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Home Explore SriSathyaSaiAshtothram


Published by yatindra.singh, 2023-07-16 11:32:34

Description: SriSathyaSaiAshtothram

Keywords: Sri, Sathya, Sai, Ashtothram


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Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Asthothara Sata Naamavali 108 Names of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Meaning in English 1. Aum Sri Bhagawan Sathya Sai Babaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sathya Sai Baba who manifests all the attributes of the Creator and is also our divine Father and Mother. 2. Aum Sri Sai Sathya Swaroopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sathya Sai who is the very embodiment of the Supreme Truth of the Omniscience, Omnipresent and Omnipotence of God. Sai Mahima 3. Aum Sri Sai Sathya Dharma Paraayanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who manifests the excellence of the Truth of this Divine glory and also of Righteousness or living, in thought, word and deed, in accordance with this Truth. 4. Aum Sri Sai Varadaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai, the Giver of boons. 5. Aum Sri Sai Satpurushaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sathya Sai the Embodiment of Divinity. 6. Aum Sri Sai Sathyagunatmane Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who manifests the true attributes of Divinity. 7. Aum Sri Sai Sadhu Vardhanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who inspires and helps people to develop goodness in the world. 8. Aum Sri Sai Sadhujana Poshanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who looks after and supports good people. 9. Aum Sri Sai Sarvajnaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is Omniscient. 10. Aum Sri Sai Sarvajana Priyaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is loved by all people. Sri Sathya Sai Asthothram Page 1 of 9

Sai Mahima34. Aum Sri Sai Shakti Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai the bestower of strength to our body, mind and intellect for our material as well as spiritual good. 35. Aum Sri Sai Sharanaagathathraanaaya Namaha Salutations to Lord Sai, who is the Saviour of all who surrender themselves to Him. 36. Aum Sri Sai Aanandaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is an embodiment of Bliss. 37. Aum Sri Sai Ananda Daaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai the bestower of Bliss on us. 38. Aum Sri Sai Aarthathraana Paraayanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is an avowed guardian of persons in distress. 39. Aum Sri Sai Anaathanaathaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is the beloved guardian of the orphaned. 40. Aum Sri Sai Asahaaya Sahaayaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who goes out to assist persons in helpless condition. 41. Aum Sri Sai Loka Baandhavaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is Kith and Kin to one and all in the world. 42. Aum Sri Sai Lokarakshaaparaayanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who has given Himself up completely to protecting the world from disaster. 43. Aum Sri Sai Lokanaathaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is the beloved Lord of the whole mankind. 44. Aum Sri Sai Deenajana Poshanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who protects and fosters people who are meek and humble. 45. Aum Sri Sai Moorthithraya Swaroopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai in whom the Holy Trinity of Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer and Mahesha the Destroyer resides in the form of Shaktis or Divine powers. 46. Aum Sri Sai Mukti Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who confers Liberation from ignorance, misery and death. Sri Sathya Sai Asthothram Page 4 of 9

Sai Mahima73. Aum Sri Sai Bhakti Gnana Pradeepaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who kindles Bhakti and Jnana in us. 74. Aum Sri Sai Bhakti Jnaana Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who confers Bhakti and Jnana on us. 75. Aum Sri Sai Sujnaana Maarga Darshakaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who directs us on the path of Supreme Wisdom. 76. Aum Sri Sai Jnaana Swaroopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is the Supreme Wisdom personified personality for our good. 77. Aum Sri Sai Geetha Bodhakaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who inculcates into us the Wisdom of Bhagawad Gita. 78. Aum Sri Sai Jnaana Siddhi Daaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who bestows on us the attainment of self-realisation. 79. Aum Sri Sai Sundara Roopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai whose form has a divine beauty which evokes devotion. 80. Aum Sri Sai Punya Purushaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai the manifestation of Supreme Divinity. 81. Aum Sri Sai Punya Phala Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who dispenses the fruits of merit acquired by good deeds or acts. 82. Aum Sri Sai Purushotha Maaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is sovereign person, activating the entire Universe which is His Body. 83. Aum Sri Sai Puraana Purushaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai the primeval person, the Creator of the Universe. 84. Aum Sri Sai Atheethaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who as Universal consciousness, is subtler than the material world and therefore beyond our sense-perception. 85. Aum Sri Sai Kaalaatheethaaya Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai who is transcendental and, therefore, beyond the bounds of time (i.e. birth, life and death) and has his existence in Eternity. Sri Sathya Sai Asthothram Page 7 of 9

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