Zekiah District Activities & Civic Service CommitteeChair: Dr. Paige (“Doc”) Johnson Phone: 301-475-3702 Email: [email protected] COMMUNITY SUPPORT & SCOUTING VISIBILITY PROJECT District Endorsed – Unit Sponsored Activity November 6-15, 2015 No Cost to Unit other than Transportation and Time SUPPORT A VETERANS DAY WEEK EVENTWith nearly 25 million veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces living among us, chances are goodthat at least one of these American heroes is a family member or close friend of you orsomeone in your Scouting unit.Though these men and women deserve our recognition and thanks every day, Nov. 11 isVeterans Day, the official day during which we remember our veterans. These men and womenhave on their honor done their best to do their duty to God and our Country.With Scouting’s excellent relationship with the military, thousands of packs, troops, teams,crews, posts, and shops across the country have been and will be taking time to recognizeveterans in their community all week.What’s your Unit’s plan? If your Unit does not already have a Plan, Zekiah District has a Plan tohonor our Veterans and meet two (2) of our District Goals: (1) support our CommunityPrograms; and (2) provide visibility our Community in support of our Scouting Program. Assuch, if your Unit does not already have a plan for this year’s Veterans Day Activity Week;Zekiah District asks each Unit to: Select a Veteran’s Day Week Community Event; and Support that Veterans Day Event wearing Class “A” Uniforms. CITY OF LA PLATA NOVERMBER 8TH VETERANS DAY PARADE SIGN UP NOW – DEADLINE OCTOBER 23RD http://www.townoflaplata.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B42D04BFC-C548-4B2F-9CA3-5F55D1CCE764%7D Page 1 of 2
Zekiah District Activities & Civic Service CommitteeChair: Dr. Paige (“Doc”) Johnson Phone: 301-475-3702 Email: [email protected] 10 OTHER SUGGESTIONS THAT YOUR UNIT MAY CELEBRATE VETERANS DAY1. Write a letter to a VeteranIn 2010, BSA released some tips for Scouts on writing a letter to a veteran. Here are a few: remain positive;remember that veterans may be men or women, old or young, and of all ethnic backgrounds when writing yourletter; be creative – draw pictures or send photographs of your school, Scout activities, or favorite things fromhome; say “thank you” for their service, and let them know why you think patriotism is important.2. Invite a Veteran to speak to your UnitMany veterans would feel honored when asked to come speak to your unit about their experiencesserving our country. To find an interested veteran, try contacting a veteran’s group chapter or VA hospitalin your area. This facility locator should help you get started. The closest Veterans Home to Zekiah District is:Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, 29449 Charlotte Hall Road, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622, 301-884-8171.3. Hold special activities at your next meeting (Unit, District, or Order of the Arrow)Take a moment to remember veterans at your meeting, even if you aren’t inviting a veteran to speak to yourunit. This Teachers Guide (link opens PDF) was prepared by the Department of Veterans Affairs specifically forschool classrooms, but there are clear applications for a unit leader looking to design an activity for youngeror old boys.4. Have a scout recite a Veterans Day SpeechA simple way to honor this special day might be to ask one of your Scouts to recite a Veterans Day speech given bya U.S. President or other top official. You’ll find dozens of speeches available on the VA’s site, including last year’sspeech by President Barack Obama, several addresses by George W. Bush, and two by Gerald R. Ford, the onlypresident who was also an Eagle Scout.5. Visit Memorials at the National MallAt the National Mall in Washington, DC, the Park Service maintains a trove of iconic memorials, including the WorldWar II and Korean War Memorials honoring thousands of war heroes. Perhaps most famous is the VietnamVeterans Memorial featuring more than 58,000 names etched into walls of granite in honor of those who diedwhile in service in Vietnam or were still unaccounted for when the wall was constructed in 1982.6. Join the NCAC Honor UnitSign up as a unit or as a family to help the Honor Unit place wreaths at memorials. Come in full uniform tothe Boy Scout Memorial (at the base of the Ellipse) at 10am on Veterans Day. The Unit will hike to the WorldWar Two, Vietnam War, Korean War, and World War One Memorials. Please bring water, wear comfortableshoes, and be prepared for the weather. Parking is limited, so please plan to arrive via Metro at FederalTriangle and depart via Smithsonian. For more information visit www.NCACBSA.org/HonorUnit.7. Conduct a service projectHonor our veterans’ service by finding other ways to serve our community. Odds are good you will help at least afew veterans along the way, but more importantly you are reinforcing the values that inspired them.8. Hold a neighborhood paradeIf your community doesn’t already have a parade, why not hold your own? First, call your local law enforcementagency to find out whether you need a parade permit (you probably won’t, but it’s always good to “BePrepared!”). Then, send out fliers at least two weeks in advance telling everyone where and when to meet. Scoutscan decorate their bikes, make “Thank You!” signs, and sing patriotic songs while they march.9. Make and display signs and postersHave an arts & crafts event at an upcoming meeting or early on Veteran’s Day. Encourage Scouts to make patrioticartwork and thank-you messages. Then invite your neighbors, chartered organization, and local businesses todisplay the signs in their yards or windows. NCAC has a poster at www.NCACBSA.org/VeteransDayPoster availablefor download.10. Say “Thank You!”On Veterans Day, or any day really, encourage your Scouts to thank all the servicemen and servicewomen theymeet. Whether you bring cupcakes and thank-you cards to a local veteran’s hospital or just say “Thanks!” toanyone you see in uniform, a Scout knows a kind word is always appreciated. Page 2 of 2
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