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Home Explore Engineering Post June 2021

Engineering Post June 2021

Published by Empire Online, 2021-12-16 18:47:49

Description: Engineering Post June 2021

Keywords: Engineeringpost,Engineering


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1100 MW K-2 Nuclear Power Plant connected to grid Pa k i s t a n ' s the nuclear power K-1 and K-2 nuclear clear, and 4% renew- largest nuclear plant had achieved plants are located in able (solar, wind). In power plant criticality at the end of Karachi, while four are Pakistan, fossil fuel (K-2) has been February and was un- sited at Chashma consumption is dispro- connected to the Na- dergoing c a l l e d portionally high. tional grid by the Pak- c e r t a i n Chashma As part of the En- istan Atomic Energy s a f e t y N u c l e a r ergy Security Plan Commission (PAEC). tests be- P o w e r 2005 given by the The state of the art fore it P l a n t PAEC, Pakistan has to facility in Karachi, could be Unit 1-4. achieve its targets of built with assistance connected At pres- producing nuclear from China is Pak- to the na- ent, the power of about 16% of istan's sixth nuclear t i o n a l e n e r g y the energy mix, which power plant. The grid. mix of Pakistan is 64% is 3,350 MW by 2021, PAEC while announc- PAEC is operating Fossil (gas-38%, oil- 8,800 MW by 2030, ing the inauguration of six nuclear power 16%, coal-10%), 26% and 40,000 MW by the project said that plants in the country. hydropower, 6% nu- 2048.

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Construction industry registers investments worth Rs Rs383bn Since the introduction of the and companies, irrespective of the construction incentive pack- entity status. age by the prime minister The first benefit of this scheme is more than 1070 projects have been that it provides fixed tax rates that registered with Federal Board of are per square foot for builders and Revenue (FBR) having investment per square yard for developers. worth of Rs383 billion. Furthermore the tax, so calculated According to the latest data re- is further reduced by 90 percent in leased by the FBR the construction cases of low-cost housing projects. incentive package The govern- has attracted huge ment’s package for investments of Rs383 construction also billion. The FBR had provides for many uploaded the names concessions from and complete ad- withholding taxes. dresses of the names In order to mobilise of individuals, com- investment, a com- panies, and firms reg- plete immunity istered under Section 100D of the from probe regarding the sources of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, who investment has been provided to availed the PM’s incentive pack- the builders/developers and to the age. The package was promulgated buyers of the properties of such through Tax Laws (Amendment) projects subject to fulfilment of cer- Ordinance, 2020 whereby a new tain conditions. section 100D and Eleventh Sched- To avail this package every ule were inserted in Income Tax builder and developer is required to Ordinance 2001. register on computer-based IRIS The package is applicable to both Software of the FBR on or before the builders and developers of the 31.12.2020, and the projects are re- land, and covers both the new and quired to be completed before existing construction and develop- 30.09.2022. The requirements for ment projects. Builders and devel- registration include provision of opers can avail the tax benefits of bank account, ownership docu- the package in respect of residen- ments and approved plan. The tial as well as commercial build- FBR System also provides for tem- ings. This can be availed by porary registration pending com- individuals, association of persons pletion of approvals. 02

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Jubilee Corporation offering a Comprehensive Range of Measuring and Testing Instruments in the Market Jubilee Corporation (JC) is a fields of Power Distribution, Ex- Test & Measurement Instruments Union’s RoHS concerning \"the re- well-recognized name for ternal Lightning Protection, En- for more than 40 years. With its striction of the use of certain haz- maintaining its leadership ergy Management, remarkable R&D, the company ardous substances in electrical edge in the low voltage switchgear Instrumentation, Controls and manufactures the most compre- and electronic equipment\" and market due its unparalleled com- more. In the measuring instru- hensive range of instruments tai- REACH concerning \"the Registra- bination of offering top quality ments category, JC offers a com- lored to the emerging needs of tion, Evaluation, Authorization products, addressing stocking prehensive range of tachometers, different markets. Lutron is cur- and Restriction of Chemicals\" needs of its customers and provid- measuring, checking and calibrat- rently exporting its products to regulations. ing top notch after-sales services. ing instruments from Lutron in over 80 countries worldwide. Also, being an ISO 9001 certi- Over the span of six decades, the market. Other than meeting all rele- fied manufacturer, you can be Jubilee Corporation has made Lutron Electronic Enterprise vant international standards, confident that all of Lutron’s great strides, expanded success- Co., Ltd. has been Taiwan's lead- Lutron's products are also in com- products will meet or exceed your fully its product portfolio in the ing manufacturer in the fields of pliance with the European quality requirements. 03

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 IEEEP Karachi Center targeting the new heights under new leadership Exclusive interview with new team of IEEEP Karachi Center by Engineering Post IEEEP is a non-commercial ing related Matters. Even during lockdown of 2020 the dition to these responsibilities entity, working specifically Engr. Khalid Pervez Chairman symposium and seminars were IEEEP should also be involved in for the dissemination of IEEEP Karachi center in his ini- arranged in a Hybrid manner Electricity related issues on a gov- knowledge and bridging the gap tial remarks said that the pri- (Physically and virtually). IEEEP ernment level for guidance” added between academia and industry. Engr. Khalid Pervez. Recently a new team of profes- Honorary Secretary, Engr. sional engineers have been en- Munis Siddiqui while elaborating trusted with the responsibility of on steps being undertaken to in- overseeing the day to day activi- crease membership said “The en- ties of IEEEP Karachi Centre. rollment forms have been These people have 150 years of digitalized and online payments business and corporate experi- are accepted to make the process ence in different capacities be- easier,” he said. He further added tween them. that COVID-19 has been a wake- The new team comprises of up call for everyone regarding the Engr. Khalid Pervez who has utility and convenience of online been entrusted with the charge forums and virtual events. “The of center Chairman, Engr. Ishti- goal of IEEEP Karachi is not just aqul Haque will be working as to increase memberships but to Vice Chairman, Engr. Munis Sid- ensure active participation as diqui has been selected as Hon- well which can be achieved orary Secretary, Engr. through online events,” he added. Muhammad Riaz Chaudhry will To ensure maximum online par- be the Finance Secretary and ticipation of the members all dig- Engr. Imran Zafar will be serving ital forums are being utilized. A as the Honorary Joint Secretary YouTube channel has also been in the team. set up by IEEEP Karachi center Engineering Post organized an for sharing informative videos exclusive virtual interview on and engaging members. Zoom, where all the new leader- mary objective of IEEEP has is also working on different fac- Vice Chairman Engr. Ishtiaqul ship of IEEEP Karachi center always been the dissemination of tors which can help increase the Haque suggested that it is high was present, to get their insights knowledge. In this regard Multi- membership of the forum so that time that the role of academia is about the future endeavors of topic symposium and Student engineers can be involved in increased in order to bridge the IEEEP as well as other engineer- seminar is arranged every year. events at a national level. “In ad- gap between industry and acade- 04

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 centers, resume working as cussing this point the most usual. important reasons which During the conversation came to light were, a very important point of 1. Private engineering using Made in Pakistan universities having total products was raised. Engr. disregard for merit produc- Muhammad Riaz ing hundreds of engineers Chaudhry who is working every year and as the Finance Secretary of 2. The outdated curricu- IEEEP Karachi while com- lum being taught at engi- menting on the matter said neering universities is that due to the increased many times while inter- poles apart from the cur- viewing young engineers mia. “The PEC and other tax and duties, the im- we have to reject them rent practices in the indus- government’s focus is on regulatory authorities ported products are becom- try. Moreover he said that controlling the engineering should also look into updat- ing increasingly expensive solely due to their incompe- it is the need of time to en- sector. A paradigm shift is ing the engineering cur- for the normal consumer. tence,” he said. While the sure that vocational train- required here so that it riculum according to the This is creating a vacuum ing centers are revived all moves from a controlling to modern standards so that which can be filled by the across the country to pro- a more supportive role. the young engineers are local industry if they pro- duce skilled personnel aware of the latest tech- vide quality products in the • A very important nologies being used in the country. “People have been At the end of the session factor which is overlooked market” he said. apprehensive about local Engr. Khalid Pervez Chair- when foreign investors are products in the market due man IEEEP Karachi center involved is that Pakistan All the participants to inferior quality. If our in- while giving his concluding may not have the capabil- agreed on the fact that we dustry starts focusing on remarks, provided some ity to provide technologi- need to adapt to the cur- producing high quality very valuable suggestions cally high end products but rent situation of lockdowns products they can flourish for the engineering indus- the engineering services of and COVID-19 until things exponentially in this envi- try of Pakistan. Pakistan are second to take a turn for the better ronment” he said. none. It should be manda- and Expo centers, which • First and foremost tory for all foreign in- are currently converted While talking about the the HEC and Engineering vestors to acquire into makeshift vaccination future scope of Engineers council need to step up and Engineering industry serv- in Pakistan Engr. Imran work on updating the engi- ices, consultancy and other neering curriculum on a Zafar the Honorary Joint participants were dis- priority basis to secure the Secretary of IEEEP future of Engineers in Pak- Karachi center said that we istan. always hear people say • The Engineering that the number of jobless Development Board should engineers is increasing in become proactive in its role the market. What people of development of engineer- don’t understand is that ing sector. the standards of new engi- • The government neers are not what they needs to change its stance once used to be “It is my towards the engineering personal experience that community. Currently the 05

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 services from the local such a venture. firms of the country. • The trend of • The engineer- internship programs ing sector needs to currently running in focus on technology Pakistan need to be transfer as well as curbed and should be joint ventures with replaced with ap- foreign companies to prenticeship pro- form a symbiotic rela- grams like they older tionship which can be times. The internship beneficial for both par- programs are for lack ties over time. A re- of a better word use- cent joint venture to a less and fail to pro- Chinese ceramics com- vide any true value pany with Time ce- for the student aca- ramics in Pakistan is a demically or profes- wonderful example of sionally. Chinese offer to build Gwadar-Khunjrab rail link put in cold storage Engineering Post Report istan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is yet to take off. An offer by consortium of Chinese firms in Making the presentation, the Chinese consor- 2013 to build Gwadar-Khunjrab rail link in tium representative had drawn comparison be- four years was put into cold storage after an tween diesel electric locomotives, on which extensive presentation was made to the then Rail- Railways are now being run in the country and ways Minister Khwaja Sa’ad Rafiq by consortium electric locomotives. representatives in Islamabad. Highlighting the strategic importance and ben- According to information gathered from reliable efits of the project, it was stated that the proposed sources in Islamabad, the official quarters con- rail link will enhance security of Pakistan and cerned after the presentation had not responded to stabilize the region due to its strategic impor- the Chinese consortium which was to under the tance, Central Asian Republics will be connected project on a loan at a cost of Rs 250 billion includ- with Pakistan Railways network, boost trade re- ing Rs 160 billion for infrastructure and Rs 90 bil- lations between China and Pakistan and China lion for locomotives on electric traction basis. The could receive cargo to and from Gwadar along the loan so offered was to be repaid in seven years. shortest route from Gwadar to Khunjrab. Experts If the offer was accepted the project would have are of the view that this project is still viable and been completed about four years back if not de- of Main Line-I from Karachi to Peshawar under should be taken into consideration by those in- layed on any account while major Railway project the umbrella of great game changer China-Pak- volved in infrastructure planning. 06

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 How HVACR consultants can add value to projects Conversation with renowned HVACR consultant Engr. Safdar Ali Mughal For the past few years the HVACR industry professionals and install compatible products”. demands for the establishment of a local Research of Pakistan has been growing consistently. During the conversation when the point of in- and Development lab in the country. “I have also This has led to the introduction of many new creasing the utilization of Made in Pakistan prod- discussed the importance of an R&D facility in the players in the market be it local or international. ucts came up, Engr. Safdar said “Our local country with Pakistan HVACR society. I have also New technologies are also being introduced to industry has the capability of producing world offered to fund the project because such a cater for the different requirements of the projects class products but sometimes due to cost cutting facility/lab is the requirement of the whole country according to their level and scale. In such times from the client’s side, the substandard local prod- right now”. when there is a plethora of brands and technolo- ucts are utilized which ultimately break down During the conversation, Engr. Safdar Ali also gies available to choose from the pivotal role of after some time and besmirch the name of highlighted the presence of unprofessional con- guiding the clients falls on the shoulders of local products,”. Further clarifying his sultants in the market “There are many black HVACR consultants. The HVACR consultants point he said “It has been my experience sheep posing as consultants in the market. With make sure that the client gets maximum benefit that when the client is a contractor/devel- no professional background or experience they from their investments while adhering to the oper he is inclined towards cost cutting offer low costs and sometimes end up winning requirements and demands of the while on the other projects which almost always leads to problems client. hand when the in the future,” He suggested that the Pak- Engineering Post had the owner is in- istan Engineering Council and other reg- opportunity to talk to Engr. volved himself ulatory authorities should look Safdar Ali Mughal, a he chooses into curbing this menace of renowned HVACR consultant quality fake consultants in the in Pakistan with more than 40 market for the benefit of years of experience in the clients as well as other field. Engr. Safdar Ali, CEO of professionals. “Having a Safdar Ali and Associates has bad experience with an worked on many landmark unprofessional consultant projects in Pakistan including leads the client to believe the project of Peshawer li- that all local consultants brary, MCB tower Multan, DG might be unprofessional Khan Cement factory and of- and leaves a very bad im- fice buildings located at Hub and many more. over low cost” he added. Furthermore he sug- pression in the market. The authorities should While talking to Engineering Post he explained gested that the government should levy heavy work towards discouraging such fake consultants how every product is not suitable for all kinds of taxes on the import of products so, these can be from actively participating in biddings and proj- projects “Our people need to understand that manufactured in Pakistan. “That is the only way ects,” he said. there is no one fit-for-all product. For example to discourage imported products and encourage Engr. Safdar Ali highly appreciated the role of VRF and split ACs might not be efficient in a large local manufacturing”, he said. Engineering Post in the promotion of engineering scale projects. Similarly people need to trust the Engr Safdar Ali has also been very vocal in his industry of Pakistan. 08

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Diwan International introducing world’s Largest Solar Panel in Pakistan Diwan Interna- introduced new models At the ceremony the recognition of the out- tation to the media and Energy Company. tional (Pvt) Ltd a of HUAWEI Solar in- CEO of Diwan Interna- standing performance other attendees describ- Diwan is the Author- renowned name verter M1/2/3 Series for tional (Pvt) Ltd of Diwan International ing the features and ca- ized Distributor and Of- in the distribution of the consumers in Pak- Muhammad Saleem during these past years. pabilities of the new ficial Partner of Huawei solar products in Pak- istan. Diwan was given the Service Manager models of Huawei Solar FusionSolar (Solar In- istan has launched the The Launching Cere- \"Strategic Platinum HUAWEI FusionSolar inverters being verter), Trina Solar, world’s largest Solar Chint Electric and Panel “Trina Solar Ver- LEOCH Battery in tex Series 655/660W” in Pakistan. Diwan Inter- Pakistan. national is in Karachi These futuristic solar but works all across panels have the capa- Pakistan on solar and bility of producing 655 other projects. In addi- and 660W of electricity. tion to Solar sector The company is also Diwan International planning to introduce Private limited also has Solar panels with the a good market share in capacity of 670W in the Textile Sector, Con- coming months of 2021. struction Industry, In addition to the Trina mony for these products Partner\" by Sheheryar Muhammad Sarmad launched in Pakistan. Building Material, Solar Vertex Series was held at Diwan In- Shakeel who is the Wahab Ch was also Diwan international Dairy Farming and Mo- 655/660W solar panel ternational's Solar Country Manager Trina present at the occasion. Private Limited is Pak- bile Accessories sector the company has also Showroom in Karachi. Solar. The award was in He gave a short presen- istan’s leading Solar in Pakistan. 10


ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Carrier Achieves 2020 Goals in Key Areas of Sustainability Carrier Global Corporation has achieved nounced a $3 million commitment to The Na- ronmental targets, our goals now include our 2020 sustainability goals including the ture Conservancy to help combat climate people and communities. reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by change in cities, starting in the communities OUR PLANET 19%, water consumption by 44% and hazardous where Carrier employees live and work. Reduce our customers' carbon footprint by waste generation by 23%, all compared to a 2030 ESG GOALS more than 1 gigaton. 2015 baseline. The company also increased its As the leading global provider of healthy, safe Invest over $2B to develop healthy, safe and recycling rate to 94%. These achievements pro- and sustainable building and cold chain solu- sustainable building and cold chain solutions vided the benchmark for Carrier's first set of tions, Carrier Global Corporation is committed that incorporate sustainable design principles Environmental, Social & Governance goals and reduce life-cycle impacts. since becoming an independent company last Achieve carbon neutral operations. year. Reduce energy intensity by 10% across our \"At Carrier, ESG is core to our business and operations. we're committed to leading the way by creating Achieve water neutrality in our operations solutions that matter for people and our planet,\" prioritizing water scarce locations. said Dave Gitlin, Chairman & CEO, Carrier. \"In Deliver zero-waste to landfill from manufac- doing so, we're addressing profound societal is- turing locations. sues like diversity and inclusion, hunger, build- Establish a responsible supply chain program ing health, safe vaccine distribution and climate and assess key factory suppliers against pro- change – the latter of which is the focus of this gram criteria year's Earth Day.\" OUR PEOPLE Building on Carrier's progress in reducing its Exceed benchmark employee engagement carbon footprint, the company set targets in its Achieve gender parity in senior leadership new 2030 ESG Goals to become carbon neutral roles by 2030. The company is also aiming to reduce Achieve a diverse workforce that represents its customers' carbon footprint by more than one the communities in which we live and work gigaton, by investing more than $2 billion in Foster the growth of employee resource healthy, safe and sustainable solutions for build- groups to drive social impact ings and cold chains. The new targets also in- Maintain world-class safety metrics clude achieving water neutral operations, OUR COMMUNITIES focusing our efforts initially on our water scarce to making the world safer, sustainable and more Positively impact communities through en- locations, and delivering zero-waste to landfill comfortable for generations to come. From the abling access to safe and healthy indoor envi- from the company's manufacturing locations. beginning, we've led in inventing new technolo- ronments, alleviating hunger and food waste, Carrier's ESG strategy also includes supporting gies and entirely new industries. and volunteering our time and talent charitable organizations that seek to increase Our 2030 ESG goals underscore our commit- Invest in STEM education programs that pro- the resiliency of communities in addressing the ment to the things that matter and to continu- mote diversity and inclusion physical and transitional impacts associated ously challenge ourselves to think bigger and to Promote sustainability through education, with climate change. In early 2020, Carrier an- be better. Expanding on three decades of envi- partnerships and climate resiliency program. 12

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 TCL Pakistan launched T-Pro T3 full DC inverter AC TCL Pakistan ushered in a new seamlessly with voice commands era of smart connectivity with anywhere, anytime. the recent launch of the T–Pro With its Smart Air Flow system, T3 Full DC Inverter Air Conditioner. the AC distributes the air more Connected with IoT WiFi, this tech- evenly for both cool and hot air to nologically advanced AC, with its help avoid direct exposure and max- powerful T3 Compressor, guarantees imum efficiency in cooling. TCL Pro’s maximum cooling output even at Anti - Bacterial filter removes 99 temperature reaching up to 60 de- percent airborne bacteria from the grees and helps save energy con- dust particles in the air which en- sumption up to 66 percent. The tionwide. smart devices via the TCL Home and sures that your family breathes in a newly launched AC is available na- Consumers can connect their Google Home app and control the AC healthy and safe environment. 19 companies granted approval for Mobile phone manufacturing in Pakistan TCL Pakistan ushered in a new era of smart Connected with IoT WiFi, this technologically ad- connectivity with the recent launch of the vanced AC, with its powerful T3 Compressor, T–Pro T3 Full DC Inverter Air Conditioner. guarantees maximum cooling output even at tem- perature reaching up to 60 degrees and helps save energy consumption up to 66 percent. The newly launched AC is available nationwide. Consumers can connect their smart devices via the TCL Home and Google Home app and control the AC seamlessly with voice commands any- where, anytime. With its Smart Air Flow system, the AC dis- tributes the air more evenly for both cool and hot air to help avoid direct exposure and maximum efficiency in cooling. TCL Pro’s Anti - Bacterial filter removes 99 percent airborne bacteria from the dust particles in the air which ensures that your family breathes in a healthy and safe envi- ronment. Pakistani company and BYD to manufacture electric vehicles Federal Minister Hammad Azhar has an- nounced On Twitter about the production of electric bus in collaboration with BYD. Under the new agreement, BYD, the largest global electric bus manufacturer will manufac- ture electric vehicles in Pakistan with Pakistani company. Pakistan has planned to move towards electrification of mass transit as a result of Elec- tric Vehicle Policy approved by the federal gov- ernment last year in December. According to the approval, the motorcycles and vehicles would be shifted on electric power. Along with this, Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Units would also be es- tablished in the country. He penned down his tweet as; “BYD, the largest global electric bus manufacturer, along with Sapphire group have joined hands to develop market development & manufacturing of electric vehicles in Pak”. 14

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 NTDC choose Haier AC’s for Supply, installation & commissioning at NTDC grid stations National Transmission & Conditioners at the grid sta- Dispatch Company tions to help NTDC maintain (NTDC) is an au- optimum temperatures for their tonomous power transmission control systems. Team of Haier company under ministry of Technicians and Engineers sup- Energy (Power Division). It plied and installed cabinet AC’s was separated from Water & at multiple grid stations and Power Development Authority NTDC has praised the Haier (WAPDA) in 1998 and owns all Pakistan team for quality of 220 KV and 500KV grid sta- work and services provided to tions and transmission lines in help energy sector during peak Pakistan. NTDC started its load requirements. commercial operations from 1999. Its present headquarters NTDC operates fourteen 500 are located at WAPDA House, KV and forty-three 220 KV grid Lahore. stations, 5893 km of 500 KV transmission lines, and 10963 Recently the National km of 220 KV transmission Transmission and Dispatch lines across the country. Company (NTDC) planned to NEPRA granted Transmission upgrade the existing Grid sta- License to NTDC in December tions with latest air condition- 2002 to engage in the exclusive ing units so that the transmission business for a temperature in critical areas term of 30 years. NTDC aims to can be maintained at an opti- be the best Transmission Com- mal level and uninterrupted pany while adopting best utility power can be supplied to the practices, ensuring Transmis- masses even in extremely hot sion System Reliability & weather. For this purpose Safety and committed to be- NTDC decided to take advan- come the Best Service Provider tage from the expertise of local to the Power Producers, Distri- service providers. Haier Pak- bution Companies and bulk istan took the charge to pro- power consumers connected to vide its services for NTDC grid its Network. NTDC is also ac- stations under chief engineer quiring new technologies in- (asset management) north pro- cluding 765kV AC, + 660 kV DC gram. Haier Pakistan supplied & import of power from neigh- and installed Cabinet type Air boring countries. 16



ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Huawei to acquire EV manufacturing units China’s Huawei Technologies is Chongqing Sokon Holdings, the Sokon. ders within two days after the pre- considering stepping into the biggest shareholder of Shanghai- Huawei has been deeply involved in sale. Huawei is also selling SF5 vehi- EV market with not just its listed Sokon. the operation cles in its stores across China software but complete vehicles bear- Richard Yu, and manufac- including its online store ing the nameplate of Huawei. head of turing of the Other giant technology companies According to sources Huawei, is in Huawei’s con- little-known are also looking to step into the EV talks with Chongqing Sokon to ac- sumer busi- Sokon and its business including Apple, Google, quire a controlling stake in the lat- ness group loss-making Amazon and others. The main reason ter’s Chongqing Jinkang New Energy who led the Seres unit. behind this is the race to get the max- Automobile. This move would suggest company to Under the tie- imum share of this newly developing that Huawei is looking to go beyond become one of up, Seres’s market. These big companies are un- just offering auto operating systems the world’s first model, derstanding that the future of the and have an end-to-end presence in largest smart- “ H u a w e i world’s technology is in electric vehi- the EV business. phone makers Smart Selec- cles, which, for sure, will change the Huawei, expectedly, also plans to might be shifting his focus to EVs and tion” SF5, debuted at the Shanghai dimensions of business and economy buy some stake in privately-owed spearheading leading the talks with Auto Show and received over 3,000 or- worldwide. 20

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 As COP 26 By Mr. Umair Nabeel, Renewable Ene 3- Cement industry: 3% text. Pair that up with * the core subject of my 4- Rice farming: 1.3% * editorials and “the need 5- Deforestation: 2.2% * to\" and \"want to\" * The figures quoted phrases will easily Cover Story: As I briefly shared some introduc- tory information about “The Daily Climate Show\" by Sky news in last month's article, this time around I felt the need to make it my cover story. Reason being a recent show in which their co-presen- ter shared a detailed re- port focusing on the sources of GHG emis- sions. The biggest con- tributors, an interesting dissection of the data indeed. I've picked some bits which I think corroborate and endorse the focus and are given in percent- drive you to a common premise of my articles ages, of the total global junction of making the and a few outsiders too: GHG emissions. switch. 1- Powering homes and Take your pick, Global News Desk: offices: 17.5% * wherever you're based Let's kick off this sec- 2- Transport: 16% * and put this into con- tion with a news story 22

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 approaches ergy and Environmental entrepreneur which brings together charging box, the \"Watt is leading the charge in innovation and Pilot\" is easy to use and making the transition fun/handy tech. Fronius again if I may stress, to a green economy. In Solar, has introduced an true innovative think- 2018, the country's \"on the go\" electric vehi- ing. total installed solar pv capacity stood at ap- proximately 10MW. And as of yearend 2020, the number now reads a little over 6000MW. This in turn has also started demand genera- tion for lithium-ion bat- teries based energy storage systems. Really encouraging and we all must follow suit. The lithium-ion bat- tery industry received further encouraging news, a booster if I can call it that. Two indus- try heavyweights BASF and Umicore signed off on a patent license agreement which I feel will not only bring more stability to our industry but also streamline bat- tery design variants, which is key. Keep yourself and others around you safe cle charger/kit which EUPD and IBESA re- by strict adherence to caters directly to the cently hosted a webinar covid-19 SOPs. Hands, end user's range anxi- in which Vietnam was face, and space it's that ety when it comes to the focus story. An Is- simple. Be wise espe- EVs. A portable and land nation in the cially with the virus wall mounted EV ASEAN region of Asia, mutating. 23

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Thal Ltd to establish Polypropylene bag manufacturing Plant worth Rs 1.7bn Thal Limited is setting up a Chairman House of Ahmed, while ex- Pakistan plant to manufacture Habib, performed the pressing his views on Thal Limited is a leading manu- polypropylene woven bags in ground breaking re- the occasion said that facturer of industrial sacks and Hub with an investment of Rs1.7 bil- cently for the plant at Thal Limited will use paper bags in Pakistan serving a di- lion. The company is the pioneers of the factory of Thal Lim- its expertise and ex- verse range of industries including manufacturing industrial sacks and ited located in Hub. The perience to facilitate cement and building materials, food, cement bags in Pakistan since 1973. plant is expected to be the growing demand agriculture and retail. In addition to for polypropylene supplying the fast growing Pakistan The state-of-the-art plant, which commercially opera- bags to ensure safe market, Thal Limited also exports has the capacity to produce 90 mil- tional by the end of Feb- storage and trans- bags and sacks to several regions in- lion bags annually, has been pro- ruary 2022. port of major grains cluding the Middle East, Europe, cured from Windmoller & Holscher The CEO of the com- and commodities in Africa and Australia. of Germany. Salman Burney, Vice pany, Syed Umair 24


ENGINEERING POST June 2021 ECNEC approves multiple Hydropower Projects worth Rs 361 bn The Executive Commit- Shaukat Tareen. land including 28,053 acres Ghowari Village in District During the meeting The tee of the National The Ecnec has approved additional land, which falls Ghnache in Gilgit-Baltistan Rainee Canal Project Economic Council the Gomal Zam multipur- under the Waran Canal Sys- is expected to be completed (Phase-1: 110 km), revised- (Ecnec) after much delibera- pose project (2nd revised tem and will also generate in four years. PC-I was also approved by tion has approved more PC-I) at the total cost of 17.4 MW of electricity. The ECNEC also ap- the Ecnec with the total cost than 10 projects. The total Rs25, 928 million. The The Ecnec also gave ap- proved a 20MW Hydro of Rs20,533.836 million. The worth of these projects is meeting was informed that proval to 30 MW Hydro Power Project Hazel, Gilgit project will irrigate 412,400 over Rs361 billion. The proj- the project is located on the Power Project Ghowari (2nd at the revised PC-I cost of acres in Phase-I at a design ects were approved during a Gomal River in South Revised) at the total cost of Rs12, 921.662 million. The discharge of 5,500 cusecs in virtual meeting of the Waziristan, Khyber- Rs16399.760 million. The project will be executed by districts of Kashmore, ECNEC which was chaired Pakhtunkhwa. The Dam project located on the left Water and Power Depart- Ghotki, Sukkur, and Khair- by Finance Minister will irrigate 191,139 acres of bank of Shayok River near ment, Gilgit-Baltistan. pur. 26


ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Sitara Chemicals to develop first software Technology Park in Faisalabad Sitara Chemical Group has This is the first-ever software signed a Memorandum of Un- technology park to be set up in derstanding (MoU) Pakistan Faisalabad. Sitara Technopark is Software Export Board for setting aspiring to become the largest host up software Technology Park in for the local IT companies by pro- Faisalabad on 20th May 2021 viding state-of-the-art infrastruc- named “Sitara Technopark”. The ture, uninterrupted electric and main objective of the Software internet facilities, market connect Technology Park is to promote the and support to the start-ups and ex- growth of IT industry and boost up isting IT companies. Sitara Chemi- exports. This is an initiative of cal Group will continue working Mian Muhammad Adrees, Chair- closely with Pakistan Software Ex- man and CEO Sitara Chemical port Board (PSEB) for the promo- Group. tion of IT industry in Pakistan. 149 development projects likely to be completed by end June 2021 Engineering Post Report layed due to slowdown of implemen- tation and execution due to persist- As many as 149 development ing third wave of pandemic of projects of various sectors in- Corona Virus. volving total estimated cost of Key completed projects by end of Rs 827 billion is expected to be com- ongoing financial years, the sources pleted by current financial year indicated, may include Construction closes on June 30,2021. of Karakoram Highway, Phase-11 of This number of hopefully com- Havelian-Thakot Motorway, pleted projects is against 1023 ongo- Burhan-Havellian Expressway, ing and new development projects Faisalabad-Khanewal Expressway, listed in the Public Sector Develop- School of Dentistry Shaheed Zul- ment Programme (PSDP) of the Fed- fiqar Ali Bhutto University Islam- eral Government for financial year abad, Replacement of GSM Network 2020-21. Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Con- According to the information struction of Post Allied Structures in available from the Planning Com- Mullah Band Area Gwadar and Spe- mission sources, some of these likely cial Repair of 250 Diesel Electric Lo- to be completed projects may be de- comotives of Pakistan Railways. 28

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 A look at the working of National Logistic Cell Engineering Post Report way to symbolize commitment, distinction and from NLC sources, undoubtedly enjoy an unblem- professional excellence by meeting the demanding ished reputation of company that delivers con- Initially formed to provide infrastructure sup- and extraordinary work requirements of high en- struction projects ahead of schedule, with port to logistic operations, Engineers Na- gineering for the last more than four decades. allocated budget and to the ultimate satisfaction tional Logistic Cell (NLC) has come a long Engineers NLC, according to the information of its valued clients. This has further consolidated trust and confidence reposed by our business en- trepreneurs test amount by repeating orders from the clients. The sources maintained that over the years, Engineers NLC has not just proved themselves as credible, efficient and quality producing construc- tion company but have also set new benchmarks of professional acumen and expertise. Highly qualified and competent staff, efficient work force and a large pool of modern construction equip- ment and machinery enable Engineers NLC to undertake various construction projects any- where in Pakistan. NLC has its footprints all over the country by having designated Project Directorate each for Khyber Pukhtoonkhwah, Northern Punjab, Cen- tral and South Punjab, Capital Territory, Balochistan and Sindh as well as Project Manage- ment Unit at Gilgit to undertake projects in Gilgit-Baltistan. With profile of over Rs 300 billion work in areas of Pakistan, NLC has expanded its trails to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and other Middle East countries. NLC has long list of completed projects in dif- ferent sectors all over the country and has many more in hands working to complete these within stipulated cost and time. Quite interestingly, Pakistan’s premier logis- tic enterprise, the NLC has roots in a time of na- tional emergency when a massive congestion hit Karachi Port in 1978 bringing the country’s lo- gistics operations to a grinding halt. The grid look at the port stymied the supply and demand cycle causing scarcity of essential commodities. The crisis led to distressed supply of wheat, sugar and raw material for industrial nits in the country warranting urgent measures to restore normalcy. NLC was established both as a dedi- cated organization to manage the crisis at hand and avert recurrence of logistic emergencies in future. The organization, it was pointed out by the sources, has played a major role in the national development since its inception performing di- verse roles and contributing significantly towards growth of national economy. The development tra- jectory and steady expansion of the organization in terms of human and material resources bear out higher professional standards maintained by NLC. From an entity established to respond a logistic crisis, NLC has evolved in a Pakistan’s longest and most resilient logistic enterprise carrying out over arching role and tasks. NLC is rendering re- markable services towards national building ef- forts in multiple areas its specialization. With its presence from North to South, East and West, NLC is committed to uninterrupted logistics, transportation, and construction of mega projects, operation of border terminals and dry ports and capacity development of the country’s youth under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). NLC is working through its Business Units and Production Units and Applied Technologies Institutes. 30


ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Potentials of Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal thickness of siphoned stock- Ordinary hydroelectric water in an upper repository One of these sorts includes piling frameworks requires dams may likewise utilize si- with no common inflows, building a dam and a repos- either enormous streams or phoned capacity in a half while siphon back plants use itory that gathers a specific potentially huge contrasts in breed framework that both a mix of siphoned stockpil- measure of water. For this stature between reposito- produces power from water ing and regular hydroelec- situation, the water in the ries. The best way to store a normally streaming into the tric plants with an upper repository will be accessible lot of energy is by having a supply just as putting away supply that is recharged upon request and it will be huge waterway found gener- water siphoned back to the partially by normal inflows utilized to create power by ally close, however as high repository from underneath from a stream or waterway. going through forte chan- above as could be expected, the dam. Small applications The expense of hydroelec- nels that associate the dam a second waterway. In cer- for pumped storage capacity tricity is moderately low, to the supply. This is then tain spots this happens nor- could be based on streams making it a cutthroat well- passed to turbines that de- mally, in others one or the and inside frameworks, for spring of inexhaustible termine a generator which During the periods of two waterways were man- example, drinking water or- power. The hydro station as the name suggests cre- high electrical inter- made. Tasks in which the ganizations and counterfeit burns-through no water, dis- ates power. Hydroelectricity est, the reserve water two repositories are counter- snow making foundations. similar to coal or gas plants. can likewise be utilized to is delivered through tur- feit and in which no charac- In such manner, a tempest The regular expense of store energy as possible en- bines to create electric force. teristic inflows are engaged water bowl has been solidly power from a hydro station ergy between two reposito- Albeit the misfortunes of the with either repository are al- executed as a financially bigger than 10 megawatts is ries at various statures with siphoning interaction make luded to as \"shut circle\" savvy answer for a water 3 to 5 US pennies each kilo- siphoned capacity hydro- the plant a net customer of frameworks. Expanded sig- repository in a miniature si- watt hour. With a dam and electricity. Water is siphoned energy by and large, the nificant distance bandwidth phoned hydro energy stock- supply it is likewise an uphill into repositories dur- framework builds income by joined with critical measures piling. Such plants give adaptable wellspring of ing times of low interest to selling greater power during of energy stockpiling will be circulated energy stockpiling power, since the sum created be delivered for age when times of pinnacle interest, an essential piece of direct- and disseminated adaptable by the station can be fluctu- request is high or frame- when power costs are most ing any enormous scope power creation and can add ated up or down quickly (as work age is low. Different elevated. In the event that sending of discontinuous to the decentralized incorpo- little as a couple of mo- types of power age with hy- the upper lake gathers huge sustainable force sources. ration of discontinuous sus- ments) to adjust to changing dropower incorporate flow- precipitation or is taken care The high non-firm inex- tainable power advances, for energy requests. ing stream generators of by a waterway then the haustible power infiltration example, wind power and There are a couple of sorts utilizing energy from flow- plant might be a net energy in certain areas supplies sun based force. of hydroelectric force plants ing force produced from maker in the way of a cus- 40% of yearly yield, however In open-circle frame- as far as the manner in seas, waterways, and tomary hydroelectric plant. 60% might be reached before works, unadulterated which the water is reaped human-made trench frame- The generally low energy extra stockpiling is vital. pumped storage plants store and used to produce energy. works to creating power. 32

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Opportunities and Challenges of Integration of RE in Grids The latest installment of IEEE’s R10 TENTALK IEEE Region 10 in this Global Japan etc. attended this webinar. Eng. Tahir Saleem said that” Prof. Cornelis (Keith) Kikkert pandemic time started a series Engr. Tahir Saleem started his The consequences of poor power talked about Renewable Energy of webinars under the title of talk with an introduction to Power quality can be catastrophic, lead- resources, their optimization cost “R10 TENTALK”. The TENTALK Quality, and the causes and ef- ing to economic losses or at least of implementation, and mentioned provided a platform where speak- fects of poor Power Quality on life cycle damage. The methods for the importance of PV system espe- ers from various countries con- Power system especially on sensi- getting best power quality are im- cially residential PV system while tributed their role as citing the example of distinguish speakers ex- South Australia. pressing their views on Prof. Cornelis (Keith) various topics. Kikkert said” South On 26th April 2021, a Australia is at present webinar as a part of having greater than R10 TENTALK titled” 50% renewable energy Opportunities and and has had some days Challenges of Integra- with 100% of power tion of RE in Grids” was being supplied by held in which 2 speak- rooftop PV and others ers, Engr. Tahir Saleem when 100% has been Shaikh CEO United supplied by wind. The Engineering Services, a SA system has kept sta- Pioneer consultancy bility even with major firm in Karachi Pak- interstate connectors istan and Prof. Cornelis failing or major switch- (Keith) Kikkert, Ad- yard fires occurring or junct Professor, James when those transmis- Cook University, Ade- sion lines are out of laid, Australia was in- service due to mainte- vited to deliver a talk on nance. “ Power Quality Issue and Smooth tive equipment/operations, the plemented separately for each At the end, Dr Nirmal Nair (Ex- Operation of grid” and “Electric sources of harmonics and opti- cause of bad power quality, like ecutive Committee member IEEE energy transformation” respec- mum solutions to overcome such separate power supply/feeder for Region 10) the Chief Guest tively. More than 70 people includ- issues. He also included IEEE harmonics producing loads, thanked both speakers and partic- ing students, professionals, etc. Standards which are related surge/dip absorbers for voltage ipants for making this webinar from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Power Quality. surges and the issue of poor Power successful. 33

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 IEEE PES Karachi chapter organized webinar on NEPRA Distribution Code Second technical webinar Transmission and Distribution sponsibilities of NEPRA. of the year was organized of Electric Power Act, 1997, In order to introduce appar- by IEEE PES Chapter this exclusively regulates the ent and sensible economic reg- Karachi, on Google meet. This provision of electric power ulation to the electric power versatile webinar meeting was services in Pakistan. The Reg- sector of Pakistan, NEPRA has titled as NEPRA Dis- been created. This sec- tribution Code 2005 tor reflects the coun- [2.0]. Around 25 atten- try’s resolve to enter in dees attended the to the new era to meet meeting and shared social objectives. From their opinions. The se- & on behalf of IEEE lected topic was very PES, Engr. Ishtiqul interesting and bits Haq, Chair IEEE PES long which cannot be Karachi Centre, highly covered in one go. So the chap- ulation of Generation, Trans- praised efforts of Engr. Syed ter has decided to divide it in 2- mission and Distribution of Riffat Ali for making this we- 3 chunks. As NEPRA has been Electric Power (Amendment) binar possible. He also established under Section 3 of Act, 2018 [Act No. XII of 2018] thanked attendees for their the Regulation of Generation, has renovated the role and re- participation. 34

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Land Acquisition problem of CASA-1000 resolved The long standing land acquisi- ing land acquisition issue of CASA- tion issue which was impeding 1000 transmission line at Nowshera the progress of Central Asia- has been successfully resolved and the South Asia Regional Trade and Trans- contractor has now been mobilised on mission Project (CASA-1000) the project site. The National Trans- transmission line has been success- mission and Despatch Company fully resolved. After the resolution of (NTDC) is undertaking construction land acquisition problem and the con- of a 113-kilometre electricity trans- tractor has been mobilised on the proj- mission line from the Pak-Afghan bor- ect site. der to Nowshera. The project is This was revealed during the meet- expected to be completed by the end of ing of the NCC-FFP on energy sector 2022. at the Ministry of Economic Affairs The $1.17 billion CASA-1000 proj- which was chaired by Federal Minister ect is a power transmission line that is for Economic Affairs Omar Ayub expected to export excess hydropower Khan. generated in Kyrgyzstan and Tajik- The Power Division during the istan to Pakistan through meeting apprised that the long-stand- Afghanistan. Development projects under Science & Technological Research Division Engineering Post Report and new projects of Rs 57202.800 mil- lion including foreign aid of Rs Science and Technological Re- 1319.550 million, the Science and search Division of the Federal Technological Research Division had Government is executing 31 on- incurred total expenditure of Rs going and new development projects 2828.262 million only up to end of last under the Public Sector Development financial year June 30,2020 and Programme (PSDP) 2020-21. against throw-forward of Rs 54374.638 These include 22 ongoing schemes million, it was utilizing Rs 4458.070 and 10 new development projects million including foreign aid of Rs which are at various stages of imple- 150.000 million on execution of all its mentation and completion. Against ongoing and new development projects total estimated cost of both ongoing during the ongoing financial year. 35



ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Saudi King Salman approves NESPAK’s Design for Grand Mosque in Islamabad Custodian of Two Holy Mosques King males and 2000 females will offer prayer, also hailing Saudi Arabia’s continuous efforts Salman Bin Abdul Aziz has approved a while the open courtyard will also have a ca- of building Mosques across the world, the NESPAK design for a grand mosque pacity to accommodate 6000 people. The proj- Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Pakistan, H.E. named after him at the new campus of the In- ect worth $32 million, will cover an area of Nawaf bin Saeed Al-Malki said that that the ternational Islamic University (IIU) in Islam- 41,200 square meters. The ablution facilities Mosque will be another valuable addition that abad, it was for men and will further strengthen bilateral ties between told by Dr. women oc- both brethren countries Pakistan and Saudi Tahir Ma- cupy an Arabia. He also hailed services of King sood, Manag- area of Salman bin Abdul Aziz for his untiring efforts ing Director 1 , 0 0 0 for the progress of Muslim world and told that NESPAK. square me- the King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Mosque at Earlier, In- ters while IIU will be a symbol of Saudi Arabia’s commit- ternational the the Cus- ment to promote education. King Salman ap- Islamic Uni- todian of proves project to build grand mosque at versity (IIU), the Two Islamic varsity campus in Islamabad. Islamabad Holy engaged Mosques Li- NESPAK to brary covers design “King an area of Salman bin 2,800 Abdul Aziz Grand Mosque at the New Cam- square meters and the Museum of the Custo- pus of International Islamic University Islam- dian of the Two Holy Mosques for Islamic His- abad (IIU), H-10, Islamabad. The Mosque will tory covers an area of 2,200 square meters, have a huge complex that will also be a hub of while the area of Crown Prince Muhammed research, dialogue and learning where schol- Bin Salman’s conference hall is 2,800 square ars and students will benefit from the facility. meters and it can accommodate 500 people. The Mosque will also meet the requirement of As for the exhibition area, it occupies an the University’s population for the prayers as area of the project's area estimated at 2,200 thousands of students and officials will use square meters, and the facilities and services this Grand Mosque. The proposed model of of the basement take up an area of 2,800 Mosque is an exceptional representation of Is- square meters. The mosque overlooks an out- lamic arts and architecture. The Mosque’s door garden of 8,500 square meters, while a construction will be a milestone towards parking space of 7,000 square meters has achievement of the lofty goals of University. been allocated. There will be an ample capacity in the inner Thanking his highness for keen interest in hall of the Mosque where as many as 4000 meeting the infrastructural needs of IIUI and 38


ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Development projects by NHA with support of International Development Partners Engineering Post Report of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and Public km), Hassan Abdal-Havelian E35 Express- Private Partnership (PPP). way (59 km), Qilla Saifullah-WaighumRud N- National Highway Authority (NHA) is Under the banner of Manila, Philippines, 70 (120 km), Multan-Khanewal Section M-4 undertaking and completing number based Asian Development Bank, the NHA is Extension (57 km), Sehwan –Ratodero Sec- of development projects with the coop- also receiving assistance for its development tion N-55 (200 km),Rakhi Gajj-Bewata Sec- eration and assistance of number of Interna- projects implementation and cooperation tion N-70 (34 km), Quetta-Chaman Section of tional Development Partners as its through Central Asia Regional Economic Co- N-25 (120 km). contribution to building Transport and Com- operation (CAREC). NHA has over the years also completed munications Sector in the country. Some of the development projects already four projects through private sector’s invest- The NHA’s International Development undertaken and completed by NHA with co- ment. These Lahore-Islamabad Motorway Partners include Asian Development Bank, operation and assistance of its International (M-2), Hafizabad Flyover on N-5, Karachi- Islamic Development Bank, Japan Assistance Development Partners include Flood Emer- Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) and Lahore- through Japan International Cooperation gency Rehabilitation ProjectPhase-1 (343 Sialkot Motorway Project (LSMP). NHA is Agency (JICA), Korean Exim Bank, and kilometers), Construction of M-4 Gojra- playing a highly positive role for the develop- United States Agency for International De- Khanewal Motorwy (126 KM), Flood Emer- ment of infrastructure in Pakistan as far as velopment (USAID) and also through modes gency Rehabiliation Project Phase-11 (335 transport and communication is concerned. 40


ENGINEERING POST June 2021 WAPDA spending Rs.100 billion in project areas for social uplift In addition to stabilizing na- power generation capacity of 4500 tional economy by developing ir- MW. A sum of Rs. 78.5 billion has rigated agriculture, mitigating been allocated to implement devel- devastating floods and injecting opment schemes in the project area low-cost hydel electricity into the for social and economic uplift of the National Grid, WAPDA projects people. also play a phenomenal role in Mohmand Dam is being socio-economic development of the built across River Swat in Tribal people residing in the project areas. District Mohmand of Khyber This can best be judged from the Pakhtunkhwa with gross water fact that WAPDA has been spend- storage capacity of 1.2 MAF and ing a hefty amount of over Rs.100 power generation capacity of 800 billion in the project areas for MW. Rs.4.57 billion have been allo- progress and prosperity of the local cated to undertake development populace. schemes in the project area for This amount is being utilized on health, education, drinking water confidence building measures and infrastructure development. (CBM) in the project areas of four Dasu Hydropower Project Stage- under construction projects of I is being executed across River WAPDA namely Diamer Basha Indus in District Kohistan of Khy- Dam, Mohmand Dam, Dasu and ber Pakhtunkhwa with installed Tarbela 5th Extension to complete power generation capacity of 2160 various development schemes. MW. WAPDA is spending Rs.17.35 These schemes relate to resettle- billion in this remote area for com- ment of the affectees, health, edu- pletion of development schemes on cation and infrastructure resettlement, social development development etc. to bring in a posi- and environment management to tive change in life style of the peo- alleviate poverty from the project ple hailing from far-flung and area. backward areas, which fall very low Tarbela 5th Extension Hy- in human development index. In- dropower Project is being con- jecting Rs.100 billion by WAPDA in structed on the 5th Tunnel of development schemes will help im- Tarbela Dam located in District prove the human development Haripur of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa index tremendously in these back- with installed generation capacity ward areas. of 1530 MW. Though no resettle- Diamer Basha Dam is being con- ment is involved in construction of structed across River Indus 40-Km this project yet Rs.298 million have downstream Chilas Town of Gilgit been earmarked for development of Baltistan with gross water storage the people in the project area as capacity of 8.1 MAF and installed confidence building measures. 42

ENGINEERING POST June 2021 Transport and Logistic Sector for economic development Engineering Post Report Pukhtoonkhwa and Balochistan. The federal government, fully The transport and logistics aware and cognizant of the impor- sector contributes to eco- tance of the transport systems, is nomic and socio-economic investing large amounts of human development of the country. The and financial resources into the incumbent federal government is development of the transport sec- fully seized of the importance of tor throughout the country. this sector and accordingly mak- Such investments are being ing consider- made and sup- able amount of ported through capital and in- foreign funding vestment and /investments support to the envisaged in projects of China-Pakistan transport and Economic Corri- logistic sector dor (CPEC) pro- at the national gramme, the and provincial Central Asia levels. Regional Eco- Following the nomic Coopera- development tion (CAREC) and subsequent programme and approval of the other foreign- National Trans- assisted initia- port Plan, the tives. broader direc- Further, tion has been put in place for work on innovative modes invest- each of the sub-sectors of the ments such as Public Private transport sector and now the Partnership has also been initi- Master Plans are being devel- ated at the appropriate level and oped for transport sub-sectors by the development projects having the federal government in consul- high financial rate of return are tation with the line ministries being explored and launched for and the provincial governments procuring financing through of the Punjab, Sindh, Khyber these innovative methods. 43

Egyptian Company buys Pakistani Transformer Manufacturer E lsewedy Electric, the Egyptian elec- was revealed in a statement released to the Billion US $) in 2020. The company has been trical giant has taken over the Pak- Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX). Elsewedy listed on the Cairo stock exchange since 2006 istani transformer manufacturer has informed that it has acquired 100 per- and has a global presence in 5 continents in Validus Engineering (Pvt) LTD. This cent of Validus Engineering (Pvt) LTD, a the worlds. company that manufactures electric power transformers in Pakistan. Minister of State and Board of Investment (BOI) Chairman, Atif Bokhari in a tweet said “The Egyptian Company recently ac- quired 100% equity stake in Validus Engi- neering Pakistan and has plans to boost production capacity to not only meet domes- tic demand but also support regional ex- port.” Elsewedy Electric envisions introducing its power inverters technology in Pakistan which will ultimately help the Pakistani company to reach a production capacity of 5500 MW or above. Earlier this year, Elsewedy Electric had expressed its inten- tion to invest heavily in Pakistan. This was shared by President, CEO of Elsewedy Elec- tric, Ahmed Elsewedy during his meeting with Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi in Cairo and showed the company’s interest of investment in Pakistan. Elsewedy Electric is a global provider of energy, digital and infrastructure solutions with a reported turnover of 46.4B EGP (2.9

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