-§-f‑p‑w a-ä‑p‑w N‑n-{‑X‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑n-\\‑m-b‑v b‑v-X‑p. C-\\‑n-b‑m-{‑X t‑K‑mÂ-t‑K‑m-ï t‑^‑mÀ-«‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. H-c‑p-¡‑n-b‑n-«‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v. A-h‑n-s‑S _‑m-l‑p-_-e‑n ]‑qÀ-®‑m-b‑p‑w I-c‑n-¦-Ã‑n X‑oÀ-¯-X‑m-W‑v s‑K‑mÂ- k‑n-\\‑n-a-b‑p-s‑S C³-t‑U‑mÀ s‑k-ä‑v ]‑p-d-¯‑p-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w t‑K‑m-ï t‑^‑mÀ-«‑p‑w AX‑n-\\p N‑p-ä‑p-a‑p-Å a-X‑n-e‑p‑w. I-ï‑p. A-h‑n-s‑S _‑m-l‑p-_-e‑n-b‑p-s‑S ‑web series I-¯‑p-¶ s‑h-b‑n-e‑m-W‑v. R-§Ä-s‑¡-¯‑n-t‑¨-t‑c- j‑q-«‑v \\-S-¡‑p-I-b‑m-sW-¶‑v C³-k‑v-{‑S-I‑v-SÀ ]-d-ª‑p. ï-X‑v H-c‑p a-e-a‑p-I-f‑n-e‑p‑w F-Ã‑m-h-c‑p‑w a‑p-I-f‑n-t‑e- ]-g-b c‑m-a‑m-b-W‑w‑, a-l‑m-`‑m-c-X‑w F-¶‑o k‑n-\\‑n-a-I- ¡‑v t‑\\‑m-¡‑n I-¿-S‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. F-´‑m C-X‑v? H-¶‑p‑w f‑p-s‑S C³-t‑U‑mÀ s‑k-ä‑v I‑m-W‑n-IÄ-¡‑m-b‑n A-§- a-\\-Ê‑n-e‑m-I‑m-s‑X N‑p-ä‑p‑w \\‑n-¶ R-§Ä-¡‑v t‑h-ï‑n s‑\\-X-s‑¶ k‑q-£‑n-¨‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. H-c‑p s‑s‑K-U‑v h‑n-i-Z-a‑m-¡‑n-¯-¶‑p. t‑^‑mÀ-«‑n-t‑e-¡‑v I-b-d‑p-¶ {‑]-t‑h-i-\\ I-h‑m-S-¯‑n-s‑â a‑p-IÄ `‑m-K‑w X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v H-c‑p s‑¹-b‑n³ b‑m-{‑X. bm{X-bv¡p- t‑a‑m-k‑v-I‑p-I-f‑p-s‑S a‑n-¶m-c‑w-t‑]‑m-s‑e. I-h‑m-S-¯‑n-s‑â tijw s‑s‑a-k‑qÀ h‑r-µ‑m-h³ K‑mÀ-U³‑, l-h‑m X-d-b‑n X-d-¡-Ã‑p-I-f‑n H-¶‑n \\‑n-¶‑v s‑s‑I-s‑I‑m- a-l A-§-s‑\\ ]-e- I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄI-ï‑p. a-g C-X‑n- «‑n-b‑m A-X‑v t‑I‑m-«-b‑v-¡‑v a‑p-I-f‑n-e‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ c‑m-P‑m- \\‑n-s‑S R-§-f‑p-s‑S B-t‑L‑m-j-§-f‑p-s‑S a‑m-ä‑p I‑p-d- h‑n-\\‑v t‑IÄ-¡‑m-\\-h‑p-a-s‑{‑X. A-s‑X N‑p-c‑p-f-g‑n-b‑m-¯ b‑v-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. A-h‑n-s‑S-b‑p-Å s‑N-d‑n-s‑b‑m-c‑p s‑F-k‑v- c-l-k‑y‑w‑, i‑m-k‑v-{‑X-¯‑n-\\‑v h‑n-i-Z‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑m-\\-h‑m-¯ {‑I‑o‑w t‑j‑m-¸‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑v H‑m-t‑c‑m s‑F-k‑v-{‑I‑o‑w I-g‑n-¨‑v k‑m-t‑¦-X‑n-I h‑n-Z‑y. ]-t‑£ R-§Ä a-e-b‑m-f‑n-I-f‑m- R-§Ä b‑m-{‑X X‑p-SÀ-¶‑p. W‑v, kÀ-t‑Æ‑m-]-c‑n \\‑y‑q P-\\-t‑d-j-\\‑m-W‑v, ]-d-ª I‑m- c‑y‑w A-s‑X-]-S‑n h‑n-i‑z-k‑n-¡‑m³ R-§Ä-¡‑m-h‑n-Ã. H-c‑p h-e‑n-b I‑q-S‑m-c-¯‑n-\\‑p-Å‑n k‑z-X-{‑´- k‑w-i-b‑w A-s‑X‑m-c‑p \\-à h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ-°‑n-b‑p-s‑S e-£- a‑m-b‑n \\-S-¡‑p-¶ ]-£‑n-IÄ. B-f‑p-IÄ h-c‑p-¶-X‑p‑w W-a‑m-W‑v. R-§Ä-s‑¡-Ã‑m-hÀ-¡‑p‑w H-t‑c k‑w-i-b‑w t‑]‑m-I‑p-¶-X‑p‑w H-¶‑p‑w A-hÀ-s‑¡‑m-c‑p {‑]-i‑v-\\-t‑a- R-§-f-X‑v ]-c-k‑v-]-c‑w NÀ-¨-s‑N-¿‑p-I-b‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v- b-Ã. ]‑n-¶‑o-S‑v _-«À-^‑v-s‑s‑f-]‑mÀ-¡‑v. h‑n-h‑n-[ hÀ- X‑p. C-h‑n-s‑S \\‑n-¶‑v s‑s‑I-s‑I‑m-«‑n-b‑m t‑I‑m-«-b‑v-¡‑v ®-§-f‑n X‑n-f-§‑n \\‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶ ]‑q-t‑´‑m-«-§Ä a‑p-I-f‑n i-_‑v-Z‑w-t‑IÄ-¡‑p-s‑a-¶‑v R-§-s‑f-§-s‑\\ I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ I-ï‑v k-a-b‑w t‑]‑m-b-X-d‑n-ª‑n-Ã. c-ï‑v A-d‑n-b‑p‑w? A-s‑X-s‑´-¦‑n-e‑p-a‑m-h-s‑« R-§Ä a‑p- s‑s‑e-h‑v t‑j‑m‑bpw H-c‑p U‑m³-k‑v t‑j‑m-b‑p‑w H-c‑p t‑¶‑m-«‑v \\-S-¶‑p. A-h‑n-s‑S \\‑n-¶‑p a-t‑\\‑m-l-c-a‑m-b Ì−v t‑j‑m-b‑p‑w I-ï‑p. s‑s‑N-\\‑o-k‑v k‑n-\\‑n-a-I-f‑n-s‑e H-c‑p s‑s‑a-X‑m-\\-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑v h‑n-h‑n-[ \\‑n-d-¯‑n-e‑p-Å X-a‑m-i I-eÀ-¶ ̬-U‑v c‑w-K-§-s‑f H‑mÀ-½‑n-¸‑n- ]‑q-¡Ä \\‑n-d-ª‑p-\\‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶ s‑s‑a-X‑m-\\-¯‑n-e‑q-s‑S ¡‑p-¶-X‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p ̬-U‑v t‑j‑m. ^‑n-e‑n‑w-k‑n-ä‑n- R-§Ä \\-S-¶‑p. 85

k‑m-d‑n-s‑â h-I t‑{‑]‑m-Õ‑m-l-\\‑w B-Z‑y‑w a‑p-I- ]-¨-¸‑v, h-e‑n-b a-c-§Ä‑, s‑h-Å-s‑¡-«‑p-IÄ‑, ]‑q- f‑n-s‑e-¯‑p-¶-b‑mÄ-¡‑v 500- c‑q-]. t‑I-«-]‑m-X‑n t‑IÄ- ¡Ä‑, {‑K‑o³-l‑u-k‑v A-§-s‑\\ I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ H-c‑p-]‑m-S‑v. ¡‑m-¯ ]‑m-X‑n I‑p-d-¨‑v t‑]À a‑p¼‑n-t‑e‑m-S‑n. a-ä‑p-N‑n-eÀ K‑mÀ-U-\\‑n-s‑e I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ-¡p-t‑i-j‑w H-d‑n- ]-s‑¿-X‑n-¶‑m ]-\\-b‑p‑w X‑n-¶‑m‑w F-¶ B-i-b-s‑¯ t‑b‑m¬ ‑a‑m-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑v t‑]‑m-I‑p-h‑m³ X‑o-c‑p-a‑m-\\‑n-¨‑p. a‑p³-\\‑nÀ-¯‑n k‑m-h-[‑m-\\‑w I-b-d‑n. a‑p-I-f‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑v a‑m-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑v t‑]‑m-I‑p-¶-h-g‑n H-c‑p c‑m-[‑m-I‑r-j‑v-W X‑m-t‑g-¡‑v t‑\\‑m-¡‑n-b‑m h‑n-i-e-a‑m-b-]-«-W-§Ä I‑m- t‑£-{‑X-¯‑n I-b-d‑n. t‑£-{‑X‑w t‑I-c-f‑o-b t‑£- W‑m‑w. t‑I‑m-«-b‑v-¡‑v a‑p³-]‑n \\‑n-¶‑v 8 h-g‑n-I-f‑p-ï‑v {‑X-¯‑nÂ-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w H-c‑p-]‑m-S‑v h‑y-X‑y-k‑v-X-a‑m-W‑v. t‑I- a‑p-I-f‑n-s‑e-¯‑m³. I‑p-d-¨‑v k-a-b‑w A-h‑n-s‑S N‑n-e-h- c-f-¯‑n-s‑e t‑£-{‑X-§Ä-¡‑v C-{‑X-t‑¯‑m-fw B-[‑p- g‑n-¨-t‑i-j‑w R-§Ä X‑n-c‑n-¨‑n-d-§‑n. t‑^‑mÀ-«‑nÂ-\\‑n- \\‑n-I-X k‑w-`-h‑n-¨‑n-«‑n-Ã. ¶‑p‑w I‑p-¯-¼‑v k‑m-l‑n t‑S‑m‑w-¼‑n-t‑e-¡‑v I-c‑n-¦-Ã‑n H-d‑n-t‑b‑m¬ ‑a‑mÄ R-§-f‑p-s‑S b‑m-{‑X-b‑n-s‑e X‑oÀ-¯ t‑S‑m‑w-¼‑p-IÄ-I-ï‑v A-h‑n-s‑S-\\‑n-¶‑p‑w b‑m-{‑X snow ‑world te¡v. h‑n-N‑n-{‑X-h‑p‑w a-t‑\\‑m-l-c-h‑p- A-h-k‑m-\\ e-£‑y‑w. a‑m-f‑n-\\‑v a‑p³-]‑n h-ï‑n \\‑nÀ- a‑m-b A-´-c‑o-£‑w. {‑]‑m-b-t‑`-Z-a-t‑\\‑y F-Ã‑m-h-c‑p‑w ¯‑n R-§Ä a‑m-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑v ]-ä‑n-b‑m s‑N-d‑n-s‑b‑m-c‑p H-c‑p-t‑]‑m-s‑e B-k‑z-Z‑n-¨‑v \\‑nÀ-¯‑w s‑N-¿‑p-¶‑n-S‑w. t‑j‑m-¸‑n‑w-M‑v \\-S-¯-W‑w F-¶‑v ]-e-c‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w a-\\- a-ª‑n I‑p-f‑n-¨‑v R-§Ä B-k‑z-Z‑n-¨‑p. ]‑u-c-X‑z- Ê‑n-e‑p-ï‑v. a‑m-f‑n I-b-d‑n a‑p-g‑p-h³ \\-S-¶‑p-I-ï‑p. _‑n-Ã‑n-s‑\\-X‑n-s‑c h-e‑n-b {‑]-t‑£‑m-]‑w \\-S-¡‑p-¶-X‑n N‑n-eÀ a‑nT‑m-b‑n-IÄ h‑m-§‑n. a-ä‑n-N‑n-eÀ s‑d-t‑Ì‑m- a-S-¡-b‑m-{‑X A-{‑X F-f‑p-¸-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑n-Ã. R-§-f‑p- dâ‑n I-b-d‑n. A-h‑n-s‑S-\\‑n-¶‑v t‑\\-s‑c s‑d-b‑nÂ-t‑h s‑S _-k‑v s‑s‑Z-h-]-c‑n-]‑m-e-\\-b‑n H-S‑n-s‑b-¯‑n-b-X‑v t‑Ì-j-\\‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. {‑]-I-S-\\‑w \\-S-¯‑p-¶ P-\\-e-£-§-f‑p-s‑S \\-S‑p-h‑n-t‑e- s‑s‑Z-h-¯‑n-s‑â k‑z-´‑w \\‑m-«‑n ¡‑v. a‑p-t‑¶‑m-«‑v t‑]‑m-I‑m³ H-c‑p h-g‑n-b‑p-a‑n-à k-a-b‑w Ggmw Z‑n-h-k-¯‑n-s‑e {‑]-`‑m-X-¯‑n R-§Ä A-X‑n-t‑h-K‑w I-S-¶‑p-t‑]‑m-I‑p-¶‑p.R-§-f‑p-s‑S A-©‑p- k-t‑l‑m-Z-c-§-f‑p‑w k‑m-d‑p-a‑m-c‑p‑w \\‑n-c-¯‑n-e‑n-d-§‑n. I-®‑p-X‑p-d-¶-X‑v ]-¨-]‑p-X-¨ ]‑m-S-§-f‑p-Å s‑X-f‑n-\\‑o- `‑m-j-t‑]‑m-e‑p‑w h-i-a‑n-Ã‑m-s‑X t‑»‑m-¡‑v a‑m-ä‑m-\\‑m-b‑n s‑c‑m-g‑p-I‑p-¶ ]‑p-g-I-f‑p-Å s‑s‑Z-h-¯‑n-s‑â k‑z-´‑w A-hÀ ]mSps‑]-«‑p. I‑n-t‑e‑m-a‑o-ä-d‑p-I-t‑f‑m-f‑w A-hÀ \\‑m-S‑m-b R-§-f‑p-s‑S P-·-\\‑m-«‑n-t‑e-¡‑v, t‑I-c-f-¯‑n- H-S‑n _-Ê‑n-s‑\\ a‑p-t‑¶‑m-«‑v \\‑o-¡‑n. Bcpw H¶pw t‑e-¡‑v s‑{‑S-b‑n³ t‑I‑m-«-b-¯‑v F-¯‑m-d‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p- I-g‑n-¨‑n-«‑n-Ã. R-§-Ä H‑m-«-¯‑n-\\‑n-s‑S h-g‑n-b-c‑n-I‑nÂ- ¶‑p. _‑m-s‑K-Ã‑m‑w F-S‑p-¯‑v k‑o-ä‑v ¢‑o³ s‑N-b‑v-X‑v \\‑n-¶‑p‑w I‑p-d-¨‑v ]-g‑w h‑m-§‑n X¡memi‑z‑m-k‑w ]‑p-d-t‑¯-¡‑v I-®‑p‑w \\-«‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v ]-e-c‑p‑w. I-s‑ï-¯‑n. A-h‑n-s‑S \\‑n-¶‑p‑w H-c‑p-h‑n-[‑w R-§Ä A-s‑X C-{‑X-t‑¯‑m-f‑w `‑w-K‑n-b‑p-Å I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ a-s‑ä- h‑n-s‑S-b‑p‑w R-§Ä I-ï‑n-Ã. F-h‑n-s‑S t‑]‑m-b‑m-e‑p‑w c-£-s‑]-«‑p F-¶‑p-X-s‑¶ ]-d-b‑m‑w. P-·-\\‑m-«‑n-s‑e-¯‑p-t‑¼‑m-g‑p-Å k-t‑´‑m-j‑w A-s‑X‑m-¶‑v s{]mhn³jy lukn-ep-Å-h-tcmSp b‑m- t‑h-s‑d-X-s‑¶-b‑m. A-s‑X, b‑m-{‑X A-h-k‑m-\\‑n-¡‑p-I- {‑X ]-d-ª‑v R-§Ä s‑d-b‑n³-t‑h t‑Ì-j-\\‑n-t‑e-¡‑v. b‑m-W‑v. s‑{‑S-b‑n³ t‑I‑m-«-b‑w s‑d-b‑nÂ-t‑h-t‑Ì-j-\\‑n-s‑e- C-h‑n-t‑S-¡‑v h-¶-X‑p-t‑]‑m-s‑e k‑p-J-I-c-a‑m-b b‑m-{‑X ¯‑n-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. R-§-sf-b‑p‑wI‑m-¯‑v R-§-f‑p-s‑S B-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑n-à a-S-¡‑w. R-§Ä ]-e t‑_‑m-K‑n-I- I-t‑f-g‑v-k‑v _-Ê‑v h-¶‑n-«‑n-Ã. h-c‑p-¶ h-g‑n-¡‑m-W‑v. f‑n-e‑m-b‑m-W‑p b‑m-{‑X s‑N-¿‑p-¶-X‑v. I‑q-s‑S-b‑p-Å-hÀ ]-d-b‑p-¶-`‑m-j-t‑]‑m-e‑p‑w G-s‑X-¶‑v R-§Ä-¡‑v \\‑n-Ý- C-t‑§‑m-«‑v h-¶-t‑¸‑mÄ F-{‑X B-t‑L‑m-j-a‑p- t‑ï‑m A-{‑X-X-s‑¶ B-t‑L‑m-j-¯‑n-e‑m-W‑v a-S-¡- ST b-a‑n-Ã. b‑m-{‑X-b‑p‑w. ]‑m-«‑p‑w U‑m³-k‑p‑w I-ï‑m b‑m-{‑X Banglore Days X‑p-S-§‑p-¶-t‑X D-Å‑q F-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑p‑w. B-«-h‑p‑w C _‑m‑w-¥‑q-c‑n \\‑n-¶‑v s‑{‑S-b‑n³ s‑s‑h-I‑n-«‑v ]‑m-«‑p‑w STCTE b‑p-s‑S a‑p-ä-s‑¯-¯‑n F-Ã‑m‑w i‑m- T A©p a-W‑n-¡‑m-W‑v. A-X‑p-h-s‑c _‑m‑w-¥‑q-c‑n H-c‑p E I-d-¡‑w, A-X‑m-W‑v X‑o-c‑p-a‑m-\\‑w. t‑Ì-j-\\‑n R-§- ´‑w. R-§Ä N‑m-¸-e‑n-t‑e-¡‑v... b‑m-{‑X-b‑n I‑q-s‑S- b‑p-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶-X‑n-\\‑p‑w I‑m-¯‑p-]-c‑n-]‑m-e‑n-¨-X‑n-\\‑pw Pala s‑f-¡‑m-¯‑v H-c‑p _-Ê‑v D-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. s‑kâ‑v t‑a- \\-µ‑n ]-d-ª‑p. A-§-s‑\\ t‑I‑m-t‑f-P‑v N‑m-¸-e‑n c‑o-k‑v NÀ-¨‑n-s‑e h‑n-i‑p-² I‑pÀ-_‑m-\\-b‑v-¡‑p-t‑i-j‑w X‑p-S-§‑n-b R-§-f‑p-s‑S b‑m-{‑X t‑I‑m-t‑f-P‑v N‑m-¸- R-§Ä 240 G-¡-d‑n h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b‑n-I‑n-S-¡‑p-¶ e‑nÂ-X-s‑¶ A-h-k‑m-\\‑n-¨‑p. C-\\‑n h‑o-ï‑p‑w X‑n-c- s‑_‑m-«‑m-W‑n-¡Â K‑mÀ-U-\\‑n F-¯‑n. \\‑n-d-s‑b ¡‑p-I-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑v... 86

A-X‑n-P‑o-h-\\‑w (Community living Camp) Athira Sasi II B.Ed. Mathematics I‑q-«‑m-b‑v-a-b‑n-e‑q-s‑S I-c‑p-¯‑mÀ-Ö‑n-¨‑v, \\-S-¶ B-I‑v-S‑n-h‑n-ä‑o-k‑v, ^-Ì‑v F-b‑v-U‑v, t‑Ì‑mÀ I‑o-¸‑n-M‑v, S ]‑m-X-I-s‑f-Ã‑m‑w h‑n-P-b‑w s‑s‑I-h-c‑n-¨‑, ]‑m-e‑m s‑kâ‑v F-s‑âÀ-s‑s‑S-b‑v³-s‑aâ‑v, ^‑n-\\‑m³-k‑v, k‑v-t‑]‑m-S‑v-k‑v-þ- T t‑X‑m-a-k‑v t‑I‑m-f-P‑v H‑m-^‑v S‑o-¨À F-U‑y‑q-t‑¡-j-\\‑n-s‑e s‑K-b‑n‑w‑, s{‑]-bÀ‑, t‑{‑]‑m-{‑K‑m‑w F-¶‑n-h-b‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p C 2018-þ2020 _‑m-¨‑n-s‑â I-a‑y‑q-W‑n-ä‑n e‑n-h‑n-M‑v I‑y‑m-]‑v I-½-ä‑n-IÄ. F-Ã‑m I-½-ä‑n-IÄ-¡‑p‑w b-t‑Y-j‑v-S‑w H‑m- T 14-þ1-þ2020 a‑p-X 18-þ1-þ2020 h-s‑c \\-S-¯‑n. t‑c‑m e‑o-t‑U-g‑v-k‑n-s‑\\-b‑p‑w X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¯‑p. E \"A-X‑n-P‑o-h-\\‑w' F-¶ t‑]-c‑n-s‑â B-ß‑m-h‑v F-Ã‑m h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ-°‑n-I-s‑f-b‑p‑w \\‑m-e‑p {‑K‑q-¸‑p-I- Pala H‑m-t‑c‑m-c‑p-¯-c‑n-e‑p‑w {‑]-X‑n-^-e‑n-¨‑p-\\‑n-¶‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. k‑u- f‑n-e‑m-¡‑n-¯‑n-c‑n-¨‑p. \\‑m-e‑p {‑K‑q-¸‑p-IÄ-¡‑p‑w H‑m-t‑c‑m l‑r-Z-k‑m-t‑l‑m-Z-c‑y-¯‑n-\\‑m H‑m-t‑c‑m Z‑n-h-k-h‑p‑w e‑o-U-d‑n-s‑\\-b‑p‑w X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¯‑p. {‑]-[‑m-\\-s‑¸-«-X‑m-b‑n. I‑y‑m-¼‑v X‑p-S-§‑p-¶-X‑n-\\‑p-a‑p-¼‑v ]-e Z‑n-h-k- I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑I‑mÀ-U‑n-t‑\\-ä-d‑m-b t‑U‑m. ä‑n.-k‑n. §-f‑n-e‑m-b‑n I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑I‑mÀ-U‑n-t‑\\-ä-d‑p‑w h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ-°‑n- X¦- ¨- ³k- m‑ d- n‑ s- â‑ t\\‑ X- r‑ X- z‑ ¯- n‑ Â,‑ Nn‑ «- b- m‑ b- n‑ ¯- s- ¶‑ I-f‑p-a‑m-b‑n NÀ-¨-IÄ \\-S-¯‑n‑, H‑m-t‑c‑m Z‑n-h-k-s‑¯ F-Ã‑m- Z‑n-h-k-h‑p‑w ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n-IÄ {‑I-a‑o-I-c‑n-¨‑p. \"A-X‑n- ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n-IÄ, k-a-b‑w, `-£-W-{‑I-a‑o-I-c-W-§-Ä P‑o-h-\\‑w‑' I‑y‑m-¼‑n-s‑â I¬-h‑o-\\À \\-½‑p-s‑S {‑]‑n³-k‑n- F-¶‑n-h-s‑b-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑p I‑r-X‑y-a‑m-b [‑m-c-W-b‑n ¸‑-e‑m-b t‑U‑m. k‑n. s‑k-e‑n³ t‑P‑m-k-^‑v B-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. F-¯‑n-t‑¨À-¶‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑I‑mÀ-U‑n- I‑y‑m-¼‑v e‑o-UÀ {‑i‑o s‑s‑k-e-k‑v a‑m-X‑y‑p-h‑p‑w I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑\\-äÀ F-Ã‑m-hÀ-¡‑p‑w A-\\‑p-t‑b‑m-P‑y-a‑m-b c‑o-X‑n-b‑n- a‑m-t‑\\-PÀ {‑i‑o P‑n-_‑n³ t‑P‑m-b‑n-b‑p‑w B-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. e‑p-Å s‑s‑S‑w-t‑S-_‑nÄ {‑I-a‑o-I-c‑n-¨‑p. C‑u I‑y‑m-¼‑n-s‑â ]‑qÀ-® h‑n-P-b-¯‑n-\\‑m-b‑n ]-e-h‑n-[ I-½-ä‑n-IÄ I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑I‑m H‑mÀ-U‑n-t‑\\-äÀ c‑q-]‑o-I-c‑n- H-¶‑m‑w Z‑n-h-k-a‑m-b 14-þ1-þ2020-þ I¬-h‑o- ¡‑p-I-b‑p-ï‑m-b‑n. ]À-t‑N-k‑v, k-a-b‑w‑, H‑u-«‑v-t‑U‑mÀ \\-d‑p‑w t‑I‑m-f-P‑v {‑]‑n³-k‑n-¸-e‑p-a‑m-b t‑U‑m. s‑k-e‑n³ t‑P‑m-k-^‑v I‑y‑m-¼‑n-s‑â D-Z‑v-L‑m-S-\\‑w \\‑nÀ-Æ-l‑n-¨‑p. 87

]‑n-¶‑o-S‑v t‑U‑m. A-e-I‑v-k‑v t‑P‑mÀ-P‑v k‑mÀ-s‑â {‑K‑q-¸‑v \\‑m-e‑m‑w Z‑n-h-k-a‑m-b 17-þ1-þ2020  t‑U‑m. s‑s‑U-\\‑m-a‑n-I‑vkn-\\‑p-t‑i-j‑w {‑i‑o a‑m-X‑y‑p I‑p-c‑y‑m-t‑¡‑m- A-e-I‑v-k‑v t‑P‑mÀ-P‑v k‑mÀ \"s‑s‑k-_À t‑hÄ-U‑v {‑U-K‑v k‑v k‑mÀ \"]-c‑n-Ø‑n-X‑n-b‑p‑w A-X‑n-P‑o-h-\\-h‑p‑w‑' F-¶ A-U‑n-£³ B³-U‑v kÀ-s‑s‑h-hÂ' F-¶ h‑n-j- h‑n-j-b-s‑¯ B-k‑v-]-Z-a‑m-¡‑n ¢‑m-k‑v F-S‑p-¯‑p. b-¯‑n ¢‑m-s‑k-S‑p-¯‑p. D-¨-I-g‑n-ª‑p-Å s‑k-j- D-¨-b‑q-W‑n-\\‑p-t‑i-j‑w \"¹‑m-Ì‑n-I‑v \\‑n-t‑c‑m-[-\\-h‑p‑w \\‑n {‑U-K‑v A-U‑n-£-\\‑v F-X‑n-t‑c ]‑m-e‑m-\\-K-c-¯‑n P-\\-P‑o-h‑n-X-h‑p‑w‑' F-¶ h‑n-j-b-s‑¯ B-k‑v-]-Z- I‑y‑m-¼‑v A-t‑´-h‑m-k‑n-IÄ a‑u-\\-P‑m-Y \\-S-¯‑p-I-b‑p‑w a‑m-¡‑n kÀ-t‑Æ \\-S-¯‑n. s‑s‑h-I‑n-«‑p-Å IÄ-¨-d \\-K-c-¯‑n-s‑â ]-e-`‑m-K-§-f‑n A-U‑n-£-s\\-X‑n-s‑c t‑{‑]‑m-{‑K‑m‑w {‑K‑q-¸‑v III sâ t‑\\-X‑r-X‑z-¯‑n B-b‑n- \\‑n-c-h-[‑n ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n-IÄ \\-S-¯‑p-I-b‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑p. c‑p-¶‑p. A-X‑n t‑k‑m-W‑n-b‑, k‑m-h-Z‑v F-¶‑n-hÀ t‑I‑m-f-P‑n X‑n-c‑n-s‑I-s‑b-¯‑n I‑y‑m-¼‑w-K-§-s‑f A-\\‑p- Ì‑mÀ H‑m^‑v- Z‑n t‑U B-b‑n X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p¡s¸-«p. K-a‑n-¨‑n-c‑p-¶ F-I‑v-s‑s‑k-k‑v t‑a-[‑m-h‑n-IÄ-¡‑p \\-µ‑n {‑]-I‑m-i‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑p. s‑s‑h-I‑n-«‑p \\-S-¶ 15-þ1-þ2020  'P³-UÀ C-j‑y‑q-k‑v' F-¶ h‑n- IÄ-¨-d t‑{‑]‑m-{‑K‑m-a‑n-s‑â t‑\\-X‑r-X‑z‑w c-ï‑m‑w {‑K‑q- j-b-s‑¯ t‑I-{‑µ‑o-I-c‑n-¨‑v I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑I‑mÀ-U‑n-t‑\\-äÀ ¸‑p-I‑mÀ-¡‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. A-X‑n h‑n-t‑h-I‑v k‑p-t‑c-j‑v B-b X-¦-¨³ k‑mÀ X-s‑¶ ¢‑m-k‑v F-S‑p-¯‑p. Ì‑mÀ H‑m-^‑v Z‑n t‑U B-b‑n X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¡-s‑¸-«‑p ]‑n-¶‑o-S‑p-Å ]‑m-\\ U‑n-k‑v-I-j-\\‑n t‑a‑m-U-t‑d-ä- \"A-X‑n-P‑o-h-\\‑w‑' I-a‑y‑q-W‑n-ä‑n e‑n-h‑n-M‑v I‑y‑m- d‑m-b‑n i‑n-e‑v-]‑m k‑n. t‑P‑m-k‑p‑w s‑a-¼-d‑m-b‑n _‑n-_‑n-\\‑, ¼‑n-s‑â A-h-k‑m-\\-Z‑n-h-k-a‑m-b 18-þ1-þ2020þ I‑y‑m- h‑o-W ]‑n.-h‑n.‑, A¶‑p a-c‑n-b ssa¡nÄ‑, P‑n-Ê‑m ¼‑v t‑I‑mÀ-U‑n-t‑\\-äÀ t‑U‑m. ä‑n. k‑n. X-¦-¨³ kÀ F-¶‑n-h-c‑p‑w ]-s‑¦-S‑p-¯‑p. D-¨-X‑n-c‑n-ª‑v I‑y‑m-¼‑w- \"U‑n-k‑m-ÌÀ B³-U‑v kÀ-s‑s‑h-hÀ‑' F-¶ h‑n- K-§Ä k-a‑o-]-¯‑p-Å a‑y‑q-k‑n-b‑w k-µÀ-i‑n-¨‑p. j-b-s‑¯-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑v ¢‑m-s‑k-S‑p-¯‑p. ]‑n-¶‑o-S‑v \\-S-¶ X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v A-S‑p-¯‑p-Å ]‑mÀ-¡‑n I‑p-d-¨‑p-k-a-b‑w k-a‑m-]-\\-t‑b‑m-K-¯‑n _-Ì‑v Iym¼-À B-b‑n s‑N-e-h-g‑n-¨‑p. ]‑n-¶‑o-S‑p \\-S-¶ IÄ-¨-d t‑{‑]‑m- sskekv amXyp-hns\\ X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¡‑p-I-b‑p‑w {‑K‑m‑w {‑K‑q-¸‑v IV s‑â t‑\\-X‑r-X‑z-¯‑n B-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. F-Ã‑m Z‑n-h-k-h‑p‑w Ì‑mÀ H‑m-^‑v Z‑n t‑U B-b-hÀ-¡‑v A-X‑n s‑s‑k-ekv a‑m-X‑y‑p Ì‑mÀ H‑m-^‑v Z‑n t‑U k-½‑m-\\-§Ä h‑n-X-c-W‑w s‑N-¿‑p-I-b‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑p. B-h‑p-I-b‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑p. X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑I‑mÀ-U‑n-t‑\\-äÀ t‑U‑m. ä‑n. k‑n. A-X‑n-P‑o-h-\\‑w I‑y‑m-¼‑n-s‑â a‑q-¶‑m‑w Z‑n-h-k- X-¦-¨³ kÀ I‑y‑m-¼‑n-s‑â h-c-h‑v N‑n-e-h‑v I-W-¡‑p- IÄ A-h-X-c‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑p. ]‑n-¶‑o-S‑p-Å a‑m-b 16-þ1-þ2020  B-Z‑y-s‑¯ s‑k-j³ M.Ed. hn`hk-a‑r-²-a‑m-b `-£-W-¯‑n-\\‑p-t‑i-j‑w I‑y‑m-¼‑v h‑n-`‑m-K‑w t‑a-[‑m-h‑n-b‑m-b {‑i‑o-a-X‑n t‑a‑m-f‑n-¡‑p-«‑n A-t‑´-h‑m-k‑n-IÄ t‑I‑m-f-P‑n-t‑\\‑m-S‑v h‑n-S ]-d-ª‑p. S‑o-¨-d‑n-s‑â t‑\\-X‑r-X‑z-¯‑n \"t‑_‑m-«‑n BÀ-«‑v' 'A-X‑n-P‑o-h-\\‑w‑' I-a‑y‑q-W‑n-ä‑n e‑n-h‑n‑w-M‑v I‑y‑m- ]-c‑n-i‑o-e-\\‑w \\-S-¯‑n. F-Ã‑m-h-c‑p‑w t‑_‑m-«‑n-e‑p- ¼‑n-s‑â A-X‑n-K‑w-`‑o-c-a‑m-b h‑n-P-b-¯‑n-\\‑p-]‑n-¶‑n I-f‑n X-§-f‑p-s‑S I-e‑m-h‑n-c‑p-X‑v {‑]-I-S-a‑m-¡‑n. H-c‑p-]‑m-Spt‑]-c‑p-s‑S A-I-a-g‑n-ª A-[‑z‑m-\\‑hpap-ï‑v. D-¨-`-£-W-¯‑n-\\‑p-t‑i-j‑w I‑y‑m-¼‑w-K-§Ä a-c‑n-b- G-ä-h‑p‑w {‑]-[‑m-\\-a‑m-b‑n I‑y‑m-¼‑v t‑I‑mÀ-U‑n-t‑\\-äÀ k-Z-\\‑w k-µÀ-i‑n-¨‑p A-h‑n-s‑S ]‑m-e‑m F-I‑v-s‑s‑k- B-b t‑U‑m. ä‑n. k‑n. X-¦-¨³ kÀ B-W‑v. C‑u k‑v H‑m-^‑o-kÀ a-c‑n-b-k-Z-\\-s‑¯-¸-ä‑n k‑w-k‑m-c‑n- h‑n-P-b-¯‑n-\\‑p ]‑n-¶‑n H‑m-t‑c‑m h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ-°‑n-b‑p-s‑S- b‑p‑w F-Ã‑m-h‑n-[ k-l-I-c-W-§-f‑p‑w D-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. S ¡‑p-I-b‑p‑w I‑y‑m-¼‑w-K-§Ä-¡‑v A-t‑´-h‑m-k‑n-IÄ R-§-f‑p-s‑S a‑p-t‑¶‑m-«‑p-Å ]‑m-X-I-f‑nÂ‑, G-ä-h‑p‑w T H-c‑p s‑N-d‑n-b k‑w-`‑m-h-\\ \\Â-I‑p-I-b‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑p. t‑{‑i-j‑vT-a‑m-b‑n A-X‑n-P‑o-h‑n-¡‑m³ ]T‑n-¸‑n-¨ X-¦-¨³ C s‑s‑h-I‑n-«‑v H-¶‑m‑w {‑K‑q-¸‑p-I‑m-c‑p-s‑S t‑\\-X‑r-X‑z-¯‑n k‑m-d‑n-\\‑p‑w H‑m-t‑c‑m A-[‑y‑m-]-IÀ-¡‑p‑w A-\\-[‑y‑m-]- T IÄ-¨-d t‑{‑]‑m-{‑K‑m‑w \\-S-¯‑n. A-X‑n s‑d-P‑n E t‑a‑mÄ h‑n. BÀ‑, Ì‑mÀ H‑m-^‑v Z‑n t‑U B-b‑n IÀ-¡‑p‑w H-c‑n-¡Â-I‑q-S‑n \\-µ‑n-b‑p‑w I‑r-X-Ú-X-b‑p‑w X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¡-s‑¸-«‑p. AÀ-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p... Pala 88

COMMERCE B.Ed. Batches BIBINA JOSE 2018-2020 Edapparackal House Karimanoor P.O. MARIYA MATHEW S Thodupuzha Thekkumkattil(H) T Idukki district- 685 581 Edappady P. O C Ph: +91 95266 25095 Bharananganam T [email protected] Kottayam District - 686 578 E DHANYA VIJAYAN Ph: +91 82810 62364 Ettickal House [email protected] Pala Pulickal Kavala P.O. VIVEK SURESH Vazhoor Kanissery House 89 Kottayam - 68 6515 Thevara Ph: +91 90370 11313 Kochi - 682 013 [email protected] Ph: +91 94968 98270 DONA KURIAN [email protected] Manathuruthy (H) Cheeranchira P.O. ANNU K. JOSE Changanacherry - 686 106 C/o Jose Mathew Ph:7560924138 Karuvelil (H), Plassanal P.O. [email protected] Kottayam - 686 579 JOYEL JOHN Ph: 8078965450, 272209 Thumbasseril House [email protected] Ettumanoor P.O. Kottayam - 686 631 Ph: +91 82819 83007 [email protected] ENGLISH AMRITHA THAMPY Uppumakal (H) Pizhzaku P.O. Kottayam - 686 651 Ph: 9846919539 [email protected]

ANNU MARIA MICHAEL SHILPA C JOSE Mookenthottathil (H) Thekkettathu H Ullanad P.O. Thodupuzha East P.o Alamattam - 686 651 Thodupuzha Ph: 8281900297 Idukki District [email protected] Pin. 685585 [email protected] ARDRA ANN THOMAS Mob: 9497341317 Panachipuram (H) Chamampathal P.O. SNEHA M. JOSANTONY Vazhoor, Kottayam - 686 517 Moolechalil (H) Ph: 9605239300, 9495055527 Plassanal P.O. [email protected] Panackappalam Kottayam ATHIRA RAJ Pin: 686579 Pulickal (H), Selliampara [email protected] Vellathooval P.O. Mob. 8281682463 Adimaly, Idukki - 685 563 [email protected] SONIYA JAMES Mob. 9207004561 Kochuparambil (H) Erumpramattom P.O Erumpra, Kottayam - 686 586 SAILAS MATHEW [email protected] Block No. 415 Mob. 9605588512 Kallar P.O., Thookkupalam Pin: 685 552 ANNU JOHNNY Idukki, Kerala Panachikavayalil (H) [email protected] Teekoy P.O. Mob. 8547986302 Kottayam Dt - 686 580 Mob: 9656719864 MATHEMATICS [email protected] ANU SIBY AMALA FRANCIS Kollamparambil (H) Pichappillil House Maniamkulam Chennad P.O S Kadavoor P.O. Kottayam Dt. - 686 581 South Punnamattom Mob: 9400979404 Ernakulam - 686 671 [email protected] T Ph: 7034486223 [email protected] CT E ANITTA THOMAS Ampazhathunkal (H) Pala Adivaram P.O., Adivaram Poonjar South - 686 582 Ph: 8281819427 [email protected] 90

NATURAL SCIENCE ANNS MARY MATHEW S Parathalackal (H) T ATHIRA SASI Muthalakodam P.O. C Thazhathuvalliyath (H) Thodupuzha T Alanadu P.O. Idukki Dist. - 685605 E Kottayam Dt. - 686 651 Ph: 9188843571 Ph: +91 97476 69742 [email protected] Pala [email protected] ELIZABETH ATHULYA DALBY 91 JOSMY TOM Panamkattu (H) Korkuzhiyil (H) Karimkunnam P.O. Edappady P.O. Thodupuzha, Idukki Bharananganam Pin - 685 586, Ph: 9495824952 Kottayam Dt.- 686 578 [email protected] Ph :9496228553 JISSA JOSEPH [email protected] Madappalliyel Kunnumpurathu (H) TRESA MARY RAJAN Chempilav P.O., Cherpunkal Venattumattathil (H) Kottayam (Dist.) - 686 584 Kodumpidy P.O. Ph: 9744362515 Kottayam - 686 651 [email protected] Ph: +91 82818 05793 [email protected] BINNU MATHEW Kadookunnel(H) PHYSICAL SCIENCE Mutholy P.O. Pala, Ph: 9447853346 AMALA XAVIER [email protected] SD convent Thodanal P.O. DHANABHAGYAM AC Pala-686573 Perubamkudi (H) Ph: 90619602 Thattekad - 686 681 [email protected] Ernakulam Ph: 9526558252 [email protected] ANEETA ROSE TOM JANET CELINE VARGHESE Mattappillil (H) St. Theresa’s Carmelite Convent Alanad P.O. Pala P. O., Pala - 686 575 Pravithanam Ph: 04822-213078 Pala, Kottayam - 686651 [email protected] Ph: 8547378195 [email protected]

JIMIL JOSE VEENA P.V Kumbidiyammackal (H) Plakkuzhiyil (H) Vellikulam P.O. Mevada P.O, Pala Vellikulam Kottayam - 686 573 Kottayam- 686 580 Ph: 8289812945 Ph: 9188638785 [email protected] [email protected] VIJAYAKUMARI N. Kavundikkal (H) JOSMY JOSEPH Kavundikkal P.O Oozhikattu (H) Palakkad – 678 581 T.P. Puram P.O., Vazhoor Ph: 7034867831 Kottayam - 686 505 [email protected] Ph: 9526865235 [email protected] DIYA FRANKSON Vilangattu house SOCIAL SCIENCE Nazareth Hill P.O. Kuravilangad, Kottayam - 686 633 AKHILA ROSE ABEY Ph: No:9446506413 Elavanal house [email protected] Puliyannoor P.O., Pala GREESHMA SABU Kottayam - 686 573 Muthuplackal (H) Ph: +919656321097 Poovarany P.O. [email protected] Paika - 686 577 Ph: +91 92078 40329 AMEER JINNA [email protected] Pallathu Parambil House JIBIN JOY Thodupuzha East P.O. Avimoottil House Idukki - 685 585 Chakkampuzha Ph: +91 94966 84107 Nechipuzhoor P.O. [email protected] Kottayam - 686 574 Ph: +91 95449 94934 ARYA GOPALAN [email protected] Nedumplakkil Sr. JITTY THOMAS M.M.M. Convent S Puliyanoor P.O. Meenachil (P.O.) Thekkummury - 686 573 Pala, Kottayam (Dt) Ph: 9544534657 Ph: 8078143770 [email protected] T [email protected] C T SR. BITTY VARGHESE E (Sr. Agnett Therese) St. Martha’s Convent, Pala Vallichira P.O., Pala - 686 574 Ph: 9188005450 [email protected] 92

NEETHUMOL BABU RAJI MOL V.R. Pulinthanath (H) Valolickal (H) Nazareth Hill P.O. Koruthodu (PO) Kuravilangad, Kottayam Kuzhimavu Pin- 686 633, Ph: 9745660935 Kottayam - 686 513 [email protected] Ph: +91 95625 68170 [email protected] MOHAMMED SAVAD PPP VEENA SURENDRAN Puthiyannal House Pukappurakkal (H) Androth Island of Lakshadweep Meenachil P. O Pin: 682 551 Pala- 686 577 Ph: +91 94963 01763 Ph: 70348 63469 [email protected] veenasurendran02091996@ SONU MARIYA DOMINIC Vattukattil House Inchiyani P.O Inchiyani- 686 512 Ph: +91 96052 52566 [email protected] AGINS JOSE D.El. Ed. S Paramala (H) Students T Neeloor P.O. 2018-2020 C Kottayam - 686 651 T Ph: 9946716705 ALPHY CHERIAN E AKKUMOL SAJI Madathil (H) Perooparayil (H) Mutholy P.O. Pala Anjoottimangalam P.O. Kottayam - 686 573 Kalaketty - 686 579 Ph: 9605813254 Ph: 9544768153 AKHILAMOL CHACKO Mankadaprayil (H) Kozha P.O. Kuravilangad - 686 633 Ph: 7510829146 93

AMALA GEORGE ANSU CHACKO Thekkekara (H) Manjanal (H) Thalanadu P.O. Mutholapurom (P.O.) Ayyampara Eranakulam - 686 665 Ph: 9207006698 Ph: 7902255394 ANSU THOMAS AMMU ABRAHAM Karunnakottil (H) Perumpuzhanirappel (H) Manjoor(PO) Puliyannoor P. O. Kottayam - 686 603 Pala Ph: 9744904302 Ph: 9562653895 ASHLY ANTONY Mattamundayil(H) AISWARYA S. NAIR Adivaram P.O., Poonjar Chirackel (H) Kottayam - 686 582 Karoor P.O. Ph: 8281147932 Ponad ASWATHY RAJ Ph: 8111860367 Puthanparambil (H) Ramapuram Bazar P.O. ANJANA SEBASTIAN Vellilappilly - 686 576 Cheruvallil (H) Ph 8547314533 Karoor P.O. ASWATHY BABU Pala Andookunnel (H) Ph: 9846363355 Kadanad P.O. Kadanad, Kottayam ANEENA K SAJI Ph: 9207062940 Karimaruthumchalil (H) ATHIRA PUSHPARAJ Kadanadu P.O. Kuttiyanikunnel (H) Aimcompu, Kottayam Ramapuram P.O. Ph: 9188449694 Kondadu - 686 576 Ph: 6282677725 ANJUMOL C.S. BISMY BABY Poovakottil (H) S Chanjaplackal (H) Poozhikol P.O. T Melukavu P.O. Kaduthuruthy Ph: 9539260387 Kottayam - 686 652 CT Ph: 8848273651 E ANNMARIA GEORGE Panthiruparayil (H) Pala Muttuchira P.O. Kottayam - 686 613 Ph: 9895266923 94

FEMYMOL ABRAHAM Sr. MERLIN THOMAS S Thannickal (H) St. Joseph’s Convent T Palakkattumala Kidangoor P.O. C Ph: 8606123583 Ph: 9383477059 T JOMY JOY SILVIA FRANCIS E Perumpuzhanirappel (H) Srambickal (H) Puliyannoor P.O. Chennakunnu P.O Pala Pala Vazhoor Ph: 9656566715 Ph: 8281458817 95 JOBILA JOHN SHILU MATHAI Karondukadavil (H) Vaikkathusseriyil (H) Arakulam - 685 591 Koodalloor P.O. Ph: 9048712526 Kottayam JUSTY MARIA AUGUSTY Ph: 9562473463 Chittiyil (H) SIVA PRIYA THANKAPPAN Chovoor P.O. Erakuthiyil Mankompu - 686 586 Melampara P.O. Ph: 7510300901 Keezhampara - 686578 MANASY MATHEW Ph: 9387989641 Kunnappillil (H) SHONEY KURIAN Ramapuram Bazar P.O. Muthukattil (H) Kottayam - 686 576 Peringulam P.O. - 686 582 Ph: 9746018989 Ph: 8281134261 MEENAKSHY SASIKUMAR SUDHEESHNA E.K Pambadathu (H) Elaydathattu (H) Chittady P.O. Kattachira P.O. Kottayam - 686 513 Kottayam - 686572 Ph: 7510911914 Ph: 9544137620 ROSHNI GEORGE RESHMA SANOJ Pezhumkattil (H) Vattakunnell (H) Thidanadu P.O. Wazhavatta Pathazha - 686 123 Pakkam P.O., Wayanad Ph: 8606559493 Ph: 9526887462 Sr. JISS JOSEPH SIMI JOSEPH S.H. Provincial House Thundathil (H) Pala P.O. - 686 575 Vellikulam P.O Ph: 04822212225 Ph: 9495865615

ALAN JOLLY MANU JOSE Padinjarekara(H) Poothakkuzhiyil (H) Nariyampara P.O Kadanad P.O, Aimcombu Kattapana, Idukki - 685 511 Kottayam - 686 653 Ph: 9496096766 Ph: 9496616944 ALFRED OUSEPH JEM SEBASTIAN Erumachadath (H) Nelliyaniyil (H) Kamakshy P. O Kappadu P. O, Kanjirappally Idukki - 685 515 Kottayam - 686 508 Ph: 8113013611 Ph: 9562791357 AJITH ULLAS. M TENIL TOMY Memana (H) Pazhayampara (H) Puliyannoor P. O Kuninji P.O, Vazhithala Pala Thodupuzha - 685 583 Ph: 8848981435 Ph: 8592874783 AMAL BENNY THOMASKUTTY JOSE Kolathu (H) Vadakekara (H) Anthinad P. O, Kollapally Kuninji P.O, Kodukuthi Kottayam - 686 651 Idukki - 685 583 Ph: 9207371302 Ph: 9495897359 IWIN JOSEPH MEBIN THOMAS Malamparakal (H) Edathiparampil (H) Pasukkadavu P. O Kuttiplangadu P.O Kozhikode - 673 513 Kokkayar, Idukki - 686 514 Ph: 9995148119 Ph: 6238713276 SIJO JOSEPH TOMY SEBASTAIN Edattukunnel (H) S Muthanattu (H) Kizhaparayar P.O T Chemmalamattom p.O Parapally, Kottayam Dt. C Kottayam - 686 508 Ph: 9072841239 T VICHU THOMAS E STALIN STEPHEN Vengakuttiyil (H) Marangattupilly P.O Kuzhiplakil (H) Kottayam Dt. - 686 635 Pala Piousmount P.O Ph: 8086532691 Uzhavoor, Kottayam Pin: 686 636 96

APARNA MURALIDHARAN M. Ed. Panthakal (H) Students Poonjar S. P.O. 2018-2020 Poonjar, Kottayam - 686 582 Ph: 9947803851 SUBI MARIYA ZACHARIAS S BINCY ANTONY Maniyangattu T Vettukattil (H) Poovarani P.O. C Teekoy P.O., Teekoy Paika T Kottayam - 686 580 Ph: 9995720458 E Mob: 8086540394 [email protected] [email protected] BINCY A.M. Pala CHRISY JOSE Oravackal (H) Elavanathodukayil (H) Amayannoor P.O. 97 Thodanal P.O. Kottayam Dt. - 686 019 Kottayam - 686 573 Ph: 8086571708 Ph: 8547168234 [email protected] [email protected] Sr. SHEEJA JOSE MARIA MATHEW Kudumparani Institute Kudiyirippil (H) Cherpunkal P.O. Cherpunkal P.O. Kottayam - 686 584 Kottayam - 686 584 Ph: 8078119790 Ph: 8281689142 [email protected] [email protected] SELVA PREMILA PUSHPA GEORGE Mathiravila (H) Manimala (H) Pulinkatta, Mathaippara P.O. Ramapuram P.O. Idukki Dt. - 685 501 Kottayam - 686 576 Ph: 9745397662 Ph: 9061834150 [email protected] [email protected]

RIYA ROY JAYASREE K.T. Pallathu (H) Kuruppanthod (H) Ezhacherry P.O. Perumudiyur P.O. Kottayam Dt. - 686 651 Pattambi - 679 303 Ph: 9207509846 Ph: 9745656875 [email protected] [email protected] SOMIYA T.K. (Sr. ALPHIN) S. JALAJA Thekkevayalil (H) Elappalliyil (H) S.H. Hostel Arunapuram Kottamalai Tea Garden P.O. Kottayam Vagamon, Idukki Dt. Ph: 7025263135 Pin - 685 503 [email protected] Ph: 9656519389 [email protected] Drawings S Sr. Amalu T I BEd Natural Science C T E Pala 98

Agnes Sebastian I BEd Social Science Anns Mary Mathew II BEd Natural Science S T C T E Pala 99

Anns Mary Mathew Diya Frankson II BEd Natural Science II BEd Social Science Veena P.V. II BEd Physical Science S T C T E Pala 100

Surabhi C.S. S I BEd Natural Science T C Shilpa Sasi T I BEd Social Science E Pala 101

S T C T E Pala 102

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