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Home Explore Keeping Schedules in Home Business

Keeping Schedules in Home Business

Published by Noab, 2015-02-18 06:17:39

Description: When you are starting up a home business, it easy to ignore the alarm clock and get up whenever you want to
get up. You are your own boss, you should be able to keep the hours that you want, right? Wrong. This is a
misconception that many who are going into the home business have.It is true that you are your own boss, but if you work from 9 to 5 one day, and then donot get up until noon the next day, people wonot take you seriously.


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Keeping Schedules in Home BusinessWhen you are starting up a home business, it easytoignore the alarm clock and get up whenever youwant toget up. You are your own boss, you should be abletokeep the hours that you want, right? Wrong. Thisis amisconception that many who are going into thehomebusiness have.

It is true that you are your own boss, but if youworkfrom 9 to 5 one day, and then donot get up untilnoonthe next day, people wonot take you seriously.When you are setting up your home business, thefirstthing that you should do is to pick a schedule andstick to it. This way your customers know whentheycan reach you. This is good for business, and willhelp keep your customers coming back.When you sit down to plan out your business hours,figure out a starting time and a closing time, andfactor in time for lunch as well.If you were working in an office environment, youwould take a lunch break so set an acceptableamountof time to be at lunch and stick to it.

You donot have a time clock that you have to goby,but you will have customers who are counting onyou tobe available during the hours that you set.Just as it important to stick to your time forstarting, it just as important to stick to yourtimewhen you will be closed for the day.It easy to want to check your email, but unlessyouare talking to a customer when the time comes,donotspread yourself too thin by going over time.

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