Resurrection Day, April 1, 2018New TEC class! Trinity Women on Mission will meet April 8, 15, & 22 - This class is for all ages and stages oflife. For three weeks, beginning on April 8, please come as Carol Ann Lindley teaches about God's heart forthe nations and how we can be a part of what He is doing around the world. The first week will be a study ofwhat Scripture says about missions. Week two will be an overview of what God is doing around the world andthe need that remains. And week three will include personal testimony from a couple of Trinity women andpractical ways that we can participate in God's mission right here in Norman, Oklahoma. Discovering Trinity 201Wednesdays, April 4th & 11th Sessions 1 & 2 on April 4th, Sessions 3 & 4 on April 11th Women’s Precept Bible Study “KINSMAN REDEEMER: A STUDY OF THE BOOK OF RUTH”4 weeks; cost $10; Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.; April 19 through May 10; led by Cathy Duggan at her home. Sign up on the south hall bulletin board or call the church at 321-2000. Childcare is not available.SCHEDULE April 1-April 7, 2018SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 9:15am .................Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm.................Food Pantry - 116 5:00pm.................Fellowship Meal - Gym10:40am..................Morning Worship 6:00pm.................Adult Bible Study - FH 5, 6, 7 K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 Discovering Trinity - FH 2 Preschool Praise & Worship - 211 Youth - Youth room STARZ! - Choir Rm. 7:15pm...............Prayer Time - Pray at home - FH 1 Honeybees - Rm. 211 6:15pm.................Haynes Adult Comm. GroupMONDAY 7:15pm.................Adult Choir - Choir rm.7:00pm ...................Prayer time - Jackson home Prayer time - Pray at home 8:15pm.................Haynes College Comm. GroupTUESDAY 9:15am .................Romans Pt. 2, Precept Bible Study - FH THURSDAY 9:30am .................Are You a Disciple? Bible Study - Choir Room 10:00am .................Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 6:30pm.................Zumba - Gym 12:45pm .................Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 7:00pm.................Prayer Time - Rogers home 2:00pm.................Lifetime Ministries - Rambling OaksLifetime Ministries - will be collecting 7:00pm.................Ladies Fellowship Comm. Group (Mary Long’s)scripture coffee cups/mugs to give the residents (at Prayer Time - Pray at homenursing homes and assisted living centers) for Christ- 7:30pm.................College Bible Study (1328 Woodcreek Dr.)mas. We will fill cups with little individually wrappedcandies. The cups can be used, but not chipped. Please FRIDAYwrap cup(s) in paper and place in Lifetime Ministries 6:00pm.................TCF Good Friday Dinner (sign-up required)box in the Welcome Center. Thank you! 7:00pm.................Youth Spring Retreat at Falls Creek Prayer Time - Pray at home SATURDAY 8:00am .................Prayer Time - Led by Mike Tinney - FH 1
MEMBER NEWS Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner Upside Down Pizza | Salad | Green Beans | CookiesPreschool Offering Toddler teachers needed during the Sunday school hour, please contact Weekly Offering: ............... $13, 428.43 Kara: [email protected]. Monthly Offering: ............. $67,074.65 Offering YTD: ................. $209,136.98 AWANA Puggles/Cubbies tonight at 5pm. Budget YTD: .................... $215,140.44 Balance: ...............................($6,003.46)H!z K!dz Elementary STARZ! Elementary Choir meets every Wednesday to work on our musical \"Jonah's Druthers\" from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the choir room. Extra drama practice for speaking parts is Wednesdays after regular STARZ! practice. Non-speaking parts do not need to attend. We voted NOT to order t-shirts, but rather every child with a non-drama role will wear jeans and a plaid or other western type shirt. Bandanas, boots, and other western accessories are great. All drama parts have received their costume information. AWANA Club (K-6th graders) meets every Sunday from 5:00-7:00 p.m. starting in the gym. No Awana on Easter Sunday, April 1. April 15 is Silly Sock Night. REMINDER: Final CrossTimbers Camp payment of $120 is due April 15 for all those 3rd-6th graders that have paid the depos- it. We go to camp June 13-16. Camp forms are available in the pocket at the 2nd floor bulletin board and need to be turned in with final payment.. K!DZ on Mission, 1st-5th graders, will meet April 8, 9:15-10:30 a.m. since Easter Sunday is April 1 (the first Sunday of the month). We will be learning about Harriet Tubman through a DVD along with crafts and a snack.Engage Youth College Wednesday: Youth Bible Study (6-8pm). Sunday, 9:15am classes: Evangelism, Ethics, Theolo- Youth Spring Retreat April 6/7 (Falls Creek). Cost is $20 per student. Students need gy 101, Don’t Waste Your to register through TODAY (See Curtis). Life. Youth TEC will resume April 8th at 5pm.Spiritual GrowthRomans 6:12-13 (NASB) - Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not goon presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as thosealive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. Daily Bible Reading for this weekSunday 4/1: Deut 5-6, Ps 84, Acts 7 Thursday 4/5: Deut 13-14, Ps 88, Acts 11Monday 4/2: Deut 7-8, Ps 85, Acts 8 Friday 4/6: Deut 15-17, Ps 89:1-29, Acts 12Tuesday 4/3: Deut 9-10, Ps 86, Acts 9 Saturday 4/7: Deut 18-20, Ps 89:30-52, Acts 13Wednesday 4/4: Deut 11-12, Ps 87, Acts 10CAMPUS SERVICE April 1 April 8 April 1 K!DZ Worship - April 1Greeter Team 8 Greeter Team 9 109 - Cameron & Polly Harp Evan & Angie Bushey, Shannon Schroeder, Gunnar Colvin 107 - Braden & Carli Davis CJ Haynes 105C - Charles & Lindsay Collins Darla Lynn & family, Kathy Presley, Barnett family Pennel family 101 - Chris & Julie Groves Elizabeth Schroeder 102 - Adam & Sherise OxsenSafety Team 2 Safety Team 3 K!DZ Worship - April 8 Zach Hunter Jason Colvin 103 - Hansmeyer Family Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, Gene Peavler Jeff Gilleland 211 - Mike & Dana Smith Blake Seeley Stacy Loague Lisa Wilmoth, Alana LaFon April 8 Usher Team 1 Usher Team 2 109 - Grahm & Candice Dickinson K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders April 1Andy Blackford Eddie Charlson Luke Winkle, Jonathan GordoniDavid Peetoom Dawcett Middleton 107 - Dagan & Krista Flowers Clay Groves, Jacob Redeker Greg Hughes 105C - Mauterer Family Hal Clary 101 - The Qiu Family K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders April 8 Jason Colvin Howard Yokley Levi Haynes, Cade Maynes Luther Banks 102 - Mary & Theresa Harvey Abe Corcoran, Kye PetroskiMatthew LaFon Joe Wilhite 103 - Tomlinson Family 211 - Colvin Family
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