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Home Explore 2012 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report

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2012 Annual Report

Intellectual and material gifts bring the privilege and responsibility of sharing with others less fortunate. —Marian Wright Edelman

Celebrating Forty Years of Philanthropy (1972-2012)For the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois, 2012 was an exciting year of celebration andreflection on four decades of committed leadership, asset growth and donor generosity that enablesthe Foundation to support nonprofit organizations and communities throughout our nine-countyservice area.In 1972, longtime Champaign attorney John Franklin called Forrest Colwell, Kyle Robeson, HelenLevin, Bobby Eisner, Dick Burwash, Robert Mussey and several other community leaders with thevisionary idea that launched the Community Foundation of Champaign County with a beginningbalance of just $1,300 in assets.The Community Foundation’s mission was “to develop a better county in which to live now, aswell as to leave a better community for future generations.” The 40th anniversary celebrated thecontinued relevance of that mission and the many donors and trustees who have provided focusedleadership in philanthropy.Since 1972, the Foundation has grown to current permanent assets of almost $13 million and, onbehalf of donors, has distributed nearly $12 million in charitable grants to about 375 nonprofitorganizations that work to improve the quality of life in Champaign County and communitiesthroughout east central Illinois.In 2012, 23 nonprofit agencies were granted just over $74,000 based on applications submittedduring the annual unrestricted fund grantmaking cycle. The total of all grants and scholarshipsawarded was $1.15 million. We are particularly proud that the Community Foundation has been ableto give grants every year, regardless of stock market performance.The Community Foundation established the Center for Non-Profit Excellence to offer assistance tononprofits and their boards in establishing and maintaining “Best Practices.” In 2012, the Foundationworked directly with over 40 nonprofit organizations that requested guidance on board developmentand training, funding resources, organizational development, the 501(c)(3) application process andstrategic planning. In 2012, the Community Foundation helped and/or collaborated with over 100nonprofit and service organizations from the region. Over these first forty years, many lives have been touched through the Foundation’s support for healthand social services, education, community development and the arts. Throughout these forty years,the Foundation has honored the spirit of generosity that began with John Franklin’s vision—a visionthat has stood the test of time and will guide us in the future.Brenda Timmons Joan DixonChair, Board of Trustees President & CEO

2012 – 2013 Our Vision BOARD OF TRUSTEES To raise the quality of life throughout east central Illinois. Brenda Timmons Our Mission Chair To be a leader and major catalyst for long-term philanthropic assistance to the Steve Whitsitt residents of east central Illinois. Vice-Chair Our Values: Philanthropy Jeff Davis Secretary We are a leader in promoting philanthropy in an impartial, unbiased, ethical way, with a commitment to inclusiveness. David Parkhill We bring together people and resources to identify and address present and emerging Treasurer community needs. Tony Ackerman Past Chair Robert C. Aldridge Roaa Al-HeetiStephen J. DeBruyn Wade Hampton Charles Hundley Bonnie Kemper Anna J. Merritt Alan NudoMenah Pratt-Clarke Rick Winkel Joan M. Dixon President & CEO Helen LevinHonorary Trustee cf TM2 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

2012 AchievementsCelebrated 40 Years of Philanthropy. The Community Foundation’s 40th Anniversary gave us theopportunity to celebrate the past and look ahead to a very bright future with a dinner held at the AliceCampbell Alumni Center on June 19. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a $40,000 checkto the Eastern Illinois Foodbank to help alleviate hunger among the area’s senior citizens. This gift was madepossible by the W. Barclay and F.C. Brasch Endowment.Community Foundation President & CEO, Joan Dixon, was named to Illinois Attorney General LisaMadigan’s Charitable Trust Advisory Council created to serve, study and advise the Attorney General onissues of charitable giving, volunteerism and fundraising in the state of Illinois.Provided board training, strategic planning, and operational and funding assistance, as well asCommunity Foundation educational presentations to over 40 nonprofit organizations through theFoundation’s Center for Non-Profit Excellence which was established in 2008 to promote “Best Practices”throughout our area.Established or completed donor agreements for four Donor Advised Funds, five Endowments, four FiscalAgency Funds and one new Scholarship Fund.Provided a total of $74,079 in unrestricted grant funding to 23 nonprofit organizations in east centralIllinois. The Foundation’s grant committee reviewed 47 grant applications requesting $175,000 and madepersonal site visits to meet with each finalist.Distributed nearly $43,000 in Community Foundation Marajen Stevick Foundation Grants to fundfour organizations working in the areas of enhancing the lives of seniors, beautification of Champaign-Urbanaand the surrounding area and promoting excellence in reading and writing, important interests of Mrs.Stevick Chinigo.Distributed nearly $12,000 in Capacity-Building Micro-Grants jointly funded by the CommunityFoundation of East Central Illinois and the Lumpkin Family Foundation. These grants offer up to$1,500 for organizations to send staff or board members to conferences or to bring training opportunitiesin-house.Provided a total of $750,000 in charitable distributions to improve the quality of life for residents ineast central Illinois by investing in youth, education, health and human services, community developmentand the arts. Youth – 10.35% Arts – 4.78% Recreation – 5.06% Community Development – 13.46% Other – 2.40% Disabilities – 3.70% Education – 34.91%Health & Human Services – 25.33%2012 Charitable Distributions 2012 Annual Report • 3

CFECI Donors The Bottenfield P. T. A. Fund Alice Lamb C-U at Home Bud and Sandra Leister Bottenfield P. T. A. Helen Levin and Emily Levin Elizabeth Abraham   Mark Lipton Elaine Ackert Dana Buerkett Memorial Kim and Denise Martin Harold and Prudence Adams Scholarship Fund Mary McGrath Rob Adams Richard and Jeanne McMurray Gary and Phyllis Adelman Friends of Roundhouse Meyer Capel, P.C. Joseph and Kathleen Ahearn   Diane Michaels Matthew and Anne Ahrens Center for Community Adaptation Bill and Marsha Muirheid Barry Akin Jim Mullady and Robin Douglas Mark and Mary Allen Richard and Zoe Warner Dennis and Barbara Muncy American Legion Auxiliary Unit 24   Joseph Murphy Ameriplumb Community Foundation of Robert Mussey James and Linda Anderson East Central Illinois Mark Netter and Eve Harwood Kellie and Daniel Anderson Richard Noel Nicole Anderson Anthony Ackerman Alan and Kassandra Nudo Sara Anderson Bill and Coletta Ackermann Tracy Nugent Anonymous Harold and Prudence Adams Charles and Roberta Palmer Anthony E. Bamert & Assoc. Louise Allen Jenny and Peter Park Apollo Hotel Consultancy Steven and Becky Amjad David and Katie Parkhill Jeffrey Applegate Don and Suzi Armstrong Lance and Jana Raver Judith Argentieri James and Linda Ayers Max Redmond Christopher Armstrong Mark Ballard Steve and Debbie Rugg Janell Armstrong Todd and Sara Black Samuel and Dena Schneider Michael Armstrong Mary Blair Ken and Joan Sensenbrenner Annetta Ashbrook Gerald and Lois Brighton David Sholem Steven Ashwill Philip and Theresa Brown Myron and Sonya Sholem Patricia Avery Evan and Karen Coobs Irma Smith Amanda Baker Jeffrey and Jodi Davis Jon and Kendy Stewart Mark Ballard Steve and Jayne DeBruyn Marilyn and Richard Thies Christopher Barnes Matt and Katherine Deering Brenda Timmons Brenda Barton Christy and Mike Devocelle Susan and George Timmons Daniel and Jennifer Bechtel Bill and Marianne Dixon Helen Vedder Chad and Tara Beckett Mark and Vicki Dixon James and Dena Vermette Tim Beckman Ann Einhorn Alice Webber Long Andrew and Amy Behrens John and Lois Elder Donald and Wanda Whitsitt Nancy and Bruce Bellmore Keith and Mary Emmons Whitsitt & Associates, Inc. Ryan and Deva Bensyl Stan and Sally Feller Betsy and Kam Wong Paul and Shirley Berbaum Susan and Pat Fitzgerald WorkSource enterprises Graham and Elizabeth Berry Chalmers and Carol Flint Ruth Worner Kay Bird FLP Wealth Advisors Brittany Black Rochelle Funderburg   Jane and James Bleck Teresa Gabel Clif Rocks! Fund Jo Ellen Bloch Joe and Karen Giblin Rebecca and John Blue Helen Grandone Bob and Suzanne Aldridge Vickie Boatright John and Barbara Hecker Carol Aldridge Pamela Borowski Edward Hynds S. Eugene and Kathleen Barton James and Margaret Borror Dixie and Gary Jackson Jerry and Cathy Gorman Dennis and Kathy Bott Elizabeth and Henry Jackson Lisa Graivier Barnes Thomas Bouck Jerry and Helen Jahn Mr. and Mrs. David Hess Tamara Bouseman Bonnie and Gordon Kemper Norman and Leslie Knicl Van and Katherine Bowersox Ron and Susan Kiddoo Judith and Rudiger Laufhutte Vernekia Bradley Richard and Mary Louise Koch Barbara Meek Stephanie Braham Martin and Doris Koeck James and Margaret Rooney Anne Breedlove Barb and Dave Kuhl Marian Wyatt Steve Bremseth  4 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Courtney Brokamp Chandra Davidson Joy FullerMichelle Brooks Barbara Davies Barbara Fuller-CurryDan and Carrie Brown Kenneth and Randa Davis Teresa and Joe GaffneyMichael Brown Roger and Roxanna Davison Eddie GalvezLindsay Brownfield Christine Decker Kaylee GambleMartha and Colin Bruce Jill Degraffenreid Katherine GarrisonAnthony Bruno Joseph and Jayne DeLuce John and Sonia GarthDonna Bruno Patrick and Angela Devaney Mary GeisMarlys Buelow and Lorraine Metcalf Scott and Tracy Deweese Anna GerardMicheal and Traci Buras Kenneth Dickson Mildred GerardRoberta Burgstone Stephen Diehl Ura and Helen GingerichSandra Burt Angela and Matthew Difanis Mark and Valerie GittingsJennifer Burton Rebecca Dillman Karl and Heidi GnadtMatt Burton Daniel Dillon Blake and Melissa GoodMary Burwell Mark and Vicki Dixon Sherry GordonWilliam Busen Noah and Bethany Dodd Sandra Goss Lucas and David LucasAlexis Byrd James and Mary Downey Grace Evangelical Lutheran ChurchCanaan Development Foundation Craig Dudley Graduate Employees OrganizationBob Cantieri Ronald and Patty Duzan Tim GreenJill Cantieri Wilma Dyson Ryan and Jody GreffKristen Cantieri Christopher and Jodi Eeten Danny and Rita GriderMerideth and Stephen Carder Raymond Eissfeldt Lorena GriffenRobert and Jeri Carley Dale and Laura Ekiss Michelle and Michael GrindleyRoberta Carlton Lola Eldred Stephen and Mary GrittenSandra Carr John Elliott Bishop Lloyd and Mrs. Mary GwinChampaign Urbana Sunrise Rotary Elizabeth Elmore Dale and Connie HabeckSusan Chavarria Tom and Catherine Emanuel Habeeb and Joy HabeebNam Jeong Choi David English-Featherstone James and Pam HagleSteve and Donna Carter Mark Enslin and Carol Ch Huang Sarah HallJulie Clark Erwin, Martinkus & Cole Ltd. Jeffrey and Catherine HallettOliver and Dorlene Clark William and Susan Estergard L. Steve and Laura HamiltonRobin and Michael Clarke Tiffany Estes Tammy HamiltonPhyllis and Thomas Cler Barbara and Merle Eyestone Vera HammersloughTracy Cleveland Patricia Farris John and Marilyn HancockTim Clink Seth Fein Hands of JesusKevin Coey First Christian Church Champaign Julie HansonSteven and Kathie Cole First Mennonite Church of Urbana Champaign Melissa HanstadDale Coleman Jim Fish and Carol Zuhone Kyle and Amy HarrisonJill Coleman Flynn & Company Realty, Inc. Rodney HarrisonMichael Comet Aron Flynn Curtis and Mary HarveyCommunity Plus Federal Credit Union Lori Flynn-Walle and Patrick Walle Amy HassingerPatrick Connolly Leon and Linda Follmer Laura HastingsGregory and Elizabeth Cook Karen Foran Michael HatfieldCoby and Deana Cooper Jerry and Doris Foster Michael HazelriggJanet Cooper Michael Foster Dan HeatonJoseph and Danna Corley Richard Francis Joanne HeckCornerstone Baptist Church Benjamin and Charlotte Franklin Stephen HeidbrederDonna Courson Dwight and Sheryl Franzen Thomas HerrAmanda Crawford Susan Frederick Terry and Catherine HickmanMichael and Abigail Crosby Jason Frericks Eric and Tabetha HillDavid and Corrina Dahl John and Roxanne Frey Kurt and Holly HirchertJanilyn Daily John and Linda Frizzell Nick HobartRobert and Sheryl Dalhaus Thomas and Lori Frost Mary HodsonNancy and J. D. David Debra Fruitt Madeline Hoeft 2012 Annual Report • 5

CFECI DonorsC-U at Home cont. Jennifer Kotowski Grant McNamara Matthew Kreeb Margaret McNamaraSuzette Hogan Mary Krick Meadowbrook Community ChurchG. M. Hollenback and A. M. Hollenback Kimberly Krisman Peggy MeierWendy Hollis Judith Krumwiede Carol MeinhartThe Home Depot Foundation David and Maxine Kuehn Dionne MeriweatherKim and Carmen Hoskins Andrew and Janet Kulczycki Jack and Candace MesserschmidtJean Huddleston Chris and Lori Lancaster Anna Marie Mettler and C. Jane JenkinsHazel and Robert Hutchison Joshua Laskowski E. L. MetzJonathan and Grace Huth Charles and Linda Laugges Richard and Carolyn MeyerLaura Huth L D Henry, Ltd. Megan MeyrickLois and Michael Huth David and Kathleen Leary Kelly MierkowskiMichael and Patricia Huth Amos Lee Danielle MillerMary Inez Brown Susan Leskis David and Tonya MillerMelany Jackson Barbara Lewis Steven and Janet MillerMinor Jackson Carl and Linda Lewis Daniel and Brenda MillsKay and Kevin Jamieson Kenneth and Tonya Lewis Minneci’s Restorante, Inc.Allen Jenkins Jane Li William and Patricia MitchellDanny and Carolyn Jenkins Leslie Liautaud Laurel and Clifford MitchemBeth Jenson Louis and Mary Liay Carol and Harold MoeJericho Missionary Baptist Church Robert and Betty Lincoln Daniel and Julie MonroeBernice Johnson Ronnie Lindsey Mike MonsonDawn Johnson Hazel Lindsley Stephen and Lorena MooreDerrick Johnson Jeffrey and Sarah Livesay Peggy MootDouglas and Christine Johnson Mary Logsdon Vivian MoralesJames Johnson Liz Lohuis David and Somone MorganJeff and Elizabeth Johnson Denice and E. Gregory Love Lorna MorganJennifer Johnson Jacalyn Lowry Diana MorrisJohn and Sheila Johnson Rebecca Lubbert Vanessa MorrisLois Johnson Edward Lutz Paul and Diane MortensenChristopher Jones Michael Lyle Veronica MosqueraJoyce Jones J. Victor Malkovich Arica MossRichard Joy Daniel Maloney Robert and Jane MotlMary Ann Judd Maria Louisa Maranon and Larry Lowe John and Jean MurrayJo Ann Kagels Marine Bank Carol and Steven MyersTheresa Kamerer Keith Marshall Don MyhanDennis and Janet Kane Jay and Dawn Martin Leslie and Jeremy MyrickMartin and Melody Kane Kim and Denise Martin Tyler NamoffBrice Kauffman Laura Martin The Neighbors @ the Ice HouseJason Keeler Paula Massey and Mark Middleton Lori NeihartLinda Keeler Laurel Matthews Joseph NeilSusan and Ron Keller Matzner Clinic of Chiropractic Medicine Holly NelsonEarl and Janice Kellogg William and Pamela Mauzy Randall and Marcia NelsonAshley Kelly Frances Maxwell William NewellJames and Teresa Kelnhofer Phylis Maxwell and Lisa Sale The News-GazetteAlicia and Michael Kessel Tracy Ann Maxwell Molly NicholsonDaniel King Stephen and Heidi Mayhew Carlos NietoBeverly Kingery Vida and Michael Mazzocco Luke NorrisRobert Kirby Shawn and Christie McCall Connie O’DonnellCynthia Kitchen Robert McColley Gary and Michele OlsenBen Klett Mary McElvain Donald and Debra OrrBruce Knight Philip and Patricia McGarvey Letisha OwensElizabeth Knight David and Suzanne McGuire Nick PagliainGregory Knott Marguerite and James McGuire Paulina PanichKris Koester Robert and Elizabeth McLemore Rickey Parks6 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Regina and Thomas Parsons Thomas and Sharon Roth Robert Slesinski and Ann Kenny SlesinskiEsther Patt Kenneth and Mary Rott Jennifer and Randall SmithRobert Patton Mike Roughton Michael and Pamela SmithPavlov Media RSVP Dolores SofrankoJack Paxton Alexander and Sylvia Ruggieri Rhonda and Martin SollarsJanet Payne Brian Rummery Sooley ChiropracticEdith Peacock S & P Enterprises of Champaign George SooleyLorrie Pearson Jan Sabey Kerri and Tim SpearMary Ann Pease Paul and Brooke Sahini Amy SpencerWayne and Dianne Pederson Salem Baptist Church St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran ChurchJohn Peek Sam’s Cafe Barbara and Mervin StalterGary and Linda Peterson Anthony Santarelli Barbara StalterMr. and Mrs. Phillips Peter and Sylvia Sauer Peggy StalterKassy Pinter Savoy Rotary Club Paul and Rebecca StansberryDavid Plummer Donna Schaal Margery and Norman StarrAnthony Pomonis Carol and Ed Scharlau Carol and O. T. SteinmanNancy Moster Pontious Deborah Schimerowski Kaleigh StevensGladys Pope Mitch and Peg Schluter Trent StevensErnest and Jeanette Porter Wayne and Lavonne Schmidt Stone Creek ChurchNeil Porter Eric Schmulbach Susanne StoneSandra and Ferdinand Potzer Mark and Kathleen Schoeffmann Carrie StorrsStefanie Pratt Lawrence and Frances Schook Strategic Marketing & MailingPrince of Peace Luthrean Church David Schug Joanna StraussDorinda Prince Rob Schultz Sandra and Terry StromJamie Propps Edra Scofield Stephen and Janet SummersCharles Prout and Patricia Brewer-Prout Mary Scott Miller and Michael Miller Sunday ActionDonald and Christine Prouty Jeff and Cass and Lauren Scott Richard and Kimberly SurlesJulie Pryde and Tamara Wait Jeffrey and Pamela Scott Debra and Thomas SutterSylvia Puente Theresa Scott Karla SwarmsDawn Pyle Secretariat’s Philanthropy Committee Brad SwimMaureen Radi Larry and Margaret Seggebruch Bill TaylorJonathan and Carolyn Ramirez Emily Seiple Joel and Sharon TaylorDorothy Randle Garth Seiple and Diane Klock Richard and Renee TaylorScott and Peggy Rapp Marjory Seitz Brenda and Marc TennillJulian Rappaport Teresa Selin Linda TerriberryBruce Ratcliffe Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary David TewksburyCaroline Rauch Marianne Sevier Risa TewksburyStephen Rayburn and Jeri Lake Leonard Seward and Nancy Walker Seward Mark and Lee Ann ThiesBeth Rehberg Bob Shair Constance ThomasREO Speedwagon, Inc Kathleen Shannon David and Connie ThompsonGary and Zoe Revell Rick Sharp Todd ThorstensonBrenda Richardson Jacob and Andrea Shaw Brenda TimmonsBart Rickett Susan Sheppelman Heather TingGary and Audrey Ricketts Luke Sherman Rob TobiasToby Ring David and Jan Sholem Nathan and Sara TolbertMarla Rivard Roger Shonkwiler Toney TomasoMonique Rivera Jenna and Christopher Shroyer Gregory TraudLloyd and Gwen Roberts Franklin and Carol Shupp Vicki TraudKim Robeson Larry and Sue Shurig Trinity LWML Women in MissionMelanie Rogan Delmar and Sandra Sieber Elizabeth TylerJohn and Candy Rollins Robert and Mary Sievers Urbana Champaign Friends MeetingJames and Margaret Rooney Krystle Simmons Phyllis and Kent UsherJames and Millie Rose Kimberly Simpson Jeffrey Van BurenRobert and Irene Ross Miranda Singler Johannes Van EsCraig Rost Melony Sirlay David Van Vlierbergen 2012 Annual Report • 7

CFECI DonorsC-U at Home cont. Robert Patton Gretchen Gleichman Amanda Raklovits Nelly GonzalezSharon Van Vlierbergen Jay Rank Helen Grandone Jane Robards Steve and Anita HamburgDavid Wagstaff Brian Rulon Robert and Barbara Hanley Adam Shanks Barbara HartmanDaniel and Joan Walls Bill and Sandy Volk Claire and Alan HaussermannJanet Warfield Todd Whitt Elizabeth Hendrick-BarsteadJohn Watson Charles Wilson Nancy HoldaSusan Weatherford William Wilson David and Carole Ann HunterLinda Weber    Nils Jacobsen and Irene CorominaLaura Weis The Curtis C. Nash Carl and Elizabeth JockuschMichael Weissman and Ellen Fireman Children’s Creativity Fund Jennifer JonesAnn Welch John and Carol KamererValerie Werpentinski Timothy and Kimberly Adornetto Christa KnustTeresa Westenhaver Lisa and Ryan Anderson James and Janis KouzmanoffMatthew Wettersten Darini Arulpragasam Ulrich and Mary KruseConrad and Martyne Wetzel Robert and Jennifer Ballsrud Beverly LewmanDavid Whippo and Christina Catanzaro Barham Benefit Group Louis and Mary Liay Barbara Barker Verica Marcovich Whippo David and Mary Lou Bauer Ann MarlowJackie and Robert White Bertha Baum Kathleen and Mitchell MarlowGloria Wienke Mary Beastall Myron and Patricia MarlowVickie Wilder Rob and Dorothy Beldon Roger and Sherryl MarshMark and Sandra Williams Barbara and Gerald Bell W.H.C. and M.C. MaxwellRichard Williams Curtis Blaylock E. Donald and Linda McKayLori Williamson E. Allen and Linda Boehm Theresa and Bruce MichelsonDoreen Wilson Albert and Judith Brooks Doris MillerBarbara Witte Kenneth and Margaret Buel James and Marjorie MolufMandy Wolf Carl and Camille Caldwell John MulhallJulie and Wayne Woller Camp Farm Management Nancy and C. Richard NashMary Wood David and Beth Chasco John and Joane O’ConnorAaron Wozencraft Shun-Lien and Shu-Jung Tu Chuang Gene and Judy OldhamRebecca Wright Robert and Barbara Cicone Gary Olsen and Claudia ReichJoseph Yager Kent and Elizabeth Dauten Fred Ore and Diane Siegle OreSusan and H. Gene Yeazel Sarah De Mundo Lo Virginia Perucca and Mary CatherineJulie Yoder Booth and Larry Booth Carl and Yolanda DealAntonia Zakarija Assfaw Demissie HellenySarah Zehr Adeline Dickey C. E. and K. M. PetersonKay Zindars Thomas Dore Kip and Janet PopePiyum Zonooz Ata Durukan David and Barbara Powell Brenda Eheart Janice and Dwight PresleyChampaign Urbana Mass Catherine Ehler Norma RalstonTransit Fund Renny and Charles Ehler Michael Raycraft and Emily Jack and Linda FaullinAnonymous Betsy Faxon Gleichman RaycraftAndrea Antulov Jennifer Finch Andrew Robbins and Cindy CracraftEleanor Blackman Mary and L. Gene Fincham Susan RomeroTammy Brown Keith and Teresa Ford Andrew RoseTom and Rose Costello Pola Fotitch Triandis Randall and Jill RosenbaumReita Dalton Peter and Kim Fox Carolyn SandsDavid Gilland Joy Garling Prud’homme Norm and Pat SchuttLarry Helm Rita Gentry David and Sharon SnyderCynthia Hoyle Donald and Sharon Gerber Councilmember Marci Dodds &Loyd Longenbaugh Fred and Donna GiertzFranklin Longfellow Cody Sokolski and One MainGeorge McCoppin Development, LLCDavid Moore8 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Zonia Soto Robin and Roger Cruse Eric MitchellLizabeth Stratton-Higgins John and Kyle Curtis Patricia MonigoldJoel and Jennifer Tanner Carol Cushing Courtney MoravekCreed and Constance Tucker Donald Damewood Mary MullenJames and Sally Wallace Carole Devaney Holly NearingAmy Walmer Patrick and Angela Devaney Mary NorrisRonald and Ann Webbink Barbara Doyle-Little and Stephen Little Janet OrrAnte and Geraldine Wendel Dan and Maureen Duncan Jennifer and Matthew PhillipsJean and Darrel Wichman Renee Dunn Plumbers & Pipefitters Union, Local 149Larry and Marilyn Wilborn East Central Illinois Building & Tina PressleyRobert Wilson Jamie and R. Andrew PruittR. T. and Louisette Zuidema Construction Trades Council Andrew and Erin Quarnstrom  EMC Photography Robert Quinlan and Karen LavazzaJoan Dixon Endowment F. E. Moran Alarm & Monitoring Nathan and Kristina Rath Jason RectorJoan Dixon Services Jon RectorExecutive Club of Champaign County Paul Faraci Julia Rietz  Tim Feldkamp Kyle and Phyllis RobesonDoCha Robert and Connie Finney Jon Rogers and Mary Atteberry-Rogers Fire Suppression Systems William RotramelHoward Osborn Perry and Mary Ann Ford Dena SchumacherPaul Redman Douglas and Mary Su Forsman David and Belinda Shaffer   Amy Foster Donald ShepardEmanuel Farms Endowment Karen Foster Randy and Farrah Smith Michael and Laura Frerichs Stone Creek Realty, Inc.Roger and Laura Denhart Vida and Scott Friedlein Charles and Leslie Sullivan Friends of Adam Brown Jon and Denise SwensonFire & Police Memorial Fund Friends of Frerichs Terry and Theresa Swift Thomas and Lori Frost T. A. G. Ashland Park, Inc.William and Connie Albin Tyler Funk David and Angela TomlinsonDavid Allen Joe Gallo Daniel WalshJeremy Allen Joseph and Sherry Garrison Gary and Lori WareCurt and Jo Anderson David Griffet Tereasa WarrenTimothy and Deanna Atteberry Nancee Jo and Steve Griffith Jane WestonBags and Baubles Karen Guido Gary and Susan WrightBrian and Heather Ball Gary Gula Jaceson and Renae YandellPeter Bannon Habeeb and Joy Habeeb Sun YimLayne Barbee Jennifer and Chris Harris Brad YohnkaBarham Benefit Group John Hart   Scott and Stacy Bennett Curtis and Paula Hays The Franklin Youth FundBlack & White Confections William and Katie HeinzEric and Michelle Bonham Jennifer Holhubner Estate of Elizabeth FranklinDaniel Brown Illinois Public Pension FundKelly Brown Clarence and Sue Inskip Kenneth Freeland MemorialRyan and Lisa Buehnerkemper Naomi and Eric Jakobsson ScholarshipBusey Bank Amy and Joshua Jessup Rusty and Jill FreelandDeanna and John Buss Lee Jessup  Darrell and Martha Carlson Kennedy Builders Generations of HopeJohn and Lynette Carlson The League of Women Voters EndowmentTodd Carlson Tracy LillardNancy Carter James and Brenda Luecking Phil and Patricia AbruzziSteve and Donna Carter Marquette Associates, Inc.  James and Andrea Childers Zipura and Jose Matias Cynthea Geerdes & ToddJames and Dana Clark Stephen and Kara McConkey Martinez FundNancy Clinton Roger MillerCMC Designs John and Beth Mills Cynthea Geerdes and Todd MartinezDerek and Lindsey Conner    2012 Annual Report • 9

CFECI DonorsWade Hampton & Andrea Mahomet Public Library Sunday Action FundReno Fund Endowment Kathleen ArchibaldWade Hampton and Andrea Reno Friends of MPLD Darini Arulpragasam  The GE Foundation Joseph and Donetta BarthThe Jane A. Hays Family John and June Holmes Frank BernhartCharitable Fund   Bernthal & Associates Anna Merritt Endowment Breakthrough 4 Wholeness, NFPJane Hays James and Jennifer Eisenmenger   Anna Merritt First Christian Church ChampaignHorizon Fund Jeffrey and Catherine Hallett Monticello Railway R. A. Harold and D. Tanner-HaroldHorizon Hobby Museum Endowment Kyle Heckenmueller  Christine HillardCharles and Barbara Hundley David Marshall Michael HimickFund   Laurie Jackson Don Moyer Boys & Girls Jeff and Elizabeth JohnsonCharles and Barbara Hundley Club Fund Marc and Shelby Johnson  A. Don and Barbra KingBill J. and Karen L. Hunsinger Don Moyer, Jr. Jeanice McDade CoffelFund   Michael Day Productions The David R. & Katherine Open Heart Prison MinistriesBill and Karen Hunsinger D. Parkhill Fund Scott and Peggy Rapp  Mary Ann Royse and Michael HowieJohn K. Jones Fund David and Katie Parkhill Stacey Schroeder   Councilmember Marci Dodds &John K. Jones Steve & Esther Portnoy  Fund Cody Sokolski and One MainMary E. Jones Fund Development, LLC Stephen and Esther Portnoy Paul and Rebecca StansberryMary Jones   William Thomas Prosperity Gardens Fund  Kathy Murphy Memorial United Way – Tammy LemkeEndowed Scholarship Fund Napoleon and Pamela Knight Fund David and Valerie McWilliamsKelly Collier Tammy and Eric LemkeJeffrey Goldberg The Public Art League  Marilyn Marshall Fund Youth Music AppreciationMarvin Piwoni EndowmentMark and Diane Pritchard Barham Benefit GroupTodd Salen Cream & Flutter Estate of Elizabeth FranklinLaura Schwenker Robert and Barbara HallAnita Stein and Harvey Welch Councilmember Marci Dodds &  Lierman Neighborhood Cody Sokolski and One MainAction Committee Fund Development, LLC Rosann NoelESS Clean, Inc. Kyle and Phyllis Robeson   William Youngerman Studio 2C Fund Douglas and Christine Miller10 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Funds of the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois (As of December 31, 2012)Endowments Organizational or Agency Donor Advised Funds Endowments2076 Fund Clif Rocks! FundAccess to Recreation Fund A Woman’s Fund Curtis C. Nash Children’s Creativity FundWilda Adams Fund Bottenfield P.T.A. Endowment Downey Family Charitable FundW. Barclay & Frederick C. Brasch Champaign Park District Jean Driscoll Wheelchair Racing Fund Champaign-Urbana Special Recreation Fund Cynthea Geerdes-Todd Martinez Fund Endowment Family Service Endowment Wade Hampton & Andrea Reno FundH.R. Bresee Fund Generations of Hope Endowment Jane A. Hays Family Charitable FundMichael J. Carragher Endowment Mahomet Public Library Endowment Jane A. Hays Family Charitable Fund IIChampaign County CASA United Way Endowment The Horizon FundChampaign-Urbana Symphony Fund United Way – The Early Childhood Circle Bill J. & Karen L. Hunsinger FundDavid & Faye Cole Fund Alice & Gene Lamb FundCommunityWorks Endowment David George Miller FundPatrick Thomas Costello Fund United Way – Tammy Lemke Endowment Gloria Valenti Compassionate Care FundJoan Dixon Endowment United Way – The Carol A. Scharlau Barry & Linda Weiner FundDon Moyer Boys & Girls ClubECIRMAC – Joy Fund Endowment Fiscal Agency FundsAlbert Eisner Fund United Way – The Edwin A. and Carol A.Emanuel Farms Endowment Center for Community AdaptationMary Alice English Fund Scharlau Endowment Central Illinois VolunteerismJoyce Ettensohn Endowment United Way – Volunteerism Circle Champaign Center PartnershipGeorgia May Fisher Fund CU at HomeGreen Meadows Endowment Endowment CU Film SocietyFranklin Prairie Farm Fund United Way – Youth Circle Endowment CUMTD Bus PassesMargaret O. Franklin Fund DoChaFranklin Youth Fund Scholarship Funds Fire & Police Memorial FundHolly Williams Gallivan Fund Lierman Neighborhood Action CommitteeH.I. & Mabry Gelvin Fund Academy Memorial ScholarshipIda Haack Fund Dana Buerkett Memorial Endowed FundHansen-Peer Endowment Prosperity GardensMary E. Jones Fund Scholarship Public Art LeagueJohn K. Jones Endowment Charlie Due Baseball Scholarship Studio 2CRobert D. Jones Fund Kenneth Freeland Memorial Scholarship Sunday ActionFrances R. Kesler Memorial Fund Rep. Naomi Jakobsson Scholarship Fund Wesley Evening Food PantryMorris Kessler Fund Kathy Murphy Scholarship FundStephanie Manuel Fund Lucien & Christine Nesbitt MemorialAnna J. Merritt EndowmentAugust Meyer Fund ScholarshipMonticello Railway Museum Endowment James Sisk Endowed Scholarship FundAlbert D. Mulliken Fund Pearl Sisk Endowed Scholarship FundLinda Nelson Stocks EndowmentMarthena Nonneman Fund for ChildrenDorothy Ozier FundDavid R. & Katherine D. Parkhill EndowmentHobart L. & Mary K. Peer FundMary K. Peer Administrative FundMary Vita Rosmarino EndowmentJustus Seaman EndowmentMarajen Stevick EndowmentSustaining EndowmentJohn P. Trebellas EndowmentYouth Music Appreciation FundWGRC – Champaign Rotary 2012 Annual Report • 11

Statement of Financial PositionFor the Year Ended December 31, 2012 2012 2011AssetsCurrent Assets:Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 540,741 $ 496,720Investments 11,473,079 10,374,663Program Related Investment Receivable 15,000 15,000Accounts Receivable 22,924 26,745Payroll Tax Receivable - -Cash Value of Life Insurance Policy 12,293 11,024Total Current Assets $ 12,064,037 $ 10,924,152Property, Plant, and Equipment: Office Furniture and Fixtures $ 13,384 $ 13,384 (13,384)Accumulated Depreciation (13,384) -Total Property, Plant, and Equipment $ - $ Other Assets: Condominium $ 58,000 $ 58,000 610,000Farm Property 704,000 Total Other Assets $ 762,000 $ 668,000Total Assets $ 12,826,037 $ 11,592,152Liabilities and Net AssetsNet Assets:Unrestricted $ 322,695 $ 251,739 1,415,099Temporarily Restricted 1,438,192 9,925,314Permanently Restricted 11,065,150 Total Net Assets $ 12,826,037 $ 11,592,152Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 12,826,037 $ 11,592,15212 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted TOTALRevenue and Support:Gifts, Grants, and Contributions $ 83,387 $ 876,180 $ 194,507 $ 1,154,074Life Insurance Value Increase - - 1,269 1,269Peer Farm Income - 51,725 - 51,725Peer Farm Market Value Increase - - 94,000 94,000Condo Rental - 7,779 - 7,779Condo Value Decrease - - - -Interest and Dividends 9,560 35,051 274,033 318,644Realized Gains (Losses) 4,885 17,908 140,011 162,804CFECI Administrative Fee 156,318 - - 156,318Net Unrealized Income (Loss) (18,700) (284,680) 939,512 636,132Other 2,525 - - 2,525 Total Revenue and Support $ 237,975 $703,963 $ 1,643,332 $ 2,585,270Expenses:Program Services $ 140,299 $ 680,870 $ 469,623 $ 1,290,792Management and General 13,360 - 33,873 47,233Fundraising 13,360 - - 13,360 Total Expenses $ 167,019 $ 680,870 $ 503,496 $ 1,351,385 Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 70,956 $ 23,093 $ 1,139,836 $ 1,233,885Net Assets, Beginning of Year $ 251,739 $ 1,415,099 $ 9,925,314 $ 11,592,152Net Assets, End of Year $ 322,695 $ 1,438,192 $ 11,065,150 $ 12,826,037 2012 Annual Report • 13

2012 Charitable DistributionsFor Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2012 Beneficiaries Designated UndesignatedAltrusa International of Champaign Urbana $ - $ 1,300Augustana College - Rep Naomi Jakobsson Scholarship 500 -AUL - Parkhill Fund 688 -Big Brothers Big Sisters of Vermilion County - 1,500Canaan Baptist Church Safe House 1,100 -Center for Community Adaptation 12,866 -Center for Women in Transition 1,100 2,500Central Illinois Children’s Choir 1,056Champaign Center Partnership - -Champaign County CASA 1,646 -Champaign County Forest Preserve District 2,037 2,700Champaign County Historical Museum 42,500 7,995Champaign County Nursing Home -Champaign Park District - Prairie Farms - -Champaign Park District - Virginia Theatre 1,697 -Champaign Urbana Jewish Federation 1,180 -Champaign-Urbana Special Recreation 4,722 1,300Champaign Urbana Symphony 2,000 -Champaign Urbana Symphony - Youth Music -The Chorale - 875Cliff Rocks! - Hagan 7,684 -Community Elements 5,000Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 391 -Community Service Center of Northern Champaign County - 1,000Crisis Nursery 1,200CU at Home 500 -Cunningham Children’s Home - - 14,940 - - 44,402 3,000 Daily Bread Soup Kitchen 943 4,399DePaul University - Nesbitt Scholarship 288 -Developmental Services Center 23,654 -Dewitt-Piatt Community Health Partnership Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club - 2,975 23,100 -East Central Illinois Volunteerism Conference 1,939 -Eastern Illinois Foodbank 40,000 3,000empty tomb Environmental Law & Policy Center 1,100 - 500 -14 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Beneficiaries Designated UndesignatedFamily Advocacy of Champaign County $ - $ 240Family Service of Champaign County 8,368 12,230Fire & Police Memorial 34,471 -First Methodist Church of Rantoul 858 -First United Methodist Church - Austin’s Place 943 -Frances Nelson Community Health Center 1,100 -Generations of Hope - 5,016Girl Scouts of Central Illinois 1,408 -Grace Community Church 10,400 -Greater Champaign County AMBUCS - 7,500Habitat for Humanity 433 6,500Holy Cross School 338 -Homestead Corporation of Champaign-Urbana Hoopeston Multi-Agency Service Center - 1,306 - 4,867Illinois Radio Reader - 4,450Illinois State University - Kathy Murphy Scholarship 311 -Jewish Federation 2,000 -Junior League of Champaign-Urbana - 1,400Krannert Center for the Performing Arts 2,500 -Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation 10,000 -Ludlow Food Pantry - 5,807Mahomet Boy Scout Troop 25 1,311 -Mahomet Public Library - 11,000Mahomet-Seymour Foundation for Education Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Fund 9,180 -Michigan Technological University - Horizon Scholarship 1,100 -Monticello Railway Museum 1,500 -Mooney, John David for Art in the Park 4,363 -Museum of the Grand Prairie 1,652 - 1,311 -Orange Duffel Bag Foundation 65,000 -Orpheum Children’s Science Museum - 1,205Parkland College - Charlie Due Scholarship 1,000 -Parkland College - J Sisk Scholarship 394 -Parkland College - P Sisk Scholarship 399 -Parkland College Foundation -Peace Meal Senior Nutrition Program 20,500 1,866Planned Parenthood of Central Illinois - -Prairieland Council, Boy Scouts of America -Prosperity Gardens 1,100 3,873Public Art League 1,249 6,000 4,860 6,776 2012 Annual Report • 15

2012 Charitable Distributions (continued)Beneficiaries Designated UndesignatedQuincy University - J Sisk Scholarship $ 394 $ -Rantoul Public Library 858 -Restoration Urban Ministries 943 -Salvation Army - Canteen Run 943 -Senior Task Force 2,027 -Smile Healthy 1,037 3,210Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville - Nesbitt Scholarship -St. Jude Catholic Worker House 288 -St. Matthew’s Catholic Parish 943 -Stephens Family YMCA 20,000 -Studio 2C 4,786 -Sunday Action 450 - 66,825 Tap In Leadership Academy - 1,500Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church 8,181 -T. I. M. E. S. Center - 943 United Methodist Church of Champaign 341 -United Way - Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club 3,300 -U of I Foundation - Applied Health Sciences 19,883 -U of I Foundation - Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 42,000 -U of I Foundation - English Department 19,883 -U of I Foundation - Friends of the Library 19,883 -U of I Foundation - School of Music 2,460 -U of I Foundation - Sid Micek Scholarship 10,000 -U of I Foundation - Stuart M. Mamer Scholarship Fund 150,000 -U of I Foundation - WILL AM-FM-TV 19,883 -University of Illinois - Clif Rocks! Scholarship -University of Illinois - Rep Naomi Jakobsson Scholarship 500 -University of Illinois YMCA 500 1,916University of Iowa - Kathy Murphy Scholarship 170 -Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center 311 13,500 - Total Charitable Distributions $ 827,034 $ 130,18616 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

“Each generation improved the community soas to make life less harsh and richer for future generations. We should not assume that no more needs to be done. We must continue helping our neighbors and we must continue to improve and add to the humanitarian resources of our county for the benefit of present and future generations.”—Community Foundation of Champaign County, May 1972

Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 307 W. University Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 217-359-0125 • cf TM

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