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The Brotherhood
by Stephen Knight
The Background World of The Freemasons (1983)
The Freemasons and their masters above them know what constant witnessing of violence does to people. It has an effect on their brain-stem not unlike electric shock and other trauma does, it makes them dissociate, the better to be programmed for ignorance. To NOT see what they see, at least consciously. Anyone who doesn't tow the "popular" line is seen as a dangerous "conspiracy theorist". That term, like Anti-Semitism and many more, is an unconscious trigger for you to shut off your brain and listen to the "trusted" authorities on almost any subject. I recommend the book "programmed to kill" by David Mcgowen(it's up here) which is along the same lines as far as mass death ritual(9-11 was one of those too along with Waco, OKC, etc).

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