E Ed di ib bl le e h he er rb bs s, , f fl lo ow we er rs s & & f fr ru ui it ts s i in n P Pa ak kS So on ng g A handbook with an overview and use of local herbs and plants Noortje Guldenaar 2015
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 7 HERBS ............................................................................................... 8 xxxx ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Coreander? ................................................................................................................................ 10 xxxx ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Purple chili .................................................................................................................................. 12 xxxx ............................................................................................................................................ 13 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 14 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 16 xxxx ............................................................................................................................................ 17 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Dill? ............................................................................................................................................. 19 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 20 Chili ............................................................................................................................................. 21 Peppermint ................................................................................................................................ 22 Mint ............................................................................................................................................ 23 Coreander .................................................................................................................................. 24 Basil ............................................................................................................................................ 25 Sweet Basil ................................................................................................................................ 26 Lemongrass ............................................................................................................................... 27 Pandan leaf ................................................................................................................................ 28 FLOWERS ....................................................................................... 29 Red torch ginger ....................................................................................................................... 30 xxxxx .......................................................................................................................................... 31 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 32 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 33 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 34 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 35 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 36 Four-o’clock flower ................................................................................................................... 37
Candlesticks ............................................................................................................................... 39 Mimosa ...................................................................................................................................... 41 Maracuja, passionflower, carkifelek, charkhi felek, maypop, maypop passionflower, saa't gulu, ward assa'ah, zahril aalaam, granadilla, passionvine, maracoc, apricot-vine, saa't gulu, ward assa'ah, zahril aalaam ...................................................................................................... 42 Laurel clockvine .......................................................................................................................... 44 FRUIT .............................................................................................. 45 Pineapple ................................................................................................................................... 46 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 47 Betelnut ..................................................................................................................................... 48 Cashew ...................................................................................................................................... 49 Dragonfruit ................................................................................................................................ 50 Orange ........................................................................................................................................ 51 Lime ........................................................................................................................................... 52 Rambutan .................................................................................................................................. 53 Rose apple ................................................................................................................................. 54 Durian ........................................................................................................................................ 55 Mangosteen .............................................................................................................................. 56 Jackfruit ..................................................................................................................................... 58 Longan ....................................................................................................................................... 59 Guava ......................................................................................................................................... 60 Tamarind .................................................................................................................................... 63 Tiny orange? .............................................................................................................................. 65 Pomelo ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Arabica coffee ........................................................................................................................... 67 Banana ....................................................................................................................................... 68 Mulberry .................................................................................................................................... 69 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 70 Coconut ...................................................................................................................................... 71 Palm fruit ................................................................................................................................... 72 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 73
Papaya, chich put, fan kua, kavunagaci, lechoso, lohong si phle, mapaza, mu kua, papailler, papaw, papaye, papayer, pawpaw tree, pepol, tinti, wan shou kuo, betik petik, gandul, katela gantung, kates, kepaya, kuntaia .................................................................................... 74 VEGETABLES .................................................................................. 76 Pak wan? .................................................................................................................................... 77 Pak Liang? .................................................................................................................................. 78 Tomato ...................................................................................................................................... 79 Long beans ................................................................................................................................ 80 Kale ............................................................................................................................................ 81 Fern ............................................................................................................................................ 82 Corn ........................................................................................................................................... 83 Bird chili ..................................................................................................................................... 84 Morning glory ............................................................................................................................ 85 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 86 Wax gourd ................................................................................................................................. 87 Pumpkin ..................................................................................................................................... 88 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 89 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 90 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 91 xxxx ........................................................................................................................................... 92 Wild tomato ............................................................................................................................... 93 .Ageratum ................................................................................................................................. 95 Arabian jasmine ......................................................................................................................... 97 Jasmine ...................................................................................................................................... 98 Pepper, Black pepper, White pepper ......................................................................................... 99 Asiatic pennywort ................................................................................................................... 100 Turmeric, Curcuma, Indian saffron, Long rooted curcuma, Turmeric, Yellow ginger ........... 101 Aloe, Aloin, Jafferabad, Barbados ...........................................................................................102 Houttuynia, Chameleon plant, Tricolor houttuynia ............................................................... 104 HOW TO DRY HERBS .................................................................... 106 HERB DRYING BASICS ..............................................................................................................120
Indoor Air Drying Herbs. ..........................................................................................................120 Solar Drying Herbs. ..................................................................................................................120 DRYING HERBS FOR TEA ......................................................................................................... 121 Harvesting ................................................................................................................................. 121 Bundling (two methods).......................................................................................................... 121 Open Method ........................................................................................................................... 121 Paper Bag Method ................................................................................................................... 122 Step 3: Drying ........................................................................................................................... 122 Step 4: Storing .......................................................................................................................... 122 Step 5: Brewing ........................................................................................................................ 122 HOW TO DRY FLOWERS ............................................................... 123 HOW TO DRY FLOWERS .......................................................................................................... 124 Tips for Drying Flowers ............................................................................................................ 124 When and how to harvest flowers .......................................................................................... 124 To prepare flowers ................................................................................................................... 124 Selecting your drying location ................................................................................................. 124 Proper position - hanging, flat, or upright? ............................................................................. 125 Bundling Flowers ...................................................................................................................... 125 Hanging your bundles ..............................................................................................................126 Checking to see if the flowers are dry .....................................................................................126 When a bundle of flowers is dry ..............................................................................................126 YOUR OWN TEABLEND ................................................................ 127 HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN TEA BLEND..............................................................................128 RECIPES ......................................................................................... 130 RECIPES .................................................................................................................................... 131 SWEET CHILI SAUCE WITH FRESH INGREDIENTS ................................................................... 132 JAM WITH FRESH INGREDIENTS ............................................................................................. 133 THE ECO-LOGIC HOUSE TEA BLEND ....................................................................................... 134 10 Herbal Tea Blends ................................................................................................................ 135 MAKE YOUR OWN TEABAGS ....................................................... 137 TUTORIAL: Make aTea Bag from a Coffee Filter .................................................................... 138
Step 1: Materials ...................................................................................................................... 138 Step 2: Cutting the Coffee Filter ............................................................................................. 138 Step 3: Add in your tea leaves ................................................................................................ 138 Step 4: Final fold and Staple ................................................................................................... 139 TUTORIAL: Make Reusable Teabags ...................................................................................... 140 Step 1: Materials ...................................................................................................................... 140 Step 2: Tea Bag, Assemble! ..................................................................................................... 140 Addendum ..................................................................................... 141 LINKS AND WEBSITES .............................................................................................................. 142 HOW TO HARVEST HERBS (schedule) .................................................................................... 143 BEST POSITION FOR DRYING FLOWERS (schedule) ............................................................. 145 ABOUT THE AUTHOR .............................................................................................................. 148 INDEX ....................................................................................................................................... 149
INTRODUCTION Eco-Logic, Resort for Charity is located in the area of Thailand, better known as “the Gardens of Thailand”. An enormous variety of fruit is grown here and in the village of PakSong. Eco-Logic, Resort for Charity is located in Paksong, as well as the Thai Child Development Foundation. PakSong is also is bordering the Ton Nam National Park, and many local plants and herbs can be found here. Eco-Logic, Resort for Charity, wants to become self sustainable. Financially, as well as on providing the children of the foundation, our staff and our visitors with home grown food. To do so, we have an ecological farm with vegetables, mushrooms, fish, chicken, fruit and herbs. The use of plants, herbs and fruit in either the kitchen or for medicinal use, is something many people in this area know. We collected some of this local knowledge for our own use and for you, it has all been brought together in this handbook, to create information on the use of all those herbs, plants and fruit of PakSong area. This knowledge, we use daily. To cook, to create our home made products (like jams and sauces and teas) and to help relieve some MEDICINAL problems (like burned skin, constipation, diarrhea and more). Eco-Logic, Resort for Charity, would like to thank Noortje Guldenaar for all her research and fieldwork. Thanks to her motivation and passion for all that grows and blooms, we are now able to share all this with you. Paksong, November 2015 Management Eco-Logic, Resort for Charity H
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page9 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Coreander? xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page10 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page11 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Purple chili xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page12 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page13 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page14 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page15 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page16 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page17 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page18 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Dill? xxxxx (xxxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page19 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page20 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Chili xxxxx (Phlik) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page21 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Peppermint ดาหลา (xxxxxxx) picture Labiatae piperita Family: Labiatae Genus: Mentha Species: piperita Synonyms: Peppermint, hortela, mint, menta, mentha montana, menthe, nane Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING HARVESTING PERIOD PERIOD ETHNOBOTANY: WORLDWIDE USES Elsewhere Ache(Head), Anesthetic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Astringent, Cancer, Carminative, Dyspepsia, Medicine, Migraine, Nausea, Tooth whitener, Sclerosis, Stimulant, Tumor PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties & Actions: Stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stomachic, carminative, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, choleretic. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page22 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Mint ดาหลา (xxxxxxx) picture Labiatae piperita Family: Labiatae Genus: Mentha Species: piperita Synonyms: Peppermint, hortela, mint, menta, mentha montana, menthe, nane Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page23 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Coreander ดาหลา (Pak Chi) picture Labiatae piperita Family: Labiatae Genus: Mentha Species: piperita Synonyms: Peppermint, hortela, mint, menta, mentha montana, menthe, nane Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD ETHNOBOTANY: WORLDWIDE USES Elsewhere Ache(Head), Anesthetic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Astringent, Cancer, Carminative, Dyspepsia, Medicine, Migraine, Nausea, Tooth whitener, Sclerosis, Stimulant, Tumor PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties & Actions: Stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stomachic, carminative, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, choleretic. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page24 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Basil ดาหลา (xxxxxxx) picture Labiatae piperita Family: Labiatae Genus: Mentha Species: piperita Synonyms: Peppermint, hortela, mint, menta, mentha montana, menthe, nane Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD ETHNOBOTANY: WORLDWIDE USES Elsewhere Ache(Head), Anesthetic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Astringent, Cancer, Carminative, Dyspepsia, Medicine, Migraine, Nausea, Tooth whitener, Sclerosis, Stimulant, Tumor PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties & Actions: Stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stomachic, carminative, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, choleretic. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page25 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Sweet Basil ดาหลา (xxxxxxx) picture xxxx Family: Labiatae Genus: Mentha Species: piperita Synonyms: Peppermint, hortela, mint, menta, mentha montana, menthe, nane Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD ETHNOBOTANY: WORLDWIDE USES Elsewhere Ache(Head), Anesthetic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Astringent, Cancer, Carminative, Dyspepsia, Medicine, Migraine, Nausea, Tooth whitener, Sclerosis, Stimulant, Tumor PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties & Actions: Stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stomachic, carminative, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, choleretic. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page26 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Lemongrass ดาหลา (xxxxxxx) picture xxx Family: Labiatae Genus: Mentha Species: piperita Synonyms: Peppermint, hortela, mint, menta, mentha montana, menthe, nane Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD ETHNOBOTANY: WORLDWIDE USES Elsewhere Ache(Head), Anesthetic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Astringent, Cancer, Carminative, Dyspepsia, Medicine, Migraine, Nausea, Tooth whitener, Sclerosis, Stimulant, Tumor PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties & Actions: Stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stomachic, carminative, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, choleretic. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page27 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Pandan leaf ดาหลา (Bai Teuy) picture xxxx Family: Labiatae Genus: Mentha Species: piperita Synonyms: Peppermint, hortela, mint, menta, mentha montana, menthe, nane Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD ETHNOBOTANY: WORLDWIDE USES Elsewhere Ache(Head), Anesthetic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Astringent, Cancer, Carminative, Dyspepsia, Medicine, Migraine, Nausea, Tooth whitener, Sclerosis, Stimulant, Tumor PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties & Actions: Stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stomachic, carminative, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, choleretic. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page28 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Red torch ginger ดาหลา (DOK DALAA) Etlingera elatior Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: Perrenial plant Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD Roots can be FLOWER CAN BE Roots can be used used for???? USED IN SALADS for???? Additional information: Ginger family height up to 3 meter. Wax flower, red white, pinkish flowers. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page30 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxxx ดาหลา (DOK DALAA) xxx xxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: Perrenial plant Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx Additional information: HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page31 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page32 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page33 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page34 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok Anchan) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page35 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page36 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Four-o’clock flower xxx (xxxxxxx) picture Mirabilis Jalapa Family: Nyctaginaceae Genus: Mirabilis Species: jalapa Common names: Clavillia, four-o’clock flower, jalap, maravilla, bonina, boa-noite, bonita, a’bbass, beauty of the night, belle de nuit, bella di notte, buenas tardes, bunga pukul empat, dondiego de noche, false jalap, flower of a’bbas, gecesefase, geje safa, gulabbas, gulbank, gulbas, isabelitta, morning rose, marvel of Peru, nodja, noche buena, numera, pathrachi, sanji phuli, segerat, slavelilla, tiare moe, tzu mo li, ubat jerawat, zi mo li Parts Used: Leaves, root, flowers MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING HARVESTING PERIOD PERIOD Tea: dried or fresh flowers Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage kills viruses kills parasites Roots kills bacteria reduces spasms HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page37 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Infusion: 1/2 cup twice daily kills fungi increases urination Tincture: 1-2 ml twice daily strongly laxative Capsules: 1 g twice daily aids digestion CLAVILLIA HERBAL PROPERTIES AND ACTIONS Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage kills viruses kills parasites Roots kills bacteria reduces spasms Infusion: 1/2 cup twice daily kills fungi increases urination Tincture: 1-2 ml twice daily strongly laxative Capsules: 1 g twice daily aids digestion Leaf China Used to treat abscesses. Used to treat wounds. Decoction Not Stated Juice Not Stated Human Adult AD1005 Root China Used for arthritis. Hot H2O Ext Oral Human Adult Leaf Malaysia Used as a purgative. Infusion Oral Human Adult Other uses: Flower is also used for coloring food and fabrics. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page38 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Candlesticks ดาหลา (xxxxxxx) picture Cassia Alata Family: Fabaceae Genus: Cassia Species: Alata Common names: guajava, amana-putir-i, bajagua, bois dartre, candlebush, candlestick senna, candlesticks, Christmas-candle, daoen koepang, dartres, dates jaunes, emperor's candlesticks, empress-candleplant, fleur a dartres, fleur St Christophe, fleur Guajava is a beautiful flowering shrub that grows about 1 to 2 m in height. It produces pretty yellow flowers in a column dartre, fleur palmiste, that resemble yellow candlesticks - earning its common gelenggang, guacamaya name candlestick or candle bush. It is native to the Amazon francesa, herbe a dattes, Rainforest and can be found in Peru, Brazil, French Guiana, ketepeng kebo, ketepeng tijna, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela and Colombia. Due to its ketepeng, ketepeng badak, ki beauty, it has been cultivated around the world as an manila, ludanggan, mata-pasto, ornamental plant and has naturalized in many tropical matupa, mocoté, retama, regions in the world including tropical Africa, tropical Asia, ringworm senna, ringworm bush, Australia, Mexico, the Caribbean, Melanesia, Polynesia, & ringworm shrub, seven-golden- Hawaii. candlesticks Parts Used: Leaves, Bark MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD as a antidote, batericide, diuretic, fungicide, insecticide, HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page39 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD piscicide, purgative, vermifuge; for asthma, bronchitis, constipation, dysentery, eczema, herpes, intestinal parasites, rheumatism, skin disorders, snakebite, stomachache, venereal diseases GUAJAVA HERBAL PROPERTIES AND ACTIONS Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage kills bacteria reduces inflammation Leaves stongly laxative relieves pain Infusion: 1 cup twice daily kills fungi increases urination Tincture: 2-3 ml twice daily kills candida increases perspiration kills parasites aids digestion lowers blood sugar repels insects increase bile HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page40 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Mimosa xxxx (xxxxxxx) picture Mimosa pudica Family: Fabaceae Genus: Mimosa Species: pudica Common names: sensitiva, sensitive plant, dorme, dormidera, humble plant, marie-honte, mayhont, morivivi, honteuse, sleeping grass, ti mawi, touch-me- not, adormidera, feuilles honte, honte, quitem tranquille, memalu (modesty), puteri malu (modest princess) Parts Used: Leaves, entire plant MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD Antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti- neurasthenic, antispasmodic, diuretic, nervine, poison, sedative HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page41 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Maracuja, passionflower, carkifelek, ดาหลา (xxxxxxx) charkhi felek, maypop, maypop Passifloraceae incarnata. passionflower, saa't gulu, ward assa'ah, zahril aalaam, granadilla, passionvine, maracoc, apricot-vine, saa't gulu, ward assa'ah, zahril Family: Passifloraceae aalaam Genus: Passiflora Species: incarnata, edulis picture Part Used: Vine, Leaves, Stem MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties & Actions: Nutritive, sedative Plant Chemicals Include: Alkaloids, ascorbic-acid, beta-carotene, calcium, carotenoids, catalase, citric-acid, EO, ethyl-butyrate, ethyl-caproate, fat, fiber, flavonoids, harman, iron, malic-acid, N-hexyl-butyrate, N-hexyl-caproate, niacin, pectin-methylesterase, phenolase,phosphorus, potassium, protein, riboflavin, sodium, thiamin, water, xanthophylls PASSIONFLOWER HERBAL PROPERTIES AND ACTIONS Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage relieves pain kills germs Leaves reduces anxiety enhances libido Infusion: 1 cup 2-3 times daily relievs depression increases urination Capsules: 1-3 g 2-3 times daily reduces inflammation lowers blood pressure stops convulsions expels worms HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page42 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
reduces spasms calms nerves mildly sedative tranquilizes Passionflower is a hardy woody vine that grows up to 10 m long and puts off tendrils, enabling it to climb up and over other plants in the rainforest canopy. It bears striking, large white flowers with pink or purple centers. The flowers gave it the name passionflower (or flower of passion) because Spanish missionaries thought they represented some of the objects associated with the Crucification of Christ. The vine produces a delicious fruit which is about the size of a large lemon, wrinkling slightly when ripe. Passionflower, called maracuja in the Amazon, is indigenous to many tropical and semi-tropical areas - from South America to North America. There are over 200 species of passionflower vines; the most prevalent species in the Amazon are Passiflora edulis and P. incarnata. TRIBAL AND HERBAL MEDICINE USES Passion fruit is enjoyed by all rainforest inhabitants -humans and animals alike. Several species of Passiflora have been domesticated for the production of their edible fruit. The yellow, gelatinous pulp inside the fruit is eaten out of hand, as well as mixed with water and sugar to make drinks, sherbet, jams and jellies, and even salad dressings. Indigenous tribes throughout the Amazon have long used passionflower leaves for its sedative and pain-relieving properties; the fruit is used as a heart tonic and to calm coughs. HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page43 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Laurel clockvine รางจืด (Rang chuet) Thunbergia laurifolia Lindl. Habit : Twining shrub Leaf : Simple, oblong or ovate, slightly lobed Flower : Inflorescence in terminal raceme; flowers bluish purple; bracts green with reddish brown blotches Fruit : Capsule MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS FLOWERING PERIOD HARVESTING PERIOD Leaf : antipyretic, detoxificant (first aid treatment for poisoning). However, patient must be taken to hospital immediately HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page44 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Pineapple xxxxx (Sapparot) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page46 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
xxxx xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page47 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Betelnut xxxxx (Ton Maak) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page48 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Cashew xxxxx (Ton Med Mamuang) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page49 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
Dragonfruit xxxxx (Dok xxx) xxxxx xxxx Habit: xxxx Leaf xxx Flower : xxxx Fruit xxx Type of plant: xxx Propegration: xxxx Parts Used: xxxx HERBS, PLANTS AND FRUITS IN PAKSONG. Overview and use. Page50 At Eco- MEDICINAL FOOD DRINKS TEA DETERGENT REPELLENT Logic USE
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