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Home Explore Applied Statistics in the Study of the Sustainable Development Goals

Applied Statistics in the Study of the Sustainable Development Goals

Published by Mihaela Git, 2023-07-09 00:23:27

Description: Applied Statistics in the Study of the Sustainable Development Goals
eTwinning project 2022-2023

Keywords: Statistic,SDG


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APPLIED STATISTICS IN THE STUDY OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiences (G.A.M.E) eTwinning Project 2022-2023 Grew up The same Decreased 75% 50% 25% 0% Turkey France Spain Greece Romania Moldova Croatia

Coordinating Teachers: Mihaela Git, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Ludmila Cojocari, Gaudeamus High School, R.Moldova Benedicte Leduc, Broceliande High School, France María Bellver, IES Cristobal Perez Pastor, Spain Tugba Varol, Baruthane Secondary School,Turkey Vlatka Hizman Trzic, Technical School Virovitica, Croatia Liubika Bacic Durackovic, Nikola Andrić Elementary School, Croatia Maria Roussaki, Othisi High School, Greece Cîtu Georgiana, Virgil Ierunca High School, Romania

Introduction The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries. In the eTwinning project G.A.M.E. we debated the ways in which people can achieve these goals. We analyzed these objectives, asked ourselves many questions and tried to find answers, solutions, ways of action that we or the authorities can fulfill.

Working mode: The students worked collaboratively in three international teams, using Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Canva. The teachers presented the 17 sustainable development goals to the students. The students chose, by voting in Google Forms, the most important areas where action should be taken faster, from their point of view. Thus, 9 of the 17 objectives were chosen for in-depth/extended study. For each objective, the students created a list of questions, using Google form. The answers were collected in excel sheets, which were the basis for creating graphs in Excel, Canva or GeoGebra. The interpretation of the graphs, proposed solutions followed in the comments attached to them. This e-book is the final product of this activity. It brings together all the collaborative presentations made by the students.

NO POVERTY Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiences (G.A.M.E) Coordinating Teacher: Mihaela Git Jean Monnet High School, Romania

1. What country do you live in? Turkey Croatia 6% 10% Romania 16.4% France 29.2% Moldova 25.4% Greece 13% Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

2. Do you think it will be possible for the Government to build houses for the poor by 2030? That's a very difficult question because the governments are evolving and that's why there are so many \"Maybe\" 44%, and an equal part of \"no\" and \"yes\" 26% Oscar M, Brocéliande High School, France

3. Are you willing to help enroll a low-class person into a company with high paying jobs? Comments The majority of those who answered -64.2%- agree with the idea of giving a chance to disadvantaged people. Irina, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

4. Should computer management be done for the poor? (free) Comments It is gratifying that this idea is accepted by the majority of respondents. Vlad, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

5. Do you think your gouvernment will enventually help people in need ? No 21.7% yes Many people think their 46.4% gouvernment help you. There is a third who answered \"I don't think that\" and less people who answered \"no\". I don't think that Loeiz F 31.9% Brocéliande High School, France

6. Do you think that some person deserves to be poor? Comments Most respondents think correctly. Andrei, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

7. Do you think that poverty is one of the top five problems in your country? Comments This answer worries us all. Poverty affects many countries, many people. it is a global problem. Matei, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

8. Do you think the government could come to an agreement to help build more hospitals in your country? Comments The majority of respondents consider the government's contribution and intervention necessary. Vlad, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

9. Do you think the government will find resources to help the poor people in your country, until 2030? No 24.6% Yes 31.9% Comments Opinions are quite divided. only 32% answered YES. Maybe 43.5% Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain Denisa, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

10. Do you think the government could reach an agreement to help build more modern schools in your country, until 2030? Comments Most respondents are optimistic. 55% answered YES. Vlad, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

11. Do you think poverty directly affects the people around them? Comments The majority answered YES: 62% Ana, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

12. You would donate an amount of at least 5 euros/month to a foundation that deals with the construction of housing for the poor? Comments The graph shows that only one third of the respondents agree to make a donation for the poor. Irina, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

13. During your vacation, would you participate as a volunteer in a campaign to educate children from a poor area in your country? Comments More than half are willing to help the education of poor people. Maia, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Amin Sabir, Walid Essabar - IES Cristobal Pérez Pastor, Spain

14. Have you done any action to help the poor people? Please give a recent example. Participating with money in organized foundations 5% 10% 15% Yes, I have donated sweets (for kids) and other types of food aswell I gave copybook to people who doesn't have. I donated toys and clothes to the poor kids in my area. Book donation for a village library I donated clothes for the poor people I’m a volunteer at the French Red Cross I donated some clothes and also food. I participated to Secours populaire actions I participate in buying products of first necessity and non-perishable foodstuffs for organisations I have sented them some pakets like clotes itd This christmas i went whit my family and i gaved candy to kids who couldn't afford it 1 iunie - Giving childhood to children 0% Gușanu Mădălina,„Gaudeamus”High School, Moldova

14. Have you done any action to help the poor people? Please give a recent example. This christmas i went whit my family and i gaved candy to kids who couldn't afford it Yes, I have donated sweets and other types of food as well 10.8% 6.3% I have sented them some pakets like clotes itd I gave copybook to people who doesn't have. 9% 2.7% I donated toys and clothes to the poor kids in my area. 5.4% I participate in buying products of first necessity and non-perishable foodstuffs for organisations Book donation for a village library 8.1% 13.5% I participated to Secours populaire actions I donated clothes for the poor people 6.3% 6.3% I donated some clothes and also food. 9% Vlad, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiences (G.A.M.E) Coordinating Teachers: Mihaela Git, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Benedicte Leduc, Broceliande High School, France

1. What country do you live in? Greece Romania 12% 13.3% France Moldova 24.1% 36.2% Croatia Denisa, Jean Monnet High School, Romania 14.5%

75% 2. Are you willing to plant a tree, every year, to 50% save the planet? 25% Comments 0% Yes 68% of those who answer are determined to help the environment. The 28% who are not yet decided, could be pushed by the majority to participate in such actions. For those who are undecided or those who say no (5%), it would be good to inform them more about the importance of each help, no matter how small it may seem. Maybe I don't know No Matei, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

3. Do you agree to avoid smoking, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks? Smoking, alcohol, and tobacco consumption are harmful to your health, so avoid such things as possible. No 11.1% I don't Comments know 6.8% The answers are Maybe gratifying, but it can be 17.9% better. Sure 64.1% Ana, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

4. How often do you get a health checkup? Never get it done 4.3% Once a year Comments 29.9% Only when needed We notice that we control 35% our health quite rarely. A little over half of the respondents check their health once a year or every 6 months. Once 2/3 years Once in 6 months Miruna, Jean Monnet High School, Romania 8.5% 22.2% Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain

5. Overall, how do you rate the local hospitals in your area? Very poor Excellent 9.7% 9.7% Below average Above average Comments 16.1% 20.2% Even if more than half of the hospitals have a good evaluation, I think there are many aspects to improve in this area. Average Carlos, Jean Monnet High School, Romania 44.4% Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain

Drinking sparkling 6. How can you change the world? water 4.3% Eating processed foods 2.6% Comments 93.2% of respondents think very well. We all want to have a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes it's more difficult to achieve. Having healthy manner of Vlad, Jean Monnet High School, Romania living 93.2%

7. Do you agree with replacing normal cars with electric ones, to reduce the pollution? No 21.4% Yes Comments 41.9% I don't know Even though carbon 9.4% emission realized by cars is huge, not a great majority of people are willing to switch to ecological cars. Maybe Buga Madalina, 27.4% Gaudeamus High School, Moldova

8. How many times a week do you practice a sport ? Never Once time 4.4% 9.6% More than 3 Comments 37.7% 2 times It is gratifying that 33.3% everyone does sports at least once a week and that 3 times 30% do this more than 3 14.9% times/week . The ideal would be to do it every day! Denisa, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

9. What do you think of the Gross National Happiness that is used in Bhutan instead of the GDP ? Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain Comments The survey shows that this way of life is not sufficiently known. It was good that the students were better informed Ana, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

10. Do you think that screens are good for our health ? Comments Opinions are divided, that's why I think the answers should have been detailed. Denisa, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain

11. Do you think that it is enough to play sports and eat a balanced diet to have a well-being? Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain Comments There are many factors that determine a healthy life, but the ones mentioned in the survey are very important. That is why opinions are so divided. Andrei, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

12. Do you think that better mental health infrastructure and awareness would improve people’s well being? Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain Comments The answers are relevant, a resounding yes. Florentina, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

13. Do you think that your country is a country with a high percentage in healthy people? Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain Comments Opinions are very divided. Certainly, in every country there are many people who should live healthier. Miruna, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

14. Would you participate in an information campaign for young people on the topic of health education? Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain Comments We would have liked more definite answers, but we are on the right track. Mara, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

15. What do you have to do to have good health? Comments The vast majority thinks well! Daria, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain

16. Do you think that people should practice sports more often? Comments Certainly, it is good to practice more sports. Let's find time for this! Teofil, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain

17. Would you participate in an information campaign for young people on the topic of healthy eating? Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain Comments It is good to involve as many of us as possible in such campaigns. The answers are gratifying. Matei, Jean Monnet High School, Romania

18. Does nutrition influence health? Comments We all agree on the role of nutrition on health. It remains to eat healthy! Maia, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Fatime El Madany y Cecilia Mora 3ºA, Spain

PROPOSALS 1. Let's make a study program and a leisure plan, which we should respect. 2. Let's eat healthy! Discussions with biology professor and nutritionist doctor. 3. Let's do sports for at least half an hour a day. 4. We will think and make a competition at school on the theme \"Plan for a school of the future\". 5. With the ajuror and under the guidance of the biology and technological education teachers, we will make a plan to plant aromatic plants in the school yard (we will reduce the parking space for cars). 6. We will go to school by bicycle, if is good weather .

GENDER EQUALITY Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiences (G.A.M.E) Coordinating Teacher: Tugba Varol Baruthane Ortaokulu, Turkey

1. Which country do you live? Mustafa, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey

Comments Yes with 62.2% of the most answers The least answer is 3.6% I don't know. Most people are ready to draw attention to equality. Çağan,Baruthane Secondary School,Turkey

Comments While most People think that women and man have equal rights in the job market, some replied that they don't know. Sude, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey

Comments Opinions are divided, approximately 30% in each category. A better promotion would be desirable. Ana, Jean Monnet High School, Romania Othisi School, Greece

Yes 5. Do you think the country's administration 41.4% complies with gender equality? I don't know 25.2% Most people think their governments respect gender equality. However, a third of people do not agree. Finally, a quarter of people do not know. No 33.3% Oscar M Brocéliande High School, France

6. Have you ever experienced harassment or were prejudiced based on your gender ? yes (male) The question is divided by two : 5.4% 1 - male, only 5.4% \"yes\" no (female) 33.3% no (male) 2 - female, already more than a 33.3% quarter of the girls have experienced harassment or were prejudiced because they are girls, under 18, which is worrying! yes (female) Loeiz F Brocéliande High School, France 27.9%

7. Choose the fields(job) in which you feel that men and women are not treated equally. The least distinction was made in the field of art and culture, and the most in the field of installation and repair. Beyza, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey

8. Do you think discrimination based on gender must be banned at work? I don't know Logically, there is a very important No share of Yes with more than 82% but we Yes 0 can be surprised by the share of No 8,1% and I don't know 9% which are particularly large compared to the question asked. 25 50 75 100 Oscar M from Brocéliande, France

9. Do you think that inclusive language is a real fight against gender inequality ? Maximum/ı don't know Most people don't know if inclusive language has any impact on the fight. Ogan, Baruthane Secondary School, Turkey

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