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M. Bostick 2A Flipbook

Published by Mysti Bostick, 2020-09-16 12:07:43

Description: M. Bostick 2A Flipbook


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Flipbook By: Mysti Bostick Health Science 2A

Table of Contents - Integumentary System - Musculoskeletal System - Nervous System - Special Senses - Cardiovascular System - Respiratory System - Digestive System - Urinary System - Reproductive System

Integumentary System Functions: acts as a barrier to protect the body, and regulates body temperature Disease and Disorders: Acne: blocked skin follicles and is caused by oil, dirt and dead skin cells. Psoriasis: skin disease that causes red, scaly, skin that may feel painful swollen or hot. Pemphigus: when the immune system attacks healthy cells on the epidermis which causes blisters. Ichthyosis: when dry skin looks like fish scales. 2 Careers: Dermatologist: doctors who have expertise to diagnose, treat and determine underlying causes of skin conditions. Dermatology Nurse Practitioner: can prescribe medications, order lab work, suture wounds, and diagnose/treat minor illnesses. Vocab: epidermis: outermost layer of the skin. dermis: holds nerve fibers, blood vessels, hair follicles and glands. subcutaneous: deepest layer, holds fat and heat insulation, along with protection. sebaceous glands: oil glands. sudoriferous glands: sweat glands. adipose glands: fat glands. melanin: dark pigment of skin caused by melanocytes. keratin: fiber proteins that help produce hair, skin and nails. dermatitis: inflammation of the skin. malignant melanoma: cancer of melanocytes. Key Terms: derm/o: skin. kerat/o: hard, horn-shaped tissue. xer/o: dry. xanth/o: yellow. erythr/o: red. pedicu/o : finger/toe nail. onych/o: nail. myc/o: fungus. pil/o: hair follicle. lip/o: fat. rhytid/o: wrinkle. ablin/o: white

Musculoskeletal System Functions: provides stability, support and movement for the body. DIseases and Disorders: Tendonitis: inflamed or irritated tendons. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: compression of the median nerve as it passes through the hand. Fibromialgia: disorder characterized by the musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in certain areas. Osteoarthritis: when the cartilage between bones breakdown and causes the bones to rub together. 2 Careers: Orthopedic Surgeon: specializes in the fixations of joints and bones. Rheumatologists: diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and rheumatic diseases. Vocab: skeletal muscle: voluntary and attached the the bone. smooth muscle: involuntary and surrounds internal organs. cardiac muscle: involuntary and only found in the heart. axial skeleton: includes the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column. appendicular skeleton: shoulder girdle, arms, hands, legs feet and pelvic girdle. articulation: where bones come together. chondrocytes: cartilage cells. epiphysis: ends of long bones. periosteum: fibrosis tissue covering the bone. dislocation: when a bone is out of its socket. Key Terms: my/o: muscle. myel/o: nerve fiber. osteo/o: bone. cost/o: rib. crani/o: skull. -pexy: surgical fixation. chondr/o: cartilage. arthr/o: joint. -plegia: paralysis. kinesi/o: movement.

Nervous System Functions- sensory input, integration, motor output Diseases and Disorders: Dyslexia: learning disorder causing someone to have difficulty recognizing and understanding written language. Schizophrenia: distorted thought processes and emotional perceptions, delusions, hallucinations, and periods of unresponsiveness. Dementia: memory loss, poor language expression and inability to care for oneself. Postpartum Psychosis: when after birth the mother has hallucinations, delusions, and confusion causing harm to herself or the baby. 2 Careers: Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist: specializes in diagnostic equipment to monitor patients nervous system. Neurosurgeon: specializes in diagnosis and treatments of diseases and conditions of the nervous system Vocab: occipital lobe: sight vision. temporal lobe: language, smell, hearing, factual visual memory. frontal lobe: movement, personality, emotion, speech, problem solving. parietal lobe: receives/interprets sensory impulses to touch, pain, pressure and temperature. CNS: central nervous system, controls sensory outputs. PNS: peripheral nervous system,, controls motor output to ANS and SNS. ANS: autonomic nervous system, controls cardiac and smooth muscle glands. SNS: somatic nervous system, controls skeletal muscles. Parasympathetic: controls involuntary functions. Sympathetic: high alert of surroundings. Key Terms: neur/o: nerve. encephal/o: brain. myel/o: nerve fibers. ambul/o: to walk. -esthesia: sensation. mening/o: mengies. psych/o: mind. concuss/o: shaken

Special Senses Functions: to receive external stimulation Disease and Disorders: Glaucoma: pressure on the retina causing damage. Tinnitus: ringing in the ears. Conductive Deafness: inadequate sound waves that are being received. Hordeolum: inflammation of the eyelid. 2 Careers: Audiologist: works with hearing balance and rehabilitation of hearing. Ophthalmologist: performs eye exams and diagnosis of eye diseases/impairments Vocab: Rods: black and white photoreceptors. Cones: color receptors. Cerumen: earwax; traps debris. Iris: colored portion of the eye that surrounds pupil. Auricle: directs sound to auditory canal. Anosmia: no sense of smell. Ageusia: no sense of taste. Masication: to chew. Deglutition: to swallow. Squamous: to be scaly. Epidermis: outermost layer of skin, protection barrier. Key Terms: irid/o: iris. -cusis: hearing. -opia: vision condition. ot/o: ear. tympan/o: eardrum. ophthalm/o: eye. -metry: process of measuring.

Cardiovascular Functions: to circulate oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Disease and Disorders: Congestive Heart Failure: reduced blood flow from heart. Heart Murmur: abnormal sound hearing during auscultation of the heart. Shock: peripheral blood flow is insufficient to bring normal blood back to heart Coronary Artery Disease: the narrowing of coronary arteries resulting in an insufficient blood supply to heart. 2 Careers: Cardiologist: diagnosis and treatment of heart problems, order tests, and perform surgeries. Telemetry Nurse: develops treatment plans for patients, and monitors heart rhythms. Vocab: Tachycardia : fast heart rate. Bradycardia: slow heart rate. Hypertension: higher than normal BP. HYpotension: lower than normal BP. Cardioversion: controlled electric shocks to heart with patients with arrhythmia, Arrhythmia: irregular heart beat. Pacemaker: electrical device that’s implanted to control cardiac rhythms. Stress Test: procedure that tests how effectively the heart pumps blood. Atherosclerosis: plaque buildup in arteries. Thrombus: blood clot forms on the wall of blood vessel and stays. Key Terms: cardi/o: heart. angi/o: vessel. hem/o;hemat/o: blood. brady- slow. tachy: fast. thromb/o: clot. -emia. Blood condition. leuk/o: white. erythr/o: red. arteri/o artery.

Respiratory System Functions: inhales fresh air, exhales carbon dioxide, keeps oxygen for blood stream, passes air over vocal cords to produce sound Diseases and Disorders: Croup: “barking” cough and high pitched breathing.. Sputum: mucus coughed up from respiratory tract. COPD: the reduced ability of lungs to perform ventilation. Nasopharyngitis: inflammation of nose and throat. 2 Careers: Pulmonologist: specializes in treatment and care of the lungs and cardiopulmonary system. Perfusionist: monitors the heart and lung machine during surgery. Vocab: Pharynx: throat Larynx: voice box Trachea: windpipe Inspiration: breathing on Expiration: breathing out Respiration: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Ventilation: process of moving air in and out of the lungs Bronchi: tubes that carry air from trachea to lungs. Alveoli: tiny air sacs that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Mouth/Nose: where the air enters the body. Key Terms: bronch/o: bronchiole cyan/o: blue laryng/o: larynx -oxia: sight/vision oxy- oxygen pleur/o pleura pneum/o : ling/air pulmon/o: ;ing thorac/o ;chest trache/o: trachea

Digestive System Function: to take food and turn it into nutrients and energy for the body to function, along with the secretion of digestive fluids. Disease and Disorders: Gastroenteritis: infection of the stomach and upper part of the small intestine that causes vomiting, stomach pain, and cramps. Constipation: the inability to poop, or release stool from bowels. Hemorrhoids: painful and inflamed anal blood vessels. Diverticular Disease: the inflammation of small pouches that form on the wall of the colon. 2 Careers: Gastroenterologist: specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of stomach and intestine problems. Proctologist: specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of anus and rectum problems. Vocab: Feces: poop or exited food Peristalsis: moves food down the pharynx Defecation: discharge of feces Mastication: to chew, chewing Deglutition: the act of swallowing Sublingual: under tongue Submandibular: floor mouth Parotid: anterior to the head. Gingiva: the gums Enamel: hard covering of tooth. Key Terms: cholecyst/o: gallbladder enter/o: intestine col/lo; colon/o: colon hepat/o: liver gastr/o: stomach or/o: mouth -pepsia: digestion chol/e: bile/gall proct/o: anus

Urinary System Functions: to excrete liquid waste from the body, and helps release toxins Disease and Disorder: Diuresis: abnormal increase in urine production. Anuria: the absence of urine production Enuresis: involuntary discharge of urine Oliguria: when a small amount of urine is produced. 2 Careers: Urologist: specializes in diseases and disorders and the treatment of the urinary tract in men and women. Nephrologists: specializes in kidney transplant aftercare and provide medical management to those with kidney diseases. Vocab: Kidneys: filter blood and maintain electrolyte concentrations Ureters: transport urine from kidneys to bladder Urinary Bladder: stores urine until excreted Urethra: transports urine from bladder to where it’s excreted from Adrenal Glands: produce hormones to help regulate functions that ungo stress Abdominal Aorta: carries oxygen-rich blood to lower half of body Prostate Gland: secretes prostate fluid Urethral Meatus: malae part that allows urine to leave the body Inferior Vena Cava: carries deoxygenated blood to lower half of body Urine: liquid waste product that id produced by the kidneys Key Term: -cele: hernia; swelling; protrusion --lysis: breakdown; loosiening; separation cyst/o: fluid sac nephr/o kidney ren/o: kidney -uria: urine -pexy: surgical fixation -ectasis: dilation pyel/o: renal pelvis

Reproductive System: Functions: to produce offspring, to nurture for offspring, carry and transport sperm and egg Diseases and Disorders: Azoospermia: the absence of sperm in semen leading to infertility Prostate Cancer: malignant tumor of the prostate Eclampsia: when seizures occur while pregnant Abruptio Placentae: premature detachment from the placenta 2 Careers: Gynecologist: specializes in the health of the female reproductive system. Andrologists: specializes in the health of the male reproductive system. Vocab:Ovulation: release of an egg Pregnancy: phase between conception and delivery Conception: cycle the sperm and egg develop before gestation Estrogen: hormone that women have to help with development Progesterone: helps women regulate menstruation and breast development puberty Gestation: period of development of the child in the mother’s uterus Testicles: produce sperm and testosterone Penis: used for sexual intercourse and urination Semen: sperm; contains fluid during intercourse Prostate Gland: secretes fluid that lowers the acidity of semen Key Terms: cervic/o: neck; cervix salping/o: eustachian tube ov/o: ovum orchid/o: testis; testicle oophor/o: ovary men/o: menstruation mamm/o: breast gynec/o: female colp/o: vagina prostat/o: prostate gland

Works Cited - Med Term Notebook - Med Term Textbook - Google Images - Med Term Quizlet

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