Memorial Day Weekend - May 27, 2018 VBS begins this Tuesday, May 29th!Next weekend, we will have a celebration of Ryan Polk’s 20th anniversary. Please m akeplans to join us as we honor Ryan and Kara for their service at Trinity. There will be a churchwide meal on Sunday night June 3rd from 5-7pm, where we will meet in the gym for a time of fel-lowship and recognition of Ryan. Please plan to bring a dish to the meal. Sign up at You will need the coordinator last name (Charlson) and the password(9045). Please call the church office at 405-321-2000 if you have questions or prefer to tell uswhat you’re bringing instead of signing up online.Eden Clinic Baby Bottle Fundraising Drive - The annu al baby bottle fu ndr aiser ishere! Pick up a bottle TODAY! Please return them on Father's Day full of change (checks andcash welcome too)! All money goes to the Eden Clinic. It's a great opportunity to teach your chil-dren about the value of life! This could be a great witnessing tool too! Take a bottle to work,school or where you volunteer and watch it fill up! Every year, we distribute just shy of 100 bot-tles. I'm praying that this year, every bottle will be taken and filled! Thank you! For more Carol Ann Lindley: [email protected] May 27—June 2, 2018SUNDAY WEDNESDAY9:15am...................Campus Groups/Sunday School 9:00am..................VBS10:40am..................Morning Worship *No Wednesday night dinner this week. K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 Preschool Praise & Worship - 211*No evening activities tonight. Join us for VBS family fun night ThursdayEnjoy Memorial Day Weekend! at 5:30pm!MONDAY THURSDAYChurch Office Closed 9:00am...................VBS7:00pm ...................Prayer time - Pray at home 10:00am..................Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 12:45pm .................Lifetime Ministries - BrookhavenTUESDAY 9:00am .................VBS 2:00pm................Lifetime Ministries - Rambling Oaks 7:00pm.................Prayer Time - Pray at home 5:30pm................VBS Family Fun Night! 7:00pm................Prayer Time - Pray at home FRIDAY 9:00am...................VBS 7:00pm ..................Prayer Time - Pray at home SATURDAY 8:00am ................Prayer Time - Led by Mike Tinney - FH 1
MEMBER NEWS Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner No dinner tonight. Join us for VBS family fun night Thursday at 5:30pm!Preschool Offering Extended Session workers needed, once every other Weekly Offering: .......... $16,097.54 month from 10:30-12:15. Contact Kara Polk to sign up: Monthly Offering: ........ $58,680.09 [email protected]. Offering YTD: ........... $351,827.22 Budget YTD: .............. $358,567.40H!z K!dz Elementary Balance: .........................($6,740.18) STARZ! Elementary Choir will NOT meet again until September 5, 2018, when we will begin with a kick off party for our new musical \"O Chicken of Little Faith.” W.O.W.--Water on Wednesdays will begin June 6th from 6:00-7:15 p.m. All K-5th graders may meet us in the south foyer with bathing suit on and towel in hand for our weekly swim times at members' houses. The June schedule is as follows: Presley's June 6, Burdick's June 13, Mike & Dana Smith's June 20, Hansmeyer's June 27. AWANA Club (K-6th graders) meets during the school year. VBS: May 29-June 1, 9 AM-12 NOON, Time Lab: Discovering Jesus in Eternity Past and Eternity Future! 3 year olds- 5th graders (2017/18 school year). FREE! Register to attend at CROSSTIMBERS CAMP - We have completed registration to go to camp June 13-16. Parent/Camper meet- ing June 3, 12:15 p.m. in rooms 201/205. K!DZ on Mission: June 3 from 9:15-10:30 a.m. for all 1st through 5th graders. Lisa Wilmoth will be sharing about her recent mission trip to Haiti. Crafts and snacks provided.Engage Youth: College Falls Creek: Deadline to pay, June 10th. Cost: Sunday, 9:15am $175 for first child; $150 for siblings and College Community Group resumes June 30th. guests. Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week 1 Peter 2:1-3 (NASB) Sunday 5/27: 2 Sam 10-11, Ps 119:137-144, Col 1-2 Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit Monday 5/28: 2 Sam 12-13, Ps 119:145-152, Col 3-4 and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like new- Tuesday 5/29: 2 Sam 14-15, Ps 119:153-160, 1 Thess 1-2 born babies, long for the pure milk of the word, Wednesday 5/30: 2 Sam 16-17, Ps 119:161-168, 1 Thess 3-5so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, Thursday 5/31: 2 Sam 18-19, Ps 119:169-176, 2 Thess 1 Friday 6/1: 2 Sam 20-21, Ps 120, 2 Thess 2-3 if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord. Saturday 6/2: 2 Sam 22, Ps 119:121, 1 Tim 1-3CAMPUS SERVICE May 27 June 3 May 27 K!DZ Worship - May 27 Greeter Team 6 Greeter Team 7 109 - Cheryl Malone & Grace Branscum Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, Lindley family Han family 107 - Branscum Family Shannon Schroeder, Lisa Wilmoth, Melody Gibbs Allison Wilson 105C - Justin & Anna Peavler Don & Lori Gordoni Nisha Blackford Barnett family Tomlinson family 101 - Dean & Mary Long K!DZ Worship - June 3 Safety Team 2 Safety Team 3 102 - Kaylan Storie & Zach Garner Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, Shannon Zach Hunter Jason Colvin Schroeder, Darla Lynn & family, Don & Lori Gordoni Gene Peavler Jeff Gilleland 103 - Abigail & Nisha Blackford Blake Seeley Stacy Loague 211 - Kara Polk & TBA K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders May 27 Jared Penner David Latham Elle Haynes, Isabella Corcoran Usher Team 3 Usher Team 1 June 3 Lyric Gibbs, Mary Gordoni Gene Peavler 109 - Cameron & Polly Harp Andy Blackford Gracie Hansmeyer, Bella Mauterer Jim Pitt David Peetoom 107 - Kiosterud Family Mike Snowdon Greg Hughes 105C - Charles & Lindsay Collins K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders June 3 Pete Jackson Avery Hunter, Alani WilmothStephen Tomlinson Jason Colvin 101 - Chris & Julie Groves Marin Polk, Fiona Chen Luther Banks 102 - Adam & Sherise Oxsen Matthew LaFon 103 - Hunter Family 211 - Valerie Haynes and family
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