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Right Click + 96 exercises Grade 4 + Free Access to Digital Resources To Support Distance Learning 3rd Edition - September 2020 Published by Wissam Daccache E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Cover: Sirine Matta: [email protected] All rights reserved: LINFOPOURTOUS Any reproduction, even partial, by whatever method, without the prior authorization of the authors, is prohibited. /linfopourtousonline +961 3 38 06 33 /linfopourtous /linfopourtous /linfopourtous /linfopourtous Name: Online Resources: Right Click | Grade 4 School: Grade:

Table of contents Grade 4 To Support Distance Learning Data Science 4 The computer and its components Microsoft Power Point 2016 Computer hardware The elements of the case 48 Discovering the toolbar of PowerPoint Inserting a text on a slide 6 Saving information Saving and opening a document 50 Adding a New slide Practicing the command Save - Open Launching a presentation How information circulates 52 Animating an object on a Slide 8 The touch screen Creating a transition between slides The central processing unit-CPU The motherboard Robotics RAM 54 Defining a Robot 10 Evaluation Sheet Getting acquainted with the EV3 robot Recognizing the parts that mke up a robot Scratch 3.0 56 Identifying the use of the software Mindstorms 12 Discovering the program Scratch 3.0 Using the block «Move Tank» to move a robot Downloading Scratch Reviewing the blocks learnt in Grade 3 58 Programming the EV3 robot to play a sound Displaying an image on the screen of the EV3 14 Changing the Sprite Using the block Wait Changing the Backdrop 60 Making the robot move forward and backward 16 Animating the Sprite Making the robot turn left and right Making two Sprites dance 62 Programming the robot to detect a colour 18 Creating the eraser Performing robotics missions Using the embedded Repeat to draw shapes 64 Programming the robot to detect an obstable 20 Drawing a labyrinth Using the block Loop to create loops 22 Programming the arrow keys to make the Sprite Exiting a loop move inside the labyrinth 66 Projects 24 Animating your name 26 Mastering shapes drawing Algorithm Cartoon Drawing - Animals 68 Identifying a programming language Solving exercises related to logic 28 Drawing a cute cartoon cat Introducing “algorithm” Drawing a cat on Paint 70 Identifying an algorithm in daily life 30 Drawing a cute bunny rabbit Identifying and writing a computer algorithm Drawing a raabbit on Paint 72 Identifying a conditional statment 32 Drawing a cute panda Using the command “IF” Drawing a panda on Paint 74 Projects 34 Drawing a cartoon chiken 76 Identifying the use of a loop in programming Drawing a chiken on Paint Converting an algorithm into a code 36 Using ine Shape to draw many faces 78 Learning how to draw polygons MakeCode for MicroBit Building the script of a regular polygon 38 Defining the program MakeCode From algorithm to coding Introducing MicroBit 76 Identifying the use of a loop in programming 40 Displaying shapes on the MicroBit screen Converting an algorithm into a code 42 Using the Push Buttons of the board MicroBit 44 Plating musical notes on MakeCode 78 Learning how to draw polygons 46 Use the block <if> to control the MicroBit Building the script of a regular polygon 2 80 Building embedded Repeat in a program Completing scripts in order to have regular shapes

Hard disk RAM CPU printer 110110001 Data Science Right Click | Grade 4 Online Resources: 3

Chapter 1: Data Science | Lesson 1 O b j ec t i v e s Reviewing what was learnt last year The computer and its components Do you remember what you learned last year? Here is the challenge. 1 The computer processes information The computer is an electronic machine that processes information such as: 2 Computer Hardware Information exits the case Text enters the case Information exits the case Sound enters the case Drawing enters the case Look at the figure above. Then give examples of: input devices: output devices: Name some computer hardware found in the system unit/computer case: 4 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

3 The computer and its components Fill in the blanks with the following words: video - text - computer hardware - computer - sound - process - game - image - components. 1- The computer is a set of called , such as the screen, the mouse, the keyboard and the case. 2- Once the computer components are connected together, they are able to information. 3- The information that the processes can be a ,a , a ,a or an 4 Exercise is used to: The button is used to: The button The button is used to: The button is used to: 5 The elements of the system unit Match each computer component with its appropriate photo. The CPU The hard disk The motherboard The RAM Online Resources: 5 Right Click | Grade 4

Chapter 1: Data Science | Lesson 2 O b j ec t i v e s Reviewing what was learnt last year 1 Saving information Complete the following sentences. 1- Launch the Word program and type a document. The document exists on the (hard disk - RAM). 2- Execute the command (Save - Open) to save the document on the computer’s hard drive. 3- After saving the document, you will find it on (the hard disk - RAM) 2 True or False If you close the Paint program without saving the drawing, it will be lost and you will no longer be able to find it. Before you execute the «Save» command, the drawing exists on the hard disk. Before you close the Paint program, you have to save the drawing; otherwise, it will be lost. When you quit the Paint program, the drawing is erased from the hard disk. Once you Click on Save, the document moves from the RAM to the hard disk. 3 Saving and opening a document The hard disk is the memory that saves information even after the computer is shut down. RAM Hard disk Saving Opening 6

4 The icons in the Word program Launch the Word program. Determine the function of each of the following buttons. 1- The button is used to is used to 2- The button is used to 3- The button is used to 4- The button 5- The button 5- The button is used to is used to 5 I practise the commands Save - Open Launch the Paint program then draw the fish shown on the right. 1- Execute the command File - Save As in order to save the drawing on the computer’s hard disk. Name the drawing «fish». 2- Close the Paint program. 3- Launch the Paint Program then open the drawing saved previously. 6 How does information circulate? Label each picture. Then draw an arrow to indicate how the information circulates once you save a document. Online Resources: 7 Right Click | Grade 4

Chapter 1: Data Science | Lesson 3 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Learning the use of a touch screen 2- Introducing the computer’s hardware: CPU, motherboard, RAM. 1 Touch screen 1- Does the bank open on holidays? 2- What do you do to withdraw money from the bank on holidays? 3- Does the waiter use a keyboard to save your order at the restaurant? 4- To work on a tablet, you use (your finger/a keyboard) The use of the touch screen The touch screen is used : 1- to withdraw money from an ATM when the bank is closed. 2- to register an order in a restaurant without using a keyboard. 3- to register purchases in a clothing store. The touch screen is considered: 1- an input device when you click on an icon or type a text. 2- an output device once the information is displayed on the screen. The advantages Thanks to the touch screen, you type faster and with fewer errors. Some examples Give three examples of places where the touch screen is used: 1- 2- 3- 8 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

2 The Central Processing Unit - CPU CPU Motherboard It is the brain of the computer The central processing unit of a computer is compared to the man’s brain. It is the intelligent part of the computer. The CPU executes all types of instructions: calculating, drawing, listening to music, playing a video, etc. The CPU is attached to the motherboard. It is cooled by a fan because it heats up very fast since it processes a big number of instructions per second. The speed of a CPU is measured in GHz “Gigahertz”. 3 The Motherboard It is the largest component of the system unit. It is the biggest electronic board in the computer case. It connects all the elements of the computer (keyboard, mouse, screen, etc.). The motherboard is designed by Man and manufactured by a Robot. 4 RAM - Random Access Memory The computer includes a memory that saves the work done. The computer memory is divided into two types: 1- RAM, which empties itself when the computer is shut down. 2- a storage memory that memorizes information even when the computer is shut down. Random Access Memory - RAM Right Click | Grade 4 Online Resources: 9

Chapter 1: Data Science | Lesson 4 O b j ec t i v e s Reviewing what was learnt last year Evaluation Sheet 2- To print a document use: Ctrl + V Check your progress! Ctrl + P 1- A touch screen is considered as: File-Print Input device Output device Input/Output device 3- The CPU is compared to 4- A touch screen is found in 5- The speed of the CPU is measured in : GHZ GB 6- The motherboard is the biggest element in the system unit (True/False) : 7- A computer can function without a CPU (True/False) : 8- When the computer is turned off, the documents saved on the hard disk are lost True False 9- The RAM saves information as long as the computer is turned on (True/False) : 10- The information that a computer processes can be a text, 11- A computer can function without a hard drive (True/False) : 12- File - Open moves the document from the Hard Disk to the RAM (True/False) : 13- File - Save moves the document from the Hard Disk to the RAM (True/False) : To Support Distance Learning 10

Scratch 3.0 Right Click | Grade 4 11Online Resources:

Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 1 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Discovering the program Scratch 2- Downloading Scratch 3- Reviewing the blocks learnt in Grade 3 Review sheet Last year in Grade 3, you discovered the Scratch program to draw shapes and to create animations. To download Scratch, visit : Scratch introduces you to the concepts of coding in a simple and funny way. Review the blocks learnt last year. Match each block with its function. 1 Reproduce a sound. 2 Move backward. 3 Move forward. 4 Turn left. 5 Turn right. 6 Clear all the drawings. 7 Display a message. Play a sound. 8 Move the Pen Up. 9 Move the Pen Down. 10 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous 12

Review the blocks learnt last year Write what will happen when the below scripts are executed. Time to practise 50 30 Open Scratch and build the script that reproduces the following shape. 13Online Resources: Right Click | Grade 4

Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 2 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Changing the Sprite 2- Changing the Backdrop. Changing the look of the Sprite Project to do: Open Scratch 3.0 and do the following: 1- Change the look of the Sprite. 2- Change the Backdrop picture. STEPS TO FOLLOW In order to do the above exercise, follow the steps below: From the Sprite Control Screen, click on Choose a Sprite. Select the Sprite “Ben” to place it on the Stage. Look how the two Sprites are on the Sprite Control Screen. To delete the “Cat” Sprite, select it and click on the Delete button. 14

It is time to change the Backdrop picture Right Click | Grade 4 From the Backdrop Control Screen, click on Choose a Backdrop. Select the “Colorful City” Backdrop to place it on the Stage. Look at the result. A new Sprite and a new Backdrop are placed on the Stage. Time to practise Now it is your turn to practise changing the Sprite and the Backdrop. Open Scratch 3.0 and: 1. Choose the Bear-walking Sprite. 2. Choose the Beach Rio Backdrop. 15Online Resources:

Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 3 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Animating the Sprite 2- Making two Sprites dance The Sprite dance and move Project to do: Open Scratch 3.0 and do the following: 1- Change the look of the Sprite and the Backdrop as shown (Backdrop = Blue Sky - Sprite = Ben). 2- Make the Sprite dance. STEPS TO FOLLOW In order to do the exercise above, follow these steps: After changing the Backdrop image and the Sprite, create the script in order to make the Sprite dance. From the Control category, move the block forever. From the Look category, move the block next costume then add on the top of the Script the block “when this sprite clicked”. Once you click on the Sprite, you will notice that it will start dancing very fast. From the category Control, add the block wait in order to slow down the animation of the Sprite. From the category Motion, add the block go to random position in order to make the Sprite change its position on the Stage while changing its costume. Try the block and write what happens when you launch the script and you start moving the mouse on the stage. 16 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

Project: MAke 2 Sprites dance Right Click | Grade 4 In order to make 2 Sprites dance, we start by adding the new Sprite as shown on the right. To make the 2 Sprites dance, click on each one respectively and build the Script as shown on the screen. Examine the Script of the first Sprite. Examine the Script of the second Sprite. Time to practise Now it is your turn to practise making two Sprites dance, open Scratch 3.0 and: 1. Add the 2 Sprites Batter and Ball. 2. For each Sprite, create the Script to make it dance. 17Online Resources:

Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 4 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Creating the eraser 2- Using the embedded Repeat to draw shapes The Eraser, a useful script to use Project to do: Open Scratch 3.0 and do the following: 1- Build the Eraser Script. 2- Use the Embedded Repeat to draw a square. STEPS TO FOLLOW In order to do the above exercise, follow these steps: Each time you want to draw a shape in Scratch, you should start your project by building the Eraser Script. Click on the Add Extension button, then select the Pen category. All the blocks related to the Pen category are now available to be used in your future projects. From the Events category, move the block “When Space key pressed”. From the Pen category, move the two blocks “pen up” and “erase all” From the Motion category, move the two blocks “goto” and “point in direction” Once the Eraser script is built, you can use it to clear, after each drawing, the Stage of the program Scratch. 18

Drawing a square many times using the Repeat block Right Click | Grade 4 In the first lesson, we learned how to use the block Repeat in order to draw a square. Examine the Script to draw a Square. The 2 blocks inside the Repeat block are executed 4 times. What will happen if we execute the Script where 2 Repeat blocks are embedded? The square will be repeated 1 time. The square will be repeated 10 times. The square will be repeated 40 times. After executing the Script, you notice that the square is drawn 10 times at the same position. After building and executing the two Scripts, match each one with its figure. Time to practise Now it is your turn to practise drawing a shape using the embedded Repeat block, open Scratch 3.0 and: 1. Build the Script of the Eraser. 2. Build the Script using the embedded loop to draw the 3 squares as shown on the screen. 19Online Resources:

Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 5 O b j ec t i v e s Drawing a labyrinth My first game Project to do: Open Scratch 3.0 and do the following: 1- Draw a labyrinth on the Backdrop. 2- Create the 4 scripts to make the Sprite move inside the labyrinth. STEPS TO FOLLOW In order to do the exercise above, follow these steps: We will start by drawing the labyrinth on the Backdrop. From the Backdrop control screen, click on choose a backdrop then select Paint. Examine the Paint screen. All the drawing tools needed are shown on the screen. The Drawing Tools 20 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

While the labyrinth is being drawn, it will Right Click | Grade 4 appear directly on the Stage. In case you want to edit your drawing, use the editing tools shown on the previous page. After drawing the labyrinth, you notice that the Sprite is too big to fit inside. To change the size of the Sprite, select it and change the size as shown on the screen. Time to practise Now it is your turn to practise drawing a labyrinth. Open Scratch 3.0 and: 1. Draw a labyrinth. 2. Change the size of the Sprite to fit inside the labyrinth. 21Online Resources:

Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 6 O b j e c t i v e s Programming the arrow keys to make the Sprite move inside the labyrinth My first game Project to do: Open Scratch 3.0 and do the following: 1- Open the project created in the previous lesson. 2- Build the 4 Scripts to make the Sprite move inside the labyrinth. STEPS TO FOLLOW In order to do the above exercise, follow these steps: Each time you launch Scratch, the Sprite will be placed at the position: x=0, y=0. Examine the coordinates of the Sprite once Scratch is launched. Move the Sprite manually to the position where you want it to be at the beginning of the game. Examine the new coordinates of the Sprite. In order to move the Sprite to the starting position each time you want to begin a new game, build the following Script. Build the following Script in order to program the Right Arrow Key. Each time it is pressed, the direction of the Sprite will be set to the right and it will move 10 steps. 22

Build the following Script in order to Right Click | Grade 4 program the Left Arrow Key. Each time it is pressed, the direction of the Sprite will be set to the left and it will move 10 steps. Build the following Script in order to program the UP Arrow Key. Each time it is pressed, the direction of the Sprite will change set to UP and it will move 10 steps. Build the following Script in order to program the Down Arrow Key. Each time it is pressed, the direction of the Sprite will change set to DOWN and it will move 10 steps. Make more control! You have noticed that once the Sprite touches the border of the labyrinth, it will not stop. In order to make the Sprite return back to the starting point, in case it touches the border of the labyrinth, build (with the help of your teacher) the Script on the right. Time to practise Now it is your turn to practise drawing a labyrinth. Open Scratch 3.0 and: 1. Draw a labyrinth. 2. Program the 4 arrow keys to make the Sprite move through the labyrinth. 23Online Resources:

Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 7 O b j ec t i v e s Animating your name My name is... Project to do: Open Scratch 3.0 and do the following: 1- Add on the Stage the letters of your first name. 2- For each letter, build the Script to animate it. STEPS TO FOLLOW In order to do the above exercise, follow these steps: As a first step, import the different Sprite letters as shown on the right. After importing the different letters, select the first one in order to start building the Script. From the Events category, move the block When ... is pressed and select the letter K. From the Control category, move the block forever. From the Looks category, move the block change color effect by 25. To change the speed of the animation, replace the value 25 with a new one. Same Script is built for the other letters. By pressing the corresponding letter, the animation will start playing. 24 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

more effects to the animation Right Click | Grade 4 In addition to the colour, you can animate your name by changing the size of the letter or by rotating it to the left or to the right. Look at the Script that makes the letter bigger. The block change size by 10 will be repeated 10 times. Look at the Script that makes the letter smaller. The block change size by -10 will be repeated 10 times. By joining the 2 Repeat blocks as shown, you will animate the letter one time. In order to make the letter change its size continuously, place all the Script in a forever Repeat block. Explore more animations After trying the Script, describe the behaviour of the Sprite once the letter k is pressed. Time to practise Now it is your turn to practise animating your name. Open Scratch 3.0 and: 1. On the Stage place the letters of your name. 2. For each letter build the Script to make the animation of your choice. 25Online Resources:

O b j ec t i v e s Mastering shapes drawing Chapter 2: Scratch 3.0 | Lesson 8 Practise the Embedded Loops 60 Exercise 1: Use the Repeat block in order to reproduce 30 the following shapes. 60 60 30 60 20 30 30 Exercise 2: Match each Script with its corresponding figure. 26

Online Resources: Right Click | Grade 4


EXCERCISE Open the program Paint and reproduce the drawing below 29


EXCERCISE Open the program Paint and reproduce the drawing below 31


EXCERCISE Open the program Paint and reproduce the drawing below 33


EXCERCISE Open the program Paint and reproduce the drawing below 35

more projects One shape... Many faces In this lesson, you will learn how to draw different animal faces using a basic shape. Launch the program Paint and select the Oval Shape to draw an oval as shown. Use the Eraser tool to delete the lower part of the Oval. Select the Line tool to close the Oval as shown. Time for fun... 4 projects to do Now it is time to complete the above shape to draw the below animal faces. 36 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

MakeCode for Microbit Right Click | Grade 4 37Online Resources:

Chapter 4: MakeCode for MicroBit | Lesson 1 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Defining the program MakeCode 2- Introducing the MicroBit What is MAkecode? MakeCode is a program like Scratch dedicated to introduce the concept of Coding. With Scratch, you program the Sprite. With MakeCode, you program the MicroBit. How to run the program Makecode? MakeCode is available in 2 versions: Online and Offline. If you have Internet connection, If you don’t have Internet connection, install the launch the Online version from Offline version by visiting the following address: the following address: https:// The welcome screen of makecode Open an existing project previously done. Once you launch Makecode, you can: Create a new project. 38

Save your project first! Once you create a new project, you are asked to save it on your computer. The welcome screen of makecode The main screen displayed contains the following sections: The simulator screen for the The different blocks are arranged under 9 MicroBit. Once you build and run categories. From these blocks, you will be a program, it will be executed on asked to build a Script in order to run it on the the MicroBit board. Microbit board. The Stage where you build the The Download button in order to download the Script. Script on the MicroBit board. To understand more Right Click | Grade 4 Look at the example on the right. The block show icon illuminates the leds of the MicroBit board in the shape of a heart. 39Online Resources:

Chapter 4: MakeCode for MicroBit | Lesson 2 O b j ec t i v e s Displaying shapes on the MicroBit screen Displaying pictures and messages On the MicroBit board, 25 leds form a screen to display any kind of information (shapes, messages, etc). The MicroBit’s screen is OFF. The MicroBit’s screen is ON. What to display on the microbit screen? From the Basic category, you can choose the blocks needed to show information on the MicroBit’s screen. The blocks of the basic category While exploring the Basic category, you identify many blocks that manipulate the MicroBit’s screen. Try each block and then describe its use. 40 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

Projects to try Right Click | Grade 4 Launch the program MakeCode and try the projects below. 41Online Resources:

Chapter 4: MakeCode for MicroBit | Lesson 3 O b j ec t i v e s Using the Push Buttons of the board Microbit Push buttons are everywhere In our daily life, push buttons are found everywhere. They are considered as an input device to control a machine. Examine the 2 push buttons of a lift. Give other examples of push buttons you can find around you. 2 push buttons on the microbit board The MicroBit is designed with two push buttons in order to control its functioning. The push button A. The push button B. From the Input category, the block on button A pressed allows you to control the displayed picture on the screen of the MicroBit. If the button A is pressed, the picture of a heart is displayed. If the button B is pressed, a different picture is displayed. 42

Repeating a command Right Click | Grade 4 It is time to use the block Repeat in order to create complex scripts. Open the category Loops. Select the block repeat. Build the script as shown and explain what happens if you press button A. A project to do It is your turn to launch MakeCode and to build the two scripts that allow you to press the buttons A and B in order to do the following: If button A is pressed: Display 2 times your name and your school name. If button B is pressed: Display 3 times 4 pictures of your choice. Between each display, delay 1 second. (1000 ms = 1 second). 43Online Resources:

Chapter 4: MakeCode for MicroBit | Lesson 4 O b j ec t i v e s Playing musical notes on MakeCode Music for life From the MicroBit board, it is possible to play musical notes in a funny way. Click on the Music category. Examine the different blocks under the Music category. The speakers are on Once you add a music block to your Script, the wires of the speakers are directly connected to the MicroBit board. A music block is added to the script. The wires of the speakers are directly connected to the MicroBit board. Change the tone of the music. Change the speed of the music beat. Project to do Build a Script to repeat the following 3 times: 1- if the button A is pressed, play 4 different musical notes. 2- if button B is pressed, display a heart. 44

Playing a melody Right Click | Grade 4 Move the block play melody to create a melody of your choice. Choose Editor to build your own melody. Click on a square to listen to its corresponding musical note. Click on play to listen to the entire melody. Choose Gallery to select a pre-defined melody. A project to do It is your turn to launch MakeCode and to build the script that includes two Repeat blocks as shown. In each repeat block, build the melody you want to play. The first repeat block is repeated 2 times. The second repeat block is repeated 3 times. 45Online Resources:

Chapter 4: MakeCode for MicroBit | Lesson 5 O b j ec t i v e s Use the block <if> to control the MicroBit Time to play with the dice Do you want to create a dice with your MicroBit? Follow the steps below: In the block forever, insert the block show number. From the category Math, insert the block pick number and set the lower and higher values of the dice. When you run the Script, you will notice that random numbers are displayed continuously on the screen of the MicroBit. To stop showing the random numbers automatically, move the block if from the category Control. From the category Input, insert the block button A is pressed. Now you can use the MicroBit board to play with the dice. Each time you press the button A, a random number, between 0 and 10, will be shown. More ideas... more Projects To discover more projects on MicroBit, visit the link 46 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

Power Point For attractive presentations 47

Chapter 5: Power Point | Lesson 1 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Discovering the toolbar of Power Point 2- Inserting a text on a slide 1 The use of Power Point Hi! Power Point is a program used to create presentations in order to present to the class a work done in an attractive way. The main document of the program Power Point is called “Slide”. A slide contains almost everything! On a slide, you can insert a text, a photo, music or even a video. Creating a slide with a style Once you launch the program Power Point, a welcome screen is open in order to let you create a new document using the style you want. Select the style of the document you want to create. Once you select the style of your slide, a new document is created with only one slide. Click on the text box to add a new title or to write a text. From the main menu, click on Insert in order to insert a new text box or even a picture. Watch the tutorial lesson 48

Inserting a picture on a slide Right Click | Grade 4 To insert a Clipart, follow the steps below: Click on Insert - Online Pictures. Type the name of the picture you are looking for. Then click on the button Search. Select the picture you want to insert on the slide and then click Insert. To insert a picture from your USB or your computer’s hard drive. Click on Insert - Picture. To insert a Shape, from the illustration section, click on Shapes. To insert a WordArt, click on the button WordArt. My first project Create a Power Point document (1 slide only) containing the following elements: 1- Title: Your first and last name. 2- Picture: A picture of your School (provided by your teacher or downloaded from the Internet). 3- A WordArt: The academic year. 49Online Resources:

Chapter 5: Power Point | Lesson 2 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Adding a new slide 2- Launching a presentation 1 For a better organization Reminder: Once a new Power Point document is created, it contains only one slide. Adding new slides to your document will make your presentation more organized and attractive. Adding new slides to your project From the main menu, click on Insert then on New Slide. Choose the style of the slide you want to insert. Examine how the presentation is formed of 2 slides. You can click directly on the To Support Distance Learning icon in order to insert a picture. Launching you project Once you complete your project, select Slide Show from the main menu, then click on From Beginning in order to launch your project in “Full Screen” mode. 50

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