Sport topic-specific vocabulary 7. You have been disqualified from taking part in a com petition. ( g ) 0 ) 8. You have failed a dope test. @ (g ) 9. Y o u r team has been relegated. ( ^ ) (R ) 10. Y o u r country's national football team qualifies for the W o rld Cup. ( g ) ( § ) 11. Y ou r feel th a t yo u r team has no team spirit. @ (g ) 12. Th e re are a lot of hooligans at a match you attend. ( g ) ( g ) 13. In a cycling race, you outdistance the othe r com petitors. (£5) ( § ) 14. People say you are always com mitting professional fouls. (g ) 15. W h e n you w alk on to the pitch to play a gam e, the spectators start jeering, booing and shouting abuse. @ @ 16. T h e spectators cheer w h e n yo u w alk on to the pitch. 17. You outplay yo u r o p p o n e n t in a gam e of squash. ( g ) @ 18. A new spaper article accuses yo u o f match fixing. ( ^ ) ( g ) 3 Complete this passage w ith words and phrases from Exercises 1 and 2. In some cases, more than one answer is possible, and you w ill need to change some of the w ord forms. For m any people, football is more than just a game. W hether they're ( 1 ) .......................................................... on 97 the terraces, (2) ......................................................... on their favourite team, or w hether they're ( 3 ) .........................................................players ( 4 ) .......................................................... a major match, football is a w ay of life. The y could not conceive of a w orld in which the 'beautiful gam e' does not exist. For them , nothing can match that magical m om ent w hen their team ( 5 ) ........................................................ for a major competition like the W orld Cup, ( 6 ) .........................................................then ( 7 ) .......................................................... the opposition in a resounding victory. And, apart from seeing their team lose, nothing can be worse for them than seeing their favourite team ( 8 ) ........................................................ at the end of the season: to see your team moved d ow n from the first division can be a heartbreaking experience. Anyone w h o has ever been inside a ( 9 ) .........................................................during a major match can testify to the passion people have for the game. However, there is an ugly side to football. It only takes a fe w (10) ............................................................ th ro w in g bottles, invading the pitch and ( 1 1 ) ........................................................... at the players to ruin a match. This has been a problem for a long tim e, but evidence suggests that it is getting worse. There is criticism, too, that m any to p players are (1 2 ).........................................................People cannot understand h o w they can justify their huge salaries simply for kicking a ball around a pitch. Th e y get even angrier w he n these extremely w ealthy yo u ng men are caught using (1 3 )............................................................. or are ( 1 4 ) disgrace d urin g a match fo r ( 1 5 ) ............................................................. against other players. There is also the m ore recent problem of ( 1 6 ) ............................................................ com m itted by players, coaches, officials and corrupt referees. Acting dishonestly to get the result you w a n t not only goes against the spirit of the game, people say, but also gives the gam e a bad reputation.
topic-specific vocabulary Town & country 1 Match the sentences in the left-hand column w ith the most appropriate sentence in the right-hand column. Use the w ords and phrases in bold to help you. 1. Lo ndo n is a tru ly cosm o po lita n city. A . D ru g abuse is also a big p roblem . 2. A m odern m e tro p o lis needs a go o d B. Shops, libraries, hospitals and integrated transport system. entertainm ent complexes are just a few of them. 3. Lo ndo n suffers a lot fro m traffic C. Chief a m o n g these are concerts and congestion. exhibitions. 4. P o v e rty in the in n e r-c ity areas can b re e d D. In particular, I enjoy th e a tm o sphere that crime. is unique to the city. 5. Cities a ro u n d the w o rld have seen a huge E. Prices in London are particularly population explosion. exorbitant. 6. Birm ingham has plenty of amenities. F. W ith o u t the m , th e y are unable to function pro p erly as cities. 7. A lot o f people visit Paris fo r its cultural events. G. It is especially bad d u rin g the rush hour, when thousands of commuters try to 8. Cities in p o o re r countries often lack basic enter o r leave the city. infrastructures. H. Stress-related illnesses are ve ry co m m on 9. Th e pressures o f m odern city life can be in cities like N e w York. difficult to deal w ith. I. N ow adays the re are m ore c ity d w e lle rs 10. T h e cost o f liv in g in some places can be than ever before. very high. J. Everyw here you go there are b u ild in g 11. A lot o f people appreciate the a n o n y m ity sites, pedestrian precincts, blocks o f flats o f living in a large city. and housing estates spreading into the countryside. K. Th e y like to feel th a t they can do something w ithout everybody knowing a b o u t it. 12. I love the urba n lifestyle I lead. L. M ost people use buses and the underground to get to the banks and 13. In Singapore, private cars are banned offices w here they w ork. from the central business district at peak periods. M . Unfortunately, this is som ething th a t most large capital cities lack. 14. U rb a n s p ra w l is prevalent in m ost cities. N. It's a m e ltin g p o t fo r people fro m all parts of the w orld. 98
Town & country topic-specific vocabulary 2 Match the sentences in the left-hand column w ith an appropriate response in the right-hand column. Use the words and phrases in bold to help you. 1. I enjoy a ru ral lifestyle. A . Really? So w h y are w e seeing so much construction in th e countryside around 2. Th e re isn't m uch p o llu tio n if you live London? outside a tow n. B. I'm not so sure. All those pesticides and 3. Th e re is a lot of p ro d u ctive la n d in this chem ical fertilisers th a t farmers use area. nowadays can't be good for the enviro nm en t. 4. In recent years, there has been a lot of m ig ra tio n fro m the to w ns to the cities. C. That's probably because w e im port more food from abroad. 5. Th e g o v e rn m e n t has prom ised to leave the green belt alone. D. Mostly w heat, oats and barley. 6. Th e re has been a huge reduction in the E. Really? H o w m uch is th a t in acres? a m o u n t of arable la n d over the last 20 years. F. I'm not surprised. W ith such terrible prospects w ith in tow ns, d e p o p u la tio n is 7. M y uncle's farm covers almost 800 hectares. inevitable. 8. W h a t are the m ain crops g ro w n in this G. W ell I can't see much evidence of area? cultivation. H. Do you? I always find there's nothing to do in the countryside. 3 Com plete this article w ith w o rd s and phrases from Exercises 1 and 2. In some cases, m ore than one 99 a n sw e r is possible. For seven years I lived in Singapore, a 1...........................................................of almost three million people. Like London, Paris and N e w York, Singapore is a, w ith people from different parts of the w o rld living and w o rk in g together. I enjoyed the 3........................................................... lifestyle I led there, and m ade the most of the superb 4 ............................................................. ranging from the excellent shops to some of the best restaurants in the w orld . In the evenings and at weekends there w ere always 5...........................................................; w ith such diverse attractions as classical western music, an exhibition of M alay art or a Chinese opera in the street, it was difficult to get bored. Perhaps most impressive, however, was the remarkable transport 6.............................................................. w ith excellent roads, a swift and efficient bus service and a state-of-the-art un dergro und system w hich could whisk 7 from the suburbs straight into the heart of the city (this was particularly im portant, as the governm ent banned private cars from entering the 8 ........................................................... during the m orning and afternoon 9............................................................ in order to reduce 10...........................................................on the roads and 11............................................................from the exhausts). O f course, living in a city like this has its disadvantages as w ell. For a start, the 12 can be very high - renting an apartm ent, fo r example, is very expensive. A n d as the city is expanding, there are a lot o f 13................................................................w he re n ew apartm ents are continually being built to deal w ith the 14............................................................... w hich is a direct result of the govern m en t encouraging people to have m ore children. Fortunately, Singapore doesn't suffer from problems th a t are com m on in m any cities such as 15............................................................. w hich is partly the result of the govern m en t imposing very severe penalties on anyone bringing narcotics into the country, so it is safe to w alk the streets at night. In fact, the 16............................................................. housing estates there are probably the safest and most orderly in the w orld . Singapore w o u ld n 't be ideal for everyone, however, especially if you come from the countryside and are used to a 17........................................................... lifestyle. Th e traditional villages that w ere once com m on have disappeared as the residents there realised there w ere no 18.............................................................. for their future and m oved into n ew governm ent housing in the city.Nowadays, there is very little 19 around the city, which means that Singapore imports almost all of its food. A n d despite a 'green' approach to city planning, the 20........................................................... w hich has eaten into the countryside has had a detrim ental effect on the 21................ .......................................... .. .
topic-specific vocabulary Travel 1 Look at the fo llow ing sentences and decide if th e y are true or false. If th e y are false, explain w hy. 1. A tra ve l a g e n c y is the same as a to u r operator. Tru e / False 2. A p ackage to u r is a holiday in w hich the price includes flights, transfers to and fro m the a irpo rt and accom m odation. True / False 3. A n a ll-inclu sive holiday is a holiday in w h ich the price includes flights, transfers, accom m odation, food and drink. Tru e / False 4. W h e n passengers em bark, the y ge t off an aeroplane or ship. True / False 5. W h e n passengers disem bark, th e y ge t on an aeroplane o r ship. Tru e / False 6. T h e first th in g yo u d o w h e n yo u g o to an a irp o rt is g o to the check-in. Tru e / False 7. T h e first th in g yo u do w h e n yo u arrive at yo u r hotel is check in. Tru e / False 8. T h e opposite o f a package to u ris t is an in d e p e n d e n t traveller. Tru e / False 9. M ass to u rism can have a negative effect on the e nviro nm e n t. Tru e / False 10. Ecotourism is tourism w hich has a negative effect on the e nviro nm e n t. Tru e / False 11. T h e w o rd s trip, excursion, jo u r n e y and v o y a g e all have the same m e an in g. Tru e / False 12. It is always necessary to have a visa w h e n yo u visit a different country. Tru e / False 13. A flig h t fro m Lo ndo n to Paris could be described as a lo n g -h a u l flig h t. Tru e / False 14. Flying e c o n o m y class is m ore expensive th a n flyin g business class. Tru e / False 15. A Canadian citizen flying fro m T o ro n to to Vancouver w ill have to fill in an im m ig ra tio n card before she arrives. Tru e / False 16. C u ltu ra l to urism is th e same as sustainable tourism . Tru e / False 17. T h e p e a k season is th e tim e o f the year w h e n m any people are tak in g th e ir holiday. Tru e / False 18. A cruise is a holiday w h e re yo u g o som ew here (usually A frica) to w atch and take pho to grap hs of w ild animals True / False 19. A n arm cha ir tra ve lle r is som eone w h o books holidays and flights on the Internet. Tru e / False 20. A to u ris t trap is a place th a t is visited by m a ny tourists and is the re fore cro w d e d and expensive. True / False 2 Com plete the sentences w ith a suitable w o rd or phrase from the box. border controls culture shock deportedeconomic migrants emigration expatriates immigration internally displaced persona non grata refugees repatriated UNHCR 1. A t th e b e g in n in g o f th e war, thousands o f ............................................... fled over the b ord e r to the next country. 2. Since the civil w a r began,alm ost am illion people have been forced to m ove to a nothe r part of th e country. T h e s e .......................................................................... persons are n o w w ith o u t foo d or shelter. 3. N in ete en th-cen tury governm ents e n c o u ra g e d ........................................................ to th e colonies. 4. T h e g o ve rn m e n t is e n c o u ra g in g ............................................... because o f the shortage of w orkers in key industries. 5. M o vin g from a largeEuropeancity to the small village in the Himalayas was som ething of a 6. Thousands o f B ritis h in the G ulf States, w h e re m any o f th e m have high-pow ered jobs. 100
Travel topic-specific vocabulary 7. T h e ............................................... is under a lot of pressure o w in g to the huge n um b er of displaced persons around the w orld. 8. He w a s ............................................................... from the country w h e n his visa expired. 9. Because he had a criminal record, the governm ent didn't w a n t him to enter the country, declared h i m ............................................... and asked him to leave immediately. 10. A fte r the econom y collapsed in the east, thousands o f ...............................................headed west in the hope of finding a good job. 11. People w h o are caught trying to enter the country illegally are usually held in a detention centre before b e in g ................................................. 12 w ere tightened in order to reduce the n um b er o f people illegally entering the country. 3 N o w look at this essay and com plete the gaps w ith one of the w o rd s o r phrases from Exercises 1 and 2. In som e cases, m ore than one answ er m ay be possible. You w ill need to change the form of some of the words. Tra vel: the other side o f the coin' Most of us have, atsome point in our lives, experienced the joys of travel. W e go to a pick up some brochures, or look on the Internet for a cheap holiday deal. W e book a tw o -w e e k 2.......................................................... w ith flights and accom m odation included (or if w e are 3............................................................. w e make our o w n w a y to the country and travel around from place to place w ith a rucksack on o ur back). W e make sure w e have all the right currency, our passport and any 4 ...........................................................that are necessary to get us into the country. W e go to the airport and 5................................................................ W e strap ourselves into our tiny 6...........................................................aircraft seats and a few hours later w e 7............................................................ from theaircraft, strangen ew sights, smells and sounds greeting us. Nowadays, it seems, the w hole w o rld goes on holiday at once: the age of 8 in full swing! But fo r the great m ajority of people around th e w orld , travel fo r the m is done in the face of great adversity and hardship. T h e y never get to indulge in an 9............................................................. holiday in a luxury hotel w ith all meals and drinks included. Th e y never get to explore the lush A m a zo n Rain Forest or the frozen wastes of the Arctic on an For them , travel is a m atter of life and death. I refer, of course, to all the 11............................................................. escaping from their o w n countries, or the 12............................................................., m oved from one part of their country to another by an uncaring governm ent, or 13............................................................... forced to find a job and seek a living w herever they can. Can you imagine anything worse than the misery these people must face? Let's not confuse them w ith those 14.......................................................... w h o choose to live in another country and often have nice houses and high salaries. These people are simply desperate to survive. As well as losing their homes because of w a r or famine or other natural disasters, they must come to terms w ith their new environm ent: for many, the 15.............................................................can be to o great. A n d w hile m any countries w ith an open policy on 16............................................................will welcom e them in w ith open arms, others will simply turn them away. These people become 17.......................................................... , unw anted and unwelcome. Even if they manage to get into a country, they will often be 18.......................................................... or repatriated. The ir future is uncertain. Som ething to think about, perhaps, the next tim e you are yo u r 101 five-star hotel by a palm -fringed beach or sitting in a coach on an 20............................................................. to a pretty castle in the countryside.
topic-specific vocabulary Work 1 H o w w o u ld you generally feel, happy ( ^ ) or unhappy ( g ), if you were in the follow ing situations? Use the w ords and phrases in bold to help you decide. 1. T h e co m p an y yo u w o rk fo r is w ell k n o w n fo r its jo b security. © ® 2. You are suddenly m ade re d u n d a n t @ 0) 3. You receive a p ro m o tio n . ( c ) (R ) 4. You are given an in cre m e n t © ® 5. You w o rk unsociable hours. (c3) 0 ) 6. You have a s te a d y jo b . @ (§ ) 7. You had adverse w ork in g conditions. (5 ) (§ ) 8. You suddenly find yourself u ne m ploye d. @ (g ) 9. You need tim e off w o rk because of repetitive strain injury. (3) (§ ) 10. T h e office w h e re yo u w o rk has sick b u ild in g syn d ro m e . ( 3 ) ( g ) 11. You receive reg ula r p erks as part of yo u r jo b . ( ^ ) ( g ) 12. Som ebody calls yo u a w orka h olic. ( ^ ) ( § ) 13. Y o u r com pany gives yo u plenty o f incentives. (^ ) @ 14. Y o u r boss announces th a t there is g o in g to be some d o w n s iz in g o f the w o rk fo rce. Q ) ( g ) 15. You have a lot o f jo b satisfaction. @ (g ) 16. Y o u r com p an y has a generous incen tive scheme. @ (g ) 17. You receive a com m ission for th e w o rk you have done . ( q ) ( g ) 18. You receive su pp o rt fro m a u n io n. ( ^ ) 0 ) 19. You are un d e r stress. ( ^ ) ( g ) 20. You are forced to resign. ( g ) (§ ) 21. You receive a cut in your salary. ( g ) ( g ) 22. Your com pany gives you sickness b e n e fit @ (g ) 23. You find your job very dem anding. (£ ) ® 24. Y o u r boss tells yo u th a t you have p o te n tia l. @ (R ) 25. Y o u r boss tells yo u th a t you lack in itia tive and m o tiv a tio n . ( ^ ) (g ) 26. Everyone at w o rk ignores you. @ (g ) 102
Work topic-specific vocabulary 2 Match sentences 1 - 6 in box A w ith one of the sentences A - F in box B. W rite the person's name after each sentence A - F. Use the w ords and phrases in bold to help you. Box A. 1. Sam antha is the assistant m anager of a bank and she w orks from 8.30 to 5.30 every day. 2. Tracy w orks on the production line of a factory w hich makes cars. She uses a m achine to spray paint on to the finished car parts. 3. Jane w orks fo r herself. She is a photographer. She w orks every day fo r a bo u t e ig ht o r nine hours. 4. Jeanette is a cleaner fo r a com pany in B irm ingham , b u t she only w orks there fo r a bout three or four hours a day. 5. Claire has a p o w e rful jo b in the personnel office of a large m ultinational com pany. She is responsible for em ploying new people and getting rid of those that the com pany doesn't w ant to employ any more. 6. M arie w orks in the finance d ep artm en t of an international college in O xford. Box B. A . She is a sem i-skilled b lu e -colla r w o rk e r in a m a n u fa ctu rin g in d u s try ............................ B. She is s e lf-e m p lo ye d and w orks full-tim e. She likes to describe herself as freelance. C. She is responsible fo r h irin g a n d firin g ............................ D. She ca leu lates the w ages, salaries, pension contributions and m edical insurance contributions of all the staff............................. E. She is a fu ll-tim e w h ite -c o lla r w o rk e r in a service in d u s tr y ........................... F. She is an unskilled p a rt-tim e e m p lo ye e ............................ 103
topic-specific vocabulary Work 3 N o w read this essay and complete the gaps w ith one of the words or phrases from Exercises 1 and 2. You will need to change the form of some of the words. 'Som e peop le live to w o rk , a n d others w o rk to live. In m o st cases, this depends on the jo b th e y have a nd the conditions under which th e y are em ployed. In y o u r opinion, w h a t are the elements that make a job w orthw hile?' In answ ering this question, I w o u ld like to look first at the elem ents th a t com bine to m ake a job undesirable. By avoiding such factors, potential 1............................................................. are m ore likely to find a jo b th a t is m ore w o rth w h ile , and by d o in g so, hope to achieve happiness in th e ir w o rk . First of all, it doesn't m atter if you are an 2 .............................................................w o rk e r cleaning the floor, a 3.............................................................4 ..............................................................w o rk e r on a production line in one o f the 5............................................................., o r a 6 .............................................................. w o rk e r in a bank, shop o r one o f the o th e r 7 ............................................................. : if you lack 8............................................................., w ith the k n o w le d ge th a t you m ig h t lose yo u r jo b at any tim e, you w ill never feel happy. Everybody w o u ld like a 9............................................................. in w hich he or she is gu ara nte ed w o rk . Nowadays, however, com panies have a high tu rn o ve r of staff, 10.............................................................n e w staff and 11 others on a w ee kly basis. Such com panies are n o t p o pula r w ith their workers. Th e same can be said o f a jo b in w hich yo u are p u t u n d e r a lot of 12............................................................. and w orry, a jo b w hich is so 13............................................................. th a t it takes over yo u r life, a jo b w h e re yo u w o rk 14............................................................. and so never ge t to see yo u r fam ily o r friends, or a physical jo b in w h ich yo u do the same th in g every day and end up w ith the industrial disease th a t is always in the papers now adays - 15................................................................ W ith all these negative factors, it w o u ld be difficult to believe th a t there are any elem ents th a t make a jo b w o rth w h ile . M o n e y is, o f course, th e prim e m otivator, and e veryb o d y w ants a go od 1 6................................................................... But o f course th a t is n ot all. T h e chance of 17............................................................. , of being given a better position in a com pany, is a m otivating factor. Likewise, 18............................................................. such as a free lunch or a co m pany car, an 1 9............................................................ scheme to make yo u w o rk hard such as a regular 20 ............................................................. above the rate of inflation, 21............................................................... in case you fall ill and a com pany 22............................................................. scheme so th a t you have some m oney w h e n you retire all com bine to make a jo b w o rth w h ile . Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find all of these. Th e re is, however, an alternative. Forget the office and th e factory floor, become 23................................................................ and w o rk fo r yourself. Your future may not be secure, but at least you will be happy. 104
Answers answers Page 1 Addition, equation & conclusion 1 Addition Equation Conclusion and equally in conclusion along w ith correspondingly in brief also in the same w ay therefore as w ell as likewise thus besides similarly to conclude furth erm o re to summarise in addition to sum up briefly m oreover w e can conclude that too what's more 2 1. Furtherm ore / In addition / In M o re over / W hat's m ore (this is less form al than the other expressions), 2. As w ell as / Besides (n o t In addition, as this w o u ld need to before the verb), 3. Likewise / Similarly / In the same w a y (the main verb in both sentences is the same {respect), so w e can use a w o rd / phrase of equation here), 4. As w ell as / A lo n g w ith , 5. Also / Furtherm ore / In addition / M o re o ve r / W hat's m ore, 6. Likewise / similarly, 7. Likewise / In the same w a y / Similarly, 8. In brief, 9. In brief / W e can conclude that, 10. The re fore (to sum up, to conclude and to summarise are usually used to conclude a longer piece of w ritin g . Thus is slightly m ore form al than therefore, b ut has the same m eaning) Page 2 Around the w orld 1~ 1. the Far East, 2. A ntarctic (Antarctica is the nam e of the continent, and is not preceded by the), 3. Australasia, 4. th e Indian subcontinent, 5. Central Am erica, 6. Latin Am erica, 7. southern Africa (South Africa is the nam e o f a country), 8. the U nited K ingd om , 9. Europe, 10. the G ulf States, 11. Scandinavia, 12. capital (Traditionally, a capital city is th e city in a co untry w h e re the g o ve rn m e n t is based. Cities w hich are larger th a n the capital cities of a country, for example, Istanbul, are often k no w n as principal cities) 2 1. A fg h a n , 2. A rg e n tin e , 3. Australian, 4. Bangladeshi, 5. Belgian, 6. Brazilian, 7. Canadian, 8. Danish, 9. Egyptian, 10. English / British, 11. Finnish, 12. Greek, 13. Indian, 14. Iranian, 15.Iraqi, 16. Irish, 17. Israeli, 18. Japanese, 19. Kuw aiti, 20. Lebanese, 21. M alay / Malaysian, 22. Mexican, 23. M oroccan, 24. Dutch, 25. Norw egian, 26. Pakistani, 27. Peruvian, 28. Filipino, 29. Polish, 30. Portuguese, 31. Russian, 32. Saudi Arabian, 33. Scottish / British, 34. Spanish, 35. Swedish, 36. Swiss, 37. Tha i, 38. Turkish, 39. Welsh / British, 40. Yem eni Pages 3 - 4 Changes 1 The words and phrases in this module are particularly useful for Part 1 o f the IELTS W riting Test, where yo u m ay be asked to write about changes shown in tables o r graphs. 1 1. increased / rose / w e n t up (in any order), 2. fell / drop pe d / w e n t d o w n / declined (in any order), 3. rem ained steady / rem ained constant (in either order), 4. fluctuated / peaked at / reached a peak of (in either order) 2 2. slightly, 3. dram atically / sharply (in either order), 1. gra du ally / steadily (in either o rder), 4. upw ard trend 3 105 Th e n um b er of visitors to Seahaven (1) increased / rose / w e n t up (2) gradually / steadily between April and June, then (3) increased / rose / w ent up (4) dramatically / sharply in July, and continued to (5) g o up / increase / rise in A ugust. For the first four months, visitor num bers to B ridgeport (6) fluctuated, but then (7) dropped / fell / declined / decreased / w ent down (8) dramatically / sharply
answers Answers 106 in the final m o n th . W estha m pton visitor num bers (9) remained constant / remained steady from A p ril to June, the n (10) increased / rose / w e n t up (11) slightly in July and finally (12) peaked a t/ reached a peak o f 11,000 in A ugust. Overall, there was an (13) upw ard trend in th e n u m b e r o f visitors to Seahaven and W e stha m pto n , b ut a (14) dow nw a rd trend in the num ber of people visiting Bridgeport. (R em em ber to vary yo u r vocabulary in W ritin g tasks. Try n o t to use the same w o rd to o often. If, for exam ple, yo u use increase in one part, use rise in another, and go up in another.) Pages 5 - 6 Changes 2 1 1. altered /alter, 2. sw itching / sw itched, 3. adjust / adjust, 4. faded / faded, 5. varies / vary, 6. reduce / reduce, 7. deteriorate / deteriorated (w e can also say worsen or g e t worse), 8. swell / swells, 9. exchanged / exchange, 10. renovate / renovate 2 1. replaced / replace, 2. a da pt / adapted, 3. disappear / disappeared, 4. p ro m o te d / p rom o te d, 5. relax / relax, 6. im prove / im pro vin g, 7. expand / expanded, 8. cut / cutting, 9. tra n sfo rm e d / tra n s fo rm e d , 10. declined / declining Page 7 Condition 1 1. p ro vid in g that* yo u return, 2. provided that* I have, 3. unless you ge t (unless means the same as if yo u don't), 4. on condition that* th e y tid y (o n condition that is q uite fo rm a l), 5. as long as w e continue, 6. no m atter h o w much you, 7. how ever m any books you, 8. w he re ver you * W e can o m it that after providing, provided and on condition. W e can also use the before condition. Note: A ll of these sentences can also begin w ith the conditional w o rd or phrase. For exam ple: You can bo rrow m y dictionary providing that you return it before you go home = Providing that you return it before you go home, yo u can bo rrow m y dictionary. W he n w e do this, w e are shifting the emphasis of the sentence to the conditional clause. Pages 8 - 9 Confusing w ords & false friends 1 1. abroad / aboard, 2. action / activity, 3. advise / advice, 4. effect / affect, 5. appreciable / appreciative, 6. p revent / avoid, 7. beside / Besides, 8. Shortly / briefly, 9. canal / channel, 10. conscious / Conscientious, 11. considerate / considerable, 12. continual / continuous, 13. control / inspect, 14. objection / criticism, 15. in ju r y / harm / dam age, 16. f o r / w h ile / d u r in g , 17. H o w e ve r / M oreover, 18. w o u n d e d / injured Pages 1 0 - 1 1 Confusing w ords & false friends 2 1. jo b / w o rk , 2. lie / lay, 3. w atch / look at, 4. lose / loose, 5. make / cause, 6. nature / countryside, 7. per cent (often w ritte n as one w o rd : percent) / percentage, 8. p erm it / permission, 9. personal / personnel, 10. possibility / chance, 11. practise / practice (n o te th a t in A m erican English, practice is both a noun and a ve rb ), 12. Priceless / worthless, 13. principle / Principal / principal / principle, 14. tro u b le / p ro blem , 15. procession / process, 16. rise / raise, 17. re m e m b e r/ rem ind, 18. respectful / respectable, 19. to le ra n t/ to le ra b le , 20. t r e a t / cure O th er confusing words o r false friends include: actually + now, already + yet, afraid of + w orried about, bring + fetch, conduct + direct, discover + invent, driver + chauffeur, form idable + w onderful, fun + funny, go + play (for sports and games), com e along w ith + fo llow , kind + sym pathetic, lend + b o rro w , overcom e + overtake, pass + take (an exam), receipt + recipe, scenery + view, sensible + sensitive, special + especially, take + bring Pages 1 2 - 1 3 Context & meaning 1 1 2 (suggested answers), nocturnal: active at night rather than during the day. / cites: mentions something as an example or explanation of something else. / coherently, spoken or w ritten so that all the different parts fit together, and / or which are easy to understand. / feat something impressive that someone does.
Answers answers 3 107 (a) burden, (b) prolific, (c) initiative, (d) resilient, (e) sways, (f) elusive, (g) im plem ent, (h ) arduous, (i) fringe, (j) prohibitive, (k) exhaustive, (I) forage, (m ) stacks, (n ) im perative, (o) mediocre Remember that some words can have a different meaning depending on their context. For example, prohibitive can also mean lim iting something, or preventing something from being done (e.g., prohibitive anti-piracy laws). In addition to looking at th e context in w hich a w o rd appears in o rder to w o rk o u t its m eaning, you should also identify its function (is it a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc?). Some of the w ords in Exercise 2 can have a different function w ith o u t changing th e ir form , d ep en d in g on h o w the y are used (e.g., burden can be a verb as w ell as a n o u n ). Pages 1 4 - 1 5 Context & meaning 2 1 1. Incorrect (stop som eone or som ething from m aking progress or deve lop in g), 2. Correct, 3. Incorrect (speak publicly to a g ro u p of people), 4. Incorrect (badly built or m ade, and so likely to break easily), 5. Correct, 6. Incorrect (becom e a full m em ber of a g ro u p or society), 7. Incorrect (the start of som ething), 8. Incorrect (inventing or using new ideas), 9. Incorrect (gradually becomes n a rro w e r tow ards one end), 10. Correct, 11. Incorrect (nice to look at), 12. Correct 2 1. Incorrect (ro u g h and hard), 2. Incorrect (spread ideas, beliefs, etc., to a lot of people), 3. Correct, 4. Incorrect (able to be done, or w o rth d o in g), 5. Incorrect (believe o r say th a t som ething was w ritte n , said, painted, etc, by a particular person), 6. Incorrect (an official d o cum e nt that, a m o ng o th e r things, prevents som eone fro m copying som eone else's invention), 7. Correct, 8. Incorrect (to be reasonable o r necessary), 9. Correct, 10. Incorrect (connected w ith som ething, b ut not a necessary or im po rtan t part of it), 11. Incorrect (to make or persuade som ebody to do som ething), 12. Incorrect (had changes m ade in order to im prove it) Pages 16 - 17 C o n text & m eaning 3 1' 1. infancy: the tim e w h e n you are a baby or very yo u n g child. 2. personnel: the people w h o w o rk for a com pany or organisation. 3. p ro lo n g: to make som ething last longer. 4. w in d sw e p t: having a lot of w in d , and not m any buildings o r trees to protect it. 5. threefold: three times as m uch, o r three times as m any (also w ritte n three-fold. O th e r num bers can be used: twofold, tenfold, etc.). 6. scholars: people w h o study a particular subject and k n o w a lot a bo u t it, especially if the subject is not scientific. 7. recipient: (form al) someone w h o receives som ething. 8. centrepiece: the most im p o rta n t object or decoration in a particular place. 9. m ultitude: a very large num ber of things or people. 10. num eracy: basic skills in mathematics. 11. lifespan: the length of tim e th a t an anim al or hum an lives. 12. m onetary: consisting o f money, o r able to be measured in money. 13. gra nd e ur: an impressive quality th a t a place, object o r occasion has. 14. standpoint: a w a y of considering som ething from someone's p oin t of view. 2 1. epicentre: the area of land directly over the centre of an earthquake. 2. outpatients: people w h o receive medical treatm ent at a hospital, but do not stay there for the night. 3. validate: to officially prove th a t som ething is true or correct. 4. w idespread: happening o r existing in m any places, o r affecting m any people. 5. seafarers: people w h o w o rk or travel regularly on the sea, especially sailors. 6. spatial: relating to the size, shape and position of things (the 'ro o t' w o rd is space). 7. m onorail: a railway system in w hich trains travel on a single metal track. 8. auditory: relating to hearing. 9. industrious: always w o rk in g very hard.
answers Answers 108 10. longevity: having a long life or existence. 11. draw back: a feature o f som ething th a t makes it less useful tha n it could be. 12. showcases: shows som eone o r som ething in a w a y th a t attracts a tte n tion and emphasises their good qualities. 13. wilderness: an area o f land w h e re people d o n o t live o r g ro w crops, and w h e re there are no buildings. 14. illiterate: unable to read or w rite . Page 18 Contrast & comparison 1. A , 2. B, 3. B, 4. C (differentiate and distinguish have exactly the same m e a n in g ), 5. C, 6. A , 7. C, 8. A , 9. B, 10. C, 11. A , 12. C, 13. C, 14. B, 15. B (this is an inform al expression) Page 19 Emphasis 8t misunderstanding 1 1. F, 2. B, 3. E, 4. C, 5. A , 6. D 2 1. accentuated / emphasised, 2. p ro m in e n t, 3. accent / emphasis / stress, 4. p u t gre at stress, 5. crucially im p o rta n t / extrem ely im p o rta n t / of crucial im portance, 6. emphasis 3 1. confused, 2. confusion, 3. m ix-u p (this is an inform al w o rd ), 4. obscure, 5. m isapprehension, 6. assumed, 7. mistaken, 8. impression Page 20 Focusing attention 1 1. simply, 2. largely, 3. prim arily, 4. mainly, 5. exclusively, 6. particularly, 7. specifically, 8. notably, 9. mostly, 10. purely, 11. chiefly T h e w o rd in th e bold vertical box is principally. 2 O n ly or solely: simply, exclusively, purely, specifically In m ost cases, norm ally, o r th e m ain reason fo r som ething: chiefly, largely, mainly, mostly, notably, particularly, primarily. iPages 21 - 22 Generalisations & specifics 1. D, 2. A , 3. B, 4. H, 5. L, 6. E, 7. O , 8. F, 9. I, 10. J, 11. N, 12. M , 13. G, 14. C, 15. K 2 Specific things: the specifics, characteristics, details, exemplifies, illustrate, illustration, itemise, m inutiae, peculiar to, peculiarity, technicality General things: generalisations, o utline, gist, in general Other words and phrases yo u m ight find useful include: fo r the most part, generalities, in general terms, on the w h o le , to generalise, list (as a ve rb ), specify Page 23 Groups 1 People in general: crow d, gang, g ro up , huddle, th ro n g A g ro u p o f people w o rk in g to g e th e r: cast, com pany, crew, platoon, staff, team Anim als: flock, herd, litter, pack, shoal (o f fish. W e can also say school), swarm * Objects: batch**, bunch, bundle, pile (w e can also say heap), set, stack * swarm can also be used inform ally fo r a large g ro u p o f people (Swarms o f police officers surrounded the building) ** batch can also be used to talk a b o u t a n u m b e r of people th a t arrive o r are dealt w ith at the same tim e ( This n e w batch o f students seems very nice)
Answers 2 l.h e r d , 2. cast, 3. swarms, 4. piles/stacks/heaps, 5. shoals / schools, 6. crew, 7. set, 8. staff, 9. bunch, 10. crow d / th ro n g (or, m ore inform ally, swarm), 11. packs, 12. g ro u p / huddle, 13. flocks, 14. batch, 15. bundle, 16. g a n g s / c ro w d s / g ro u p s Page 24 H o w something works ■=> The words and phrases in this m odule are particularly useful for the IELTS Listening Test (where yo u m ay hear someone describing h o w som ething works) or Part 1 o f the IELTS W riting Test (where you m ay be shown a picture or diagram o f something, and have to explain h o w it works). 1. A therm ostat A therm ostat fQQtOjQS a strip or coil of steel and a strip o r coil of copper, one on to p of the other. As the strip / coil heats up, the metals expand, but one does it faster than the other. Th e strip / coil bends and connects w ith a switch, w hich turns off the p o w e r supply. W h e n the strip / coil cools d ow n, the metals contract and th e switch is disconnected. Th e therm ostat is adjusted using a dial or other control. 2. A disc player A disc player (fo r example, in a co m p uter) has several com p o n e n t parts. A disc is inserted into the player and begins to spin. A t the same tim e, a thin beam of light called a laser strikes th e disc and converts digital signals into sounds or images, which can be heard throug h speakers or viewed on a screen. Volum e or brightness can be increased or decreased by means of a button, knob or other control. Now adays, discs are largely being replaced by storage devices like m em ory sticks, w hich have no m oving parts. 3. A n aerosol In an aerosol, liquid and gas are compressed in a metal and / o r hard plastic tub e . This can be released fro m the tu b e by pushing a b u tton , w hich opens a valve. W h e n the liq u id -g a s com bination leaves the tu b e and mixes w ith oxygen, it rapidly expands. 4. A n aircraft Most aircraft are made of alum inium , and require tw o forces to allow them to fly: thrust and lift. As th e aircraft moves fo rw a rd on the g ro u n d und er th e p o w e r of its engines, air flow s over th e w ings. As it accelerates / moves faster, creating / producing m ore thrust, a vacuum is created / formed over the w ings. This creates / produces lift. T h e aircraft is pulled into th e air by the force of this lift. 5. A digital camera A digital camera consists of tw o m ain parts: a b ody and a lens. W h e n a b utton is pressed on the body, a w in d o w in the lens called a shutter opens and light enters th e camera. T h e a m o u n t of light g o in g into th e camera is controlled by both the speed of this shutter, and a smaller w in d o w called an aperture. Both the shutter speed and the size of the aperture can be adjusted by the person using th e camera. Th e light hits a sensor in the body of the camera, w hich records the light as a digital im age. T h e im age is recorded / stored on a m e m ory card in th e camera, and this can later be downloaded onto a computer. O ther words and phrases you m ight find useful include: fold, reflect, reverse, revolve, start, stop, turn, turn dow n, turn up, unfold, unw ind, upload, w in d Note: W h e n w e describe h o w an object w orks and there is no oth e r person or a ge nt involved in o u r description, w e use the active voice ('...lig h t enters the ca m era...', ' e metals expand...'). W h e n there is a person involved in th e process, w e usually use th e passive voice (is / are + a past participle: 'Th e therm ostat is adjusted...', '...liq u id and gas are compressed...'). W e use the passive voice w h e n w e d o not k n o w w h o does the action o r process, o r because w e d o n o t need to say w h o does it. Page 25 Joining / becoming part of something bigger . _ 1. linked, 2. am algam ated / m erged, 3. blended, 4. m erged / am algam ated, 5. incorporated, 6. integrated / assimilated, 7. assimilated / integrated, 8. to o k over / sw allow ed up (swallowed up is less form al than took over. W e can also say acquired), 9. g o t to g e th e r (an inform al phrase. W e can also say m et o r assembled, w hich are slightly less inform al), 10. to o k over / sw allow ed up
answers Answers 2 4. alloy, 5. co m p o u n d , 6. synthesis, 7. unification, 1. alliance, 2. union, 3. federation, 8. blend, 9. coalition, 10. m e rger Page 26 Likes & dislikes _ 1. Positive, 2. Positive, 3. Negative, 4. Positive, 5. Negative, 6. Negative, 7. Negative, 8. Positive ( fancies in this context is an inform al w a y of saying w o u ld like to), 9. Positive, 10. Positive, 11. Positive, 12. Positive, 13. Negative, 14. Positive, 15. Positive, 16. Negative, 17. Positive, 18. Positive attract, captivate, disgust, fascinate, repel and tem pt can be active (N e w technology fascinates me). bu t are m ore co m m o n ly passive (/ am fascinated b y n e w technology) Pages 27 - 29 Location &. direction ■=> Language o f location and direction is particularly useful fo r the IELTS Listening Test, where you m ay be asked to locate places or other things on maps or plans. 1 1. directly opposite, 2. to the west of, 3. on the south side of, 4. to the east of, 5. on the left-hand side of (w e can just say on the left side of), 6. in the m iddle of, 7. halfw ay along (w e can also say halfw ay up), 8. parallel to, 9. at rig ht angles to (w h e n som ething is at a 90° angle to som ething else, w e can also say th a t it is perpendicular to it), 10. on the n orth side of, 11. halfw ay betw een, 12. diagonally opposite, 13. surrounded by, 14. on, 15. on the corner o f 2 You are going to A (the hotel) Note: A crossroads is a place w h e re one road crosses another. A crossroads is a typ e o f junction (a place w h e re one road crosses o r joins a n o th e r). T h e Am erican w o rd is intersection). 3 3. take the first, 4. on yo u r left, 5. second / last, 6. on yo u r left To the supermarket 1. G o to the end, 2. tu rn right, To the language school 7. G o along, 8. tu rn right, 9. crossroads, 10. Take the first, 11. on yo u r left, 12. first, 13. on yo u r rig ht To the book shop 19. take the second, 14. G o along, 15. tu rn left, 16. crossroads, 17. the end, 18. tu rn left, 20. on yo u r right, 21. G o past, 22. last, 23. on y o u r rig ht 110 Pages 30 - 31 Modified w ords 1 1. teleconferences, 2. biannual (som ething th a t is biannual occurs tw ice a year, som ething th a t is biennial occurs once every tw o years*), 3. a utob iogra ph y, 4. transform ed, 5. predeterm ined, 6. semi-final (this can also be w ritte n as one w o rd , semifinal, o r tw o w ords, semi final), 7. postgraduate, 8. co-w orkers, 9. m icro-organism s (this can also be w ritte n as one w o rd , microorganisms, o r tw o w ords, micro organisms), 10. unisex, 11. substandard, 12. circum navigate, 13. International, 14. m o n o lin gu a l, 15. underachiever, 16. o ve rp o pu late d * Rather confusingly, som ething th a t is biw eekly occurs tw ice a w ee k o r once every t w o w eeks (e.g., A biw eekly newsletter). Som ething th a t is bim onth ly occurs tw ice a m o n th o r once every tw o months (e.g., a bim onthly meeting). 2 1. m icrowaves, 2. telecom m unications, 3. unilateral, 4. sem i-detached, 5. autopilot, 6. bilingual, 7. circum vented, 8. p ost-w ar (this can also be w ritte n as one w o rd , postwar), 9. prem ature, 10. o ve rw e ig h t, 11. subconscious, 12. coeducational (w e can also w rite this co-educational), 13. underestim ated, 14. transatlantic (n o te th a t Atlantic does n ot begin w ith a capital letter in this w o rd , b u t w o u ld need to w h e n used on its o w n ), 15. interrelationship, 16. m o n o to n e
Answers answers Pages 32 - 33 Objects & actions 1 1. freeze, 2. spin, 3. slide, 4. evaporate, 5. congeal (fo r blood, w e w o u ld say clot), 6. rotate, 7. w o b b le , 8. leak (w e could also say escape. Th e noise it makes is a hiss), 9. vibrate (if the glass is loose in the fram e, it w o u ld also rattle), 10. fade, 11. rise, 12. erode, 13. smoulder, 14. expand, 15. stretch, 16. crack (if the glass breaks completely, it shatters), 17. spill, 18. explode 2 1. revolve, 2. subside, 3. flow , 4. m elt, 5. bounce, 6. gro w , 7. set, 8. condense, 9. meander, 10. spread, 11. trickle (if the w a te r is com ing o u t very slow ly in small drops, w e say drip), 12. burn, 13. crum ble, 14. contract, 15. ring (w e also use this w o rd fo r the noise a telephone makes w h e n som eone is calling yo u ), 16. sink, 17. float, 18. e rupt 3 1. froze, 2. float, 3. rising, 4. fades, 5. condense, 6. subsided, 7. revolved, 8. set, 9. trickle, 10. stretched, 11. bounce (w e can also bounce ideas around. These are inform al expressions), 12. leaked Page 34 Obligation 8c option . _ 1. False (you m ust take yo u r o w n pencil and eraser), 2. True, 3. False (he had to pay the m oney back), 4. False (they d o n 't have to pay any income tax at all), 5. True, 6. False (the companies make th e m w o rk long hours: the employees have no choice), 7. True, 8. False (you can attend the classes if you w a n t to ), 9. False (you must w e a r a crash helm et. W e can also use the w o rd obligatory), 10. True 2 4. compulsory, 5. voluntary, 6. m andatory, 1. obliged / required, 2. no alternative, 3. liable for, 7. required, 8. force, 9. optional, 10. exem pt Pages 35 - 36 Opinion, attitude & belief 1* 1. tolerance, 2. obsessed, 3. reckon (this is quite an inform al w o rd ), 4. suspect, 5. bigoted, 6. d o u b t, 7. fanatical, 8. dedicated, 9. o pinion, 10. pragm atic, 11. com m itted, 12. regarding, 13. disapproval, 14. m aintain, 15. concerned, 16. cynical, 17. exception, 18. convinced, 19. traditional, 20. conservative 2 1. suspicious, 2. pragm atic, 3. fanatical, 4. disapprove, 5. o p in io n , 6. dedication / com m itm ent, 7. tolerate, 8. conservative / traditional, 9. d o u b t, 10. m aintain / reckon / suspect / d o u b t Page 37 Opposites: adjectives 1. clear, 2. easy, 3. graceful, 4. detrim ental, 5. approxim ate, 6. innocent, 7. even, 8. scarce, 9. flexible, 10. m arked, 11. crude, 12. delicate, 13. dim , 14. o b lig a to ry (w e can also say compulsory), 15. reluctant, 16. widespread, 17. costly, 18. chronic Page 38 Opposites: verbs 1. accepted, 2. denied, 3. retreating, 4. agreed, 5. defended, 6. dem olished, 7. simplified, 8. a bandon, 9. deteriorated, 10. Rew arding, 11. low ered, 12. fo rb id d en , 13. fell, 14. loosen, 15. w ith d re w , 16. retained, 17. accelerates, 18. ignored Page 39 Ownership, giving, lending & borrowing 111 1 1. landlords (landlady = female. W e can also say landowner), 2. Proprietors / Owners, 3. owners, 4. property, 5. estate / property, 6. possessions, 7. belongings {possessions usually refers to everything w e o w n, for example, our homes, furniture, etc. Belongings usually refers to smaller things, for example, briefcase, mobile phone, etc.), 8. loan, 9. m ortgage, 10. tenants, 11. rent, 12. donation M ortgage, rent and loan can also be verbs.
answers Answers 2 l.le n d , 2. hire, 3. b o rro w , 4 . ^ , 5. present, 6. S , 7. allocate, 8. provide Page 40 Phrasal verbs 1 1. up, 2. o ut, 3. up to, 4. off, 5. on, 6. up w ith , 7. d o w n , 8. o u t of, 9. out, 10. out, 11. up, 12. in, 13. up w ith , 14. o ut, 15. o ut, 16. into, 17. on, 18. behind, 19. d o w n / back on, 20. out, 21. over, 22. w ith, 23. forw ard, 24. back on Pages 41 - 42 Phrasal verbs 2 1. broke d o w n , 2. w o rk o ut, 3. w e a r off, 4. w e a r ... o u t, 5. pull th ro u g h , 6. sort o ut, 7. split up, 8. show ed up, 9. pulled o u t of, 10. letting off, 11. l e t ... d o w n , 12. carry on, 13. held up, 14. fell th ro u g h , 15. ended up, 16. carried out, 17. cu ttin g back on, 18. c u to ff, 19. did aw ay w ith, 20. do up Page 43 Phrasal verbs 3 1. looked, 2. get, 3. g e ttin g , 4. looking, 5. go , 6. look, 7. get, 8. go, 9. came, 10. give, 11. look, 12. go, 13. w e n t, 14. go, 15. look, 16. c o m e / g e t, 17. comes, 18. lo o k e d / w e n t, 19. get, 20. came Pages 4 4 - 4 5 Phrasal verbs 4 Clues across 8. turned out, 11. picked on, 1. p u t d o w n , 4. ta lk u n d , 5. take after, 6. ru n n in g up against, 12. o p t out, 16. tu rn e d up, 19. set off, 20. run up, 21. m ade up Clues d o w n 1. p u t aside (set aside has th e same m eaning, b u t does n o t fit in th e crossw ord), 2. take in, 3. taken in, 5. tu rn e d d o w n , 7. p u t up w ith , 9. stand in (also used w ith for. I was asked to stand in fo r him ). 10. p u t off, 13. sets in, 14. m ake o ut, 15. m ade up, 17. ran for, 18. p ic k u p Page 46 Presenting an argument ^ You w ill find the words and phrases in this m odule useful in Part 2 o f the IELTS W riting Test, and also in the Speaking Test (especially Part 3, where yo u are asked to talk a bo u t a topic and say w hat yo u think about it). 1. H ow ever, 2. First o f all / Firstly, 3. As w ell as / In a dd ition to, 4. I believe / I think, 5. M o re o ve r / Furtherm ore, 6. A lth o u g h / W h ile , 7. as w ell, 8. Nevertheless, 9. T h e most im p o rta n t reason / T h e m ain reason, 10. As far as I am concerned / For me, 11. M a n y consider, 12. Secondly, 13. Finally, 14. In o th e r w ords, 15. In co n clu s io n /To summarise, 16. O n th e one hand, 17. O n th e o th e r hand, 18. In m y o p in ion Note: T h e sample answ er is lo n ge r tha n you w o u ld need to w rite in the IELTS. W h e n you are asked to present an a rg u m e n t, yo u should always look at it fro m tw o sides, giving reasons w h y you agree and / or disagree before reaching a conclusion. It is usually best to present yo u r arg u m e nt in favou r of som ething just before the conclusion. 112 Page 47 Reason 81 result 1 1. T h e police asked him his reason fo r speeding th ro u g h the to w n , 2. He failed his exam due to / on account o f / o w in g to (these phrases have th e same m e an in g as because of) his lack o f revision, 3. A persistent cough prom pted him to seek professional medical help, 4. She started haranguing the cro w d w ith the aim o f starting a riot, 5. He spent the w h o le w ee ke nd revising in o rd e r to pass his exams, 6. T h e y came in quietly so as n ot to w ak e anyone, 7. He refused to lend anyone m oney on the grounds th a t people rarely repay a loan, 8. T h e bank m anager refused to lend the com pany m ore m o n ey on account o f / due to / o w in g to its lo w tu rn o v e r and p o o r sales history, 9. T h e school was forced to close due to / on account of / o w in g to p o o r student attendance, 10. W h a t w e re you r m otives fo r upsetting me like that?, 11. W h a t are the effects of a large earthquake, 12. Stress and o ve rw o rk can affect different people in diffe ren t ways, 13. T h e arm y attacked w ith o u t considering th e consequences o f / effects o f its action, 14. He failed to send off his application fo rm and as a
Answers answers consequence was unable to enrol fo r the course (as a consequence has the same m eaning as as a result), 15. Riots and street fig h tin g ensued w h e n the police officers on trial w e re acquitted. 2 1. ensued, 2. consequence of / effects of, 3. in order to, 4. w ith the aim of, 5. on account of / due to / o w in g to, 6. reason for, 7. p ro m p ted him to, 8. on the grounds that, 9. so as not to, 10. affect Page 48 Shape & feature 1\" ' 1. a pyram id, 2. a spiral, 3. a circle, 4. an oval, 5. a triangle, 6. a cube, 7. a sphere, 8. a crescent, 9. a square, 10. a cylinder, 11. a rectangle, 12. a cone 2 2. rectangular, 3. oval, 4. spiral, 5. spherical, 6. triangular, 7. conical, 8. cylindrical, 1. circular, 9. square For w ords like pyram id, crescent and cube, w e add -sh a p e d (a pyramid-shaped building, a cube-shaped container) 3 1 .(d ), 2. (g), 3. (i), 4. (h ), 5. (j), 6. (b ), 7. (e), 8. (a), 9. (c), 10. (f) Pages 49 - 50 Size, quantity & dimension 1 1. small (note the pronunciation of m inute in this sense: / m al'nju:t/), 2. small, 3. big, 4. big (this is an inform al use o f the w o rd m am m oth), 5. big, 6. big, 7. big, 8. small, 9. big (this is an inform al use of the w o rd m onum ental), 10. big, 11. big, 12. big (this is an inform al use o f the w o rd loads), 13. small, 14. big, 15. big, 16. big, 17. big, 18. big, 19. big, 20. big, 21. small, 22. big, 23. big, 24. big (this is an inform al use of the w o rd tons), 25. big 2 1. a long-distance journey, 2. a great deal of tim e, 3. loads of times, 4. a m inute a m o u n t of dust, 5. a gigantic w ave, 6. a huge waste of tim e, 7. A colossal statue, 8. plenty of foo d, 9. A broad river, 10. A vast cro w d of supporters, 11. a garga ntu an meal / plenty of fo od, 12. a vast room , 13. a m a m m oth jo b / to n s o f w o rk , 14. a deep lake, 15. a minuscule piece of cloth, 16. an enorm ous book, 17. a m a m m o th jo b / to n s of w o rk , 18. a high m o un ta in , 19. a m onum ental error, 20. a tin y car, 21. a gia nt building, 22. a w id e avenue, 23. a shallow pool, 24. a tall m an, 25. A narrow alleyway Page 51 Spelling 113 The incorrectly-spelt words are underlined and corrected below. 1 Despite banning tobacco advertising and raising the price of cigarettes, the governm ent's anti sm oking cam paign has failed to have any lo n g-term effects. It is n o w w id e ly believed th a t m ore drastic measures are necessary. A n ew national com m ittee, w hich has been form ed to tackle the problem , has m ade several recom m endations. These include b anning sm oking in all public areas, and denying hospital treatm ent to persistent smokers w h o have been w arned by their doctors to give up b u t failed to do so. 2 It is arguable w h e th e r g o o d pronunciation is m ore im portan t than go o d gra m m a r and vocabulary. Conscientious students balance th e ir acquisition of these skills, h o p in g to achieve both fluency and accuracy. English teachers should encourage their students to practise all the relevant language skills, and use th e ir English at every o p p o rtu n ity. 3 It is becom ing increasingly difficult fo r m any people to find decent accom m odation in the city at a price they can afford. To put it simply, there are to o m any people and not enough homes fo r them . Local co m m u n ity centres and charitable organisations such as Hom e Front can offer advice, b ut it is w id e ly agreed th a t the situation is no longer m anageable. Th e fact th a t some councils in the city
Answers are b uildin g cheap, te m p o ra ry housing fo r low e r-p a id professionals is the o n ly official acknowledgem ent of this problem . Page 52 Stop ping som ething 1. delete, 2. repeal (w e can also say abolish), 3. deter, 4. dissuade, 5. rescind, 6. suppress, 7. sever, 8. tu rn d o w n (w e can also say decline), 9. pull o u t of, 10. deny, 11. cancel, 12. quash, 13.give up, 14. p u t an end to, 15. rem ove (less form ally, w e can say strike, b u t o n ly if w e are referring to som ething on paper: Strike his name from the list), 16. suspend, 17. scrap, 18. curb Page 53 Success & failure 1. reached, 2. accomplish, 3. secured, 4. achieved, 5. realise, 6. attain, 7. fulfilled, 8. m anaged*, 9. a b a n do n , 10. collapsed, 11. faltered, 12. folded, 13. fell th ro u g h , 14.m is fire d * W e manage to do som ething, o r w e succeed in doing som ething (H e m anaged to pass his exam / He succeeded in passing his exam). Page 54 Task commands 6. G, 7. B, 8. E i 1. F, 2. D, 3. C, 4. H, 5. A , 2 1. D, 2. G, 3. A , 4. H, 5. E, 6. B, 7. C Other words and phrases which yo u m ight find useful include: calculate, characterise, classify, c o m m e n t on, consider, deduce, describe, determ ine, differentiate b etw een, distinguish b etw een, evaluate, explain, give an account of, identify, list, show, state, summarise Page 55 Tim e 1 Part 1: 1. Prior to (this phrase is usually fo llo w e d by a n oun o r by an -in g verb. For exam ple: Prior to m oving to the country, he had to learn the language), 2. By the tim e, 3. Form erly (w e could also use Previously, b u t Form erly w orks better in this context), 4. precede, 5. Previously. 6. Earlier (w e could also use Previously) Part 2: 1. W h ile (w e can also say As or Just as. Note th a t while is usually used to talk a b o u t long actions. For short actions, w e w o u ld use when), 2. D uring (w e can also say Throughout. During and throughout are fo llo w e d by a n o u n ), 3. In the m eantim e, 4. A t th a t ve ry m o m e n t Part 3: 1. Follow ing (this w o rd is always fo llo w e d by a n o u n . W e can also say A fter), 2. As soon as (w e can also say Once or The m om ent / minute that. These w ords and phrases are always follow ed by an action: Once the show had ended, we w ent home), 3. Afterw ards 2 (1) In th e past: a fe w decades ago, at th a t p o in t / m o m e n t in history, at th e tu rn o f the century, back in th e 1990s, b etw ee n 2003 and 2005, fro m 2006 to 2011, in m edieval times (n o te th a t medieval can also be spelt mediaeval), in m y childhood / yo u th , in those days, last century (2) T h e past leading to th e present: ever since, fo r the past fe w m onths, lately, o ver the past six weeks (3) T h e present: as things stand, now adays, these days (4) The future : by the end of this year, for the foreseeable future, for the next few weeks, from now on, in a n o th e r five years' tim e, one day, over the com ing w eeks and m onths, sooner o r later
Answers answers Pages 56 - 57 Useful In te rvie w expressions 115 _ A g re e in g w ith som ebody: I agree. / 1co uld n 't agree m ore. / That's just w h a t I think. / That's m y view exactly. / That's right. Disagreeing w ith som ebody: I d o n 't entirely agree. / I'm afraid I disagree / d o n 't agree. / 1see things rather differently m yself./W e ll, a c tu a lly .../ W e ll, as a m atter o f fact,... Inte rru pting som ebody: Could I just say th a t...? / Excuse me for in te rru p tin g ,... / Let me interrupt you there. / Sorry to butt in,... / Sorry to interrupt,... ( You shouldn't interrupt the examiner too often. In any case, the examiner will leave you to do most o f the talking) Asking som ebody for their opinion: Do you agree that...? / W ha t are your feelings about...? / W ha t are your views on...? / W h a t do you think a bo u t...?/W h at's your opinion? ( You probably w on't need to use these expressions yourself in the Speaking Test, b u t yo u are likely to hear the examiner use them) 2 Asking for clarification or repetition: Could you repeat the question? / I'm afraid I didn't catch that. / I'm sorry? / W h a t was that? / W ould you m ind repeating that? Saving som ething in a no the r w ay: In o th e r w o rd s ... / Perhaps I should make th a t clearer by saying... / T o p u t it a no ther w a y,... / W h a t I'm tryin g to say is... / W h a t I m ean is... G iving yourself tim e to think: H m m , h o w can I p ut / say this? / Let me see. / Let m e th in k a b o u t th a t for a m om ent. / May I think about that for a m oment? / That's an interesting question. S um m ing up w h a t vo u have said: So. basically,... / In short / b rie f,... / So, in co n c lu s io n ,.../ To summarise,... / To sum up,... 3 1. A n y expression from the 'Asking fo r clarification or repetition' box. 2. A n y expression from the 'A g re e ing w ith som ebody' box. 3. A n y expression fro m th e 'In te rru p tin g som ebody' box except Could I just say tha t...? (w hich w o u ld be used before giving an o p in io n rather than correcting a mistake, as th e student is do ing here). 4. A n y expression from the 'G iving yourself tim e to think' box except M ay I think about that for a m om ent? (which w ould require a response from the interviewer before the student continues). 5. A n y expression fro m the 'Saying som ething in a nother w a y' box. 6. A n y expression from the 'Disagreeing w ith som ebody' box. Pages 58 - 60 Architecture 1 B uilding materials: concrete, glass, reinforced concrete, steel, stone, tim b e r Aesthetic perception: controversial, elegant, an eyesore, pleasing geom etric forms, ugly, w ell- designed Types of b uilding: high-rise apartm ents (in the UK, the w o rd flat is usually used instead of apartment), low-rise apartments, m ulti-storey car park, skyscraper Architectural style: art deco, international style, modernist, post-m odern, standardised, traditional (ihigh-tech could also be included in this category) Parts of a b uilding: foundations, facade, porch, walls Features: energy-efficient, functional, high-tech, practical 2 1. B, 2. A , 3. C, 4. C, 5. A , 6. A , 7. C, 8. C, 9. A , 10. A , 11. B, 12. A (w e can also say loft) 3 1. planning, 2. preservation, 3. renovate, 4. architects, 5. glass, 6. fagade, 7. foundations, 8. social, 9. derelict, 10. estate, 11. an eyesore, 12. traditional, 13. slums, 14. high-rise / low-rise, 15. energy-efficient O ther words and phrases which yo u m igh t find useful include: O th er types of building: bungalow , castle, cottage, detached house, maisonette, m anor house, mansion, palace, semi-detached house, shopping centre / mall, terraced house O th e r parts of a b uilding: basem ent / cellar, chimney, roof, staircase, walls Verbs: construct, design, modernise, plan Others: development, low-cost, mass-produced, prefabricated, standardised
answers Answers Pages 61 - 63 T h e arts 1 1. a ballet, 2. a play, 3. a biography, 4. a sculpture, 5. a portrait, 6. an opera, 7. a concert, 8. a novel, 9. a collection o f short stories, 10. a still life, 11. p hoto grap hy, 12. a film , 13. abstract art, 14. a landscape 2 1. perform ance, 2. w orks (o r work), 3. edition, 4. reviews (a revue is a typ e o f perform ance w ith songs, dances and h u m o u r), 5. exhibition (an exhibit in the context o f a rt is an object th a t form s part o f an exhib itio n), 6. grant, 7. G allery (a galley is a typ e o f ship or a kitchen on a ship or plane), 8. novelists (w e can also say writers), 9. Impressionists (Impressionism is th e style of p ain tin g), 10. publish, 11. atm ospheric, 12. artistic, 13. popular, 14. cinem atic, 15. Surrealist (the noun is Surrealism), 16. cultural 3 1. ballet, 2. perform ance, 3. reviews, 4. exhibition, 5. Gallery, 6. portraits, 7. still life, 8. gra nt, 9. novelist, 10. w o rk s/n o ve ls , 11. published, 12. biography, 13. concert, 14. opera, 15. sculpture O ther words and phrases which yo u m ight find useful include: actor, artist, author, collection, exhibit, pop art, production, produce, sculptor Pages 64 - 66 Business & industry _ 1. dem a n d for, 2. loss, 3. net, 4. lending, 5. credit, 6. retail, 7. private, 8. S ta te-ow n e d industries, 9. Unskilled labourers, 10. take on (w e can also say em ploy o r hire), 11. W hite-collar, 12. exports, 13. recession, 14. em ployees (w e can also say staff o r workers), 15. expenditure, 16. shop flo o r (...a fig ht broke o u t on the shop floor. In this context, th e shop floor is th e area in a factory w h e re products are m ade. This phrase can also be used to m ean the w orkers in a factory, not the managers) 2 A . interest rates, B. secondary industries, C. G N P (= Gross National Product), D. o u tp u t, E. prim ary industry, F. a uto m atio n, G. service industries, H. balance o f paym ents, I. deficit, J. m onopoly, K. nationalised industries, L. un e m p lo ym e n t, M . taxation, N. key industries, 0 . inflation, P. incom e tax, Q . V A T (= Value A d d e d Tax), R. salary 3 1. Interest, 2. b o rro w in g , 3. lay off, 4. un e m p lo ym e n t, 5. Inflation, 6. exports, 7. secondary industries, 8. B lu e -co lla r/W h ite -co lla r, 9. sta te-o w n e d / nationalised, 10. salaries, 11. m a na ge m en t, 12. public, 13. Dem and, 14. supply, 15. revenue / incom e, 16. nationalised, 17. deficit, 18. a uto m a tio n Pages 67 - 68 Children & the fam ily 1 1. nuclear, 2. extended, 3. single-parent, 4. b rin g up (w e can also say raise o r rear), 5. u p b rin g in g , 6. divorced, 7. childcare, 8. adolescence (the n oun is adolescent), 9. form a tive years, 10. birth rate, 11. dependants (the adjective is dependent), 12. Juvenile 2 2. C, 3. G, 4. K, 5. A , 6. D, 7. J, 1. H (authoritarian can also be a noun: a strict authoritarian), 8. B, 9. E, 10. F, 11.1, 12. L 3 1. form ative, 2. divorced, 3. b ro u g h t up, 4. foster fam ily (a child w h o lives w ith a foster fam ily is a foster child), 5. a uthoritarian, 6. u p b rin g in g , 7. ru n n in g w ild , 8. adolescence, 9. juvenile, 10. responsible, 11. siblings, 12. w ell-adjusted, 13. lenient, 14. over-protective, 15. nuclear, 16. single-parent, 17. dependants, 18. extended 116
Answers Pages 69 - 70 Crime & the law 1 1. jud ge , 2. jury, 3. witness, 4. defendant, 5. victim, 6. solicitor (called an attorney in the US), 7. offender, 8. barrister, 9. law abiding, 10. break the law 2 Part 1 (in o rder): A , F, D, B, C, E Part 2 (in o rde r): A , E, F, C, B, D Part 3 (in o rder): A , D, F, C, E, B 3 1. com m itted, 2. arrested / charged, 3. court, 4. pleaded, 5. guilty, 6. sentenced, 7. misdeeds, 8. la w -a b id in g / innocent, 9. retribution, 10. rehabilitate, 11. reform , 12. released, 13, deterrent, 14. parole, 15. victim , 16. offender, 17. co m m un ity service, 18. fine, 19. + 20. corporal punishm ent / capital punishm ent (in either orde r), 21. + 22. judges / barristers/ juries / solicitors (any o f these in any order) Other words and phrases you m ight find useful include: accuse, adm it, convict (n o u n + verb), conviction, deny, lawyer, pass a verdict, punish, punishm ent, revenge, send to prison, statement, w rongdoer Different types o f crime (and the people w ho com mit them): bigam y (a bigam ist), burglary (a burglar), espionage (a spy), forgery (a forger), hijack (a hijacker), hooliganism (a hooligan), m urder (a m urderer), piracy (a pirate), rape (a rapist), robbery (a robber), shoplifting (a shoplifter), terrorism (a terrorist), vandalism (a vandal) Pages 7 1 - 7 2 Education __ _ 1. A (w e can also say retake), 2. B, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C, 6. A , 7. C, 8. B, 9. B, 10. C, 11. B, 12. A , 13. B, 14. A 2 1. kindergarten (w e can also say nursery or nursery school), 2. primary, 3. skills, 4. + 5. num eracy / literacy (in either order), 6. secondary, 7. discipline, 8. passed (Th e opposite of pass is fail), 9. course, 10. enrolled, 11. graduated (this can also be a noun : a graduate. A graduate is a student w h o has finished a course at university. A student w h o is still at university is called an undergraduate), 12. degree, 13. on-line, 14. qualifications, 15. day release, 16. evening class 3 1. skills, 2. + 3. literacy / num eracy (in either order), 4. kindergarten, 5. primary, 6. secondary, 7. discipline, 8. pass, 9. qualifications, 10. acquire, 11. health, 12. further, 13. enrol, 14. higher, 15. graduate, 16. degree, 17. higher, 18. evening class, 19. day release, 20. on-line, 21. mature 22. graduate Other words and phrases which you m ight find useful include: adult education, campus, co-educational, comprehensive school, faculty, infant school, junior school, private education, resources, subject, take /sit an exam Pages 73 - 74 Th e environment 1 1. F (the opposite of an anim al w hich has been raised on a battery farm is a free-range anim al, e.g., a free-range chicken. Eggs can also be described as free-range: I only eat free-range eggs), 2. L, 3. J (some of these animals are called protected species, w hich means it is usually illegal to kill th e m ), 4. E, 5. B, 6. C, 7. D, 8. K, 9. I, 10. G, 11. H, 12. A (w e can also say hunting, a lth ough there are some differences. Poaching means to hunt illegally) 2 1. green belt, 2. biodegradable packaging, 3. greenhouse, 4. rain forest (often w ritte n as one w o rd , rainforest), 5. erosion, 6. recycle, 7. organic, 8. genetically m odified (often abbreviated to GM ), 9. Deforestation, 10. Acid rain, 11. ecosystem, 12. emissions + fossil fuels, 13. contam inated (w e can also say polluted), 14. environm entalists, 15. global w a rm in g
Answers 3 1. fossil fuels, 2. acid rain, 3. greenhouse, 4. global w a rm in g , 5. rain forest, 6. contam inated, 7. emissions / gases, 8. Poaching, 9. end a ngere d species, 10. ecosystem, 11. recycle, 12. biodegradable, 13. genetically m odified, 14. organic, 15. po llutio n, 16. environm entalists, 17. conservation program m es, 18. battery farm in g, 19. green belts Other words and phrases which you m ight find useful include: bottle bank, carbon dioxide, CFC gases, climatic change, degradation, destruction, energy-efficient, the greenhouse effect, legislation, over-fishing, overpopulation, the ozo ne layer, radioactive waste, recycling facilities, re-use, rising sea levels, toxic waste, waste disposal Pages 75 - 77 Food & diet 1 1. vitamins, 2. nutritious (the n oun is nutrition (general) o r nutrient (specific). A person w h o specialises in the study of n utritio n and advises on diets is called a nutritionist), 3. vegetarian (this w o rd can also be an adjective: a vegetarian diet), 4. carbohydrates, 5. protein, 6. cholesterol, 7. fam ine, 8. obesity (th e adjective is obese), 9. m alnourished (the n oun is m alnutrition), 10. minerals, 11. fat, 12. fibre ( digest = change into substances y o u r b o d y can use), 13. o ve rw e ig h t, 14. fresh, 15. calories (the adjective is calorific: W hat is the calorific content o f a bar o f chocolate?), 16. processed (the chemicals and o th e r things in processed food are called additives) 2 1. I (the n oun fo r allergic is allergy. Some people also have a food intolerance, w hich means they cannot digest certain foods properly: James has an intolerance to wheat), 2. C, 3. A , 4. J o r D, 5. D or J, 6. E, 7. B, 8. G, 9. H, 10. F (fast fo o d is also often called ju n k food) 3 1. fast fo o d, 2. processed, 3. vitam ins / minerals, 4. minerals / vitamins, 5. fat / carbohydrates, 6. ca rb o h yd ra te s/fa t, 7. obesity, 8. m alnourished, 9. shortages, 10. harvest, 11. cholesterol, 12. balanced diet, 13. fresh, 14. fibre Pages 78 - 79 Geography 1 ~ 1. tree, copse, w o o d , forest (beach does n ot belon g in this g ro u p ) 2. fo o tp a th , track, lane, road {peak does n o t belong in this g ro u p ) 3. hillock, hill, m oun ta in , m oun ta in range (shore does n o t belong in this g ro u p ) 4. hollow , go rg e, valley, plain ( waterfall does n ot belo n g in this g ro u p ) 5. inlet, cove, bay, g u lf (ridge does n ot belong in this g ro u p ) 6. brook, stream, river, estuary (cliff does n o t belong in this g ro u p ) 7. city, county, country, co n tin e nt (tributary does n ot belo n g in this g ro u p ) 8. p o nd , lake, sea, ocean (cape does n ot belon g in this g ro u p ) 2 G eographical features associated w ith w a te r and the sea: beach, cape, cliff, coast, coastline, glacier, m outh (of a river), peninsula, shore, source (of a river), tributary, waterfall G eographical features associated w ith land, hills and m ountains: cliff, glacier, highlands, m ountainous, peak, plateau, ridge, sum mit W ords / phrases associated w ith agriculture and rural land: depopulation, fertile, irrigation, under-developed, vegetation W o rds / phrases associated w ith to w n s and cities: conurbation, densely populated, industrialised, overcrow ding, urban sprawl 3 1. densely po pula ted , 2. industrialised, 3. urban spraw l, 4. city, 5. irrigation, 6. source, 7. peaks, 8. m o u n ta in range, 9. d ep o p u la tio n , 10. Valley, 11. waterfalls, 12. brooks / streams, 13. lane, 14. track, 15. Ocean, 16. cape / peninsula, 17. hills, 18. plain, 19. delta, 20. fertile, 21. shore / beach, 22. country
Answers Pages 80 - 81 Global problem s 1 1. B, 2. A , 3. B, 4. C, 5. A , 6. C, 7. A , 8. B, 9. A , 10. C, 11. B, 12. B, 13. A , 14. B, 15. A Note: A hurricane is the nam e w e give to a tropical storm w ith strong w inds and rain w hich originates in the Caribbean or Eastern Pacific. Similar storms w hich o riginate in the Far East are called typhoons, and those w hich originate in the Indian Ocean are called cyclones. 2 1. spread, 2. spread / sw ept (in this context, sw ept is always fo llo w e d by through), 3. erupted, 4. shook, 5. broke out, 6. casualties, 7. survivors/casualties, 8. Refugees/Survivors, 9. suffering, 10. relief 3 1. torrential, 2. flood, 3. epidem ic, 4. fam ine, 5. relief, 6. volcano, 7. erupted, 8. hurricane, 9. devastation, 10. typ h o o n , 11. casualties, 12. d ro u g h t, 13. civil war, 14. Refugees / Survivors, 15. sw ept / spread, 16. accident, 17. explosions, 18. plague Pages 82 - 83 Healthcare 1 1 . D, 2. H (a com bination of 1 and 2 is called rheum atoid arthritis), 3. C, 4. A , 5. K, 6. B, 7. E, 8. L, 9. F (w e can also say th a t their bodies lack resistance to illness), 1 0 . 1(Th e National Health Service, often abbreviated to the NHS, is a system of free doctors, nurses, hospitals and clinics supported by th e g o ve rn m e n t in the UK. M a n y people prefer private healthcare because it is generally considered to be m ore efficient), 11. J, 12. G 2 1. therapeutic (the noun is therapy. A person w h o provides a therapeutic service is called a therapist), 2. a diet (in this context, diet refers to the fo o d w e eat. If w e go on a diet, w e eat less in o rde r to lose w e ig h t), 3. conventional m edicine, 4. traditional medicines, 5. holistic m edicine (an exam ple of this is aromatherapy), 6. consultant (w e can also say specialist), 7. surgeon (surgery is the tre a tm e n t of disease w hich requires an operation to cut into o r rem ove part of the body. D o not confuse this w ith a surgery, w hich is a room or b uilding w h e re a norm al doctor* sees th e ir patients), 8. protein, 9. vitamins, 10. minerals, 11. active (the opposite o f this is sedentary, see Exercise 1), 12.w elfare state (o th e r features o f th e w elfare state in th e U K include providing citizens w ith adequate housing, education and m o ney if the y are unable to w o rk ) * Called a fam ily doctor o r general practitioner (GP) in the UK. 3 I . w elfare state, 2. + 3. cutbacks + un d e rfu n d in g (in either order), 4. conventional medicine, 5. traditional m edicine, 6. arthritis, 7. consultant, 8. surgery, 9. therapeutic, 10. stress-related, I I . symptoms, 12. holistic medicine, 13. diet, 14. + 15. vitam ins + minerals (in either order), 16. active, 17. sedentary, 18. arthritis / cancer / cardiovascular disease O ther words and phrases which you m ight find useful include: blood pressure, consult, curable, cure, mental health, physical health, prescription, prevention, remedy, research, the W o rld Health Organisation (the W H O ) Pages 84 - 85 The media 1 1. broadsheets, 2. tabloids, 3. journalists, 4. coverage (fo r radio and television, w e often use the w o rd airtime), 5. current affairs, 6. broadcasts, 7. log on, 8. reporters, 9. d o w n lo a d , 10. the Internet, 11. inform ation overload, 12. website 2 1. freedom of the press, 2. media tycoon (w e can also say media m o g u l o r press baron*), 3. censorship, 4. unscrupulous, 5. exploiting, 6. invasion of privacy, 7. paparazzi, 8. + 9. inform ation + ente rta in m e nt (in either order), 10. chequebook journalism , 11. integrity, 12. investigative journalism , 13. readership, 14. g u tte r press, 15. libel * This is inform al and slightly negative, as it suggests the person has to o m uch influence.
answers Answers 120 3 1. broadsheets, 2. coverage, 3. current affairs, 4. reporters, 5. journalists, 6. tabloids, 7. broadcasts, 8. the Internet, 9. websites, 10. d o w n lo a d , 11. + 12. info rm a tion + e nte rta in m e nt (in either o rde r), 13. g u tte r press/tabloids, 14. invasion o f privacy, 15. paparazzi, 16. libel, 17.che q ue b o o k journalism , 18. unscrupulous, 19. integrity, 20. log on, 21. M edia tycoons / Journalists / Reporters, 22. censorship, 23. fre ed o m o f th e press O ther words and expressions which yo u m ight find useful include: Types of television program m e: chat show, commercial**, documentary, dram a, gam e show, makeover show, quiz show, reality show, sitcom, soap opera, talent show, variety show, weather forecast Parts o f a new spaper: advertisem ent**, colour supplem ent, editorial, e nte rta in m e nt, fashion, financial, headline, horoscope, lead story, local news, national news, readers' letters (also called letters to the editor), sport, what's on Others: d o w n m a rk et, high brow , journal, low brow , read betw een the lines, slander, state-controlled, tune in, upbeat, upm arket ** Television and radio stations sh ow commercials, newspapers and m agazines p rint advertisements. H owever, the w o rd advertisements (often shortened to adverts or, m ore inform ally, ads) is often used instead of commercials. Pages 86 - 88 M en & w o m en 1 1. negative, 2. negative, 3. negative, 4. negative (a glass ceiling is an unfair system th a t prevents some people, especially w o m e n , from reaching the most senior positions in a com pany or organisation), 5. positive, 6. positive, 7. positive (if yo u are g o o d at m ulti-tasking, yo u are goo d at doing m ore than one th in g at the same tim e), 8. negative (this could also be positive, d e p e n d in g on yo u r p o in t o f vie w ), 9. negative, 10. negative, 11. negative (unreconstructed in this context is a relatively n e w w o rd , often used to describe a person, usually a m an, w h o has old-fashioned ideas, especially a b o u t w o m e n and th e ir role), 12. negative (in form a l: in this context, a dinosaur is som eone w h o is very old-fashioned and no lo n ge r useful o r effective), 13.positive, 14. positive, 15. negative 2 1. household m a n a ge m e n t (w e can also say domestic chores or housework), 2. practical, 3. male counterparts, 4. Sex Discrim ination A ct (a British law w hich states th a t m en and w o m e n should be treated equally, w ith equal pay, term s and conditions fo r d o in g the same jo b , etc.), 5. child rearing, 6. role division, 7. b re a d w in n e r (w e can also say financial provider), 8. social convention, 9. g e n d e r roles, 10. stereotypes, 11. battle o f the sexes (a rather old-fashioned phrase w hich is often used hum orously) 3 1. egalitarian, 2. equality, 3. breadw inner, 4. w ea ke r sex, 5. stereotypes, 6. g e n d e r roles, 7. m a le-do m in ate d, 8. ruthless, 9. astute / versatile, 10. m ulti-tasking, 11. Sex Discrim ination A ct, 12. m ale chauvinist, 13. unreconstructed, 14. glass ceiling, 15. role division, 16. child rearing, 17. household m a na ge m en t, 18. Social con ve ntio n, 19. sex objects, 20. p o w e r strug gle / battle o f the sexes, 21. m ale counterparts, 22. battle o f th e sexes / p o w e r struggle Pages 89 - 90 M oney 8t finance 1 1. Profit is th e m on ey yo u gain fro m selling som ething, w hich is m ore th a n the m on ey yo u paid for it. Loss is m o n ey yo u have spent and n o t g o t back. 2. Extravagant describes som eone w h o spends a lot of m oney. Frugal describes som eone w h o is careful w ith m oney. Economical describes som ething th a t is n ot expensive to use o r run. 3. A current account is a bank account fro m w hich yo u can take m oney at a ny tim e . A deposit account is a bank account w hich pays you interest if yo u leave m on ey in it fo r some tim e (w e can also say savings account or notice account). 4. A loan is m on ey w h ich yo u b o rro w to buy som ething. A m ortgage is a special kind o f loan used to buy property (a house, a flat, etc.) over a period of tim e. 5. To deposit m o ney is to p u t m on ey into a bank account. To w ith d ra w m on ey is to take m o n ey out o f a bank account (deposit can be a n oun o r a verb. Th e n oun of w ith d ra w is withdrawal).
Answers answers 6. A w a g e and a salary are m oney yo u earn fo r d o in g a job , b ut a w a g e is usually paid daily o r weekly, and a salary is usually paid m onthly. W e also use salary to describe th e a m o u n t of m oney you earn over a year (He earns an annual salary o f £40,000). 7. If you are broke, you have no money. This is an inform al w o rd . If you are bankrupt, you are not able to pay back m oney yo u have b o rro w e d . This is a very serious financial situation fo r som eone to be in. 8. In th e UK, shares are one of th e m any equal parts into w hich a com pany's capital is divided. People w h o buy the m are called shareholders. Stocks are shares w hich are issued by the governm ent. Dividends are parts of a company's profits shared out am ong the shareholders. 9. Incom e tax is a tax on m oney earned as w ages or a salary. Excise d u ty is a tax on certain goods produced in a country, such as cigarettes o r alcohol. 10. To credit someone's bank account is to p u t m oney into the account. To d eb it someone's bank account is to take m o ney o ut. In th e UK, m any people pay fo r telepho ne bills, etc., using a system called direct debit, w h e re m oney is taken directly from th e ir bank account by the com pany providing the goods o r services. 11. Traditionally, a bank is a business organisation w hich keeps m oney fo r customers and pays it o ut on dem and, o r lends the m money. A buildin g society is m ore usually associated w ith saving m oney or lending people m oney to buy property. These days, there is very little difference betw een them . 12. A discount is the percentage by w hich a full price is reduced to a buyer by the seller. A refund is m oney paid back w he n, for example, returning som ething to a shop (it can also be a verb: to refund). 13. A bargain is som ething w hich is b o u g h t m ore cheaply th a n usual. Som ething w hich is overpriced is to o expensive. Som ething w hich is e xo rbitan t costs m uch m ore tha n its true value (£12 fo ra cheese sandwich? That's exorbitant!). 14. A w o rth less object is som ething w hich has no value. A priceless object is an extrem ely valuable object. 15. If yo u save money, you p u t it to one side so tha t yo u can use it later. If yo u invest money, you put it into property, shares, etc., so th a t it w ill increase in value. 16. Inflation is a state o f econom y w h e re prices and w ages increase. Deflation is a reduction in economic activity. 17. Incom e is th e m oney yo u receive fo r d o in g som ething. Expenditure is th e m oney you spend. 18. If yo u lend m oney, yo u let som eone use yo u r m oney fo r a certain period of tim e. If you b o rro w money from someone, you take money for a time, usually paying interest (Can you lend me £20 until the end o f the month?). 2 1. F, 2 . 1, 3. L, 4. E, 5. J, 6. K (Revenue and Customs - full nam e: Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, abbreviated to HM R C - is the British go ve rn m e n t d e p a rtm e n t th a t deals w ith taxes), 7. C, 8. H, 9. G, 10. A , 11. B, 12. D 3 7. Inflation, 1. bo rro w , 2. loan, 3. incom e, 4. expenditure, 5. overdraft, 6. cost of living, 13. save, 8. economise, 9. buildin g society, 10. interest, 11. on credit, 12. exorbitant, 14. reductions, 15. bargain, 16. discount, 17. invest, 18. stocks, 19. shares Other words and phrases which you m ight find useful include: cash, cheque, corporation tax, credit card, currency, debit card, debt, disability allowance, equity, inheritance tax, investment, negative equity, overdraw n, rate of exchange (or exchange rate), receipt, social security, statem ent, u p w a rd ly / d o w n w a rd ly m obile, w e a lth y Pages 91 - 92 O n the road 1 1. A , 2. B, 3. B, 4. A , 5. A , 6. B, 7. A , 8. A , 9. A , 10. A , 11. A , 12. A 2. 1 . D, 2. H, 3. F, 4. A , 5. J, 6. G, 7. C, 8. I, 9. E, 10. B Notes: M ost large to w n s and cities in th e U K have 'Park and Ride' schemes. These are large car parks outside city centres w h e re drivers can park th e ir cars, often fo r free. T h e y can then take a bus into the city centre. __________ 121
answers Answers 122 Distances and speed limits in the U K are in miles (1 mile = a b o u t 1.6 kilom etres) and miles p e r hour ( m ph). T h e m axim um speed lim it is 60m ph on single-lane roads outside tow ns, or 7 0m ph on dual carriagew ays and m o to rw ays (a lth o u g h this m ay increase to 80m ph on m o to rw a ys in th e near fu tu re ). In most b u ilt-u p areas, th e m axim um speed lim it is usually 20 o r 30m ph. Drivers w h o are caught speeding can face penalties ranging from a fine to im prisonm ent, depending on h o w fast they w ere driving and w here. Th e y also receive 'penalty points' on their driving licence, and can have their licence suspended. D rin k -d rivin g is considered a serious offence. O ffenders autom atically have th e ir d riving licence suspended fo r at least a year, w ill norm ally receive a fine and in extrem e cases (especially w h e re they cause an accident), may go to prison. 3 1. + 2. injuries + fatalities (in either orde r), 3. speeding, 4. d rin k -d rivin g, 5. pedestrians, 6. pedestrian crossings, 7. H ig h w a y Code, 8. + 9. congestion + po llution (in either orde r), spot, 11. tran sp o rt strategy, 12. Traffic calm ing, 13. Park and Ride, 14. traffic-free zone, 15. cycle lanes, 16. subsidised, 17. fines, 18. do m in ate Other words and phrases which you m ight find useful include: Objects in th e street: bollard, contraflow , crossroads, jun ction , kerb, pelican crossing, pavem ent, speed camera, traffic cones, traffic island, traffic lights, zebra crossing Others: accelerate, brake, carriageway, central reservation, cut in, hard shoulder, highway, m otorw ay, overtake, skid, slip road, swerve, tailgate Pages 93 - 95 Science & technology 1 1. research, 2. d eve lo p m e n t, 3. innovations, 4. react, 5. invented, 6. discovered, 7. analysed, 8. com bined, 9. a techn o ph ob e , 10. a techn o ph ile (in fo rm a lly called a techie), 11. safeguards, 12. experim ented, 13. genetic eng in e erin g , 14. m olecular biology, 15. cybernetics, 16. nuclear e ngin e erin g, 17. b re ak thro ugh , 18. Life expectancy, 19. proliferated, 20. advances 2 1. PC (= personal com puter), 2. com ponents, 3. base un it (w e can also say hard drive o r disc* drive), 4. ha rdw a re , 5. load (w e can also say install), 6. software, 7. m onitor, 8. printer, 9. scanner, 10. keyboard, 11. mouse, 12. wireless, 13. lo g o n , 14. files, 15. d o w n lo a d , 16.Internet, 17. websites, 18. ga m in g , 19. stream, 20. em ail (this w o rd can also be a noun : send an email. It can also be w ritte n w ith a hyphen: e-mail**), 21. chat rooms, 22. crashed, 23. virus, 24.laptop (w e can also say notebook. Smaller laptops are called netbooks. Small com puters w hich yo u control using yo u r fingers or a tool like a pen are called tablet PCs) * Also often spelt disk ** T h e letter e in email means electronic, and is used as a prefix fo r m any things connected w ith computers, the Internet and m odern technology: e-book, e-commerce, e-learning, e-reader, e-shopping, e-ticket, etc. 3 1. invented, 2. life expectancy, 3. innovations, 4. b re ak thro ugh , 5. invented, 6. Internet, 7. em ail, 8. research, 9. technophiles, 10. technophobes, 11. cybernetics, 12. nuclear engineering, 13. safeguards, 14. genetic e ngin e erin g, 15. analysed, 16. experim ent Pages 96 - 97 Sport 1 1. spectator, 2. sponsorship (the people or organisations w h o provide the m oney are called sponsors. Th e verb is to sponsor), 3. sportsman (a w o m a n w h o plays sport is a sportswoman), 4. take part in, 5. take up, 6. opposition, 7. stadium*, 8. defeat (often used in the passive voice to describe the losing team or player: Once again, Chelsea have been beaten in the final. W e can also say beat), 9. supporter (Th e verb is to support. W e can also say fan, w hich can be used fo r other things as well, including music groups, film stars, etc., 10. arena**, 11. professional (this can be an adjective or a noun) * Im p o rta n t football matches, baseball matches, etc., are often played on a pitch in a stadium. ** Im p o rta n t basketball matches, volleyball matches, etc., are often played on a court in an arena.
Answers T h e w o rd in the shaded vertical colum n is competitors (= the sportsmen and sportsw om en w h o take part in a sports com petition). 2 6.©, 7.©, 8.©, 9.©, 10.©, 11.©, 12.©, 13.©, 14.©, 1.©, 2.©, 3.©, 4.©, 5.©, 15.©, 16.©, 17.©, 18.© 3 1. spectators / supporters / fans, 2. cheering, 3. professional, 4. taking part in, 5. qualifies, 6. reaches the final, 7. defeats / beats, 8. relegated, 9. stadium , 10. hooligans, 11. shouting a b u se /je e rin g , 12. grossly overpaid, 13. perform ance-enhancing drugs, 14. sent off, 15. com m ittin g professional fouls, 16. match fixing Pages 98 - 99 To w n & country 1 9. H, 10. E, 11. K, 12. D, 13. L (central business 1. N, 2. M , 3. G, 4. A , 5. I, 6. B, 7. C, 8. F, district is often abbreviated to CBD), 14. J 2 1. H, 2. B, 3. G, 4. F, 5. A , 6. C, 7. E, 8. D 3 I . m etropolis, 2. cosm opolitan, 3. urban, 4. amenities, 5. cultural events, 6. infrastructure, 7. com m uters, 8. central business district (C B D ), 9. rush hou r / peak periods, 10. congestion, I I . pollution, 12. cost of living, 13. building sites, 14. po pulation explosion, 15. d ru g abuse, 16. inner-city, 17. rural, 18. prospects, 19. productive land / cultivation / arable land, 20. urban sprawl, 21. environm ent Other words which you m ight find useful include: developm ent, em ploym ent, facilities, outskirts, property prices, residents, residential, suburbs, unem ployment Pages 100 - 1 0 1 Travel 1 1. False (a travel agency, sometimes called a travel agent's, is a place w h e re you g o to buy a holiday or ticket, and a tou r operator is the com pany w hich sells the holiday to you via the travel agency) 2. True 3. True 4. False (they get on) 5. False (they g e t off) 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. False (ecotourism is supposed to be tourism tha t benefits or has a neutral effect on the e nviro nm ent, a lth ough this is not always the case) 11. False (they all have a slightly different m eaning: use yo u r dictionary to find o ut w h a t these are) 12. False (it depends on the country you are from and w h e re you are go in g. Citizens of the European U n io n , fo r exam ple, do not need a visa if th e y are flying to a no the r EU country) 13. False (it is a short-haul flig ht) 14. False (it is cheaper. W e can say tourist class or coach class instead of econom y class) 15. False (you only need to fill in an im m igration card w h e n you go to a nother country, but see n um b er 12 above) 16. False (cultural tourism is a holiday taken in order to visit places th a t are culturally interesting, or to attend a cultural event. Sustainable tourism is tourism th a t causes m inim al dam age to the environm ent, similar to ecotourism) 17. True (W e can also say high season. Th e opposite - the tim e of year w h e n not m any people take a holiday - is called the lo w season or offseason) 18. False (a cruise is jo u rn e y on a ship fo r pleasure, especially one th a t involves visiting a series of places. A holiday w h e re you w atch w ild animals is called a safari)
Answers 19. False (an armchair traveller is som eone w h o finds o u t w h a t a place is like by w a tch in g travel program m es on television, reading travel books or looking at travel websites on the Internet) 20. True (w e can use the adjective touristy to describe places like this) 2 I. refugees, 2. internally displaced, 3. e m ig ra tio n , 4. im m igra tio n , 5. culture shock, 6. expatriates (ofte n inform ally shortened to expats), 7. U N H CR (the U nited Nations High Commission for Refugees), 8. deported, 9. persona non grata (a Latin phrase w hich describes a fo re ign person w h o is n o t allow ed to visit o r stay in a no the r co un try), 10. econom ic migrants, I I . repatriated / deported, 12. border controls 3 1. travel agency, 2. package tour, 3. ind e p e n d e n t travellers, 4. visas, 5. check in (th e place w h e re you check in fo r a flig h t at an a irport is called the check-in desk / counter), 6. econom y class, 7. disem bark, 8. mass tourism , 9. all-inclusive, 10. ecotourism , 11. refugees, 12. internally displaced, 13. econom ic m igrants, 14. expatriates, 15. culture shock, 16. im m igra tion , 17. persona non grata, 18. d ep o rte d , 19. checking in, 20. excursion Pages 102 - 104 W o rk _ 1. © , 2. © , 3. © , 4. © (w e also say p a y rise), 5. © , 6. © , 7. © , 8. © , 9. © (o fte n abbreviated to RSI), 1 0 . ©, 1 1 . ©, 1 2 . ©, 1 3 . © , 1 4 . ©, 1 5 . ©, 1 6 . ©, 1 7 . ©, 1 8 . ©, 1 9 . ©, 2 0 . © , 2 1 . © , 22. © (w e also say incapacity benefit), 23. © (alth o ugh some people enjoy having a dem anding job), 2 4 .© , 2 5 © 2 6 © 2 A . Tracy (E), B. Jane (A ), C. Claire (B), D. M arie (F), E. Sam antha (C), F. Jeanette (D ) 3 1. em ployees, 2. unskilled, 3. semi-skilled, 4. blue collar, 5. m a nu fa cturin g industries, 6. w h ite - collar, 7. service industries, 8. jo b security, 9. steady job , 10. hiring, 11. firing, 12. stress, 13. d e m a n d in g , 14. unsociable hours, 15. repetitive strain injury (RSI), 16. salary, 17. p rom otion , 18. perks, 19. incentive, 20. increm ent, 21. sickness benefit, 22. pension, 23. self-em ployed Other words and phrases which you m ight find useful include: candidate, dismiss, dismissal, em ployer, fixed incom e, interview , interview ee, interviewer, leave (= a form al w o rd fo r a holiday fro m w o rk : She's on leave a t the m om ent), m anual w orker, overtim e, profession, recruit, recruitm ent
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