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Home Explore Emagazine 11-6-2015

Emagazine 11-6-2015

Published by Entrada Country Club, 2015-11-06 19:03:30

Description: Emagazine 11-6-2015


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November 6, 2015-CLUB INFORMATION-THE SNOW CANYON HALF MARATHONAre you running?-PARTY ON PICKLEBALLERSHaving a howling good time on Halloween-ARE YOU SIGNED UPUpcoming events information-CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS-THE DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS UPDATE YOUPreventing POANeutral GripWinter is Coming!

October 31, 2015Dear Member,The holiday fund was established by the Club several years ago to provide members theopportunity to show their appreciation for those loyal and dedicated Club employees who arecommitted to the common goal of creating a quality exceptional experience for members andtheir guests. The Club will distribute these funds on behalf of our members to all eligibleassociates in all areas of the Club. Eligible associates are all employees except managementpersonnel. An employee’s share is determined by his or her hours worked during the fiscal yearand seniority.We urge the members to support the holiday fund so that it will provide a meaningful benefit toemployees and their families. Last year, the average contribution was $160.00.The Board has decided, as it did last year, to automatically bill your account for a $50contribution to the holiday fund. I know that many of you will want to contribute much moreand some of you may choose not to contribute at all, so should you wish to contribute more orless you may fill out the enclosed coupon notifying the Club of your contribution amount. Yourgenerous help in making this holiday season a very happy occasion for these fine people isgreatly appreciated. Please return the completed coupon to the administrative offices located atthe main clubhouse by November 29, 2015 or by mail: 2537 W. Entrada Trail, St. George, UT84770. You may also confirm your contribution via email to Tawni Herron [email protected], if you have a particular employee that you would like to acknowledge as givingexceptional service, we would like to hear from you. Please drop a note, call or email to DavidHall, General Manager (435-986-2203 or [email protected]) at the administration offices.Sincerely,John R. SmithPresident

UPCOMING EVENTSWe are thrilled about the fun events planned for this fall. Please make every effort to joinin the excitement.Nov. 10 ELGA Diva Day- “Challenge Your Inner Diva” and dress in your favorite clothes.Nov. 12 Nine & Dine Glow Ball Dinner & GolfNov. 14 Prickly Pair Club Championship - 9:00am Shotgun startNov. 19 Enrichment Night - Guest Speaker David Lee Mr. Lee is co-founder of Western Rock Art Research, a non-profitNov. 21 organization based in California.good time. Entrada Rocks - Join Friends of Snow Canyon State Park for a rockin’Nov. 24 Mix & Mingle Social - Socialize with your fellow members and enjoyDec. 8 free hors d’oeuvres.Dec. 10Dec. 11 ELGA Holiday Party - Save the date ladies! Club Holiday Party - Registration and more information coming soon. Golf Shop Holiday Sale - Great prices on merchandise throughout the store.

Snow Canyon Half Marathon Saturday, November 7th, 2015Continuing a St. George tradition, the 2015 Snow Canyon Half Marathon course winds its way throughthe breathtaking lava of Chaco Bench.The marathon starts at 8am at Snow Canyon State Park, and ends at Snow Canyon HighSchool. Runners will enter the community on the east side of Snow Canyon at the Kachina Cliffs gate,go through the tunnel, come out behind the Sports and Fitness Center, continue on Sinagua Trail, andthen through Chaco Bench.The path will be clearly marked with baking flour. About 2000 runners will be making their way throughEntrada and it's anticipated that they will all be out of the community by around 12:30pm.Cheering for the runners is allowed! Come out and show your support as they pass through. Partial Course MapThe map above shows the marathon course as it winds through Entrada. If you'd like to see thewhole course, or need other details about the race, you can follow this link:City of St George, Snow Canyon Half Marathon Details Entrada | C/O Terra West | 435.674.4633

HalloweenTournament & Banquet


CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTSPlease welcome our newest members!Brad & Sandy Bowen Bruce & Sandra GalaroEric & Kathryn Luke Cade & Bridget CunninghamChris & Keri Evans Travis and Janice CampbellPaul & Julia Bretz Jeff & Sarah DunnEd & Margaret Polak New Dining Hours The Grille at Entrada Tuesday – Thursday, 11am – 9pm Friday – Saturday, 11am – 10pm Sunday, 9am – 2pm Kokopelli Dining Room Dinner Service – Reservations Recommended Thursday – Saturday, 5pm – 9pm*Please note - the restaurant will be closed on Tuesday, November 17thin preparation for the new Grille & Kokopelli openings.Want to learn how to play bridge? Are you a new player and want to reinforce your game?The Entrada Bridge Association is offering a beginners bridge class. The class will featurehand evaluation, basic bidding and play of the hand. The class will be held on Mondays from9 to 11 AM and will consist of 6 to 8 sessions depending on the class participant’s knowledgeof the game. The class instructor, Ron Greenlee will use a book written by Audrey Granttitled Bidding in the 21st Century to teach the class. The class fee is $20 for the book.Interested participants need to contact Ron at email address [email protected] byNovember 21.

The Entrada Golf Course Maintenance Staff has appliedherbicide for the control of annual bluegrass, or Poa Annua,on fairways and tees. Under the proper climate conditions,this herbicide has shown very effective results in controllingPoa Annua with no effects on perennial ryegrass. The ma-jority of this application was completed on November 2nd,2015. New for this year will be follow-up applications overthe months of November and December to put more stresson this weed.As the Poa Annua begins to decline, the maintenance staffwill begin seeding perennial ryegrass in its place. On certainfairways, this seeding will be extensive considering the highpercentage of Poa annua present. Killing the Poa Annua willinevitably leave some dead areas on some fairways andtees, while collectively thinning some fairways and tees.This process will not be painless, but we do expect less visi-ble results this year due to the Poa population being lessthan last year. There will be sections of fairways that willrequire seeding. However, the end result will be a muchmore consistent playing surface during all months of theyear. The pictures show Poa decline last year on #6 fairwaywith the Poa becoming chlorotic or yellow about 2 weeksafter the spray and necrotic or brown about 3 weeks afterthe spray.Over the past summer, most of the Poa Annua on fairwaysand tees survived with the assistance from the maintenancestaff and opportunistic fungicide applications. Poa Annuadecline and death is more prevalent in summers with ex-treme high temperatures and moderate humidity. Poa de-cline was evident on #3 approach and #4 fairway this yearbefore fungicide applications were applied. Without PoaAnnua our turf losses will be minimal during the hottestmonths. This is certainly the next step in providing excellentplaying conditions during all seasons. Bringing Poa Annuapopulations to controllable levels will assist in keeping con-ditions acceptable and consistent throughout the year.

Doug Roberts Golf Tip - Neutral Grip A concept and quote that I heard my friend Jim Flick say many times was, “The ball only knows whatthe clubface tells it.” He wanted people to make the clubhead the highest priority on their “get better”list. The clubhead controls the ball. The only part of our body that touches the club is our hands. Our abilityto communicate with the clubhead is through our hands, so the placement and grip pressure of our hands onthe club is always going to be one of golf's great primary fundamentals. To find your neutral starting grip, stand at ease, with your shoulders relaxed and allow your arms tonaturally hang to your side, tension-free. If you're a right handed golfer take a look at how your left arm nat-urally hangs. How many knuckles do you see? This is how your left hand should look on the club if you aresearching for a neutral grip. Now, place the handle of the club underneath the heel pad of your left hand andlook for the amount of knuckles you saw from your “natural” beginning. This “neutral” look will vary witheach player. For a right handed player, neutral with their right hand means that their right hand matches upwith the direction of the clubface and supports the side of the shaft throughout the swing. If you are lefthanded, I hope you are fluent in left hand mirror language and can reverse my words. —————————————————————————-Congratulations Hole in One Jerry Larson on #14!!ELGA Results 11/3/20151st Place-$15 each136-Fay Baker, Gail Milligan, Margie Thompson2nd Place-$10 each144-Carrie Larson, Lisa Peters, Margaret PolakMEGA Results 11/4/20151st Place $30 each65-Jerry Younblood, Ed Polak, Jim Hallsey2nd Place $22.50 each69-Phil George, Dave Huddleston, Don SmithTie 3rd $8.75 each71-Larry Anderson, Doug Anderson, Mark Wootten71-Rich Chodroff, John Smith, David DavenportClosest to the Pin $10 each#5-Dave Huddleston#8-Don SimonSign up for Prickly Pair Couples Club Championship-November 14!Veteran’s Day Golf Shop Sale-All golf shirts (men and women) in stock 40% off!! Special Bonus-buy 2 ormore shirts and receive free hat of your choice!

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