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Published by miss books, 2015-08-27 01:49:15

Description: methood 24
by Bruce Lyons


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The quest for the Grail is itself an out-and-out adventure if ever there w as onebecause the experience cannot be distinguished from one’s ow n transformation.W hen Parzival failed to transform his ow n brutish character, he found himselfw andering in an interminable and senseless w asteland, pining for the Grail thathe himself had forfeited. W hat, then, is this ‘Grail’ that w e variously label: ‘cup’,‘head’, ‘Eye of Horus’?In the W est, w e insist upon reducing everything w ith a name to a physical thingthat can be labelled and pointed to. W e have a conscious infatuation w ith the“tangible object”. In my view this infatuation is not merely a product of empiricalscience or the advent of the modern ‘scientific method’. Rather, to me, thescientific method is a product of an infatuation w ith the ‘tangible object’, aninfatuation that has been w ith us for a long time. W e cling to our ‘attachments’and from a practical point of view , often w ith obvious reasons. During theMiddle Ages pilgrims w ere obsessed w ith ‘relics’, tangible ‘proofs’, hard evidencethat the divine w as at w ork on Earth in a specific place and time. This obsessionbecame the basis of Christian Dogma, w hich is w hy influential spiritual leaderssuch as Saint Bernard of Citeaux, w ho helped inspire the movement that lead tothe Gothic Cathedrals, constantly reminded everybody that a cathedral is but ameans only. The end is the spiritual perfection of the individual pilgrim w ho ismaking a passage, a journey.*************There are some realities that reveal their natures on another planeof consciousness, arising from a much more intangible source – a plane ofteeming potential, many-named and multi-natured – as if it w ere the mother ofall ‘things’ and w ith w hich w e find ourselves inextricably entangled. Today w esometimes speak of a ‘teeming vacuum substrate’ as if it w ere pregnant w ithpossibility and not merely a desolate void dotted w ith separate ‘things’.Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relation is as much pregnant as it is ambiguous. Atthe root of the Uncertainty Relation and the Grail there is an enigma: themeasurable and the immeasurable arise together in an ineffable embrace. This is aquality they share w ith the 2:1 rectangle. Its w idth is 1; its length is 2; itsperimeter is 6. But its diagonal is the immeasurable or incommensurable squareroot of 5, namely: 2.236067978…. But it seems that these opposites are in acomplementary relationship w ith each other w hich, by degree, become amplifiedinto the process of life.The Aborigines of Australia referred to a spirit plane called the Dreamtime.Special practices w ere required for the spirit to enter the Dreamtime – w hich converted by W

w as a quest for know ledge and pow er. Controversy sw irls about that entrancelike a smoky fire – its burning glow so terrifying and yet so desirable at thesame time! The Dreamtime must be experienced in order to transcend thecontroversy. The Egyptians referred to something called the Duat, thepassagew ay to the Netherw orld. In the language of Christianity there is talk of‘spirit state’, a term that echoes the strange, yet beautiful landscape of the veryancient Pyramid Texts w hich deal w ith the purification and transformation of the“ka” or “double”. The Buddhists also speak about a plane of existence that isfor the spirit alone. Extraordinary discipline is required to enter that w orld – aw orld w here compassion becomes complete. The Naassenes also referred to arealm that w as for the spirit only. Everything else had to be left behind. Theserpent-in-the-spine or w ound around the tree of know ledge in the midst ofEden, w as the energy that got one there. All the truths in Parzival also feel as ifthey w ere w oven from the fabric of a vast and multifarious dream state, as ifthe entire adventure w ere one collective initiation into the explosion w e call ‘life’– an explosion that erupts w ith all its agonies, joys, triumphs and humiliationsas if from the black w omb of W isdom herself, w hether she be called Night, Nut,the Great Mother, the Barren One, Sophia, Isis, Mut, Hathor, Neith, Athena,Mary, Saint Anne or the Eye of Horus. In the Pyramid Texts the Eye of Horus isalw ays depicted as feminine in gender! So w as the Goddess Kundalini – thatnotoriously mysterious serpent pow er coiled up in the sacrum. Eventually, theEye performs the function of a w omb-like protective sphere that guards orhouses the essence. Significantly, w hen Parzival encounters his ailing Uncle, theGrail King, suffering the pains of an enigmatic illness that nothing can cure – noteven the Grail itself – he fails to inquire about the nature of the illness w ithcompassion. He is supposed to ask a question. The humility of a question asked inthe right manner is the sole antedote to the pride that afflictsAnfortas. Compassion cannot be faked. Nor can it be prompted. It also cannotbe forced, but w ithout compassion enlightenment w ill abort itself; the lotusflow er w ill not open. As soon as w e start to talk about the Grail, like theEgyptian Eye of Horus, w e are talking about something All-embracing, but yet isw itnessed by individuals at specific moments in time. W hen the soul isimprisoned – often by a pride that loves to w ear many masks – compassionopens the locks letting the genie out of the bottle – but only at the right time.W hatever name is invoked and w hatever shape humans choose to represent it,the Grail remains enigmatic because in it the opposites seethe and boil untilcooked to perfection. Then the cycle must start all over again. The spiritual trekis not for sissies. Along the w ay Dionysius and all his cohorts may tempt eventhe boldest among us w ith the dread w e call ‘madness’, the very boundary thatseparates hell from heaven and falsity from truth. More dangerous thanmadness itself are the labels that attempt to define it. Nothing gets in the w ayof w hat the Zen masters call ‘satori’ like labels. Labels are intellectual turnsw ithin the w alls of the labyrinth.“Three Tables bore the Grail”.Anyw ay, back in 1964 there had been a ritual gathering of “the Society for theStudy of Traditional Sciences”, the “Friends of Atlantis” , on a property in asuburb of Paris. It involved lighting a fire, chanting and perambulating in a circlew ith beribboned sticks and colored dress. Someone gave a speech during w hichhe invoked the ‘traditional enigma’ w hen mentioning the carpenter w ho hadbeen responsible for saving many of the church spires ravaged by the Battles of1944. Charpentier had to paraphrase the ‘enigma’ and recounted it tw o w ays. Iw ill mention the second w ay first:“Three tables bore the Grail, a round one, a square one and a rectangular. Allthree have the same perimeter and their Number is 21”. (The Mysteries ofChartres Cathedral, p.92, p.133)In this context – w ith the mention of 3 Tables – it is difficult not to think ofHermes Trismegistos or Thrice-Greatest Hermes, especially w hen one bears inmind that Hermes means Her-mes or Hr-ms w hich meant in Egyptian: ‘the birthof Horus’! And if one w ants to be even more technical at this stage, one can seethis really means the ‘rebirth of Osiris-as-Horus’. Charpentier uses the pasttense: ‘bore the Grail’. The religion centered on Horus and Isis probably initiatedthe Egyptian civilization around 4200 B.C. or so w hen the Sirian Calendar w asestablished based on the heliacal rising of Sirius every 365.25 days. This w asthe star of Isis. How ever, Thoth-Hermes w as treated by the Egyptians in aspecial w ay. W hen Ra w as created it w as Thoth and Maat w ho brought him upout of the void and established his size and so forth. The Egyptians attributedall sizes, all periodicities, all measure and all design, ultimately to Thoth andMaat. It w ould have been Thoth w ho w ould have established the 3 tables thatbore the Grail. The imagination still w ants to know w hat the ‘Grail’ w as or converted by W

continues to be. W ere they thinking of the genesis of Sun, Moon, Earth, Saturn,et al? This w ould seem to be the ‘Grail Castle’, like Castle Mundsalvaesche inParzival. Castle Mundsalvaesche also invokes a magical mountain of some kindas w ell. In the Pyramid Texts Atum becomes the Primeval Hill, the PrimordialHillock. He rises up like a Pyramid out of the Nun (void) as a primordial mound.Long before Chartres w as a cathedral, the place itself w as famous for itsmound. Its w ater, the vegetation, etc w as legendary. The Druids practised asecret form of baptism, initiation rituals in a crypt w ithin the mound. Supposedlya dolmen is buried w ithin it to enhance its spiritual and healing properties. Thecurrent cathedral is simply one of a long history of beneficent manifestationsassociated w ith the hillock, tertre, or ancient mound of Chartres. The GreatPyramid w as a legendary mountain know n throughout history. Supposedly thebuilding itself has been built around a 30 meter high hillock that w as aslegendary as Chartres. These places are like special nodes on the face of theEarth’s sacred geography w here the current that bathes everything comes to aspecial head w ith special properties. Chartres is definitely one of those places.So is Gizeh. There are a few lakes in New Zealand w ith this sort of endow ment.I know a place in Nova Scotia, Canada that is like this. The soil w as once part ofAfrica. It is red and pink. An extraordinary peace and w ell-being penetratesmind and body in the summer. It also boasts the w orld’s highest tides.W ere they thinking of man’s genesis in the image of the three tables w hen theyspoke of the Grail? W ere they thinking of the manner by w hich ‘God fashionedAdam on his Potter’s Wheel’ as depicted at Chartres echoing the w ay the Ram-Headed Egyptian neter, Khnum fashioned a man and his double (ka) also on aPotter’s W heel? The emphasis at Chartres w as on Adam’s head. Chartres w asunder the spell of Plato’s Timaeus at that time. Plato saw the gods fashioningthe W orld Soul first as a sphere. The head w as created in imitation of bothW orld Soul and the Eternal Living Being w ho w as spherical. The body thenfollow ed as a matter of practical necessity to stabilize the spherical head.Incidentally, at Luxor, Khnum creates the King also w ith two right hands, notunlike the image of Maat above w ho gives the key of life (Ankh). But in any caseCharpentier is quick to point out w ithin the context of this past tense, “bore theGrail”, that:“… even the bare mention of the Grail show s clearly that there is no question oftrifling and that this “trade secret” had, in its application, an initiatorysignificance and, especially in the case of a cathedral, a bearing on initiatoryaction.” (ibid, p.133)An All-embracing roundness becomes square through division anddifferentiation. Squareness involves acceleration. Acceleration is an aspect ofinverse square forces such as gravity. So w ith the square, gravity or ‘self-gravity’, is born and things become separate and differentiated. There is nowcompetition in a shared field. Gravity acts a bit like Seth w as said to act. Hestole the Eye of Horus and sw allow ed it. Horus has to get it back again. Christhad to descend into hell to w in back the light. The opposites are born, likeHorus and Seth, male and female, light and dark, w ar and peace, matter andspirit through the square or ‘square-ness’, w hich includes electromagneticradiation. Matter steals the light w hich is reborn in the belly of the Sun. W henaccumulated in the head and heart it too can be reborn until the w hole being isa vessel full of light.The rectangular table is mentioned last. In Parzival, Parzival himself arrives atCastle Mundsalvaesche as if by fate or even chance. He is taken into animmense square hall that w as probably a cube. He w as then w itness to the GrailProcession. It is quite mysterious, but the Grail w as carried in procession by thew orld’s most radiant and beautiful w oman, Repanse de Schoye, from one roomnot seen, through the square room w here a stupendous feast w as manifest,and the Grail w as then carried on to a third room, also unseen. So the squareappears to be w hat makes invisible spirit, visible. The circle and rectangleappear to be associated w ith invisibility.Charpentier then pointed out the follow ing:“The rectangular table is that of the Eucharist. The mystical table, Christian, thatw hich supports the altar and, indeed, the choirs of Christian churches are as arule rectangular. There have been other rectangular tables, as in Egyptian andGreek temples…But the choir at Chartres is rectangular.” (ibid)Best to note right aw ay that the choir at Chartres w as once completely blockedby a gorgeous, thick, stone ‘rood’ screen, not removed until 1763. No one – noteven the Knights Templar – w ere allow ed entrance to this most holy placeexcept the ‘High Priest’ and even then, like ancient Egypt and Solomon’sTemple, only once a year! It w as the place of the High Altar. Clearly this choirhad gathered up something so pure, so vital that the temple priests did not converted by W

w ant to violate or disturb it in any w ay. It w as acting like a dolmen, a spiritualfertility stone. The ‘Grail’ w as traditionally associated w ith fertility. The Eucharistinvokes some sort of sacrifice, often associated w ith altars. In Christianity thesacrifice w as that of Christ, by w hich his blood and his flesh w ere capable of‘feeding’ others. But it has to be mentioned that the builders of Chartres placedno crucifixes in the Cathedral. The Templars did not share the Christian view ofthe crucifixion. Nor did they share the Christian view of Christ.W hen Eucharist, altar and choir are put together w ith the idea of rebirth, or asecond birth, the notion of 3 tables suddenly becomes fundamental.Charpentier continued w ith a relentless penetration into the mystery thatalready had me under its spell but w hich w as not yet fully radiant: you w antyour ‘tree of know ledge’ to liberate and purify the soul, but it is easy to beconfused by the mysteries. W hen myth is used to convey eternal truths, w etend to latch onto the symbol and fail to sense the process for w hich it is a vitalmetaphor only. Often science itself becomes trapped by its ow n myths:assumptions that cannot be verified because w e lack the time and instrumentsto measure w hat is infinite or, conversely, w hat is infinitesimal. So w e accepttheories as if they w ere axiomatic. There is a very fine line betw een effectivesymbol and even unintended propaganda!“There w ithout doubt w as the w ay into the mystery of the cathedral’sconstruction. But it w as still necessary to solve the riddle of the Number 21. Theansw er is simple in fact. W e are to read, not 21 but 2 and 1. W e are confrontedthen, w ith a rectangular table w hose length is tw ice its w idth.” (Mysteries ofChartres Cathedral, p 93)All Roads Lead to 2 x 1Charpentier had confirmed w hat I had already met w ith in Dozci’s book, thatEgyptian and Greek temples w ere based on 2:1 tables, because as Vitruviushad noted, this w as the foundation for human proportions. But it is w ell toremember that the Greeks spent some time on the Egyptian throne (after 305B.C.?)! They fully restored places like Dendera and Edfu. Now Charpentieradded that the 2:1 rectangle w as somehow the key to the equivalence of the 3Tables ‘that bore the Grail’; 3 phases of one essence – the three parts of theone philosophy, the one mystery, perhaps – one miracle like the body of Shiva,shimmering w ith trillions of luminous parts.So, each unexpected fork in the road had arrived at the same destination: arectangular table with a length that was twice its width. For me it w as like auniversal omphalos, only it was a rectangle. I w ish I could describe how it feltupon arrival, w hen I first stumbled in to touch the ‘cosmic chip’. All I could dow as stand there and accept. There w as nothing to say. No comments provedfruitful. Initially I tried to hide it: the omnipotence of its simplicity. W hen I triedto talk to others about it I turned into a stammering fool. At last I had cause totruly keep my nervous lips sealed. I w anted to share my excitement, but I w asgoing to have to get to w ork, not squander the propitiousness of the momenton talk. A strange silence binds the tongue of acceptance – especially in restlesspeople like me – alw ays afflicted by dissatisfaction. New Zealand w as a nicepart of the w orld to be confronted w ith such an enigmatic experience. W hat doyou do? You breathe and enjoy the stillness. You ask: “How can this be”? Butthere is no answ er. It just is. Such a relief! It’s like the Sun rising after a frigiddaw n. The frost melts and drips back into the roots of living things. Greenabounds. You see at last that meekness does not mean w eakness. Havingbeen an outcast, you feel as if you have reinherited the Earth, the place w here‘above’ and ‘below ’ unite. You yourself are that point of union. If Vitruvius w asright, I w anted to prove it. W e are born of that 2:1 tablet, w here 1 has become2 and then everything happens betw een them like the bellow s of the Tao, theheart of the Tai’chi. An ovum is neutral until fertilized by a sperm w ith equalDNA. Then suddenly its neutrality is gone. Meiosis, once suspended, converts toan endless mitosis until death shuts dow n the ‘w ater factory’ and the 2:1becomes the final looking-glass.W ith this rectangular table, you feel your ow n w orthiness above you, belowyou; w ithin you and all around you. And w hen you trace out tw o equal circlesw ithin each of the tw o squares, it is hard not to think of the Sun and Moon justseparating after New Moon; or the first cell replicating its ow n nuclearinformation and then suddenly dividing into tw o, new , equal ‘daughter’ cells.Right aw ay nuances abound, it is true. Nothing is ever quite identical toanything else, but yet there is the Platonic hint of perfection that surrounds thatdivision. The w hole story starts to tell itself, like a river issuing from an immenseglacier, one droplet at a time, until it has become a sw elling flood.Solomon had used a 2:1 table (20 x 40 cubits) as far as the Holy of Holies, converted by W

w hich w as itself a cube w ith 20 cubits on each side. Geometrically speaking, acube is a good starting point w ithin w hich to construct the human head. Oneimmediately thinks of the famous “Ka’aba” in Mecca: that perfect black cube thatinspires an involuntary perambulation in imitation of the fundamental motion ofcelestial bodies w hen the infinity of space is transformed into the periodicity oftime! A black cube is the Great One, the nameless Allah, Atum, Amun,Amen w ho precedes even the Sun itself: w hose invisible essence is envelopedby the infinity of the female. A sphere set in a cube is the next step. converted by W

And if the volume of the cube is taken as unity (1), the volume of the spherew ithin it w ill be .5236, the same relative value as the royal cubit the Egyptiansused for the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. W hen pi is 3.1416 m, the royal cubitbecomes 3.1416/6 = .5236 m.I w ill return to this number 5236 again and again. But it cannot be emphasizedenough that the dimemsions of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid are5.236 x 10.472 meters. Since the perimeter of a 2:1 rectangle is 6 times itsow n w idth, the perimeter of the KC is 6 x 5.236 = 31.416 meters. The GreatPyramid squares the circle but rests on a square base. The King’s Chamber,deep w ithin it, is proportioned 2 x 1. In Solomon’s Temple, one imagines thatthe 2:1 purifies the entrance to the cube, w herein spirit gathers. This is thehead of the Temple. It w as also the place of the “Oracle”. In Egypt, Osiris w ascalled “The Herald of the Year”. At Dendera, the Osiris-King (or surrogate HighPriest) entered the 2:1 rectangular Sanctuary of the Barque once a year, as theOracle. The Oracle is a consummate revelation in some of man’s greatestcivilizations -such as Tibet and Egypt – that ‘Holiness’ arises from wholeness. Irealized early on that I w as looking for a geometry that reflected thecircumstances and details of that w holeness. Tradition has called such ageometry: “sacred”. I w as aw are that I w as looking for a geometry that w ascapable of uniting and harmonizing outside w ith inside; above w ith below ;female w ith male. I developed a habit early on. W henever I stumbled upon aninteresting number or relation, I automatically checked for its reciprocal: itsinverse value or the manner by w hich it had divided unity. W hen multipliedtogether unity is restored. For example, the reciprocal of 1.618, the goldennumber, is .618 and w hen multiplied together you get:1.618 x .618 = 1The reciprocal of .5236 is 1.90985 or nearly 1.91, a number w e w ill see ahead. Ifyou take the w idth of the KC as 5.236, then:1.91 x 5.236 = 10 meters and 191 x .5236 = 100 meters.Tw ice 191 is 382 and 3.82 divides 10 by the golden section w ith 6.183.82 + 6.18 = 10.The circumference of a circle w ith diameter 10 meters is 31.416 meters w hich isidentical w ith the perimeter of the KC.The Ark of the CovenantThe Ark of the Covenant w as ostensibly kept inside this ‘Holy Cube’ at the endof Solomon’s Temple and so could be part and parcel of the “Oracle”, the crystalball of w holeness. Like the King’s Chamber, this Cube w as supposedlycompletely empty except for the coffer called the Ark of the Covenant. The Arkw as called variously, the ark of the testimony (e.g. Exodus 25:22); the ark ofGod; the ark of the covenant. In Kings 8:1, it is called ‘the ark of the covenant of converted by W

the Lord’. In Kings 8:4 it is called ‘the ark of the Lord”. In Kings 8:6 it saysit w as placed in “his place”, “into the oracle of the house, to the most holyplace…” It is of interest to note that in Kings 8:9, it is stated that “There w asnothing in the ark save the tw o tables of stone, w hich Moses put there atHoreb, w hen the Lord made a covenant w ith the children of Israel, w hen theycame out of the land of Egypt”. In Exodus, it is stated that only the ‘testimony’is to be put into the ark. The testimony w as given to Moses at the top of MountSinai. Mountains are often associated w ith enlightenment, testimonials,salvation and so forth. The Grail Castle is called Mundsalvaesche or SalvationMountain. The Pyramid w as a human mountain w herein an extraordinary form ofsalvation w as to take place. The Osiris-King, according to the Pyramid Texts w asnot seeking his ow n salvation for himself alone.It w as only years later (2000) that I came upon more than one reference to theArk w hich w as described as being 2 x 4 x 2 feet in size (e.g “The Hiram Key,1997). By that point it came as no surprise to learn that the Ark may havebeen based on a 2:1 table. In Exodus, it is given quite different proportions,namely: 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cubits. How ever, the Court of the Tabernacle thathoused the Ark w hen the Jew s w ere w andering in the desert, w as proportioned1:2. The table built for offerings w as also 1 x 2 x 1.5 or perhaps 20.6″ x 41.2″ x30.92”.The Ark is featured in a singular w ay at Chartres at its north-west entrance, as ifit had been regarded w ith special interest by its builders, The Order of theTemple, or “Knights Templar”. Incidentally, w hile the south-east entrance toChartres features Christ, the north-w est entrance features Saint-Anne holdingthe infant, Virgin Mary, as if somehow the key to the w hole mystery w as theaxis draw n across the transepts from Saint Anne to Christ.The general public w as at one time forbidden to enter by the north-w estentrance that features Moses among others on the left and the Ark, amongother things on the right. One thinks of Nut holding Isis in ancient Egypt. Isisand Mary have much in common. Dogma should not permit itself to obscure thisfact. The Cathedral of Chartres w as named “Notre Dame de Chartres.” Theemphasis and the dedication w as placed upon the purity and rectitude of thevessel w ithin w hich the soul and spirit of each pilgrim w as intended to beimmersed. This w as to enhance Nature’s potential for the ultimate gift: that of asecond birth; the birth in spirit; a qualitative exaltation of one’s very existence. converted by W

To further this purpose, it seems the builders may have chosen their measurescarefully. It should be mentioned that the internal w idth across the transeptshas been given by Etienne Houvet as exactly 61.8 meters. W hen in 1985, I w asusing the 5 x 10 rectangle in centimeters, I did not yet know about thismeasure. I cannot convey the excitement I felt w hen I first encountered this61.8 meters around 1989 or so. Just as it is unlikely that the 31.416 meterperimeter of the King’s Chamber w as an accident, I doubt very much that the61.8 meter w idth of the transepts at Chartres is an accident. 61.8 is the goldensection of exactly 100 meters. 31.416 meters is a perfect circumference for acircle w ith diameter of 10 meters. If you establish a 100 meter 2:1 rectangle, asshow n here, and take its golden section from point S at the entrance to theNave, 61.8 meters falls exactly at the entrance to the Choir, or point T. So youhave a square, OPKL that is 61.8 x 61.8 meters. In this square, the Nave w ithits Labyrinth, and the transepts as far as T, are included. After that it isforbidden territory, like Solomon’s Holy of Holies. The Cathedral prepares you. Inthe midst of the transepts you are penetrated by the three great RoseW indow s. Then, w hen all personal projections and the virus of superstition havebeen caught in the same ‘cup’; w hen a threshold has then been reached, onecan say that this is the true goal of ‘alchemy’: the moment w henmetamorphosis is possible. The Rood Screen guarded that possibility. In thefigure of the female show n further dow n, you can see the identical goldenrectangle. T marks the navel and the crow n of the head corresponds to theround point of the choir. Betw een Saint Anne and Christ is the means of hisincarnation: the Pelvic Vesica is inscribed w ithin the golden rectangle Everybodyw as allow ed w ithin the OPKL square. Only the highest priest w as allow ed pastpoint T, into the sacred part of the temple.W hen w e stand just south of position “T” w e are so uplifted; so filled w ith aw eand Grace that w e naturally w onder at times just exactly how the builders w entabout this construction. W e w ant to know if there w as a seed, a germ that likean acorn could rise to exactly the right height, producing exactly the right converted by W

proportion of foliage w ith w hich the the Sun is transmuted. Rather than feelingoverw helmed or inflated w ith the audacity of the achievement, instead w e arefulfilled; w e are filled w ith peace and w ith Grace that sets a w hole newstandard w ithin us. Size by itself is nothing. The scale must also be aproportion. The 61.8 meters must be in harmony w ith the w holeness and thatw holeness must embrace the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and so forth. The w holeogive springs from a delicate but precise elevation. The feeling is that it couldnot be any higher or any low er w ithout feeling either too heavy or toounhinged. Then w e find that it is exactly 25.57 meters from the paving stones.But as soon as you apply the principle of the square root of 3, like a key, thedoor is unlocked. W ith a hypotenuse of 2 w e can quickly know the base of atriangle from w hich the elevations are built up. I calculated 14.765 m w hichdiffered from Charpentier only slightly, but significantly. W hat w e agree on,how ever, is that the measure seems to derive from Gizeh, Egypt. I w ill return tothis ahead, w hen discussing the Sphinx in better detail. Charpentier did notnote the link betw een the Sphinx height and a shadow cast by that height atNoon on the Equinox and the ‘square’ table at Chartres. He did note the samenumber for the base of the Great Pyramid, how ever.So it is w ith considerable interest that w e contemplate a Latin inscription on thepillar under the sculpture of the Ark across from Moses at the ‘North-W est Gate’,that Charpentier reminds us w as also called the ‘Gate of the Initiates’. Initiationmust occur on multiple levels and by degree until the highest state has beenachieved. The light must accumulate, which is why patience is treated as a virtueamong all spiritual traditions. There is much to tempt impatience out of its den. Inany case, the translation from the Latin seems to indicate that it w as intendedfor temple builders and w as furnished by Canseliet w ho once noted that it w asnot intended to be eloquent: You are to w ork through the Ark. (Archa Cederis) Here things take their course. (Hic Amititur) You are to w ork through the Ark. (Archa Cederis)W hether the Ark w as a 1 x 2 construction or a 2.5 x 1.5 construction, thisinscription rang true for me immediately. Nothing has inspired me to pressforw ard w ith a geometry of human proportions quite like this simple instruction– or reminder – to the builders of possibly my favorite sanctuary on earth. Inthe image below , w hich I photographed at the end of May, 1988, you can seepart of this inscription, still w ell-preserved, carved on the smooth rim of thepillars under the sculptures of the Ark. It is easy to miss this sculpture as it issmall and a ladder is essential to get up to its level. I w ould not have noticed ithad Charpentier not draw n attention to it in his book. Note the open lid of thecoffer on the left revealing tw o Tables of testimony (or Law ) as stated in the OldTestament. W hat is not mentioned in the Old Testament, how ever, is a sphereof some kind to the right of the tables. Charpentier also made no mention ofthat sphere. I noticed it only w hen examining the photo that I had blow n upand is now on the w all. Lomas and Knight mention that 3 things w ere put in theArk, the tw o tables but also Yahw eh himself.This sphere is an interpretive addition made by the Grand Master or MasterCraftsman at Chartres. The only reason for adding it w ould have been if thebuilders believed it w as somehow the essence of the entire w ork; too importantto leave out. Of course w e know that the Ark w as supposed to house the divinepresence, the Lord of Hosts, God. For Plato there w as no better w ay torepresent God than a sphere. W e see spheres in the sacred barques of theEgyptians and references such as “Spirit in the Dndrw Barque” in the PyramidTexts. But in the Pyramid Texts, the King himself has become that spirit. Andthat spirit is also the Eye of Horus.They may also have felt it w as important to portray the antiquity of the principleof of the Ark that likely predated the time of the Old Testament. The sacredbarques of the Egyptians, such as the Hennu Boat, seem to be as old as thePyramid Texts that, in turn, are probably much older than the first dynasties.The hand of the clock points to a legacy that had returned to the Nile after somesort of hiatus. It is highly likely to me that the Hebrew w ere a part of that legacythat now dissolves into pre-history, frustrating the instincts of many of us w hoknow know ledge did not start formally w ith the Greeks, but predated them byuntold millenia. The Ark itself w as taken out of Egypt by Moses, so ostensibly itrepresented critical know ledge inherited from the Egyptian civilization tow ardthe end of the 18th Dynasty.To learn that the Ark may have been 2×4 feet is significant in light of this entirediscussion. One could say: “Here things take their course. You are to w orkthrough the principle: 1:2. Everything emerges from it and everything returns toit.” And ‘Ark’ (arc, archa) is also a circle. Geometers imitate the circles of Nature converted by W

w ith their compasses. Circles and squares bring measure into the w orld. Thecircle is the first enclosure w here time and space function together w ithperiodicity and rhythm. Things become differentiated w ith the square. W ith the2:1, everything is related to everything else. It relates, purifies, transcends andtransforms. In Exodus the altar w as a 5 x 5 cubit square. The offering table w as1 x 2 cubits. It received only sacred objects.In the sculpture here on the south side of the north-w est porch, the side of theaark is proportioned 1 x 3. The w hole Temple of Solomon w as 1 x 3 or 20 x 60cubits. It w s divided as 1/3rd and 2/3rds. The Holy of Holies w as 1/3rd and therest 2/3rds. If the cube w as the oracle, it is important to note that the head hasa close affinity w ith the cube. Egyptians, Tibetans, Hebrew , Aborigines, all usedspecific head gear to enhance the flow of energy in the head for the occasion ofthe annual oracle. The human head is part and parcel of divination, not at all ofthe coffee table variety. Rather the purpose of the divination w as to keep aboveand below in the right balance. This is a profound dimension of the Grail itself,w hich concerns spirit as much as flesh and time as much as physical space ormass. It unites them in the place: the place w here a meaningful God dw ells.The Templars w ere also interested in the “Grail”, that mysterious vessel or‘stone’ that is both cornucopia and altar simultaneously, or perhaps alternately.It is also w ell-know n that the Templars apparently w orshiped a recondite headcalled the “Baphomet”, in some w ay connected to the means by w hich w isdomenters the w orld from all around and is gathered up into a living testament. Thehead w as supposed to have brought fertility to the land: the source of riches,grow th, health and strength. It even made the trees blossom. These gifts w erealso attributed to the Grail as if the Baphomet and Grail w ere one and thesame. In Egypt one thinks of the head of Atum-Ra. In Greece one thinks ofApollo or Zeus. Then there w as Orpheus and the Celtic “Bran”. There w as Osiris,Geb, Horus, Rahu of India…In Egypt, Nut w as the immense black sky thatcontained all the stars. Geb w as the Earth. Atum became Geb on his w ay tobecoming man. The most conspicuous link betw een God and Man has alw aysbeen the head. The skull is certainly reminiscent of a gral, a bow l, a vessel converted by W

undergoing a mysterious transmutation draw ing pow er from the roots of thes p in e .The building of a cathedral is a testament to a total know ledge; not its finalgoal, but a means by w hich the spirit of the pilgrim can be perfected, quickened;purified, lifted up tow ard sublimity. It offers an unparalleled relief; to feel againthe w ell-spring of the divine that can be forgotten in the humdrum. The cathedral w as designed to testify to specific law s by w hich the ‘Grail’ reveals itself to the w orld. The image of the head w ill not go aw ay easily. Remember in Greece that old saying: Athena was born fully grown from the head of Zeus. Athena w as the Egyptian Neith w ho w as linked to the Eye of Horus. Plato dedicated the Timaeus to Neith. Neith w as know ledge, w isdom, Sia. In the Pyramid Texts the King becomes Sia. He departs this w orld as Sia and sits at the ‘right hand of Re.’ “I become Sia w ho bears the god’s book, w ho is at the right hand of Re; O you w ho are protected by my hand, it is I w ho say w hat is in the heart of the Great One [feminine Goddess], in the Festival of Red Linen. I even I, am Sia, w ho is at the right hand of Re…” (PT 268). Here is the image of Christ at the South-East Gate of Chartres (some 62 meters across from Saint Anne), hand upraised in protection, holding the god’s book. He is very, very human. Like Seti I of the XIXth Dynasty in Egypt, one thing he is protecting is the “truth”. In Egypt this w as accomplished during earthly life and w as extended into the Netherw orld after death. In the Gospel of John, Christ declares to Pilate that his Kingdom is not of this w orld. The feeling that I get w as that the Templars w ere seeing Christ much more the w ay the Egyptians saw the Horus-King. The Festival of Red Linen refers to a pure, new state of ‘w eaving’. Throughout the Pyramid Texts it is stated over and over again that the Eye of Horus is w oven into being after having been dismembered by Seth, or the Greek Typhon. Red is royal and also refers to the Red Crow n ofthe North. At times the Eye of Horus and Red and W hite Crow ns w ere treatedas identical!!! Just as the Procession of the Grail in the square hall ofMundsalvaesche w as a festive occasion, so too w as the reconstitution of theEye of Horus through the ‘magic’ of the w eaving. But this w eaving occurs on theplane of spirit; the realm know n to the ka. To experience it, a candidaterequired special training. Red w as symbolic of that training, a harbinger of w hatw as to come; the ‘sacrifice’ that introduces the spirit.The Phoenix and the Stone converted by W

To add to the mystery, in Parzival, the Grail w as closely connected to thePhoenix. The Phoenix w as connected to a ‘stone’ treated as altogether magicaland difficult to name: “lapis exilis” being but one example. The stone possessedan essence most pure. It is by virtue of this stone that the Phoenix burns itselfto ashes; w hich done, it rises again as lovely as before. And in this fashion, itmolts its feathers. This pure “Stone” w as also called “The Grail” (Parzival, p.239, Penguin Edition). The ‘Phoenix’, moreover, is common to every religion,every mythology and ultimately, probably, to every true science that w ill ever bethroughout history – from chaotic transitions to bifurcation points that reachthresholds of stability w here suddenly everything breaks dow n; w hat w asfamiliar is shed; w hat has gone stale, is emptied out. The spirit gives itself upand w ithdraw s. And just w hen all is lost, w hen every attachment has beendissolved back into the vacuum; w hen faith itself feels forsaken; w hen isolationfeels like extermination: then comes the restoration. The tides are not arbitrary.Diastole and systole are not exceptions. They are the law of reconciliation, therhythm betw een ‘same’ and ‘different’. The Phoenix is also common to the rite ofthe Eucharist and the Table of the Last Supper, w here 12 surround a 13th. 13 isnot only the essence, but it is also the resurrection w hen the pantheon of 12collapses; w hen the w ound pierces the heart. Like the Red Linen the bloodcarries a red tincture. To be seen, the vessel must be pierced; the old vaseb ro ke .In Egypt the ‘stone’ w as called the Benben Stone and the Phoenix w as calledthe Bennu Bird. The Bennu Bird and Benben Stone w ere related to the essenceof the Great Pyramid and w ere concerned as much w ith time as space. W hentime and space unite you have living processes and the adventure thattrundles through life, death and the magic of rebirth. The 2:1 rectangular King’sChamber deep in the body of the Great Pyramid may have been built around2,700 B.C., long, long before Christianity. The Choir at Chartres has anastonishing precedent!Altars w ere places of burnt offerings, the greatest being the self-sacrifice of thePhoenix itself. It ‘burnt itself to ash upon the Stone’. The Grail, then, is theessence of the Phoenix, the Bennu Bird. Pyramid means ‘fire-in-the-middle-of-the-earth’. Benben comes from bnn bnn, w hich is the verb to rise, or rise again.W hen attached to other w ords it w as used symbolically. For example bnn-loaf ofthe Pyramid Texts refers to the principle in bread that makes it rise. TheEgyptians used symbols differently than w e do. The bnn-loaf actually w asanother term for the Eye of Horus! W hen the bnn-loaf w as invoked they w erereferring to the inner pow er of resurrection: the capacity for the fallen Osiris torise again as Horus, the w ay w arm bread rises and expands. But I did not knowthe relationship betw een the Phoenix and the Stone until about 1992. Clarifyingthe true nature of the ‘crucifixion’ is another matter that slips beyond the scopeof this entry, as fundamental and fascinating as it is. Admittedly, how ever, if w emisrepresent the meaning of the crucifixion w e distort the meaning of the giftcalled “resurrection”. Under repressive dogmas it is difficult to hear one’sow n instincts and the crucifixion becomes severely maligned. It can be used aspropaganda as a substitute for the hard w on struggle to rescue truth from thethorns that protect every cherished thing. There w ere no crucifixes atChartres!!! Chartres is a place of unvarnished generosity. Because it expressesthe root of being, it lifts everybody above the mundane sphere. It is notdesigned to yank the vulnerable pilgrim aw ay from w hat they are – no matterw ho they are. Rather it is designed to restore w hat they are. W hatAuthoritarianism displaces, Chartres recovers w ith incomparable grace. Chartresgives you back your life…and then some….I w ould love to name it the “Place ofthe Restoration”, but it w ould scarcely benefit from any more names.The Road to the King’s ChamberThe King’s Chamber w as based on a 10 x 20 cubit rectangular table, picturedbelow (ABCD). In Fig X w e see its w idth (10 cubits), length (20 cubits), height(11.18 cubits or 1/2 its diagonal) and three diagonals (15, 22.36 and 25 cubits).It offers a timeless example of the ‘3 Tables that bear the Grail’. Its perimeter is31.416 meters or pi x 10. A circle w ith the same perimeter is 10 meters indiameter. A square w ith the same perimeter is simply 3/4 the length or 7.854meters, w hich is also the diagonal of the end w alls (AH = 1.5 x Unity = 15 cubits= 7.854 m). In the standing adult, 3/4th the height falls right in the middle ofthe Thoracic Vesica Piscis (TU in the next Fig below ). This is the spot w here youplace the hand to restart a heart that has experienced cardiac arrest. Moreover,it appears that the coffer is placed at the 3/4th mark of the KC w hich is over theeast-w est center of the w hole Pyramid, w hile remaining south of center. W e cannote that 1.309 x 4 = 5.236; 1.309 x 8 = 10.472; 1.309 x 6 = 7.854; 1.309 x 24= 31.416. W e w ill use 1.309 and 24 just ahead as a simple w ay to create the 3Grail Tables. converted by W

It is w ell w orth emphasizing that the KC height is 1.118 x Unity (1.118 x 10 =11.18 cubits = 1.118 x 5.236 = 5.854 meters). The relationship betw een the‘great diagonal’ 13.09 m and length 10.472 m is the Major 3rd in the diatonicscale of music, 1.25 or 5/4 or 25/20, a figure w e saw in the previous post w hensituating the mouth in the standing adult: namely the diagonal of a doublesquare(2.236) divided by the square of 1.118034 (1.25) = 1.7888 = 2.236/1.25= 2/1.118. This 1.7888 is measured from the soles of the feet w hen the heightis “2”. In the image below w e see three convergences on the mouth. W e seethe horizontal line of the square w ith equal perimeter to the circle w ith diameterequal to her height (2). W e see the Thoracic Vesica Piscis converge on the samespot. And w e also see that Height/1.118 = 1.7888 w hich is also right on theopening of the mouth. W e w ill look at more convergences ahead.Since mention has just been made again of 3/4th the height or 1.5 x unity, thediagonal of the end w all of the KC, I w ill just mention now that it is important torelate the Aortic Arch, 1.618, to the center of the heart/lung complex, 1.5:1.618/1.5 = 1.07866 = 1.3333/1.236This ratio 1.07866 ends up determining the relative size of the male ThoracicVesica which is proportionally larger than the female. This 1.07866 w ill alsobecome the radius of a circle placed over the center of the heart. W hen raisedup to the Ideal Angle of botany, the male arms measure that radius. In the converted by W

image here I have show n that the average female armspan is a little shy of the‘ideal’. I w ill return to this interesting constellation of harmonies ahead.The ratio 5/4 w ill prove important again just ahead w hen w e use it in onemethod for squaring the circle, in conjunction w ith 1.309, the ratio that framesthe w ood stela of Ra-Horachty seen in the previous post. 1.309 is greatbecause not only is it 1/2 of 2.618 (the square of the golden number), but it isthe relationship betw een tw o of the most important divisions w ithin the 2:1paradigm, the golden number and golden section:1.618/1.236 = 1.309 = 10/7.64 = 10.472/8Just as importantly, w e find that the ratio for the royal cubit emerges as aresolution betw een 1.309 and the square of 1.118 or 1.25 (5/4):1.309/1.25 = 1.0472 = 3.1416/3This ratio captures the relationship betw een a circle and the hexagon that itinscribes as w ell as the 2:1 rectangle w hose length is the same as the diameterof the circle. A circle w ith diameter 10 has a circumference that is 31.416. A 2:1w ith length 10 has a circumference that is 30. 31.416/30 = 1.0472. The circle daVinci portrays in his famous illustration is the smaller perimeter that equals thehexagon or 2:1 rectangle. The Square, EFGH, is in fact 1.0472 x greater in sizethan Circle A or Hexagon A or the prime 2:1 rectangle w ith length = height offigure. W hen I set about to examine the proportions of human anatomy Idecided to include some pertinent statistical averages. In men the common armspans are larger than the square draw n by da Vinci. One is 1.03 and the otheris 1.045 w hich is close to 1.0472, w hat Schw aller calls the “Ideal Armspan”because of the importance of the Royal Cubit Principle. But w ith time I realized Ihad to center the circle over the heart and low er the angle of the arms slightly.An Interesting Number Series1.309 appears naturally in Line 1, Col XIV, in a very interesting Fibonacci-likeseries that I w ill call Series E. W e see all the numbers mentioned above in thesame series. I w ill introduce it here so w e can refer to it throughout.Note how this series starts. It is 1, 5, 6… Five characterizes it and pentagonalgeometry opens the golden proportion family. 1 is common to any Fibonacciseries. W hen 5 and 1 are added together you get 6. 6/5 = 1.2 and 1.2 x 2.618= 3.1416, an excellent version of pi that appears on Line 24, under the 1309column. In any case 118, 309, 1309, all occur on Line 1 of this series. 382,618, 1618, 2618, etc. all appear on Line 2. 5236 occurs on Line 4 and 10472occurs on Line 8. 31416 occurs on Line 24.The ratio 1.309 plays a significant role in the layout of the brain – among otherplaces – as w e w ill see. It centers itself over the critical (partial) decussationsite w here both olfactory and optic information cross over to oppositehemispheres of the brain. This is the same part of the head (or brain) w here the converted by W

ancients pictured the “Eye” taking root. It appears to divide the long axis of thebrain by the golden section, marked here as 1:1.618 and indicated by EF of thePrime 2:1 rectangle, ABCD. If the smaller circle centered over the decussationsite is taken as 2, the larger, complete circle w ill be 2.618 and 2.618/2 = 1.309,w hich is here AB, CD, etc. The decussation is finished after leaving the .309zone. Note that the visual cortex reassociates optic information at the back ofthe brain betw een the tw o circles. Both the eyes and visual cortex areas areexactly bound by the Prime 2:1, ABCD (in red), so the diagonals of the 2:1rectangle arre generating a complementary relationship betw een right and left ;and front and back, analogous to the operation of the four legs of a horse. Alarge part of ‘intelligence’ is information processing that goes on below the levelof conscious aw areness. Here w e see complementary information processingthat must balance the energies that enter the eyes in a dynamic w ay. Thehuman brain is about 80% optical. An eagle is about 95% optical. A snake isabout 95% olfactory. Note the eyes are contained w ithin a 29.1 degree w edge.Every synodical month the Earth and Moon travel through 29.1 degrees aroundthe Sun. This is approximately 76,000,000,000 meters or 16.18 m raised to the9th pow er. So this image here also pictures the orbit of Earth + Moon in onesynodic month. The synodic month is represented by an infradian clock that maybe situated a little above the optic tract in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of thehypothalamus. In w omen this is about 29 days and leads to a monthly ovulationin a cycle that alternates betw een right and left ovaries month by month. Aw oman can feel this alternation.One imagines decussation as being a form of ‘w eaving’, a w arp and w eft thatbinds, counterbalances and focuses energy that w ill become ‘information’ andrhythm; the Egyptian “Sia” that transmutes into know ledge and finally w isdom.W isdom is so full and so all-embracing that the transmutation w as symbolicallyexpressed by a perfume released as if by a flow er, such as the lotus bloom. TheEgyptians spoke of the ‘perfume (sty) of the Eye of Horus’ that purifies the face(Hr). But really this is a symbol only. The ‘perfume’ is an attempt to describespirit-state, that is so exquisite and so unique it does not lend itself to normallanguage. Light w itnessed by the ka does not behave like normal reflected light. converted by W

It behaves like a light that has originated from w ithin and does not reflect offforms. Rather it illuminates the forms from w ithin. It is like an exquisite healingra d ia tio n .So the head is one place w here this transmutation occurs and decussation isone w ay that energy is accumulated and amplified becoming the ‘alchemy of themind/brain’, caught w ithin the vessel of the skull – a gral or grail in its ow n right.Not surprisingly then, the same ratios show up in the human face through w hichthe data that w ill become information is admitted into the vessel of the head:the ‘control center of the Central Nervous System’. Here w e see three faces – alldifferent, and yet the same proportional ratios dominate.In the first one w e see that the head cube is divided in half by 1.309 throughthe pupil of the eye. The low er half of the head divides by the golden section atthe mouth into .5 and .809. The w hole head cube is divided by the goldensection into 1 and 1.618 at the tip of the nose that also passes through theTemporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) and entrance to the ear. The Prime SquareABCD starts at the chin and brow . To the tip of the nose is .309. So from the tipof the nose to the back of the head is 1.309 + 1.309 = 2.618. The entire slopeof the noe is contained w ithin the .309 margin. Just as w e saw opticdecussation in this zone in the brain, so yoga teaches a w ay to alternate thebreath through each nostril. This stimulates the decussation site in the brain,but w hen both sides became equal in strength, it can have the effect ofprovoking the kundalini in the sacrum. Olfactory is a pow erful sense andoperates on a potent electromagnetic double current w hen strengthened.The next image is of the w oman show n earlier. This introduces the overallgeometry. Once again the low er half of the head has been divided by thegolden section at the mouth. But this head divides in half at the uppereyelashes. Then everything falls in place from there. First of all notice that if thew hole head height is 2, then from the crow n dow n to the mouth is 1.618 andthe remainder is .382. This is a remarkable dovetail w ith the fact that w hen w etook the w hole height of the adult and divided it by 1.118 w e got 1.7888 out of‘2’, w hich falls right on the mouth, dividing the body the other w ay: from bottomup, leaving .2111456 from the mouth to the crow n. Now w e are in the headw ith a 2:1 that is 13/100 of the w hole height. This w e take for ‘2’ and w hen w edivide it at the mouth remarkably from the crow n to the mouth w ill be 1.618 andthe remainder w ill be .382. converted by W

I w ill not speak for anyone else, but I regard this face as a revelation. I amamazed by its harmonies and this set of numbers is but one variation only; oneselection w ithin the same face. It can be broken dow n into several types ofharmonics. Endless ramifications. Her face is like a w indow into a w orld ofenormous spiritual and psychological complexity involving themes of mythicp ro p o rtio n s .In this incredibly articulate face, from the mouth to the upper eyelashes is .618.Note the degree to w hich the diagonals of various double squares shape thisface. The nose is circumscribed by the diagonals of the Prime 2:1, ABCD. Itsmaximum w idth (QR) also is 1/3rd of Unity (AB), in imitation of the w idth of theThoracic Vesica Piscis in the adult that frames the chest, ribs, lungs and heart.The horizontal ‘prime’ 2:1, IJGH, shapes the sides and slope of the uppermouth/lips, precisely. They also pin the corners of the mouth (x and y). Thediagonals of the smaller 2:1, KLCD, circumscribe and determine the slope of thelow er mouth/lips – also precisely. The corners of the mouth are limitedhorizontally by the 2:1, abcd. Its golden section opens the mouth – yet anothercontributor to all the geometric factors that open the mouth. The ears join thisface at exactly the boundaries of the golden rectangle, W XYZ. The eyebrowheight is set by 1.118 x unity. The Third Eye w here the Eye of Horus takes root,is usually described as being betw een the brow s and behind the eyes. So 1.118is involved w ithin the Square of the face, in the placement of the Third Eye. Thelatitude of the tops of the upper eyelid and tops of the ears is 1.0472.In the earlier image of the w hole standing adult w e also divided the height as 2into 1.618 and .382. This division occurred at the aortic arch of the heart w herechemoreceptors convey the state of the blood to the medulla oblongata in thelow er brainstem and also w here the recurrent laryngeal nerve w raps aroundthe arch and also w here the arterial, oxygenated blood leaves the heart. The1.618 latitude also marks the horizontal armspan as if the arms w ere anexpression, like branches of a tree, of the heart itself. It seems this 1.618 pointalso marks the trachea w here it divides into the bronchial tubes. The chen signof the Egyptians is likely taken at this point through a cross-section just abovethe bronchi. So the mouth is to the w hole head w hat the Aortic Arch is to thew hole body, but inverted, upside-dow n. The mouth must be w here above andbelow meet. And w hen they meet there is an interface that breathes, eats,drinks, chew s, and articulates the sounds and ideas emitted from the vocalcords that are innervated from the brainstem. The relationship betw een themouth-jaw measure and the Aortic Arch-to-crow n measure is as 1:7.69. The7.69 is measured from the crow n to the Aortic Arch and the 1 is measured fromthe base of the jaw to the crease of the mouth.The relationship betw een crow n to mouth and feet to Aortic arch is meaningfulenough to w arrant a deeper glance right here at the gap betw een mouth andAortic Arch. 1.7888 – 1.618 = .17082. This happens to be the reciprocal of 5.854w hich is also the height of the KC in meters and is derived from the formula: converted by W

1.118 x .5236 = .5854. This comes from the royal cubit.In the standing adult, the height (2) divided by 1.118 = 1.7888, the position ofthe mouth from the soles of the feet. In this zone you have clavicles, neck andprobably C2 to T2 in the vertebral column. You have the arms. The blooddeparts from the main aorta and feeds arms and head. The rest heads dow n.Next w e see this face a little closer up w ith the numbers altered, to reflectdifferent values, but the same proportions of course.Note how the 2:1 rectangle, IJKL, w hen golden-sectioned in both directions (utand MN), marks the nostrils and mouth opening: both w ays for air to get in andout of the body. The unity circles or arcs of the golden section (Q1&Q) literallyshape the “V” of the upper mouth/lip. The smaller 2:1, abzy, w hen golden-sectioned, marks the bottom edge of the low er lip. W hen jaw -to-mouth is unity,the 2:1 IJKL is 1.309 x 2.618. So, in the case of the face, w hat splits open themouth is the golden section of the smaller, ‘half’ 2:1 IJKL and the division of thew hole height of the head AD, taken as ‘2’, into 1.618 and .382. In this imagehere the w hole height is 5.236 and so the mouth divides the w hole into 1 +4.236. All these numbers appear in Series E.It is quite interesting to note that the height from base of head to mouth is 1and the w idth of the mouth here is 1.309 or rectangle: MNKL. So MNKL is a1.309 x 1 rectangle, the same shape as the Ra-Horachty image, just set on its converted by W

side. W e can recall that the harp in that image featured an Ennead of strings (9strings, but 10 tuning keys, w here the 10th could only be Horus liberated fromthe 9). One thinks of the old biblical pronouncement at the beginning of theGospel of John: “In the beginning is the W ord…” In the Pyramid Texts, on oneoccasion great importance is attached betw een ‘w ord’ and liberation. The lipsw ere portrayed as the meeting of the Tw o Enneads, undoubtedly one aboveand one below : “My lips are the Tw o Enneads; I am the Great W ord; I am onew ho is loosed; I am one w ho ought to be loosed, and I am loosed from allthings evil.” (PT 1100). W hen this w oman w as a youngster she used to w rite onthe w alls of her bedroom. She w as precociously, deeply concerned w ith “Truth”.She often ‘exclaimed’ in her w riting w ith capital letters. This also characterizedher manner of speaking for many years as an adolescent. It w as as if the GreatW ord w ere a seed that w as fulfilling its grow th through her. She felt profoundresponsibility for this unfoldment of the W ord. She experienced it as a callingw ith great urgency. She did not w ant to deviate from w hat she called ‘theTruth’. I should also mention here that in the ‘Big Dream’ I have been referringto throughout this blog, specific w ords at one point brought about a criticaltransformation or change of state. They w ere spoken in a unique w ay that couldbe described as the indigenous origin of ‘ritual’. But it w as a ritual w ithtransformative pow er like a conversion. Exactly 9 w ords w ere spoken by 2individuals simultaneously; one female, one male. It w as as if an all-embracingfield of force moved like a w ave and brought both voices and both throats into aform of sublime coherence. It had a truly beautiful numinosity to it even thoughthere w as little time to contemplate that beauty. The changes sped along attheir ow n inimitable pace. But I thought it important to note that the w ordsspoken w ere 9, in 3, rhythmic, groups of 3. One immediately thinks of the9 bow s, the 9 monarchs, the 9 potencies, the 9 movers of the Egyptian Ennead.9 is very compatable w ith 3 and 6 and 12. It is also a square number. So itbridges diverse w orlds together in an effective, organizing and pow erful w ay.It’s like a pump. The Pituitary is the Master Endocrine Gland and produces 9hormones. Hormones are stimulators, activators, potencies, regulators, ThePituitary stalk drops dow n from the golden section point of the brain, just belowthe optic chiasm. It appears to be divided into tw o lobes by the golden section:anterior w hich is not part of the CNS and posterior, w hich is part of the CNS.The posterior lobe produces 2 hormones; the anterior produces 7.24-method of Squaring-the-CircleThis ratio, 1.309, has become so important, I w ill introduce w hat I call the ’24-method’ for ‘squaring-the-circle’ here so it can be seen. But I w ill go into detailla te r.The w ay to create this image is to simply golden-section the Prime 2:1, ABCD (5 converted by W

x 10), into 3.82 (BF) and 6.18 FC). You then center a circle on the navel, point I.You take 3.82 as its radius. You inscribe a circle w ith diameter 7.64. Its’perimeter w ill be:7.64 x 3.1415927 = 24The relationship betw een 7.64 and 10 is 1.309, so the reciprocal of 1.309 is.764. It is easy to use w hole numbers to create a square and 2:1 rectangle thatare 24 on the perimeter. The square is 6 x 6 and the 2:1 is 4 x 8. 10/8 = 1.25,the Major 3rd in music; and 10/6 is 1.66666, very close to A-natural (440). Thisparadigm is packed w ith geometrical information that gives it remarkable self-focusing properties. For the moment I should just mention that I am roundingup 3.82 and 7.64 as in Series E. In fact they are both irrationals and appear inthis paradigm as 10/2.618034 = 3.81966 and 10/1.309016 = 7.63932.7.63932 x 3.1416 = 23.999 ~ 24The w ay to ‘square-the-circle’ w ith the prime 5 x 10 2:1 is through the goldenproportion. An ‘irrational’ diameter x the irrational pi produces a w hole number;in this case 24. This is an inversion. Normally w e think of pi as irrational andoperating at the limitless circumference of a circle. W e think of the diameter asbeing finite. But here the diameter becomes ‘irrational’ and the circumferencebecomes ’24’. 24 is a nice number. W e have used it to divide the ‘circle’ of theday for a long time. The hour has relevance in human rhythms.In any case, it is the golden division w ithin the 5 x 10 rectangle that sets thescale of the 3 Tables. But it is as if the 5 x 10 is the underlying support of the ‘3Tables that bear the grail’. This w ill have consequences w hen w e look at thenanometric scale of the tubulin protein dimers (4 x 4 x 8 nanometers involume) w hich may be information-processing automata in the cell, but also thescarab beetle that undergoes a metamorphosis from w orm to w inged insect ofextraordinary beauty. This does not just happen out of thin air. There must begeometrical forms that facilitate this remarkable transformation ofform. Something is ordering it in its cocoon.1.309 is acting as a key of transformation and w e can recall that it is therelationship betw een 1.618 and 1.236: respectively w ithin a 2:1 rectangle, itsgolden number and its golden section. 1.236 is also the w idth of its cousingolden rectangle w ithin w hich the female Pelvic Vesica is constructed. So 1.236in the female is the relationship betw een heart and lungs above and w ombbelow . W hen it is related to the golden number w e get 1.309, at theheadw ater of Column XIV of Series E. converted by W

This image is remarkable. The 5 x 10 rectangle that generated the circle w ithcircumference 24, remains active in shaping the scarab. It measures its w idth ifthe middle claw s w ere tucked in slightly to touch the body. But the w hole lengthis framed precisely by the 4 x 8 rectangle w hich extends a little above the 5 x 10by the ratio 1.0472. The “1” or 7.64 circle exactly limits the antennae. The 4 x 8(EFGH) determines the main w idth of the body minus the middle claw s. Theforeclaw s are limited by the 4 x 8 for extent, but are shaped by the diagonal ofthe prime 5 x 10 for angle of attachment to the body. They are in a precisecomplementary relationship w ith the opposite hind claw also determined by thediagonal of the Prime 5 x 10. The Square, IJKL, cuts through the eyes and marksdetails of the rear claw s.But the key to this entire image is the relationship betw een the Circle w ith acircumference of 24 and the Prime 5 x 10 that created it. 10/7.64 = 1.309. Thisthen allow s the other 2 tables w ith perimeters of 24 to be generated. They areall centered upon the navel of the 5 x 10, or 6.18 from the base DC. There is thedistinct feeling that the golden section is at work in the process of metamorphosisthat transforms the worm into a winged insect. The squaring-of-the-circle is thegeomtrical means by w hich this is facilitated. Through this geometry, w hat w asin the w orm is conserved. Through the 3 tables the geometry can blossom,sharing the characteristics of all three tables. Looked at this w ay, there is astriking parallel betw een the Egyptian symbolism of the scarab “Khepera” andthe Grail. Automatically, then, w e have to conclude that there is an even olderparallel betw een the Eye of Horus and the Grail. The Eye of Horus at one pointin the Pyramid Texts w as said to ‘go up from the head of Seth’. If it takes 3tables to bear the ‘grail’, one must empathize w ith the Egyptian tendency togive one phenomenon many ‘names’. Each name refers to different aspects ofits nature. The Egyptians w ere confident of unity and appeared not to bereductionists. I think w e have projected our ow n w estern reductionism on acivilization that w e did not understand. Their spiritual preoccupation w as w iththe final metamorphosis into pure spirit.King’s Chamber and Scarab “Khepera” converted by W

In the next image, w hich I have reconstructed based upon several sources, w esee the w idths of the King and Queen’s Chambers, w hich are both 10 cubits or5.236 meters . W e cannot see their respective lengths from this angle, but theKing’s Chamber is 10.472 meters long or tw ice its w idth as show n above. TheQueen’s Chamber is perhaps 5.74 meters long. It is situated about 22 metersabove the base, w hile the KC seems to be 44 meters above the base: another2:1 ratio. All these numbers appear in Series E. One can see that the chamberw ith its stone coffer is capable of being hermetically sealed. It is a grand climbto get up to it. The dotted lines indicate shafts that point to Thuban of AlphaDraconis to the north and to one of the star of Orion’s belt to the south. Thew hole set up looks like a self-enclosure w ith a perimeter of 31.416 meters,designed to liberate, to loose the spirit from all attachments. How significant,then, to learn that the geometric shape of this chamber of transformationshould be proportioned 1 x 2 or, 10 x 20 royal cubits, or 5.236 x 10.472 meters.The Tomb of Seti I and the 2:1 RectangleIn the historic struggle to interpret the stellar symbols invoked on the famousceiling of Seti I’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings, its geometry is usuallyoverlooked. The ceiling appears to depict the entrance to the Duat, the Gate tothe Netherw orld, the Ladder of the God, or just the King’s Gate. But it is alsoobvious that the central drama w ithin w hich w e can discern a rotation, as if w ew ere w atching the northern heavens know n as the Imperishables, rotatearound the pole of the precession of the equinoxes, has been framed w ithin a2:1 rectangle! The rectangle ABCD is an exact 2:1. Its’ most important featuresare marked by the golden section. EF marks the horizontal division so that BF is1 and FA is 1.618. The figure of the “Osiris-King” w ith up-raised arm is literallymarking the golden section itself and the loop or break in the ‘harpoon/lasso’being used by Horus. In Egypt the term ‘harpoon’ usually associated w ith Sokarand the Cavern of Sokar, w as another name for ’30’, indicating the involvementof time in the process of metamorphosis. The “Bull of Heaven”, as it is called inthe Pyramid Texts, probably referring to the resurrection of Osiris/Orion, isclearly dependent upon this golden proportion! It does seem in this instancethat the Bull is an aspect of the Big Dipper know n back then as Meskheti. converted by W

Vertically, the ‘thigh bone’, or mnj.t, being stabilized or guarded by the pregnantIsis-Hippo w ith pendulous breasts, as Horus the redeemer/w arrior/shooterclimbs it, is 1 w hile everything above Horus to the tips of the Bull’s horns is1.618. W hen the thigh bone or Mooring Post, or ‘ship’s peg’, or ‘nose-bone’ ofthe Eye of Horus is taken as “1” the full length of this ‘Gate to the Netherw orld’or “King’s Gate”, AB, is 5.236, the same number that measures the GP profilew hen the base is 2 and the apothems are 1.618.The thigh-bone or Mooring Post, or ship’s peg – the mnj.t w ent bydifferent names – show n in the low er right corner of the Seti I ceiling, refers toIsis or Nephthys in the Pyramid Texts. They w ere usually associated w ith Siriusin Canis Major near the cusp of the southern horizon at that time. So w hatHorus seems to be climbing is an axis, a cosmic pillar that represents theresurrection of Osiris associated w ith Orion that rises about an hour beforeSirius – but in the south (Seth) – up into the Northern Sky (Horus) w here theImperishable stars of the Northern Hemisphere make a circle around the northcelestial pole.In images of the Eye of Horus, w hich consisted of segments, the part that lookslike this very same ‘mnj.t’ w as given a value of 1. It w as treated as the seed orroot of the w hole Eye. The Oudja Eye w as subdivided into 64 parts, echoingthe 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, the ‘book of changes’ or ‘transformations’, likethe Egyptian ‘khepera’ symbolized by the scarab beetle. W hen all the divisionsare added back up they only sum to 63, not 64. Curiously in the I Ching,Hexagram #63 is titled “After Completion”, w hile Hexagram #64 is titled “BeforeCompletion”. There is an inversion on the difference betw een 64 and 63 w hichis 1. The I Ching does not actually end, suggesting that the number 64 iscircular, one reason it has been called a totality number. I w ill have to continue converted by W

the discussion of 64 at a later point, but it is interesting that the Earth’s rotationrate at the Equator is 1/64 its mean speed around the Sun: 29.786/.4651 = 64.64 also has an exquisite internal structure w hen regarded in terms of itspow ers. A later post! In involves the number 1236.The “1” missing, referred to as “qd”, but portrayed as the ‘mnj.t’ in the Seti Iceiling, becomes the seed of the new and the means of resurrection throughthe impregnation of Isis (“Horus w ho is in Sothis”, PT 1636) depicted here as apregnant Hippo. Horus is the seed, but it is portrayed as being w ithinIsis/Sothis/Sirius w ho w as in association w ith the fallen or dead Osiris (Orion).The drama has and alw ays w ill be a spiritual drama that becomes the ‘secondbirth’ during life, but a final resurrection after mummification follow ing the body’sdemise. This essence or seed that has impregnated the Hippo – w ho reallycould also be the mother of Isis, Nut, is also referred to in the same Utteranceas the ‘Spirit-in-the-Dndrw -bark’. (PT 1637). Incidentally, I believe the Templarsw ere aw are of the parallel betw een Mary and Isis and Saint Anne and Nut.There is plenty to say about Nut from the Pyramid Texts, but not right here. The“Black Virgin” is closer to Nut, the immense Great One, than Isis, w ho w as morelocalized as Sirius A, the brightest star also know n as the Beautiful Star. It istrue. It even has a quality that surpasses Venus and Saturn to the naked eye.This play upon unity is the root of the future Eye or Eye of Horus and this hasbeen reflected w ithin a 2:1 w indow or gate or door in the Seti I ceiling! Imention this here only to emphasize that in tw o of the greatest architecturalw onders of all time: the Great Pyramid w ith its King’s Chamber and Chartres,the 2:1 is depicted as the key, the gatew ay to the heavenly realm. It is depictedin the same w ay in the tomb of Seti I. At Dendera it is the shape of theSanctuary of the Barque (5.5 x 11 meters), the predecessor to the Ark of theCovenant. So the 2:1 boasts an ancient legacy that seems to dissolve into anunknow able prehistory. Little w onder the group that celebrated onthat suburban Paris law n, back in 1964, called themselves “The Friends ofAtlantis”. The Traditional Sciences refer to the eternal, through w hich ‘thingstake their course’: the principles that create us and support us and havenothing to do w ith personal w ill. This is the relief and the beauty of it. Simplicityis the root of genuine pow er. It is also the root of all adaptation and w hat w ecall ‘invention’. The Grail could only be carried by the w orld’s most beautiful,most upright and most chaste female. She is a spiritual fountain that overflow sits ow n boundaries. The Grail is in an inverse realationship w ith pride or w hattoday w e call the inflation of the ego: Goliath, Seth. Pride alw ays seems to gobefore a fall, even as the Ark keeps trundling along the old, old road: nowdesolate, now bleached of all color, now resplendent w ith light and burstingw ith a jungle of sound and form; now caught in a cataclysm of human blood;only to be once again trundled dow n another valley of green.Above I have indicated the mnj.t and its ‘number’, 1/64. It is my understandingthat “t” indicates the feminine determinative. So the Isis- Hippopotamus andmnj.t or Mooring Post, or ‘thigh of the Horus Eye’, must be taken together as acomplex, interpretive symbol. The “Enduring Bull of the W ild Bulls”, or ‘Great W ildBull’ (PT 1146), or Foremost of the W esterners’ (ibid) w hich the King becomes inthe Pyramid Texts, is also assimilated to the Big Dipper, so that w hat had beenperishable becomes imperishable, w hat had stolen and dismembered the Eye ofHorus, has been tethered, tamed and redeemed. Seth and Horus have beenreconciled through the agency of the scales of truth and the w ords of pow erknow n to Isis. Seth obviously has much in common w ith the Minotaur converted by W

encountered by Theseus w ith his short sw ord at the center of the Labyrinthfashioned by Daedalus.But in the midst of all this celestial symbolism, the Egyptians did not overlookthe fundamental importance of the 2:1 ratio, the octave in music. The 2:1 gateis the portal, the stairw ay, the w indow , the means to get there. The entiredrama is contained w ithin it. W hat emerges from that gate is the spirit of theking.Splitting Open the MouthThere is such a crush of information that could be conveyed at this point. It is socomplicated and yet unity does prevail! The Egyptians performed a ritual uponthe Mummy, and undoubtedly on candidates for the second birth during life asw ell, w hereby the ‘mouth w as split open’ using the ‘thigh of the Eye of Hor’, alsocalled the hook of Upuat w hich means ‘opener of the w ays’. In Egypt one unifiedsymbol bore w ithin it many w ays to say the same thing. The opening of themouth seems to be operating on more than one level. The Egyptians w eremasters of geometry. So the position of the mouth in the human body becomesimportant as w e w ill see. By splitting open the mouth one w as also opening theEye of Horus. The Pyramid Texts use the term interchangeably! If the w idth ofthe King’s Chamber is taken as “1”, its height is 1.118 or the root of 5 dividedby 2. In the body, the position of the mouth is determined by dividing the heightof the Prime 2:1 by 1.118. In this respect, one could suggest, geometricallyspeaking, that 1.118 (1/2 the diagonal of a double square) is acting like theAdze of Iron used to symbolically ‘split open the mouth’ or “eye”. One couldsuggest that 1.118 by dividing the height is splitting open the mouth of thedouble freeing it from its mummified cocoon! 1.118 is also acting as the’ thigh ofthe Eye of Hor’, that splits open the eye and facilitates the ascension of thespirit of the king. The feeling is that the hook of Upuat, the mnj.t, the thigh ofthe Horus Eye, is really the ratio 1.118 or the relationship betw een thediagonal of a 2:1 rectangle and its length (or 1/2 diagonal and its w idth.) Onecould also suggest that the King’s Chamber deep w ithin the ‘earth’ of the GreatPyramid, w as not designed for aesthetical reasons. It w as concealed in deepestdarkness. Rather, it w as designed to accumulate the Earth’s telluric current, theSerpent Current, the “w ouivre” of the Gauls, and subsequently transform thatenergy into a Lotus Bloom, the Golden Flow er of Iseion – other names for theEye of Horus. The splitting open of the mouth or eye w as a metaphor for thefinal, culminating metamorphosis of the life of the ka that had observed Maat,accomplished its rebirths, learned the nature of things, expressed thatknow ledge through w ords uttered from the mouth truthfully, reflecting thePyramid Texts w hich stated: ‘Say that w hich is, do not say that w hich is not,for the god detests falsity of w ords’ (PT1160-61). It is then possible not to allowoneself to be held back by the pow ers of the Earth at the moment ofresurrection. The King’s Chamber w as designed w ith complete simplicity andpurpose – to open the gate; to split open the ‘mouth of the god’ as it w as oftenstated.In this XIXth Dynasty image from the ceiling of Seti I’s tomb, (Fig), w e haveproof beyond all doubt that the Egyptians w ere employing the golden numberand golden section – both of w hich are determined from the diagonal of adouble square – long, long before the Greeks. The Greeks inherited know ledgeof the Golden Section and its role in the w hole principle of resurrection, from theEgyptians. They did not discover or invent it as many history books insist. Theyw ere taught or reminded, perhaps, that the 2:1 w as the Alpha and the Omegaof all becoming and that the golden proportion mediates this becoming as amatter of course. And not only does it create and sustain us; not only does itgive us the capacity to be fair and w ise; but it also fills us w ith w onder w hen w esense w hat is beyond all transitory forms. The golden proportion is a means byw hich the Ark can stay on course – in life on earth by mediating Goliath – and asthe w ay to enter immortal realms. The ancients believed this principle, w hetherwe do or not.The Templars and Egypt?The Great Pyramid had been blasted open in the 9th Century by the Arabs andthe King’s Chamber investigated – revealing nothing inside it but a simple stonecoffer w ithin a 2:1 rectangular chamber. The Templars w ere organized by 1114A.D, but founding members had likely been in the Holy Land starting around1100 after the 1099 conquest of Jerusalem. The first Nine KnightsTemplar returned from the Holy Land around 1128 A.D. Chartres experienced aterrible fire quite as of the Phoenix w ere right on time, and the W est Front w ithsouth tow er w as gotten underw ay. The Holy Land w as returned to the Muslims,presumably by the Templars, in 1187-8. After that, as ‘things took theircourse’, the Gothic Flow ering exploded into being like a bifurcation of lotus converted by W

blooms carved in stone.Entering the Cathedral of Chartres is a unique experience. One learns that truepeace is not quiescence. Rather, it is creative, dynamic and fully alive. It doesnot confine or burden either heart or mind. Rather, it relieves all burdens almostimmediately. Suddenly the universe w ith all its conflicts and troubles, feels right.Love becomes reality. Dream becomes actuality. The indescribable fills the heartw ith its immediate presence! W hat is ‘above’ feels rooted in the here and now ;and w hat is ‘below ’ feels exalted, strong and fresh. Longing ceases and thesoul must only learn to endure fulfilment. To know that other ‘pilgrims’ arefeeling exactly w hat you are feeling only enhances the w ealth, urging the soulto share more. At Chartres there is nothing to hoard, nothing to covet, nothingto hide. For shame itself is flushed from all its hiding places. W hat anaccomplishment! If the builders of this Cathedral returned from the Holy Landw ith a secret, after dw elling for some 28 years in and around the eastern end ofthe Mediterranean Sea, then they revealed all w hen they committed that secretto the stones that built up Chartres. The secret now radiates from every part ofit. It is imparted to even the most callous visitor w ith every breath taken. One isinclined to believe that the Templars must have spent a goodly part of that 28years somew here in Egypt.I w ill demonstrate in a later post that the new scale upon w hich the presentcathedral w as built, depended from data that appears to have come directlyfrom Gizeh, including the Great Sphinx.Kely and I stayed 3 days at Chartres. W e spent every w aking minute around orinside the Cathedral. W hen it w as time to leave, being a rather emotionalcreature by nature, I experienced an impossible grief that has never quitevacated my system. Floods of tears accompanied the drive to La Havre and thejourney across the English Channel to England. Nothing since – w ith a few rareexceptions – has equaled the spiritual grace offered by Chartres in its totality. Iw ill discuss these exceptions at a future point. I feel quite fortunate, how ever,that I can say that the Big Dream of 1980 shared something w ith Chartres, so converted by W

that taken together they redefined for me the true nature of the Phoenix. Lifeand death are inextricably bound due to the mystery of the third. W hen themedievals spoke of Hermes Trismegistos, “Thrice-Greatest”, they w ere speakingof this third part, w hen the Phoenix is reborn.SQ U ARING-THE -C IRC L ECharpentier goes on to describe how a 2:1 table possesses the root oftransformation from an angular to a circular table, in other w ords the 2:1rectangle has the capacity to ‘square-the-circle’. Its capacity to construct thegolden number infallibly w as one thing. But the ability to square the circleseemed to penetrate more deeply into my system. But w ith time I realized thatthe golden section itself w as the w ay to ‘square-the-circle’, w hich I havedemonstrated below . The entire construction begins w ith the 5 x 10 rectangle,ABCD. The compass starts on A, is opened to AB and sw ung into a 10-meterdiameter circle that crosses the diagonal at E. Its circumference is 31.416meters, exactly the same as the perimeter of the King’s Chamber inside theGreat Pyramid . EC then becomes the golden section, 6.18, and is sw ung into asecond circle (diameter 12.36068) that cuts BC at F, dividing BC into 3.82 and6.18, w hich relate as 1:1.618. But the arc of 6.18 also cuts AD at G. AG can becomputed by subtracting 3.6327, calculated by Pythagorean Theorem, from 10.The new length 6.367 then becomes the radius of a new circle w ith diameter,12.734 a figure that w e recognize in the Earth’s diameter. The Earth’sEquatorial diameter is 12,756.28 km and its Polar Diameter is about 12,713.5km, so 12,734 km constitutes a reasonable mean betw een the tw o. In any casethe Square, HJLK, clearly has a perimeter of 40 and a circle w ith diameter12,734 has a circumference of about 40.005040. For the purposes of building instone or even w ood this is more than sufficient accuracy. W hat really mattershere is how the golden section serves as the means to create a circle w ith thesame perimeter as the square. It is the means by w hich matter and spiritappear to unite, thereby opening a portal of some kind: a passage. Note thatthe w hole operation basically occurs w ithin the 2:3 rectangle, HJCI, and w e sawin the previous post that a 2/3 rectangle frames the entire Vesica Piscis complexw ith its 3 double squares and tw o overlapping circles w ith a total of 3 radii,w here one is shared becoming the home of the heart and lungs as well as thewomb! The Prime 2:1, ABCD, constitutes a 1/3rd part of HJCI. The Square, HJLK,is 2/3rds of it.It is the hypotenuse, 6.18, of the triangle, GCD, that acts as the ‘bridge’ to thecircle w ith the same perimeter as the square. 618 occurs naturally on Line 2,Column XI of Series E under 309. The dual squares w ithin the Prime 2:1, ABCD, converted by W

through the agency of its diagonal, both generate and unify complementaryw orlds: circle and square. The key to this function is the golden section,6.18/10. It is w ell w orth emphasizing that the arc of 6.18 cuts opposite sides ofthe ABCD 2:1 rectangle at points F and G, differently. This is the consequence ofa shift in angle from upright, or 90 Deg, to 36 Deg or the angle formed by GCD.36 Deg is 1/10th of a circle, so pentagonal and decagonal geometry are alsorelated to squared-circle relations. The Pentagon and 5-pointed star ‘open’golden section relations in a most beautiful manner, but it w ill have to w ait foranother entry. In any case, from AB dow n, BF is 3.82 w hile AG is 6.367. Theirrelationship is 1.66666, w hich is the same as that found in a 3-4-5 trianglebetw een its base and its hypotenuse. 5/3 = 1.66666… Here w e are using thelong ‘5’ (6.367) segment as the radius of a circle w ith circumference equal tothe 40 perimeter square. Ahead I w ill use the shorter ‘3’ (3.82) segment fromthe opposite side of the 2:1 rectangle as the radius of a circle w ithcircumference equal to 24. In Seeries E 31416 occurs on Line 24 in Column XIV.The circle w ill be centered right on the navel of the figure to be or 6.18 from thesoles of the feet (CD of the Prime 2:1). Naturally 40/24 = 5/3 = 1.66666. Ishould also point out that 6.367/618 = 1.03. This in fact is one statisticallytypical armspan found particularly in men w here the armspan is 1.03 x height.The horizontal armspan, then, is in a sense ‘squaring-the-circle’. Of particularimportance is the difference betw een the radii of the tw o circles. In this instanceit is 6.367-5 = 1.367 and w e can note the archetypal relationship betw een thedifference and the longer radius: 6.367/1.367 = ~ 4.6576 or nearly 4.66.Robert Law lor, w ho w ith Deborah Law lor, translated Schw aller’s “Templein Man” and “Temple of Man” into English, reminded me in 1990 that theNumber 21 might also refer to Phi itself, the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.The enigma is then complete. The golden proportion, phi, is the means w ithinthe 2:1 rectangle to Square-the-Circle. I do not think there is any doubtw hatsoever, that as early as the 4th Dynasty (Cheops, et al) w hen the GizehPyramids w ere built, the Egyptian priests, mathematicians and architects w eremanipulating the golden section and squared-circle geometry together w ithother interrelated geometrical functions, to transform the telluric or ‘serpent’current that had been collected and concentrated by the Earth w ithin thePyramid in order to open a celestial portal or door to the firmament throughw hich the spirit-form of the candidate – his transformed or purified ka – couldpass on into the immortal realm of the Netherw orld. This intention is madeadequately and even enthusiastically, joyously clear in the Pyramid Texts of the5th and 6th Dynasties. Beyond the transient ‘pains of death’ experienced by thepassion of Osiris, the Egyptians rejoiced w ith a faith that can only be calleds u b lime .So, if w e start w ith a Prime 2:1 rectangle that is 5 x10, Unity w ill sw ing a circlew ith a diameter of 10 meters and a circumference of 31.416 meters. converted by W

These are naturally occuring numbers in Series E, w ith 1309, 2618, 5236,10472 and 31416 all occurring under Column XIV. These numbers dominatethe size of the King’s Chamber in the GP in meters! The perimeter of the 5.236 x10.472 meter KC is 31.416 meters. In the image above, the circle-in-the-squareis 10 and its perimeter is 31.416 – the same as the 2:1 Table of the King’sChamber. W hen the Squared-Circle is carried out by the arc of the goldensection, 6.18, a circle is generated w ith 40 meters on its circumference, thesame as the 10 x 10 square that bounds the circle-in-the-square. The KC, then,is a decimal fraction of the Circle-in-the-Earth-Square! This seems to constitutean inner gate w here a passage takes place to an absolute w orld – a w orldentered through the Duat that resembles the Aboriginal Dreamtime. In theGreat Pyramid show n earlier w e can see that the comparable differencebetw een square and circle is 60 cubits or 31.416 meters and the height of 280cubits divided by 60 cubits is 4.666. converted by W

But w hat is most remarkable here is that the same 60 cubit (31.416 meters)difference is turned into a 2:1 rectangular enclosure in the manner of theEgyptian Cavern of Sokar – an ancient rendering of the w ell-know n uroboros orsnake-that-bites-its-tail. W e can also observe that if the base of the Pyramid is230.384 meters, or 440 royal cubits, then it has an interesting relationship w ithboth the length of the Sphinx and the length of the King’s Chamber. If the KClength is taken as unity, then the GP base is 22. W hen the diameter of a circle is7, its’ perimeter w ill be 22. 7 x10.472 = 73.33 meters or about 240 feet. TheSphinx is traditionally considered to be about 240 feet long or say, 73+ meters.So the Great Sphinx is in a pi relationship w ith the solid base of the Pyramid.73.3 x 3.1416 = 230.384The base length of the GP can be placed around the Sphinx in a circle makingthe Sphinx the diameter of that circle. W ith the length of the KC as unity, therelationship w ill be 22/7. 73.3 meters is also 1/2 the height of the Pyramid seton top of a 1/2 meter platform. S0 73.3 x 2 = 146.6 = 280 cubits. If this is animage of the Earth, then the Sphinx measures from the equator to about 30Deg latitude, the position of its actual location on the Earth’s surface. W e w illlook at the possible significance of its 66 foot height at another point. converted by W

W hen the serpent of time bites its tail rebirth is close at hand. The self-enclosure becomes its ow n altar, its ow n “pyr”. This w as called a ‘stone w hoseessence w as most pure’. This is a fascinating image. In the upper register w esee 3 chests. W ithin each chest circularity is invoked. At the upper right corner aserpent spits ‘fire’ into each chest. So the serpent fire, like the kundalini,replaces the Phoenix or is the agency of the Phoenix. It is burning three parts: ahead, a w ing and the loins of an animal. One thinks of Horus, Thoth and Seth.Below the candidate is over on his side, not unlike descriptions of Osiris in thePyramid Texts and Anfortas in Parzival. On his head is a scarab so this man isundergoing a metamorphosis in the self-enclosure of the uroboros that co-ordinates time and energy. The kundalini is a 3-fold refining fire sometimesdescriptive of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: Head, heart, loins. The w ing w asprobably the w ing of Thoth w ho is soemtiems called the heart of Ra, but usuallythe spiritual heart or ib. Eventually the Man-scarab w ill stand up again intriumph having shed the former husk of his forms and arise as a spirit.This enclosure very much invokes the function of the King’s Chamber itself. Notonly is the perimeter 31.416 meters or 60 cubits, w here 60 is a common numberfor measuring time, but 31.416 meters is also exactly 1236.84 Br. inches. In 100years there are 1236.8 synodic months. Half the perimeter is 618.42 inchessymbolic of 50 years and 618.42 synodic months. 1/4 of the perimeter is 309.2inches symbolic of 25 years and 309.2 synodic months. All these numbers arefound in Column XI of Series E. There is the feeling that the King’s Chamber w asalso a clock and that the clock w as tuned to both small and great cycles of time.It acted like Solomon’s Holy of Holies w hich w as closed up all year except once,admitting the High Priest alone to enter its pristine state like an oracle. Here isw hat Eschenbach says about the ‘stone’, as if the stone w ere acting like a ‘pyr’or an accumulation of electromagnetic energy capable of undergoinga metamorphosis:“By virtue of this Stone the Phoenix is burned to ashes, in w hich he is reborn. –Thus does the Phoenix molt its feathers! W hich done, it shines bright and lovelyas before! … This Stone is also called “The Grail”. (Parzival, p. 239)W e all know the Phoenix burns itself to ash in a singular act of self-immolationupon an altar of its ow n making. The Grail, then, is the essence of the Phoenixitself, the mystery of the eternal spirit w ithin. It molts; it does not die! The cofferw ithin the King’s Chamber has been called a ‘fount of spirit’. For the Egyptiansat least, the Squared-Circle seemed to act as an eternal gate w hen Circle andSquare have been reunited. The King’s Chamber must have been seen as theCavern of Osiris/Sokar w ithin w hich that union is realized. Much can be saidabout this famous chamber – especially w hen one examines the Pyramid Texts– but I w ill have to do this at a later point – it is too detailed. W hat should besaid, how ever, is that w hen ‘circle’ and ‘square’ are reunited, all the oppositesare reunited. In Egypt Horus w as the Eye or Circle; Seth w as the Square, theone w ho dismembers, opposes, obstructs and imprisons the coveted luminary:the principle by w hich light (and sound) become intelligible. Seth is the matterpole that must transform passion into w isdom. W hen the Tw o Combatants, asthey w ere called, are reconciled by Thoth-Hermes through the agency of Isis –undoubtedly by w ay of the altar or 2:1 Table – the “Eye” is restored; thePhoenix is reborn; the scarab transforms from a w orm into a w inged insect ofstartling beauty.EARTH + MOON converted by W

In the image below w e see the Moon adjacent to the Earth. And w e see that ithas repeated the same Squared-Circle pattern as the image just seen above.Now the Earth itself is the Circle-in-the Square and the Moon’s radius marks acircle w ith the same circumference as the square that bounds the Earth! So it isnow the Moon’s radius of about 1738 km that is acting like the 60 cubits or31.416 meters of the Great Pyramid. In the very ancient renew al myth know n inMesopatamia, India, Cambodia and so forth, as the Churning of the Sea of Milk,the Moon itself is treated as if it w ere a goblet or grail. The Moon’s synodic cycleis treated as if it w ere part and parcel of the Phoenix cycle of w hich w e areparticipants. The New Moon is the phase in the synodic month (29.53 days)w hen the moment of renew al takes place follow ing the ‘death’ of the previouscycle. This occurs to an even more pronounced degree w ith the progressed NewMoon that occurs every 29.53 years and so is nearly coincident w ith the Saturntransit around the Sun.So now w e have a proportional progression betw een the tw o images through4/π or 1.27324… To get from the ‘Circle-in-the-Earth-Square’ to the Circle thatpasses through the Moon’s radius w e square 1.27324 to 1.6211 w hich w e cansee is not far off the golden proportion, 1.618!! In fact they relate as 1:1.0019.This constitutes an important progression because the square of the coefficient4/pi w ould seem to indicate that Moon and Earth are very much in a shared fieldthat is w ell-proportioned. Today astronomers refer to the binary team, Earth +Moon, as “Mearth”. The fact that they have a shared center of mass(SCOM) 1700 km or so below the Earth’s surface w ill be seen to haveextraordinary interest w hen w e examine the angled armspan of the humanadult in better detail ahead. Meanw hile, w e can see the follow ing:280/60 = 1.2732/.2732 = 4.66 = 8105/1738W e can also note that the perimeter of the Earth is here show n as 40,000 km,w hich I took as a convenient mean. The perimeter of the Hexagon inscribedw ithin the Earth’s perimeter is 40,000/1.0472 = 38,200 km. This is about 1/10thof the separation betw een the Earth and the Moon. But more importantly it isthe same number in the metric system as the short length w hen w e goldensection the height of the 5 x 10 rectangle (6.18 + 3.82). This 3.82 isthe radius ofthe circle that w e used in the ’24-method’ show n earlier for squaring-the-circle. Iw ill also note here that the Escape Velocity at the Sun’s surface is 618 km/s. Ifthat figure is squared, you get 382,000 sq km/sxs. If you unfolded all those littlesquare kilometers you w ould have the distance betw een Earth and Moon. TheSun’s Escape velocity is an effect of its mass and radius in a gravitational field.The gravitational acceleration of that mass-energy requires that an object must converted by W

reach a speed of 618 km/s if it is going to escape the accelerated fall into theSun. The Sun’s gravitational field embraces or envelops the Earth and Moon andall other bodies in the Solar System, but falls off in strength as an effect of thesquare of the distance. A square is a surface and because it is curved it hasself-focusing properties. The Sun’s mass determines all circular speeds andall escape velocities at any distance from the Sun just by itself. So, it is quiteinteresting to see that if you took the golden section of a 500 x 1000 km 2:1rectangle, it w ould give the km in seconds of the Sun’s V-escape. In the case ofthe Earth, if you took a 2:1 rectangle that w as 5 x 10 km and extrapolated itsdiagonal, it w ould give the exact speed also in seconds, namely 11.18 km/s.That is the speed required to escape the Earth’s Equator!!! It is about 11.2km/s at the poles.Since w e have just established the image of the Moon adjacent the Earth this isa good moment to introduce again the image of the male armspan in relativenumbers w ithin a 1 x 2 Prime rectangle. This Fig is desely packed w ithinformation. The hands of the horizontal armspan rest right on the 1.618. I havemarked w ith red the angled radii from the center of the Thoracic Vesica Piscis tothe centers of the tw o ‘Moons’ through w hich the red circle passes. Each radiusis 1.078689. This is also the w idth w ithin w hich the Thoracic Vesica is inscribed.I’ve marked that ab and the rectangle w idth is xz. W hen in the upper positionangled 21.25 deg off the horizontal, the hand exactly forms the radius of theMoon. The tw o hands together, ignoring the small asymmetry betw een armlengths in most people, makes up the Moon’s diameter. I arrived at the1.078689 by some trial and error over about a year’s time. I had to stumble onthe Ideal Botanical Angle first in Ghyka. The Ideal Angle divides a circle by thegolden section, here, 137.5 deg on top and 222.5 below . This Squared-Circleformula only w orks at this angle, w hen it forms the radius to the center of theheart. At one point I began to realize that the relationship betw een the centerof the heart (1.5 from the ground) and the Aortic Arch and horizontal armspan(1.618 from ground) w as crucial. It related the center of the thorax and specificmuscle of the heart (probably constrictive) to the Aortic Arch – a very specialpart of the heart complex w here the blood branches off to head, arms and thenlow er body. It is also relating the center of the Vesica Piscis that makes usbreathe w ith the maximum w idth of the human body: its armspan. I finallybegan to relate them and then found 1.07868 in other places such asmultiplying the tw o categories of most common male armspans:1.03007 x 1.0472 = 1.07869 = 1.618/1.5This suggested to me that the ratio betw een 1.618 and 1.5 w as inducing anelectromagnetic acceleration – in w aves. This acceleration had the capacity toboth pump blood and nourish muscles capable of doing w ork through the handsand arms. There w as a limit set upon the relationship betw een diastole andsystole that w as self-regulating and this self-regulation w as determined by therelationship betw een 1.5 and 1.618. But I did not see the relationship to theEarth/Moon situation until I started to superimpose all measures in meters overthe AU imagining that the height of the human w as “15”, meaning 150,000,000km. This gave an armspan at the Ideal Angle of about 150,000,000 x 1.078689= 161,800,000 km. If man can be considered the measure of all things then thiw as highly symbolic because the maximim span the arms could take w as thislimit at this angle. The total diamter of the heart circle w ould then be converted by W

323,600,000 km or about 2.163 AU. But there is far more he than initially meetsthe eye. The hand is in the same proportion to the w hole radius from the tip ofthe fingers to the center of the heart as the Moon’s radius is to the sum MoonRadius + Earth Radius. In actual terms this can be w ritten 1738 + 6366 = 8104and 8104/1738 = 4.66. If w e return to the Great Pyramid for a second w e seethe analogy: 280/60 = 4.66. But w e also saw that the squared circle exactlycuts the mouth of the standing adult w hich is about 2/1.118 – 1.7888 fromthe ground. So now hand, mouth-to-crow n, tip of GP are all acting similarly. Theyare the difference betw een circle and square w ith same perimeters!. Theyexpress express a difference that participates in or remains connected to asameness! Same and different complement one another like Yang and Yin. Thetw o hands are in a complementary relationship like the tw o hemispheres of thebrain. The tw o square moons, w axing and w aning, complement each other. TheNew Moon and Full Moon complement each other as seed and fruit.By some conservation law , in the male, w hat did not go into preparing a w ombfor hatching a a new human being, has gone into a slightly expanded ThoracicVesica that heightens its ‘mouth’ to the nostrils instead of the mouth. It alsodrops the opposite pole dow n into the sacrum. This might incline the male toseek yoga as a means to raise the kundalini from its conservation cave in thesacrum. A male might w ell go about spiritual development differently than afe ma le .I should also note that from the ground 1.078689 measures exactly to the topof the head of the femur that is inserted into the SI of the pelvis. 1.0472 is thelow er part of that oval. From the top dow n, 10.78689 measures to the base ofthe sex organ. 1.0472 is the bottom limit of the pelvic structure. There is muchmore to discuss, but I w ill w ait until w e have a more magnified image. W hat Ishould say,though, is that I did not see this Earth/Moon participation until I w asmeasuring the AU for around April 17 or so or about 150,108,000 km. This gaveexcellent measures of Earth and Moon. So I fine-tuned the body until I could seethe constants at w ork – such as 1.078689. W hen I did this the Earth’s surfacecuts off the w rists according to squared-circle proportions. The inner core of theearth is exactly contained w ithin the male Thoracic Vesica. And the SharedCenter of Mass betw een Earth and Moon exactly corresponds to the w idth ofthe golden rectangle w ithin w hich the female Pelvic Vesica is inscribed. Thisconvinced me to use that w idth, 1.236, to find the male Pelvic Vesica, by simplydividing 1.236 by 1.078689 = 1.145835. This w orked perfectly for the malepelvis! It is marked here as ‘w y’ but I have not draw n thepelvic circle sin toavoid over-crow ding.On one last harmonic note w e can observe the follow ing if w e take the Au for 15or 1.5:1.5/1.309 = 1.1459! The position of the center of the Thorax divided by thatincredible number of metamorphosis that helps square the circle by the 24method, gives the ratio for the male Pelvic Vesica. These numbers suggest thathumans are eager for spiritual metamorphosis. But specific conditions areneeded to take the potential reservoir of energy up to w here it can betransformed; the crysallis from w hich the butterfly can go free. converted by W

The Golden ProportionOne of the most beautiful things to contemplate about the Golden Proportion isits all-embracing consistency. One imagines an infinite hologram and in phi-proportioned intervals, phi itself is the w arp and w eft that binds together themicrocosm and macrocosm so that in the end they act as one, w hole, eternal,living being. One name the Egyptians gave this all-embracing w arp and w eft,mapped out by the golden proportion, w as the Net. The Net w as kept in the‘Temple of the Net’ in Khemenu presided over by the great Neter know n asThoth, the brilliant Ibis-Headed partner to Maat, the Goddess of Truth. I w ill notembark upon a discussion of Thoth here as it w ill require a separate entry in itsow n right. How ever, it is w ell know n that Thoth w as associated w ith the Moon.But he can no more be identified w ithe the Moon itself than Ra could beidentified w ith the Sun itself. Thoth w as associated w ith the complete synodicmonth and in this sense he w as the master of time as much as he w as themaster of geometry. He allotted the proportions, sizes and speeds to thecelestial bodies. The synodic month is also an exponent of the AstronomicalUnit w hich determines the speed the Earth + Moon are traveling in their orbitaround the Sun. This is about 29.786 kms. A good number to associate w ithThoth is 29.53. This number is common to both days and meters. I w ill return tothis w hen w e look at the scale and elevations of Chartres, w here 29.53 meterssets a complete standard. But it is also evident at Gizeh at the base of theGreat Pyramid and in a shadow cast by the 66 foot height of the Sphinx. In bothinstances Squared-Circle geometry is involved. Incredibly, and I suppose,marvelously, w e are born through the agency of this number. It is also theagency of rebirth. The Grail is not just a cornucopia of profusion; the Grailgoverns rebirth. It is the vessel that captures the ash.W hen any of us entertain concepts or experiences of w holeness, peakexperiences that happen all too infrequently, the subject is delicate, because allof us are attuned a little differently. How ever, there is a danger in presumingthat everything in our w orld is disconnected from everything else and that themoral sense of oneness and a shared responsibility for the Earth and itsinhabitants is largely illusory. This casts us into a gloomy environment of mutualindifference and a planet of sharks w here literally w e cannot feel aninterconnection w ith the w hole. Sanity and health is surely experiencing themean that mediates betw een the One and the Many; an interconnectednessand a separateness; the circle and the square.The Proportion .618In view of the dominance of the number 6.18 (or .618 0r 61.8% of anything), Iw as immediately struck by the figure given by Houvet for the internal widthacross the transepts at Chartres. He suggests an exact figure of 61.8 metersw ithout commenting on the coincidence! Charpentier also did not mentionthis coincidence. I immediately sought out the best ground plan I could find and converted by W

reconstructed it according to measures from more than one source. I felt if therew as a 61.8 meter w idth, there had to be a 100 meter length that also featuredthe interior of the Cathedral. This w ould provide an interior Golden Rectangle(IJKL), the symbolism of w hich w ould go something like this: Virgin + Child =Incarnation. According to this idea the golden rectangle, EFGH, comprises theinterior of the transepts and the immediate start of the Nave just beyond thetow ers, all the w ay to include the choir. The Apse that surrounds the choirexceeds this golden rectangle. Meanw hile, it also seemed that an overall 2:1rectangle (ABCD) w ith its sister Golden Rectangle (EFGH), had been established,but using the Egyptian Royal Cubit. The 2:1 w ould be in the order of 130.9cubits by 261.8 cubits and the Golden Rectangle, 161.8 x 261.8 cubits, w hich isthe golden number by the square of the golden number.It is interesting to contemplate the scale of Chartres. The W est Front of theParthenon is 30.922 meters or 1 second of arc at the Equator. This w ouldsuggest that the internal span across the transepts at Chartres comprised notonly tw o Parthenons w hich also refers to a Virgin Birth (Athenos Parthenos), butalso 2 seconds of arc at the Equator ( 40,075,035/1,296,000 = 30.922 m and30.922 + 30.922 = 61.84 m). I w ill be coming back to this number again w henconstructing the female canon of proportions. It show s up in the mostunexpected w ay w hen one superimposes the 2:1 principle over theAstronomical Unit, so that the height of the figure is the Astronomical Unit itself.I should also note that Chartres turns out to be a convergence of meaningfulscales, w here w e realize that measures themselves are proportions. There areharmonious proportions and there are stressful or even destructive proportions.The number 309 is instructive w ith 618. In 25 years there are 309.2 synodicmonths. In 50 years there are 618.42 synodic months. It is quite interesting toobserve the occasions w hen the meter uses the same numbers as time cycles.The most important is 29.53 meters w hich sets the scale for the interior ofChartres and its elevations. This is the synodic month in days but alsomeasures a critical time cycle in years that seems to determine the Egyptian Sed converted by W

Festival of Regeneration. The numbers 309, 618 and 927 make an importantappearance w hen the canon of the female is superimposed over theAstronomical Unit that I often round up to 150,000,000 km or even a little higheras if ‘tuning’ a remarkable ‘celestial mechanical’ harp string. Sometimes I justtake it as 500 light seconds w hich is about 149,896,229 km. The mean AU isabout 149, 587, 870 km. But the Earth is only ever at that distance a couple ofdays each year. I should repeat again that it is quite significant that 61.8meters links the north-w est door (left) to the south-east door (right). At thenorth-w est is Saint Anne and at the south-east is Christ w ho w e just sawearlier holding the book and w ith hand up-raised. 100 meters measures thesacred part of the Cathedral from the entrance to the Nave up to the internallimit of the Choir. 6.18 x 100 is a perfect golden rectangle. In the female, thePelvic Vesica is inscribed w ithin the golden rectangle. The Thoracic Vesica isinscribed w ithin the 2:1.The Measure of All Things.By 1998 I had come to feel that the mean AU of nearly 150,000,000 km w as anincredibly important key to life. It w as the optimum distance from a G2-yellowstar at w hich a dynamic balance had been struck betw een light, heat, gravity,circular velocity, temperature variation, w ater optimization and the capacity fororganic compounds to build up into complex living structures able to sustainthemselves over longish periods of time.I thought it w as important to examine the distance using the meter w ithin thecontext of the grow ing geometry. The rew ard for using the geometry, as if itw ere a lens of some kind, has proven ‘immeasurable’. Right aw ay it invokesSeries E. W hen w e take the golden section w e have the appearance of ‘927’,the same number that measures around the socket stone base of the GreatPyramid. It appears in Line 3, Column 11 of Series E. Since I w as already usingthe scale 43,200 betw een Earth and GP, I decided to ‘focus’ the AU by using adistance that w as the Moon’s diameter x 43,200. So this came out in 1998 toabout April 16 or 17 w hen the Earth is about 150,163,200 km from the Sun. Ibacked it up to April 16 for a host of other reasons and often use 150,108,000km instead of the mean of 149,597,870. W hat matters is that this is about 500light seconds or 149,896,229 km. 500 appears on Line 1, Column XII of Series E.The golden section gives tw o adjacent numbers in km from Series E on Line 3,the ’15’ and ‘1500’ line, namely: 57,300,000 + 92,700,oo0 km. converted by W

This exercise proved important because it eventually led me to correct the angleof the up-raised arms and forced me to realize that the right angle aligned themw ith the center of the heart. This angle w as determined by dividing a circlecentered over the heart by the golden section (137.5/222.5 degrees). It w asthen that I could see that the hands w ere participating like the Moon and thehead above the mouth, and the 31.416 meters above the GP square thatbecomes the perimeter of the King’s Chamber, in Squared-Circle relations. Thisin turn helped me to further understand the w ay the Egyptians had depictedthe hands in bas-relief inside temples and tombs. Just as they had manipulated1.118, they also w ere manipulating the geometry of the hands.Moreover, it is the perimeter of a square generated by a shadow cast by theSphinx at Noon on the Equinox. Just as startling, it is the identical perimeteraround the square treated by Charpentier as the key ‘Square Grail Table’referred to earlier on. He found it to be 23.193 m on a side or 92.772 forperimeter. The shadow cast by a 66 foot height at Noon on the Equinox at thelatitude of the Great Sphinx, is 11.598 w hich gives 23.196 on a side and 92.78for perimeter. converted by W

W hen w e measure the golden section for April 16/98, w hen I first tried thisexperiment, it gave about 150,108,000/1.618 = 92,773,795 km. This ‘AU’ of150,108,000, is interesting in that w hen divided by 43,200, the same scale theGP is to the Earth, it gives the diameter of the Moon. So w hen w e perform theVesica Piscis for the pelvis and size of the female w omb, w e get 92,773,795/3 =30,924,598 km. This might possibly tie the number ‘309‘ to the formativeaspect of the Sun/Moon/Earth triad. The synodical month is entirely dependentupon this triad. It does not exist w ithout the triadic relationship among the 3bodies. So their sizes and distances of separation become important. Geometrycoheres their differences in spacetime.There really is such a curious feeling of harmony in this image! The ThoracicVesica is about 25,000,000 km across. So w e take the number 25 and w e makeit years. In that time there are 309.2 synodical months. Recall the female rule:“one ovum per month”. In 25 years w e have 309.2 ovulations. And in this oneimage w e have both numbers: 25 and 309. They relate through 1.236, w hichappears on Line 4 in Column XI under 309, 618 and 927. The Pelvic Vesica isinscribed w ithin 927 as 1/3rd of it. A complete cycle is 1236.8 synodical monthsor 100 years. It is also the inches in the King’s Chamber. It is the w idth of aGolden Rectangle w hen the height is 2, so it relates Prime 2:1 to GoldenRectangle. Finding these numbers in Series E aw akened the amazing sensationthat there w as an inevitability to life forming in our Solar System. I realized theset up among Sun, Earth and Moon w as follow ing rules that w ere poorlyunderstood, but w ell w orth exploring. The geometry w as acting like a creativelens. It w as letting me see things that I could not see otherw ise.Another observation is w orth making here. The average female height in NorthAmerica is apparently, delightfully enough, 1.618 meters. To obtain the meandiameter for the w idth of the Pelvic Vesica, one divides first by 1.618 giving 1meter exactly, and then one divides by 3. So, in effect one is dividing 1.618 by4.854, another fascinating number that w e do not have time for here. Thew idth becomes 33.33 cm. This in fact is not far from 30.9 cm and they relates as:33.33/30.9 = 1.78964. This ratio w ill become one of the most important in thisw ork, because relative to unity, it is the w idth that determines the male ThoracicVesica. If the female is 1, the male is 1.0786. This also becomes the radius ofthe heart circle, just referred to above, that in turn determines the arm span ofthe up-raised arms. Note that 1.0786 x 150,000,000 = 161,800,000 km. Theentire canon comes full circle through the golden number w hen it is laid over ‘ormeasures’ the position of the Earth and Moon relative to the Sun. But the armsspan measures even more as w e w ill see at the end of this post.The Charisma of the Golden Number converted by W

Overall Charpentier w as both elegant and sparing w ith numbers. He knew full-w ell the general reader’s anathema for math. Understandably. All know ledge isrelative. I recall all too w ell w hat it took to get through Roger Penrose’s“Shadow s of the Mind” (1994). That it w as w ell w orth the effort does notalleviate the level of punishment endured trying to follow half a dozenmathematical arguments needed to understand some of the roots of nothingless than consciousness itself. But w hen it comes to the golden number it isimportant to be tireless. It even makes an appearance in the behavior of tubulinprotein at the nanometric scale, not overlooked by Penrose in his w ork onquantum behavior. Phi is surely part and parcel of w hat holds us together andmay w ell be a transcendental bridge betw een behaviors and states such asspirit and body; quantum and relativistic; statistical uncertainty and rigorousdeterminism. Phi captivates us, not because of any intentional show on its part,but becaue of the w ay it resolves tensions, differences, behaviors, scales,grow ths and by a natural means, keeps proliferation w ithin bounds.The golden number (1.618) divided by its ow n reciprocal (.618) gives 2.618w hich is the square of the golden number or 1.618 x 1.618. Note that 10/2.618= 3.82. Things manifest through squares by w ay of some form of acceleration.The acceleration is a self-amplification. Energy starts to behave like matter as itaccumulates through feedback loops or self-feeding circuits. Squares gestateenergy. From the square of the golden number, 2.618, Charpentier points outthe follow ing gem:2.618 x 12/10 = 3.1416He did not realize that this equation is the basis of the perimeter of the King’sChamber in the Great Pyramid, w here 31.416 meters is equal to 60 royal cubits.A royal cubit is simply the perimeter, 3.1416 divided by 6 = .5236 m. A circle w iththe same perimeter as the King’s Chamber has a diameter of exactly 10 meters.A 2:1 rectangle w ith the same perimeter as the 10 meter circle has 10 cubits forits w idth w hich means 5.236 meters using a cubit of .5236 m w hich w e see inthe diagram below ..5236 relates to .5 m as 1.0472 to 1. Schw aller has called this the idealarmspan though typically it is expressed in real humans as 1.045. I have onearm that is 1.047. Eventually I incorporated this “Ideal Armspan’ in the malegeometry. Since the KC has the same perimeter as a circle w ith diameter 10meters, it makes sense to divide it by 12 seeing as 12 has already made it intothe universal formula featured by both Schw aller and Charpentier. converted by W

1/2 the w idth is 2.618 meters w hich is 1/100th part of the w alk around thelabyrinth at Chartres. This means 2.618 meters constitutes one sign of theZodiac at the scale of the King’s Chamber. It also means that a 1/12th part ofthe division of the Duat is here taken as the square of the golden number,2.618 meters. This also suggests, of course, that the meter adopted by theFrench during Napoleon’s time, w as the same meter used in the King’sChamber. Isaac New ton availed himself of these measures in order todetermine the size of the Earth so he could calculate the gravitational constant.Best to tarry here for a moment. A crush of data has piled up. W ith the 1/2 basealready set as 1.618 (220 cubits), I have calculated unity and turned it into aCube, here figured as ABCD. The KC w ith its coffer is w ithin the Cube w ith theQueen’s Chamber. Note that the Subterranean Chamber is set by a Root-2rectangle as if it w ere in fact the root of the Cube. W ithin Unity the floor of theK.C. is set by the golden section as if it w ere a gate. The Grand Gallery goes upto the Golden Section. In another post I w ill suggest w hat I think thesignificance of this Cube actually is as it pertains to the head and the meaningthe head held for the ancient w orld. Note that the w idth of the QC is the sameas the King’s Chamber. Both are 5.236 meters w ide. I have indicated both thecoffer and niche in the KC and QC respectively.I should note that it took a long time for me to discover w here to apply theSquared-Circle formula in human anatomy. But w hen I finally found anapplication, the rew ard w as substantial.It w as R.A Schw aller w ho noted that this formula is built into the Egyptian gatesalso called sba. The pylons are 12, taken together; the opening is 10 and theheight is 31.416. Notice in Fig of the Great Pyramid that the difference betw eensquare and circle is 60 cubits or 31.416 meters w hich is here marked TS, NQ andPO. So this 31.416 meters has been enclosed w ithin the massive body of thepyramid as a 2:1 rectangle w ith perimeter equal to that difference. The 60cubits is to the w hole height of the Pyramid (280) w hat the Moon’s radius is tothe Moon + Earth radius, w hich gives the ratio, 1:4.66. W e w ill come upon thisratio in more than one location as w e proceed. It appears to be quitefu n d a me n ta l.I w ould like to now proceed to an examination of how the 2:1 can be used to‘square-the-circle’ also using the golden section of the Prime 2:1 but in adifferent manner that offers a plethora of relationships. Then w e w ill look atsome interesting phenomena that reflects this geometry, one of w hich includesthe geometry of the scarab. But it also seems to be involved in focusing the lensof the eye; in the structure of the magnetosphere; in the function of the tinytubulin protein ‘dimer’ that makes up microtubules in the cell’s centriole; in thenew born human infant. Then w e w ill look at some geometry applied to a fewfaces. W e w ill then look at the armspan and discuss the role of the SCOMbetw een Moon and Earth and the proportions of the standing adult. Let’s take a converted by W

close look at this 24-method for squaring-the-circle. It is quite a dynamic jew elthat may offer the support base for metamorphosis.Once again w e start by golden-sectioning the Prime 2:1, ABCD. W e then take3.82 as the radius of a circle that w e w ill inscribe right on the navel that is 6.18from the base of the Prime 2:1. That 3.82 is the height divided by 2.618, or thesquare of the golden number. That gives a diameter of 7.64 or to be moreexact: 2 x 3.81966 = 7.63932 The circumference surrounding this diameteris7.63932 x 3.1416 = 23.999688 or nearly 24. Hence the name the 24 method.In Series E 764 appears as a w hole number and w e can use modern Pi tocalculate the circumference: 7.64 x 3.141592654 = 24.001. W e can now proceedto square the circle w ith w hole numbers. A square w ith 6 on the side is 24 inperimeter. A 2:1 rectangle w ith 24 for perimeter is 4 for w idth and 8 for length.Naturally 7.64/6 = 1.2733 = 4/pi. The number relationships here are marvelous.You have 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7.64, 8, 10. You have 3.82 and 6.18. The tw o rectanglesrelate as the Major 3rd, 5/4. But this paradigm presented me w ith a realsurprise because it appears that Nature actually uses it to build up remarkableforms of life and function.Below w e see the head, Thoracic Vesica and Pelvic Vesica laid over the ’24-technique’ for ‘squaring-the-circle’. converted by W

Other examples serve to highlight the importance of this geometry, born fromthe golden section of a Prime 2:1 rectangle. It’s as if the golden section of thePrime 2:1 supports the Three Grail Tables as if it w ere a foundation orunderlying scaffolding. The scarab is perhaps one of the most remarkableexample of this geometry. It is so intricate and precise I w ill have to leave thereader to follow it themselves. I must paoint out the diagonals and head sizehow ever. converted by W

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