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Home Explore Instructional Coaches' Newsletter - September 15, 2020 (3)

Instructional Coaches' Newsletter - September 15, 2020 (3)

Published by blgarza24, 2020-09-22 10:03:01

Description: Instructional Coaches' Newsletter - September 15, 2020 (3)


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Tit le 1 Inst ruct ional Coaches' Newslet t er - Sept ember 15, 2020 I N ST RU C T I O N A L C O A CThHis NEeSw slet t er is t o recap and N EW SL ET T ERhighlight it ems discussed at t he In st r u ct ion al Coach es' m eet in g, as w ell as t o ser ve as a com m u n icat ion t ool f or t h e In st r u ct ion al Coach es' t eam . Pr eKin der Updat es - Ir is Est r ada SAVVAS On lin e Text book Plat f or m is dow n u n t il Sept em ber 25. In t h e m ean t im e, Ir is h as been pr ovidin g t each er s w it h Google sh eet s w it h lin k s an d Google slides in bot h En glish an d Span ish . CIRCLE Assessm en t s w ill con t in u e, h ow ever , Ir is Est r ada w ill sen d ou t a r evised t im elin e. Th er e w ill be a r equ ir ed CIRCLE t r ain in g on Sept em ber 29t h f r om eit h er 9:00 a.m .-1:00 p.m . or 1:00 p.m .-3:00 p.m . Rem ot e t est in g w ill be discu ssed. Teach er s at t en din g w ill be paid an d m u st r egist er on Om n i Tr ack . Rest Tim e - It is a cam pu s decision . All saf et y pr ot ocols m u st be f ollow ed. St u den t s m u st w ear t h eir m ask s w h ile r est in g. Cen t er s - M ak e su r e t h ey ar e san it izin g. Som e t each er s ar e pu t t in g t h e st u den t m an ipu lat ives in a baggie t h at is on ly f or t h eir u se. You cou ld def in e a space on t h e f loor w it h t ape or a h u la h oop, et c. St u den t s sh ou ld n ot be sh ar in g t h in gs. For m or e in f or m at ion , please con t act Ir is Est r ada at 361-695-7517 Click Here for Replay From Meeting Bilin gu al Resou r ce Updat es an d Locat ion of Span ish Lesson M odu les Rem in der th at th e Span ish RLA l esson s ar e in Com m on s. It is im por tan t th at the teacher s type in CCISD Bi l i n gu al . In th e Span i sh m odu l es, th e k i n der an d fir st gr ade l esson down l oads wil l be pr ovided, bu t th ey ar e n ot in cl u din g th e videos becau se it is im por tan t th at th e stu den ts h ear an d see th eir teach er as th ey pr ovide in str u ction . Th e Span ish BOY Basel in e assessm en ts ar e al l u p in Edu ph or ia. Ver y few Bil in gu al teach er s ar e down l oadin g or im por tin g th e l esson s. Th is is con cer n in g as we do h ave sever al m on ol i n gu al st u den t s. For M or e I n f or m at i on , p l ease con t act Reyn a M ar t i n ez-Ar r i aga at 361-695-7435.

Ellevat ion Plat f or m f or En glish Lear n er s - Velm a Salazar & Den ise Gon zalez Click Here to Access Video of Updates From the Meeting M EET CLAUDIA LITCHENBERGER I n sCtarrurcotliloHniaglhCSocahcoho l This is Claudia's 14th year in education. She graduated from Texas A & M - Corpus Christi (both undergrad and grad). Claudia's hobbies and interests include reading, tennis, traveling, running, hiking, and scrapbooking. She has been married to her husband, Albert, for 26 years. Her daughter, Victoria, is finishing her master 's in Speech Language Pathology at Texas State and her son, Andrew, is a junior at Texas A & M - College Station. Her family has a rescue dog, Violet, and over the summer, Claudia became a \"paw-ma\" to the sweetest border collie, Brody! Claudia's favorite way to spend a day off is by doing something outdoors, sipping coffee by a lake, hiking on a new trail, or sitting on the beach watching the waves! The last show Claudia binge watched was Defending Jacob on Apple TV. Claudia's hero is Malala Yousafzai because this incredible young lady, as a very young age, had the courage and determination to stand up for what she believed in; her right to an education. Claudia's Bucket List includes many things, but at the top of her list is to visit Venice, Italy (which she had planned to do this past summer, but you know - so it'll have to wait until next summer). Claudia is a part-time travel agent. She has always had a true passion for travel, so it is the perfect fit for h er ! M AKE IT A GREAT W EEK

Click Here to Access Video Click Here to Access of Dr. Cynthia Technology Training with Hernandez's Update on Denis Wisner m CLASS Click Here to Access Video Click Here to Access the of the Math Team's Math Presentation Up d at es Som e Exam ples of St r on g Voice Click Each Video t o View


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