ContentsOVERVIEW ALUMNI 1 Compelling Combination 49 Alumni 2 10 Seals of Excellence 3 Philosophy, Vision and Mission 50 FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCES 4 Message from the Chairman 5 Message from the President Applied Physics/Microelectronics 6 Board of Governors Chemistry/Food Science 7 Milestones and Significant Development Life Science/Biology 9 Pengenalan kepada Kolej Universiti Sport & Exercise Science12 The Campuses15 Going Global with Dual Award Qualifications 62 FACULTY OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION19 International Students TECHNOLOGYPROGRAMMES Computer Science/Software Engineering Management Mathematics22 Programmes Offered Information Technology/Information Systems27 Admissions29 Fees 78 FACULTY OF ACCOUNTANCY, FINANCE AND BUSINESSSCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID Business32 Scholarships and Grants Accounting33 Student Loans and Financial Assistance Corporate Administration EconomicsSUPPORT AND SERVICES Finance34 Library 96 FACULTY OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT35 Communication and Information Technology Centre36 Computing Laboratories and Facilities Architecture37 Science Lab and Facilities Built Environment38 Facilities for Accountancy, Finance and Business39 CAD, Studio and Labs 106 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING40 Laboratories, Workshops and Studios41 Labs, Studios, Training Restaurant and Kitchen EngineeringSTUDENT SERVICES 115 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, ARTS AND HUMANITIES43 Accommodation Counselling/Psychology44 Sports, Recreation and Co-Curricular Courses Creative Arts & Design45 Food and Beverage on campus Hospitality Management46 Bus Service on campus Mass Communication47 Student Development and Career Guidance Humanities48 Student Counselling Services 136 CENTRE FOR NATION BUILDING AND LANGUAGES English Language Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum Foreign Languages 139 CENTRE FOR PRE-UNIVERSITY STUDIES Foundation Cambridge GCE A Level 154 CENTRE FOR CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Our Commitment Training Facilities 160 CENTRE FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH About Postgraduate Studies
Compelling Combination 1Compelling Combination of Education + Excellence High A deep history Scale diversity & Graduate dating back to alumni strength of 190,000Employability 1969 28,000 students in 6 campuses in Malaysia • Kuala Lumpur • Penang • Perak • Johor • Pahang • Sabah Global Our programmes areGraduates • Professionally driven • Industry-relevant • Entrepreneurship-focused
10 Seals of Excellence 2 EALS O S CE F EXC ELLEN TOP-NOTCH ACADEMIC TEAM GLOBALLY RECOGNISED AND ACCREDITED PROGRAMMESWell qualified and high calibre lecturers with vastindustry experiences to impart industry-relevant Professionally driven programmes that are well recognised and accredited by various knowledge and skills to you. international and local professional bodies to give an edge to all graduates. DUAL AWARD OPPORTUNITY COMPREHENSIVE HIGHDiverse curriculum with international perspective QUALITY PROGRAMMES More than 100 programmes to choose from in developed with overseas partner universities the areas of accountancy, finance, business, provide international learning and exposure to engineering, built environment, applied sciences, ICT, social science, creative arts and hospitality prepare you for the global workplace. management as well as foundation and A Level STERLING TRACK RECORD programmes. 49 years of education excellence, as evidenced by our successful alumni of more than 190,000 STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITIES A sprawling 186-acre Main Campus providing who today are national leaders, industry captains, prominent entrepreneurs and vibrant campus lifestyle for you and well equipped with cutting edge learning and outstanding professionals . research facilities.STRONG LINKAGE WITH THE INDUSTRY STRATEGIC LOCATION Strong linkage with various global industry Located right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, theleaders makes our graduates employment ready Main Campus is well connected to the city via locally and globally. Light Rail Transit (LRT) and public transport. Strong presence of 5 branch campuses in major GENEROUS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE A caring institution that offers interest-free towns nationwide. revolving student loan funds and automatic merit scholarships up to 100% waiver of tuition fee for qualified students. NATIONAL EMINENCE A trusted household brand in providing the best quality education for close to 5 decades.
Philosophy, Vision and Mission 3 PahndilMosiosspihoyn, VisionPHILOSOPHYThe Tunku Abdul Rahman University College FIRMLY BELIEVES that educationto whomsoever it is given, regardless of age, sex, race, creed or class, will bringbenefits to the people and country.The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College FULLY REALIZES its responsibility asan institution of higher learning in the context of the Malaysian education systemand its role in fulfilling the common aspirations of the Malaysian people in thepursuit of education.The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College STAUNCHLY UPHOLDS the principlethat education embraces not only the pursuit of truth and knowledge but also thedevelopment of a moral and ethical character. VISIONThe Tunku Abdul Rahman University College shall be a DISTINGUISHED institutionof higher learning acknowledged locally, nationally and globally for its excellence inproviding opportunities for intellectual, personal and professional development andgrowth of its students by fostering their inquiring, creative and innovative minds tosucceed in life.MISSIONThe Tunku Abdul Rahman University College is COMMITTED to complement andsupplement the efforts of the Government in providing quality education andtraining on a comprehensive range of disciplines and levels thereby adding to thedevelopment of human capital in Malaysia.The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College will FOCUS on total development ofstudents to their fullest potential and its graduates shall be imbued with knowledge,skills, values and attributes to succeed in life and work, contributing to thetechnological, economic and social advancement of the nation.The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College is COMMITTED to maintaining stronglinks with business, industry and community as well as collaborating with otherrenowned institutions for the purpose of fostering continuous improvement andlearning.
Message from the Chairman 4 Message from the Chairman Board of Trustees, TARC Education Foundation, Board of Governors, TAR UC From a college to university college and soon a university, TAR UC continuously builds on its strength and capability to ensure we consistently position ourselves in the vanguard of cutting-edge knowledge benefitting students who seek for an enlightened and informed mind. Institutions of higher learning are akin to the foundation or core of a country’s growth and development where future technology and knowledge is synthesised and refined for the good of humankind and society. The connection between education and economic development is particularly evident in some of the most advanced countries in the world such as United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany where they share a commonality that is their world-class education which builds human capital to sustain growth. In a similar way, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (‘TAR UC’) also plays its crucial role in nation building and development by providing quality tertiary education that will strengthen and sustain the human capital pipeline in Malaysia. Established by Malaysian Chinese Association (‘MCA’) in 1969, TAR UC has certainly grown and evolved in its quest to continuously transform itself as a respected institution of academic excellence in Malaysia and abroad. Delivering top-notch education is without a doubt at the heart of what we do in TAR UC. Since its inception until today, TAR UC has never wavered in its commitment to provide quality and affordable education as this is what defines us as the institution of choice for Malaysians for many generations. From a college to university college and soon a university, TAR UC continuously builds on its strength and capability to ensure we consistently position ourselves in the vanguard of cutting-edge knowledge benefitting students who seek for an enlightened and informed mind. As we move in tandem with the advancement in science and technology, TAR UC relentlessly revitalises its teaching pedagogy and learning environment to bring seamless and effective transmission of knowledge to a whole new level in our bid to establish TAR UC as the epicentre of scholarly pursuits. At the same time, we intensify our engagement and collaboration with the industries and academia locally and abroad with the aim of strengthening TAR UC’s reputation in the delivery of top quality education and high employability of our graduates. All these contribute to TAR UC’s overall vision of achieving high standard of scholarship to develop world class human capital for Malaysia. Moving forward, the pace of change will hasten as the world is embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution which will bring about a drastic shift in the way we live and work. This digital revolution inadvertently will also affect our country in terms of skills and knowledge requirements for the next generation of human capital. TAR UC, being one of the oldest and highly regarded institutions in Malaysia, is well-poised to support our country’s future progress in this digital age by nurturing tomorrow’s leaders and innovators. For over 49 years, TAR UC’s holistic education has moulded more than 190,000 high calibre graduates with many of them being top national leaders, eminent industry captains, respected professionals and entrepreneurs who have not only succeeded in their fields but they have also transformed and contributed substantially to the development of the country. Our track record of close to 5 decades speaks volumes for the quality of TAR UC’s holistic education in developing outstanding scholars and leaders in their chosen fields. For those of you who are at a crossroads after your high school, I would encourage you to visit TAR UC and experience for yourselves the unique TAR UC’s education. And while you are at it, browse through our prospectus to map out your pathway to success. I hope to have you in TAR UC enjoying your learning experience while choreographing your journey towards greater achievements in TAR UC and beyond. Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai
Message from the President 5 Message from the President At TAR UC, we strive to ensure that our holistic education not only equips you well but also empowers you to achieve your highest potentials preparing you for a promising head start in your career and life.Warmest greetings from TAR UC!It gives me immense pleasure to know that you are considering Tunku AbdulRahman University College (‘TAR UC’) as your next step in pursuing higher education.Indeed this is an important stage in your life that will shape and pave your career path andsuccess. Therefore, your choice of higher learning institution will have a direct and close bearingon the outcome of your education and eventually your career direction. At TAR UC, we strive to ensure thatour holistic education not only equips you well but also empowers you to achieve your highest potentialspreparing you for a promising head start in your career and life.For over 49 years, TAR UC has earned a peerless reputation in providing quality and affordable education that has nurturedmore than 190,000 graduates with many of them becoming eminent national leaders, industry captains, successfulentrepreneurs and professionals in Malaysia and abroad. Such shining track record is the manifestation of our unwaveringcommitment towards academic excellence that is supported by three key pillars, namely being industry-relevant,professionally driven and entrepreneurship-focused which lie at the core of all the programmes offered by TAR UC. On top ofthat, the consistency of our students’ wins in industry competitions and professional examinations every year further addscredence to our education excellence.As you leaf through the prospectus, you will find our academic offering highly extensive with over 100 programmes atDiploma, Bachelor’s and Master’s levels in various fields and disciplines such as accounting, business, finance, appliedsciences, ICT, microelectronics, engineering, built environment, social science, creative arts, mass communication, hospitalitymanagement as well as Pre-University programmes which include A Level and Foundation. Each of the programme offeredat TAR UC is carefully designed to enable transfer of essential industry knowledge and skills to the students. Therefore, youcan expect top-notch education from our Kuala Lumpur Main Campus as well as our branch campuses in Penang, Perak,Johor, Sabah and the brand new purpose-built campus in Pahang.To ensure that our students not only succeed in the classroom, we enhance student’s educational experience through ourvibrant campus activities. The phrase “work hard and play hard” comes alive at TAR UC, having over 100 clubs and societiesfor you to choose from as well as comprehensive learning and recreational facilities that students can utilise.I encourage you to take a closer look at the prospectus to find out more about the life-changing education TAR UC can offeryou. You will gain deeper insight towards the wide-range of comprehensive curriculum offered by the University College andhelp guide you to the right education path. I look forward to welcoming you to pursue tertiary education with us here at TAR UC! Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok
Board of Governors 6 Board of Governors as at 30 October 2017 Chairman Deputy Chairman Y B Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai Y B Senator Datuk Seri Dr Hou Kok Chung Minister of Transport Vice President Ministry of Transport, Malaysia Malaysian Chinese Association Member Member Y Bhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok Dr Pamela Yong President Dental Specialist in Orthodontics Tunku Abdul Rahman University College Smile Orthodontics Specialist Clinic Member Member Y Bhg Dato’ Ir Dr Gue See Sew Y Bhg Dato’ Yap Kuak Fong Chief Executive Officer President of TARCian Alumni Association G&P Professionals Sdn Bhd Member Member Ms Georgina Liew Lee Ching Y Bhg Professor Dr Jamal Othman Principal Assistant Director Principal Fellow, Majlis Profesor Negara & National Budget Office, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia Professor, School of Economics Member Faculty of Economics and Management Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Associate Professor Dr Loke Chui Fung Member Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences Tunku Abdul Rahman University College Mr Yeo Eng HuiPresident of Federation of Tunku Abdul Rahman College Alumni Associations, Malaysia Member Ms Ooi Shu Luan Registrar (Secretary) Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Milestones and Significant Development 7Milestones and Significant Development 19 68 19 69 TAR College officially began its operations with the setting up of the School of Pre-University Studies with a pioneer intake of 320 students. YABhg Tun Tan Siew Sin, the then 19 73 President of the Malaysian ChineseAssociation proposed the establishment of Tunku Abdul Rahman College (‘TAR College’) during the party’s General Assembly. 19 76 YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia andThe first phase of the Kuala Lumpur Main Father of Independence, officiated the Campus was successfully completed. Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus in Setapak. TAR College’s Perak Branch Campusbegan operations in temporary premises 19 94 TAR College’s first branch campus commenced operations in rented premises in Kampar, Perak. in the state of Penang. The branch moved In 2003, the branch moved to its own to its own purpose- built campus in 1999 where it was officially launched by YABhg 19 98purpose-built campus which was Tun Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, the then Deputy Prime Minister. officiated by YABhg Tun Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, the then Deputy Prime Minister. 19 99 The third branch campus of TAR College located in the state of Johor was officially launched by YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, the then Minister of Education. The Pahang Faculty Branch was established in Karak, Pahang.
Milestones and Significant Development 8The Sabah Faculty Branch commenced The Cyber Centre which functions operations in Kota Kinabalu. In 2007, as the one-stop ICT resource centre in Kuala Lumpur Main Campus was 20 02the faculty branch relocated to a new officially launched. building in Penampang. 20 09 20 10 The 6-storey administration building was 20 13completed and it was named after the founder of TAR College, Tun Tan Siew Sin, in a naming TAR College was officially upgraded to a University College and is now known ceremony held on 9 September 2011. as Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (‘TAR UC’). 20 15 The historic ground breaking ceremony for 20 16 The official launch of the TARC Incubator,purpose-built campus in Kuantan, Pahang was an integrated business incubator to promote innovation and entrepreneurship by YB graced by K.D.Y.T.M Tengku Mahkota Pahang Datuk Seri Ir Dr Wee Ka Siong, Member which will replace the faculty branch in Karak, of the Board of Trustees, TARC Education Foundation, and Minister in the Prime Pahang upon completion. Minister’s Department.The launch of the new phase of Penang Branch TAR UC was accorded Campus and naming of its new library building the Excellence in Education Improvement by YB Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan, Member of award in the Asia PacificTARC Education Foundation, Secretary-General CSR Awards 2016 under of Malaysian Chinese Association and Minister the award category of Socially Responsible of International Trade and Industry II. Company in Education Improvement. The Asia Pacific CSR Awards 2016 is a programme that is in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and United Nations Global Compact Framework and endorsed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). 20 17 The royal launch of the majestic new Pahang The momentous ground breaking ceremony Faculty Branch in Kuantan officiated by of the new purpose-built campus in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah was officiated by Datuk Seri Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Pemangku Panglima Musa Haji Aman, Chief Minister Raja Pahang, together with Dato’ Sri Mohd of Sabah. Once completed, the campus Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Prime Minister will replace the existing rented premises inof Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, Chairman Penampang, Sabah. of the Board of Trustees, TARC Education Foundation and Board of Governors, TAR UC and other officials.
Pengenalan kepada Kolej Universiti 9Kampus Induk Kuala LumpurKampus Induk Kuala Lumpur terletak di Jalan Genting Kelang,Setapak dan kampus ini merangkumi kawasan seluas 186ekar. Dikelilingi landskap semulajadi menghijau, kampus yangultra moden ini menyediakan pengalaman pembelajaranyang unggul.Pelbagai kemudahan yang komprehensif disediakan untukmenyokong pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Di antaranya,perpustakaan tiga tingkat yang mempunyai lebih daripada219,000 buah buku dan 12,000 bahan media dan PusatSiber yang menyediakan kemudahan teknologi maklumatdan komunikasi. Selaras dengan visi TAR UC untuk menjadisebuah institusi keusahawanan, sebuah inkubator perniagaanberintegrasi juga ditubuhkan di Kampus Induk KualaLumpur, bertujuan untuk menggalakkan budaya innovatifdan keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar dan komuniti TARUC. Demi mengukuhkan keupayaan penyelidikan, 20 pusatpenyelidikan juga ditubuhkan di dalam fakulti masing-masinguntuk memberikan fokus kepada kajian-kajian yang strategikdan berpotensi tinggi.Pelbagai kemudahan rekreasi yang bertujuan untuk menyokong aktiviti ko-kurikulum dan menggalakkan gaya hidup yang aktifdi kalangan pelajar-pelajar turut disediakan. Di antaranya adalah padang bola sepak dengan trek larian, rumah kelab dan kolamrenang bersaiz Olimpik, Kompleks Sukan yang dilengkapi dengan gelanggang tenis atas bumbung, gelanggang badminton,gelanggang bola tampar dan gimnasium.Anda pasti akan merasai sendiri sebuah pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyeluruh yang membina perkembangan diri dankemampuan intelektual.Kampus Cawangan Pulau PinangKampus Cawangan Pulau Pinang, dengan keluasan 23 ekartanah, terletak di kawasan pelancongan utama TanjongBungah, dan adalah sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi yangdisegani di wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia dan menjadipusat pembelajaran pendidikan tinggi untuk ribuan pelajar.Kampus Cawangan Pulau Pinang dilengkapi dengan prasaranayang lengkap dan perkhidmatan yang efisien, yang menjadipemangkin utama dalam memacu proses pembelajaran danpengajaran dalam pelbagai bidang pengajian seperti perniagaan,sains komputer, kejuruteraan serta perhubungan awam.Antara prasarana komprehensif yang disediakan di kampusini, merangkumi lima buah Makmal Kejuruteraan (dilengkapidengan MATLAB, Proteus, Multisim, PLC, dan lain-lain), MakmalCisco, Makmal Komputer, Makmal Intranet dan Makmal Internet,Makmal Alam Bina, serta Studio Audio dan Visual, sebuahRumah Kelab (dengan sebuah kolam renang bersaiz Olimpik,dua gelanggang skuasy dan gelanggang serbaguna yangberbumbung), bilik-bilik tutorial yang dilengkapi dengan peralatanpengajaran yang hebat dan liputan Wi-Fi di seluruh kampus.Selain itu, kampus ini terdiri daripada kakitangan akademik berkaliber dan profesional yang beraspirasi untuk memberi dorongan,nasihat dan membimbing pelajar ke arah kecemerlangan dalam bidang akademik. Kampus Cawangan Pulau Pinang juga terletaksecara strategik, hanya 20 minit perjalanan dari Georgetown.
Pengenalan kepada Kolej Universiti 10 Kampus Cawangan Perak Dikelilingi kawasan tasik dan bukit-bukau yang menghijau, Kampus Cawangan Perak TAR UC menawarkan suasana pembelajaran yang holistik dan kohesif. Kampus Cawangan Perak juga menawarkan pelbagai program Diploma dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam bidang Pengkomputeraan, Perniagaan, Komunikasi Massa dan Hospitaliti. Dengan tujuan menawarkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyeluruh khususnya untuk program Pengurusan Hospitaliti, Kampus Cawangan Perak dilengkapi dengan kemudahan-kemudahan pembelajaran yang lengkap seperti bilik-bilik hotel, dapur pembuatan kek dan pastri, dapur masakan timur dan barat, kaunter penerimaan tetamu dan bilik dobi. Terdapat juga sebuah restoran yang diuruskan oleh para pelajar sebagai latihan amali dalam pengurusan perkhidmatan makanan di mana restoran tersebut dibuka kepada orang ramai. Selain daripada kemudahan-kemudahan pembelajaran, Kampus Cawangan Perak juga menawarkan pelbagai kemudahan sukan dan rekreasi bagi para pelajar mengekalkan gaya hidup yang aktif. Antara kemudahan-kemudahan ini adalah kolam renang bersaiz Olimpik, gimnasium, gelanggang bola keranjang, bola tampar dan skuasy. Kampus Cawangan Perak terletak 10 minit dari kawasan bandar baru Kampar dan 45 minit dari Ipoh. Kampus Cawangan Johor Kecemerlangan pendidikan TAR UC merangkumi bahagian selatan Semenanjung Malaysia melalui Kampus Cawangan Johor yang terletak di Segamat. Kampus seluas 5 ekar ini mempunyai landskap yang manakjubkan dan dikelilingi dengan alam semulajadi dan ianya terletak hanya 20 minit dari pekan Segamat. Kampus Cawangan Johor siap dilengkapi dengan kemudahan-kemudahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran semasa, bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyeluruh kepada pelajar-pelajarnya. Dengan terdapatnya kemudahan-kemudahan seperti Dewan Serbaguna, Dapur dan Restoran Latihan, Dapur Membakar Roti dan Pastri serta Hotel Buatan, pelajar-pelajar kursus Pengurusan Hotel di Kampus Cawangan Johor telah dilatih dengan baik untuk menonjolkan bakat masing-masing dalam industri. Di samping itu, pelajar- pelajar juga diberikan peluang untuk mengembangkan bakat keusahawanan mereka dan memiliki pengalaman praktikal yang bernilai melalui kursus Akuakultur dan Rumah Tanaman Cendawan. Kampus Cawangan Johor juga mempunyai hostel yang boleh menempatkan 3,000 pelajar. Menjelang 2018, Kampus Cawangan Johor akan mempunyai sebuah Pusat Pembelajaran Informasi, Komunikasi dan Teknologi (ICT) yang ultra-moden dan Pusat Perniagaan Keusahawanan. Ini akan mendorong Kampus Cawangan Johor untuk menjadi pusat setempat dalam bidang ICT dan keusahawanan dan akan memupuk kumpulan usahawan muda yang mampan dan pakar ICT untuk negara ini.
Pengenalan kepada Kolej Universiti 11 Cawangan Fakulti PahangCawangan Fakulti Pahang merupakan kampus baru Kolej Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman yang terletak di Kuantan, Pahang. Iabertujuan untuk memenuhi keperluan pendidikan di rantau pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia.Dilancarkan secara rasmi pada 5 Ogos 2017, kampus baru ini meliputi kawasan seluas 15 ekar yang dilengkapi dengan 2 blokbangunan tiga tingkat untuk kuliah dan sesi tutorial, satu bangunan tiga tingkat yang merupakan bangunan pentadbiran yangdilengkapi dengan kemudahan IT dan perpustakaan dan juga bangunan dua tingkat yang menempatkan pusat pelajar dankafeteria. Kampus tersebut juga mempunyai kemudahan rekreasi seperti kolam renang bersaiz Olimpik, kubah sukan yangmempunyai gelanggang futsal dan bola tampar, gimnasium, dua gelanggang bola keranjang dan enam gelanggang badminton.Cawangan Fakulti Pahang menawarkanprogram-program Diploma dalam bidangperakaunan, perniagaan dan teknologi maklumatdan komunikasi. Program yang ditawarkan diCawangan Fakulti Pahang akan diperluaskanuntuk menyumbang kepada pembangunanekonomi rantau pantai timur SemenanjungMalaysia, terutamanya di Taman IndustriKuantan Malaysia-China.Kampus ini terletak 15 minit dari LebuhrayaPantai Timur, 15 minit dari Teluk Chempedakdan 30 minit dari Taman Tema Air Gambang. Cawangan Fakulti SabahDengan tujuan untuk membangunkan dan memupuk sumbertenaga manusia untuk mendorong pembangunan ekonomidi Malaysia Timur, Cawangan Fakulti Sabah adalah institusipendidikan tinggi pilihan di Sabah. Lokasinya yang strategikterletak di pekan Donggongon, di Penampang di manaperjalanan dari cawangan fakulti ke bandar Kota Kinabaluhanya mengambil masa 30 minit.Cawangan Fakulti Sabah dilengkapi dengan kemudahan-kemudahan komprehensif, yang bertujuan untukmemperkayakan pengalaman pembelajaran pelajar-pelajar. Di antara kemudahan-kemudahan yang disediakanadalah makmal komputer, bahasa dan internet, sebuahperpustakaan, dapur latihan, sebuah restoran dan hotelbuatan. Bagi penginapan pula, pelajar-pelajar mempunyaipilihan yang luas, di mana pelajar-pelajar boleh berjalan kakike Cawangan Fakulti daripada tempat penginapan mereka.Cawangan Fakulti Sabah akan mempunyai kampus yang tersendiri di Alamesra. Kampus moden ini bertujuan untuk memberikanpengalaman pembelajaran yang menyeluruh kepada pelajar-pelajar. Kampus baru akan dilengkapi dengan 4 blok bangunanyang terdiri daripada dua blok tutorial, satu blok pentadbiran, sebuah kantin dan blok pusat pelajar. Di samping itu, kampus baruini juga akan dilengkapi dengan fasiliti-fasiliti sukan atas bumbung seperti gelanggang bola keranjang, badminton, sebuah gimdan kolam renang.
The Campuses 12 Kuala Lumpur Main Campus Located at Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak, TAR UC’s Kuala Lumpur Main Campus sprawls across a 186 acre piece of land. Sitting amidst lush greenery and fully equipped with cutting edge infrastructures, the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus provides students with an inspiring and unique learning experience. Among the wide variety of resources available to support the teaching and learning in the University College include a three storey library with over 219,000 books and 12,000 media materials and a state-of-the-art Cyber Centre that provides Information and Communication Technology resources. Aligned with the University College’s vision of becoming a full-fledged entrepreneurial university, the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus houses an integrated business incubator that aims to spur innovation and entrepreneurship among the students and TAR UC communities. In order to strengthen research capability, TAR UC’s Kuala Lumpur Main Campus also has a total of 20 research centres that have been established within the respective faculties. A wide range of recreational facilities are also available to cater to students’ extra-curricular activities. Amongst these facilities are a football field with running tracks, a clubhouse and an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a Sports Complex that is well equipped with a rooftop tennis court, badminton courts, volleyball courts and gymnasium. You will experience a truly holistic education that promotes a well-balanced environment that is conducive for intellectual growth as well as personal development. Penang Branch Campus Occupying 23 acres of land located at the prime tourist belt of Tanjong Bungah, TAR UC Penang Branch Campus has proven itself to be an institution of academic excellence, attracting thousands of students from all over the different states in the Northern Region of Peninsular Malaysia. The campus is well-equipped with facilities meant to facilitate the delivery of excellent teaching and learning in numerous fields of study such as business, computer science, engineering and public relations. Some of the comprehensive facilities in the campus includes five Engineering Laboratories (equipped with MATLAB, Proteus, Multisim, PLC etc.), Cisco Laboratory, computer, intranet and internet laboratories, Building Laboratories and Audio-Visual Studio, a Club House with an Olympic-sized swimming pool, two squash courts and covered multipurpose courts, classrooms equipped with impressive teaching equipments and Wi-Fi coverage throughout the campus. The campus has a team of high calibre and professionally qualified academics who inspire, mentor and lead students towards achieving academic excellence. The campus is also strategically located, only a 20 minute drive from Georgetown.
The Campuses 13 Perak Branch CampusBoasting the most picturesque setting of tranquil lakes and rolling hills, TAR UC’s Perak Branch Campus offers students a holisticand cohesive learning environment, with a wide variety of Diploma and Bachelor Degree programmes in the fields of Computing,Business, Mass Communication and Hospitality to choose from.To ensure an immersive learning experience for students of the Hospitality Management programme, fully-equipped trainingfacilities are provided such as hotel rooms, baking and pastry kitchens, an Eastern and Western kitchen, a front desk office trainingcounter and laundry room. A restaurant opened to public is also available to provide students with hands-on training in foodservice management.Aside from top-notch facilities that encourage academic enrichment, Perak Branch Campus also offers a wide range of sports andrecreational facilities available for students to maintain an active lifestyle. Amongst these facilities are an Olympic-sized swimmingpool, a gymnasium, basketball, volleyball and squash courts.The campus is located 10 minutes away from Kampar new town area and just a 45 minute drive from Ipoh. Johor Branch CampusTAR UC’s excellence in education is well-recognised across the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia as demonstrated byTAR UC’s Johor Branch Campus located in Segamat. The 50-acre beautifully landscaped campus surrounded by lush greeneryis approximately 20-minute drive from Segamat town. Johor Branch Campus is equipped with modern teaching and learningfacilities and recreational amenities, providing a fulfilling study environment for its students. With a comprehensive array of facilitiessuch as a Function Hall, Training Kitchen and Restaurant, Bakery Kitchen and Mock Hotel, the students at Johor Branch Campusare well-trained professionally to be industry ready. Students are also given opportunities to cultivate strong entrepreneurshipskills and gain vital practical experiences in the Aquaculture Workshop and Mushroom Cultivation House. There is also a studenthostel which can accommodate 3,000 students.Coming up in 2018, Johor Branch Campus will house an ultra-modern ICT Learning Centre and an Entrepreneur Business Centrewith shops and business square. This will propel the campus to be the core centre in the areas of ICT and entrepreneurship,nurturing a sustainable pool of young entrepreneurs and ICT experts for the country.
The Campuses 14 Pahang Faculty Branch Strategically located in Kuantan, Pahang, the new purpose-built campus serves to fulfil the educational needs of the East Coast region in Peninsular Malaysia. Officially launched on 5 August 2017, the new campus covers 15 acres of land and is well-equipped with 2 blocks of 3-storey buildings for lectures and tutorials, a 3-storey administration building complete with IT facilities and a library as well as a 2-storey building housing the student centre and cafeteria. Complementing the campus is a comprehensive suite of recreational facilities which include an Olympic-sized swimming pool and a Sports Dome which houses a futsal-cum-volleyball court, a gymnasium, two basketball courts and six badminton courts. The Pahang Faculty Branch currently offers Diploma programmes in accounting, business and ICT. The programme offering will expand to cater to the needs of the economic development of the East Coast region, particularly the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park. The campus is located 15 minutes from the East Coast Highway, 15 minutes from Teluk Chempedak and 30 minutes from Gambang Water Park Resort. Sabah Faculty Branch The Sabah Faculty Branch in East Malaysia has a history of 15 years since 2002. Since then, it has made its mark to be the preferred tertiary education institution in Sabah. It is strategically located in the town of Donggongon, Penampang which is just 30 minutes away from Kota Kinabalu affording the students a conducive learning environment and at the same time, an exciting experience living in the bustling life in the capital city of Sabah. Sabah Faculty Branch offers a wide array of learning and recreational facilities meant to enrich students’ learning experience. Some of the facilities include computer, language and internet laboratories, a library, training kitchen, a restaurant and a mock hotel. In terms of accommodation, students have plenty of choices to choose from, all of which are within walking distance from the faculty branch. In the near future, the faculty branch will have its very own full-fledged campus in Alamesra, aimed to provide a comprehensive and conducive learning environment for its students. The new campus will include four blocks of building consisting of two tutorial blocks, one administrative block, a canteen and student centre block. In addition to this, the campus will be equipped with roof top sports facilities such as basketball, futsal, badminton courts, a gymnasium room and a swimming pool.
Going Global with Dual Award Qualifications 15 Going Global with Dual Award QualificationsIn today’s well connected world, graduates of institutions of higher learning have more and varied career opportunities locallyand abroad. To compete at the global platform, graduates must have international perspectives and be equipped with globalcompetences, mindedness and attitudes for them to succeed in the workplace.We provide ample opportunities for TAR UC students to achieve such internationalisation learning outcomes both at TAR UCcampus and partner universities’ campuses.Our Dual Award partnerships with well-known overseas universities provide students the opportunity to live and study abroadfor one-semester exposing them to the different cultures, learning approaches and more importantly interactions with localcommunities at affordable prices.COVENTRY UNIVERSITY, UKRanked 12th top university in the UK by the Guardian University Guide for 2018, and GOLD for its teaching excellence in 2017,Coventry is a highly-acclaimed university both in the UK and internationally. With a strong focus on providing a practical,hands-on education with an international perspective, it’s no surprise that 97% of Coventry University graduates foundemployment or were in further study within 6 months of graduating (DLHE 2015-16). Our partnership allows you to study aCoventry programme at TAR UC and to gain a degree certificate from both institutions in the areas of Finance, Management,Business, Media and English.The semester Study Abroad option enables you to spend time studying alongside Coventry’s students in the UK. The Universityis located in Coventry City in the heart of the UK - England’s 11th largest city. Its cultural heritage, friendliness and affordabilityhas contributed to Coventry being voted the 5th best UK city for students, and 39th best student city in the world!
Going Global with Dual Award Qualifications 16 SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY, UK TAR UC and Sheffield Hallam University have been in partnership for almost 20 years and more than 10,000 TAR UC students have graduated with a Sheffield Hallam degree. A qualification from Sheffield Hallam will be recognised and valued all over the world. The dual award programme is offered in a wide range of disciplines including accounting, construction management and economics, marketing, media, public relations, psychology, retail management and tourism and hospitality management. Sheffield Hallam University is one of the largest and most popular universities in the UK and is located in Sheffield, a welcoming, multicultural city with a rich and proud history. It is a safe, friendly and inexpensive place to live, which is why it’s the study destination of choice for more than 60,000 students. CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY, USA The unique partnership between TAR UC and Campbell University has benefitted over 14,000 TAR UC students in obtaining an American degree since the graduation of its first batch of students in 1981. Now, it has evolved into the Dual Award collaboration and the areas covered are chemistry, bioscience, sports and exercise science, computer science, microelectronics, ICT and food science. Founded in 1887, Campbell University is a private university located in Buies Creek, North Carolina, USA. The institution is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) of USA, and its recent accolades include being named as one of the best regional universities in the South by US News & World Reports (2017 edition of Best Colleges) and selected as one of the best colleges in the Southeast by The Princeton Review (“2017 Best Colleges: Region by Region”). Partner universities for the Dual Award programmes may change from time to time to ensure the best value and quality is offered to students. Students are advised to obtain the latest information on Dual Award partner university for their programme from the relevant faculty.
Going Global with Dual Award Qualifications 17What they say about the Dual Award ProgrammeChan Yi Ling CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY, USA Through the Campbell University Dual Award programme, I was exposed to the diversity of biological and chemical sciences. We were also given the opportunity to broaden our area of interest and work towards our own personalised goals. I believe that through this Dual Award programme, graduates are able to achieve more towards becoming a future scholar or an outstanding employee. With the support of experienced lecturer and state-of-the-art facilities and resources, I have managed to achieve what I initially thought was impossible. Overall, the Campbell University Dual Award programme has built my confidence, enriched me academically and further prepared me for whatever challenges that await me in the future. • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Bioscience with Chemistry (TAR UC) • Bachelor of Science Major in Bioscience with Chemistry (Campbell University) • Year Graduated: 2017SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY, UK Lee Cal VinMy time at Sheffield was definitely the best time of my life and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I am gladthat I joined the Dual Award programme as it has broadened my horizon and prepared me for a globallycompetitive environment. The exposure facilitates thinking out of the box as I had the opportunity toengage with people from different backgrounds and cultures.• Bachelor of Corporate Administration (Hons) (TAR UC)• BSc (Hons) Corporate Administration and Management (Sheffield Hallam University)• Year Graduated: 2017Low Tze Kee COVENTRY UNIVERSITY, UK Being part of the TAR UC-Coventry University study abroad programme was one of the most memorable and beneficial experience I had. During that period, activities in the classroom greatly enhanced my analytical skills and critical thinking skills. The tutorials were highly interactive which I enjoyed. They were discussion- based and allowed all participants to voice their opinions. Theories in textbooks were comprehensive since examples and simulations were often introduced. All in all, the learning experience in Coventry University is totally different which exposes me to a whole new dimension of learning. • Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (TAR UC) • BA (Hons) International Business Management (Coventry University) • Year Graduated: 2017 SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY, UK Wong Yee LingStudying abroad in UK is not only academically and culturally fulfilling, but the experience has alsoenhanced my personal growth. I was given a lot of opportunities to meet different students fromdiverse background and explore each of their cultures and beliefs as well. The SHU Dual Awardprogramme definitely strengthens my future employability as the lecturers and the coursestructure have provided me with a solid grounding! I am glad that I took the opportunity to studyat SHU! It is one of the best choices that I have made!• Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) (TAR UC)• BSc (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management (Sheffield Hallam University)• Year Graduated: 2017
Going Global with Dual Award Qualifications 18 CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY, USA Chong Jin Bin The Campbell University Dual Award programme has not only equipped me with the essential IT skills but it has also provided me with an internationally recognised qualification. It was undoubtedly the best decision I had made as the Campbell University Dual Award programme differentiates me from the rest and gives me a competitive edge in my career. Although it was challenging to take two exams on the same day, the results were rewarding. • Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) in Software Systems Development (TAR UC) • Bachelor of Science Major in Software Systems Development (Campbell University) • Year Graduated: 2017 Alicia Chen Ling Yun COVENTRY UNIVERSITY, UK Being given the opportunity to do a semester at Coventry University has given me greater exposure and has indeed made a great change in my life. Not only have I been exposed to a highly interactive style of learning, it was also an opportunity for me to get out of my comfort zone and immerse myself into a new culture of new attitudes, values and beliefs. Experiencing other cultures around the world really broadened my mind and it taught me to think and live differently, which in turn helped me to grow into a more independent and stronger person. • Bachelor of Business (Hons) Accounting and Finance (TAR UC) • BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance (Coventry University) • Year Graduated: 2017 SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY, UK Ker Shian Juin From the beneficial teaching and mentoring by knowledgeable and approachable SHU lecturers in the UK, I gained in-depth and practical understanding of current industry needs such as reputation and crisis management, new media search engine optimisation, in addition to a macro grasp of global PR perspectives. I encourage all students to enrol in the TAR UC-SHU UK dual award programme, as it trains us to be more pragmatic and independent in the contemporary and corporate PR line that is more globalised and multi-cultural in its practices. Besides that, I enjoyed being in the UK as it broadened my view of professional PR aspects, self-learning and socio-cultural diversity, in addition to how considerate the people there are towards the environment and their community’s welfare. Another plus is the cool weather and beautiful scenery. • Bachelor of Public Relations (Hons) (TAR UC) • BA (Hons) International Public Relations (Sheffield Hallam University) • Year Graduated: 2017 Low Jiun Yang CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY, USA I found my 3 years in the Sports and Exercise Science programme at TAR UC exciting, interesting and academically satisfying. The Campbell University Dual Award programme has helped me gain academic recognition to pursue my postgraduate studies and also enhanced my employment opportunities. Campbell University’s extensive e-resources made available to us has also been very helpful in my academic work. Additionally, the hands-on nature and high applicability of the course content has boosted my confidence in various areas. • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Sports and Exercise Science (TAR UC) • Bachelor of Science Major in Sports and Exercise Science (Campbell University) • Year Graduated: 2017 COVENTRY UNIVERSITY, UK Tan Suet Keem Studying abroad at Coventry University, UK has added another facet to my life experience. It took me out of my comfort zone and enabled me to learn in a new way. Experiencing other cultures and norms has broadened my knowledge base and taught me how to think and manage things differently. Most importantly, studying abroad has smoothened my career path and refined my decision making skills. Thanks to TAR UC and Coventry University, I got the chance to involve myself in a globally connected society. • Bachelor of Business (Hons) in International Business (TAR UC) • BA (Hons) International Business Management (Coventry University) • Year Graduated: 2017
International Students 19 Malaysia - A Preferred study destination!Malaysia is a truly multicultural country, which boasts of gleaming skyscrapers, including the famous Petronas Twin Towers,colonial architectures and World Heritage sites in Malacca and Penang. It also has excellent infrastructure, with friendly localsand many natural scenic places ranging from oldest rainforests to pristine white beaches. Its cuisine comprises not justscrumptious local fare with a rich mix of Malay, Chinese and Indian flavours, but also a variety of international flavours andtastes. WHY study in Malaysia? A multicultural country in Southeast Asia which 1 offers world-class education with a wide range of study programmes from Diplomas to Degrees and Postgraduate studies. 2 The Malaysian government monitors all educational institutions to ensure adherence to the highest worldwide education standards. Reputable foreign universities from United States, 3 United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand have set up branch campuses or collaborated with Malaysian institutions to offer quality degree and postgraduate programmes. 4 According to, Malaysia has an almost perfect score for affordability with a winning combination of low living cost and low tuition fees.
International Students 20 Why choose TAR UC? • INTERNATIONAL REACH • STERLING REPUTATION • EDUCATIONAL EMINENCE Exceptional high quality education that consistently moulds future leaders for industries worldwide for almost five decades. At the forefront of academic excellence with strong collaborative ties with internationally renowned universities, professional bodies and industry leaders. More than 100 programmes to choose from pre-university, Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate levels. Academic Excellence supported by 3 pillars: • Professionally driven • Industry-relevant • Entrepreneurship-focused An enriching and robust learning experience with qualifications that are recognised globally and accepted worldwide making our graduates highly sought after.
International Students 21HOW to APPLY? 1 APPLY • Walk-in Application OR • Download the Application Form at 2 SUBMIT Completed application form and all relevant documents together with application fee are to be submitted by hand or mailed/couriered to TAR UC. Application must be received by TAR UC at least 3 months before the intake date. Documents required: • Certified true copy of certificate of award, academic transcript and English language proficiency test result • Certified true copy of school leaving certificate • Certified true copy of passport (with at least 2 years validity) • Passport-sized photographs with only WHITE background Note: Application received later than 3 months before the intake date will automatically be considered for the next available intake. 3 OFFER & ACCEPTANCE The offer letter will be posted and emailed to the successful applicant. Acceptance of the offer of admission is by paying the fees stated in the Offer of Admission by the stipulated payment due dates. Contact Department of International Student Office at [email protected]
Programmes Offered 22CENTRE FOR PRE-UNIVERSITY STUDIES PRE-UNIVERSITY KL PG PK JH PH SBFoundation in Science KPT/JPSFoundation in Arts (N/010/3/0185)09/18Cambridge GCE Advanced Level (Science) KPT/JPSCambridge GCE Advanced Level (Arts) (N/010/3/0184)09/18 KPT/JPS (N/010/3/0171)08/18 KPT/JPS (N/010/3/0172)08/18FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCES BACHELOR DEGREE KL PG PK JH PH SB KPT/JPSBachelor of Science (Honours) in (N/421/6/0017)10/18Bioscience with Chemistry KPT/JPSBachelor of Science (Honours) in (N/442/6/0004)09/18Analytical Chemistry KPT/JPSBachelor of Science (Honours) in (N/545/6/0028)10/18Applied Physics (Instrumentation) KPT/JPSBachelor of Science (Honours) in (N/523/6/0155)09/18Microelectronics (Embedded Technology) KPT/JPSBachelor of Science (Honours) in (N/813/6/0022)10/18Sports and Exercise Science KPT/JPSBachelor of Science (Honours) in (N/541/6/0019)10/18Food Science DIPLOMA KL PG PK JH PH SBDiploma in Science KPT/JPS(Chemistry and Biology) (N/421/4/0015)08/18Diploma in Science KPT/JPS(Microelectronics and Physics) (N/441/4/0004)08/18Diploma in Science KPT/JPS(Microelectronics with Computer (N/482/4/0056)08/18Communications)Diploma in Science KPT/JPS(Microelectronics with Automatic Control) (N/482/4/0057)08/18Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science KPT/JPSDiploma in Food Science (N/813/4/0021)08/18Diploma in Aquaculture KPT/JPS (N/541/4/0021)06/19 KPT/JPS (N/624/4/0002)04/21KL - Kuala Lumpur Main Campus PK - Perak Branch Campus PH - Pahang Faculty BranchPG - Penang Branch Campus JH - Johor Branch Campus SB - Sabah Faculty Branch
Programmes Offered 23FACULTY OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYBACHELOR DEGREE KL PG PK JH PH SBBachelor of Science (Honours) in KPT/JPSManagement Mathematics with Computing (N/461/6/0004)09/18Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in KPT/JPSInteractive Software Technology (N/481/6/0374)09/18Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in KPT/JPSSoftware Engineering (N/481/6/0375)09/18Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in KPT/JPSEnterprise Information Systems (N/481/6/0376)09/18Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in KPT/JPSSoftware Systems Development (N/481/6/0379)09/18Bachelor of Information Technology KPT/JPS(Honours) in Internet Technology (N/481/6/0377)09/18Bachelor of Information Technology KPT/JPS(Honours) in Information Security (N/481/6/0380)09/18DIPLOMA KL PG PK JH PH SBDiploma in Science KPT/JPS(Computer Science and Statistics) (N/481/4/0344)08/18Diploma in Science (Computer Science and KPT/JPS KPT/JPSManagement Mathematics) (N/481/4/0347)08/18 (N/481/4/0356)09/18Diploma in Interactive Software Technology KPT/JPS (N/481/4/0349)08/18Diploma in Science KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(Computer Science and Computer Mathematics) (N/481/4/0345)08/18 (N/481/4/0354)09/18Diploma in Science KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(Business Information Systems) (N/481/4/0346)08/18 (N/481/4/0355)09/18 (N/481/4/0359)09/18 (N/481/4/0429)12/18Diploma in Science KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(Information Systems Engineering) (N/481/4/0348)08/18 (N/481/4/0357)09/18 (N/481/4/0360)09/18 (N/481/4/0362)09/18 (N/481/4/0431)12/18 (N/481/4/0352)12/18Diploma in Science KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(Internet Technology) (N/482/4/0055)08/18 (N/482/4/0058)09/18 (N/482/4/0059)09/18 (N/482/4/0060)09/18Diploma in Information Technology KPT/JPS(Entrepreneurship) (N/482/4/0118)07/21Diploma in Information Technology(Mobile Application Development) KPT/JPSDiploma in Information Technology (N/482/4/0119)07/21(ICT Systems Support) KPT/JPS (N/482/4/0120)07/21Diploma in Computer Science KPT/JPS(Data Science) (N/481/4/0761)07/21Diploma in Information Systems(ICT Applications) KPT/JPS (N/482/4/0135)08/22Diploma in Software Engineering KPT/JPS (N/481/4/0779)08/22KL - Kuala Lumpur Main Campus PK - Perak Branch Campus PH - Pahang Faculty BranchPG - Penang Branch Campus JH - Johor Branch Campus SB - Sabah Faculty Branch
Programmes Offered 24FACULTY OF ACCOUNTANCY, FINANCE AND BUSINESSBACHELOR DEGREE KL PG PK JH PH SBBachelor of Accounting (Honours) KPT/JPSBachelor of Business (Honours) (N/344/6/0190)10/18Accounting and FinanceBachelor of Commerce (Honours) KPT/JPSBachelor of Corporate Administration (N/345/6/0631)08/19(Honours) KPT/JPSBachelor of Business Administration (N/344/6/0205)10/18(Honours) KPT/JPSBachelor of Banking and Finance (Honours) (N/345/6/0428)09/18 KPT/JPSBachelor of Economics (Honours) (N/340/6/0341)09/18Bachelor of Business (Honours) in KPT/JPSEntrepreneurship (N/340/6/0340)09/18Bachelor of Finance and Investment KPT/JPS(Honours) (N/314/6/0016)10/18Bachelor of Business (Honours) in KPT/JPSHuman Resource Management (N/340/6/0343)09/18Bachelor of Business (Honours) in KPT/JPSInternational Business (N/340/6/0339)09/18Bachelor of Business (Honours) in KPT/JPSLogistics and Supply Chain Management (N/345/6/0426)09/18Bachelor of Business (Honours) in KPT/JPSMarketing (N/340/6/0342)09/18Bachelor of Retail Management (Honours) KPT/JPSBachelor of Business (Honours) (N/345/6/0427)09/18International Business Management KPT/JPS (N/342/6/0083)09/18 KPT/JPS (N/341/6/0026)09/18 KPT/JPS (N/345/6/1054)08/22 DIPLOMA KL PG PK JH PH SBDiploma in Business Studies(Accounting) KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPSDiploma in Business Studies (N/340/4/0286)08/18 (N/340/4/0304)09/18 (N/340/4/0314)09/18 (N/340/4/0320)09/18 (N/340/4/0369)12/18 (N/340/4/0299)12/18(Business Administration)Diploma in Business Studies KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(Banking and Finance) (N/340/4/0287)08/18 (N/340/4/0305)09/18 (N/340/4/0315)09/18 (N/340/4/0321)09/18 (N/340/4/0370)12/18 (N/340/4/0300)12/18Diploma in Banking and Finance KPT/JPS KPT/JPS (N/340/4/0288)08/18 (N/340/4/0306)09/18Diploma in Business Studies(Business Economics) KPT/JPS (N/343/4/0152)08/19Diploma in Entrepreneurship KPT/JPSDiploma in Business Studies (N/340/4/0293)08/18(Finance and Investment)Diploma in Business Studies KPT/JPS(Human Resource Management) (N/345/4/0355)05/18Diploma in Business Studies(International Business) KPT/JPS KPT/JPSDiploma in Business Studies (N/340/4/0291)08/18 (N/340/4/0309)09/18(Logistics and Supply Chain Management)Diploma in Business Studies KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(E-Commerce and Marketing) (N/340/4/0289)08/18 (N/340/4/0307)09/18Diploma in Business Studies(Marketing) KPT/JPS KPT/JPSDiploma in Business Studies (N/340/4/0294)08/18 (N/340/4/0311)09/18(Retail Management) KPT/JPS (N/340/4/0295)08/18 KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS (N/340/4/0290)08/18 (N/340/4/0308)09/18 (N/340/4/0316)09/18 KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS (N/340/4/0292)08/18 (N/340/4/0310)09/18 (N/340/4/0317)09/18 (N/340/4/0322)09/18 (N/340/4/0301)12/18 KPT/JPS (N/340/4/0296)08/18KL - Kuala Lumpur Main Campus PK - Perak Branch Campus PH - Pahang Faculty BranchPG - Penang Branch Campus JH - Johor Branch Campus SB - Sabah Faculty Branch
Programmes Offered 25FACULTY OF BUILT ENVIRONMENTBACHELOR DEGREE KL PG PK JH PH SB PK JH PH SBBachelor of Science in Architecture KPT/JPS JH PH SB(Honours) (N/581/6/0043)02/19 JH PH SBBachelor of Construction Management andEconomics (Honours) KPT/JPSBachelor of Estate Management (Honours) (N/582/6/0008)09/18Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours) KPT/JPS (N/341/6/0029)12/18Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours) KPT/JPS (N/526/6/0054)10/18 KPT/JPS (N/214/6/0194)08/22 DIPLOMA KL PGDiploma in Architecture KPT/JPSDiploma in Technology (Building) (N/581/4/0034)08/18Diploma in Technology(Property Management) KPT/JPS KPT/JPSDiploma in Technology (N/526/4/0039)08/18 (N/526/4/0042)09/18(Quantity Surveying) KPT/JPS (N/341/4/0025)08/18 KPT/JPS KPT/JPS (N/526/4/0038)08/18 (N/526/4/0041)09/18FACULTY OF ENGINEERING BACHELOR DEGREE KL PG PKBachelor of Engineering (Honours) KPT/JPSElectrical and Electronics (N/523/6/0158)10/18Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) KPT/JPSElectronic (Communication) (N/523/6/0160)10/18Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) KPT/JPSMaterial (N/527/6/0005)10/18Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) KPT/JPSMechanical (N/521/6/0063)10/18Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) KPT/JPSMechatronic (N/523/6/0159)10/18DIPLOMA KL PG PKDiploma in Technology KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(Electronic Engineering) (N/523/4/0138)08/18 (N/523/4/0126)05/18Diploma in Technology KPT/JPS(Materials and Manufacturing Engineering) (N/527/4/0003)08/18Diploma in Technology KPT/JPS(Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) (N/521/4/0061)08/18Diploma in Technology (Mechatronics) KPT/JPS (N/523/4/0139)08/18KL - Kuala Lumpur Main Campus PK - Perak Branch Campus PH - Pahang Faculty BranchPG - Penang Branch Campus JH - Johor Branch Campus SB - Sabah Faculty Branch
Programmes Offered 26FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, ARTS AND HUMANITIESBACHELOR DEGREE KL PG PK JH PH SB PH SBBachelor of Communication (Honours) in KPT/JPSAdvertising (N/321/6/0097)09/18 KPT/JPS (N/811/4/0220)08/19Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in KPT/JPSBroadcasting (N/321/6/0096)09/18Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in KPT/JPSJournalism (N/321/6/0094)09/18Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in KPT/JPSMedia Studies (N/321/6/0095)09/18Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours) KPT/JPS (N/321/6/0101)10/18Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in KPT/JPSPsychology (N/311/6/0036)10/18Bachelor of Design (Honours) in KPT/JPSFashion Design (N/214/6/0096)09/18Bachelor of Design (Honours) in KPT/JPSGraphic Design (N/213/6/0146)09/18Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Honours) KPT/JPS (N/213/6/0147)09/18Bachelor of Tourism Management KPT/JPS(Honours) (N/812/6/0059)09/18Bachelor of Hospitality Management KPT/JPS(Honours) (N/811/6/0177)10/18Bachelor of Hospitality and Catering KPT/JPSManagement (Honours) (N/811/6/0218)08/19Bachelor of Corporate Communication KPT/JPS(Honours) (N/321/6/0140)08/19Bachelor in Tourism Management (Honours) KPT/JPS(Event Management) (N/812/6/0151)02/22Bachelor of Arts (Honours) KPT/JPSEnglish with Drama (N/224/6/0074)03/22 DIPLOMA KL PG PK JHDiploma in Mass Communication(Advertising) KPT/JPSDiploma in Mass Communication (N/342/4/0072)08/18(Broadcast Communication)Diploma in Mass Communication KPT/JPS KPT/JPS(Journalism) (N/321/4/0087)08/18 (N/321/4/0106)11/18Diploma in Mass Communication(Media Studies) KPT/JPSDiploma in Mass Communication (N/321/4/0088)08/18(Public Relations)Diploma in Social Science (Counselling) KPT/JPS (N/321/4/0089)08/18Diploma in Fashion Design KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPS KPT/JPSDiploma in Graphic Design (N/342/4/0073)08/18 (N/342/4/0075)09/18 (N/342/4/0077)09/18 (N/342/4/0079)09/18Diploma in Multimedia Design KPT/JPSDiploma in Hospitality Management (N/762/4/0010)08/18(Tourism)Diploma in Hospitality Management KPT/JPS(Hotel Management) (N/214/4/0089)08/18Diploma in Hotel Management KPT/JPSDiploma in Event Management (N/213/4/0139)08/18Diploma in Culinary Arts KPT/JPS (N/213/4/0138)08/18Diploma in Baking and Cake ArtistryDiploma in Communication and Media KPT/JPS KPT/JPSStudies (N/811/4/0150)08/18 (N/811/4/0154)09/18 KPT/JPS KPT/JPS (N/811/4/0149)08/18 (N/811/4/0153)09/18 KPT/JPS (N/811/4/0207)07/19 KPT/JPS (N/345/4/0356)05/18 KPT/JPS (N/811/4/0276)05/20 KPT/JPS (N/811/4/0342)04/22 KPT/JPS (N/321/4/0213)04/22KL - Kuala Lumpur Main Campus PK - Perak Branch Campus PH - Pahang Faculty BranchPG - Penang Branch Campus JH - Johor Branch Campus SB - Sabah Faculty Branch
Admissions 27Admissions Kick start your success with us!INTAKE APPLICANTS FROM OTHER INSTITUTION OF HIGHER LEARNINGJanuary Foundation & GCE A Level programmesMarch Selected Bachelor Degree programmes Students applying for credit transfer, where applicable mustMay have successfully completed their programme at the previous Bachelor Degree, Diploma, Foundation & institution and must submit the relevant documents. CreditSeptember GCE A Level programmes transfer will be considered at the point of application into theOctober programme. Foundation Selected Bachelor Degree & Diploma programmesENTRY REQUIREMENTS MEDICAL FITNESSTo be considered, minimum entry requirements must be met. Applicants with medical conditions or physical disabilities areHowever, meeting the minimum entry requirements may not required to submit a medical report in their application andguarantee admission. may be interviewed by the Faculty/Centre.Some programmes may require applicants to have a OFFER OF ADMISSIONSminimum CGPA, MUET, undergo a Qualifying Test, submissionof portfolio and/or an interview.APPLICATIONS Offer of admissions is based on the applicants’ academic merit, order of choice of programmes and availability of• Online application at programme vacancies.• Prescribed application form obtainable at TAR UC OUTCOME OF APPLICATION campuses/Open Days/Education Fairs @ RM10 per set. • UC website - check under the relevant Intake and clickSUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM on ‘Application & Enrolment Status Enquiry’The completed application form and relevant documents • By e-mailtogether with the processing fee (non-refundable) may be • By SMS to successful applicants onlysubmitted online or to the campus by hand/courier-service/post.All documents submitted will be treated with strict confidence.The documents will become part of the official files of theUniversity College and cannot be released/returned to thestudent or another institution.
Admissions 28 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER To accept the offer of admissions, successful applicants are required to pay the full fees by the due date stipulated in the ‘Payment Details’ advice. Late registration is subject to approval and is at the absolute discretion of the University College. A late registration fee will be charged. No student should enrol in more than one programme of study in the University College at any given time. PROGRAMME/CAMPUS TRANSFER Newly registered students who wish to transfer to a programme of another Faculty/Campus are to complete a prescribed application form obtainable at the Department of Admissions & Credit Evaluation. The closing date for programme/campus transfer is normally end of week 2 after commencement of programme. Approval for programme/campus transfer is not guaranteed. WITHDRAWAL FROM PROGRAMME Students who wish to withdraw from their programmes must notify the Department of Admissions & Credit Evaluation and return their student ID cards. The date the University College receives the students’ notification of withdrawal is the official date of the students’ withdrawal. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. All students are to abide and comply with the rules and regulations of the University College including payment of fees, attendance at classes and examinations. Any breach of the University College rules and regulations may lead to disciplinary action. 2. The University College does not accept responsibility or liability for any damage to students’ property, the transfer of computer viruses to students’ equipment or personal injury to students caused by the misuse or unauthorised use of the University College equipment or due to students not taking due care whilst on University College premises or engaging in University College activities. 3. This Prospectus is prepared well in advance of the year to which it relates. At the time of going to press, the programmes described herein are those that the University College is planning to offer in the year. 4. Every endeavour will be made to deliver programmes as described in this Prospectus. However, the University College reserves the right to make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of programmes or not to conduct any programmes, if such action is deemed necessary.
Fees 29Malaysian Student Fees Guide1. TUITION AND OTHER FEESProgramme Duration (Year) Estimated Average Tuition Fees Per Year (RM)Foundation 1 9,200 1 9,200ScienceArts 13,400 10,300Cambridge GCE A Level 8,300Science 1.5 7,300Arts 1.5 6,000In addition to the above fees, students are required to pay the A Level Examination Fee (Cambridge International Examination) of approximately RM4,800.Diploma 2 2.5Diploma 3DiplomaDiplomaBachelor Degree 3 10,600 3.5 9,700Bachelor Degree 4 9,100Bachelor DegreeBachelor Degree(The Estimated Average Tuition Fees per year may vary by 10%)Other Fees Amount (RM) RemarksDescription 150 One-time payment. 100Registration Fee 200 Payable each subsequent year by intake session.Orientation & Activity FeeCaution Money 200 Applicable to relevant programmes by level of study. 15 Payable each subsequent year by intake session.Facilities & Resource FeeInsurance Premium 300 - 500 Applicable to relevant programmes by level of study. 200 Payable in the final year of study.Laboratory/Workshop FeeSpecial Administration FeeAward Assessment Fee 60 - 100Other fees may be chargeable for special projects, learning materials, field trips and any external accreditation.The University College reserves the right to revise fees from time to time and when fees are revised, the new fees will apply to all current and new students. All information is correctat the time of printing. The University College reserves the right to amend the information without prior notice.
Fees 302. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR BACHELOR DEGREES WITH DUAL AWARDModel Campbell University, USA Partner Universities Sheffield Hallam University, UK Coventry University, UKDual Award only • Special Administration Fee RM200¹(completed at • Examination Fee RM500¹ • Dual Award Administration Fee RM200¹ Not applicableTAR UC) • Registration & Administration Fee and • Validation Fee £1,150 - £1,250 per whole programme Award Assessment Fee Total Fees - USD2,134 per whole programmeDual Award with Not applicable • Dual Award Administration Fee RM200¹One (1) • Study Abroad Administration Fee RM500Semester Study • Validation Fee + Tuition Fees + Accommodation - approximately £6,000Abroad • No TAR UC semester tuition fees to be paid during study abroad semester¹ Payable annually3. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR BACHELOR DEGREES WITH PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION Professional BodiesType of Fees ACCA, UK MAICSA CIMA, UK CIM, UKRegistration FeeAnnual Subscription £ 79 RM561.80 £ 77 Not applicableExamination Fee £ 95 RM196.10 £ 108 £ 55 Per Paper Per Paper Per Paper Per Paper Knowledge £ 72 MAICSA PDCA RM110 Operational & £ 126 Level 6 Diploma in Skills £ 97 ICSA IQS RM220 Management Level Professional Marketing £ 180 Professional £ 121 Case Study Examinations Strategic Level £ 126 Objective Tests Strategic Level £ 192 Case Study ExaminationsExemption Fee Per Paper Per Paper Per Paper Knowledge £ 72 MAICSA PDCA RM110 CIMA Certificate in Skills £ 97 ICSA IQS RM220 Business Accounting £ 64 Operational & £ 82 Not applicable Management Level - Objective Tests Operational & £ 134 Management Level Case Study ExaminationsBasic Entry Fee for Examination - RM165 -ACCA, UK - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UKMAICSA - Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and AdministratorsCIMA, UK - Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UKCIM, UK - Chartered Institute of Marketing, UKThe University College reserves the right to revise fees from time to time and when fees are revised, the new fees will apply to all current and new students. All information is correctat the time of printing. The University College reserves the right to amend the information without prior notice.
Fees 314. GUIDELINES ON PAYMENT OF FEES4.1 New students to pay their fees in full at the time of registration before or on the date stipulated in the ‘Payment Details’ advice.4.2 Full fees payable at the beginning of each subsequent semester, unless otherwise specified, must be paid within two weeks from the date of the commencement of the semester, failing which the students shall be withdrawn without further notification. For withdrawal due to non-payment of fees, the withdrawal date shall be the commencement date of the semester.4.3 Students will be advised on the total fees payable through the University College Intranet.4.4 Payment of fees must be made on or before the due date stated in the payment advice/student bill by one of the following methods:- i) Online Payment via: a) Public Bank Internet Banking b) JomPay via Internet or Mobile Banking Service ii) Cash payment at Public Bank Branches iii) Payment Counter, Bursary at KL Main Campus or Administration Office of respective Branch through: a) Cheque/Banker’s cheque payable to ‘KOLEJ UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN’ b) Public Bank debit card and credit card.4.5 Students who fail to notify the University College on their withdrawal of studies will render them liable to all fees due.4.6 Fees paid are STRICTLY non-refundable and non-transferable.5. REFUND OF FEES FOR REGISTERED STUDENT5.1 All fees paid are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable after commencement date of the programme.5.2 Refund of Fees for Registered Student Who Withdraws 5.2.1 If Notification of Withdrawal is Received Before the Commencement Date of the Programme Refund of fifty percent (50%) of the following fees paid: • Tuition Fee • Special Administration Fee • Laboratory/Workshop Fee • Facilities & Resource Fee Registration Fee and Orientation & Activity Fee are STRICTLY non-refundable. 5.2.2 If Notification of Withdrawal is Received After the Commencement Date of the Programme There is STRICTLY no refund of all fees paid after the commencement date of the programme. 5.2.3 Students Who Paid and Registered After the Commencement Date of the Programme There is STRICTLY no refund of all fees paid upon withdrawal from the programme. 5.2.4 Save and except for Clauses 5.2.1 and 5.3; there shall be no refund of any other fees paid. 5.2.5 All notification of withdrawal must be made in writing.5.3 Caution money (less any liability) may only be refunded on application after a student has graduated or withdrawn from his/her programme of study at the University College. The application for the refund shall be made within one year from the date of graduation or withdrawal from the University College, failing which, the said caution money shall be transferred and donated to TARC Education Foundation for the student loan fund.The University College reserves the right to revise fees from time to time and when fees are revised, the new fees will apply to all current and new students. All information is correctat the time of printing. The University College reserves the right to amend the information without prior notice.
Scholarships and Grants 32 Scholarships and Grants Inspiring educational excellence! MERIT SCHOLARSHIP Merit Scholarship is automatically awarded to outstanding students who are applying to pursue their pre-university and undergraduate programmes. The scholarship award covers up to 100% waiver of tuition fee for the whole duration of study. Each year, the University College extends its caring hands to provide scholarships as its unwavering servitude to the community. Standing on this promise, TAR UC has awarded the merit scholarship to more than 20,000 outstanding students with a hefty amount of RM100 million since 1997. SCHOLARSHIPS IN COLLABORATION WITH NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS & PHILANTHROPIC ORGANISATIONS The Star Education/Nanyang Tertiary Education Fund/Sin Chew Daily Education Fund This is a collaboration project between TAR UC and leading local dailies in providing scholarships to deserving students to pursue higher education. More information about the eligibility and the application closing date of these funds can be obtained from the respective local dailies websites in February and March each year. TAR UC Student Scholarship and Bursary Fund This Fund is set up to provide scholarships and bursaries to needy and deserving students and graduates to pursue their further studies. The funds are donations from alumni and philanthropic organisations. OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS Corporate Scholarship & Industry-Based Study Grants In its quest to motivate and inspire educational excellence, TAR UC seeks out socially responsible organisations, individuals, professional bodies and philanthropic organisations to provide scholarships and industry-based study grants to deserving students. For more information, kindly visit TAR UC website at
Student Loans and Financial Assistance 33Student Loans and Financial Assistance socially responsible institution!TAR UC STUDENT LOAN FUND NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION FUND (PTPTN LOAN)Rooted in our philosophy of widening access to education for The National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN Loan) is aall Malaysians, TAR UC has established student loan funds government education financial scheme for registered full-to help needy and deserving students. So noble is this quest time students studying in Diploma and Bachelor degreethat many generous alumni, individuals and corporations programmes. Each year many students benefit from this fund.have since joined hands with us to expand on the student Visit PTPTN website at for information onloan fund. To-date, we have set-up 32 student loan funds Application Schedules and other details.and disbursed loans to the tune of RM 31 million since 1979.These TAR UC student loan funds are interest-free.Kindly visit to find out more information.OTHER EXTERNALLY ADMINISTERED STUDENT LOAN OPTIONSThere are other types of student loans available which are externally administered. Information can be obtained
Library 34Library Services gateway to knowledge and learningThe University College Libraries comprises the Main Library and the Postgraduate Library located in Kuala Lumpur MainCampus and five Branch Campuses/Faculty Branches Libraries. The University College Libraries support teaching, learningand research through provision of a wide range of information resources, services and facilities.A WEALTH OF RESOURCES FACILITIESIn addition to print and electronic materials, library users also The Library provides PCs with access to the Internet andbenefit from 24/7 access to more than 120,000 e-books, over other educational software such as SPSS and Microsoft10,000 e-journals and a growing number of online databases Office. Other facilities available include Wi-Fi, study carrels,for scholarly research, including citation analysis. Information individual study rooms, discussion rooms, presentation room,on library’s holdings can be accessed from any Internet- photocopying and printing facilities. Postgraduate studentsconnected PCs or mobile devices via Library InfoWeb, a web- have access to a 24-hour library on-campus, outfitted withbased Social OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) that modern self-service loan and return stations using radioutilises Web 2.0 technology. frequency identification (RFID) technology.LEARNING & RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICESLibrary induction programmes are organised for students during the new intake time. Scheduled and on-demand informationskills training pertaining to the access and use of online resources and Library InfoWeb are also available. Reference service isprovided in person, by telephone, and via e-mail to all students. In addition, the Library also assists users to access materialsfrom other libraries through the provision of interlibrary loan (ILL) service and document delivery service (DDS).FIND OUT MORE [email protected]
Communication and Information Technology Centre 35 Communication and Information Technology Centre For social and educational interactionTAR UC is enabling WI-FI everywhere in the campus to support the growth of digital content and use of mobile devices inthe campus. Cyber Centre, Library, cafeterias and other areas where students congregate are WI-FI-enabled to supportcommunication, learning and collaboration anytime, anywhere on any mobile devices. A high speed Internet connectivity of upto 1Gbps bandwidth is in place to support the University College community via the wireless and wired infrastructure.At Cyber Centre, the most happening place for students to hang out, there are over 340 computers available for free accessto the Internet, and free WI-FI for those who prefer to work on their own laptop, tablet or smartphone. A spacious atrium withnatural lighting from the glass ceiling offers a cozy ambience for social and educational interaction as well as for the seriousscholars. Discussion rooms equipped with audio-visual equipment are available for small group presentation or discussion.Need a break? Enjoy a cuppa at the Garden Café in the Cyber Centre.
Computing Laboratories and Facilities 36 Computing Laboratories and Facilities for Computing and ITThe Faculty of Computing and Information Technology possesses computer lab facilities which are equipped with current-model,high-end PC computers, high-speed network with an extensive collection of software - including statistical, programming, andsimulations software as well as other equipments to meet your needs.SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMSCOMPUTER LABORATORIES COMPUTER LABORATORIES• Programming • Enterprise Resource Planning• Web Development • Information Systems Implementation• Visual Development • Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence• Mobile Development• Software Engineering PROJECT COMPUTER LABORATORYCOMPUTER NETWORKING AND SECURITY • Image ProcessingCOMPUTER LABORATORIES • Machine Learning • Computational Intelligence• Digital and Network Forensics • Internet of Things• Routers, Switches and Firewalls• Software and Network Security STATISTICAL ANALYSIS COMPUTER• Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing LABORATORIESGAMES EXPERIENCE AND INTERACTIVE • Research MethodsSOFTWARE COMPUTER LABORATORY • Operation Research • Mathematical Studies• Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality • Data Analytics• 3D Game Development• Games Design and Simulation• Computer Game and Graphics Programming
Science Lab and Facilities 37 Science Lab and Facilities for Applied SciencesThe Faculty of Applied Sciences possesses science laboratories equipped with the latest and high-throughput equipmentin line with industrial requirements in support of quality academic teaching in the field of analytical chemistry, life sciences,genetics and biotechnology, food science, sport and exercise science, microelectronics and applied physics. The Faculty alsoprovides research facilities to impart practical training to postgraduate students for research activities leading to postgraduatedegrees. Using high performance liquid chromatography system to analyse a non-volatile liquid consisting of mixture of organic compounds. Operating the Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer for the analysis of trace metals in aqueous sample. Laser system for studying the optical property of liquid. Microscopic analysis. The rotary evaporator system commonly used during organic chemistry practical. Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement practical class. Conducting a force production analysis using the CSMi Isokinetic Dynamometer.
Facilities for Accountancy, Finance and Business 38Investment Trading Room,Virtual Centre and Public SpeakingTraining Room for Accountancy, Finance & BusinessThe training facilities of the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business are purpose-built to provide you with opportunitiesto develop critical industry-relevant skills that are essential for you to be market-ready and employable when you graduate.With developed communication skills, public speaking skills, presentation skills and investment trading skills, you will be muchsought after by employers when you graduate.INVESTMENT TRADING ROOM PUBLIC SPEAKING TRAINING ROOMThis Trading Room will be used for the delivery of investment- This Public Speaking Training Room is set up to conductrelated courses offered in the Bachelor of Finance and Toastmasters-styled training programmes. Students willInvestment (Honours) and Bachelor of Banking and Finance undergo a two-year public speaking training programme(Honours) programmes. conducted by qualified trainers.The Investment Trading Room is equipped with an Investment The training room is equipped with training aids such as LCDTrading Simulation software which allows you to practise projector, public address system, video recording systemtrading in shares using live feeds of share prices from Bursa and Skype conference equipment. Such facilities will honeMalaysia enabling you to experience share trading in a real- your public speaking skills through a structured trainingtime environment. programme involving presentations that may include Skype conferences with assessment by distinguished publicEquipped with 32 computer terminals and other peripherals support the delivery of the investment-related courses,learning will be greatly enhanced. Such leading facilities This public speaking training is aimed at enhancing yourmake learning come alive. communication and public speaking skills which are critical for achieving success in the pursuit of your career. VIRTUAL CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANCY This Virtual Centre of Excellence for Professional Accountancy is set up to support the learning of accountancy students. This virtual centre provides a comprehensive virtual platform where a wealth of relevant learning resources contributed by accounting firms and professional accountancy bodies are available. This centre is well supported by ACCA and the Big 4 such as Deloitte, PwC and KPMG. ACCA examination focused learning materials is contributed by BPP Learning Media, an ACCA approved content provider. The delivery and assessment of selected courses offered by the accountancy programmes will be conducted through this virtual centre instead of in the conventional classrooms. The virtual centre is also the Faculty’s initiative to prepare you for computer- based professional examinations. Such cutting edge facilities will go a long way to support and enhance your learning in a virtual environment relevant in today’s digital world.
CAD, Studio and Labs 39CAD, Studio and Labs for EngineeringThe Faculty of Engineering has purpose-built suites of centres and laboratories to aid, support and enhance your learningexperience. Equipped with the latest and most up-to-date computer aided design facilities, industrial software and equipmentsin line with industry requirements, it’s no wonder the Engineering graduates fit well into the employment market and are highlysought after. The relevant hands-on exposure to industrial standards provide an interesting and practically challenging real lifelearning experience that will prepare you well for what to expect in the respective industry and to be employment ready to dothe job.COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN FACILITIES ENGINEERING LABORATORIESComputer Aided Design facilities provides the necessary These laboratories house Computer Aided Electrical/technical education base for Engineering and Built Electronic, Communication, Mechatronic, Mechanical,Environment students to learn Computer Aided Design and Material, Design, Analysis and Testing equipment andDrafting (CADD), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) as software such as MATLAB with the necessary toolboxes forwell as Computer Aided Management in line with industry communication system, control system, DSP system, Fuzzyrequirements. A suite of centres and laboratories have been logic, Neural network, Optimisation, Signal processing, Imageset-up to facilitate this. processing and computer vision. The laboratories also cater for:COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN CENTRE (CAD) • Electronic testing with simulation software suchThe CAD centre consist of a large computer laboratory as Mutisim & Electronic Workbench and Nationalhousing over 200 computers linked to 3 servers. They serve Instrument Labviewthe following CAD activities: • Advanced RF circuit design with Agilent ADS RF circuit • Design and Drafting (CADD) software such as AutoCAD design software • 3D Mechanical Design and simulation with software • Advanced Electronic circuit design and simulation with such as SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor ®Professional ORCAD unison EE package with Pspice. • Process and Control Design with software such as • Simulation of the Fabrication of complex mechanical MATLAB and SIMULINK parts with CNC Simulation Software • Thermo Plastic Material process Design with software • 3D Mechanical Design and simulation with Catia V5R6 such as Moldflow Plastic Advisors (MPA) • Animated ladder programming for PLC with PLC • Electronic Circuit Design with software such as PROTEL Simulation Software (Logixpro) and Proteus VSM • Design and Simulation of Fluid and Solid Material Behaviour with Ansys • Design and Simulation of Production Floor Plan with Delmia • Metal process Design with Any Casting • Mould Design and simulation with Autodesk Moldflow • Materials database with CES Edupack • Robot simulation software (webot) • Software for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Development • DIgSILENT PowerFactory (power system analysis software) for application in generation, transmission, distribution & industrial systems.-
Laboratories, Workshops and Studios 40 Laboratories, Workshops Studiosand for Built EnvironmentThe Faculty of Built Environment has purpose-built suites of studios, laboratories and workshops to aid, support and enhanceyour learning experience. The hands-on practical approach in teaching and learning will equip you well for employment.BUILT ENVIRONMENT COMPUTER LABORATORYThis computer laboratory is equipped with up-to-datesoftware in line with the industry requirements as follows:• Design and drafting (CADD) software such as AutoCAD, Built Environment Computer Laboratory Revit AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max and Sketch Up• Measurement software such as Buildsoft and Binalink• Project Management software such as Primavera and Microsoft Project• Site Surveying software such as AutoCAD 3D Civil• Facilities Management software such as CWorks and Arc GISBUILT ENVIRONMENT LABORATORIES Structural Analysis LaboratoryThe built environment laboratories consist of a completerange of well-equipped laboratories and workshops to providehands-on exposure. They include: • Site Surveying Laboratory • Building Services Laboratory • Structural Analysis Laboratory • Construction Technology Laboratory • Construction Materials Laboratory • Building Science Laboratory • Building Workshop • Carpentry WorkshopARCHITECTURE GALLERY, STUDIOS, MODEL Building Services LaboratoryMAKING AND 3D PRINTING FACILITIESThe Faculty is equipped with spacious and modern facilitiesfor learning, peer interactions and for students to experimentwith new ideas which consist of the following: • Dedicated Architecture Studios with access security system • Architecture Gallery showcasing student works and award-winning designs • Laser Cutting Room and Model Making Room with 3D printing facilities • Architecture Resource RoomArchitecture Gallery Construction Materials Laboratory
Labs, Studios, Training Restaurant and Kitchen 41Labs, Studios,Training Restaurant and Kitchenfor Social Science, Communication, Creative Arts and HospitalityThe Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities lab facilities are purpose-built facilities designed to supplement andcomplement the academic teaching and learning in their various disciplines. Upon graduation, you will be academically soundand practically well-trained to be accepted into the respective industries. PSYCHOLOGY LABORATORY Psychology Lab facilitates teaching and learning of various aspects of psychology. It is equipped with 25 computers with SPSS software and internet access to enable psychology students to do online psychological testing and statistical analyses. A wide range of psychological test instruments are also available for teaching, learning, and psychological research purposes.BROADCASTING LABORATORIES CREATIVE ARTS LABORATORIES AND STUDIOSThe broadcast laboratories provide practical platforms The Faculty’s Multimedia Design and Graphic Designto foster future broadcasting professionals who are both programmes aim to produce creatively capable graduatescreatively innovative and computer savvy. The broadcast skilled in digital-and-interactive media lab caters to the production of radio programme contentssuch as live talk shows, public service announcements and The Creative Arts laboratories offer up-to-date version ofradio commercials. The Mini Studio creates a real-world industrial-standard software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver,studio based production experience in broadcasting and Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect,film while the new video lab provides an experiential learning 3D Studio Max that will bring you to the innovative edge ofenvironment for students to enhance their editing skills. the multimedia and creative industry, becoming experts in visual production, electronic imaging, computer animation,The University College has also taken the lead in pioneering software applications, and games design.the application of the broadcast industry’s innovative softwareas a teaching tool. As broadcasting students, you are able to The Creative Arts laboratories are also furnished with thehone your hands-on TV/Radio production skills via up-to- latest MAC-INTEL computers, which support up-to-datedate broadcast labs and the latest professional video-editing software for multimedia production & authoring, video &software such as Final Cut Pro and Adobe Creative Clouds. sound editing, and web-based designs.You will benefit from hands-on learning using high definition, The Fashion Design programme offers students a practicallydigital-video cameras, video-lighting grips and boom mics challenging and interesting learning process that developsfor on-location production of TV programmes, commercials, future couturiers and fashionistas who are critically aware ofdocumentaries and electronic-news gathering. the creative needs of textile-and-trend. You would be taught the “trade of the trend” via this enjoyable and employable Fashion Design programme in the Faculty’s Fashion Design Studio, which helps to exploit the inherent creative flair and trend-setting tendency of young Malaysians.NEWSROOMThe newsroom offers journalism students a platform toenhance their writing, editing and reporting skills for the print,online and television news. Students have access to personalcomputers and the latest Apple iMac computers that areequipped with the up-to-date professional software i.e. theAdobe Creative Cloud and Final Cut Pro. The newsroom alsohas a smart-LED TV for students to preview and present theirnews production and laser printers for desktop publishing.
Labs, Studios, Training Restaurant and Kitchen 42 RECGALLERY V PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIOGALLERY V is an art gallery which fosters diverse cross- PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO is a photographic production spaceover practices within the discipline of art, design and that caters towards cross disciplinary in art, communicationcommunication. and design collectives to research and investigate case studies in response to photographic based projects. TheGALLERY V provides a vital platform for artists, designers, studio is equipped with the latest photographic utilities tostaff or students to showcase their collections of artwork and facilitate contemporaneous work progress. Students willprojects through creative display and curated exhibition. have the opportunity to develop in-depth photographic skills that enhances technicality and conceptuality of professional imagery production.TRAINING RESTAURANT, KITCHEN AND BEVERAGE LABFood and beverage practices are deemed to be vital element within the hospitalityprogrammes. Our state-of-the-art training restaurant and kitchen serve as aplatform for students to deliver their full service restaurant skills and at the sametime to showcase their gourmet master pieces confidently during their practicaltrainings.To further deepen our students’ knowledge in a professional environment; wehave recently added a top notch contemporary dining restaurant equipped with acutting-edge training kitchen designed to replicate real-life situations.Beverage is no doubt a huge component in the hospitality industry, with our newly purpose-built beverage lab and full barfacilities; our students are able to explore the world of wine and experiment with mixology.We believe with these practical experiences embedded into the programme, our students’ career progression will be enhanced.
Accommodation 43Accommodation The Living QuartersON-CAMPUS HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION On-Campus Hostel is available at the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus. Situated on a 6-arce land, the hostel consists of 10 blocks of 5-storey building with 1,000 rooms which can accommodate 2,000 students. Hostel availability is based on first-come-first-served basis. Students can apply for the hostel upon receiving the Offer of Admissions and having PAID the full fees.24 HOUR SECURITY FACILITIES IN THE HOSTELSHORT WALKING DISTANCE 24-hours security Cafeteria catering to all Air-conditioned study rooms Free internet service in common areas Convenience store & stationery shop Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Hot & cold water dispensers Self-service launderette Multi-purpose hall with stage facilities Covered walkway to campusREASONABLE HOSTEL FEEOFF-CAMPUS ACCOMMODATION - TERATAI RESIDENCY Brand new student residence is available at Danau Kota, just 3 km from the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus. Teratai Residency is a 28-storey building comprising 448 units with choice of air-conditioned/non air-conditioned rooms in each unit. It can accommodate at least 1,500 students. Fully equipped, each unit comes with bathrooms, toilets, pantry, fridge, induction cooker, sofa, flat screen TV, shoe rack and drying area. Beds, cupboards, study tables, chairs, bookshelves, ceiling fan are provided in each room. Availability of the rooms are based on first-come-first-served basis.NUMEROUS EATERIES NEARBY FACILITIES IN TERATAI RESIDENCYCOOKING AMENITIES AVAILABLESINGLE OR TWIN SHARING ROOMS AVAILABLE Gym Swimming pool Multi-purpose hall Barbecue pit Cafeterias Study rooms Convenience store & stationery shop Hot & cold water dispensers Self-service launderette Surau
Sports, Recreation and Co-Curricular Courses 44Sports, Recreation and Co-Curricular Courses Balanced and wholesome!We aim to provide a complete learning experience for you as we believe that participation in sports and recreational activitiesform an integral part of your university education. TAR UC offers a wide range of sports and recreational facilities for your useto give you the holistic and balanced lifestyle on campus while you learn.OUTDOOR FACILITIES INDOOR FACILITIES• Football field/ Softball pitch • Sports Complex with gymnasium, multipurpose hall,• Jogging track dancing room, badminton courts and table tennis courts.• Futsal courts• Handball courts • Club House with Olympic-sized swimming pool, squash• Basketball courts courts, gymnasium and snooker table• Volleyball courts• Rooftop tennis courts• Outdoor gymnasiumWe believe in providing you a holistic education. The moral, social and physical aspects of your life are important as part ofyour academic and intellectual development. There is a compulsory co-curricular course for you in all Diploma and BachelorDegree programmes which you are required to complete and pass two credit hours before you can graduate. So be active andstay active.
Food and Beverage on campus 45 Food and Beverage on campus Bon ppetit!AVAILABLE FOOD AND BEVERAGEFood aplenty and spoilt for choice, a wide variety of foodoptions are available from Monday to Saturday at the followingcafeterias:The Red Bricks Cafeteriacomprising food kiosks and convenience store near toCentre for Pre-University Studies in West Campus Yum Yum Cafeteria with food kiosks and convenience store near to Faculty of Engineering & Faculty of Built Environment in West CampusCasuarina Caféwith food kiosks and convenience store in EastCampus Garden Café at Cyber Centre in West Campus providing an array of local Malaysian delicacies
Bus Service on campus 46 Bus Service on campus Easy ride for you! TAR UC has a fleet of air-conditioned buses to ferry students between the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus and the following nearby residential areas: 1 Wangsa Maju 2 Sri Rampai 3 Teratai Residency 4 Genting Kelang 5 Melati Utama 6 PV10, PV12, PV13, PV15, PV16 Bus services are also available for field trips, educational visits and tours organised by students. Melati Utama PV 10, PV12, TAR UC PV13, PV15, Wangsa Maju PV16 Sri Rampai TerataiResidency Genting Kelang
Student Development and Career Guidance 47 Student Development and Career Guidance Future-proof your careerSTUDENT DEVELOPMENT Student Development part:Student Development under the Department of Student Affairs, “L.E.P helped me to understand myself better and how tooffers uniquely designed life programmes that are central to overcome the challenges I face. It also taught me thatyour personal and career growth. One of the specially crafted everyone is different and may have unique problems, butprogrammes is called “Leadership Excellence Programme” ”there is always a solution, especially if we work together.(LEP). This programme comes with a number of motivating Jonathan Phangcamps, activities and workshops which help to mould you to Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Food Science (Year 2)become a leader with distinctive quality. “L.E.P is creative, heartfelt, engaging and effective. It TRAINING helped me to discover who I really am and to identify LEADERSHIP where I stand as a leader. I gained lots of great friends EXCELLENCE and it gave me a realisation that anything is possible if PROGRAMME ”we stand together! Jagediswaran Rajandran Group Leadership Personality Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Food Science (Year 2)Coaching and Camps Assessment “ ”This training allowed me to enlarge my social circle and Mentoring also challenge me to walk out of my comfort zone.Skills Training Financial Chong Hun Sung Workshops Intelligence Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Human Resource Management (Year 3)CAREER GUIDANCE Career Guidance part:Career Guidance is recognised as a part of Student “I am very happy that I attended the career fair held byDevelopment, which plays an important role in charting a TAR UC recently. The career fair was well organised andclear career path for you. Major career fairs are organised exceeded my expectation as I was given the opportunityand participated by prominent companies in each industry. to meet with employers from different industries to assistThis career fair is organised carefully to fulfill your needs and me in deciding future career choice. Most importantly, Ialso to link you to the industry both for full time positions and get to submit my resume to the company of my interestinternship. Thank you for hosting such a meaningful and successful ”event.To create awareness and exposure for you, other activities Tay Wee Sangsuch as career talks, corporate tours and career-related Bachelor of Commerce (Hons)activities are also conducted. These activities carried out (Graduated in 2017)throughout the year enable you to get enlightened on thecurrent requirement of the industries. This exposure to theworld of work prepares you well for the job market.
Student Counselling Services 48 Student Counselling Services Caring for your wellness! We have a team of professional counsellors, who are dedicated to providing services and programmes designed to assist you in achieving mental and emotional well-being. Be it academic or personal issue, our team of counsellors will listen to your concerns and support you to make informed choices. Counselling is confidential. Career counselling Self-enrichment workshops andWHATwe offer programmes Individual Personal growth counselling group sessions sessions
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