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Published by miss books, 2015-08-27 01:49:15

Description: methood 24
by Bruce Lyons


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Significant know ledge enlightens one’s w hole being – even if ultimate causesremain unknow n. A blind hen w ill continue to scratch around for a grain of corn.But even a blind hen can be illuminated from w ithin w hile the corn is eventuallyfelt w ith a single sw ipe of its claw . In searching for a geometry that accounts forhuman form, a form capable of supporting minds that could engineer Chartres, Ifelt like that blind hen.In one passage Charpentier recounted an experience he’d had in a Paris suburbin 1964. And in the blink of an eye my entire feeling about the w orld – how it isconstructed – about human culture and even human nature, w as changedforever. The change w as as significant as the ‘Big Dream’ that occurred out onLong Island in the fall of 1980, alluded to in the earlier posts. As it turns outthey are thematically related. Before that dream, which felt more like a templateof the real than a dream, I had some know ledge in my head, but it w as dim, likeseeds that had fallen on barren ground and could notblossom into the light. I still had no key w ith w hich to fertilize the soil. The BigDream had introduced me to a new kind of know ing: know ing w hat I am andw hat has formed me, directly, from w ithin. It w as an inner seeing and an innerdrama, within which I was both participant and observer. But it too w as a seedthat w as grow ing only slow ly out of a state that could be called ‘the trauma ofrebirth’. Much remained hidden. I w as learning how to trust that birth and thenuminosity it had imparted, in a w orld that often seemed w arped by a labyrinthof projections that fire us aw ay from ourselves – not just psychologically, butalso physically. W e often search for ‘truth’ as if it w ere something other thanw hat w e are. And to add to the mystery, it took me exactly 12 years to fullyrecollect the w hole dream! A lot of inventive perseverance w as required tocajole it from its hiding places. But this implied it w as already committed to someform of long-term memory – a bit like the root system of a tree. It w as up to meget dow n there and examine the roots w ithout damaging them. Recollecting thedream w as a lot like giving birth. It w as a long labor. That labor challenged allmy assumptions about everything: including the nature of consciousness itself.Chartres w as similar. It erupted into my head and my soul like a magnificent converted by W

genie escaping its bottle. Breath-taking magic. The Tree of Life.W est Front, w ith Royal Portal, Chartres. May, 1988.The GrailIn recalling that night back in 1964, to my surprise, Charpentier invoked the“grail”. It w as as if he had just introduced the prime principle of the book –Chartres’ secret perhaps; its quintessence – and in so doing had introduced thesecret of ourselves. I could not have guessed that the mention of the ‘grail’could have so profound an effect. I had not yet read W olfram von Eschenbach’s“Parzival”, w ritten alongside the final reconstruction of Chartres from 1195 to1220, after the devastating fire of 1194 that destroyed everything north of theW est Front. Apparently he w rote it right there on the site; his w ords organizingthemselves w ith such unique color and zeal as if from the ashes of the formercathedral itself. In Parzival the Grail is given an unexpected definition a littlemore than half-w ay through the book (p.239). It had never occurred to me tolink the ‘grail’ to the Phoenix, the most mysterious of all principles, but that isexactly w hat Eschenbach does as if an historic necessity had reduced theprevious church to ash. Nor did I yet link the grail to the Vesica Piscis because Ihad not yet stumbled upon it. But that w as to come soon enough. It is a Vesicathat frames a triumphant Christ at the Royal Portal seen above in the centraltympanum. And I certainly never thought to link the Grail to ‘squared-circle’geometry as w as done that night back in 1964 outside Paris.I knew almost nothing about the Knights Templar, the ‘shadow y’ organizationresponsible for building Chartres. Perhaps that w as a good thing because myinnocence blinded me to the controversy that sw irled about their place inhistory; their monumental confidence that others w ith less zeal labeled‘audacity’, but w ithout w hich, the Gothic Cathedrals w ould never have beenbuilt and the human spirit w ould not have been harnessed to so monumental atask. I had no idea Eschenbach himself may have been a Templar, nor w hat aTemplar w as, except that they had even attracted a fashionable scorn from thelikes of Robin Hood. Defenders of the human spirit can be misunderstood fasterthan an arrow that has already left the bow of a defender of the people. Even inthe age of chivalry! If justice is in the eye of the archer, his heart had better beblessed w ith discernment. But apparently misunderstanding did not prevent theTemplars from being nourished by a “Stone” they called “Lapis Exillis”, alsoknow n as the Grail, a Stone purported to be “most pure”.Moreover, I had no familiarity w ith the operas of Richard W agner and hispreoccupation w ith the Grail, so I didn’t even know w hat millions of others knewalready, because w hen I w as seventeen, I had gone straight from the Beatles,the Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin, James Brow n and Jim Morrison to GustavMahler (1860-1911). An English teacher in Toronto stuck a set of headphoneson my ears and put on Mahler’s Second Symphony – to keep me quiet – andfrom the opening few bars, that w as that. I never looked back to W agner again.Extraordinary! Not only did I have no idea w hat the “Grail” meant to the GothicAge, but I did not have a clue w hat it meant to anybody. So, w hen Charpentierdrew a parallel betw een the cathedral itself and the Grail, initially Iw as astonished. Or w as I? I think I w as astonished that it rang so true!Suddenly it w as a fit. The Templars w ere also know n as “The Order of the converted by W

Temple”. They w ere nourished by the temple itself w hich Vitruvius reminds uswas once based upon human proportions.It w as not until 1996 that I came upon a passage from the Pyramid Texts, apassage interesting enough to convince me it w as time to obtain a copy of theFaulkner edition that Kely hunted dow n and finally plopped on my desk in 1999.“A boon w hich Geb and Atum grant: that this pyramid and temple be installedfor me and for my double, and that this pyramid and temple be enclosed for meand for my double. This Eye of Horus is pure; may it belong (?) to me.” (PT1277-1278)The grain of corn w as w ithin striking distance of the claw .I had not come upon “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” (published in 1982) yet, so mymind did not have to grapple w ith situating the ‘Grail’ in a particular historicalplace and time; or attempting to narrow its grandeur dow n to a singlebloodline; or a specific vessel claimed to have caught specific blood from aspecific death. My imagination remained free to search for something universalin the spirit of any New Age before it starts to reduce itself to this ‘brand name’or that Dogma, or this system or that superstition. My connection toCharpentier’s book w as mystical from start to finish, as w as my youthfulconnection to Mahler’s ‘biblical’ vision in music. In fact, other than theatmosphere that often shrouds the heavens surrounding the mountains, valleysand lakes of New Zealand, the Promethean scope of Mahler’s “Resurrection”Symphony reminds me more of Chartres than anything else I can think of.Chartres must be a node on the body of the Earth and human know ledge mustbe much more than w hat our science allow s. A solar system and its planetsmust have self-focusing properties that elude our theories about life and thebirth of cognition. Self-gravity and the w ay it reacts to w hat it gathers up musthold many a secret in its embrace. The homely uroboros is a superabundants ymb o l.In the image above I am applying an ancient symbol to an importantastronomical event. I made the head of the snake that bites its own tail thedifference in days and distance betw een the Sidereal (27.3217 d) and Synodical(29.53066 d) months. The 2.2089 day difference amounts to 29.1° of Moontravel or about 195,269 km around a center of mass it shares w ith the Earthperhaps 1700 km below the Earth’s surface. In one synodical month the Moonand Earth travel together 29.1° around the Sun or about 76,000,000 km.195,269 and 76,000,000 relate as 1:389. W hen days are replaced by years youget a 2.2089 year period in w hich the former cycle disintegrates. The soulw ithdraw s like a w orm into its cocoon. There it potentially undergoes ametamorphosis of some kind; a rebirth. A new 27.32 + 2.2089 year cycle then converted by W

begins. In my life I have learned that this is a pow erful cycle. I w as unable toignore it. It w rapped me up in a cocoon of its ow n making until I w asmomentarily paralyzed externally, w hile internally the contraction caused anaccumulation, a quickening, a constellation of archetypal force, an agitation –and then a light w ent on and the cocoon w as shed. The ‘grail’ has beenassociated w ith just such a cycle, often rounded up to ‘30’ years. All of mankindand the Earth itself are affected by this 30-year cycle. W hen an individual cyclecoincides w ith a collective cycle, it can be particularly challenging. You can findyourself panting for breath at the side of the road w ith ‘loss’ your solecompanion. In Egypt this w as the Sed Festival of Regeneration. In the month,w e tend to mark – at least unconsciously – 4 points of the cycle as if w e had‘squared-the-synodical-circle’. If w e do that w e have exceeded the siderealcircle of the Moon by 2.2089 days, but have a square that is about 7.38266days on a side. This gives rise through the 90° angle to the w axing square, theFull Moon, the w aning square and the New Moon. Three phases are similar inthat all are visible. But the New Moon occurs in front of the Sun and cannot beseen. It is as if the Sun absorbs it or sw allow s it. In the case of an eclipse it isas if the Sun has been sw allow ed by the Moon. So this 2.2 day/year phase inthe cycle is more than meets the eye.Now , the Moon’s diameter is 27.32% of the mean diameter of the Earth(3476/12,732). Together they are 1 + .2732 = 1.2732 = 4/π. This means that interms of diameter, Earth and Moon are in a ‘squared-circle’ relationship. I w illcome back to this rather interesting point ahead. It is too valuable to ignore.I knew the Grail involved a vessel of some kind but had not thought of acathedral as a vessel that had assumed the function of the Grail: an enclosuredesigned to initiate all of us into something extra. That extra is w hat makes us alittle more than just human – at least in cycles. My ow n view of churches, otherthan Chartres, has been mired since childhood in a murky backw ater ofpreciousness – an allergic reaction of my heart to the falsity of all the bizarreprojections that w e had been told to take as true. The church irked me, w hich isw hy Chartres has been such an unexpected fork in the road. Finding the grail tobe almost as ‘precious’, subconsciously, it w as a stimulating association toentertain – betw een it and Chartres – an antidote perhaps, to an ingrained, buttired, rationalism that had not yet completely shed its skin and w as stillencumbering my need for psychological freedom. I could see that Charpentierhad more faith in the ‘Grail’ than I did, but it w as Chartres that beckoned me. Itw as Chartres that seemed to exceed anything anybody could ever say about it.That w as the mystery for me and the preoccupation. It shares thissuperabundance w ith the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, the “boon” just mentionedabove granted by Atum (Heaven) and Geb (Earth). But my ears w ere cocked toany clues that might help to explain the superabundance – the w ayconsciousness can exult in its ow n overflow – the w ay Chartres stimulated thisoverflow ; how the builders could have been nourished by the same boon, theStone most pure.As it turned out, it w asn’t until I had started to come upon key references to theEye of Horus – particularly in the 5th Dynasty Pyramid Texts of the Egyptians –that the meaning of the “Grail” started to become clearer. One thing Grail, Eyeof Horus and Notre Dame de Chartres all have in common is that all three arealw ays referred to as feminine. In male psychology, the “Anima” is also feminineand can play an indispensable role in the process of psycho-spiritual converted by W

metamorphosis. There are levels of transformation that cannot occur w ithoutthe appearance of the anima-figure – especially w hen the anima herselfundergoes a significant transfiguration. The ancients identified the anima w iththe action of the Moon and the mysterious influence of the synodical month. InIndia and Mesopotamia, a favorite myth know n as The Churning of the Sea ofMilk, makes the ‘grail’ the Moon itself, a goblet that renew s the Golden Amritathat, like the Eye of Horus, sustains the gods themselves! How ever, instinctdictated that the Grail, like the Eye of Horus, is not a ‘thing’ per se. A cup, orstone urn, or gold chalice, are all ‘symbols’ – no matter how beautifully they mayhave been crafted by human ingenuity. The 1980 dream w as pushing me to lookmore deeply behind the symbol – if possible – to feel out the w eb ofcircumstances w ithin w hich ‘things’ arise and disappear again, including theanima herself. I knew the ‘Grail’, or “Gral”, could not be identified w ith a singleobject, or even person, anymore than the God of the universe could beidentified solely w ith the Sun, or the ‘personality’ solely w ith the physical body.The Grail is surely universal, of w hich things are ‘symbols’ only, likenesses, toborrow a term from Goethe, a means that facilitates a much more mysteriouspassage: a particular testament, if you like. How ever, the right vessel, properlyrectified, can have the effect of stimulating a metamorphosis, a qualitativechange or transmutation in a living being. It could most certainly be a means ofinitiation in the fullest sense of that term, by w hich I do not mean empty ritual.This ‘vessel’ ranges from a ‘constellation’, to a solar system, to a planet, to agrotto, to a living skull, to a dream, to art, to a cathedral, to a relationship, to amathematical insight, or even a shock of some kind that induces a supra-normalor exalted state of being. In the case of a revelation, vision or unusual dream,the Grail refers to the means, the mysterious spherical enclosure w ithin w hich‘Isis’, the ‘Magdalene’, ‘Lakshmi’ can do their w ork. The Grail is the All-embracing’. It can also refer to the w hole body itself – the house of the soul –those proportions alluded to by Vitruvius and illustrated in part by Leonardo.Below , I have outlined just the barest elements of Leonardo’s ‘plan’. The 2:1,ABCD, is ½ the square that surrounds it. The 2:1 is then divided into 8 squaresor 4 smaller 2:1 rectangles. Further division proceeds from this. The circle iscentered on the male navel at ~ 6/10 of the height. Below , I have placed “A”&“B” to indicate w here Leonardo has marked out the Prime 2:1 rectangle w ithtw o vertical lines at the elbow s. Division occurs betw een 1 and 2. The crisis ofseparation is overcome by the ability to rejoin. He then subdivides it into converted by W

quarters through dimidiation. I have indicated the 2:1 below , marking it ABCD.Leonardo’s marks are cutting the Prime 2:1 into halves: the pubic bone (1/2),then the knees (1/4), then at the nipples of the chest (3/4), then the head itself(1/8) or 7/8 of the w hole height. He also cuts the square in half at the elbow s,then that in half at the shoulders (w hich I have marked S and R). The circle,contrary to general opinion, is not the ‘squared-circle’. Rather it is a circle w iththe same perimeter as a hexagon inscribed in a circle with the same perimeter asthe square! That ratio is specific. The hexagon and circle relate as 1: 1.0472, or6:6.2832 w hich is also the relationship betw een the meter and the Egyptian“royal cubit” used in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh.A circle that is 1 meter in diameter has a circumference of 3.1416 meters. TheRoyal Cubit is 1/6th of that circle giving .5236 m. The relationship betw een the converted by W

radius of the circle and the royal cubit is .5:.5236 or 1:1.0472 or 3:3.1416. Thisnumber, .5236, is quite important in this w ork. It assumes many different formsincluding relationships among volumes. Another classic example of w here 5.236appears can be seen in the profile of the Great Pyramid w hich incorporates thegolden number, 1.618 w hen the 1/2 base is taken as Unity.In this image “1” is 220 royal cubits. The total perimeter is 1 + 1 + 1.618 +1.618 = 5.236. And 5.236 x 220 = 1152 cubits. I repeat that since the value ofthe royal cubit happens to be .5236 meter, it can be seen as a principle. W henapplied to the meter taken as a diameter it is 1/6th of the circumference. Thatvalue, .5236 m, is the cubit of the Great Pyramid. There are 5.236 meters inthe width of the King’s Chamber and 10.472 meters in its length. Because theKing’s Chamber is an archetypal 2:1 rectangle, it is quite significant to see itincorporate 5.236 in meters. I w ill be more specific about the KC as w e proceed.I w anted to show in this image that the Pyramidal enclosure – the boon grantedby Atum and Geb – has an archetypal value of 5.236 w hen the ‘mouth’ of thecommanding triangle is taken as unity or 220 cubits. The 5.236 then appearsagain as Unity in the King’s Chamber. And incidentally, the King’s Chamber w asgiven its name by Abdullah Al Mamun w hen he and his men broke into the GreatPyramid in 820 A.D. There is no indication that the Egyptians themselves everused the name “King’s Chamber”. This is an important point. If w e go by thePyramid Texts it is more likely that it w as referred to as the Cavern of Osiris; theCavern of Sokar; or the Broad Hall of Osiris (e.g. see PT 1551, Faulkner). Ishould just point out that the width of the King’s Chamber fits into the 1/2-base22 times and into the w hole base 44 times. The length of the King’s Chamberfits into the w hole base 440/20 = 22 times. W hat I am calling Unity here is 220cubits or 22 widths of the KC. The 1/2 base w as called the mouth of the trianglethat gives the pyramid its character. A ‘mouth’ emits sounds generated by thevoice. The mouth w as also referred to as ‘The Mouth of Ra’ and w as consideredone w ay that the creation came into being. As reflected in the Hebrew alphabet,there are 22 partials to the human voice. So the width of the King’s Chambercan be treated as one partial of the mouth of Ra. If the length of the KC fits intothe whole base length 22 times, it fits into the length of the Sphinx 7 times. TheSphinx length fits into the height of the pyramid tw ice and the base length3.1416 times. So the Sphinx may w ell have been intended to be 140 cubits inlength or ~ 73.3 meters. 7 x 10.472 = 73.3 meters. 22 x 10.472 = 230.384. It ismost likely not an accident that the Sphinx length is in a pi relationship w ith thesolid base of the Great Pyramid. So w ith the length of the KC as “1” the Sphinxlength is “7” and the base length of the GP is “22”. The KC w as likely conceivedas the seed of the w hole, w here the Eye took root. It is the bnbn or Benben.The Benben is closely connected to the Phoenix w hich w as said to bring theBenben Stone. To connect the King’s Chamber or Broad Hall of Osiris, w ith thePhoenix is to make of it a place of metamorphosis.In illustrating Vitruvius’ principles Leonardo w as being faithful to a fundamentalsimplicity that springs from the 2:1 construction itself. It is the principle of the2:1 that fosters the simplicity and can hold together complexity. The 2:1 alsogives the sense of vitality and authority to the figure. So there is a directconnection betw een simplicity and authority. Below , ABCD highlights the Prime2:1 rectangle w hich I have cropped for emphasis. Every subtle nuance arises converted by W

w ithin the 2:1 construction.In the image of the principle of the Royal Cubit below I have show n the Prime2:1 rectangle, ABCD, w ith perimeter 30. I put in a hexagon, EFIGHJ, w ith eachside and the radius equal to AB or Unity of the Prime 2:1. Since it has 6 sides,like the perimeter of the 2:1, w hich is 6 x Unity, its perimeter w ill also be 30. Butthe circle that circumscribes it w ill be 10 x 3.1416 = 31.416. The relationshipbetw een 31.416 and 30 is 1.0472. Any arc of 60° of the circle w ill relate tounity or a side of the hexagon as 5.236/5 = 1.0472. The circle da Vinci used inhis illustration has the same perimeter as the Prime 2:1 (ABCD) and thehexagon (EFIGHJ) show n below . In the case of the King’s Chamber, clearly itcorresponds to the perimeter of the circle and has a circumference of 31.416meters and diameter, 10 meters. converted by W

The circle show n in the image above is important in the canon for both male andfemale. Its diameter is the same as the height of the individual and the Prime2:1 rectangle. W e are going to ‘square’ that circle further ahead. Suffice to sayfor now that the royal cubit is derived from dividing the circumference of a 1meter circle by 6. So, 3.1416 ÷ 6 = .5236Below I have show n the difference betw een the ‘squared-circle’ and the oneused by da Vinci. The squared-circle is clearly larger. The red circle, Circle B, isthe same as the red square, EFGH.Note below how the leg of the figure is parted in exact accordance w ith thediagonal (AC) of the double square: ABCD. This passes right through the pubicbone and also marks the base of the ribs. converted by W

Above I have marked the head as ¼ of the Prime w idth, Unity or AB. Theshoulders are marked ½ of Unity. The verticals are marked for the height, 2.Note that the shaded triangle, ABC, is the same triangle used to determine theGolden Number w hen Unity is added to AC, so that: (1 + 2.236068) ÷ 2 = 1.618= 3.236068 ÷ 2To sum up w hat has been said above. The Royal Cubit is part and parcel of thew hole discussion at hand. But I introduced it first since it came up. A circle w ithdiameter 10 meters w ill have a circumference that is 31.416 meters. For a 2:1rectangle to have the same perimeter it must have a w idth of 5.236 meters. 6 x5.236 = 31.416. The intention inside the Great Pyramid w as for the Prime 2:1to have a perimeter equal to a 10 meter diameter circle. W e w ill pick up fromhere ahead. The KC is a place of convergence of measures that meantsomething important to the Egyptians. It concerns the ‘squaring-of-the-circle’;the basis of the w hole Great Pyramid.THE GRAIL AS AN EXPERIENCE OF THE ‘SELF’.The grail is responsible for an event, an exceptional experience – or perhaps‘revelation’ w ould be a better term – that pushes the boundary-stones of the‘self’ (one’s ow n natural ‘grail’) to a limit of comprehension. At this limit, orderitself reaches a threshold of instability. The familiar and the know n aresw allow ed by an unknow able suspense, as external know ledge breaks dow nand changes its frame of reference. It is pointless to attempt to deprive the grailof all mysticism. It is the cup that overflow s its ow n form through a mysterioustransmutation. It is the vessel that know s both destruction and creation andthe relationship betw een the tw o: the moment w hen the snake bites its tail;w hen the Phoenix rises again from its ow n ashes. At this limit, all‘understanding’ undergoes an inversion. The terror that transforms into ecstasycannot be measured. The Grail is mystical insofar as w e do not know its ultimateboundary. Appearances, once considered self-evident by the cerebral mind, findthemselves re-absorbed by a source too mysterious and too pow erful toname. But yet it is experienced vividly and directly. One is both the cup and theflow ing fluid that overflow s its ow n ‘rim’. Inevitably the ‘Self’ and the ‘Grail’ havemuch in common. W hich determines w hich. Chartres seems to respond to thisquestion by urging the soul to blossom from the heart.Follow ing this inversion betw een know n and unknow n – and perhaps betw eencerebral know ledge and heart-know ledge – communication also changes. Youknow w hat you w ish to communicate but a new language is required to properlyrepresent it. Having seen directly, one can no longer speak directly, because allmetaphors have also been inverted! Cabalistic language arises by necessity toconvey mystical truth. It is not arbitrary. One thinks of the legends surroundingMoses w ho w as said to have been the only one among the Hebrew w ho had‘looked directly into the Sun’! Metaphors aside, the feeling is that Moses hadbeen illuminated from w ithin, initiated in some fashion to the law of his beingand man’s relationship w ith the surrounding cosmos. Below is a closer look at asculpted image of Moses at the north-w est entrance to Chartres. Note the converted by W

winged dragon perched atop the pillar at the level of his eyes.Before I had come to Charpentier’s enigma about the Grail, I first came uponthis image of Moses. It w as 36 months before I could photograph it myself.W hen I finally got there I w as stopped in my tracks. Such figures! Theyredefined my understanding of art, of culture, and of the spirit in humanity thatcan even inhabit stone w hen it has become essential to do so. Some legaciesmust not be lost in space even if they have ended in time – and vice versa! Iw illingly allow ed myself to be lifted into a time w arp. W hat force had driven thehands capable of carving stone in such fashion that spirit could glow upon everyface and radiate w ith such historic humility from every heart. Eyes that seem togaze dow n eons of time! Beacons. A guiding geometry enveloped and thengently beckoned the soul out of the rock. Moses holds a rounded Table of theLaw .W ith Chartres and any other building that echoes the eternal spirit, there is thefeeling that everything essential w as put into the w orld all at once. W as there akey that unlocked that w orld that the Master Craftsman kept in his pocket? Ifthere w as a cosmic code, a great measure, the Egyptian “Arq Ur” – w hich w asone name for the Great Sphinx – did he inherit it? Did he discover it? Perhaps itw as rediscovered in Jerusalem or in Egypt, or in both, from about 1100 to 1128A.D. But w hat w as it: a key to unity perhaps, to the w holeness of things – thatw hich enables harmony? Even language faltered in my mind w hen confrontedw ith the magnitude of know ledge that erupted out of Chartres as if it w ere theCornucopia of the W orld. Each page of Charpentier’s book reflected theaw esome tone that resonated in each stone, each pillar, each figure, saturatedw ith history… a legacy that all of us had inherited from men in the grip of somecosmic inspiration.At the North-W est Porch, Moses holds a pillar. A w inged dragon(French, “w ouivre”), not unlike the w inged serpent of the Egyptians, hasascended the pillar. The Spirit of the W orld has been gathered from the Earthand concentrated in the ground according to the plan you see below . converted by W

That w hich is low est, the serpent, has been raised, lifted up, ‘redeemed’.Presumably it is concentrated according to the ‘table of the law ’ that Mosesholds as w ell: a rectangle w ith a rounded end that resembles aspects of thefloor plan of Chartres show n above. In this image I have included the outsidew idth of the Nave and a length that equals the diagonal of a 50 x 100 meterdouble square (111.8 m). This includes the complete interior Apse and theentrance to the Nave from the tow ers. The North Tow er has been given aheight of about 111.44 meters by Houvet. The diagonal of a 50 x 100 meter 2:1rectangle is 111.8 meters. The difference is 36 centimeters. In the Renaissanceit w as rebuilt and w ith cross and Sun it supposedly reaches 115 meters, sothose items are to be subtracted. The principle of the diagonal of a double squareis so important that my guess is that this w as the original intention. Thediagonal, the square root of 5, is a transcendental function. To stand it up as atow er is to connect heaven and earth. It is the return of spirit to its ow n source.In one fell sw oop the blind hen may have caught a grain of corn in its claw . Thedouble square represents Above and Below . The diagonal is the link betw eenthe tw o. The “Brazen Serpent” makes this link. Every tradition, moreover, w arnsthat the “Kundalini” is dangerous on a vital level. It can be provoked byadvanced yoga techniques. The serpent image is an enigma, a w arning and apromise. Life and death are dangerous. Forew arned is forearmed. W isdom isstill w orth the risk if you feel the calling. Chartres is a testament to this calling. converted by W

The concentrated spirit (brazen serpent in the Bible) rises up the pillar (tow er),a symbol for the human spine. It penetrates and purifies (refines) the inner manand opens the inner eye. In Egypt that W inged Serpent or Uraeus w as alw aysfeminine and w as variously Isis, Neith, Uatchet and so forth. It blossomed at thesummit of its journey as the Eye of Horus and w as symbolized (in part) by theUraeus that projected from the brow of the Pharaoh. A profound parallel isbeing made betw een fundamental principles that dominated Egypt and the ‘lifeof Christ’. W hat is being implied is wisdom, frequently associated by the ancientswith a serpent. Why? The serpent power refers to a pristine force stored up in thebase of the spine that can be opened and lifted up to the heart and head. Here it canblossom, the moment of enlightenment of all religions. At the moment ofenlightenment the darkness; the melancholic state of being lost in the wildernesswith or without sin, is transformed into an inner light that permanently changes theindividual. And it is true: that moment of enlightenment is worth more than anyphysical gold one could possess, no matter how comforting such gold may be! Inthis respect w isdom is not merely encyclopedic information. It is atransformation of being; a ‘w ay’. There are different w ays to express the samepath. A ‘W inged W ouivre’ is one w ay; the “Grail” is another. converted by W

In this image w e see Seti I of the XIXth Dynasty of Egypt making an offering ofMaāt, neter of Truth, Cosmic Balance. The Uraeus extends from Seti’s brow as ifit has blossomed from the khepresh helmet, itself capable of attracting,conducting and concentrating magnetic energy. John Anthony W est reminds methat no khepresh helmet has ever been found, but one thinks of the 30 poundhelmets w orn by the Tibetan kuden, or State Oracle, w orn to induce an oraculartrance every year in the Central Cathedral (w hen formerly in Tibet). In any case,in the bas relief above, the ‘brazen serpent’ has been mastered, raised andblooms like a lotus flow er exuding its numinous perfume out into the w orld. Hishands have been reversed. His left hand is on his right w rist and offers Maāt. Theright hand is on his left w rist and seems to invoke protection. The hands areextensions of the heart and w hat seems to be show n here is not only w hat is inthe heart – the effect of each heart circuit and the decussation of vital energy,vital breath – but he is both giving and receiving simultaneously. ‘He gives to thegod what he receives from the god’. That is Maāt. It is a double action, againechoed in the double square. W e seem to be getting a clue from more ancientmembers of humanity as to the inner secrets of the crucifixion, the principle ofthe cross or crossing; and how it amplifies or magnifies something of inestimableimportance. Maāt represents balance or cosmic equilibrium. So does thecross. There is perhaps no greater balance than that betw een receiving andgiving; systole and diastole; inhalation, exhalation. She herself seems to havetw o right hands and holds the Ankh. Therefore the secret of ‘Truth’ and‘Balance’ is that it ‘gives and maintains life’. W e read a similar passage in theBerlin Papyrus, here severely edited:“I have come to you, I am Thoth [Maāt’s masculine counterpart], my two handsunited to carry Maāt…you make Maāt rest on your head in order that she maytake her seat on your forehead….you exist because Maāt exists,…and viceversa.” This passage makes a direct link betw een Maāt and the Uraeus orraised serpent force. The cross, and crossing, link spirit to matter, and matter tospirit; circle to square and square to circle. It links above to below and aroundto w ithin and vice versa. The breath imitates this; as does each beat of theheart. Maāt is not a ‘Platonic-like’ abstraction. She exists through each livingbeing and each living being exists through her. That is the secret of thecrossing, decussation, symbolized by exchanging the position of the hands inthe bas relief. Life is w oven into being by the crossing. In the crucifixion one isgiven new life. After a dire separation, male and female are reunited. Theessence is re-baptized. The spirit is born. One thinks of the crossing of thediagonals in a 2:1 rectangle. Each one is valued at 2.236068, the root of 5.W hen multiplied together you get 5, the number of life and sometimes of manhimself! Moreover, 2 + 3 = 5 = 2.236068 × 2.236068. 2 + 3 = female + male. converted by W

Maāt is offering ‘life’, the Ankh. In the canon of proportions the diagonals crosson the pubic bone: that w hich divides male from female sexuality and alsoprovides the means of their reunion. From that reunion, often ecstatic, new lifea ris e s .The tow ers are not merely ornaments or ‘let’s see w ho can build the highestspire’. To suggest this is a considerable affront to the Master Craftsman ofChartres, even if other churches succumbed to such dubious endeavors. Thetow ers attracted energy above and crossed it over w ith energy below . Abishop, Monseigneur Pie, once said of Chartres: “Its source is below andabove”. (Mysteries of Chartres, p. 29). For humans it is not possible toexaggerate the importance of the hands. Not only are they extensions of theheart. But they also are w ired to the mind and brain. In a sense the handsexpress the union of head and heart. They are also connected to speech. Giventhat the hands are capable of such intricate, nonstop labor, one w ould imaginethat a special geometry must command their creation and function. It took meseveral years to realize that ‘squared-circle’ geometry was playing a fundamentalrole in the proportion of the hands. But this meant placing the center of a circleover the heart, the cross of the Thoracic Vesica Piscis. I did not find this circleuntil December, 1997. I w as looking at the heart as the center of the ‘archer’sbow ’. If the heart w as perturbed the arrow w ould not reach its target. Thearrow could also be taken as a metaphor for the human spirit. The eye and theheart w ere guiding the arrow together: the hands w ere their sensitiveservants. So I placed a circle over the heart and built it up in concentrics. Iimagined it to be a bow . I then learned about something called the Ideal Anglein botany that divided a circle around a shared stalk or stem by the goldensection. This division became the tension in the bow capable of firing an ‘arrow’. Iknew an ‘arrow ’ could assume different forms of expression: from w riting w ords,to draw ing pictures, to driving a car. I w ill return to this ahead. Moreover, w ordscould escape by different routes!Note below how the diagonals seem to shape and focus energy into thesacrum: the abode of the serpent energy. The diagonals crossing from belowseem to w ant to open it up: to let the genie out of his bottle. There is ananterior and dorsal aspect to the same energy. Sexuality is anterior. Thekundalini that can be raised for spiritual transformation is dorsal.I should just add here a comment by Lucie Lamy, the stepdaughter of Schw allerde Lubicz w ho carried out countless precise illustrations for his books: “Maāt isthe greatest treasure that a being might w ish for.” (egyptian mysteries, p. 51)She calls Maāt “Cosmic Consciousness”, w hich is clearly to be distinguished from converted by W

mundane consciousness that comes and goes. Obviously the implication is thatMaāt must be aw akened. W hen she is aw akened, the crossing becomesreal. Not surprisingly, perhaps, if you slipped Lucie Lamy’s line into Parzival, butreplaced the w ord Maāt w ith Grail, you w ould never know the difference. “TheGrail is the greatest treasure that a being might w ish for.” Is the true essenceof the Grail the same as Maāt?Cosmic consciousness transmutes know ledge into the greatest of alltreasures. The Grail transmutes its contents to the point of overflow ing. W hatoverflow s has become a qualitative transformation of being – anaccomplishment unique in its ow n time. The overflow is the difference. Chartresclearly overflow s its ow n tangible boundary-stones. It is also unique. TheW inged-Serpent overflow s the cross, the papyrus stalk of Uatchet, the pillarthat he has ascended, the soaring obelisk. Speech overflow s the throat thathas created it. Love overflow s the heart that spaw ns it. W hat can beaccumulated can overflow . The maple key overflow s the branch. The perfume ofthe rose easily escapes its thorny prison. But w hen Parzival took the miracle ofthis superabundance for granted and failed to rise up and ask in humility andcompassion about the circumstances surrounding the Grail – including theuncured illness of his ailing uncle, the Grail King – he found himself w andering ina senseless w asteland having lost all sense of time and purpose until nearlyconsumed by his ow n anger. The grail is not just about abundance. It is alsoabout the w ound from w hich abundance springs. Gates don’t open w ithoutquestions to turn the key. W ithout humility at the base, the tow ering tree w illtopple in the first strong w ind. The Grail King and the Osiris King have much incommon. The fallen pillar w ill rise again at the right moment in the cycle.“Three Tables bore the Grail”.In a state of almost pre-cognitive chaos – sometimes premonitory – I cameupon Charpentier’s fortuitous recollection at some point in June, 1985, at thestart of a bew itching New Zealand w inter, the birds singing, the grass alw aysgreen, Greenpeace in tow n getting ready to protest nuclear tests in island arcatolls w ith their feisty little ship, The Rainbow W arrior. So, back in 1964 therew as a ritual gathering of “the Society for the Study of Traditional Sciences”, the“Friends of Atlantis”, on a property in a suburb of Paris. Somebody had faith in acivilization that, according to Plato, w as thousands of years older than eitherEgypt or Greece. A fire w as lit in the name of Saint John; there w as chanting andperambulating in a circle w ith beribboned sticks and colored costumes. A speechw as given during w hich the speaker invoked the ‘traditional enigma’ w henmentioning the carpenter w ho had been responsible for saving many of thechurch spires ravaged by the Battles of 1944. Charpentier had to paraphrasethe ‘enigma’ and recounted it tw o w ays. I w ill mention the second w ay first, aseventually it w ill provide the scale of the cathedral and its elevations:“Three tables bore the Grail, a round one, a square one and a rectangular. Allthree have the same perimeter and their Number is 21”. (The Mysteries ofChartres Cathedral, p.92, p.133)W hen I first read this, it w as a brain-stopper. The w hole w orld seemed togather itself around it for a second or tw o and let out a sigh, leaving me tow restle w ith the riddle. The unconscious seems to know its ow n cause beforeconsciousness has identified the specifics. You feel before you ‘know ’. This w as atrade-secret that distinguished temple builders from all others, not wishinganyone to cast doubt upon the secret itself, nor their ow n intentions – the ‘Stonemost pure’. It w as an enigma w ith many layers, many implications. It remindedme of a mobius strip or the Chen sign of the Egyptians, or the sacred ligaturethat united Horus and Seth, North and South – through the breath that w eaveslife and feeds the blood in the midst of the thorax. Something unlimited andhighly differentiated w as being united. In short, the image overflow ed its ow nlimits. It w as not just ‘squared-circle’ geometry that I had encountered in bothDoczi and Michell; rather it involved the authority of a third. The third w as arectangle. At the South-East Porch of Chartres, to the North of Christ w hooccupies the central position, Saint John can be seen holding a 2:1 rectangulartablet. They lit the fire of Saint John on that property outside Paris. The 2:1 hasbeen associated w ith ‘revelation’. converted by W

Saint John is the second from the left. This is the only photo I could find for the moment. I have misplaced a better quality one. Saint John is holding a 2:1 re cta n g u la r book. I already knew from Doczi that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh w as based upon the squaring of the circle by perimeter, but had not yet thought of a d ire ct co n n e ctio n between the Great Pyramid and the Grail. I had never imagined any co n n e ctio n between theGreat Pyramid and Chartres. As it turned out, the connection is not the leastvague but entails actual measures. I needed to read Parzival first and then thePyramid Texts to understand the context: what the ‘squared-circle’ might beexpected to accomplish. The Phoenix makes a significant appearance in bothParzival and the Pyramid Texts (e.g. Utterance 600, PT 1652). I also did notknow that the King’s Chamber w ithin the Great Pyramid w as concerned w ith‘squaring-the-circle.’ In fact the KC circle is of genuine interest for us moderns.As mentioned already, a circle w ith the same perimeter as the 2:1 rectangularKing’s Chamber itself has a diameter that is exactly 10 meters. I w ill be comingback to this point. Recall, that if you ‘squared-the-circumference-of the-Earth’,and then divided each side of the square by 10,000,000, you w ould have themeter, or say 39.37 inches. The meter is derived from a principle. The principle isthe ‘Squaring-of-the-Earth-Circle’.In this context – w ith the mention of 3 Tables – it is difficult not to think ofHermes Trismegistos or Thrice-Greatest Hermes, especially w hen one bears inmind that Hermes means Her-mes or Hr-ms w hich meant in Egyptian: ‘the birthof Horus’! And if one w ants to be even more technical at this stage, one can seethis really means the ‘rebirth of Osiris-as-Horus’. Charpentier uses the pasttense: ‘bore the Grail’. The religion centered on Horus and Isis probably initiatedthe Egyptian civilization around 4200 B.C. or so w hen the Sirian Calendar w asestablished based on the heliacal rising of Sirius every 365.25 days. Thesynodical month depends from the Year, so this coincidence of the HeliacalRising of Sirius every 365.25 days is a stunning convergence of harmonies.Sirius (8.7 light years aw ay) has an invisible w hite dw arf orbiting it, adding aunique gravitational situation to the equation. By linking the Grail to Isis, theancients w ere automatically taking Sirius into account. This w as the star of Isisalso know n as The Great Provider in her name “Sothis”. The Dogon of Africacalled Sirius B, the w hite dw arf, Po Digitaria, or the granary of the w orld. Eventhough Sirius B could not be seen w ith the naked eye, the Dogon knew it w asth e re .Thoth-Hermes w as treated by the Egyptians in a special w ay. W hen Ra w ascreated, they proclaimed, it w as Thoth and Maāt w ho brought him up out of thevoid and established his size and so forth. For the Egyptians Thoth and Maātrepresented some form of vital harmony. The Egyptians attributed all sizes, allperiodicities, all measure and all design, ultimately to Thoth and Maāt. Thisincluded the human body! It w ould have been Thoth w ho w ould haveestablished the 3 tables that bore the Grail. The balance among them w ould havebeen the domain of Maāt. Thoth w as also called “The Judge betw een the Tw o converted by W

Combatants”, he ‘who reconciles Horus and Seth’. One imagines the Circle to beHorus; the Square to be Seth; and the rectangle to be Thoth. Because of theplethora of information associated w ith the temple, the Grail, I have to omitmany, many details. The art of editing is not w ithout pain.Read Full Post »The Vase of Life: Vesica Piscis and 2:1 (6)Posted in Human Harmonics on April 11, 2010 | Leave a C omment »The Vase of Life: Post 6The Vesica Piscis and 2:1The book that W agui gave me back in New York in 1984, as alreadymentioned, w as called “The Temple in Man”. The basic premise of this little book– designed to introduce Schw aller’s more monumental tome: “The Temple ofMan” – w as that the ancient Egyptians had laid out the famous Temple of Luxorin accordance w ith extremely learned know ledge of the principles ofhuman anatomy and the ka that they referred to as the “double”. This bookreinforced the tradition passed on by Vitruvius and illustrated by Leonardo daVinci, that Greek temples w ere proportioned 2:1, in imitation of human anatomy.In essence, Schw aller w as suggesting that Luxor w as a crucible that describedman’s genesis, his phases of becoming and his return to the source as anaccomplished spiritual being once the ka had been purified andtransformed. The feeling, then, w as that the geometry I w as pursuingextended to the ka and had to bridge the physical and spiritual w orlds. I usedthe geometry as a motivation to study some of those principles w hich had alsobeen inspired by my unexpected 1980 dream, a dream that had its ow n internalchoreography and had occurred at a specific point in a major life cycle know n toastrologers from all traditions as the progressed New Moon w hen something newis born from the death of the previous cycle.One more book introduced me to another indispensable piece of the puzzle.John Michell’s “New View Over Atlantis” (1969, 1973, 1983) w as the first placew here I saw an interesting introduction to the geometrical construction know nas the Vesica Piscis, w here the perimeters of tw o overlapping circles passthrough each other’s centers, forming a ‘fish-shaped’ Vesica betw een them. TheVesica Piscis proved to be of particular importance for draw ing the principles ofthe female w hich I started w ith first simply because w e are all gestated andborn from the female. W ithout an introduction to the Vesica Piscis I w ould havebeen guessing for a very long time.If op is “1”, “nm”, “fg” and “eh” are 1.73205…, w hich is the square root of 3.Yet again, at the heart of this draw ing, w e see the Prime 2:1 rectangle, ABCD.Note there are 3, equal 2:1 rectangles comprising the 2:3 rectangle, IJKL. Thetw o circles overlap w ithin the Prime 2:1, ABCD, creating a sense of bothinsulation and remarkable stability or equilibrium. A root-3 rectangle, ‘efgh’,frames the Vesica itself, measured by both long and short axes (‘mn’ & ‘op’). TheVesica Piscis can easily be constructed by the Prime 2:1 by alternately placingthe compass point on o and p. W ith the compass on o, open it to p and sw ing a converted by W

circle. Then w ith the compass on p, open it to o and make another circle. Thevesica in the middle, w ith vertical axis nm, w ill produce a length that is theSquare Root of 3 or 1.732050808…. another fundamental example of anirrational or incommensurable value, such as 2.236068…,1.61803398….1.273239545…., 1.236067984… My ow n initial hunch about theseirrationals – values that plunge tow ard the microcosm or tow ard the curvatureof space-time – w as that they also pointed to a process. The number w asautomatically including time as a factor. W hen insulated like this Vesica, the rootof 3 seemed to point to an internal process. But just as important w as therealization that the Vesica w as being formed w ithin the Prime 2:1 w hich keeps itconnected to outer processes. The 2:1 is the ultimate mediator betw een innerand outer; small and large; top/bottom; back/front, above/below . It’s like agenerator. From it all sorts of functional geometrical forms are beingconstructed. Instinctively I started to search for w here in our anatomy aprocess might manifest itself through a form as fundamental as this VesicaP is cis .The perimeter of a 2:1 rectangle consists of 6 of its ow n w idths. A hexagon w ithradius 1 (and side 1), show n below as QRNSTM (containing 6 small equilateraltriangles and 3 large ones), has the same perimeter as the 2:1, ABCD. TheVesica Piscis itself is intimately linked to hexagonal geometry and the squareroot of 3. For this reason it is a bridge betw een tw o w orlds: the inorganicmineral w orld of crystals and the w orld of biological life. There are 7 divisionsof crystals w ith 32 subdivisions. Hexagonal crystals constitute one division. Animportant example of a hexagonal crystal is calcium w ith its 20 protons and 20neutrons. Calcium is critical for the structural composition of our skeletal systemand contributes to the regulation of the heartbeat. At an even subtler levelcalcium seems to be essential in facilitating the production of GnRH and LH thatbring about ovulation. It is critical in the act of fertilization of an ovum by asperm. It also seems to be essential in the w ay that the diffused chromatinmaterial coagulates into chromosomes and self-replicates during mitosis. It alsoseems to be important in the sol/gel cycle w ithin the cytoplasm of each cell thatmay contribute to quantum insulation allow ing cytoplasmic microtubules toparticipate in w hat quantum theory calls “quantum coherence” (see “Tow ard aScience of Consciousness”, Penrose, Hameroff, 1996, 1998). Meanw hile Carbon-12 likes to form its organic compounds by using hexagonal geometry in itsbonding patterns. It is so versatile that it acts as if intermediate betw een ametal and a nonmetal. Carbon combines into organic compounds 1.5 times morethan the inorganic compounds of all other elements combined! Living moleculesare closely linked to hexagonal geometry. This suggests a functionalcompatibility betw een the Vesica Piscis and the hexagonal architecture that it isa part of.Note 1.5 is 3/2, the same proportion that frames the Vesica construction above(IJKL) and completely suspends or insulates both Vesica and Hexagon. Maleblood pressure is best set at 120/80 w hich is the ratio 3/2. This seems to havea bearing on w here the thorax is situated in the standing adult. It happens tobe 3/2 x Unity or 75% of the height! It is quite fascinating to note that thereseems to be a bit of flex or stretch betw een the full 2:1 and the hexagondepicted above. In some crystals, an alternating cycle betw een compressionand decompression w ill generate piezoelectricity at a subtle scale. In cells such converted by W

a current is critical for the storage and transmission of information that w illbecome anything from memory, to thought, to muscular response! But it mayalso play a role in subconscious processing of information that w ill becomeconscious. W hen tubulin protein forms into microtubules they behave a lot likecrystals do. The subunits are dipole structures that change their physicalconformation as they process information according to their ‘sw itching times’.More ahead in another section.The King’s Chamber offers a ClueBy this point, draw ing the 2:1, ABCD, had become for me a prime ritual. Below Iplugged in values for the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid, probably themost famous 2:1 construction on Earth. I had become interested in it quickly,not unlike my interest in Chartres. The KC w as like a granite magnet. Theattraction w as inexplicable, especially in view of the fact that w hen Abdullah AlMamun, the son of caliph Harun Al-Rashid, finally succeeded in 820 A.D. w ith averitable army of helpers, in smashing his w ay into the Great Pyramid in searchof everything from treasure, to maps, to tables of the celestial and terrestrialspheres, he ended up finding the King’s Chamber to be entirely emptyof everything except a lidless, empty dark granite coffer. No maps, no treasure,no mummy, nothing. Al Mamun claims he had a dream in w hich Aristotleappeared to him and this drove him to break into the Great Pyramid. NowAristotle w as one w ho apparently knew that the Egyptians had accuratelymeasured the Earth w ith a measure of 40,000,000 w hich of course could onlybe the meter. Al Mamun w as looking for a more accurate size for the Earth thanthe one the Arabs had measured north of Baghdad to advance the Arabicinterest in navigation. The mention of Aristotle w as not at all a meaninglessone. Aristotle may have inherited some information from Herodotus or othersw ho had traveled extensively in Egypt just prior to classical times.The more clues gathered, the more I gradually came to believe that the KC w asthe consummation of human understanding of holism: w hat holism is and w hatit implies. In this sense it w as the ultimate gate betw een material process andspiritual liberation. I came to see holism not merely as a human ideal, somethinginvented by the human mind – a psychological striving alone – but rather, it w asbeginning to appear to me as if it w ere the basis itself and that w e w ere all theoff-spring of that basis! That it w as founded upon the principles of the doublesquare struck me as no meaningless coincidence. The geometry had become likea great picture puzzle. Many of the pieces appeared missing or very w ell hidden.I had to develop a nose for finding them. The King’s Chamber w as a piece of thepuzzle that appeared early. But like great seeds it w as slow to grow intoconsciousness. Not being blessed w ith patience at birth, I had to come tounderstand that patience is like an enzyme: it stimulates grow th inunderstanding. W ithout a strong root system understanding w ill break dow nunder stress. The enzyme of patience must stimulate and then allow the rootsto take hold. One of the rituals in the life of a cell is the biosynthesis ofe n z yme s !W ith the King’s Chamber I had to learn the difference betw een presumption andreality. This w as a ritual all by itself. The puzzle of the King’s Chamber w asincomplete until I began to familiarize myself w ith the Pyramid Texts w hich oughtto accompany all considerations about the King’s Chamber like a manual.Otherw ise each w ave of explorers simply project upon this empty, beautifully-crafted 17 x 34 x 19 foot room, anything they w ant to find. The Pyramid Texts converted by W

do not merely remind us w hy the King’s Chamber w as built, but also how it w asto be used. One observation I latched onto early as I started to read about theKing’s Chamber is that the angle of the passagew ays w as consistently thatof the diagonal of a 2:1 rectangle: namely ~ 26.56°. This angle includes theascent up the Grand Gallery to the Great Step. Then, w hen one gets throughthe intermediate chamber and reaches the apotheosis of the Great Pyramid’sarchitecture, one discovers that he has entered a marvelously proportioned 2:1rectangular room – completely enclosed in red granite. So much precision w asbuilt into the Great Pyramid that I believed immediately that all design thatpertained to the 2:1 construction w as intentional and highly informed, and byno means just a matter of convenience the w ay w e moderns manufactureplyw ood for example. At times it gave me chills: the scale, the w orkmanship,the magnitude, and the consistent presence of the dynamics of the doublesquare. The double square had become the sole means of access; the solestarting point for me to lay dow n the geometrical principles of our anatomy. Soas I learned about the Great Pyramid I w as also learning about man; and viceversa. It took many more years for me to realize that this reciprocity w as thesecret of the Egyptian neter called Maāt and the basis of truth. In Egypt Maātand “truth” w ere one and the same. The science of the pyramid w as not adetached science. It w as not merely an objective pragmatism. The ancientEgyptians w ere as concerned w ith the human spirit as they w ere w ith thehuman body. This has been difficult for us to accept.The ritual here w as to begin to feel the volume of the KC. I learned quickly thatif you sw ung the arc of CG dow n to the floor you could get a square that w as5.236 x 3/2 on a side or 7.854 m. This square (IJKL) w ould have the sameperimeter as the KC floor (DEFC) and a circle w ith a diameter of exactly 10meters. 3/2 is 3/4th the length of a 2:1 rectangle. It’s the diagonal of the endw all. So, 7.854 x 4 = 31.416 = 10.472 x 3 = 5.236 x 6 = 10 x 3.1416…. anexcellent value for pi (3.141592654…).Every time I drew out a 2:1 rectangle, I realized I w as draw ing the shape of themost famous chamber on Earth. And every time I started a new draw ing of thehuman form I alw ays started w ith a 2:1 rectangle. And alw ays – despite allsimplicity – I felt I w as performing a special task, something I could feel in themiddle of my chest. It inexplicably felt like Christmas or Easter w hen somethingtoo delightful to measure is reborn. I felt as if it w as the greatest keyhole tow hich I had been given a key. But most importantly, I w as discovering a side tomyself that had been lost at school. I lost all patience for geometry, arithmetic,anatomy, these basic things – through no real fault of the school. I had beeninjured severely on a football field w hen I w as 17 and after exactly one monthin the hospital I emerged a different man. Nobody thought to get me a tutor tohelp me catch up. In fact some people saw me as a troubled “loser” after thatinjury. Nobody w as imagining the healing process except the nursing staff atthe hospital w ho exhorted me to go easy on my ribs for many more months.Everything w as quickly replaced by social drama; the drama of employment, ofrelationships, of politics, of corruption; of injustice; of human deception, bigotry,cruelty; the drama of the struggle for survival and how to overcome thealienation that had seeped into the 1960’s and induced a violent revolt frommany strata of society. In that drama I lost touch w ith the basis. W hile in the converted by W

hospital visitors kept telling me about the movie “Midnight Cow boy”. As soon asI got out of the hospital I immediately started to search for a new basis. Iw alked from W ellesley Street in Toronto up to Young and Eglington to seeMidnight Cow boy. It w as the first thing I did. I sat through it tw ice. I couldbarely get out of my seat. Dustin Hoffman, in one blow , altered my w hole viewof humanity – he reset my emotional compass. The w ay he interacted moment-by-moment w ith Jon Voigt transformed my image of all of us strew n across theglossy neon highw ays and byw ays of North American alienation. Several yearslater – after much trial and error – my 1980 dream encouraged and drove me torediscover the basics that I had abandoned after the trauma on the footballfield. But I never imagined that the basis w ould start w ith something as simpleas a double square; a rectangle the length of which is twice its width.Ritual: A Necessary DisciplineI had avoided ritual my w hole life. I hated it. I rebelled against all forms ofindoctrination – to my ow n peril. But that changed unexpectedly. I learned totolerate yoga from 1977 to 1980. It had become essential in order to handle theoverw helming constellation of the archetypes w hen they started to ‘erupt’ in thesummer of 1976 in New York City. In one dream that summer, in particular, Iw as show n the categorical difference betw een suppression and repression. Thisw as some dream – completely unexpected! My real self had been repressedbeyond all recognition. The dream blew the cap off the repression as if it w erethe top of a volcano. The lava w as the rage I had held dow n for decades. By converted by W

holding it dow n I had blocked the development of a truthful self. My cynicismw as also repressed and w as assuming many masks. Yoga w as one critical w ayback to authenticity, for w ant of a better term. It helped to guide the chaos ofmy w hole internal life as it w as progressively shaken up and ‘reduced toash’ from 1976 to 1980. The breathing and correct posture became my supportw hen everything else had fallen aw ay: everything except the steadfastness ofa few relationships and the body and mind the breathing w as animating. I alsorecorded as much as I could in my journal. I w rote dow n every dream in full. Nomatter how tired I w as, I w rote out the w hole dream. The dreams feltinstinctively like medicine. I made sure that I ingested the entire dose that Naturewas dispensing into my psyche with each dream. I w as convinced that aconservation law w as at w ork and that the psychic energy of each dream had tobe caught in the hermetic flask. Every drop. Every nuance. This w as pure, butdeep, instinct. Nobody could have taught me this. It w as something I had tofeel. Something about the dreams themselves aw akened the instinct. I w asnever cynical about dreams. They alw ays ignited my inner attention and left mew ondering, curious, deeply interested.This disciplined ritual w as eventually accompanied by the ritual of art –sometimes very simple; at other times overly complex – in w hich I allow ed orderto ‘spontaneously’ organize a chaos that I saw as the beginning of things. Thechaos w as providing energy for a self-organization that took different forms. Atspecific stages I used only pen and ink on natural papers. I w as trying to feelout a dynamic balance betw een tw o forces: centripetal and its centrifugalreaction to the confinement of an energy. The relationship betw een macroscopicgestures and quantized patterns that formed w ithin them, affected the w ay I didyoga. Prior to yoga I had forced everything. I did not value or understandgentleness. I had no patience for the w ay Nature grew and built itself up fromthe small to the large. I w anted everything immediately. In other w ords I w as ina non-stop panic. The only purpose I had w as passion. But the passion lackedpattern and order. I had no sense of building a life. After the football injury Ifelt I had nothing; no foundation, no trajectory, no support. converted by W

By repetition and inclusion, eventually these rituals accumulated energy. W itheach accumulation the nucleus w as altered and influenced. Slow ly ittransformed until I realized that only a few archetypes held together thetransitory sequences of appearances – important at the moment, but notpermanent in the long run.It w as as if a new nucleus w ere giving birth to itself. I felt like a mother hen,listening and brooding. I w as offering heat, concentration, attention to a ‘yolk’that eventually hatched into a revelation of the self, providing a new foundationstone for me to keep going. The ‘lotus bloom’, its final product, took the form ofa dream – to my continued surprise. I had no idea w hat to expect. There w eresign posts but the suspense w as too deep to have concrete expectations. Thedream possessed the numinous feeling that somehow it contained everything,or that somehow everything w as implied in it. That w as a remarkable feeling. Itcontained a spiritual root, not merely a physical root. I recall clearly the timew hen I believed everything w as ‘physical’. I thought the spirit w as merely anillusion or w orse: a delusion. This dream completely overthrew that conceit. Iexperienced directly the dramatic difference betw een body and spirit. Moreover,it w as experienced as a metamorphosis – a sudden transformation and converted by W

expansion from physical form and sensation to spirit state. There w asorientation of consciousness but no ‘body’. The ‘perfume’ of this experience hasnever gone aw ay: for better or w orse. This extraordinary revelation of the innerparadigm of the self, w hich in my case assumed the forms of many religions as ifcoalesced into a single, harmonious w hole, compelled me to look at thegeometry w ith fresh eyes, not as a school boy. It w as not indoctrination. It w asself-evident discovery: seeing the ‘givens’ in a more natural w ay.The Vesica Piscis and Female AnatomyBack in 1985 I w as so taken by the Vesica Piscis that I immediately tried to findout how it could be applied to our anatomy but needed to get the 2:1 rectangleand its close cousin, the golden rectangle, w orking first. The 1:2 w as evidentimmediately in the Vesica Paradigm. (a) The width of the Vesica (EF) w hichseparates the centers of the tw o circles, the Root-3 rectangles (QRST, RNTM,etc.) and Prime 2:1 (ABCD), as w ell as each side of the hexagon (QRNSTM) seenin the image repeated below , are all equal and can be called ‘Unity’. An importantpart of the ritual of geometry is the acceptance of unity. Everything is relative toit. It is one’s module and it seems that it behaves both as a particular unityw hile yet also imitating Unity as a universal image. Unity is a bit enigmatic,suggesting that in fact it is sunk in a greater whole as is the imaginative mindthat is contemplating such images. Each unity is itself a fraction of a greaterunity, w hile yet acting as a representative of that greater unity in the w ay itbehaves.(b) The diameters of the tw o interpenetrating circles, (GF and EH, AD and BC),the height of the 2:1 rectangle (ABCD), the height of the 2:3 rectangle (JK), thespan across the hexagon (e.g. MN), the sum of tw o equilaterals side-by-sideand the diagonal of the Root-3 rectangle, QRST, are all 2.(c) The long axis of the Vesica (OP) and the height of the rectangle QRST thatcontains it, are both the square root of 3. For this reason it is w holly containedw ithin the 2:3 rectangle, IJKL, and also w ithin the tw o overlapping circles –except exactly w here they first meet! Those are the ‘mouths’ of the Vesica. Thissuggests a level of insulation. It is capable of incubation and gestation.Psychologically, it seems to imply the potential for w hat could be called an innerlife; or the cultivation of a soul. But also it could refer to inner physiologicalprocesses capable of homeostasis. Hexagonal geometry, w ith the Vesica Piscis,seem to lend themselves to this type of self-regulation. Also note that the 3large equilateral triangles, MRS, QNT, NTQ, all have sides equal to the root of 3.The difference betw een the perimeters of these equilaterals and the perimeterof the hexagon that contains them is, in the standing adult, the measure fromthe vocal cords to the crow n of the head. I’ll come back to this.(d) The diagonal of the Prime 2:1 is the square root of 5.Below I have show n how the Prime 2:1, ABCD, can evolve from a root-3rectangle or vice versa. Here you see “2” as the diagonal of the root-3 rectangleand the length of the 2:1 ABCD. W hat they share is unity: their common root. Inthe case of the King’s Chamber, Unity is 10 cubits or 5.236 meters w hich I’vew ritten in here as a module. converted by W

It is quite an interesting exercise to contemplate the evolution of measures thatarise betw een 1 and 2. One key is the right angle (e.g. DEC, ADC, etc). I shouldmention that in the Big Dream that I am alw ays referring to, the right angle w asvery pronounced throughout the entire dream including the mystical part of theevent. It seemed to characterize the relationship betw een magnetism andelectrical energy in w hat w e call electromagnetism. The right angle seems to beat the heart of self-organization at a very subtle level of our makeup. It likelyplays a key role in the architecture of the genome and the w ay specific parts ofit w ill rotate their position affecting both adaptation and behavior. The imageabove evolves w hen 2 is dropped from an original right angle (as a 2:1rectangle) to the opposite right angle or side and becomes a diagonal (DC).Below you can see w hat happens w hen the square root of 2, the diagonal of asquare, is dropped dow n. The new diagonal of the root of 2 rectangle becomesthe square root of 3 and its longest diagonal becomes 2 or the root of 4. Theseprogressions occur naturally from w ithin the 2:1 rectangle.Now w hat happens is the diagonal of the base (root of 3) is turned into a rightangle and becomes the volume below w ith 2 as the new diagonal. The root of 5now becomes the longest diagonal of the volume.Note that this box contains 4 root functions. 3 of the 4 behave similarly in thatthey are all irrational numbers: 1.4142135…; 1.7320508…; 2.236067978…. The4th behaves differently because it is a w hole number, 2. That same ‘2’ w ill bethe height of the human figure that starts as a 2:1 rectangle. In thisprogression, the root that behaves differently is the 3rd one. Coincidentally inthe Egyptian Djed Column, they usually depicted 4 Capitals atop the Djed. The3rd of the 4 capitals usually portrayed the tw o eyes that protect the seed.The new long side above becomes the root of 3. The diagonal rectangle (HBCE)w ithin the volume, restores the Prime 2:1, w ith a diagonal that is the square rootof 5. So you have the root of 2, the root of 3, the root of 4 and the root of 5 asa progression w ithin a very w ell-proportioned volume. I renamed the 2:1diagonal HBCE to show it is a new development as w ell as a restoration. Thisroot-3 box is a very attractive volume. It plays an important role in determiningcritical elevations at Chartres. The cathedral w ould be quite different w ithout it.Note that the angle CED is 60° w hich is simply the inverse tangent of converted by W

1.732050808….The Root of 3 also acts as a bridge from hexagonal to cubic geometry throughvolume. It measures the transformation from a square plane to the volume of acube. W e can see this below w here the Root of 3 is the common denominatorbetw een the diagonal of a Root of 2 rectangle and the volumetric diagonal of acube. converted by W

And as w e have seen, it is also the long axis of a Vesica Piscis, demonstrating abehavioral affinity betw een volume and plane. Under a pressure variation cycle,such as tidal gravity and other forms of movement, piezoelectric and ferroelectriccurrent can be stimulated in biological material that is behaving like a crystal. Bycompression/decompression cycles the electrons change their positions relativeto one another. W hen the material reverts to a previous position orconformation, current flow s as the electrons also fall back to their initialpositions. This current, if stored in patterns, could be a deep layer of biologicalmemory as w ell as the substratum for sub-conscious processing capable ofbecoming conscious in rapid intervals – contributing to the experience of astream-of-consciousness that makes life w hat it is. The fact that unity as amodule is so ubiquitous throughout diverse structures of one’s anatomy; andthe fact that progressions like the square root of 3 show up in such diverse –but interrelated – geometrical architectures, suggests that onecompression/decompression w ave might affect a large area of crystal-likebiological matter. The current moved, or stimulated, is not merely electrons, butstrengths of photons (the ‘exchange’ particles), w hich mediate theelectromagnetic force, are also being stimulated. Photons are massless, moveeffectively at the speed of light, and have no anti-particle. They must play asignificant role in the nature of mind and the w ay the senses function as anensemble in acts of consciousness, states of appreciation, emotional statesw hen w e are profoundly moved, etc.So I w ill repeat this principle. The fact that unity appears in so many places in acomplex geometry; and the fact that progressions from unity, like the root of 3,also appear in diverse biological architectures, suggests that many parts of ourmake-up are being affected by the same stimuli. Everything is contributing toconsciousness. Unity is being preserved throughout as if it w ere an architecturalmodule. This is significant because at the quantum scale only minute amounts ofenergy are needed to effect a difference capable of registering ‘memory’ orinformation. Once you have volume it is possible to store dynamic informationthat can even self-replicate. Some of our most important know ledge may w ell beholographic and through shared resonances offers the experience ofsynchronicity w hich greatly enhances the feeling of belonging in a meaningfulw ay to a greater w hole – even if often unconscious. The square root of 3 is‘measuring’ a common resonance preserved as an energy paquet or moduleacross a variety of states w hich may alternate rhythmically producing not onlylife’s vast variety of qualities but also our deep inner sense of a universalmu s ica lity.I w ill repeat, in the image below w e see how a Root-3rectangular volume expresses all the root functions: Root-2, Root-3, Root-4(i.e.2) and Root-5, w hen Unity is the Prime square at each end. By making Unity10 cubits w e can see how this volume engenders the exact size and shape of converted by W

the floor and ceiling of the King’s Chamber, here seen as the diagonal rectangle,HBCE. The floor and ceiling of the King’s Chamber are 5.236 x 10.472 meters.The height is half its ow n diagonal and is 5.854 meters or 11.18 cubits.So, the long axis of the Vesica (PO) is an irrational number: 1.7320508…., thesquare root of 3. The diagonal of the Root 3 rectangle is 2 (QS), a w holenumber. The diagonal of thePrime 2:1 (AC) is the irrational root of 5 or 2.236068… w hile its height is 2 (BC).W hat w e have is an alternation w ithin one image betw een rational andirrational, inside and outside; right angle and diagonal. The inside of the rational2:1 is irrational; and the inside of the irrational Root-3 rectangle is ‘rational‘.W hat the tw o share, how ever, is Unity as the width and on each side of thehexagonal lattice (e.g. MQ, QR, RN, etc). It w ill be important then to see w hatrole an upright Vesica might play in our anatomy, since its vertical axis is anirrational number (1.73205…), w hile its horizontal axis is the same as the width(Unity) of the Prime 1:2 rectangle and all the sides of the hexagon and the width ofthe Root-3 rectangle! Infinite and finite are operating together!!! The infinitevalues that fall off tow ard the infinitesimal may refer to process + curvature,w hich produces a cycle, feedback loops that return information, or energy, backinto the system, w hich w hen it self-regulates results in rhythm. A cycle caninduce a pulse: a w ave of energy that keeps regenerating itself. Oneimmediately thinks of the centrality of the auricular and ventricular nodes of theh e a rt.I should also mention that each curved half of the Vesica (O thru F to P and Othru E to P) represents 120 Degrees of the opposite circle. 120 Degrees is a‘trine’ in astrology, often associated w ith perfection, ease of activity, harmonyand success. Taken together the tw o sides make up 2/3 of a w hole circle, w hileeach side is 1/3 of a w hole circle. The Temple of Solomon also used the division1/3 and 2/3. The Holy of Holies w as 1/3 the w hole, w hile the 2:1 rectangle ofthe main court w as 2/3 of the w hole. One principle, tw o different applications. converted by W

The w idth of this very special Vesica or vase, is 1/3rd the w hole structure (2interpenetrating circles span ‘3’), giving the Vesica some affinity w ith the “Holyof Holies”.2:1 as the SeedW e just saw the role played by Unity, AB, in the images above. In the quiteprolific image below , that Robert Law lor calls “the polygonal w orld” in his verycomprehensive 1982 w ork called “Sacred Geometry”, you can see that everysingle side of each polygon spaw ned by the commanding 2:1 rectangle equalsUnity (EF, AB, QR, etc.)! The importance of the width of a 2:1 rectangle w ill alsobe evident w hen w e get to the canon of the female. Law lor sees the Vesica asthe ‘seed’ in this image, but I have altered the image by completing the 2:1rectangle (ABCD) and since it is the w ay to construct the Vesica and the Root of3 rectangle, it strikes me that the 2:1 is the ‘acorn’ from w hich the entireglorious tree of life springs, including the polygonal w orld depicted in theillustration (see Sacred Geometry, p. 34, Thames and Hudson Publ). Everythingcomes from the 2:1 and everything returns to it. It is the crucible. The 2:1supports the interpenetrating circles w ithin the 2:3 rectangle (IJGH), that in turnsuspends the Vesica w ithin the hexagon (not show n here). As stated more thanonce already, the Vesica appears to be insulated and this insulation may be onekey to both life and consciousness. Eventually they develop a relationship of vital,reciprocal support. converted by W

Note the dominance of the Prime Unity Square, ABFE. It contains 1/2 the Vesicaand is 1/2 the Double Square ABCD. W e w ill see this again in the female canonjust ahead. The point H w ill become very important in the human being. W ithinthe Prime Square is the equilateral triangle HFE. This is supported by Unity EF, soEF becomes the ‘root’ of the w hole image. Both the apex of the triangle EFH andthe ‘mouth’ of the Vesica converge on the point “H”. Note, too, how each newpolygon develops by using the radius (unity) of the tw o circles w hich composethe Vesica Piscis. So w hen they grow from the common base or root, EF, theirnext side is alw ays the radius of one of the circles (for example, Fg, Fc, FB,FH,EH, EA, Ea, Ed, etc.EF represents 2 points, E and F, which have become separated throughassimilation/grow th/division. They represent the equator or maximum w idth ofthe Vesica. As it pushes outw ard it meets resistance, placing the Vesica underpressure, to w hich it responds until some form of ‘hydrostatic equilibrium’betw een inside and outside has been achieved. So EF is both Unity as a moduleof spatial measure and Duality simultaneously, since it implies separation, a w idthand a pressure! H offers a 3rd point creating the triangle, HEF. It appearsinsulated. But in the human being, “H” offers an outlet for w hat has beeninsulated: a means of exchange betw een inside and outside; a fundamentala lte rn a tio n .So EF is Unity or 1. HEF is 3 and 4 is ABFE. W hat is missing is ‘2’, except w e cansee that BC is 2. So BC-EF constitutes a T-cross. W e start w ith the 2:1rectangle. It consists of 2 squares divided in ½ by EF. EF leaps to 3, theequilateral, and everything grow s from there. An equilateral triangle, the GrandTrine in astrology, is remarkable in that on the outside it is treated as three120° angles = 360°. But on the inside it consists of three 60° angles w hichcomprises ½ of 360° = 180°. It is as if the equilateral really had a double life: aninner life that is highly constructive and an outer life that flow s w ell w ith theoutside w orld.In any case, each entity is composed of unity for each of its sides. It grow s andtransforms and changes shape by using the same length, AB or EF. Moreover, ifABFE is 4, then ABCD should be considered 6 w here half is submerged like aroot in the line of 5 interlocking circles at the bottom; 3 adjacent to oneanother; 6 radii in all and so the same length across as the perimeter of thePrime 2:1 ABCD. It is AB + BF + FC + CD + DE + EA = 6. It has the sameperimeter as the hexagon QRNSTM above and FdefgF in this same image.Meanw hile the tw o circles that create the Vesica Piscis have a length of 3, w hichis ½ the perimeter of the Prime 2:1. Note how the extensions of the diagonalsof the low er square of the Prime 2:1 (EC and DF) give rise to the sides of theoctagon and points of the dodecagon. The extended diagonals of the uppersquare, ABFE, give rise to points on the octagon and points on the dodecagon.After the square, 4, comes 5, the pentagon, here marked EabcF. It too grow s byusing the same side: ab = EF = Unity! The ratio 4:5 determines the Major Thirdin music. Next is 6, the hexagon, EdefgF. It has one more side than 5 and so converted by W

they are in the ratio of the Minor third, 6/5. This ratio is used precisely todetermine the oblateness of the snake-w rapped disc atop Ra-Horachty show nearlier. Both lengths are among the strings of the harp as w ell and make anappearance in the internal measures of the throne! After 6 comes 8 and it toogrow s by using Unity for its sides. After 8 comes 10, the decagon w hich alsouses Unity for each side. And finally w e come to the dodecagon w ith its 12 sidesw hich also uses Unity on each side.Vesica Piscis and Pacific PompanoSince the Vesica Piscis gets its name from the shape of a fish, w e might expectto find it in the construction of a real fish. I w ill use the Pacific Pompano as ane xa mp le .In fact I did not get to the fish as fast as the anatomy of the human, buteventually I drew up the follow ing image of the Pacific Pompano. Note that inNature, symmetry is difficult to maintain. Harmony seems to depend on acomplementary relationship between dominant and recessive. Something mustassert w hile something else yields. This breaks symmetry w hich by itself w ouldremain pure antagonism or just rupture, separation. In Egypt antagonisticsymmetry is represented by the strife betw een Horus and Seth that is ‘Judged’or mediated by Thoth using the principles of Maāt. Thoth ends up reconciling thetw o combatants, one of the great attributes of ‘Hermes’ in W estern subculture,a subculture that bloomed at Chartres.In this fish, the upper circle is a little larger than the low er. One imagines that ithas to do w ith w ater pressure. The upper circle is more expanded due to lesspressure being exerted on it as it is closer to the surface than the low er part ofthe fish.This is not the place to comment on all the geometry in this fish – the marvelousengineering feat that it is! It w ill have to w ait. How ever, note the opening of themouth right at the extreme left pole of the long axis – the Root-3 axis of theVesica! This phenomenon w ill become beautifully evident in the humanfemale. Note here that the complete fish is contained within a prime 2:1 rectangle,labeled 5 x 10 for convenience. But the main body of the fish, minus its fins, iscontained within a 4 x 8 rectangle that also contains the Vesica. W e w ill seefurther importance of the ratio 5/4 ahead w hen w e examine ‘squared-circle’geometry. It has several, diverse applications and corresponds to the Major 3rdin the diatonic musical scale. The 5:4 ratio is a rich function – a great bridge.Thoracic Vesica Piscis and W omanBelow , you can find the Prime Square, ABTS, surrounded by EFUV w hich is 1.236x 1 (EF x BT). A Vesica Piscis (red) has been inscribed right in the middle of thePrime Square. So now , W and X, a new unity, act like E and F, seen above in the converted by W

poly construction. W X is 1/3rd of AB or QR! I did not mark H because it’s toocrow ded, but it falls exactly on the mouth of the female canon. The long axis ofthis Vesica appears to measure the span betw een the level of the last lumbar(w here w e bend at the w aist) and the level of the mouth. It strikes mew ithout any reservation, that this Thoracic Vesica Piscis is a classic example ofw here vital function and aesthetics converge and act together. Beauty, lookedat this w ay, cannot be construed to be merely in the eye of the beholder, butrather is w here nature combines form w ith function. Note that in the case of thethorax, this beauty, strength, uprightness, hope, vitality, pride, joy, firmnessand calm do not arise from the golden section. These attributes are arising froma vertical division of the height into ¼ and ¾ or .5 + 1.5 and a horizontal divisionof 1/3rd of Unity across, all in the standing adult. Horizontally it is unity divided by3. Vertically it is 3/4 of the w ay from the ground to the crow n of the head. It is½ w ay from the pubic bone – w hich divides male sexuality from female sexuality– to the crow n. In yoga this is the crown chakra. The center of the thorax is theheart chakra. converted by W

W X forms the base of an equilateral triangle that has its apex on the mouth.This line W X is also the line along w hich one places one’s palm in the case of acardiac arrest. One presses dow n forcefully right in the middle of this line inorder to restart the heart. In view of this fact, it is quite remarkable to see thePrime Equilateral ‘open’ w ith the Thoracic Vesica on the mouth of the female.One imagines here that tw o fields of force – tw o spheres – have united. Theircombined energy has caused an amplification in the middle – opening it up like afish-shaped vertical mouth. In its midst is the heart that oddly resemblesclasped hands, as if our actual hands w ere an unfoldment of w hat had been inthe heart. The cross of life is formed by the tw o axis of the Thoracic Vesica.One can see clearly below that the upper branch of a Prime 6-pointed star (ab)establishes the latitude of the Thoracic Vesica. W here the tw o equilateraltriangles intersect is the level of the pubic bone and the flexibility of the upperfemur bones that allow the hips to sw ivel.The 6-pointed star w as one of the first figures to be included. It convinced me ofthe importance of dividing the 2:1 into quarters. ‘f’ is the complement of ‘c’. ‘R’ isthe complement of ‘S’. ‘ab’ is the complement of de. An equilibrium is struck atthe pubic bone through the structural ingenuity of the femurs and their heads converted by W

and the w ay they support the pelvis. I w ill show this detailed geometry atanother point. It is very rew arding. Initially I found it disconcerting that therew ere not many obvious points w here rational structures like the 6-pointed star,converged w ith the irrational structures, but Nature is strategic and thematic, soone only has to dig and persevere and these convergences become evident –such as the vertical axis of the Vesica Piscis. One of the most importantconvergences happens at the mouth.To repeat, W X is 1/3rd of Unity (AB). W e w ill come upon this identical divisionw ithin the face – for the nose! W hat the Thoracic Vesica and nose have incommon, is the breath: exchanging w hat w e call atmospheric gases; oxygenand carbon dioxide – a process that starts in the first cells. But the mouth isinvolved in another type of exchange as w ell: the trafficking of w ords and allthat w ords convey. The mouth is also involved in the intake of liquids and solidfood. I w ill show the face later, w hen other details have been established first.Thoracic Vesica Piscis: Vase of Vitality, Dignity, Graciousness, StrengthI must emphasize that this placement of the Vesica Piscis inside Unity, the uppersquare of the Prime 2:1 rectangle, centered on the 3/4th latitude or 1.5 x Unity,has constituted the single most important breakthrough in thisentire body of w ork that began in New Zealand in 1985. It can be nocoincidence that if somebody has experienced cardiac arrest, w hat you do ispinch the nose, open the throat by tilting the head back, breathe into the mouthuntil the thorax rises. Then you draw a line across the nipples; place your palmin the dead center betw een them. Pump vigorously 30 times at a rate of 103per minute. Then breathe again until the chest rises. Resume pumping in thedead center of the chest. This may w ell restart the heart or at least keep theblood pumping to avoid brain damage. But you are placing your hand exactlyw here the 2 axes of the Vesica Piscis cross one another. I repeat: this is at3/4th the height or 1.5 out of 2. The tw o axis of life here happen to have aspecific ratio: 1:1.7320508… w hich is the square root of 3. Moreover, it lies onthe upper branch of a Prime 6-pointed star of a descending equilateral triangle.Since the Thoracic Vesica Piscis has turned out to be so prominent at this pointin the path, it makes sense to discuss the male thorax that took me muchlonger to appraise. As much contemplation w as required as creative activity.W hat needs to be stressed, how ever, is that I derived the male thorax andpelvic vesicas from proportions established first in the female. The femaleprogram w as first or primary. Moreover, I found there to be a reciprocalrelationship betw een thorax and pelvis. The prime difference betw een male andfemale biologically is that the female pelvis must accommodate the gestation ofa new human being from fertilized egg to a 9-month baby that has out-grow nthe w omb. To establish the interdependency or conservation law betw eenthorax and pelvic Vesica, I w ill just return to the female for a moment.Female Pelvis Vesica Piscis and the Golden Rectangle.The second biggest breakthrough w as situating the Pelvic Vesica. It did notactually take long and w as inspired by an error passed along by one of myfavorite w riters that I w ill come to ahead. He had suggested that a particularbook, sculpted at Chartres, w as a golden rectangle and that it w as related toteaching. I w as inspired by this only to discover later that the proportionsappear to be 1:1.68 w hich is the Major 6th in music. Relative to Middle C as thefundamental, it is A-440. But I w as so convinced by the golden rectangle after converted by W

Doczi’s celebration of its properties, I had already convinced myself that it hadto be the proportional container for the w omb that all of us issue from! So Itried it out w ith minimum variations. In fact w hat I found at a small scale w ith adullish pencil w as that the slightest deviation from the ratio of the goldenrectangle and the w oman did not merely look ugly, she also looked w rong,dysfunctional. An overw eight w oman w ill usually not look ‘w rong’; onlyoverw eight. I learned quickly that there w as a significant difference betw eenthe tw o. For health, efficiency, balance and flexibility, it seemed that the basicrelationship between the two Prime Vesicas had to be that which inheres betweenthe Prime 2:1 and its Golden Rectangle. W hat they share is the height, namely“2”. So, it w as simple. The Pelvic Vesica is inscribed w ithin the width of theGolden Rectangle (EFGH) w hich you can see below situated betw een V and U,w hich passes through the pubic bone or ½ the height.Half is the primal basis of sexuality. W ithin the female, the prime regulatingfunction that determines the vital relationship betw een thorax – organs of thewoman’s life and her ability to nourish all parts of her system and the pelvis withinwhich all of us will be gestated and from which we will be born – is the ratio 1.236or 2 ÷ 1.618. So:RS ÷ TU = 1.236 = EF ÷ AB.The Golden rectangle is characterized by EH ÷ EF = 1.618 = 2 ÷ 1.236. 1.236also situates the mean navel position w hich separates assimilation fromelimination. The new born human is unique in that it assimilates for 9 monthsand is meant to be ‘eliminated’ as soon after that as possible. 9 months isabout 3/4th of a year. So the harmonies must be exceptional. The GoldenRectangle circumscribes just such a combination of harmonies. The maleconstruction is a little different as w e w ill see. The initial draw ings w ererudimentary and looked like this one below w here emphasis has been placed onthe “Unity” square and ‘1.236’ square, HGIJ . converted by W

As more data w as added, these draw ings started to transform. Here I w astrying to emphasize the bare essentials only: the 2:1, ABCD; the GoldenRectangle, the 1.236 x 1.236 square, HGIJ, and their interaction at the point ofgolden section across HG. But even this is packed w ith information. It takes timeto introduce the contents of the Pelvic Vesica because it w as inspired by a studyof the Astronomical Unit w hich gradually became clearer w ith time. One note ofharmony is that the square show n within the Pelvic Vesica turned out to beexactly 1/16th the area of the ‘golden square’, HGIJ. This square has the sameperimeter as the circle contained by the Pelvic Vesica w ith circumference equalto ‘1.236’ or GI.In this next image w e see the abdominal and pelvic circles more clearly. Thesetw o circles that touch at the golden section (navel) that I came tolabel ‘abdominal’ and ‘pelvic’, w ere derived w hen I divided theAstronomical Unit by the golden section and then collapsed each length into acircle w hich touch each other at the navel on line OP above. The w idths of thetw o Vesicas are .3333 and .412. Their relationship is of course: .412 ÷ .3333 = converted by W

1.236. If ever there w as a key to life offered by the cornucopia w e call the 2:1rectangle, it is 1.236068 = 2.236068 – 1 = 2 ÷ 1.618034…..The Astronomical UnitThe inspiration came from a hunch and then stuck. I w as interested in thehydrostatic pressure that surrounded the Sun out into the planetary field. I w asparticularly interested in the vital aspect of conditions on Earth at 1 AU from theSun. W hen using the metric system, the diameter of the Pelvic Circle w as thesame number as a circle w ith perimeter equal to the perimeter of the GreatPyramid and a square cast by the shadow of the Great Sphinx at noon of theEquinox and also the square table identified at Chartres by an invaluableresearcher (Louis Charpentier) coming up in the pages ahead. It also had thesame value in the metric system as days in the synodical month. The date thatw orked very w ell as a module w as around April 16 for the year I w as doing this(1998). The Earth is about 150,108,000 km from the Sun at that time (~ 1.0034AU). The golden section divides it as 92,772,000 km and 57,336,898 km. Theperimeter around the socket stones of the Great Pyramid is about 927.7 meters.The Sphinx square is about 92.78. At Chartres the square is 92.7724 meters forperimeter. A circle w ith the same perimeter is 29.53037 meters. The value ofthe synodical month is 29.53066 days. W hat is particularly important about the29.53 meter circle is that its radius, 14.76518 m, appears to have been used indetermining the elevations of Chartres through triangulation. So, it is this 29.53circle that seems to help set the scale of Chartres. But in any case, that is how Icame to place those tw o circles. It w as by collapsing the lengths of the goldendivision into two adjacent circles which touch at the navel. The larger one is theenclosure w ithin w hich w e are all gestated. W e w ill see this same principle atthe Great Pyramid in the most remarkable w ay w hen w e get to the ‘squaring-of-the-circle’. The size of the King’s Chamber is not a meaningless scale.Its dimensions are set by the size of the w hole Pyramid in a unique w ay.Male Thoracic VesicaI noticed that men had proportionally longer arms than w omen. A very standardarmspan became the fathom over time: say 1.854 m for a height of nearly 1.8 m.This also corresponds to a minute of terrestrial arc (Earth Circumference ÷21,600). W omen had absorbed more energy by a conservation law into thepelvis. Men have more energy available for the thorax and arms. So the malew as going to exceed unity for the thorax and be less than 1.236 for the pelvis. Idecided to take the thoracic ratio from the function. W hat happened w as Ifound the arms at the same time by creating a circle over the heart instead ofthe navel, as Da Vinci had done, and set the angle at the ideal angle of botanyw hich divides the circle by the golden section. A ratio emerged that dovetailedmore than one function. W hen I saw that the arms w ere an expression of theheart and that the upper limit of the heart w as the Aortic Arch, I could see that converted by W

that limit w as being set by the golden number itself or 1.618 from the soles ofthe feet. 2 ÷ 1.236 = 1.618. But the center of the heart at 1.5 w as the centerof the heart circle and w as the w ay to restart a stopped heart. So I divided1.618 by 1.5, giving: 1.618 ÷ 1.5 = 1.07868 = 2/3 x 1.618 = 1.33333 ÷1.236. I felt this w as a tension and supplied a pressure, a force, that set inmotion the arms and hands from the thorax. Moreover, 1.3333 marks the solarplexus and this divides by 1.236 into the same ‘force’. So I decided to try it asthe w idth of the space w ithin w hich the male thoracic Vesica should beinscribed; i.e. ‘w z’,1.07868 does a lot of w ork here. It is the w idth w ithin w hich the overlappingcircles of the Thoracic Vesica is contained. It is the radius of the ‘heart circle’. Itmeasures from the soles of the feet to the tops of the femur heads w here theyplug into the pelvic structure. It measures from the crow n dow n to the base ofthe male sex organ. And it is the ratio betw een the solar plexus and the navel.The solar plexus is a pow er point. It is betw een the kidneys. It is the level ofthe pancreas. It is the center of blood traffic from spleen to liver; kidneys toprime blood vessels; and the portal vein that takes all that has been absorbedby the small intestine to the liver for refinement into glucose – our main sourceof energy. The navel, represented by 1.236 is the point thatseparates assimilation – controlled by the solar plexus – from elimination,w hether w aste products or new life. And 1.3333 ÷ 1.236 = 1.078689. The limitof the sex organ from w hich new life w ill emerge is set by 1.078689 asmeasured from the crow n. Moreover, w hen w e compare the relative sizes ofmale and female Thoracic Vesicas, the ratio is 1:1.078689. And w hen w ecompare the relative sizes of male and female Pelvic Vesicas, it is 1.236 ÷1.145898 = 1.078689. converted by W

It made sense then, to discover the ‘pressures’ that are built up by a complexconservation law in the male pelvis through these factors. W hat made sensew as to return to the female program: namely 1.236, the w idth of the goldenrectangle, and divide it by the male Thoracic Vesica Complex, 1.078689.1.236068 ÷ 1.078689 = 1.14583854 = 1.5 ÷ 1.309This ended up serving perfectly as the w idth w ithin w hich to inscribe the malePelvic Vesica. W e have already seen the prime importance of 1.309. There ismuch more to come that show s the amazing function of 1.309 w hich is w hy itspeaks volumes in the Ra-Horachty image. It acts as a ‘bridge’ from a prime 2:1rectangle, to a marvelous w ay to ‘square-the-circle’.Vesica Piscis at Chartres CathedralThe Vesica Piscis as w e now know is intimately connected w ith the Equilateraltriangle and an angle of 60°. Below w e see the importance of the root of 3 and60° angle w hen the ‘opening’ of the triangle is 14.765 m. It corresponds w iththe height of the top capitals from w hich the entire Ogive springs at Chartres.14.765 is half of 29.53. converted by W

29.53 x 432,000 = 12,756,960 w hich is an excellent approximation of theEarth’s equatorial diameter. This means that the base of the triangle w ithheight square root of 3, represents the equatorial radius of the Earth at a scaleof 1: 432,000. At Gizeh the scale of the Great Pyramid is 1:43,200 and theshadow cast by the Sphinx – also 60° – is the same as Chartres: 1:432,000.Note that the first elevation at Chartres is determined by the Minor 3rd, 6/5 forthe hypotenuse. This gives a height of 9.794 meters w hich is the fall rate ofgravity at the Earth’s equatorial surface in one second of time. The average forthe planet is about 9.81 m/s². There is an easy w ay to find this figure. Simplydivide the Earth’s polar axis by the number of geographical seconds in thecircumference: 12,713,500 ÷ 1,296,000 = 9.81 meters. The fall rate at thelatitude of Chartres is about 9.81The Vesica Piscis is so important in the w ay it bridges opposite orcomplementary w orlds that it should come as no surprise that it w ould make afundamental appearance at Chartres, since the builders of Gothic Cathedralsview ed Christ as that state of being in w hich the adversarial conflict betw eenthe opposites w as overcome and redeemed. Christ w as seen as the royalprinciple of grand unification. He w as seen as the testament on Earth to ‘Truth’or w hat the Egyptians called “Maāt” w ho also embodied ‘Cosmic Harmony’ and‘Cosmic Equilibrium’. The Vesica Piscis is one of the finest geometrical forms thatexpresses that end. So I w ill include a prominent example of it right here.Below is the Royal Portal at the W est Front of Chartres, dating to around 1150A.D. You can see Christ in the tympanum of the central door. Every pilgrim inmedieval times w ho reached Chartres entered the Cathedral w ith bare feetthrough this central door. This w hole first elevation w ith its three doors isproportioned the same as the first elevation inside the cathedral. W ith Unity asthe base, the hypotenuse is 1.2 and the height, .6633. converted by W

The Vesica forms the frame, the place w here Christ, from the Book ofRevelation, sits on his throne as the hero, the redeemer, the protector ofknow ledge, of the mysteries and of the mystical marriage of all the oppositesknow n and unknow n. All pilgrims passed through this Royal Portal from a south-w est to north-east direction – sometimes lead by the Bishop himself – to thelabyrinth designed to offer them the possibility of a second birth. The path ofthe labyrinth at Chartres is exactly 500 royal cubits, the same cubit used in theGreat Pyramid. This amounts to 261.8 meters w hich can be expressed as 100x the Square of the Golden Number or 2.618 x 100. This Royal Portal dates toaround 1150 A.D., or about 16 years after the fire of 1134. Such a comfortingorder opening the w ay for any pilgrim w ho has braved every type of danger toget to Chartres – usually on foot! Such a glorious radiance emanating from menand w omen sculpted in w hat w as once obdurate stone. Such venerable agetransformed into the w ell-spring of ageless youth. Such majesty comportingitself in perfect humility! I myself could not w ait to get to Chartres tophotograph this royal entrance. Just as w ith the visit to the Great Sphinx, I ow ethe journey to the Navigator w hich w as in competition at the Cannes FilmFestival in 1988. Kely and I drove from Cannes and reached Chartres at the endof May. I got up at daw n and w alked the hill as millions had done before me.The outside w as so venerable, so old w ith grace that I w as not prepared forw hat w as inside this glorious crucible: an ageless grandeur penetrated w ith anequally ageless beatitude. I did not enter the Cathedral until Kely had arrivedafter a much needed sleep. W hen w e both w ent in w e could not talk to eachother for at least tw o hours. Our w ords w ere carried off by the spirit of thew orld that has been w ith Chartres before ever there w as a cathedral or crypt.At Chartres w ords are shed the w ay shoes are shed w hen entering a mosque.W hat freedom, w hen the heart gets a few days to sw im in silence! I havenever liked the fence that impinges upon this portal’s natural state, but Iunderstand it must be protected. People have been carting aw ay pieces of theGreat Pyramid for centuries. It w ould be a disaster to lose even a single granuleof this medieval masterpiece.Below is an enlargement of Christ sitting above the central door in thetympanum. In red w e can see that this heavenly ruler is framed by a 2:1rectangle. The vesica itself is further framed by a root-3 rectangle w hichdetermines the base of the tympanum. The carving of the vesica itself isprecise. Moreover, a 2:3 rectangle frames the fused circles (omitted here),echoing the w hole Royal Portal itself w hich is a close variation of thesep ro p o rtio n s . converted by W

The ratio 2:3, the Major Fifth, is the only interval that all other notes in thescale w ill relate to harmoniously. W e see the 5th in the second elevation atChartres, recapitulating the end w all of the King’s Chamber: Unity x 1.118. AtChartres it has been given as 16.5 meters. 14.765 x 1.118 = 16.507. One mustmarvel at the w orkmanship exhibited in this carving; the precision of the vesicaitself, carved out by the tw o perfect circles w hich have fused in consummateequilibrium. W hat better symbol could be utilized to demonstrate one’s faith inthe potential of the human heart! W hat greater w ay to celebrate and teach thetrue goal of both birth and rebirth! The Vesica Piscis is not ambiguous. It isrigorous w ithout being severe; perfect w ithout being confining.W e also see Christ framed by four figures in w hich the 3:4 principle is observedagain: in a group of four, 3 behave similarly w hile the 4th behaves differently.This principle frequently show s up in dreams but even w ith the Four Forces ofNature, w e can unify three, w hile the fourth (gravity) holds court w ith infinity. Soit cannot join w ith the other three (electromagnetic, electrow eak, strongnuclear). The four figures surrounding Christ, w ho is the 5th orquintessence, are representative of the Four Evangelists. Three are depicted asanimals, w hile the fourth is human. But there is also likely an allusion toastrology – a science mentioned w ith considerable fanfare in W olfram vonEschenbach’s Parzival, being w ritten as the Cathedral w as being rebuiltfollow ing the 1194 fire. The w ise and scathing sorceress, Cundrie, not onlyknew geometry and three languages, she also knew the language of the stars.The three animals, lion, ox and eagle, likely refer to the Fixed signs Leo, Taurusand Scorpio w hile the man, said to be Saint Mathew , represents the last fixedsign, Aquarius, usually depicted as a human w aterbearer. Note that byreducing four 2:1 rectangles to three, it is as if the one that w ould not go alongw ith the others has been assimilated into the Vesica w here it becomes readyfor transformation. So the Vesica, in a sense, is an image of a crucible oftransformation that results w hen 4 reduces to 3 and the extra unity hasgathered itself up into an overlap or a self-amplification that can result in aqualitative exaltation of being. Christ is that exaltation! Symbolically it is as if thevery gravity captured in a second of time in that first elevation – symbolizing thefall of Adam, of Lucifer into a troubled Earth – has been captured and w ith faith,know ledge, courage and honesty the cathedral comes to represent the meansby w hich spirit rises again to escape the very gravity that had initially claimed it.I w ill end on the reminder that the choice of a Vesica to frame Christ at theRoyal Portal is likely timeless and based on many nuances of one know ledge.W hen you see this w oman below you ask yourself: is this cathedral notdescriptive of us all? W e are all reflected in it. converted by W

In the same w ay I learned to check the reciprocals of almost all numbers todiscover the particular number’s unique relationship w ith unity, I also find thatw hen I have put so many years into a labor such as this image – so muchgeometrical function – it is instructive to contemplate its inverse state. Thecomputer can quickly offer a version that w ould be impossible for me to w orkout by hand. It resembles an x-ray and is an opportunity to see through theforms into the vacuum substrate from w hich – like the spirit of the w orld – w edraw that invisible breath of something extra.I think w hat gets to me the most in these inverted images, is a feeling of suchsimplicity. Our first stance w hen w e are born from this geometry – a geometrythat builds up from the vacuum in discrete bundles of energy – is joy, delight,pride of presence in the right w ay. An eternal “I am!” “I am the fountain!” I amthe gate!” “I am the w ay!” W hat maintains this through the cycle is the 2:1rectangle (ABCD) and its close cousin, the golden rectangle (EFGH). converted by W

New Zealand: An Island ‘Ark’I find it so fitting that the very place w here all this geometry started to coalesce– so quickly, it nearly made my head spin several times a day – w as a place thatis exactly bound by a 2:1 rectangle and then divided into tw o islands by thegolden section!!! That place is New Zealand w hich strikingly resembles the foot-knee complex of a human being. Note in the image just show n howprecise the golden section is as the w hole landmass attempts to handle thecollision of tw o massive tectonic plates: the Pacific from the east and theAustralian from the w est. They invert in the middle of the South Island. In thefar south the Pacific moves over the lighter Australian. In the north the heavierPacific dives under the lighter Australian. The golden section handles thisinversion of forces! It is as if the northern ‘feet’ of the South Island are literallytip-toeing along the golden section arc! It literally seems to have separated thetw o islands w hile also keeping them together in a dynamic w ay. The action ofthe golden section w ithin a double square is occurring on the surface of theEarth sphere. So it is handling shared forces that converge and diverge all overthe terrestrial surface.New Zealand w as the perfect place for me to start an authentic pilgrimage. At alevel that seemed to be measured by the depth of the trenches that tumbledaw ay from this Island Arc system, surrounded by more of the Earth’s w ater thanany other piece of land, I feel a gratitude that has never been shaken from mysystem. There’s an old saying: the earth makes the man. I know w hat thatmeans having spent 11 months in New Zealand.A seed w as sow n there w hen the 2:1 rectangle entered my mind. It sproutedquickly and started to grow . No matter w hat, I could not stop that grow th. Ithas been a complex imposition – a bit like an earthquake – on others, mostespecially my w ife, Kely. At times the imposition took us to a breaking point. Thew hole enterprise w ould seem to collapse like an old tree. But somehow , a seedor tw o of the w hole w ould break off and fall back into the fallow Earth, only tosprout again even stronger and better informed than before. converted by W

In an image like this, one can see that man is as busy as a machine. One canunderstand and feel the human obsession w ith the machine. W ithout any doubtthere is a machine-like dimension to man. How ever, the operation of the goldennumber and its remarkable family ensures that man w ill never be solely amachine. It ensures a forever-renew able depth to our humanity. It does notmerely transcend the machine, the constellation of beautifully ordered crystals.It infuses the machine w ith a vitality and a spiritual breath that is a portal toother dimensions. The soul participates in that w ider frame of reference,w hether consciously or not.Read Full Post »Unknown Squared Circle: More than meets thePosted in Human Harmonics on April 10, 2010 | Leave a C omment »W hen I first picked up Louis Charpentier’s book called “The Mysteriesof Chartres Cathedral” in June, 1985, I could taste it deep w ithin my ribs. It w asan indescribable food – not quite esoteric – just indescribably inspiring – but Ihad to w ait three more years before it w as my turn to experience thebeneficence of the place itself. And yet I could taste it as if it w ere just dow n theroad from our hotel in Auckland. This echoed my feelings about Chartres back in1971 w hen Kenneth Clark commented on it in his series called “Civilization”. I converted by W

confess again: Chartres lives in my heart and the feeling is that it has alw aysbeen there. Its presence defies logic, expectation and all theories I have everhad about know ledge. Moreover, there is no one on Earth that I can think of –w hether friend or enemy – w ho I do not w ish could visit Chartres at least forone day in their lives. Chartres is for everyone. Every w ord that Charpentiercommitted to print w as an affirmation of a know ledge so deep it w as as if I hadbeen born w ith it. And if I w as born w ith it, so too must the rest of humanity beborn w ith it. But it felt as if it w ere imprisoned in an infernal darkness. My urgew as to descend into my ow n depths and w rest it from its jailor provided I couldovercome the tw o greatest adversaries: time and fatigue. Like all living thingsknow ledge w ants to grow . W e are the effects of that grow th even w hen mostof the root system of such know ledge remains submerged in the unconscious.Significant know ledge is not merely a matter of connecting the dots or finding acorrespondence betw een an effect and a cause. Significant know ledgeenlightens one’s w hole being – even if ultimate causes remain unknow n. A blindhen w ill continue to scratch around for a grain of corn. But even a blind hen canbe illuminated from w ithin w hile the corn is eventually felt w ith a single sw ipeof its claw . In searching for a geometry that accounts for human form, a formcapable of supporting minds that could engineer Chartres, I felt like that blindhen.*In one passage Charpentier recounted an experience he’d had in a Paris suburbin 1964. In the blink of an eye my entire feeling about the w orld, how it isconstructed; about human culture and even human nature, w as changedforever. The change w as as significant as the ‘Big Dream’ that occurred out onLong Island in the fall of 1980, mentioned in the earlier posts. As it turns outthey w ere thematically related. Before that dream, w hich felt more like atemplate of the real than a dream, I had some know ledge in my head, but it w asdim, like seeds that had fallen on barren ground and could not blossom into thelight. I still had no key w ith w hich to fertilize the soil. The Big Dreamhad introduced me to a new kind of know ing: know ing w hat I am and w hat hasformed me, directly, from w ithin. It w as an inner seeing and an inner drama,within which I was both participant and observer. But it too w as a seed thatw as grow ing only slow ly out of a state that could be called ‘the trauma ofrebirth’, into a new adolescence of ‘know ing’ and learning to trust thatknow ledge in a w orld so often w arped by a labyrinth of projections that fire usaw ay from ourselves – not just psychologically, but also physically. W eoften search for ‘truth’ as if it w ere something other than w hat w e are. And toadd to the mystery, it took me exactly 12 years to fully recollect the 1980dream! A lot of inventive perseverance w as required to cajole it from its hidingplaces. But this implied it w as already committed to some form of long-termmemory – a bit like the root system of a tree. It w as up to me get dow n thereand examine the roots w ithout damaging them. Recollecting the dream w as alot like giving birth. It w as a long labor.The GrailTo my surprise, Charpentier invoked the “grail” in introducing the prime principleof the book, Chartres’ secret perhaps; its quintessence. I could not haveguessed that the mere mention of the ‘grail’ could have so profound an effect. Ihad not yet read W olfram von Eschenbach’s “Parzival”, w ritten alongside thefinal reconstruction of Chartres from 1195 to 1220, after the fire of 1194.Apparently he w rote it right there on the site. I knew almost nothing about theKnights Templar. Perhaps that w as a good thing because my innocence blindedme to the controversy that sw irled about their place in history. I had no ideaEschenbach himself w s a Templar. I had no familarity w ith W agner’s opera’sthata concerned the Grail. I had gone straight to Mahler in my youth and nevergot back to W agner. So, not only did I have no idea w hat the “Grail” meant tothe Gothic Age, but I did not have a clue w hat it w as at all. So, w henCharpentier drew a parallel betw een the cathedral itself and the Grail, initially Iw as astonished. Or w as I? I think I w as astonished that it rang so true! Myconnection to Charpentier’s book w as mystical. Chartres must be a node on thebody of the Earth and human know ledge must be much more than w hat w eima g in e .I knew the Grail w as a vessel of some kind but had not thought of a cathedralas a vessel that had assumed the function of the Grail. My ow n view of allchurches other than Chartres has been mired since childhood in a murkybackw ater of preciousness – an allergic reaction of the mind to the falsity of myow n religious up-bringing. Finding the grail to be almost as ‘precious’,subconsciously, it w as a stimulating association, an antedote perhaps, to aningrained – but tired – rationalism that had not yet entirely shed its skin and converted by W

w as still encumbering my quest for psychological freedom. I could see thatCharpentier had more faith in the ‘Grail’ than I did, but it w as Chartres thatbeckoned me.How ever, it w asn’t until I had come upon key references to the Eye of Horus –particularly in the Vth Dynasty Pyramid Texts of the Egyptians -that the meaningof the “Grail” started to become clear. The Grail, like the Eye of Horus, is not a‘thing’ per se. A cup, or stone urn, or gold chalice are all ‘symbols’ – no matterhow beautifully they may have been crafted by human ingenuity. The 1980dream w s pushing me to look more deeply behind the symbol – if possible. The‘Grail’, or “Gral”, could not be identified w ith a specific object, anymore than theGod of the universe could be identified soley w ith the Sun, or the ‘personality’solely w ith the physical body. The Grail is universal, of w hich things are‘symbols’ only, likenesses, to borrow a term from Goethe, means that facilitate amuch more mysterious end. How ever, the right vessel, properly rectified, canhave the effect of enhancing or inducing a metamorphosis, a qualitative changeor transmutation in a living being. This can range from art to a cathedral, to arelationship or even a shock of some kind. More to the point, the Grailfacilitates an event, an experience – or perhaps ‘revelation’ w ould be a betterterm – that pushes the boundary-stones of the ‘self’ (one’s ow n natural‘grail’) to a limit of comprehension. At this limit, all ‘understanding’ undergoes aninversion. Appearances, once considered self-evident, find themselves re-absorbed by a source too mysterious and too pow erful to name. But yet it isexperienced vividly and directly. After this inversion, communication alsochanges. You know w hat you w ish to communicate but a new language isrequired to properly represent it. Having seen directly, one can no longer speakdirectly. Cabalistic language arises by necessity. It is not arbitrary. One thinks ofthe legends surrounding Moses w ho w as said to have been the only one amongthe Hebrew w ho had ‘looked directly into the Sun’! Metaphors aside, the feelingis that Moses had been illuminated from w ithin, initiated in some fashion to thelaw of his being: man’s relationship w ith the surrounding cosmos. Below is asculpted image of Moses at the north-w est entrance to Chartres.W ith Chartres and any other building that echoes the eternal spirit, there is the converted by W

feeling that everything essential w as put into the w orld all at once. W as there akey that the Master Craftsman kept in his pocket – or did he just keep it in hismind? Did he inherit it? Did he discover it? Perhaps it w as rediscovered? Butw hat w as it? W hat w as this key?Here Moses holds a pillar. A w inged dragon (French, “w ouivre”), not unlike thew inged serpent of the Egyptians, has ascended the pillar. The Spirit of theW orld has been gathered from the Earth and concentrated. Presumably it isconcentrated according to the ‘table of the law ’ that he holds as w ell: arectangle w ith a rounded end that exactly resembles the floor plan of the choirat Chartres (Fig X). The concentrated spirit then rises up the pillar, a symbol forthe human spine. It penetrates and purifies (refines) the inner man and opensthe inner eye. In Egypt that W inged Serpent or Uraeus w as alw ays feminineand w as variously Isis, Neith, Uatchet and so forth. It blossomed at the summitof its journey as the Eye of Horus and w as symbolized (in part) by the Uraeusthat projected from the brow of the Pharaoh.In this image w e see Seti I of the XIXth Dynasty making an offering of Maat,neter of Truth, Cosmic Balance. The Uraeus extends from Seti’s brow as if it hasblossomed from the khepresh helmet, itself capable of conducting andconcentrating magnetic energy. His hands have been reversed. His left hand ison his right w rist and offers Maat. The right hand is on his left w rist and seemsto invoke protection. The hands are extensions of the heart and w hat seems tobe show n here is not only w hat is in the heart – the effect of each heart circuitand the decussation of vital energy, vital breath – but he is both giving andreceiving simultaneously. Maat represents balance or cosmic equilibrium. Thereis perhaps no greater balance than that betw een receiving and giving; systoleand diastole; inhalation, exhalation. She herself seems to have tw o right handsand holds the Ankh. Therefore the secret of ‘Truth’ and ‘Balance’ is that it ‘givesand maintains life’. W e read a similar passage in the Berlin Papyrus: “I havecome to you, I am Thoth [Maat’s masculine counterpart], my tw o hands unitedto carry Maat…you make Maat rest on your head in order that she may take herseat on your forehead….you exist because Maat exists,…and vice versa.” Ishould just add here a comment by Lucie Lamy, the stepdaughter of Schw allerde Lubicz – though I did not come upon this until about 1988 – “Maat is thegreatest treasure that a being might w ish for.” (egyptian mysteries, p. 51) Shecalls Maat “Cosmic Consciousness”. Not surprisingly, perhaps, if you slippedthose lines into Parzival but replaced the w ord Maat w ith Grail, you w ould neverknow the difference. Cosmic consciousness transmutes encyclopedic know ledge.Next, is an image I concocted in 1992, once I had enough information to createa head from nothing. That w as the year I felt released from the labor of converted by W

recollecting the Big Dream. Finally I felt I had gotten it out. For reasons that maynot have been altogether clear, w e also left Manhattan and moved to NovaScotia Canada.I used the angles of ‘squared-circle’ geometry and the golden section asgenerated w ithin a 2:1 rectangle. I left the lines visible to provide a sense ofsomething intelligent arising from the void as if it w ere a self-organized vesselthat accumulates the light, thereby piercing the w orld of appearances as if all atonce. At that moment the head struck me as the ultimate mystery. But Ibelieved I could conjure it up through the basic geometerical ingredients I hadgathered from 1985 through 1991.By 1992, I knew there w as a long tradition that linked the Grail to the humanhead, an inestimable vessel of transmutation. In the W elsh version of the Grail,a head on a platter replaces a cup! The head is w hat is being served at thefeast. The appearance of the Grail is supposed to prompt a question from thehero: “W ho or w hat do you serve w ith the Grail?” The miracle of the humanhead or the Grail, is a means only – a passage perhaps.In Egypt the head w as associated w ith Horus, Ra, Atum-Ra and Osiris. AtRosslyn Chapel in Scotland, the Grail is associated w ith the Sun and the head.In W estern astrology the Sun is said to be ‘exalted’ in Aries. Aries is also said to‘rule’ the head. In any case, I w ill use the face of this young w oman show n nextas a standard for the fundamental geometry I have found present in all faces,the means by w hich the head and face self-organize w ith amazingconsistency. The geometry has nuances, face by face, and yet alw ays plays w iththe same fundamental principles! Here it is w ithout the geometrical lines andmarkings in place, w hich I w ill show later. converted by W

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