Reading Journal By Mananya Khamkaew 6031006176This journal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor English reading and writing 1 course of Liberal Arts in English Program, Mae Fah Luang University First semester 2018
Week 1 Title: Chinese investors shift agriculture practices in North Author: JINTANA PANYAARVUDH Source: Summary Prasat Prueangwichahorn, a Thai driver in a Chinese bananaplantation in Laos. He brings seedlings of Chinese Cavendish bananasto in his hometown. His banana’s plantation is a safe agriculturalbecause he used to worked in a safe agricultural zone in Laos andlearned many things especially how to grow fruit without dangerouschemicals with this reason he can exports the fruit to China, Vietnamand the Middle East. Over the past two years ago Chinese investorwas banned in Laos because they use too much chemicals inagriculture and they invest in North of Thailand. The researcherfounded that Chinese investor preferred to own and operate hugebanana plantations by sell banana seedlings and make contract withfarmers. China has strict quality controls in terms of size and weight.So, the researcher concerned that the farmers don’t have experiencedand they will be rejected to purchase non-standard products. My reaction/reflection: I can’t read smoothly and difficult to understand because the articlehave long length and have some difficult vocabularies and havecomplex sentences. It’s hard to understand and clear with somesentence that about economic. I think it is good to not used chemicalin agriculture because it effect to environment and human. And weshould help farmers to deal with investor to have a great reward. Page 2 of 5
New words learned: (At least five new words that you have learned) New Words Definitions to grow luxuriantly1. Flourished (v.) He brought some seedlings of Chinese Cavendish bananas, or kluay hom kheaw, to his hometown in Phayao’s Chun district and found that they flourished.2. Sapling (n.) a young tree “I don’t take any commission or profit, but if both sides are generous they give me something,” he said, though he does sometimes struggle when contract farmers fail to pay him for the saplings.3. Commission (n.) a formal written warrant granting the power to perform various acts or duties “I don’t take any commission or profit, but if both sides are generous they give me something,” he said, though he does sometimes struggle when contract farmers fail to pay him for the saplings.4. Expansion (n.) the act or process of expanding Due to the Chinese-driven boom and expansion of the export market, fruit growers in the North had to adjust to contract farming, Chiang Mai University Sociology and Anthropology lecturer Panitda Saiyarod, who is leading the study, said.5. Figure (n.) a numerical symbol, especially an Arabic numeral. These figures were released by the Information and Communication Technology Centre of the Office of the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Commerce as well as the Customs Department. Page 3 of 5
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Articles Rubric for Independent Reading Journal (10%) 5 12341. Summary (4 %)2. Reflection (3%)3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Scores Total scores _______ ÷ 5 = _____ marksCriteria for the above categories1. Rubric for Article SummaryCategory 5-4 3 2 1-0Summarizing Provides a very Provides a clear Provides a clear but Provides a somewhatthe content thorough and clear and concise shallow summary of muddled, unclear and and concise summary of the the article; may be rambling summary of summary of the article context excessively brief or the article. article context and and content. may include some content. extraneous Student recalls information. details for mostIdentifying Student recalls main point. Student is not able to Student cannot locateDetails several details for locate most of the details with accuracy. each main point. Is characterized details of the main by paraphrasing point. Is characterized by theParaphrasing Is characterized by of the main idea Is characterized by substantial copying of paraphrasing of the and significant the substantial indiscriminately main idea and details copying of key selected phrases or significant details phrases and minimal sentences. There are some paraphrasing errors in usage,Spelling & There are few or no grammar, There are serious Serious errors inGrammar errors in usage, punctuation, errors in usage, mechanics, usage, grammar, sentence grammar, grammar, or spelling punctuation, fragments, or punctuation, sentence that make the summary sentence fragments, spelling. fragments, or difficult to understand. or spelling. spelling.Total ________/20 ÷ 5 = 4 %2. Reflection on the Articles (3%)Students who have completely and clearly responded to the guided questions stated in the reading journalform will get 3 marks.3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) ≥ 70% correct = 2 marks 1 ≤ 70% = 1 mark All correct = 3 marks Page 5 of 5
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