NEW SPIRIT OF EVEREST Raising a voice with single motto: “Education for quality education and discipline” the school highlights some reforms in its academic administration. School administration is now proud of its perfect team spirit of highly qualified, experienced, dedicated and well trained faculty members under the pre- established systems of our school with the speed of time change. Our mission of academic goal is also gradually turning towards some more reforms for a potent administration and expert management. In this regard school management expects its staff, faculty members, incharges and students to be influential in their responsibilities and duties. All the faculty members are requested to feel with “OURS” for everything of school. Our school and then our system, our rules and regulations, our strategies and our code of conducts are our common norms and values to extend and flourish school’s pre-determined goal. All the faculty members are the important family members of our school. They are kindly requested and required to hold the assigned responsibilities and code of conduct as a professional person for their punctual and expertise. Here are three major categories of conducts and guidance which will absolutely assist everyone to establish themselves as excellent professional faculty members: A. General Response and Codes B. Specific Response and Codes C. Pedagogic/ Teaching Response and Codes General Response and Codes of Conduct: All the class teachers, subject teachers, concerned faculty members, executive body, level wise incharges and service support staff are hereby requested and required to follow the undermentioned codes of conduct as their prime responsibilities during the formal school hours or programmes whenever PRATIVA takes place. Let it be memorized that systems once formed and applied are not only for the others but it also binds everyone formally in the proper track. Code I:- Timing and Get up of teachers: 9:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. is strict time duration for all the faculty members to be present in the school and get them to involve in the pre-determined duties and responsibilities. Morning, recess, tiffin and bus and other necessary duties of teachers are fixed by the school administration.
A teacher’s formal Getup or outlook is an influential part in teaching learning sector. So, school management vividly denies unusual wearing, hairstyle, nails, shoes etc. Code II:- Bus service: Bus service should ensure safety up to date. Bus driver and co-driver should use polite and sympathy language to the students. Co- driver must help the students to cross the road safely. A separate orientation, dress code and rules are formulated for the driver and co-driver. Bus monitors are nominated to control the unwanted activities of students in the bus. Teachers who are using bus services are also made responsible to manage bus students in a systematic and effective manner. As per the time and need GPS, CCTV etc are also managed in order to make it more advanced and effective. Different shift/route/queue etc can be managed according to the time/volume of students/school hours. Music/drama dialogue etc can be used to make the bus journey effective. Code III:- Greeting and students reception: Greeting is a prime norm of PRATIVA that reveals everyone to roll up themselves in conversation and it helps to develop intimacy among teachers and students as well as guardians and other stakeholders. So, teachers should use polite and courtesy behavior to the stakeholders. Teachers are also responsible to guide the small children to their respective class rooms. Class teachers are also responsible to wish birthday of each students and provide birthday cards as provided by the school administration.. Code IV:- Assembly Skills: Morning assembly is conducted from 10 am to 10:10 am by preparing the list of assembly and non assembly days. All the academic faculty members must have the skills for conducting the assembly in the morning programmee as far as possble. Music, PT, student’s short speech, questions of the day, news for the day, guest performance, Friday presentation, house wise performance can be conducted by getting prior approval from ECA coordinator. Judgment is made accordingly and best performers are rewarded. Code V:- Recess/Tiffin: After the second period 5 minutes break is provided to the students. DI and other teachers are responsible to observe the activities of the students during the break time. During the tiffin time, a separate space for each class can be managed for students to take their tiffin in an effective manner. Teachers are also assigned as per their leisure period for break, tiffin and other activities of students when and necessary.
Code VI:- Use of Science Lab, Computer Lab and Projector for AV and Library: These are highly sensitive properties of our school. These areas are not kept open and free for all without consulting the concerned department heads or the activities concerned to labs are handled under the supervision of concerned authorized faculty members. IT team of school is responsible to handle AV room and computer lab. For the scientific use of resources of computer lab, science lab and library, the concerned heads are made responsible. Display of hardware of computer can be made from the useless and scrap computers. Donate a book campaign can be launched to promote the resources of library. The number of books are added which are essential for the students to improve their reading habit. Computer lab or library can be developed as a “Public Learning Centre.” The lab, library and other physical infrastructure of plus two can also be used for other classes when and necessary. Code VII:- Response to Parents/Guardians: Informal visit and unnecessary exaggeration of any matters to the guardians are strictly prohibited from the staff. Without consulting school authority none of the staff is required to convey imaginary or ideological message to the parents rather the staff should advise the interested one to consult the school administration for better clearance of their confusions of any kinds. Dealing with parents should go in a formative, hopeful, believable and suggestive ways. Term wise guardian interaction should be held in an effective manner. It is the prime duty of the school to give optimum satisfaction to the guardians by dealing them tactfully. Annual planning for guardians meeting for different levels should be managed. Students, real performance is provided to the guardians by presenting authentic data. Class wise/ Level wise record of the same is mentioned for future planning purpose. Code VIII:- Communication: Effective communication system is adopted in order to provide information of school to the stakeholders. Face book page, Web page, letters, electronic media etc are used for communication for which simplicity, conciseness, effectiveness, originality and correctness of languages are taken in to considerations. Code IX:- ECA/CCA/Social Service: ECA and CCA activities are launched according to school calendar. For this, ECA committee/ECA incharge is responsible to prepare a separate schedule to conduct various ECA/CCA programme systematically. ECA Inchage can manage necessary flex, banner etc to make it effective.
Term letter, news letter, performance report etc. are publishes time and again. For the encouragement of students running shield and other shield can be awarded. For this propose media partner can be managed. Code X:- Class Room: In order to make class room activities effective, the following things are to be taken into mind. ● A new word/new sentence is given everyday. ● CAS/CPS is adopted. ● Class decoration programmee is launched. ● The policy of speaking class room is taken as consideration. ● Class room is made neat and clean. ● Educational materials can be pasted in the wall of class room and they are evaluated frequently and best materials are rewarded. Code XI:- Home Work Policy: Regular homework for students is given in such a way that the students can attempt it within maximum of two hours. Home work register is mentioned in every classes to ensure balance of homework. Teachers are responsible to check/correct homework copy at least two times in a week but in case of Pre-primary level homework should be checked regularly. Code XII:-Provision of Leave and Domestic Work Management: Leave of any sort is not a right but it is a facility granted by school management. Only 15 days leave facility is provided to all the staff in a whole year. Prior and genuine application is to be approved by the school principal to be granted any leave. Individual domestic work or any essential official works of their own should be planned and managed to be done during school’s holidays so that the staff may not be in need of taking leave during school hours. Code XIII:-Mobile Phone Use: Teachers should not carry mobile phone inside the classroom and no staff should make any phone call in the presence of students during the school hours. Phone call can be forwarded to the concerned teachers from reception incase of emergency. Code XIV:- See-off Duties: All the teachers, incharges and executive body should inevitably enroll themselves in the see-off duties declared by the school administration time and again. Code XV:- Punishment: None of the staff or faculty members is allowed to apply any sort of physical punishment and harassment to the students.
Rather, students are to be psychologically motivated and inspired towards learning. Code XVI:- Proper use of school’s Property: All the staff should take care of any sorts of school’s property used frequently or handled particularly. All the staff have to guide and motivate the students for proper use of school’s property as if their own. Code XVII:- Politicization and Rude Dialogue: No staff is liable to a voice in the support or against of any political stream or by forming groups to behave rudely inside the school premises or within school hour. Teachers can use their social media profile gently so that any sort of political symptoms is reflected to the outsiders linking with institution even though teachers have right in political thought being an concisions citizen of a nation. Code XVIII:- Co-operation and Self-respect: All the staff and faculty members are always appealed to maintain their conscience, sincerity, respect, affection, determination and co-operation for developing a better and sound academic environment. Code XIX:- Moral Behaviour: Highly positive, mostly cooperative, active, dedicative and polite moral behaviour among the staff are practically expected from the school management. Code XX:- Staff and Departmental/Sectional Meeting: Generally the staff meeting is to be held on the last Friday of every month and departmental and sectional meeting is also organized accordingly. But the school authority can organize the meetings when and necessary. Separate meeting can be organized for non teaching and service support staff. All the teaching faculty members and non-teaching staff should compulsorily attend the meeting jointly or separately to resolve the ongoing problems or to get efficient guidance and instruction of their work field. All the staff are equally important to express their own for general discussion and proper solutions. Let the staff be memorized that the general meeting will be held with the chairmanship of the principal or the chairperson of the school management committee. The record of such meeting is mentioned. General meeting concerns to: a. Academic Faculty Members b. Non-academic Staff (Transport, Service supporters……) Code XXI:- English Environment: It is to bear in mind that English language is the major means of communication and instruction in the classroom or in
the school premises. Therefore, all the teachers are required to apply English language but it is not supposed to be obligatory for all the non-teaching staff and Nepali language teachers. In order to make English environment effective English Department of school can formulate a distinct policy. Code XXII:-Executive Body(Operational Team): Operational team of the school consists of Managing Director Principal, Vice Principal, ECA Incharges, Administrator, Level wise Incharges and HODs of the subject committee. The body mainly focuses on coordination of departmental works and maintains effective sectional roles for the betterment of academic and administrative sectors of the school. Code XXIII:- Account/ Reception:- Account and reception staff should be made responsible in their duties in order to provide prompt services to the guardians and other school staff. Staff should be made honest and ownership bearing. If students have 3 or more month’s due, its report should be given to the concerned authority. A monthly report of financial activities is prepared and submitted to the top management of the school for necessary action. Code XXIV:- Students Information:- A detailed information of students is made by the IT team of the school so that it can give quick and prompt information of students regarding dues, studies, behaviours, terminal result as well as cumulative result of the students and other necessary information when required. Code XXV:- Promotion:- For the promotion of school, various social and electronic media can be used effectively and efficiently. Different activities are published as per the day, occasion and so n. Code XXVI:- Medical Bay:- As per the need and time, a medical bay is managed in order to provide first aid services to the students. Code XXVII:- IT:- As per the need and time, a IT team is managed along with a expert of concerned matter. This team is responsible for the overall administrative , educational, ECA and CCA management of the school. This team is responsible to provide required data to the users when and where necessary.
Specific Response and Code of Conduct It mainly consists the rights and prime duties of class teachers, subject teachers, HODs… I. Class Teacher’s Prime Roles and Duties: a. Be punctual in timing and develop leadership skills confidently. b. Get your entry to your class room 15 minutes before the assembly bell. c. Observe overall class room situation and check homework diary, notes and books. d. Share your feeling and listen to every student’s feeling and their problem e. Observe class room problem and try your best to solve it soon. f. On the assembly day, move to the ground along with your class room students in a disciplined way. g. After assembly lead your students to your class room directly. h. Motivate the students psychologically and draw their attention to you. i. Take attendance quickly and make direct phone call in your leisure time to the absentees who are absent without information. j. Motivate the students to be in proper outlook, discipline and personal hygiene. k. Be able to identify and reveal the students’ hidden potentiality and talent by which they can do much on extra activities. l. Select one Boys’ captain and one Girls’ captain observing their confident level. m. Grant them certain authority and duties to maintain their classroom disciplined even in the absence of teachers. n. Manage systematic procedure for the students’ outing pass from the class. o. Give proper guidelines to captains to prepare the whole day’s report exactly. p. Motivate all the students to check their materials before departure to home. q. Keep detail record of yearly history of all the students including their merit points/cards and demerit points/cards which will help you to get their exact and actual progress in the school. r. Keep detail record of student’s academic progress on class test, monthly test and term exams. s. Motivate the students to keep the class-room clean and maintain healthy. t. Relay the day to day information announced or declared by school administration clearly.
u. Motivate the students for self-respect, respect to elders and love to juniors. v. Present yourself as a principal of the class to resolve all the problems seen around the class-rooms. w. Formative, believable, hopeful and suggestive role is expected while dealing parents. x. Prepare guardians complain record and report it to the Principal or Vice Principal for solution. y. Mention the home work policy so that students get equal homework for every class running days. z. As a counselor of students, a class teacher should regularly motivate them on their productive works and behaviours. aa.A class teacher has overall response. A class teacher is a leader, a ruler, a judge, a manager, an observer, an examiner, a reporter, a monitor, a psychologist, a counselor, an advisor, a supervisor, a helper, a coordinator, a messenger, a defender, a speaker and so on of his/her class for any response. bb. Result preparation and strong role to make a unique presence of all the parents on every result day to receive progress cards are equally expected. II. Rights and Duties as a subject Teacher: If students like their subject teacher, they like their subjects, they like to read the subjects, they like to make notes on the subjects and they feel proud to interact on it. Compulsory Codes for Subject Teacher: I. Students’ Belief on the Teacher: The first and the most important merit of a teacher is how far the students believe you as a subject teacher. Always try your best to establish yourself as a source of knowledge. II. Raise up students’ interest on your subject: Students should be clear why they are learning the particular subject. Also state the future benefit of the study of the subject. III. Teacher’s Complexion or Confidence: A subject teacher should be energetic, confident and innovative while entering the classroom and should present the activities more practically and interactively.
IV. Course Plan: It is a yearly planning of syllabus depending on the time allotment for the 1st term, 2nd term, 3rd term and annual exam. In our yearly plan, 30, 55, 80 and 100 percent course should be planned for the 1st term, 2nd term, 3rd term and final exam respectively. The course plan should be more specific, well planned, accurate, time based and inevitable regarding the volume of the course content to be completed within a year. V. Lesson Plan: Lesson plan is an obligatory pre-plan of a topic for a subject teacher. It should be objective based by which a teacher completes his presentation within 40/45 minutes. While preparing lesson plan, student centered techniques of learning (interaction, students participation, learning by doing, material use etc.) have to be included. VI. Knowledge of Specification Grid: Concerned subject teacher must have course content, specification grid and question model of the concerned subject for the purpose of yearly planning of course and selection of questions in the exams too. VII. Answer sheet checking: All the subject teachers should prepare answering scheme with marks allotment. On the basis of the scheme, answer sheets are accurately and sincerely checked. VIII. Classroom Activities and Teacher’s Presentation: Commanding and clear voice of teacher, highly active students, individual touch with the student, rounding movement of the teacher, interactive mood of students, problem presentation on the white board, searching the ways to resolve from students’ participation, enjoyment on learning, suitable examples, logic and connection of students’ previous knowledge to the present topic, emphasis for the student’s productive skills, coverage of whole class room situation into to the range of teacher’s vision etc. are the prime and essential activities during the classroom teaching. IX. Notes, Homework and Class Work Copies: All the subject teachers should guide their students to make an excellent note copy and classwork or homework copy. Home assignment is regularly observed and note copies are checked once a week. Do remember that subject teacher must guide the students for attractive handwriting to put in
their work. Also instruct and observe them that the note copies and books are kept safe or not timely. X. Response of Subject Head (HODs): All the HODs should call departmental meeting once a month including department members for the better coordination, uniformity, methodology, decisions and strategic action to apply for the immediate need. XI. Home tuition:- No staff or faculty members are generally allowed to invite students or to take any kinds of Home tuition classes for the student of PRATIVA without prior permission of schools authority. Teaching Method and Technique as a Pedagogic Conduct: Technique for teaching the textbooks differs subject to subject. Teacher should understand that all the prescribed textbooks have been set under certain verified methods. Here we present some important techniques of pedagogy that will certainly help the subject teachers for the actual transmission of knowledge. Single technique and single ideology may not be sufficient enough to influential technique and learning behavior of students. The school management in this regard presents three major categories of techniques to be applied in the class room teaching. a. Language Teaching Skills/ Technique b. Conceptual skills/ Techniques c. Mathematical/ Statistical Skills d. Basic Norms a. Montessori :- Existing system b. Nursery to Upper K.G:- CPS c. Class I to III:- CAS d. Class IV as a model class e. STEAM as a future plan Language Teaching Skills: Within this skill, English and Nepali subjects can be best presented if the four skills; Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are regularly applied into the classroom. Listening and Speaking Skills: Teacher should speak clearly in standard language norms along with proper volume of sound. The knowledge of Phonetic Symbols with actual pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds is a must. All the students should be well motivated and attentive to the bold voice of teacher.
Plans and Actions for the Listening and Speaking Skills: a. Selection of interested topics/ lessons (poem, stories, factual events, songs, life related and familiar practical situations) b. Oral presentation from the teacher on a topic. c. Connection to real life situation to the selected topic. d. Student’s participation on searching interesting facts from the sources (News media, friends, parents, teachers etc.) can be made teaching materials for listening development since the students are appreciated and promoted on this activities. e. Participatory Role on Self Interested Topic: Speaking about family, school, story, poem, interesting places, sudden events, relatives, one’s introduction and daily activates can be made preliminary sources of speaking development. f. Freedom for Interaction in the Classroom: Problem presentation on white board by the teacher and students’ concept on the problems are highly beneficial to centralize their attention towards learning. g. Use of listening tools: Sound recording, tape recording and audio and visual assist students for developing speaking and listening power. h. Eloquence, Speech, Debate and Event Description: To enhance speaking power above mentioned activities are aptly useful, if these four items are regularly practiced. i. Development of native like tongue:- Preparation of teacher on pronunciation, use of YouTube search, visual/audio presentation on lab/AV room. Documentary in native setting/historical/cultural/geographical information etc are to be made sources of teaching/learning behaviour. Reading and Writing Skills These two skills are productive skills which the students show in their language performance. These skills are practically applied only when the receptive skills (Listening and Speaking) are completed. Process of Reading Skills a. Teacher collects new and complex vocabulary on the board for students practice. b. Teacher reads text or paragraph in standard language norm. c. Students are motivated to listen and follow up teacher’s pronunciation. d. It is to be repeated until the students are perfect in well production.
e. If students get perfection in single topic or single text, they can generalize next texts themselves. f. Let them read interesting texts (poems, songs, stories, incidents, jokes etc.) in primary stages which will help to read the rest of the texts. Writing Skills Development a. Alphabets identification with sound pronunciation b. Alphabets use to form words (noun, verbs, objects…..) c. Words are used to form noun phrases, adj.+noun phrases and finally sentence structures formation d. Syntax structure for very common form with practical examples like S+V+O and S+Aux+V1+Obj. Activities j. Matching Items….(book-----Reading) (Water---Drinking) ii. Write an Odd one out….. (Orange, Grapes, School) e. True or False Items (Reading and Writing True or False) f. Synonyms and antonyms finding. g. Rearranging the sentences in correct order from initial to final. h. Guided writing in sentences and short paragraphs i. Dictation and observation intensively j. Free writing with clues in box (on the general topics like family, school, parents, places and creation of paragraphs on moral stories, biography etc.) k. Free writing without guidelines (essay, routine, autobiography etc.) l. Teacher will give right guidelines and spot correction with addition and suggestion. m. Regular observation and do simplify to difficult text in intelligible forms, soon. Conceptual Skills (Social, HPE, Health, Science) a. Voice of Teacher: Clear voice of teacher linguistically with high personality. b. Global Minded Teacher: Concerned teacher should have comprehensive knowledge of the text regarding words, sentences, paragraphs exercises and figures topics to the whole before starting the text or lesson in the classroom. c. Teacher and Textbook: A really good teacher never depend on the text book in the classroom as like a student rather he/she is a global textbook himself/herself to spread or transmit information and
knowledge. But he/she must filter the requirements in his or her daily lesson plan of the lesson selected for teaching units. d. Class Presentation: Highly motivated classroom, warmed up students, individual touch with the students, lesson presented on the whiteboard, main objectives and items of the lesson in a systematic order, presentation of the relevant teaching materials, preplanning of teaching items and so on are very primary jobs of the concerned teacher for the smooth run of the class. e. Contextual Vocabulary: Well practice of nearly 200 contextual words of the concerned subject prior the lesson commencement. f. Presentation: Self-presentation of the lesson by the teacher. g. Questions/Answer: Search for extra questions and answers of the lesson. h. Experiments: Theoretical Knowledge with experimental presentation. i. Creative: Combining the theory and real situations in daily life (text, experiments, visual knowledge, field visits, media etc.) “The aforementioned activities certainly make a teacher successful in teaching learning activities.” Statistical or Mathematical Teaching Skills It is both conceptual and activity oriented stream and both skills are equally important in learning or teaching. For a successful learning and knowledge transmission, the following points are to be psychologically applied in the classroom. a. Motivation: Mentally classroom should be motivated to learning behaviour. b. Concept Development: Teacher should not enter directly to exercise rather he/she gives actual concept of the selected topic. Connect the topic with student’s pre experience, present the topic on the white board and gather various information to support the topics by involving the students in interaction. Some practical examples can be presented. Practise the definition, principles and fundamental formulae for derivation practically before starting solution/exercise. As far as possible, the teacher should present the lesson through figures and drawings. c. Lead Question Method: It is a useful method of learning by searching/doing where students involve themselves in the activities. This
method helps students for: self-creativeness, self-searching, self-solving any problem, home reading environment, knowledge development, developing the sharing habits and finding the reality, developing the central idea of the topic, familiarizing new topic, full preparation of teacher on the topic, prior search of future topic/ course. Process for the method: i) Teachers present quite new and central problem from the next lesson. ii) Teachers provide some clues of solutions to the problems. iii) Students search the new items and collect importantly the required information for the solution. iv) All or some students will read their work in the class. v) Teachers delete or annexe some more items for the better and strong answers. vi) All the students get share of answers mutually in the class for their self confidence and better solutions. d. Teacher’s Presentation: Teacher should present some conceptual examples to make the topic meaningful. e. Teaching Materials: Relevant teaching materials or real objects have to be presented for any teaching item/lesson. f. Materials collections: Teachers themselves and students should search or collect the relevant materials by self construction and buying from market. g. Guidelines/Solution of Exercise: Teacher should utilize their experience, skills and previous knowledge along with his scientific guidelines while solving problems. h. Figure/Drawing: Draw Mathematical figures in suitable shape and size with apt signs and symbols clearly on the board. i. Selection of Problems: Select comparatively easier and identical problems of exercise to present and solve in initial state of class which will assist students for the solution of complex problems later. j. Free Interaction: Teacher should create the environment on which the students feel free to consult and raise their problems with the teacher for better solution and understanding.
k. Class work: After each presentation/solution of teacher, one identical question should be given to solve in the classroom and during students’ solution teacher should observe and guide with feedback around the students in the class. Specific focus should go to the weaker students during the period. l. Homework: Students should be encouraged to do their assignment themselves instead of copying down from others. m. Placement of Teacher: Placement of a teacher while teaching and presenting the lesson on the whiteboard, should be in such a position that his/her body does not block/ obstruct students to see clearly. n. Teacher’s writing: Board marker use and handwriting of the teachers must be legible enough to fetch the students eyes in it. o. Revision/Note: At the end of the lesson, students should prepare note with the help of class work/homework copy on which students have made lots of practice. It is an indirect revision for students. p. Mathematical instruments: All the students should have managed geometric instruments, calculator, pencils etc. according to the context of text book. Rights and Duties of Head of Department. (HODS) ● Specific course plan annually, termly, monthly and daily. ● Specified grid and course identification. ● Question setting and modeling as per grid. ● Sampling correction of answer sheet in every terms. ● At least top five answer sheets of each class will be checked or re-checked in every exam. ● Preparation of monthly report of the concerned department. ● Class observation, suggestion and necessary feedback to the members. ● Set a chain of methodology from lower to upper level classes. ● Maximum use of instructional materials in teaching and learning process. ● Inter co-ordination on exam committee and other departments. ● At least monthly meeting in department. ● Proper guidelines to the new member and regular one. ECA Roles and response:
ECA (Extra curricular Activates) is a strong and separate section of our academic program. Main objective of this section is to identify hidden talents of students on various additional performances and to run the program systematically. According to the scheduled academic calendar, the ECA committee provides equal opportunities to all the students being impartial and transparent in decision making of the results. For any particular program ECA board will manage and set its requirements only with a consent of the Principal of the school. ECA board finalizes every ECA result of the contestants and will keep proper records in ECA register cumulatively. Students' performances and results are verified by the Principal, concerned authorities and ECA Incharge before the result announcement. ECA Committee 1. ECA Incharge 2. All the levelwise Incharges 3. Administrator 4. Representative of Jury member of the concerned program. ECA committee is responsible to facilitate all the participants and students to take part in external and internal ECA programs. Note:- All the faculty members are requested and required to assist the programs of ECA along with their responsibilities in time. Questions for Exams. 1. Observe thoroughly the subject grid and sample model of questions. 2. Calculate the full marks, pass marks and marks carried by each question and sub question. 3. Questions to be set in a measurable form which has to address unique answers. 4. Questions should target to the standard answers regarding handwriting, figures, volume, lining etc.. 5. Nature and complexity of questions: 50% Average Knowledge and understanding 40% Higher Ability based questions 10% Extra Higher Ability questions 6. Questions to be submitted to the concerned authority in electronic devices i.e. pen-drive or CD in need and declaration. 7. Concerned HODs have right to moderate the questions or to reset in standard form/norms. 8. Course allotment for the term wise questions
1st Term Exam:- 100% from completed topics 2nd Term Exam:- 40% from the 1st term syllabus and 60% from the 2nd term’s syllabus 3rd Term Exam:- 20% from the 1st term’s syllabus , 20% from the 2nd term’s syllabus and 60% from the 3rd term’s syllabus Final Exam:- 20% from the 1st term’s syllabus , 20% from the 2nd term’s syllabus, 20% from the 3rd term’s syllabus and 40% from the Final term’s syllabus Teachers’ code as an Invigilator in the Exam Hall Under mentioned and assigned duties as the codes of invigilators are expected to adopt during exam hour. 1. All the teachers may not generally take leave of any kinds during the exam period except unavoidable circumstances. 2. All the teachers are to present in the school premises before 9:30 A.M. 3. Invigilators won’t check the answer script in the exam hall. 4. Question papers are distributed to the examinees only after the exam bell goes for exam commencement. 5. Invigilators are requested to check the name, class, symbol no./ roll no properly before putting the signature in the answer scripts. 6. Invigilators won’t sit on the seats of examinees. Instead they have to inspect and supervise the writing style and other necessary things of the students frequently during the exam period and encourage the examinees to complete all the questions in time. 7. Invigilators wouldn’t read newspapers, magazines and other materials during the exam hour or inside the examination hall. 8. Invigilators wouldn’t leave the exam hall during the exam hour except in an unavoidable circumstance. If necessary, they have to replace a substitution for invigilation. 9. Invigilators should check the seat arrangement and other necessary things like stationeries. Admit-cards etc. before distributing the answers scripts. 10. Invigilators are given the authority to change the seat, to provide consequence like deducting nominal marks as per the fault committed, taking them out from the exam hall etc. only if the examinees are found to be doing illegal activities and violating the norms of the exam.
11. Invigilators can permit the examinees for outing for any essence only after the completion of one hour. Examinees cannot spend more than two minutes for the same purpose. 12. Invigilators are requested to count the answer scripts correctly before submitting them to the exam department. 13. Invigilators should give regular information about time allocated for each subject to the examinees. They are also requested to encourage the students to utilize the time properly. 14. Concerned subject teachers need to confirm the no. of students present in the exam through the attendance of the students before collecting answer scripts for the exam purpose. 15. Invigilators are to fill up the attendance sheet as instructed by the exam department. 16. Subject teachers won’t make any correction in the exam hall. Instead they have to make necessary correction beforehand of the exam commencement. Do Draw Examinees’ Attention on the following Rules: 1. Examinees are required to fill up the examinees corner in the answer sheet appropriately as well as on additional paper too. 2. Examinees are required to be disciplined, sincere and self dependent in the exam hall. 3. All answers must be written in neat, clean, attractive and legible handwriting by the examinees. 4. Examinees are required to write the Symbol Number in the answer script in both words and figures clearly. 5. No extra papers are provided for rough work. They are required to use the same paper on right hand side for essential purpose. 6. Do not tear any pages from the answer script. 7. Do not write anything on the question papers except the correction made by teachers. 8. Examinees are not allowed to go out from the exam hall before an hour of the commencement of the exam for any purpose. 9. Examinees are required to utilize the full allocated time of the examination period. 10. Blue ink is recommended for the examination. Bulb pens/Gel pens are totally prohibited.
11. Additional paper must be signed by the invigilator before stitching it properly with the main answer sheet . 12. Examinees must leave an inch margin on left hand side and a half inch margin on right hand side of each page of answer script. 13. Always have a line gap or draw lines after the completion of answer of each question. 14. Examinees must write on the both sides of the pages except the front cover page. 15. Examinees should bring their own stationery materials like geometry box , calculator etc. 16. Examinees involving in illegal activities like cheating, teaching, asking, disturbing etc. in the exam hall will be strictly dealt with. 17. Students are not allowed to use correction pen (Ti-pex) in the answer scripts. 18. Re-test will not be given until and unless a student presents a genuine application with their guardian / their signature in time. 19. Re-Test will be given after the completion of written exam as per previous exam-routine. 20. Students are required to bring the books and note copies of the next day’s subject for a good preparation in the school. Codes for students in Teachers conscience: 1. Students must enter the school compound within 9:30 to 9:45 a.m. They can depart after the completion of the classes at 4 p.m. 2. Students have to come to school in proper uniform as declared by the school administration. They should be up-to-date in their personal hygiene, neatly ironed clothes, very short hair, trimmed nails, smoothly polished shoes, etc. Moreover, girls must come by combing their hair with the white ribbon’s plates in two sides. 3. Completion of homework and assignment is essential. All the required textbooks, exercise copies and other stationery materials should be brought up according to the concerned routine. 4. All the students are appealed to maintain their conscience, sincerity, respect, affection, cooperation, determination and so on. 5. To achieve mastery over spoken English, both teachers and students should always communicate in English. Whilst this rule will not be applicable to non-teaching staff, sports and Nepali language teachers, it
is to be strictly adhered to within the school buildings and in school environment. 6. Students should maintain absolute silence during the assembly and while remaining in the class, library, lab, dancing hall, games & ECA programmes. 7. Students can't move outside the school compound during school hours. Incase of urgency, permission can be granted by the authorized persons. 8. Side talk, unnecessary volume of sound, eating anything in the classroom is strictly prohibited during the school hours. 9. Non of the students is allowed to leave the classes while their lessons have been running. 10. In the absence or delay of related teachers, the class captain can complain to the authorized persons for the immediate management. 11. Students must send their application along with the signature of their parents incase of urgency or sickness. Absence for more than 7 days without information, can be supposed to be expelled from the school. 12. The goods found on the way or in the school compound should be submitted to the authorized persons. 13. Students with loose characters and bad behavior are immediately expelled from the school if the case is sure. 14. Every student should be punctual enough for paying his or her fees. 15. Students aren't allowed to wear any valuable articles and jewelries. But they can be permitted to come along with little pocket money declared by school authority every year. 16. No one can affiliate or involve in any association or groups. 17. If students fail in the same class for two years continuously, he/she will not be allowed to continue the classes. 18. The students with sincere morality and discipline will be awarded but the students with bad character are supposed to be punished in the presence of their parents. 19. Class captain should maintain their classrooms quite silence and supportive for learning process. They also have to guide their new- classmates to familiarize the school's environment and system. 20. No student without prior notice to captains can go out for outer functions (drinking water, toilet). But the captain should permit at least two students (one boy and one girl) at a time. 21. School diary has to be carried out into daily use to record homework by every student.
22. Daily assignment reflects the identity of an active student so, the students are required to attend the school with complete homework everyday. Class operation program for early 2 days of new session: (Role of Class teacher and subject teachers) First Day ( Class room entry and practices) * Teachers first entrance determines entire efficiency and students beliefs. * Welcome to all the new and regular students for the new academic session. * Observe the whole class. (Setting& seats, Board, placements........) * Class with impressive motivation and introduction. * Record of new students and familiarize them to the system of school. * Concentrate the students individually for the class room activities. * Use a page for temporary attendance record in alphabetical order. * Find out probable number of absentees and give positive pressure to attend the class next day * All the exercise books (copies) should be managed according to newly published specified subjects. ������Two copies for each subjects, one for homework/ class work and other for special note ������ four line handwriting copy up to class -V * Request the students not to write anything without teacher's instructions in note copies. * Keep the records of the text books they have brought and emphasize them to bring and prepare for next day. * Teacher should describe the importance of their subject in their real life situation. * The teacher should get himself to encourage in the previous and basic course related problems during the class hour. * First day's period ends up with joy and happiness by following the above information. * Uniform, personal hygiene etc are to be checked and suggested to be up-to date for the next days. * If any problems are found, consult the school administration for the better solutions.
(Students up to class III use pencil and class IV upwards use only blue inked pen for uniformity) Second Day (Class room entry and practices) * Classes have to be highly motivated and students are to be concentrated towards the teacher. * The teacher recalls the preceding days' instructions in brief and observe the class setting placement again. * Instruct the students for handwriting system with drawings, mathematical signs etc. regarding their subjects. * Observe the writing style of all the students and give necessary guidance for betterment of the writing and its system in Prativa * Only the correct answers are recorded in the note copies with the advice of teachers. * Teachers presents some important school rules partly concerning to the measure points * Teacher centers for practicing the previous and important lesson/ problems required to present in the class as basic contents. * If possible, provide (1 to 4 problems as homework for each class.) * Record the reasons for re-setting the sections in every class and try to maintain a scientific balance in all the classes according to the students' numbers. * Familiarize the new comers to the school circumstances and system. * All the staff are kindly requested to guide the new staff who are less familiar to the system of PRATIVA. * The subject/class teachers are advised to inform the students about the regular class to be held from next day. Note:- 1. If the teachers find any critical problems during the teaching periods, they are cordially requested to consult the school administration. 2. All the teachers should give best idea to prepare the daily report of every class. 3. At the end of school program, all the class and subject teachers are requested to submit oral or written comments of whole day for the betterment of teaching and learning activities. Frame for note copies: i) Setting additional cover of copy for its protection. ii) Detail personal profile inside/ in the first page. iii) Objectives of the subject in brief. iv) Contents of course
v) Questions model and marks allotment in brief. vi) Fundamental guide line/ formulae of the subjects. vii) Unit-I Topic - Objectives - Definition - Exercise Let it be memorized that above mentioned codes are not easily and cheaply achieved rather they need devotion, habits and qualitative instructors. A professional teacher must have decided it to sacrifice for the overall betterment of the both institution and self. Flourishment of an institution in the society where it remains ever requires quality teacher ahead. A strong question may arise what is the degree of quality in a teacher. In this regards, the following features will help to promote everyone to be an ideal teacher. Qualities of a good teacher There is no denying that all the teachers have their own unique blend of hundreds of qualities. Each teacher is different, but virtually every good teacher has the under mentioned twenty-five codes of quality. 1. A good teacher is accountable: Hold yourself before holding your students. If you don’t allow your students to chew gum in your class, than you shouldn’t chew gum either. 2. A good teacher is adaptable: If half the class don’t understand a particular concept, then you can’t move on and must quickly come up with a better way to teach that concept. 3. A good teacher is caring: A good teacher must figure out the personalities and interest of each student and incorporate components that concept with individual. 4. A good teacher is compassionate: Recognizing that your students have problems inside or outside of school and making the necessary adjustment to help them through those issues. 5. A good teacher is cooperative: The ability to work effectively with administrations, other teachers, and parents for the good of their students. 6. A good teacher is creative: A good teacher must be able to create lessons that grab their students’ attention and make them want to keep coming back for more. 7. A good teacher is dedicated:
Strong commitment of teacher showing up everyday and spending the necessary time to provide your students with the best education. 8. A good teacher is resolute: The teacher must be willing to do anything to ensure that all the students receive the education they need. 9. A good teacher is empathetic: Being sensitive to students struggles and problem 10. A good teacher is engaging: The ability to grab the full attention of class room. 11. A good teacher is generous: Volunteering quality for extra assignments in the sudden need of students. 12. A good teacher is inspirational: A teacher should make a lasting inspirational impact that follows a student throughout their life. 13. A good teacher is joyful: Coming to every day in a good mood, excited and enthusiastic about doing your jobs. 14. A good teacher is organised: The ability to keep things neat and clean in order allowing teachers to access materials quickly and to make efficient transition. 15. A good teacher is evolving: Continuous process of year over year improvement and growth in quality. 16. A good teacher has grit: Determination to overcome any obstacle in the way of obtaining a long term goal. 17. A good teacher is passionate: A passionate teacher connects with the curriculum and his/her students which maximize learning. 18. A good teacher is resourceful: Teacher is Global source of knowledge on which every student trusts and finds his/her needs of learning with a way. 19. A good teacher possesses impartiality: Partiality is a crime, violation destructive poor quality to place them as a teacher. 20. A good teacher reserves smart behaviour: Unquestionable and completeness in his day to day work. 21. A good teacher respect students:
A teacher creates a welcoming learning environment for all level of students. 22. A good teacher is professional: Enjoyment with his job and brings formative and primitive skills in his subject timely. 23. A good teacher determines objective prior: Pre-preparation or a full management of teaching unit before his presentation in the class. 24. A good teacher accumulates essential skills: Scientificness on test, checking, question setting, result preparation, presentation of feed back , guidance of answering , marking etc. 25. A good teacher never applies physical penalties. (Positive motivation) Rewards, reinforcements, counseling, psychological motivation brings confidence in the process of learning. TEACHER T= Trained, Trustworthy, Talented E= Educated, Enthusiastic, Energetic A= Able, Active, Alert C= Cooperative, Courteous, Caring H= Honest, Helpful, Hardworking E= Efficient, Expert, Extrovert R= Regular, Reliable, Resourceful It is obvious that no single or more techniques may be sufficient for an ideal teacher. Self satisfaction through teaching is much enough for us. Furthermore, as Teaching is a noble profession so it should be taken as a boon not a burden by a teacher. Teaching is both social service and moral duty. Creation of civilized citizens and skilled human resources for a nation depends on a teacher. He/she earns name fame and dignity in the society rather than money and any other assets. A true professional teacher always thinks for providing quality education of his best along with the lesson of morality , civilization and humanity to his students. Our selfless contribution assists to create skilled professional and efficient citizens as doctors, engineers, pilots, scholars, scientists and so on are really the valuable assets of a teacher’s life. Alternatively teachers’ lifelong satisfaction remains live on account of thousands of students who follow the right path of their life due to love, kindness, inspiration and guidance. Contribution of teacher is always remembered and imprinted in the society with high value of dignity. A teacher
earns respect, faith, dignity and self satisfaction in his life. Our effort can change the life of an individual and face the obstacles of a nation. So, let’s consider teaching as a means for which almighty God uses a teacher as an instrument to touch lives. Therefore feel proud to be a teacher. Things to do 1. Remove Higher from bus 2. Manage News corner 3. Manage Quiz Board:- Questions of current affairs are given. Luck winners are rewarded every 15 days. 4. Seat arrangement of computer lab 5. Design/Manage merits/demerits cards. If points are given card not needed. 6. Management of wall magazine 7. Regarding Public learning centre. 8. Policies of extra class 9. Hostel policy, rules and regulations 10. Camera 11. NJRC scarf, tag, batch, name tags 12. Reusable banner for ECA program 13. Ground decorations with holding boards.
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