CHANLGIVINEGS Through Equal Access to Justice 2015 Annual Report The Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County
Legal Aid Society OF SAN MATEO COUNTYThe Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County has been changing lives formore than 50 years. We improve access to justice for the poor, the elderly,veterans, families in crisis, immigrants: those who are most in need.In 2015, we helped over 2,400 clients. More than half were defined asextremely low income, with over 300 having no current income at all.39% listed a primary language other than English, presenting an obstacleto navigating the justice system.55% faced housing issues, including the threat of homelessness, as countyrents continued to rise at an unprecedented rate.Hundreds more needed our help to access healthcare and other safety netbenefits to which they were entitled, to be protected from the threat ofelder abuse, or domestic violence, or to get the educational services theirchildren need to succeed in school.That's where Legal Aid's dedicated staff and pro bono partners wentto work, bringing hours of effort, years of experience, and profoundempathy to their cases.So far, 79% of those clients have received favorable legal outcomes, withmore still pending. This is the story of how we did it.
Dear Friends of Legal Aid,At its heart, equal access to justice is about everyone’s ability to participatein the systems of administration of justice, regardless of how muchmoney they have. It’s a concept of fairness. It’s what drives our missionat the Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County. When vulnerable and low-income people are in crisis — trying to protect their homes, their families,their health or their livelihoods — they turn to the Legal Aid Societyof San Mateo County for civil legal aid. Last year, the average annualfamily income of our clients was less than $16,000. Many of our clients— including seniors, veterans, children, persons with disabilities, anddomestic violence survivors — faced severe housing issues, including thethreat of homelessness.In this annual report you’ll learn about the life-changing impacts of ourwork. You’ll get a chance to read the stories of clients, and the thoughtsof our distinguished staff. They respond every day with legal advice,education and representation. You’ll also learn about the pro bonocontributions made by legal services professionals, who contributed anincredible 11,000+ hours over the past year.With our privilege comes the responsibility to aid those who need, butcannot afford, legal services. We respectfully ask you to stand with usand make a contribution using the enclosed envelope, or by visiting ourwebsite: We know that every gift, no matter thesize, is from your heart.Thank you for changing lives through equal access to justice.Mary Lin M. Stacey HawverPresident, Board of Directors Executive Director
CHANLGIVINEGS in San Mateo County\"Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice\" -- Nelson MandelaThere is still poverty in our community. Despite a fast- growing economy in SanMateo County, approximately 59,000 residents live below the federal povertythreshold: just $23,550 for a family of four.The San Mateo County Housing Authority’s July 2015 housing indicators report notesthat the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the county is now $2,516, a 50.2percent increase in four years.According to, in 2012, the most recent data available, over 28,600school-aged children in San Mateo County were living in food insecure households,representing 18% of the school-aged children in the county.San Mateo County's law enforcement agencies responded to 2,345 domestic violencecalls in 2014. Survivors of violence face many obstacles to escaping abuse, includingisolation, shame, fear, distrust of the legal system, economic dependency, and lack ofknowledge about available services.Every day, Legal Aid fights poverty by bringing equal access to justice to those in ourcounty who need it most: people who are poor, at risk of homelessness, survivors ofdomestic violence, and those overcoming disabilities.
CHANLGIVINEGS by Preventing Homelessness \"Everyone deserves stable housing\"From a mobile home park in Pacifica to an apartment building in Redwood City,Legal Aid has fought for the rights of tenants and residents faced with eviction dueto the unprecedented skyrocketing of Bay Area real estate prices. Legal Aid wasat the side of Pacific Skies mobile home park tenants when the owners attemptedto employ vague and inconsistent rules to force them out; with our help, evictionswere stayed. We stood with the residents of Redwood City's 910 Clinton Street,successfully demanding accommodation from the landlord for an orderly transitionfor the tenants forced out by renovations.Says Legal Aid Directing Attorney Shirley Gibson:\"I am hopeful that people will see by these examples, that basic protections fortenants need to be implemented now. Everyone deserves stable housing.\"
CHANLGIVINEGS by Fighting for Freedom From Domestic Violence \"Legal Aid gave me the resources I needed\"Imagine enduring two decades of physical abuse. Living daily in fear for your life.Watching a violent man repeatedly threaten your child. And then imagine that, foryou, help from the legal system seems hopelessly out of reach.Legal Aid helped Carla obtain a pro bono attorney to represent her at a hearing fora renewal of a restraining order. When the judge rejected the extension, Legal Aid,along with partner legal services agencies, facilitated the work of pro bono attorneysas they took the case to appeal. Ultimately, the attorneys scored a precedent-settingvictory, and the order was extended for a term of five years.Carla tells us now:\"Legal Aid found me a pro bono attorney, and gave me the resources I needed.\"To protect client confidentiality, all names have been changed
CHANLGIVINEGS by Enabling Access to Healthcare 910 CLINTON \"Thanks to Legal Aid, I'm able to handle my son's care\"Mrs. Taylor came to Legal Aid with a huge medical bill from a local hospital for herson's emergency room visit almost four years previous. She was getting calls from acollection agency and could not afford to pay the bill. At the time of the emergencyroom visit, her son had coverage through restricted Medi-Cal and Healthy Kids, andshe thought her insurance had paid the bills. Legal Aid contacted the health planand discovered that the claim had, in fact, been paid in full at the time of the service.Legal Aid contacted the collection agency and provided proof that the claim hadbeen covered by Medi-Cal. The hospital agreed to recall the debt from the collectionagency and clear the account balance.With Legal Aid's help, Mrs. Taylor learned how to manage her son's future medicalbills and coverage herself.\"Thanks to the work of the lawyers at Legal Aid, I'm able to handle my son's care.\"
CHANLGIVINEGS by Improving Access to Income Support Programs\"Your diligence allowed my son to represent himself\"Paul, a young adult with a long history of schizophrenia, came to Legal Aid forhelp with an upcoming hearing to challenge an $80,000 overpayment of his SocialSecurity disability benefits, because his impairment made it difficult for him tocalculate numbers and to understand Social Security’s rules. Legal Aid reviewed thehearing file, and wrote a brief detailing the legal and factual bases to eliminate theentire overpayment, and carefully prepared both Paul and his case worker so that hecould represent himself at the hearing. He did so, and won the overpayment hearing.Paul’s mother told us:“Thank you for your excellent professional legal presentation. Your diligence ingiving the judge details of his symptoms, medical care and work history allowedmy son to represent himself.\"
CHANLGIVINEGS by Bridging the Education Gap \"My son won't fall further behind in school\" 910 CLINTONClaudia came to Legal Aid's Kids in Crisis (KIC) because her son was not receivingany educational services while recovering from surgery at home. By law, a childwho cannot be at school for medical reasons is entitled to receive, at minimum, onehour a day of home instruction. KIC immediately contacted the director of specialeducation in the child's district. The director called back and acknowledged theirmistake. The district agreed to start providing home instruction, and to give thechild compensatory time for the days that he had not received his home instruction.Claudia expressed her appreciation:\"I'm so relieved that, thanks to KIC and Legal Aid, my son won't fall further behindin school.\"
AND JUSTICE FOR ALL Annual Awards Luncheon April 25, 2015At the 18th edition of Legal Aid's And Justice For All Awards Luncheon, four worthy awardrecipients were cited for their commitment to justice for all the children, families, and seniorsin our community.In her speech accepting the George R. Corey-Linda M. Gemello Award, Legal Aid Staff AttorneyJenny Horne summed up her Legal Aid experience: \"I want to tell you about the clients I have known over the years: young people who have made a journey we cannot imagine to escape conditions we'd rather not even read about; some of the most extraordinary survivors I have ever encountered. Many have had none of the advantages that we have enjoyed. They have families who hurt rather than nurture; partners who terrorize rather than support; children who don't have a safe place to live. Many have never known security or safety, much less what we would call a normal childhood. They have been abused, neglected, victimized, and brutalized. With your support, they have learned English, graduated from high school,graduated from college, found jobs, helped others. Their success is the ultimate tribute to Legal Aidand to everyone who supports it.At the end of the day our legal system sets our country apart. The way we treat the vulnerable, thevictimized, and the disadvantaged speaks volumes about our society.Thank you for helping them.\"Dorothy M. Wolfe Guardian of Justice Natalie Lanam Award Award AwardJeffrey Hyman The Firm of Morgan Lewis Irene Fernandez Back Row: Mike Schlemmer; Ahren Hsu-Hoffman; Melinda Riechert [Silicon Valley Managing Partner]; David Simson; Jami McKeon [Chair of the Firm]; Jake Minne Front Row: Corey Houmand; Lindsey Shinn; Scott Tester
Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County Financials 2015Private Foundations RReevveennuueess Government Grants & Institutions OOt5thh%eerr Govern&mCeonnttrGacratsnts 5% &Con2tr4a%ctsPrivate2F6o%undations &Institutions 24% 26% Individual & Firm Contributions 45% EExxppeennsseess FrFinrignegeBeBneenfeifitsts SSppaaccee Salaries 191%9% 22%% 59% Salaries 59%OOppeerraattiningg 2200%%
CHANLGIVINEGSThrough the commitment of our Pro Bono partners Navigating our legal system without the benefits of educational and financial resources can be nearly impossible. There are many layers of complexity and nuances, and the cost of private legal services is simply out of reach for those of little means. Legal Aid is proud to count so many Pro bono attorneys, paralegals and law students among those giving every day of their time, expertise, and passion to help ensure equal access to justice for our clients. In 2015, 424 Pro Bono attorneys and legal workers volunteered a total of 11,000+ hours to the clients of the Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County. The market value of these donated services was 3.9 million dollars.Pro Bono Alyson O'Desky \"The time I’ve spent volunteering at Legal Aid’s Cooley LLP housing clinic has been tremendously rewarding. Each Tuesday I am able to use my background in commercial contracts and counseling in service of those who deal with one of the most basic necessities of life – I am able to help clients keep or find 'home.' Shirley Gibson, Legal Aid’s Directing Attorney, is an absolute guru; she’s been an incredible mentor and brings so much knowledge and heart to the clinic. I am very grateful to be part of this work.\"\"Being an advocate means more than filing motionsor making arguments at a hearing: it means takingthe time to listen and respond to the client, andestablishing a relationship built on mutual trustand support. And every step of the way, Legal Aidprovided me with the resources I needed to advocatefor my client.\" Pro Bono Lauren Tsuji DLA Piper
CHANLGIVINEGS Our Pro Bono partnersAaron, Riechert, Carpol & Maureen P. Alger Cotchett Pitre & McCarthy James D. RagonRiffle, APC James E. Allee LLP S. Michael SongMichelle Barnett Guillermo Alvarez Ara R. Jabagchourian * Vandya Lalitha SwaminathanCorynn Lozano Margaret Baer Christopher LavoratoMatt Owens Shawna Benfield Tracy Lim * Dickstein Shapiro LLPLeticia G. Toledo Dina Bishay-Andrawess Stewart Pollock * Katie Scott Matt Buccellato Brian Schnarr *Alston & Bird LLP Kyle Dakai Chen Disability Rights AdvocatesRomy L. Celli Reuben Chen Covington & Burling LLP Kevin M. Knestrick Brett H. De Jarnette * Scott CunninghamAnderson Yazdi Hwang Neil Desai Rebecca Durham DLA Piper US LLPMinton & Horn LLP Matt Ezer * Patrick N. Flynn Krista Anne CelentanoJonathon Marshall Morrison Brian J. Focarino Thomas Edward Garten Renee Glover ChantlerJanice Sze Tam Shauna France Stanley Young Bruce W. Jenett Thomas Hadid * Ute KrudewagenArnold & Porter LLP Tracy Huang Harrison Davis Polk Eric Donovan RyanJames Di Boise * Kristen E. Killian Charles Cartagena-Ortiz Lauren Tsuji *Ryan Keat Samantha Kirby Rusty Cowter Mark F. Lambert Tiffany Ho Drinker Biddle & Reath LLPAT&T, Inc. Joan Li Ian Hogg Valerie KahnNiki Okcu Yinmei Li Jayeeta Kundu Lilia Lopez Laura Pedersen Duane Morris LLPBaker & McKenzie LLP Heather Meservy Bryan Quinn Daniel McCloskeySteve Stratton Sepideh Mousakhani * Brian J. Smith Brendan RuddyKeith L. Wurster Lam Nguyen Serge Voronov Alyson O’Desky Andrew Yaphe Dubrovsky LawBay Wealth Legal Group, Christopher Pasich * Gary DubrovskyLLP Erin E. Pritchard Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Laura FurnissMary Hsiao-Mei Lin Jennifer Marie Raab Katie Jorrie Marina Remennik * Emily Sangi Fenwick & West LLPBechtel Corporation Jessica Valenzuela Anthony JacobsonDavid Duff Beach Santamaria De Ita & Lowe, LLP Harsh Barbhaiya Kealan Santistevan Nancy L. De Ita Angel ChiangBingham McCutchen LLP Glen Y. Sato Kristina C. Lee Andrew HilgerJazmin Akiko Holmes * Monique Sherman * Gregory Allen HopewellFrank Burke Kennamer * Lindsy A. Solanki Dechert LLP Mark JansenElizabeth Margaret Kennedy Gregory C. Tenhoff Justin Boyce Jorge A. KinaAndrew Obach Michelle T. Ton Philip C. Ducker Chris KingLucy Han Wang * Jared Verzello Carl Gismervig Goutham Kondapalli Priya Viswanath Heidi Guetschow Liza KostinskayaCarr McClellan Kate Webb Bryan Jin Helen LiCraig Crawford Brett D. White Jonathan D. Loeb Li LiGeorge Wailes Sarah Whitney David R. Lund Claire O’Callaghan Jackie Wilkosz Julia Leigh Minitti Rajendra PanwarCooley LLP Nisha N. Patel Lynn Harold PasahowAlan AiSelin AkkanReflects pro bono work for 9/1/14 - 8/31/15
Pro Bono partners (continued)Fenwick & West LLP (cont) Hogan Lovells US LLP Benjamin A. Liss * William D. KissingerEdgar Perez Stacy Renee Hovan Gavin Liv Andrew H. LeungNikki Qi Intel Corporation Douglas E. Lumish Michael LyonsAshley Marie Romero Evangelina Almirantearena Ha Nguyen Katherine Mateo *Emily Ross Larry A. Bennett Gil Ofir Forest MilesAntonia L. Sequeira T. Maria Lam Marshall Olin Jacob Joseph Orion Minne*Hailey C. Teton Jawana Lang Benjamin Charles Pulliam* Tom NolanAyyappa Vemulkar Wenna Li Brett Sandford Thomas Marvin PetersonDavid Ameer Wallace Wendy Hwee Ling Lim Michael R. Seringhaus Zaitun PoonjaKaren Webb Kristin McNulty Arielle Singh Brian C. RoccaFrank Bou-Kain Yang Kevin Tsai Brett M. SchumanLingling Zhao JAMS Nicholas Yu David L. Simson * Robert Luft Alexander SteinFragomen Worldwide Law Office of Stephen J. Liying SunJennifer Chan Jones Day Montalvo Scott Tester Laura Elizabeth Alanis * Mirissa R. McMurray * Nancy VillarrealGibson, Dunn & Crutcher William Simson FreemanLLP Tharan Gregory Lanier Law Office of Lauren Zorfas Morrison & Foerster LLPMia Lee Edison Lin Zarish Baig Steve F. AndersenDaniel Mandel * Valerie McConnell * Lauren Zorfas Tiffany Cheung Emilie Reeslund * James Allan DeeGilead Sciences Inc. Lowenstein Sandler LLP Wynne EricksonJoel Benjamin Silver * Kaye Scholer LLP Joan O. Arbolante * Kadhine Fitz-Patrick Assad Rajani * Valeska P. Hintz * Adela GotzGordon Rees Scully Paul David Shrader Heather Jo HaneyMansukhani, LLP King & Spalding LLP Peny LiSean Flynn Ahmad Asir Mavrakakis Law Group Meghan M. McLean Patricia Suarez Bors Liang Amy Amy MotomuraHanson Bridgett, LLP Yuridia Caire Tim Horgan-Kobelski Naghmeh OrdikhaniLandon Bailey * Sam Diamant Lawrence Lien Priya PatelJohn Cu Julie Stockton Christopher Ryan Lubeck Alessa PhangDaniel A. Garcia * Nicholas RoethlisbergerJoel Goldman Kramer Levin Naftalis & McDermott, Will & Emery Shannon E. SiboldTomek J. Koszylko Frankel LLP Evan E. Boetticher * Hector Suarez *Kyle A. Mabe Nobumasa Hiroi David H. Dolkas Jacqueline TamShayna M. vanHoften Landes K. TaylorChristopher S. Walters K&L Gates LLP McDowall, Cotter, Vale, Bill Tian Matthew Ball Bracco & Kelly Rachel P. WilliamsHaynes and Boone LLP Andrew Aragon Daniel J. Wilson *Stephanie Cheng Latham & Watkins LLP David Rosenbaum Kate YouEric J. Kim Rachel Burns Stephanie Zeller Anna Yunan YuanBrian J. Lambson Ida N. CaridadHenry Welch Emily Chen Morgan Lewis Nixon Peabody LLP Alice M. Chung Kiranjit “Kiran” Dhaliwal Traci Bernard-MarksHewlett Packard Elizabeth Coleman Lesley Chang Dobbins Janet BrawleyDennis Harper Lilly Fang Steven Erkel * Rhys Wing-Gee CheungNora Magno Sean B. Fernandes Ehsun Forghany Rachel FischettiGloria Quan Nicole Fritz Katie Glynn Gerry GreenlawRuth Selon Jeremy Gibb Ahren Hsu Hoffman * Jennifer HayesTherese Ann Williams Cara Gray * Corey Houmand Jessica Esther Intrator *Michael Zaliznyar Damien Jurrens Philip Huang Shady Joulani Gilda Bernarde Liao Charles Huse Richard Lopatto
Pro Bono partners (continued)Nixon Peabody LLP (cont) Ropers Majeski Kohn Stanford Law School Jill SchmidtDavid Murov Bentley PC Abby Barnes Audrey StanoFredric C. Nelson Todd Roberts Shereen Griffith Tammy SuGregory Schopf Felipe Guillen An TranMatthew Struhar Ropes & Gray LLP Ryan HollanderKarl Sung James R. Batchelder Cari Jeffries Wilson Sonsini Goodrich &Shelly Wetherington Haley Bavasi Beth LeBow Rosati Keyna Chow * Julian Martinez Elizabeth PetersonOrrick Herrington & Sutcliffe James L. Davis Sean McGuireLLP James S. DeGraw Madeline Skitzki * Individual Pro BonosFrances S. Cheever Matthew Haut Erica Sollazzo Mylene AnsariKristin Cornuelle David R. Kocan Monica Yupa Debbie AppelAmy Dalton Phillip Kurs * Livy BarrenecheaRichard Gallagher Nina Ngo Turner Boyd LLP Erika BuenrostroHeather Horter David Partida Karen Boyd Jason Wade Croft *René Kathawala Andrew Radsch * Victoria Golunova Sahnnon Mary CullyDavid R. Medina Claire Lucy Readhead * Zhuangia Gu R. Sohan DasguptaDenise Mingrone Andrew Sutton Robert John Kent Lisa M. DugoniLisa Patel Andrew N. Thomases Heather Potts Michelle de BlankAkasha Perez Matthew A. Tolve Julie Turner * Sari J. EllovichMatt H. Poppe Peter Wang Louis Wai Monica Mucchetti Eno *Tracy Lyn Scheidtmann Frank Williams Jacob Zweig Thomas P. Feledy *Cathy Ching Shyong David Wurzburg * Alberto GarciaDiana Stern Hayan Yoon UC Santa Cruz Natalie Gore *Robert Uriarte Wenting Yu Crystal Canela Brian HuttenburgJose Edgardo Valdes Sandra Zuniga Nierenberg * Greg Johnson *Wert Danielle Van Visa Inc. Gea KangAmy K. Van Zant Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Sebastian Andres Jerez Kathleen KuanBarbara Whiteley LLP Michele C. Lee Jay Steven LaeferSophie Yu Martin Freeman Whitney Peterson Nixon Lazaro Christine Hanley Cheri LyssandPebble Technology, Inc. Chris Walter James Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Sara Matlin *Jeff Hyman Robert Taft Keele Amanda K. Branch * Shiloh McKenzie Noah B. Metz Anne Cappella Anthony Paul McQuinnPerkins Coie LLP Linda Nyberg Alexa Daimau-Jones Vincent MerolaAllan Low Drew Dragstrem Linda Murphy Skadden, Arps, Slate, Michele A. Gauger * David Thomas NazzaroQuinn Emanuel Urquhart & Meagher, Flom LLP Dustin Grant Courtney Erin PasionSullivan LLP Tatyana Shmygol Philip Hurst Russell StarbirdEva Mak * Irina Zyubina Khait Michael VinsonEvette Pennypacker Skyline College Paralegal Will Lamb Kanita Viranond *Jae Shin Program Jing Luo Joanna M. WaldSteven Surachman * Gayle Mamaradlo Sonal Naresh Mehta Deborah Siri WallaceLuke B. Weiger Chris Mortweet Jay White* Anant Pradhan * Kathy Wright Maxwell Ronei* = Reflects recipient of The Wiley M. Manuel Certificate for Pro Bono Legal Services,awarded to those who have donated 50 hours or more through a legal services program.The Wiley M. Manuel Award was created in 1989 by the State Bar of California to recognizethe contributions of the many lawyers, law students, paralegals and secretaries in Californiawho volunteer their time and expertise on behalf of low-income clients.
CHANLGIVINEGSThrough the generosity of our Annual Campaign donorsVisionaries - Pepper Hamilton LLP Howard Pollack$25,000 & above Ropers, Majeski, Kohn & Bentley PC * Honorable Beth Labson Freeman & William Freeman *Baker & McKenzie LLP * Mobilizers - Bill FrimelCooley LLP * $5,000 - $7,499 Joseph Galligan, CPA *Gilead Sciences, Inc. Ronald F. Garrity *Latham & Watkins LLP * Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLP Charles GeerhartOrrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Bingham McCutchen LLP Russell C. HansenWeil, Gotshal & Manges LLP * Fox Shjeflo Hartley & Babu LLP * Cindy & Evan GoldbergWilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Hemming Morse LLP Isaac Deleon Goodman *Foundation Hogan Lovells US LLP Steven Guggenheim King & Spalding LLP William F. GutierrezTrailblazers - Renee Lanam * Hanson Bridgett LLP$17,000 - $25,000 Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP Hanson Crawford Crum Family Law William L. Nagle * Group LLP *Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP * Paul Hastings LLP M. Stacey Hawver *Facebook, Inc. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Kristin MajorGordon & Betty Moore Foundation Simpson, Garrity, Innes & Jacuzzi, PC * Albert J. Horn * Sullivan & Cromwell LLP Robert HortopInnovators - Tom Steyer and Kat Taylor Jorgenson, Siegel, McClure & Flegel, LLP *$10,000 - $16,999 David C. Wilson ^ & Janet Weiss * Kazan, McClain, Satterley & GreenwoodJessica Arner ^ & Eli Abbe * Influencers - Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLPGeorge R. Corey * $1000 - $4999 Stephan KyleCorey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari & Lakin Spears, LLP *Riddle LLP * Anonymous Joe & Donna LanamCovington & Burling LLP Paul J. Andre Leonidou & Rosin ProfessionalDavis Polk * Aaron ^ & Jane Armstrong Corporation *DLA Piper US LLP * Deborah Douglas Brian ^ & Jennifer LeveyLynne Esselstein † & Jonathan Joseph * Bay Wealth Legal Group, LLP Jonathan Levy & Jennifer MezeyFenwick & West LLP Berra Stross & Wallacker * Richard C. & Mary Lin ^Girls Rights Project Richard C. Berra * Littler MendelsonIntel Corporation Biogen Idec Foundation James E. LyonsStacey Keare ^ & John Charles Hodge * Michèle M. Bissada ^ & Scott Spivack * Niall McCarthyKirkland & Ellis Foundation Stephanie Brown McGlashan & Sarrail, PCMcDermott Will & Emery * Honorable Gerald & Jan Buchwald * Miclean Gleason LLPMorrison & Foerster LLP * Laura I. Bushnell ^* Valerie J. MulhollenThe Morrison & Foerster Foundation Errol Buxton Hope Nakamura & Glen Sato * Jay Chesavage Stephen & Bonnie OkonekChangemakers - Dechert LLP Elizabeth Peterson ^$7,500 - $9,999 Mark Doiron The Hudson-Pollack Family John C. Dwyer Paul & Barbara ReganAaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APC * Equinix, Inc. Greg Regan, CPA ^Carr McClellan PC * Fernando Hale & Chang LLP Charles H. Rible *Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada LLP * Ronald S. Fernando Charles M. & Nancy L. Riffle *Jones Day * Fish & Richardson P.C. *Lowenstein Sandler PCReflects gifts received 9/1/14 - 8/31/15
Annual Campaign Donors (continued)Ropes & Gray LLP Dr. Bettina McAdoo, M.D. & David A. GrishamRR Donnelley Gordon Russell Jeffrey HallamDan K. Siegel & Lisa Langer McKesson Corporation Thomas HaverstockSimpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP * Judy & Brad O’Brien Steven KatzSkadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher Niki B. Okcu ^ Kevin G. Kelly *& Flom LLP * Ralph M. Pais & Gail M. Huston Patrick KingSteyer Lowenthal Boodrookas Alvarez Mark G. Parnes * Robert & Anne Koenig& Smith LLP Lynn H. Pasahow Sarah E. Kurtz *Janice S. Tam ^ Perry Undem LLC Kelly LoPaul Tam Amanda L. Riddle * Robert S. LuftLeticia G. Toledo ^ & Albert P. David * San Mateo County Bar Association Emma MaconickSusan A. Uccelli * J. Peter Shearer, Esq. Danette MagilliganViola Law Firm P.C. * Shearman & Sterling LLP Scott MaurerLawrence S. Viola Michael Shpizner Valerie McConnellVisa Givingstation Sarah E. & Matt Slayen David and Elizabeth MillerAlison Watkins Frank A. Small Honorable Carol L. Mittlesteadt, Ret. *Laurence ^ A. & Susan J. Weiss Honorable Jackie Speier Vincent A. Muzzi *Seth Weissman L. Michael & Christine Telleen Richard NelsonRand ^ & Karen White * Hans R. & Sibyl E. Troesch Honorable Leslie C. Nichols, Ret. &Steve & Deanne Wilburn Turner Boyd LLP Anita N. Nichols *Keith L. ^ & Melissa Wurster Contributors - David R. Packard David J.N. PasternakCatalysts - $250 - $499 Rodney & Anne Pearlman$500 - $999 Phuong Young Phillips Daniel Barton Christine RauchMaya Altman Myra Belfiore Paul G. Resnick *Catherine & William Anderson Greg Botto Cathy Rincon *Robert & Lucy Berman Steven B. Boyles Stuart M. RosenbergKaren Boyd Honorable Patricia Bresee, Ret. * Herbert M. RosenthalCarrie Branam Hardy Callcott & Nancy Spencer Russell Law FirmHarry & Elaine Breeze Michael L. Charlson & Susan Austin Eric & Pamela RyanJuliet Brodie & Jane Schacter Karen Chew Levon & Kathleen Sagatelyan *Marion & Helen Brown Miro Cizin & Kathryn Schmidt Sand Hill Global Advisors, LLCJeff Brown Clapp, Moroney, Bellagamba & Drusilla ScottJan Buchwald Vucinich Jeffrey C. Selman *Guy W. & Anne Chambers * Daniel & Linda Cooperman Shivadev ShastriDaniel Lee Kristi Cotton Spence †* Susan SheaFiroz Dattu Freeman Cullom Betty SternSean P. DeBruine Mikhail Darevsky Ina StewartDr. & Mrs. Joseph Callahan Paul & Laura de Blank Arthur L. & Marcie Y. StorchSharon R. Flanagan Candace De Souza * Jeff L. StrobelGary Gerstman Department of Child Support Services Joseph J. Tabacco & Peggy SchmidtGoogle Inc. Jeannette & Jim Drake Wendy Tice-WallnerMarina C. Gruber & Clayton M. Nall Tony Dudum Antonia P. TuChrysanthe Gussis Kathleen Durrans Julie S. TurnerClaudia Haslam Joel Eads Linda VaughnEric S. Haueter Richard Edwards & Rachel Williams Michael WardDavid W. Herbst Marcia C. Eisner Timothy C. Wright †*Ara ^ R. & Lori Jabagchourian Rosi Fordwood Golnar Yazdi †*Marisa A. Jennings * Christopher Foster Gerald J. Zanzinger *Edward Keith William W. Friedman Daniel A. ZionyBarbara J. Kiem * Michele Gauger Barry ZwarensteinTrinidad Madrigal * Diane S. GreenbergDONATE ONLINE: Change lives with a single click! Visit, and click \"Donate Now.\"
Annual Campaign Donors (continued)Supporters - Dave Iverson David & Anne Steirman * Christopher Jaap * Thomas Stortini$100 - $249 Pamela S. Kaufmann Timothy Sullivan * Tom & Rachel Kellerman Edward W. SumanLage Andersen Honorable Margaret J. Kemp, Ret. Carolyn A. ThonAnonymous Claudia Kent Dickman Quynh T. TranVictoria S. Bahnasy * Adam C. Kent * Shayna M. vanHoftenJonathan Baker Richard Keyes * Marian G. Van OrsdolSusan J. Bardet Hubert T. & Sallie Kim Marilyn WacksNicole Bartow Kirkland & Ellis LLP Ginny & W. George WailesWilliam Bauld John Kloosterman Clark & Cheryl WestmontDavid “Duff” Beach Thomas & Mary Kmak Edward & Kristen WilligBruce Beekley Jack & Retta Koch Thomas E. WilsonLarry A. Bennett Deborah D. Landstrass * Terry WooSid & Joyce Berenstein Michael W. & Susan Lanam Stanley YoungDr. Bruce H. Bern & Medea Bern Gregory T. Lanier Donald F. “Fritz” Zimmer Jr.Eric Blum William C. Last, Jr. Denise & Joseph I. ZionyRobert & Betty Brown Phillip M. LevFeb Roman Cabrasawan Michael D. Liberty Friends -Thomas J. Cahill * Linda J. Lorenat up to $99Dianne & Mauro Calvi James R. Madison *Joan L. Cassman Nancy Mass Honorable Ruben AbricaJudy H. Chen Sara Matlin & Jay Laefer AmazonSmileClifford Chernick Lori Mayall Debbie AppelJames & Elizabeth Cody Family Fund * McDowall Cotter, APC * Joan ArbolanteBernard & Anne Cotter * Jill M. Mondry Michelle BarnettCathleen Curl * Brian W. Newcomb Kay BenzCurley, Hessinger & Johnsrud LLP Elaine Yee Ling Ng Lindsey Blenkhorn HaswellDennis J. Durkin * William F. O’Leary & Lisa BrasketDonald F. Farbstein, Esq. Elizabeth B. Fannon Robert J. BrighamMargery Farrar Outten & Golden LLP Michelle CesarioThomas & Randee Fenner Frank Pagliaro Susan Gail CohenDavid G. Finkelstein Stephen Patterson J. Craig CrawfordSusan E. Foley Stephen Peters, Esq. Odette DeveraRobert Fucilla & Patricia Georges * Cindy Petropoulos Valerie & Jon DiamondHonorable Don R. Franchi & Tanya E. Prioste & Mark Figueiredo Todd P. EmanuelMirissa McMurray Julia Rabinovich Thomas FeledyGaline, Frye & Fitting Lesley & Irv Rappaport Elaine Ryzak FraserGary Gleason Catherine Raye-Wong Alberto GarciaDr. Frederick Holley & Maud Gleason Peter H. Reid * Nobumasa HiroiDr. Linda Grais & Dr. John Freund Iliana M. Rodriguez Kevin B. JacksonThomas J. Gray Dr. Beth B. Rosenthal, Ph.D. * Brian Lee JohnsrudScott & Penelope Greenberg Marisa C. San Filippo Carol KarwattMartin E. & Carol Harband Victor & Janet Schachter * Eunice KimMichael Heafey Jonathan & Wendy Segal Ivette Kincaid *Marc Hershman Antonia Sequeira Cary KletterWalter & Doriane Heyman * Honorable Aram & Hasma Serverian * Lorelei Jean KommRudy & Stephanie Hoffman Marcia Settel & David Gilson Christopher LavoratoBrian A. & Linda Horwitz Philip H. Shecter James V. Lee *Stacy Hovan Eric D. Siegel Cheryl LyssandJohn Hughes & Rita Giles David Simson Nicole MarianoSinclair Hwang Tracie Southerland Susan Joan MaxonJerome & Charlotte Hyman Susan McAllisterJessica E. IntratorDONATE ONLINE: Change lives with a single click! Visit, and click \"Donate Now.\"
Annual Campaign Donors (continued)Thomas N. & Mary Rita McKay * SF JAMs Society City of South San FranciscoVincent Merola Steyer Lowenthal Boodrookas Alvarez County of San Mateo Aging & AdultPhilanthroPal Foundation & Smith LLP ServicesSheila Purcell * County of San Mateo Department ofJose Razo In Memory of Honorable HousingRazoo Foundation County of San Mateo Health System/Elvira M. Rios William F. Lanam, Ret. Health Coverage UnitTodd Roberts Covered CaliforniaDenise Robichau Carol Aguilar Facebook Local Community Fund atRoger Royse Anderlini & McSweeney LLP Philanthropic Ventures FoundationCarolyn J. Sadler Anonymous First 5 San Mateo CountyKyle Schneider Margaret A. Bentson Flora Family FoundationSheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP Jeffery Boyarsky Genentech FoundationAnn Sievert Jack & Raegene Castle The Grove FoundationVibeke Simonsen Sara Connolly Health Plan of San MateoSports Basement George R. Corey The Hurlbut-Johnson Fund, anMargaret Stevenson * John & Peggy Digiacinto advised fund of the Silicon ValleyAnn M. Thai ^ Glenn Eichhorn Community FoundationDaisy Van Honorable Don R. Franchi & John & Marcia Goldman FoundationMr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Villanueva * Mirissa McMurray Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital atRichard Wilkolaski Patrick Hayes StanfordJonathan L. Wolff * Denise Hazaga Palo Alto Community Fund Kiwanis Club of Old Town Clovis Palo Alto Foundation Medical GroupGifts in Loving Memory Foundation Community Health Care Endowment Michael W. & Susan Lanam FundIn Memory of Etra M. Manning Philanthropic Ventures FoundationEugene J. Majeski David Marx SanDisk Corporation Fund, a Laura Miller corporate advised fund of the SiliconHonorable Carol L. Mittlesteadt, Ret. * Honorable Carol L. Mittlesteadt, Ret. * Valley Community FoundationFrank Pagliaro Mary Jo Murphy Sand Hill FoundationLois Scampini Claire Peterson The San Francisco Foundation Milan M. Radojevich * Silicon Valley Community FoundationIn Memory of John L. Rose Sobrato Family FoundationCarl L. McConnell Lois Scampini Stanford Emergency Medicine Honorable Aram & Hasma Serverian DepartmentHonorable Carol L. Mittlesteaqdt, Ret.* Arthur L. & Marcie Y. Storch * State Bar of California Legal ServicesLois Scampini Paula G. Uccelli & Marilyn Territo Trust Fund ProgramProfessor Eric W. Wright Tricia & Michael Vinson Symantec Corporation Bonnie ZuccaIn Memory of Honorable Corporate, Foundation, United States Department of Justice and GovernmentV. Gene McDonald, Ret. * = Ten consecutive years AT&TJeffery Boyarsky * American Academy of Matrimonial of support to Legal AidColeman & Arelene Fannin Lawyers ^ = Member of Legal AidZerne & Elizabeth Haning Atkinson FoundationJohn Jorgenson California Department of Managed Board of DirectorsHarry & Mayling Low Health CareJulie McCool The California Endowment † = Member of AdvisoryMichelle McDonald City of BurlingameHonorable Don R. Franchi & City of Daly City CommitteeMirissa McMurray City of Menlo ParkHonorable Carol L. Mittlesteadt, Ret. * City of Redwood CitySusan W. Montgomery City of San MateoLois ScampiniDONATE ONLINE: Change lives with a single click! Visit, and click \"Donate Now.\"
CHANLGIVINEGS Through the guidance of our community advisorsHEALTH CONSUMER CENTER OF SAN MATEOCOUNTY COMMUNITY ADVISORS 2014Cathy Baird I San Mateo County Aging and Adult ServicesMarmi Bermudez I San Mateo County Health SystemChris Ehinger I San Mateo County Human Services AgencyRob Fucilla I Health Plan of San MateoLorena Gonzalez I San Mateo County Human Services AgencyChristina Kahn I Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy ProgramShelley Kessler I San Mateo County Central Labor CouncilRayna Lehman I San Mateo County Central Labor CouncilClaudia Lopez I San Mateo County Health SystemSrija Srinivasan I San Mateo County Health SystemCarolyn Thon I Health Plan of San MateoPENINSULA FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEELisa Chamberlain, MD, MPH I Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at StanfordHarvey Cohen, MD, PhD I Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at StanfordCheryl Goldfarb-Greenwood, RN, CNS I Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at StanfordLynne Huffman, MD I Children’s Health CouncilLindsey Martins, LCSW I Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at StanfordFernando Mendoza, MD I Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at StanfordJennifer Newberry, MD, JD I Stanford University School of MedicineSherri Sager I Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at StanfordLee Sanders, MD, MPH I Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at StanfordEwen Wang, MD I Stanford University School of MedicineDana Weintraub, MD I Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at StanfordLIBRE STEERING COMMITTEEAndres Connell I Nuestra CasaLorena Gonzalez I San Mateo County Human Services AgencyGloria Hernandez-Goff I Ravenswood City School District SuperintendentJana Kiser I Redwood City 2020Emily Mehlan I Legal Aid Society of San Mateo CountyHope Nakamura I Legal Aid Society of San Mateo CountySandra Portasio I Redwood City School DistrictFatima Soares I Coastside Hope
CHANLGIVINEGSThrough the passion of Legal Aid's Board of DirectorsOFFICERSMary H. Lin I President I Bay Wealth Legal Group, LLPAra Jabagchourian I Vice President & Secretary I Law Office of Ara JabagchourianGreg Regan, C.P.A. I Treasurer I Hemming Morse, LLPDIRECTORSAaron M. Armstrong I Visa Inc.Jessica Arner I Lakin Spears, LLPMichèle Bissada I Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada, LLPLaura Bushnell I King & Spalding LLPStacey KeareBrian Levey I Upwork.comNiki B. Okcu I AT&TElizabeth Peterson I Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & RosatiJanice S. Tam I Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLPAnn M. ThaiLeticia G. Toledo I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCLaurence A. WeissRand N. White I Dyer & White LLPDavid C. Wilson I VenEarth Group, LLCADVISORY COMMITTEEMaureen P. Alger I Cooley LLPLynne Esselstein I Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLPJanette Leonidou I Leonidou & Rosin Professional CorporationCharles M. Riffle I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCDan K. Siegel I Jorgensen, Siegel, McClure & Flegel, LLPKristi Cotton Spence I Law Office of Kristi Cotton SpenceTimothy C. WrightGolnar Yazdi I Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLP
CHANLGIVINEGS Through the hard work of our volunteersAND JUSTICE FOR ALL AWARDS LUNCHEON COMMITTEEKaren N. Ballack I Co-Chair I Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLPMichèle M. Bissada I Co-Chair I Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada, LLPGeorge R. Corey I Chair Emeritus I Corey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari & Riddle LLPTom Fitzpatrick I Pepper Hamilton LLPKirsten Keith I Council Member of Menlo Park, Attorney at LawDonna LanamBrian Levey I Upwork.comCraig McCullohAmanda Riddle I Corey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari & Riddle LLPSarah SlayenSusan Uccelli I Uccelli & Associates, Certified Shorthand ReportersGeorge Wailes I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCAlison Watkins I Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPTimothy C. WrightMatthew D. Zumstein I Ropers Majeski Kohn & BentleyLEGAL AID GOLF CLASSIC COMMITTEERonald F. Garrity I Co-Chair I Simpson, Garrity, Innes & Jacuzzi P.C.Howard Pollack I Co-Chair I Fish & Richardson P.CRich Berra I Chair Emeritus I Berra Stross & WallackerMichelle Barnett I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCMichèle M. Bissada I Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada LLPYuridia Caire I Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLPYar Chaikovsky I Paul Hastings LLPCraig Crawford I Carr McClellan P.C.Candy DeSouzaMark Doiron I Wells Fargo BankMarina Gruber I Littler Mendelson P.C.Bill Gutierrez I Gutierrez Marca LLPTommie Knight I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCBrady Mickelsen I White & Case LLPSandra Zuniga Nierenberg I San Mateo County Office of the County CounselCharles Rible I Fimmel, Justman & RibleWalt Shjeflo I Fox, Shjeflo, Hartley & Babu LLPSusan Uccelli I Uccelli & Associates, Certified Shorthand ReportersCOMMUNITY VOLUNTEERSCassandra Calderon Carol S. KarwattCrystal S. Canela Emily SequeiraEmma Glickman
CHANLGIVINEGS Through the dedication of our staffSENIOR MANAGEMENTM. Stacey Hawver I Executive Director I Stanford Law School, 1987Shirley Gibson I Directing Attorney I New College of California School of Public Interest Law, 1999Judith Goldstein I Office Manager I Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1976Hope Nakamura I Directing Attorney I UCLA School of Law, 1986Marcie Storch I Director of Development I University of Connecticut School of Law, 1981Tricia Berke Vinson I Directing Attorney I Stanford Law School, 1976ATTORNEYSKatherine Ammirati I Staff Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 2014David Carducci I Director of Litigation I University of San Diego School of Law, 1991Michelle de Blank I Staff Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 1997Brooke Heymach I Supervising Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 2003Jenny Horne I Staff Attorney I Stanford Law School, 1993Scott Maurer I Consulting Attorney I Santa Clara University School of Law, 1995Emily Mehlan I Staff Attorney I Washington University School of Law, 2010Trinh Phan I Staff Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 2009Claire Ramsey I Staff Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 2006Janet B. Seldon I Director of Pro Bono I New College of California School of Public Interest Law, 1984Donna Vincent I Staff Attorney I University of Florida Levin College of the Law, 2010STAFFBrian Burns I Communications Manager I UCLAAleli Caballero I Project Coordinator I University of San FranciscoIvanna Chavez I Project Coordinator I University of California, Santa CruzYadira Diaz I Project Coordinator/Benefits Assistor I University of California, Santa CruzFrancisca Guzman I Project Coordinator I University of California, BerkeleyRuby Limaymanta I Receptionist I Cañada CollegeAllison Marseille I Director of Grants & Contracts I Emporia State UniversityLarisa Mialik I Development Assistant I Chabot CollegeLiliya Mukha I Bookkeeper I Gomel Cooperative InstituteMarisol Pimentel I Project Coordinator I California State University San FranciscoRuby Romero I Project Coordinator I Cañada CollegeHaydee Sequeira I Administrative Assistant I California State University East BaySusan Stortini I Accountant I University of Manila Philippines
Legal Aid Society Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage OF SAN MATEO COUNTY PAID 330 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 123 Redwood City, CA 94065 San Francisco, CA Permit No. 4118RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED24th Annual Legal Aid Golf ClassicStanford Golf Course June 8, 2015 The Winning Foursome at the 2015 Legal Aid Golf Classic l-r: Tony Callahan, Bill Nelson, Rand White, Bruce Beekley. Photographs by Mackenzie Contaldi
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