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2022 CFLNFC Annual Report

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Building Common Good 2021 Report to the Community

Our Mission is to Grow Community Giving We Grow Community Giving for Common Good 2022 Board of Directors Lucky Wadehra Tracey White Connie Moore Chair Immediate Past Chair Andy Johnson Tim Thompson Janelle Brevard Vice Chair Charmaine Bushrod Caroline Nash Jaclyn O’Brien Tracey Lacey Lara Major Treasurer Joan Molchan Eric Showalter Teresa Minchew Controller Secretary Sapna Hencinski Pam Ray Nonprofit Support Managing Director Staff Specialist 100WomenStrong Alison Metzger Amy E. Owen Director of Donor President & CEO Engagement Nicole Acosta Vice President of Grants and Nonprofit Programs Joe Scott Finance and Operations Manager President’s Council Steve Frederickson Karen Schaufeld Angela Mitchell 2 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Dearest Reader, If there was one single need in our community that you and you alone could solve, what would it be? Questions like this are part of our chemistry. When we work with our fund holders, we ask, “What is your common good?” When we shape the Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier programs we ask, “What will build our community’s common good?” Our 2021 Philanthropy Summit took a hard look at racial equity, diversity, and inclusion in the spaces of education, housing, and the workplace. With our community sharing such remarkable diversity, a vision to explore knowledge, actionable steps, and conversation helped to build common good. The Nonprofit Academy continued as a pipeline of knowledge through our collaborative efforts with the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce. Since 2014, we’ve been offering quarterly workshops on best practices designed for nonprofit staff and volunteers. Leaders joined us for a session on “Creating A Major Gifts Program” or to get some ideas for “Asking for Money in Person.” Actionable ideas were presented to increase understanding of “A Board’s Role in Fundraising.” And, it was an important year to offer tips on “Managing Nonprofit Burnout.” Sessions helping our community talk about race and racism through our workshop, The Onion Dialogues, continued as part of our Racial Equity Framework. Our hope is to open up conversations of justice, kindness, empathy, connection, and understanding for the common good. In partnership with the Loudoun County Parks Recreation and Community Services’ Youth Advisory Council, Forward Turn gave local high-school students the opportunity to be grantmakers. Teen participants studied proposals (many written by fellow high-school students), interviewed applicants, and made hard recommendations of what to grant, and, what not to grant. Give Choose, our community’s largest day of giving, continued to be an annual fundraising engine with and for our local Loudoun and Northern Fauquier nonprofits in mind. It is a high-impact event to grow community giving for the common good. Lastly, our deeper dive learning opportunities were offered in our Social Impact Institute through seminar-series programming for nonprofit staff in conflict management and supervision style, our Board Chairs’ Roundtable, and a full- day training on grantwriting and grantor research showcasing our newly added Candid/Foundation Directory Online. With you . . . for you . . . because of you . . . common good equaled $1.8 million in grantmaking, increased connection among partners in our community, and invested in our nonprofit leaders. Thanks to you, together, we built common good. Amy E. Owen Lucky Wadehra President & CEO Chair, Board of Directors P.S. Please include your Community Foundation in your will. Legacy gifts are a key to a better future. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 3

The Work We Do $1,850,00 $1.85 Million Dollars 238Went to 448via Organizations Grants. 336 Participated in Trainings and Leadership Development Programs During the Year. Nonprofit Professionals $1.67 91% Million Dollars of Our Grants Invested in Our Backyard. Touched Our Footprint. 4 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

The Onion Dialogues • Four workshops held: • 11 sessions held Creating a Major Gifts Program • 164 participants Managing Nonprofit Burnout • 99% said they increased knowledge and Strategic Doing understanding of race, racism, and racial equality Asking for Money in Person Onion Dialogues Cohort • 113 participants • 3 sessions held • 98% said they increased their knowledge, skills, and/ • 14 participants • 100% said they increased knowledge and or abilities in the areas presented understanding of race, racism, and racial equality • $824,307 raised Racial Equity Audit • 115 nonprofits registered • 3 nonprofits conducted an audit and received • 87 participants trained recommendations • 95% said they increased their knowledge, skills, and/ • 5 youth grantmakers participated or abilities to implement Give Choose fundraising • $4,000 granted campaign • 4 youth-led projects funded Leadership Institute • Summit held October 14, 2021 • 6 sessions held • 92 attendees • 16 nonprofit and government leaders participated • 100% said they have a better understanding of racial • 100% said they increased their skills in leadership, supervision, and conflict management equity, diversity, inclusion, and community solutions Learning Lab • 50 nonprofit grant seekers trained • 2 workshops held: Grantwriting and the Board’s • 100% said they learned more about foundation Role in Fundraising • 57 participants funding sources • 100% said they increased their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the workshop topics 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 5

Ways to Give Our goal is to be a broad, flexible philanthropic vehicle to serve you and our community. We grow community giving through these many options… Donate Stock A gift of stock is a savvy philanthropic opportunity. Reduce appreciated assets and capital gains while supporting causes matching your personal vision. To make a gift of stock, we’ll provide you with transfer information. Get in touch with Amy Owen, [email protected] or call (703) 779-3505 X1. Check Checks should be made out to “Community Foundation LNFC”. In the memo area, name the fund you wish to support or enclose a note. Checks may be mailed to one of two addresses: PO Box 342, Leesburg, VA 20178 or PO Box 402, Middleburg, VA 20118. Credit Card We specialize in o ering an online giving portal for all of our funds (a great way to philanthropically celebrate birthdays and other gift events). Just visit and choose “Give Now” to see the inspiring lineup and variety of our funds—it’s easy to search for a speci c fund, too. 6 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Donate Crypto e Community Foundation accepts gifts of cryptocurrency through e Giving Block. We quickly liquidate your gift, putting your generosity to work right away. Reach out to Amy Owen, [email protected], to let us know of your wishes for your gift, such as establishing a new fund, adding to an existing fund, or any other purposes. Charitable IRA Rollover Based on your age, a gift from your IRA directly from your plan trustee or administrator can be a wonderful option to add to quali ed fund within the Community Foundation. Talk with us before executing your gift by reaching out to Amy Owen, [email protected] or call (703) 779-3505 X1. Leave a Legacy From gifts of closely held stock, to appreciated assets, to real estate, life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts, and gift annuities—talk with us to discuss the legacy you want to leave behind and the best mechanisms to realize your vision by reaching out to Amy Owen, [email protected] or call (703) 779-3505 X1. We specialize in working closely with your personal estate and nancial advisors. Bank Transfer A wire transfer is easily set up to land safely into our accounting systems. Get in touch with Amy Owen, [email protected] or call (703) 779-3505 X1. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 7

Creating a Personal Legacy This is About You Your fund is a reflection of your values and philanthropy. From animal welfare, to human services and health, to youth and elderly, to specific charities you support, we can make it easy and rewarding. Are you thinking about setting up a charity or foundation? Talk to us first. We can help you understand the current nonprofit sector. And, we may serve as an excellent vehicle for your vision. We will work with you to answer the following questions to help determine when starting a fund or foundation with us is the right path. Define Your Charitable and Financial Objectives with other Community Foundation assets for maximum Consider how you want your gift to be used, whether investment benefits, income and appreciation are you want future family members involved, and how specifically tracked and tied to your fund, benefiting your much involvement you personally want in making grant fund for its growth and charitable grantmaking. recommendations. Make a Gift Through Your Will Choose a Name For Your Fund Appropriate language to make sure your will meets legal Many donors choose a family name, but you can use any and tax criteria is available. Just ask! name that is meaningful to you. Acorn Fund Determine Which Assets You Will Use Many of our philanthropists start a new fund by creating to Create Your Fund an acorn fund, building to the endowed level of $10,000 Gifts of cash, securities (publicly traded or closely held), or over a 5-year period ($25,000 for scholarship funds). An real estate can be accepted by the Community Foundation initial gift of $2,000 ($5,000 for scholarship funds) or more to set up a fund. Assets with a low-cost basis are often wise is necessary to “seed” any of the funds below. And, many of choices, since they offer maximum tax advantages: You our acorn funds build endowment while also granting funds pay no capital gains tax and receive a favorable income-tax immediately. deduction. You may also wish to review assets inside your retirement plan for possible charitable use. If you wish, Field of Interest Fund we will work closely with your accountant and attorney to This type of fund allows you to target an issue of need ensure your charitable wishes are clearly understood and rather than a specific charity. Grants are made to applied. organizations that meet a cause or specific need. You define the “area of interest,” and grantmaking follows. Consider the Type of Fund that Matches Your Interests Donor Advised Fund Our staff will help you identify what type of fund fits your Donor advised funds closely mirror private family vision! It may help, though, to understand how broad and foundations, but they offer significant advantages. A donor flexible we can be as a giving vehicle with our array of advised fund allows you to enjoy ongoing, even day-to-day, donor-crafted funds. involvement in the distribution of your gifts from your fund. You bring specific grant recommendations to the Make Your Gift to the Community Foundation Community Foundation for consideration. Learn more on While your gifts to establish a fund will be commingled page 10. 8 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Designated Fund fund applying personalized guidelines for grantmaking. You may name a specific charity to benefit from your Or, it may elect to give the Community Foundation full fund or numerous specific charities to receive annual discretion over disbursements. grants. Should a designated organization cease to exist, the Community Foundation has the responsibility and Shell Fund—Planned Giving authority to reallocate grants to another agency that most The Community Foundation is available to work with you closely reflects your original vision. and your financial advisors to set up what we call a “shell agreement.” A shell agreement is a nonbinding agreement Agency Fund that specifies how your planned gift shall be used once it is Charities often wish to create long-term endowments irrevocably received through your will or other planned-gift to benefit their mission and purpose. The Community instrument. Foundation provides an excellent vehicle to ensure endowment gifts are carefully and diversely invested and In the shell agreement, you name your fund, outline your managed. charitable vision, and decide whether donor advisors or the Community Foundation Board of Directors will Scholarship Fund recommend future grants. Gifts received from your planned You may choose to dedicate a fund’s purpose entirely to gift will be placed into your fund exactly as you have named helping students study and advance their education. The and designed it. We handle all future administrative details. Community Foundation works with community volunteers When you create a planned gift using a shell agreement, to interview students and make award recommendations, or revisions are easy, quick, and free. Just get in touch with us. we can work with you to form your own Board-approved selection committee. Transferring a Private Foundation or Trust Fund A private foundation can be a great vehicle for charitable Giving Circle Fund giving, but sometimes the process of managing the Many of our funds are created by a collective vision of foundation’s legal affairs can diminish the joy of giving multiple donors, who each tithe into a “giving circle,” or become a burden to maintain. Existing private and then, together, make grant recommendations. Giving foundations or charitable trust funds can be easily rolled circles are a fantastic way to learn more about your local over to a named endowment fund within the Community community, its charities, and increase impact as each grant Foundation, greatly reducing administrative overhead, is amplified in size. while maintaining key elements of donor involvement and long-term, legacy vision. The disadvantages of private General Fund foundations or trusts—excise fees, administrative fees, lesser A gift to establish a general or unrestricted fund helps meet tax benefits, and due diligence administration—cause many the changing needs of your community—now and in the to seek a more flexible alternative through the Community future. General funds broadly support the wellbeing and Foundation. vitality of our community. When you establish a general fund, you leave decisions about the use of your gift to To learn more, the Community Foundation, trusting the Community contact Amy Owen Foundation’s knowledge and reach to determine what needs are most pressing. [email protected] (703) 779-3505 ext. 1 Corporate Advised Funds Corporations often are overwhelmed with requests for charitable gifts. Many corporations across America look to their local Community Foundation for a simplified, focused giving program, administered by Community Foundation staff. A corporation can establish a corporate advised 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 9

Private Foundation vs. Donor Advised Fund ELEMENTS DONOR ADVISED FUND WITH US PRIVATE FOUNDATION START-UP CONSIDERATIONS None Incorporation fees, legal fees, accounting fees Cost Paperwork approved within days Generally months to one year for final IRS Considered endowed at $10,000 approval Timeframe ($25,000 for scholarship funds) Most experts recommend at least $2 to $5 million Financial Limitations Up to 60% of Adjusted Gross Income Up to 30% of Adjusted Gross Income TAX DEDUCTIBILITY Cash Gifts Publicly Traded Securities Fair MarketValue up to 30% of Adjusted Gross Income Fair MarketValue up to 20% of Adjusted Gross Income Real Estate and Closely Held Stock Fair MarketValue up to 30% of Adjusted Gross Income Fair MarketValue up to 20% of Adjusted Gross Income DISTRIBUTION AND PAYOUT REQUIREMENTS Corpus or Fund Assets No payout requirements. However, donor can Required annual payout of at least 5% of assets distribute far more than 5% if wished! A 501(c)(3) private charity INCOME AND REPORTING CONSIDERATIONS Tax Status We are a 501(c)(3) public charity Excise Tax on Investment Income None Up to 1.39% various taxes on net investment income Tax Filings and Financial Audit All inclusive under our filings PUBLICITY Must prepare and file Form 990 PF, state Donor filings ADMINISTRATION Grants Due Diligence Donor can receive optimal publicity OR choose Donors are publicly cited on Private Foundation Investment Management total anonymity Tax Return published on DONOR INVOLVEMENT Documentation Grants due diligence, laws, and regulations Must stay abreast of current laws; perform closely monitored and adhered to. Staff help to adequate due diligence of grantees and Scope identify, investigate, assess grantees. distribution rate Timespan Benefits from our oversight and management, Responsibility of trustees SUMMARY following a written investment policy Fund agreement provides flexible approaches, Donor and/or private foundation board controls including donor involvement in annual grant recommendations Full legal control and accountability Advisory as protected and restricted by the fund agreement Most private family foundations must seek professional oversight after three generations as Flexible as donor directed family shifts, moves, loses interest Flexibility, greater tax deductions, efficient net Autonomous control proceeds to grantees, low administration costs, increased privacy from grant seekers, credible investment practices, knowledgeable staff, legal policies in place 10 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

2021 Financial Snapshot Yount, Hyde, and Barbour completed the Community Foundation’s nancial audit ended December 31, 2021. For a full copy, please contact us at (703) 779-3505 or visit Assets Revenue Cash & Cash Equivalents .............................. $1,547,644 Contributions & Events ................................... $3,261,609 Gifts or Grants Receivable .............................. $366,424 Investment Income Net.................................... $1,073,454 Investments ..................................................... $9,784,993 TOTAL SUPPORT & REVENUE ............... $4,385,499 Other............................................................... $12,324 Property and Equipment ................................. $57,826 Endowment & Component Funds TOTAL ASSETS........................................... $11,769,210 Donor Advised Funds (29)................................. $4,733,722 2021 | $11,769,210 Designated Funds (24) ....................................... $1,414,715 Agency Funds (11) ............................................. $569,884 2020 | $10,066,502 Field of Interest Funds (20)................................ $3,060,632 Scholarship Funds (5)......................................... $966,394 2019 | $8,569,653 Fiscal Sponsorship Funds (1) ............................. $22,787 Unrestricted Funds (10) ..................................... $574,935 2018 | $5,930,188 Grantmaking $1,828,163 2017 | $4,642,240 $2,257,502 2021 Investment Rate of Return 2020 2021 15.2%% 2019 $1,184,771 2020 10.2% 2018 $923,553 2019 17.25% -8.24% 2018 2017 $640,386 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 11

2021 Grants The Community Foundation distributed more than $1.8 million to build common good. Arts, History, and Culture Loudoun Preservation Society, Leesburg, VA—$1,000 General support (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation) American Turkish Friendship Association, Chantilly, VA—$350 General support (Give Choose) Oatlands Historic House and Gardens, Leesburg, VA— $1,750 General support (Give Choose) Catoctin Area Turners, Round Hill, VA—$1,129 General support (Give Choose) One Thirteen Foundation, Ashburn, VA—$150 (Give Choose) Christmas in Middleburg, Middleburg, VA—$1,250 General support ( Jim and Betty Herbert Family Fund) Peninsula Players Theatre Foundation, Inc., Fish Creek, WI—$100 Support for annual fund on behalf of Madi and Door Shakespeare, Baileys Harbor, WI—$250 General Helen McDermott (McDermott Family Fund) support on behalf of Madi and Helen McDermott (McDermott Family Fund) Preservation Virginia, Richmond, VA—$500 General support (Minchew Family Foundation) Friends of Music Hall, Cincinnati, OH—$100 General support (McDermott Family Fund) StageCoach Foundation, Inc., Herndon, VA—$1,060 General support (Give Choose) Friends of the Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA— $100 General support (McDermott Family Fund) Station Stitchers, Purcellville, VA—$1,373 General support (Give Choose) George C. Marshall International Center, Leesburg, VA—$11,377 General support (Peter M. Howard The Crowley Company, Frederick, MD—$12,000 Support Memorial Fund, Minchew Family Foundation, Give for Loudoun County Clerk of the Circuit Court records Choose) preservation project, preserving records of thousands of enslaved people’s names from 1757-1865 (Van Huyck Journey Through Hallowed Ground, Leesburg, VA—$460 Chockley Family Foundation) General support (McDermott Family Fund, Give Choose) The Loudoun Ballet Performing Arts Company, Loudoun Freedom Center, Leesburg, VA—$2,372 Leesburg, VA—$2,525 General support (Give Choose) Support for partnership of the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Project; general support in memory of Fitz The Plains Community League, The Plains, VA—$1,600 Thomas (COVID Collaborative Fund, Operating Fund) General support ( John Page Turner Community House Fund) Loudoun Heritage Farm Museum, Sterling, VA—$3,385 General support (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation, Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area Association, Give Choose) Middleburg, VA—$9,950 General support; support for America’s Routes (Minchew Family Foundation, Van Loudoun Museum, Leesburg, VA—$1,055 General Huyck Chockley Family Foundation, Peter M. Howard support (Give Choose) Memorial Fund, Don and Amy Owen Charitable Fund, Give Choose) 12 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Waterford Concert Series, Waterford, VA—$570 General Harmony Middle School, Hamilton, VA—$1,200 Support support (Gollobin Family Fund) for Empty Bowl Dinner Event art supplies (Shelly’s Fund for a Beautiful Tomorrow) Waterford Foundation, Waterford, VA—$7,525 Support for Waterford Fair; general support (Charles Tiffany Little Tree Huggers Preschool, Leesburg, VA—$30 Richardson Family Fund, Van Huyck Chockley Family General support (Give Choose) Foundation, Give Choose) Loudoun Bar Foundation, Leesburg, VA—$500 Support Education for Beat the Odds college tuition program (McDermott Family Fund) All Ages Read Together, Herndon, VA—$39,333 Support for a free pop-up preschool serving under-resourced Loudoun Country Day School, Leesburg, VA—$6,000 families with children ages four and under; general support General support in honor of Dr. Randy Hollister (Give Choose, Loudoun Impact Fund, McDermott Family (McDermott Family Fund) Fund, Loudoun Community Cabinet; All Ages Read Together Endowment) Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce, Lansdowne, VA—$8,500 Support for Young Entrepreneur Academy (Loudoun Chamber Foundation) Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Loudoun Education Foundation, Ashburn, VA—$70,422 Inc., Green Bay, WI—$10,000 Support for ‘one by One’ Support for Community School social worker position; Campaign for Lourdes Academy and Oshkosh, WI support for 2021 Willowcroft Regional Science and parishes (McDermott Family Fund) Engineering Fair Student Scholarship and Teacher Grant; general support (100WomenStrong, Willowcroft Science Center for Excellence in Education, McLean, VA— Endowment, Loudoun Chamber Foundation, Give $5,000 General support (May Family Foundation) Choose) Children’s Science Center, Fairfax, VA—$1,000 Support Loudoun Laurels, Leesburg, VA—$1,110 General support for strengthening the accessibility of the 2022 Earth Day (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation, Give Choose) Extravaganza to Title I students (S. Murray Rust and Mary H. C. Rust Student Philanthropy Project/Forward Turn) Loudoun Literacy Council, Potomac Falls, VA—$40,931 Support for COVID-19 relief; support for capacity-building College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA—$5,000 initiatives; support for the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach General support for College of William and Mary Arts and Campaign; general support (100WomenStrong, Loudoun Sciences Annual Fund (Minchew Family Foundation) Community Cabinet, COVID Collaborative Fund, Loudoun Chamber Foundation, McDermott Family Fund, Dartmouth College Alumni Fund, Hanover, NH— Give Choose) $2,000 General support (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation) Loudoun Symphony Orchestra, Leesburg, VA—$750 General support (Frederick L. Spencer, Jr. Memorial Fund) DonorsChoose, Philadelphia, PA—$616 Support for classroom materials at Roosevelt Elementary School Lourdes Academy, Oshkosh, WI—$1,000 Support for (Shelly’s Fund for a Beautiful Tomorrow) annual fund (McDermott Family Foundation) Elon University, Elon, NC—$5,000 Support for Catholic Lucketts Elementary School, Leesburg, VA—$1,500 Campus Ministry and Elon Academy (McDermott Family General support (Pratt Family Charitable Fund) Foundation) Middleburg Montessori School, Middleburg, VA—$200 Embark Center for Self-Directed Education, Leesburg, General support (Give Choose) VA—$520 General support (Give Choose) Readers are Leaders, Herndon, VA—$600 General Equus CAN Educate, Purcellville, VA—$470 General support (Shelly’s Fund for a Beautiful Tomorrow) support (Give Choose) 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 13

Rotary Club of Leesburg Foundation, Inc., Leesburg, VA—$8,966 Support for Imagination Library of Loudoun (Give Choose) StoryBook Treasures, Ashburn, VA—$100 General Northern Virginia Community College, Sterling, support (Give Choose) VA—$7,400 For the benefit of students Hillary Samara Umanzor, Katherine Hicks, and Nardin Zaki (Mary B. Texas A&M Foundation, College Station, TX—$5,000 Tett Healthcare Professionals Scholarship Fund, Blair and Support for Dr. John B. Van Huyck Memorial Lecture Mike Pirrello Vocational Scholarship Fund, Gavin Rupp “I (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation) Promise 15” Scholarship Fund) The Kiski School, Saltsburg, PA—$5,000 General support (Siker Family Foundation) The New Ag School, Leesburg, VA—$1,780 General Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA—$5,000 support (Give Choose) For the benefit of student Kayla Ballve (Loudoun County High School The Women’s Club of Ridgewood, Ridgewood, NJ­— Scholarship Fund) $2,000 Support for the Louise A. Van Huyck Scholarship Fund (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation) Virginia Tech Foundation, Blacksburg, VA—$10,000 Support for Beyond Boundaries Scholar Fund and Floyd-Francis Memorial Scholarship Fund (Pratt Family Charitable Fund) Winchester Education Foundation, Winchester, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA—$10,000 For VA—$55,000 Support for the Emil and Grace Shihadeh the benefit of students Danning Bisaga and Zohayr Naveed Innovation Center (OHMF Fund) (Loudoun County High School Scholarship Fund) Women and Girls Inspiring STEM Excellence, Leesburg, Human Services VA—$2,500 General support (Give Choose) 100WomenStrong, Leesburg, VA—$10,000 Support for Zamorano Panamerican Agricultural University, 100WomenStrong 2021 (Wheeler Family Foundation) Washington, DC—$500 General support in honor of Kate Semerad and in memory of Roger Semerad (McDermott ADAMS Center, Sterling, VA—$1,500 Support for Family Fund) ADAMS Relief Fund, specifically for assistance to Afghan evacuees (Community Emergency Relief Fund) Scholarships Adoption-Share, Inc., Brunswick, GA—$4,500 General James Madison University, Harrisonburg, support for COVID-19 relief (100WomenStrong) VA—$5,000 For the benefit of student Erica Dobies (Loudoun County High School Scholarship Fund) A Farm Less Ordinary, Purcellville, VA—$28,994 Support for expansion of employment skill-development programs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Loudoun; general support (Give Choose, Charles Tiffany Richardson Family Fund, Loudoun Impact Fund, Loudoun Chamber Foundation) 14 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Alzheimer’s Association, National Capital Area, Fairfax, Bridle Paths, Leesburg, VA—$500 General support (Give VA—$1,000 Support for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Choose) Reston, VA and “Team Noonies Loonies” ( John and Patti Sinnen Family Fund) Camp Manito-wish YMCA, Inc., Boulder Junction, WI— $500 General support for annual fund in honor of Steven American Red Cross National Capital Region-Loudoun Weber of the Manito-wish YMCA Board of Directors and Prince William, Leesburg, VA—$4,000 Support (McDermott Family Fund) for families displaced by apartment fire in Sterling; general support (Three Mustard Seeds, Minchew Family Cancer Can Rock, Herndon, VA—$1,000 General support Foundation, Siker Family Foundation) (Guy and Katherine Gravett Charitable Fund) A Place to Be, Middleburg, VA—$15,732 Support for the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Campaign; general support Merrifield, VA—$4,147 Support for housing assistance (COVID Collaborative Fund, Give Choose) to Afghan evacuees served by Migration and Refugee Services; 2022 Catholic Charities Ball; general support Arc of Loudoun, Leesburg, VA—$10,058 Support for (Community Emergency Relief Fund, McDermott Family Mary B. Tett Superstar Volunteer Award; general support Fund, Give Choose) (Mary B. Tett The Arc Superstar Volunteer Fund, Loudoun Community Cabinet, Give Choose) Catoctin Presbyterian Church, Waterford, VA—$6,000 General support (Siker Family Foundation) Arms Wide Open, Ivoryton, CT—$2,500 Support for CureFest 2021 (Smashing Walnuts Endowment) Coalition Against Childhood Cancer, Philadelphia, PA—$100 for Smashing Walnuts Foundation’s 2021-2022 Ashburn Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department, Ashburn, membership support (Smashing Walnuts Endowment) VA—$730 General support (Give Choose) Coalition to Salute Americas Heroes Foundation, Backpack Buddies Foundation of Loudoun, Leesburg, Leesburg, VA—$250 General support (Give Choose) VA—$3,395 General support (Give Choose) Community Emergency Relief Fund, Leesburg, VA— Baltimore Hunger Project, Baltimore, MD—$3,000 $2,508 Support for community emergency relief initiatives General support (Shelly’s Fund for a Beautiful Tomorrow) (Minchew Family Foundation, Give Choose) BetterALife Inc., Purcellville, VA—$170 General support Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern (Give Choose) Fauquier Counties, Leesburg, VA—$52,958 Support for Community Foundation’s new staffing position; general Birthright of Loudoun County, Leesburg, VA—$21,126 support (Loudoun Community Cabinet, Minchew Family General support (Give Choose) Foundation, McDermott Family Fund, Siker Family Foundation, Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation, Don Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, Verona, VA—$1,000 General and Amy Owen Charitable Fund, Give Choose) support (Minchew Family Foundation) Crossroads Jobs, Leesburg, VA—$16,312 Support for Blue Ridge Hospice, Winchester, VA—$625 General employment retention of intellectually disabled clients support (Give Choose) through job coaching; general support (Loudoun Impact Fund, Give Choose, Minchew Family Foundation, Boulder Crest Foundation, Bluemont, VA—$2,101 Loudoun Chamber Foundation) General support in honor of Loudoun Chamber Community Leadership Award honoree Bear Chase Data Center Coalition, Leesburg, VA—$4,895 Support Brewing Company (Give Choose, Operating Fund) for food provided to vaccine site volunteers Brain Injury Services, Springfield, VA—$236 General support (Give Choose) 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 15

Dulles South Food Pantry, Dulles, VA—$14,843 Support HealthWorks for Northern Virginia—$16,550 Support for seniors in Loudoun County facing food insecurity and for planning of COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Project; other needs; general support (Loudoun Impact Fund, Give general support (COVID Collaborative Fund, Give Choose, Pratt Family Charitable Fund) Choose) Dulles South Neighborhood Closet, Chantilly, VA— Heeling House, Sterling, VA—$975 General support $1,230 General support (Give Choose) (Give Choose) Dulles South Soup Kitchen, Chantilly, VA—$245 Help for Others, Sterling, VA—$2,000 Support for 2021 General support (Give Choose) Holiday Coalition (Community Emergency Relief Fund) ECHO, Leesburg, VA—$22,825 Support for building a HomeAid Northern Virginia, Chantilly, VA—$1,000 transportation shelter for adults with disabilities that use General support (Minchew Family Foundation) ECHO’s transportation services; general support (Loudoun Impact Fund, Loudoun Chamber Foundation, Minchew INMED Partnerships for Children, Sterling, VA— Family Foundation, Loudoun Community Cabinet, Give $44,942 Support of teen wellness program; support for Choose) the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Campaign; support for INMED’s Loudoun-based programs specifically Emmanuel Episcopal Church Delaplane, Delaplane, serving local families and youth; general support VA—$2,000 General support ( Jim and Betty Herbert (100WomenStrong, COVID Collaborative Fund, Pratt Family Fund) Family Charitable Fund, Give Choose) Endowment for the Community, Leesburg, VA—$5,374 Inova Health Foundation, Fall Church, VA—$13,000 Support for permanent endowment (Operating Fund, Give Support for Inova Loudoun Hospital Foundation, Choose) specifically ILH Medical Musical Therapy and ILH Breast Cancer Patient Care; support for Poppy’s Toy Drive Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, Richmond, VA—$5,000 (McDermott Family Fund, Minchew Family Foundation) Bishop’s Appeal (Minchew Family Foundation) Insight Memory Care Center, Fairfax, VA—$10,000 Fenwick Foundation, Arlington, VA—$25 General Support for people with mild cognitive impairment or support (Give Choose) early-stage dementia through Insight’s Early Stage Center expansion in Loudoun County (Loudoun Impact Fund) Fisher House, Rockville, MD—$12,500 support for veteran assistance programs (Vets Tribute Fund) JK Community Farm, Dulles, VA—$3,518 General support (Pratt Family Charitable Fund, Give Choose) Friends of Loudoun Mental Health, Leesburg, VA— $14,087 Support for individuals in a housing crisis due to Joy to the Kids, Ashburn, VA—$4,589 General support their mental illness and financial shortages through the A (Give Choose) Place to Call Home program; general support (Loudoun Impact Fund, Give Choose, Minchew Family Foundation, Just Neighbors, Annandale, VA—$1,188 General support Don and Amy Owen Charitable Fund) (Give Choose) Girls on the Run of NOVA, Fairfax, VA—$200 General Latin American Youth Center, Washington, DC—$250 support (Give Choose) General support (McDermott Family Fund) Good Shepherd of Northern Virginia, Ashburn, VA— LAWS Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services, $23,907 Support for COVID-19 relief; general support Leesburg, VA—$120,000 Support for capacity-building (100WomenStrong, Loudoun Community Cabinet, Give initiatives; support for trauma-informed counseling and Choose, Pratt Family Charitable Fund, Minchew Family advocacy services for child victims of domestic violence, Foundation) physical abuse, and sexual assault; general support (Loudoun Community Cabinet, Loudoun Impact Fund, Siker Family Foundation, Loudoun Chamber Foundation, 16 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Give Choose, Minchew Family Foundation, McDermott Loudoun Impact Fund, Leesburg, VA—$11,050 Support Family Fund, Pratt Charitable Fund) for 2021 grantmaking cycle (Pratt Family Charitable Fund, Wheeler Family Foundation, McDermott Family Fund, Legacy Farms, Leesburg, VA—$10,552 General support Siker Family Foundation, John and Patti Sinnen Family (Wheeler Family Foundation, Give Choose) Fund, McDermott Family Fund) Loudoun Breast Health Network, Leesburg, VA—$840 Loudoun Serenity House, Leesburg, VA—$58,198 General support (Sharyn’s Angels Cancer Fund) General support (Loudoun Serenity House Fund, Give Choose) Loudoun Cares, Leesburg, VA—$27,160 Support for COVID-19 relief; support for the COVID-19 Vaccine Loudoun Therapeutic Riding Foundation, Lovettsville, Outreach Campaign; general support in honor of Loudoun VA—$7,538 General support (McDermott Family Fund, Chamber Community Leadership Award honoree, Wells Give Choose) Fargo (100WomenStrong, COVID Collaborative Fund, Operating Fund, Give Choose) Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers, Leesburg, VA—$23,862 Support for services to older and disabled adults living Loudoun Chamber Foundation, Leesburg, VA—$11,500 in Loudoun County; support for COVID-19 relief; General support (Give Choose) general support (Loudoun Impact Fund, Minchew Family Foundation, 100WomenStrong, Loudoun Volunteer Loudoun Coalition for Women and Girls Endowment Caregivers Endowment, Give Choose) Fund, Leesburg, VA—$1,570 General support in honor Loudoun Chamber Community Leadership Award Loudoun Youth, Inc., Leesburg, VA—$4,083 General honoree Mahsa Riar, CEO and Founder of Limitless Limb, support (Give Choose) LLC (Operating Fund, Give Choose) Love U More Foundation, South Riding, VA—$1,193 Loudoun First Responders Foundation, Aldie, VA— General support (Give Choose) $2,270 General support (Give Choose) Lucketts Ruritan Club, Leesburg, VA—$13,556 General Loudoun Free Clinic, Leesburg, VA—$8,981 General support (Give Choose) support in honor of Loudoun Chamber Community Leadership Award honoree Deborah Addo, President of Lutheran Settlement House, Philadelphia, PA—$2,000 INOVA Loudoun Hospital (Operating Fund, Minchew Support of the Fishtown site (Van Huyck Chockley Family Family Foundation, Give Choose, Loudoun Community Foundation) Cabinet) Make-A-Wish Central and South Texas, San Antonio, Loudoun Habitat for Humanity, Leesburg, VA—$7,851 TX—$2,000 General support (Van Huyck Chockley Support for Community Land Trust in Loudoun County; Family Foundation) support for the creation of welcome baskets for families in need; general support (Tackle Box Fund, S. Murray Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA— Rust and Mary H. C. Rust Student Philanthropy Project $2,000 Support for Immunobiology Laboratory (Van Endowment/Forward Turn, Give Choose, Loudoun Huyck Chockley Family Foundation) Chamber Foundation) MEDLIFE NoVA, South Riding, VA—$500 Support Loudoun Hunger Relief, Leesburg, VA—$66,696 Support for events in the region to help local communities (S. for the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Campaign; support Murray and Mary H.C. Rust Student Philanthropy Project an emergency grocery program for low-income senior Endowment/Forward Turn) adults in Loudoun County; general support (COVID Collaborative Fund, Loudoun Impact Fund, Pratt Family Mobile Hope, Leesburg, VA—$9,750 General support Charitable Fund, Minchew Family Foundation, Give (Minchew Family Foundation, Give Choose) Choose) Mosaic Virginia, Lansdowne, VA—$250 General support in memory of Dave Updegrove (McDermott Family Fund) 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 17

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, New Ryan Bartel Foundation, Waterford, VA—$28,384 York, NY—$500 General support (Don and Amy Owen Support for FORTitude Teen Workshops; general support Charitable Fund) (Loudoun Impact Fund, Give Choose) New Virginia Majority Education Fund, Alexandria, Salvation Army, A Georgia Corporation, Atlanta, GA— VA—$4,022 Support for the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach $12,500 Support for veteran assistance programs (Vets Campaign (COVID Collaborative Fund) Tribute Fund) Northern Virginia Family Service, Oakton, VA—$2,467 Salvation Army Loudoun County, Leesburg, VA— Support for partnership of the COVID-19 Vaccine $26,852 Support for COVID-19 relief; general support Outreach Project; general support (COVID Collaborative (100WomenStrong, Give Choose) Fund, Give Choose) Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Washington, DC—$2,000 OAR, Fairfax, VA—$13,498 Support for capacity-building General support (Van Huyck Chockley Family initiative in partnership with George Mason University Foundation) Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence; general support (Loudoun Community Cabinet, Michael J. Cowell SCAN of Northern Virginia, Alexandria, VA—$125 Charitable Fund, Give Choose) General support (Give Choose) One Sparrow, Bristow, VA—$553 General support (Give Smashing Walnuts Endowment, Leesburg, VA—$500 Choose) General support (McDermott Family Fund) Outer Banks Community Foundation, Southern Special Love, Inc., Winchester, VA—$20 General support Shores, NC—$1,000 General support (Minchew Family (Give Choose) Foundation) Special Olympics Virginia-Loudoun County, Leesburg, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Washington, DC—$100 VA—$100 General support (McDermott Family Fund) General support in memory of Norman H. Tadlock, Jr. (Operating Fund) Sprout Therapeutic Riding & Education Center, Aldie, VA—$5,939 General support (Give Choose) Philadelphia Women’s Rugby Football Club, Philadelphia, PA—$2,000 General support (Van Huyck St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, Leesburg, VA—$111,506 Chockley Family Foundation) Support for rental assistance including COVID-19 relief and for families displaced by Sterling apartment fire; Philomont Volunteer Fire Department, Philomont, VA— support for the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Campaign; $100 General support (Don and Amy Owen Charitable general support (Community Emergency Relief Fund, Bill Fund) and Val Tillett Foundation, 100WomenStrong, COVID Collaborative Fund, Give Choose) Project Horse Empowerment Center, Great Falls, VA— $5,225 General support (Give Choose) Street Soccer USA, San Francisco, CA—$2,000 General support (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation) Racial Equity Fund, Leesburg, VA—$3,500 Support to establish the Racial Equity Fund and for racial equity The Ann Clarke Dollard Memorial Foundation, initiatives (Don and Amy Owen Charitable Fund, Manassas, VA—$500 General support (Guy and Katherine Endowment for the Community, Siker Family Foundation) Gravett Charitable Fund) Reset180, Reston, VA—$2,770 General support (Give The Arc of Loudoun’s Project Horse Endowment Fund, Choose) Leesburg, VA—$3,166 Support for endowment (Platinum Endowment Challenge Fund) Ride-On Ranch, Lovettsville, VA—$8,625 General support (Give Choose) The Chris Atwood Foundation, Reston, VA—$8,000 Support for COVID-19 relief (100WomenStrong) 18 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

This is My Brave, Leesburg, VA—$2,345 Support YMCA Loudoun County, Leesburg, VA—$1,550 General for BraveKids mental health subscription box project; support (Give Choose) general support (S. Murray and Mary H.C. Rust Student Philanthropy Project/Forward Turn, Give Choose) Young Kings Movement, Leesburg, VA¬—$320 General support (Give Choose) Touching Heart, Herndon, VA—$70 General support (Give Choose) Nature, Environment, and Animal Welfare Tree of Life Ministries, Purcellville, VA—$42,361 Support for COVID-19 relief; general support (100WomenStrong, A Fighting Chance Foundation, Lovettsville, VA—$475 Give Choose) General support (Give Choose) Trinity House Community, Leesburg, VA—$828 General Animal Care Assistance Program, Louisa, VA—$3,000 support (Give Choose) Support for low-income veterinary assistance program in Central Virginia (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) United Way of Greater Charlottesville, Charlottesville, VA—$2,500 Support for Women United in Philanthropy Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue, Richmond, VA— (May Family Foundation) $3,000 Support for medical expenses for rescued Great Pyrenees dogs (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Veterans Moving Forward, Sterling, VA—$27,919 General support (Give Choose, Loudoun Chamber Certified Humane, Middleburg, VA—$315 General Foundation) support (Give Choose) View of Heaven Farm, Round Hill, VA—$500 General Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA, Charlottesville, support (Minchew Family Foundation) VA—$1,500 Support for trap-neuter-return program for free-roaming cats in Charlottesville and Albemarle County Virginia Hunters Who Care, Inc., Big Island, VA—$4,207 (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) General support (Give Choose) Continental Divide Trail Coalition, Golden, CO—$500 Volunteers of America Chesapeake and Carolinas, General support (Don and Amy Owen Charitable Fund) Lanham, MD—$1,170 General support of Loudoun Homeless Services Center (Give Choose) DC Area Weimaraner Rescue, Front Royal, VA—$3,000 Support for veterinary expenses (Ursula Landsrath Animal Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, Rescue Fund) Washington, DC—$250 General support (Don and Amy Owen Charitable Fund) Dewey Animals, Inc., Centreville, VA—$2,000 Support for trap-neuter-release of community cats (Ursula Whitefish Community Foundation, Whitefish, MT— Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) $1,000 General support (Minchew Family Foundation) Equine Rescue League Foundation, Leesburg, VA— Windy Hill Foundation, Middleburg, VA—$18,500 $10,545 Support for ongoing needs of unwanted/neglected General support (Windy Hill Endowment Fund, Neal equines, including purchase of feed, supplements, and hay; and Donna Gumbin Charitable Found, Minchew Family general support (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund, Foundation, Give Choose) Give Choose) Women Giving Back, Sterling, VA—$12,847 Support For the Cat’s Sake, Flint Hill, VA—$3,000 Support for emergency food and essentials for Loudoun County for trap-neuter-release and vaccination program in children and youth; support for the COVID-19 Vaccine Rappahannock, Warren, Culpeper and Fauquier (Ursula Outreach Campaign; general support (Loudoun Impact Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Fund, COVID Collaborative Fund, Minchew Family Fund, Give Choose) 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 19

Friends of Homeless Animals, Aldie, VA—$27,933 Family Foundation, Charles Tiffany Richardson Family Support for increased cat adoption intakes to remove cats Fund) from shelters and from the threat of euthanasia; general support (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund, Minchew Lost Dog Foundation, Richmond, VA—$1,000 Support Family Foundation, Give Choose) for community cat trap-neuter-release program in Richmond and Henrico County (Ursula Landsrath Animal Friends of Loudoun County Animal Services, Ashburn, Rescue Fund) VA—$5,245 General support (Give Choose) Loudoun Community Cat Coalition, Leesburg, VA— Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Purcellville, VA— $13,354 General support (Give Choose) $6,828 General support (Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation, Charles Tiffany Richardson Family Fund, Loudoun County Master Gardener Association, Minchew Family Foundation, Give Choose) Leesburg, VA—$670 General support (Give Choose) Friends of the State Arboretum, Boyce, VA—$150 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, Leesburg, VA—$16,252 General support (Don and Amy Owen Charitable Fund) General support (Minchew Family Foundation, Give Choose, Van Huyck Chockley Family Foundation, Peter Garfield’s Rescue, Inc., Kilmarnock, VA—$2,000 Support M. Howard Memorial Fund, Charles Tiffany Richardson for cat spay/neuter program and related medical costs in Family Fund) Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Madison Community Cats, Syria, VA—$1,000 Support for trap-neuter-return program and purchase of additional Goochland Pet Lovers, Oilville, VA—$3,000 Support for humane traps (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) the Dr. Lori L. Elliott Medical Fund at Goochland County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center (Ursula Landsrath Middleburg Humane Foundation, Marshall, VA—$6,275 Animal Rescue Fund) Support for Community Cat Program in Northern Virginia; general support (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Goose Creek Association, Middleburg, VA—$448 Fund, Give Choose) General support (Give Choose) Morven Park, Leesburg, VA—$16,060 General support Helping Homeless Felines, Fairfax, VA—$3,000 Support (Morven Park Charitable Fund, McDermott Family Fund, for medical and veterinary support for sick injured strays Minchew Family Foundation, Give Choose) and feral cats (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Mutt Love Rescue, Inc., Manassas, VA—$3,000 Support Homegrown National Park, Sharon, CT—$1,000 General for veterinary expenses (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue support (Minchew Family Foundation) Fund) Hopes Legacy Equine Rescue League, Afton, VA— Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, Annandale, VA— $2,000 Support for emergency equine veterinary care $300 Support for the Save River Farm project (Charles (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Tiffany Richardson Family Fund) Humane Society of Loudoun County, Leesburg, Operation Paws for Homes, Richmond, VA—$1,500 VA—$15,618 Support for trap-neuter-return program for Support for “Spay Day Everyday Program,” a dog spay and feral cats in Loudoun; general support (Ursula Landsrath neuter program for low-income, rural communities (Ursula Animal Rescue Fund, Minchew Family Foundation, Give Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Choose) People for Pets Foundation, Jeffersonton, VA—$2,500 Keep Loudoun Beautiful, Leesburg, VA—$1,300 General Support for rescuing stray, abused, neglected, abandoned, support (Give Choose) surrendered, special needs, FIV+ and physically handicapped cats (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Land Trust of Virginia, Middleburg, VA—$7,800 Support for Garden Party; general support (McDermott Family Pets Bring Joy, Fairfax, VA—$2,500 Support for medical Fund, Minchew Family Foundation, Van Huyck Chockley care fund to offset emergency expenses incurred for a cat in 20 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

care (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Architectura Dental, PLLC, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief business grant Piedmont Environmental Council, Warrenton, VA— $8,337 General support (Charles Tiffany Richardson Childrens Paradise, LLC, Ashburn, VA—$5,000 COVID- Family Fund, Give Choose, Van Huyck Chockley Family relief business grant Foundation, McDermott Family Fund) CIXCI, LLC, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief Promises Animal Rescue, Inc., Gainesville, VA—$2,000 business grant Support for medical fund serving dogs in need (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Danielly’s Corp., Sterling, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief business grant RappCats, Washington, VA—$2,000 Support for spay and neuter of Rappahannock County cats & kittens (Ursula Discount Aero Parts, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 COVID- Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) relief business grant Secret Garden Birds and Bees, Purcellville, VA—$1,160 Discount Wireless, Sterling, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief General support (Give Choose) business grant The Community Cat Alliance, Winchester, VA—$3,000 Exilinx Solutions Inc, Ashburn, VA—$5,000 COVID- Support for trap-neuter-return program for community relief business grant cats in Frederick and Clarke counties and the City of Winchester (Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund) Fitit Fitness, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief business grant The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA—$1,000 General support (Minchew Family Foundation) Hoops the Right Way, Inc, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief business grant Virginia Conservation Network, Richmond, VA—$300 General support (Charles Tiffany Richardson Family Fund) Laroche Corporation, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 COVID- relief business grant Virginia Native Plant Society, Boyce, VA—$500 Minchew Family Foundation Matrix Flooring LLC, Ashburn, VA—$5,000 COVID- relief business grant Wildlife Veterinary Care, Millwood, VA—$3,000 Support for the purchase of medical supplies needed to treat sick Musie Driving School LLC, Ashburn, VA—$5,000 and injured rescued wild animals (Ursula Landsrath Animal COVID-relief business grant Rescue Fund) Nagoya Enterprises, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 COVID- Wolf Trap Animal Rescue, Merrifield, VA—$1,000 relief business grant General support in honor of Loudoun Chamber Community Leadership Award honoree Donna Fortier, Platin Stitch Custom Tailor LLC, Leesburg, VA—$5,000 Founder and CEO of Mobile Hope and its dog “Parker” COVID-relief business grant (Operating Fund) RMR International, LLC, Ashburn, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief business grant Minority-Owned Business Sew Magarbo, Ashburn, VA—$5,000 COVID-relief Small Grant Program business grant Funded in partnership with Google, Kaiser Permanente, The Best Taekwondo Inc., Leesburg, VA—$5,000 MVB Bank, Northwest Federal Credit Union, and donors COVID-relief business grant to the Community Emergency Relief Fund, this unique grants program was in direct response to COVID-19 relief. Tropical Green Organics, Sterling, VA—$5,000 COVID- relief business grant 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 21

Our Grantmaking Funds Every fund stewarded by the Community Foundation reflects the personal charitable values of its founder. Won’t you join us? 100WomenStrong Bill and Val Tillet Foundation Charles Tiffany Richardson Family Fund A community collaborative among some of the As donor advisors to their fund, grantees After his death, his daughter wanted to do region’s most influential women (and a few good are recommended based on the causes that something special in his memory. Mr. Richardson loved history and the environment. Grants from men), donors of this giving circle support five speak to the Tillet’s charitable values. varied funds in the Community Foundation to this donor advised fund reflect his values. meet needs in education, shelter, hunger, and Barbe Family Foundation Loudoun Coalition on Women health in Loudoun County. and Girls All Ages Read Together Endowment Working with disadvantaged children who This donor advised fund builds a legacy The fund and its many donors seek to provide have little or no literacy experience, this fund of family giving here at home. grants and programs that bring awareness and supports All Ages Read Together’s mission to public education to such issues facing women offer programs to spark a love of reading and Blue Ridge Hospice Endowment and girls in Loudoun County as cyber bullying, STEAM education, careers for women, human improved academic outcomes. trafficking, and sexual and domestic abuse. The Arc of Loudoun Project Horse Endowment Community Emergency Relief Fund This fund supports the work of The Arc of This agency endowment provides annual In March 2020, the Community Foundation Loudoun’s Project Horse programs as it connects support for the organization’s meaningful launched a Community Emergency Relief people in need of renewed hope and confidence end-of-life programs and operations in the Fund to receive gifts and dedicate grants to aid vulnerable populations and those hardest hit by with rehabilitated rescue horses. community. community emergencies and COVID-19. The fund continues to serve that purpose even today. 22 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

COVID-19 Education and Don and Amy Owen Frederick L. Spencer, Jr. Memorial Fund Outreach Fund Charitable Fund The Community Foundation, Loudoun As a donor advised fund, grants are This field of interest fund, created in County Department of Health, Loudoun recommended by the founders to benefit local memorial, supports area programs in arts, County government, Healthworks, Virginia Department of Health, and many nonprofit and national charities that appeal to their music, and drama. organizations worked hand-in-hand to help personal philanthropy. get the word out about local COVID testing Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains events and vaccination events and to provide ECHO Endowment Fund Endowment for Environmental factual information on moving forward Educational Activities during the pandemic. David Peña Foundation As a donor advised fund, grants are Created as a permanent resource, this This agency endowment fund, inspired by the recommended by its founder. endowment fund supports ECHO’s mission to memory of the late Jane Pratt, provides funding provide transportation, employment, learning, for youth education in environmental mountain Debbie Settle Scholarship Foundation independence, and medical care for members stewardship. of our community who are mentally and physically disabled. Gavin Rupp “I Promise 15” Scholarship Fund Endowment for the Community Students on the path to music performance The Community Foundation Board of Directors In honor of the late Gavin Rupp, or music education benefit from this fund established this fund as a means for providing scholarship awards support students that lovingly memorializes Debbie Settle grantmaking into our community to meet the pursuing a degree in healthcare services, and her renowned work as choral director most pressing and changing needs in Fauquier and Loudoun Counties. with an emphasis in oncology. at Stone Bridge High School. Desi Giving Fund Evans Family Fund The Gollobin Family Fund As an emerging giving circle, members This donor advised fund supports the personal This designated fund supports musical work together to provide grants through grantmaking of the Evans Family, including programs offered by the Waterford addressing food insecurity and general needs in Concert Series. collaborative vision. our community. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 23

Health Fund Joanne W. Webb Memorial Fund Ursula Landsrath Animal Rescue Fund This field of interest fund founded by a This field of interest fund supports Created as a memorial for Ursula Landsrath’s local physician supports health programs melanoma research to qualified facilities love, care, and tender stewardship of animals, locally and internationally. Grants from this fund grants to shelters and animal rescue and institutions in the U.S. nonprofits in Virginia that receive little or no the fund are led by the Community public support and are essentially responsible for Foundation’s grantmaking committee. John Page Turner Community House Fund their own fundraising. Guy and Katherine Gravett Charitable Fund Larkin Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisor Like a family foundation, this fund serves the This designated fund offsets the maintenance As a donor advised fund, grants are donor advised vision of its founders. costs of the John Page Turner House, recommended by its founder. a community center run by The Plains The Hill School Endowment Fund Community League. Loudoun Chamber Foundation John and Patti Sinnen Family Fund As an agency fund, annual distributions Like a family foundation, this donor advised Founded by members and supporters of the support the success and advancement of fund follows the grantmaking recommendations Loudoun Chamber of Commerce, this field- of-interest fund supports charities in Loudoun The Hill School. of its founders. County and the economic development they Jim and Betty Herbert Family Fund J.T. Place Fund bring to our local quality of life. Loudoun Community Cabinet This donor advised fund includes multiple This fund provides special support for life skills, Grants from this donor advised fund family members who make grantmaking academics, and human necessities for Loudoun are designed to help strengthen the recommendations from the fund to benefit philanthropic voice and charitable impact County’s foster children and young adults. local qualifying charities. in Loudoun County. 24 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Loudoun County Juvenile Loudoun Impact Fund Loudoun Wildlife Detention Center Fund Conservancy Endowment Created for the Loudoun County Detention As a giving circle, this fund pools donor gifts As part of the Commuity Foundation’s 20th Center, distributions support their programs for high-impact grants into the Loudoun anniversary, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy community. received a $10,000 challenge grant to establish to provide positive role models for youth incarcerated in the Loudoun County Juvenile an endowment for its benefit. Detention Center. Loudoun Literacy Council Endowment LCJS/Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS) Endowment Fund Loudoun County High School Scholarship Fund Through Henry Stower’s estate and in honor of As part of the Community Foundation’s 20th As part of the Community Foundation’s his lifetime of farming and community service anniversary, Loudoun Literacy received a 20th anniversary, LAWS received a $10,000 including as a Loudoun Board of Supervisor, this fund provides a four-year scholarship to a $10,000 challenge grant to bolster its operating challenge grant to bolster its operating qualifying graduate of Loudoun County High reserves and establish an endowment supporting reserves and establish an endowment to benefit its domestic violence and sexual School. its mission to teach English communication assault crisis center for Loudoun County. skills and provide literacy resources. Breeze Makenzie Foundation Loudoun Human Services Network Loudoun Serenity House Endowment The Community Foundation Board of The Loudoun Serenity House Endowment Established by Andy and Tina Johnson, Directors established this fiscally sponsored helps this nonprofit organization fulfill its in honor of Tina’s brother and Loudoun’s fund to support the administrative and staffing mission, today and tomorrow, helping women own Breeze Makenzie, who passed away needs of the Network and its approximate 50 and women in recovery live their best life. unexpectedly on August 8, 2015, at the young age of 50. He attended Charles S. Monroe’s members. Loudoun Volunteer auto mechanics program and spent 18 years Caregivers Endowment Loudoun Hunger Relief Endowment Fund driving a big rig across the country. Mary B. Tett Health Professionals Fund Founded by the Hospital Corporation of Created by Hospital Corporation of As a memorial to Mary Tett and her America (StoneSprings Hospital Center), this America (StoneSprings Hospital Center), volunteerism at the Loudoun Free Clinic, this designated fund supports Loudoun Hunger this designated fund benefits this group’s fund offers scholarship support for continued work to aid, support, transport, and care for Relief and its work to feed the hungry by education in the medical field. providing emergency food assistance to any homebound and disabled citizens. person or family living in Loudoun County. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 25

Mary Tett Superstar Fund for Minchew Family Foundation OHMF Donor Advised Fund The Arc of Loudoun Created in memory of Mary Tett, this fund Reflecting their charitable values, this donor Guided by the values and recommendations generates a special gift award for a “superstar” advised fund supports the charities and causes of the donor advisors and then-serving volunteer as named by The Arc of Loudoun. Trustees of the O’Shaughnessy-Hurst close to the founders’ hearts. May Family Foundation Memorial Foundation, grants support local Morven Park Charitable Fund and regional needs. The Oscar Revere and Tara Trout Family Foundation As a donor advised fund, grants are made This agency fund helps fulfill its mission to This donor advised fund makes grants as to the charities near and dear to the family’s preserve and advance the ideals of Westmoreland recommended by its founders. Davis (Governor of Virginia 1918-1922) and his charitable values. wife through programs that reflect civic-minded PAW (Pay-it-Forward Animal Welfare) Fund McDermott Family Fund leadership, sustainable agriculture, and the conscientious use of open space. Moses Fund Like a family foundation, this donor This donor advised fund makes Caring donors and vet clinics across our advised fund follows the grantmaking grants to charities that reflect the community pool gifts to create animal welfare faith-based values of its founders, recommendations of its founders. grantmaking. Pete and Mary Hayes. Michael J. Cowell Charitable Fund Peter M. Howard Memorial Fund Neal and Donna Gumbin Charitable Fund This donor advised fund was founded by Created by the family of the late Peter 2012 Cannonball Invitational Amateur Howard, this field-of-interest fund winner, Neal Gumbin. The fund supports celebrates his appreciation of historic charities as guided by the Gumbins. preservation and open space in Loudoun and Fauquier counties. As a donor advised fund, grants are recommended by its founder. 26 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Pettit-Wilson Family Fund Rosegate Fund Sharyn’s Angels Cancer Fund This family-based donor advised fund The founders enjoy the grantmaking makes grants that mirror the charitable flexibility of their donor advised fund to recommend grants that meet their values vision of the Pettit-Wilson family. and interests. Blair and Mike Pirrello Vocational Ruby Mae Fund As a memorial to Sharyn Crockett Bass, School Scholarship Fund this fund supports individuals suffering from cancer and requiring financial assistance. Shelly’s Fund for a Beautiful Tomorrow Designed to support women and men interested Grants are recommended by this fund’s Shelly’s Fund for a Beautiful Tomorrow in pursuing a career in trade, the Pirrello donor advisors. continues what she spent her life doing— trying to enrich people’s lives through personal Vocational Scholarship offers an extra financial Murray Rust and Mary H.C. Rust connections, her deep love for the arts, and her boost through annual scholarship offerings. Student Philanthropy Project strong bond with her Jewish faith. Pratt Family Charitable Fund Siker Family Foundation This donor advised fund This fund empowers students as This donor advised fund serves the charitable supports the charitable vision community grantmakers, providing grant grantmaking vision of its fund holders. of the Pratt family members. support to youth-driven philanthropic Sterling Women Giving Circle Racial Equity Fund projects in our area through Forward Turn. Sanders-Oscanyan Memorial Fund The Equity Fund is a field of interest funding This designated fund supports Loudoun Founded by business leader Kristina source for emerging and established Black- ENDependence, dedicated to providing peer Bouweiri, this giving circle invites area counseling, mentoring, and other self-help women to pool gifts to address local needs. and Brown-led nonprofit organizations, equity initiatives in our community, and services for those with disabilities. advancement of equity leadership. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 27

Smashing Walnuts Foundation Vets Tribute Fund Windy Hill Endowment Fund This fund is dedicated to “cracking the Created by Roy L. Jackson in honor Supporting all programs of the Windy Hill cure for childhood brain cancer” by making of his time serving and all those who Foundation as it fulfills its mission to provide served before and after, this fund makes safe, decent, and affordable housing and family distributions to charitable programs and annual distributions to support veteran services to lower income families and elderly institutions dedicated to childhood brain services provided by Fisher House and the in Loudoun, Fauquier, and Clarke counties. cancer research, treatment, and awareness. Salvation Army. Yellow Ribbon Fund Tackle Box Fund Webber Jazz Grantmaking Fund This field of interest fund dedicates its This fund supports local traditional jazz Created by 2012 Cannonball Invitational grantmaking to Loudoun’s affordable performances and educational opportunities Amateur winner, Mark Gerencser, housing solutions. for practical jazz education. this designated fund offers permanent endowment funding to this Maryland-based Three Mustard Seeds Fund Wheeler Family Foundation group that provides practical support to injured service members. The donor advised Three Mustard Seeds Donor advised by the Wheeler Family, this Won’t You Fund serves children, veterans, education, fund supports charities that reflect the donors’ Join Us? and recreation. personal interests and charitable values. Call (703) 779-3505 Van Huyck Chockley Willowcroft Science Endowment Family Foundation Like a family foundation, this donor advised This designated fund provides support to fund follows the recommendations of its the Loudoun Education Foundation for founder who takes great joy in involving its efforts to promote science and higher generations of family members in grantmaking. education innovation. 28 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Legacy Society Money Talks. Now, Teach it One of the most powerful means for creating a legacy is through a planned gift, such as naming to Hug. the Community Foundation in your will or as a beneficiary of a gift of life insurance, charitable Since 1999, the Community remainder trust, or gift annuity. We are grateful for Foundation for Loudoun and these far-thinking, community-minded legacy donors. Northern Fauquier Counties has helped generous donors Childs and Elaine Burden Lew Parker support a variety of charitable Brad and Bailey Davis Susan Jane Stack Roy Jackson Henry Stowers causes in our region. We salute the leaders who Ursula Landsrath and Ken Reitz Al Van Huyck Suzanne and Ansley Musgrave John Tett wrapped their vision and commitment—and arms— Don and Amy Owen around this community to create and sustain a permanent Friends of the Foundation charitable resource. Each year, these contributors make a special From memorial funds, to gift of $1,000 or more to support our work as scholarships funds, to donor capacity builders, conveners, and thought advised funds, we can help you leaders to affect positive change here at home. make a difference that never ends. We pay special tribute to their philanthropy. Won’t You Join Us? Childs and Elaine Burden Tracey Lacey Brad and Bailey Davis Angela Mitchell Lew Parker and Sharon Cress Andy Johnston Tom and Ann Northrup Chris and Kiernan Patusky Don and Amy Owen Tim and Kiki Thompson Will and Kirsten Langhorne Wally and Deborah Owings Paul and Joni Siker Patrick and Angela Larkin, III Terri and Randy Minchew Susan Jane Stack Connie Moore and Jim Behan 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 29

2021 Philanthropists Anonymous (180) Issac Asiamah and Vida Adjepon Matt and Linda Beckman Paulette Borek Dorice Brown YaTonya Abdullah Yamoah Bret Bedall and Rich Hixon Christine Borgelt Heidi Brown Julie Abel Nicole Beddow Chris Borneman Kathleen Brown Anne Achey Mark Atchison Jim Behan and Connie Moore* Maureen Bornholdt Patsy Brown Kristen Achterhof Tracey Atkinson Toby and Stephen Bell Tanya Bosse Robert Brown Derek and Nicole Acosta Elaine Attridge Travis and Christie Bell Jon and Jill Lindsay Bost Ruth Brown Gail Adams Abigail, Johny, and Noah Sheila Mary Bello Staci Bostic Teresa Brown Kimberly Esmond Adams Jeremy Benbow Bryan Boston Whit Brown Jim Adams and Kathryn Collins Attumalil Brett Bender Anthony and Michele Botte Aaron and Alexis Brown Wendy Augustine Matt and Acadia Bender Candida Botts Ian and Maureen Brown Adams Erin Austin Brenda Bengtson Julie Bourns Jamie and Ginger Brown Gina Addie Sandra Aviles Teddy and Linda Bennett Kristina Bouweiri Kevin and Kathy Brown Deanna Adkins Ben Ayers Heather Bensel Pam and Thomas Bove Patrick and Kristin Brown Desiree Adkins Stacia Aylward Allan Bentkofsky and Deborah Sara Bowen Jeffrey Browning and Kay Diane Adra Bettie Baca Stephenson Tom and Mary Ellen Bowers Suzanne Ager Michael and Gina Bacchus Alicia Berbel Bill and Laura Bowers Chewning Katharine Ahern Aurora Bafrnec Jean Berg Savannah Bowie Eileen Brownlee Vickie Ainsworth Ara and Patti Bagdasarian Kathryn Berkhimer Juliann Bowman Pamela Brunetti Becca Aitken Barbara Bailey Remi Bernard John and Terry Sue Bowman Mary Lou Bruno William Aiton Eugene Bain Dennis and Catalina Bernier Marilyn and Randy Boyce Frank and Stephanie Brunotts Paul and Martha Albers Deborah Baker Glen and Ronda Bernstein Mitzi Boyd Leigh Bryan Joel Albert Eve Baker Ted and Anne Bernstein Brian Boylan Constance Bubon Rebecca Albin Patricia Baker Lisa Berretta Stephanie Boyle Walter and Sharon Buchanan Sarah Carlyle Herbert Albritton Ben, Mark, MB, Nancy, NC, Pete and Dina Bessa Dina Bradford Robert Buchanan and Amanda Chris and Lisa Alexander Jackson Betts Maristeve Bradley Joe and Melissa Alexander and Campbell Baker Larry and Donna Bevis Matt Bradley Queen Luke and Christine Alexander Jacole Baker and Ashley Wiegner Prabhakar Bhogaraju Bill and Jody Brady Stephen Budiansky and Gabriel Alix and Larissa Norris Thomas and Deborah Bankert Robert and Meagan Biehn Matthew Bramblett Sonny and Erica Allder Gloria Banks William and Sally Bien Heidi Branch Marthat Polkey Charles and Jennifer Allen Susan Banville John and Wendy Bigalbal Keith Brassfield and Jasmine Linda Budzinski Terry and Jane Allen Jim and Jerri Lynn Baratta Laurie Billington Jeannette Buehler Max and Louise Allway Carol and Philip Barbe Barbara Bink Palmer Michael Buening and Jennifer Magdalena Alpire Amy Barden Robin Birchfield Denise Bratcher Steve and Debra Altman Shawna Bardos Chuck and Lesley Birdie Janet Braverman Engle Deborah Ambers Carolyn Barker Buzz and JoAnn Bisnath Flor Bravo George Bull Donna Ambrose Edward Barker Philip and Sheila Bjorlo Bob and Claire Brechter Eric and Jennifer Bullen Gary and Marcia Ambrose Jackie Barnes Brenda Black Eugene and Tami Bredow Darryl and Yvonna Bullock Cynthia Ambs Sally Barnes Joseph and Sarah Blackford James Bremner David and Gretchen Bulova Susan Anderson Brian Barnes and Kristen Smith Kenneth and Kathryn Blaine Michael and Arlene Brenier Heidi Bunkua Ryan and Anna Anderson Lisa Barrett Maureen Blake Jack Brennan Childs and Elaine Burden Steven and Jennifer Andos Matt Barrett Benjamin Blakley and Tamia Chris and Marilyn Brennan Joseph and Trudy Burger Mike and Carol Andreas Molly Barrie Matt and Debra Bressler DeAnna Burke Joseph and Dianne Andruzzi J Fernando Barrueta Ward-Blakley Colleen and Daniel Breuning Jesse Burke Mark Anton Anthony Barrueta and Erin Hannah Blankenbeckler Janelle Brevard* Linda Burke Fedor Antsiferov Rich and Mary Blessing Sharon Brewer Mike and Laurie Burke Fred and LeeAnn Antuma Meadows Carol Bleyle David Brewster and Deanna Tim and Danisa Burke Kevin Arbogast and Nicole Steven Barry Cindy Bloomingdale Donald and Mary Burnham Fred and Diane Barstein Justin and Diane Blue Roget Leah Burns Adam David and Sarah Bascom Amy Bobchek Kelsey Briel Matthew Burns Mary Arden Michael and Mary Bassis Dale and Cindy Boger Tara Brill Kevin and Shannon Burns Greg Armfield Penny Bast Hilleary Bogley Angela Brittain James Burns and Christopher Kate Armfield Tim and Stephanie Bates James Boland Loretta Britten Lochlan and MaryAnne Mark and Carrie Bauer Jason Peter Bollenbeck Bill and Renee Brohard Kent Patricia Baumgartner Andrea Bondi John and Lynn Bronson William and Arleen Burston Armstrong Tracy Baynard Jim and Terri Bonfils Karl Broom Paige Buscema Peter Arnts Douglas Beachy Donna Bongiovanni Tom and Jane Brophy Charmaine Bushrod* Michael and Alice Arnwine Valerie Beaudoin Yvonne Bonner-Holley Adam Brown Robert Butcher and Sue Puleo Gary Arrington Tara Becek Morgan Bono Alexandra Brown Angela Butler Rian and Suzanne Lago Arthur Jenny Becherer Mahathi Boppidi Brianne Brown Bianca Butoi-Patru Lamont Artis Chad Becker Cortney Brown Bob and Darby Butorac Remington Ash Lee and Diane Becker Lawrence Buxton and Beverly Ann Beckham Mease-Buxton Lee and Amy Byerle *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 30 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

James and Becky Byrne Christopher and Patricia Jordin and Bev Cohen Richard and Joan Coullahan Nat Dalce Michael Bystrowski Chiantella Walter Coker David and Kristina Deborah Dale Catherine Cacho Jay Colavita Countryman Michael and Kim Dalesandro Sandra Cader Christy Childs Katrina Cole Rebecca Courtright Phil and Ellie Daley Barra Calder Chris and Emily Childs Michelle Cole Frances Cox Honora Daly Brandon and Sarah Calderwood Michael and Lillian Choffel Kelly Cole and Suzanne Freeze Tanisha Cox James and Coleen Damalouji William and Valerie Callahan Eric Christian Eileen Coleman Charles and Janice Coyle Sandy Daniels Dominique Callins Julie Christian Jessica Coleman Debra Craig Richard Darr and Sally Nicholas Calloway James and Barbara Christian Joe and Karen Coleman Yvonne Crawford Norton-Darr Alex and Emily Cameron Elizabeth Charles Michael and Amy Coley Geoff Crawley Anne Darrow John and Elizabeth Cameron David and Barbara Chubb Kim Collins Dan and Angela Craytor Nikki Daruwala Cyndi Campbell Ryan Cicchiello and Marin Jerry and Sandy Collins John and Betsy Creamer Tamar Datan and Sandra Jessica Campbell LaSquanchy Matt and Diane Collins Daniel Creasy Shihadeh Marcia Campbell Rocio Cienega Jennifer Colonell Nicola Cribbin Craig David and Julie Esanu Tonya Campbell Kathryn Ciliberti Bill Colosimo Keith and Candi Crichton Nancy Davidson Carlos Canales Jan Cioci Linda Colucci Patricia Criswell Ian and Krissy Davies Steve Cannon Tom Ciolkosz Charlie Compton Andrew Crone Barbara Davis Phil and Lisa Caplinger Stacey L Cisero Susan Comstock Jerad Anthony Donald Cronin Claire Davis Shannon Capps Dana Clark Mary Conaway Sean and Claire Crook Jeni Davis Jeff and Sarah Caras David Clark Kevin and Kathleen Conley Lendon and Shayla Crosby Nicole Davis Ann Carey Janice Clark Tom Davis Nancy Carey Brad* and Bailey Davis Krista Carlson Loudoun Impact Fund Grantee Program Christopher and Gretchen Day Stephanie Carlson Lee and Freya De Cola Curtis and Corky Carlson Brad and Edye Clark Diane Connolly Brian Cross Eugenia M De Furia David Carmichael David and Debra Clark Christopher Conran Carolyn Cross Elizabeth De La O Charlean Carmon Luke and Kelly Clark Peter and Susan Contostavlos Keith and Tina Cross Ricardo and Megan De Paoli George Carneal Matt and Bianca Clark John and Alison Coogan Stephen Crothers and Anna Leslie Deardorff Ernie and Patti Carnevale Jackson, Jeff, Cynde, CJ, and Michael Cooper Grafton and Beth deButts John Caron and Nancy Doane Benjamin Cooper and Polly ONeill Norbert and Nena Dee Sheila J Carpenter Katherine Clarke Jordan and Elizabeth Crotty Constance DeFrance John and Robin Carpenter Lorna Campbell Clarke Gault Stan Crow Lisa DeJohn Zachary and Anne Carpenter Gwen Clavon Patric Copeland and Maura Karen Crowe Shelley Delaney Jed and Brianne Carr Jonathan Clawson Douglas and Barbara Csehoski Katie DeLaski Solitaire Carroll Cristina Clay Walsh-Copeland Patricia Csrnaroli Regina DeNayer Linda Carter Diana Clayton Dana Coppersmith and Susan Dondria Culbert Judson Dengler Kristin Casad Jeff and Jenny Clayton Jeffrey Cummings Mark and Amy Denicore Rob and Alyssa Casanova Richard and Jackie Cleland Giuffre Michael and Christine Tina Dennard Chuck and Faye Cascio Daniel and Virginia Clendenin Michael Coren Brian and Maurine Dennis Ronald Casey Gwen Clinton Tammy Cornejo Cummings Kelly Dent Jennifer Cash Drew and Dawn Clyde Mary Elizabeth Cornejo Thomas Curcio Steven and Melissa Derr Susan Cash Jennifer Cochran David Correnti and Dawn Christina and Russ Curfman Daniel and Karen Derrico Wendy Castelli Dillard and Linda Coffey Bob and Lisa Cusack Viresh Desai Michelle Castro Brett and Tracy Coffman Tarner Melanie Miller Cvilikas Susan Devereaux Richard and Marlene Cavaiola Deb Cohen Adan Cortes and David Kim-Ann Cybulski Ed and Chrissie Devinney Judey Cawley Andrew and Ali Cohen Laura d’All Nicholas and Elizabeth Devlin David Cazenas Gunning Brent and Jennifer DAgostino Patricia Deyo Kelly Cebrick Larry Corthell Rebecca Diamond Jana Cechova Marcia Coss Jessica Dick David and Karin Cerniglia Tom and Nancy Coughlin Casey Dickemann Tonia Chagnon Donnette Dickerson Ken and Linda Chaletzky Harry and Diane Dickerson Lauren Chamberlin Joe and Ashleigh Dickerson Abigail Champagne Michael and Harriet Dickerson Terri Champney John and Denise Dicks Lois Chandler Mark and Kristine Dilallo Carol Chapman Cortney Dillon James and Barbara Chapman Joshua and Theresa Dinman Simone Charles Nancy Dion Mary Charleza Carolyn DiPrinzio Robert and Katie Charnley Lou DiSerafino John Chastain Mary Beth DiVincenzo Cindy Chejfec Alexandra Dixon Greg and Deirdre Chevrier Frank and Erica Dobscha Sai Chiang and Julie David Dockendorff Heidi Dodds Mcclanahan *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 31

Claude Moore Nonprofit Training Center and Meeting Space Bryan and Lindsey Dodson Janell Dutchess Peter and Rita Elmer Tordis and Robert Fahringer Silvia Fleming Beth Doermann Jacob DuToit Terry Elrod Linda Falkerson Todd and Kim Fleming Kate Doherty Paul Duvall and Jayne Tung David and Barb Emanuel O’Rourke Family Catherine Fletcher Mark Donahue William and Glynnis Dwelly Chris and Jim Emery Reich Family Samantha Flick Don and Mary Woodruff Dax, Dylan, and Jeannie Gay Deborah Emmert Heather Farinelli Keith and Marta Flohr Michael and Nancy Donatelli Leah Dymek Ashley Emmett Mary-Earle Farrell Terry Flood Anne Donohue Juanita Easton Shannon and Catherine Brian and Nancy Farrell Wayne and Saskia Florence Meghann Donohue Suzanne Eblen Denise Farrington Benjamin Flowers David and Jackie Dougherty Lauren Eckart Englund Mark and Karen Fedak Tom and Cynthia Flynn Kevin and Maite Dougherty Richard Eckert Rick and Sarah Entsminger Terri and Timothy Feely Todd and Katrina Foard David and Annette Douglas Colin and Anne Eckman Tracy Epps Phillip Feeney John and Carol Foley Alejandra Dove Chelsea Eddy Andrea Erbeck Rich and Pam Feinstein Robert and Rose Follett Chad and Sue Dow Dana Eddy Beth Erickson Ira and Karen Feldman Melanie Fondaco Michael and Nancy Dowgiello Allan and Pamela Eddy Hal Erickson Ken and Julie Fender John and Cheryl Forbes Donna Dowis Deborah Edsall Gene and Gayle Erickson Queirra Fenderson Lisa and Bruce Forbes Gail Doyle Blake and Rebecca Edwards Darrell and Susan Ernst Mary Ferguson Bill and Nancy Forcey Scott and Heather Drach Jesse Edwards and Gwyneth Tom and Jene Esser Andrew and Alicia Fernandes John and Mary Frances Forcier John Driessnack Mac Murtrie Jeff and Melissa Estes John and Lori Fernandes Rusty Foster Jerome and Karen Driscoll John and Linda Egan Randy and Bonnie Eubank Ina Fernandez Cindy Kasahara Foster Tim and Ardella Droddy Lisa Egbert Kathleen Evangelisto Michele Ferreira Rikard, Jean, Scott, Karalee, Rob and Anne Dubrow David and Jen Eisenach Christy Evans Jennifer Ferrer Nicole Duckett Pete Eisert Elizabeth Evans Hans Fex and Beatriz Cuartas and Hawkson Foster Chuck and Kay Duffield Sallie Eissler James Evans Kim Fields Terrence Fox Barbara Duffy Elias El-Hage Lisa Evans Lisa Filipiak Wendy Fox Patrick and Mary Duggan Andria Elam Warren Evans Craig Finkelstein Frank Franciosi Jim and Cindy Dullea Robert Eland James and Andrea Evans Mark and Mary Finley Sharyn Franck Michael and Melissa Dunkerley Robert Elder and Susan Butler Reggie and Kim* Evans Robert Fiolek Burton Francois Debbie Dunn David Elfin Richard Evans and Jolene Wood Anne Firsching Paul and Kristen Frangie Michael and Mary Dunn Carina and Dean Elgin Brentin Evitt and Colette Samantha Fishbein Craig and Kathy Franklin Sonya Morris Dunston Karen Elliott Erin Fisher Gerald Franks and Jane Jenness Margaret and Miles Duquette Mari Jones Elliott Knowles Laura Fisher Amy Franzer Thomas and Rosanne Durand Bud and Joan Elliott Stephen Ewell Jane Fitzgibbons Mary Frase Chris and Tianna Durbin Matt and Ashley Ellis Stephen Ewing John Fitzpatrick Steven Fraser Matt* and Karin Durham Michelle Ellison Lynn Ezell Shawn Flaherty Todd and Alice Frazier Jamie DuScheid Kristof Ellsworth and Donna Gina Faber Mike and Jennifer Flammia Steven and Elizabeth Ronda Dusseault Dan and Amy Fagerli Shane and Lindsey Flanagan Halloran Maeve Fahey Frederickson Laurie Fahl *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 32 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Benjamin Freidson and Judith John Godish John Haas Jason Hester David and Kathryn Hyam Dutchess Melissa Goetz Jan Halderman Norberta Hewitt Lona Ichikawa Trudie Goff Amanda Hall Marcella Heyl LaTece Idlebird Lisa Freire Michael Goggin and Dee Shupe Catherine Hall Lori Hickey Amie Ingber Scott and Sandy Friberg Gary Goldberg Nancy Hall Kristen Hickman Hannah Inman Leslie Fridley Mary Ann Good Faisal and Melissa Hallaj John and Jennifer Hickman Mark and Tracy Ippoliti Jana Frieling and Melissa Joe and Annie Goode Jon Halterman-Mitchell and Steve and Diane Hildner Ghulam Iqbal Laurent and Kellie Goossens Erin Hill Wojtek Isanski Schooler Katherine Gordon Nicole Halterman-Mitchell Chris and Jennie Hill Mike and Bernadette Ishmael Missy Frisinger Martin and Lauren Gordon Chad and Ellen Hamel Frank Hilldrup Carol Ivory Carl and Elizabeth Fritsche Joan Gorman Dana Hamerschlag Steve and Cheryl Hillebrand Meenakshi Iyer Gabrielle Fronce Kaleen Gorman Laura Hamilton Sheryl Hine Scott and Susan Cypher Megan Frost Erica Gormley Lisa Hamilton Melissa Hinton David Jack and Anne Kenny Doug and Lynn Frost James and Jacqueline Gosses Ogregory and Denisha Sunil Hiranand Sandra Jacks Moris Fuentes and Madeleine Mark and Donna Gothard Jim Hitrik and Rebecca Carla Jackson Mogin Dave and Leslie Gottesman Hamilton Peggy Jackson Michelle Fuller Mark and Sharon Gottlieb Steve and Jena Hammel Tracey-Hitrik Roy Jackson Brenda Fulton Jeffrey Gould Robert Haney Cathryn Hoag Matt and Becky Jackson Ronald and Christina Gabrielle Lawrence and Barbara Gourlay Victoria Hanks Ben Hodges Thad Jackson and Linda Pfeiffer Linda Gabris Patrick and Amy Grady Matt and Judy Hanley Gail Hogan Gerhard Jacobson Jeffrey and Stacy Gad Nora Grady Meredith Hannan Bill and Carol Hogan Diana Jaeger James and Teresa Gallahan Mary Anne Graham Chloe Hansen Pete and Liz Hohm Morgan Jameson Allison Gallo Joshua Graham and Moira Nicholas Hanson Thomas Hohn Paul Jameson Charles and Donna Galpin Julie Hanssen Julia Holcomb-Jarvis Nicole Jamieson Marilyn Galvin Guenther Michael and Robine Hardey Donald and Brandy Holland Mary Jamison Devin Gannaway LeAnne Grammo Artrice Hardin Norman Hollander Beth Jannery Sara Garcia Nicholle Granger Eugene Harding Debra Hollis Rebecca Jappell Syed and Aleena Gardezi John and Linda Grant Wayne and Nikki Harper Page Holt Alexis Jason-Mathews David Gardner David and Tanya Graser Louise Harrington Ruth Holzer Virginia Jasper Rebecca Gardner Cameron Graves Diane Harris Lisa Honshul Chelle Jenkins Stephen and Robin Gardner Devin and Rachel Gray Victoria Harris Patricia Hoover Tricia Jenkins Patricia Garman Paul and Linda Greeley Don and Jennifer Harris Michelle Horn Allen and Kelly Jenkins Ann Garvey Cynthia Green Jenny Harrop Jeffrey Horner Willis and Andria Jennens Orlando and Jane Gaspard Chad Green and Yvette Andrea Hart Anthony and Sandra Host Michelle Jennings Mark Gatanas and Jerri Xochi Hartley David and Stephanie Brian and Keaira Jennings Castro-Green Annette Hartung Natasha Jeter Wiseman Charles and Delly Greenberg William and Frances Haskell Houseknecht Xiaodong and Cher Jiang Thomas Gates Stilson and Tammy Greene Ed Hatrick David Hov and Shaun Smith Arturo and Suzanne Jimenez Tom and Barbara Gatewood Stacey Greenfiled Carly Hauck Miranda Howard Karen Jimmerson Gloria Gaudreau Audrey Greening Kim Hauptman Tony and Allison Howard Cindy Deugo Johnson John Gay Charles and Kathleen David Hawkins and Marlene Joe and Ann Howard Shayne Johnson John and Cheryl Gay Reggie and Jodie Howard Soren Johnson Joe and Mary Gaziano Greenough Santamaria Tony and Allison Howard Andy and Tina Johnson Joyce Geater Thomas and Staci Greenspon James Hawley III and Janet Tamra Howard-McAtee Bruce and Bobbie Johnson Bryan and Pamela Gehle Joe and Charli Grefenstette Patricia Howder William and Carly Johnson Chelsey Geisz Susan Gregory Moore Cynthia Howell Rodney Johnson and Kimberly Judith Gemma-Sjostedt Corina Greig Justin and Andrea Hayes Margaret Howell Neal and Jennifer Gensler Tom Greiner and Rachel Pete and Mary Hayes Kathleen Howsare Finan Steve and Cindy Gensurowsky Ryan Haywood and Mindi Derek and Laura Hubbard Steven Johnson and Mary Jennifer Gentry Howell Eugene and Doretta Hubbard Courtney Gepford Joyce Griffith Goins-Haywood Jeffrey Huber Peckham Donna Geren Kimia Grigoriev Michael and Kathy Healy Kristi Huber Leif Johnson and Pat Nicole Gervais Tom Grillo Steve and Paula Healy Steven and Natalie Huelsman Linda Giannino Mark and Ellen Grimley Charles Heazel and Sally Hughes and Susan Webb McQuistion Joanna Giasafakis Adam Groenhout London Sarah Huiest Gordon Johnson and Sonia Jay Gibble and Melissa Mattia Randy and Alicia Groncki Dell Heikes David and Betty Humphries Ellisor Johnson Brian Giblin and Susan Stephen and Ruth Grubbs Dan and Mallory Heinle David Hunt Andy Johnston* Valeriya Gruber Andrew and Colleen Andrew and Keeler Hunt Dervila Jonas Mandel-Giblin Leonard Grus Heironimus John and Sonya Hunt Chris Jones Nelson and Melissa Gilbert John and Helen Grzechowiak Inda Heisey Charles and Cynthia Hunter Cindy Jones Malinda Gilman Teresa Guenther Lori and Jeffrey Heisler Lacy Hurst Pamela Jones Anna Ruth Gipson Trust and Robert Guerra Cynthia Helba Gail Huster Charles and Tracy Jones Melinda Gipson John and Nyrlande Guilford Jed Helwege Christopher Hutchens Felton and Susan Jones Jon and Joanne Girard Robert Gull Sapna Hencinski Jennifer Huth Jeffrey and Michelle Jones Kimberly Girdlestone Stacy Gundrum Kaia Henriksen Tom and Cornelia Hutt Mike and Tamara Jones Lisa Glasgow Shashikant Gupta Sylvia Henrt Michelle Hutton Richard and Leslie Jones Sara Glatt Puneet Gupta and Cindy Reed and Betsy Henry James and Mary Hutton Clarence Jones Jr and Jaculin Allison Glennon William and Josephine Henry Rob and Diane Huyett Peter Gochis Nichols Dane and Carrie Henze Jones Priscilla Godfrey Mary and Peter Gustafson Paul and Cheryl Hershey Joseph Jordan Janet Gustin Stephen and Carol Hertz *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 33

Carter and Janie Jordan Ryan and Patricia Kish Bob and Jill Kurtz Kurt and Julie Leidig Heather Loshelder John and Rebecca Jordan Claudia Kissal Ernie Kyger Gretchen Leitch John and Patti Lough Alex and Jessica Joyce Frank and Nicole Klebieko Tracey Lacey* Karen Leith Karen Lovelace William and Jennifer Junda Roger and Juanita Klinker Gabriel Lacques Catherine Lemp Bob and Barbara Lovelace Ruth Junkin Tracey Kloes Carlos Lama Suzanne Leon Maureen Lovett Fred and Deborah Justice Kali Klubertanz Kelly Lambert Raymond Leone Jekhari Lovett and RoiTresha Ellen Kabat Peter Knapp Richard and Cynthia Landin Sandy Lerner John and Sarah Kabealo David Knasel Will and Kirsten Langhorne Pete and Kathleen LeVasseur Watkins-Lovett Andrew Kaczynski Mackenzie Knill Dwight Langhum and Cheryl Stephen and Christina David and Linda Lowers Dan and Linda Kalman Helen Knowles Levendosky Richard Lowman Michael Kane and Margaret Anna Knox Fields Arlene Lewis Barbette Lowndes Wayne Koblenz David and Carol Lanham Flint Lewis Barbara Lowrey Mentink Kathy Koditek Melissa Lanthier Russell Lewis Bonnie Lowry Lynn Karcich Joe and Britt Koester Skip Lare and Kristi StilenLare Vivian Lewis Robert and Tracy Lowry Teresa Karcich Dale and Mary Koger Patrick and Angela Larkin Andrew and Gladys Lewis Barb Lubar Armen and Amy Karimian Cindy Kohler Rebecca Larson-Troyer John Libby and Karla Stone Jeffrey and Kathy Lubitz Peter and Lisa Karl JoAnne Konik William Lassiter John and Carla Liberty Addie Lucas Julia Kasdorf Allen and Peggy Kopp Erib Latimer Bud and Laura Lieberman Justin and Brittany Lucas Joan Kasprowicz Jenna Korff Claire Laurenza John Lilley and Patricia Mary Lucius Brett Kass and Jennifer Young Jessica Korpisalo Dresden Lawler Diane Ludewig Brian and Megan Lawler Degen-Lilley Susan Lumsden Kass Cindy Lund Linda Kasulis Forward Turn Youth Grantmakers Deborah and Deborah Lundell David and Elyann Katz Margaret Lushina and Susan Leana and Marc Katz Jackie Kosbob Patti Laycock George Lin Bob Katz and Bobbie Werner Andy and Lori Kosko Mark Layman and Devon Riley Teresa Lincoln Snyder Matthew and Elizabeth Carol Kost Vicki Le Craig and Mary Lindsay Leah Lutz Bill and Rachel Kotraba Ha and Tina Le Jeff and Leann Lindsey Michael, Brenda, Taylor, Keith, Kauffman Stacie Kotter John and Arion Leahigh Max and Jennifer Lins John and Julie Kavanaugh David Kraehenbuehl Erin LeBlanc Bridget Linzmeyer and Jennifer Lyle Lisa Keady Ernie and Betty Krapfl Jessica LeBlanc Merrill Lishan Kathleen Lynch Gus and Allison Kearney Beth Krappweis Stephen and Theresa Lebo Katherine Littell Susanna Lynch Lisa Kearns Thor Kritsky Pettus and Ellen LeCompte Jennifer Little Jay and Lauren Lynham Amy Kearse Laura Kuhn Brice and Stephanie Leconte Lew and Bonnie Little David MacDonald Maryann Kelley Samantha Kuhn BettyJean Lecrone Sean Lloyd and Amy Ulland Brad Mace Lawrence Kelly John Kuhn and Lisa Jennifer Lee James and Kathleen Lockett Eileen Mace Mannie Kelly Nicole Lee Janet Locklear Brenda MacEoin Maria Kelly Gasque-Kuhn Steve and Nancy Lee Scott and Jessica Loftis Lessandra MacHamer Chris and Linda Kelly Lorraine Kulbicki Robin Lee-Thorp and Kristin Patricia and Richard Logue Dave and Leigh Ann Macklin John and Ina Kelly Jim and Kathleen Kulinski Angeline Loh Michael and Ellen MacMurtrie Kevin and Tina Kelly Venky Kullampalle Carlson Karen Lombardo Lance and Katherine Macnevin Lachlan, Kelly, and Madeline Alka Kumar Betsy Leeman Madelyn Lorber Ed and Mary Maddox Uday Kumar Bob LeFebvre Pilar Lorca Brian and Susan Magurn Campbell Karthik Kumar and Gayathri Peter and Stacy Leff Matthew and Jacquelyn Billy and Christy Magyar Dennis and Fortuna Kemery John and Michele Leffler Todd and Cindy Main Jane Kennedy Ranganathan Meredith Lefforge LoSchiavo Marit Majeske Don and Marie Kennedy Han Kuo Lara* and Eric Major Michael and Vanessa Kennedy Thomas and Darlene Makara Janet Kernan Joe Malazo Barbara and William Kersten Wayne Malick and Lisa Lanser Lynn and Maurice Kessler Larry Malone Mohammad and Mary Khattak Linda Malone Rahul Khetrapal Teresa Malone Warren Kibler and Kristy Kiblet Charles and Carole Maloney Lisa Kiefer Neil and Dawn Manausa Lawrence Kilbourne Zachary and Jillian Mangold Aaron and Bolle Beckwith Lydia Maniatis Timothy Mansfield Kilgore Anne Marie Manubay Angela Killinger Evie Manuel Mary Kim Gabriela Marani Lisa Kimball Mary Marcheschi John and Lori Kimball Sara Marlin James King and Beverly Michael and Cherie Maroni Angela Marple Goodwin Laura Marquart Mark King and Laura Walsh Laura Marshall Cynthia Kinlin Elaine and Chip Marshall Jane Kirchner Philip Marshall and Margaret Dave Kirk Gretchen Kirkland Robert and Willa Kiser *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 34 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Brown Jennifer McLachlan James and Linda Moore Nalan Mutlu Mark Norris and Anita Persaud Chris Martin Nancy McLaughlin Jim and Pat Moran Michael Myers Tom and Ann Northrup Lisa Martin Paige McLaughlin Deborah Morbeto Norm Myers William Norton Marcia Martin Darren and Joy Mclaughlin Jeanne Morency Jessica Snaman Myers Diane and Mark Novick Edward and Suzanne Martin Charles and Meredith McMath Douglas and Emily Morford Charles and Paula Myers Virginia Novotny Josh and Catherine Martin Renee McMichael Christie Morgan Keith Myers and Elena Sierra Meagan Nowack Will and Kristine Martin Glenn McMurray and Andrea Gail Morgan Paul and Diane Nowotny Frank Martin and Patricia Sean and Kelly Morgan Myers Amanda Noyd Lee Richard and Patricia Morin Timothy Nachazel Sharon Nylec Mussante Robert and Patricia McNeal Nan Moring Aaron and Danielle Nadler Teagan O’Bar Karam and Shannon Mashaal Dave and Stacy McOmber Linda Moringello Mardo Najera Kate O’Boyle Scott and Gail Mason Donal and Hayley McRae George and Hope Morison David and Carolyn Nash Jaclyn O’Brien* David and Sally Masri Kevin McTiernan and Hollie Tom Morley Ahmed and Samantha Nasr Johanna O’Brien Mary Masucci Abby Morris Frederick and Katharine Scott and Gabriele O’Connell Greg Masucci and Maya Fischer-McTiernan Lanny and Megan Morris Lindsay O’Connor Jim McWalters Emil and Julie Morrow Nassauer Autumn O’Hara Wechsler Anthony Meadows Janene Morschauser David Nava Brian and Lauren O’Laughlin Gary Mather Jay and Doreen Meadows Keith Morton James and Katie Needham Frank O’Mara Steve and Deborah Mathis Kristen Means David Moseke Randy and Carol Nees Sean and Pamela O’Reilly Claudia Matteo Douglas and Diana Mears Jason and Christina Moseley Joe Neiswander Dan O’Shea and Laura Garrett Deb Matthews Tiffany Meehan Kenneth Moskowitz Gus and August Neitzel Seth Ocloo and Tonya Adkins Erin Mattingly Doug and Beth Meeker Carrie-Anne Mosley Lynne Moore Nelson Laura OConnell Beverly Mattson Matt and Doreen Mehler John and Jean Mothena Leslie Nelson Kaci Ogle Alison Maurhoff Gregory Melcher Karina Motta William and Lynn Nelson Akaego Okoye Nora May Cindy Mellott Roddy and Mary Mowe Greg and Shannon Nerantzis Pam Olekszyk Joe and Bobby May Doug and Patti Menders Seana Muhart Patrick and Cheri Neri Ann Marie Olin Shawn and Yvonne McAteer Adolfo Menendez Mark and Susan Mulholland Beth Newberry Philip and Elizabeth Olivero Gilda McCabe Anthony and Susan Menichino Kim Mumaw Andrew Newsome and Daniel and Mary Olmetti Doug and Nancy McCallum Monti Mercer Joann Muncy Christina Ogonowski Nicole Olson Helene McCarron Kurt and Valerie Merriweather Terry and Maryann Munson Shawn Nguyen Kevin and Sheri Millie Oneill Boldin, Barbara, Donnie and Janice and Katelyn Meserole Daenuka Muraleetharan Tram Nguyen Patricia Orlando Cliff and Amy Metaxa Candice Murphy Catherine Nichols Joanna Ormesher Erin McCarthy Ed and Stacey Metcalfe Greg Murphy Mark and Josie Nicholson Amy Orr Brian and Sherrie McCarty Robert and Patricia Meurer Brendan and Kari Murphy Christopher Nigon John and Mary Ortman Greg and Juliet McClellan Jean Meyer Lorri Murray Matt Nikpourfard and Nazila William Ossakow Patrick and Charlotte Anthony Meyerhofer Robert Murray and Christine Jason and Carolyn Ott Betty Michel Mazlumzadeh Ron and Kim Outlaw McConnell Mary Beth Michos Prettyman Lisa Nirell Julie Overman Janet and Dennis McCormick Jon and Karen Milburn Peggy Musgrave Vickie Nitschke Don and Amy Owen Stephen and Caroline McCrory David and Melanie Miles Suzanne Musgrave Suzanne Nixon Robin Owens Brendan and Shelley McCullers Carol Miller Bernard and Daphne Michael and Kimberlyn Noel Sue Owens Stephen and Rhonda Catherine Miller Scott, Sandra, and Jill Nogi Limo Miller Mustafa Johanna Noia McCummings Timothy and Beth Miller Mark Norman Jim and Jerri McDermott Amy Mills James and Rebecca McDermott Terry Milton Community Foundation Staff Joined Heather McDonald Randy and Teresa* Minchew Loudoun’s Medical Reserve Corp Brian and Liz McDonald Mirian Mirian William and Dorothy Angela Mitchell* Clair Mitchell McDonald Jeff Mitchell Bill McDonough Shawn Mitchell Chelsea McDonough Robert and Roweena Mitchell Pam McDorman Jana Moberly and Virginia Rex and Ellen McDowell Sean and Amanda McElhannon Brace Chauvon and Alicia McFadden Debbie Moffitt Kendra McGaha John and Peggy Molen Cristina McGeehan Bruce and Donna Moler Catherine McGowan Heather Molloy Aimee McGranahan Janette Moman David and Leslie McGranahan Sarah Moniz Michael Mcgraw Matthew and Jessica Monte Robert and Pamela McGraw Jennifer Montgomery Judy McHenry Timothy Mooney Benjamin and Suzette Brenda Moore Gail Moore McIlwaine D P Moore David McKay and Andrea Dennis and Sara Moore Cubelo-McKay Chris McKerley and Kari McLeod Aimee McKinney *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 35

Nicole Acosta speaking to Loudoun Estate Planning Council Tracy Owens Elizabeth Penaranda Serge and Vera Plishevsky Jason and April Providakes Jessica Reh Pat and Tanya Owens Peter Pennington Barbara Plitman John and Olga Prufeta George and Lori Reid William and Carol Owens Kaeley Pentek and Marianne Gretchen and Joel Plotkin Jeff and Mary Ann Pruiksma John and Maureen Reilly Wallace and Deborah Owings Alexander and Amanda Plott Mike and Erin Quinn Lisa Reinstein Lloyd and Maggie Pabustan Doyle Sharon Plummer Patrick and Suzy Quinn Ramona Rember Kari Pace Kathleen Percey Jeffrey Podgorski Rosa Quintana Laura Renauld Shawn Padgett Michelle Perdue Eric Pohlner and Sarah Bruns Eric and Emily Quist Eddie and Danielle Renken Monita Page Jean Perin Laura Poindexter Usman Qureshi Sharon Resnick Thompson Page Elaine Perkins Katherine Pokrass Stefan and Jennifer Raab Eric and Catherine Retzlaff Melody Page-Ferry Lenore Perrott Patricia Politte Elizabeth Raetz Scott and Patricia Reuther Nancy Palazza Elaine Perry Steve and Kelly Pollard Anthony and Tamara Raetz Peter and Janet Reyda Susan Palermo George Perry and Catherine Joe Ponte Sridhar Rajagopalan and Uma Carla Rhoads Nick and Ashley Pantelakis Bob and Linda Poole Steven and Janelle Rhodes Larry and Carolyn Pantzer Di Filippo-Perry Stephen Pope Sridhar Nicholas Riccio Richard and Sara Parella Dennis and Lee Ann Peterman Mildred Porter Radhika Ramdev Deborah Rice David and Teresa Parent Mary Christine Peters Dan and Jeanne Porter Carla Ramsey Margaret Rice Steve Park and Lisa Torres Keith and Brenda Peterson Shawn Portwood Amit Ranade Mary Rice Jennifer Parker Shannon Petorak Marshall and Ann Potter Judith Randal Alexander and Nancy Rice Mary Parker Nicholas Petrovski Kathleen Poulson Warren Randolph Andrew and Amy Riehl Robert Parker and Robin Kathleen Pfost Barbara Powell Volker Rast Robert and Isolde Riehl Meg Phillips Jeffrey Powell Elizabeth Ratchford Ken Rietz Havens Vasiliki Phillos Lori Powell Susan Rau John Riggs Lew Parker and Sharon Cress Jeffrey Pigatto Kevin and Sadie Powell Cicero Rautenbach Leslie Riggs Aimee Parks Andy and Theresa Pincus Rajeswari and Shankar Donna Ray Bob and Teri Riggs Tim Parmly Megan Pinegar Jack Ray Danielle Rigley Robert and Nanette Parsons Dennis and Lissette Pippy Prasad Steven and Paige Raymond Susan Riley Julie Passarelli Lee Anne Pirrello Lowell Pratt Deb Pensyl Reasy Valerie Rind Kate Passow James Pirrello Dara Pressley Charles Reavis Andrea Rippe Nancy Passow Nichole Pisierra Barbara Lee Price Doug and Susan Reece James and Caitlin Ritchie Chris and Kiernan Patusky David and Valerie Pisierra Taylor Price Kristen Reed Alvena Ritenour Lisa Payne Kaileh Pistol Terrelita Price Nanette Reed Amy Ritter Justin Payne and Taylor Desens Alexandra Pitts Chris and Karyn Price Mark and Katy Reed Mirian Rivas Eric and Erin Pearsall Stephanie Place John and Lori Price Robert and Sally Reed Fiona Rivenbark Jamie Pearson Christopher and Stephanie Stephen and Dianna Price Janice Rees Ricshawn and Jamie Roane Heather Peeler Zach and Amanda Prindle Kevin and Susan Reeves Patton and Dawn Roark Gislinde Pelletier Place Megan Prosser Eric and Lori Reffett Dirk Plante Alan and Linda Platt *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 36 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

Barb Robbins Bea Sandoval Thom and Lisa Shaw Jennifer Snaman Karen Stoner Stuart Roberts Robert Sandy and Bonnie Gina Shay James and Florence Snaman Debra Stover Bruce and Rachel Roberts Barbara Shea-Kutt Jeff and Kristy Snaman Clyde Stover and Rachel Perks Andy and Cindy Robertson Nichols Jennifer Shea-Roop John and Susan Snow Malik and Jasmine Strait Sean and Krista Robertson Pamela Sapyta Robert and Galye Sheck Christina Snyder Beth Strausbaugh Julie Robeson Roopal Saran Lyn Sherlock Diane Snyder Debbie Street Stephen and Martha Robin Riley Saunders Cheri Shervin Richard Snyder Lawrence Stuart Carol Robinson Jessica Saunier Nancy and Leigh Shields Russ Snyder Jeffrey and Donna Stubin Chris and Meryl Robinson Robert Saveland Stacey Shifflett Charles and Barbara Sockey Heidi Stultz Mark and Elizabeth Robinson Michael and Linda Scanlin Mark Shifflett and Caroline Leslie Sogandares Charles Stuth and Joyce Mitchell Michael Rocconi Lara Scarpato Tom and Leslie Solitario Amber Styles Jodye Roebuck Todd and Laurie Schaberg Fahed Mary Soliva Steven and Catherine Suddarth Beth Rogers Jeff and Stacy Schalk Chris Shipe Shaina Solomon David and Linda Suddoth Mike and Stephanie Rogers Cindy Schaufeld Ron and Tracy Shively Sharon Solomon Yoshi Sugino and Samantha Ron Rogos and Tracy Coffing Barbara Schaufeld Stephen and Anne Shively Andrew and Risa Song David and Carmen Rohrbach Fred and Karen Schaufeld Judith Short Kathleen Soppet Smeltzer Dan and Janet Romanchyk Louis and Lynde Scheffer Martin Shoup Michael Southerly William and Roberta Sullivan Janice Romanish Norman Schenck Emory and Shirley Shover James and Silvia Souza Sam and Angie Suppl Paige Romanow Patricia Schenk John Showalter III and Blake Sean and Andrea Sowards Linda Suter Maria Romito Brian and Brooke Schermerhorn Lawrence and Cathleen Spaine Mark and Melissa Sutton Wendy Rood Don Scheuerman and Stacy Showalter William and Martha Spath Lexi Swager Jon Rooney Jennifer Shull Bailey Spears Sonny Swann Savannah and Marilyn Cleveland Thomas Sidman Joel Spenadel Marian Sweeney Roseberry Bud Schiff Paul* and Joanne Siker Pamela Sperry Thomas Sweitzer and Kim David and Pamela Roseman Bert and Beth Schlabach Kathy Silberberg Casey and Cassi Spigle C Rosenhoch Brian and Sue Schletz Bethany Silinski Carmelo and Linda Spirio Tapper Ronnie and Arlene Rosh Steven and Victoria Schoenly Scott and Lori Silvasy Kristina Spitler Gary Swenson Lisa Ross Joe and Jen Schrantz Chales and Bonita Simmons Thomas Spitznagel Jason and Deborah Swider Angela Roth Andrew Schuler and Leeza Greg and Amy Simmons Andalene Spivy Josh and Dallas Swirchak David and Stacey Roth Kronick Rob and Rebecca Simmons Cheryl Spohnholtz Tariq Syed Mark and Joyce Roth Fritz and Kathy Schulz Patricia Simms Susan Spranger Stephen Szejner Daniel Rotherham Brenda Schumacher Jamie Simon Harold and Alice Spriggs Cristina Tallent Mike and Jeanne Roush William and Patricia Schwab Christopher Simpson Alisa St. Laurent Amanda Tandy John and Rhonda Rowell Andrea Schwartz Lisa Sincere Susan Jane Stack Zoraida Tarifa-Pardo Emma Royce David and Elizabeth Bill Sinclair Brandon Stahl Julie Tassi Wayne Royse Schweikart John and Patti Sinnen Cynthia Stahl Agnes Tate Gerald and Lynn Rubin Peter and Susan Schweitzer Lori Sittner Sharyn Stahl Simon and Danielle Tavoi I Rubio Michael Sciortino Margaret Skelley Warren and Barbara Standley Bonnie Taylor Phyllis Rudnick Kathleen Scofield Lee Skinner June Stanich Jen Taylor Sidney F Rudolph Barbara Scott Richard and Sherry Skinner Daniel and Colette Stanzler John and Adrian Taylor Norman and Gloria Runkles Joseph and Beatrice Scott Paula and Steve Slavsky David and Carlas Starling Sohaib and Tanzi Tayyab Lisa Russell Douglas Scott and Martha Derek and Vickie Sleeper Patrick Startt Mark and Laura Tekrony Edward and Danielle Russell Myra Smart Renee Stasio Astrik Tenney Mark and Cynthia Russell Munn Thomas Smart Sarah Steadman Dave and Lynne Tenny Alex Russomanno Rob and Kim Seastrom Michael and Marion Smedberg Jennifer Stecklow John Tett* Sean and Conor Russomanno Nick and Sara Sedey Samantha Smeltzer Kevin Steeprow Ryan Thibodeaux and Kallie Joan Rust Pete and Elizabeth Seegers David and Jane Smeltzer Pamela Stefanacci John* and Peggy Rust Nathan Segal and Susan Tapper Jennifer Smirnoff Kevin Stenstrom Stavros Marlys K Ryan Janet Segerson Jennifer Lassiter Smith Ashshena Stephens Nikki Thiem Diane Rybski Amit and Tina Sehgal Carillon Smith Ray Stephens Carolyn Thomas Heather Sachs Denise Seise Jordan Smith Ashen and Rochelle Stephens Celeste Thomas Sharon Sackie Eleanor Semeraro Marcia Smith Larry Stepnick and Lise Dorothy Thomas Tom and Teressa Sadowski Blair Semple and Jean Nicole Smith Clint and Erin Thomas Bryan Salas Paul Smith Rybowski Paul and Lori Thomas Joe and Carole Salgado Mansavage Rachel Smith Jeffrey Stern George and Catherine Martin Glen and Linda Sallee Anne Senft Steve Smith Joel and Michaela Sternstein Mary Lynn Sallette Maureen Sengstack Thomas Smith Shannon Stevens Thomas Fayssal Sam Kelly Senser Tina Smith John and Carolyn Stevens Pat Thomas and Terry Aldridge Semon and Gemma Samaha Tyler Settle Benjamin and Diane Smith Mike and Julia Stevens Arlene Thompson Thomas Sammarco Alexa Severo Camilla and Michael Smith Ilisa Stillman Arthur Thompson Sharon Sammons Yuri and Kirsten Shabanowitz Ellis and Faye Smith Jennifer Stingl Sandra Thompson Arthe Sampath and Gopal Leonard Shaefer and Nan Evan and Kelly Smith Joseph and Cynthia Stinson Wendy Thompson Steve and Amy Smith Lawrence and Suzanne Stipek Randolph and Marjorie Rajagopalan Dawkins Steven and Kelley Smith Laura Stitely Thompson Paul Samuels and Deborah Jana Shafagoj Warren Smith and Billie Jo Nina Stively Samuel and Julia Thompson Ken and Eileen Shaffer Cynthia Stockdale Tim* and Kiki Thompson Addo Tim and Julie Shaheen Bevan Carly Stoliker Paul and Lisa Thompson Michael Sandler Asim Shaikh Kriss Smurda and Cristina John Thompson and Barbara Gerard and Kris Shanley Mat and Allison Shannon Lindsay Sheffer Doug Sharpe Tiffany Thomsen *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 37

Bertha Tiffany Daniel Velez and Theodore Michael and Jennifer Walsh Charlie and Martha Wheeler Jim and Mary Williams Ann Timbers Gallagher Jeff and Val Walters Michael and Teresa Wheeler Rodger and Christine Williams Kimberly Timbrook Wes Wampler and Christine George Whitbeck Vince and Daniela Williams Heather Timer Tom Veltri Lanzon Grace White Kevin and Kara Wills Mary Tims Susan Ventrice Ariel Ward Bobbi White Christine Wilson Jeffrey and JoAnn Tolle Donald and Renee Ventrice Heather Ward Gary White Katie Wilson Jason and Kristin Tongarm Ashish Verma and Debbie Cea Brandon and Kristie Ward Jayne White John and Gail Wilson Juanita Tool Gerard Vertucci and Gina Cotto Lyudmila Warden Cliff and Deborah White Stephen and Robin Wilson Mary Topper Michael Victor Lon and Diane Warfield Craig and Patty White Sam Wilson and Sowmya Justin and Vanessa Torlone Richard Vigue Matthew and Linda Warren Doug and Liz White Brigitta Toruno Anu Vijayasekar Joel Wasserman Jack and Pam White Subramanian Anna Toth Carey Vincent Michael and Sheila Watjen Jaxon and Pamela White Janice Winchester Thomas Toth Carey Vincent and Yasmin Gladys Watkins Jim and Tracey* White Regis Windisch Maggie Tour Mallory Watson Diane Whitehurst Andrea and Chris Winkle John and Amy Towne Samahon Barbara Wayne Dennis and Linda Whitfield Nickole Winnett Tim and Leslie Patton Tracy Michael Vineyard and Barbara Donald and Debra Weary Doug and Terrie Whitman Carolyn Winters Christopher Tran Cyndi Webb Kristina Whittaker Brett and Nancy Wiseman Marie Trannel Day Sven and Stefka Wechsler Brian and April Whritenour Garrett and Niki Wolf Janet Travers Sharon Virts Peter Weeks Frank Wiegand and Samantha Kristin Wolff William and Sally Travis Samuel Visner and Antoinette Tyler and Harriet Wegmeyer Nancy and Stephen Wolford James and Corinne Trawick Burnham Kaplan Tracy Wood Matt and Kathleen Tregoning Mary Jean Vivadelli Jonathan and Inga Woods Gary and Leslie Treleven Cynthia Voccia Hope Woodward Mark and Wendy Treleven Kirsten Woodward-Allen Brent and Joanne Trimmer Leadership Institute for Participating Nonprofit Executives Kelly Wooley Wes and Cindy Trochlil Glenn Wooten Sharon Tropf David Vogel Richard and Cara Weiblinger Stephen Wiegman and Laurie Gloria Word Brad Trullinger Justin Vogl Richard Weiblinger and Cara Madsen Roy and Melanie Worrall Ron Tschippert David Vollenweider Travis and Suzanne Worsham Matthew Tucker Nathan and Emily Vooys Duckworth Nicholas and Lisa Wight Robert and Maryellen Wray Chris and Mary Ann Tucker Marybeth and Marybeth Todd Weiler and Ediberto Jennifer Wike Megan Bello Wright Len and Terree Tucker David and Jennifer Wiley Lindsay Wright Thomas Tucker and Deiadre Vultaggio Kadowaki William Wilkin Michelle Wright William Wacker Edward Weinberg Danielle Wilkinson Mina Wright Rauch Jake and Melissa Wacker Laura Weiner Mary Catherine Williams Sharon Wright Mark and Mark Turnbull Richard Wacker and Sarah Jill Weiss* Deidre D Williams Phillip and Jill Wright Amy Turner Julie Welch-Slingerman Angi Williams Steve and Margaret Wright Ashley Turner Campbell Michelle Weller Deborah Williams Greg and Ellen Wulchin Evan Turner Ajay and Lucky* Wadehra Jay and Valerie Wells Kimberly Williams Cate Magennis Wyatt Kimberly Turner Chad and Kimberly Wagner Daniel Wesely and Shelagh Kristi Williams Kelley Wyatt Michael Turner Christina Wakefield Nancy Williams Heather Wyckoff Ken Tyler Daniel Walczuk Meade Daniel and Debra Williams Lisa Yannucci P Tyree Steve and Brooke Waldron Michael and Elizabeth West Gregory and Renee Williams Ann Yates Bill and Jennifer Tyrrell Richard and Laurie Walker Debi Jo Wheatley Hal and Susan Williams William and Joan Yeaton Tricia Ualat-Guardado Mike Wallace and Tammy Ryan Thomas and Yvonne Wheaton David and Mary Yee Phlip Ulanowsky David Wheeler Christie Yerks Rebecca Uri Robert and Susanna Yoder Fred and Carol Vago Ashley Young Prabav Vairamani Laurie Young Edward and Kim Valaer William Young Sr and Brenda Susana Valdez Ian and Jennifer Valentine Young Daniel and Susan Van Gundy Jimmie and Theresa Youngblood Al and Betty Van Huyck Mike Youngblood and Rachel Theo van Lingen Patricia Vandemeulebroecke York Jane Vandertoorn Paul and Wendy Yurachek Peter and Diane VanDyke Brian Zabloudil and Farrah Susan VanEpps Allison Vannan Daly Conrad and Doreen Varblow Ali and Alessandra Zandi Heidi and Carl Varblow Diane Zegel Jessica Vargas Joseph Zmitrovich Ann Varley Julian and Sara Zottl Casey and Lisa Veatch Joe and Linda Zuccari Ken and Anne Marie Vedaa Michael Zukowski *Denotes immediate past Board of Director or Volunteer. Please accept our apologies for any listing omitted or incorrectly stated. We make every effort to accurately reflect our donors. If you find an error, please contact us so we may correct our records. 38 | 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY

2021 Corporate, Foundation, and Organizational Funders Amazon Smiles HCA Hospital Systems/ Network for Good Wells Fargo Foundation America’s Charities StoneSprings Hospital New York Community Trust Federal Home Loan Mortgage American Endowment Northwest Federal Credit Union Hunt Country Real Estate, LLC O’Shaughnessy Hurst Corporation Foundation ILM Capital Zed Consulting Services Arch Insurance Group Incapsulate, LLC Memorial Foundation, Inc. Arlington Partnership for Integrus Holdings Fortessa Old Stone School Preservation Our 2021 Supporters Affordable Housing Tableware Solutions Trust Investor Level ARM Consulting LLC J. Michael Lunsford Middle PATH Foundation Atlantic Union Bank Peña Real Estate Trustee Level Backflow Technology LLC School Pledgeling Foundation Bank of America Charitable Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Raymond James Global Leader Level Johnson & Johnson Gift Fund-Donor Advised Joyous Heart Care Account Sustainer Level Funds JP Events & Consulting Red Roof Inn Supporter Level Bhai Sahab-Indian Restaurant JP Morgan Charitable Giving Reston Limousine Blackbaud Giving Fund Rotary Club of Leesburg Booz Allen Hamilton Fund Buzz Butler, LLC Kaiser Permanente Foundation wFoundation, Inc. Catoctin Presbyterian Church Salamander Resort & Spa CEO Consulting Group, LLC Health Plan Sandy Spring Bank Claude Moore Charitable LAC Healthcare Solutions Schwab Charitable Foundation Langhorne Custom Homes Sheila C. Johnson Foundation Commonwealth of Virginia Lansdowne Woods of Virginia STREST, LLC Community Foundation for Leadership Innovations Inc Strongbridge Northern Virginia Leadership Institute of Stryker Congregation Beth Emeth Synfuels Americas County of Loudoun, Virginia Virginia Telos Corporation Dominion Energy Charitable Leesburg Junction Terracon Consultants, Inc. Foundation Loudoun Country Day School The Arthur Vining Davis Erdle Foundation Loudoun County Chamber of Fabbioli Cellars Foundation Facebook Commerce The Helping Hands of Christ Fidelity Charitable Loudoun Funeral Chapel & First Bankcard Visa Omaha Ministries Frederick D. and Karen G. Crematory The Jellyvision Lab, Inc. Schaufeld Family Loudoun Laurels The LifeCentre - Leesburg Foundation Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Veterinary Specialists Gartner Matching Gift Madison Wealth Management The Oregon Community Program Major Family Foundation Gilker-Shoupe Family Manuel and Mary Johnson Foundation Charitable Foundation The Rust Foundation Google Foundation Total Document Solutions, Inc. Goose Creek Friends Meeting McGraw Foundation Toth Advisory Financial Greater Washington Microsoft Community Foundation Mindseeker, Inc. Services Gupta Family Foundation Momentum Realty Tricia DeVine, Realtor MVB Bank United Way of Dane County Nader Family Foundation Vanguard Redemption Check National Philanthropic Trust Veterans United Home Loans National Student Clearing House Washington Gas Light Nerantzis Investment Company Advisory Group 2021 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | 39

How would you honor and pay tribute to someone you love—and have lost? Tina and Andy Johnson saw creating a permanent legacy with the Community Foundation as a heartwarming and rewarding way to memorialize Tina’s brother, Breeze. e Breeze Makenzie Foundation fund is a family-based donor advised fund established for Loudoun’s own Breeze Makenzie, who passed away unexpectedly on August 8, 2015, at the young age of 50. Breeze grew up in western Loudoun County and was a graduate of Loudoun Valley High School. He attended Charles S. Monroe’s auto mechanics program and spent 18 years driving an 18-wheeler big rig across the U.S. After retiring from the road, he focused his attention on providing roadside services for stranded truck drivers. Breeze Makenzie “He had a huge heart and giving soul. He was known for literally giving the shirt o of his back,” shared his sister, Tina. “His big personality and energetic spirt will be truly missed.” His spirit, giving nature, and legacy live on through the Breeze Makenzie Foundation. Tina and Andy Johnson PO Box 342 Leesburg, VA 20178 PO Box 402 Middleburg, VA 20118 (703) 779-3505 [email protected]

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