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table of CONTENTS 4 青躍真實故事Our Impact Story 8 關於青躍Who We Are Teen's Key 10th Milestone- 14 全新青躍 青少女發展服務中心Our New Service Hub 20 總幹事的話Message from Our Executive Director 22 董事局的信Letter from the Board Office 26 What We Do 青躍三大服務 45 如何支持青躍How You Can Support 46 展望Look Forward 2022 2022 48 財務摘要Financial Highlights 52 Our Team 青躍團隊
No matter their background, work, or income, all young women in Hong Kong deserve equal access to sexual and reproductive health education and services. 均當獲得於不充性重分分與與新背的生年探景資育輕索,訊健女每、、康 性位服實及同年務踐權行輕、理利女關想方性懷面與支持。 Empower Young Women Unlock New Beginnings |3
OUR IMPACT AT A GLANCE 我們的影響力 13,155 vulnerable 1,735 high-risk 2,949 joined young women crisis intervention incl. sexuality 接觸e年n1g3輕,a1女5g5e性弱d 勢 free anonymous educational Sexually Transmitted 2性,94教c9l肓a參s工se與作s全坊面 D提is供e1a緊免,7s3急費e5(危匿高ST機名危D介性)個t入病e案s檢tin查g 255 participated 48% young women 18months career & life return schools/ got new de2v5e5生lo參p涯與m發為e展n期t培t1r8訓a個in月ing 4j8獲o%b得已e新x重p工e返作ri校e經n園c驗e或 4|
impact story - a 'renew' self BIANCA, 18 青躍女生的真實故事 一個“更新”的我 I was growing up in a broken family. I decided to leave home when I was 18. To self-finance, I started working as a part-time girlfriend while studying. However, I was scammed and forced to have sex with my first client... My life was stuck before... Thank you Teen's Key supporting me throughout the crisis journey, providing new explorations to let me reunderstand my self-worth & take baby steps to reintegrate back into society. Now I'm able to see the choices ahead! 供程會一籌我。資在個新中金一客的協現,個戶探助在我破發我索我在碎生處空知學的性間理道習家關讓法我期庭係律我仍間中…重訴然我開長新訟有的始大認及明生兼。申識天活職請自,1陷8做我讀仍歲入P然書價的T了G有值津時F困。不並貼候境同等一我我…的事步感決被選步情謝定騙擇。陪青離了!她伴躍家,我們在自被的重整立迫新活個,與融動危為我入更了機的提社自第過
impact story - 'personal breakthrough' EMILY, 23青躍年輕媽媽的真實故事 實踐“個人突破”的一年 I first came into contact with Teen’s Key, as a young mother, through a Emily friend’s encouragement and recommendation. There was a sense of friendliness, openness and acceptance that I noticed from my very first visit. Since then, I have made many personal breakthroughs, shared my experiences with others, and accumulated various milestones that have empowered me with a newfound sense of confidence and drive. Teen's Key's Young Mothers Club, learning opportunities, and peers support programs have allowed me to see that I am capable of broadening my own identity beyond the role of a mother. My hope is to continue exploring new avenues, and for our society to open up and recognise the potential in all young mothers alike . 大友袖個,陣家,得已好我到經,係其認我20他識叫20鼓青EM年勵躍I加L和呢Y入。支個呢今持機到年。構,2,3係歲因呀有為詩一我鼓個有勵三一我歲個加嘅同入女學,,呀想我詩認喺曾識五經多年都啲前係唔仲呢同係度學嘅嘅生領朋 用回青躍心想聆俾起我聽第我嘅一嘅第次想一上印法嚟象同中意心見,。我已經覺得呢度嘅社工好有親切感,佢地會 自會講作擔起信絕為分心年享對年輕同俾係輕堅媽一媽其媽持他媽個會嘅會人新動主嘗,領力席試尤袖。最其同埋令是挑我比印我戰象年,深我紀刻小從嘅嘅冇就諗中學係過於自生己中。因學嘅講為經座歷咁令分同想到享。法我對增會我有強咗機黎 6|
學多他另以外做領一,前袖我個未代參試有表加過探年過索嘅輕好手精媽多工神媽唔有藝會同同自去己嘅埋內活工嘅衣媽作動店,,媽公認例司如識參咗觀整志,蠟同發燭道掘﹑合合酒嘅作精媽的畫媽機﹑,會營擴。養闊係講左呢座成啲等個活等社動。交裏我圈面亦子我都。嘗曾試經同咗其好 見媽好媽好到們教其育互他撐子年!女輕和媽照媽顧嘅家努庭力。,對小朋友同埋家庭嘅愛護,令到我更確定即使年輕,一樣可以 我係嘅未希來望嘅日子,我希望除左照顧家庭外,自己亦可以搵到屬於自己的個人發展。我好想繼 續容希發展,望學。插青到躍花唔,可同電以嘅腦繼技輸續能幫入,我法發。哋展因一有眾為一我媽門相媽手信透藝過,,唔我有地同利活年自動輕己媽去係探媽職索係場出有上我能可地力以同會有長員多嘅處啲興去選趣發擇,展。從事例而業如支。GE持我L甲佢亦美都地 最持同後考,慮我我希哋望一在班座年閣輕下媽或媽者。機構,繼續支持青躍之餘,如果有機會提供到工作機會,請支 |7
關於青躍WHO WE ARE 8|
The Problem
8.7% 10,283 Gonorrhoea (one prevalent STD) active social media accounts infection rate among females under involve sex trade with young 30 raised from 5.91% to 8.71% women & related activities. 香港30歲從以5下.9女1%士提淋高 病到(8.性71病%)感染率 超過涉10及,2年83輕個女社性交提媒供體性活服躍務帳戶 Source數據來自: Source數據來自: 11 Surveillance Report 2019, Department of Health Teen's Key Hong Kong 2021 Source數據來自: Source數據來自: Housewives in sex industry SCMP 1993 Teen's Key Hong Kong 2021 Ziteng 2006 Teen's Key Hong Kong 2021 35 known clubs in Hong Kong employ the youngest case we managed this year was 11 years-old girl. 85% of young women age between 13-25; young women reached us due to high- estimate 37% commercial risk sexual health crises eg unplanned pregnancy, STD infection, blackmail, sex worker are under 21 sexual violence. 估計性顧工用3作153者間-2行已5歲業知 的中娛年2樂1歲輕場以女所下性佔; 37% 本年度最年輕求助個案只有11歲 | 11
CUMULATIVE AT-RISK YOUNG WOMEN WE SERVED, 2016-2021 青躍過往5年受助年輕女性數字 15,000 13,155 10,000 1 in 10 1 out of 4 1 in 3 dropped diagnosed reported out school +7,000 mental health sexual and/or early 5,000 issues violence yet unemployment age 11-29 精或情緒診神疾困斷病有擾 rarely seek 需停學或失業 local citize包n/括n本年平e地w齡均及大i初m新約/m來高1i1g-港中2ra人學9n歲士歷ts help 0 未曾有遇性尋暴求幫力但助 2016-201712| 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Yuen Long (25.5% ), Kwun Tong, (12.8%) Kwai Tsing, (12.7% ) are the 3 major living districts 以元求朗助、年葵輕青女、性觀居塘住、地黃區大分仙布及全港港島東區區,居多among our young women outreached. Then 8.5% Wong Tai Sin, 8.5% Eastern, 2-4% each of the rest districts. 18 Gender inequality Lack of effective Limited social Financial Social stigma, capital & family desperation under mental and gender sexual reproductive support, poverty & debts inherited & emotional stereotyping health & right o缺n乏r家e社l庭a會t支io資援n本sh、ip 經濟b拮基y据層fa,背家m景庭ily負債 於心理社di精會str 污神es名捆s 下擾 於性日別in常不d生a平i活l等y中l對if受e待到 缺與乏ed權'性u利c生a'教殖tio育健n康 BRIEF BACKGROUND OF AT-RISK YOUNG WOMEN & GIRLS WE OUTREACHED ACROSS 18 DISTRICTS 青躍受助年輕女性背景 | 13
Teen's Key Milestone: Our 10th Year Teen’s Key is a nonprofit organization committed to helping young women —no matter their situation or circumstance—gain access to the information, services, and support they need. Our founding purpose was to fill the gap with a focus on addressing young women’s sexual and reproductive health, and providing holistic treatment for young women in crisis, including those under 25 years of age and/or who work in the sex industry. We provide a safe space where young women can realize their potential and where new hope can be formed. The young women we serve are not victims. They are powerful young women who need critical support to get out of crisis and navigate the next phase of their lives. We focus on each young woman’s potential and helping them reconnect with their dreams and aspirations. 青躍服致務包力與括幫支在助持性本。行地透業邊過工緣提作年供的輕安青女全少性空女及間探青及索少專自女業我,團價於隊值性的,與全充生面分育支發健援揮康,潛及以能權協,利助實方不踐面同理提處想供境。資,訊、 陰生霾命之有中價攜…,手青我給躍們予繼每她續一們走位一進都個社是舒群改緩與變困年社境輕會的女的機性一會同份 ,行力幫,量助作。年危輕社機女會介性上入建仍及立有全人許面生多支新邊援一緣服頁個務。案。隱讓藏我於們 14 |
TEEN'S KEY - YOUNG WOMEN DEVELOPMENT SERVICE HUB We have launched the Teen’s Key - Young Women Development Service Hub (the ‘Hub’) in Jordan on the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women (Nov 25, 2021), also remarking on the 10-year milestone of the organization. The new Hub arouses awareness of the rights for marginalized young women, enabling easier access to our empowerment programs, crisis intervention and sexual health education of the organization’s beneficiaries. BENEFICIARY INVOLVEMENT Young women’s governance and youth participation have been highly emphasized and conveyed throughout this project. The young girls’ staff were involved in the whole construction project from conceptualization, planning, construction (e.g., wall painting, furniture sourcing) to decoration. Through the collaboration, Teen’s Key Hong Kong can stay at the forefront of the relevant trend and develop solutions that respond to the community’s needs promptly. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP In addition to the enhanced features, the new Hub also demonstrates consciousness towards environmental sustainability & community partnerships. Most of the furniture was either product from upcycling or pre-owned furniture from our partners. Teen’s Key Hong Kong extends its sincerest gratitude to The Peninsula Hong Kong, SOS by JEB Group, Crossroad Foundation for in-kind furniture donations, Elsa Jeandedieu Studio for prono mural painting, and an affordable rental space from honorable donors Ms Grace & Mr Tim Freshwater.
標誌機對構象走更過易1接0年中觸里心和程藉參。2與0全機2新1構年中的心1充1 將月權提及2設高5全日服社面務會-性中國對健「心際邊康青更終緣教躍同止年育—時婦輕活助青女女動機少受性,構女暴權於能發日益香更展於的港迅網佐關的速絡敦注中介服正,心入務式協點危中開助(佐機心幕受敦。」,益) 鼓勵受惠年輕女性共同參與 青躍篩著同選重策二朋劃手輩是傢同次俬行服到概務佈念中置,心,實裝青行修躍「項的年利目青輕用。少女回過女性收去與管卡六職治板個員」親月一,手,同邀製由合請造中作青中心,少心設更女的計聯成所的同立需概本專辦念地責公構木小桌想匠組及、及與飯髹職義桌員工漆。,、共 提倡伙伴合作 推動可持續發展 新中心展現對環境可持續性的關注及與社區更多伙伴合作,絕大部分傢俬均是二手傢 俬援。十;青字更躍路行有特會壁El此s及畫a鳴社創J謝e會作a香各,nd港界以e半善d及i島e長Ou酒n捐Se店t贈uB,d二itieJo手E的SB傢t創集u俬d辦團i以o人旗及早E下於前lsSa裝舉us及t修行a年過月in輕a程餅b藝中慈le術提善O家供活ffAi寶動cne貴為gSe的中ol l專心合ut業籌力io意募為ns見經,中、費國心支。際進
MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR in-kind donation 總幹事的話 & fu傢rn俱itu捐re贈s贊up助port \"Happy 10th Birthday Teen's Key! We are grateful to have walked this far together with those who have gone extra miles to help marginalized and vulnerable young women. We are heartened to see generous individuals and organizations coming together to support the development of our new Service Hub, especially Ms Grace & Mr Tim Freshwater for providing such a decent & accessible location for our young women. As the case number is climbing and we have to cope with the surging demand, the new Hub is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for us and our beneficiaries.\" 讓T支「im青持青F青躍躍re可躍十sh以的年w更同,at專行我er者注們伉青衷願儷心少意提女付感供謝出支理援沿額想外途工場一努作地班。力供有」,租特相用同別,理是G念r,ac一e直& 20|
“We want all young women to create the path that they envision for themselves. For us, success is when young women can become independent and develop the confidence and ability to make their own choices about their futures.” 年我輕為們女自為希性己自望能是設己所夠我想的有獨們的未年立最道來輕自期路做女主待 。出性,看自都培對見己能養我的的創自們。選造信來擇出和說她能,們力, Bowie Lam Founder, Executive Director | 21
董事局的信 LETTER FROM THE BOARD OFFICE Dear friends, Despite the hardships during Covid-19, we We fully believe that every young are delighted to celebrate Teen’s Key Hong woman is innately unique, creative, and Kong for entering our 11th of service year! powerful. Our deepest thanks to all the Thanks to the generous support from Grace groups and enterprises that have stood and Tim Freshwater, Teen’s Key now has a shoulder to shoulder with Teen’s Key brand-new and young women-friendly safe and supported our work throughout the space. We designed, planned, and years. It is your trust and comradery searched for furniture with our young women that enable us to continue raising in hopes of imagining our joint vision of awareness, building opportunities, and “home” and bringing that to life. Together, manifesting a space for these young we dream, we build, and we grow in Teen’s women to develop and be truly seen. Key. Teen’s Key has always been walking side- Best, by-side with marginalized young women. Kinda Lau, Chairperson Our support has always been more than just crisis intervention, but also facilitating young women from the sex industry to acquire new skills to broaden their horizons and job opportunities. It is our hope to establish mutual help and self-appreciation through our continuous support towards young women and our mothers’ club. Throughout the years, Teen’s Key has remained dedicated in advocating the importance of prevention work, especially in the prevention of HIV, as well as sex education in schools. Last summer, our sex education research project provided an opportunity for a group of secondary and college students to gain an increased understanding on topics of self and gender equality. Moving forward, we would like to put our focus on promoting young women’s sexual health and kick-starting a body movement project — to explore life through 22 | discovering oneself.
親愛的朋友們: 贊在助面,對疫讓我情的們能挑將戰青同時躍,搬去恭一喜青個全躍新達入的了青少第女11年性!別友感善謝空獲間得,Gr將a對ce家&的T想im像Fr,e與shw我a們te的r 青伉少儷 我女一們的塊一「塊家」拼繼砌續出來發夢。、從圓設計夢。、規劃至搜購傢俬,都有著青少女的想法和參與,一起在屬於 都青助可躍及一建以立學直其守習自護新邊技我能緣價青,值。發少展女,其他除工了適作切機地會,介入來危年機亦會,繼與續青支少年援年同輕行女,亦性及讓媽從事媽性會工行業作的,青發展少女互 在教身對育預生研防習方命,有面,認進識青一自躍步探推己動索及性愛。別滋病平等毒。預來防和年校更園會性重教視育青少活動女的,曾性在健康暑及假向開中展身學至體大律動專生計推劃行,了用性自 的全我面們同相的行發信者,年展。輕透女過性支持都青有躍屬於,自與己青躍的創一造起力創及造機影會響,力讓。在年輕此女感謝性的一需眾各要獲界得企關業注及及團體重有視,心有有力更 劉主席健兒 Board of Directors Chairperson Kinda Lau, Treasure Angela Kwok, Members Tracy Wong, Cindy Cheng, Yanyi Li 董主事席局劉健成員兒、司庫郭穎彤、成員黃翠儀、鄭倩兒及李昕怡
與年輕女性同行 重新探索 實踐理想 JOURNEYING WITH YOUNG WOMEN 24 |
We are a friendly team that supports young women as companions. We use a non-judgmental, holistic approach that promotes a culture of acceptance, so that young women can feel free to share their stories and feelings. Through community outreach, intervention & prevention programs, a developmental support series, and a peer-to-peer young mothers club, we aim to reach and empower vulnerable young women to become independent, so they can build a new phase of their lives. In particular, we: 1. Prevent & intervene through the HIV Prevention program and the SRHR (i.e., Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) Sexuality ������������������° & Consent Education 2. Welcome & support through counseling, mentorship, and our Young Mothers Club 3. Learn & influence through our Free-flow Body Movement and Life Exploration workshops, as well as education and financial aid services 自青我躍十價值年,,充致分力發幫揮助潛本能地,年輕實踐女性理想,:透過以下三大服務範疇與她們一同探索 1. 預危如防機愛及介滋介入病入預與防「教性育與生計劃殖以健康及全及面權利性」教育預防學教校育工作坊及網上平台 2. 全提包面括供支非輔援導批服、判務安朋全輩支空援間及與全自面助互輔助導支平援台 - 年輕媽媽會 3. 學提習供與自啟我發認識與生涯啟發探索工作坊及教育和經濟援助服務 | 25
W青H躍AT三W大E D服O務 26|
Prevent & Intervene . Welcome & Support . Learn & Influence PREVENT & INTERVENE | 27
crisis intervention 24/7 過 去 一 年 年 輕 女 性 求 助 率 上 升4 % R I S I N G C A L L S O V E R T H E Y E A R 危機介入及緊急情緒支援 4% Others - Family issues At-risk young women & girls often do not seek 3.7% help from formal service providers and Sexual Violence Infection of Sexually Transmitted Disease authorities for many reasons (Barrett & Pierre, 21% 26.1% 2011). Sponsored by the Jockey Club Charities Trust, Teen’s Key has launched online outreach services since 2019. Building trust relationships with the presence of necessary support services Blackmails Unplanned Pregnancy can encourage vulnerable young women & girls 23.1% 26.1% who experienced sexual health difficulties to seek appropriate assistance. 年輕女性求助原因Why do young women call Teen's Key for help? 透過我們在娛樂場所及互聯網的定期外展,讓我們能 及外我們早展時亦識會為別高盡社力危群提與的群供年體輕危女機建支立性,互援信以,確包關括係保及意她外們安全懷安孕感全。輔。我同導、時們在,法 F提R供E E免A費N匿O名N愛Y M滋O病U及S 性S T病D測T試E S T I N G 律支援、性健康等。 The confidentiality, physical and emotional safety of each young woman & girl are our top priority. Regardless of background, sex, age, family background, every girl should be able to get sexual health assistance in times of crisis. Every case would be assisted with unbiased support & resource matching to address their urgent needs. 每個年輕女性個案的保密性、身體和情感安全是我們 何的,首大要關家注都。應該無能論夠背在景危、機性時別期、獲年得齡性、與家生庭殖背健景康如上 知識和資源幫助,以滿足其迫切需求。 8476 1735 249 vulnerable young women at-risk young women case calls to Teen's Key 24/7 engaged via on-site & management & intensive emergency hotline about 接觸d超ig過it8al千in位te邊rve緣n年tio輕n女性 1735名年c輕a女se性fo接llo受w危-u機p支援服務 宗意外懷孕求助unplanned pregnancies 249
Reminder “Empathy and compassion should not exist only between people with same values, true compassion is universal.” 唔應該真只正係嘅關同心理同心自係己一有視相同同仁價嘅值。觀嘅人, Love it 按作一的下同來行聽故聽事外!展工oSuoC@ttofuolrohiuerrcroyraakCtntcyhwhoh&ghoameiBkutncohoopfnhkfen!agfoeayigsecnctossskueeuhitorrooiseufnf-!tts @teenskeyhongkong | 29
sexuality Partner with medical professionals to offer hybrid & focus groups to fulfill 50%+ class demand from 360° 1 女與醫性進療行專業非批人判員及性教學院育合環節作,走入社區與年輕schools and other NGOs 「性與生殖健康及權利」預防教育 Consolidate the 1st female sexual health 3 製作首個綜合本地意外懷孕服務資源手冊Launch of the 1st integrated Unplanned Pregnancy Resources Manual in reaction to the immense 2 建綜合立本年輕地及女海性於外性身體教育形象教的材正面態度educational kit for body positivity classes inquiries from schools, parents & NGOs Train the trainer - 'Let's Search' Sexual Health 5 伙拍商界義工推行學校性教育體驗遊戲Promote Sexual Health experiential learning Youth Ambassadors & Peer Mentorship Program curriculum for youth communities 4 教育研習企劃性教育導師暑期培訓暨後生仔女性'Let's Search' 30 |
Through a series of sex education & prevention programs, Teen’s Key strives to enhance youth- friendly and judgment-free knowledge over sexual reproductive health & rights. Not only focus on safe sexual behaviors, we also include positive aspects of sexuality, such as body understanding, love and relationships based on mutual respect, consent, and equality. With our 10 years of frontline social service experience among the youth community, we are able to offer up-to-date curriculums to cater to the growing demands from schools & other NGOs, topics in particular: online dating, imaged-based sexual violence, self-identify are on demand this year. 懷青躍孕體自驗20遊17戲年,起藉致活力動於激本發地學學生校對及個年人輕價群值體觀推的動反全思面、正建向立性開教明育及,尊甚重或多設元計價模值擬觀人的生態意外 有度效,改地表善達年情青人感,的性如與何生與育家人健康及知親識密,維辨持健識高康及危行正面為。關係同時,推亦希動望身加心健強年康輕全人人教情感育教。育, \"LET'S SEARCH !\" 2949 is our new normal! participated Teen's Key exclusive school sexuality & 我們的核心價值 打破「性與生殖健康+權利」禁忌 一同探索 全ex面p2e,性9r4ie教9n位t育ia參l校w與o內r青k工s躍h作op坊s 78% enjoyed Teen's Key sexuality 360 interactive & experiential workshops 146 參與者認為青躍性教育工作坊主題能切合他們的需要和期望78% youth joined community sex- 81% learned the resources/ service channels for sexual health crisis incl. edu bazzar & sexual health u8n1p%la參nn與ed者pr學eg習na到nc面ies對意外懷孕及其他性健康危機時該如何自處 146市青liv集少e t攤年al位k參w及與ith網青d上o躍c直t性or播s教育 86% learned knowledge about sexual reproductive health knowledge 26 including imaged based sexual violence and the importance of setting youth graduated as sexual 識8b6o%」un參d概a與r念ie者s及f學o於r習親int到密im性關at與e係r生e中la殖建tio健立ns康界hip+線s權利知識包括影像性暴力、「共 health peer-mentors & 成2為6位性青教a年m育人b大a完ss使a成d及o培r朋s訓輩課導程師 | 31
100% Other than outreach & crisis intervention itself, we also invite our young women & girls to volunteer as peer educators. Be participants appreciate peer educator sharing willing and able to openly share their life experience, it is mutually beneficial for them to learn from helping others & practice self-empowerment. 我們亦會分邀享請生青活躍經年驗輕,女透性過作幫為助同他伴人教從育而者實。踐自鼓我勵充她權們,共互同惠參互與利學。校工作坊
Prevent & Intervene . Welcome & Support . Learn& Influence WELCOME & SUPPORT | 33
together we are BETTER 我們一起會更好 SEXUAL & GENDER-BASED 年C A輕S女E 性M A為N本A個G E案M跟E進N T From risk to resilience, every case deserves unbiased support. Teen's Key weaves the stories of young women and girls into a tapestry of hope. Continuing the work from our outreach & crisis intervention services, we provide 1-on-1 personal counselling services for each young woman who always 我co們m深es信w每it位h 年in輕cr女ed性ib均le有h獨id特de的n潛ta能le。nt透s.過社 工一對一個案輔導,讓我們能建立互信關係及安 全感,幫助年輕女性建立她們人生的新一頁。 朋 輩 支 援 與 同 行P E E R C O M P A N I O N S & M E N T O R S We aim to provide a supportive safe space and community for the young women so they can share their experiences with us freely. That’s why the Teen’s Key’s office doubles up as a drop-in center. Mentorship programs and health support can also be provided when p我a們rt亦ne定ri期ng與w其it他h 非ot牟he利r 團NG體O、s政&府co組rp織o和ra企te業s. 合作,聯繫更多同行者也加入朋輩支援計劃,提供指導與 健康支持。 34 |
Reminder Companionship is the highest form of energy. Thank you for being our companion in good and bad times. 2021,我哋知道陪伴係最大嘅力量。 感謝同行! Love it @teenskeyhongkong | 35
young mothers club 青躍年輕媽媽會 An organic self-help group Young Mothers Club- (YMC) was formed since 2016 by our young mothers to learn from and support each other as they navigate the shared challenges. Teen’s Key provides a welcoming environment to host activities and offers guidance & support for them when needed. 困青要25躍難放歲。於棄以機上2下01學構的6年則或年協從工輕助旁作媽一。協媽班同助面年時,對輕並,著媽她提不媽們供少成亦培挑立承訓戰自受及。助著資在互社源學助。會習小對成組年為,輕一讓懷個她孕媽們的媽能污及互名學相化習支,不持以同及及事學突物習如中,其找與來到伙的平伴經衡共濟,同壓不克力然服。便 75 50 25 0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2016 年輕媽媽會會員增長Teen's Key Young Mothers Club Members Growth X2 4 75% Young Mothers' Club members completed leadership 75% of members strengthen social members increased in a training as Teen's Key ambassadors, network, self-efficacy , self-esteem 本年度年do輕u媽bl媽e i會n 會20員21增長1倍 本s年t正a度r式t4o成位rg為媽a年n媽i輕z完in媽成g媽領p會r導o主g訓r席a練m及班s, 社7交5a%n網d會絡b員u、表il抗d示疫tr有u力s效t及建in自立t我h可e管信c理l任u方b的面 領導協助策劃活動 亦有顯著的進步
Teen's Key x Bayer nutrition ambassador program Teen's Key x HaFiNa femalepreneur sharing sessions Teen's Key x EY financial literacy mentorship
Teen's Key Christmas Party Teen's Key x Bayer Young Mothers Club nutrition day camp
Prevent & Intervene . Welcome & Support . Learn& Influence LEARN & INFLUENCE 39|
life exploration TALENTS UNLOCK 生命探索 潛能啟發 Regular FREE self-development & exploration workshops are prepared to inspire our young women & instill innovation. Contents are tailor-made to our young women! Previously covered personality traits, hobbies & career exploration, Chinese / Western medicine & women wellness, financial literacy, crafts DIY and even volunteering in other NGOs! More new topics are coming soon! Through our programs, we aim to get ahead of the crisis so young women can make healthy and informed decisions about their future. We also conduct joint research with other nonprofit organizations to raise public awareness of the needs & rights of young women in Hong Kong. 權行健應通過對利康聯的合一危和認研機系明,識智究列以探。的,便索以決活年提定高。輕動女公與我計眾性們對能劃還夠香,與我港對其們年自他己的輕非目的女營標性未利來是需組做求提織前出和進 40 | 女花tt生h藝Chale推按參i體ncpk供一k與驗rfoy&體下u人!obncuo驗來生歡hin@te工感o第迎wch作w受k一ka更oocs坊青次u多r!rakt!躍鳥s伙fhthos籠伴owfpxo!r
\"YAY! I GOT THIS!\" 67 is something we hear the most! self-discovery & exploration 鼓勵體驗分享 提供更多探索選擇 啟發生命 w自o我rk6s認7h場o識p青s及&躍探p策r索o劃g活ram動s 99% of participants deeply felt that the workshop content is inspiring & 788 9in9t%er參es與tin者g 表示活動內容有啟發性及有趣 participated Teen's Key workshops & programs 75% of participants improved self-esteem, resilience, and self-management and 曾位參年與輕其女中性788 7en5j%o參yed與ne者w表ex示plo於ra探tion索e新lem技en能ts、fro抗m疫the力p及rog自ra我ms管理方面有顯著進步 255 48% of participants (school dropout) are now resuming study or getting new committed 18months career & life i社4n8te%會rn參獲sh與得ip者e實xp(習本eri機身en會c已e停學/失業)表示已重返校園/學習生涯,或重新投入 development training incl. financial management, life 參pla與nn為ing期2&515c8位o個m年月m輕u生n女i涯ca性發tio展n s培kil訓ls 26% completed the 18 months training program, left sex industry & had new job 26月%年並培輕獲訓女e得離xp性新開er完工性ien成作工ce青經作躍驗行1業8個
'freeflow' body movement *PILOT -LAUNCHED @ SEP 2021 全港首個試點項目 賽馬會「自主‧流」身體律動計劃 START FROM SELF-APPRECIATION Both history and this modern-day world has immensely shaped and affected the way women are perceived to behave in our society. Young females today are faced with societal pressures and expectations that limit them from exploring their individuality and discovering who they want to become. Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Jockey Club 'FreeFlow' Body Movement Project is a 3-year pilot project dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young females with the strive to nurture curiosity, celebrate body diversity, and cultivate gender awareness. Through a tailor-made facilitation of Cloud Gate Dance School’s LifePulse curriculum, they will be encouraged to explore the potential of their unique minds and bodies through flow, movement, and interactions with others. Their creative instincts and innate sense of rhythm are vehicles that can enable them to see and experience their lives in new perspectives. By accompanying them on a journey to reconnect with themselves, they unlearn unhealthy habits to reach society’s standards around women and gain a more confident sense of self. Ultimately, this project aims to plant a seed that will continue to reshape the female conversation. 42|
自我發現 學習自愛 女性,性面一對直社被教歷史化的和壓社會力和因素家所庭的規範期。望尤,其個是人發年展輕女難免 受到影響。 身由體香港律賽動馬計劃會慈是善一個信為託基期金三捐年的助試,賽點馬項目會,「旨自在主改‧流善」 青少女的身心健康,過程中啟發她們的好奇心,擁抱 身體多樣性,培養性別意識。 的同「透生過伴節活交台奏感灣流律重動,雲門」開新拓舞感課受肢程集舞和體,的定蹈參語義教加室者彙生可爲活和。以青創從少意共思同形女體尋需維要動,找以一而作個設與,舒生計以俱適及的的來與 自響空我。間討青的論少旅程女女。性從標中計得準劃,到目陪探標伴討能這,夠逐些在漸期參望增加加爲者她自內們信心帶,埋踏來下上的種連影子結, 重塑對女性議題的討論。
How you can support TEEN'S KEY 如何支持青躍?! Starting from this year, we work with corporates & communities to help young women in need. There're many ways you can partner, including: 1 設身處地,體驗青躍日常Step 'into the shoes' of our young 2 成Be為ou青r m躍o每nth月ly恆do常no捐r 款者 women in need, book a tour Our donors are the foundation of Teen’s Key, your generosity supports our programs to create a Visit our new Service Hub in Jordan, experience lasting impact in Hong Kong. We strive to be how we engage at-risk young women, help them to financially accountable and transparent to our get out from crisis to better lives. We can't wait to donors. You are also welcome to personalize spark conversation and mobilize your team to join your individual or corporate branded fundraising the young women's empowerment movement too! page through our fundraising page For schools, we can host students for experiential learning workshops about unplanned pregnancies. 恆高我常危們正年每輕欠月捐女缺性款相應求者,助靈數與活資年字不金輕女處斷性理上升同個案,行疫。。誠情不邀穩您成下為, 躍供歡迎全的預前面約支線援工親作臨。青人員躍合全新作服,攜務手中心向高,危體驗年如輕女何與性提青 4 義務提供企業服務Donate your company's services Now we have the Service Hub and our young 3 為青躍籌款Run a fundraiser for Teen's Key women can have a proper safe space to explore We benefit from the generosity of companies new beginnings. One of the main ways this who run fundraising events, galas, or make Service Hub functions at Teen's Key would be Teen's Key Hong Kong the beneficiary of their through donated services. E.g. lawyers, charity events. Got other ideas? Let's talk! accountants, gynecologists, dermatologists, Email [email protected] venereologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, web designers, printing, and more. If rather than cash, 我們每年有賴各機構發起各種形式的活動為 you would prefer to donate your services, that i我nf們o@籌te款ens。ke有y.o新rg主。意? 歡迎聯絡我們 can be as 'gold' to us! 感能的,工激作我過,們去仍多有個效需要企支援醫業療提更多供、法個專律案業領、。域宣傳的知等提識升及我技們 | 45
look forward 2022 展望新一年 Go deep not just go wide. We keep consulting & Facilitate & engage more partners to curate a focusing on empowering young women's self- better social service ecosystem in the society, 以更深c度o緊有nf守效id邀崗提e請n位升c相e專年關, 注輕re顧支女s問il援性ie合n邊自作c信緣y優心年&化、輕so現社女c有i會a性服l資工c務a本作p及,ita抗l.疫力。 em在p社o伙w會拍e中r更y攜o多手u夥n打g伴造w推o更動m好e年的n輕t社o女會u性n服lo充務c權k生b企態e劃g系i,n統ni。ngs. Strengthen internal digital automation to further Mitigate sexual reproductive health risks improve our work capacity. Call for IT & among youth communities with train-the-trainer 加強內部系作統能自力動a。u化t歡o,m迎進a企t一io業n步服s提u務p高p提內o供r部t!支運援作!靈活度及工 將母全,以面填性co教補ur社育s性e會培s健t訓在o康這工te和作一a生c方坊h殖e面普健rs及的,康p不至a上足老r的e,師n風t,減s險&低社。N香會G工港O作青s.者少和年父於
We greatly appreciate your support and are delighted to offer you and your team the potential visibility and benefits as part of your commitment to Teen’s Key. For more i我nf們or期m待at與io您n,及pl更ea多se企c業o合nt作ac,t推u動s a慈t 善inf企o@劃te。e歡ns迎ke到y.下or圖g連結了解以往的活動概要! 青 躍 企 業 合 作 計 劃h t t p s : / / tCe eonl lsakbeoyr.aotreg /wciot hl l aUb!So! r a t i o n / | 47
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 財務摘要 收IN入C來O源M–E港-幣HKD 對HK外D培55訓,7服60務收入 個HK人D捐21款5,949 Training service income 1% individual donations 4% 其HK他D收30入4包,84括5香港特區政府補就業計劃 Other income included Employer Support Scheme under COVID19 6% 企HK業D及82公,12司4捐款 Corporate donations 2% HKD 5,364,796 慈HK善D基4,7金06,118 Trusts & foundations 88% The total income of Teen's Key Hong Kong in 2020-2021 is HKD5,364,796, a double increase of 75% from the last financial year, including one-off COVID-19 pandemic special grants from philanthropic foundations. Our largest source of income is the donations from trusts & foundations, which account for almost 88% of our total income. Individual donations and activity revenue make up the rest. Most of the funds Teen's Key raised were allocated to the direct services, except for the amount to support office operation. 48 | 務構度於開主2增0支2要長0-。收7250入%2以1來年上源度,,部,佔分青全為躍部來-青收自少入不女的同發8基8展%金網。會絡除的有辦一限公次室公性營司抗運的疫開總基支收金外入撥,為款其5,3。餘64慈支,7善9出6基港均金元應的,用捐較於款上直為一接年機服
支EX出P–E港N幣SES - HKD 外HK展D及1,1高05危,3個36案支援 H一K般D及27行2,政40費8用 Outreach & Crisis Intervention 30% General Expenses 7% H全K面D性48教6,育87及5預防教育計劃 Sexuality 360 Prevention Education 13% 年HK輕D媽33媽7,會245 HKD 3,705,724 Young Mothers Club 生HK涯D發1,5展0及3,8全6面0 輔導服務 9% Career & Life Development Services 41% Remarks: | 49 財Fin務a摘nc要ia截l H至ig2h0li2g1h年ts3f月or3t1h日e 止Ye財a政r E年nd度ed 31 March 2021 盈餘將撥作發展新服務中心之用Financial Surplus will be reserved for the new Service Hub development
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 鳴謝 listed in no particular order 排名不分先後 主要贊助Key Funders The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Manan Trust The Hong Kong Club Foundation Limited The Global Fund for Children Zonta Club of the New Territories Zonta Club of Victoria Hong Kong MAC AIDS Fund The DH Chen Foundation Empower Foundation (Funding start for 2021/22 project) 團體 公司Corporations & Organizations / Profit Holder Ltd Win Seng Manufacturing Factory Ltd First Sentier Investors (Hong Kong) Limited WFOR YEOURTCHONTAINUNEDKSUPYPOORTUTO TEEN'S KEY HONG KONG 50 |