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Home Explore 2017:18 Annual Report

2017:18 Annual Report

Published by megan, 2018-11-15 18:09:39

Description: 2017:18 Annual Report


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A LETTER FROM OURLEADERSThis last year was exciting for STARS as we began construction at the STARS Ranch, a place ofhope and healing. When the lodge is complete, it will provide STARS the opportunity to servemore clients and groups. The lodge will provide accessible lodging in one convenient location thatwill allow groups better opportunities to connect with each other and for us to easily facilitatemeals and transportation to our programs. STARS will be one of the few adaptive programs in thecountry that will own their own facility designed specifically to support the needs of our clients.Another highlight from last year was the Adaptive PE program, which is in its 3rd year and is apartnership with our schools and the Craig-Scheckman Family Foundation. It is designed to provideincreased physical activity and socialization opportunities for our local students with disabilitiesduring the school day. This program has been widely accepted by each school in the SteamboatSprings School District and has provided over 1,000 hours of direct service for students withdisabilities to experience different types of adaptive recreation throughout the school year.Another highlight from last year was hiring Sam Sykes, our Therapy Riding Center Manager. HiringSam solidifies our commitment to the therapeutic riding program and Sam brings tremendousexpertise in horse management as well as innovative teaching methods.Finally, we have increased our number of Military Veteran Camps this last year. One exciting newmilitary program was the STARS and Stripes Visually Impaired (VI) Veterans Camp. In its firstyear we were able to change the lives of eight Veterans by providing them the opportunity tolearn to ski and ride in Steamboat. Overall, we saw a 57% increase in the number of individualsserved this last year in our military programs. We expect that number to grow significantly withthe opening of the STARS Ranch.

Finally, the focus of our Board this year has been on the implementation of our Strategic Initiatives.Through resiliency, determination, and a sense of purpose we have made significant progress ofall of these. As a Board and staff, we remain committed to “Building a Brighter Future” for ourclients and families. Thank you for your support of STARS.Julie Taulman, STARS Executive Director and TK Wright, STARS Board PresidentSTARS LEADERSHIP STARS BOARDJulie Taulman – Executive Director TK Wright – PresidentMike Boone – Program Director Gail Jensen – TreasurerBetsy Baur – Development Director Brad Iverson - SecretaryTrevor Hildebrand – Asst. Program Director Joel BermanLisa Evans – Operations Manager Katie BrownSamantha Sykes – Therapy Riding Manager Skip CurryTim Nagel – Program Coordinator Bob DapperBailey Holland – Client and Donor Services Keith DronenMegan Rayle – Marketing Manager Rick La Chapelle Steve Tober 3

2017/18HIGHLIGHTS AUGUST 2017 SEPTEMBER 2017STARS receives new van to STARS Farm to Barn, Biking the Boat, support our programs and Parade of Homes raise over $230,000 for STARS OCTOBER 2017 NOVEMBER 2017STARS Ranch construction begins on roads and underground utilities STARS launches online reservation system DECEMBER 2017 JANUARY 2018 STARS recognized as one of the top 10 STARS hosts first VI Veterans Adaptive Programs in the country by Camp USA Today MARCH 2018 FEBRUARY 2018 STARS raises over $114,000 at STARS Special Olympic Athletes the STARS Mountain Challenge bring home 12 medals from State4

STARSIMPACTSTARS mission is to empower and enrichlives through adaptive recreational activities.We believe that through adaptive recreation we can positivelyimpact the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families.STARS programs help individuals with disabilities discover theoutdoors and teach skills to overcome health challenges aswell as develop confidence, self-esteem and independence. INDIVIDUALS SERVED STARS served 459 individuals LOCAL CLIENTS 48% of overall lessons were for Routt County locals MILITARY SERVED STARS saw a 57% increase in the number of Military served year over year 5

STARS IMPACT LESSONS PROVIDED STARS provided 2,700 lessons during the 2017/18 season ADAPTIVE PE 1,000+ hours were provided for our local schools SCHOLARSHIPS STARS Provided over $40,000 in full or partial scholarships to help ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate ADAPTIVE EQUIPMENT STARS invested in over $45,000 worth of new adaptive equipment and through a generous donor, STARS was able to purchase their first vehicle to support our camps and programs VOLUNTEER STARS engaged over 175 volunteers last year in our programs6

STARS RANCHA PLACE FOR HOPE & HEALING2018 Campaign Highlights Campaign Progress• We received a second $1,000,000 Total Campaign Goal Phase 1: $5,600,000 contribution from an additional private Raised to Date: $5,000,000 donor. 90% to goal raised for Phase 1• To date, we are 90% to goal for Phase 1 which will include the 27-bed lodge and For more information, contact Betsy Baur equipment building. 970.870.1950 / [email protected]• We redesigned the building to adjust for rising construction costs in the valley without compromising accessible program space needs.• The lodge building construction began in August with HLCC. 7

FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Revenue 2017/18 2016/17 2018/19 Strategic Program Fees $275,967 $308,790 Focus Areas Less Scholarships ($41,801) ($47,138) • Board Development – Put Grants & Contributions $286,084 $348,959* together a strategic plan Fundraising Events $300,681 $278,881 for STARS and work to Contributed Goods & Facilities $316,725 $309,717 realign the board structure Other $9,935 $6,414 and committees to better Total Revenue $1,147,591 $1,205,623 support the growth Operating Expenses 2017/18 2016/17 • Develop a program Program Services $980,811 $942,529 evaluation process for all Management Expenses $112,282 $128,697 programs Fundraising Expenses $105,119 $110,576 • Complete Phase 1 of Total Operating Expenses** $1,198,212 $1,181,802 STARS Ranch capital campaign by May 2019 *There was a 1x contribution given from Sunrise Equitherapy Center for $103,000 as part of the nonprofit’s dissolution • Build a comprehensive fundraising plan to **This total includes annual depreciation support long term growth of the organization STARS is currently in a capital campaign for the STARS Ranch. All capital campaign donations and expenses are not reflected in the • Develop a plan to make revenues and expenses above. STARS an industry leader by developing and recruiting top staff • Develop program and office facility plans8

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORSMay 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018We make every attempt to maintain accurate records. Please inform us regarding any corrections necessary to youraccount. STARS currently is in Capital Campaign. All Capital Campaign donations will be recognized at the close ofthe campaign.$20,000+ Bob and Celine Lewis Steve and Karen SpeerGuido ConstantiniCraig-Scheckman Family Foundation Michael B. Morrow Foundation Steamboat Ace HardwareDisabled Sports USAAndy Ostrognai and Carmen Schiffman Randall and Sherry Reed Truckenbrod Family FoundationGay Roane Russ and Tina Sherlock UC Health$10,000-$19,000Anonymous Steamboat Group Fund of the Yampa Steve and Pam WilliamsColorado Group Realty FoundationHBB Foundation Valley Community Foundation Yampa Valley Community FoundationRJ Clark Family Foundation Craig SzaboV Gail Jensen Living Trust TK Wright $2,499-$1,000Yampa Valley Bank Anonymous $4,999-$2,500 John and Christy Alderman$9,999-5,000 Alpine Mountain Ranch Russell and Carol AthaAnschutz Family Foundation Boyd Bass and Barbara Winternitz B&K DistributingArizona Community Foundation Steve and Kelly Bloom Charitable Fund, a Joel BermanRonald Barry donor advised fund Joby BermanCity of Steamboat Springs Curt and Beverly Calcaterra Charitable Ed and Penny Berman Fund Steve and Kelly BloomLee and Judy Culbertson Randy Blue Wayne and Fran CarlisleCummings Christensen FamilyFoundation Cherry Creek Has Heart Fund at Bob and Joan BoglioliSkip and Vivian Curry Community First FoundationHead USA, Inc. Central Park Liquors Christy SportsTerry and Mary Jo Hunt The Douglas B. Chapman FamilyAndrew Inglis Don and Gail Eden Charitable FundBrad and Kathy Iverson GCP Scully Steamboat Mark and Kay ClavennaJim and Susan Larson Ken and Anne Krieg The Larson Family Fund Robert Miller Mark and Nicole Osborn Chris Powers Routt County Randy and Susi Rowe 9

Sally Cooper Ches and Gwen Porter John and Ellen Engel Christopher and Meg Cummings Routt County United Way Rob and Megan Faircloth Custom Color Tom and Pam Ruehle Chapman and Kendall Geer Doc’s Auto Clinic Paul and Gwen Sanwick William Golden Keith and Ann Dronen Tony and Emily Seaver Margaret Grace The Faircloth Family Charitable Fund Shvetz Family Foundation Richard and Lori Grant The Nancy Gamble Charities Fund Maggie Smith Drew Hayes Timothy Garrigan Michael and Sandra Spetko Jeff Harper Don Godshaw Kevin and Julie Taulman Terry Huffington Jay and Cindy Greenzweig Dana and Mary Thorne Ted Kahn Dr. Charles Hewett TMR Construction Joseph Kincaid HLCC Construction Company Anonymous Ernie and Linda Kish Shannon Hopkins Pam Vanatta Gary and Barbara Knudson Larry and Amy Jenkins Ed and Melanie Westergaard Roger Kramer Jenna’s Miles of Smiles Robert Carlton and Susan White Edward LaChapelle Anonymous David and Jamie Lamb Chris and Maria Kaminski $999-$500 Keith and Janet Liefer Richard and Dana LaChapelle Gerald and Susan Albers Robert and Janet Lovell LaChapelle Family Foundation Scott Alperin Scott and Cindy MacGray Susan Laizik Alpine Lumber Larry and Nancy May David and Jamie Tim and Janet Borden Gary and Sandra Neale David and Linda Lund Ricky and Kay Brooks Christian and Susan Nyby Richard and Audrey Mandell The Brown Family The Robert Pari Family Fund Scott and Lynne Marr Ed and Sharon Buckle Angus Rogers Gerald and Amy McCarthy Ed and Louise Buschmann Dr. Douglas and Heidi Shurtleff Mark and Denise McFann The Carson Family Charitable Fund David Szabo and Susan Starr Chip and Kathleen McNamara Robin and Heather Craigen Dan Timm Medtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant Martin and Patricia Craighead Verizon Program Creekside Cafe Wayne and Nancy Westphale Kathie Mole Ryan and Kindra Curry Major Morrow Debbie Aragon NMM Real Estate Chris and Eileen Diamond Brad and Kristin Oren Rick and Carol Dowden Ryan Penn Robert and Terry Drury Lynn and Gayle Earnest10

$499-$100 Susan Chaplick Chris and Jean FieldAnonymous Peter Clark Richard Fiese10-15 Associates Kathryn Clarke Carol FinneganChris Abel Marty Cless Daniel and Cheryl FooteJohn Salexander Lt. Col. Cluck Cluck Jake FreishtatJordan Alperin Reall Colbenson Jennifer GammperAmerican Endowment Foundation Robert Collom Carolyn GlahDebbie Aragon Sandra Conlon Carlos and Michelle GrayJill March Thomas and Judy Connor John and Linda GrayLinda Andrews Jerome and Kathy Craig Jon and Monica GreenfieldTom and Diane Arenberg Eric and Julia Dady Scott and Jennifer GrosjeanKen Austin Bill and Theresa Dahl David GuettlerHoyt and Kathi Ayres Andreas Danckers Pam GuettlerKaren Beauvais Michael and Kristin Davenport Leslie HarrisKenneth and Linda Renee Dehnick Steve and Leslie HatchThe Benevity Community Impact Fund Win and Elaine Dermody Don and Charlotte HeathcottMartin Berger David and Judy Deverell BJ HeubergerRobert and Sharon Bielski Karen DonnanCarolyn Bitonti Michael Donnelly “Thank you from theGreg and Leslie Bjorgum Alex and Patty Doolas bottom of my heartBryan and Karen Bomberg Tom and Roberta Dougan for allowing me to doAnastasia Booucouras Stephen Downes something so special. IBP Foundation Inc Tom and Laurie Drew have been riding horsesEven Brande Mike Dreyer since I was 6 and afterJeff Brennan Steve and Cat Dronen getting hurt, there wasChuck and Mary Breuch Steve and Carol Ducommun no better feeling thenRon and Connie Brinkman David and Carla Durdan getting back in theBart Brown Camille Durik saddle! It brings me a lotMichael Buchman Steve and Kristal Eckley of joy and happiness toJanet Bundschuh Elaine EdonDr. Brian Butler Scott Ehrlich be able to ride.”Bob Carlson Rebecca Eisenberg - Justine A.Paula Carstensen Joel and Brenda ElliottTom and Carol Chaney Sharon Ferguson 11

Bailey Holland Glenn and Barbara Lamoree Art and Suzanne Menor Gary Huber Jeff Lelek Nick and Tracy Metzler Shirley Hull Mr. and Mrs. Lesser Ellen Miller Robin and Camille Jackson Paul Longsdorf Gerald Miller Gloria D. James Susan Longsdorf Dr. James Mitchell Jan Levy Richard Ludlow Gary and Leanne Molinero Christopher and Mary Ellen Jehn Verne and Nancy Lundquist Michael Moran Andrew Jira Jolene Lunsford Rod and Pam Morgan Edward and Margot Johns Martin Marenus Doug and Lee Ann Murphy Charley and Catherine Johnson Mindy Marriott John and Debbie Murphy Ken and Carol Johnson John Martin Peggy Musser Richard Karpf Randi Martinsen Scott and Hilary Nagel Olan Kenneally Paul Matheny Mike and Maureen Nasat Susan Kielman Joshua and Lacey Mathews Wayne Neale Audrey Kiszla Bob and Sharon Mattison Jay and Debra Neese Charles and Anne Kittrell Todd Maus Network for Good Roger and Connie Knight Howard Mayson Robert Neville Nikki Knoebel R.B. and Kim McCallister Chris and Liz Nichols The Richard and Christine Koch David and Sharon McCormack Don Nixon Charitable Fund Mary McDonald Kyle Olson Kenneth Kraus Jack and Joyce EcElfish Art Pansze Gary Krieg Kelly McElfish David Patton Gary and Helen Krigsman Savanna McGlone John Paulus Jake LaChapelle Michael McGuinness Frank and Susan Pearson Colin and Pauline Lamond James and Susan McIntosh Jamie Pentz “STARS ski programs have been a fantastic resource for us. Our daughter loves skiing with other kids, but appreciates the extra support that STARS volunteers have always provided. Her skiing technique and confidence have grown leaps and bounds over the years, but more importantly her love of the sport has become firm. She considers herself a skier!” - Kay R.12

Gus and Susan Plumb Sullivan FamilyDr. Deborah Price Richard SummersTed and Marcia Pryde Jim SunderlandMichael Puchalski Keith and Tayna SzaboQEP Resources Marty SzostakTom and Suzie Reagan T Bar at SteamboatJohn and Alice Register Anne Marie TellefsenJohn and Julie Reid Dina TilgnerRobert and Kristen Rock Marguerite TimbelGwen Rogers Tridle Charity FundPatrick Rooney Terrence and Cam-Tu TruongRalph and Elaine Rudster Ed and Mary VanderwallCeanne Ruehle Bob and Brenda VrugginkJames Rutherford Matthew VrugginkJoanne Ryan Jon and Wendy WadeBill and Barbara Sanders Ralph and Martina WaltonRobert Schuellein Bruce WardTom and Lesley Schuldt Richard and Sharon WarrinerGary and Ann Scolnick Mr. and Mrs. Mark WatkinsSusan Shillinlgaw Dave and Ellen WattsMerrianne Shippee Mike and Sandy WegeAnn Sickon Bob and Deane WeissMaddee Siegel Richard WerberRonald and Jennifer Sinek Jason WilliamsSki Butlers Steamboat Edward WillisMike and Danielle Skov Barry and Janet WilsonSteve Smolinski Brad and Angela WorthenKirk Snyder Eliza YeagerEllen Spangler Leslie YoungTom and Suzie Spiro Thomas and Patti ZehnerDoug and Cathy StarkeyMichael and Karen SternRobert StevensonDesmond and Angela Stone 13

IN HONOR/MEMORY OFIn Honor of: Jake Liddicoat Steve Williams James Nelson Thomas RuehleFalcon and Monte Bailey Jean and Chris Field Tyler PaoliGeorge H. Inglis Jensen and Garrigan Families Warren CramerGiovanni Bitonti Jeremy Justis Kristi HewettGordie Wells, Jimmy Su, Dan Sullivan, Jon Ruehleand Jim Scheiner Jonathan Heuberger In Memory of:Kiddie Corral Kealia BuschmannAdam Knox and KSL Team Keith Welch Bruce LindahlAlice Nordloh Kyle Taulman Dan HohsAnastasia Dronen The LaChapelle Family George CottinghamBarbara Lamb and Bruce James Leslie LaChapelle Young John HatchBetty Davis Luke Tober Lesa Lang HollandBill Sawer Mark Casey Peter LaizikBruce James MaryAnn Rhoades Virginia WalshCharles Drew Matthew LaChapelleChristopher and Jean Field Max BergerChucks 60th Birthday Melanie WestergaardCraig Kennedy Our Veteran DadsDouglas Hecker Patricia AtkinsonEmmett Stevenson Randy WertEthan Harris Ray and Selma RidgewayGloria D. James Ricardo and Janet PaoliHowie and Sharon Bray Rose StrahanJack and Eleanor Earnest “STARS has collectively done more for my physical, mental, and emotional health than all the other veteran organizations that I’m apart of combined. The STARS staff and volunteers are some of the best in the adaptive recreation industry. The amount of time and effort they have invested in not only my wellbeing, but that of countless of other veterans is astonishing.” - Dustin S..14

INKIND DONATIONSCorporate Partners Cloverdale Restaurant Lisa and Dolph Simons SafewayChristy Sports Creekside CaféSteamboat Ski Corp Don Godshaw Lloyds of Chicago Sara Will Ed and Sharon BuckelsLodging Partners Egg & I Loris Werner Sharon FlanaganMountain Resorts Erin NemecSimply Steamboat Excel Gymnastics Low Restaurant Group Silver LiningSteamboat Sheraton Gary and Sandy NealeSteamboat Ski GCR Tires and Service Lynne and Scott Marr Ski HausCorporation Go AlpineWyndham Resorts Haymaker Nordic Center Mahogany Ridge Skip Curry Head SkisIn-Kind Donors Henry and Tawnya Fabian Mark and Jennifer Gampper Steamboat Backcountry Historic Inns of Key WestAlpine Mountain Ranch and Club Hot Stuff Hearth and Home Mark Urich Adventures Humble Ranch Education andAlpine Wine Design Therapy Mary Beth Arce Steamboat PowdercatsAndrew Fossum Mezzacorona Wines Steamboat Ski and Bike KareAurum Food and Wine Mike and Toni Hennessey Steamboat Ski and Resort Mountain View Car Wash CorporationB & K Distributing, Inc. Nelson Carmichael Steamboat Whiskey Company New Belgium Brewing Company Steven SpaltyBackdoor Sports James Beard House Foundation Nikki Knobel Summit Shades Northern Lights SurefootBear Mountain Metal Art Jason Salisbury Old Town Hot Springs Suzy Holloran One Steamboat Place Tiffany LeesonBella Salon Jim and Susan Larsen Pam and Tom Ruehle Tim Dever Patrick Funk Town Square MediaBoyd Bass and Barbara Winternitz John and Jocelyn Fry Patrick Halgren Tread of Pioneer Museum Qdoba Mexican Grill Tyler WilsonBrian Vaughn John Witmer Resort at Squaw Creek US Winter Paralympic Snowboard Resort Books TeamBruce Doynow Judith Harrington Rex’s Family of Restaurants Vicki Connacher Rick and Lisa Evans Vista Verde Guest RanchCafé Diva Julie Dordoni RK Pet Ranch Wandering Creek Ranch Robert Dieckhoff Wendy GustafasonCali Frankovic Photography Kate Rench Rocky Mountain Day Spa Westin Denver International Airport Rollingstone Ranch and Golf Club Wild West Balloon AdventureCaroline Lalive Keith Dronen Sabina Jewelry YampatikaCatch 35 Kelly McElfishCentral Park Liqour Klinker BrinkCheri Duty Kyle TaulmanChristy Sports Lake Tahoe Ski ResortCity Market Left Turn 15


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