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Home Explore RELEASE NOTES 1.1.51


Published by scisursuport, 2016-11-16 07:30:05

Description: RELEASE NOTES 1.1.51


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Unified Fleet & Fuel Management SolutionsRELEASE NOTESVERSION 1.1.51

FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release NotesPRODUCT RELEASE INFORMATIONProduct: number: 1.1.51Release date:November 17th, 2016. Customer support: for more information or support, please visit our website or email us at [email protected].

3FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release NotesINTRODUCTIONThis document contains the release notes for FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web. The following sectiondescribes the release in detail and provide the latest information that supplements the maindocumentation.GLOSARYFuel Dispensing: 1.Now, the user only would be able to see the pumps, stations and tanks associated to the group that he belongs. 2.the transactions table has a new field that contains the vehicle permission code. Also the performance of the table was improved. 3.There is a new permission codes pending for update window. 4.Reorganization of the fuel dispensing reports: 5.Report Fuel out by vehicle for full fleet (detail).Fuel Storage: 1.Report Level and event indicator by date and tank. 2.Report last transmission by tank. 3.New report fuel out by tank. 4.Report level shield detail.GPS Tracking: 1.New functionality, when an alert is generated the application will play a sound in order to inform the user of this event. 2.Report vehicle operational log.General: - Geofences Management.


6 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Fuel Dispensing: ! Now, the user only would be able to see the pumps, stations and tanks associated to the group that he belongs.

7FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes! If there are several pumps associated to one tank the user would only be able to see the pumps that are associated to the group that they belong to. To see all the pumps it’s necessary that the user has permissions to all groups.

8 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Refuel Transactions: ! Now, the transactions table has a new field that contains the vehicle permission code. Also the performance of the table was improved.

9FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

10 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes There is a new permission codes pending for update window:

11FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes! The vehicle and driver permissions codes that are pending to update will be shown.

12 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Reorganization of the fuel dispensing reports: ! Reorganization of the fuel dispensing reports located in the tab Others in the other existing categories. Now the tab “Tanks” was included in the fuel dispensing module. ! New module under the fuel dispensing product in roles management:

13FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

14 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

15FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

16 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Report Fuel out by vehicle for full fleet: ! Now it’s possible generate it in the right way.

17FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes The next reports now are generated correctly:

18 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Fleet definitions: ! Now it’s possible disassociate a driver from a vehicle with the new choice:

19FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes! Now filters are sorted alphabetically and it’s easier for the user search using them. A CB! Now, the performance of the users and vehicles view was improved.

20 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

21FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes FUEL STORAGE

22 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Report Level and event indicator by date and tank: ! The report contains the information of group, tank, tank name, event, date and hour of the event, fuel type, temperature, fuel level and water level.

23FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

24 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Report last transmission by tank: ! Now the user will be able to search by station when he wants to generate a report.

25FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

26 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes New report fuel out by tank:! New report that contains the fuel outs by tank in a specific time period.

27FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

28 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Report level shield detail:! Now the user will be able to search by station when he wants to generate a report.

29FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes


32 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Alerts: ! New functionality, when an alert is generated the application will play a sound in order to inform the user of this event.

33FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

33FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

35FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

36 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Report vehicle events (summary): ! Now the geofence and GPS status columns work correctly.

37FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

38 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

39FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes GENERAL

40 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Geofences: ! The performance of the view was improved to create more than a thousand Geofences.

41FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes ! Now the filter of search by geofence works correctly.

42 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes ! Now The user will continue to create several geofences one inside another and also can add points of interest. If the user is in a geofence and move on to another, Fleetsap send the alert and have the trail in the Geofences where you are.

43FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

43FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes

45FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes ! New esthetic according to the tanks in the fuel storage module.! Stabilization of the web application in hebrew.

46 FleetSAP 1.1.51 Web Release Notes Unified Fleet & Fuel Management Solutions RELEASE NOTES VERSION 1.1.51

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