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Home Explore Trinity Life Newsletter February 24, 2019

Trinity Life Newsletter February 24, 2019

Published by chris, 2019-02-22 11:20:12

Description: Trinity Life Newsletter February 24, 2019


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February 24, 2019 Do you want to be a part of making television shows and films? Interest meeting: TODAY at 12:15pm, room 116. To see similar show style and content, visit Daddy/Daughter Date Night | March 12 | 6-8pm | $5 per person Tickets on Sale TODAY, March 3rd and March 10th in the Welcome Center You’re invited to the Life for All International Gala | March 5, 6:30pm—8pm Sign up at the Information Center or via text to Blake Lindley: (405) 546-8860 Sign up today for the BGCO Women’s Conference LIGHT, April 12-13 @ Falls Creek Conference Center Register online: (Church Name: Norman Trinity, Group Leader Name: Leisa Peetoom) For cost and more information please refer to the BGCO website listed above For any other questions, please contact Leisa Peetoom: [email protected] Several ladies in the church have organized the process to provide a funeral meal when it is needed. If you feel led to help financially with this ongoing ministry, any amount would be helpful. For questions, please talk to Leisa Peetoom or Janet Banks. SCHEDULE February 24 - March 2, 2019 SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 9:15am ................Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm .............Food Pantry - Room 116 5:00pm .............Fellowship Meal - Gym 10:40am ................Morning Worship 6:00pm .............Adult Bible Study - FH Preschool Praise & Worship - Room 211 Engage Youth K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 STARZ! - Choir Room Honeybees 12:15pm .................TV/Movie Meeting - Rm. 116 6:15pm .............Adult Comm. Group - Chris Haynes home 4:00pm.................IVOX Youth Choir - Choir Room 7:00pm .............Starz! Drama practice - Worship Center 5:00pm .................AWANA 7:15pm .............Adult Choir Practice Discovering Trinity - FH-1 Prayer time - Led by Justin Devero - FH-1 Discovery 201 - Room 115 Missions Prayer - Room 112 THURSDAY 6:00pm.................Evening Worship 12:45pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 7:15pm.................Prayer Time - Led by Greg Hughes - FH 1 2:00pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Rambling Oaks 3:30pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm MONDAY 7:00pm .............Men’s Fellowship Comm. Group - off campus 6:00pm.................Women’s Bible Study - Gina Rogers’ home Prayer Time - Pray at home 7:00pm.................Prayer Time - Colvin home 8:00pm .............College Comm. Group - Zach Garner home TUESDAY FRIDAY 9:15am .................Women’s Precept Bible Study - FH 7:00pm ............Prayer Time - Pray at home 9:30am .................Gospel of Mark Bible Study - Choir room 6:30pm ..................Ephesians Bible Study - Cathy Duggan’s home SATURDAY 7:00pm ..................Prayer Time - Pray at home 8:00am............Prayer Time - Mike Tinney - FH-1

Member News Offering Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Weekly Offering: .......... $16,722.67 Monthly Offering: ........ $56,891.07 Italian Chili | Fruit | Snickerdoodles Offering YTD: ............$115,579.88 Budget YTD: ..............$122,942.61 Preschool Balance: ..........................($7,362.73)  Puggles/Cubbies: tonight at 5pm.  Honeybees: Wednesday at 6pm. H!z K!dz Elementary STARZ! Children's Choir meets Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. We are excited to work on our spring musical. Audi- tion results for drama parts and for solos have been assigned. Each person with a drama part is responsible for their own costume. Drama practice for those with speaking parts is each Wednesday night from 7:00-7:45 in the Worship Center. Scripture quote parts do NOT need to come to drama practice. NO STARZ! Spring Break, March 20th. AWANA Club (K-6th graders) Sundays, 5:00-7:00 p.m. February is \"Restock the Pantry\" month, so support our benevolence ministry by bringing pop top canned goods, peanut butter, and other easily prepared foods. Points will be given for each item brought. \"Bible Heroes Night\" is TODAY, February 24th, so make your plan to dress as your favorite hero of the Bible. Bible Quiz and Games have been can- celled by the state sponsors. CAMP - We have 3 girls spots and 1 boy slot left for CrossTimbers Camp this summer, June 12-15, 2019 for 3rd-6th graders. See Kathy Presley for details. H!Z K!DZ Worship meets each Sunday (except the 5th Sunday of the month) from 10:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in rooms 201/205/207/209. Engage Youth: Pursuit College  Engage Youth - Wed. 6-8pm - Youth Room Sundays at 9:15am:  Discipleship for Life • Apologetics for Everyday  Leadership Essentials • New Testament Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NASB) Sunday 2/24: Lev 12-13, Ps 51, Luke 15 Monday 2/25: Lev 14, Ps 52, Luke 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for Tuesday 2/26: Lev 15-16, Ps 53, Luke 17 teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in Wednesday 2/27: Lev 17-18, Ps 54, Luke 18 righteousness; so that the man of God may be ade- Thursday 2/28: Lev 19-20, Ps 55, Luke 19 Friday 3/1: Lev 21-22, Ps 56, Luke 20 quate, equipped for every good work. Saturday 3/2: Lev 23-24, Ps 57, Luke 21 Campus Service February 24 March 3 February 24 K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders February 24 Greeter Team 3 Greeter Team 4 109 - Chris & Sarah Kennedy Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley Lisa Wilmoth, Don & Lori Gordoni John Kiosterud Devero family 107 - Gilleland family Tomlinson family Paul Lawrence 105C - Jeremy & Angela Quick K!DZ Worship - March 3 Safety Team 1 Pennel family Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, Darla Lynn, Howard Yokley Safety Team 2 101 - Han family Zach Hunter 102 - Jones family Don & Lori Gordoni Greg Hughes Gene Peavler 103 - Mark & Melissa Mingle Eddie Charlson 211 - Kara Polk/Pete & Jennifer Jackson K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders February 24 Usher Team 3 Jed Redeker Clay Groves, Abe Corcoran, Gene Peavler Blake Seeley March 3 Usher Team 1 109 - Kim Pitt & Anita Charlson Luke Winkle, David Carpenter, Jim Pitt Andy Blackford 107 - Mandy and Katherine Latham James Carrel, Matthew Zhao, Jonathan Gordoni Mike Snowdon David Peetoom 105C - Elizabeth Schroeder & Lily Chen Pete Jackson Greg Hughes K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders March 3 Stephen Tomlinson Jason Colvin 101 - Riley family BellaRose Black, Mary Gordoni, Luther Banks 102 - Lindley family Emma Bushey, Lindyn Devero, Matthew LaFon 103 - Devero family Eva Westerman 211 - Gray Family

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