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Home Explore SYL ADV FIRST JAN 2021


Published by Sylvania AdVantage 2020-2022 Publications, 2021-01-06 15:27:10

Description: PUBLICATION DATE: Jan 04, 2021


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Time-Sensitive Material Jan. 4 – Jan. 18, 2021 PRSRT STD Vol. 25, No.17 • U.S. Postage PAID Sylvania, OH 43560 Permit No. 8 YOUR HOMETOWN GOOD NEWS PAPER May the new year bring joy, health and prosperity! VETERANS HONORED THE DO IT GROUP IS BACK IN ACTION Fred LeFebvre,1370 Mike McCloud, the WSPD, visits with Allison Do It Group organizer, thanks Lamb before she sings Jim Sautter of Sautter’s the national anthem Market for the hams he during the Wreaths donates to each of the 14 Across America cere- families who receive mony to honor veterans groceries thanks to the on Dec. 19 at Toledo group. Funds are raised just Memorial Park. before the shopping event on Dec. 19. P1B P6B

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 3A Volunteer receives AARP Inspiration Award INSIDE Sylvania Township resident, Mariam Sylvania Now & Then 4A Wuwert, age 97, recently received an AARP Inspiration Award for her Sylvania Government 5A volunteer work for three area organizations - the Toledo VA Clinic The Mouse Trap 6A on S. Detroit Avenue, St. James Lutheran Church where she is a Business Cards 7A member, and the Joseph W. Diehn American Legion Post 468 in Sylvania. Downtown News 8-9A Wuwert has volunteered over 4,000 hours at the VA Clinic working the Business 10-13A front desk every Wednesday, serving coffee and cookies at the snack bar, Schools/Sports 14-15A baking over 30 dozen cookies for the snack bar twice a month, and In Style/Food 2-3B assisting with parties for the veterans. She has crocheted hats, scarves, and Community 4-9B lap robes for the veterans, and hands them American flags when they Stars Speak 10B return from their Honor Flight. She also distributes flags to each new citizen Lives Remembered 12-13B after they receive their citizenship papers. For her service, Wuwert also Real Estate 14B received a letter of recognition from President Obama. Classifieds 15B –by Jennifer Ruple Mariam Wuwert #SYLVANIASTRONG To advertise, email Wherever life takes you, [email protected] we’re there. 5657 N. Main St., Suite 1 Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Bernie Heinl Telephone: 419-824-0100 7110 W. CENTRAL AVE., STE. D Facsimile: 419-824-0112 Toledo, OH 43617 Email: [email protected] 419-841-9036 YOURGOOD.NEWS Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and A liated Companies. Home O ce: PUBLISHER Columbus, OH 43215. Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Sharon Lange Insurance Company. ©2020 Nationwide CPC-0609AO (1/19) 12062912 EDITORS Mary Helen Darah, Jennifer Ruple CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Janet Amid, Steven Bieber, Gail Bishop, Erika Buri, Gayleen Gindy, Mike Jones, Craig Stough, Janis Weber CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER John Crisman of AssetWare COPY EDITORS Sarah Groves, Dee Kalb, Bobbie Ziviski PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Susan Utterback ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Dave Achen, Suzy Crawford, Mary Rose Gajewski, Molly O’Shea GRAPHICS AND PRODUCTION HEAD Penny Collins Views expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or staff.

4A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 SYLVANIA–THEN AND NOW BY GAYLEEN GINDY–L O O K I N G B A C K 6766 Maplewood Avenue In the last article we learned that in 1901 widowed and not employed. Her son Ashley The Kahle family had rented several homes farmer for 15 years, retiring in 1960.  Henry and Celestia Burnham hired a surveyor Vesey - 30 years old - and his wife Helen -32 in Sylvania before renting two different homes From 1979 to 2002 this home stayed in the to lay out a new subdivision on her family’s years old - and their daughters Jeanne - 9 years on Erie Street. They were finally able to pur- original farmland, and they called it Burn- old - and Arlene - 7 years old - were all living chase this home on Maplewood. Family name of Judith A. Keister. She was a beauti- ham’s Addition. The official plat was approved with her.  records said that after four of his five daugh- cian. Around 1968 Judith married Thomas by the Lucas County Board of Commissioners ters were on their own they purchased land on Keister and records show they were divorced in July of 1901 showing 37 lots, with a new By the 1940 census, Ashley and Helen Sylvania-Metamora Road where he farmed 60 in 1977. Judith was re-married in 1980 to street running north and south to be called Vesey were living in the house with their two acres, as well as operating his car dealership. Marshall Nunnally, and records show they Phillips Avenue. In 1902 Milton Vesey pur- daughters. Ashley was listed as 41 years old Vivian died in 1978 while they still owned this were divorced in 1986. Suburban Directories chased the first two lots in that subdivision, and employed as an assistant researcher for home. Surviving her at that time was her hus- indicate that the couple lived in this home and split them into three parcels, which in- war records. His mother, Delia, was living band Edison Parke Kahle, daughters, Mrs. Lu- during the time they were married. As of the cluded the addresses known today as 6764, with them and was listed as 75 years old. Also cille Quinnell, Mrs. Alyce Snyder, Mrs. Jean 1987 directory the listing for this address was 6766 and 6768 Maplewood Ave. Between 1902 living with them was a lodger named Ella Janney, Mrs. Donna Iffland and Mrs. Judy still Parke Kahle, even though he had passed and 1907 Vesey built three homes on the three Sconel – 85 years old - and listed as widowed.  Keister.  away in 1981. Judith then married David parcels.  Quick of Erie, Michigan.   In 1945 Delia transferred the house to her In 1979 Kahle transferred the home to his Our subject home was the second home son Ashley and he sold the house that same daughter, Judith Keister. Parke died in 1981. Todd and Jennifer Enis purchased the Milton built in 1903 and records show the fol- year. Delia died in 1949 at the age of 84, while His obituary notice said that he had been a home in 2002, and they had been renting the lowing owners over the next 117 years: living with her daughter, Mrs. R.E. Dewey, in self-employed mechanic and also worked as a home prior to this. They are the current own- Toledo.  ers.  •1902 – Milton Vesey •1919 – Milton E. & Delia Vesey From 1945 to 1957 Mildred I. and 1964 •1919 – Stanley M. Vesey Chauncey M. Depew owned the home. A •1920 – Delia Vesey building permit was issued in September of •1945 – Ashley G. Vesey 1944 to Chauncey Depew allowing him to •1945 – Mildred I. & Chauncey M. Depew build a three-foot extension on the present •1957 – E. Parke & Vivian M. Kahle garage. This permit listed Depew as the owner •1979 – Parke E. Kahle at that time.  •1979 – Judith A. Keister 2002 to current – Todd J. & Jennifer E. Enis On Oct. 3, 1946 the Sylvania Sentinel news- Milton Vesey, the builder and owner of this paper reported that Nettie Pletcher died at the home, and his wife Delia, lived in a house on age of 75 years old at the home of her son Monroe Street at the time and the 1910 cen- Chauncey Depew, 6766 Maplewood. In April sus indicated that this home was being rented of 1948 Depew was issued a building permit out to Louisa Little, widowed, 57 years old, to build a 16 x 20 ft. one car garage. Then in employed as a nurse. Of her seven children May of 1951 he was issued another building that were still living, three were living at home, permit to build a foundation under the front including daughter Allie Little – 18 years old; of the house and porch. The Depews pur- daughter Helen Little – 17 years old; and son chased a home on Covert Road in Sylvania Harry Little – 15 years old.  Township and sold this home in 1957 to E. In 1919 ownership of this home was trans- Parke and Vivian M. Kahle. ferred to Stanley M. Vesey, Milton and Delia’s son.  By the 1920 census Milton and Delia had The first Suburban Directory was printed moved into this home. This census shows Mil- in 1957 and that directory shows Parke Kahle ton owning the home, free of mortgage, 62 living at this address and Harry Ostrander was years old and not working. Delia was listed as also listed living in the home.  55 years old. Still living at home was their son Ashley – 21 years old – working as a salesman Parke Kahle had married Vivian Wiley in at a wholesale plumbing business, and their 1920. He served for two years in the Army daughter-in-law Helen – 23 years old.  In 1920 during World War I where he learned to be an Milton Vesey died and that same year this aircraft mechanic. The couple came to Sylva- house transferred into Delia’s name. She nia from Metamora so that Mr. Kahle could owned it for the next 25 years.  work for his brother-in-law, Fred Myers, at his In the 1930 Delia was still living in the auto dealership in Sylvania, selling cars and home, valued at $5,000. She was 65 years old, working as their mechanic. He also worked on the side as a mechanic for the Reeb Funeral Home, where he serviced their company ve- hicles. He eventually opened his own Nash & Lafayette dealership across the street.  SYLVANIA, LUCAS COUNTY, OHIO; 2006 FROM FOOTPATHS TO EXPRESSWAYS AND BEYOND By Gayleen Gindy VOLUME 7 RELEASED JULY, 2018 The seventh of an eight VOLUMES 1-6 volume set of history books about Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio was released by local author Gayleen Gindy. When all eight volumes are published the top of the spines will spell out S-Y-L-V-A-N-I-A! VOLUMES ONE THRU SEVEN ARE AVAILABLE NOW 2020 AND CAN BE PURCHASED THROUGH AMAZON.COM OR BARNES & NOBLE. MAYBE YOUR NAME, OR YOUR ANCESTOR’S NAMES, ARE MENTIONED!

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 5A CRAIG STOUGH Income tax revenue has grown slowly and steadily over SOMO Flats are expected to open in two phases previous years, except for 2020 due to the COVID-19 of 2021. MAYOR’S MESSAGE pandemic. Support from the federal government, as part of the COVID-19 relief bill earlier in 2020, helped make staying at home. City of Sylvania up the shortfall in tax receipts. Like all of you, I look forward to putting this COVID- Ready for 2021 City operations continue to be more efficient with 19 pandemic behind us and returning life to normal. I The city of Sylvania is ready for 2021 fewer employees than ten years ago. Overtime has been encourage all of you to continue your pandemic proto- and is looking forward to the challenges of reduced, equipment life extended and budgets lowered. cols, and to get one of the vaccines when they are avail- the coming year. The books have been City services have not been curtailed and tax rates have able to you. Sylvania remains a great place to be in 2021. Craig Stough closed for 2020 and the 2021 Budget has not been raised. been approved. Best wishes for a safe and Happy New Year ahead! The books for 2020 were closed without any additional Challenges remain for 2021 as the city must navigate its allocations in the major funds. A final adjusting ordi- way through the remaining pandemic. While our work- nance was approved by City Council on December 21 and force has fared mostly well so far and remained on the required only balancing of funds within the 2021 Budget job, we must remain vigilant in our responses. City build- and no overall changes. A second ordinance transferred ings will remain locked to the public, except by appoint- funds to the Capital Improvements Fund. ment, until the pandemic comes under control. Sylvania City Council unanimously approved the 2021 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets during its Looking forward to 2021, the SOMO Flats are expected November 2 meeting after review and recommendation of to open in two phases of 2021, bringing 206 new luxury the Finance Committee. The Operating Budget is bal- apartments to downtown Sylvania. City Council will be anced with current revenues, as is the Capital Improve- finishing its economic development study to guide con- ment Budget. tinued improvements in our downtown area and provid- ing more jobs for our residents. Our residential areas remain very desirable to buyers. Homes on the market are selling faster than previous years as families look to improve their quality of life while MIKE JONES the police and firefighters arrived at each the Sylvania Community Arts Commission.    lection along the streets of Sylvania Township home.” began Dec. 21, according to Rob Nash, super- TOWNSHIP TOPICS New Fire Pumper, intendent of the township’s road and service de- Although traveling to the youngster’s homes Ambulance to be Ordered partment. The third cycle through the Santa in the Township was a positive experience for everyone, both township roadways was originally set to begin Segur and Lt. Toth agreed they look forward to The Sylvania Township Fire Department will Nov. 30. Most everyone has an image of Santa Claus. next year when they will be able to shop to- place orders for a new fire pumper and an am- He’s a hefty guy with full white hair and beard gether again at the stores. bulance, following the recent approval by the Nash said trees shed their leaves earlier than in a red suit with white fur trim. In December, township trustees. Deputy Fire Chief Chris Nye usual this year, which slowed progress at the that image was changed for about 75 young- Police officers from the city of Sylvania also said the Sylvania Township Fire Department outset of the collection cycle, but now has the sters in the Sylvania School District. delivered the Christmas stockings in conjunc- had hoped to have the new pumper on duty by benefit of there being fewer leaves left to pick tion with SAFS. the end of 2021, but officials were told that what up. He also noted that it was difficult this year In a program coordinated by Sylvania Area is usually a 10 to 11 month wait from order to find people willing to take the seasonal job Family Services, Sylvania Township firefighters Appointments until delivery is now a wait of up to 15 months. to provide additional help. and police officers visited the homes of the youngsters with a Christmas stocking full of Sylvania Township trustees have made ap- Chief Nye checked with the ambulance He said contractors have been used for some candy and treats, including gift cards to Wal- pointments to boards and commissions in company and found that delivery of those ve- of the work and township employees have been mart or Meijer stores. which vacancies are scheduled to occur at the hicles, which had been less than 200 days, is working six days a week in an effort to keep up first of the year due to term limits. They have also now a longer wait of at least 300 days. Nye with the annual task. Lt. Sarah Toth, of the Sylvania Township Po- reappointed Don Miller to a five-year term as said the manufacture of the equipment has lice Department, said officers were sorry this a member of the Sylvania Township Board of been slowed due to the pandemic, which has He added that the department intends to fin- Christmas season when it was determined that Zoning Appeals. He is currently chairman of now upset the department’s equipment replace- ish three sweeps through the township, but the pandemic caused a cancellation of the an- that board. They have also reappointed Jerry ment schedule. added that the effort is always subject to nual Shopping With a Hero excursion where Malek to a one-year term on the BZA as an al- weather conditions. youngsters get to shop at those stores with po- ternate member. However, the needed equipment will be lice and firefighters. ordered and will be put into service as soon He pointed out that as he was discussing the Trustees reappointed Robert Sabo to a five- as they are available.  The pumper will be issue, he had pulled some trucks from leaf col- “We worked together to figure out that if we year term as a member of the Sylvania Town- purchased from Sutphen, of Dublin, Ohio, lection and put them to work spreading salt as couldn’t do that with them, we’d go to them,” ship Zoning Commission.  They also for $624,474 and the ambulance will be pur- snow began to fall. Mary Helen Darah, of SAFS, said. reappointed Joseph Belinske to a one-year term chased from Horton Emergency Vehicles, of as an alternate member of this commission. Grove City, Ohio, for $346,997. “We'll just keep working at getting a third Dottie Segur, executive director of SAFS, cycle of leaf collection as long as we can,” he said, “We were so worried that we couldn’t all John Munch has been reappointed by the Third Cycle of Leaf Collection said. get together  for shopping this year, but it trustees to a three-year term as a member of the worked out. The kids were just delighted when Sylvania Area Joint Recreation District. They The beginning of the third cycle of leaf col- reappointed Austin Serna to one-year term to

6A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 JANIS WEBER group said, “let’s just call it an apple - how about you can now charge your apple products much has everything you need or want. Macintosh?” Thus, we have the Apple brand faster. THE MOUSE TRAP under the nickname of MAC or Macintosh. Next Sylvania Senior Center Classes Let it be clear, you do not have to switch Apple Charging Every few years it updates the peripherals (ac- charging cables unless you feel like it. The cable New classes with be held as soon as the center Cables; cessories) and the hardware too. A marketing runs around $10 for a standard-length cord. This reopens in 2021. Check the SSC newsletter and Lightening vs. strategy, yes, but at least you know where you are is about the same as the Lightening. The differ- website for the most current information. In- USB-C in the technology stream of things. A few years ence is that you will also need the combatable cluded will be Windows 10 Computers Basics, ago, Apple removed the radio jack for a head- cube to plug into the wall. This runs around $12 Facebook, Microsoft Word, Google Docs and This topic is for Apple phone and offered an adapter. Ok, fine. Most a unit. If you own a bunch of cubes it could be iPhone/iPad. If you have a topic and know some laptops have removed the CD/DVD drive too. costly. I have seen cubes that accept both. Good folks who are interested, call the Senior Center users. Have you noticed When is the last time you actually used this? compromise. So, if you want faster charging and ask for Susan Jennelle, 419-885-3913. Lim- More change, more frustration or confusion. I speeds, buy yourself a USB-C cable and cube. ited seating is filling fast so call ASAP to reserve that everything that re- can go on and on, but you get the idea, right? Compare and make your own choice. Nothing your spot. We are considering an Excel Club. In- Well, Apple has done it again. When you charge stays the same. I have an old record player. It terested? Call the SSC. Janis Weber lates to Apple starts with your iPad or iPhone you have been using what works fine but sounds old. an I? iTunes, iPad, iPhone, is call a Lightning Cable. It has a small head at I Make House Calls (I wear a mask) one end and a USB on the other. Now we have The brand new iPads come with the USC-C iPod, iCloud and iMac are all Apple terms. They the USC-C connection that looks different and cable. I bet you never noticed it. You probably I will come to your home or office and help oh, by the way, charges more than twice the thought is was the regular cable; just another one you with almost any predicament including re- all start with an “i.” I ask why the i and not an a? speed as the former lightening. Apple has gone of them. Wrong. If you did not get the correct pairs, upgrades and general software or hard- from a two-speed connection to a 3.1 speed. Yup, cube, then buy one and enjoy with faster charg- ware issues. I can be your resident “geek.” I have Well, here is the answer. Apple (Jobs) declared ing speed of all your Apple products. Amazon an endless amount of patience and knowledge with years of experience. Give me a text or call the 'i' in iMac to stand for “Internet;” it also rep- at 419-290-3570. Do not forget to sign up for my free newsletter at resents the product’s focus as a personal device Subscribers will get a copy of this article plus added hints, tips, and trusted/valuable web- ('i' for “individual”). Simple, yet as simple as links. when Steve Jobs was developing the brand. The BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER’S DATA TODAY – Critical action! JANUARY 2021 Janis Weber, B.A., owner of Ohio Computer Be Happy Training & Support, is a professional computer adjunct instructor. E-mail any specific questions or comments to [email protected] or con- tact her for assistance at 419-290-3570. Private tutoring and repairs are just a phone call, text, or email away. Check out my archived articles on The Sylvania Advantage website (Sylvani- titled Computer 101. Letter to the Editor Dear Editor A grateful shoutout to Olander Park for sponsoring the Around Town Holiday Light Contest. Sylva- nia Advantage reported it, people submitted their addresses, and TOPS created a map, list, and even driving directions printable from their Face- book page. What fun to follow along and visit wonderful light displays in December! I hope they do this again next year, and hopefully more home- owners will hear about it. Easy and fun entertainment from the safety of your vehicle ... perfect for this atypi- cal holiday season. Sheila Painter, Sylvania Lakeview CremationTOLEDO MEMORIAL PARK Garden STARTING AT • Units from 5x10 to 10x40 • Climate-Controlled Units $199 • RV Parking FIND YOUR FOREVER PLACE | TOLEDOMEMORIALPARK.COM 419 - 8 2 4 - 5 2 0 0 6424 Memorial Hwy., Ottawa Lake, MI NORTH OF DOWNTOWN SYLVANIA

12A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 Ribbon cut to officially open Epic Homes in Mayberry Square Sylvania Town Crier Mike Lieber, Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce Sylvania Area CIC offers Executive Director Michelle Sprott and the welcoming committee Betty community grant opportunity Bassett and Pastor Micah Sutton, Five Lakes Church; Cathy McGuire and Pam Padt, McGuire Insurance Agency; Bob Forcht, Premier Bank; Joe BY ERIKA BURI our community’s quality of life, generate Szafarowicz, PT Link; and Bill Sanford, city of Sylvania join Epic Homes tourism, or in some way help to drive Real Estate owners Jack Schroeder and Katie and Doug Kwiatkowski Are you connected to a non-for-profit our economy forward.” and her son Dylan Miller to cut the ribbon to officially open the new organization looking for additional company. Epic agents Jordan Gauer, Meredith Griffin-Liedel, Bill funds to use in support of the Sylvania Last year’s grant awardees included Hormann, Deanna Kalucki, Joanna Kalucki, Amy Linville, Nick community and its residents? The Syl- the Sylvania Area Family Services, the Sarantou, Emily Schifferly, Arman Singh, Amy Stewart and Steve vania Area Community Improvement Ability Center, Sylvania STEM Center, Winters also participate in the ribbon cutting festivities. Corporation (SACIC) is accepting appli- Lourdes University, Heritage Sylvania, cations for its 2021 Community Organ- Sylvania Community Action Team, ization Grant, which awards monies to Downtown Sylvania Association, and area nonprofits. the Sylvania Area Chamber of Com- merce. “The grants are meant to be used by local nonprofits to promote their mis- Applications for this year’s grants are sion with an emphasis on benefiting the due submitted no later than February 1, citizens of Sylvania,” said Michelle Sprott 2021. For more information or to re- SACIC Community Affairs co-chair and quest a 2021 SACIC Community Or- executive director of Sylvania’s Chamber ganization Grant application, contact of Commerce. “We are specifically look- Michelle Sprott at: msprott@sylvani- ing for projects that create jobs, improve or visit the SACIC website at

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 13A ‘Put a Little Jingle in Your Pocket’ THE FLOORING PROFESSIONALS COUPON SERVING TOLEDO FOR OVER 50 YEARS! 10% OFF CORNER OF SECOR & ALEXIS MATERIALS ONLY Coupon Must Be Presented 419-472-7190 At Time Of Purchase SAFS Executive Director Dottie Segur receives a $4,000 check from the proceeds from the Sylvania Rotary Club raffle presented by the organization’s President Laura Dosch. Sylvania Area Family Services Executive Director Dottie Segur, sponsor and VP of Sylvania Smile Design Thomas Knier, and Sylvania Rotary President Laura Dosch prepare to draw the winning ticket on Dec. 17 at SAFS for the ‘Put a Little Jingle in Your Pocket’ raffle sponsored by Sylvania Rotary Club, Sylvania Smile Design and Arrow Print and Copy. Darrell Wachowiak is congratulated by Sylvania Rotary Club President Laura Dosch, as he receives a check for $1,000 from the Sylvania Rotary Club fundraiser that raised over $10,000. Rotarians sold raffle tickets to members of the community to raise the funds as the organization’s more traditional fundraisers were not held because of COVID-19. —by Mary Helen Darah

14A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 A healthy alternative Honored Musician for lunch, catering, or anytime! 4024 Holland Sylvania Rd. Award-winning bagels with full deli offerings! 419/885-1900 Norty’s Catherine Gebers has been a Tech Student member of the Southview Choral Program for five years. Catherine Jacob Seikel is a senior in his first has shown great dedication and semester of Honors Programming II. passion for the vocal performing This past spring Jacob placed 1st arts. She has been involved with in the BPA Regional Java both the Concert Choir and the Programming Competition with a new Symphonic Choir. In her time perfect score and was scheduled with the Southview Choral Program, to represent the region at the state she has performed in various District competition in Columbus before it Large Group Contests with the was canceled due to the virus ensembles. Outside of choir, outbreak. Ohio BPA did allow state Catherine has been involved in the qualifiers to compete virtually later Theater Department and the TPACT in semester and he ranked 7th in Program at Southview. She has the entire state! Jacob will get the been performed in various plays opportunity again this year. Jacob and musicals with the theater is also a member of Southview’s program, including ‘Shrek: The traveling Chess Team and has Musical’ and ‘The Great All competed in the Greater Toledo American Musical Disaster.’ Area High School Chess League. Catherine is the daughter of Craig He also enjoys playing spades and Mary Pat Gebers. and the piano when he is not working on his physics homework. Kindergarten Information Night; Open Houses to be online For parents of incoming kindergarten stu- vania eighth grade students have started the dents for the fall of 2021, Sylvania Schools has scheduling process for freshman year. FULL SERVICE moved the Kindergarten Information Night ses- For students who do not attend Sylvania owF1naem9dils2yin6ce AUTO REPAIR & SALES sions online. Instead of an evening session at Schools but are interested in enrolling with the each school as done in past years, principals will district next year, registration for the fall will email a presentation to families that shares in- begin in February. The link to the open house formation about the school, how to enroll, what can be found at WE DO IT ALL — to expect from a typical day in kindergarten, and NOSF board expands BUMPER TO BUMPER! much more. In order to receive information eligibility scale from the school, the district requests that parents • ENGINES submit their email address through the website At its quarterly December board meeting, the • BRAKES Principals will Northwest Ohio Scholarship Fund Board ap- • TRANSMISSIONS email kindergarten information starting Jan. 20. proved expanding the eligibility scale for its • RADIATORS need-based scholarships to include families liv- • TIRES On Jan. 26 at 6 pm each elementary will host ing at the 300 percent of the household poverty • BUMPERS & MIRRORS an online Q&A session for parents. Registration limit. For example, a family of four with an an- • HARD TO FIND PARTS for the fall begins in February. Visit kinder- nual household income of $78,600 would be el- • and we sell for details. igible to apply for a NOSF scholarship. VALUE PRICED USED CARS Northview and Southview eighth grade open house We’ll give your car the attention it deserves plus reliable, friendly Sylvania Schools is holding a virtual eighth- NOSF is currently accepting applications for service at great prices. Have a challenge? We’ll solve it. grade Open House this year. Typically, the 2021-2022 school year for Kindergarten TRY NORTY’S! Northview and Southview high schools invite through eighth for children to use at a nonpublic eighth-grade students and their parents to the school or for homeschool expenses. Families school for an evening in November to tour the need to reside in Allen, Crawford, Defiance, Erie, school, learn about the offerings, meet teachers Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Huron, Lucas, Ottawa, and staff members, and interact with students. Paulding, Putnam, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Due to COVID-19, the in-person event was Van Wert, Williams, Wood or Wyandot Coun- moved online. Incoming freshmen are encour- ties in order to apply. 2815 W. Central Ave. • Toledo, OH 43606 aged to view the information and videos. Sylva- For more information, contact Northwest 567.200.4069 • nia high schools both offer a comprehensive Ohio Scholarship Fund at 419-720-7048. Dead- OPEN MON – FRI 8 AM – 5:30 PM • BETWEEN SECOR RD. AND DOUGLAS college preparatory curriculum including 26 AP line to apply for the 2021-2022 school year is classes taught onsite by Sylvania teachers as well April 30, 2021. as skills training in 14 career technical areas. Syl-

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 15A Senior Athletes Sign Letters of Intent to Play Football at Collegiate Level Sylvania resident and St. John Jesuit High School senior quarterback, third from Northview senior Aiden Swartz signs his letter of intent to play football at the Air left, Brady Lichtenberg, signs his letter of intent to play football at the University Force Academy while his mother Natalie, left, and father, Brian, right, look on. of Cincinnati. Celebrating with him are his family including Bubba, Blake, his backup quarterback for the past two years, and Paige Lichtenberg. TOMASE DENTAL CARE NV Volleyball Votes 100% Friendly and Caring Team, Your Comfort is our Priority! Accepting new patients! DR. TOMASE AND TEAM Call Dr. Timothy Tomase for a variety of treatment options to restore your smile to health, comfort and beauty. 7616 King’s Pointe Rd. • Sylvania Township 419.474.5858 • The Northview Varsity Volleyball team earned the AVCA Community Voting Award. The team was one of 13 high school teams in the country to receive this award from the American Volleyball Coaches Association. To win the 100 percent of eligible student-athletes and staff had to vote in the 2020 November election. Southview Athlete Honored Eleanor Kelso had the lowest round by a golfer who was not a participant of a District qualifying team at the OHSAA Sectional making her eligible for the District Championship at Stone Ridge Golf Club. For the season, Eleanor has the lowest average, the most birdies,and has the most medalist honors among Southview golfers. Head coach Matt Fojtik says, “Eleanor's hard work paid off this year as she has become the first SV girls golf district qualifier in over eight years. She truly loves the game. Eleanor is dedicated to the game and often you will find her heading to the range after practice just to work on her mechanics. Her honesty, integrity, and sportsmanship make her the perfect role model for future Southview golfers.” Eleanor is also in Symphonic Choir and Horticulture Program at Southview.

Santa Fire/Police Bring Holiday Surprises Sylvania Township Police Officer Jeff Matuszewsk provides a holiday surprise to Justin and Jeronimo Dupree along with fellow officer Dan Krajicek. The officers were part of the Shop with a Hero event through Sylvania Area Family Services and sponsored by Walmart and Meijer on Central Avenue. 9640 Sylvania-Metamora Road | Sylvania, OH 43560 Logan Gray, mom Franceska Gill, and Santa Derek Meyer and Chad sister Leland Gray appreciate their Morris of the Sylvania Township Fire 419 -724 -1200 holiday gifts and hope 2021’s Shop Department are ready to spread with a Hero will take place in stores. holiday cheer to local children. Sales O ce: 5877 Stonelily Lane Layla and Lily Monreal receive gift Sadin and Wesam Bitar are as 419 -386 -2686 cards and goodies personally excited to have firefighters visit their delivered by the Sylvania Township home as they are for the gifts they Fire Department. receive from Meijer and Walmart. Sylvania Police officers Alan SAFS volunteers Jimmy Quigley and Beadle, Jerry Barnswell and Philip Jennifer Archer assemble stockings Gallup are in the holiday spirit as filled with gift cards and goodies for they prepare to make surprise gift- the SAFS Shop with a Hero event. giving visits to the homes of Sylvania Seventy-five children received School District children on Dec. 11. stockings through the event. —by Mary Helen Darah

SECTION B Jan. 4. – Jan. 18, 2021 Vol. 25, No.17 • YOUR HOMETOWN GOOD NEWS PAPER Veterans’ graves decorated during Wreaths Across America day Marine veteran Michael Bonnar Reindeer Eli Leininger organizes his helpers (L-R) Nolan Garlick, Callen Willey Mark and Nathan Fredericks, father remembers those who served by and Zachary Leininger before they begin laying wreaths on Saturday, Dec. and son team, look forward to participating in the event that laid 19 at Toledo Memorial Park. volunteering.—by Mary Helen Darah over 4,000 wreaths on the graves of veterans. More on 7B Being recognized is an honor. Caring for you is our privilege. We’re so proud that our commitment to outstanding patient care has been recognized by U.S. News and World Report, which recently named ProMedica Toledo Hospital as number 1 in metropolitan Toledo. While receiving awards and designations such as this is a great compliment, our highest honor is the privilege of caring for you and your family. © 2020 ProMedica

2B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 In Style Are you hip? Five tips to a rock star wardrobe BY JENNIFER RUPLE When it comes to your wardrobe, are you hip or a drip? Local style consultants and owners of Hip to The Groove in downtown Sylvania, Wendy Gericke and Lori Litzer, share what’s new in the fashion industry and how to pull it all together for a look that is all your own. Here are their five tips for creating an up-to-date look that will get you noticed on and off stage. 1. Leather for the cold weather Gericke insists that no wardrobe is complete without at least one leather jacket. “Leather is a timeless look and can be worn with almost anything,” she explained. “On a cold night, layer one with a hoodie or a roll neck jumper, or on a mild evening, pair one with a casual T-shirt.” Wendy Gericke and Lori Litzer are owners and style consultants at Hip to The Groove in downtown Sylvania. Toledo Farmers Market TASTINGS 2. Layers upon layers Indoor Market 525 Market St., downtown Toledo Bottle Shop at Mancy’s Italian Litzer lives for layers. Her suggestion, “Invest in multi- Saturdays, 9 am – 1 pm 5453 Monroe St. functional layering staples. Pieces like short and quarter- The Toledo Farmers Market continues Wine tastings Wednesday - Saturday, length sleeve tops, light to mid-weight sweaters, scarves, throughout the winter months. From beginning at 4 pm. A new theme and jackets allow you to adjust to any temperature fluctua- now until May, the market will be held each week. Call 419-824-2463 for tions the season may bring.” indoors, with plenty of fresh air. Winter reservations. produce, homemade pierogi, coffee, 3. Wrap up in a scarf breads, cheese, farm fresh eggs, honey, sauces, jams, baked goods. HOME and GARDEN “Take a look at your wardrobe and take note of all your house plants, crafts and food trucks. scarves,” said Litzer. “They are so versatile and can be worn First hour is reserved for those higher at Found Our Haven - Open House in many ways. For example, a large scarf could serve as a risk. Please practice social distancing. 119 N. Ontario St. cape or wrap. For a retro look, tie one around your hair. Use downtown Toledo a scarf as a belt, or drape one around your shoulder and tie Jan. 21-23, 10 am - 5 pm in a knot,” she suggested. MUSIC, WINE and BEER Home decor boutique featuring an- tiques, refinished furniture, and hand- 4. Rock the faux fur Benfield Wines crafted pillows and accessories. Visit 102 N. Main St., Swanton @foundourhaven on Facebook. “Turn heads with a stylish faux fur top layer such as a Kick back, relax and enjoy wine, beer, coat or vest,” said Gericke. “Keep the rest of the outfit simple live music, and dinner from The Butter Barn - January Sale with a solid sweater and pants. We love our off-white fur Switchback at Valleywood. Visit 5541 Consear Rd. paired with jeans and a vintage tee,” she added. @benfieldwines on Facebook for more Ottawa Lake, Mich. information. Jan. 21-24, 10 am - 4 pm SE Michigan’s premier monthly barn Saturday, Jan. 9 – Music with Jaime sale event. Antique, vintage and hand Mills, 6 pm crafted home furnishings. Located Saturday, Jan. 16 – Music with one mile east of exit 3, off US 23. Five Abbigale, 6 pm minutes north of Sylvania. Visit @butter- barnantiques on Facebook. Got food or home and garden events? 5. Shop your closet Email [email protected] “Sometimes achieving a trendy look is just a matter of mixing pieces in your wardrobe in a new way,” said Litzer. “You may find you already own some of the color combinations and style elements of the season’s trendiest looks,” added Gericke. Hip to The Groove opened in Aug. 2020 and specializes in clothing, accessories and gifts with a throwback vibe. With a mission to support local musicians, the boutique hosts guest musicians and donates a portion of its jewelry sales to the cause.

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 3B In the kitchen with: Irene Ammerman of Busia’s Pierogi Shack fillings and cooks up several combi- nations including potato cheddar, po- tato and onion, dry curd cottage cheese, kielbasa scramble, pepperoni pizza, and buffalo chicken, plus she offers seasonal versions - pumpkin pie and sweet potato. “My mom would be surprised at how many things I’m sticking in a pierogi,” Am- merman laughed. Busia’s Pierogi Shack offers soups at the market including sweet and sour cabbage, chicken noodle, dill pickle soup and an authentic Polish duck soup. “Christy is our baker,” ex- plained Ammerman. Her baked goods including chrusciki (angel wings), Polish coffee cake, pumpkin rolls and kolacky are also available. All of Busia’s products are sold frozen, except for the chrusciki. Pre-orders can be placed at busi- and picked Ten varieties of pierogi are available each Saturday at the Toledo Farmers up at the market, or shoppers can Market including classic potato and cheddar. simply choose from what is available Irene Ammerman (second from right), along while on site. While Ammerman enjoys partici- with her daughter Christy Knappins, friend BY JENNIFER RUPLE commercial kitchen at the Sofia Quintero Art pating at the market, she would not Beth Ellithorpe, and husband Bob, prepare and Cultural Center on Broadway Street be opposed to owning another restau- Polish specialty foods four days a week in the Hanging out in the preparing pierogi, soups and sweets to be sold rant. “I was the only Polish restaurant commercial kitchen at Sofia Quintero Art and kitchen with her mom at the Toledo Farmers Market on Saturdays in town, and now there aren’t any. If I Cultural Center. gave young Irene Am- year-round. All their recipes have been passed can ever expand my business in the merman the gift of a life- down from Ammerman’s mom, “with a twist Mix cream cheese and butter until smooth. time. It was there where for the more adventurous,” she added. future, I would love to open a little café.” she would gain the We’ll keep our fingers crossed for that little Slowly add flour and powdered sugar. knowledge and learn the Ammerman grew up with her parents, two Wrap dough in plastic and refrigerate for 2 skills needed to carry on brothers and sister in a Polish-only speaking café. In the meantime, let’s enjoy two fabulous her mother’s legacy household on Russell Street. It was not until recipes from Busia’s Pierogi Shack - borscht, a hours. through her business, Busia’s Pierogi Shack. she went to school at St. Hedwig that she Heat oven to 350 F. “My mom, Cecylia Rychzko, was my teacher,” began learning English. “It was our Polish traditional soup made from beets, and ko- Ammerman recalled. “As a family, we did a lot community,” she reminisced. Roll dough on a lightly floured surface. Cut of things together in the kitchen. My sister and lacky, a delicate, fruit preserves filled cookie. I were always chopping, slicing and dicing.” In 1999, Ammerman opened a restaurant into 2 ½ inch squares. Along with her husband Bob, daughter called Busia’s Narozny (meaning corner) at Christy Knappins, and friend Beth Ellithorpe, Webber and Lagrange. In 2004, she opened a Borscht (Beet Soup) Place ½ teaspoon preserves in the center of Ammerman spends four days a week in the second restaurant at the corner of Laskey and each square. Overlap opposite corners and Tractor. “We operated two locations at the Six 15-ounce cans beets pinch together. Borscht (Beet Soup) same time only for about one year,” recalled 1 small onion, diced 1 stalk celery, diced Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake Ammerman. “We ended up closing 32 ounces chicken stock for 10 minutes. Allow to cool and dust with the first location in 2005, and in 2016 1 tablespoon pepper powdered sugar. we closed the second location due to neighborhood population and busi- 2 tablespoons dried parsley ness decline.” 2 teaspoons dried dill After the closings, Ammerman took some time to figure out where 2 tablespoons garlic salt she needed to be and what she needed to be doing. She even took a ¾ cup sugar few jobs but was unsatisfied with the work. Then in 2018, with the support 1 ¼ cup vinegar of her husband, Ammerman created Busia’s Pierogi Shack and began sell- 32 ounces heavy cream ing her food at the Toledo Farmers Market. “I like connecting with peo- In a 6 quart pot, combine onion, ple, and I missed that. Being at the celery, chicken stock, pepper, parsley, market gives me the opportunity to dill, garlic salt, and beet juice only. reunite and see a lot of people,” she Cook until onion and celery are ten- said. der. Ten types of pierogi are available to Add sugar, vinegar and beets. choose from at the market regularly, Bring to a boil. Lower heat and con- each just needing a quick sauté in tinue a slow boil for 1 hour. butter to be prepared. Ammerman likes to get creative with her pierogi Add heavy cream and bring to a full boil. Kolacky Kolacky 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 cup butter, softened ½ cup powdered sugar 2 cups flour Fruit preserves

4B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 A ‘People Like Her’ by Ellery Lloyd of truth in my posts.” Another indicator of a Book BY GAIL BISHOP successful influencer is “interaction” with fol- Re lowers. That’s why influencers often end a view “She has always had a fairly complicated re- post with a question. The question for this lationship with the truth, my wife.” Well … it particular post was: What was your own most Author Ellery Lloyd with her new book. turns out having a fairly complicated relation- sleep deprived mom moment? 687 comments ship with the truth makes Emmy an extremely and 442 direct messages later and an influ- Scouts Collect Food successful “Instamum” with millions of fol- encer is born as she photographs herself with lowers and plenty of free stuff and an income “a face full of no-makeup makeup” and mis- Girl Scout Troop 10182 from Sylvania Central Trail Elementary School that ensures her once successful writer hus- matched shoes. prepare to distribute over 400 items collected through their ‘Canes for band no longer feels pressure to write the next Cans’ Drive to a local food pantry. –by Mary Helen Darah best seller (which is convenient because it Dan - the handsome adoring husband in turns out becoming a mundane husband and the picture - has a few reservations. “Have we, father of two does not lend itself to exciting by putting our lives and our children’s lives plot lines). out there on the internet for all to see, done something monumentally foolish?” Having The novel details Emmy’s rise to Instagram finished the book, I can answer that question stardom but begins with a few influencer mis- for you Dan - YES! YES IT IS FOOLISH! Es- steps. It turns out millions of people are not pecially when your wife, in her attempt to interested in shoes and people actually despise gain more followers, answers every question you when you post pictures of your perfect her fans pose. It turns out dispensing parent- house, your adorable, well-behaved children, ing advice as if you are professional when you your Lululemon clad perfect postpartum are in fact a caricature can result in some body and your handsome, adoring husband. pretty devastating consequences and these Who knew? Soon, however, Emmy discovers consequences come back to haunt Emmy and the perfectly imperfect brand: Mamabare is her perfectly imperfect family in a terrifying an influencer who is not perfect, making her way. extremely relatable. But there is one problem - Emmy’s life is pretty easy. Her children are I am always looking for a great psycholog- great sleepers and with plenty of rest, it seems ical thriller but usually I’m disappointed by being a mom to two just isn’t that harrowing. the increasingly absurd twists and turns as the Consequently, it takes a lot of work to create book runs out of steam. I read this book in a the right level of chaos. “Dirty isn’t aspira- day and half and I was mesmerized until the tional and perfect isn’t relatable. And Mam- exciting conclusion. This is serious subject abare is nothing if not relatable.” A top agent matter but the author has a wry wit. For in- to influencers is employed and Emmy’s suc- stance, one influencer’s niche is maternal in- cess is assured. “My agent’s view of female continence. “I suspect by the time she got friendship is that if you've got something nice around to trying to identify a maternal taboo to say about someone, say it under an Insta- to bust, all the good ones had already been gram post where everyone can see it.” taken.” (like breast feeding in public) The story is told through three different You can read this novel in one sitting but perspectives, one of which appears to be a po- you might want a cocktail to sustain you. I tential murderer but somehow Emmy is the would suggest one called Dangerous Libations least likable of all. Emmy’s sections give inside from the book of literary cocktails, Are You information on how influencers grow their There God? It’s Me, Margarita by Tim Ferdele. follower base leading to monetary reward. Apparently, “honesty” is the most important Combine 1 ounce crème de cassis, 1 ounce trait. After describing a particularly messy at- lemon juice, and one teaspoon activated char- tempt to get out of the house while “sleep-de- coal for color (optional) and shake for 5 sec- prived,” Emmy says, “It certainly could have onds. Strain and top with 4 ounces of happened, so it’s useful if there’s a small grain Champagne. Enjoy while scrolling (and of course, reading) Here When You Need a Hand! Labor for your Home Repairs and Routine Maintenance. (Office Repairs & Maintenance Too!) Ceiling Fan, Dishwasher, OTR and Exhaust Fan Installations.

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE 5B CONGRATULATIONS Berland/Abramson HAPPY NEW YEAR 4-piece Stainless Steel Kitchen Suite from $2,399* AFTER INSTANT SAVINGS Whirlpool® 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity Whirlpool® 1.9 Cu. Ft. Whirlpool® 24\" Built-In French Door Refrigerator Over-the-Range Microwave Dishwasher • CleanRelease® • Tap Touch Controls • Contoured Doors and Non-Stick Interior • Cycle Status Indicator Fingerprint Resistant Finish • Sensor Cooking • High Temperature Wash Option • Steam Cooking WDT750SAHZ • 3 Adjustable Half-Width Shelves, WMH32519HZ 2 Humidity Controlled $259* Half-Width Crisper Drawers Whirlpool® 5.3 Cu. Ft. It’s happily ever after for Becca Berland and Noah Abramson. On Friday, • Automatic Defrost Capacity Freestanding Dec.18, they said \"I do\" on Mackworth Island in Maine. The couple met six WRF555SDFZ Electric Range years ago on a Birthright trip and have been together ever since. The • 5 Cooktop Elements bride received a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics at University of Pittsburgh as SAVE $1,597* • Ceramic Cooktop Surface ‘well as a Masters of Liberal Arts from Boston University. She is employed as • Self-Cleaning Oven a copywriter in the marketing division at WorldStrides. The groom received REGULAR $3,996 WFE525SOHZ a Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. He is employed as a data engineer at Toast. Proud parents are In-Stock GE® 5.0 Cu. Ft. Manual Bonnie Berland and David Berland of Toledo, and Nancy Frank and Jay Chest Freezers Defrost Chest Freezer Abramson of Barnet, Vermont. Local grandparents include Sheila Odesky, $269* FCM5SKWW  tinheFalalmteouSttahn, MOadiensekwy,itNhotrhaeiRrogmoladneonfdf aonoddleEliBAabsirl.amson. The couple reside $749* EACH Their story is on under Becca Berland 12-18-20. Hotpoint 7.1 Cu. Ft. Manual GE® 15.7 Cu. Ft. Manual GE® 15.7 Cu. Ft. Manual Defrost Chest Freezer Defrost Chest Freezer Defrost Chest Freezer HCM7SMWW FCM16DLWW FCM16SLWW Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 am - 7 pm Sunday 12 pm - 5 pm 567.408.2400 • 5555 Monroe Street • Sylvania • *See store for details. While supplies last. Subject to credit approval. Financing options available on purchases of $599 or more. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the balance is not paid in full within 12 months, or if you make a late payment. Minimum payments required. *Free local delivery on purchases of $499 or more.

6B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 The Do It Group shops for groceries to brighten holiday tables for 14 families Mike Rood, Anna Szalkowski, Kyle and Lauren Elkins are ready to shop for Tom Marckel tells Glen Taplich about Cindy and Tony Araiz check over groceries for the families whose names they have be given. the over $1,500 donation of items his the list to see what groceries they sister Linda made for the families who need to buy for the family to whom the Do It Group will provide groceries they have been assigned. for the Christmas season. Sautter’s’ cashiers Carissa Foley, Mitzi Olszewski, Karen McClain, Joan Reagan Julie Wasserman and her sister Lisa Terry Peters, Chelsea Barger, Amber and Alexis VanKlingeren with grocery baggers Joseph Burns, George France, Stoke make the event a family affair. Araiz and baby Theo have fun David Sautter and Brittany Stanberry keep busy helping the Do It shoppers. Store shopping together. owner Jim Sautter donates a ham for each of the 14 families benefitting from the event. Scott Szajna and Tyler Gill check out Michelle Hollister and Donald the meat in the case before they Molloy look for the best deal for make their selection. their families. Nationally Accredited Jerry and Julie Mauter wait to John and Lynn Holmes have a check out the groceries they good time shopping for a family at purchase for a family. Sautter’s Market on Dec. 19.

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 7B Wreaths Placed on Graves of Veterans Auxiliary Donates to Generation of Care President/CEO of Toledo Memorial Park Jeff Clegg, Mel Harbaugh of Wreaths Across America, Robert Schmitt and John Fries honor veterans at ProMedica Toledo and Russell J. Ebeid Children's Hospital Auxiliary President the event held on Dec. 19. Denise Benton, left, and President-Elect Lindsay Miller, right, present a check for $75,000 to ProMedica Jobst Vascular Institute President Dr. Gregory Kasper. This is a payment toward the auxiliary’s $1million dollar pledge to the foundation for the Generation of Care Campaign. The check is usually awarded at the organization’s holiday luncheon, but because of COVID-19, the check was presented in front of the Christmas tree decorated by the auxiliary at ProMedica Toledo Hospital. ZESTOLEDO Supports Local Charities Hank Weitzel, Larry Barnett and Bob Baker, members of the Lou Diamond Detachment of Toledo Marine Corps League, show support to those who served. James Caldwell of the Toledo MaryAnn Diamond represents the Northwestern Ohio Food Bank Aurora Project who is one of the receives a check from ZESTOLEDO. seven local charities to receive a ZESTOLEDO grant. MCC Randal McAllister, Tech Sgt. David Morris, ICAI ISW/AW Quinton Fernandes and Commander Palo Singh participate to honor veterans. —by Mary Helen Darah Are You Caring & Outgoing? Apply Now! You can make a di erence in the lives of Variety of positions adults with disabili es! available Steering Committee member Sue Malcolm Cunningham and Hague-Rogers delivers the Adrienne Bradley receive a ZESTOLEDO donation to Toledo donation on behalf of the $500 Sign-On Bonus GROWs. Despite having to cancel ProMedica Ebeid Center. Other its fundraising events in 2020, recipients include Toledo Day Enjoy paid days o , health insurance and more! ZESTOLEDO was able to raise over Nursery, Catholic Charities $60,000, thanks to the generosity of Opportunity Kitchen and Cherry *$100 a er comple ng orienta on and $400 a er 90 days Loca ons in sponsors and ticket holders. Street Mission Ministries. Sylvania & Toledo *$100 upon comple ng orienta on (1 week) & $400 a er 90 days

8B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 City Workers Support SAFS Sylvania Area Family Services continues to help families Representing the Sylvania Administration Building, Sue Macke, Christy Ordorica BY STEVEN BIEBER far as the east side of Toledo, they come from and Sharon Russell drop off donations at SAFS for families in need. everywhere,” Bland said. Since its founding in 1967, Sylvania Area Sylvania Municipal Family Services has been helping families who To keep up with the demand, SAFS relies on Court Magistrate are in need. Its programs normally include food donations, food banks, and boy and girl scout Christy Cole delivers distribution, Senior Government Commodities, troops. Bland also mentioned that some people an Adopt-A-Family Youth Diversion, and Summer Enrichment encourage others to donate to the pantry as their donation to Sylvania Camp. birthday wish. The pantry also purchases food Area Family Services through the food bank. Volunteers pick up gro- from the Sylvania Every Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm SAFS ceries from Kroger, Costco, Panera and others. Municipal Court. works with the Ohio National Guard to distrib- —by Mary Helen Darah ute food to families in need. Because of COVID- Another partnership is with Meijer’s Simply 19 and the holiday season, it is facing a higher Give Program. This has been running for the last demand than ever. 18 years. Customers at Meijer can purchase $10 Simply Give donation cards, which are con- “The National Guard actually hands out food. verted into food-only gift cards that are given to They bring their own food from the food bank,” local food pantries. SAFS personnel work with explained Crystal Bland, Social Service Coordi- the Meijer located at 7240 W. Central Ave. Meijer nator, who assumes responsibilities for the food will occasionally have double match days where pantry. She says there has been a 41 percent in- they give $20 for every $10 donated. crease in demand from last year because of the pandemic. Apart from providing food, the pantry will also offer other items. According to Bland, the holidays were busy before the pandemic. She said that they would “On the first Thursday of every month we see around 100 to 125 people come for food each hand out personal care items in baskets we make week. Without the pandemic and outside of the up.” Bland noted. holiday season, they would see 70 to 90 people come to the pantry. Another reason the pantry The best way for people to donate is to simply has seen a higher increase is because of a recent give through the website or donations expansion to help more people. may be dropped off at the center, 5440 Marshall Rd. “We have had quite a substantial increase be- cause we’ve expanded it to not only our four zip According to Bland, those who wish to make codes here in the Sylvania area, we’ve expanded donations are encouraged to call SAFS and ask it to include all of Lucas County so we’ve had what is needed or in short supply. SAFS also quite a few new clients come in. We see them as posts on Facebook when it is running low on certain items. For those wishing to volunteer, visit the website to see available jobs. Elks, Moose Help SAFS Terry Harrison, representing the Elks Lodge 53, SAFS Executive Director Dottie Segur, and Elk member Terri Harrison are thrilled the Elks donation given on Dec. 8 will help battle food insecurities in the community. Moose Lodge 1570 administrator Jeff O’Keefe, SAFS Executive Director Dottie Segur and Mike Strube, governor of the Sylvania Moose Lodge, celebrate the generous donation SAFS received Dec. 22, from Moose Lodge members to help those in need. —by Mary Helen Darah

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 9B BY MARY HELEN DARAH about Opa. He loved his family and they were Looking back, the times we considered always the center of his world. He may have left “wasted time” were anything but time wasted. My family lost one of the “great ones” loved, especially doing any activity that ended us physically, but his enthusiasm and belief They were the blessing of sharing in the life of shortly before the holidays. I have affection- in “ball.” that every day had the potential to be splendid someone who made all of us appreciate the ately called Kent Hagemeyer “Opa” since in- will live on. I have countless memories of shar- beauty of being. In the year ahead, in his fancy. My dad and Opa shared close to eight This included pickle, hand, tennis, and ing sunsets in St. Augustine, starlit skies up honor, let us love unconditionally, waste time decades of the joys and sorrows of life, or what bocce. In true Opa form, he would take time north and fly-fishing, where I also had to en- building drippy sandcastles, celebrate the ex- Zorba the Greek referred to as “the full catas- to appreciate and be present in the moment. dure learning the history of every lure he traordinary in the ordinary and even through trophe,” since they met in the second grade. Al- Games in Florida often were held up due to owned. difficult days, be SPLENDID. though we each liked to lay a personal claim to pelican fly-overs or a sea turtle sighting while Opa, he belonged to us all. I believe his selfless playing bocce ball on the beach. Yet, he had a Family friend Kent Hagemeyer “Opa” and Mary Helen Darah bond at Maple family shared him with us knowing that we bit of a competitive streak and would INSIST Lake in Northern Ontario. could all use a little of his unconditional love, you always bring your A game. At work or at childlike enthusiasm, kite flying tips and how play, on and off the court, he was a big believer A huge Thank You ... to be (his favorite word) “SPLENDID,” even in being a team player, giving support, even to To all of our loyal clients during times of killer hornets and a global pan- the opposition, and continually striving to bet- old and new! demic. As we head into a new and hopefully ter your game. Wishing you all improved year, we can all take away a lesson or a healthy and prosperous two from Opa. Enough! New Year! Enjoy the journey In a world where success is often judged by monetary gains and accolades, Opa was a con- Unlike my father who is focused on getting stant reassuring presence that I was enough. from point A to point B as efficiently and I’m sure he shared his encouragement of quickly as possible, Opa was all about enjoying “enoughness” with others, but for me person- the journey. A kayak trip from our Canadian ally, it was one of the greatest gifts he gave me. cabin to Blueberry Island, on average, takes He would reassure me that kindness, nurturing dad and me 48 minutes. With Opa, you made and helping others and being a good parent sure you tinkled and packed snacks, for a little and friend were underrated attributes, yet so kayaking jaunt could turn into a “Gilligan's Is- needed in today’s world. “It is important to land” adventure. While taking the same course have goals and dreams but they need to belong as I did with my dad, with Opa we arrived at to you,” he would say. “You are never going to our destination three hours later, after watch- be enough to some people. Just when you ing a loon fish and figuring out if the cloud think you are getting close to the elusive bar, it above us looked like a beaver or an angel. The will move. So be the best you can possibly be biggest hold-up was a lengthy discussion about but know you are ENOUGH.”  surviving in adverse conditions and the impor- tance of thriving where you’re planted after ob- Family first serving a fern growing out of a small crevice in the rocks. I will always remember his observa- Above all, Opa was a family man. The beau- tion about how you can broaden your horizons tiful thing is that we all felt like family to the and prosper, even in harsh conditions, with the big-hearted, kite-flying, sentimental man. A slightest bit of soil and support. side note ... at times his sentimentality reached extreme proportions. My mom finally bought Play ball! him a new bathing suit in hopes that he would retire the one my parents gifted him 30 years Opa loved spending time with those he ago. That was the charming, splendid thing BVYC Members Play Santa Lisa’s Nails 4024 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. • Toledo, OH 43623 • 419/517-0092 Thanks to Bay View Yacht Club member Cori Lark-Whipple and her husband, Josh, a local Sylvania family will have a brighter holiday and enjoy a ‘Who Feast.’ The couple solicited the help of fellow BVYC members to dress in Dr. Seuss attire and deliver food to the Sadowy family. Bob Sadowy was diagnosed in 2016 with glioblastoma and passed on Nov. 18, leaving behind wife Aby and seven children. The BVYC ‘Team Seuss’ loved helping the family and providing them with a holiday meal. Cori Lark-Whipple stated, “I love the Sadowy family and I’m so grateful for the BVYC family for their generosity. —by Mary Helen Darah

10B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 THE STARS SPEAK janet amid Are you ready? Set Goals! This Jan. 13 the may be center stage. We need to take a deeper personally as well as socially. Matters of the new moon in Capricorn fixes our eyes on the look at what we are seeking from within.  heart are in a great place. New or existing con- Happy New Year Everyone! proverbial prize. It is time to think big and get nections take on a new perspective. You are “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Al- motivated. The zodiac motivator always gets “You’ve always had the power, my dear, you back in the game.   ways remember, you have within you the the job done, and gets it done right. Plant the just had to learn it for yourself.” strength, the patience, and the passion to seeds, harvest the lessons and work on obtain- SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) reach for the stars to change the world.” ing. The new moon in Capricorn understands – The Wizard of Oz – Harriet Tubman  the need to build, to climb, to achieve. Capri- As Saturn and Jupiter transit your area of Dear Readers - HAPPY 2021! corn is known for tenacity and  endurance, SIGNS: home, surprisingly you may decide to make the hallmark of determination, leadership, and some changes within your environment. In For most of us this past year has been diffi- a willingness to do without. During this new ARIES (March 20-April 19) addition, your tolerance for family and friends cult as we have had to overcome so many hur- moon, Capricorn, in conjunction to the tran- may be less, though patience can go a long dles. The life we knew before March 2020 was siting sun, will focus on career, structure and Finally, both Jupiter, the planet of fun, and way. Expect changes in the work place, though shaken, and we were taken completely out of what is important. Specifically, drawing on the Saturn, the planet of structure, in friendly in the end it will work out. Although you're al- our comfort zones. The pandemic brought need for family security while still maintain- Aquarius are in sync to your own sign and il- ways cautious where money is concerned, it's isolation, job and financial issues, losses as a ing the desire for stability.   luminate you! Also, this restores relationships, time to really buckle down even more.   nation, as well as individually. Our sense of se- specifically with friendships and co-workers. curity was challenged while overcoming ob- *This is a good period/month to establish Dreams begin to manifest, as you shed the SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. stacles on a daily basis, as well as children rules and boundaries, while taking time out for stressors of the last three years. It’s a brand 20) feeling disconnected and taken out of their those closest to us. Those born under Cancer, new cycle, and very much in your favor. Let comfort zones. As humans we crave touch, we Libra, Aries and Capricorn will be influenced the light in.   A free spirit at heart, the last few years have connect through connecting with greatly. Also, the time of birth will determine really triggered your money aspects. Al- others. Whatever our reality was before March where these signs fall into your birth chart.   TAURUS (April 20-May 20) though, as always, you accomplished most of 2020, it has shifted as we continue to try to what you set out to do. The next few years the maintain some sort of normalcy. Eager to have Leo full moon-Jan. 28 in As Saturn and Jupiter hover over your mid- focus will be primarily on family and friends, closed the door on 2020, exiting, it’s worth un- fiery sun-ruled Leo, heaven, career aspirations and goals begin to and getting it right where personal finances derstanding what 2020 was all about. What generally a sign of unfold. This period may open you up to are involved. Also, though you are a strong has it taught us? What clarity has it provided boldness, authenticity, changes, expected or otherwise, and can be communicator at heart, the period ahead re- for our collective awareness? Understanding confidence, self-assurance challenging, yet in the end profitable. It’s up to inforces writing and/or reestablishing your this can provide a foundation for a better nor- and playfulness you to fall in step. Relationships, love or work- creative outlets.  mal going forward. related, may undergo a shift, as your percep- This month’s upcoming full moon on Jan tions could alter. With Uranus in transit of CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. What have we learned from all of this? We 28 is all about transformation; falling in place your own sign and Jupiter and Saturn in its 19) learned that “United We Stand,” and as a na- with your inner child, emotionally looking in- ruler-ship, pay attention to health. Focus on tion we will stand together, and though there ward and feeling charged all at the same time. the good.   Though the last few years have been so was a crisis, we still maintain.  Step into place; get back on track, live authen- cathartic, now that Saturn and Jupiter have left tically, happy in re-discovering your inner GEMINI (May 21-June 20) your sign, a feeling of relief occurs. You have Sun moves into Capricorn core. Although in opposition to transiting learned so much in such a small amount of Dec. 21 the Winter Solstice Jupiter it may trigger impulses, as the full As Jupiter and Saturn move into your area time and now it’s about harvesting the lessons and the sunÊs annual trip moon is always about emotional reactions.   of higher thought, you may find yourself tap- and moving forward. Work and money mat- into Capricorn ping into your intuition, seeking knowledge ters stand out, as you see yourself more in con- Sun in freedom-seeking from all sources. Spirituality and personal re- trol and less oppressed. Personal connections Those born under Libra or Aries may be Uranus-ruled Aquarius flection are indicative of this transit. It's highly restore themselves.  Breathe!    feeling stress with work matters as the Sun in charged. This may be a period, for the next Capricorn creates obstacles. However, this is -Jan. 19 year or so, where you travel extensively, ex- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) only temporary and without a challenge. ploring your creativity on a higher level. It is While the moon in Leo, both on opposite yours for the asking.   Both Saturn and Jupiter traveling in your New moon-Jan. 13 ends of the table metaphorically crave mutu- own sign may weigh heavily, as Saturn teaches ality, however, the opposition may cause the CANCER (June 21-July 20) and Jupiter expands. The next year or so are Every January we get a new moon in Capri- two planets to come to conflict as emotions going to be major where life changes/chal- corn that gives a boost to our intentions and collide with energy and action. The conflict As careful as you are with money, you may lenges await. Depending on where they fall projects for the coming cycle. This particular stems from what the mind says and what the begin to seek out various ways to expand your into your natal chart, as the time of birth will January new moon has many positive things heart seeks. It is all about creating harmony income. This period may prove to be highly determine its influence. It will open some going on. This is a powerful transit in every between the two energies at hand.   motivating where personal resources and fi- doors and close others. Either way, it can be sense of the word. The magic that will occur nancial security are concerned. A good solid extraordinary or it can be overwhelming. during this new moon cycle will be all about Around a full moon phase, emotional tur- year to get back on track, emotionally as well Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, which is now in rebooting ourselves, taking stock, becoming bulence may be felt and this full moon phase as financially. It may be tough at the start, but Taurus, can turn up the heat where money is more disciplined and, more importantly, fol- centers around love, creativity and/or even eventually you will prevail.   involved. So be aware. You’re in control, no lowing through on our New Year’s resolutions children (either your physical children or matter what.   and intentions.  inner child). Maybe even speculation and LEO (July 21-Aug. 22) chance taking. One or more of these themes PISCES (Feb. 19-March 19) With Saturn and Jupiter in transit of your Astrological Counselor 7th house of partners, the focus will be on re- With so much activity taking place in that lationships, work as well as personal. It’s up to sacred quiet area of thought, your intuition Janet Amid you to keep the energies moving. With so and insight will increase as time passes. A Private Consultations ~ Lectures and Parties ~ Profiles ~ Readings by Appointment much activity taking place the limelight begins good period to work on meditation, healing to divert and your social zeal comes into ef- and allowing your 6th sense to flow. Also, your LONCAETWION! 419-882-5510 fect; bolder then ever. A really good time to career shows promise and focusing on health reestablish relationships, past or present.   and fitness can do wonders for the soul. This 5600 Monroe St, Bldg B - Suite 206, Sylvania period signals tremendous growth is most VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) areas of your life. $5 OFF a 30 Minute or 1 Hour Session* For the next year or so, as Saturn and Janet Amid is a columnist and radio/media Jupiter make their way into your area of health personality who can be heard on 105.5 FM with *In office, 30 or 60 min. sessions only. Not valid for gift certificates or and responsibilities, you may become even Eric Chase's podcast, and also can be heard 15 min. sessions. Expired coupons not accepted more conscientious then ever where health every 2nd Wednesday on 96.7 MIX with Keith and fitness are concerned. This can be a very & Dawn -1-888-561-2837. Call in every other Expires 01/31/21 good cycle in which you take control of your- Wednesday morning, 7:30 to 8:30 am as she self as well as work related matters that have takes calls live.  LISTEN TO JANET ON 105.5 FM MONDAY MORNINGS FROM 8:15 TO 8:45 AM been left on the back burner. Taking charge, while pacing yourself, and being more aware Janet writes for The Sylvania Advantage and of limitations is the key.   she can be reached at 419-882-5510 or by e- mail at [email protected]. Check out her LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) web site at The last three years, going back to Decem- ber 2017, have been a hurdle. Not only in deal- ing with work stress, but also with regard to partnerships. It's over, it's done, so now you can begin to move on and reestablish yourself,

12B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 LIVES CELEBRATED Alan Robertson loved compounding medicine, which was be- orange slice candies with the kids, and somehow Fla.; sister-in-law Nancy Minns of Toledo; and coming an outdated practice), Alan made a ca- only needed a 15 minute “nap” when he got her many nephews and nieces.    Wendell “Alan” Robert- reer change that would last the rest of his life and home from work (he always set the timer and of- son, a loving husband, fa- began his professional legacy in Northwest Ohio. tentimes laid on the floor), before continuing to Services for Frances will be private The fam- ther, and grandfather, work well into the evening. He is also remem- ily would like to thank the doctors and nurses at passed away Dec. 13 at After passing with the highest brokerage bered as a father figure to two of his grandchil- the University of Toledo Medical Center for their Kingston Residence of exam score in the state of Ohio at the time, Alan dren, both of who lost their fathers at a young outstanding compassion and care of Perrysburg, after battling was integral in the formation of Cavalear Realty age. Mom. Parkinson’s disease for nu- in 1967. merous years. Alan led by example. Pam Stahl Over the next 40+ years, Alan would go on to He loved Michigan athletics and cherished Known to many as “Big earn professional accolades rarely achieved in his the time he spent with friends and family attend- Pamela Carol Stahl of Al,” Alan amassed a great industry (he’s best remembered as an agent of ing games (tailgating on the golf course or zoom- Toledo, Ohio, at 74 years community of loving friends during his more Danberry Realtors) as well as establish himself ing up to Crisler Arena on a weeknight just in old, passed away Dec. 15, than 50 years as a resident of Sylvania Township as a caring citizen through his high level of com- time for tip off). He was a helluva card player, 2020, with her family by and professional servicing Northwest Ohio. In munity involvement. He held CRB, CRS and spending many hours playing cards at The her side. She was born to reflecting on his life, some common remem- GRI designations and was a Lifetime Member of Toledo Club and Inverness Club. He had a deep the late Tas and Helen brances amongst his friends and family spoke to the Northwest Ohio Realtors and Ohio Realtors passion for golfing, which he did as often as pos- Stringfield, Aug. 7, 1946, in his professional integrity and trustworthiness, Million Dollar Clubs. Additionally, he was the sible. He recently recounted his hole-in-one on Lima, Ohio. Pam gradu- loyalty and kind consideration towards friends, only two-time recipient of Toledo Board of Re- hole #12 at Inverness. ated from Ida High School service above self, and most often, that he was a altor’s Realtor of the Year award, 1993 Toledo Alan is survived by loving wife Midge; chil- in Ida, Mich. in 1964 and quickly obtained her true gentleman who loved his family. Board of Realtor’s Realtor Citizen of the Year, a dren, Brett (Amanda), Blayne, Lindsey, and Jed cosmetology license. Alan Robertson was born the only child of recipient of the Ohio Association of Realtors (Lynn); grandchildren, Cody, Evelyn, Isaac, Pam was an amazing cook! She enjoyed cook- Aldrich and Edith (Cavalear) Robertson in Jack- prestigious Award of Excellence, and the 2012 Jamie, Kathryn, and Aldrich, all of who wish to ing and packing her house full of family and son, Mich. on Jan. 9, 1940. As a youth, he ex- Distinguished Service Award Recipient. extend their love and thanks to the staff of loved ones during the holidays to celebrate spe- celled at academics, showed the leadership skills Kingston Residence of Perrysburg and Hospice cial occasions. She would often cook food for her that he would carry throughout his life, and de- Alan was involved with the University of of Northwest Ohio and to all of their friends and loving neighbors. Pam worked as a beautician at veloped a life-long love of physical fitness. An Michigan, Boys and Girls Club of Toledo, Toledo family that have supported them during this dif- Bellissimo Hair Sensation, and as a bartender honor roll student, president of his class, and Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Sylvania ficult time. during games or events in the Toledo area captain of his high school golf team, Alan grad- Board of Zoning Appeals, United Way, Swan Those planning an expression of sympathy mainly at Fifth Third Field, Huntington Center, uated from Jackson High School in 1958. Creek Retirement Village (Chairman of the are asked to consider donations to the scholar- and the Valentine Theatre. When she was not Alan attended Albion College, where, unbe- Board), Valentine Theatre Restoration, several ship fund at The Greater Toledo Community working, Pam loved to go to Florida to be with knownst to many, he studied to become a phar- school levies, and was a founder and co-chair- Foundation, 300 Madison Ave., Ste 1300, Toledo, her siblings and her mother. She enjoyed a good macist. A devoted member of the Alpha Tau man of the Toledo Board of Realtors Scholarship. OH 43604 ( or Hospice of North- salsa dance or even a night out at a Disco party. Omega fraternity, he held many positions, but He was also active member of the Toledo Sym- west Ohio, 30000. E River Rd., Perrysburg, OH Pam always remained active and loved being so- most often joked about being the Frisbee cham- phony, Toledo Zoo, COSI, Toledo Botanical 43551 ( cial. pion. It was during his time at Albion in 1960 Garden, and the Toledo Museum of Art. He was Funeral services and burial will be private. Pam is survived by her two sons Christopher that Alan met the love of his life, a sophomore a member of Christ Presbyterian Church for Condolences may shared with the family at and Brian (Jennifer) Stahl. She is also survived named Marian “Midge” Taup. The two were more than 50 years, where he held planning walker by her four grandchildren Savannah (Artez), married in 1963. They first lived in Ann Arbor, committee positions and was an elder and a dea- London, Emma, and Megan. Pam was married where Alan finished up his education, receiving con. While Alan was highly successful as a pro- Frances Minns for 28 years to Thomas Stahl. She was the oldest his pharmaceutical degree from the University fessional, he was a family man at his core. His of ten children. Her surviving siblings are Barry of Michigan. family remembers him as the thrifty, loving guy Frances Joan Minns, 86, Stringfield (Cecile), Jeffery Stringfield (Anunt), After a short stint in West Michigan (Benton who polished his shoes, never needing a new of Lambertville, Mich. Cindy Adkins (Bob Cleva), David Stringfield, Harbor and Muskegon), Alan jumped on an op- pair (always had them resoled at Macino’s), ate passed peacefully at Malinda Stringfield, Dewey Stringfield (Car- portunity to move to Toledo to help own and the scraps off of the kids’ plates each night before UTMC on Dec. 21, 2020. olyn), and Tim Stringfield (Luz). Pam was pre- manage a small chain of pharmacies. After two washing them, wouldn’t let Midge donate a “per- Frances was born on May ceded in death by her siblings Sandy Berch and years, guided by changes in the industry (he fectly good pair of pants” (the green corduroys 29, 1934, in Toledo, Ohio Larry (Marty) Stringfield. She is survived by a with mallard ducks), was always eager to share to Stephen and Mary host of nephews and nieces. (Halas) Mruzek who pre- A memorial Mass will be held on Saturday, walkerfuneralhomes com ceded her in death. A Jan. 9, 2021 at 10 am at Christ The King Church, graduate of Woodward High School, Frances 4100 Harvest Lane in Toledo, Ohio with visita- went on to work at Owens Corning. That all tion at 9 am. Her ashes will be laid to rest on a changed when she met James Minns, she said it later date to be determined in Marblehead, Ohio. was love at first sight. Their love story lasted Pam wishes in lieu of flowers that people make nearly six decades. The two married in 1959 donations in support of the Anatomical Dona- and had two children James Jr. and Bradford, tion Program at the University of Toledo, College and celebrated 59 years before Jim’s passing in of Medicine. Coyle Funeral Home is assisting the 2019.    family with arrangements. View Pam's memorial A devoted wife and mother, Frances believed video tribute and leave a condolence message at we all traveled a path. She would often say, do not worry, it will all work out. Compassionate, To send flowers or a memorial gift to the fam- generous, and strong, she always saw the best in ily of Pamela Stahl, visit our Sympathy Store. everyone and handled life’s adversity with grace, humor, and a strong faith. Frances loved tennis. Larry Wilson One of her greatest joys was watching her sons play tennis competitively. She loved even more Larry Scott Wilson, 73 when the family took to the court to play a great of Sylvania, Ohio passed doubles match.  away Dec. 27, 2020, in his She enjoyed spending time vacationing with home. He was born in family in Hilton Head and Sanibel Island, and Rittman, Ohio on Aug. 1, reading Christian inspirational books. Frances 1947 to Marian (Hughes) loved spending time with her lifelong friends, Landis and Louis Rex Lan- whether it be a phone call or a monthly lunch dis. He later lived in Fre- visit. She was a happy person and relished life.  mont, Ohio and Sylvan She is survived by her son James Minns Jr. of Lake, Mich. before moving to Sylvania. He grad- Lambertville, Mich.; son Bradford (Ginny) of uated from Sylvania High School in 1965 and Orlando, Fla; sister Dee Lowrie of Perrysburg, earned an associate degree and bachelor of busi- Ohio; sister-in-law Judy Kays of Coral Gables, ness degree from the University of Toledo. Larry married his high school sweetheart, Joann Har-

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 13B LIVES CELEBRATED nicipal Court. He taught criminal law at the University of Toledo. rison, in 1969. cream, and his unquestioning faith in Jesus versation, tasty food, adventuresome travel and Larry was employed by Athletic Supply, Rollie Christ as his Lord and Savior. lots of laughs. He had a natural ability to connect A lifelong athlete, Fred, as quarterback, led with people and had countless loving friends. the 1957 DeVilbiss Tigers to an undefeated sea- Schmidt, Champion Spark Plug, and retired Due to COVID services will be private. The His most cherished times were those with his son. He was honored to be inducted in the from Merillat Cabinet Company in 2010. family suggests memorials to Sylvania First wife and family, always supporting and partici- DeVilbiss Hall of Fame. After one year on a United Methodist Church, 7000 Erie St., Sylva- pating in the endless activities and events of his football scholarship at University of Nebraska, Larry and Joann were blessed with two chil- nia, Ohio 43560 or Hospice of Northwest Ohio, children and grandchildren, especially if it meant Fred was destined to be a Rocket where he dren, Laura Elizabeth (Charles LeRoux) and 30000 River Rd., Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. he could be outdoors … or eating. played football. He continued his athletic Scott Eric (Rob Davis) as well as two amazing Arrangements by Walker Funeral Home and prowess with many softball leagues, handball grandchildren, Olivia Anne LeRoux and Carson condolences may be shared with the family at A small memorial service is planned for im- championships, and many years on the golf Andrew LeRoux. mediate family only. At a later date, per Kent’s course. He also shared his skills with coaching wishes, a party will be held to celebrate a life well his children's teams. Those who knew Larry shared his enthusiasm Kent Hagemeyer lived and loved. to visit every major league ballpark. In the weeks Serving others was a lifelong tenet in Fred's after his diagnosis he was “gifted” with the op- Kent Ulrich Hage- In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may life. He served over 25 years on Glenwood portunity to accomplish that goal with visits to meyer, 85, lifelong Toledo be made to the UT Alumni Association, the Lutheran Church Council with many terms as new ballparks in Dallas and Atlanta with mem- resident, died peacefully at Avalon Foundation, the Metroparks of Toledo, president and finance chair. He led Lutheran So- bers of his family. He had also taken Carson on his home on Dec. 16, 2020. or a charity of the donor’s choosing. cial Services Board of Trustees, the University several trips to visit 18 of the 30 parks. Even after He was born March 26, of Toledo Board Of Trustees Alumni Founda- seeing each team he remained an avid Detroit 1935, to Frank and Helen Fred Henning tion, Downtown Coaches, and Sigma Alpha Ep- Tiger fan. Hagemeyer. He is survived silon fraternity. He volunteered many years with by his wife of 61 years, Fred E. Henning, age the Rotary Club of Toledo and Old Newsboys. Larry was a total family guy. Family always Nan, children Brad 80, died Dec. 16, 2020. He came first, especially his grandchildren. He en- (Cathy) Hagemeyer, Sherri (Donald) Frazier, was born April 8, 1940, to Fred is survived by his wife, Sharon (Duffey) joyed vacationing in Florida and Arizona as well Todd (Teri) Hagemeyer, seven splendid grand- Wilma (Kasch) and Fred- Henning; daughter Karen (Bob) Ballard and as the relaxing times with family at Devils Lake children Libby (Matt) Harris, Paul (Rachel) eric Henning in Toledo, Fred III (Anne Fath) Henning. He was thrilled where he was the pontoon captain. Hagemeyer, Allisen (Connor) Mc Manis, Susan, Ohio. He attended Trinity to watch his six grandchildren grow and thrive; Joshua, Cameron and Olivia, and three great- Lutheran grade school, attending many athletic events and perform- Much of Larry’s time was spent in service to grandchildren Bennett, Sloane and Eloise. DeVilbiss High School ances. Audrey, Brendan, Will and Sophie Bal- others. He was not good at being “idle” so vol- Kent was a proud graduate of DeVilbiss High and received his bachelor's lard and Jackson and Charlotte Henning, all unteer projects kept him busy delivering Mobile School and the University of Toledo. He had a degree from University of Toledo. He earned his adored their Poppa. Meals, caring for the lawn at church, volunteer- successful career in sales for Sherwin Williams Juris Doctorate degree from The Ohio State ing at Friendly Center, and so many others. He and the A.F. Schurman Co. His passions in- University College of Law. Arrangements are made with Walker Funeral was a 50-year member of Sylvania First United cluded sailing, watercolor painting, collecting A proud 50 year member of the Ohio State Home. Due to the pandemic restrictions, there Methodist Church where he chaired most com- trains and his beloved Estate Sales by Kent. Kent Bar Association, Fred practiced law at several will be no visiting hours. mittees over the years. Larry also attended Bible was an active member of the University of law firms such as Duffey & Henning with his fa- study and was a 20-year member of an Emmaus Toledo Alumni Association and past president ther-in-law, Legal Associates and Greg Arnold In lieu of flowers, donate to Glenwood share group. of the Golden Alumni Association. He was also & Associates. He worked as executive vice pres- Lutheran Church. Gifts to the church can be a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Alumni Asso- ident and general counsel of First Federal Sav- mailed to 2545 Monroe St. Toledo OH 43620 or Larry was loved and respected by all who ciation and the Toledo Botanical Garden. ings & Loan Association where he served on its through online at knew him. He leaves behind his wife of 51 years, Kent always enjoyed a good party and con- board of directors. He served as an associate children, grandchildren, sister Debbie Acker- judge and assistant prosecutor in Sylvania Mu- mann, and his faithful church family. We will all miss his gentle spirit, his smile, his love of ice Christ Presbyterian Church WORSHIP St. Stephen DIRECTORY Lutheran Church 4225 Sylvania 7800 Erie Street, Sylvania, Ohio (corner of Sylvania and Talmadge) 419-885-1551 419-475-8629 Follow worship services on Facebook @StStephenSyl Christ Presbyterian invites you to join worship online at St. James St. Michael’s In The Hills Lutheran Church Episcopal Church 4727 Sylvania Avenue at Brockton 4718 Brittany 1/4 mile west of Franklin Park Mall 419-531-1616 Follow the sermons on Sunday Services 9 am Christmas Eve 4 pm or on Facebook 419-841-8659 @stmichaelsinthehillsepiscopalchurch Making Resolutions? McCord Road Christian Church Zion Lutheran Church ~ LCMC Resolve to Meet Christ! AKA Five Lakes Church Rev. Jeffrey Geske Visit our Bible Study 8307 Memorial Hwy., Ottawa Lake, MI 49267 This Wednesday 7 pm 4765 McCord Road • 419-882-6703 Worship Sunday 10:30 am Attendees Should Register in Advance 734-856-2921 Saturdays 4 pm • Sundays 10 am Flanders Road Church of Christ Services: Sundays 9 am and 11 am Wednesdays 7:30 pm Bible class will begin Sundays at 9 am before worship 5130 Flanders Rd • Toledo, Ohio 43623 Like us on Facebook and visit us on the web at Want to publicize your worship services and activities? Contact Sylvania AdVantage for more information 419-824-0100 or [email protected]

14B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST JANUARY 2021 FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS! Now is the time to sell CALL US FOR RESULTS! Wishing You and Your Family a Healthy & Happy New Year! Best to You in 2021! Thinking of moving local or out of town or out of the country? I can help you with ALL your Real Estate Needs! We have RE/MAX offices all over the world! Marcia Rubini Preferred Associates 3306 Executive Parkway #101 Toledo, OH 43606 419-870-2009 Lifetime Million Dollar Club Member 2014-2016 RE/MAX Platinum Club 2014-2020 Independently Owned and Operated [email protected] • Realtors order a subscription for your Joe Mathias new Sylvania clients! 419-824-0100 419.509.9386 [email protected] Lance Tyo 419.290.3713 [email protected] Over 4,000 Homes Sold ABSOLUTE AUCTION THURSDAY JANUARY 14TH 5:30 PM 6764 MAPLEWOOD AVE. SYLVANIA, OHIO 43560 Preview and registration open at 4 pm. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! This is one where the three words in real estate truly do mean everything! This adorable 3-bedroom home in Sylvania has a ton of great features going for it! Located directly across the street from Maplewood Elementary and only 2 blocks from downtown Sylvania, there is almost no reason to ever take your car out of the garage (which is big enough for 2). Add your final touches to this house and have your perfect home in no time! You do not want to miss this rare opportunity selling to the highest bidder! Jack Amlin, CAI, AARE • Auctioneer/Danberry Realtors • 419-867-7653 May the New Year Sutphin bring joy, peace and Group happiness to all.... Brad Sutphin, Jeana Sutphin, Realtor 419-345-5566 Realtor email: [email protected]

FIRST JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 15B SERVICES PUBLIC NOTICE BRG PAINT & WALLPAPER The Sylvania Township Zoning Commission will hold a Meeting on Wednesday, Painting - Paper Removal - Wall Repair January 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Hall, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Wallpapering since 1986 Sylvania, OH 43560 for consideration of the following: References - Insured - Reliable *Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, until further notice, all Sylvania Township public Free Estimates meetings will be held virtually, and not in-person. The virtual meeting will be on Brian 419-297-9686 (Access information available at PEST CONTROL CLEANING SERVICES PROVIDED Please contact the Sylvania Township Zoning Department with any questions. More than 25 years experience providing Ants, Termites, Bed Bugs, Mice, 1. Zone Change Request from C-2 (General Commercial) to R-2 (Residential) Boxelder Bugs, Bee/Wasps high quality performance with a for the property located at 7522 Trotter Rd. (Parcel No. 78-62337) conscientious attitude. Goal oriented to Holland, Ohio Notice: Upon receiving recommendations from the Lucas County Plan Commission dependability & thoroughness. the Zoning Commission will conduct hearings on all zoning issues published for leg- 419/868-8700 References provided upon request. islative consideration within this agenda. All persons interested in or affected by said Please call Tammy @ 419-882-8258 requests will have the right and opportunity to be heard on the question of granting or denying of said requests. Information concerning said matters is on file in the Sylva- HOUSE CLEANING nia Township Zoning Office and may be seen Mon., Wed. & Thurs., 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 HURLEY’S PAINTING Deb’s Duz Wonders. Experienced home and p.m. After the Zoning Commission takes action on zoning matters before it; said ac- Interior/Exterior • Paper Removal tions will be referred to the Board of Trustees for final determination. office cleaning. References available. Deck Staining Special events, weekly, or biweekly. By Order of ZC Chairman Mary Himmelein Quality Work • Reasonable Prices FREE ESTIMATES APARTMENT FOR LEASE CLASSIFIEDS FREE ESTIMATES CALL DEBBIE 419-509-7825 CALL 419/882-6753 VERSAILLES IN THE WOODS II $10 - first 20 words 35¢ each TREE TRIMMING & 5679 Monroe St., Sylvania additional word JOHN’S STUMP GRINDING SMALL TREE REMOVALS –Stump Grinding– Over 30 years experience offering high quality Remodeled Efficiency. 300 sq. ft. Box/picture/logo: $5 40 Years Experience! performance with a conscientious attitude. Pool, Serene, Extensive Grounds. 419-824-0100 or 419-467-9504 Mention this ad to receive a 10% Discount. Gas, Water, Trash Removal Paid. [email protected] Please ask for Jeff You Pay Electric. The Tree Specialist $525/month. 419-882-8258 or 419-810-1034 419-283-1395 STORE CLOSING HELP WANTED Menswear Coming to YOU! BATHROOM/KITCHEN & Tailoring Store You mSyalyvabRneeisicsacteaoAimyvidneingVgeahtvonoemtyaryoegubiesfusoftuorSetryhl1ivos2afisnstmhuiaeeoA!ndthVas ntage INSTALLERS NEEDED! SuYbosuccriabneaalsnodreScuepivpe,oartt yyoouurrdLooocrsatel pN,eewvesrpyaispsueer! TOP Pay, Paid Weekly. No Material Costs! CLOSING Schedule Flexibility. Join a Winning Team! for 12 months Obynsluyb$s2c6ribpinegrfyoer oanrly $26 per year! after 48 Years Call 1-844-Arnolds or Name______________________________________ email your resume to [email protected] All Merchandise and Address_____________________________________ Equipment must go! City_________________________Zip_____________ BOOTH RENTAL Phone_______________Email___________________ Hair stylists and nail techs at Sheer Perfection Suits, Sport Coats, Vests, Trousers, Shirts, Ties & Tuxedos. Enclosed is my check Hair Studio, 6381 Monroe St. Call Pam at 419-517-4774 Commercial Sewing Machines, Clothing Racks & Displays, Mirrors, FOODIES WANTED Earth to Oven now hiring eager foodies for the Mannequins, etc. All at bargain prices. front and back of the restaurant. Kayvon’s Menswear 419-824-0683 3328 W. Laskey, 43623 • 419.473.9998 Mastercard Visa Number_______________________________________ Exp_______Security code______ FILL OUT AND MAIL TO: QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? WANT TO JUST SAY HELLO? Sylvania AdVantage Call or eMail: 5657 N. Main St. #1 Sylvania, OH 43560 PH: 419/824-0100 [email protected] Thank you for reading the Sylvania AdVantage! Like us on Facebook at #SYLVANIASTRONG 06.01.20

INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR ACTIVE SENIORS Live the Life Where senior living apartments stop is where The Crescent is just getting started. Live in luxurious comfort. Tempt your palate. With full kitchens, walk-in closets, Our three distinct dining venues and mobility-friendly showers, private an ever-changing variety of freshly balconies/patios, laundry with made fare, will keep you coming stacked washer/dryer and high- back again and again. All-inclusive end finishes throughout, you’ll be living never tasted so good! tempted to never leave your suite. Tap into technology Stay in the game. and convenience. Play a round with friends or work Resident suites have touchscreens on your game with our state-of- where you can view menus, place the-art golf simulator. The best service requests, see notifications for part? No greens fees and golf is deliveries or check when yoga class never rained out at The Crescent! or happy hour starts. You can even video chat with friends and family. See all that The Crescent has to THE CRESCENT offer at or call 419-469-1766 to schedule a personal tour. LIVE THE LIFE 4230 N Holland-Sylvania Rd, Sylvania, OH 43623

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