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Home Explore January Newsletter

January Newsletter

Published by Mulin Fan, 2021-02-01 16:11:37

Description: Remitly Cork Centre of Excellence Newsletter


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Rem i t l y Cork NewsletterCentre of Excellence Jan u ary 20 21

Foreword I am delight ed t o writ e t he foreword for t he first Cork COE Mont hly Newslet t er! At Rem it ly our m ission is t o t irelessly deliver on our prom ise t o im m igrant s sending m oney across t he world and t he goal of t he Cork sit e is t o support t his by raising t he bar from a Fraud, Risk and Com pliance perspect ive, enhancing decision qualit y and elim inat ing inefficiency. The sit e is designed t o benefit all st akeholders wit h an em phasis being placed on m ission-crit ical funct ions, regulat ory requirem ent s, com pliance, local laws and business requirem ent s. At Rem it ly we accom plish our vision and m ission by relent lessly focusing on cult ure and t his newslet t er aim s t o support t hat object ive by sharing som e of t he cult ural elem ent s of t he Cork sit e but also all sit es t hat m ake-up t he Rem it ly fam ily. The Rem it ly t eam in Cork is t ruly int ernat ional in nat ure and I have been so im pressed wit h how t his t eam has com e t oget her while working apart in a virt ual environm ent . Am ong t he languages spoken at t he sit e are Hindi, Chinese, Polish, Germ an, Brazilian Port uguese, Spanish, Port uguese, It alian, English and Croat ian.

Included as part of t his m ont h's newslet t er are an int roduct ion t o t he Cork office, Cork hist ory, t eam highlight s, phot os, Cork food recipe, cust om er insight , and a get t o know your fellow Rem it lian's segm ent . It is an honor for t he Cork sit e t o form part of such an incredible global fam ily wit h inspirat ional leaders and t he m ost cust om er-cent ric t eam on t he planet . We look forward t o showcasing m ore of you, our global t eam m em bers in fut ure edit ions. I leave you wit h a quot e from Mat t Oppenheim er ?Having em pat hy for everyone around you m akes it easier t o learn about cust om ers, t eam m em bers, and invest ors, so you can always be working on becom ing a bet t er part ner. I hope t hat t his newslet t er helps us t o becom e even bet t er part ners!' ---Dermot Kennedy, General Manager REL

Hi st ory of Penrose Quay Known as t he Venice of t he Nort h by t he eight eent h cent ury, Cork Cit y was a hub for int ernat ional export s and im port s as far back as 1300AD. Penrose Quay, sit s on reclaim ed m arshland due t o t he const ruct ion of t he St . George St eam Packet Office building in (circa) 1824, it is now known as Penrose House. It served as t he base for ships com ing and going from Cork. Lat er becom ing hom e t o t he t erm inal for t he first railway t unnel in Ireland, which t ook seven years t o com plet e. In 1808 Penrose Quay proper was const ruct ed, which consist ed of a t hird-foot -wide quay along t he river. Perhaps t he m ost fam ous of ships t o leave from Penrose Quay is t he Sirius, which was t he very first st eam powered vessel t o com plet e a t ransat lant ic crossing (depart ed 04/ 04/ 1838, arrived in New York on 04/ 22/ 1938). Current ly hom e t o t he Cork Rem it ly t eam , t he developm ent at Penrose Dock, which is based on classical proport ions depict ed in t he Golden Circle, blends bot h t he rich hist orical m arit im e t radit ion and urban pavilion archit ect ure.

We know wit h t he current Th e Of f i ce rest rict ions and wit h t he global pandem ic, no one is At t ached t o t he office really going anywhere at t he space is a st at e of t he m om ent . And we here in t he art kit chen, equipped new Cork office would have wit h a delicious high loved for everyone from end coffee m achine, ot her sit es t o com e and visit and is a great place for us t o m eet us. So we have put t oget her up on lunch and breaks. There is som e im ages t o show you oft en baked goods available in our beaut iful office! t here as well, court esy of m ult iple st aff m em bers who offer t o bring in Current ly, we are sit uat ed on som e of t heir hom e baking. Penrose Quay at t he Port Of While it is a sham e, everyone can?t Cork, overlooking t he River com e over and see t he Cork Lee. We are wit hin walking Rem it ly hom e at t he m om ent , dist ance of Cork?s iconic when everyt hing is over and t he Pat rick?s St reet . dust has set t led, we will gladly welcom e everyone, even if just for The office is of a a coffee and som e cake! cont em porary and m odern design wit h a beaut iful m arble bespoke recept ion, and a warm welcom ing office, decked out in Rem it ly branding, wit h desk flags t o represent t he different cult ures in our office along wit h all bells and whist les.

MeeCtotrhkeTReeammitly Aidan Ryan Alin e Cologn ese Aoif e Keoh an e Beat a Ku bin ec Stay away from negative people. My mind is like my web browser, 19 tabs If you truly pour your heart into what Risk comes from not knowing They have a problem for every are open, 3 are frozen and I have no idea you believe in...amazing things can what you?re doing! solution. (AR) where the music is coming from. and will happen - Emma Watson Clau dia San t os Cr ist in a Or ia De Ru eda David Walsh Der m ot Ken n edy I'm gonna go stand outside. If We're not here just to take part - I would like to thank my arms for always being by It's only after you've stepped outside anyone asks, I'm outstanding!!!! we're here to take over!- Conor my side, my legs for always supporting me, and Mcgregor my fingers, because I can always count on them. your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow and transform! Em er Flem in g Eoin O'Don ogh u e Evelyn M u r ph y Gem a M u r Always remember you?re braver than Surround yourself with assets, not Never ignore coincidence. Unless, of Keep smiling it is free and you believe, stronger than you seem liabilities! (EOD Jan '21) makes you a day younger and smarter than you think - course, you?re busy. In which case, Christopher Robin. always ignore coincidence - The Eleventh Doctor

Ilar ia Sch ir r u Jen icia M u n oz Kier an Lyn ch Kr ipa Roji Some people grumble that roses Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep Time you enjoy wasting, was not Every challenge or struggle that have thorns; I am grateful that your balance you must keep moving wasted - John Lennon comes your way is adding thorns have roses! - Jean-Baptiste -AE- beauty to your success story! M ar ge Doolan M u lin Fan Neha Agar w al Niam h Car r oll Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a Don't count the day, make the day One day you will wake up and realize Take your work seriously, fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live count there won't be anymore time to do the but don't take yourself its whole life believing it is stupid. Albert things you've always wanted \"Do It Now\" ser io u sly Ein st ein -Paulo Coelho Pat r icia Nogu eir a Sar ah Fit zger ald Sean Br osn an Th om as Kit t You can't just walk out of a That's a hell of a mystery no one thought Be yourself; everyone else is already Never give up on your drive-in - Danny Zuko taken.? Oscar Wilde was a mystery and didn't even really need dreams...... Keep sleeping! solving, but damn if it didn't just get solved so good job everyone - Dave Strider Visila M ogilin eedi Yin i Zh ao We are all just stories in >The End< Travel far enough, you meet make it a good eh yourself? ? David Mitchell

TeamHighlights Cu st om er Pr ot ect i on Associ at es As one of t he core part s of t he operat ions t eam in Cork, t he m ain responsibilit ies of t he CPT are perform ing daily fraud screening and suspicious act ivit ies invest igat ion, t o ensure t he securit y and t im ely delivery of cust om er t ransact ions. CPT is current ly grouped by 1 Program Specialist and 9 Cust om er Prot ect ion Associat es - Kripa, Beat a, Claudia, Evelyn, Gem a, Mulin, Sarah, Thom as, Visila and Yini. Som e of t he t eam m em bers have worked for m any years wit h relat ed screening or fint ech experience, and som e of t hem are fresh graduat es of relat ed m ajors who are passionat e about work and have excellent learning abilit y. This is also an int ernat ional t eam , m ost of t he t eam m em bers are from different count ries, and can support 6 languages, t he m ult i-cult ural background m akes t eam work wit h high creat ivit y and product ivit y. Current ly, t he CPT assist s t he int ernat ional t eam on cust om er project s. The Cust om er Insight project is a long-t erm one which aim s t o dig deeply int o current m arket concerns and cust om er issues, underst and and analyze cust om er needs, t o furt her im prove our product s and processes. More im port ant ly, t hrough t he project , it will help t he t eam t o deeply underst and t he whole t ransact ion process and t he im port ance of Voice of t he Cust om er. Com pl i an ce Squ ad In v est i gat or The Com pliance Squad Invest igat or [CSI] t eam assist s t he CA t eam in det ect ing suspicious t ransact ions and act ivit y during account reviews. The Cork Rem it ly t eam current ly consist of 2 m em bers - Pat ricia and Crist ina who bot h share a fraud background in t he financial indust ry. We are looking forward t o welcom ing Sanja Brkic t o t he t eam soon also and are very excit ed for t he knowledge and experience she will bring. CSI's m ainly review Enhanced Due Diligence [EDD] cases and ensure t hat no unwant ed act ivit y is t aking place. If any unwant ed act ivit y is det ect ed a CSI will t hen report and escalat e t his t o a Com pliance Analyst . The CSI t eam in Cork?s focus has been on qualit y when conduct ing t hese reviews t o ensure t hat unwant ed act ivit y is elim inat ed off t he plat form t herefore prot ect ing Rem it ly and our cust om ers. In doing so we also want t o ensure t hat by focusing on ensuring t he best qualit y review possible we rem ain com pliant whilst st ill also m aint aining a high level of cust om er service. As part of t he Cent re of Excellence for risk and com pliance we hope t o cont ribut e in m aint aining and im proving t he syst em s and t ools available across t he t eam t o ensure t hat we can all work t oget her t o t he best of our abilit y t owards our m ission.

Com pl i an ce An al y st s Given t hat Rem it ly is a licensed financial services com pany in t he U.S., Canada, t he Unit ed Kingdom , Aust ralia, Singapore, and Ireland (which allows Rem it ly t o operat e across Europe), each of t hese jurisdict ions requires, am ong ot her it em s, t hat Rem it ly m aint ain a com prehensive Ant i-Money Laundering and Count er-Terrorist Financing program . The Com pliance Analyst t eam helps det ect suspicious t ransact ions and audit ing risk processes. The t eam current ly consist s of 6 m em bers - David, Niam h, Aoife, Aidan, Sean, Aline and Ilaria (Passbook) who possess m any years of knowledge and experience from indust ries such as banking, e-com m erce, ret ail and online gam bling. This experience allows t he t eam t o collaborat e and invest igat e suspicious act ivit y wit h int erest ing and em erging new t rends, filing regulat ory report s wit h t he regulat ors and working upst ream wit h int ernal t ools t eam s t o syst em at ically elim inat e unwant ed act ivit y from t he Rem it ly plat form t o prot ect bot h Rem it ly and it s cust om ers. While t he num ber of Rem it ly cust om ers cont inues t o grow, t here is a need t o m aint ain t he high cust om er service, perform ance and com pliance st andards for which we are already known. As t he Rem it ly Europe Lim it ed operat ion is new here in Cork and will be seen as a cent re of excellence for all t hings risk and com pliance, t here is a need t o bot h m aint ain and furt her scale our product s, syst em s and t ools. The long t erm aim of t his is t o t ransform t he lives of im m igrant s and t heir fam ilies by providing t he m ost t rust ed financial service product s on t he plan et . Fr au d Squ ad In v est i gat or s Rem it ly is a t rust wort hy and secure m oney t ransfer provider. Rem it ly has ?Excellent ? cust om er rat ing and m akes m oney t ransfers fast , secure and relat ively inexpensive. As Fraud Squad Invest igat ors we prot ect out cust om ers and t heir sensit ive inform at ion from fraudst ers. Ever had a charge on your credit card or bank account t hat you didn?t aut horize? How about an it em t hat you purchased but was never delivered t o you? As a consum er, you have t he right t o disput e a charge and begin t he process known as a chargeback. Here at Rem it ly prot ect ing our cust om ers is our priorit y, we m ust ensure t hat each t ransfer is reviewed syst em at ically wit h rigorous invest igat ion and t o det ect any fraudulent act ivit y. Our t eam in Cork -Kieran, Jenicia , Neha - is glad t o be part of t he (FSI) t eam . Toget her, t hey bring a wealt h of knowledge and experience t o t he Rem it ly t able wit h previous experience in KYC, Fraud and t he Milit ary. The FSI role is ext rem ely varied and t he t eam work t irelessly t o prot ect Rem it ly and it ?s cust om ers by m it igat ing t he effect s of t he various fraud pat t erns and MOs am ong ot her act ivit ies such as: Reviewing chargebacks and ACH ret urns, preparing and subm it t ing represent at ions t o our part ner banks, com m unicat ing wit h cust om ers t o underst and t he reasons for disput es and t o facilit at e m anual collect ion, deep dives on em erging and ident ified fraud pat t erns. The FSI t eam is dedicat ed t o prot ect ing t he m any great Rem it ly cust om ers while, at t he sam e t im e, ident ifying and shut t ing down t he \"bad act ors\".

Th i n gs t o d o over l ock d own Reci p e: Fu l l I ri sh Break f ast 2-3 Rashers (back bacon) Ingredients Whit e pudding: (sim ilar t o Canadian bacon) 200g pork liver (approx. 7oz) Black pudding: 130g rolled oat s (approx. 4.5oz) 2-3 Pork breakfast sausages 90g (approx. 3.2oz) pig?s liver 115g (approx. 4oz) lard 115g (approx. 4oz) lard 125m l wat er 2 Fried eggs 30m l pig?s blood (approx. 20g whit e onion (approx. .7oz) 20oz) 12g flour (approx. .4oz) 2 Tom at oes 150g bread crum bs (approx. 2.5g whit e pepper (0.5 t sp) 5.30oz) 2.5g ground coriander (0.5 t sp) 2 slices black puddings (buy in 50g rolled oat s (approx. 1.7oz) 2.5g ground ginger (0.5 t sp) st ore or hom e cooked) 20g whit e onion (approx. .7oz) 2 slices whit e puddings(buy in st ore or hom e cooked) 60g of baked beans in t om at o sauce (approx. 2oz) 2 slices of t oast 1 t sp salt 2.5 nut m eg (0.5 t sp) Methods 1 sausage casing 1g all spice (0.5 t sp) Whit e pudding: Fr y in a sh allow pan w it h a Black pudding: 1. Soak oat s in wat er for at least 3 n eu t r al oil hours 1. Fry rashers in pan unt il 1. St ew liver in salt ed wat er 2. Preheat oven 160 °C (approx. t hey reach desired until tender cr i sp i n ess 325°F) 2. Rem ove liver from wat er 3. Boil wat er in large saucepan 2. Fry pork sausages unt il and finely chop b r ow n ed 4. Add liver and chopped onion t o 3. Reserve cooking wat er 3. Fry eggs, but keep t hem boiling water runny 4. Mix all ingredient s in bowl 5. Cook for 3-4 m inut es unt il liver is - st ir unt il fully blended 4. Slice t om at oes in half and light ly poached fry 5. Fill casing wit h m ixt ure - 6. Drain and cool slight ly t ie off in one 30cm loops 7. Blend liver, onion, lard, whit e 5. Sim m er beans in a (1 foot ) sau cep an pepper, nut m eg, coriander, ginger, 6. St eam for 4 t o 5 hours 6. Serve wit h Irish but t er for all spice in food processor t oast 7. Cut int o approx. 1cm slices8. Blend t his m ixt ure wit h t he oat s (. 5inch) 9. Divide m ixt ure in pans, cover wit h foil , bake for 1 hour 10. Aft er cooling, fry in pan

Th i n gs t o d o over l ock d own Book : Hom e St ret ch Ti t l e: Hom e St r et ch Au t h or : Gr ah am N or t on Rat i n g: 4/ 5 St ar s Sham e and longing can flow t hrough generat ions, but t he secret s of t he heart will not be buried forever. It is 1987 and a sm all Irish com m unit y is preparing for a wedding. The day before t he cerem ony a group of young friends, including bride and groom , drive out t o t he beach. There is an accident . Three survive, however t hree are killed. The lives of t he fam ilies are shat t ered and t he rift s bet ween t hem are felt t hroughout t he sm all t own. Connor is one of t he survivors. But st aying am ong t he angry and t he m ourning is alm ost as hard as living wit h t he sham e of having been t he driver. Hom e St ret ch is a brilliant novel, layered and carefully arranged, rich in set t ing and int ensit y of em ot ion. The charact ers are flawed, craft ed wit h an honest y t hat at t im es left m e breat hless. Graham knows how t o t ease out his st ory, breaking t he narrat ive and shift ing bet ween eras wit h precision. He is a t ruly m agnificent writ er. There is wit wit hin his work, but not hing com ic, just a deep underst anding of hum an nat ure and a love of all t hat is Irish. This novel is a st ory about finding yourself and your place wit hin t his world, where you can exist easily wit hin your own skin, wit hout sham e, regret , or longing. By t he sam e t oken, it ?s also a st ory about Ireland?s journey from int olerance t hrough t o progressive change and accept ance. This is done gent ly, alongside t he m ain st ory, but reveals it self wit h significance. Hom e St ret ch is a lit erary achievem ent t hat will appeal t o fans of Irish fict ion, bot h hist orical and cont em porary.

TheRem Fiona Nagle Global Dir ect or, CS Pr ogr am Management Could you share wit h us your background? Do you have any favorit e show ? I grew up in Cork and lived here unt il I was 29. Classics t hat everyone goes back t o Friends, Will Spending m ost of m y t im e wit h m y fam ily in and Grace. Cork. I worked as a cust om er care report ing specialist in cont act cent ers of RCI, a t ravel What are your hobbies? com pany. Then I joined Am azon and focused on cust om er service im provem ent for over 10 years. Travel and cult ure, but t his has changed since lock-down and t he pandem ic. I really enjoy sport What brought you t o Rem it ly? and wat ching sport , especially rugby, and I am looking forward t o t he 6 nat ions. I also love I would say it was t he m ission t hat really brought reading, and doing t hings wit h m y hands like m e t o Rem it ly. I m oved t o Seat t le a decade ago. I crochet and knit t ing. Now I have an abundance could deeply underst and how im m igrant s feel in of baby blanket s! t erm s of t ransferring m oney t o t heir loved ones. It was very hard for m e to open up a bank What do you like t o do during lockdown? account . I t hink what Rem it ly did and t he cult ural values really at t ract ed m e. Cooking t ried baking found it m ore t echnical, and m y best bake is a pavlova, as over t he sum m er Why was Cork chosen as a new sit e? t here was loads of beaut iful fresh fruit available Est ablish a good relat ionship wit h t he Cent ral Have you picked up any new hobbies/ skills in Bank of Ireland & underst and t he risk process l o ck -d ow n ? m ore. I have picked up baking as well as learning how t o Cork was assessed against ot her cit ies - t alent , put furnit ure t oget her and som e ot her DIY skills educat ion, cult ure, language proficiency, office like paint ing. space -Cork cam e out on t op Where would you like t o see Rem it ly going in t he The first t hing you will do aft er Covid-19 ends. next 5 years? Travel, definit ely. I am in t wo m inds of where t o go Grow t o serve a lot m ore cust om ers, focusing on first , eit her hom e t o Cork or off t o a lovely sunny t he risk experience while creat ing frict ion-less dest inat ion experience for cust om ers What was your m ost m em orable facepalm m om ent? The m ost recent m em orable facepalm m om ent was when I ret urned t o Seat t le from Cork, I needed t o go t o t he superm arket , and current ly Seat t le is in a full lock-down so st reet s are ext rem ely quiet . So as I was driving down a resident ial st reet , I not iced for t he last lit t le while I was driving on t he wrong side of t he road!

mitlians Der mot Kennedy Gener al Manager Remit ly Ir eland We all t hink you organized an am azing Cork Got Talent Show and will you consider t o join t he show this year? Yes, definit ely! I will do The floss and juggle. Could you share wit h us your childhood st ories and your hom etown? I act ually grew up in a sm all village called Bennet t sbridge in Kilkenny. Kilkenny is sm all, alt hough it is t echnically a cit y! It 's a m edieval cit y Could you please t ell m e about your background? act ually wit h beaut iful old st reet s and buildings I've got a bachelor 's degree in engineering and a wit h t he fam ous cast le being am ong t he m any m ast er ?s degree in MBA. I also st udied for Six Sigm a at t ract ions. When I was a child I could walk t o Black Belt s. It was very int erest ing and it got m e school and I had lot s of friends and happy st art ed on m y qualit y engineering. m em ories from t here and it 's int erest ing how school days st ill appear so vivid even t hough it 's Could you t ell m e about your professional been a few years since I was t here! I spent m any of ex p er i en ce? m y sum m ers playing t ennis at t he local court s So I st art ed m y career, working for a com pany called where you would likely find m e from early m orning Spacecraft Incorporat ed. Int erest ing fact is t hat t hey unt il lat er at night ! As kids we used t o go swim m ing act ually originally designed t he elect ronics for t he nearby and t he beach was just 25 m iles away! Apollo m ission t o t he m oon. Then I joined Dell as an When I reflect on m y childhood it feels like t he sun engineer. I was a services direct or for Middle East & was shining everyday, which I'm sure probably was Africa. Then I joined Am azon, global out sourcing for not t he case! UK and Ireland. I got t o t ravel t o count ries such as t he What are your hobbies? Philippines, India and t he US. I love t he t ravel elem ents at work. Tennis, Spinning and walking. What advice would you give t o t he new ent rant s? Your favorit e show or your favorit e book. Em brace our cult ural values, t o be t rue t o yourself as Favorit e show: Queen's Gam bit well. Put yourself in t he shoes of our cust om ers and Favorit e book recent ly: Measure What Mat t ers: m ake sure t hat when you're m aking decisions t hat OKRs by John Doerr t he decisions you m ake are based wit h our cust om ers in m ind as well. And t ake every opport unit y t here is What ?s your favorit e food? t o connect wit h Rem it lians, not just across t he sit e, I do like Mexican food. but across t he globe. What would you like t o do during corona? Have you Tell m e about your favourit e cult ural value of Rem it ly. picked up any new hobbies? Cust om er cent ricit y: Everyt hing we do here is for our The new hobby is spinning. I like t o do it while cust om ers, focusing on bot h int ernal and ext ernal list ening t o upbeat m usic. That inspires m e t o work ones. We can even see our colleagues as cust om ers out in a good m ood. as we int eract wit h t hem everyday! Use t hree words t o describe your work at Rem it ly. The first t hing you will do aft er covid ends. Im pact ful, inspiring and rewarding. I will definit ely book a t rip t o London or New York.

Cu st om er In sigh t Pr ogr am It 's All Abou t Exper ien ce Cu st om er s expect t h e best exper ien ce f r om u s --- w h y w ou ldn?t t h ey? Rem it ly?s m ission is t o t irelessly deliver on our prom ise t o cust om ers sending m oney across t he world. As cust om ers ourselves, we are deeply aware of t he im port ance of good experiences. Wit h furt her expansion t o t he European and Asian m arket s, m aint aining a com prehensive underst anding of our diversified cust om er base is crucial. Toget her wit h t he int ernat ional t eam , t he Cork CPT has been carrying out a num ber of Cust om er Insight s Program s for t he past 2 m ont hs. The aim of t hese program s is t o underst and cust om er behaviors and collect product feedback according t o different niche m arket s. The t hree m ain processes are: sending an int erview invit at ion em ail t o cust om ers wit h or wit hout a cust om er det ail form , collect ing int erviewee inform at ion and conduct ing t he int erviews t hrough Salesforce via phone call. Based on t he result s, it ?s wort h m ent ioning t hat our product is com pet it ive in t erm s of t he service, speed and exchange rat e for m any m arket s. Word of m out h and ot her t ypes of advert ising st rat egy via m ult iple cust om er acquisit ion channels has cont ribut ed great ly t o our business. In t he m eant im e, a great am ount of valuable feedback on user experience, paym ent m et hods, refunds and prom ot ions was collect ed from t he respondent s. Recent ly, t he receiving corridor Nigeria has becom e our new focus for Cust om er Insight Program , which we believe will bring great com prehension on various aspect s. In t he long run, t he Cust om er Insight Program is expect ed t o help creat e a superior and m ore localized cust om er experience.

Summary of results

Ack now ledgm ent s We here at Cork would like t o give a huge t hank you t o all t he ot her sit es at Rem it ly t hat have helped us in get t ing st art ed in t he new office. As we are in our infancy in Cork, we are ext rem ely grat eful for all t he help and support we have received. We would part icularly like t o t hank Eloisa and Xavier from t he Managua Training Team for t raining us here in Cork and for helping us. And we would also like t o t hank t he t eam s in Krakow, London, Managua, Manila, Seat t le, and Singapore who have offered us support since we joined t he Rem it ly team ! A special t hank you as well t o Fiona Nagle, who is t he Cork Point of Cont act for when creat ing and overseeing t his sit e. Wit hout Fiona, t his sit e would have not com e t o be, as she was t he driving force behind get t ing Rem it ly int o Ireland and m ore im port ant ly Cork. Anot her special expression of grat it ude t o t he very first em ployee of t he sit e, which is Derm ot Kennedy! Derm ot , our General Manager, is a great represent at ive of everyt hing t hat m akes up t his sit e. He is a great asset t o Rem it ly and a great support for everyone, no m at t er how big or sm all t he i ssu es. And our last acknowledgm ent is t o Marge, our Cust om er Success Manager, for being an endless support , ent husiasm , dedicat ion and passion t hat we see on a daily basis. To anyone else we have m issed in t his not e including t he sit es in Europe and across t he globe, t hank you for your cont inued backing and encouragem ent , we are very appreciat ive of all your help and Con t en t con t r i bu t or s: Beat a Kubinec, David Walsh, Derm ot Kennedy, Marge Doolan, Neha Agarwal, Pat ricia Nogueira, Thom as Kit t , and Yini Zhao If you would like t o cont ribut e cont ent t o t he newslet t er or if you have any quest ions please cont act : New slet t er em ail: corknewslet t er@rem it Evelyn M u r ph y: evelynm @rem it M u lin Fan : m ulinf@rem it Sar ah Fit zger ald: sarahf@rem it

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