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Home Explore NEACEP ezine V.Jan 2 2017

NEACEP ezine V.Jan 2 2017

Published by dgage, 2018-01-02 09:26:04

Description: NEACEP ezine V.Jan 2 2017


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New England Alliance OfConcurrent Enrollment Programs

Concurrent enrollment by any other name….It is important that we clarify concurrent enrollment. During it’s early days it was called may differentthings, Dual Enrollment, College in High School, to name two. Over time as programs evolved thereemerged several programs who models werevery specific and the meaning of the termschanged. Concurrent enrollment is defined asa program that allows students to take collegecourses without leaving their high school cam-pus and utilizes college-approved high schoolinstructors to teach college courses.One difficulty that has arisen is that many part-ners who fit this definition of concurrent en-rollment have archival documents that useother terms and thus they find it difficult tochange their original language to the new useof the term concurrent enrollment.More Filler here…….

Program Spotlight University of ###### College in High School ProgramThe Univeristy of ####### Col- tation ullamcorper suscipit amet, consetetur sadipscinglege in High School Program lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmodcurrently has over 5,000 high commodo consequat. tempor invidunt ut labore etschool students enrolled in 25 dolore magna aliquyam erat,different courses spread across Duis autem vel eum iriure sed diam voluptua. At vero eosthe state of @@. dolor in hendrerit in vul- et accusam et justo duo putate velit esse molestie dolores et ea rebum. Stet clitaNam liber tempor cum soluta consequat, vel illum dolore kasd gubergren, no sea takima-nobis eleifend option congue eu feugiat nulla facilisis. ta sanctus est Lorem ipsumnihil imperdiet doming id quod dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsummazim placerat facer possim At vero eos et accusam et dolor sit amet, conseteturassum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit justo duo dolores et ea re- sadipscing elitr, At accusam ali-amet, consectetuer adipiscing bum. Stet clita kasd guber-elit, sed diam nonummy nibh gren, no sea takimata sanc-euismod tincidunt ut laoreet tus est Lorem ipsum dolor sitdolore magna aliquam erat amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sitvolutpat. Ut wisi enim ad min-im veniam, quis nostrud exerci

Concurrent Enrollment Programs By StateNew Hampshire Community College Running Start Program: This program is a concurrent enrollment model pro- gram. Local schools associate with their community college to provide ……. (State who can partici- pate—i.e. Open the Nh public schools only. [ NHTI Concord’s Community College, Great Bay Community College, etc.] Southern New Hampshire University High School Dual Enrollment Program: SNHU in the High School dual enrollment program allows high school students the opportunity to earn…….Connecticut University of Connecticut Early College Experience: UConn Early College Experience (ECE) is a concurrent enrollment program that allows motivated high school students to take UConn courses at their high schools for both high school and college credit. Every course taken through UConn ECE is equivalent to the same course at the University of Connecticut. Students benefit by taking college courses in a setting that is both familiar and conducive to learning. High school instructors who have been ……..Maine

Students Students PlanConcurrent Enrollment provides students will a college experi-ence in high school. There are many benefits of taking a concur- Aheadrent enrollment course in high school for students. Most im-portantly you get to test the college academic experience atyour high school and earn transcripted college credit. The com-mon application for college asks the students if they have takena college course and if so how many. Concurrent enrollment al-lows you to say “Yes!” I have taken a college course. Planningwhat concurrent enrollment courses to take needs to be donewith eyes wide open. Transferring college is always at the discre-tion of the receiving institution. You should seek advice fromyour school’s college planning office………….

Parents Considering ConcurrentOne of the big draws to concurrent enrollment programs is the Enrollmentpotential savings it can bring to the larger picture of financingcollege. In some instances with the right planning students havebeen able to turn a four year degree into only three years. Butthat is not the norm, nor is it the main benefit of concurrent en-rollment programs. ………………………………...

How Can Your Local High School Get Involved?Using our concurrent enrollment by state resource, the first step is to reach out toconcurrent enrollment programs near your school. While each program has it’s ownrules and process for working together you can expect that your school will be re-quired to:-Look for courses that naturally align with current offerings.-You will need to look for faculty who can qualify as adjunct faculty.-A review of the syllabi for the course being considered.More info here…….

High School Toolbox:The high school toolbox is intended for school guidance offices, school student services offices or any de-partment that works with students on college planning and course selection.The toolbox provides:-Slide stacks that you can tailor for local presentations.-Fact sheets that provide FAQ’s on concurrent enrollment considerations for high school students.-Impact of PELL grants and other considerations that might impact financing college

NEACEP Board of Directors President Megan Fidler-Carey Institution/Title Vice President Secretary Treasurer Beth Doiron Mercedes Pour Louise GouletInstitution/Title Institution/Title Institution/Title Immediate Past President Lori Weir Institution/Title Members at Large John Araujo Brian Boecherer Amie Capodanno Don GageInstitution/Title Institution/Title Institution/Title Institution/Title Sarah GagerInstitution/Title Christina Hebert Erica Mazzeo Frank Romanelli Institution/Title Institution/Title Institution/Title Natalie Searle Scott Voisine Institution/Title Institution/Title

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