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Home Explore Engineering Post March 2021

Engineering Post March 2021

Published by Empire Online, 2021-10-28 06:33:22

Description: Engineering Post March 2021

Keywords: Engineeringpost,Engineering


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Construction industry to generate economic activity worth Rs. 1.77 Trillion The construction in- The PM was told that in- proved for construction and dustry has seen a vestment of Rs 353.43 billion would generate economic ac- massive increase in in the construction sector tivities worth Rs 190 billion activity since the projects in Punjab would gen- in the province. “Construction amnesty” erate economic activities Chief Secretary Sindh told scheme offered by the govern- worth Rs 1,767.15 billion and the meeting that a total of 22 ment. create 315,678 job opportuni- construction projects have Prime Minister Imran ties. been approved in the Khan while presiding over For Punjab applications of province. The PM directed the the meeting of National Coor- construction on 87.03 million Chief Secretary to ramp up dination Committee for Hous- square feet in the province the process to generate eco- ing, Construction and have been approved and the nomic activity in the province. Development, was briefed process in being streamlined The economic activity gen- about the recent boom in con- even more to encourage in- erated in the construction in- struction industry in the vestments. dustry is not only crucial for country and the resulting eco- Similarly in Khyber Pak- the revival of the economy nomic activities and employ- thunkhwa 10.854 million but also driving 50+ allied in- ment opportunities. square feet have been ap- dustries.

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 PTCL and Huawei join hands for Smart Cloud Campus Solution Pakistan Telecommunication nectivity, capacity and data center Company Limited (PTCL) infrastructure with Huawei’s next- has collaborated with generation autonomous driving Huawei Technologies Pakistan Pvt network management and control Ltd to launch Smart Cloud Cam- system cloud platform for enter- pus Solution for enterprise cus- prise networks, which is dealing tomers. Including the services of with the exceeding business needs AI Enabled WIFI-6 Campus, Soft- of users. As software-defined net- ware Defined LAN and Software works are vital key for providing defined WAN (SD-WAN) as a serv- robust, ascendable and locked ar- ice; this will boost the service ca- chitecture, it will surely help our pacity along with speed. enterprise customers to build more PTCL’s industry has proven con- lithe and reliable networks. 02

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Development of Port City Gwadar The Gwadar Smart Port with II of the Free smart environment sanita- Zone will be con- tion system and landfill Port City Master Makran Coastal nected to the project for Gwadar, Con- Plan was approved highway for at the appropriate time heavy traffic port and will struction of floating jetty at during last financial year and aid the de- pave the for fur- Gwada and SMGD Desali- 2019-20.The building codes velopment activ- ther develop- nation Plant. and regulation have also ities in Free ment. All these development already been finalized and Zone Phase-II, Five projects activities are being under- approved. The City devel- isalso scheduled which are being taken under the great opment activities are grad- to be completed initiated in a game changer China-Pak- ually started during during current phased manner istan Economic Corridor current financial year. financial year. and transshipment busi- during current financial (CPEC) umbrella which Furthermore, the East- The Gwadar Free Zone nesses in the city. With the year include Safe City Proj- has now entered second bay Expressway project is a significant initiative completion of the Eastbay ect in Gwadar, Pasni Fish phased of its implementa- which connects Gwadar for industrial development Expressway project, phase- Harbour project,Gwadar tion. 03

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 ABB revolutionizes LV switchgear with breakthrough technology for next generation of electricity distribution NeoGearTM low-voltage switchgear – a tions, operating in more than 100 countries, utilities, industry, buildings, infrastructure technological breakthrough by ABB – with over 200 manufacturing sites. Our and mobility. is safer, smarter and more sustain- 50,000+ employees are dedicated to deliver- ABB’s low-voltage switchgear has been the able, maximizing efficiency and reducing ing safe, smart and sustainable electrifica- product of choice since 1972. With NeoGearTM costs for tomorrow’s digitalized indus- ABB introduces the next innovation tries leap in switchgear technology for safe,  ABB has reimagined smart and sustainable electrification. switchgear – essential technology for NeoGearTM is ready to help cus- safe energy distribution and motor tomers across process industries to control. manage changing external dynamics  NeoGearTM is a future-proof, and realize new opportunities in their digital solution that brings new func- working environments. Central to tionality, productivity and efficiencies NeoGearTM is its laminated bus plate to industrial infrastructure in an elec- technology, which replaces traditional trified future. horizontal and vertical busbar sys-  Breakthrough laminated bus tems. This innovative bus plate tech- plate technology, which until now nology provides e.g. arc safety by could be found in aircraft, automobiles inherent design. Combined with the and on space stations. connectivity and intelligence of the ABB is a leading global technology ABB AbilityTM platform, NeoGearTM is company that energizes the transfor- an unrivalled solution for industry. mation of society and industry to Committed to writing the future of achieve a more productive, sustain- safe, smart and sustainable electrifi- able future. By connecting software cation, during 2020 ABB Electrifica- to its electrification, robotics, au- tion Innovation Week, ABB launched tomation and motion portfolio, ABB NeoGear in China: a revolution in pushes the boundaries of technology low-voltage switchgear and the first to drive performance to new levels. the electrification industry has seen With a history of excellence stretch- for more than three decades. ing back more than 130 years, ABB’s Successfully trialed at sites across success is driven by about 110,000 talented tion. With ABB AbilityTM enabled digital Switzerland and China, NeoGear deploys employees in over 100 countries. solutions at its core, our portfolio protects, ABB’s laminated bus plate technology, which ABB’s Electrification BusinessArea is a connects and optimizes the flow of electrical replaces traditional horizontal and vertical global leader in electrical products and solu- energy for smarter electricity distributionfor busbar systems. 04

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 The innovative bus plate technology com- nition protected zones) and keeps mainte- Key features bined with the connectivity and digital capa- nance personnel safe  Modular low voltage switchgear with bilities of the ABB Ability™ platform, make  Reduced risk of arcs caused by me- performance options up to 400/415 V, 3200 A it an unrivalled solution. NeoGear is the chanical failures slashes maintenance down and 80 kA safest option for operators with no exposure time  Certified type tested design according to live parts. It reduces the physical  Up to 92% fewer busbar parts com- to the IEC 61439-1/-2 and IEC 61641 Ed.3 switchgear footprint by up to 25 percent, in- pared to traditional busbar systems  Passive arc protection criteria 1 to 7, creases cooling efficiency to reduce heat  Up to 25% shorter switchgear foot- tested acc. IEC TR 61641 Ed.3 up to 400V, losses by up to 20 percent, and re- 80kA, 500ms duces overall operational costs by up  Laminated bus plate technol- to 30 percent, due to more efficient ogy for busbar system up to 3200 condition monitoring. A/80kA 1s This hardware development is  Withdrawable and plug in complemented by advanced digital functional units for motor protection capabilities. Digitalization is chang- or energy distribution ing how industries use electricity in  Future release phase will cover their machinery, factories and oper- higher ratings and increased func- ations: driving them to extend the tionalities lifecycle of their assets; modernize Digital option equipment to improve safety and ef-  Integration of temperature sen- ficiency; and to shift towards more sors for critical busbar joints at air sustainable and responsible busi- circuit breaker (ACB) incomer ter- ness models. mination and power contacts of Against this backdrop, the ABB functional units AbilityTM enabled NeoGear provides  Current and voltage sensing a complete and scalable solution for through ABB’s smart electrical de- new projects, system upgrades or mi- vices such as motor controller M10x gration from legacy systems, to inno- or UMC100.3 and circuit breaker vate and prepare for the future of Emax 2 and Tmax XT and more electricity distribution and motor  Integrated data collection and control. data analysis with ABB Ability™ NeoGear’s digital capabilities in- Condition monitoring for electrical clude real-time condition monitoring systems for onsite access through and predictive maintenance, remote secure browser technology assistance, fault and solutions diag-  Connectivity to your plant nostics and data analytics for Indus- monitoring and control systems try 4.0. ABB Ability™ Condition using Serial (Modbus RTU, Profibus Monitoring for on-site electrical systems is print due to higher module stacking density DP) and Ethernet-based protocol (Modbus included, helping customers gain operational reduces CAPEX cost for switchgear rooms TCP, Profinet, IEC 61850) efficiency and bring unprecedented flexibil-  Up to 20% less heat dissipated saves  Cloud-based monitoring option with ity. energy and lowers cost thanks to excellent ABB Ability™ Asset Health for electrical sys- Key benefits cooling efficiency tems  Revolutionary design eliminates haz-  State of the art module contact system For more information visit ardous exposure to live busbar parts (Arc ig- design for high performance and durability 05

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 DWP Group transformed to provide complete MEP solution Engr. Khurram Malik, Regional Manager MEP, DWP group talks to Engineering Post DWP Group is one of Khurram reminisced “Al- “My efforts at years which is essentially Pakistan for the leading icons of though by now we have the technology trade completed more than D W P / G r e e because we are satisfied residential/semi commercial have always with our jobs” said Engr. AC’s, refrigerators, LED in Pakistan. For the last 20 500 projects of commer- been acknowl- Khurram Malik. TV’s and many other elec- years DWP Group has been cial air conditioning edged and the Just like any other suc- tronic products. Apart from delivering comprehensive from DWP platform but company has cessful company, DWP/Gree just some essential parts, services and solutions to I still remember our provided ample never stopped the process of DWP is manufacturing customers all over Pakistan. first project was the 500 benefits for me innovation and kept work- more than 80% of its air-con- It is a known fact that a ton HVAC installation for my work. ing to provide the latest ditioners & other products company is only as good as at the then N o t technology in the market. locally. “DWP group is work- its employees so we asked newly erected Currently Gree is providing ing on a very complex tech- Engineer Khurram Malik Kidney cen- state of the art VRF System nology transfer program to Regional Manager-MEP at tre at Ba- (6th Generation). DWP is ensure maximum local man- DWP group to share some h a w a l also distributor of Ebara ufacturing of parts and min- insights with us about his Victoria Hos- Brand for Absorption imum reliance on imports” amazing journey with DWP pital Ba- Chillers, Sitalklima for said Engr. Khurram while Group. h a w a l p u r. ” AHU’s/FCU’s. “We have divulging the inner work- Engr. Khurram Malik Since then already installed absorp- ings of DWP in Pakistan. joined DWP Group at a very Engr. Khur- tion Chillers at PKLI, To avoid stagnation DWP young age after graduating ram has Lahore, PIMS Islam- group has also worked to di- from an engineering univer- worked for a abad and many other versify their range of prod- sity. At the age of 24 he was vast number locations.” ucts in the market. Right among the pioneers who of prestigious Unlike many other now DWP group has trans- joined the commercial air projects in- companies who rely only formed itself into a company conditioning wing of DWP cluding Nir- on importing the units, providing complete MEP so- group specifically for Gree. vana Spa DWP/Gree has stood out lution for customers. We He also completed his MBA Lahore, Coca by choosing to localise have signed agreement with in 2015 from UET Lahore. cola international Head- only me, but our whole MEP their production. Right now Elevator brand “Japan While talking exclusively to quarter, DHA Raya Golf team been working in the DWP has established three Continued on page 8 Engineering Post Engr. Club and many others. same group for more than 8 manufacturing facilities in 06

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Continued from page 6 products are being launched from the new assembly line is estab- Engr Khurram told Engineering Sanyo” and we are also providing the platform of DWP group (Gree lished” revealed Engr. Khurram. Post that DWP group is already & EcoStar). Keeping in view the vast num- registered with C&W, PEC, IDAP, firefighting solution. EcoStar LED TV’s are amongst DWP is also a major player in ber of government projects ex- PWD and other major authorities top three largest selling TV IT/Tech. field and is partner with pected to hit the market in the which are expected to release brands in Pakistan is manufac- Dell, Cisco and Xerox etc. Most re- near future DWP group has also projects. DWP is also a major tured by DWP group. Water dis- cently DWP group has also ac- worked to register itself with all player in providing MEP services pensers, toasters, microwave quired a cement factory which the major authorities in the coun- to Defence Sector (Army, Navy ovens, refrigerators and other will become operational as soon as try to maximise their chances. and PAF). Czech Hiring process Companies for advisory showing interest services by in LNG Sector Ministry of of Pakistan Railways Interesting news Engineering Post about the attention of Czech oil and gas Report companies in LNG busi- Railways Ministry has completed ness in Pakistan has the process for been shared with the Federal Minister for hiring of advisory serv- Energy Omar Ayub ices for its two Karachi- Khan. In the recent based projects namely meeting of Minister for Karachi Circular Rail- Energy Omar Ayub way (KCR) and Railway Khan with Tomas Freight Corridor (RFC) Smetanka, Ambassador from Karachi Port of Republic of Czech in Trust (KPT) to Pipri. Pakistan, the minister Interestingly, both made a comprehensive these projects are not discussion on stance of listed in the Railways energy sector and en- Division. As many as 41 ergy market of Pak- ongoing and new istan. schemes listed in the The minister also Public Sector Develop- highlighted the govern- ment Programme ment’s robust policies to (PSDP) of the Federal renovate the petroleum Government for finan- and power sector of the cial year 2020-21. country. Railways 18 and 23 As the government is ongoing schemes are fully committed to di- listed in the PSDP versify the outlook of which are estimated to energy market making Rs 1377677.614 million it competitive and effi- including foreign aid of cient, the Indicative Rs 1066323.020 million Generation Capacity against which total ex- Expansion Plan penditure of Rs (IGCEP) 2030 will re- 98797.778 million was duce the reliance on im- reported to have been ported fuel. With incurred by end June IGCEP, an additional 2020 and Rs 44000.000 renewable capacity i.e. million including for- 60 percent power gener- eign aid of only Rs ation from biomass, 500.000 has been pro- solar and wind; 30 per- vided for implementa- cent from hydel, 10 per- tion of both old and new cent each from thermal development projects in and nuclear power a phased manner dur- plants will further re- ing ongoing financial duce capital value of year 2020-21. the oil reliance on the The Railways had in- energy sector. The gov- curred an expenditure ernment has carried out of Rs 8.3 billion against the bidding of 15 oil and an allocation of Rs 12.2 gas blocks with a mini- billion for its 26 mum investment over schemes giving utiliza- USD 71 million, the tar- tion of 68 per cent dur- geted program will ing financial year worth around hundred 2019-20. million dollars. 08

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 With many more projects in the pipeline Net-Line to provide 2.5MW Solar Power Plant to Arid Agriculture University Engr. Uzair Zavary, Director, Netline (Pvt) Ltd talks exclusively to Engineering Post Net-Line (PVT) Ltd is Pak- power expenditures for the next 25 To ensure strict adherence to the made according to European stan- istan’s leading Power Solu- years.” said Engr. Uzair Zavary. Fur- highest quality standards Net-Line dards” tions Provide. The company thermore, excess electricity if gener- (PVT) Ltd is in collaboration with a Net-Line (PVT) Ltd is also work- is working on providing complete ated by the company will be Turkish company operating accord- ing actively to bridge the gap be- power solutions including UPS, compensated/ adjusted by IESCO ing to European tween Industry and academia “We Solar Systems, and Batteries, through the net metering facility. quality spec- have experienced that fresh gradu- AVR’s-Stabilizers, Transformers The repair and maintenance of the ifications. ates that join us need to be trained and all other related products. The solar setup for 25 year will be the re- To ensure for at least 6 months. To bridge this company also provides turnkey solu- sponsibility of the Netline PVT. Ltd. the max- gap between industry and academia tions for all electrical works of the Net-Line (PVT) Ltd is working ex- we are conducting training sessions project. With over 45 years of engi- tensively with public and private and seminars in universities.” neering experience the company is a sector all across Pakistan Engr. Uzair Zavary raised a very #PowerExpert organization. for solarisation projects interesting point during his exclu- Recently Net-Line (PVT) Ltd has in line with the re- sive interview with Engineering signed a Power Purchase Agreement newable Post “As a country we are all focused (PPA) with Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid on power generation but no one is Agriculture University to set up a talking about energy conservation 2.5 MW grid-tied solar energy gen- which should have been our first pri- eration power plant at the rooftops ority. We at Net-Line (PVT) Ltd are of university’s main campus. While working with Internet of Things talking exclusively to Engineering (IOT) which utilises sensors working Post about the project, Director Net- exchanging data with each other Line (PVT) Ltd Engr. Uzair Zavary using our self-developed energy revealed that $2.5 million project energy policy of Pakistan. Their imum utilisation of local materials management software which can in- will be executed without obtaining achievements includes several hun- the company is actively working on tegrate with customers existing any investment from the university dreds MW’s of projects in the fore- setting up a state of the art Solar BMS or IBAS systems. In this way or government. The university will cast and being prequalified for three Panel manufacturing facility in Pak- our customers can smartly monitor only pay the decided per unit tariff power plants of 50 MW each “It is a istan. “There are more than 70 and control their usage of electric- agreed in the PPA for electricity con- joint venture of Gov’t of Balochistan. panel manufacturing plants in India ity,” The use of IOT has an added ad- sumed. “The PPA model is very well Alhamdullilah, we are prequalified while such facilities are essentially vantage that maintenance becomes established in the world and on this now and moving towards commer- non-existent in Pakistan. We want very straight forward as the exact project it will provide massive sav- cial bidding for these projects,” re- to develop a manufacturing site in component which is malfunctioning ings for the university in terms of vealed Engr. Uzair Zavary. Pakistan where solar panels are can be directly identified. 10

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Automatic Voltage Regulators The answer to voltage fluctuation issues in industries By Jubilee Corporation voltage levels at the processing plantsin- crease many longtime over-heads for in- The impacts of voltage instability dustries, if nothing is done to avoid them. are becoming more widespread as This include increased expenses for re- the industries are growing more pairing or changing damaged equip- dependent on sophisticated controls and ments, production loss due to unexpected automation processes. Voltage fluctua- downtimes andthe subsequent effect on tions affects equipments that operate business commitments that can lead to electronically, causing a temporary mal- customer dissatisfaction many times. function or, in the most extreme cases,an irreparable failure. It may also compro- Conventionally in the Pakistani indus- mise on transformer’s efficiency, create trial market, Transformer off-load tap synchronization issues of Gensets-Util- changing and on-load tap changing meth- ity, and reduce life of other electrical sys- ods are the two most common methods tems. used to address the voltage instability issue. However, both these methods are Frequent voltage fluctuations or poor less efficient and impose risk to human safety. Additionally, the former method requires a complete shutdown for tap-chang- ing, whereas, the later requires continuous monitoring. One emerging method that is gaining popu- larity among industries is to use Automatic Voltage Regulators to address the issue of volt- age fluctuations. By definition, the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is a device designed to regulate voltage automatically – that is, to take a fluctuating voltage level and turn it into a constant voltage level. The AVRs are equipped with intelligent con- troller, offers remote monitoring and control option, and are more efficient since they cover a larger tapping range (around -20% to +20%). Also, AVRs are a low cost solution and do not put safety risks to humans. In Pakistan, Jubilee Corporation (JC) is a well-trusted name for providing a complete so- lution based on AVRs to address voltage fluc- tuation issues in industries. With its partnership with Farady Electric- the special- ized manufacturer of line voltage regulators / HT equipments, JC has successfully installed AVRs in many industries in different regions. Farady Electric is regarded as the technol- ogy leader for its Single and Three Phase AVRs in foreign and domestic markets. Its AVRs are equipped with effective voltage regulation cir- cuit and unique tap changer designed to avoid arching in the regulator. A large number of tap positions also ensure higher precision and ac- curacy. Moreover, the integrated by-pass panel enables customers to carry out AVR mainte- nance activities without requiring system shutdown. Among the recent installations, one remark- able success of JC was installing AVR at one of the plants of YTM to cater voltage fluctua- tion issue. YTM’s Procurement Head, Mr. JavaidZakariya, while sharing his experience of working with Jubilee Corporation on this project said, “We appreciate their highly skilled technical and support teams who work hand in hand with our engineers on a pro- longed issue and devised a reliable and cost ef- fective solution for us.” Imran Munyar takes charge as MD SSGC After five long years the gas utility company the Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) has got a permanent managing director (MD). According to the SSGC spokesperson, Imran Munyar has been appointed as new MD of Sui Southern Gas Company. The approval of the appointment of Imran was given by the board of directors. The Board of SSGCL in its meeting held on 30 December 2020 approved the name of Muhammad Imran Munyar as chief executive officer (CEO)/ man- aging director (MD) of the company as notified by the federal government. 12


ENGINEERING POST March-2021 8% mobile device to be manufactured locally by 2023: PTA The Pakistan Telecommunica- tured device to be done locally, 8 tion Authority (PTA) has no- percent of total manufactured de- tified Mobile Device vice display screens and compo- Manufacturing (MDM) Regula- nents to be produced locally, 10 tions, 2021 stating that 8% of all percent of total manufactured de- mobile devices have to be manufac- vice batteries to be produced lo- tured in Pakistan by the end of cally. 2023. The locally manufactured de- All devices shall be manufac- vices should have “Manufactured tured as per ITU-T technical stan- in Pakistan” clearly written on dards and certification reports for them. all components shall be provided to An application for the grant of the PTA for verification. Moreover Authorization to manufacture mo- to ensure strict adherence to qual- bile devices in ity and safety Pakistan shall standards the be made the regulatory au- form set out in thority shall Schedule “A” to conduct inspec- these regula- tions of the tions. The au- manufacturing thorization facility through holder shall ensure localisation of its designated representative. mobile device manufacturing in The Authorization holder shall the manner prescribed below: at demonstrate the following equip- the end of one year, 2 percent of ment is installed in manufacturing total manufactured device pack- facility as part of inspections, Lab- aging to be done locally, 2 percent oratory of Reliability Testing, Bat- of total manufactured device tery Test Lab, Accessories Test chargers to be produced locally, 1 Lab, and Radio Frequency Audio percent of total manufactured de- and Optical Lab. vice hand-free to be produced lo- Quality and Control Testing at cally, 10 percent of total assembly line including Device manufactured device mother- Function Test (b) Controlled Drop board assembly (PCBA) to be pro- test of device (c) Electrostatic Dis- duced locally; at the end of 2nd charge (ESD) setup/tools (e.g. ESD year, 8 percent of total manufac- coat, cap, wrist band etc.). 14

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Pakistan and Russia join hands for construction of 1100 kms gas pipeline Engineering Post Report of Pakistan, SNGPL and ect and the remainder will be Sui Northern SSGPL will owned by Russia. Pakistan and Russia have Gas Pipeline be part of the Pakistan, which imported its joined hands for construction ( S N G P L ) project while first cargo five years ago, currently of 1100 kilometers long gas and Sui a Russian has two LNG terminals which are pipeline. The pipeline, construction S o u t h e r n c o n s o r t i u m being run at their peak capacity to work on which is planned to com- Gas Pipeline will lead the meet the increased winter demand. mence from July 2021, will enable ( S S G P L ) construction Two more LNG terminals Energas Pakistan to operate more Liquefied have already work. and Mitsubishi’s Tabeer Energy Natural Gas (LNG) terminals. the process of buying the land for Pakistan will have a majority are expected to start their opera- Two gas distribution companies laying of the pipeline. Both share of 51.74 per cent in the proj- tions in new few years. 16


ENGINEERING POST March-2021 MIA arranges meet and greet (Mehfil-e-Yaaran) The MIA group of companies Chairman MIA group Muhammad arranged a meet and greet by Ashraf Arrain and MIA Group CEO the name of Mehfil-e-Yaraan at Osman Ashraf hosted the event for all Humak Engineering Kahuta Indus- the participants. During the event trial triangle Islamabad on the 21st there were detailed discussions on fu- of February 2021. Brunch was ture and upcoming prospects for air- arranged for the participants of the conditioning industry. event. Mr. Mehmood Akhtar while talking Ambassador of Malaysia to Pak- to Engineering Post explained that istan His Excellency Ikram Moham- “The problems arising and being faced mad Ibrahim graced the occasion as by the dealers and contractors in the the chief guest of the event. field of HVAC were also discussed at People from all over Pakistan gath- length to help find solutions. The sen- ered together attended the event. The Leaders of the business community from all ior participants shared their valuable participants included dealers, Contractors and across the country. insights on how to tackle these problems”. 18

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 The extraordinary journey of Jamal PVC Pipe Ltd Mr. Sami Farooq, CEO, Jamal Pipes share his thoughts with Engineering Post Jamal Group of Industries is the public, industrial, commercial, pri- products are some of the most im- business and values across Pakistan leading producer of UVPC, vate and consumer segments. Cur- portant factors which dictate the and beyond without compromising HDPE Pipes & fittings, MS and rently Polymer section has a trajectory of the company. on quality, we aspire to stay a step GI Pipes, Light poles of all types per month capacity of 1500 Jamal PVC pipe thoroughly ahead of our competitors by provid- (High Tension, Tubular, Round Con- tons to meet the mass level understands the impor- ing high-value quality products at ical and Octagonal), Guard Rails projects in Pakistan,” he tance of modernization affordable prices. We achieve this by and W-Beams including state of the said. and improvement hence pursing high quality standards for art galvanizing facility in Lahore, The first hurdle any local we are working consis- the whole market while ensuring Pakistan. Jamal group of industries manufacturing company has tently to enhance our in- the fastest delivery time,” he ex- was founded by Mr. Haji Jamal Din to face is the maintenance of ventory. “With the plained. who had been engaged in this busi- quality. To ensure that all Divine’s gracious “Keeping all this in mind we also ness since the inception of Pakistan. products are pre- blessings we appreciate the importance of a work- He started working with the goal of pared according have been able life balance, and recognize that a establishing the local industry of to the interna- to success- positive work-life balance drives Pakistan and after successful ven- tional standard fully enhance each individual in attaining achieve- tures, the Jamal Group of companies Jamal PVC our range of ment and enjoyment in their daily was founded in 1981. Pipe (Pvt.) Ltd pursuits. So we have structured our To find out more about the work- is ISO policies and vision in such a way as ings of Jamal group of industries es- 9001:2008, ISO to provide the most benefit to our pecially about Jamal PVC Pipe 1 4 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 4 , employees,” said Mr. Sami. “This (Pvt.) Ltd, Engineering Post talked O H S A S benefits us because when we take to Mr. Sami Farooq who is currently 1 8 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 7 care of our employees, they care- serving as the Chief Executive of and PSQCA fully manage company re- Jamal PVC Pipe (Pvt.) Ltd. He is certified. “We sources as if they were their also a Member of Lahore Chamber m a n u f a c t u r e own, and respect our cus- of Commerce and Industry. During our products tomers' time, financial in- his exclusive interview with Engi- and HDPE vestments, and the work neering Post, he described some of Pipes (20mm to they entrust to us,” he the working of the company and 1200mm and added their products being offered “We es- UPVC 1/2” to 16”) according to the HDPE Pipes up to 1200 mm PN The commitment to quality and tablished Jamal PVC Pipe (Pvt) highest international standards and 16.” said Mr. Sami Farooq. adherence to human values are Limited in 2006 with an aim to be specifications,” added Mr. Sami Fa- While talking exclusively with some of the determining factors the largest manufacturer of UPVC rooq. Engineering Post Mr. Sami Farooq which have lead Jamal PVC Pipe and HDPE pipes in Pakistan to cater Innovation and addition of new said “Our vision is to expand our (Pvt.) Ltd to such great heights. 20

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 EVs n lithium Synonymous terms from t By Mr. Umair Nabeel, Renewable Ene March 2021- (switch to EV) So, here we backed by the are three world’s second months in to 2021 wealthiest person and the New Year together eve seems like a created/posted ap- flashback moment, proximately 2,400 not a distant event plus jobs over the down the memory last 30 days. The lane. And we all spread of these va- also happen to have cancies and respec- recently witnessed tive jurisdictions, the Chinese New something that Year or the year of I’ve always argued the OX as per their as a key success rituals and tradi- factor of this in- tions. The clock keeps ticking and dustry show qualitative employ- the question we all must ask our- ment opportunities, one after the selves, where we stand as far as other. Hundreds of them, cover- deliverables is concerned if the ing multiple engineering disci- road map of the net zero emis- plines such as software, sions economy can be envisioned electrical, electronic, mechanical, as practical on ground case study chemical, power which then of project management. This par- branch out into further core spe- ticular article will be divided into cialization subject areas, deeper two parts, a focus story and of than the depths of the ocean. And course the global news desk. And that’s not all, the unskilled work- I’ll leave my readers to connect force involved in an automobile’s the dots keeping the title in exterior and interior mechanical mind. works are also on board this ship. Focus/Cover story: Qualitative And these sailors are being ex- employment and local economic posed to new learning horizons at activity? Two electric vehicles the same time, hence leading to household names, one a market in house capacity building. Would leader whilst the other a pioneer we not look at this as the missing in courier/delivery vehicles link? Many global EV companies 22

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 m-ion batteries the renewables thesaurus? ergy and Environmental Entrepreneur are involved and actively engage firmed this and I quote him “we with universities in a process have all the ingredients at our called “on campus recruitment”. disposal to reimagine the busi- Simply put it this way, this is de- ness and the experiences our cus- fined as an integrated human tomers seek”. 2024/2025 is the capital development framework set target for their first all elec- coupled with local economic ac- tric SUV. Coventry City Council, tivity. Connecting the dots part of the Combined West Mid- doesn’t seem too hard or does it? lands Authority has announced a Global News Desk: Italy, regis- £2bn lithium-ion battery local tered a sizeable increase in its manufacturing project known as lithium-ion battery based storage a giga factory in specific terms, capacity (small sized ESS). Com- said to be the largest in Europe. pared to where the number stood All preparations and related in March 2019, November 2020 work is being carried out to en- encompassing the 20 month pe- sure production kicks off by 2025 riod in between saw a 100Mwh with approximately 4.5mn addition citing a recent report square feet of commercial space compiled by my colleagues at being allotted by Coventry Air- EUPD courtesy their very own port. This inclusion is strategic “Global PV Installer Monitor since it will pave the way for gov- 2020/2021” . A simple data analy- ernment funding, covering up to sis with further scaled units a quarter of the projected cost based breakdown would suffice in and fast track the process of rele- understanding where the battery vant permits. And the city coun- based ESS industry is headed. cil calls this “the green industrial Tesla is coming to India, as per revolution “ . recent media reports also con- A lot more that can be shared, firmed by CM Karnataka. Ben- many interesting bits remain galuru is the most likely that can be covered but instead of destination for the entire inte- scrambling them in, until next grated setup. Great Britain gives time. Perhaps in a slightly differ- us a double header with Jaguar ent format, I can present the LandRover, announcing its policy world of lithium-ion batteries statement towards an all EV and electric vehicles in a better switch. CEO Thierry Bollore con- and engaging way. 23

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Electric cars to be on Pakistani roads very soon Federal Minister for Science motorways and highways to travel and Technology Fawad without range anxiety. The charg- Chaudhry has said that elec- ing infrastructure cannot be tric cars will soon be a common planned and built like conven- site in Pakistan. He said this dur- tional fuel stations because 1. ing the launch of High voltage an upgraded electricity is re- version of the quired for the Lahore Cham- charging sta- bers of Com- tion and 2. It merce website. takes at least In December, 45 minutes for the federal cabi- a supercharger net had ap- to charge a car proved up to 80% of its Pakistan’s first capacity. If, ac- Electric Vehicle cording to the Policy. The Elec- vision of the tric Vehicle (EV) government, Policy and the 30% cars on Mobile Manufac- roads are EVs turing Policy by 2030 the were endorsed lack of suffi- by the federal cient charging cabinet following facilities would their approval by the Economic result in hours of wait at charging Coordination Committee (ECC) on stations. December 16. In addition to long waiting lines It has been mentioned time and the limited range of EVs makes it again that the introduction of EVs impossible to drive them on long is not only dependant on the avail- routes or vacations. Under the cur- ability of vehicles but also on the rent environment EVs are only in- charging infrastructure available city vehicles and the government in the country. Anyone driving an needs to invest heavily on creating EV would require a vast network an extensive EV charging infra- of charging stations especially on structure. 24

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 43 Companies to invest in Gwadar: Chairman COPHC The first phase of the Gwadar talking to the Express Tribune an- special economic zone under nouncing that a liquefied natural the China-Pakistan Eco- gas terminal will also be estab- nomic Corridor has reached com- lished at the port. “CPEC is a great pletion, 43 companies are going to economic project,” he said. “It is a invest in the port city. Moreover symbol of the cohesive relationship 200 companies have already been between” registered for the purpose of invest- To ensure provision of clean ment. water to the residents and in- This was revealed by Zhang vestors work is also in progress on Baozhong, the chairman of China a large scale desalination plant at Overseas Ports Holding Company, Gwadar which will convert five mil- the company lion gallons of which cur- seawater into rently operates drinking water. Gwadar Port. The construc- At Gwadar tion of 300 SEZ in addi- megawatts tion to infra- coal-fired structure and power plant is energy proj- also in ects, various progress. industries, including textiles, The projected details of the chemicals, automobiles and mo- Gwadar Smart City Master Plan biles, would be set up, which will estimate that the population of the potentially create substantial em- city is expected to exceed two mil- ployment opportunities. lion people in the long-term with The special economic zones being high-paid expatriate professionals developed all across Pakistan have accounting for up to 80 percent of received enthusiastic response the population. from investors all over the world The city is likely to attract high and are being developed at a very commercial activity since the gov- fast pace. ernment will provide a tax-free “The Gwadar Port is fully oper- zone there. Pakistan’s largest inter- ational and cargo ships have national airport has also been inau- started arriving,” he said while gurated at Gwadar. 26


ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Ocean-Based Power and its huge potential as a Renewable Energy Source By Engr. Syed Sibte Ahmed Jafri, PE; FIE(Pak);FIEEE(Pak), CEO, Jafri and Associates (Pvt) Ltd Introduction fects. The burn- ters) and has to be an answer to the growing Energy is essential to all ing of fossil fuel significant im- needs of the people. Some different walks of life. And more produces exces- pact on the types of Ocean Power sources are specifically, electrical energy sive amounts of earth: the ocean listed below is a necessary component for the carbon dioxide; water is the Wave Energy growth of a nation. It was esti- more than twice main source for Electrical Energy can be har- mated by the Energy Information the amount that rainwater, regu- nessed from the energy produced Administration (US Department of can be absorbed lates the air by waves on the ocean's surface. Energy), that in 2006, 86% of pri- by nature. The t e m p e r a t u r e Wave energy generation is still a mary energy production in the excess carbon and wind pat- research field and there are as world came from burning fossil dioxide becomes terns, is home to many designs as companies active fuels (petroleum oil, coal, natural a greenhouse millions of di- in this field. gas).' gas, which leads verse marine One company in the US, Ocean While it may seem that this to global warm- life, provides a Power Technologies Inc, has devel- prime energy source is limitless, ing. In the means for trans- oped smart, floating buoys that the reality is the complete opposite. United States, portation of the drive a turbine upon its rise and A US publication, The Oil & Gas more than 90% world’s goods, fall and convert the ocean wave ki- Journal, estimates the years of pro- of greenhouse and of course, netic energy to electrical energy. duction left in the ground for oil, gas emissions has an enor- Using OPT's PowerBuoy wave gen- gas, and coal is 43, 167, and 417 come from the combustion of fossil mous electrical energy potential. eration system, a 10-Megawatt sta- years, respectively (Oil & Gas Jour- fuels.2 It has been estimated that if less tion would occupy only nal: World Oil) The increased de- Increased cost of fuel due to lim- than 0.1% of the renewable energy approximately 30 acres (0.125 mand for fossil fuel coupled with ited resources and negative envi- available within the oceans was square kilometers) of ocean space.5 the limited supply is the reason for ronmental effects are the two main converted into electricity, it would An Australian company rising costs for today s fuel. Devel- reasons why scientists are looking satisfy present world demand for Carnegie Corporation Ltd (no rele- oping countries, such as Pakistan, into Renewable Energy that is also energy more than five times over.3 vance to the Carne9ie Foundation are unable to cope with the in- “nature friendly”. The French Rance tidal power sta- of New York) has developed the creased costs of petroleum and Ocean Based Power — An tion alone peeks at 240 megawatts world’s first fully-submerged wave should therefore look into cheaper. Answer of power. 4 With the demand for al- power converter unit, called CETO. Renewable energy alternatives. The ocean is vast. It covers 71% ternative fuel rising, new renew- The ocean’s waves causes high Fossil Fuel also comes with in- of the world’s surface (an area of able energy sources are being pressure seawater to be sent via herently adverse environmental ef- some 361 million square kilome- explored. Ocean based power seems pipes to shore. This high-pressured 28

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 seawater is used to many marine informa- erage day, 60 million different tempera- Osmotic Power ume the pressure will generate electricity or tion agencies through- square kilometers (23 tures—to drive a When a river runs increase towards a to produce zero-emis- out the year. Such million square miles) power-producing cycle. into the ocean and the theoretical maximum sion freshwater (utiliz- information, although of tropical seas absorb As long as the temper- freshwater mixes with of 26 bars. This pres- ing standard reverse limited, can be found an amount of solar ra- ature between the the saltwater, huge sure is equivalent to a osmosis desalination on the Pakistan Mete- diation equal in heat warm surfaces water amounts of energy are column of water 270 technology). CETO, orological Department content to about 250 and the cold deep unleashed. By placing meters high. It is esti- therefore, has no need website.8 billion barrels of oil. If water differs by about a semi-permeable mated that each year for undersea grids or Ocean Thermal En- less than one-tenth of 20°C (36°F).9 membrane (i.e. a mem- 1600 TWh (terawatt- high voltage transmis- ergy Conversion one percent of this In May 1993, an brane that retains the hours) could be gener- sion nor costly marine (OTEC) stored solar energy open-cycle OTEC plant salt ions but allows ated worldwide. qualified plants.6 The oceans cover a could be converted into at Keahole Point, water through) be- The osmotic power Tidal Energy little more than 70 electric power, it would Hawaii, produced tween reservoirs con- plant is very area effi- Tidal stream devices percent of the Earth's supply more than 20 50,000 watts of elec- taining freshwater and cient. A 25 MW plant extract energy from surface. This makes times the total amount tricity during a net seawater, respectively, would only require the diurnal flow of them the world’s of electricity consumed power-producing ex- a net flow of water to- some 40,000 m2 of tidal currents caused largest solar energy in the United States periment. This broke wards the saltwater land even if it is lo- by the gravitational collector and energy on any given day. the record of 40,000 side will be observed. cated above the pull of the moon. Elec- storage system. This OTEC, or ocean ther- watts set by a Japan- Osmotic Power, or ground. Wind farms or trical energy is har- stored energy is in the mal energy conversion, ese system in 1982. less commonly known biomass harvest sites nessed from the rising form of temperature is an energy technol- Today, scientists are as Salinity Gradient would require a rela- and falling of tides. In differences between ogy that converts solar developing new, cost- Power, is the energy tively larger area of one such system, Tide the upper and deeper radiation to electric effective, state-of-the- retrieved from the flow land to produce the energy from high tides parts of the ocean power. OTEC systems art turbines for of water from the same amount of en- are trapped in a reser- water. use the ocean’s natural open-cycle OTEC sys- freshwater side to the ergy. voir. When the tide The US National thermal gradient—the tems.10 saltwater side. If the Two practical meth- drops, the water be- Renewable Energy es- fact that the ocean’s Other Ocean Re- saltwater compart- ods for this are Re- hind the reservoir timates that on an av- layers of water have lated Energy Sources: ment has a fixed vol- verse electro-dialysis flows through a power (RED), and Pressure turbine, generating retarded osmosis electricity. Unlike (PRO). The PRO power wind and wave power, plant is similar to a re- tidal streams offer en- verse osmosis desali- tirely predictable out- nation plant running put. backwards. A Norwe- An example of such gian company, an operational power Statkraft, has an- plant is the Rance nounced that it will tidal power plant in build a PRO plant pro- France, which opened totype in Hurum in in November 1966 and Buskerud. Construc- is the world’s first elec- tion of the prototype trical generating sta- started in 2008, and tion powered by tidal was planned to pro- energy. The Rance duce 2 to 4 kilo- uses a 330 meter long watts.11 dam, consisting of 24 Marine Algae bulb type turbine gen- Biofuel erators 5.35 meters in Marine algae offer a diameter, 470 tons in vast renewable energy weight, and rated at source for countries 10MW each which around the world that generate electricity have a suitable coast- whether the tide is line available. Utilis- going in or out. Al- ing marine as opposed though the peak power to terrestrial biomass capacity is 240MW, the for energy production average power gener- circumvents the prob- ated is 68MW for an lem of switching agri- annual output of cultural land from food around 600 million to fuel production. In kWh units of electric- addition, the produc- ity.4 tion of marine biomass In November 1996, will not be limited by the Rance celebrated freshwater supplies, 30 years of active serv- another of the con- ice during which time tentious issues of in- 16 billion kWh of elec- creasing terrestrial tricity were generated biofuel production. without major incident Algae have the capa- or mechanical break- bility to grow rapidly down. In spite of the in sunlight and can high cost of the project have a high percent- (620 million Francs - age of lipids or oils de- roughly 94.5 Million pending on the species. Euros), the plant’s It can double its mass costs have now been several times a day recovered, and electric- and produce at least ity production costs 15 times more oil per are lower than for nu- acre than alternatives clear power generation such as rapeseed, (0.018 Euro per kWh, palms, soybeans, corn versus 0.025 Euro per or jatropha. Algae with kWh for nuclear). a good lipid factor (ve- Today, the Rance also goil in relation to algae serves as a tourist at- cells) can be made into traction and attracts vegetable oil, bio- 200,000 visitors per diesel, bio-ethanol, bio- year.7 gasoline, As mentioned ear- bio-methanol, bio- bu- lier, tidal streams & tane and other bio- waves are predictable fuels.12 and are available by devious studies 29

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 have shown that marine algae are Conclusion The Pakistani Model Pakistan Meteorological Depart- as good a feedstock for anaerobic Ocean based power provides a The above describes a plethora ment has a total of 8 stations col- digestion (AD) processes as terres- cheaper and emission-free alterna- of the various options. Each of the lecting hourly data of the tidal flow trial sources Marine algae contain tive to fossil fuel. Further research above potentials can be harnessed around the clock, throughout the no lignin and little cellulose; has yet to me made in this field, as in Pakistan given the opportunity. year. The tables that follow are col- demonstrate high conversion effi- many government agencies are So far as is known little work has lected from the data obtained by ciencies, rapid conversion rates calling for such assistance by the been done on any of the above op- those sensing stations. Accordingly and good process stability. And to science and engineering commu- tions in Pakistan and therefore no the potential power that can be top if off, the by-product residue is nity.14 To date there are no such data are available. generated and the financial viabil- suitable for use as nutrient sup- ocean-based power plants built in However, some data is available ity, therefore, is presented for fur- plements for agriculture. 1 * Pakistan. for the tidal flow potential. The ther study and application. South Korea to build world’s largest offshore wind farm South Korea has signed a 8.2 gigawatts, the government deal to build what the is banking on it being the South Korean govern- equivalent of six nuclear power ment said will be the world's stations. biggest offshore wind power \"We have the infinite poten- complex. tial of offshore wind power to President Moon Jae-in over- the sea on three sides, and we saw the signing of the 48 tril- have the world's best technol- lion won ($43 billion) ogy in related fields,\" he added. agreement to build the power South Korea also plans to cut generation complex off Sinan its existing nuclear power in the country's southwest, plants from 24 to 17 by 2034, which he said would be seven reducing the sector's energy times bigger than the world's output by nearly half. current largest offshore wind This $43 billion deal is a part farm. of the country’s mission to re- The agreement involves 33 duce carbon emissions and different entities, among them move towards cleaner methods regional governments, the elec- of power generation. Currently tricity generator KEPCO, and South Korea has few energy re- major private firms including sources of its own and relies on Doosan Heavy Industries & imported coal a cheap but dirty Construction and SK E&S. fuel for around 40 percent of its With a maximum capacity of electricity. 30

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Electronic voting technology developed by MoST Minister for Science and Technology, Chaudhry Fawad Hussain while ad- dressing a news conference at Daska revealed that technology has been developed for electronic voting which would be trans- ferred to the Election Commission of Pakistan soon. He was addressing the news conference along with Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Senator Shibli Faraz, Spe- cial Assistant to Chief Minister Punjab on In- formation, Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan and Senior Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader, Usman Dar. He further explained that the technology has been developed with the support of Na- tional Institute of Electronics, National Uni- versity of Science and Technology and COMSATS and it will help ensure trans- parency in the election process. “Electronic voting can help get rid of rigging in elections”, he said. Chaudhry Fawad said the govern- ment has also presented election reform bill to adopt electronic voting system in elections. Work on electronic voting has been ongoing since 2009. The Election Commission of Pak- istan (ECP) had established a Committee on the Use of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM Committee) 2009 to establish the viability of electronic voting. mended that Pakistani technology companies cast their ballots by paper as normal, and The EVM Committee found that solutions be encouraged to begin developing domestic these paper ballots were counted to generate did exist that could meet the needs of Pak- electronic voting solutions, possibly in part- the results; but each voter could also cast a istan. It recommended that the use of elec- nership with international electronic voting test ballot on one of the electronic voting ma- tronic voting machines be further explored machine suppliers. chines being piloted. A number of different through the conduct of pilot projects for elec- Since the report, Pakistan piloted elec- electronic voting machines were piloted in tronic voting. The committee also recom- tronic voting machines in by-elections. Voters this way. 31

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 An insight into oil sector of Pakistan Engineering Post Report mand. Similaly, the Consumption by utilizing their supply arrange- troleum products from Karachi to of Diesel is around 7.3 million ments and infrastructure facilities the up-country locations. White Oil The consumption of petroleum tonnes per annum. The local pro- comprising of their installations, Pipeline has a transportation ca- products (energy products) duction can meet only 65 per cent storage depots, oil pipelines and pacity of 12 million tonnes per in Pakistan is 19.68 million of the total demand while rest is retail outlets etc. annum. tonnes per annum against the sup- being imported. The bulk of 19.68 million tonnes, There are around 8567 retail ply of 11.59 million tonnes per At refineries side, five refineries around 74 per cent, of petroleum outlets of the oil marketing compa- annum from local refineries while namely PARCO, National Refinery products required by Pakistan’s nies in the country. PSO has the rest of the 8.9 million tonnes per Limited (NRL), Pakistan Refinery market is transported by road, largest share of around 3487 retail annum is being imported. Pakistan Limited (PRL), Attock Oil Refinery 24.4 per cent through oil pipelines outlets. Moreover, the oil market imports $ 15-$16 billion worth oil (ARL) and Byco Petroleum Pak- and only 1.5 per cent by railways. companies are also managing a annually. istan Limited (Byco) are operating PSO, SPL and TPPL hold equity fleet of more than 12000 tank lor- The total refining capacity of the in the country in areas of partnerships in the White Oil ries for the movement and supply country is 19.37 million tonnes, Multan,Rawalpindi, Hub Pipeline which provides the strate- of the petroleum products through- however, the same is not being uti- (Balochistan) and Karachi. Byco gic infrastructure to transport pe- out the country. lized fully on account of financial leads with major share in installed as well as technical problems. On capacity by 38 per cent followed by financial side, the incumbent fed- PARCO and NRL by 23 per cent, eral government has made con- 15 per cent respectively whereas certed efforts after coming into APL and PRL possess 13 per cent power to clear the circular debt, and 11 per cent share respectively however, the same has continued in domestic installed capacity. to rise. There are thirty Oil Marketing On the other side, most of the re- Companies in the country. Out of fineries in Pakistan are old version these are Pakistan State Oil Com- except PARCO. Such refineries pany Limited, Shell Pakistan Lim- produce more than 40 per cent of ited, Total Parco Pakistan Limited, Furnace Oil which is the lowest Attock Petroleum Limited, Gas price value product. A refinery pro- and Oil Pakistan Private Limited ducing large quantities of Furnace and Hascol Storage Limited. Oil is generally a money loser or Among these, Pakistan State Oil has squeezed margins based on the leads with an overall market share pure crude/product price differen- of 42.5 per cent followed by Attock tial. Petroleum with 10.9 per cent, Total The petrol consumption in the Parco Pakistan 10.3 per cent, Has- country is 7.6 million tonnes per col Storage 9.8 per cent and Shell volume out of which 30 per cent is Pakistan 8.3 per cent. being catered from local refineries Oil Marketing Companies re- and the rest is imported to meet ceive, store, distribute/market the the ever-growing National De- petroleum products in the country 32

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Nullah Leh project worth Rs65bn approved Prime Minister Imran Khan gestion in the Rawalpindi city. has officially approved the The flood channel which will be launch of work on the Leh built as part of the project will Expressway and Flood Channel solve the chronic issue of flooding Project worth Rs65 billion under in the city during monsoon. The public-private partnership basis. project is envisaged to be com- The PM green lighted the proj- pleted in two years, and the ex- ect during a meeting chaired by pressway will be constructed on the PM and attended by Minister both sides of Leh Nullah. for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmed It is pertinent to mention here and senior officials. Punjab Chief that 1,604 houses fall in the right Minister’s Special Assistant Dr of way of Leh Expressway and Salman Shah and Punjab Chief 1,279 kanals is to be acquired - Secretary Jawad Rafiq attended 1,035.9 kanals of private land, the meeting via video link from 132.4 kanals owned by Military Lahore. Engineering and Works, 54.7 The prime minister was in- kanals owned by Chaklala Can- formed that Leh Expressway was tonment Board and 56 kanals an important project because it owned by Rawalpindi Cantonment will help put an end to traffic con- Board. Rawal dam to release water at Rs7.22 per 1000 gallon After a lot of deliberation rate of Rs7.22 per 1000 gallon. and consultation, the Cap- The officials of CDA and Rawal ital Development Author- Dam stated that the issue of mil- ity (CDA) and Rawal Dam lions of rupees of outstanding management have reached an dues has been resolved whereas a agreement for the release of payment mechanism for future water from Rawal dam to Islam- has also been agreed. The file has abad. been submitted to Chairman According to the agreement CDA. This was all revealed at a Rawal Dam will release 2 million meeting of a subcommittee of Na- gallons of water per day to Islam- tional Assembly, which met with abad from the Rawal dam at the Ch Hamid Hameed as the con- 33

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Xiaomi demonstrates remote wireless charging Xiaomi is teasing a leap to the next step. convert a millimeter wave signal that’s emit- Truly remote wireless charging. The ted by the charging pile. The signal is con- touch less “true” wireless charging verted into electric energy through a rectifier which could energize devices from several me- circuit. ters away. Xiaomi is calling this technology Other companies are also working actively Mi Air Charge Technology. to produce “true wireless charging” for their Mi Air Charge Technology is a 5W charging phones and other devices. Motorola, a sub- system that uses 144 antennas in the base sidiary company of Lenovo, has also intro- station sending millimeter-wide waves to duced its understanding of how devices your phone, which receives them on a 14-an- should charge wirelessly from a distance. The tenna array of its own. Xiaomi is claiming its charger apparently is called Motorola One tech is “not science fiction,” that will eventu- Hyper. There could be several phones, ally charge multiple devices at once, pass charged simultaneously, provided nothing through physical objects, and send power to even when something’s in the way”. The stands in the way between the charger and all kinds of small electronics around your transmitter looks quite large, as large as per- the device. room, from smart watches to speakers. haps a living room side-table next to a couch. These technologies might me far from per- According to the company “remote charging The smartphones need to be outfitted with a fect for now, and maybe a bit too expensive, technology” can charge multiple devices si- “miniaturized antenna array with built-in but this shows how the industry wants to multaneously and will recharge a smartphone ‘beacon antenna’ and ‘receiving antenna move forward from the need to have the that’s being used, “while walking around or array’. The smartphone has 14 antennas to phone constantly sitting on a charger. 34

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 17 industrial zones being established in KPK to attract local and foreign investment Engineering Post Report rect employment opportuni- ties including common treat- lotment of plots for establish- now also working on plans to ties and initially an invest- ment plant, industrial shed, ing their industrial units for offer Ghazi Industrial Zone As many as 17 indus- ment of Rs 1.6 billion is one widow facilities and also which the process has al- project near Islamabad and trial zones are being expected. flats for the workers. ready been started since De- Hattar, land has also been established in Khyber The economic zone is lo- The federal government cember 2020. Rashakai acquired for industrial zone Pukhtoonkhwa for attracting cated in the vicinity of Raza- has already approved provi- Economic Zone is being de- in Chitral on which work on huge local and foreign invest- khel Dry Port and Peshawar sion of 210 megawatt of veloped under public-private infrastructure facilities will ment and create hundreds of Islamabad Motorway and power and 30 MMCFD gas partnership mode. be started shortly and Min- thousands of employment op- highly conducive atmosphere for this economic zone. Ini- Investors in Rashakai Eco- eral City is also being estab- portunities by Khyber is being provided here for nomic are being pro- lished over 1000 acres over Pukhtunkhwa Economic establishing pharmaceu- vided incentives Palai, foundation stone of Zones Development and ticals, food processing, according to industrial Dera Ismail Khan Economic Management Company . construction, marble, standards including no Zone over 189 acres of land Work on some of these in- granite and food process- income tax for 10 years is also being laid shortly for dustrial zones has already ing industrial units. and machineries will setting up of 100 industrial been started while on others Work is in progress on also be duty free. Be- units, southern districts of is in the initial stages in a Rashakai Economic Zone ginning from Rashakai KP Bannu and Karak have phased manner. which is being estab- Economic Zone, indus- world’s best gypsum reserves According to the informa- lished under the China- trial units being estab- for which “Salt and Gypsum tion available from KP Eco- Pakistan Economic lished in it will be City” has been decided to set nomic Zones Development Corridor (CPEC) umbrella. tially, interim arrangement provided electricity at consid- up at Bannu. and Management Company This economic zone is spread for 10 megawatt has been erably cheaper rates out of 10 Risalpur Export Process- sources, Nowshehra Eco- over 1000 acres. As much as made for use in the develop- megawatt to be supplied by ing Zone has also been acti- nomic Zones extension proj- 80 per cent of jobs will be pro- ment works and installation Mardan grid station. vated over 92 acres and LED ect foundation stone has vided to the local people of pipeline is also in Jallozi Industrial Eco- Lights and Halal Food etc been laid. It is spread over which will greatly help in progress for supply of gas. nomic Zone is spread over plants are being set up there 76 acres of land on which elimination of unemploy- The estimated investment 1257 acres of land out of and foreign investors are more than 60 industrial ment in the area. Out of total is one billion 63 crore dollars which the company has al- been approached for invest- units will be set up, in- area, 702 acres of land is re- including foreign investment ready received applications ment there. vestors desirous of setting up served for setting up indus- of 49.40 crore dollars. Indus- for 450 acres where electric- Furthermore, “Marble their industrial units in this trial units and commercial trial zone will create as much ity has been provided and City is also in progress of industrial have already been area will be constructed over as 50 thousand direct em- work is on progress on set- being established in tribal issued allotment letters for 76 acres. ployment opportunities and ting up of 15 industrial district of Mohmand , small the plots. The company sources said 1.50 lakh indirect jobs. More units. industries units arealso This economic zone is ex- that this industrial zone will than1700 applications have Besides Rashakai, Jal- being established in North pected to generate more than be equipped with best infra- been received from Chinese lozai and Nowshehra Eco- Waziristan, South Waziristan 12 thousand direct and indi- structure and modern facili- and Pakistani investor for al- nomic Zones, the Company is and Khyber tribal districts. 35



ENGINEERING POST March-2021 SMEDA invites recommendations for Federal Budget 2021-22 Engineering Post Report dations for Federal Budget 2021-22. It has ac- SMEDA has its headquarters in Lahore and cordingly requested that SME issues and rec- regional offices in different major cities across SMEDA has invited suggestions and rec- ommendations regarding fiscal measures the country. ommendations from SME sector for sub- (taxation and incentives etc), tariffs, customs, mission to the Pakistan Government for export promotion, regulations or any other consideration and inclusion in the Federal may kindly be shared with SMEDA. Budget 2021 for which brisk preparations at Furthermore inputs are also required on the appropriate levels are in progress and is to identification of laws/regulations/licenses etc be presented in the National Assembly in the that may be simplified for ease of doing busi- first week of June 2021 for its consideration ness. and approval before June 30, 2021. Premier institution of the Federal Govern- Small and Medium Enterprises Develop- ment under Ministry of Industries and Produc- ment Authority (SMEDA) in its efforts to sup- tion, SMEDA was established in October 1998 port SMEs in the country conducts a round of to take on the challenge of developing SMEs in consultations with key stakeholders including Pakistan. SMEs, Chambers of Commerce and Industry With a futuristic approach and professional and trade associations for obtaining their management structure, it focuses on promoting views and inputs related to the SME Sector for an enabling environment and business devel- developing recommendations for consideration opment services to SMEs.. It is not only an of the government while formulating the Fed- SME policy advisory body for Pakistan Gov- eral Budget . ernment but also facilitates other stakeholders In this regard, SMEDA has initiated an ex- in addressing their SME development agen- ercise in the right earnest to solicit recommen- das. 38


ENGINEERING POST March-2021 16 MW Naltar-III Hydropower and 3 other projects approved by CDWP Around four projects of cost proved by the CDWP.The other Rs 6.8 billion along with three projects related to informa- one endorsed project worth tion technology were also pre- Rs 43.33 billion has been sent to sented in the meeting. The the Executive Committee of the projects are entitled as: Feasibil- National Economic Council ity study for Establishing of Jid- (ECNEC) for further considera- dat Investment and Support tion. In the most recent meeting Fund worth Rs84.200 million, of Central Development Working Feasibility study and consultancy Party (CDWP with Deputy for Development of STZ (Special Chairman Planning Commission Technology Zones) in Pakistan Mohammad Jehanzeb Khan, a worth Rs165 million, and High project related to energy named, Impact Skills Boot Camp worth “16 MW Hydro Power Project Rs420.011 million. The CDWP Naltar-III, Gilgit” at the cost of approved three information tech- Rs 6.199 billion has been ap- nology projects on the spot. 40

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Three mega projects approved by NHA The Executive Board of Na- + NHA Revenue share) by cross- very poor response with only one tional Highways Authority subsidising the net toll revenue party showing interest to pick (NHA) has approved three only of Sukkur-Multan Motor- the project on PPP mode at an mega road infrastructure proj- way (M-5) up to the end of debt estimated cost of Rs175 billion. ects. These projects include; (a) servicing period. The Hyderabad-Sukkur Mo- Hyderabad-Sukkur Motorway The concessionaire will be re- torway project envisages con- (M-6); (b) Sialkot-Kharian Motor- sponsible for operation and struction of 306kms long, way; and (c) Balkasar-Mianwali maintenance of Motorway M-5 six-lane wide, access-controlled Road (Dualization and Rehabili- during that period, except the motorway. tation). service areas and commercialisa- The motorway will start from The chairman NHA chaired a tion of ROW revenue which will Hyderabad (end of Karachi-Hy- meeting of the Executive Board remain under the control of the derabad Motorway M-9) and ter- and discussed construction of NHA. minate at Naro Canal (start of PPP projects with the support of NHA will take Sukkur-Hyder- Sukkur-Multan Motorway M-5). Viability Gap Funding (VGF). abad motorway project on PPP The project alignment passes Earlier the NHA Executive basis but will also seek govern- through Jamshoro, Tando Adam, Board had approved the imple- ment finances to bridge the fund- Hala, Shahdadpur, Nawabshah, mentation of Hyderabad-Sukkur ing gap. When the bids for Moro, Dadu, Naushehro Feroze, Motorway (M-6) on PPP mode Hyderabad-Sukkur Motorway Mehrabpur, Rasoolpur, Larkana, (Option 3A: BOT-Cross Subsidy were called the NHA received Khairpur, and Sukkur. 41

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 Computational Perspective of Artificial Intelligence in Neural Networks Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal Because of the rons. A counterfeit multifaceted neuron that gets a nature of sen- sign at that point sory system conduct, measures it and can the related trial mis- flag neurons associ- take limits are not ated with it. Neural well characterized, networks learn by however the overall handling models, value of the various every one of which models of a specific contains a known subsystem can be \"info\" and \"result,\" contrasted agreeing framing likelihood with how intently weighted relation- they recreate true practices or ship between the two, which are react to explicit info signals. The put away inside the information extent of neuroscience has design of the actual net. The widened over the long haul to in- learning rate characterizes the corporate various methodologies size of the remedial advances used to consider the sensory sys- that the model takes to adapt to tem at various scales and the blunders in every perception. A procedures utilized by neurosci- high learning rate abbreviates entists have extended im- the preparation time, yet with mensely, from atomic and cell lower extreme exactness, while a investigations of individual neu- lower learning rate takes longer, rons to imaging of tactile, engine yet with the potential for more and intellectual errands in the noteworthy precision. Advance- cerebrum. An Artificial neural ments, for example, Quickprop network depends on an assort- are essentially pointed toward ment of associated units or hubs accelerating blunder minimiza- called artificial neurons, which tion, while different enhance- freely model the neurons in a ments chiefly attempt to expand natural mind. Every association, unwavering quality. Diverse similar to the neurotransmitters model learning algorithms re- in an organic cerebrum, can com- quire distinctive hyper parame- municate a sign to different neu- ters, some straightforward 42

ENGINEERING POST March-2021 calculations, (for example, cus- and run on broadly useful PCs. A tomary least squares relapse) re- focal claim of artificial neural quire none. Given these hyper network is that they epitomize parameters, the preparation cal- new and ground-breaking gen- culation takes in the boundaries eral standards for preparing from the information. For exam- data. These standards are not ple, LASSO is an algorithm that well characterized. It is fre- adds a regularization hyper pa- quently guaranteed that they are rameter to standard least developing from the actual or- squares relapse, which must be ganization. This permits basic set prior to assessing the bound- measurable affiliation (the es- aries through the learning algo- sential capacity of counterfeit rithms. An innate stochasticity neural organizations) to be por- in adapting straightforwardly in- trayed as learning or acknowl- fers that the observational hyper edgment. parameter execution isn't really The multilayer perceptron is its actual execution. Strategies an all-inclusive capacity approxi- that are not hearty to basic mator, as demonstrated by the changes in hyper parameters, ar- widespread estimation hypothe- bitrary seeds, or even various sis. Be that as it may, the evi- usage of a similar calculation dence isn't productive with can't be incorporated into crucial respect to the quantity of neurons control frameworks without huge required, the organization geog- rearrangements and robustifica- raphy, the loads and the learning tion. Artificial intelligence in boundaries. AI based neural net- Neural network have developed work have been proposed as an into an expansive group of meth- instrument to settle fractional ods that have progressed the best differential conditions in physical in class across different areas. science and reproduce the proper- The least difficult sorts have at ties of many-body open quantum least one static parts, including frameworks. In mind research AI number of units, number of lay- based neural network have con- ers, unit loads and geography. centrated momentary conduct of Dynamic sorts permit at least individual neurons, the elements one of these to develop through of neural hardware emerge from learning. The last are signifi- collaborations between singular cantly more confounded, yet can neurons and how conduct can abbreviate learning periods and emerge from unique neural mod- produce better outcomes. A few ules that address total subsys- sorts permit/expect figuring out tems. Studies thought about how to be \"directed\" by the ad- long-and momentary pliancy of ministrator, while others work neural frameworks and their con- autonomously. A few kinds work nection to taking in and memory simply in equipment, while oth- from the individual neuron to the ers are absolutely programming framework level. 43

Large scale manufacturing shows 11.40 percent growth Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has re- cember 2020 as compared to the same month ing July-December 2020-21 and remained leased data which clearly shows that the last year. The LSMI Quantum Index Number 24.575 million tonnes. While Tractors witnessed large scale manufacturing industry out- (QIM) was recorded at 143.30 points during 39.39 percent growth during July-December put increased 11.40 percent for the month of De- July-December 2020-21 against 132.49 points 2020-21 and remained 23,237. during the same period last year. The production in July-December 2020-21 as compared to July-December 2019-20 has in- creased in textile, food, beverages and tobacco, coke and petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, non-metallic mineral products, au- tomobiles, fertilizers, paper and board and rub- ber products. At the same time it has somewhat decreased in iron and steel products, electron- ics, leather products, engineering products and wood products. Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar has said that the country’s large scale industry is showing strong growth. He said in a tweet \"Another double digit growth month for large scale manufacturing in December. 11.4% growth vs December 2019. Cumulative July to December growth above 8% now. Industrial sector now showing sustained strong growth.” Petroleum products , Kerosene oil, High speed diesel, Furnace oil and Jet fuel oil all showed considerable increase in production. Cement witnessed 20.83 percent growth dur-

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