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Home Explore 《成诗呈剧”觅知音“》Crossings: A Double Bill (2019)

《成诗呈剧”觅知音“》Crossings: A Double Bill (2019)

Published by Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre, 2019-11-25 04:00:45

Description: 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场呈现《成诗呈剧”觅知音“》
2019 年 7 月 19 及 20 日 | 晚上 8 时 | 戏剧中心剧院

Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre presents "Crossings: A Double Bill"
19 - 20 July 2019 | 8 pm | Drama Centre Theatre

Keywords: dance,chinese dance,singaporecdt


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Crossings: A Double Bil 19 - 20 July 2019 DRAMA CENTRE THEATRE 8PM

CA演 ST & CREW 林美琴 Lim Moi Kim 职 主创团队 Creative Team 蔡曙鹏博士 Dr. Chua Soo Pong 员 艺术总监 Artistic Director : 林美琴 Lim Moi Kim 翟春潇 Zhai Chunxiao 中国 China 艺术顾问 Artistic Advisor : 姜 巍 Jiang Wei (中国 China) 张亚鹏 Zhang Yapeng (中国 China) 表 《游记》编导 Choreographer 王志强 Tommy Wong 《知音》编剧 Scriptwriter 张进耀 Tung Ching Yew 《知音》编导 Choreographers Spirit Of Design Analogy Pte Ltd 灯光 Lighting Designer 陈慧敏 Tan Hwee Bin 舞美 Set Designer : 陳 琳 Tan Ling, Lynn 服装 Costume Designer House of Music 发型 Hair Stylist 翁楷凌 Yong Kailin 音乐制作 Music Production 王运开 Wong Joon Tai 音乐总监 Music Director 新加坡南洋书法中心艺术总监 题字 Calligraphy 表演团队 Performing Team 姜 巍 Jiang Wei(中国 China) 觅《知音》客卿演员 Guest Dancers 张亚鹏 Zhang Yapeng(中国 China) 舒耀輝 Shu Yaohui (中国 China) 觅《知音》客卿乐队 Guest Musicians DoReFaSoLah 小提琴 Volin - 翁楷凌 Yong Kailin 笛子/萧 Chinese Flute - 陈庆伦 Tan Qing Lun 古筝 Guzheng - 陈善汇 Chen Indra 电子琴 Keyboard - 吕 恒 Lu Heng Muhammad Qusaiy Bin Abdul Azmi 电子特效 Special Effects 主要演员 Main Dancers 鍾麗儀 Chung Lai Yee 张家辉 Zhang Jiahui 陳 琳 Tan Ling Lynn 张 银 Zhang Yin 黄卓沁 Wong Zhuo Qin 青年团 Youth Wing 林俐儀 Ling Li Yi Adoncia 曾钦崟 Sugianto Alexxys Qin Yin 葉錦雯 Yip Jin Wen 卓 曦 Chloe Zhuo 吴珍仪 Goh Chen Yee 陈靖怡 Nadya Diandra Chandra 刘心宁 Lew Xinning 谭芷殷 Tam Chi Yan 陈美琴 Tan May Kim 郑静汶 Tay Chien Wen 张彤薇 Teo Tong Wei 陈修齐 Zina Tan Xiu Qi 制作团队 Production Team 舞台监督 Stage Manager 陈瑾婷 Tan Ching Ting 后台人员 Backstage Crew 沈 思 Sim See 邱武良 Patrick Khoo Wu Leong : 傅文强 Poh Boon Keong : 赵龙山 Teoh Leong San : 吴景阳 Wu JingYang 后勤 Logistic 陈修齐 Zina Tan Xiu Qi 服装管理 Wardrobe 梁杰旎 Neo Jenny 陆文龙Warut Loke Front of House 钟戍己 Chong Shu Chi 刘颐霖 Low Eileen 宣传 Marketing 陈慧敏 Tan Hwee Bin 化妆 Makeup 洪茹望 Hong Ruwang 陈碧君 Tan Pek Kwang

主MESSAGE FROM GUEST-OF-HONOUR 宾 献 词 陈佩玲 女士 通商中国总裁、麦波申单选区国会议员 在本地众多纷陈的艺术形式当中,华族舞 蹈以其充满独特华族文化意韵的形式,结合华 乐、传统服装、独特的场景布置以及舞美,呈 献多层次的中华文化意象与精髓,加强了本地 华族文化的传承和认同;此外,在多元种族、 多元文化的新加坡,舞蹈更能够突破语言的藩 篱,让各族国人能够通过音乐、形体、和意象 的演绎,对中华文化,以及创作者所关心的共 同人文命题,有更深一层的了解和会意,加强 社会的凝聚力。 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场在1989年成立业余舞 团并开班授课,五年前转型为专业舞团,30余 年来为本地华族舞蹈界的发展,做出了杰出的 贡献。今年恰逢华族舞蹈剧场成立5周年志庆, 欣闻创作团队力求创新,编创了结合传统与现 代元素的《成诗呈剧:觅“知音”》。在此衷 心希望所有观众都能够从演出当中体验中华文 化之美,探寻“知音”之妙! 谨此预祝演出高朋满座、取得圆满成功! 一

新SINGAPORE CHINESE DANCE THEATRE 加 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场,成立于1989年,曾命名为新加坡福建会馆舞蹈剧场,原先是福建会馆文化艺术 团属下的舞蹈团。 坡 2013年,舞蹈剧场荣获国家艺术理事会颁发的种子基金,并在福建会馆的鼎力支持下,于2014年成为 专业舞蹈团体。转型后的舞蹈剧场不断鞭策自己继续保持专业水准,努力攀登辉煌的艺术高峰。2016年舞 华 蹈剧场再次荣获国家艺术理事会的主要辅助计划的赞助,而在2017年 2月15日,正式改名为“新加坡华族 舞蹈剧场”。 族 舞蹈剧场以舞蹈作为文化交流媒介,为新加坡华族文化本土化的积极发展克尽绵力。在继承和发扬华 族传统文化的同时,也随着时代的变迁注入新元素,以发挥传统艺术的倍数效应。本着这个理念,舞蹈剧 场共呈献了五场大型演出如: 舞 2014年,舞剧《游园惊梦》 2015年,舞蹈专场《“艺薪艺意”》 蹈 2015年,舞蹈专场《“滋兰树蕙·创意无限”》 剧 2016年,舞剧《戏子情》 2017年,舞蹈专场《抒心舞意》 场 2018年,舞剧《寸草灵熙》 2019年,舞蹈专场《成诗呈剧——觅“知音”》 除了积极参与本地各种艺术盛会之外,舞蹈剧场多次受邀参加海外艺术团体所主办的舞蹈节及文艺交 流活动。 2014年参加第三届中国(潜江)曹禺文化周的惠民演出活动,出演舞剧《原野》。 2015年舞蹈剧场受邀参加在印尼日惹的亚太表演艺术联盟邀会议及交流表演,呈献舞蹈 《气韵生动》。 2016年也受邀参加在韩国首尔举办的“2016世界舞蹈联盟亚太地区交流活动”,呈献舞蹈 《气韵生动》广受好评与称赞。 2017年参加“海丝圆梦——首届海上丝绸之路国际舞蹈艺术交流周”,呈献舞蹈《秉拂无尘》。 2017年在越南举办的“国际舞蹈节2017”上,以舞剧《原野》摘得金奖。 如今,在创办人兼现任艺术总监林美琴女士和诸位专业舞蹈导师的督导下,舞蹈剧场已稳步发展。 2019年新成立外展与教育部门,舞蹈剧场今后将竭尽全力,不断地创建平台以培育和熏陶年轻一代,提高 他们对华族传统舞蹈艺术的认识,希望带给观众更多惊喜,把华族舞蹈事业推向另一高峰! Founded in 1989 by Artistic Director Madam Lim Moi Kim, the Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre (SCDT) started out as an avocational troupe under the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Arts and Cultural Troupe. In recognition of its enduring efforts to the local arts scene, in 2013, the troupe was one of the Seed Grant recipients from National Arts Council (NAC). In 2014, under the support of Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, it was officially incorporated as a professional dance company and named \"Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Dance Theatre\". In 2016, the company was honoured to be one of the Major Grant recipients from NAC, and was officially renamed \"Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre\" in March 2017. With this affirmation, the company has stepped up efforts in bringing its performances to a higher level. To date, the company has put up six core productions, including dance drama \"A Startling Dream\" in 2014, \"ROOTED | A Triple Bill\" and \"Journey: Purpose in Motion\" in 2015, dance drama \"Life's A Stage\" in 2016, “HEARTiculation” in 2017, \"The Greatest Good\" in 2018 and “Crossings: A Double Bill” in 2019. The company also tours annually to showcase its works and sought opportunities for exchange. In 2014, the company participated in the \"Third China Cao Yu Culture Week\" held in Qianjiang, China. In 2015, the company was invited to perform at the Asia Pacific Performing Arts Network International Symposium held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In 2016, the company was invited to perform at the 2016 World Dance Alliance Asia Pacific International Dance Festival held in Seoul, South Korea. In 2017, the company attended the International Dance Festival held in Ninh Binh, Vietnam. 二 In March 2019, the company officially established its Outreach and Education department. In line with the company's mission, SCDT aspires to nurture more promising dance talents, in addition to presenting more engaging performances to its audiences, and making Chinese dance more accessible to the wider commu- nity. As we endeavour towards creating a more vibrant performing arts scene in Singapore, we also humbly and sincerely seek the support from the wider community in supporting us in our mission.

主MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN 席 献 词 陈精毅 先生 新加坡福建会馆会长 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场主席 在现代化的新加坡,新加坡华族舞蹈剧场 为弘扬和推广本地华族舞蹈文化艺术敬奉绵 力,更随着现代的步伐,不断创新,与时俱 进,在创作中融入现代元素,务使舞蹈更贴 近现代生活、反映生活,与社会接轨并与观 众产生共鸣。 此次《成诗呈剧:觅“知音”》的舞蹈专 场演出,舞蹈剧场特邀多位国际以及本地杰 出编导与演奏家合作,以原创音乐加上反复 研思雕琢的创意形体,探讨当下社会人与人 关系的纠结牵扯、亲密疏离,希望大家能够 在表演中觅得“知音“。 在此,我谨代表新加坡舞蹈剧场感谢所有 赞助机构以及合作伙伴的鼎力支持,让我们 有机会以舞蹈回馈社会。大家的支持和鼓励 ,鞭策着我们在艺术追求的道路上舞出更飞 跃精彩的明天! 三

艺MESSAGE FROM ARTISTIC ADVISOR 术 顾 问 献 词 蔡曙鹏 博士 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场今晚的《成诗呈剧—— 觅“知音”》舞蹈专场,团队尝试以诗与舞的形 象游览中国江南,并以说故事的方式书写友情爱 情亲情。 诗歌和舞蹈都是以准确、简洁、形象传达与 宣泄情感的艺术形式。林美琴艺术总监以游记为 名,走一次诗意绵绵的心灵之旅。王昌龄在《诗 格》中说:“诗有三境,一曰物境,二曰情境, 三曰意境。“编导林美琴的两个节目,带观众去 《游西湖》和《游淮安》。舞者在西湖雨景中, 诗化淡墨,匠心深蕴。淮安是历史名城。大运河 、洪泽湖、楚秀园,闻名遐迩。编导借景怀古, 舞蹈与武术两结合,同有韵律与节奏,构成成特 殊的生命体,另有风韵。 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场多年来多次与中国舞蹈 界编导合作,促进两国艺术交流。此次晚会特邀 青年编导姜巍和张亚鹏以舞蹈讲故事《觅知音》 。故事实为人类最本原、最基础的思维。思维有 形象与抽象,简单与复杂,感性与理性之分。《 觅知音》,编导致力于创造鲜明舞蹈形象讲故事 ,彰显情之可贵。尤其在当今网络世界真伪难辨 的时代,承诺与信用、坚守与护卫、无私与无畏 ,更是值得舞者以故事弘扬的高贵品德。 四

艺MESSAGE FROM ARTISTIC DIRECTOR术 总 林美琴 女士 监 献 高山流水琴三弄,明月清风酒一樽。醉后曲肱林下卧,此 词 生荣辱不须论。摔碎瑶琴凤尾寒,子期不在对谁弹!春风满面 皆朋友,欲觅知音,难啊难上难。那一年,你不言,你不语, 以瑶琴抒意;那一年,你伫立,你聆听,以心乐知音。高山流 水的相遇,辗转成流芳后世的人间佳话。 唐朝诗人孟浩然说“当路谁相假,知音世所稀。” 因世所 稀,方知情义之深重。 因此,此次演出,我们舞蹈剧场所呈现 的作品,都是围绕着“情义”二字。 听着那熟悉而拨动心弦的旋律,看到那唯美动情的古典演 绎,整台节目的内容回荡着中华文化贯穿古今的审美情趣。它 更是古代文人志趣与理想的寄托,更是承载了中华文化的精魂 ,体现着精神的高洁之美和艺术的典雅之美。 这次演出,我们非常荣幸地邀请到新加坡青年笛子演奏家 陈庆伦和音乐家小提琴演奏家翁楷凌为《成诗呈剧觅“知音” 》进行音乐创作并担任舞台现场音乐演奏!这是一次舞蹈与琴 师的对话,知音相遇,有情不在多言。舞之蹈之,与短笛有腔 信口吹,琴声悠扬,三者完美的结合,构成了一种诗乐舞的立 体美感, 令人赞叹! 舞剧觅《知音》同时也迎来两位来自中国的年轻编导姜巍 和张亚鹏共同编导创作,联袂演出。舞剧将出现独特的舞美道 具和现场音乐,观众将会见识到别具一格的神秘氛围营造的舞 台效果。舞剧将以独特的舞蹈语汇展开对故事人物在爱情、亲 情、友情等主题的探讨。 关于舞蹈诗《游记》的编创 舞蹈诗是什么?从字面上来理解,既有舞蹈,又有诗,还 融入了戏曲和武术的元素。语之相通,心之相连,情之相融, 舞蹈如同一首诗。舞蹈诗《游记》融情于景,可借美景现喜情 ,看到了内心清纯的“极简”之美;可凭悲景传伤情,体会深 藏肺腑的悲痛。 美景衬托哀情,在观众心中唤醒的,有历史故 事之亲切,有对于舞蹈表现之惊叹,还有传统样式翻新之趣。 可见华族舞是一种发展和进行的时态。华族舞的创作都应 该是创作性的,保留性的是传统的,是创作的方法和思维的方 式,而不是国籍性的差别。无论你采用什么语汇,民间舞台、 古典舞、现代舞,最终你反映现代华人的生活,用现代人的身 体说话。 "多元融汇,根在中国。" 当中国古典舞借鉴芭蕾某些东西时,从动作体系来说,突 出的是产生许多"曲里拐弯"托举新姿态,及某些嫁接融合的 跳跃旋转,和某些动作组合连接方式..... 当中国民间舞借鉴某些东西时,产生了许多新的"叙述" 方法..... 一种身体的技艺,却可以荡涤心灵 ,让彼此产生强烈的共 五 鸣。 这大概就是舞蹈艺术的魅力吧! 希望大家一如既往,继续支持我们的执着,分享我们的努 力!让更多人认识华族舞蹈之美! 最后,祝愿各界人士的观众朋友们陪伴着我们剧场的舞蹈 表演,将度过一个美丽难忘的夜晚!

上ACT 1 “A TRAVELLER’S RECOUNT” 半 舞蹈诗《游记》 “A Traveller’s Recount” 场 编导: 林美琴 Choreographer: Lim Moi Kim : 游记(一):《游西湖》“Tranquil of West Lake” 游 细雨蒙蒙,红荷轻摇,西湖断桥油纸伞…… 今生,也愿做一个心性淡泊的雅士,安静素然,锦时清简,情系山水,心若空明。 记 Through the weeping willows, I see the lotus in bloom decorating the waters, bridges and pagodas standing so calm yet firm, painted umbrellas lining graceful- ly along the paths. The rain comes, and like nature’s magic, it takes away the hustle and bustle of modern city life, and brings an extra freshness and richness to each hue of this enchanting land. A heaven in paradise, they call here. 演 员 Dancers 张家辉 Zhang Jiahui 游 子 Traveller: 张 银 Zhang Yin 白 蛇 White Snake 黄卓沁 Wong Zhuo Qin 青 蛇 Green Snake 群 舞 Ensemble 卓 曦 Chloe Zhuo 谭芷殷 Tam Chi Yan 吴珍仪 Goh Chen Yee 陈美琴 Tan May Kim 刘心宁 Lew Xinning 郑静汶 Tay Chien Wen 林俐儀 Ling Li Yi Adoncia 张彤薇 Teo Tong Wei 陈靖怡 Nadya Diandra Chandra 葉錦雯 Yip Jin Wen 曾钦崟 Sugianto Alexxys Qin Yin 陈修齐 Zina Tan Xiu Qi 游记(二):《游淮安》 “Heroine of the Drums” “青眼识英雄,寒素何嫌?忆当年北虏鸱张,桴鼓亲操,半壁山河延宋祚;红颜摧 大敌,须眉有愧!看此日东风浩荡,崇祠重整,千秋令誉仰淮塬。” She was a warrior, proud in her glory, Loyal, courageous, never once defeated. I step upon Huai’an, its name meaning everlasting peace of the Huai river, Just as we remember this incredible lady, forever. 演 员 Dancers 游 子 Traveller: 张家辉 Zhang Jiahui 六 梁红玉 Liang Hongyu 钟丽仪 Chung Lai Yee 孩 子 Children 黄卓沁 Wong Zhuo Qin 张 银 Zhang Yin

觅《知音》 “You…Me” 下ACT 2 “YOU....ME” 半 《知音》编剧:翟春潇(中国) Scriptwriter Zhai Chunxiao China 场 客卿编导 姜 巍(中国) Guest Choreographer Jiang Wei (China) / 张亚鹏(中国) Zhang Yapeng (China) 觅 交友之道,贵在相知。本剧用相知却不能相守的四对人物关系,围绕着“初闻不 知曲中意,再听已是曲中人”的主题,诠释了才子佳人在爱情中相知却不能相守 的遗憾,布衣之交的兄弟因仕途不同而分道扬镳的悲愤,君臣之情因等级之差而 《 知 不能平等相待的无奈以及每个人只有在了解自己之后,才能真正找到知己的感悟 音 。 People meet, as do they leave. Relationships (be it love, brotherhood, or hierarchy etc.) bind people together, as do they break them apart. Dance drama “You…Me” revolves about this harsh, hateful reality through the chance meeting of different people, and their eventual conflicts due to time and differing 《 circumstances. All may seem lost, but not until you, and me, discover who truly we are. 演 员 Dancers 钟丽仪 Chung Lai Yee 陳 琳 Tan Ling, Lynn 黄卓沁 Wong Zhuo Qin 张家辉 Zhang Jiahui 张 银 Zhang Yin 姜 巍 Jiang Wei (中国 China) 舒耀辉 Shu Yaohui (中国 China) 张亚鹏 Zhang Yapeng (中国 China) 七

艺ARTISTIC DIRECTOR 现任新加坡华族舞蹈剧场艺术总监。曾担任过拉萨尔艺术 术 学院和南洋艺术学院讲师。 总 1992年第13届马来西亚华人舞蹈节大会 -《登峰》 监 担任评判之一。 : 1999年受邀参加中国广东省汕头市举办的“九九汕头潮剧 林 节”,编导舞剧《盗仙草》参演。 美 2002年五月远赴加拿大“利物浦国际戏剧节”演出,所编 琴 导的舞剧《白娘子》得到观众投选的“最佳团体”、“最 佳视觉效果”、“最佳女配角”三大奖项。 八 2005年、2006年、2007年连续三年担任南洋艺术学院舞蹈 系古典舞与民间民族舞考官。 2006年受邀为世界舞蹈联盟(新加坡)之“新加坡制造” 编导节目。 2006年、2008年、2009年为多所学校华族舞的负责老师上 华族舞蹈教育课。 2007年受邀参加教育部课外活动中心与世界舞蹈联盟(新 加坡)合作举办的第二届舞蹈教育论坛2007讲座。 2009年、2010年、2011年受新加坡二十一世纪文化艺术促 进会之邀,担任“二十一世纪国际艺术节舞蹈比赛”艺术 总监并编导开幕节目。 2012年经“世界著名武术家评审委员会”资格鉴定,授于 “世界著名武术家”荣誉称号。 2015年编导舞蹈剧场的《气韵生动》参加在印尼日惹举办 的“2015亚太表演艺术联盟邀会议及交流表演”。 自1991年至2015年,在福建会馆舞蹈团十届“舞之思忖” 舞蹈晚会中创作的舞蹈作品达55支,广获好评。 2015年新作有:《秉拂无尘》、《满庭芳》、《情至浓时 情转薄》、《临风而舞》、《属于你和我编织的梦》、《 风华正茂》。 2016年编导舞蹈剧场的《气韵生动》参加在韩国首尔的 “2016世界舞蹈联盟亚太地区交流活动”并受邀担任大师 班课程的讲师。 2016年担任大型原创舞剧《戏子情》总导演兼编导。 2017年编导《抒心舞意》舞蹈专场舞蹈《宫》之“蝉鸣如 泣”。 2017年编导舞蹈剧场的《秉拂无尘》参加“海丝圆梦—— 首届海上丝绸之路国际舞蹈艺术交流周” 2018年担任大型神话舞剧《寸草灵熙》总导演兼编导。 2018年受聘为云南艺术学院附属艺术学校客座教授。 2019年担任莱佛士音乐学院舞蹈系华族舞蹈技巧课与民族 舞蹈课考官 2019年担任舞蹈专场演出《成诗呈剧——觅“知音”》舞 蹈诗《游记》编导 总之,林美琴女士是个少有的集舞蹈、戏剧、武术于一身 的艺术多栖人物,她以无比的热忱和勤勉精进,行走在华 族艺术道路上,虚怀若谷,求美若渴,不敢懈怠……

艺ARTISTIC DIRECTOR 术 Madam Lim Moi Kim is the founder and Artistic Director of Singapore Chinese 总 Dance Theatre (SCDT). She was also formerly a lecturer at the LaSalle-SIA 监 College of the Arts, Dance Faculty and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Dance : Department. Throughout her career, Madam Lim has produced many commendable works that have left indelible impressions on critics and audiences alike. From 1989 to 2012, Madam Lim had actively choreographed for her troupe’s biennial dance production “Wu Zhi Si Cun”, and as the troupe later officially established as a professional dance company, she continues to produce more refreshing and 林 outstanding works for the company. Her works have frequently been showcased 美 on both local and overseas platforms, many of which have received recognition 琴 from local and overseas audiences alike. At the 2002 Liverpool International Theatre Festival, her work “Madam White Snake” bagged the “People’s Choice”, “Best Visual Presentation” and “Outstanding Supporting Actress” awards. Her other well-received work “Stillness in Motion” has also been show- cased at the “APPAN Festival and Symposium 2015” held in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia, and “World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific 2016” held in Seoul, Korea. Other outstanding works by Madam Lim include “Essence of Existence”, “Elegance”, “Unkindled”, “Zephyr”, “Of Promises and Possibilities”, “Vivified” and “Silk of Destiny\". With years of hard work and perseverance, Madam Lim has earned a fine reputa- tion for herself in the dance industry. She has many times been invited to choreograph for prestigious national events, been invited as an external exam- iner or adjudicator for dance examinations and competitions, and also invited to work with important bodies such as the Ministry of Education. In 2018, Madam Lim was formerly invited as an overseas dance lecturer by the Yunnan Arts Institute Affiliated Arts School. Apart from dance, Madam Lim is also a veteran Chinese opera performer and instructor. She has played the lead role in many performances and performed locally as well as overseas, in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Thailand, Canada and Spain. She is highly regarded for her outstanding performance and is a respectable figure in the Chinese opera community. Madam Lim is also a dedicated and knowledgeable martial arts practitioner who has come under the tutelage of many renowned professionals. She obtained the “International Wushu San Shou Dao 7th Degree Black Belt Title of Honor” in 2012, and in recognition of her determination and perseverance in promoting this branch of Chinese cultural arts, she also received the “World Famous Martial Arts Master Title of Honours” in the same year. 九

灯LIGHTING DESIGNER 光 纽约州立大学珀切斯学院艺术硕士,主修灯光设计.现为新加坡拉萨尔艺术学院舞台管理 及技术系讲师,香港舞台及技术人员协会创会会长,于1999-2009年间为新加坡滨海艺术 设 中心策划『舞台技术基础课程』,曾获英国文化学会奖学金,在英国皇家国家剧场学习剧 场行政,舞台管理及设计,并获得亚洲文化协会奖学金在美国耶鲁大学戏剧学院进修灯 计 光设计。 : 灯光及舞美设计:深圳歌舞团舞剧《深圳故事》于北京及深圳演出,舞美设计获『中国文 华奖』及『2000年中国舞美学会奖』,广州芭蕾舞团舞剧《梅兰芳》于北京、广州演出, 灯光设计: 谭盾歌剧《茶》于北京国家剧院演出,中国电影频道音乐剧《电影之歌》, 张学友音乐剧《雪狼湖》,动作音乐剧《天地七月情》《秦俑》新加坡舞蹈剧场《怀缅 王 月亮》于2002年新加坡滨海艺术中心开幕。香港芭蕾舞蹈团《末代皇帝》于香港文化中 志 心世界首演及美国巡回演出。 强 香港舞蹈团舞剧《黄土、黄河》及《再世、红梅》获香港舞蹈联盟『2001, 2008年度最 佳灯光设计奖』。 Tommy, the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technicians & Scenographers (HKATTS), is the lecturer in Technical & Production Management, School of Dance & Theatre , LASALLE College of the Arts. He received his Master of Fine Arts degree majoring in Lighting Design from Purchase College, State University of New York. He was awarded the British Council Scholarship to study Theatre Production Management & Design in the Royal National Theatre, United Kingdom and the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to study Lighting Design in Yale University School of Drama. He was the co-facilitator for the foundation courses in Technical Theatre by Esplanade Theatre by the Bay for nearly 10 years. Lighting & Set design works included: Shenzhen Song & Dance Troupe “Shenzhen Story” received best set design “Wen Hua Award” and “Academy Award from the China Centre of OISTAT”, Guangzhou Ballet “Mei Lan Fang”. Lighting designed for Tan Dun’s opera “Tea” in the China National Theatre, the world-premiere musical “Song of the Light and Shadow” for the CCTV, the Kun opera “The Palace of Eternal Youth” by the Jiangsu Kun Opera Troupe, Jacky Cheung’s musical “Snow, Wolf, Lake”, the Contemporary Legend Theatre “King Lear”, the gala production “Reminiscing the Moon” by Singapore Dance Theatre in the Esplanade Opening Festival 2002, the action musicals “Of Heaven & Earth” & “Terracotta Warriors” in Beijing, Vancouver and Toronto. Tommy designed lighting for the local and international dance and theatre companies for more than 30 years. For 十 the Hong Kong Dance Company productions “Yellow Earth, Yellow River “ in 2001 & “Desperately Seeking Miss Blossom” in 2008 awarded the Best Lighting Design in the Hong Kong Dance Award.

新加坡设计师张进耀,是新加坡SODA设 SET DESIGN舞ER 计事务所 (Spirit Of Design Analogy Pte 美 Ltd) 创始人。在室内设计和项目管理等 设 领域拥有超过20多年经验,也是多个国 计 际设计奖项的获得者(包括美国国际设 / 计奖,亚洲设计奖,新加坡室内设计奖 张 等)。 进 耀 其项目遍及新加坡,中国,缅甸,美国 ,泰国,印尼,马来西亚等地,并参与 六 过多政府办公项目。 曾任新加坡国庆检阅典礼设计顾问, 2019 - 2020年担任新加坡SIDA室内设计 比赛项目主任,新加坡室内设计会馆SIDS 教育委副主任。张进耀先生不仅是设计 师,目前也在新加坡当地一所知名艺术 学院担任兼职讲师已有十多年。 Tung Ching Yew is a multi-disciplinary award winning spatial designer with more than 20 years of industrial experience in Design Consultancy and Project Management. He founded SODA (Spirit Of Design Analogy Pte Ltd) based in Singapore since 2010. SODA has successfully accomplished projectsworldwide, such as Singapore, China, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, U.S., Indonesia and Malaysia. SODA is considered one of the brightest star in the design industry garnering international awards from the U.S,. Korea, China, Singapore and counting. Tung is currently Chairman for Singapore Interior Design Awards 2019-2020 and Vice Chairman for Society of Interior Designers Singapore Education Committee. He is also an educator for the past 10 years with a leading local Arts and Design Institution, imparting valuable knowledge and experiences to the next generation of designers. 十 一

音MUSIC DIRECTOR . VIOLIN 乐 翁楷凌,一个不受约束,崇尚自然和自由的音 乐人。他六岁开始随江春心老师学习小提琴, 总 十三岁获得全国音乐比赛公开组一等奖。 监 怀揣着心中的音乐梦,在1994年楷凌考入了维 也纳表演艺术学院,开始了他的音乐旅程。毕 / 业后,他应邀加入一个弦乐四重奏,2000年移 居美国。在国外的学习和工作中,他不断地扩 展自己的音乐风格、即兴演奏及探索世界各地 小 的民族音乐。 提 对楷凌来说,音乐是一种语言、是表达内心的 一个媒介、是沟通的一座桥梁,而非单纯的技 琴 能。他希望自己的音乐是有色彩、贴近自然与 : 生活、拉近人之间距离的。 自2013年归国以来,楷凌继续通过演奏和编创 活跃于国内外的表演艺术圈。 他目前担任 翁 Flamenco Sin Fronteras 和 Maya Dance 楷 Theatre的音乐总监。 凌 回返狮城后创立的乐队包括: Y String Quar- tet, PLUS Trio, Qilin Group 和 DoReFaSoLah。 这是楷凌继2017年的《抒心舞意》,第二次与 新加坡华族舞蹈剧团合作。 Kailin Yong is a musician/teacher/actor and most of all, a global citizen and a tireless advocate for using the arts to promote peace. Known to many as the “fiddler for peace”, he was the recipient of the Daniel Pearl Memorial Violin in 2004 for his efforts in building cultural bridges through music. Kailin trained at the Vienna Academy Of Music and spent 20 years “living, growing and traveling” in the US and Europe before returning to Singapore in 2013. He often shares his gifts as a composer, music director and performer through his work with Flamenco Sin Fronteras, Maya Dance Theatre and many independent choreographers,dancers and musicians around the world. This will be his second collaboration with SCDT following HEARTiculation in 2017. Kailin is the founding member of the following musical ensembles: Kailin Yong Peace Project, NuMundo, Y String Quartet, PLUS Trio, Qilin Group, WEBE, DoReFaSoLah and Straits Ensemble 十 Kailin currently teaches at Lasalle College of the Arts. 二

新加坡青年笛子演奏家,音乐制作人,创意总 CHINESE FLUT笛 E 监。现任音乐之家(新加坡)创意总监、新加 子 坡华乐总会理事、新加坡笛子学会秘书长、回 / 响吹打团创意总监、新加坡[和]乐队艺术总 萧 监、新加坡艺术学院及南洋艺术学院笛子导师 : 。2014年在新加坡国家艺术理事会的奖学金赞 陈 助下,毕业于上海音乐学院,获得艺术硕士学 庆 位,师从詹永明教授。目前就读于中国音乐学 伦 院,也是唯一被录取的博士民乐留学生,师从 张维良教授。 为继续促进笛乐的发展,他在2015年于新加坡 华乐总会和新加坡笛子学会的支持下举办首届 《新加坡笛子节》,吸引了海内外的名家一同 欢庆新加坡笛子的发展。除了总策划一共12场 活动中,庆伦也在两场音乐会中担任指挥和独 奏,为新加坡华乐发展尽一份力。在2017年, 他把舞台带到国际,担任首届《东盟-韩国笛 子节》总监,以11国笛子专家聚集菲律宾、韩 国进行为期两周活动,推动笛子在东南亚的发 展。在去年,为庆祝51周年东盟在新加坡轮值 国举行,庆伦与新加坡笛子学会组办《传统笛 子节-东盟、中国、韩国、日本》,总策划为 期 4天的活动,供29项节目,吸引了各国传统 笛子大师前来欢庆。 庆伦经常代表新加坡出访多国进行文化交流访 问,分享新加坡独特的民族融合文化,如中国 、英国、乌兹别克斯坦、文莱、马来西亚、柬 埔寨等国家。庆伦积极表演,教育和学习,希 望通过他的音乐吸引更多新加坡人和世界各地 的人。 Tan Qing Lun is a multi-flute musician who embodies and embraces the cultural diversity of his home, Singapore. Besides his performances on the Chinese flute (dizi), Qing Lun is also known for his award- winning work with other types of flutes found in Singapore, most notably the Indian flute. A champion of local music, Qing Lun has worked with many Singaporean composers including Eric Watson, Joyce Koh, and Phang Kok Jun. Nominated by The Straits Times as one of “30 Rising Stars under 30” in Singapore’s arts, entertainment and lifestyle scene, Qing Lun is continually dedicated to shaping a localised musical voice that can be celebrated all over the world. Currently, Qing Lun is also serving as Council member in Singapore Chinese Music Federation as well as the Secretary of the Singapore Dizi Society. An avid teacher, he also conducts the Singapore University of Technology and Design Chinese Ensemble and is a teacher at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts School of Young Talent and School of the Arts (Singapore). Qing Lun graduated with a Masters in Chinese Music (Dizi) from Shanghai Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Prof. Zhan Yong Ming, with support from the National Arts Council (NAC) scholarship. Actively performing, educating and learning, Qing Lun strives to continue shaping this identity, and hopes to reach out to more people in Singapore and around the world with his music. 十 三

GU古 ZHENG 筝 : 陈 善 汇 陈善汇自9岁习筝,启蒙于 陈慧兰女士与张路芬女士, 自本科师从尹群女士。她荣 获华侨银行颂发的本科奖学 金,2015年毕业于新加坡南 洋艺术学院-英国皇家音乐 学院荣誉学位。2018年荣获 新加坡国家艺术理事会全国 华约比赛古筝公开组亚军。 A graduate of Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Indra has bagged numerous awards from local and overseas competitions. Of the many awards, she clinched the second prize in the National Arts Council Chinese Music Competition GuZheng Open Category in 2018. Also, a gold award for the Second International Zheng Competition which was held in HongKong in 2011. She is currently serving the role as the Vice-secretary of the Singapore Qinzheng Association. Indra was an OCBC Local Undergraduate Scholar. 十 四

KEYBOAR电 D 子 琴 : 陆 恒 青年音乐人吕恒在华侨银行公共奖 学金的支持下,毕业于南洋艺术学 院(本科)作曲系,师从吴多才博 士、埃里克·沃森 和Alison Kay 教授。曾为人民协会青年华乐团、 Artsylum四重奏、Quinnuance作曲 家组编创多首新作品。吕恒也多次 以电子琴的身份出访海内外的演出 ,也包括以本地流行歌手郑可为、 柯梦婷、铃凯等歌手演奏。 With the support of the OCBC Local Undergraduate Scholarship, and under the guidance of Mr. Eric Watson, Dr. Zechariah Goh and Professor Alison Kay, Lu Heng was awarded a Bachelor of Music (Hons) from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) in partnership with the Royal College of Music, UK, in 2014. Previously, he graduated from NAFA with a Diploma in Music (Distinction) in 2008 with the support of the Georgette Chen Arts Scholarship. As a composition major, his music has been performed by many groups including the Artsylum String Quartet and People's Association Youth Chinese Orchestra, across events ranging from the 4th ASEAN Festival of Arts to the Chingay Parade Singapore 2011. He formed Quinnuance, a local composers’ collective, in 2012 along with other NAFA composition alumni, and has since put up six public performances at venues including The Arts House Living Room, 10 Square @ Orchard Central, as well as the Esplanade Recital Studio. As a keyboardist, he has supported local Mandopop artists Tay Kewei, Mandy Ke, and Ling Kai, and has also played live on local radio YES 933’s YEAH programme. His involvement in recent and notable community and corporate functions include appearances at the 2016 and 2017 River Angbao at the Floating Platform; the Singapore Botanic Gardens Heritage Festival 2017 at the Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage; as well as National Day Receptions organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 十 and hosted by the Singapore Consulate-General of Xiamen, and Ambassador of 五 Singapore to the People’s Republic of China respectively.

CA题 LLIGRAPHY 字 王运开为新加坡南洋书法中心 艺术总监,东南亚唯一书法期 : 刊“南洋书法”的主编兼出版 人。他也是世界文化艺术联合 王 总会的新加坡顾问。 运 退休前,他从事信息科技领域 工作,2000年获新加坡总统颁 开 发公共行政(银)勋章,并于 2013年担任中国珠海市智慧城 市发展规划首席顾问与不丹信 息管理架构顾问。 2004年开始书法教学工作并参 加新加坡国内书法展,2008年 设立南洋书法网站群,2011年 开始参加海外书法展,2015年 发起主办在新加坡举行的南洋 书法展。 目前全职从事书法的推广与教 育工作,并参加国内外书法评 审、展览、讲座等交流活动。 Wong Joon Tai, Artistic Director of Nanyang Calligraphy Centre; Chief Editor and Publisher of South East Asia's only Calligraphy journal \"Nanyang Calligraphy\"; Advisor for the Federation of World Cultural & Art Society. Before retirement, Joon Tai worked in the IT Industry. He was awarded the Public Service Medal (Silver) in 2000, and subsequently rose to Chief Advisor for the planning and development of Zhuhai Smart City and Advisor of Bhutan's information management architecture. He began his career in Calligraphy in 2004, rst by opening calligraphy social media groups and visiting overseas calligraphy exhibitions, and then later organising his own exhibitions in Singapore. Joon Tai is currently dedicated to the promotion and education of calligraphy, and is also often invited to competitions, exhibitions and exchange events. 十 六

觅“YOU....ME” GUEST CHOREOGRAPHER 毕业于北京舞蹈学院中国古典舞表教专 知 业。 音 2008年参与《兰陵王入阵乐群舞表演金 奖; 2010年北京市太极拳亚军。太极剑冠军 客 ; 卿 编 2011年中型舞剧《丽娘》主演; 导 / 2013年在国家大剧院小剧场演出现代舞 姜 《玫瑰之名》; 巍 2014年受新加坡福建会馆舞蹈剧场邀请 参演舞剧《游园惊梦》;同年参与演舞 剧《肥唐瘦宋》 、舞蹈诗《汉颂》; 2014年搜要宁夏客务局原邀请参演舞剧 《花儿》,同年参与演现代舞剧《莲花 》、《人之初》; 2015年现代舞剧《画皮》、民族舞剧《 风筝》男主角; 2016年出演舞剧《大禹》饰演大禹一角 ,备受关注。 Jiang Wei graduated with Honors in Dance from the Beijing Dance Academy majoring in Chinese Classical Dance. An outstanding individual and dancer, Jiang Wei has won himself many prestigious awards, such as the Gold award at the 9th Taoli Cup Dance Competition for the group performing category in 2008. He has also performed in numberous dance performances and original dance dramas including “玫瑰之名”,”肥唐瘦宋”, “汉颂”,”花儿”,”莲花”,”人之初” ,”画皮”etc. In addition, he has also taken on important roles in dance drama “丽 娘”,” 风筝” and”大禹” where he has been highly acclaimed for his outstanding performance. Apart from dance, Jiang Wei also takes an interest in Chinese Martial Arts. In 2010, he was the runner up in the Taijiquan competition and champion in the Taichi Sword Competition held in Beijing. In 2014, Jiang Wei was invited by the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Dance Theatre 十 (presently Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre) to perform as the male lead in its dance 七 drama “ A Startling Dream”. In 2017, he was invited to collaborate with the company in its fifth core production” HEARTiculation”.

觅“YOU....ME GUEST CHOREOGRAPHER · Alison Kay 知 Artsylum Quinnuance 音 毕业于北方民族大学舞蹈学专业。毕业 客 后加入北京城市当代舞团,担任演员及 编导。 卿 2010年参演现代舞剧《浮生》《水墨》 编 ,担任主要演员及编导。 导 2012年参演舞剧《国色》,首演于国家 大剧院,担任主要演员及编导。 / 担20任13年主参演演及大编型导新。媒自陈陈体本慧善舞兰科汇剧女师自《士从9国岁与尹风习群张》路筝女,芬,士启。女她蒙士于,荣 亚张鹏 梅秀大22舞00奖赞赛11蹈33年)一(》大。加等,2赛0入1二奖担2)空任(等、政2奖主0全文1要(2军)工演2洋新金获华学0舞团、员1约加院艺华,0蹈)全,。坡侨比2荣术0大国参、曾1学誉赛银国5赛舞获贵演年家古院学行州蹈舞全优毕筝-颂艺位剧省大秀国业发。英公术奖《回舞赛于理2国的开0族蹈(红优新组1本皇事8加会科家亚年坡全奖音荣军南。学乐国获 2015年加入侯莹舞蹈剧场。 With the support of the OCBC Local Undergr ance of Mr. Eric Watson, Dr. Zechariah Goh a Zhang Yapeng graduated with a Honors in Daanwcearfdreomd athBeacBheeiflaonr gofUMniuvseircsi(tHyoonfs) from th Nationalities and joined the Beijing City CopnatretmneprosrhaiprywDitahnctheeCRoomypalanCyolalesgae of Music, Choreographer and Dancer in 2010. from NAFA with a Diploma in Music (Distinct Georgette Chen Arts Scholarship. ZHANG was involved in numerous dance performances including dance drama “浮生”, “水墨”, etc, taking on the roles of Acshoarecomgrpaopshietiroannmdaljeoard, hdiasnmceursicinhas been 2010. He also choreographed and performeAdrtisnyltuhme dStarnincge Qdruaamrtaet“a国n色d P”eaonpdle's Associa “国风” in 2012 and 2013 respectively before ejoviennintsgrtahnegCinugltfurroaml atnhdeA4rtthTAroSuEpAeN Festival of the People's Liberation Army Air Force.20H1e1.lHateefrorjmoiendedQuHionunyuianngceD,aancloecal compo Theater as a dancer in 2015. NAFA composition alumni, and has since put including The Arts House Living Room, 10 Sq Yapeng has won himself many prestigious awEsaprdlasn,asduechReacsittahleSStuildvieor. award at the National Hui Ethnic Dance Competition in 2010, Outstanding award in Gui Zhou Province Dance Competition in 2012A,sOauktestyabnodairndgista,whaerdhaisnsuNpaptoiornteadl local Ma Dance Competition in 2013, etc. Ling Kai, and has also played live on local ra His involvement in recent and notable comm appearances at the 2016 and 2017 River Ang 十 pore Botanic Gardens Heritage Festival 2017 八 Stage; as well as National Day Receptions or and hosted by the Singapore Consulate-Gen pore to the People’s Republic of China respe

觅“YOU....ME GUEST DANCER 知 音 舒耀辉毕业于浙江艺术职业学院 客 卿 2016年参演群舞《筑桥舞》《砍花舞》《竹马舞 演 》参加中国“香菇节 ”开幕式演出 员 / 2016年参演群舞《晒晒笔记本》、《口碑》参加 舒 浙江省机关“两学一座”学习教育主题晚会 耀 辉 2017年《凳之龙》参加全国大学生运动会开幕式 2017年作为领舞参演群舞《红船》荣获浙江省大 学生艺术节一等奖;浙江省音乐舞蹈节金奖;浙 江省首届江南舞韵舞蹈大赛十佳作品(综合最高 奖) e Scholarship, and under the guid- 2017年作为领舞参演群舞《定海血壁》荣获浙江 ofessor Alison Kay, Lu Heng was 省大学生艺术节二等奖;浙江省音乐舞蹈节银奖 ang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) in ;浙江省首届江南舞韵舞蹈大赛十佳作品(综合 n 2014. Previously, he graduated 最高奖) 2008 with the support of the 2017年参演群舞《凳之龙》荣获全国职业技能大 赛舞蹈一等奖 med by many groups including the 2017年代表中国前往格鲁吉亚建交25周年仪式 outh Chinese Orchestra, across to the Chingay Parade Singapore 2017年校新苗杯比赛编创独舞《for freedom》荣 collective, in 2012 along with other 获一等奖 public performances at venues @ Orchard Central, as well as the 2018年1月在大型原创舞剧《牡丹亭记》中担任判 官 p artists Tay Kewei, Mandy Ke, and 2018年3月参演《须弥芥子》 edSatnSh9bhde3ya3cFwtmsSo’ohlschforaehFuYpandooEoMtYcauoiAraneinlnanHogscdtyihesefaePtuotalrfiricayurogotspnnof,rmrcoafeShtrpdsyFimeeoutmoitna;pghripstetiarteohiohiisogdunogennhscnrfSalayreAuaimodvnfdwmfegmemaanairZetra-dss.hns,ehy,jeiopladprnopgivnoAirnCtrguthsninhiItnaimi.setYssietatulooftheuptoiwehribftaohesramaalnDstoehogeeuraetlrseentaeaidndndDdhiaianmnngccseeeplr.rfaDiacnutnriptiuenimorgnfboheerirsr.- 十 Xiamen, and Ambassador of Singa- 九 y.

主MAIN DANCER - ZHANG JIAHUI 演 / 张 家 辉 家辉来自中国的湖南常德,毕业于五邑大学舞蹈系。 曾在湖南省歌舞剧院荣获田汉大奖。在大学期间受邀去香港维多利亚湾以及澳门多个演出。 Zhang Jiahui is from Hunan, China. Graduated from Wuyi University, majoring in dance Participated in many dance dramas including \"Breaking the Golden Hill\", \"The Legend of the Gate of the Great River\", \"Ma Le visits the Sky\", and the cultural heritage project \"MAO Long Kuangcao\", which clinched Silver at the Guangdong Lingnan dance competition. Zhang Jiahui is currently a dancer at the Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre 二 十

主MAIN DANCER - ZHANG YIN 演 / 张 银 张银出生于中国云南省大理州,中专就读于广东舞蹈学校六年制中国舞,大学毕业于 云南艺术学院舞蹈教育系,现于新加坡华族舞蹈剧场工作。 曾参加不少校内外舞蹈演出及比赛,包括中俄交流会演出、第二届全国连厢舞蹈邀请 大赛金奖、歌舞中国第三届全国少数民族歌舞汇演金奖等。 Zhang Yin was born in Dali, Yunnan Province, China. With a keen interest in dance, she pursued dance at the Guangdong Dance School, and moved on to earn her degree in Dance (Education) at the Yunnan Arts University. During her school years, she had participated in many school and external dance performances and competitions, and won herself distinguished awards. Zhang Yin is currently a dancer at the Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre. 二 十 一

主MAIN DANCER - WONG ZHUO QIN 演 / 黄 卓 沁 来自马来西亚柔佛古来,毕业于中国南京艺术学院,就读中国民族民间舞表演系,现于 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场工作。 曾参加研究生毕业原创作品演出,中国共产党成立95周年暨红军长征胜利80周年为主题 的——“颂歌献给党”,马来西亚全柔华族舞蹈比赛第一名及最佳服装奖,全国华族舞 蹈观摩赛第二名,全国华族舞蹈独舞公开赛荣获优秀舞蹈员奖等。 Born in Johor, Malaysia, and having a strong interest and passion for dance since a young age, Zhuo Qin pursued her studies in Dance (Performance) Degree in Chinese Ethnic Folk Dance at the Nanjing Arts University. Zhuo Qin has had opportunities to perform in important events during her school years, and she has also returned to Malaysia to take part in the country's dance competitions several times. She has bagged many awards for herself during these competitions. 十 二二 Zhuo Qin is currently a dancer at the Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre.

主MAIN DANCER- CHUNG LAI YEE 演 / 鍾 麗 儀 鍾麗儀生于香港,毕业于香港演艺学院,主修中国舞。现在于新加坡福建会舞蹈团工作 二 。曾参与不少校内中国舞经典剧目的演出,包括《藏心》、《敦煌彩塑》、《黄土黄》 十 、《天净沙》、《八方》、《麦西热甫》、《签》。除此以外,曾获得芭蕾舞奖学金及 三 大型比赛,包括欧洲芭蕾大师班全额奖学金、萨拉索塔芭蕾舞学校奖学金。其中包括上 海芭蕾舞比赛、美国舞蹈大赛。 亦曾与不同舞蹈团合作演作,包括钱秀莲舞蹈团的《舞至善 和世界共舞》、城市当代 舞蹈团的《舞青 DNA》、北京舞蹈双周的《不是双人房》、多空间舞蹈团的《i-Dance 旧舞新单》、香港舞蹈团等。 Born in Hong Kong, Chung Lai Yee (Crystal) graduated at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese Dance. She performed in several Chinese dance pieces in the Academy, including “Hidden Heart”, “Yellow Earth”, “Murals of Dun Huang”, “Autumn Thoughts”, “Eight Way”, “Wedding Mashirapu”, etc. She was honoured to be a scholarship recipient at the European Ballet Intensive Course 2017 and Sarasota Ballet School. She also actively participated in external competitions including the Shanghai Ballet Competition and American Dance Competition. Crystal has had the opportunity to work in various dance companies in Hong Kong including Miranda Chin Dance Company, WuQing DNA 2017 from City Contemporary Dance Company, Y-space Dance Company and Hong Kong Dance Company, etc.

主MAIN DANCER - TAN LING, LYNN 演 / 陳 琳 陈琳从小热爱中国舞,在LaSalle College of the Arts 读专业舞蹈。在读专业时接触 了很多当代舞编导,如此当代舞对陈琳的 作品有很大的影响。 陈琳目前在新加坡华族舞蹈剧场当全职 演员。 Developing a strong passion for Chinese dance since primary school, Lynn decided to venture into the contemporary dance scene through LaSalle College of the Arts and attained her Diploma in Dance. Having mainly worked with contemporary dance artists like Bill T. Jones, Susan Sentler, Elysa Wendi, Yarra Ileto, Lee Jaeyoung, Christina Chan and Aymeric Bichon, Lynn's works are heavily influenced by the contemporary arts. Lynn is now pursuing her passion for Chinese dance as a full-time dancer with Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre. 二 十 四

新SINGAPORE CHINESE DANCE THEATRE YOUTH WING 加 陈修齐 Zina Tan Xiu Qi 坡 华 葉錦雯 Yip Jin Wen 舞族 蹈 林俐儀 剧 Ling Li Yi Adoncia 曾钦崟 Sugianto Alexxys Qin Yin 陈靖怡 场 Nadya Diandra Chandra 青 年 团 吴珍仪 陈美琴 Goh Chen Yee Tan May Kim 郑静汶 Tay Chien Wen 谭芷殷 Tam Chi Yan 卓曦 Chloe Zhuo 刘心宁 张彤薇 Lew Xinning Teo Tong Wei

鸣 谢 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 成诗呈剧觅《知音》演出能顺利成功举行,我们衷心感谢下列机构及 社会人士给予我们的大力支持: We would like to thank the following organisations and individuals for their generous support in making “Crossings A Double Bill” a success 协助 Supported by 新加坡国家艺术理事会 National Arts Council 新加坡文化捐献配对基金 Cultural Matching Fund 新加坡博彩公司 Singapore Pools 新加坡赛马公会 Singapore Turf Club 新加坡赛马博彩管理局艺术基金 Tote Board Arts Fund 新加坡福建会馆 Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan 福建基金 The Hokkien Foundation 观音堂佛祖庙 Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple 百盛卡 PAssion Card 宣传媒体 Media Support 海峡时报The Straits Times 早报副刊《现在》Zaobao NOW 特别鸣谢 Special Thanks To Ann Lim Sew Howa 巫崇玮 Boo Chong Wei, Benjamin 许作林 David Koh Chak Lim 李耀强伉俪 Mr & Mrs Edwin Lee 陈美锜 Elizabeth Chan Mei-Qi Stage Image 林振发 Lim Chin Huat 杨锡鹏 Yeo Siak Hong 蔡玉环 Cai Yuhuan 张春媛 Zhang Chunruan 更少不了关怀与支持舞蹈剧场的董事、执行委员、舞蹈晚会全体工作委员、协 助台前幕后的工作人员、义工、全体演员及观众。 Not forgetting, we would also like to thank SCDT’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Working Committee, crews, volunteers, dancers, and audiences for your support and hard work. 支持单位 指定优惠卡 指定售票处 Supported by Official Privilege Card Official Ticketing Agent Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre is supported by the National Arts Council under the Major Company Scheme for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2022. 6589 9501 [email protected] /singaporecdt Should you not want to retain this programme, you may return it to us so we can recycle it for our next show. Let's go eco-friendly. Thank you.

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