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Home Explore Northwest Division News

Northwest Division News

Published by angela.bowden, 2017-02-08 15:56:36

Description: Newsletter January 2017


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NW REGIONAL NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARYJanuarys closing were off 10% from this time last year. The brutal winter in some parts of the regiontook its toll. We are also dealing with lower then expected applications to start out the year. It’s nofun to be in the first quarter of the game and be down 10 to 0. Industry wide business was down butwe have no time to waste, we need to make sure our managers, sales force, and operations team areworking in unison to create a “Fanominal” experience for our customers and clients. We need towake up each day and do everything possible to reach our personal and professional goals.What that means to you: managers you will want to step up your recruiting, coaching, and retentionof the quality individuals already on board. Sales team, you need to be doing activities that bring inbusiness, take advantage of our marketing and business plans. Think TEAM and who can you addthat will double your business? Our operations partners need to put us in a position that we aresending closing doc’s 48 hrs. prior to signing. In order to accomplish this our processors need toturn files quickly, and we need to make sure we maintain 48 hrs. or less in underwriting. You all doan incredible job and I appreciate you very much but we need to score some points before the quarteris up.Talk about dangling some awesome carrots, with trips to Barcelona, Maui, and Laguna Beach there ishuge incentive to get rolling early. I am happy to see this year the opportunity for two of our regionsoperations staff to join the qualifiers in Hawaii! “We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellenceis not a habit!” –Aristotle.Academy President James Macpherson believes in STENGTHIFICATION, even if he did make up theword. Aaron Nemec as Uncle Sam, WANTS YOU. Nicole Abraham knows, WE CAN DO IT. Theseare some of the images our qualifying managers saw at the annual Summit Meeting in Salt Lake lastmonth. We need to come together, Find a Way to Inspire Action, accomplish Meaningful Work, andlearn where to Focus our Time and Attention. Don’t hesitate to Be Uncommon because What got usHere, Won’t get us there! -Dave Schile

EVELYN COX Wow – January is gone and we still have snow here. I think here in Boise we are trying to go for a record on maintaining that white stuff on the ground, don’t get me wrong, I love snow, I just prefer it to stay above 3500 feet in elevation.  However, I am excited to know that we will have a great year for water fun and play. I’m excited about the opportunities that we have to improve our work flow, it’s an exciting time to be involved. With the announcement that Operations will have the opportunity to go on the Executive trip, being nominated by your teams for doing a great job is exciting! With the roll out of DOMO (Automated reporting, intuitive dashboard, real time metrics); fabulous way for us to monitor our growth, check pipelines to make sure we have adequate staffing for those coming busy months! Bill Danielson – Regional Compliance RepresentativeBill is the new Regional Compliance Representative for the Northwest Division. He is a California nativeand started his career in the U.S. Air Force where he spent 9 years on active duty. He served duringOperation Iraqi Freedom and spent 5 consecutive years living in Europe and Asia. After earning an MBAfrom the University of Maryland, Bill left the Air Force to pursue a career in finance. He started out inPrivate Wealth Management at the Swiss Bank, UBS and later moved on to the private banking and lendingdivision at Goldman Sachs & Co. In 2011, Bill switched gears from the large investment banks to become aLoan Originator. Bill is at home in the mortgage industry. His experience in operations and sales led himto join the compliance team at Academy.Bill is here to be a resource to you. He is part of our compliance team at corporate and his role is to followup on findings, communicate best practices and help improve our procedures to ensure we operate withinguidelines. He is here to field questions and help resolve issues for all Loan Originators and Support Staff.Bill has an open door policy. Please feel free to reach out to him directly.Email: [email protected]: 801-553-6869Cell: 801-602-6011

CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE: Laugh a little!! SPEED OVAL? Located behind the Anchorage Office and maintained throughout the winter.They have clubs and classes on it and have added lights and music to several of the light poles. It’s a beautiful setting with the Chagach Mountains in the background.Picture courtesy of Lance Sweet Tara Haglund and Natalie Svaty Mike McLean and Wife Carrie attending the Winter CarnivalThis is what happens when I leave my phone with my assistants! in McCall, Idaho Picture courtesy of Jason Oswald, Legacy Branch

OUT SHOUT OUT TO DAVE SCHILE FOR CLEARING OFF EVERYONE’S CARS DURING A SNOW DAY Meridian, Idaho Branch ~Laura Alexander I SECOND THAT SHOUT OUT! A. BowdenI would like to thank the great team I have the pleasure towork with here at Academy Mortgage. Thank you all, for the hugesupport you provide to me!~Mike McLean SHOUT OUT to MIKE AND FRAN LARSH for not bringing your germy germs into our area. We would have surely been ill, so THANK YOU! ~your co-workers Christy Milliren and Modesty Martinez

OUTI would like to give a shout out to Laurie Funston for alwaysbeing there and answering questions for me!!! She also doesscreen shots and is so thorough. THANK YOU LAURIE~JAMIE KREFTShout Out to Jennifer Benderand Congratulate her and herhusband Evan on the new additionto their family. Sophie Marie Bendermade her appearance on ThursdayJanuary 26th @6:50 AM weighing9lbs 2 oz. and 21 inches long.~Bonnie Maxwell & Chris BellinoI would like to thank Zoe and Tak for their make senseunderwriting style. They are both really responsive andmake our sales people look good to our borrowers.~Lynn Hergenreder

OUTDear Leon McKean,We have just collected the following 5-star customer satisfaction survey on your behalf:Name of Reviewer: Cynthia BarberStar Rating Response: 51st Choice Question: YesHow they found Academy: Realtor:Yes/Web:/Word of Mouth:/Social Media:How likely to Recommend: 10Testimonial: I have had many business dealings with other mortgage companies. Myexperience with Academy Mortgage; especially Leon and Mary, was so easy. They walked methrough every aspect of the loan process. Leon was available to answer any questions I hadno matter the day or time of day. I am planning on future purchases as part of my retirementgoal and will utilize Academy Mortgage every time. I am telling anyone who may be in themarket or thinking of buying a new home to use Academy Mortgage! Thank you Leon, youmade this process enjoyable!Like to be Contacted Regarding Feedback: YesPermission to Use Testimonial: YesThanks. Academy Mortgage Marketing Team When we originally got this one started I was just leaving for China. Truthfully, between the builder, buyer and agent, I wasn’t sure how this was all going to pan out. But after meeting with the buyer in person one Saturday for two hours to discuss the huge uptick in interest rates, that meeting built a strong - trusting relationship. Throughout the rest of the construction process she came to know we had her back, did what we said, and were thinking ahead to be sure this would all come together. She came to count on us as the “stable” foundation amongst the less consistent builder and agents. Thanks to everyone that helped – this was truly a Team Win!Make it a Great Day – Leon McKeanAdam Kessler is a big proponent of Loan Officersgoing to their closings. LEON MCKEAN AND CYNTHIA BARBER


JANUARY NUMBERS TOP THREE BRANCHES IN THE NORTHWEST REGION MERIDIAN $5,736,375 LEGACY MERIDIAN $4,069,047 ALASKA $2,564,990TOP FIVE IN VOLUME TOP FIVE IN PURCHASE VOLUMEJason Oswald 2,575,562 Jason Oswald 2,575,562Leon McKean 2,564,990 Leon McKean 2,564,990Ryan Shelby 1,784,930 Ryan Shelby 1,787,930Scott Petersen 1,585,970 Scott Petersen 1,585,970Tera Davis 1,499,003 Tera Davis 1,499,003“ PERSEVERANCE IS THE HARD WORK YOU DO AFTER YOU GET TIRED OF DOING THE HARD WORK YOU ALREADY DID”

NORTHWEST LOAN OFFICERS1. Jason Oswald $2,575,5622. Leon McKean $2,564,9903. Ryan Shelby $1,784,9304. Scott Petersen $1,585,9705. Tera Davis $1,499,0036. David Perry $1,493,4857. Whittney Curran $1,413,3848. Terry Anderson $1,130,4769. Cheryl Lipp $1,010,62510. Susie Manweller11. Georgea Lipinski $995,92112. Lance Sweet $917,26413. Jennifer Bender $907,79614. Dalton Clark $775,22715. Anne Erickson $723,20016. Melissa Buckley $691,82917. Teresa Metz $609,84618. Aaron Page $534,52019. Kristi Lacroix $321,50020. Maureen Miller $289,33021. Steve Linnenkamp $226,19522. Dean Gillmore $195,00023. Dave Baldwin $174,77524. Lynn Hergenreder $170,33525. Vicki Leavitt $165,75026. Craig Ballhagen $135,82827. Tina Clarke $100,00028. Alice Thomas $100,000 $92,970

President’s Club ConferenceBarcelona, SpainFall 2018Like Wandering in a DreamWhat city in the world could be more perfect than Barcelona? With its cosmopolitan feel, relaxed pace oflife, breathtaking architecture, fantastic gastronomy, and unbeatable climate, it really is the city that haseverything. The city by the sea boasts its gorgeous beaches, Mediterranean climate (it rarely gets extremelyhot or cold), and the best seafood in all of Europe. The streets of Barcelona are lined with breathtakingworks of architecture, from Gothic churches to Antoni Gaudí's surreal buildings, as well as modern sites likeMaremagnum Mall. It is also known for its bustling art scene and eclectic nightlife—the city never sleeps!Executive Club Conference (will be joined by the President’s Club)Maui, HawaiiMarch 2018The Valley Isle Never DisappointsIt’s no wonder Maui is such a sought-after destination. It’s a vision of green, where wind-rustled palms castshadows on turquoise waters, with snorkeling above reefs that teem with turtles and schools of tropical fish.Whether watching the sunrise from Haleakala Crater, swimming beneath waterfalls, dining each night onfresh island fish or Hawaiian regional cuisine, or taking the road less (or more) traveled to Hana, it’s a placewhere anyone can relax, escape, unwind, and where there’s constantly more to explore—regardless howoften you visit. Continued on next page

Top Producers Club ConferenceLaguna Beach, CaliforniaJune 2018Seven-Mile Stretch of Sand and SurfIt’s easy to love Laguna Beach: secluded coves, romantic cliffs, azure waves, and waterfront parks imbue the citywith a Riviera-like feel. But nature isn’t the only draw. The city has a strong tradition in the arts and is home torenowned arts festivals, several dozen galleries, and the well-known Laguna Art Museum. It’s midway locationbetween Los Angeles and San Diego also makes it the perfect spot to stay and include visits to nearbyattractions, like Disneyland. With its quaint downtown village, uncrowded sand, and open water, some mayargue Laguna is the happiest place on earth. 2017 REGIONAL OPERATIONS MANAGER QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTSRegional Operations Managers must meet two of the five qualification requirements below to be eligiblefor the Executive Club Conference in Maui, Hawaii: 1) On-time Closing at 90% or above 2) 1-year HUD compare at 125 or less 3) Operations P&L at profit 4) Significant post-closing risk rating at 2% or below 5) Their Regional Manager must qualify for one of the three trips*Note: ROM qualifiers must currently be in good standing with the company in order to attend andmust also hold the ROM position for that region as of March 31, 2017.Executive Club qualifiers are welcome to bring a guest to share their room for $300. Academy will cover the otherexpenses. 2017 OPERATIONS TEAM MEMBERS SELECTION PROCESSTwo Operations team members will be selected from each Region to attend the Executive ClubConference in Maui, Hawaii. The selection process is as follows:  All Operations team members will be eligible for nomination. An Academy team member can nominate an Operations team member. Submission form to come soon.  At the end of the year, we will publish a list of nominees in each region.  The region will then vote on who they think is the most deserving to attend the trip. Two Operations team members from each region will be selected.Executive Club qualifiers are welcome to bring a guest to share their room for $300. Academy will cover the otherexpenses.

February 1, 2017CREDIT POLICY SPECIAL BULLETIN 17-06Effective Date: February 1, 2017Loan Products Affected: AllPipeline Loans Affected: AllGeographic Restrictions: NoneCredit Policy Exception ProcessDid you know that exceptions can be made to credit policy guidelines on a case-by-case basis? We may be able to makeexceptions when overlays exist due to either investor requirements or Academy’s credit risk appetite. The Credit Policyteam is currently working with the Secondary team to proactively remove overlays, but in the meantime we encourage youto take advantage of the exception process. Below is the exception process and approval authorities, depending on the risk of the exception being requested. Additional documentation such as an Exception Authority and Process Outline, FAQs and an Authority Matrix has also been recently updated on the Credit Policy Channel A page. Click here to access the documentation.STEP 1: Obtain an Exception Request Form on the Credit Policy Channel A page, under the Exceptions button.STEP 2: Submit the Exception Request Form and any relevant supporting documentation to your region exception emailinbox.STEP 3: The following are the authority levels your exception request could progress through once submitted, dependingon the risk of your exception.Authority Level 1 (ROM/Underwriting Manager or designee):  The ROM/Underwriting Manager receives the exception request from the requestor.  The exception request is reviewed by the ROM.  Is the exception possible? o Yes:  The ROM reviews the ROM Exception Authority Matrix.  Can the ROM approve the exception?  Yes: o The ROM enters the exception decision into Encompass, generating a notification to the loan team.  No: o The ROM sends the exception request with supporting documentation to the CP Exception Team. o No:  The ROM notifies the requestor with the reason(s). Continued on next page

Authority Level 2 (CP Specialist):  The CP Exception Team receives the exception request from the ROM.  The exception request is reviewed and researched by a CP Specialist.  Is the exception possible? o Yes:  Can the CP Specialist approve the exception?  Yes: o The CP Specialist enters the exception decision into Encompass, generating a notification to the loan team.  No: o The CP Specialist sends the exception request to the CP Manager for review. o No:  The CP Specialist notifies the ROM and requestor with the reason(s).Authority Level 3 (CP Manager):  The CP Manager receives the exception request from the CP Specialist.  The exception request is reviewed by the CP Manager.  Is the exception possible? o Yes:  The CP Manager sends the approval to the CP Specialist.  The CP Specialist enters the exception decision into Encompass, generating a notification to the loan team. o No:  The CP Manager sends the decline to the CP Specialist to be reviewed by the Exception Committee.Authority Level 4 (CP Exception Committee):  The CP Specialist prepares the exception for presentation to the Exception Committee.  The Exception Committee reviews the exception request.  The CP Specialist enters the exception decision into Encompass, generating a notification to the loan team.Note: The Credit Policy Exception Committee meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 PM MT.Questions?Always check with your manager or ROM/Underwriting Manager first. If they do not have the answer, thequestion can be escalated to the Credit Policy Exception Team at [email protected] or(801) 565-7000 Option 2, then Option 3.

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