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Home Explore DATEXEL-Product-Catalog


Published by ntcsales2, 2015-05-26 04:52:35

Description: DATEXEL-Product-Catalog

Keywords: Catalog,Product,DATEXEL


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Elements like competence, reliability and tor, the most surprising thing is the handi-professionalism determine the success of a craft spirit that animate it. From the design,business. Although all of this is true also for up to the mounting and testing of its device,DATEXEL, it is not enough to describe it in each phase is managed with passion anda complete way. The DATEXEL's history care of details.could represent the typicalItalian dream: a little pro- The technological innova-vincial business established tion and the research ofon 1990 thanks to the desi- integrated solutions allowsre and the aspirations of to provide to the Customerssome partners, become, an exclusive service: thetoday, an asserted reality process of production ison Nationaland International fully automatic and is donemarkets as manufacturer of using latest technologyelectronic instruments for machines as pick and placethe industrial automation for the mounting; the pro-and the process control. ducts are tested at 100 %During these years, beyond thanks to the use of dedica-the experience and the ted software and calibra-professionalism, DATEXEL tion instruments periodicallyhas been sustained from checked.the passion. In fact, the Moreover, if the Customerpassion motivates the men has specific requirements,to do great things and DATEXEL is able to provi-obtain great results. de him dedicated solutionsAnd the passion for the with modifies that have notquality, transmitted to all the DATEXELdepartments, allows them the capability toanswer always to the requirements of themarket, but has also inculcated them the desire of continuous improving and innovation. to compromise the standard features of its Despite DATEXEL is a well organized and devices. An internal well supplied store, that active factory in an high technological sec- offers a wide availability of the products listed on catalogue and the dedicated con-2 trol of the procedures that manage the ope- rations of identification and packaging of the material ready for the forwarding,

allows to deliver the products quickly and sectors like energy production, petrochemi-effectively. All these characteristics allowed cal, food, pharmaceutical and chemicalDATEXEL to reach a double target: realize industry. Behind the equipments andlatest technology devices of high systems marked DATEXEL there are thequality and reliability in devotion and professionalism of people. Alltime and obtain the fullsatisfaction of its Customers the working processes (design,giving an high professional mounting and test) are inter-service. nally performed. DATEXELThe range of devices manu- is organized as follows:factured by DATEXEL is wideand complete and is compo- -DESIGN/RESEARCH ANDsed of Transmitters, analog DEVELOPMENT department;and digital Temperature andSignal Converters, Galvanic -PRODUCTION department;Isolators, Signal Splitters,distributed I/O modules, A/D -ITALY/FOREIGN SALESinterfaces for PLC, Trip department;Amplifiers, Power Suppliers,Current loop Isolators and -ADMINISTRATION/PUR-Digital Indicators. These products CHASE department;represent innovative solutions ableto cover the main industrial automation - QUALITY department. 3

All the DATEXEL's department are perfec- applied. tly integrated and compatible with each Work every day in according to the Quality other and everyone does one's bit to the procedures, allowed DATEXEL to obtain success of the business. the main Quality certifications as the In particular the DESIGN/RESEARCH AND Standard UNI EN ISO 9001 ( issued on DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION and SALES 1996 ) subsequently substituted by the cur- departments have a fundamental share. rent standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 ( Inside the PRODUCTION department, quali- issued on 2001 ). fied personnel take care of the realization, Another important certification obtained is testing and, before the delivery, the final the ATEX 94/9/EC about the approval of calibration of devices. the safety requirements for equipments and In a sector subjected to continuously evolu- protection systems for use of devices in tion as the industrial automation, RESE- potentially explosive atmospheres. ARCH AND DEVELOPMENT is a strategic Moreover, on July 2006, DATEXEL confor- part able to acquire and keep competitive med its products to the RoHs Directive advantages. Standard (2002/95/EC) that imposes DATEXEL reserves remarkable investments restrictions about the use of dangerous sub- in R & D, obtaining important results, thanks stances for the manufacturing of electric to the contribution of skilled researchers and and electronic equipments; in such mode technicians. And it is not had to forget the DATEXEL offers, by its products, guarantee QUALITY factor: in fact DATEXEL accepted also for the environment. So, DATEXEL is a the challenge to the quality, develop a care- well structured organization that operates ful consideration of the productive proces- from a location placed over an area of 450 ses and keeping extreme attention about the m2 with room dedicated to the manage- materials used and the innovative systems ment, technical and productive areas.4

About the commercial area, DATEXEL has ness, imposes to search new solutions: qua-an internal division that every day is in con- lified personnel is always searching newtact with the Customers in order to manage Customers and distributors to acquire morethe normal commercial activities as making markets in Italy, EC and extra EC countries.offers or negotiate aboutdiscounts or delivery times. Today, DATEXEL, troughMoreover, the commercial its distributors is presentdivision is in continuous in emergent countries ascontact with the Customers Brazil, South Africa,trough a wide national Australia and China.and international distribu- New and far horizons:tors net. the same that DATEXELThe idea of expansion would to reach also inand improving of busi- terms of quality and innovation. 5



SLIM Series: Temperature and Signal Converters page 11SMART Series: Temperature and Signal Transmitters and Converters page 23Transmitters and Converters for intrinsically safe areaP.D.S. Series: Temperature and Signal Transmitters and Converters, Galvanic Isolators, Signal Amplifiers page 33DAT 5024 Series: Trip Amplifiers page 43DAT 200/DAT 500 Series: Signal Transmitters and Converters, Galvanic Isolators page 47DAT 3000 Series: DATA Acquisition and Control Modules page 53DAT 6000 Series: A/D Interface Modules for PLC page 67 pagina 100DAT 1000 Series: Temperature Transmitters page 73Temperature Transmitters for intrinsically safe areaPower Suppliers page 85Digital Indicators for Panel Mounting page 89Tools/Software page 95 9

“SLIM SERIES”” The new line of converters “SLIM series” SIGNAL CONVERTERS FOR DIN RAIL MOUNTINGSIGNAL has been designed to provide to the userCONVERTERS the highest flexibility in the signals conversion. The series is composed of: - Converters for universal input with double output and trip amplifier (DAT4530) - Single channel converters dedicated for typology of input (DAT4531) - Double channel converters (two independent inputs and outputs) dedicated per typology of input (DAT4532) - Signal splitters dedicated per typology of input (DAT4631) - Mathematical modules (DAT4632D) - Frequency converters (DAT4540) It is possible to program the devices either via dip-switches to set the most common input and output ranges or via Personal Computer using the software DATESOFT by which the user can personalize the input and output ranges for his own necessities. All of these features are available in only 12.5 mm thickness. 11

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions)DAT4530 Universal isolated converter configurable Input side by Dip-Switch or PC double output & trip amplifier. Option of SQRT Extraction on mV, V, mA input signals. I V mA V mA I IINPUT TYPE INPUT MAX MIN SPAN LINEARITY (1) ± 0.2% f.s. (Passive)TC (CJC int./ext.) TC ± 0.1% f.s.J MIN 1200°C 100°C RTD ± 0.05% f.s. Trip alarm contactK 1300°C 100°C mV, V, mA Outputs sideS -200°C 1750°C 400°CR -200°C 1750°C 400°C IMPUT IMPEDANCE OUT AB 1850°C 400°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩE 0°C 1000°C 100°C OUT BT 0°C 400°C 100°C RTD EXCITATION CURRENTN 0°C 1300°C 100°C RTD, RES 400 uA Power supply -200°C -200°C -200°CVOLTAGE AUX. VOLTAGE >18 V @ 20 mAmvmv -100 mV +90 mV 5 mV LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1)mv -100 mV +200 mV 10 mV TC, mV -100 mV +800 mV 20 mV RTD 3 fili <= 0.8 uV/Ohm 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω max bilanciati)RTD (2, 3, 4 wires) THERMAL DRIFT (1)Pt100Pt1000 -200°C 850°C 50°C FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C 185°C 30°CNi100 -85°C 180°C 50°C CJC ± 0.01% /°C 150°C 30°CNi1000 -60°C CJC COMP. -60°C ± 0.5°CRES. (2, 3, 4 wires) 0 Ω 500 Ω 50 Ω OUTPUT (2 channels) 0Ω 2000 Ω 50 Ω OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX SPAN MINPOT.(Rnom < 50KΩ) 0% 100% 10% Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Voltage 0V 10 V 1VVOLTAGE 0 V 10 V 1V OUTPUT CALIBRATION Current ± 7 uACURRENT Voltage ± 5 mV 0 mA 20 mA 1 mA AUX. VOLTAGE >12 V @ 20 mACALIBRATION (1) BURN-OUT VALUES Max. output value 22 mA or 11 VmV, TC the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 12 uV Min. output value 0 mA or - 0,6 VRTD the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0,2°CRes. the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0,15Ω OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE - RLOADPotentiometer ± 0.05% f.s. Current output < 500 ΩVolt the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 2 mV > 10 KΩmA the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 6 uA Voltage outputmV, V, mA ± 0.5% f.s. (opt. HS) Short circuit current 30 mA max(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) 500 ms about 100 ms (opt. HS)ALARM TRIP SPST ISOLATION 1500 Vca,Contact Among all the ways 50Hz, 1 minMax Load (resistive): 48 V (ca/cc) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYVoltage 0,4 A Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CCurrent 20..30 Vcc Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CPOWER SUPPLY 60 Vcc maxPower supply voltage Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%Reverse polarity protectionCURRENT CONSUMPTION EMC (for Industrial Environments)Current outputVoltage output 90 mA max. Immunity EN 61000-6-2 50 mA max. Emission EN 61000-6-412

DAT4530 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS AND MECHANICAL DIMENSIONSExample of convertions/splitting of analog signal Example of convertions/splitting of 4÷20 mA input signal, (Tc, RTD or mA) in two 0÷10V output signals in two 4÷20 mA output signal with trip amplifier functionMechanical dimensions (mm) Configuration by Software PRODAT POWER SUPPLY COM PORT UNIT P. C. V+ V- TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM 13

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4531 A Isolated converter V mA Connections for Tc and mV configurable Input by Dip-Switch or PC INPUT OUTPUT POWER SUPPLYINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANTC (CJC int./ext.) 1200°C 100°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccJ -200°C 1300°C 100°C Voltage 0 V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc maxK -200°C 1750°C 400°CS 0°C 1750°C 400°C OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION OutputR 0°C 1850°C 400°C Current ± 7 uA Current outputB 0°C 1000°C 100°C Voltage ± 5 mV 35 mA max. Note: terminals G, H, E, F, P, and O not connected (N.C.)E -200°C 400°C 100°CT -200°C 1300°C 100°C BURN-OUT VALUES Voltage output 20 mA max. Power supplyN -200°C Max. output value 22mA or 10,6 V Min. output value 0 mA or - 0,6 V ConnectionsVOLTAGE -100 mV +90 mV 5 mV ISOLATION 1500 Vac, Input Outputmv -100 mV +200 mV 10 mV Among all ways 50Hz, 1 minmv -100 mV +800 mV 20 mVmvINPUT CALIBRATION (1)mV, TC the higher of ± 0.1% e ± 12 uVLINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURETC ± 0.2% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOADmV ± 0.1% f.s. AND HUMIDITY Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CINPUT IMPEDANCE Current output < 500 Ω Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C >= 10 MΩ Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%TC,mV Voltage output > 10 KΩLINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Short circuit current 26 mA maxTC, mV <= 0.8 uV/OhmTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°CCJC ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments)CJC CONP. ± 0.5°C about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) DAT4532 A Double channel, isolated V mA converter for Tc and mV V mA configurable by Dip-Switch or PC INPUT (2 channels) OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel AINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANTC (CJC int./ext.) 100°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccJ -200°C 1200°C 100°C Voltage 0 V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc maxK -200°C 1300°CS 0°C 1750°C 400°CR 0°C 1750°C 400°C Input OutputB 0°C 1850°C 400°CE -200°C 1000°C 100°C CURRENT CONSUMPTIONT -200°C 400°C 100°C OUTPUT CALIBRATION Current output 55 mA max. Channel BN -200°C 1300°C 100°C Current ± 7 uA Voltage output 25 mA max.VOLTAGE Voltage ± 5 mVmv -100 mV +90 mV 5 mVmv -100 mV +200 mV 10 mVmv -100 mV +800 mV 20 mV BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATIONINPUT CALIBRATION (1) Max. output value 22mA or 10,6 V Among all ways 1500 Vca, 50Hz, 1 minmV, TC il maggiore di ± 0.1% e ± 12 uV Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 VLINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURE Power supplyTC ± 0.2% f.s. RESISTANCE-LOAD AND HUMIDITYmV ± 0.1% f.s. Current output Voltage output Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CINPUT IMPEDANCE Short circuit current Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CTC,mV >= 10 MΩ < 500 Ω Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% > 10 KΩLINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE1) 26 mA maxTC, mV <= 0.8 uV/OhmTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scaleCJC ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) ± 0.01% /°C about 500 msCJC COMP. ± 0.5°C Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) Configuration by Software Mechanical dimensions (mm) PRODAT POWER SUPPLY UNIT V+ V- COM PORT TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM P. C.14

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4531 B Isolated converter for RTD V mA Connections and resistance configurable Input by Dip-Switch or PC RTD/RES 2W RTD/RES 3W INPUT OUTPUT POWER SUPPLYINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANRTD (2, 3 wires)Pt100 -200°C 850°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccPt1000 -85°C 185°C 50°C Voltage 0V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxNi100 60°C 180°C 30°CNi1000 60°C 150°C 50°C Output 30°C Note: terminals H, E, F, P, and O not connected (N.C.) OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current Power supplyRES. (2, 3 wires) 0 Ω 500 Ω 50 Ω Voltage ± 7 uA Current output 35 mA max. 0Ω 2000 Ω 50 Ω ± 5 mV Voltage output 20 mA max.INPUT CALIBRATION (1)RTD the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0,2°CLow Res. the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0,15 Ω BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATIONHigh Res. the higher of± 0.2% and ± 1 Ω Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways 1500 Vac, Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V 50Hz, 1 minLINEARITY (1)RTD ± 0.1% f.s.SENSOR EXCITATION OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURECURRENT RESISTANCE-RLOAD and HUMIDITYRTD, Res 500 uA Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°C > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Short circuit current 26 mA maxRTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω max balanced)THERMAL DRIFT (1) RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) DAT4532 B Double channel, isolated V mA Connections converter for RTD and resistance V mA configurable by Dip-Switch Input Output or PC RTD/RES 2W RTD/RES 3W INPUT (2 channels) OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel AINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANRTD (2, 3 wires)Pt100 -200°C 850°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccPt1000 -85°C 185°C 50°C Voltage 0V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc maxNi100 60°C 180°C 30°CNi1000 60°C 150°C 50°C Input Output 30°C RTD/RES 2W RTD/RES 3W OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max.RES. (2, 3 wires) 0 Ω 500 Ω 50 Ω Voltage ± 5 mV 0Ω 2000 Ω 50 Ω Voltage output 25 mA max. Channel BINPUT CALIBRATION (1)RTD the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0.2°CLow Res. the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0.15 Ω BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATIONHigh Res. the higher of ± 0.2% and ± 1 Ω Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways 1500 Vca, Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V 50Hz, 1 minLINEARITY (1)RTD ± 0.1% f.s.SENSOR EXCITATION TEMPERATURE Power supplyCURRENT AND HUMIDITYRTD, Res 500 uA OUTPUT LOAD Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°C RESISTANCE - RLOAD Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Current output < 500 Ω Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Voltage output > 10 KΩRTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω max belanced) Short circuit current 26 mA maxTHERMAL DRIFT (1) RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) Mechanical dimensions (mm) Configuration by Software PRODAT POWER SUPPLY UNIT V+ V- COM PORT TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM P. C. 15

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4531 C Isolated converter for V mA Connection PTC/NTC/Pot configurable Input by Dip-Switch or PC INPUT OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY MIN MAXINPUT TYPE MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANPTCKTY81-210 -55°C 150°C 50°C Corrente 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccKTY81-220 -55°C 150°C 50°C Tensione 0V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc maxKTY84-130 -40°C 300°CKTY84-150 -40°C 300°C 50°C OutputNTC 50°C Note: terminals H, E, F, P, and O not connected (N.C.)Coster 10KCoster 1K OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Power supply 50°C Current ± 7 uA Current output 35 mA max. -10°C 100°C 25°C Voltage ± 5 mV Connections -30°C 40°C Voltage output 20 mA max. Input OutputPOT 0% 100% 10%(Rnom.< 50KΩ)INPUT CALIBRATION (1) BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATION 1500 Vac, Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways 50Hz, 1 minPTC, NTC the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0,2°C Min.output value 0 mA or - 0.6 VPotentiometer ± 0,05% f.s.LINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATUREPTC, NTC ± 0.1% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITYSENSOR EXCITATION Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CCURRENT > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CPTC, NTC 500 uA Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Short circuit current 26 mA maxTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) DAT4532 C Isolated, double channel V mA converter for PTC/NTC/Pot V mA configurable by Dip-Switch or PC INPUT (2 channels) OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel AINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANPTCKTY81-210 -55°C 150°C 50°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VdcKTY81-220 -55°C 150°C 50°C Voltage 0V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxKTY84-130 -40°C 300°CKTY84-150 -40°C 300°C 50°C Input Output 50°CNTC OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTIONCoster 10K 50°C Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max.Coster 1K -10°C 100°C 25°C Voltage ± 5 mV Channel B -30°C 40°C Voltage output 25 mA max.POT 0% 100% 10%(Rnom.< 50KΩ)INPUT CALIBRATION (1) BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATION 1500 Vac,PTC, NTC the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0.2°C Max. output value 22mA or 10,6 V Among all ways 50Hz, 1 minPotentiometer ± 0.05% f.s. Min. output value 0 mA or - 0,6 VLINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURE Power supplyPTC, NTC ± 0.1% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITYSENSOR EXCITATION Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CCURRENT > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CPTC, NTC 500 uA Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Short circuit current 26 mA maxTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) Mechanical dimensions (mm) Configuration by Software PRODAT POWER SUPPLY UNIT V+ V- COM PORT TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM P. C.16

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4531 D Isolated converter for voltage V mA Connections and current configurable Input by Dip-Switch or PC INPUT OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY MIN MAXINPUT TYPE MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN 0 mA 20 mACurrent 0 V 10 V 1 mA Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccVoltage 1 V Voltage 0 V 10 V 1 V Reversepolarity protection 60 Vdc max OutputINPUT CALIBRATION (1) OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current ± 7 uA Current output 35 mA max.Volt the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 2 mV Voltage ± 5 mVmA the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 6 uA Voltage output 20 mA max.LINEARITY (1) BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATIONV, mA ± 0.05% f.s. Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V 1500 Vac, 50Hz, 1 minIMPUT IMPEDANCE Note: terminals H, E, F, P, and O not connected (N.C.)Voltage >= 1 MΩCurrent <= 50 Ω OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURE Power supply RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITY Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°C ConnectionsLINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Input OutputVolt <= 0.8 uV/Ohm Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Short circuit current 26 mA max Input OutputTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) about 100 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) DAT4532 D Double channel, V mA isolated converter for voltage V mA and current configurable by Dip-Switch or PC INPUT (2 channels) OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel AINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANCurrent 0 mA 20 mA 1 mA Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccVoltage 0 V 10 V 1 V Voltage 0V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxINPUT CALIBRATION (1) OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max.Volt the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 2 mV Voltage ± 5 mVmA the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 6 uA Voltage output 25 mA max. ChannelBLINEARITY (1) BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATIONV, mA ± 0.05% f.s. Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V 1500 Vac, 50Hz, 1 minIMPUT IMPEDANCEVoltage >= 1 MΩCurrent <= 50 Ω OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITY Power supply Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CLINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CV <= 0.8 uV/Ohm Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Short circuit current 26 mA maxTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) about 100 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) Configuration by Software Mechanical dimensions (mm) PRODAT POWER SUPPLY UNIT V+ V- COM PORT TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM P. C. 17

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4631 A Isolated Doubler/Converter Connections for Tc and mV V mA configurable by Dip-Switch or PC Input Output V mA INPUT OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel AINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANTC (CJC int./ext.) 1200°C 100°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccJ -200°C 1300°C 100°C Voltage 0 V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxK -200°C 1750°C 400°CS 0°C 1750°C 400°C OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTIONR 0°C 1850°C 400°C Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max.B 0°C 1000°C 100°C Voltage ± 5 mV Channel BE -200°C 400°C 100°C Voltage output 25 mA max.T -200°C 1300°C 100°CN -200°CVOLTAGEmv -100 mV +90 mV 5 mVmvmv -100 mV +200 mV 10 mV BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATION 1500 Vac, -100 mV +800 mV 20 mV Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways 50Hz, 1 minINPUT CALIBRATION (1) Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V Note: terminals G, H, E and F not connected (N.C.)mV, TC the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 12 uV Power supplyLINEARITY (1) ConnectionsTC, RTD ± 0.2% f.s. Input Output OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATUREmV, V, mA ± 0.1% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITYIMPUT IMPEDANCE Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CTC,mV >= 10 MΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Voltage output > 10 KΩ Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Short circuit current 26 mA maxTC, mV <= 0.8 uV/OhmTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°CCJC ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments)CJC COMP. ± 0.5% /°C about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) DAT4631 B Isolated Doubler/Converter V mA for RTD and resistance configurable by Dip-Switch or PC V mA INPUT OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel AINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANRTD (2, 3 wires)Pt100 -200°C 850°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccPt1000 -85°C 185°C 50°C Voltage 0V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxNi100 -60°C 180°C 30°CNi1000 -60°C 150°C 50°C 30°C OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max.RES. (2, 3 wires) 0 Ω 500 Ω 50 Ω Voltage ± 5 mV Channel B 0Ω 2000 Ω 50 Ω Voltage output 25 mA max.INPUT CALIBRATION (1)RTD the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0,2°CLow Res. the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0,15 Ω BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATION 1500 Vac,High Res. the higher of ± 0.2% and ± 1 Ω Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways 50Hz, 1 min Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V Note: terminals H, E and F not connected (N.C.)LINEARITY (1)RTD ± 0.1% f.s. Power supplySENSOR EXCITATION OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURECURRENT RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITYRTD, Res 500 uA Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°C > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Short circuit current 26 mA maxRTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω max balanced)THERMAL DRIFT (1) RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) Configuration by Software Mechanical dimensions (mm) PRODAT POWER SUPPLY UNIT V+ V- COM PORT TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM P. C.18

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4631 C Isolated, doubler/converter for Connections PTC/NTC/Pot configurable by Dip-Switch or PC V mA Input Output V mA INPUT OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel A MIN MAXINPUT TYPE MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANPTCKTY81-210 -55°C 150°C 50°C Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccKTY81-220 -55°C 150°C 50°C Voltage 0 V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxKTY84-130 -40°C 300°CKTY84-150 -40°C 300°C 50°CNTC 50°CCoster 10KCoster 1K OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION 50°C Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max. -10°C 100°C 25°C Voltage ± 5 mV Channel B -30°C 40°C Voltage output 25 mA max.POT 0% 100% 10%(Rnom.< 50KΩ)INPUT CALIBRATION (1) BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATION 1500 Vac, Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways 50Hz, 1 minPTC, NTC the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 0.2°C Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 VPotentiometer ± 0.05% f.s. Note: terminals H, E and F not connected (N.C.)LINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURE Power supplyPTC, NTC ± 0.1% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITYSENSOR EXCITATION Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°C ConnectionsCURRENT > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Input OutputPTC, NTC 500 uA Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Short circuit current 26 mA maxTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) about 500 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) DAT4631 D Isolated doubler/converter for V mA voltage and current configurable by Dip-Switch or PC V mA INPUT OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY Channel A MIN MAXINPUT TYPE MIN SPAN TIPO USCITA MIN MAX MIN SPAN 0 mA 20 mACurrent 0 V 10 V 1 mA Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccVoltage 1 V Voltage 0 V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxINPUT CALIBRATION (1) OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max.Volt il maggiore di ± 0.1% and ± 2 mV Voltage ± 5 mV Channel BmA il maggiore di ± 0.1% and ± 6 uA Voltage output 25 mA max.LINEARITY (1) BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATIONV, mA ± 0.05% f.s. Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V 1500 Vac, 50Hz, 1 min Note: terminals H, E and F not connected (N.C.)INPUT IMPEDANCE Power supplyVoltage >= 1 MΩCurrent <= 50 Ω OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITY Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CLINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CVolt <= 0.8 uV/Ohm Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Short circuit current 26 mA maxTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) about 100 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) Mechanical dimensions (mm) Configuration by Software PRODAT POWER SUPPLY UNIT V+ V- COM PORT TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM P. C. 19

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4632 D Isolated mathematical module V mA Connections Input Output for voltage and current input configurable by Dip-Switch or PC Power supply - Option of SQRT Extraction on mV, V, mA input signals V mA Connections - Option of Linearization for horizontal cilindrycal tank Input Output Channel A INPUT (2 canali) OUTPUT (2 channels) POWER SUPPLY NamurINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPANCurrent 0 mA 20 mA 1 mA Current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA Power supply voltage 18..30 VccVoltage 0V 10 V 1 V Voltage 0V 10 V 1 V Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc maxINPUT CALIBRATION (1) OUTPUT CALIBRATION CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current ± 7 uA Current output 55 mA max.Volt the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 2 mV Voltage ± 5 mV Channel BmA the higher of ± 0.1% and ± 6 uA Voltage output 25 mA max.LINEARITY (1) BURN-OUT VALUES ISOLATIONV, mA ± 0.05% f.s. Max. output value 22mA or 10.6 V Among all ways Min. output value 0 mA or - 0.6 V 1500 Vac, 50Hz, 1 minIMPUT IMPEDANCEVoltage >= 1 MΩCurrent <= 50 Ω OUTPUT LOAD TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE - RLOAD AND HUMIDITY Current output < 500 Ω Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CLINE RESISTANCE INFLURENCE (1) > 10 KΩ Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CVolt <= 0.8 uV/Ohm Voltage output Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Short circuit current 26 mA maxTHERMAL DRIFT (1)Full scale ± 0.01% /°C RESPONSE TIME (10 ÷ 90%) EMC (for Industrial Environments) about 100 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) referred to the input Span (difference between max. and min.) DAT4540 Isolated F/V, F/I Converter Configurable by Dip-Switch or PC Transistors or Relay Outputs INPUT OUTPUT RELAY OUTPUTSNAMUR (DIN 19234) OUTPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN RELAY OUTPUTS (Only for version “-R”) PNPLow level Trig. 20 mA 4 mA N° 2 SPDT TTL/VoltHigh level Trig. < 1.2 mA Current 0 mA 10 V 1 V Max. Load (Resistive) 250 Vac, 2A TachoAux. Voltage > 2.1 mA Voltage 0V Isolation between terminals 1000 Vac maxImpedance 8,2 V - 8 mAInterruption Alarm ~ 1000 Ohm OUTPUT CALIBRATION TRANSISTOR OUTPUTS TransistorShort Circuit Alarm < 0.2 mA Max. Load (Resistive) 30 Vcc, 100mA > 7.0 mA POWER SUPPLY Power supply Power supply voltage 20.. 30 VccTTL Current ± 7 uA Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc max.Low level Trig.High level Trig. < 0.8 V Voltage ± 5 mVImpedance > 2.0 V >20 KOhm AUX. VOLTAGE > 12V @ 20 mAPNP < 4.0 V CURRENT CONSUMPTIONLow level Trig. > 7.0 V Current outputHigh level Trig. 17 V - 20 mA 90 mA maxAux. Voltage ~ 2.2 KOhm Voltage outputImpedance BURN-OUT VALUES 30 mA max Max. output value 22mA or 11 V (+ 10mA for each Relay output active) Min.output value 0 mA or -0.6 VTACHO < -50 mV OUTPUT LOAD ISOLATION 1500 Vac,Low level Trig. > +50 mV Among all ways 50Hz, 1 minHigh level Trig. >100 KOhmImpedance RESISTANCE - RLOAD Relay outputs (only for DAT4540-R)VOLT (programmable) Current output < 500 Ω TEMPERATURETrigger Level > 10 KΩ AND HUMIDITY Relay A Relay BAux. Voltage 0.05 V ÷ 7.0 V Voltage output Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°CImpedance 5 ÷ 17 V @ 20 mA Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C >20 KOhm Short circuit current 30 mA max Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%FREQUENCY 0.1 Hz ÷ 20KHz EMC (for Industrial Environments)Sample Time < 50ms + period Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4 Mechanical dimensions (mm) Configuration by Software PRODAT POWER SUPPLY UNIT V+ V- COM PORT TX/RX CABLE UV Plastic label protection DAT PG RM P. C.20

“SMART SERIES”: The SMART series devices can accept on their SIGNAL CONVERTERS FOR DIN RAIL MOUNTINGTEMPERATURE input several types of signals coming from theAND SIGNAL field; the series is composed of:TRANSMITTERS - 4÷20 mA two wires Transmitter for universalAND CONVERTERS input without galvanic isolation (DAT2015)FOR DIN RAIL - Intrinsically Safe 4÷20 mA two wiresMOUNTING Transmitter for universal input without galvanic isolation certified in according to the Directive ATEX 94/9/EC (DAT2015 IS) - 4÷20 mA two wires isolated Transmitter for universal input (DAT4035) - Intrinsically Safe 4÷20 mA two wires isolated Transmitter for universal input certified in according to the Directive ATEX 94/9/EC (DAT4035 IS) - Converter for universal input with configurable output as voltage or current without galvanic isolation (DAT2115) - Isolated Converters for universal input with configurable output as voltage or current (DAT4135, DAT4135AC, DAT4235) - Isolated Converter for universal input with configurable output as voltage or current and trip amplifier (DAT4520) - Intrinsically Safe isolated Converters for universal input with configurable output as voltage or current certified in according to the Directive ATEX 94/9/EC (DAT4235 IS) - Intrinsically Safe isolated Barriers certified in according to the Directive ATEX 94/9/EC (DAT5030 IS) 23

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT2015 Two wire Input connections universal transmitter mV TC INPUT RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wiresINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. e ±0.2°C (10÷ 90%) about 400 msTC (CJC int./ext.) Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15ΩJ -200°C 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω POWER SUPPLY POT.K -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uV Power supply voltage 10..32 Vdc VoltS -50°C 1760°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxR -50°C 1760°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uAB 400°C 1820°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATION LOAD CHARACTERISTICE -200°C 1000°C 2mV Current ± 7 uA - RLOADT -200°C 400°C 2mV IMPUT IMPEDANCE (maximum load value on currentN -200°C 1300°C 2mV TC,mV >= 10 MΩ loop for power supply value) Volt >= 1 MΩRTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires Current ~ 50 Ω mAPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°CPt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°CNi100 -60°C 180°C 50°C LINEARITY (1)Ni1000 -60°C 150°C 50°C TC ± 0.2% f.s. RTD ± 0.1% f.s.VOLTAGEmV -400 mV +400 mV 2 mV LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Terminal I = GND INPUTmV -100 mV +700 mV 2 mV TC, mV, V <= 0.4 uV/OhmVolt 500 mV RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) Output/Power supply connections -10 V +10 V RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.)POTENTIOMETER 0Ω 200 Ω 10% RTD EXCITATION CURRENT(Nominal value) 200 Ω 500 Ω 10% Typical 0.350 mA 0,5 KΩ 50 KΩ 10% CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C THERMAL DRIFT (1) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYRES. 2, 3,4 wires 0 Ω 300 Ω 10 Ω FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°CLow 0 Ω 2000 Ω 200 Ω CJC ± 0.01% /°C Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CHigh BURN-OUT VALUES Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Max. value about 22.5 mACURRENT Min. value about 3.6 mA EMC (for industrial environments)mA -10 mA +24 mA 2 mAOUTPUT TYPE Min Max Min Span Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4Direct current 4 mA 20 mA 4 mA Terminal P = N; terminal O = MReverse current 20 mA 4 mA 4 mA (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Note: terminals R = Q = Non conncted (NC)(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) Input connections DAT2015 IS PC programmable mV TC POT. DAT 2015 IS/HT Intrinsically safe two wire transmitter ATEX 94/9/CEINPUT TYPE INPUT MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) POWER SUPPLY RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wires MIN MAX 2mV RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0,2°C Power supply voltage 11..30 Vdc RTD/RES 2 wires 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0,15Ω Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxTC (CJC int./ext.) 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω Output/Power supply connectionsJ -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 10 uV LOAD CHARACTERISTICK -200°C 1760°C 2mV - RLOAD ExS -50°C 1760°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATION (maximum load value on current barrierR -50°C 1820°C 2mV Current ± 7 uA loop for power supply value)B 400°C 1000°C 2mV INPUT IMPEDANCEE -200°C 400°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩT -200°C 1300°CN -200°CRTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wiresPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C LINEARITY (1)Pt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°C TC ± 0.2% f.s.Ni100 -60°C 180°C 50°C RTD ± 0.1% f.s.Ni1000 -60°C 150°C 50°C LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) 2 mV TC, mV, <= 0,8 uV/OhmVOLTAGE RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.)mV -100 mV +700 mV RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.)POTENTIOMETER 0Ω 200 Ω 10% RTD EXCITATION CURRENT TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY(Nominal value) 500 Ω 10% Typical 0.350 mA 2 KΩ 10% 200 Ω CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C Operative storage -20°C .. +70°C 0,5 KΩ 300 Ω 10 Ω -20°C .. +85°C 2000 Ω 200 Ω THERMAL DRIFT (1) (‘HT’ vers. )RES. 2, 3,4 wires 0Ω Max FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CLow 0Ω 20 mA Span min CJC ± 0.01% /°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%High 4 mA BURN-OUT VALUES 4 mA 4 mA Max. value about 22.5 mA Min. value about 3.6 mAOUTPUT TYPE MinDirect current 4 mA RESPONSE TIME EMC (for industrial environments)Reverse current 20 mA about 400 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 (10÷90%) Emission EN 61000-6-4 (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values)(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) Mechanical dimensions (mm) EX DATA: Output/supply Iput Ui = 30 V li = 100 mA Uo = 6.2 V Pi = 0.75W lo= 100 mA Li = 0.1 mH Po = 500 mW Ci = 10 nF Lo = 3.6 mH Co = 5 uF T6: -20 ÷ +55 °C T5: -20 ÷ +70 °C T4: -20 ÷ +85 °C (‘HT’ vers.)24

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4035 PC programmable Input connections two wire isolated universal transmitter mV TC INPUT RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wiresINPUT TYPE MIN MAX SPAN MIN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME POT. RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0,2°C (10÷ 90%) about 400 ms Volt mATC (CJC int./ext.) 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0,15ΩJ -200°C 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω POWER SUPPLY Terminal I = GND INPUTK -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uV Power supply voltage 10..32 VdcS -50°C 1760°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc max Output/Power supply connectionsR -50°C 1760°C 2mV mA >± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uAB 400°C 1820°C 2mVE -200°C 1000°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATION ISOLATION VOLTAGET -200°C 400°C 2mV Corrente ± 7 uA Input/Power supply 2000 Vca 50 Hz,N -200°C 1300°C INPUT IMPEDANCE 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩ 1 min.RTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires 50°C Volt >= 1 MΩ LOAD CHARACTERISTICPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C Current ~ 50 Ω - RLOADPt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°C LINEARITY (1) (maximum load value on current loopNi100 -60°C 180°C TC ± 0.2% f.s. for power supply value) 150°C 2 mV RTD ± 0.1% f.s.Ni1000 -60°C 2 mV 500 mVVOLTAGE -400 mV +400 mV LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1)mV -100 mV +700 mV 10% TC, mV, V <= 0.4 uV/OhmmV 10% RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.)Volt -10 V +10 V 10% RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.) 10 ΩPOTENTIOMETER 0Ω 200 Ω 200 Ω RTD EXCITATION CURRENT(Nominal value) 200 Ω 500 Ω Typical 0.350 mA 0,5 KΩ 50 KΩ 2 mA Min Span CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Terminal P = N; terminal O = MRES. 2, 3,4 wires Note: terminals R = Q = Non connected (NC)Low 0 Ω 300 Ω 4 mAHigh 0 Ω 2000 Ω 4 mA THERMAL DRIFT (1) Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°C Isolation structure FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CCURRENT CJC ± 0.01% /°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%mA -10 mA +24 mA BURN-OUT VALUES Input, prog. side Output/power supply side Max. value about 22.5 mA EMC (for industrial environments)OUTPUT TYPE Min Max Min. value about 3.6 mA Immunity EN 61000-6-2Direct current 4 mA 20 mA (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Emission EN 61000-6-4Reverse current 20 mA 4 mA(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) DAT4035 IS PC programmable isolated intrinsically Input connections DAT 4035 IS/HT safe two wire transmitter ATEX 94/9/CE mV TC POT.INPUT TYPE INPUT MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) POWER SUPPLY RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wires MIN MAX 2mV RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C Power supply voltage 11..30 Vdc RTD/RES 2 wires 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15Ω Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxTC (CJC int./ext.) 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1ΩJ -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 10 uV ISOLATION VOLTAGEK -200°C 1760°C 2mV Input-Power supply 2000 Vac 50 Hz,S -50°C 1760°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATIONR -50°C 1820°C 2mV Current ± 7 uA 1 min.B 400°C 1000°C 2mV INPUT IMPEDANCE LOAD CHARACTERISTICE -200°C 400°C 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩ - RLOADT -200°C 1300°C 50°C (maximum load value on current loopN -200°C 50°C LINEARITY (1) for power supply value) 50°C TC ± 0.2% f.s.RTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires 2 mV RTD ± 0.1% f.s.Pt100 -200°C 850°C Output/Power supply connectionsPt1000 -200°C 200°CNi100 -60°C 180°C ExNi1000 -60°C 150°C barrier LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1)VOLTAGE TC, mV, <= 0.8 uV/OhmmV -100 mV +700 mV RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.)POTENTIOMETER 0Ω 200 Ω RTD EXCITATION CURRENT(Nominal value) 200 Ω 500 Ω 10% Typical 0.350 mA 2 KΩ 0.5 KΩ 10% CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY 300 Ω 10% THERMAL DRIFT (1) Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°CRES. 2, 3,4 wires 0Ω 2000 Ω FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Isolation structureLow 0Ω Max 10 Ω CJC ± 0.01% /°C -20°C .. +85°CHigh 20 mA 200 Ω (‘HT’ vers.) BURN-OUT VALUES Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C 4 mA Max. value about 22.5 mA Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%OUTPUT TYPE Min Span min Min. value about 3.6 mA EMC (for industrial environments) Input, program. side Output/Power supply sideDirect current 4 mAReverse current 20 mA 4 mA RESPONSE TIME about 400 ms Immunity EN 61000-6-2 4 mA (10÷90%) Emission EN 61000-6-4 (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values)(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) Mechanical dimensions (mm) EX-DATA: Output/supply Input Ui = 30 V li = 100 mA Uo = 6.2 V Pi = 0.75W lo= 100 mA Li = 0.1 mH Po = 500 mW Ci = 10 nF Lo = 3.6 mH Co = 5 uF T6: -20 ÷ +55 °C T5: -20 ÷ +70 °C T4: -20 ÷ +85 °C (‘HT’ vers.) 25

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT2115 PC programmable Input connections Universal signal converter mV TC INPUT RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wiresINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME POT. 1200°C 2mV RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C (10÷ 90%) about 400 ms Volt mATC (CJC int./ext.) 1370°C 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15ΩJ -200°C 1760°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω POWER SUPPLY Terminal I = GNDK -200°C 1760°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uV Power supply voltage 18..30 VdcS -50°C 1820°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc max Power supply connectionsR -50°C 1000°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uAB 400°C 400°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATIONE -200°C 1300°C 2mV Current ± 7 uAT -200°C Voltage ± 5 mVN -200°CRTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires INPUT IMPEDANCE CURRENT CONSUMPTIONPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩ Current outputPt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°C Volt >= 1 MΩ 40 mA max. 180°C 50°C Current ~ 50 Ω Voltage output 20 mA maxNi100 -60°C 150°C 50°CNi1000 -60°C LINEARITY (1)VOLTAGE TC ± 0.2% f.s.mV -400 mV +400 mV 2 mV RTD ± 0.1% f.s. OUTPUT LOADmV -100 mV +700 mV 2 mV RESISTANCE - RLOADVolt 500 mV LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Current output </= 650 Ω -10 V +10 V TC, mV, V <= 0.8 uV/Ohm Voltage output >/= 3.5 KΩ 10% RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) Limitation current 25 mA circaPOTENTIOMETER 0Ω 200 Ω 10% RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ωbalanced max.)(Nominal value) 200 Ω 500 Ω 0,5 KΩ 50 KΩ 10% RTD EXCITATION CURRENT TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYRES. 2, 3,4 wires Typical 0.350 mA Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°CLow 0 Ω 300 Ω 10 Ω Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Output connections 200 Ω CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%High 0 Ω 2000 Ω EMC (for industrial environments) Voltage CurrentCURRENT THERMAL DRIFT (1)mA -10 mA +24 mA 2 mA FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Min Span CJC ± 0.01% /°COUTPUT TYPE Min MaxDirect current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA BURN-OUT VALUES Immunity EN 61000-6-2Reverse current 20 mA 0 mA 4 mA Max. values about 23 mA o 10,8 Vdc Emission EN 61000-6-4Direct voltage 0V 10 V Min. values about 0 mA o 0 VdcReverse voltage 10 V 1V Note: terminal P = GND; terminal O = Not connected (NC) 0V 1V (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Input connections(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) mV TC DAT2115/SEL PC programmable Universal signal converter with command of enable/disable output RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wires INPUTINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C (10÷ 90%) about 400 msTC (CJC int./ext.) Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15ΩJ -200°C 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω POWER SUPPLY POT.K -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uV Power supply voltage 18..30 Vdc Volt mAS -50°C 1760°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Reverse polarity protection 60 Vac maxR -50°C 1760°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uAB 400°C 1820°C 2mVE -200°C 1000°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATIONT -200°C 400°C 2mV Current ± 7 uAN -200°C 1300°C 2mV Voltage ± 5 mV CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current output 40 mA max.RTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires INPUT IMPEDANCE Voltage output 20 mA maxPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩPt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°C Volt >= 1 MΩ Terminal I = GND 180°C 50°C Current ~ 50 ΩNi100 -60°C 150°C 50°C LINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOADNi1000 -60°C 2 mV TC ± 0.2% f.s. Power supply connections SEL Input connections 2 mV RTD ± 0.1% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOAD Current output </= 650 ΩVOLTAGE Voltage output >/= 3.5 KΩmV -400 mV +400 mV Limitation current about 25 mAmV -100 mV +700 mVVolt 500 mV LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) -10 V +10 VPOTENTIOMETER TC, mV, V <= 0.8 uV/Ohm(Nominal value) RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) 0Ω 200 Ω 10% RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.) SEL INPUT COMMAND 200 Ω 500 Ω 10% Disable output 4÷30 Vdc 0,5 KΩ 50 KΩ 10% Enable output 0 Vdc or not RTD EXCITATION CURRENT connectedRES. 2, 3,4 wires Typical 0.350 mA Output connectionsLow 0Ω 300 Ω 10 Ω TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYHigh 0 Ω 2000 Ω 200 Ω CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°C Voltage Current Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°CCURRENT THERMAL DRIFT (1) Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%mA -10 mA +24 mA 2 mA FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Min Span CJC ± 0.01% /°COUTPUT TYPE Min MaxDirect current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA BURN-OUT VALUES EMC (for industrial environments)Reverse current 20 mA 0 mA 4 mA Max. values about 23 mA or 10.8 Vcc Immunity EN 61000-6-2Direct voltage 0V 10 V Min. values about 0 mA or 0 Vcc Emission EN 61000-6-4Reverse voltage 10 V 1V Note: terminal P = GND 0V 1V (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values)(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) Mechanical dimensions (mm)26

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4135 PC Programmable Input connections isolated universal signal converter mV TC RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wires INPUTINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C (10÷ 90%) about 400 msTC (CJC int./ext.) Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15Ω POT.J -200°C 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω POWER SUPPLY Volt mAK -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uV Power supply voltage 18..30 VdcS -50°C 1760°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc max Terminal I = GND1R -50°C 1760°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uAB 400°C 1820°C 2mV Power supply connectionsE -200°C 1000°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATIONT -200°C 400°C 2mV Current ± 7 uAN -200°C 1300°C 2mV Voltage ± 5 mV ISOLATION VOLTAGE Input/Power supply-Output 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 minRTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wiresPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C INPUT IMPEDANCEPt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩ CURRENT CONSUMPTIONNi100 -60°C 180°C 50°C Volt >= 1 MΩ Current outputNi1000 -60°C 150°C 50°C Current ~ 50 Ω Voltage output 40 mA max. 2 mV LINEARITY (1) 20 mA max 2 mV TC ± 0.2% f.s.VOLTAGE RTD ± 0.1% f.s. OUTPUT LOAD Output connectionsmV -400 mV +400 mVmV -100 mV +700 mV RESISTANCE - RLOADVolt -10 V +10 V 500 mV LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Current output </= 650 ΩPOTENTIOMETER 0Ω 200 Ω TC, mV, V <= 0,8 uV/Ohm Voltage output >/= 3,5 KΩ Voltage Current(Nominal value) 200 Ω 500 Ω 10% RTD 3 wires 0,05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) Limitation current about 25 mA 10% RTD 4 wires 0,005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.) 0,5 KΩ 50 KΩ 10% RTD EXCITATION CURRENTRES. 2, 3,4 wires 0 Ω 300 Ω 10 Ω Typical 0.350 mA TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Note: terminal P = GND2; terminal O = Not connected (NC)Low 200 Ω CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°CHigh 0 Ω 2000 Ω 2 mA THERMAL DRIFT (1) Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Isolation structureCURRENTmA -10 mA +24 mA Input, prog. side Output sideOUTPUT TYPE Min Max Min Span CJC ± 0.01% /°CDirect current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA BURN-OUT VALUES EMC (for industrial environments)Reverse current 20 mA 0 mA 4 mA Max. values about 23 mA or 10,8 Vdc Immunity EN 61000-6-2Direct voltage 0V 10 V Min. values about 0 mA or 0 Vdc Emission EN 61000-6-4Reverse voltage 10 V 1V Power supply side 0V 1V (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Input connections(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) mV TC DAT4135/SEL Isolated universal signal RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wires converter with command of enable/disable output INPUTINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION 1) RESPONSE TIME 1200°C 2mV RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C (10÷ 90%) about 400 msTC (CJC int./ext.) 1370°C 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15Ω POT.J -200°C 1760°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω POWER SUPPLY Volt mAK -200°C 1760°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uV Power supply voltage 18..30 VdcS -50°C 1820°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxR -50°C 1000°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uAB 400°C 400°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATION ISOLATION VOLTAGE Terminal I = GND1E -200°C 1300°C 2mV Current ± 7 uA Input/Power supply-Output 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 minT -200°C Voltage ± 5 mVN -200°C Power supply connections SEL input connectionsRTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires INPUT IMPEDANCE CURRENT CONSUMPTIONPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩ Current outputPt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°C Volt >= 1 MΩ Voltage output 40 mA max.Ni100 -60°C 180°C 50°C Current ~ 50 Ω 20 mA max 150°C 50°CNi1000 -60°C LINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOAD TC ± 0.2% f.s.VOLTAGE RTD ± 0.1% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOADmV -400 mV +400 mV 2 mV Current output </= 650 ΩmV -100 mV +700 mV 2 mV Voltage output >/= 3.5 KΩ Output connectionsVolt 500 mV LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Limitation current about 25 mA -10 V +10 V Voltage CurrentPOTENTIOMETER TC, mV, V <= 0.8 uV/Ohm(Nominal value) RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) 0Ω 200 Ω 10% RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.) SEL INPUT COMMAND 200 Ω 500 Ω 10% Disable output 4÷30 Vdc 0,5 KΩ 50 KΩ 10% RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Enable output 0 Vcc or notRES. 2, 3,4 wires Typical 0.350 mA connected Note: terminal P = GND2LowHigh 0Ω 300 Ω 10 Ω CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY 0 Ω 2000 Ω 200 Ω THERMAL DRIFT (1) Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°C FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Isolation structureCURRENT CJC ± 0.01% /°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%mA -10 mA +24 mA 2 mA Input, prog. side Output sideOUTPUT TYPE Min Max Min SpanDirect current 0 mA 20 mA 4 mA BURN-OUT SCALE EMC (for industrial environments) SEL commandReverse current 20 mA 0 mA 4 mA Max. values about 23 mA or 10.8 Vdc Immunity Power supply sideDirect voltage 0V 10 V Min. values about 0 mA or 0 Vdc Emission EN 61000-6-2Reverse voltage 10 V 1V EN 61000-6-4 0V 1V (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values)(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) Mechanical dimensions (mm) 27

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4135AC Isolated universal AC Input connections powered signal converter mV TC INPUT RTD/RES 2wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wiresINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME POT. RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C (10÷ 90%) about 400 ms Volt mATC (CJC int./ext.) 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15ΩJ -200°C 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% or ± 1Ω POWER SUPPLY Terminal I = GND1K -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uVS -50°C 1760°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Power supply 90..250 Vac Power supply connectionsR -50°C 1760°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uA Power dissipation 2 W maxB 400°C 1820°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATION Protection Internal fuseE -200°C 1000°C 2mV Current ± 7 uAT -200°C 400°C 2mV Voltage ± 5 mV ISOLATION VOLTAGEN -200°C 1300°C 50°CRTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires 50°C INPUT IMPEDANCE Input/Power supply-Output 3000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 minPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩPt1000 -200°C 200°C 50°C Volt >= 1 MΩNi100 -60°C 180°C Current ~ 50 ΩNi1000 -60°C 150°C 2 mV LINEARITY (1) OUTPUT LOAD 2 mV TC ± 0.2% f.s. RESISTANCE - RLOADVOLTAGE 500 mV RTD ± 0.1% f.s. Current output </= 650 ΩmV Voltage output >/= 3.5 KΩmV -400 mV +400 mV 10% Limitation current about 20 mAVolt -100 mV +700 mV 10% Output connections 10% LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Voltage Current -10 V +10 V 10 ΩPOTENTIOMETER 200 Ω TC, mV, V <= 0.8 uV/Ohm(Nominal value) 0 Ω 2 mA RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) 200 Ω Min Span RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY 200 Ω 500 Ω 4 mA Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°C 0.5 KΩ 50 KΩ 4 mA Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%RES. 2, 3,4 wires 1V Typical 0.350 mALow 0 Ω 300 Ω 1V Note: terminal P = O = GND2 CJC COMP. ± 0.5°CHigh 0 Ω 2000 Ω THERMAL DRIFT (1) SAFETY Isolation structure FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C In compliance with EN61010-1CURRENT CJC ± 0.01% /°C Category of installation IImA -10 mA +24 mA Pollution grade 2 Input, prog. side Output sideOUTPUT TYPE Min MaxDirect current 0 mA 20 mA BURN-OUT VALUES EMC (for industrial environments)Reverse current 20 mA 0 mA Max. values about 23 mA or 10,8 Vdc ImmunityDirect voltage 0V 10 V Min. values about 0 mA or 0 Vdc Emission EN 61000-6-2Reverse voltage 10 V EN 61000-6-4 Power supply side 0V (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Input connections(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) mV TC DAT4235 PC Programmable RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wires 3 ways isolated universal signal converter INPUTINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C (10÷ 90%)TC (CJC int./ext.) 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15Ω about 400 ms POT.J -200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% f.s. or ± 1Ω VoltK -200°C 1200°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uV POWER SUPPLY mAS -50°C 1370°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV Power supply voltage 18..30 VdcR -50°C 1760°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uA Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc maxB 400°C 1760°C 2mVE -200°C 1820°C 2mV OUTPUT CALIBRATION ISOLATION VOLTAGE Terminal I = GND3T -200°C 1000°C 2mV Current ± 7 uA o ± 15 uA (2) Input/Power supply/Output 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 minN -200°C 400°C Voltage ± 10 mV Power supply connections 1300°C 50°C 50°CRTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires 50°C INPUT IMPEDANCEPt100 -200°C 850°C 50°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩPt1000 -200°C 200°C Volt >= 1 MΩ CURRENT CONSUMPTIONNi100 180°C 2 mV Current ~ 50 Ω Current output 70 mA max. -60°C 150°C 2 mV Voltage output 50 mA maxNi1000 -60°C 500 mV LINEARITY (1)VOLTAGE -400 mV +400 mV 10% TC ± 0.2% f.s. OUTPUT LOAD RLOAD Note: terminal P = O = GND1mV -100 mV +700 mV 10% RTD ± 0.1% f.s. RESISTANCE - </= 650 ΩmV 10% Current output >/= 600 ΩVolt -10 V +10 V LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Voltage output about 30 mA Output connections 10 Ω TC, mV, V <= 0,8 uV/Ohm Limitation currentPOTENTIOMETER 0Ω 200 Ω 200 Ω RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω balanced max.) Voltage Current(Nominal value) 200 Ω 500 Ω 2 mA RTD 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ω balanced max.) 0.5 KΩ 50 KΩ Min Span 4 mA RTD EXCITATION CURRENTRES. 2, 3,4 wires 0 Ω 300 Ω 4 mA Typical 0.350 mA TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYLow CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C Operative temperature -20°C .. +70°CHigh 0 Ω 2000 Ω 1V THERMAL DRIFT (1) Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C 1V FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Isolation structureCURRENT CJC ± 0.01% /°CmA -10 mA +24 mA Input, prog. side Output sideOUTPUT TYPE Min Max BURN-OUT VALUES EMC (for industrial environments) Max. values about 25 mA or 10,8 VdcDirect current -20 mA 20 mA Min. values about -25 mA or -10,8 Vdc Immunity EN 61000-6-2Reverse current 20 mA -20 mA Emission EN 61000-6-4Direct voltage -10 V 10 VReverse voltage 10 V -10 V (1) reffered to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Power supply side (2) referred to the output ± 20 mA(*) For temperature sensors it is possible to set the input range also in F degrees; to made the conversion use the formula: °F =(°C*9/5)+32) Mechanical dimensions (mm)28

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT4520 PC Programmable Inputs mA Signal converter trip amplifier TC mV V RTD 2w RTD 3w RTD 4w Pot INPUTINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME 2mV RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°C (10÷90%) about 0,4 sec.TC (CJC int./ext.) 2mV Low res. > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15ΩJ -200°C 1200°C 2mV High res. > ± 0.2% f.s. or ± 1ΩK -200°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uVS -50°C 1760°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV TRIP ALARMS OutputsR -50°C 1760°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uA Output type n° 2 Relé SPDTB 400°C 1820°C 2mV Contact rating 2A, 250 Vac Active current Passive currentE -200°C 1000°C 2mVT -200°C 400°C 50°C OUTPUT CALIBRATION Load 2A, 30 VdcN -200°C 1300°C 50°C Current ± 7 uA Minimum load resistive 50°C Voltage ± 10 mV Max Voltage 5 Vdc, 10mA 50°C 250 Vac (50/60 Hz)RTD (*) 2, 3, 4 wires 2 mV 110 VdcPt100 -200°C 850°C OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE (RLOAD) Isolation coil-to-contacts: 2000 VacPt1000 -200°C 200°C 500 mV Current < 650 Ω between contacts: 1000Vac Voltage Power supply 180°CNi100 -60°C 150°C Voltage > 4.7 KΩNi1000 -60°C INPUT IMPEDANCE POWER SUPPLYVOLTAGE TC,mV >= 10 MΩmV -100 mV +700 mV V >= 1 MΩ Supply Voltage 20..30 VdcV 0 V 10 V mA <= 50Ω Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc maxPOTENTIOMETER LINEARITY Relay contacts(Nominal value) TC ± 0.2% f.s. 0Ω 200 Ω 10% RTD ± 0.1% f.s. ISOLATION 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min 200 Ω 500 Ω 10% Input/Output 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min 0.5 KΩ 2 KΩ 10% Input/Supply LEAD WIRE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE Supply/Output 1500 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min 10 Ω TC, mV <= 0.8 uV/OhmRESISTANCE 200 Ω RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω max. balanced)Ohm 0Ω 300 Ω RTD 4 wires 0.005% /Ω (100 Ω max. balanced) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYKohm 0Ω 2000 Ω 2 mA Operative temperature -20°C .. +60°C Isolation structureCURRENT RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Storage temperature -40°C ÷ 85°CmA 0 mA 20 mA Typical 0.350 mA Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% RelaysOUTPUT TYPE Min Max Input Output 10 V Min Span CJC COMP. ± 0.5°CVOLTAGE 0V 20 mA Power supply 0 mA 1V THERMAL DRIFT (1) EMC (for industrial environments)CURRENT 4 mA FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Immunity EN 61000-6-2 CJC ± 0.01% /°C Emission EN 61000-6-4 DAT4235 IS Signal Converter with Trip Amplifier for hazardous area Inputs mA Sensors ATEX 94/9/EC TC mV V It is possible to order the device in 3 different configurations: RTD 2w RTD 3w RTD 4w Pot - DAT 4235 IS/A = Signal Converter - DAT 4235 IS/B = Trip Amplifier - DAT 4235 IS/C = Signal Converter + Trip Amplifier INPUTINPUT TYPE MIN MAX MIN SPAN INPUT CALIBRATION (1) RESPONSE TIME 2mV RTD > ± 0.1% f.s. or ±0.2°CTC (CJC int./ext.) 2mV Res. Ohm > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 0.15Ω (10÷90%) about 0,4 sec.J -200°C 2mVK -200°C 1200°C 2mV Res. KOhm> ± 0.2% f.s. or ± 1ΩS -50°C 1370°C 2mV mV, TC > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 18 uVR -50°C 1760°C 2mV Volt > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 2 mV TRIP ALARMS OutputsB 400°C 1760°C 2mV mA > ± 0.1% f.s. or ± 6 uA Output type n° 2 Relays SPDTE -200°C 1820°C 2mV Contact rating 2A, 250 Vac Active current Passive currentT -200°C 1000°C 50°CN -200°C 400°C 50°C OUTPUT CALIBRATION Load 2A, 30 Vdc 1300°C 50°C Current ± 7 uA Minimum load resistive 50°C Voltage ± 10 mV Max Voltage 5 Vdc, 10mA 2 mV 250 Vac (50/60 Hz)RTD 110 VdcPt100 -200°C 850°C 500 mV OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE (RLOAD) Isolation coil-to-contacts: 2000 VacPt1000 -200°C 200°C Current < 650 Ω between contacts: 1000Vac Voltage Power supplyNi100 -60°C 180°CNi1000 -60°C 150°C Voltage > 4.7 KΩVOLTAGE INPUT IMPEDANCE POWER SUPPLYmV -100 mV +700 mV TC,mV >= 10 MΩV 0 V 10 V V >= 1 MΩ Supply Voltage 20..30 Vcc mA <= 50Ω Polarity inverted protection 60 Vdc maxPOTENTIOMETER LINEARITY Relay contacts(Nominal value) TC ± 0.2% f.s. 0Ω 200 Ω 10% RTD ± 0.1% f.s. ISOLATION 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min 200 Ω 500 Ω 10% Input/Output 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min 0.5 KΩ 250 KΩ 10% Input/Supply LEAD WIRE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE Supply/Output 1500 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min 10 ΩRESISTANCE 200 Ω TC, mV <= 0.8 uV/OhmOhm RTD 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ω max balanced)Kohm 0Ω 300 Ω 2 mA RTD 4 wires 0.05%/Ω (100 Ω max balanced) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYCURRENT 0Ω 2000 Ω Operating temperature -20°C .. +60°C Isolation structuremA RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%OUTPUT TYPE 0 mA 20 mA Typical 0350 mA RelaysVOLTAGE Min MaxCURRENT 10 V Min Span CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C EMC (for industrial environments) 0V 20 mA 0 mA 1V THERMAL DRIFT (1) Immunity EN 61000-6-2 4 mA FULL SCALE ± 0.01% /°C Emission EN 61000-6-4 Input Output CJC ± 0.01% /°C Mechanical dimensions (mm) Power supply EX DATA: Terminals A-B-C-D; E-F-G-H-I-J; K-L Um = 250V Terminals 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: Terminals 5-6-7: Uo = 7.8 V Ui = 30 V Io = 32 mA li = 100 mA Po = 140 mW Pi = 0.75W Lo = 20 mH Li = ~ 0 mH Co = 2 uF Ci = 24 nF Ta: -20 ÷ +60 °C 29

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT5030 IS Hazardous area Current Loop repeater/supply Wiring ATEX 94/9/EC Passive input (2 wires transmitter) Channel 2 Channel 1 It is possible order the device in 4 different configurations: Active input (converter/current generator) - DAT 5030 IS/A = Repeater/supply single channel Channel 1 Channel 2 - DAT 5030 IS/AH = Repeater/supply single channel hart compatible - DAT 5030 IS/B = Repeater/supply double channel - DAT 5030 IS/BH = Repeater/supply double channel hart compatibleINPUT Active or passive current loop Channel 1 Active current output Channel 2Input signal 0÷20 mA or 4÷20 mA configurableRange +/- 5%Zero regulation +/- 5%Span regulation > 15 V @ 20 mAAuxiliary Supply <25 ΩInput impedanceOUTPUT 4÷20 mA, 0÷20 mA, 0÷10 V or 2÷10 V configurable Channel 1 Passive current output Channel 2Output signal Voltage: > 5 KΩLoad resistance Current: < 500 Ω > 12 V @ 20 mAAuxiliary SupplyPOWER SUPPLY 20÷30 VdcSupply Voltage 80 mA for channel with Vaux operatingCurrent consumption 60 Vdc max.Polarity inverted protectionPERFORMANCES ± 0.1% of f.s. Channel 1 Voltage output Channel 2Calibration error ± 0.2% of f.s.Linearity error (*) 0.02% of full scale/°C Power supplyThermal drift < 0.2 sec.Response time bidirectional 0.5 ÷ 4 Khz @ 3 dbFrequency response (HART Protocol) 2000 Vac @ 50 Hz, 1 min.Isolation voltage input/output 2000 Vac @ 50 Hz, 1 min.Isolation voltage input/supply 1500 Vac @ 50 Hz, 1 min.Isolation voltage supply/output 2000 Vac @ 50 Hz, 1 min.Isolation voltage between channels Immunity: EN 61100-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Electromagnetic Compatibility (for industrial environments) -20÷60°COperating temperature -40÷100°CStorage temperature 0÷90%Relative humidity (not condensed)* inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error Mechanical dimensions (mm) EX DATA: Terminals J-I; A-B-C-D; O-P-Q-R Um = 250V Terminals 4-6; 14-16: Terminals 6-5; 16-15: Uo = 26.4 V Ui = 30 V Uo = 1.2 V Ui = 30 V Io = 93 mA li = 100 mA Io = 46 mA li = 100 mA Po = 615 mW Pi = 0,75W Po = 14 mW Pi = 0.75W Lo = 4.2 mH Li = ~ 0 mH Li = ~ 0 mH Co = 75 nF Ci = 12 nF Ci = 12 nF Ta: -20 ÷ +60 °C30

“P.D.S. SERIES”: The P.D.S. (programmable by dip-switches) SIGNAL CONVERTERS FOR DIN RAIL MOUNTINGTEMPERATURE series transmitters and converters can acceptAND SIGNAL on their input signals coming from 2 or 3 wiresTRANSMITTERS Pt100,Thermocouple and Strain Gauge sensorsAND CONVERTERS or Voltage and Current signals.FOR DIN RAIL The series is composed of:MOUNTING - Single and double channel 4÷20 mA two wires transmitters for Pt100 input without galvanic isolation (DAT2065, DAT2066) - 4÷20 mA two wires transmitter for Thermocouple input without galvanic isolation (DAT2045) - Single and double channel converters for Pt100 input with configurable output as voltage or current without galvanic isolation (DAT2165, DAT2166) - Isolated converter for Pt100 input with configurable output as voltage or current (DAT2061) - Converter for Thermocouple input with configurable output as voltage or current without galvanic isolation (DAT2145) - Isolated signal converters with configurable input and output as voltage or current (DAT5020, DAT5021, DAT5023I, DAT5023V) - Isolated signal splitter with configurable input and output as voltage or current (DAT5022) - Isolated signal converter for Strain Gauge input with configurable output as voltage or current (DAT5025) 33

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT2065 Programmable transmitter Input connections for Pt100 3 wires Pt100 2 wires Pt100INPUT 2 or 3 wire RTD Pt100 in according to EN 60751 standard Note: internal connections: E=F, G=H, I=LSensor type 50 °C (122 °F)Minimum input Span From -50 °C (-58 °F) up to +50 °C (122 °F) Power supply/output connectionsZero programmability From 50 °C (122 °F) up to +650 °C (1202 °F)Span programmability 1 mA typ. Note: internal connections: R=Q, P=OSensor excitation current 0.05% of f.s./ohm (100 ohm max. balancedfor wire) Terminals N and M are not connected (NC)Line resistance influenceOUTPUT 4÷20 mA on current loop Load characteristicSignal type Positive out of scale (> 20 mA)Burn-out condition 32 mAMaximum output signal see “Load characteristic”Load resistance (Rload) 300 msResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 3 minutesWarm-up timePERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.15% of f.s.Power supply voltage (**) 0.02% of full scale/°C 10÷30 VccElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70°CStorage temperatureRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85°C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error(**) internally protected against polarity reversion DAT2066 Double channel Input connections - Pt100 3 wires programmable transmitter for Pt100 Channel 1 Channel 2INPUT 2 or 3 wire RTD Pt100 in according to EN 60751 standard Input connections - Pt100 2 wiresSensor type 40 °C (104 °F)Minimum input Span from -80 °C (-112 °F) up to +50 °C (122 °F) Channel 1 Channel 2Zero programmability from 40 °C (104 °F) up to +450 °C (842 °F)Span programmability 1 mA Power supply/output connectionsSensor excitation current 0.05% of f.s./ohm (100 ohm max. balanced for wire)Line resistance influence Channel 1 Channel le 2OUTPUT 4÷20 mA on current loopSignal type Positive out of scale (> 20 mA)Sensor burn-out signalling 35 mAMaximum output signal see “Load characteristic”Load resistance (Rload) 300 msResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 3 minutesWarm-up timePERFORMANCES Note: terminals O and P not connected (NC)Calibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*) Load characteristic ± 0.15% of f.s.Thermal driftPower supply voltage (**) 0.03% of full scale/°CIsolation among the channels 10÷30 Vcc 1000 Vac @ 50 Hz, 1 min.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70°CStorage temperatureRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85°C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error(**) internally protected against polarity reversion Mechanical dimensions (mm) Isolations Power supply & output Input Input Power supply & output34

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions)DAT2165 Programmable converter Input connections for Pt100 3 wires Pt100 2 wires Pt100INPUT 2 or 3 wire RTD Pt100 in according to EN 60751 standard Note: internal connections: E=F, G=H, I=LSensor type 50 °C (122 °F)Minimum input Span from -50 °C (-58 °F) up to +50 °C (122 °F) Power supply connectionsZero programmability from 50 °C (122 °F) up to +650 °C (1202 °F)Span programmability 1 mA Note: internal connections: R=Q, P=OSensor excitation current 0.05% of f.s./ohm (100 ohm max. balanced for wire)Line resistance influence Output connectionsOUTPUT Configurable 4÷20 mA, 0÷20 mA o 0÷10V Note: internal connections: N=M, P=OSignal type Positive out of scale (> 20 mA or > 10 Vcc)Burn-out condition 35 mA or 18 VccMaximum output signal Voltage output: >/= 5 KohmLoad resistance (Rload) Current output: </= 500 ohmResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 300 msWarm-up time 3 minutesPERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.15% of f.s.Power supply voltage (**) 0.02% of full scale/°CCurrent consumption 18÷30 Vcc Voltage output: 10 mA max. Current output: 40 mA max.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial enviroments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70°CStorage temperatureRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85°C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error(**) internally protected against polarity reversionDAT2166 Double channel Input connections Pt100 3 wires programmable converter for Pt100 Channel 1 Channel 2INPUT 2 or 3 wire RTD Pt100 in according to EN 60751 standard Channel 1 Input connections Pt100 2 wires Channel 2Sensor type 40 °C (104 °F)Minimum input Span from -80 °C (-112 °F) up to +50 °C (122 °F) Channel 1 Output connections Channel 2Zero programmability from 40 °C (104 °F) up to +450 °C (842 °F)Span programmability 1 mASensor excitation current 0.05% of f.s./ohm (100 ohm max. balanced for wire)Line resistance influenceOUTPUT Configurable as 4÷20 mA, 0÷20 mA, 0÷10 V or 2÷10 VSignal type Positive out of scale (> 20 mA or > 10 Vcc)Sensor burn-out signalling Current outputs: 23 mA, 35 mA max.Maximum output signal Voltage outputs: 11 Vcc, 16 Vcc max.Load resistance (Rload) 300 msResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 3 minutesWarm-up timePERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.15% of f.s. Channel 1 Power supply connections Channel 2Power supply voltage (**) 0.03% of full scale/°CCurrent consumption for each channel 18÷30 VccIsolation among the channel Voltage output: 15 mA.; current output: 40 mA max. 1000 Vac @ 50 Hz, 1 min.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial enviroments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70°CStorage temperatureRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85°C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error(**) internally protected against polarity reversion Mechanical dimensions (mm) Input Isolations Input Output Power supply Output Power supply 35

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT2061 Isolated programmable Input connections converter for Pt100 Pt100 3 wires Pt100 2 wiresINPUT 2 or 3 wire RTD Pt100 in according to EN 60751 standard Note: internal connections: I=L, G=H, E=FSensor type 50 °C (122 °F)Minimun input Span from -50 °C (-58 °F) up to +50 °C (122 °F) Power supply connectionsZero programmability from 50 °C (122°F) up to +600 °C (1100 °F)Span programmability 1 mASensor excitation current 0.05% of f.s./ohm (100 ohm max.balanced for wire)Line resistance influenceOUTPUT Configurable as: 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mA, Voltage: 0÷10 VSignal type 18 Vcc or 35 mAMaximum output signal Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ, Current output: </= 500 ΩLoad resistance (Rload) Positive out of scale: (> 20 mA or > 10 Vcc)Burn-out conditionPERFORMANCES Output connectionsCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.15% of f.s.Response time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 0.02% of full scale/°CWarm-up time 500 msPower supply voltage (**) 3 minutesReverse polarity protection 18÷30 VccCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Note: terminals O=P= not connected (N.C.) Voltage output: 40 mA max. Current output: 60 mA max.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments)Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolation voltage 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Operating temperature Isolation structureStorage temperature -20÷70 °C Power supply sideRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷100 °C 0÷90% Output side Input side(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error(**) internally protected against polarity reversion DAT2045 Programmable transmitter Input connections for thermocoupleINPUT Thermocouple type J, K, R, S and T Note: terminals G, H, E, F not connected (N.C.)Sensor type Programmable from -50÷50 °C or from -58 up to 122 °FZero programmability Thermocouple type K: from 100 up to 1370 °C or from 210 up to 2500 °F Power supply/output connectionsSpan programmability Thermocouple type J: from 100 up to 950 °C or from 210 up to 1740 °FImput impedance Thermocouple type R: from 700 up to 1760 °C or from 1200 up to 3200 °F Note: internal connections: R=Q, P=OLine resistance influence Thermocouple type S: from 700 up to 1760 °C or from 1290 up to 3200 °F Terminals N and M are not connected (N.C.) Thermocouple type T: from 100 up to 450 °C or from 210 up to 840 °F >=10 MΩ Load characteristics 0.2 µV/ΩOUTPUT 4÷20 mA on current loopSignal type Positive out of scale (> 20 mA)Burn-out condition 30 mAMaximum output signal see “Load characteristic”Load resistance (Rload) 500 msResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 3 minutesTWarm-up timePERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s. or 0,2 °CLinearity error (*)Cold Junction Compensation ± 0.05% of f.s.Thermal drift ± 0.5 °CPower supply voltage (**) 0.02% of full scale/°C (for Span > 300 °C / 500 °F) 10÷30 VccElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70°CStorage temperatureRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85°C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error(**) internally protected against polarity reversion Mechanical dimensions (mm)36

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT2145 Programmable converter Input connections for thermocoupleINPUT Thermocouple type J, K, R, S and T Note: terminals G, H, E, F not connected (NC)Sensor type Programmable from -50÷50 °C or from -58 up to 122 °FZero programmability Thermocouple type K: from 100 up to 1370 °C or from 210 up to 2500 °F Power supply connectionsSpan programmability Thermocouple type J: from 100 up to 900 °C or from 210 up to 1740 °FImput impedance Thermocouple type R: from 700 up to 1760 °C or from 1200 up to 3200 °FLine resistance influence Thermocouple type S: from 700 up to 1760 °C or from 1290 up to 3200 °F Thermocouple type T: from 100 up to 450 °C or from 210 up to 840 °F >=10 MΩ 0.2 µV/ΩOUTPUT Configurable as 4÷20 mA, 0÷20mA or 0÷10 V Note: internal connections: R=Q, P=OSignal type Positive out of scale (> 20 mA or > 10 Vcc)Burn-out signal 30 mA or 18 Vcc Output connectionsMaximum output signal Voltage output: >/= 5 KohmLoad resistance (Rload) Current output: </= 500 ohmResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 500 msWarm-up time 3 minutesPERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s. or 0,2 °CLinearity error (*) ± 0.05% of f.s.Cold Junction Compensation ± 0.5 °CThermal drift 0.02% of full scale/°C (for Span > 300 °C / 500 °F)Power supply voltage (**) 18÷30 VccCurrent consumption Voltage output: 10 mA max. Current output: 40 mA max.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70°CStorage temperature -40÷85°C Note: internal connections: N=M, P=ORelative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error (**) internally protected against polarity reversionDAT5020 3 ways isolated Input connections programmable signal converter Passive mA input Active mA inputINPUT Current: 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mA Note: terminals E=G = GND1Signal type (configurable) Voltage: 0÷10 V, 0÷1 V, ± 5 V, ± 10 V, 0÷100 mV Potentiometer (nominal value): from 1 KΩ up to 5 KΩ Power supply connectionsMaximum input signal 30 Vcc or 50 mAImput impedance Voltage: >/= 1 MΩ, Current: ~ 50 ΩAuxiliary supply (Aux. supply) 18 Vcc min. @ 20 mAOUTPUT Current: 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mASignal type (configurable) Voltage: 0÷10 V, 0÷2 V, ± 5 V, ± 10 V, ± 1 VMaximum output signal 15 Vcc or 30 mAZero regulation ± 5% min.Span regulation ± 5% min.Load resistance (Rload) Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ, Current output: </= 500 ΩΩPERFORMANCES Output connectionsCalibration errorLinearity error (*) ± 0.1% of f.s.Thermal drift ± 0.15% of f.s.Response time (from10 to 90% of f.s.) 0.02% of full scale/°CPower supply voltage 500 msReverse polarity protection 18÷32 VccCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Current output: 110 mA max. Note: terminals O=P=M= GND2 Voltage output: 80 mA max.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolation voltage Isolation structure 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Operating temperatureStorage temperature -20÷60 °C Input side Output sideRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error (**) internally protected against polarity reversion Power supply side Mechanical dimensions (mm) 37

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT5021 3 ways isolated INput connections programmable signal converter Volt Passive mA input Active mA inputINPUT 0÷10 V, 2÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 1÷5 V, 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mA Power supply connectionsSignal type (configurable) 18 V min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supply (Aux supply) Voltage: >/= 1 MΩ, Current: ~ 50 Ω Output connectionsImput impedance Volt Passive mA output Active mA outputOUTPUT Configurable: 0÷10 V, 2÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 1÷5 V, 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mASignal type ± 5% min.Zero regulation ± 5% min.Span regulation 12 Vcc min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supply (Aux supply out) Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ, Current output: </= 500 ΩLoad resistance (Rload)PERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.05% of f.s.Response time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 0.02% of full scale/°C Note: terminals E=F=H= not connected (N.C.)Power supply voltage < 10 msReverse polarity protection 18÷32 VccCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Voltage output: 60 mA max. Current output: 90mA max. Isolation structureElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolation voltage 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Operating temperatureStorage temperature -20÷60 °CRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90% Imput side Output side Power supply side(*) inclusive of hysteresis, power supply variation and linearisation error (**) internally protected against polarity reversion DAT5022 4 ways isolated Input connections programmable signal converter/signal splitter Volt Passive mA input Active mA inputINPUT 0÷10 V, 2÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 1÷5 V, 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mA Power supply connectionsSignal type (configurable) 18 V min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supply (Aux supply) Voltage: >/= 1 MΩ, Current: ~ 50 ΩImput impedanceOUTPUT (1 and 2) Configurable: 0÷10 V, 2÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 1÷5 V, 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mA Output 1 connectionsSignals type ± 5% min.Zero regulations ± 5% min. Volt Passive mA output Active mA outputSpan regulations 12 Vcc min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supplies (Aux supply 1 & 2) Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ, Current output: </= 500 Ω Output 2 connectionsLoad resistance (Rload) Volt Passive mA output Active mA outputPERFORMANCESCalibration errorLinearity error (*) ± 0.1% of f.s.Thermal drift ± 0.05% of f.s.Response time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 0,02% of full scale/°CWarm-up time < 10 msPower supply voltage (**) 3 minutesReverse polarity protection 18÷32 VccCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Voltage output: 60 mA max. Current output: 120mA max.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolation voltage 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Operating temperatureStorage temperature -20÷60 °CRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis and power supply variation (**) internally protected against polarity reversion Mechanical dimensions (mm) Isolation structure Input side Output 1 side Output 2 side Power supply side38

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions)DAT5023lac Isolated programmable Input connections converter for AC current signal Input cable inside cross connectorINPUT 0÷5 A, 0÷10 A Power supply connectionsDAT5023lac/A 0÷20 A, 0÷25 A,0÷30 ADAT5023lac/B 0÷40 A, 0÷50 A, 0÷60A Output connectionsDAT5023lac/D AlternateType of measure 40 Hz ÷ 1KHz Volt Passive mA output Active mA outputBandwidth (-3dB) Diameter 8 mm.Cross connector Note: terminals I=L=G=H=E=F not connected (N.C.)OUTPUT Configurable: 0÷10 V, 2÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 1÷5 V, 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mASignal type ± 40% max.Zero regulation ± 40% max.Span regulation 12 Vcc min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supply (Vaux) Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ, Current output: </= 500 ΩLoad resistance (Rload)PERFORMANCESCalibration errorLinearity error (*) ± 0.1% of f.s.Thermal drift ± 1% of f.s.Response time (from 10 ato 90% of f.s.) 0.02% of full scale/°CPower supply voltage 400 msReverse polarity protection 18÷30 VccCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Voltage output: 60 mA max. Isolations structure Current output: 90 mA maxElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolation voltageOperating temperature 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Storage temperature -20÷60 °C Input side Output sideRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis and power supply variation Power supply sideDAT5023ldc Isolated converter for DC current signal Input connection with fixed input, configurable output Input cable inside cross connectorINPUT 0÷5 A, 0÷10 A Power supply connectionsDAT5023ldc 0÷20 A, 0÷25 A,0÷30 AType of measure 0÷40 A, 0÷50 A, 0÷60A Output connections Direct Volt Passive mA output Active mA outputCross connector Diameter 8 mm. Note: terminals I=L=G=H=E=F not connected (N.C.)OUTPUT Configurable: 0÷10 V, 2÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 1÷5 V, 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mASignal type ± 40% max.Zero regulation ± 40% max.Span regulation 12 Vcc min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supply (Vaux) Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ, Current output: </= 500 ΩLoad resistance (Rload)PERFORMANCESCalibration errorLinearity error (*) ± 0.1% of f.s.Thermal drift ± 1% of f.s.Response time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 0.02% of full scale/°CPower supply voltage 400 msReverse polarity protection 18÷30 VccCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Voltage output: 60 mA max. Isolations structure Current output: 90 mA maxElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolation voltageOperating temperature 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Storage temperature -20÷60 °C Input side Output sideRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis and power supply variation Power supply side Mechanical dimensions (mm) 39

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT5023/V 3 ways isolated Input connections programmable converter for AC/DC voltage signal Alternate voltage Dirct voltageINPUT 0÷36 Vca, 0÷80 Vca, 0÷170 Vca, 0÷370 Vca, 0÷550 VcaVoltage input (AC) 0÷36 Vcc, 0÷80 Vcc, 0÷170 Vcc, 0÷370 Vcc, 0÷550 VccVoltage input (DC) Configurable: Direct or AlternateType of measure 40 Hz ÷ 1KHzBandwidth (-3dB) 0÷36 Vca, 0÷36 Vcc: 36 KΩImput impedance 0÷80 Vca, 0÷80 Vcc: 80 KΩ 0÷170 Vca, 0÷170 Vcc: 170 KΩ 0÷370 Vca, 0÷370 Vcc: 370 KΩ Note: the signal is always referred to the terminal F (GND2) 0÷550 Vca, 0÷550 Vcc: 550 KΩ Power supply connectionsOUTPUT Configurable: 0÷10 V, 2÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 1÷5 V, 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mA Output connectionsSignal type ± 40% max.Zero regulation ± 40% max. Volt Passive mA output Active mA outputSpan regulation 12 Vcc min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supply (Vaux) Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ, Current output: </= 500 ΩLoad resistance (Rload)PERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift AC: ± 1% of f.s., DC: ± 0.1% of f.s.Response time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 0.02% of full scale/°CPower supply voltage (**) AC: 250 ms, DC: 20 msReverse polarity protection 18÷30 VccCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Note: terminal P = not connected (N.C.) Voltage output: 50 mA max. Isolations structure Current output: 80 mA maxElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolation voltage 1500 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Operating temperatureStorage temperature -20÷60 °C Input side Output sideRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis and power supply variation Power supply side DAT5025 Isolated programmable Input connections converter for Strain Gauge/Bridge sensors Strain-GaugeINPUT Strain-Gauge Note: internal connection between terminals I=L e G=HSensor type From 0÷10 mV up to 0÷200 mV and from ± 5 mV up to ± 200 mVInput signal (configurable) 3,60 Vcc ± 0,1% (with bridge’s resistance included between 100 Ω and 10 KΩ) Power supply connectionsBridge excitation voltage (Vexc) 10 Vcc ± 0,1% (with bridge’s resistance included between 300 Ω and 10 KΩ)Thermal drift ± 0,01% of the selected value/°CBridge excitation current 65 mA maxOUTPUT Current: 4÷20 mA, 0÷20 mA Output connectionsSignal type (configurable) ± 40% max.Zero regulation ± 40% max. Volt Passive mA output Active mA outputSpan regulation 12 Vcc min. @ 20 mAAuxiliary supply (Aux. Supply out) Voltage output: >/= 5 KΩ,Load resistance (Rload) Current output: </= 500 ΩPERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0,1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0,1% of f.s.Response time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) ± 0,01% of f.s./°CPower supply voltage (**) 40 msReverse polarity protection 18÷30 Vcc Isolations structureCurrent consumption 60 Vcc max. Voltage output: 80 mA max. Current output: 120 mA maxElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Isolating voltage 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min. Input side Output sideOperating temperatureStorage temperature -20÷60 °CRelative humidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis and power supply variation Power supply side Mechanical dimensions (mm)40

“DAT5024 SERIES”: The devices of the DAT5024 seriesTRIP AMPLIFIERS can accept on their input several type ofFOR DIN RAIL signals coming from the fieldMOUNTING The series is composed of: - Configurable Trip Amplifier for universal input (DAT5024) - Configurable Trip Amplifier for universal input with display for the visualization of the trip level (DAT5024/D) - Trip amplifier for configurable input as voltage or current (DAT5024E) - Low profile configurable Trip Amplifier for universal input (DAT5024/L) TRIP AMPLIFIERS 43

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT5024 Configurable trip Analog input connections amplifier Voltage Thermocouple INPUT Current RTD/Res. 3 wires (active loop) CurrentINPUT TYPE * MIN MAX INPUT CALIBRATION (1) THRESHOLD adjustable from 2 up to 98% F.S. (passive loop)VOLTAGE HYSTERESIS adjustable from 0,5 up to 10% F.S.50 mV ± 0.1% DELAY adjustable up to 25 sec.100 mV250 mV 0 mV + 50 mV LINEARITY (1)1V 0 mV + 100 mV mV, V, mA10 V 0 mV + 250 mV Tc, RTD +/-0.05%THERMOCOUPLE 0 mVJ 0 mV +1V +/-0.2%K + 10 VR RELAYS OUTPUT Contacts of relaysS N° 2 SPDTB INPUT IMPEDANCE Contact rating (resistive) 250 Vac, 2AE TC,mVT > 1 MΩ Minimum load 5 Vcc 10 mAN V > 100 KΩ -210 °C +1200 °C mA < 50Ω Max. voltage 250 Vca (50/60 Hz)RTD -210 °C +1370 °CPt100 -50 °C +1760 °C 110 VccPt1000 -50 °C +1760 °C LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Isolation between contacts1000 Vac maxNi100 +400°C +1820 °C mV, TcNi1000 -210 °C +1000 °C < 0.8 uV/OhmRESISTANCE -210 °C +400 °C250 Ω -210 °C +1300 °C POWER SUPPLY Power supply connections2 KΩ Power supply voltage 18 ÷ 32 VccCURRENT THERMAL DRIFT(1)20 mA FULL SCALE ± 0.02% / °C Current consumption 80 mA max @ 24 Vcc . Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc max(*) Specificy in phase of order CJC COMP. ± 0.5 °C -50 °C +400 °C . ISOLATION VOLTAGE -200 °C +200 °C Input-power supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min -60 °C +180 °C RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Input-contact of relays 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min -60 °C +150 °C 0,6 mA tip. Power supply-contact of relay1500 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min CJC THERMAL DRIFT TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY Isolation structure FULL SCALE Operative temperature -20°C ÷ +60°C 0 Ω 250 Ω ± 0.02% / °C Storage temperature -40°C ÷ +85°C Relays 0 Ω 2000 Ω . AUXILIARY SUPPLY Humidity (not condensed) 0 + 90% Analog input 0 mA 20 mA (only for mA input) > 18 V @ 20 mA EMC (for industrial enviroments) Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4 Power supply(1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) DAT5024/D Configurable trip amplifier Analog input connections with display for the visualization of the trip level Voltage Thermocouple INPUT Current RTD/Res. 3 wires (active loop) CurrentINPUT TYPE* MIN MAX INPUT CALIBRATION (1) THRESHOLD adjustable from 2 up to 98% F.S. (passive loop)VOLTAGE HYSTERESIS adjustable from 0,5 up to 10% F.S.50 mV LINEARITY (1) ± 0.1% DELAY adjustable up to 25 sec.100 mV DISPLAY 3 digits (h= 10 mm)250 mV 0 mV + 50 mV mV, V, mA +/-0.05%1V 0 mV + 100 mV10 V 0 mV + 250 mV Tc, RTD +/-0.2% 0 mVTHERMOCOUPLE 0 mV +1V INPUT IMPEDANCE RELAYS OUTPUT Contacts of relaysJ + 10 V N° 2 SPDTK TC,mV > 1 MΩR V > 100 KΩ Contact rating (resistive) 250 Vac, 2AS mA < 50Ω Minimum loadB -210 °C +1200 °C Max. voltage 5 Vcc 10 mAE -210 °C +1370 °CT -50 °C +1760 °C 250 Vca (50/60 Hz)N -50 °C +1760 °C +400°C +1820 °C 110 Vcc -210 °C +1000 °C LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) Isolation between contacts1000 Vac max -210 °C +400 °C mV, Tc -210 °C +1300 °C < 0.8 uV/Ohm Power supply connections THERMAL DRIFT (1) POWER SUPPLY Power supply voltage 18 ÷ 32 Vcc FULL SCALE ± 0.02% / °C Current consumption 110 mA max @ 24 Vcc . Reverse polarity protection 60 Vcc maxRTD -50 °C +400 °C CJC COMP. ± 0.5 °C ISOLATION VOLTAGEPt100 -200 °C +200 °C . Input-power supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 minPt1000 -60 °C +180 °C Input-contact of relays 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 minNi100 -60 °C +150 °C RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Power supply-contact of ralay 1500 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min Isolation structureNi1000 0.6 mA tip. TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITYRESISTANCE 0Ω 250 Ω Operative temperature -20°C ÷ +60°C Relays250 Ω 0Ω 2000 Ω CJC THERMAL DRIFT (1) Storage temperature -40°C ÷ +85°C2 KΩ FULL SCALE ± 0.02% / °C Humidity (not condensed) 0 + 90%CURRENT 0 mA 20 mA . Analog20 mA input(*) Specificy in phase of order AUXILIARY SUPPLY EMC (for industrial enviroments) (only for mA input) > 18 V @ 20 mA Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Power supply Emission EN 61000-6-4(1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Mechanical dimensions (mm)44

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT5024E Economic, isolated Analog input connections trip amplifier configurable by Dip-switches Voltage Active currents Passive currentsINPUT Voltage: 0÷10 V, 0÷5 V, 2÷10 V, 1÷5 V Terminal P = GND1Input signal Current: 0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mAAuxiliary supply (Vaux) 18 V min @ 20 mA Power supplyImput impedance Voltage: >/= 1 Mohm Current: </= 50 ohmOUTPUT Terminal R = GNDRelays n° 2 SPDT (Form C)Maximum operating voltage (on resistive load) 125 Vca, 30 Vcc RelaysMaximum operating current (on resistive load) 0.5 A @ 125 Vca, 1 A @ 30 VccMaximum switching capacity (on resistive load) 62.5 VA, 30 W TRip 1 relayIsolation between coil and contacts 1000 Vca Trip 2 relayIsolation between contacts 1000 VcaPERFORMANCE ± 0.1% of f.s. Isolation structureCalibration error 0.02% of full scale/°CThermal drift 18÷30 Vcc Input RelaysPower supply voltage (*) 110 mA max. with both the relays energizedCurrent consumption Configurable from 2 up to 96% of f.s.Trip value regulation Configurable from 1 up to 6 sec.Delay time value regulation (Delay) Configurable from 2 up to 9.5% of f.s.Hysteresis value regulation Immunity: EN 61100-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial enviroments) 1500 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Isolation between input and power supply -20÷60 °COperating temperature -40÷70 °CStorage temperature 0÷90%Relative humidity (not condensed)(*) interamente protetto contro le inversioni di polarità Power supply DAT5024/L Low profile configurable Analog input connections trip amplifier Voltage Thermocouple RTD/Res. 3 wires INPUT Current Current (active loop) (passive loop)INPUT TYPE * MIN MAX INPUT CALIBRATION (1) THRESHOLD adjustable from 2 up to 98% F.S.VOLTAGE50 mV Linearity (1) ± 0.1% HYSTERESIS adjustable from 0,5 up to 10% F.S.100 mV250 mV 0 mV + 50 mV mV, V, mA +/-0.05% DELAY adjustable up to 25 sec.1000 mV 0 mV + 100 mV10 V 0 mV + 250 mV Tc, RTD +/-0.2% RELAYS OUTPUT N° 2 SPDTTHERMOCOUPLE 0 mV Contact rating (resistive) 125 Vac, 0,5AJ 0 mV +1V Contacts of relaysK + 10 V IMPUT IMPEDANCE 30 Vcc, 1AR Minimum loadS TC,mV > 1 MΩ Max. Voltage 10 mVcc, 10 uABE V > 100 KΩ 125 Vac (50/60 Hz)T mA < 50ΩN -210 °C +1200 °C 110 Vdc -210 °C +1370 °C Isolation between contacts 1000 Vac maxRTD -50 °C +1760 °CPt100 -50 °C +1760 °C LINE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) POWER SUPPLYPt1000 +400°C +1820 °C mV, Tc Power supply voltage 18 ÷ 32 VccNi100 -210 °C +1000 °C < 0.8 uV/Ohm Current consumption 110 mA max @ 24 Vcc Power supply connectionsNi1000 -210 °C +400 °C Reverse polarity protection60 Vcc maxRESISTANCE -210 °C +1300 °C THERMAL DRIFT (1) ISOLATION VOLTAGE250 Ω FULL SCALE Input-power supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min2 KΩ ± 0.02% / °C Input-contact of relays 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 minCURRENT . Power supply-contact of relay1500 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min20 mA -50 °C +400 °C CJC COMP. ± 0.5 °C(*) Specificy in phase of order -200 °C +200 °C . -60 °C +180 °C -60 °C +150 °C RTD EXCITATION CURRENT TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY Isolation structure 0.6 mA tip. Operative temperature -20°C ÷ +60°C Relays Storage temperature -40°C ÷ +85°C 0 Ω 250 Ω CJC THERMAL DRIFT Humidity (not condensed) 0 + 90% 0 Ω 2000 Ω FULL SCALE ± 0.02% / °C Analog . input 0 mA 20 mA AUXILIARY SUPPLY EMC (for industrial enviroments) (only for mA input) > 18 V @ 20 mA Immunity Emission EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4 Power supply(1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Mechanical dimensions (mm) 45

“DAT200, DAT500 The transmitters and converters of the DAT200 TRANSMITTERS, SIGNAL CONVERTERS/GALVANIC ISOLATORSSERIES”: series can accept on their input signal comingSIGNAL from potentiometers sensors (DAT205)TRANSMITTERS or voltage and current signals (DAT207)AND CONVERTERS, The series is composed of:GALVANIC - 4÷20 mA two wires transmitter forISOLATORS potentiometer input without galvanic isolation (DAT205 2W) - Converter for potentiometer input with voltage (0÷10 V) or current (0÷20 mA or 4÷20 mA) output without galvanic isolation (DAT205 3W) - 4÷20 mA two wires transmitter for voltage input (from 0÷5 mV up to 0÷200 mV) without galvanic isolation (DAT207A 2W) - 4÷20 mA two wires transmitter for voltage input (from 0÷200 mV up to 0÷20 V) without galvanic isolation (DAT207B 2W) - 4÷20 mA two wires transmitter for current input (from 0÷5 mA up to 0÷50 mA) without galvanic isolation (DAT207C 2W) - Converter for voltage input (from 0÷5 mV up to 0÷200 mV) with voltage (0÷10 V) or current (0÷20 mA or 4÷20 mA) output without galvanic isolation (DAT207A 3W) - Converter for voltage input (from 0÷200 mV up to 0÷20 V) with voltage (0÷10 V) or current (0÷20 mA or 4÷20 mA) output without galvanic isolation (DAT207B 3W) - Converter for current input (from 0÷5 mA up to 0÷50 mA) with voltage (0÷10 V) or current (0÷20 mA or 4÷20 mA) output without galvanic isolation (DAT207C 3W) The self-powered galvanic isolators of the DAT500 series allow to isolate current signals included into the range 0÷ 20 mA The series is composed of: - 0÷20mA / 0÷20 mA galvanic isolator (DAT511) - 0÷20mA / 0÷20 mA galvanic isolator Hart compatible (DAT511H) 47

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT205 2W Transmitter for potentiometer Input connectionsINPUT Potentiometer Note: terminal D not connected (NC)Sensor type Minimun nominal value= 1 KΩ;Potentiometer’s resistance Maximum nominal value= 10 KΩ. Power supply/output connectionsVoltage reference 1 Vcc Note: terminals E and F not connected (NC)OUTPUT 4÷20 mA on current loopOutput type 25 mA Load characteristicMaximum output signal see section “Load characteristic”Load resistance (Rload) 500 ms Input connectionsResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.)PERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.1% of f.s.Power supply voltage (**) 0.02% of full scale/°C 10÷32 VccElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70 °CStorage temperatureHumidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, linearisation error and power supply voltage variation(**) internally protected against reverse polarity DAT205 3W Converter for potentiometerINPUT Potentiometer Note: terminal D not connected (NC)Sensor type Minimum nominal value= 1 KΩ;Potentiometer’s resistance Maximum nominal value= 10 KΩ. Power supply/output connectionsVoltage reference 1 Vcc Output connectionsOUTPUT 4÷20 mA, 0÷20 mA or 0÷10 VOutput type 15 V or 25 mA SEL connectionsMaximum output signal Current output: </= 500 ΩLoad resistance (Rload) Voltage output: >/= 2 KΩResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 500 msPERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.1% of f.s.Power supply voltage (**) 0.02% of full scale/°CCurrent consumption 18÷30 Vcc Current output: 30 mA max. Voltage output: 10 mA max.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70 °CStorage temperatureHumidity (not condensed) -40÷85°C 0÷90%SEL COMMAND 5÷30 VccDisable output 0 Vcc or not connectedEnable output(*) inclusive of hysteresis, linearisation error and power supply voltage variation (**) internally protected against reverse polarity Mechanical dimensions (mm)48

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions)DAT207 2W Fixed range Input connections transmitter for mV, V and mA signalsINPUT Voltage: from 0÷5 mV up to 0÷200 mV (DAT207A 2W) Note: terminals B and D not connected (NC)Input type from 0÷200 mV up to 0÷20 V (DAT207B 2W) from 0÷5 mA up to 0÷50 mA (DAT207C 2W) Power supply/output connectionsImput impedanceOUTPUT Voltage signals: 1 MΩ; Note: terminals E and F not connected (NC)Output type Current signals: 100 Ω.Maximum output signal Load characteristicLoad resistance (Rload) 4÷20 mA on current loopResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 25 mA Input connections see section “Load characteristic” 500 msPERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.1% of f.s.Power supply voltage (**) 0.02% of full scale/°C 10÷32 VccElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70 °CStorage temperatureHumidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, linearisation error and power supply voltage variation(**) internally protected against reverse polarity DAT207 3W Converter for mV, V and mA signalsINPUT Voltage: from 0÷5 mV up to 0÷200 mV (DAT207A 3W) Note: terminals B and D not connected (NC)Input type from 0÷200 mV up to 0÷20 V (DAT207B 3W) Power supply connectionsInput impedance Current: from 0÷5 mA up to 0÷50 mA (DAT207C 3W)OUTPUT Voltage signals: 1 MΩ; Output connectionsOutput type Current signals: 100 Ω.Maximum output signal SEL connectionsLoad resistance (Rload) 4÷20 mA, 0÷20 mA or 0÷10 VResponse time (from 10 to 90% of f.s.) 15 V or 25 mA Current output: </= 500 Ω Voltage output: >/= 2 KΩ 500 msSEL COMMAND 5÷30 VccDisable output 0 Vcc or not connectedEnable outputPERFORMANCESCalibration error ± 0.1% of f.s.Linearity error (*)Thermal drift ± 0.1% of f.s.Power supply voltage (**) 0.02% of full scale/°CCurrent consumption 18÷30 Vcc Current output: 30 mA max. Voltage output: 10 mA max.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature -20÷70 °CStorage temperatureHumidity (not condensed) -40÷85 °C 0÷90%(*) inclusive of hysteresis, linearisation error and power supply voltage variation(**) internally protected against reverse polarity Mechanical dimensions (mm) 49

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT511 Self-powered current loop isolator Input connectionsINPUT Current: 0÷20 mA ActiveSignal type (*) 50 mA mAMaximum input signal 3 Vcc max.Voltage drop Note: terminals G and H not connected (NC) Current: 0÷20 mAOUTPUT from 0 up to 700 ohm Output connectionsSignal typeLoad resistance (Rload) Rload (passive) Note: terminals A and B not connected (NC)PERFORMANCESTransmission error ± 0.25% of f.s.Load resistance influence ± 0.085% of f.s./100 ΩThermal drift 0.02% of full scale/°CResponse time 20 msIsolation voltage 1500 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4Operating temperature 0÷55 °C Isolations structureStorage temperature -40÷85 °C Output sideHumidity (not condensed) 0÷90% Input side(*) internally protected against reverse polarity DAT511/H Self-powered current Input connections loop isolator HART compatible ActiveINPUT Current: 0÷20 mA mASignal type (*) 50 mAMaximum input signal 3 Vcc max. Note: terminals G and H not connected (NC)Voltage drop Current: 0÷20 mA Output connectionsOUTPUT from 0 up to 700 ohmSignal type 0.5÷4 KHz RloadLoad resistance (Rload) (passive)Bandwidth Note: terminals A and B not connected (NC)PERFORMANCESTransmission error ± 0.25% of f.s.Load resistance influence ± 0.085% of f.s./100 ΩThermal drift 0.02% of full scale/°CFrequency response From 0,5 up to 4 KHz bidirectional within @ 3 dBResponse time 20 msIsolation voltage 1500 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (for industrial environments) Immunity: EN 61000-6-2; Emission: EN 61000-6-4 Isolations structureOperating temperature 0÷55 °CStorage temperature -40÷85 °C Input side Output sideHumidity (not condensed) 0÷90%(*) internally protected against reverse polarity Mechanical dimensions (mm)50

“DAT3000 SERIES” The distributed I/O modules of the DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL MODULESDATA ACQUISITION DAT3000 series represent a completeAND CONTROL solution for the acquisition and controlMODULES of the analog and digital I/O signals. The series is composed of: - Serial line RS232-RS485/RS422 converters and repeater (DAT3580, DAT3580 USB, DAT3580 MBTCP, DAT3590) - Modules for digital inputs and digital outputs (DAT3130, DAT3140, DAT3148, DAT3188) - Modules for analog inputs (DAT3010, DAT3014, DAT3015, DAT3016, DAT3017, DAT3018) - Modules with analog outputs (DAT3022, DAT3024, DAT3028) The devices communicate on the RS-485 serial line by the MODBUS RTU communication protocol and are able to communicate with the host computer on multi-point net using only two wires. 53

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3580 Isolated converter Wiring RS232 RS485/422 Power supply RS232 DB9 MORSETTI DB9 DB9 IN COMPLIANCE WITH EIA RS232, RS485 AND RS422 RS485 Point to pointRS485 INTERFACE up to 115,2 Kbps POWER SUPPLY 10÷30 Vdc RS485 Multi pointBaud-rate CURRENT CONSUMPTION 9÷18 Vac (18÷30 Vac optional) RS422 Point to pointMax. distance/baud-rate ratio 1,2 Km @ 38400 bps 35 mA typ. @ 24 Vdc RS422 Multi - Point(recommended) (1) 2 Km @ 19200 bps ISOLATIONS Power supply/RS232 3 Km @ 9600 bps Power supply/RS485-422 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS232/RS485-422 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 4 Km @ 4800 bps 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 5 Km @ 2400 bps 7 Km @ 1200 bpsNumbers of modules in multipoint up to 32 EMC (for Industrial Environments) Immunity Emission EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4Switching time 150 us.TX/RX (RS485) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Operative temperature Storage temperature -20÷ +60 °C -40÷ +85 °C Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90%Internal terminator 120 Ohm Isolation structureresistance (optional) RS485 CONNECTION DB9 and removable screw terminals RS - 232 RS422 RS-232 removable screw terminals RS-485/422(1) The maximum distance depends of: Power supplynumber of devices connected, type of cabling, noises, etc... DAT3580-USB Isolated converter Wiring USB RS485/422 Power supply RS485 Point to point IN COMPLIANCE WITH USB 2.0, EIA RS485 AND RS422 RS485 Multi - PointRS485 INTERFACE up to 115,2 Kbps POWER SUPPLY 10÷30 Vdc RS422 Point to pointBaud-rate CURRENT CONSUMPTION 9÷18 Vac RS422 Multi - Point (18÷30 Vac optional)Max.distance/baud-rate ratio 35 mA typ. @ 24 Vdc(recommended) (1) 1,2 Km @ 38400 bps ISOLATIONS 2 Km @ 19200 bps Power supply/USB 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 3 Km @ 9600 bps Power supply/RS485-422 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 4 Km @ 4800 bps USB/RS485-422 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 5 Km @ 2400 bps 7 Km @ 1200 bpsNumber of modules in multipoint up to 32 EMC (for Industrial Environments) Immunity Emission EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4Switching time 150 us.TX/RX (RS485) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Operative temperature Storage temperature -20÷ +60 °C Isolation structure -40÷ +85 °C Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90%Internal terminator 120 Ohmresistance (optional) RS485 USB RS422 CONNECTION USB connector type “A” Power supply USB (cable length ~ 1,8 mt.) RS-485/422 removable screw terminals(1) The maximum distance depends of:number of devices connected, type of cabling, noises, etc... Mechanical dimensions (mm)54

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3580-MBTCP Ethernet Gateway Wiring Modbus TCP Modbus RTU Power supply RS485 Point to point IN COMPLIANCE WITH ETHERNET IEEE 802.3 AND RS485NETWORK INTERFACE Ethernet 10/100 Base-T POWER SUPPLY 18÷30 Vdc RS485 Multi - PointProtocol Modbus TCPConnection RJ-45 Isolation structureRS-485 INTERFACE up to 115,2 Kbps CURRENT CONSUMPTION 45 mA typ. @ 24 Vdc (without ) EthernetBaud-rate ISOLATIONS 80 mA max. Power supply Power supply/EthernetMax. distance/baud-rate ratio 1,2 Km @ 38400 bps Power supply/RS485 1500 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min.(recommended) (1) 2 Km @ 19200 bps Ethernet/RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 3 Km @ 9600 bps 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 4 Km @ 4800 bps 5 Km @ 2400 bps EMC (for Industrial Environments) EN 61000-6-2 7 Km @ 1200 bps Immunity EN 61000-6-4 EmissionNumber of modules in multipoint up to 32 TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Operative temperatureSwitching time 150 us. Storage temperature -20÷ +60 °CTX/RX (RS485) -40÷ +85 °C RS485 Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90%Internal terminator 120 Ohm (optional) CONNECTIONresistance (optional) Ethernet RS-485 RJ-45 removable screw terminals(1) The maximum distance depends of:number of devices connected, type of cabling, noises, etc... DAT3590 Repeater/Isolator Wiring RS485/422 Power supply IN COMPLIANCE WITH EIA RS485 AND RS422Baud-rate up to 115,2 Kbps POWER SUPPLY 10÷30 Vdc RS485 CURRENT CONSUMPTION 9÷18 VacMax.distance/baud-rate ratio 1,2 Km @ 38400 bps ISOLATIONS (18÷30 Vac optional) RS422(recommended) (1) 2 Km @ 19200 bps Power supply/RS485-422 3 Km @ 9600 bps RS485-422/RS485-422 35 mA @ 24 Vdc Isolation structure 4 Km @ 4800 bps 5 Km @ 2400 bps 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 232 7 Km @ 1200 bps 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min.Number of modules in multipoint uo to 32 EMC (for Industrial Environments) EN 61000-6-2 Immunity EN 61000-6-4 EmissionSwitching time 150 us.TX/RX (RS485) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Operative temperature Storage temperature -20÷ +60 °CInternal terminator 120 Ohm (optional) -40÷ +85 °Cresistance (optional) Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90% RS485 CONNECTION RS-485/422 RS422 removable screw terminals Power supply(1) The maximum distance depends of:number of devices connected, type of cabling, noises, etc... Mechanical dimensions (mm) 55

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3130 Distributed I/O Module Digital input wiring Relay output wiring 4 digital inputs + 4 relay outputs on RS-485 networkDIGITAL INPUTS SAMPLE TIME 5 ms max.Channels 4Input voltage (bipolar) 0÷3 V DATA TRANSMISSION 38.4 KbpsOFF State 10÷30 V (asynchronous serial) 1.2 KmON State Baud-rateImpedance 4.7 KΩ Max. DistanceDIGITAL OUTPUTS POWER SUPPLY 18 .. 30 Vdc NOTES: Input channels are not insulated between them Supply voltage 45 mA @ 24 Vdc Current consumption 60 Vdc max. RS-485 Network wiring INIT wiring Reverse Polarity protectionChannels 4 ISOLATION VOLTAGE Inputs-RS485Type n° 2 SPDT relays Inputs-Supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 ON: short-circuit RS-485-Supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. network to GND 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min.Switching power (max.) n° 2 SPST N.O. relays2 A @ 250 Vac (resistive load) for contact Power supply wiring2 A @ 30 Vdc (resistive load) for contact EMC (for Industrial Environments) ImmunityMinimum load 5 Vdc, 10 mA Emission EN 61000-6-2Max. Voltage EN 61000-6-4250 Vac (50/60 Hz), 110 Vcc TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYIsolation voltage between contacts Operating temperature -10 .. +60 °C Isolation structure1000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Storage temperature -40 .. +85 °C Digital RS485 outputs NetworkIsolation voltage between coil and contacts Humidity (not condensed) 0÷90%4000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Digital inputs Power supply DAT3140 Distributed I/O Module Digital input wiring Digital output wiring 4 digital inputs + 8 NPN outputs on RS-485 networkDIGITAL INPUTS 4 POWER SUPPLY 10 .. 30 VdcChannels Supply Voltage 45 mA @ 24 Vdc 0÷3 V Current consumption 60 Vdc max.Input voltage (bipolar) 10÷30 V Reverse polarity protectionOFF State 4.7 KΩON State ISOLATION VOLTAGE 1000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. NOTES: Input channels are not insulated between themImpedance 8 Inputs Outputs 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Output channels are not insulated between them NPN Inputs-RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min.DIGITAL OUTPUTS Inputs-Supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS-485 Network wiring INIT wiringChannels Outputs-RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min.Type Outputs- Supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 ON: short-circuit RS-485-Supply network to GNDMax. Voltage 30 Vdc, EMC (for Industrial Environments) Power supply wiringMax. Load 600 mA for channel ImmunityOver-current protection 3 A max. for module Emission EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4 NOSample time 20 ms Isolation structureData Transmission (asynchronous serial) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Digital Operating temperature OutputsBaude-rate up to 38.4 Kbps Storage temperature -10 .. +60 °C RS485 Digital NetworkMax. Distance 1.2 Km - 4000 ft. -40 .. +85 °C Inputs Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90% Power supply Mechanical dimensions (mm)56

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3148/8 Distributed I/O Module Digital input wiring 8 digital inputs on RS-485 networkDIGITAL INPUTS 8 POWER SUPPLY 10 .. 30 VdcChannels Supply Voltage 35 mA @ 24 Vdc 0÷3 V Current consumption 60 Vdc max.Input voltage (bipolar) 10÷30 V Reverse polarity protectionOFF State 4.7 KΩON State ISOLATION VOLTAGE 1500 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min.Impedance Inputs 0÷7 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min. Inputs-RS485 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min. Inputs-Supply 2000 Vca, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS-485 Network wiring INIT wiring RS-485-Supply RS - 485 ON: short-circuit network to GND EMC (for Industrial Environments)Sample time 5 ms max. Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Power supply wiring Emission EN 61000-6-4Data Transmission (async. serial) 38,4 Kbps TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYBaude-rate 1.2 Km - 4000 ft. Operating temperatureMax. Distance -10 .. +60 °C Storage temperature -40 .. +85 °C Isolation structure Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90% Inputs 0÷7 RS485 Power supply DAT3148/12 Distributed I/O Module Digital input wiring 8 + 4 digital inputs on RS-485 networkDIGITAL INPUTS 12 POWER SUPPLY 10 .. 30 VdcChannels Supply Voltage 35 mA @ 24 Vdc 0÷3 V Current consumption 60 Vdc max.Input voltage (bipolar) 10÷30 V Reverse polarity protectionOFF State 4.7 KΩON State ISOLATION VOLTAGE 1500 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. NOTES: Input channels 0 ÷ 7 are insulated from input channels 8 ÷ 11Impedance Inputs 0÷7 - Inputs 8÷11 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Inputs-RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Inputs-Supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS-485 network wiring INIT wiring RS-485-Supply RS - 485 ON: short-circuit network to GNDSample time 5 ms max. EMC (for Industrial Environments) EN 61000-6-2 Power supply wiring Immunity EN 61000-6-4 EmissionData Transmission (async. serial) 38.4 Kbps TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Isolation structureBaud-rate 1.2 Km-4000 ft.Max. distance Operating temperature -10 .. +60 °C Storage temperature -40 .. +85 °C Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90% Inputs 0÷7 RS485 Inputs 8÷11 Power supply Mechanical dimensions (mm) 57

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3188/4 Distributed I/O Module Digital input wiring Digital output wiring 4 digital inputs + 8 PNP outputs on RS-485 networkDIGITAL INPUTS SAMPLE TIME 5 ms max.ChannelsInput voltage (bipolar) 4 DATA TRANSMISSION 115.2 KbpsOFF State (Asynchronous serial) 1.2 Km-4000 ft.ON State 0÷3 V Baud-rateImpedance 10÷30 V Max. distanceDIGITAL OUTPUTS 4,7 KΩChannels POWER SUPPLY 10 .. 30 Vdc NOTES: Input channels are not insulated between themType 8 Supply voltage 45 mA @ 24 Vdc Output channels are not insulated between themMax. Voltage Current consumption 60 Vdc max.Max. Load PNP Reverse polarity protection RS-485 network wiring INIT wiring 10.5÷30 VdcInductive Load ISOLATION VOLTAGE 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 ON: short-circuit 500 mA for channel* Inputs-RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. network on GND 1 A for module Inputs-Power supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 48 Ω - 2 H max. RS-485-Power supply Power supply wiring EMC (for Industrial Environments) EN 61000-6-2 Immunity EN 61000-6-4 Emission TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Isolation structure Operating temperature -10 .. +60 °C Digital Power supply Storage temperature -40 .. +85 °C outputs RS485 network Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90% Digital inputs* Protection against over-current sws over temperature smart-circuit current 1.7 A max. DAT3188/8 Distributed I/O Module Digital input wiring Digital otput wiring 8 digital inputs + 8 PNP outputs on RS-485 networkDIGITAL INPUTS SAMPLE TIME 5 ms max.ChannelsInput voltage (bipolar) 8 DATA TRANSMISSION 115.2 KbpsOFF State (asynchronous serial) 1.2 Km-4000 ft.ON State 0÷3 V Baud-rateImpedance 10÷30 V Max. DistanceDIGITAL OUTPUTS 4,7 KΩChannels POWER SUPPLY 10 .. 30 Vdc NOTES: Input channels are not insulated between themType 8 Supply Voltage 45 mA @ 24 Vdc Output channels are not insulated between themMax. Voltage Current consumption 60 Vdc max.Max. Load PNP Reverse polarity protection 10.5÷30 VdcInductive Load RS-485 network wiring INIT wiring 500 mA for channel* 1 A for module ISOLATION VOLTAGE 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 ON: short-circuit 48 Ω - 2 H max. Inputs-RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. network to GND Inputs-Power supply 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS-485-Power supply EMC (for Industrial Environments) Power supply wiring Immunity Emission EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4 TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Isolation structure Operating temperature -10 .. +60 °C Power supply Storage temperature -40 .. +85 °C Digital outputs Relative humidity (not condensed) 0÷90% RS485 Digital network* Protection against over-current sws inputs over temperature smart-circuit current 1.7 A max. Mechanical dimensions (mm)58

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3010 Remote I/O module Termocouple I/O connections universal input Low voltage mV High voltage V Current on RS-485 network RTD/RES 2 wires RTD/RES 3 wires RTD/RES 4 wiresINPUT TYPE INPUT MAX INPUT CALIBRATION(1) SAMPLE TIME MIN 1200°C RTD 100 Ω ± 0.05% f.s. 300 ms 1370°CTC (CJC int./ext.) 1760°C RTD 1000 Ω ± 0.1% f.s.J 1760°C Res. 500 Ω ± 0.1% f.s.K -200°C 1820°C Res. 2000 Ω ± 0.2% f.s. DATA TRANSMISSION (async. serial)S -200°C 1000°C Baud-rate 38.4 KbpsR -50°C 400°C mV, TC > ± 0.05% f.s. or ± 5 uV Max. distance 1.2 Km-4000 ft. Digital input Digital outputsB -50°C 1300°C Volt ± 0.05% f.s. DI_0 DO_0 DO_1E 400°C mA ± 0.05% f.s.T -200°C 850°CN -200°C 200°C INPUT IMPEDANCE WARM-UP TIME 3 minutesRTD 2, 3, 4 wires -200°C 180°C Supply VoltagePt100 -200°C 150°C TC,mV >= 10 MΩ Polarity inversion polarity 60 Vdc maxPt1000 -200°C +50 mV Volt >= 1 MΩNi100 +100 mV Current ~ 47 ΩNi1000 -60°C +250 mV RS-485 connections INIT connectionVOLTAGE -60°C +1000 mV LINEARITY (1) POWER SUPPLYmV -50 mV +10 V TC ± 0.2% f.s. Supply Voltage 10..30 VdcmV -100 mV 500 Ω Current consumption 40 mA @ 24 Vdc RS - 485mV -250 mV 2000 Ω RTD ± 0.1% f.s. Polarity inversion protection 60 Vdc max network ON: short-circuitmV -1000 mV +20 mA to GNDV LEAD WIRE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1)RES. 2, 3,4 wires -10 V TC, mV, V <= 0.8 uV/OhmLow 0Ω RTD/res. 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ωmax balanced) ISOLATIONHigh 0Ω RTD/res. 4 wires 0.005%/Ω (100 Ωmax balanced) Input - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Power supply connections Supply. - Input 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Supply - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Typical 0.350 mACURRENT CJC COMP. ± 0.5°C TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Analog Isolation structuremA THERMAL DRIFT (1) Operating temperature -10°C .. +60°C inputs, Full scale ± 0.01% /°C Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C digital I/O RS485 CJC ± 0.02% /°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% network Power supply -20 mADIGITAL INPUT DIGITAL OUTPUTS (2channels) EMC (for Industrial Environments)Logic level 0 0V +1 V Open Collector 30 V with max. load at 30 mA Immunity EN 61000-6-2Logic level 1 3.5 V +30 V Power dissipation 0,3W Emission EN 61000-6-4Impedance 10 KΩ (1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) DAT3014 Remote I/O module RTD/RES 2 wires Analog input wiring 4 channel RTD input Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 on RS-485 network RTD/RES 3 wires Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3INPUT TYPE INPUT MAX INPUT CALIBRATION (1) POWER SUPPLYRTD 2 or 3 wires MIN RTD ± 0.05% f.s.Pt100 850°C Res. ± 0.05% f.s. Supply Voltage 10..30 Vdc PotentiometerPt1000 -200°C 200°C Pot. ± 0.05% f.s. Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3Ni100 -200°C 180°C Current consumption 40 mA @ 24 VdcNi1000 -60°C 150°C -60°C Polarity inversion protection 60 Vdc max LINEARITY (1) RTD ± 0.1% f.s.RES. 2 or 3 wires LEAD WIRE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE (1) ISOLATION NOTE:input channels are not isolated between them 3 6 9 12 = Ref.Basso RTD/res. 3 wires 0.05%/Ω (50 Ωmax balancedi) RS-485 network wiring RS-232 network wiringAltoPOT. (nom. value) 0Ω 500 Ω RTD EXCITATION CURRENT Input - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 RS - 232Low 0Ω 2000 Ω Typical 0.350 mA Supply - Input 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. networkHigh 20 Ω Supply- RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. 20 Ω 500 Ω THERMAL DRIFT (1) Power supply wiring INIT wiring 2000 Ω Full scale ± 0.01% /°C SAMPLE TIME TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY ON: corto circuito 0.5÷1 sec. OPerating temperature -10°C .. +60°C verso GND Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% DATA TRANSMISSION (async. serial) Isolation structure Baude-rate 38.4 Kbps Max. distance 1.2 Km - 4000 ft. Analog RS485 input (RS232) EMC (for Industrial Environments) Immunitày EN 61000-6-2 WARM-UP TIME Emission EN 61000-6-4 3 minutes Power supply (1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Mechanical dimensions (mm) 59

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3015-I Remote I/O module Analog input wiring 4 channel +/-20 mA input on RS-485 network Current Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3INPUT TYPE INPUT MAX INPUT CALIBRATION (1) POWER SUPPLYCURRENT MIN +/- 20 uA20 mA Supply Voltage 10..30 Vdc -20 mA +20 mA Current consumption 30 mA @ 24 Vdc NOTE:input channels are not isolated between them 2 4 6 8 = Ref. Polarity inversion protection 60 Vdc max LINEARITY (1) +/- 0.1% INPUT IMPEDANCE RS-485 network wiring RS-232 network wiring <= 50 Ω ISOLATION RS - 485 RS - 232 Iput - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. network Supply - Input 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. THERMAL DRIFT (1) Supply - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. FULL SCALE ± 0.005% / °C Power supply wiring INIT wiring ON: short-circuit SAMPLE TIME TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY to GND 0.5÷1 sec. Operating temperature -10°C .. +60°C Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% DATA TRANSMISSION (async. serial) EMC (for Industrial Environments) Analog Isolation structure RS485 Baud-rate 38,4 Kbps inputs (RS232) Max. distance 1.2 Km - 4000 ft. Power supply Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4 DAT3015-V (1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Analog input wiring Remote I/O module Current Input 0 Input 1 4 channel +/-10 V input con RS-485 network Input 2 Input 3INPUT TYPE INPUT MAX INPUT CALIBRATION (1) POWER SUPPLYVOLTAGE MIN +/- 10 mV Supply Voltage10 V 10..30 Vdc -10 V Current consumption 30 mA @ 24 Vdc NOTE: input channels are not isolated between them 2 4 6 8 = Ref. +10 V Polarity inversion polarity 60 Vdc max LINEARITY (1) +/- 0.1% RS-485 network wiring RS-232 network wiring INPUT IMPEDANCE ISOLATION 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 RS - 232 > 100 K Ω Input - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. network Supply - Input 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Supply - RS485 THERMAL DRIFT (1) Power supply wiring INIT wiring FULL SCALE ± 0.005% / °C ON: short-circuit TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY to GND SAMPLE TIME Operating temperature -10°C .. +60°C 0.5÷1 sec. Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Isolation structure DATA TRANSMISSION (async. serial) EMC (for Industrial Environments) Analog RS485 Baud-rate 38,4 Kbps Immunity EN 61000-6-2 inputs (RS232) Max. distance 1.2 Km - 4000 ft. Emission EN 61000-6-4 Power supply (1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Mechanical dimensions (mm)60

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Typical at 25 °C and in nominal conditions) DAT3016 Remote I/O module Voltage Analog input wiring 4 channel mV, Tc input Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 on RS-485 network INPUT Termocouple Input 2 Input 3 Input 0 Input 1INPUT TYPE MIN MAX INPUT IMPEDANCE POWER SUPPLY +1200°C Tc,mV >= 1 MΩ (2) Supply Voltage 10..30 Vdc +1370°C Current consumption 30 mA @ 24 VdcTHERMOCOUPLE +1760°C Polarity inversion protection 60 Vdc maxJ -210°C +1760°CK -210°C +1820°C LEAD WIRE RESISTANCE INFLUENCE NOTE: input channels are not isolated between them 2 4 6 8 = Ref.S -50°C +1000°CR -50°C +400°C Tc, mV <= 0.8 uV/Ohm (1)B +400°C +1300°CE -210°C THERMAL DRIFT ISOLATION 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS-485 network wiring RS-232 network wiringT -210°C Full Scale ± 0.005% /°C (1) Input - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 RS - 232N -210°C Supply - Input 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. network Supply - RS485VOLTAGE -25 mV +25 mV CJC THERMAL DRIFT25 mV -100 mV +100 mV FONDO SCALA ± 0.02% °C100 mV -250 mV +250 mV SAMPLE TIME250 mV -1000 mV +1000 mV1000 mV 0.5÷1 sec. TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Power supply wiring INIT wiring Operating temperature -10°C .. +60°C ON: short-circuitINPUT CALIBRATION Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C to GND> +/- 0.05% o 5 uV (1) Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90%LINEARITY +/- 0.1% (1) DATA TRANSMISSION (async. serial) Isolation structuremV +/- 0.2% (1) Baud-rate 38.4 KbpsTc Max. distance 1.2 Km - 1400 ft. EMC (for Industrial Environments) Analog RS485 Immunity EN 61000-6-2 inputs (RS232)COLD JUNCTION COMPENSATION WARM-UP TIME Emission EN 61000-6-4 ± 0.5°C 3 minutes Power supply(1) refered to input Span (difference between max. and min.) (2) there is a pull-up resistor (10 MΩ) connected to + 1V (break sensor) DAT3017-I Remote I/O module Analog input wiring 8 channel +/-20 mA input Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 on RS-485 network Current Input 0 INPUT Input 4 Input 5 Input 6 Input 7 MINNNPUT TYPE MAX INPUT CALIBRATION (1) Power supplyCURRENT -20 mA +/- 20 uA Supply Voltage20 mA 10..30 Vdc +20 mA Current consumption 30 mA @ 24 Vdc LINEARITY (1) +/- 0.1% Polarity inversion protection 60 Vdc max RS-485 network wiring RS-232 network wiring INPUT IMPEDANCE ISOLATION 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. RS - 485 RS - 232 <= 50 Ω Input - RS485 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. network Supply - Input 2000 Vac, 50 Hz, 1 min. Supply - RS485 THERMAL DRIFT (1) Power supply wiring INIT wiring Full Scale ± 0.005% /°C ON: short-circuit TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY to GND SAMPLE TIME Operating temperature -10°C .. +60°C 0.5÷2 sec. Storage temperature -40°C .. +85°C Humidity (not condensed) 0 .. 90% Isolation structure DATA TRANSMISSION (async. serial) EMC (for Industrial Environments) Analog RS485 Baud-rate 38.4 Kbps Immunity EN 61000-6-2 inputs (RS232) Max. distance 1.2 Km - 1400 ft. Emission EN 61000-6-4 Power supply (1) Referred to input Span (difference between max. and min. values) Mechanical dimensions (mm) 61

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