An Adventurous Morning One sunny afternoon, we were playing football in our school playground. When we kicked the ball in the air, suddenly an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) landed on our playground with a cloud of dust. Immediately everybody rushed into the school with a lot of panic and fear. A few Aliens with green faces, dangling tongues and blue bodies, came out. We tried to escape but they caught us. They took all of us inside the UFO and locked the door. They planned to take us as their slaves. Some of us were crying, shouting and a few fainted. We thought our life had come to an end. At that time, a mysterious box appeared in front of my eyes. I went to the box silently and opened it. I was surprised. I saw a unique gun. With that gun, I shot all the Aliens. All my friends were surprised and happy as the Aliens were dead. They thanked me. We all shouted loudly with happiness. By hearing this cheerful sound, I opened my eyes. “Oh! It was my dream”. I started my most memorable and adventurous day. Tejas V C
IF YOU HAD A GENIE WHAT WILL YOUR 3 WISHES BE? I have heard that Genie is one who can fulfill anyone’s wishes with no delay. I would ask for three wishes if I come to meet a Genie face to face. My first wish would be, I would ask for the ability to teleport myself and my loved ones to anywhere I want. With that, I would be happier to travel to my dream destinations and spend my time joyfully. My second wish would be, I should be able to speak and understand every language in the world. With that, I would be more enjoying when I travel to my dream destinations. My third wish would be, I should be able to “Touch and heal” anybody who suffers from any kind of difficulty either it be a health issue or any financial issue. When I touch them, all of their hard times should vanish and only good fortune should follow them thereafter. With all these three powers, I would be able to spread happiness around the world, thereby I would be the happiest person in the world. N.Shiva Ranjith Krishna,V – C
One day, the bird left her nest in search of food. The bird did not come back for a few days. Meanwhile, a rabbit saw the empty nest of the bird. The homeless rabbit occupied the nest. When the bird came back, she was surprised to find the rabbit resting in her nest. The bird got annoyed . She ordered the rabbit, “Go away. It is my home.” The rabbit replied, “Why are you asking me to get out of my own home? I live here.” The bird got angry. She yelled, “ you are lying. Everyone around here knows that this is my home. You better leave!” But the rabbit continued to argue and refuse to leave the nest.
Hearing their argument, other animals and birds asked them to go to someone wise and settle the dispute. Both went to a big cat . The cat saw them approaching. She immediately closed her eyes and posed as if she was praying to God . Both rabbit and the bird went to the cat and requested her to settle their dispute. The cat agreed and asked, “Tell me about the dispute first.” They told all that had happened. The cat said, “What? Come closer. I can’t hear you”. As soon as they moved closer to the cat, She pounced on them and ate them. Moral: Do not believe strangers
Malavika Nair 6 A
… What superpower would I like to have? -Deekshita 6 A
. …
SuperHero Gadgets
It would be foolish for me to claim that my parents are perfect. But my family teaches us how to live our lives in the right way. They teach us how to solve our problems with honesty and love. My parents tell me not to hurt others, give respect to teachers and elders, be honest to others, help elders and do my homework on time. Thank You! What my family members taught me K.S.Vishvavahini 6B
A Typical Lunch Hour Neha.C.D 6B The students desperately need a time to escape from tests, teachers, school work, and learning. Yeah! That’s our Lunch Hour! Our lunch hour is the only short time we just get away from academics, relax and have fun. It’s time to play, chat and laugh. It also helps us get refreshed for the remaining school hours. By the end of the fourth period itself we become restless. We will be ready to enjoy our lunch and play afterwards. Attention is more on the watch than listening to the teacher in the class. We keenly wait for the bell to ring. All of us wait impatiently for this. So this break is the most welcome hour and we rush out of our classes as the water is released from the dam! As soon as the bell rings, the school turns bustling all over the place. Some students rush down the stairs pushing each other to reach the canteen or playground. As I am fond of eating, I not only eat what my mother packs in the lunch bag but also share our lunch among our friends and will spend some pleasant time with my friends. Teachers too love this time as they are away from us. So this lunchtime is also their time to relax. And get away for a little while. After the bell, we quickly get back to our classes before the teacher arrives. Once again the school atmosphere turns serene. However, it is not only my best part of the school day but for others too!
SUCCESS TO GOAL -Sabareeshwaran, 6 B Success is the result of hardwork. It gives happiness. I am not saying that losing is worst. Losing is the first step to success but the participation is a must. My ambition is to become like Albert Einstein and achieve new inventions in science and maths. He is world genius for his theories - especially in time travel theories. My Goal My goal is to invent a time machine. To invent a time machine there are certain theories to do it. You think time machine is an imagination. But not like that. It's practically possible. The theory related to time machine is general relativity by Albert Einstein. This theory is nearly impossible as the tech is not enough.
Our lunch time is at 12 o’clock. My friends and I run to the dining room to occupy our places. Then we open our lunch boxes and share our lunch with each other. Everyone appreciates others’ lunch. Lunch hour is the only hour, where we find time to chat and discuss what we did the day before, where we went, how we enjoyed our weekends or discuss our subjects, math problems etc. Sometimes after completing our lunch quickly (within 15 minutes), we take our class work note, complete our notes or read our text or rather do some math homework sums. Anyway we enjoy chatting, eating, and discussing things happily. A Typical Lunch Hour Thitiksha.S 6C
Let’s go to school, ……
… … Dhanussh Anbu 7B
My star is my mom. I particularly want to switch my life with hers to know all the lows and highs in her life. I usually see my mother as a friend with whom I spend three-fourth of the day. To be honest, I thought she leads a happy and joyful life. Ok, let me switch into her life swishhh wait, I feel my mind … … full of thoughts! Yeah, I know that she spends a lot of time thinking about us. The next day, my mother’s auto clock worked! I mean I woke up early automatically. My mother does a lot of work in the morning even before I wake up! Finally, the day ended with a cup of black tea and relaxation by reading a book. Then, I thought to call it a day and return to my life. I realised that she gets hurt but doesn’t show it outside. Also she does the job which she doesn’t wish to. I even It was great to be her daughter and know her thoughts. I decided that I would never disobey her. felt that she sacrifices her wishes for her dear ones. I understood that she bears a lot of responsibilities. Switch-a-roo A day knowing my star! Shahrin Jahana.J.S 8-A
How Superhero movies inspire me? Compromise where you can. Where you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say ‘No, you move’.\" This quote from his dear departed friend is just what Cap needed to hear to follow through with what he believed to be right. This movie showed the truth that even heroes, even friends, can disagree. But will you give in? Will you go against your conscience and choose the easy thing? Will you care more about pleasing other people? Or will you plant yourself like a tree and stand in what’s right, no matter what? IshanKashyap , VIII-B
There are some dangerous oceanic creatures that we know of, but many more little-known ones exist. Let us learn about some of them: The fierce-looking fangtooth fish can swim to depths of around 5000 metres, which is the abyssal zone. Greenland sharks can grow to 6 metres long. They live in the arctic and often swim close to shore. But these gentle giants pose little or no threat to humans. Pufferfish can grow to about 90 cm (3 feet) long but most are considerably smaller. A highly toxic substance is secreted, especially concentrated in the internal organs. Moray eels have thick, smooth and scale less skin, while the mouth is wide and the jaws are equipped with strong, sharp teeth. These enable them to seize and hold their prey but also to inflict serious wounds on their enemies. The infamous Red-Bellied Piranha has one of the strongest jaws and sharpest teeth of all marine animals. This species, which can grow up to 50 cm (about 20 inches) in length, hunts in groups that can number more than 100.
Tongue twisters are a great way to practice and improve pronunciation and fluency. They can also help improve accents by using alliteration, which is the repetition of one sound. They are not just for kids, but are also used by actors, politicians, and public speakers who want to sound clear when speaking. Here are some hard Tongue Twisters for you. Give it a try! Pad kid poured curd pulled cod: A team of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology say that this is the most difficult tongue twister in the world. For reading one time it may look easy but read it for at least 5 times continuously and as fast as you can.. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers . Peter Piper picked? One of the classics and most famous tongue twisters of all time, Peter Piper! This twister helps you improve your Ps, Rs, and Ls. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. The Woodchuck twister introduces the difference between the “o” sound in words like would, wood, and could. This is a very fun twister to say.
Emotional Intelligence What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the ability to understand, define, label and manage your own and other people’s emotions in a positive way. People with high EQ tend to: •Communicate better •Defuse conflicts •Improve relationships •Easily overcome life’s toughest challenges. EQ is considered more important than IQ for a person to be successful. So, you decide how important it is to develop your EQ. How to improve one’s EQ? 1. Practice Self-Awareness: •Know what emotions you experience. •Throw away your distractions - TV, phone, video games, movies, etc. •Set time for yourself, at least 10 minutes every day. •Sit by yourself and think about how you feel, how
others behave to you. This will help you understand yourself better and know what you feel. Then once you know about it, try to tune yourself. 2. Channel your emotions into the right track: Emotions are just signs that you receive to know about something important. It is up to you to decide how and where you show it. For example: Joy is a wonderful feeling. But you have to decide how you show it. 3.Motivate yourself: Motivate yourself to do something. Like, if you have a test due the next day, but you are definitely not in the mood, then try to achieve that goal by indirectly doing it by something you love. For example, if you love doodling then take down the notes needed for the test and then doodle around it. Be creative.
● It helps improve your relationship with others. ● You can easily solve disputes. ● EQ is just like common sense; it is said to common but is the most uncommon sense in the human species. ● Having higher EQ allows allows you to control and manage your feeling. ● It is the first step in recognizing your true potential. Why is EQ important? THARSHINI.K, IX A
-K. J . Niharika VIII B Hi this is Niharika . This article will tell you about my journey on Youtube. About how all of it started, how it’s going and the difficulties I faced. The idea to start a channel first struck me after I viewed a vlog about 2 brothers which I highly liked and was inspired by. Ofcourse I needed the permission of my parents which did not come easily. After a lot of convincing they finally agreed. Since I was first inspired to start a channel because of a vlog I decided to make my channel a vlog too. We decided that my brother and I would star in it but we did not choose a name yet. We sifted through many names not really satisfied with anything but finally decided with KJN TAMIL since it was going to be a tamil channel. The first video we uploaded was an intro which we shared with all our family members. It gained 70+ views. This encouraged me to upload my first vlog. It took us two shots to finally be satisfied. Editing was easier since my mother was an expert in it. Now the 2 video nd and first vlog was edited and uploaded. There was again a response of 60+ views which made me happy but there was a problem when it came to the subscriber count . It was very less. Then to increase the subscriber count I made videos in which I played games. There were great responses . This increased my views and subscribers . I was obviously elated but then there were also dislikes that upset me. I spoke to my mother and she motivated me about the positive and negative reactions and how I should overcome it and succeed. I uploaded more videos which made me gain more subscribers and more viewers. This is my journey through YouTube. The only advice is that work on what you are interested in. MY JOURNEY THROUGH YOUTUBE Newbies !!, Do not pay much heed to negative comments,
Children have evolved during the past few months of this lockdown. All the kids who used to watch videos on Youtube have started their own Youtube channel. Similarly, I started my own channel too. This is an article about my experience. It started 3 years ago, (when I studied grade 6). A new student joined the class. He was nothing like the other students, he was fidgety and a huge nerd. We became friends and spent about a month getting to know each other. He was a good coder. His passion was to create robots using his skills in coding. My Experience With My Youtube Channel Later, I discovered that he had a Youtube Channel. It was a gaming channel, however, he used to feel proud of the robots he created. I got incredibly excited and started my Youtube Channel, with his help. I uploaded my first video - A Paper Flight making Challenge with my friend who was an expert in art & craft. At first, it wasn’t great. So I abandoned it for about 2 and a half years but then took it up again this lockdown. I felt I wasn’t prepared when I started it, so I joined Youtube Creators Academy - A school for Youtubers. I took 3 courses - and using what I have learnt I added a customized channel logo, with a panther as it is my star animal. I also added a custom channel banner, created playlists and did many
other things to make my channel look professional. In the second course I learnt that social media is a great place to promote the content that I create. So I made a Discord server for fans, a Twitch account for live-streaming, a Twitter account to promote my Youtube Content, and a Website. I started making gaming videos, with a personalized intro. Through the gaming platform, I was able to learn to code and make addons for the game. I wanted people to download the addons I created, so I uploaded my creations to curseforge and to my website. I got a maximum of 50-60 views per video, and only 5 or 6 people watch my videos regularly. But still, I am enjoying making content for those 5 or 6 people. I have 35 subscribers, and I am proud to say that, I am not at all discouraged. I still make videos, and addons. The message I would like to give all the young youtubers out there is never give up . Pranav A VIII B
The theory says that there are three ways to time travel. First, travelling at the speed of light. It sounds nearly impossible but in the future it shall be possible. Next, is wormhole. Wormhole is a place in space which cannot be seen through naked eye. It connects two points of time which allows them to time travel. It is too small so we could not go into it. Maybe in future we can. The last only hope is black holes. These are very popular but mysterious they believe that black lead to other space time or universe.It leads to time travel as the time is too slow in the black hole but if you go into a black hole you will die due to its gravity.
YouTube Channel- A Journey That Has Begun . A Great Escape from the humdrum situation bloomed, after my Half Yearly Exams. On September 17 2019, in a rollicking mood, it struck me that the only way to get out of this boredom is to take a break and try to be one among the legendary YouTubers. This is exactly what the Title speaks about. For this “Mission” I had a partner in crime, my cousin. We both came to a decision of making our channel with a unique name ‘Hardly Insane’. Our First official Video was a simple Try Not to laugh challenge. We completed the first video in one shot on September 18. And surprisingly it got more than 300 views now (which is above average in our Watch time statistics). When we saw this, we were as pleased as punch. So we were fixated on continuing our journey. But we had also made up our mind to receive any kind of comments from anyone (On a positive note). Then we thought of unlocking a new genre in our Channel. We tried to recreate a trending “liquid refreshment” (Dalgona Coffee). Since it became an indoor shooting our family members turned into spectators. As we were filming, the woodsy aroma of the coffee made our Cute Little Bro, who unexpectedly ‘dived in,’ in the name of ‘Tasting’. His childish expressions about our coffees became a blockbuster hit in our video. Once launched, he became a hotshot and carried away our show.
Since the ‘Pandemic’ stormed into our lives, we were compelled to follow a new regime. 2020 became a complete topsy-turvy world for all the kids, where outdoor games are forbidden and schools are digitalized into computer rooms. So online games became our companion. As a result, all variables became constants for us, and gaming became our new normal. We executed our initiative and brought some gaming fans to join our club. We then shot a whisper challenge show using our bass boosted headphones with our favorite songs. Alas, I lost and had to face an ultimatum. (You should check the video if you want to know what it is...) Finally, Two weeks ago, we made our digital yearbook for celebrating our first Anniversary of YT experience. Although we are not very popular we are contended, gratified and will continue this as a special hobby throughout and try our best to impress, blow the hats of every one watching and not watching our channel. WE are ‘the tenacious Hardly Insane’. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop” -Confucius A. Adhitya, IX-B
Glimpse of music It all starts with a note of seven Each note will teach its own heaven Knowing each rhythm is a boon It isn’t a process that‘ll end soon.... Swotting music is as large as sea Starts from a resonating little bee To a sizeable greenery tree Which‘ll put our face in glee.... Music comes sudden like the rain To get us rid of our frustrating pain Learn music to perceive more gain Your process will never go in vain.... - Aarthy Kamaraj XI
ानरक राचव रकटह स कील े ! रकसाख, ह ारवाहुम ानाम ानाज कए एल क ीभस कव्रषीश हय े ै ायन छक ोज र्ताछ व ीह थास रऔ ह कम्तानचर ोज एल क ंोर्ताछ सऐ े े ंै े ु रऔ ह ंीहन ीभ छक य्शद्दउ ाक शंाय्काव सइ ।ह ेतखद ानपस ाक नरक े े ंै े ु ै ाक ामीस ीक ातमष्क रऔ चोस ीरामह एल क नरक ारूप ाय नरक व्रयाक े े े ।ह ानरक रात्सव ै तव्रभ दंस ोक ंओामीस ीकसइ रऔ क्षत्सिम रामह स्कॉब े ,ह ेतढ़प मह ह्नजि ह ेतोह तव ाभर्प स ंोकत्सुप नउ मह, ह ातरक ै े ंै ंे ंै ।ह ेतरक गोयपउ ाक कीनकत सजि मह रऔ ह ेतरक नलाप ाक ंोशदन ेद्र ंै ंै जीच य्नामास ोकपआ, ह ंीहन ाड़कट कए ाक कक ानोह वनभ अ े ु ै ंे ारम, ह तरूरज ीक नरक शश ोक ीक नरक' ीलव्रमॉन्बए' े े ै े ।ह बलतम ै हय fdlh न व्ध व्रणूपातव्रखूम रऔ ह ातकस ोह कीर्ग एल क े ै क ागोह ानरक ानतइ सब ोकपआ, ह ातरक ददम हय नक ल, ागरक े े ै ईारहग रीध-रीध पआ क ासैज, ह व्रणूपातव्रखूम जीच लरस ाय लट ज हय ंे ै े े एल क शदन ीलासकट कए ोक नम पआ क गझमस पआ, ह ेताज म ंे ंै ंे े ेद्र े ।ाथ ायग ायक यत एल क नरक तर व्राधन य्ष्कल कए ोक पआ नपअ नपआ े े े े ाखद ीप्सचलद रप सउ ाय ह ाहर रक ताब ईोक रह रप सजि, ह ायानब ै ै नपअ पआ क ागएातब ोकपआ हय े कीरत य्नअ ीसक ानब तध ंबंस स माणर प े े कन द, ह ेतकस रक माक सक स े ै े ंै ै नासआ एल क नरक ोक ंोयध व त ग े े ाक नरक साय्भअ ाक ंोकीरत य्नामासअ े स स्कॉब म वत्साव ोकपआ ससइ रक सायर्प ंे े ंे े ददम म नलकन रहाब े ंे !ीगलम े
क वाभर्प क शवर प नपअ पआ स पूर ट्षप्स कध अ ाय े े े े े नपअ पआ क ातड़प ंीहन कफ ईोक ससइ, ह लीचल एल े ंै े व्र े ।ह जामस लाव गामद धीस ाय त्सोद, ातप- ाताम े े ंै तध ंबंस स मयर ोथ ाय र्तूस य्नअ ीसक ीभक नपआ ाय्क े े ंैम? ह ीक शश ोक ीक नरक लह ोक ाय्समस तण ग ीसक े ै सइ न ंोकठाप ीभस गभगल रामह क ह ातागल नामुनअ हय ू ं े े े रतंअ कए पआ क एह ेतरक शश ोक रतहब, ागोह ायक ंीहन े ु ,ागलम रत्तउ तलग कए नक ल गलअ कए ोकपआ, गएाप ं े े े पआ; गनाज ोक व्तहम क यमर्प ाय र्तूस मह थास कसइ े े े ंे े ।गखर दाय ोक राचव ीसउ ोक नवीज नपअ े ंे े न ंोकठाप ीभस गभगल रामह क ह ातागल नामुनअ हय ंैम ू ं े े कए पआ क एह ेतरक शश ोक रतहब, ागोह ायक ंीहन सइ े े ु रत्तउ तलग कए नक ल गलअ कए ोकपआ, गएाप रतंअ ं े े ;गनाज ोक व्तहम क यमर्प ाय र्तूस मह थास कसइ, ागलम े े े े ंे े ।गखर दाय ोक राचव ीसउ ोक नवीज नपअ पआ े ंे े स कध अ ोकपआ जीच लरस य े ंे े एल क नरक णषव्नअ कध अ े े े णरहादउ हय ।ह ीतरक रूबजम ंै गोल; ागरक ददम रतहब ोकपआ े े ाय रकोज एल क ीशुख रऔ ीसह ं े बअ नक ल, थ तध ंबंस स ंोरखसम े े े रऔ ीनवारड, चंामोर ह्नउ रोशक ंे दासवअ क े कए कन प्लाक हय ।ह ेतरक तध ंबंस स ेड़कंआ े ंै म्लफ क ंोय्क ायआ एल सइ राचव ाथ ाचोस रहाब स स्कॉब न कखल क े े े े ।
नंोह्नजि ह णरहादउ ईक क ंोयत्किय्व क नवीज कव त्साव े े ंै े ाचोस रहाब स स्कॉब ानब एक हावरप ीक माणर प म वत्साव ंे े ।ाथ एल क नचोस स कीरत गलअ कए ोकपआ े े े े रऔ गामद सब ोकपआ, ह ंीहन ातकय्शवआ ीक नव्रशदव्रगाम षेशव ै रऔ गद ड़ोज ंोनोद य, ह ातकय्शवआ ीक त थ्सिपउ ीक ंोयग ोर ै े ंे े लचलह कए ीक ंोराचव ीह थास रऔ गएानब ोक ातकम्तानचर ं े ,ह ेतकस गाभ छीप कसइ पआ ससजि, गरक ादैप ंे े े े े ंै पआ म तंअ ंे लुख थास क ातर्तंतव्स व्रणूप रऔ नड़ोत ोक नधंब क ामीस ह रूबजम ंै े े े े सइ, एल क नचोस हरत ीक लगई लाव नड़उ कए रप नामसआ े े े े ।ह कटघ व्रणूपव्तहम कए ाणरर्प म्तआ म ाख्सुन ंे े ै क स्कॉब, रकड़ोज ोक नहास्तोर्प रऔ माक क मीट े े ीकपआ!, ह रायैत एल क नसोरप नजंय्व ाक चोस ीकपआ रहाब े े ै एल क नरक व्रवस ।ह चोस ीक नलकन रहाब स स्कॉब द फऑ शड े े ै े े !रायैत Paarth U Vakhariya X B
Tharshini K IX A
Samudha- VI ‘A’ Shravya.P X-A
Sanjutha VIII A Sowbarniga D III - C
Gargi Amol Gadre 4D AADHEESHWAR.A 4D
P.Jhoshika VII A P. P. JHOSHIKA VII A Jhoshika P VII A
Deeksha VIII B
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