["How important is a person\u2019s race? In 2023 we observe that a quarter of the people interviewed think that a person's race is important very important : 12% essential:17% not important at all:58% not very important:11% Jeanne Floch, Broc\u00e9liande,France","What do you think is the main reason why Comments employers are unequal or even avoid hiring Most of the people think that the reason is that women are considered women in the workplace? the weaker sex and It is believed that they can not be effective. 12,8% of people: Women usually take care of their children from whom they may be late or take him to work etc. 10,6%: It is considered that only women can take maternity leave. 8,7%: Women are considered the weaker sex and it is believed that they can not be effective, It is considetared that only women can take maternity leave, women usually take care of their children from whom they may be late or take him to work","How important is gender equality in contemporary society? Comments 61,4% thinks that the gender equality is extremely important, 28,7% thinks that it is important but not too much, and 9,9% thinks that it is not important. We can see that most people think that it is important. Nico Escobar Gil and Fatime, Tobarra, Spain.","Do you consider that the people with disabilities Comments have the right to work and not be discriminated The 41,6% of the people think that against? all of the above, the 37,6% think that: Yes, everyone has the right to achieve his full potential, the 12,9% think that: Yes, states shouldimplement laws to protect the discrimination against employment for people with disabilities, the 3,0% think that: No and the 5,0% think that: Yes, people with disabilities have the right to work and gain a living by Gonzalo L\u00f3pez, Mar\u00eda Cuesta, Tobarra, Spain working Maria Cuesta anSdpa Pianula Villena from","Do you think that tolerance is one of the biggest values that a human being has to follow ? Comments: 6,8% think that no 19,8% they don\u00b4 t know 73,3% think that yes Most of the people think that yes. Gonzalo L\u00f3pez, Leynny Torres,Tobarra, Spain","","SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiences (G.A.M.E) Coordinating Teachers: Ludmila Cojocari, Gaudeamus High School, R. Moldova Georgiana C\u00eetu, Virgil Ierunca High School, Romania","1. In your country does more than half of the population live in cities? Yes No 100% 75% In all countries, the majority 50% answer is YES. 25% 0% Turkey Daria, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Dumitrascu Cristian-Patriciu, Gaudeamus HS, Moldova","2. Will you participate in the development of a green space in your town this year? Yes Maybe No I don't know 75% 50% Unfortunately, most respondents consider that 25% they don't have time\/don't want\/can't participate in 0% nature protection activities, Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Turkey for its care. This, maybe, for the most part, is still a hope... People put the development of nature in the background. Ana Jean Monnet High School, Romania Polat, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey","3. Do you participate in street cleaning operations in your city? Yes No 100% 75% Most people are insensitive about keeping our 50% environment clean in all the 7 countries. 25% 0% Turkey Carlos, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Berra, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey","4. Cities are a major key contributor to climate change. How can they adapt their architecture to Climate Change and deal with it ? Biophilic design Design for extreme temperatures Sustainable water management Create glass skyscraper 75% Opinions are quite divided. I think it is necessary to 50% better inform the students and the population, in general, about the concept of Biophilitic design, 25% Sustainable water management, etc. 0% Turkey Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Miruna, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Ghizlan, Paula, Juan Antonio Spain 3\u00baA","4. Cities are a major key contributor to climate change. How can they adapt their architecture to Climate Change and deal with it ? (Republic of Moldova) Biophilic design sustainable water management 25.9% Because cities are a major 40.7% contributor to climate change, and Moldovan design for extreme temperatures 14.8% students believe that cities can adapt their architecture to climate change more effectively through sustainable water management. create glass skyscraper 18.5% Aparatu Maria - HS Gaudeamus Republic of Moldova","5. Have you attended any sustainable event in your city? . Ambre Broc\u00e9liande High School, France","Ghizlan, Paula, Juan Antonio Spain 3\u00baA","We observe that there is a majority of people that answered \\\"Maybe\\\" to the question seven. Showing that more people consider organizing or doing garbage pickups in their own cities but are not sure. On the contrary, only just a few are truly willing to do so. Even Le Villo, Broc\u00e9liande High School, France","8. There are many projects that are implemented in cities each year. For you, what will be the first one to do? Hiring more people to wash the cities Forbid plastic stuffs that can be replaced 7.4% 21.1% Set up more Self-service bicycles and bus stops around the cities 13.7% Educate the youngest to ecology Plant vegetables everywhere to increase biodiversity 28.4% 18.9% Conclusion: Everyone has Turn of the lights of the city at 9 p.m different views on what would 10.5% help our planet more Buga Madalina, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","Ghizlan, Paula, Juan Antonio SPAIN 3\u00baA","10. If your city or town is heavily polluted by the traffic and throwing garbage on the ground, you gather a group of people to solve the problem? Never 5.2% Yes 33.3% Maybe 51% No 10.4% Petrachi Daniel, Gaudeamus Hihg School, Moldova","8. There are many projects that are implemented in cities each year. For you, what will be the first one to do? Turn of the lights of the city at 9 p.m: 11 votes Set up more Self-service bicycles and bus stops around the cities : 13 votes Plant vegetables everywhere to increase biodiversity: 18 votes Hiring more people to wash the cities: 6 votes Educate the youngest to ecology: 27 votes","Accession: -at education services - to social assistance services - to education - to special protection -to health Samsonescu Andra High School \u201dVirgil Ierunca\u201d, Rom\u00e2nia","In conclusion I can tell that people think that: educating the youngest to ecology is the most important thing. \u021aurcan Eugeniu, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","Question nr. 8 Do you think the government could come to an agreement to help build more hospitals in your country? In conclusion, the students believe that a united and determined people can influence the government in the decision to help in building more hospitals. Nicoglu Sabina, Gaudeamus High School, Republic of Moldova","CLIMATE ACTION Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiences (G.A.M.E) Coordinating Teachers: Ludmila Cojocari, Gaudeamus High School, R. Moldova Ljubica Ba\u0107i\u0107 \u0110ura\u010dkovi\u0107, Osnovna Skola Nikole Andri\u0107a, Croatia","","1. How have CO2 emissions evolved in your country over the last ten years? (per country) Grew up The same Decreased 100% 75% Comments The majority of 50% students from each country 25% think the CO2 emissions grew 0% Turkey France Spain up over the last Romania Moldova Croatia 10 years. Greece Zlata D, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","2. Use the air pollution map for your locality or country https:\/\/aqicn.org\/map\/europe\/ and choose one of the options Good Moderate Unhealthy for sensitive groups Unhealthy 100% Comments 75% Air pollution is starting to become a problem in 50% cities all over the world. 25% 0% Carlos, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Turkey Maja, Nikola Andri\u0107 Elementary School, Croatia","3. Do you think that governments are more interested in the economy than in climate change and ecology?\\\" Sure!! Money moves Maybe yes Maybe not No everything 100% 75% Comments 50% 25% Worrying answer for each of the countries participating in the survey. 0% Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Turkey Ana, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Maja, Nikola Andri\u0107 Elementary School, Croatia","4. Has the amount of factories and exhaust fumes from industrial buildings become a Sadly worrying number? Comments yes Maybe No 100% The vast majority of the 75% respondents state their concern for the large number of factories and 50% the smoke emitted in Turkey, Moldova, Romania France. 25% In Croatia, Greece, Spain the percentage is 50% 0% Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Turkey Miruna, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Aparatu Maria, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","5. You would go to school\/service every day by bicycle\/public transport instead of car ? I don't know 6 We can see that the Maybe yes majority of people 21 answered yes. Yes 55 There are few people who would not be willing to go to school or to work other than by car. No 15","6. Does climate change affect animals? Comments In conclusion, we can say that climate change affects animals. Bera, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey","7.Do you think that our world is slowly dying because of climate change? Comments Most of the people said yes that the world is gradually dying due to climate change, I think the world is slowly dying due to climate change Efsa, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey","8. Is climate change caused by humans? Comments In conclusion we can say that the majority of our colleagues think that climate change is caused by humans. M\u0103d\u0103lina G. - Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","9. What is the current situation ? Global climate crisis Comments 3.1% Climate change Acording to the diagram, 16.5% All of the above 3.1 % of students chose 49.5% Global warming that the current aituation 30.9% is Global Climate crisis, while 16.5% sustain that the current situation is Climate Change. About 30.9% has vited that the problem is Globall warming, and almost a half think that is all of them. Daniel P., Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","10. Does deforestation contribute to climate change? Maybe People who answered yes 4.1% People who didnt answered yes Yes Marius Recean Gaudeamus High School, Moldova 93.2%","11. What provokes global warming? 80 60 Comments Most people voted that global 40 warming is provoked by pollution. 20 0 Travel Pollution Sports activity Singing Traffic jam Mariela D,Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","12. Which of the following options should you do to stop climate change? 1: \\\"Recycle used products\\\" 2: \\\"Use more public transport, Recycle used products, Reduce waste\\\" 3: \\\"Bring your own bag when you go shopping, Go to the park with your friends\\\" 4: \\\"Pollute a lot, Use more public transport, Recycle used products, Bring your own bag when you go shopping, Go to the park with your friends, Reduce waste\\\" 5: \\\"Reduce waste\\\" We see that most of the people answered that is was \\\"Use morepublic transport, Recycle used products, Reduce waste\\\" but and \\\"Reduce waste\\\". Claire","13. Do you think that climate change is: A very serious problem that we need to adress right now Comments Something that will concern us in a few decades Something expected and normal, no need to worry about it 78 Acording to the diagram, 78 students think that the climate change is a very serious problem that 14 we need to adress right now, 14 students think that it is something that will concern us in a few 5 decades and the rest (5) think about it as something normal. Zlata D, Gaudeamus High School,Moldova)","Maybe 14. What do you think, will some islands and cities be submerged due 30.9% to the increase in sea level due to global warming No 4.1% Comments The majority of respondents believe that such events can happen or that they are possible. Yes 64.9% Dumitrascu Cristian-Patriciu, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","15. Who do you think would be most affected by climate change? Animals 6.2% Humans 18.6% Our planet Comments 75.3% Most of the respondents are aware of the fact that the entire planet is affected by climate change. Briana T, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","","LIFE ON LAND Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiences (G.A.M.E) Coordinating Teacher: Ludmila Cojocari Gaudeamus High School, R. Moldova","1. How much land in your country is covered by forests? <10% 11-20% >20% 100% 75% In conclusion we can see that over 50% 40% of the land nominanted are covered by over 25% 20% of forests. 0% France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Turkey Croatia Matei Radu, Jean Monnet High School, Romania \u021aurcan Eugeniu-Republica Moldova IPLT Gaudeamus Carla y Nico 3\u00ba A, Spain","2. How many trees are cut down each year? <50 millions 50-100 millions >100 millions Croatia France Greece Comments: Moldova In Croatia, Greece, Moldova, Romania the fewest trees are cut (<50 Spain mil\/year). Turkey In France, Romania, Turkey, a 0% large percentage of trees are cut (50-100 million\/year) 20% 40% Miruna, Jean Monnet High School, Romania 60%","3. How many trees are planted each year? <10 millions 10-30 millions >30 millions 75% 50% Each year there are being planted between 10-30 million trees. 25% 0% France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Turkey Croatia \u021aurcan Eugeniu-High School Gaudeamus, R.Moldova Daria T, Jean Monnet High School Romania","4. Are there any stray animals such as cats or dogs roaming the streets freely in your country?If yes, have you tried helping them a little? Yes, I have also tried helping them Yes, but I ignore No Not that i know 100% Comments: 75% 50% 25% We can see that people know that there arestray animals such as cats or dogs roaming the streets freely in their country and they tried to help them. 0% Turkey Eugen \u021a, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova Croatia France Greece Moldova Romania Spain Carla y Nico 3\u00ba A, Spain","5. How would you help give more life to our planet? Not excessively felling trees Comments: Not burning green areas 2.1% Not everyone thinks 13.8% everything can help our planet Planting trees, not burning green areas, not excessively felling trees 51.1% Planting trees 33% Buga Madalina, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","6. Do you would like to participate in replanting forest and meadows that were burned by a fire? No 4.3% In conclusion people would like to participate in replanting Maybe Someday forest and meadown that 39.8% were burned by a fire . Yes 55.9% Ana, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Turcan Vlad, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","7. What do you think about bags, forks, knives, spoons and many other items being replaced by other items made of cardboard or wood? I like it I don't care Comments 55.4% 17.4% I don't like it 27.2% On the represented diagram we see that most of the interviewed students (55%) favor the usage of wooden\/glass\/cardboard items in everyday life. However, others (27%) don't really like this idea. The rest of them (17%) don't have a certain opinion. Zlata - Gaudeamus High School, Moldova Carlos - Jean Monnet High School, Romania","8. Why do you think we should plant trees? They have perfect wood to make furniture. 4.3% They are very beautiful and we must do it. 11.8% In conclusion people think that trees generate oxygen and are good for ecosystems They generate oxygen and are good for ecosystems. 83.9% Pu\u0219ca\u0219 Evghenii, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova","Maybe 9. Do you think we throw away a lot of waste that we don't recycle? 12% No 3.3% Yes In conclusion people think that 84.8% we are throwing away a lot of waste we don't recycle. Tacu Briana, Gaudeamus High School, Moldova"]
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