RESOURCE CATALOG When You are Ready to Reopen, We Can Help. Northern Virginia’s Phase I reopening looks to be at least a few weeks out, making this an ideal time for business owners to begin planning how they will reopen, how they will communicate their changing status to customers, and how they will assure people that their businesses offer a safe venue for returning patients, shoppers, and patrons. We stand ready to help you plan out your strategy and to implement on your specific tactics. Give us a call when you are ready to discuss the best ways to Get Noticed and Get Business. CHECK OUT OUR CATALOG >>
DIRECT MAIL Send customers and prospects— or everyone in the neighborhood— an upbeat postcard. Highlight recent operational changes as well as special offers. EMAIL MARKETING Send a branded graphic to notify everyone on your list that you are open for business. Use subsequent messages to educate, inform, and entertain. ONLINE ADVERTISING Put your ads in front of buyers at the moment they are researching suppliers and options. Consider advertising on Google, Facebook, or YouTube. AAllpphhaaGGrraapphhicicssLLoouuddoouunn MMarakrekteintigng* B* rBarnadnidnigng* G* GrarpahpihcicDDeseigsingn* B* oBookokPuPbulbislhisihnigng* A* dAvdevretristinsigng* P* rPinritnintigng* W* WebebSseitrevsices aagglolouuddoouunn.c.coomm 770033.7.77777.5.5002200
WEBSITE ADD-ONS Sell your products or services right on your website. Service providers might also benefit from allowing clients to schedule thier appointments online. DISPOSABLE MENUS Reduce potential anxiety by replacing traditional reusable menus with disposable menus that are never touched by other patrons. BRANDED MASKS Protect your people. Branded masks are ideal for your own staff or provide complimentary masks to patients or patrons. AAllpphhaaGGrraapphhicicssLLoouuddoouunn MMarakrekteintigng* B* rBarnadnidnigng* G* GrarpahpihcicDDeseigsingn* B* oBookokPuPbulbislhisihnigng* A* dAvdevretristinsigng* P* rPinritnintigng* W* WebebSseitrevsices aagglolouuddoouunn.c.coomm 770033.7.77777.5.5002200
BANNERS Use banners on your building or by the roadside to grab attention and let everyone who passes by that you are Open for Business! WINDOW GRAPHICS Demand attention! Replace small DIY printouts with professionally designed window clings. Easy to reposition or reuse, these are ideal vehicles for touting your latest promotions. AAllpphhaaGGrraapphhicicssLLoouuddoouunn MMarakrekteintigng* B* rBarnadnidnigng* G* GrarpahpihcicDDeseigsingn* B* oBookokPuPbulbislhisihnigng* A* dAvdevretristinsigng* P* rPinritnintigng* W* WebebSseitrevsices aagglolouuddoouunn.c.coomm 770033.7.77777.5.5002200
YARD SIGNS Roadside Coroplast signs are still a convenient and affordable way to communicate. They are especially effective for promoting new products/services and for helping people to locate your business. SAIL FLAGS Motion and bright colors always capture attention. Flags come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Different bases can be used on hard surfaces or in dirt or grass. FLOOR GRAPHICS Support social distancing with colorful decals that help people gauge 6 feet, that label one-way aisles, and provide useful information about temporary hours or new products. AAllpphhaaGGrraapphhicicssLLoouuddoouunn MMarakrekteintigng* B* rBarnadnidnigng* G* GrarpahpihcicDDeseigsingn* B* oBookokPuPbulbislhisihnigng* A* dAvdevretristinsigng* P* rPinritnintigng* W* WebebSseitrevsices aagglolouuddoouunn.c.coomm 770033.7.77777.5.5002200
SANITIZER BOTTLES Another great way to put safety first. Provide your customers, patients, or visitors small, branded bottles of hand sanitizer to take with them. WRAPPED PENS People will think twice about grabbing a pen that has been available for common usage. Instead, hand each an individually wrapped pen to use. AAllpphhaaGGrraapphhicicssLLoouuddoouunn MMaarrkkeettiningg**BBrraannddiningg**GGrraapphhicicDDeessigignn**BBooookkPPuubblilsishhiningg**AAddvveerrttisisiningg**PPrrininttiningg**WWeebbssititeess aagglolouuddoouunn.c.coomm 770033.7.77777.5.5002200
ALPHAGRAPHICS LOUDOUN IS OPEN, AND WE ARE HERE FOR YOU A Lesson from History There was one common thread among the businesses that thrived during and immediately after the 2008 financial crisis—they all invested in a growth strategy despite the economic hardship. They continued to brand and to market. These are certainly challenging times that we are navigating through together. As the region begins to anticipate reopening for business, many organizations will have to reimagine and rebuild their business models. Certainly, things will look different as we begin to phase back into a “new normal.” On behalf of the AlphaGraphics creative team, I want to let you know that we are open, working remotely, and ready to help you implement your reopening strategy. Marketing Strategy in a Post-COVID World If you would like to brainstorm how you and your business should approach reopening and promoting your products and services, please do reach out to me. I would be happy to schedule a videoconference meeting to discuss your marketing plan, including priorities, budgets, timelines, and tactics. It may be the best investment in time and creativity you can make as you prepare for a post-COVID world. In the meantime, stay safe. Stay healthy. And know that AlphaGraphics Loudoun is fully prepared and committed to supporting each of our customers in every way possible. Warmest Regards, Cyndi Urbano, President & Marketing Strategist AlphaGraphics Loudoun 540.454.2719
Get Noticed and Get Business. AlphaGraphics Loudoun | 703.777.5020 Marketing * Branding * Graphic Design * Book Publishing * Advertising * Printing * Websites
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