December 2, 2018 Copies of the proposed 2019 budget are available in the Welcome Center. If you have any questions, please see an elder before the evening service tonight. There will be a vote, without discussion, at the conclusion of the evening service TONIGHT.Our prayers were answered for a vehicle for Neil and Sommer to use while in the States for a few months! \"The Storm Tossed Family: How the cross shapes the home\" Today at 5pm - FH 5-7 - Led by Ryan PolkJoin us as we study how the cross can shape our families, how we can shepherd our children of any age, and how to deal with the common difficulties every family faces. Sunday, Dec. 9th at 10:40am - Children’s Christmas Nativity Sunday, Dec. 9th at 6pm - Adult Christmas Musical Sunday, Dec. 16th at 6pm - Youth MusicalSunday, December 23rd - Campus Group and Morning Worship only (No Evening Service) Monday, Dec. 24th at 5pm - Christmas Eve Service Wednesday, December 26th - No regular church activitiesSCHEDULE December 2 - December 8, 2018SUNDAY WEDNESDAY9:15am...................... Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm....................Food Pantry - Room 116 5:00pm....................Fellowship Meal - Gym K!DZ on Mission: 201/205 (Grades 1-5) 6:00pm....................Adult Bible Study - FH10:40am..................... Morning Worship Engage Youth - Ice Skating STARZ! - Worship Center Preschool Praise & Worship - Room 211 Honeybees - Room 211 K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 6:15pm...................Adult Comm. Group - Chris Haynes’ home4:00pm ..................... Youth Choir - Choir room 7:15pm...................Choir - Choir Room5:00pm ..................... TEC Class - FH Prayer time - Pray at home AWANA 8:00pm...................College Comm. Group - Chris Haynes’ home Missions Prayer - Room 1126:00pm ..................... Evening Worship THURSDAY7:15pm ..................... Prayer Time - Led by Hal Clary - FH 1 12:45pm..................Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 2:00pm .................Lifetime Ministries - Rambling OaksMONDAY 3:30pm .................Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 7:00pm .................... Prayer Time - Jackson home 7:00pm .................VanDyke Comm. Group - VanDyke home Men’s Comm. Group - Dean Long homeTUESDAY Prayer Time - Pray at home 9:15am..................... Women’s Bible Study - Choir Room 7:00pm .................... Prayer Time - Pray at home FRIDAY 8:00am-2:30pm.........Church Safety Training 7:00pm .......................Prayer Time - Pray at home SATURDAY 8:00am ....................Prayer Time - Led by Kevin Gerber - Library Church Safety Training
MEMBER NEWS Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal | 5-6pm Chicken & Dumplings | Mixed Vegetables | Apple Crisp OfferingPreschool Weekly Offering: ..........$10,557.02 Puggles/Cubbies tonight at 5pm. Monthly Offering: ........$74,355.64 Honeybees, Wednesday @ 6pm - Room 211 Offering YTD: ............$821,629.77 Budget YTD: ..............$842,630.19H!z K!dz Elementary Balance: ........................ ($21,000.42) Lottie Moon ................. $ 1,251.48STARZ! Elementary Choir, Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m., December 5, STARZ! will meet in the Worship Center to run through our Nativi-ty. All angels will need white tights and undergarments and all shepherds/boys roles will need dark shorts and t-shirts to go under their cos-tumes. We will pull STARZ! from their Sunday School classes on Sunday, December 9 at 10:15 a.m. to dress in the gym for our Nativi-ty. Following the performance, the children will return to the gym to take off their costumes and will all go together to K!DZ Worship.STARZ! will not rehearse on Wednesday, December 19th, but any children that attend from 6:00-7:00 p.m. will be in the Choir Room. STARZ!begins rehearsals again on January 2, 2019.SPECIAL PERFORMANCE: Invite your family and friends to watch our annual Children's Nativity, December 9 at 10:40 a.m. in the WorshipCenter.AWANA Club (K-6th graders) Sundays, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Our AWANA Christmas party is Sunday, December 9, during AWANA from 5:00-7:00p.m. Plan to wear your Christmas Cheer t-shirts or other festive and fun attire.Happy Birthday, Jesus! Our H!Z K!DZ Elementary Christmas party will be Wednesday, December 12 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the gym. We hopeyou will come to celebrate with us!TODAY, K!DZ on Mission: Each first Sunday of the month, so Sunday, December 2, all 1st-5th graders will meet in rooms 201/205 for a spe-cial look at the gospel and the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Each child is encouraged to give something. We will send home small containersfor the children to fill with their offerings. Parents, please help your children think about what small sacrifice they can make to contribute. Wewill have a special snack and a Christmas craft.ALL CHILDREN NOT PARTICIPATING IN THE STARZ! Nativity performance, but attending K!DZ Worship, will sit in the back northsection of the Worship Center until the performance is over. They will then be taken to their regular classrooms on the 2nd floor.H!Z K!DZ Worship meets each Sunday (except the 5th Sunday of the month) from 10:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in rooms 201/205/207/209.Engage Youth: Pursuit College Youth are going ice skating at Devon Ice Rink, this Wed. Dec. • Discipleship for Life • Apologetics for Everyday • Leadership Essentials • New Testament: James 5th. We will leave the church at 6pm and return at 8pm. $9 per person. Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week Lamentations 3:22-23 (NASB) Sunday 12/2: Ezek 34-35, Ps 122, 1 Tim 4-6The LORD’S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, Monday 12/3: Ezek 36-37, Ps 123, 2 Tim 1-2 Tuesday 12/4: Ezek 38-39, Ps 124, 2 Tim 3-4 For His compassions never fail. Wednesday 12/5: Ezek 40-41, Ps 125, Titus 1-3 They are new every morning; Thursday 12/6: Ezek 42-44, Ps 126, Philemon Great is Your faithfulness. Friday 12/7: Ezek 45-46, Ps 127, Heb 1-3 Saturday 12/8: Ezek 47-48, Ps 128, Heb 4-6CAMPUS SERVICE December 2 December 9 December 2 K!DZ Worship - December 2 Greeter Team 5 Greeter Team 6 109 - Cameron & Polly Harp Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley 107 - Stephanie Kiosterud/TBA Maynes family Lindley family Darla Lynn, Don & Lori Gordoni CJ Haynes Melody Gibbs 105C - Hunter Family Nisha Blackford 101 - Collins Family K!DZ Worship - December 9 Haynes family Tomlinson family 102 - Groves Family Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley 103 - Oxsen Family Lisa Wilmoth, Don & Lori Gordoni Safety Team 5 Safety Team 6 211 - Mike & Dana Smith Mike Snowdon Kuyler Johnson K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders December 2 John Kiosterud Jamebo Wilson December 9 BellaRose Black, Mary Gordoni Andy Blackford 109 - Cheryl Malone & TBA Emma Bushey, Lindyn Devero Charles Collins Bo Maynes Eva Westerman Matthew LaFon 107 - Branscum family Usher Team 3 105C - Zach & Kaylan Garner K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders December 9 Gene Peavler Usher Team 1 Melody Chen, Miranda Huang, Andy Blackford 101 - Hansmeyer Family Ava Colvin, Emma Redeker, Jim Pitt David Peetoom 102 - Dean & Mary Long Kennedy Stewart Mike Snowdon Greg Hughes 103 - Abigail & Nisha Blackford Pete JacksonStephen Tomlinson Jason Colvin 211 - Kara Polk Luther Banks Matthew LaFon
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