www.allforsport.co.ukKey Stage 1 Movers – Resource 1
www.allforsport.co.ukContentsPage3. KS1 Movers4. Physical Education11. Medium Term Plans15. Delivery23. Lessons29. Activities59. Appendix 165. Appendix 270. Notes Bene Lees BA(hons), MA2 Project Development Manager [email protected]
KS1 MoversIntroductionKey Stage 1 Movers is a Multi-skills skills programme that hasbeen designed to sit alongside the National CurriculumFramework, and promotes high quality physical education and thedevelopment of teaching practices as well as encouraging KeyStage 1 pupils to experience competition at foundation and levels1 and 2.The programme looks to support your school in the developmentof an inclusive physical education programme, allowing teachersto observe PE specialists (All For Sport coaches) deliveringstructured cross curricular PE lessons that give the children theopportunity to experience rules within games, use literacy andnumeracy through PE all whilst training towards intra and interschool festivals.The Key Stage 1 Movers schools pack will support both yourteaching team and your pupils with their understanding ofphysical education. It will provide them with the opportunity totake part in child led learning, with game card resources that youcan use with other children as you wish. 3
Physical EducationOur ExperienceAll For Sport – Delivering High Quality PE through CPD.All for sport look to offer you the opportunity to share in ourcoaching/teaching experience, this has been built upon thesuccess of our PPA support work, in recent years we havedeveloped a “teacher support” service; improving existing PEteaching skills, extending knowledge in a range of sports andincreasing teachers confidence to deliver ‘outstanding’ PE.We help teachers plan their lessons by offering:• Support to help them develop engaging and vigorous activities for sustained periods as recommended in Ofsted's Report ‘Beyond 2012 – Outstanding Physical Education for all’• Support to help plan lessons that will promote learning for all abilities and build upon the knowledge and understanding that pupils have already acquired;• Support in developing the basic structure and organsiation of an ‘outstanding’ PE lesson, selecting and applying a range of ‘outcomes’ and ‘core tasks’ from the national curriculum. 4
Physical EducationOur ExperienceWe also support schools and teachers delivering PE by:• encouraging them to observe our coaches demonstrating elements of ‘outstanding’ PE, helping build confidence and developing technical skills to deliver new sports.• exchanging best practice on effective questioning and observation techniques accompanied by subject specific feedback.• enhancing existing teaching skills, building confidence to deliver ‘outstanding’ PE lessons, keeping pupils physically active and engaged in high intensity activity.• working alongside teachers to observe their lessons (where possible and required) to provide feedback on the quality of their lessons and offering development areas where applicable.• support when reviewing their lessons, planning suitable progressions, identifying core, support and extended learners using this information to plan future lessons. 5
Physical EducationYear R to 2 PE CharacteristicsAs a teacher you recognise that every child is an individual and willlearn and develop in different ways and at different times andspeeds, your physical education lessons will be no different. This iswhy the child is always central in the delivery of you KS1 PElessons.Remember that a wide range of issues can influence a child, suchas home school, family and friends, and you may need to take thisinto account when the children are participating in sociallyengaging PE lessons.The principles of teaching and learning that you use everyday inyour lessons also apply within your PE lessons when coaching anddeveloping children.It is, therefore important that as teacher coaches, we recognisethe characteristics that children display at various times in theirdevelopment.See page 7 for the characteristics that you may witness in yourclasses, please note that different children in your class maydevelop at different times. 6
Physical EducationYear R to 2 PE CharacteristicsExcitable Characteristics of a KS1 ClassEnthusiasticSelfish Expect lots of energyTalkative Try to build it, not destroy it Don’t expect a good understanding of teamwork Encourage them to ask questionsShort concentration span Organise lots of games/activitiesLimited understanding of space Expect them to copy each otherSensitive Be aware that children are very sensitive to failure Split them into pairs, threes andDecision-making fours to make decision making harderFig1 KS1 PE Characteristics/benifits7
Physical EducationPE Circle of LearningYou will already understand that children learn in a variety ofdifferent ways, and this principle is no different within physicaleducation.When teaching PE it is important that not only do we recognisethat both our children and ourselves learn in many ways but thatwe positively encourage those we work with to experiencedifferent types of learning opportunities. Ask Questions Self learning—practice Ask questions of the A famous sportsperson children and get them said ‘the more I practice, to ask questions as the luckier I get. well. Teacher Remember—the teacher is not the only way a player learns! Computer/games The Games TV consoles/internet Let the games be the Watching sport on TV Watching the skills used teacher! and watching for the by characters in games skills used. then trying them themselves. Viewing internet sites or reading. Role Models Going to sporting events Watching role models. Watching sports men and women first hand. Other children Parents By watching and Playing in the garden or playing with others. just talking about the games they have played.8
Physical EducationCurriculum PE AssessmentOur PE Specialists build upon a wealth of experience deliveringcurriculum physical education when teaching to ensure that when'evaluating and improving performance', connections are madebetween 'developing, selecting and applying skills, tactics andcompositional ideas', and 'fitness and health'.We understand that during Key Stage 1 pupils build on their naturalenthusiasm for movement, using it to explore and learn about theirworld. They start to work and play with other pupils in pairs andsmall groups. By watching, listening and experimenting, theydevelop their skills in movement and coordination, and enjoyexpressing and testing themselves in a variety of situations.Acquiring and developing skills1. Pupils should be taught to:a. Explore basic skills, actions and ideas with increasingunderstandingb. Remember and repeat simple skills and actions with increasingcontrol and coordination. 9
Physical EducationCurriculum PE AssessmentSelecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas2. Pupils should be taught to:a. Explore how to choose and apply skills and actions in sequenceand in combinationb. Vary the way they perform skills by using simple tactics andmovement phrasesc. Apply rules and conventions for different activities.Evaluating and improving performance3. Pupils should be taught to:a. Describe what they have doneb. Observe, describe and copy what others have donec. Use what they have learnt to improve the quality and control oftheir work.Knowledge and understanding of fitness and health4. Pupils should be taught:a. How important it is to be activeb. To recognise and describe how their bodies feel during differentactivities.10
Medium Term PlansPE Medium Term PlansOur medium-term plans take into consideration both theimmediate planning and delivery of each unit and the long-termplanning for the year group throughout their foundation and KS1physical education. All For Sport has set out the overall curriculumframework that fits in with curriculum physical educations aimsand requirements.Our medium-term plans outline coverage for each year groupfrom Reception through to year 2, and will usually consist of coretasks for assessment lessons in the first and last week of the unitand activities for the skill based lessons throughout the additionallessons. Our Medium-term plans for Foundation, KS1 and KS2outline in detail the programme of work that is to be covered overthe unit of work. Our medium-term planning generally outline:• units of work for each PE unit• learning objectives to be addressed• cross-curricular links• sequence in which the work will be delivered (progression)• activities that the children will engage in• assessment to be undertaken11
Medium Term PlansPE Medium Term Plan Year R Year R Physical Education Learning Outcomes Additional InformationPrior Learning Acquiring & Developing (Physical)It is helpful if children have: Show an awareness of space and other children moving VocabularyDeveloped simple motor skills, e.g. running, changing in space so they avoid collisions Children should have the opportunity to use wordsdirection and stopping Learn to concentrate and play an aiming game and phrases such as.Developed simple evasion skills e.g. swerving and Stop and Start an activity or game on any given signal Avoidingdodging Travel and spring on their feet confidently in different Tracking a ballDeveloped following a ball and moving to collect it directions RollingDeveloped rolling a ball and underarm throwing Change the way of travelling in a controlled manner StrikingDeveloped kicking and controlling a ball with their feet ExplorePlayed structured activities with rules Selecting and Applying (Thinking) Underarm ThrowingPlayed activities in groups/teams Listen to instructions and engaged themselves in activity. Overarm Throwing Follow the rules of a game BouncingBasic Learning Objectives CatchingA&D (Physical) To Use Space Safely Knowledge & Understanding of Health & Fitness MovingA&D (Physical) Travel with increase control and (Healthy) Spaceco-ordination Name and use different parts of their body. RunningA&D (Physical) Show an awareness of space and Describe what it feels like when they heart beats faster Jumpingshare space safely during exercise HoppingA&D (Physical) Co-operate with a partner / other Skippingchildren to play games. Evaluating and Improving (Thinking / Social) Forwards & Backwards Share space and equipment with others Sideways Work sensible and cooperatively with other children Stop & Stop Changing direction Dodging/swerving Pairs Teams/Groups Resources Cones Beanbags Hoops & quoits Skipping Rope Small Rackets Soft Balls (Large & Medium) Bibs Chalk Unit of Work Locomotion Object Manipulation Stability Evasion & Acceleration / Deceleration Sending & Receiving skill Moving with ControlDuring the Year 1 PE curriculum children will explore Running, Jumping and Leaping Throwing & Catching skills Static & Dynamic Balancingthe following units of work:LocomotionObject ManipulationStability About Each Unit Suggested Skill Activities (Locomotion, Object Manipulation and Stability)During each unit children will explore basic gameplaying skills in particular stability, sending & receiving, Val Sabin Year R Games Val Sabin Year R Games Val Sabin Year R Gamesand fundamental movement skills.During each unit children will have an opportunity to Agility Games (appendix 1) Coordination Ball Skills (FUN8) Static Balance One Leg Standing (FUN1)play 1v1, 1v2 and 1v3 games. In all games childrenthink about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to Coordination with Equipment (FUN9) Static Balance Seated (FUN2)outwit the opposition. Coordination Floor Movement Patterns Static Balance Floor Work (FUN3) (FUN10) Static Balance Small Base (FUN4) Agility Ball Chasing (FUN11) Dynamic Balance (FUN5) Agility Reaction Response (FUN12) Dynamic Balance to Agility (FUN6) Counter Balance in Pairs (FUN7)12
Medium Term PlansPE Medium Term Plan Year 1 Year 1 Physical Education Learning Outcomes Additional InformationPrior Learning Acquiring & Developing (Physical) VocabularyIt is helpful if children have: Move fluently, changing direction and speed easily and Children should have the opportunity to use wordsUsed a variety of balls, beanbags, quoits and bats avoiding collisions and phrases such as.Developed simple motor skills. Show control and accuracy with the basic actions for AvoidingE.g. running and changing direction, hopping, rolling, Tracking a balljumping and stopping underarm throwing, striking a ball and kicking RollingPracticed following a ball and moving to collect it Understand the concept of tracking, and get in line with StrikingPracticed rolling a ball and underarm throwing the ExplorePracticed kicking and controlling a ball with their feet ball to receive it Underarm Throwing Overarm ThrowingBasic Learning Objectives Selecting and Applying (Thinking) BouncingA&D (Physical) Explore basic skills, action and ideas Understand the concepts of aiming, hitting into space, Catchingwith increasing understanding. and Free SpaceS&A (Thinking) Explore how to choose and apply taking the ball to a good position for aiming Oppositeskills and actions in sequence and in combination Use skills in different ways in different games, and try to TeamKH&F (Healthy) Know why it is important to be winactive by changing the way they use skills in response to their ResourcesE&I (Thinking & Social) Describe what they have opponent's actions Conesdone Recognise space in their games and use it to their Beanbags advantage, planning where to stand to make it difficult for Hoops & quoits opponents Skipping Rope Small Rackets Knowledge & Understanding of Health & Fitness Soft Balls (Large & Medium) (Healthy) Bibs Describe what it feels like when they breathe faster Chalk during exercise Explain why running and playing games is good for them Evaluating and Improving (Thinking / Social) Watch others' movements carefully Describe what they have done or seen others doing Copy what they see and say why it is good or difficult Recognise some players who play well in games and give reasons why. Unit of Work Locomotion Object Manipulation Stability Evasion & Acceleration / Deceleration Sending & Receiving skill Moving with ControlDuring the Year 1 PE curriculum children will explore Running, Jumping and Leaping Throwing & Catching skills Static & Dynamic Balancingthe following units of work:LocomotionObject ManipulationBalance/Stability About Each Unit Suggested Skill Activities (Locomotion, Object Manipulation and Stability)During each unit children will explore basic gameplaying skills in particular stability, sending & receiving, Val Sabin Year 1 Games Val Sabin Year 1 Games Val Sabin Year 1 Gamesand fundamental movement skills.During each unit children will have an opportunity to Agility Games (appendix 1) Coordination Ball Skills (FUN8) Static Balance One Leg Standing (FUN1)play 1v1, 1v2 and 1v3 games. In all games childrenthink about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to Coordination with Equipment (FUN9) Static Balance Seated (FUN2)outwit the opposition.In year 2 children will develop their skills by playing Coordination Floor Movement Patterns Static Balance Floor Work (FUN3)games that involve making more choices and decisionsand by playing with a partner and in small groups. This (FUN10) Static Balance Small Base (FUN4)will help them to understand games and how to usetheir own skills to overcome a challenge. Agility Ball Chasing (FUN11) Dynamic Balance (FUN5) Agility Reaction Response (FUN12) Dynamic Balance to Agility (FUN6) Counter Balance in Pairs (FUN7)13
Medium Term PlansPE Medium Term Plan Year 2 Year 2 Physical Education Learning Outcomes Additional InformationPrior Learning Acquiring & Developing (Physical) VocabularyIt is helpful if children have: Perform a range of rolling, throwing, striking, kicking, Children should have the opportunity to useUsed a variety of games equipment catching and gathering skills, with control words and phrases such as.Investigated the differences between various balls Show a good awareness of others in running, chasing ReboundUsed space to avoid others and avoiding games, making simple decisions about when and TrackingDeveloped basic actions for rolling, bouncing, where to run Aimingthrowing (including overarm), gathering, catching, Speedstriking, kicking a ball Selecting and Applying (Thinking) DirectionTracked a ball and anticipated where it is going Choose and use tactics to suit different situations PassingDescribed what they and others are doing React to situations in a way that helps their partners Controlling and makes it difficult for their opponents ShootingBasic Learning Objectives Know how to score and keep the rules of the games ScoringA&D (Physical) Remember and repeat simple skillsand actions with increasing control and coordination. Knowledge & Understanding of Health & Fitness (Healthy) ResourcesS&A (Thinking) Develop ways to perform skills by Understand and describe changes to their heart rate Conesusing simple tactics. when playing different games BeanbagsKH&F (Healthy) Recognise and describe how their Begin to anticipate what they will feel like after playing Hoops & quoitsbodies feel during different activities. Games Skipping RopeE&I (Thinking & Social) Recognise good quality in Small Racketsperformance and to use information to improve their Evaluating and Improving (Thinking / Social) Soft Balls (Large & Medium)work. Watch and describe performances accurately Bibs Recognise what is successful Chalk & Grids Copy actions and ideas, and use the information they collect to improve their skills Unit of Work Locomotion Object Manipulation Stability Lateral Movement, Turning & Changing Static & Dynamic BalancingDuring the Year 2 PE curriculum children will explore, Direction Throwing & Catching skillsdevelop and refine the following units of work: Creating Games with a Partner.Locomotion Creating and Inventing RulesObject Manipulation Dribbling, Kicking and Hitting SkillsStability About Each Unit Suggested Skill Activities (Locomotion, Object Manipulation and Stability)During each unit children will develop and refine basicgame playing skills in particular stability, sending & Tag (Belt) Games Val Sabin Year 2 Games Static Balance One Leg Standing (FUN1)receiving, and fundamental movement skills.During each unit children will explore simple choices Val Sabin Year 1 Games Static Balance Seated (FUN2)and decisions on how to use space and avoidopponents during games. In all activities children Static Balance Floor Work (FUN3)should be encouraged to explore and use strategiesand tactics to outwit the opponents. Static Balance Small Base (FUN4)In KS2 children will develop their skills to playdirectional games (3v1, 4v2). Children will develop an Dynamic Balance (FUN5)understanding to solve problems, make decisions andoutwit opponents during games. They will be Dynamic Balance to Agility (FUN6)introduced to basic rules and will begin to understandwhy rules are important in games. Counter Balance in Pairs (FUN7) Val Sabin Year 2 Games14
DeliveryThe ProgramKey Stage 1 Movers is a term long (max 11 sessions) Multi-skillsactivities programme that has been designed to sit alongside theNational Curriculum Framework, and promotes high qualityphysical education and the development of teaching practices andteacher CPD as well as encouraging Foundation and Key Stage 1pupils to experience competition at levels 1 and 2.The programme aims to support your school in the developmentof an inclusive physical education programme, allowing teachers toobserve PE specialists delivering structured cross curricular PElessons that give the children the opportunity to experience ruleswithin games, use literacy and numeracy through PE all whilsttraining towards intra and inter school festivals.The Key Stage 1 Movers schools resource pack will support both aschools teaching team and pupils with their understanding ofphysical education. It will provide them with the opportunity totake part in child led learning, with resources that can be usedwith other children as the school wishes.15
DeliveryBenefits to TeachersThrough ‘KS1 Movers’ All For Sport look to offer teachers theopportunity to share our coaching/teaching experience, this hasbeen built upon the success of our PPA support work, in recentyears we have developed a “teacher support” service; improvingexisting PE teaching skills, extending knowledge in a range ofsports and increasing teachers confidence to deliver ‘outstanding’PE.We help teachers plan their lessons by offering:• Support to help them develop engaging and vigorous activities for sustained periods as recommended in the recent Ofsted Report ‘Beyond 2012 – Outstanding Physical Education for all’• Support to help plan lessons that will promote learning for all abilities and build upon the knowledge and understanding that pupils have already acquired;• Support in developing the basic structure and organsiation of an ‘outstanding’ PE lesson, selecting and applying a range of ‘outcomes’ and ‘core tasks’ from the national curriculum.16
DeliveryBenefits to TeachersWe support schools and teachers delivering PE through ‘KS1Movers’ by:• Encouraging them to observe our coaches demonstrating elements of ‘outstanding’ PE, helping build confidence and developing technical skills to deliver new activities;• Exchanging best practice on effective questioning and observation techniques accompanied by subject specific feedback;• Enhancing existing teaching skills, building confidence to deliver ‘outstanding’ PE lessons, keeping pupils physically active and engaged in high intensity activity;• Working alongside teachers to observe their lessons (where possible and required) to provide feedback on the quality of their lessons and offering development areas where applicable.• Support when reviewing their lessons, planning suitable progressions, identifying core, support and extended learners using this information to plan future lessons.• Opportunity for teachers/PE Coordinators to disseminate observations and resources with other KS1 teachers in the school.17
DeliveryBenefits to ChildrenThe KS1 Movers programme has been designed to complement thedelivery of Physical Education to all pupils in years 1 & 2 givingchildren the opportunity to experience a fun yet skill basedcompetitive challenge.All For Sport promotes good early years and KS1 practice basedupon allowing the children to explore, become aware and becreative in their learning, to adapt and experiment in differentways in order to develop their skills and help increase theirunderstanding.The programme allows for children at KS1 to participate ininclusive, vigorous and enjoyable PE lessons and undertakechallenges against children from their own and other schools, aswell as the opportunity to experiment and explore their ownrelationships with games, rules, movement, object manipulationand teamwork.18
DeliveryOrganisation and Delivery Programme Outline10 weeks of delivery (1 hour session per class) depending on termlength. With inter school festival pitting children from each schoolin a multi-activity sports competition.The first 4 weeks of the programme will consist of 4 lessons (seefig’s 6,7,8 and 9 for lesson plans) led by All For Sport Coachesproviding a structured and progressive KS1 sessions to the pupils,this period will allow class teachers the opportunity to observe thelessons and provide them with the confidence to deliver Sport andPE effectively to KS1.The lessons will focus on providing you with launch-pad lessonsthat can be used to assist you in the deliver of lessons at teachingthe Fundamental skills required within the national curriculum(see pages 10-12 for foundation and KS1 MTP’s) as well as prepareyour class for the games that will be played within the first 1 hour‘Intra-school festival’ held during week 5.Key skills will be: Locomotion –Acceleration & Deceleration,Locomotion – Jumping & Leaping, Object Manipulation –Throwing & Catching, Stability – Static & Dynamic Balancing19
DeliveryOrganisation and Delivery Weeks 6 to 9 will give the teacher the opportunity to undertakeleading the classes, using the same lesson plans to deliver thesessions building up to the second ‘intra-school festival’ duringweek 10. This second festival will give the teacher/teachers theopportunity to choose their ‘best’ 12 children who will participatein the terms ‘Inter-school Festival’ during week 11.Intra-school festivals.During weeks 5 and 10 there will be ‘Intra-school Festival’s’ thesewill give all the children the opportunity to experiencecompetition against their peers from their own classes and fromother classes within the school, leading up to an ‘Inter-schoolFestival’. The games the children will be asked to undertake canbe found in appendix 1. They are:1. Throwing for distance (GC1)2. Throwing for accuracy (GC2)3. Balance (GC3)4. Jumping (GC4)5. Running/agility (GC5)20
DeliveryFestivals With the help of your All For Sport coach during weeks 5 and 10you will have the opportunity to undertake an intra-school festival.This festival will give you the opportunity to observe and assessyour children’s ability within a competitive environment.Organising your Intra-School competition:• Split children into teams of 6 (where possible)• Pupils rotate round the 5 ‘stations’ to perform the activities using the learnt skills and score points.• Stations should include (but not necessarily be limited to) the 5 core game activities.• Scores for each pupil for all stations added together to give individual scores.• Scores for each individual in a team are added together to give team scores (where teams have different numbers discard the lowest scores).• The team with the most points is the winner.This model is flexible so schools can:Change the number of ‘stations’ to suit numbers and time.Design activities to suit the space and equipment available.21
DeliveryFestivalsThere will be 5 stations making up the KS1 Movers festival.These are: Throwing for distance (GC1) Throwing for accuracy (GC2)• Station1: Balance (GC3)• Station 2: Jumping (GC4)• Station 3: Running/agility (GC5)• Station 4:• Station 5:The 5 activity stations are delivered and scored as the ‘GameCards’ show, with an added scoring system that helps collate theresults into an overall school score.The class teams will be split into 5 teams of 6 who will have theopportunity to undertake the activities at each of the 5 stations.Pupils will have 3 minutes to compete at each station and 2minutes to move to the next station.Festival format can be seen in Appendix 2.Intra-School Festival Score Cards can be seen in Appendix 3.22
LessonsWeek 1 – Locomotion/Agility23
LessonsWeek 2 - Jumping24
LessonsWeek 3 – Object Manipulation25
LessonsWeek 4 – Balance/Stability26
ActivitiesResources Activities Locomotion Object Manipulation Stability27
LocomotionRainbow Rhythm Objective:Direction change, acceleration, reaction.Reaction is an important part of agility. When put together with directionalchange, an athlete can improve many aspects of their chosen sports.Equipment:Cones.Activity:• Set out a square of cones so there is no pattern to this colour• lay-out.• Stand the runner (X) in the middle of the cones facing the caller (Y).• (Y) will call out 2 colours and (X) will pick up the cone corresponding with the first colour called and swap it with the cone corresponding with the second colour called, then return to the centre.• There is no right answer here but hopefully (X) will pick the 2 closest.• In order that (X) does not keep using the same cones (Y) can move round the outside of the square ensuring that (X) is always facing him.• Why not see how many ‘swaps’ can be completed in 30 seconds.Progression:Use more than 2 cones.This also tests powers of memory.To increase stamina extend exercise duration.28
LocomotionRainbow Rhythm29
LocomotionThe CompassObjective:Direction change, change speed, acceleration.Using sideways, forwards and backwards bursts of speed, this drill will assistin quicker directions changes and an improvement in acceleration.Equipment:Cones.Activity:Start at point C facing North.On the command of a caller, run to whichever cone is called out, keepingfacing North. You must always return to C.Start by using only North, East, South and West as destinations.Try running this drill with the same person for 30 seconds.Progression:Add NE, NW, SE and SW to the exercise.Extend the exercise time to 1 minute per person.If you prefer, you can number the cones rather than using compass points.Alternatively you can use coloured cones.Introduce a ball so that whichever cone theyreach, they have to catch, throw, kick the ballback to the caller.30
LocomotionThe Compass31
LocomotionSlalom Zig-ZagObjective:Direction change, change speed.This activity encourages children to change direction as well as thesidestep action is performed, practiced and developed so it becomes anatural reaction.Equipment:Cones.Activity:Start at A and simply run around the outside of cones. B to E finishing at F.the action is very similar to skiing around poles in a slalom race.Try and ensure a smooth running action stepping off the outside foot eachtime a cone is rounded.Alternately, you can use the inside of the cones by zig-zagging A through Fas shown in red above. This time you travel A to B, B to C etc., staying onthe inside of the cone, bending at the knees to touch each cone as you assit.Progression:Widen/narrow the distance 1 to make the reaction times quicker or slower.Lengthen/shorten the distance 2 to make the reaction times quicker orslower.32
LocomotionSlalom Zig-Zag33
LocomotionAcceleratorObjective:Speed, Acceleration, Footwork and Co-ordination.This drill tests an individuals ability to accelerate, decelerate and changedirection. Excellent co-ordination and footwork are paramount for this drill.Equipment:Ladder, Hurdles, Cones.Activity:This activity can be performed as a timed relay, or participants can beinstructed to go at different intervals so a number of people can be on thecourse at once.The participant turns and sprints to the cone.At the cone they turn 90 degrees (left or right) and jump sideways usingboth feet over each hurdle. As they land over the final hurdle, again theyturn, sprint around the final cone and continue to sprint to the finish.Progression:Introduce a ball—pass the ball to the participant during the ladder orhurdle section. This can be sports specific.34
Locomotion‘4’s a Crowd’Objective:Co-ordination, footwork, acceleration.This activity involves the participants reacting quickly to a voice commandand then using good footwork and co-ordination they will achieve success.Equipment:Reaction ballsActivity:4 or more children stand equidistant apart.The ball is bounced in the middle of the children. As the thrower releasesthe ball they call another child's name, the child called must move and tryto catch the ball in the least number of bounces or before it stops moving.The person who now has the ball must throw it up, call another name andreturn to their original position.This process is repeated.Progression:Participants must catch the ball in 1 bounce or only use a specified hand.The thrower calls a name and which hand may be used.All players except the thrower face away fromthe centre.36
Locomotion‘4’s a Crowd’37
LocomotionFeel the BurnObjective:Direction change, power, acceleration.This activity looks to work on low body positioning, the correct bendingtechnique, strengthening the legs and focusing on sideways movement.Equipment:ConesActivity:Start at (X) facing direction of the red arrow.Travel sideways in a low position from the line to cone A. Squat to pick upthe cone then shuffle back facing the same direction to place the cone onthe line at point (Y). Repeat until all cones are on opposite line.Turn around and go back the other way until all cones are in their originalposition.Set a time for this exercise starting with 30 seconds so improvements canbe seen in the number of cones moved.Progression:Extend time limit.Decrease 2m distance to incorporate more squats.Increase 2m distance to increase shuffling.38
LocomotionFeel the Burn39
Object ManipulationBounce BallObjective:Sending and receiving and traveling.The activity looks to explore sending and receiving, travelling skills ingames with a partner.Equipment:Medium sized ball and cones.Activity:Two goals are set up at each end of a playing area.Children are divided into teams of 2.Each member of the team is allowed to bounce the ball with their hands orpass the ball to their own team players.A goal is scored when the ball is bounced through the oppositions goal.The other team can gain possession by intercepting or catching a looseball.Progression:Making the play area smaller and reducing the size of the goal.40
Object ManipulationBounce Ball41
Object ManipulationHot PotatoObjective:Sending and receiving and traveling.The activity looks to explore sending and receiving, with other children.Equipment:1 ball.Activity:The children stand in a circle and pass the ball around as quickly as theycan—as if it were hot.If a child drops the ball they have to run around the outside of the circlefaster than the remaining players can pass the ball around the circle andback to the runners place.Progression:Different types of passes can be used and the direction of the passes canbe changed to make it more challenging.42
Object ManipulationHot Potato43
Object ManipulationTeam AimObjective:Sending and receiving and traveling.The activity looks to explore sending accurately with the aim of hitting thetarget.Equipment:Balls, cones, hoops and beanbags.Activity:Children are arranged pairs with two cones, two balls and two beanbagseach.Each child takes it in turns to throw their beanbag at the balls (which arebalanced on the cones within the hoop), trying to knock a ball off the coneand out of the hoop.The winner is the first child to knock a ball out of the hoop.Progression:Making the play area bigger and making the children throw further.44
Object ManipulationTeam Aim45
Object ManipulationEifel TowerObjective:Sending and receiving, catching and heading.The activity looks to explore sending and receiving, with other children aswell as controlling the ball with different parts of their bodies.Equipment:Hoops, throw down lines, balls/beanbags.Activity:Player X has to try and throw a small ball/beanbag into the hoops.They can try to get the ball into whichever hoop they choose , each hoopwill be worth a different number of points with the hoop the furthest awayscoring the most points.Each player has three points as they can.Progression:Make distance between hoops further apart.46
Object ManipulationEifel Tower47
Object ManipulationBalloon Keep-UpObjective:Control, watching the object.The activity looks at encouraging the children to always watch the balloonall of the time and to keep the balloon close to them to ensure the bestpossible control.Equipment:Balloons, cones.Activity:The aim of the game is to see how long two children can keep the balloonfrom touching the floor.How many times can they keep hit the ball up without it touching the floor?They can stand still to start with and then do it whilst moving about.Progression:When moving the children can try keeping the balloon up whilst walkingslowly, then jogging, moving on to traveling through gates.Use different parts of the body to keep the balloon off the floor.48
Object ManipulationBalloon Keep-Up49
Object ManipulationMinesweeperObjective:Sending and receiving.The activity looks to explore sending with accuracy at a moving target.Equipment:Balls/beanbags, cones.Activity:X1 and X2 roll a hoop between two points whilst X3 has to try and throwthrough the moving target.1 point scored for each success.Progression:Distances50