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Home Explore HOSPITALS Magazine: Issue 44

HOSPITALS Magazine: Issue 44

Published by allic, 2019-01-17 11:02:56

Description: The Arab Hospital Magazine. Spotlight on the USA Partnership Pavilion at Arab Health 2019 starting on page 12.

Keywords: Arab Health,USA,USPavilion,USA Partnership Pavilion,Hospitals Magazine


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ARTICLE FEATURES . Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s, you may be the first to 60. People with rare genetic changes smoke, high blood pressure, high notice that you’re having unusual linked to early-onset Alzheimer’s blood cholesterol, poorly controlled difficulty remembering things and begin experiencing symptoms as early type 2 diabetes and an unhealthy diet. organizing your thoughts. Or you may as their 30s. not recognize that anything is wrong, Can we prevent it? even when changes are noticeable to Family history: Your risk of de- your family members, close friends veloping Alzheimer’s appears to be Certain lifestyle choices, such as or co-workers. Brain changes associ- somewhat higher if a first-degree rel- physical activity and diet, may help ated with Alzheimer’s disease lead to ative has the disease. Scientists have support brain health and prevent growing trouble with memory, disori- identified rare changes (mutations) in Alzheimer’s. Many of these lifestyle entation and misinterpreting spatial three genes that virtually guarantee a changes have been shown to lower relationships, speaking and writing, person who inherits them will devel- the risk of other diseases, like heart thinking and reasoning, making judg- op Alzheimer’s. But these mutations disease and diabetes, which have been ments and decisions, planning and account for less than 5 percent of linked to Alzheimer’s. Some of the performing familiar tasks and changes Alzheimer’s disease. effective ways to prevent Alzheimer’s in personality and behavior. disease include being fit as weight Down syndrome: Many people loss is one of the best natural ways to Changes in brain cells begin long with Down syndrome develop Alzhei- prevent it, as a study has shown that before the onset of symptoms, then, mer’s disease. Signs and symptoms of obesity and overweight may lead to symptoms begin to appear gradually Alzheimer’s tend to appear 10 to 20 Alzheimer’s disease with age. Eating and slowly and worsen over time until years earlier in people with Down syn- healthy foods rich in nutrients and the person starts having problems drome than they do for the general minerals, especially foods containing in the ability to perform daily activ- population. A gene contained in the omega-3 fatty acids, helps keep your ities. Early signs and symptoms of extra chromosome that causes Down brain cells healthy. Alzheimer’s disease can therefore be syndrome significantly increases the summarized as follows: risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Lowering cholesterol levels, when cholesterol level is high, it may • Memory loss. Sex: Women seem to be more accumulate in the arteries, and may • Trouble focusing and problem likely than are men to develop Alzhei- reach the brain cells causing damage mer’s disease, in part because they and leading to Alzheimer’s disease. solving. live longer. Controlling blood pressure is a natural • Inability to do simple things way to avoid Alzheimer’s disease as Mild cognitive impairment: Peo- high blood pressure causes damage to and daily chores. ple with mild cognitive impairment the arteries and obstructs blood flow • Difficulty to remember times (MCI) have memory problems or other to the brain, damaging nerve cells. symptoms of cognitive decline that and places. are worse than might be expected for Recent study found that learning • Changes in vision. their age, but not severe enough to be new things and skills, playing chess • Poor judgment and deci- diagnosed as dementia. and solving puzzles make you less like- ly to develop Alzheimer’s disease. The sion-making. Past head trauma: People who’ve treatment of depression and anxiety • Difficulty to think of common had a severe head trauma seem to quickly contributes to the prevention have a greater risk of Alzheimer’s of Alzheimer’s, as mental disorders words during a conversation. disease. can rapidly damage brain cells. • Mood changes such as de- Lifestyle and heart health: There’s Not eating too much red meat pression. no lifestyle factor that’s been defin- and trying to avoid it also contrib- itively shown to reduce your risk of utes naturally to the prevention of Risk factors that increase Alzheimer’s disease. However, some Alzheimer’s because the amino acid the risk of developing evidence suggests that the same found in them can damage brain cells. Alzheimer’s factors that put you at risk of heart Researchers believe that caffeine and disease also may increase the chance coffee may delay the onset of symp- Age: Increasing age is the greatest that you’ll develop Alzheimer’s. Exam- toms, thus delaying a diagnosis. known risk factor for Alzheimer’s. Alz- ples include lack of exercise, obesity, heimer’s is not a part of normal aging, smoking or exposure to secondhand but your risk increases greatly after you reach age 65. The rate of demen- tia doubles every decade after age 97

ARTICLE Dr. Aref Awa / Consultant ENT Surgeon Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent It often comes on gradually as you get older, but it can sometimes happen suddenly See your DR if you notice any especially in noisy places. When to get medical help problems with your hearing so • Asking people to repeat you can find out the cause and Your DR can help if you think get advice on treatment. themselves. you’re losing your hearing. • Listening to music or watch- Signs and symptoms of • If you or your child suddenly hearing loss ing television loudly. lose hearing (in 1 or both • Having to concentrate hard ears), call your DR as soon as It’s not always easy to tell if you’re possible. losing your hearing. Common signs to hear what other people include: are saying, which can be • If you think your or your tiring or stressful. child’s hearing is getting • Difficulty hearing other gradually worse, make an people clearly, and misun- The signs can be slightly different appointment to see your DR. derstanding what they say, if you only have hearing loss in 1 ear or if a young child has hearing loss. Your DR will ask about your symp- JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 98

ARTICLE toms and look inside your ears using Hearing loss sometimes gets bet- cochlear implants, auditory brainstem a small handheld torch with a mag- ter on its own or may be treated with implants and middle ear implants. nifying lens. They can also do some medicine or a simple procedure. For simple checks of your hearing. example, earwax can be sucked out or Bone-anchored hearing aids softened with eardrops. Causes of hearing loss A bone-anchored hearing aid But other types – such as gradual (BAHA) may be an option if you have Hearing loss can have many dif- hearing loss, which often happens as hearing loss caused by sound being ferent causes. For example: we get older – may be permanent. In unable to reach your inner ear. these cases, treatment can help make • Sudden hearing loss in 1 ear the most of the remaining hearing. This type of hearing aid is at- may be due to earwax, an This may involve using: tached to your skull during a minor ear infection, a perforated operation. It picks up the sound and (burst) eardrum or Ménière’s • Hearing aids – several differ- sends it to the inner ear by vibrating disease. ent types are available the bones near your ear. • Sudden hearing loss in both • Implants – devices that are at- It can be clipped on and off – for ears may be due to damage tached to your skull or placed example, it’s removed at night and from a very loud noise, or deep inside the ear, if hearing when you swim or take a shower. taking certain medicines that aids aren’t suitable Some newer types are held onto the can affect hearing. head with magnets instead of a con- Hearing implants nector through the skin. • Gradual hearing loss in 1 ear may be due to something For some people, hearing aids Cochlear implants inside the ear, such as fluid don’t help and instead, they need to (glue ear), a bony growth have a special device fitted inside or A cochlear implant may be an (otosclerosis) or a build-up of to their skull during an operation. option if you have severe, permanent skin cells (cholesteatoma). These are known as hearing implants. hearing loss that isn’t helped by hear- ing aids. They work by turning sound • Gradual hearing loss in both Common types of the implant into electrical signals and sending ears is usually caused by include bone-anchored hearing aids, them to part of the inner ear called aging or exposure to loud noises over many years. Babies have a hearing check in the first few weeks after birth. They may have a problem with their hear- ing if they: • Aren’t startled by loud noises • Seem to hear some sounds but not others • Notice you when they see you, but not when you call their name • Don’t turn towards voices by 4 months of age • Haven’t started to say any recognizable words by around 15 months Treatments for hearing loss 99

ARTICLE the cochlea. From here, the signals cochlea. An ABI won’t usually fully re- Preventing hearing loss travel to the brain and are heard as store your hearing, but it can usually sound. The implant has 2 main parts: improve it to some degree. It’s not always possible to prevent hearing loss, but there are some simple • A microphone behind the Middle ear implants things you can do to reduce the risk of ear that picks up the sound damaging your hearing. These include: and changes it into electrical A middle ear implant (MEI) may signals, which are sent along be an option if you can’t use a regular • Not having your television, a wire to a device on the skin hearing aid – for example, because radio or music on too loud. you’re allergic to the materials they’re • A device placed inside the made from or they don’t fit in your • Using headphones that block skull that picks up the elec- ear correctly. An MEI has 2 main parts: out more outside noise, trical signals from the device instead of turning up the on the skin and sends them • A device attached to the volume . along wires to the cochlea skin that picks up the sound and turns it into an electrical • Wearing ear protection (such Before having a cochlear implant, signal. as ear defenders) if you work you’ll have an assessment to find out in a noisy environment, such if it will help. • A device under the skin that as a garage workshop or a picks up these signals and building site; special vented The implant will only work if the sends them along a wire to earplugs that allow some nerve that sends sound to the brain the small hearing bones deep noise in are also available for (auditory nerve) is working properly. in the ear, which causes them musicians. to vibrate. Auditory brainstem implants • Using ear protection at loud Vibrating the hearing bones concerts and other events An auditory brainstem implant where there are high noise (ABI) may be an option if you have means that sound can travel into your levels. severe, permanent hearing loss and a inner ear and brain. This won’t fully problem with your auditory nerve. restore your hearing, but it can help • Not inserting objects into make sounds louder and clearer. your or your children’s ears – An ABI works in a similar way to this includes fingers, cotton a cochlear implant, but the electrical • Different ways of communi- buds, cotton wool and tissue, sound signals are sent directly to cating – such as sign language the brain along wires, instead of the or lip reading • Your doctor is the best person to assess your hearing and decide what to do and when. JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 100

ARTICLE Teratoma A dermoid cyst is a mature cystic Teratoma Teratomas are germ cell tumors Hair, bones, teeth, cartilages etc Complications of Dermoid cyst with Totipotent cell origin which may be found monster-like embryo can differentiate to any ecto, which is called Fetiform teratoma The majority 60% of dermoid endoad mesoderm, however predom- and fetus in fetu. They are forms of cysts are symptomatic and cause inantly ectoderm. The word is derived mature teratoma that include one or abdominal pain. However 5-10% may from the Greek Teras meaning Mon- more components resembling a mal- undergo torsion as they are symptom- ster. Benign cystic teratoma are the formed fetus. Fetus in Fetu has been atic, however, 5-10% may undergo most frequent occurring neoplasms interpreted as a fetus growing within torsion as they are pedunculate. representing 95% of germ cell tumors its twin. This is interpretation assumes and 25%-40% of all ovarian tumours. a special complication of twinning, Less commonly 1-4% may rup- It is most common in young reproduc- one of the several grouped under the ture and cause chemical peritonitis tive age 30 years. term parasitic twin. Oleo-Keratin granulomatosis and acure abdomen or slowly causing Teratoma is usually moderate It is noteworthy that in many chronic granulomatous peritonitis. size and pedunculated. Its surface is cases the fetus in fetu is reported Rarely a mature cystic teratoma can a smooth, thick wall, cystic or hetero- to occupy a fluid-filled cyst within a turn malignant commonly to squa- geneous. Cut section is very offensive mature teratoma. mous cell carcinoma which has been when opened, single or multilocular found in our study at the time of ini- contains sebaceous material+ keratin Cysts within mature teratoma tial surgery or any type of malignancy (fluid at body temperature, solid at may have partially developed organ any tissue can be found. room temperature). The wall of the systems : reports include cases of teratoma contains Rokitansky protu- partial cranial bones ,long bones Diagnosis of Dermoid Cyst berances (embryonic nodules) which and even rudimentary beating heart is site production of totipotent cells& Regardless of whether fetus in fetu Ovarian mature cystic teratomas from which hair taft projects. and fetiform teratoma are one entity, the most common germ cell tumor they are distinct from and not to be accounting for up to 70% of benign confused with ectopic pregnancy. ovarian masses in the reproductive years and 20% in postmenopausal JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 102

ARTICLE women. Transvaginal U/s is the imag- the plane between the cyst wall and Dr. Khadija Abbas Hosni ing modality of choice. Ovarian cystic ovarian tissues which was accom- teratomas have a variety of appear- plished using hydro dissection. After, Gynecology and Obstetrics Consultant ances characterized by echogenic the cyst is removed, the base of the sebaceous material and calcification capsule is irrigated and coagulated by acute complications so for expectant and typically contain a hypoechoic bipolar diathermy overlap of ovarian management. In addition, the RCOG attenuating component with multiple edges and leave the defect to heal guidelines recommend that a surgeon small homogenous interfaces. without suturing to minimize adhe- with suitable experience and appro- sions. With large ovarian dermoids priate equipment should undertake Tumor markers as CA125 ans CEA up to 8 to 9 cm the risk of chemical laparoscopic management of benign ans alpha-fetoprotein are also done peritonitis is decreased by making a ovarian cysts. to help in ruling out malignancy and tiny hole and aspirating the contents MRI with contrast for abdomen and to minimize its size and use endo-bag Conclusion pelvis are frequently done. or poch to remove it to minimize the spillage some risk factors for lapa- Laparoscopic surgery is the Management of Dermoid Cyst roscopy which are obesity, age and golden technique for management previous abdominal surgery which can of ovarian dermoid. Thank GOD it is There are Controversies of Surgi- be overcome. safe and cost-effective the patient is cal Management : having less morbidity less both intra The place of an ovarian and postoperative period. Laparosco- 1. Surgical approach: Laparosco- tissue-preserving technique py is more cosmetic with smaller skin py versus Laparotomy incision Minimal tissue handling and The mesial-side ovarian incision trauma. Diminish the risk of infection 2. The provedure: OOphorecto- for laparoscopic cystectomy as an and diminish adhesion formation my versus Cystectomy ovarian tissue-preserving technique. which permits to preserve fertility of the patient. Of course with less oper- 3. The relevance of the spillage The medial side is the anterior ative pain requiring less analgesia and of contents and techniques hilar margin of the ovary where the more guest satisfaction. Resumption to minimize it tubal fimbriae are closely applied to of normal activities is earlier and it is the tubal pole of the ovary. The medi- mandatory to irrigate the pelvic cavity 4. The place of ovarian tissue al side incision technique is associated with a large amount of warm saline spring techniques with higher ovarian reserve in terms till the saline is extracted from the of low FSH and less contents spillage. pelvic cavity is clear at the end. 5. Specimen exteriorization: laparoscopic port versus The criteria of surveillance colpotomy (expectant management) 6. The criteria for surveillance Ovarian mature cystic teratomas (expectant management). grow over time increasing the risk of pain and ovarian accidents there- 7. Managent of torsion. fore surgical management’s usually appropriate. Surgical approach Surveillance during pregnancy The RCOG guidelines recom- mend that operative laparoscopy The ACOG guidelines stated that is the Gold standard for all benign adnexal masses diagnosed during ovarian masses because it is associ- pregnancy have a low risk for both ated with reduced febrile morbidity, malignancy and torsion and other postoperative pain, postoperative complications, overall cost and earlier discharge. Technique used after good endoscopic visualisation of abdominal cavity the dermoid cyst is removed either by atraumatic development of 103

ARTICLE Bleeding Gums Why and How to prevent it? Have you seen a bit of blood in gum line and into your bone. Then it lem before it gets serious if you your sink when you brush your becomes a more serious form of gum know what to look for. Take note teeth lately? That bleeding can disease called periodontitis. if you notice: be one of the first warning signs that • Red, swollen gums: That’s one you’ve got gum disease. Both gingivitis and periodontitis of the first signs your gums need have been shown to raise your risk of attention. Gum diseases typically The mild variety is called gingi- things like diabetes. Early detection is start with inflammation along vitis. When you have that, only your your best bet. the gum line, they may also feel gums are infected. If you don’t treat tender or painful and bleed easily it, the infection can travel below your Symptoms when you floss or brush. • You can find and treat the prob- JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 104

ARTICLE • Bad breath: Your mouth is a nice, that’s beyond your toothbrush’s Dr. Mohammed Issa warm, and wet home for millions reach, according to the ADA. It of bacteria. They feed on plaque, doesn’t matter when you floss. Do it Dentist so the more of that you have, the at night, do it in the morning, or do it bigger the buffet. Bacteria release after lunch... just do it! 5. Use fluoride toothpaste toxins that can irritate the gums As for toothpaste, store shelves and teeth and have a foul smell. It 2. Get regular dental cleanings can also be a symptom of serious Your dentist can detect early gum are lined with brands that claim to gum disease. Your breath usually reduce gingivitis, freshen breath, doesn’t change much if you’ve got disease symptoms if you see them on a and whiten teeth. How do you know gingivitis. regular basis. That way symptoms can which one is best for healthy gums? be treated before they become more Make sure to choose toothpaste that • Gums that get smaller: If your serious. A professional cleaning is the contains fluoride and has the ADA teeth look longer than they used only way to remove tartar. It can also seal of acceptance. After that, the to, chances are they’re not grow- get rid of any plaque you missed when flavor and color is up to you! ing -- your gums are shrinking. brushing or flossing. If you have gin- When bone starts to break down, givitis, brushing, flossing, and regular 6. Use a therapeutic mouthwash the gums start separating from dental cleanings can help reverse it. Usually available over the count- the tooth, creating a pocket,. This pulling away is called receding 3. Quit smoking er, therapeutic mouthwashes can gums. Yet another reason for smokers help reduce plaque, prevent or reduce gingivitis, reduce the speed • Sensitive teeth: If a sip of a cold to quit: Smoking is strongly associ- that tarter develops, or a combination drink makes you wince, your teeth ated with the onset of gum disease. of these benefits, according to the may be telling you something. Since smoking weakens your immune ADA. Plus: A rinse helps remove food That’s a symptom of gum disease system, it also makes it harder to fight particles and debris from your mouth, that often goes hand in hand with off a gum infection, say the Centers though it’s not a substitute for floss- shrinking gums.With receding for Disease Control and Prevention ing or brushing. Look for the ADA gums, the sensitive part of the (CDC). Plus, smoking makes it more seal, which means it’s been deemed tooth is exposed -- called the den- difficult for your gums to heal once effective and safe. tin -- causing sensitive teeth when they’ve been damaged. exposed to cold water and air. We should always floss first, then 4. Brush twice a day brush and last do mouthwash or rins- • Wiggly or shifting teeth: Does Brush your teeth after every ing. Just do a good job and use the your smile look a little different right products. lately? Gum disease can attack meal. This helps remove the food the bones that hold your teeth and plaque trapped between your in place, making them loosen or teeth and gums. Scrub your tongue move. Periodontitis is the main too, since it can harbor bacteria. Your cause, and it can even change the toothbrush should have soft bristles way your teeth fit together when and fit in your mouth comfortably. you bite. Consider a battery-powered or GUM DISEASE IS PREVENTABLE. electric toothbrush. These can help Here are a few ways you can reduce gingivitis and plaque more help keep your gums healthy than manual brushing. Swap tooth- brushes or toothbrush heads every 1. Dental Floss three to four months, or sooner if the Floss at least once a day. This bristles start to fray. helps remove the plaque and food 105

ARTICLE Unexplained infertility end up diagnosed with unexplained food intolerance and the body’s cor- infertility. responding immune reaction to it. Ms. Iman Azzam Abdelhadi So what does “unexplained What are the treatment infertility” mean? options? Senior Embryologist, Obstetrics & Gynecology Dept It’s infertility that is idiopathic Significant advances have oc- in the sense that its cause remains curred in the treatment of reproduc- The average chance of falling unknown even after an infertility tive disorders over the past decade. pregnant in any given cycle workup. As a matter of fact, the diag- However, the choice of the optimal among fertile couples is 20%, nostic tools used to evaluate couples treatment plan depends on individual reaching 60 % during the first 6 referring to fertility clinics will only patient characteristics such as age, months. Studies suggest that after identify the major reasons for infertili- response to different treatment strat- one year of having regular unprotect- ty but it certainly cannot identify all egies as well as cost considerations. ed sex, around 15% of couples are the reasons. still unable to conceive. When it takes Before jumping to invasive treat- longer than a year of trying with no A lot of hidden factors are impos- ment options, sometimes minimal luck, the first thing we want to know sible to be tested for and those might interventions work well. The way to is why. appear later during the advanced figure out if it works or not is sim- treatment options when minimal ply to try, no guarantee to succeed After going through the full interventions do not work. though. These interventions include diagnostic process, from researching medications like Clomiphene Ci- family medical history to physical Example of which is poor egg trate, controlled ovarian stimulation examinations to hormonal tests, we quality that adversely affects fertil- combine with timed intercourse or find that in one third of the cases a ization outcome and embryo quality, controlled ovarian stimulation com- male factor is involved, in another one as well as other issues related to bine with Intrauterine Insemination third a female factor is involved and in implantation. Moreover, reproductive (IUI). Although it works for many, this 20-30 % you see a combined infer- organs are not solely responsible for approach is often considered frustrat- tility that involves the male and the your infertility, other health issues ing for many others as it requires a lot female. However, in some couples, no can reflect on your body’s ability to of patience and waiting time. obvious reason for infertility is found. carry a baby. If it’s not her and it’s not him, then This leaves IVF as the optimal what’s keeping her from getting preg- Nearly 6% of women with unex- treatment option for those who want nant? This category constitutes 10-20 plained infertility were found to be the fastest treatment method with a % of people who are facing difficul- having Celiac disease, for example, a quite impressive success rate. ties in achieving pregnancy and they gut related issue that has to do with JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 106

ARTICLE FEATURES . Medical Imaging Technology JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 108

ARTICLE FEATURES . Medical Imaging Technology Year after year, modern medicine reducing the necessary time to read and digital medical imaging the handwritten medical records and technology is registering greater the diagnostic schemes. achievements. Every day, we hear about a new one that helps make Today, the developed artificial farther developments with regard to intelligence techniques can provide the diagnostics that enabled access to a new vision regarding the diseases more successful treatments. The im- through using the large amounts of pressive achievements of medicine are patients’ data from the radiation de- the result of combining both the digi- vices. This rapid development bodes tal revolution and the medical imaging well for a better future where the equipment which resulted in a better artificial intelligence plays an import- understanding of the mechanism ant role in radiology and in medical of the occurrence of diseases, and images analysis, so that this field therefore the obtainment of a more benefits from reading the images and accurate diagnosis that contributed in explaining them quickly but accurately the development of treatments and amid the rapid acceleration in prepar- in the reduction of surgical inter- ing the radiographs. ventions. Medical imaging reached a stage further than seeing the body 4D Medical Imaging from inside. Today, it is possible to see the mechanism of the functioning of The digital revolution culminated the systems of the body and its organs with the introduction of 3D and 4D without interference. Perhaps the medical imaging techniques until they most important thing about it is that became crucial in radiology because the achievements will not stop. We of their diagnostic features, their expect to hear about more and more high-quality images, the resolution every year. and all of this in no time. Therefore, 3D imaging helps produce clear-di- Medical Imaging and Artificial agnostic images that contribute in Intelligence reaching a high-quality treatment efficiency after taking accurate ana- Medical imaging and radiology tomical images. In a relatively short techniques were among the most time, 3D and 4D ultrasound devices medical fields that benefited from provide simplified images in all three the introduction of the concept of dimensions with the possibility of artificial intelligence into the world having a thorough examination by of medicine. Researchers intended getting enough data and information. to develop neurological mechanisms It is possible to reuse in hypothetical and connectomes that can identify ways all of the clips obtained to help the signs of illness that appear in the in the diagnosis. As for the anatomi- radiographs such as certain cancers or cal images obtained, they cannot be fractures. Some medical companies obtained by the 2D device, where the active in the field of health technolo- directions are simplified and deter- gy aim to produce, through artificial mined to the physician who requested intelligence, solutions and diagnostics the procedure. that help to detect early symptoms of certain diseases. It is also possible The 3D imaging devices deter- to benefit from the artificial intelli- mine the required dose of radiation gence in medical imaging in terms of to achieve a successful treatment plan for the patient. Therefore, the 3D radial imaging and the CBCT (Cone 109

ARTICLE FEATURES . Medical Imaging Technology Beam Computerized Tomography) of the myocardium during effort and inside the body, and it is possible to started interfering in various medical rest, and calculating the amount of the identify most of the disorders that can specialties. The 3D mammography shortfall in irrigation in case of tight affect the body. This technique uses radically changed the diagnosis of or blocked cardiac arteries. Nuclear magnetic fields and radio waves in the breast tumors. Today, the radiologist treatment can also be used to reduce detailed internal tissue imaging. can read the image as if he is reading a bone pain and to treat the diseases of book page by page. This has led to the the thyroid, its activity, its malignant It is used to diagnose several accuracy in diagnosis, the early detec- tumors, liver tumors, blood diseases diseases that affect the body’s internal tion of breast cancer, and consequent- such as lymphoma, and benign infec- organs such as tumors and injuries in ly the reduced suffering of the pa- tions in the joints. the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the tient. This technique relies on taking pancreas, the uterus, the ovaries, the a regular mammography, and then, During the examination, some prostate, and the testicles. Physicians directly and without removing the radioactive substances are used to have recourse to it to diagnose joint compressor, scanning the breast for 4 diagnose several diseases and treat diseases such as all kinds of arthritis, seconds, and obtaining later on a 3D them. It is a painless and very safe injuries, accidents, spinal column image. This image will let the treating examination for the patient, carried problems, and tumors of bones and physician know the critical situation of out with a small amount of radiation. surrounding tissues. The MRI is con- the mass or the scourge of disease in The patient is given a radioactive sidered one of the most important the breast, and easily get a sample of substance that is concentrated in medical imaging techniques to which it. Dentistry also uses 3D imaging, ra- one of the body’s organs, and then a physicians have recourse to diagnose diography and photography, through special camera detects the radiation diseases of the nervous system such as taking 3D digital prints of the teeth emerging from the organ. That’s how spinal cord injuries, aneurysm, multiple with a high-quality camera. Because it is possible to know what is going on sclerosis, clots, and tumors, as well as of this technique, traditional methods inside the patient’s body. The dose of to define the functions of certain areas will be phased out. Three measures the radioactive substance depends on in the brain. This technique is also use- are being captured by the 3D tech- the type of the examination and the ful in cases of cardiovascular diseases nique: width, length, and depth. age of the patient. in terms of assessing the size of the heart’s 4 chambers and their function, Nuclear Medicine Magnetic Resonance Imag- as well as identifying the thickness of ing (MRI) the heart’s walls, the effect of a heart Nuclear medicine constituted a attack, and the fat deposition on the major achievement in radiology. It al- Today, the MRI constitutes an irre- wall of the blood vessels that leads to lowed the physicians to see more than placeable diagnostic tool for a variety their obstruction. In case the breast the body’s organs. It gave them the of cases, and it is particularly useful for tissues are thick, it is possible to con- opportunity to see how these organs a brain scan. Through this developed sider this technique as an additional work and how they perform their vital technique, the treating physician sees diagnostic tool of the mammography. functions inside the body without clearly the diseased and strange cells hindering any of these functions. This field contributed in the fast diagnosis of diseases and maybe diagnosing them in advance some- times, that is, once some pathological changes are noticed on a cellular level before the organ is affected by the disease as in the case of cancer cells. Nuclear medicine is most used to examine the bones, the kidneys, the thyroid, the heart, the lungs, the brain, the lymphatic system, etc. Cardiac nuclear medicine imaging contributed in estimating the amount of irrigation JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 110

ARTICLE FEATURES . Medical Imaging Technology CT Scan X-Ray of tumors, as well as getting rid of any blood clot or obstruction in the body. The CT scan, or the CAT scan, is a This technique aims to image developed type of radiography that internal parts fast and without pain There are many diagnostic uses of produces 3D tomograms by combin- or surgical intervention. During the ex- the X-Ray technique such as fractures, ing several images taken from differ- amination, an electromagnetic radia- bone infections, tooth infections, ent angles. The physician examines ev- tion, emitted by a special radiation de- decay, arthritis, osteoporosis, or bone ery one separately and might request vice, passes through the body’s tissues cancer. Physicians have recourse to imaging a certain part from different to hit a plate, placed behind the body, it to diagnose chest diseases such as angles or transforming the image to a on which is formed an image of the pneumonia or lung cancer. Mammog- 3D one by combining several images organs that the radiation has passed raphy is a special kind of X-Ray tests to in one image with certain angles to through. This technique helps to diag- examine the breast tissue. get more accurate information. nose the incidence of certain diseases in a painless way in order to evaluate The sign of a congestive heart fail- This technique is used to diagnose the available treatment options. Also, ure, as well as the obstructed blood bone diseases, fractures, and tumors, it reinforces the surgical and treat- vessels, appear clearly in this image. to scan the brain, to locate clots, ment plans and helps the medical The liquid that the patient drinks tumors, and others, or to detect a can- team during the catheterization or the to get ready to the imaging is the cer and lung and liver tumors. In some insertion of any medical device in the contrast mean that makes the results cases, this technique can be used for body, the treatment and the removal clear on the image and shows the biopsy or radiotherapy. problems of the digestive system. 111

MEDICAL FAIRS U.S. HEALTH AND MEDICAL SUPPLIERS BRING SPIRIT OF PARTNERSHIP TO ARAB HEALTH 2019 American technology and innova- participating in this year’s show, a ma- American health and medical industry, tion, deeply valued by patients jority in the USA Partnership Pavilion and that countries across the region and medical professionals in the in Halls 1, 2, 5, 6, Za’abeel 3 and the are looking for innovative U.S. part- Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Hall 1 Concourse. ners to further their progress and for improving healthcare and quality ambitions, such as the UAE’s Vision of life, will be prominently on display From personal care and safety 2021 goal “to achieve a world-class during the Arab Health Exhibition and products to over-the-counter rem- healthcare system.” Congress 2019, January 28 through edies, specialized medical devices, 31 at the Dubai International Conven- equipment, treatments, training and Review the Pavilion highlights tion and Exhibition Centre. hospitals, U.S. exhibitors in Dubai below, and visit the USA Information represent a wide scope of America’s Center on-site in the Main Concourse More than 350 U.S. manufac- smartest health and medical solutions. to find American solutions faster. You turers, suppliers, service providers, can also find more details online at hospitals, clinics and practitioners are The U.S. showing at Arab Health 2019 is a strong indication of how important the MENA region is to the JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 112

MEDICAL FAIRS ACell Inc. ACell Increases Global Reach for Cytal Wound Matrix 1-Layer Platform Technology in Wound Booth H2.A34 Management and Hernia Repair. ACell has launched Cytal® Wound CONTACT: Matrix and MicroMatrix® in Canada, with future global expansion planned Nino Pionati, VP International & for wound management devices Business Development in 2019. Recently published data [email protected] for ventral hernia repair showed Columbia, Maryland +1-908-265-3081 promising long-term results using Gentrix® Surgical Matrix devices. Airon Corporation Finally it is Safe to Take Critical Neo- pNeuton Mini transport ventilator nates to the MRI. H1.F30 The new pNeuton Mini transport ventilator provides complete, safe CONTACT: respiratory support with remote alarms in case of disconnection or Eric Gjerde, President high pressure. The ventilator can be [email protected] placed right next to the MRI and will Melbourne, Florida +1 (321) 821-9433 not create image distortion. Arnet Pharmaceutical Corp Arnet Pharmaceutical Launches Dr. Max Cognitive Line “Dr. Max, Cognitive Line” Focus on H1.B31 Boosting Energy and Relaxation. The portfolio includes ten products CONTACT: designed to cover the different needs people can have during daily life due to Olga Das Neves, Marketing Specialist excess work, stress, or activities.  [email protected] Davie, Florida (35) 968 629 003 Brigham Health/Brigham ‘Surgery in a Pill’ a Potential Treat- helping to avoid spikes in blood sugar. Women’s Hospital ment for Diabetes. ‘Surgery in a Pill’ holds promise for Bariatric surgery reverses obesity and millions of people. H5.A25 type 2 diabetes in patients with both conditions. Researchers at Brigham Researchers at Brigham and Women’s CONTACT: and Women’s Hospital have found Hospital have found a less invasive, a less invasive, potentially equally potentially equally effective treatment Johanna Younghans, Media Relations effective treatment for reversing type for reversing type 2 diabetes & Social Media Associate 2 diabetes. Results from a preclinical [email protected] study were reported in Nature Ma- Boston, Massachusetts terials. A substance that temporarily +1-617-525-6373 coats the intestine to prevent nutri- ent absorption was delivered via pill, 113

MEDICAL FAIRS Community Medical Community Medical Centers Special- Community Cancer Institute in Centers - Central California ize in Advanced Technologies and a Clovis rivals centers in Los Angeles and Patient-Focused Approach for the the Bay Area USA Information Center Treatment of Cancer and Obesity. Main Concourse Hall 2 Fresno Heart and Surgical Hospital’s Center of Excellence in Bariatric & Met- CONTACT: abolic Surgery is continually recognized in the top 10% in the United States for Berj Apkarian, Vice President Interna- clinical outcomes while the Community tional Health Cancer Institute offers the most inno- [email protected] vative technologies & approaches for Fresno, CA +1-559-696 0190 comprehensive cancer care. Corvus Health Creation of Global Job Markets for Corvus Health offers a variety of health North African Nurses. workforce and human resource man- H1.F03 Many highly qualified nurses from agement services Northern Africa would like to work in CONTACT: the U.S. or Europe, but lack the lan- guage skills or experience in U.S. and Kate Tulenko, CEO European hospital settings. Corvus [email protected] Health is breaking down this barrier Alexandria, Virginia +1-202-460-9919 by connecting North African nursing schools such as Universite Centrale in Tunisia with schools and employers in the U.S. and Europe to form programs that give North African health workers the skills they need to work in ad- vanced hospitals. Dana-Farber Cancer Building a Better Cancer Fighter. Turning Immune Cells into CAR T-Cells Institute The excitement around CAR T-cell therapies for cancer has been grow- H5.A25 ing for quite some time now. After numerous studies and clinical trials, CONTACT: these therapies, made from genetical- ly modified immune cells, have been Justin Solle, Program Manager generating promising results. [email protected] Specifically, more than 80 percent of Boston, Massachusetts +1-617-632- patients with acute lymphoblastic leu- 3069 kemia (ALL) and nearly half of patients www.dana-farber.or with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) have achieved remission thanks to CAR T-cell therapy. JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 114

MEDICAL FAIRS Del Medical Inc. Del Medical Introduces New OTC18 ities looking to maximize space and and FMT18 Series of Radiographic avoid costly room modifications. H1.D10 Imaging Solutions. The OTC System is precisely designed OTC and FMT Radiology Systems CONTACT: to withstand high volume through- put in hospital radiology depart- Tony Galles, Vice President ments, medical imaging centers and [email protected] large orthopedic facilities. Bloomingdale, Illinois +1 (914) 282- The FMT System offers an economi- 2678 cal, compact design ideal for hospital radiology departments, medical imaging centers and orthopedic facil- Fabrication Enterprises Inc Fabrication Enterprises Inc Introduces Easy grip loops allow for unlimited the CanDo® Multi-Grip™ Exerciser. exercise options H1.C18 CanDo® Multi-Grip™ Exercisers have large and small loops built right into CONTACT: the exerciser. Loop around hands and feet to perform high impact upper Alexander Miller, Marketing and lower body exercises.  Coordinator [email protected] Elmsford, New York +1 (914) 345-9300 Firefly Global Firefly Now Offers iOS Compatible iOS compatible wireless scopes Wireless Devices. H1.B11 Firefly Global now offers iOS com- patible wireless versions of their CONTACT: award-winning otoscopes and der- matoscopes. Arab Health 2019 will Daniel Lucey, Director of Business be the first international show where Development these devices will be widely available [email protected] demonstrated live. Belmont, Massachusetts +1-617-855- 6007 Global Medical Services Official Launch of Global Medical concierge-style healthcare in the Services. US, GMS provides destination health CONTACT: Global Medical Services (GMS) will services. For governments/businesses debut at Arab Health! GMS, located in seeking a hospital build/management Amy Gaston, Global Relationship Minnesota, leads in providing accessi- strategy, GMS builds hospitals and Strategist ble healthcare worldwide, approach- manages operations worldwide. For [email protected] ing it in a way no one else is; the providers serving patients without ac- Minneapolis, Minnesota +1-612-325- patient, provider, government regu- cess to nearby physicians, GMS brings 2117 lations, systems. For patients seeking treatment through telemedicine. 115

MEDICAL FAIRS UE LifeSciences iBreastExam – A new way to iBreast Exam handheld medical device detect breast cancer, arrives in the H1.C31 Middle East. deaths due to cancer is one of the key iBreastExam (iBE) is an innovative, performance indicators of the pillar CONTACT: handheld medical device designed of world-class healthcare of the UAE to provide a quick, painless and National Agenda. Akshat Shah, Strategic Partnerships radiation-free breast exam at the [email protected] point-of-care, with instant results. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania +1 (631) iBreastExam recently launched com- 980-8340 mercially in Oman with the support of Oman Health Ministry and Oman Cancer Society, and the next stop is the UAE. Reducing the number of International Biomedical WARMOLOGY® – The Science Inc. of Warm. The NuBorne 500 Infant Warmer is H1.C79 an affordable, feature rich microen- vironment that provides dependable CONTACT: thermoregulation for the infant and allows a high level of care with a low Caroline Strand, Marketing Communi- cost of ownership. This USA manu- cations Specialist factured product for use in the NICU, [email protected] L&D and birthing centers facilitates Austin, Texas +1-512-873-0033 the proven clinical practice of kanga- roo care. NuBorne 500 Infant Warmer Koven Technology, Inc. Introducing the FAST Sphyg by Koven Technology. H1.B18 Like a traditional sphyg, the FAST Sphyg is used with a Doppler or CONTACT: stethoscope to obtain systolic blood pressures. Unlike traditional sphygs Kari Lowth, Marketing & Creative which require pumping a bulb to Director increase cuff pressure, FAST reduces [email protected] hand and wrist strain by inflating the St. Louis, Missouri +1-314-542-2101 cuff using Koven’s exclusive push button inflation mechanism, which increases cuff pressure with a built-in battery-operated pump. FAST’s trigger deflation method is easier to control than knobs, which need to be turned. FAST reduces hand and wrist strain JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 116

MEDICAL FAIRS LIGHTMED Corporation LIGHTMED Introduces Sapphire & DermaLight 532 Lasers for Dental H1.B71 and Dermatology Markets. LIGHTMED has been in the medical CONTACT: laser business for 20+ years, focused primarily on the ophthalmology field. Ann Land, Marketing Manager In recent years, LIGHTMED has taken [email protected] its core laser technology and adapt- San Clemente, California +1-949-218- ed it for a wide range of dental and 9555 dermatology applications. Sapphire and DermaLight 532 have been selling in Asia and the USA. Now, LIGHTMED is proud to announce these lasers are LIGHTMED lasers adapt to a wide range available globally. of dental and dermatology applications MagicEar, LLC MagicEar is releasing a new series of next generation hearing devices! H1.C16-B MagicEar provides the ultimate in advanced hearing aids and hearing CONTACT: protection devices using state-of-the- art technology, in-house expertise and Matt Henderson, Vice President superior manufacturing practices to [email protected] design and develop products for the Clearwater, Florida +1 (415) 640-1005 benefit of consumers and partners. MagicEar has developed a series of new hearing aids that will be sold on the global market starting in Q1, 2019. Magic Ear devices are available direct to These sleek and discreet hearing devic- consumer, private label or sold in kits to es can also be connected via Bluetooth manufacturers internationally to an individual’s mobile phone. Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Ranked #1 Hospital in the More than 1.3 million people from U.S. about 140 countries turn to Mayo Clinic H5.A20 Mayo Clinic is ranked the best hospital for diagnosis and treatment each year. in the United States in U.S. News & CONTACT: World Report’s 2018-19 “Best Hospitals Honor Roll.”  Mayo Clinic ranked No. 1 in Sharon Theimer, Communications six specialties: diabetes and endocrinol- Manager, International Media Rela- ogy, gastroenterology and GI surgery, tions, Public Affairs geriatrics, gynecology, nephrology, and [email protected] neurology and neurosurgery. Rochester, Minnesota +1-507-284 5005​ 117

MEDICAL FAIRS Medical Predictive Science Sidra Medicine in Qatar Corp. Enhances Neonatology Unit with HeRO Monitoring. H1.H50 Medical Predictive Science Corporation (MPSC) is proud to announce that Sidra CONTACT: Hospital in Qatar has recently pur- chased HeRO Solo Systems to help bet- Geoffrey Alms, Executive VP ter equip their hospital staff in identify- [email protected] ing risks to neonatal infants. MPSC is a Charlottesville, Virginia leading predictive analytics company +1-434-220-0715 turning data into better healthcare. The HeRO System aids the clinician to earlier identify neonatal conditions such as infection and sepsis. HeRO System helps identify neonatal conditions such as infection and sepsis NOVAPROBE INC. NOVAPROBE launches the World’s 1st a pre-programmable camera that Fully Embedded 4k Camera system uses the touch interface for adjusting H2.A10 for Endoscopic Surgery camera parameters. NOVAPROBE UHDCAM4k camera CONTACT: system has the smallest footprint in 4K surgery eliminating the multiple Manish Ingle, CEO equipment that are being currently [email protected] used to perform endoscopic surgery. North Wales, Pennsylvania +1-215- NOVAPROBE UHDCAM4k has the abil- 353-3141 ity to record patient information with capture images and record videos at 4K resolutions. UHDCAM4K provides NuStep, LLC/Manufacturing Maker of the Recumbent Cross Train- er Hire Physio Therapists to Support H2.A30 New Product Development Physio therapists are among NuStep’s CONTACT: most enthusiastic “advisors,” and through the years, their feedback has Andrea Brown, Marketing Director had a direct influence on how they [email protected] refine existing products and develop Ann Arbor, Michigan +1-734-418-1875 new products. Physio Therapists are NuStep’s market Intelligence Strategist  JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 118


ARTICLE FEATURES . Immunotherapy IMMUNOTHERAPY Boosts the immune system to fight cancer cells Immunotherapy is a revolution in modern treatments against cancer. Scientific research and studies continue to focus on immune cells not just cancerous cells. Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that boosts the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer. It uses substances made by the body or in a laboratory to improve or restore immune system function. Immunotherapy may work by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells, stopping cancer from spreading to other parts of the body and helping the immune system work better at destroying cancer cells. JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 120

ARTICLE FEATURES . Immunotherapy Scientific progress has shown in light of the growing demand for confirm the success of immunother- that the immune system in the human international medical research and apy have reached their peak in 2015. body has a key role in controlling studies that seek to activate this type Medical conferences in Germany, tumor after scientists have linked the of treatments given its importance Europe and USA have recently pro- complex interaction between cancer- and usefulness in the treatment of vided further scientific studies on the ous and non-cancerous cells such as cancer, which heralds a promising success of immunotherapy, which has immune cells. future in the fight against cancer as begun to develop into several forms. well as reducing its spread, based on Under normal circumstances, the the fact that the immune system is In this type of treatment, the en- immune system recognizes and suc- the first line of defense against cancer tire immune system or its components cessfully fights cancer cells, eliminat- cells. Thus, research on this type of are used to deal with diseases, pri- ing them as they develop. However, treatment has begun, which refers marily cancer. At the forefront of the sometimes the process breaks down to a variety of therapeutic strategies immune system’s fight against cancer and tumors form. Researchers found designed to stimulate the patient’s cells are T lymphocytes, also known as that when cancer cells are able to immune system to fight the tumor. T-cells. Immunotherapy has achieved block the function of a certain gene, major success in recent years, and they are able to evade the immune The immune system defends and today dozens of drugs rely on antibod- system and proliferate. protects our bodies from infection ies against cancer cell proteins and and disease. It is made up of organs, boosting the immune system’s ability Today, immunotherapy is one of special cells and substances that work to fight cancer cells. the most promising ways of treating together to find and fight germs such cancer, but at the same time this as viruses or bacteria or abnormal or This treatment method depends treatment method must be com- unhealthy cells that cause disease on how the human immune system patible with the condition of every such as cancer. Germs and cancer protects the body against germs, patient. Immunotherapy uses your cells have molecules on their surface microbes, parasites and worms. If any body’s immune system to fight cancer. that trigger the immune system to of these organisms attempt to invade Hence, doctors can use the patient’s find and destroy them. But some the body, the immune system cells immune system to produce vaccines cancer cells can hide from the im- become aware of it, rushing to attack for specific tumors, or they can mune system because they look a lot it using several chemical or cellular remove immune cells, stimulating the like normal cells. In some cases, the weapons, such as white blood cells. immune system to attach the tumor. immune system may find cancer cells, This relies on a fundamental fact, but it isn’t strong enough to destroy the ability of the immune system to Today, immunotherapy has all of them. And some cancer cells can distinguish between the cells and succeeded in fighting some types even change how the immune system components of a person’s body, and of cancer such as breast, skin, lung, responds so it doesn’t work properly. between microbes and bacteria that kidney, brain and neck cancers and must be attacked and destroyed. some lymphomas as studies have Immunotherapy boosts the yielded encouraging results. Since immune system to find cancer and at- Immunotherapy is a treatment cancer cells have multiple mechanisms tack it. Immunotherapy is used to stop for some types of cancer, for exam- that allow them to evade the immune or slow the growth of cancer, stop ple melanoma that has spread. It uses system, several types and patterns cancer from spreading to other parts natural body substances, or drugs of immunotherapy have been de- of the body, help the immune system made from natural body substanc- veloped to help the body cope with work better to destroy cancer cells es, to treat cancer. Three types of these protective mechanisms and and deliver toxins, such as radiation or immunotherapy are used to treat boost the immune system’s ability to chemotherapy, directly to cancer cells. cancer including non-specific immu- recognize the tumor.Immunotherapy notherapies, monoclonal antibodies has witnessed further developments The stages of development of and vaccines. scientific and medical studies that 121

ARTICLE FEATURES . Wearable Technology WEARABLE TECHNOLOGY A new era in the world of medicine Wearable devices have revo- Through small devices that can be Today, these devices enable lutionized the health sector worn at anytime and anywhere, it doctors and patients alike to follow up and have recently become has become possible to monitor the on their weight, stress level, hours of a permanent companion to humans, patient’s vital functions from his home sleep, fitness level and others. These enabling them to use many health-re- and there is no need to be present devices include headsets that are vital lated technologies as well as the permanently in the hospital. Thus, the for monitoring heart rate and fitness, strength of biometric sensors capable medical staff can monitor the patient’s smart contact lenses to monitor blood of controlling movement, light, pres- health condition and get detailed and sugar levels and smart stickers that sure, temperature and humidity. These timely information about his blood could be used by health professionals devices can be also used for other pressure, or heart rate for example. as implantable sensors to monitor purposes such as clinical, diagnostic the sleep of patients because they or therapeutic procedures. Today, the Wearable health devices are conform to internal organs without healthcare market is the most im- rapidly evolving technologically. They causing any adverse reactions. portant for many brands, after Apple can range from clothing or accessories came in the second place thanks to the such as watches, glasses and clothes. The wearable device market looks smart watch that was approved for They can provide instantaneous infor- set to grow almost 26 percent next medical use by the US Food and Drug mation tailored to specific contexts year compared to 2018, with world- Administration. through data recording, analysis wide shipment of wearable devices and delivery. These devices monitor reaching 225 million, according to data This wearable technology has and analyse the health of individuals from the International Data Corpora- changed many health sector’s trends. according to several indicators such as tion (IDC). heart rate, blood pressure and others. Global shipments of wearable JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 122

ARTICLE FEATURES . Wearable Technology devices reached 32 million units in the to provide the practical and aesthetic Smartphones and health third quarter of 2018 - up 21.7% from needs of women who are keen on applications the previous year, according to IDC’s health and fashion together, especially “Worldwide Quarterly Wearable De- that today’s fashion requirements The smartphone is not something vice Tracker.” This new era of wearable require attention to health. we wear but something we carry at all devices is characterized by intelligent times. Hence, many companies have sensors with Internet connectivity, and Numerous Benefits deployed health applications that Bluetooth for wireless connectivity to anyone can use on their smartphone the smartphone. Sensors are used to The benefits of wearable devices to give them information about vital stay in contact with individuals; most are the ability to stimulate healthy indicators, fitness rate, calorie calcula- wearable devices are worn around behaviour and thus reduce the risk tion and heart rate. Smartphone ap- the wrist, but an increasing number of of diseases, especially heart disease, plications have facilitated large-scale those devices can be hung in the neck in addition to improving the man- studies that collect data accurately or implanted in the body. agement of chronic diseases such as and in a timely manner about people’s control of blood sugar levels or blood places by collecting information about Wearable devices include: pressure, heart rate or heart problems the patients’ health status using the and others. latest technological devices, to be sent • Smart watches connected later to a doctor for review. to the smartphone provide The health benefit of wearable calls, emails and social media devices and the collection of patient In addition to the information and notifications. information on an ongoing and regular monitoring of vital indicators in the basis lies in the possibility that the body, there are some medical applica- • Fitness tracking devices come patient can receive better care at any tions that rely on the microphone and in all shapes and sizes, can be time and place as it is not restricted smartphone camera in the process of worn around the wrist or as to visiting a doctor or health institu- diagnosing diseases. In other applica- a belt, and can calculate the tion. It also increases the chances of tions, small sensors and accessories number of steps daily, with communication between the patient can be integrated in smartphones to continuous monitoring of the and his doctor at any time by send- carry out basic tests and diagnosis of heart rate, while also pro- ing the patient’s data directly to the health problems. The patient can re- viding high-accuracy data on doctor’s smartphone so he can quickly ceive data on his mobile phone every calorie burning and exercise. read them and get informed about his five minutes, giving him an additional health. vision for managing diabetes, for • Sports watches for sports lov- example. ECG monitors also allow the ers such as jogging, swimming Heart patients can use the smart doctor to monitor the patient’s health and cycling. watch to measure their heart rate at remotely via his or her smartphone. all times. Diabetics can learn to read • Devices implanted in the blood glucose levels through the use Modern technology devices and body under the skin through of a smartphone and send that data to specialized health applications on surgery for medical purposes their doctors immediately. Telemedi- smartphones can collect information such as supplying the body cine is also widely used in monitoring about the patient’s health status at with insulin, or as a means of high blood pressure, obesity, blood all times, to be sent later to a doctor contraception. sugar and asthma. for review. Prominent and promising digital healthcare applications will Expectations in this regard indi- The benefits of these devices also change the medical trends in the cate a tendency to focus more on the include reminding patients to take coming years. market of wearable devices used for their medication and record specific healthcare and to maintain fitness in data as requested by the doctor. We are expected to see further order to motivate people to follow a achievements in this regard as technol- healthy lifestyle. With the increasing Today, through these advanced ogy and the Internet are evolving. The number of women resorting to such devices, the patient can save his blood medical sector has been the biggest modern technologies and increasing pressure on the smartphone or smart beneficiary of technology develop- awareness among many of them about watch at all times, with a reminder ment, and the same will apply to wear- the healthy lifestyle, some companies of the time to take the medicine, so able devices in the coming years. today are meeting these requirements when he sees the doctor, he has all the accurate data needed. 123

MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS Latest PAXMAN Scalp Cooling System to be showcased at Arab Heath 2019 British scalp cooling expert, PAX- MAN is showcasing the latest model of the PAXMAN Scalp Cooling System (PSCS) at Arab Health 2019. The British-developed pioneer- ing treatment prevents Middle Eastern cancer patients from losing their hair and retain a feeling of normality during chemotherapy. The improved simplicity of the East and North Africa (MENA) region. are attacked, resulting in hair loss new generation of PAXMAN Scalp The PAXMAN Cooling System approximately two weeks after the Cooling employs an interactive user commencement of chemotherapy interface and touchscreen ensuring (also known as the ‘cold cap’) allevi- treatment. ease of use for clinical staff. Maintain- ates the damage caused to the hair ing coolant levels is also simplified by a follicle by chemotherapy. It works Richard Paxman, CEO at PAXMAN visual warning system and an easy-to- by reducing the temperature of the said: “Chemotherapy-induced hair loss use self-drain coolant refill bag. scalp by a few degrees immediately is consistently ranked in the top five before, during and after the adminis- most distressing cancer chemother- The new control pump manages tration of chemotherapy. Made from apy side effects and we are working the speed and coolant flow, improving lightweight silicone, the scalp cooling hard to ensure that cancer patients the consistency of treatment. Manu- cap is soft and flexible - providing a have a choice against hair loss. We facturing technique changes have also snug, yet comfortable fit during treat- are delighted to be able to offer scalp been introduced – the front cover of ment, moulding to all head shapes cooling to Middle Eastern patients and the scalp cooling machine is now injec- and sizes. Liquid coolant passes are keen to find new partners from tion moulded rather than RIM mould- through the cap, extracting heat from across the region.” ed - to improve the overall aesthetics the young person’s scalp, ensuring it of the system. remains at an even, constant tem- The Arab Health Exhibition & Con- perature to minimise hair loss.  gress is taking place from 28th – 31st Following the successful launch January 2019 at the Dubai Convention in the US, this updated model is being Chemotherapy works by targeting and Exhibition Centre. Throughout the rolled out across the Middle East, UK all rapidly dividing cells in the body. exhibition the Paxman Scalp Cooler and rest of world markets. This is the Hair is the second fastest dividing will be located on the Leeds City Re- first time it will be showcased at Arab cell, and this is the reason why many gion stand (H7.H51) in the UK Pavilion. Health and the company is keen to find chemotherapy drugs cause alopecia. new partners from across the Middle The hair follicles in the growth phase JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 124

YOUR SOURCE FOR REASONS TO ADVERTISE HEALTHCARE NEWS CIRCULATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST A carefully studied GRAB YOUR HARD COPY OF THE MAGAZINE WHILE VISITING database of healthcare professionals, doctors & ARAB HEALTH & MEDLAB 2019 caregivers, that matters to your company. READERSHIP Top decisionmakers and professionals in the healthcare sector are your main readers. ONLINE Optimizing your exposure through our online media: website, application and all social media vehicles. CONTENT A rich source of news on the Health Care sector presented in a fresh and modern format. HOW TO online email call ADVERTISE [email protected] +961 4 534058 The Arab Hospital Magazine HospitalsMag The Arab Hospital The Arab Hospital Magazine

NEWS Abu Dhabi Launches the Emirate’s Medical Tourism e-Portal Department of Health - Abu Dha- shed Al Marar, H.E Mohamed Al Hame- services such direct contact with bi (DOH) and Department of li, Undersecretary of Department of healthcare providers, visa issuance, as Culture and Tourism – Abu Dha- Health and H.E Saif Saeed Ghobash, well as booking appointments, hotels, bi (DCT Abu Dhabi), have launched the Undersecretary of Department of transportation and other recreational Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism e-portal, a Culture and Tourism- Abu Dhabi. activities. digital platform that provides visitors to Abu Dhabi with all medical offer- The e-portal provides a list of 40 In his speech, HE Sheikh Abdullah ings and healthcare facilities available healthcare facilities included in the bin Mohammed Al Hamed, Chairman throughout the duration of their visit. medical tourism network, all of which of DOH, stated that the develop- adhere to the requirements of DOH’s ment of the Medical Tourism E-Portal The launch event was attended quality framework (JAWDA) program, goes in line with the Department of by H.E Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohamed as well as more than 287 medical Health’s ongoing commitment to pro- Al Hamed, Chairman of Department treatment packages from over 173 moting Abu Dhabi as a destination for of Health, H.E Mohamed Khalifa Al doctors across the Emirate. Through medical tourism on a global scale. Mubarak, Chairman of the Depart- the e-portal, users can also access ment of Culture and Tourism – Abu medical tourism insurance packag- HE Al Hamed said: “The Depart- Dhabi and H.E Engineer Awaidha Mur- es, the first of its kind in the region, ment of Health is utilizing the quality along with a wide range of touristic indicators of the JAWDA program to JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 126

NEWS determine the eligibility of healthcare tourism sector, and regional pioneer Tony Douglas, Group Chief Exec- facilities in joining the medical tourism for this market”. Al Mubarak added. utive Officer said to commitment on network. By doing so, we can ensure Etihad’s role at the Medical Tourism that our healthcare network is capable Brigadier Saeed Rakan Al Rashi- e-Portal: “As the national airline of the of providing high-quality services and di, Director-General of the Foreigners UAE, Etihad is proud to partner with unique medical offerings that distin- Affairs and Ports Department of the the Department of Health and Depart- guish it from other healthcare sys- ICA, said: “Today, we celebrate the ment of Culture and Tourism in sup- tems. These medical offerings would collective efforts in placing Abu Dhabi porting the development of medical include advanced heart surgeries, or- on the global map of medical tourism. tourism in Abu Dhabi. Our specialized gan transplants, infertility treatments, It gives us great pride to have devel- services, including our in-flight nurses, joint surgeries, medical check-ups and oped the medical tourism visa system ensure that guests with pre-existing cosmetic surgeries.” according to a dedicated framework medical conditions receive a high developed in collaboration with DoH. standard of care during their journey HE Mohamed Khalifa Al These standards have been developed to the capital.” Mubarak, Chairman of the Depart- in accordance with the JAWDA frame- ment of Culture and Tourism – Abu work, which guarantees international Abu Dhabi is growing its repu- Dhabi, said: “The launch of the Med- patients access to the best-in-class tation as a premier destination for ical Tourism portal is a testament to health facilities in Abu Dhabi. These medical tourism through its advanced our efforts to position and promote health facilities are members of the infrastructure, high quality of health- Abu Dhabi to the global medical tour- medical tourism network, and as per care, and extensive tourism portfolio ist. This launch will lay out our plans to the new framework, are the best that enables the Emirate to deliver identify medical tourism initiatives to equipped to obtain medical tourism complete tourism experiences for benefit from the growth of the sector visas on behalf of their patients.” its visitors. in the UAE capital. We offer not only state-of-the-art medical infrastructure, Commenting on the launch of the The Department of Tourism and facilities and treatments and world-re- e-Portal and its medical tourism plans, Culture has signed a memorandum nowned doctors, but we also have the National Health Insurance Company – of understanding with the Medical capability to offer a complete holistic Daman CEO Dr Michael Bitzer, said: Tourism Association to host the World environment to foster faster rejuvena- “The introduction of Abu Dhabi Med- Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare tion and recovery”. ical Tourism e-Portal is set to cement Congress in Abu Dhabi, which brings Abu Dhabi as a key medical tourism together experts and organisations “Medical tourism is one of the destination around the world. We are from more than 100 countries. The fastest growing sectors of global proud to be part of this initiative with MoU includes the opening of a re- tourism. Our key strategy, at the innovative medical tourism insurance gional office in Abu Dhabi to promote Department of Culture and Tourism – plans, and remain committed to play- medical tourism in the Emirate on a Abu Dhabi, is to attract more visitors, ing a key role supporting the sustain- regional and global level, and to sup- to stay longer and experience more able development and growth of the port in organizing the World Medical across the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and Emirate’s healthcare system.” Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress become a leader in the global medical in Abu Dhabi. 127

ARTICLE My name is Randa Meouchy, a 47 years old Lebanese woman, mother of three, wife of a successful hus- band…an ordinary woman, but with an unordinary sensitivity to the suffering and pain of human beings. My thirst to heal wounds causing these suffering and pain has always guided my life. It made me so eager to search for a healing process that I started reading psycholo- gy and psychiatry books at the age of eleven. Brilliant at school, I chose the Faculty of Medicine at of each human being in this world. Each human being has Saint Joseph University in Beirut to start my university stud- his own wounds, his own many wounds, wounds of all sourc- ies aiming to join Doctors Without Borders and help ease es and of so many kinds. the suffering of people all over the world, in particular their physical ones. Unfortunately, I had to interrupt these studies for financial reasons. But nothing could stop me, so I turned towards another way of fulfilling my humanitarian goals: social work. I thought it would help heal wounds on a larger scale. Indeed, I obtained my B.A. in Social Work from the same university. During this curriculum, my psychology pro- fessor was a famous psychotherapist who awakened in me a deep well-buried desire of following the same path, but I just gave myself a pair of a “stop-it-girl” slaps and moved on with my life. Reality caught me well when I realized very soon the So here I am, struggling again to get a certificate in limits of the social work interventions that are very often Co-Active Life Coaching from the CTI, the Coaches Training confronted and failing for legal and political reasons. Such Institute, in Dubai and I got it. But it is still not enough for enlightenment made me fight for entering the prestigious me... Coaching does not heal deep wounds, it helps improv- Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at Saint Joseph Univer- ing the well-being. sity, and always with the same aim to “save” the humanity but at a higher scale now, where I thought things should Deep wounds need deep healing, and no healing is start…at the macro level. possible if the first healer is not the wounded person him/ herself. A wound echo is pain, the wound and its echo could My LL.B. in hand, I was heading to a Ph.D. in Public and be found in the body, the mind, the soul…in the family, Humanitarian Law when again I ran into another wall that the society, the universe… in such a mix-and-match game stopped me from achieving further in this path, my sense that makes the healing process more complicated but yet of life (thinking about it, which wound a Ph.D. would have simpler. A deep healing means transforming a deep wound helped healing?) into a whisper… Life has odd ways of teaching and sculpting a human For that I engaged into another battle at the age of 47, life. As at some point (years later), I realized that to go mac- the battle of transforming my deep wounds into whispers ro, we must start with… micro, that healing societies starts and of helping others to do the same with their own… with healing the people composing them, that the wounds of the world, of the entire humanity, lay within the wounds How and why? See you in the next article. JANUARY.FEBRUARY 2019 128

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