WELCOME OUR MISSION To train disciples for Christian service to our local and global community and prepare people for the return of Jesus Christ. OUR VISION A caring church that is meeting the spiritual and temporal needs of our members and the community. T. BASIL STURRUP, PASTOR [email protected] (959) 237-2722 PAUL HAUGHTON, FIRST ELDER [email protected] (860) 985-9074 WEEKLY SERVICES AND MEETINGS SATURDAY Traditional Service: 9:00 AM Sabbath School: 10:20 AM Contemporary Service: 11:30 AM Adventurer Club: 2:30 PM SUNDAY Path nder Club: 9:30 AM WEDNESDAY Night School: 7:00 PM CONNECT WITH US ONLINE if
COVID 19 Protocols
TRADITIONAL SERVICE May 13, 2023 - 9:00 AM Song Service.......................................................................Elder Odel Powell #301 Nearer Still Nearer #655 Happy The Home Faith of Our Mothers Invocation & Affirmation ...............................................Sis. Jennifer Brown “Exodus 20:8-11“ Welcome & Remarks .................................................Elder Everald Brown Intercessory Prayer ......................................................Sis. Antionette Locke Worship in Giving........................................................... Sis. Yvette Ricketts Scripture Reading ...................................................Sis. Cassandra McAnuff “2 Samuel 21: 1-10” Introduction of Speaker ..................................................Sis. Lindra Ledger Special Music ......................................................................Sis. Helen Walton Sermon ..........................................................................Elder Sandra Ledger “Standing Alone” Closing Hymn ...................................................................Elder Odel Powell #462 Blessed Assurance Benediction.......................................................................Sis. Jennifer Brown
CONTEMPORARY SERVICE May 13, 2023 - 11:30 AM Welcome & Announcements ......................................Elder Everald Brown Call to Worship ....................................................................Sis. Sonia Powell Song of Praise .........................................Sis. Minette Henry & Praise Team “Faith of Our Mothers” Intercessory Prayer ...........................................................Sis. Beverly White #262 Sweet, Sweet Spirit Children’s Story ................................................................Sis. Tracy Similien Renovation Promotion Remarks………………………………………..………..Sis. Angela Gordon Women’s Ministry Coordinator Tribute to Mothers ……………………………………Sis. Desreen Petgrave Worship in Giving .........................................................…Sis. Arlene Linton Baby Dedication ……………………………….…….Pastor T. Basil Sturrup Scripture Reading ..........................................................Sis. Jerrica Samuels “Isaiah 49: 8-15\" Introduction of Speaker……………………..……..Sis. Bernadine Dormer Special Music..........................................Sis. Minette Henry & Praise Team Sermon ......................................................................Pastor Josain Frampton \"Covered” Benediction ..............................................................Pastor Josain Frampton Recessional.................................................................................. Praise Team
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Faith News
Faith News
Times to Remember Families at the Altar Sunset Weekend “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in Friday, May 12th 8:01 pm you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be Sabbath, May 13th 8:02 pm Sunset Next Weekend done unto you. John 15:7 Friday, May 19th 8:07 pm Sabbath, May 20th 8:08 pm Family Ministries Mature Adult Ministry Membership Transfer Couples Ministry TRANSFERRING IN Men’s Ministry Ian Hylton, Jr. & Angie Hylton from Kingsboro Temple SDA Church, Women’s Ministry Singles Ministry Brooklyn, NY TRANSFERRING OUT Carlene Robinson to Mount Vernon SDA Church, Mount Vernon, NY Seventh-day Adventist Change Agents Bernadine Archer (1952 -2022): Bernadine Archer was one of several female prison chaplain endorsed by the Seventh-day Adventist church. She ministered to 1,200 male inmates at the Macomb Correctional Facility in New Haven, Michigan since 1994. Prison chaplains are not only focused on leading a convict to Christ but are a key part of the rehabilitative effort. How did a woman who planned on being a teacher end up working with convicted criminals? Archer was in her last year at Michigan State University studying to become a teacher when she became an Adventist. She went on to teach for six years. She decided to attend Andrews University to earn a master’s degree in religious education. She did not have any plans to become a pastor. Oddly, the classes she took that summer were all requirements for the seminary school. Interestingly, while she was a teacher in Flint, Michigan, she kept getting invitations to speak at churches. By God's grace, she answered that call and went to seminary at Andrews, where she was one of ve women in a class of 425 men. She was also the rst black woman to receive a master of divinity degree in the Adventist church. ifif
FAITH MEMBER UPDATES BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHIES May 7 - May 13 Our hearts and prayers are Clave Bailey-Brown 5/7 with our grieving families: Ghari Bassaragh 5/8 Kitson Family Krisandi Thompson 5/9 Mobley-Weaver Family Rosemarie Jackson 5/10 Emberly Haughton 5/12 Walton Family Wallace Family Jo’shau Primus 5/13 And God will wipe all tears from their eyes... Rev 21:4
Sick and Shut-In any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let. them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.\" James 5:14 Bro Leebert Bailey Bro. Vincent Leslie (Hebrew Home) (Bloom eld Health Care Center) 1 Abrahms Blvd, West Hartford, CT 355 Park Ave, Bloom eld, CT 860-794-9233 Bro. Walter Picart 25 Greenbrair Dr Bro. Silbert Baugh Bloom eld, CT (Kimberly Hall North) 860-242-1373 Sis. Luella Pipkin Windsor, CT 15 Cummings St 860-688-6443 East Hartford, CT Sis. Relda Blake 860-967-2103 107 Ellsworth Dr Bloom eld , CT Elder Basil & Sis. Gloria Powell 860-242-9590 Sis. Sharon Powell Sis. KerryAnn Campbell 184 Whitney St (Touch-points of Bloom eld) Hartford, CT 140 Park Ave Bloom eld, CT 860-233-6584 860-243-9591 Sis. Joyce Clarke Sis. Lucille Quarry-Taylor 101 E. Euclid Ave 19 Harding Ave Bloom eld, CT Bloom eld, CT 860-383-8280 860-242-5141 Sis. Juanita Corbin Bro. Ferron Taylor (Grandview Rehabilitation) 100 Coventry St. Apt 205 55 Grand St. Hartford, CT New Britain, CT 860-286-9134 Bro. Clifton Thomas 860-815-1039 26 Rutland St Sis. Jean Harris Hartford, CT 860-478-6533 3545 Main St Sis. Kay Samuel Hartford, CT 19 Norwich St 860-937-2181 Hartford, CT Bro. John Harris 860-503-3851 712 Park Ave Sis. Mamdell Samuels Windsor, CT (Kimberly Hall North) 860-683-1446 Windsor, CT Sis. Vertibell Kerr 860-688-6443 29 Long Hill Rd Sis. Iris Walker South Windsor, CT 109 Roxbury Rd 860-206-6258 East Hartford, CT 860-794-0512 if if if if if if if if
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News
Faith News NES Area in September 2023 NEC Level in November 2023 Books to Study Genesis 25-50 and Ruth 1-4
Northeastern Adventist Academy - Hartford Campus
Around the Conference
Around the Conference
Around the Conference
Around the Conference
Around the Conference
Around the Conference
Around the Conference Gospel Medical Missionary Training 10-Day Intensive — Level 1 July 7-16, 2023 1623-27 Utica Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11234 OVER 25 COURSES INCLUDING: REGISTRATION PER PERSON Why the Medical Missionary Work? On or before June 15, 2023 After June 15, 2023 Adult: $399.00 Adult: $499.00 Alternative Medicine Hydrotherapy Senior: $299.00 Senior: $399.00 Cooking Classes Massage Therapy (65 y.o. and over) (65 y.o. and over) Youth: $99.00 Youth: $199.00 EG White and Science Mental Health (21 y.o. and under) (21 y.o. and under) God’s Laws of Health Natural Remedies Virtual: $199.00 Virtual: $249.00 Herbal Remedies Reversing Top Killer Diseases With Outstanding Presenters For more information, please contact: NEC Health Ministries Department Dilma Rosales Call or text: (718) 291-2565 Email: [email protected] events.northeastern.org
In the Community
In the Community
In the Community
In the Community
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