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Home Explore Autoland Gives Back

Autoland Gives Back

Published by edehart, 2018-10-08 15:02:48

Description: Fall 2018


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AUTOLAND OF NEW JERSEY’S MISSION STATEMENTOur mission is to create and sustain a workplace that supports andencourages long term relationships between our associates, ourcustomers & our company through a bond of trust, integrity & respectfor one another.By doing so:We will become and remain the best managed company in America.We will achieve and sustain the highest level of employee andcustomer satisfaction of any company in our industry.We will strive for continuous improvement in all that we do, bothpersonally and professionally.Together, we will bring this commitment to life at every opportunity,for every customer. Our Job SecurityStarts & Ends With Customer Satisfaction.

Dear Friends,I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage and to let you know a little bit moreabout our team. On the outside you see Autoland as a car dealership, but it’s what you may not see thatmakes all the difference in the world…Autoland prides itself on providing a different kind of experience. We understand that our mostimportant assets are our associates, our customers, and our community. We do things differently to formlasting relationships that will be beneficial to all involved.At the heart of our dealership is an amazing group of associates and clients. Each individual has a uniquestory that influences them to want to make a difference and they all have special causes, or organizationsthat they hold close to their hearts. Alone, it may be hard for them to make a difference, but together as ateam we breathe life into their goals.Over the years, our team has been active in a variety of community and charity organizations, includingToys for Tots, the Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside, the DARE program, the Valerie Fundand Deborah Hospital. Autoland also has a very long standing commitment to the 200 Club of UnionCounty - for families of police and firefighters, and we’re a major contributor to the Good News Home forWomen - a non-profit organization which supports women that have become victims of substance abuse.We also contribute to the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen Foundation, and the EpilepsyFoundation of New Jersey.Education, family, and the youth of our community are of extremely high importance to us. That is whywe host several family friendly events each year. Some of our most successful events include our annualKids’ Safety Event where families are invited to receive free fingerprinting for their kids in addition to IDcards. We also hold an annual Cub Scouts event where local troops come to learn about safety aroundcars. Additionally, we proudly reward recent college graduates by participating in the Toyota College Gradprogram.We are proud to have been a part of a part of Toyota’s “100 Cars for Good” program. In the past, thisprogram provided 100 cars to deserving non-profits over the course of 100 days. We supported this veryspecial program by hosting the giveaway of a brand new, fully equipped, wheelchair accessible ToyotaSienna to the Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside New Jersey. We were honored to have beena part of this monumental philanthropic event and are eager to participate in future events like it.In addition to our community involvement Autoland likes to be there when it counts the most. Forinstance, after Hurricane Sandy slammed the East Coast in 2012, our team extended a handby hosting a relief drive to supply those in need. Donations of supplies, household cleaning products,nonperishable food items, bottled water, and batteries were collected and distributed to victims of thesuper storm. We even worked with insurance companies to help ease the pain of such a stressful situation.I invite you to come and Experience the Difference at Autoland again and again and rest assured thatyou’re not only getting the best vehicle and service, but together WE are helping others.Sincerely, Mark MonteneroMark MonteneroMark [email protected]

Union County College Foundation uOuNTy 00( www.uccfoundation.org1033 Springfield Avenue Phone 908-709-7505Cranford, NJ 07016 z:Q)<0 � Fax 908-709-7166 mG) FOUNDATIONTransforming Our Community... One Student at a TimeMr. Mark MonteneroAutoland170 Route 22 EastSpringfield. NJ 07081Dear Mr. Montenero,Thank you for your generous support of Union County College Foundation's 2511, Annual Golf Outing.With your help, we were able to raise over $160,000 in support ofour mission to accelerate the pace ofstudent success!Thanks to donors like you, the Foundation is able to award scholarships to hundreds of students. Thesupport we receive from you means the world to students who are determined to continue their educationand fol low their dreams. Again, thank you for allowing us to continue to offer the valuable gift ofeducation to those in need.\"Thanks to the Union County College Foundation and the donors, likeyou, my moiherand l hm·e a brightfuture. \" Bao Nguyen, Scltolarsltip Recipient & 2017 GraduateBelow is a listing of your support:In-Kind Donation:A car to be used as a hole-in-one prize & golf ballsAgain, please know how thankful we are for your support! Please keep this letter asyour official receipt/ortax purposes.Sincerely,���� Brinney Mack Development Manager fodoy, October 13, 2017 1/\kstwood Garwood, NJ 25th Ann.versory Annual Galo -_µ.

100 Cars For GoodToyota wanted to salute do-gooders by giving 100 cars over 100 days to nonprofits thatcould really use a new set of wheels. And voters like you helped decide who won a newride every day.Autoland Toyota is proud to be a part of this very special event by hosting the giveawayof a brand new 2011 Toyota Sienna to the Children’s Specialized Hospital in MountainsideNew Jersey.We’d love if you would join us in making a donation to the hospital.About Children’s Specialized HospitalChildren’s Specialized Hospital is the preeminent and largest provider of pediatric rehabilitation services in the nation. Ournot-for-profit hospital serves children affected by traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and dysfunction, complicationsfrom premature birth, autism, developmental delays, mental health issues, and other life-changing injuries or illnessess.Children’s Specialized Hospital treated over 18,000 children with special needs in 2010. We offer physical, occupational,and speech therapy; child life and recreational therapy; psychology services for the child and whole family; schooling;and community resources, so every child can reach his or her full potential.How we would use a new Toyota:We are thrilled to be a finalist in Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good project. At our hospital, some of our patients live with us fora few months in our inpatient rehabilitation program. For others our hospital is “home” for several years, maybe eventheir whole childhood, in our pediatric nursing home. With this vehicle, specially equipped for wheelchairs, the kids wholive with us can get out to other doctors’ appointments, go on special trips, or just go out to have fun. They can go toa park, concert, sporting event, or even just to the mall. For a child who’s in the hospital all the time, this makes a hugedifference. Our kids are going places. Help them get there! Christian Panarese, long time member of the Children’s Specialized Hospital Family.

Maplewood Country Club Play for PINK 8/7Dear Mark,Thank you for your continued support of Play for Pink! We are so appreciative of allthat you do. Here are some pictures from the amazing day!!Thanks again!Amy BershMaplewood Country Club, Play for PINK

Children's ¥SpecializedHospital Foundation \"v ( � y � �t, lmp,o,Jng u,es. Changing fuMes. . A J/.,, .� (I-� e,r-Y. '\ J/ .Mr. Mark Montenero vAutoland of New Jersey170 Route 22 ¥, \[\� ,JJ. ��� J}! ��\., �� .Springfield, NJ 07081-3123 0 .offJ\ f'{Y � � J-' . d � ,�'· �Dear Mark, � \ i{',� �<-\ff· �' � '�) ',fJThank you for your generous gift of $10,000.00 received on 3/19/2018 to Children's SpecializedHospital Foundation through our NASH-FM Miracle for the Kids Radiothon ! Your support allowsus to continue our work towards our vision of a world where all children can live to their fullestpotential. Last year, because of kind people like you, we were able to serve over 34,000children who were in need of care. Whether they were suffering from a brain or spinal cordinjury, dealing with a chronic illness, or getting an unexpected diagnosis, Children's SpecializedHospital was there to help these children and their families. We could not do that without thesupport of people like you.Thank you for choosing to partner with Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation. Yourcommitment enables us to help any child who needs us regardless of their family's financialsituation. It allows us to invest in state of the art equipment and technology, as well asparticipate in over 60 research projects. Your support empowers us to continue to grow andmeet the needs of the children and families in our community.Kind regards, 0•Nicole Hudson, MPA, CFRE Children'sDirector of Fundraising and Operations Miracle N twor14P: 908.389.5602E: [email protected] Hospitals NO GOODS OR SERVICES WERE PROVIDED IN EXCHANGE OF THIS GIFT.For your records, Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation's Tax ID number is 13-6844298. 1-88 -CHILDREN (244-5373) Chddren·s Specialized Hospital Foundation Is a proud member of ChlldrtJn's Miracle Network Hospitals.

,, r,1-ve. Lik..e �£lti,, ,,�----- --/-- ,A<---------------------------- w�.=� Billy Zimmermann rtrnn(A-tic,n. Mr. Mark Montenero AUTOLAND 170 Route 22 East Springfield NJ, 07081 Dear Mark, Our son, Billy was such an integral part of our family and his personality lives on in all of us. It was his love of life that formed the basis for the Billy Zimmermann Foundation. We would like to sincerely thank you for your generous donation to the Billy Zimmermann Foundation. Your gift makes a tremendous impact as it provides the means for the Foundation to assist young people who exemplify Billy's enthusiastic spirit. Since its inception scholarships have been awarded in his name at his two favorite schools, Seton Hall Prep and Villanova University, to students who actively capture his nature and have financial need. Please visit to keep abreast of new events and activities of the Foundation. We are deeply grateful for your thoughtfulness and support and hope to see you at the Fourth Annual Billy Zimmermann Foundation Golf Outing in June.With heartfelt thanks, --(h(j,,l(s o.,ga,A 1b( \Jov�Bud & Sue Zimmermann ,-r.c1:i«r,;1vui �vtporf- 1/41<2- �,l'f °'(JPµi �-K Billy Zimmermann Foundation • c/o Johnstone SupplyP.O. Box 239 • Kenilworth, NJ 07033 • [email protected]

THANK YOU! All Police Personel and First Responders Receive AN ADDITIONAL $1000 OFF MSRP! H PLEASE ASK FOR MARK MONTENERO HAs a First Responder, I know that you often don’t get enough thanks, but you deserve it! This is our way of giving thanks for all you do for this community. I would like to offer this pricing to all your family members as well as the widows or dependents of any of our fallen Brothers & Sisters. Thank you for all that you do, Mark Montenero Autoland President & First ResponderMark Montenero 170 Route 22 East • Springfield NJ 07081President & First Responder Call Our First Responders Hotline Now! 1-888-471-1445 EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE! Customer must present this ad as a coupon prior to purchase. Offers may not be combined with any other sales offers. Prices plus taxes, title, and regist. and $499.95 dealer fee. See dealer for details. © 2018 Sokal Media Group Police Personnel & First Responders Pricing! • State of the art facility! • Great selection!

Introducing theTEACHER DOUBLE FEATUREAt Autoland, we wanted to THANK YOU forbeing a great teacher. We know there’s nomore important job than preparing ourkids for a brighter future.So now, when any teacher buys or leases anew Toyota:• We’ll pick up your 1st months payment, up to $500 dollars.• We’ll give you a Visa giftcard for another $250 AUTOLAND TOYOTA LOVESbucks that you can use TEACHERStowards classroom supplies! For more details, visit andcheck out the Autoland Teacher Double Feature.Call Our Educators 1-888-471-1445 Hotline Now! 170 Route 22 East • Springfield NJ 07081Mark Montenero email: Disclaimer Customer must present this ad as a coupon prior to purchase. Offers may not be combined with any other sales offers.Available on lease terms up to 36 months.President [email protected] Customer is responsible for any amount of the 1st months payment in excess of $500. If the 1st months payment is less than $500,Autoland Toyota will pay up to the full amount. See dealer for details.. ©2018 Sokal Media Group.

Is Proud to Support the Somerville P.B.A.Mark Montenero Experience the Difference! • 170 Route 22 E. Springfield, NJ President

The Historic Cannon Ball House Circa 1741 Springfield, New JerseyDear Friends at Autoland,On behalf of the Springfield Historical Society, I thank you for supporting our2017 Capital Fundraising Campaign.Your generous donation of $500.00 will be put to great use in our Phase Iproject to restore the East Wall of the Historic Cannon Ball House.As a way to recognize your generosity, Autoland will be listed as a BronzeLevel contributor for 2017 on a display in our front entranceway, so that ourvisitors will know your part in our project.

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