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Home Explore Engineering Post March 2020

Engineering Post March 2020

Published by Empire Online, 2021-10-31 17:31:40

Description: Engineering Post March 2020

Keywords: Engineeringpost,Engineering


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Vestas to start manufacturing wind turbines in Pakistan World's largest wind troleum Nadeem Babar and ities for the project. The com- turbine maker Vestas Secretary Power Division pany will work on exploring has shown keen in- Irfan Ali also participated in the establishment of manufac- terest in establishing a wind turing facilities along with turbine manufacturing fac- transfer of technology. tory in Pakistan. Technology As of 2019 Vestas has in- transfer is the key element of stalled over 66,000 wind tur- the news. bines for a capacity of 100 This was revealed in a GW in over 80 countries on meeting of delegation of Ves- five continents. As of January tas Company led by Danish 2019 the company has built ambassador Rolf Holmboe production facilities in more with Federal Minister for than 12 countries, among Power and Petroleum Omar the meeting. them China, Spain and the Ayub Khan. Special Assistant Vestas has already started United States. Vestas em- to the Prime Minister on Pe- work on exploring the feasibil- ploys 24,400 people globally.

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 NUST signs MoU with TAI In the honor of Turkish presi- MoU. Prime Minister Imran dent Recap Tayyip Erdogan’s Khan and Turkish President visit to Pakistan, an exclu- Recep Tayyip Erdogan were sive ceremony was held at PM present at the august occasion. house to sign Memorandum of The MoU entails a multi-strand Understanding (MoU) between engagement between NUST and the National University of Sci- TAI. Other notables included ences & Technology (NUST), Is- Federal Minister for Science & lamabad, and the Turkish Technology Chaudhry Fawad Aerospace Industries (TAI). On Hussain, prominent functionar- the behalf of NUST and TAI, Lt- ies of the government and a good Gen Naweed Zaman (retd), Rec- number of Turkish industrialists tor NUST, and Prof Dr Temil who are accompanying the Turk- Kotil, President TAI, signed the ish President on his visit. 02

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Consultant lounge ENGINEERING POST 03

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 engineering Mart ENGINEERING POST 04

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 engineering Mart ENGINEERING POST 05

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Power transmission capacity is being enhanced by 10 Power Distribution Companies throughout Pakistan Engineering Post Report and provision of electricity to new consumers particularly in the rural The power transmission capac- areas through electrification of vil- ity is being enhanced by 1650 lages in phased manner. MVA and 6276 MVA on 500 All distribution companies have KV and 220 KV network by 10 been given targets for addition of Power Distribution Companies 122 KV, 132 Transmission Line, 11 throughout the country by June KV MVA, 400 Volt Transmission 2020 in accordance by the targets Lines (kms), Consumers, loss reduc- given to each of them by the Na- tion and village electrification dur- tional Transmission and Dispatch ing ongoing financial year 2019-20. Company (NTDC). Line losses position is still consid- Transmission system has already tion pg additional power top the Na- KV respectively during last finan- erably higher than the global aver- been strengthened with the con- tional Grid. Accordingly, the exist- cial year by end June 2019.. age of about 8 per cent. Higher struction of new 500 KV and 220 KV ing transmission lines were All distribution companies are losses are being curtailed through grid stations adding 1500 MVA and extended by 1017 kilometers and also implementing projects to re- DISCO’s Power Distribution En- 2250 MVA respectively for evacua- 257 kilometers on 500 KV and 220 duce line losses, increase efficiency hancement Projects. 07

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Engineers need to create opportunities for themselves One on one with Engr. M. Saeed Shamsi Chairman Potential Group In the world of Power generation tion and project management These are testing times that lem is the provision of remote solar one of the most challenging task companies in Pakistan. Pakistan is going through right units to the areas which are cur- is the transmission of generated Over the Years the now but the general rently not connected to the national electricity to the end user with mar- company has successfully direction in which we grid. But this is just a temporary fix, ginal line loss. The transmission installed a Number of 500 are heading is correct not a permanent solution. Villages lines and substations demand to be KV, 220 KV and 132 KV and that is what’s im- in Balochistan and KPK are being installed through the most difficult Transmission Lines and portant. With the pas- electrified through solar units while terrains in far flung areas of the Sub-Stations for sage of time the work on transmission line is under- country. That’s where the phenome- WAPDA and Karachi country is bound way. nal man Engr. M. Saeed Shamsi Electric Supply to recover. Engr. M. Saeed Shamsi further comes to the rescue. With more than Company (KESC). During the de- clarified that another concept being 44 years of experience under his During an ex- tailed discussion launched by companies now is the belt, leading one of the best engi- clusive interview that followed erection of composite power genera- neering companies in Pakistan with Engineering Engr. M. Saeed tion plants. These power plants com- Engr. M. Saeed Shamsi Chief Exec- Post, Chief Execu- Shamsi ex- bine wind, solar and thermal energy utive and Chairman of the Potential tive and Chair- plained the for power generation at the same Engineers takes charge of the uphill man of the current chal- place. The unutilized areas inside task of ensuring that transmission Company Engr. lenges of the the compounds of power generation of generated electricity from the M. Saeed Shamsi country in plants are installed with Solar pan- source to the end user is made pos- was asked to power gen- els and wind turbines. The clear ad- sible. share his eration. “It vantage of this setup is that there is Potential Engineers (Pvt.) Ltd. views about is not the no need to create a separate power was founded in 1976 by the present the current power gen- transmission infrastructure for the Chairman. After the company was economic situation of Pakistan. eration gap that we are facing right additional energy being generated founded Potential Engineers worked After some deliberation he gravely now. As you may have seen there is through solar and wind energy. as Sub-Contractors for two Big Na- said “Whatever is happening was in- ample power generation with little This will massively reduce the tional Construction Companies, for evitable just like a surgery of a fes- or no deficit. Our main problem is production price of electricity provid- the Installation of 500kV Transmis- tering body part. Maybe we do not the transmission of generated elec- ing a clear benefit to the consumers. sion Line, from Tarbela Power Sta- have the correct surgeons but this tricity. Transmission is a technical The export industry is in so much tion to Faisalabad. With more than was definitely needed,” He further and expensive process involving trouble mainly because of the high 300 workers under its employment, stated that he believed when all this erection of high tech infrastructure cost of electricity being provided. Potential Engineers is now the most was over Pakistan would benefit which is a time taking process” With this intervention the electricity experienced engineering, construc- from a more solid foundation. One of the solutions for this prob- will be made available to everyone 08

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 everyone cheaply and of revenue for the engi- you will succeed”. Cit- start thinking out of the gineers need to start try whether it is small release some pressure neers and save the ing the example of box and create opportu- using these qualities to or large. We need to from the industrial health industry mil- Cyber Knife system, nities for themselves. It create a livelihood for stop relying on im- units as well. lions of rupees. Plus which is a non-invasive is the era of entrepre- themselves.” ported products and While talking about the patients will get treatment for cancerous neurs and engineers During the exclusive support the local ven- the future of engineer- benefit directly. and non-cancerous tu- need to start creating interview with Engi- dors for a sustainable ing innovation in Pak- their own business neering Post Engr. M. future. Furthering this istan he said that he models rather than rely Saeed Shamsi talked point of view Engr. M. saw extremely bright on jobs. Engr. M. Saeed about how important it Saeed Shamsi said future prospects espe- Shamsi while explain- is for us to work specifi- “Let’s be proud of being cially in Electro-Med- ing this phenomenon cally on ‘Made in Pak- Pakistani and start uti- ical engineering. said that “An engineer istan Products’. Local lizing domestically pro- Sharing his unique in- is an analytical person production of any prod- duced items which are sights Engr. M. Saeed by nature. He can be a uct is always beneficial of superior quality and Shamsi explained that good administrator as for the country. It not generally inexpensive. a doctor, no matter how well as a good supervi- only saves money for This will not only sup- highly qualified, cannot The fresh engineers mors and other condi- sor because of his ana- the national exchequer port the local vendor design or fabricate a di- graduating from uni- tions where radiation lytical approach but also provides a but also help stabilize agnostic machine work- versities are filled with therapy is indicated, he towards a problem. En- boost to the local indus- the country’s economy”. ing on the principal of apprehension about said that this is purely electro mechanics. This their future. The engi- an engineering product is where the engineers neering industry of designed and produced need to step in and cre- Pakistan is in its in- by engineers but it is ate innovative diagnos- fancy and need to be de- being used by doctors tic tools through veloped on priority and hospitals for the mutual collaboration. basis. When asked treatment of tumors. “I believe the up and about a word of advice These kind of collabora- coming field is Electro for the upcoming gener- tion are the future of medical science. From ation of engineers; the engineering indus- operating the machin- Engr. M. Saeed Shamsi try. ery used in diagnostics said that the engineers It can not be denied and designing it, every- need to take initiatives that under the current thing can be executed and work on innovative scenario every company domestically” he said products and projects in Pakistan is basically He further suggested for their future. Living just struggling for sur- that the engineers start in a world of fantasy is vival as there is not working on refurbish- not an option anymore. enough economic activ- ing the technical diag- “I have only one advice ity. This has caused a nostic machinery for fresh Engineers. Al- decrease in demand of already being used in ways be honest with fresh engineers in the the Market. If a diag- yourself. If your priori- market leading to un- nostic machine is refur- ties are set right and employment. During bished locally it can you are honest with these testing times the provide a steady stream your own self only then fresh engineers need to 09

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 15 US trade delegations will visit Pakistan this year While talking to 10-members delega- ventures. The business community in Pak- plenty of opportunities for joint ventures tion of leading exporters from istan is ready to welcome US trade delega- and investments in Pakistan. Thus, it is the Faisalabad, Pak-US Business tions to Pakistan. He commended the US right time for US investors to visit Pakistan Council Founder Chairman Iftikhar Ali investors to explore Pakistan as an invest- and grab these opportunities for developing Malik said that 15 high-level US trade del- ment destination as reputable international sustainable business partnerships with egations will visit Pakistan this year to en- firms and investors from Europe and Asia Pakistani counterparts. Moreover, he ad- hance trade besides exploring investment are investing in Pakistan. There is high vised the local traders and investors to write avenues in various sectors. Pakistan is keen need of elevated bilateral discussions of out plans to take American investors at spe- to further expand economic ties with the working groups on agriculture, economics cial economic zones as the American energy United States and to explore full economic and finance, energy, market access, and sci- producers are seeing more and more busi- potential of bilateral relations through joint ence and technology. CPEC has created ness opportunities with Pakistan. 10

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 EETL and Excelerate to work on LNG terminal expansion Engro Elengy ing (DSME) shipyard. T e r m i n a l Excelerate will take (EETL) has delivery of Hull 2477 signed a Heads of in April of this year, Agreement (HoA) with and EETL projects be- an American firm Ex- ginning expanded op- celerate Energy for the erations in Pakistan expansion of the EETL before winter 2020. Liquefied Natural Gas Hull 2477 will in- (LNG) crease import EETL’s terminal send- located out ca- in Port pability Qasim, by more Pak- than istan. 150 mil- Under lion the agreement, Excel- standard cubic feet per erate will exchange its day (mmcfd) and in- existing Floating Stor- crease its LNG storage age and Re-gasification capacity from 150,900 Unit (FSRU) Exquisite cubic metres to can peak to 690mmcfd. utilises Excelerate’s pipeline system. EETL year bareboat charter with a new build 173,400 cubic metres. The EETL terminal, FSRU Exquisite, has has handled over 275 agreement for Hull FSRU, Hull 2477, The existing FSRU Pakistan’s first float- been delivering up to LNG cargoes to date. 2477. Excelerate has which is currently has a nameplate ca- ing LNG import termi- 690mmcfd of natural In September 2019, the option to purchase under construction at pacity of processing nal, began operations gas directly into Sui Excelerate and Maran the FSRU at any time Daewoo Shipbuilding 600mmcfd of liquefied in March 2015. The Southern Gas Com- Gas Maritime Inc. during the duration of and Marine Engineer- natural gas (LNG) that terminal, which pany’ s natural gas (MGM) signed a five- the contract. 11

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 BOLTS providing turnkey solutions and import substitutions of various products BOLTS specializes in manufacturing so- takes great pride in being able to manufac- lutions that are widely used in the en- ture products which are top notch and at par ergy sector. BOLTS has a versatile and with those which are currently being im- diversified product range which enables it to ported in the country. BOLTS is currently fo- provide one window solutions to its cus- cusing on providing import substitution of tomers. Further, in addition to manufactur- Electrical Switchgear, Industrial Racks, Net- ing international quality products which are work & IT enclosures, Specialized IP 6x en- compliant with relevant IEC and other inter- closures, generator canopies & other similar national standards, BOLTS also provides products. BOLTS is also working on getting complete turnkey solutions. international certification for its products, in- cluding CE, NEMA & others. BOLTS has a state-of-the-art manufactur- ing facility managed by a professional work- BOLTS has also partnered with Pakistan’s force and graduates from top universities top university, National University of Sci- which enables it to stand out from the compe- ences and Technology (NUST) for developing tition and facilitates it with its commitment new technology and products by utilizing the to continuous improvement and innovation. research conducted by local researchers and academia. The licensing agreement between The quality management system at BOLTS & NUST was signed in December BOLTS is fully compliant with ISO 2019, at the inauguration of Pakistan’s first 9001:2015 standards. The Environment National Science & Technology Park in Is- Management System implemented at BOLTS lamabad. The event was also attended by is also fully compliant with ISO 14001 stan- H.E Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pak- dards. The health and safety policies adopted istan, Chief of Army Staff General Qamar by BOLTS fully comply with the global stan- Jawed Bajwa and other high-level officials. dard of ISO 45001 for health & safety man- agement. In recognition of its efforts to facilitate de- velopment of state-of-the-art technology in BOLTS senior management and Board of Pakistan, BOLTS recently received CSR Directors comprises of professionals having Award 2019 in the “Technology and Innova- vast experience of working in prestigious or- tion” category. ganizations. Aspiring to become the nation’s top-ranking electrical manufacturer and so- BOLTS is committed towards continuous lution provider, BOLTS is dedicated towards growth, innovation and expansion with the leading the industry with advanced and aim to foster a corporate culture of forward emerging technologies while prioritizing ul- thinking and strategic endeavors. timate customer satisfaction. BOLTS works with some of the leading and BOLTS is geared up to provide import sub- prestigious organizations including OEMs, stitutions of various products which are cur- such as Schneider Electric, Siemens, ABB & rently being imported in Pakistan. BOLTS Chint. 12

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Fifth Decade in the Market Approaches that Shaped Jubilee Corporation’s Success Jubilee Corporation (JC), a lead- over the last decade, Jubilee has ethics of Mr. Abdul Mahomed are ices.” ing stockist of Switchgear, Au- also ventured into the power distri- carefully preserved not only within Under his leadership, JC remark- tomation & Control products, bution sector adding dry type the JC family but also with each in- ably contributed in shaping the has cemented its position as pio- transformers, busbar trunking sys- dividual who has tasted the technological evolution of neers in bringing technology driven tems, medium/low voltage auto- essence of his leadership. A few switchgear industry through intro- quality products. With a legacy of matic voltage n o t e w o r t h y ducing various global innovations in over 55 years, Jubilee Corporation is regulators and words of Mr. Pakistan. Some notable concepts in- one of the longest-serving companies lightning protec- Abdul Ma- clude HRC Fuses in 1962; Moulded in Low Voltage Switchgear business tion system. homed: Case Circuit Breakers and Air Cir- in Pakistan. The unwaver- “We believe cuit Breakers in 1976; Electronic JC has proudly partnered with Over Current Relays in 1985; Digi- more than 30 worldwide leading tal Air Circuit Breakers in 2008, brands and specialist manufactur- and recently Three Phase Auto- ers as their authorized distributor in matic Voltage Regulators in 2016. Pakistan. TERASAKI- leading ex- Jubilee Corporation today stands pert in low voltage circuit breakers, tall with over 40 engineers carefully TMC- the pioneer of dry type trans- selected and trained to become com- formers technology, LOVATO- with petent professionals under educated its ninety-years history of product and experienced leadership, along manufacturing for industrial au- with a team of Technical Support, tomation and energy management Supply Chain, Logistics, Finance sectors, FINDER- leading manufac- and HR professionals. turer of finest quality of electro- “At Jubilee Corporation, we be- mechanical and electronic products, lieve in providing highest quality DEHN- a renowned specialist in the ing commitment of late CEO, Mr. that providing strong, technologi- products with individualized cus- field of lightning protection and Abdul Mahomed in the form of re- cally advanced, quality and special- tomer service and building lasting provider of smart protection solu- lentless focus and rigorous efforts ized products, along with excellent relationships with our customers. tions, to name a few. for long term growth has undeni- customer service is the quintessence We ensure that our projects are What initiated as a small busi- ably paid off. His drive to person- of our role as a leading Engineering completed timely. We advise our ness in low voltage switchgear has ally ensure quality of each product Organization in Pakistan. This customers cost effective technical so- now significantly transformed into before adding it to the JC umbrella spirit gives us the necessary mo- lutions and assist them with any a diverse portfolio including au- earned credibility and trust of pro- mentum to drive our vision of pro- safety measurements and concerns. tomation, instrumentation and fessionals working in the frater- viding unparalleled quality of At JC, our customer is always our control equipments. Furthermore, nity. Principles and strong work products and technical support serv- priority.” 13

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 E-Links Pakistan Introducing High quality innovative products in the country E-links Pakistan, a trade- NTDC, K- E-links is a analytics and is referring to a mark, known for provid- Electric, all r e g i s t e r e d variety of energy-related soft- ing highest quality D I S C O S , member of ware applications which may electrification products in Switchgear Federal Board provide utility bill tracking, real- switchgear and industrial sector. m a n u f a c - of Revenue time metering, building HVAC The Company was established in turers, Tex- (FBR) & La- and lighting control systems, 2004, with the aim to introduce tile, Power hore Chamber building simulation and model- and supply best qualityand inno- Generation, Commerce & ing, carbon and sustainability vative productsto the market at Oil & Gas, I n d u s t r y reporting etc. competitive prices. Although C e m e n t (LCCI) in the E-Links proud to be a trusty they are working on projects all P l a n t s , capacity of In- partner in providing Access con- across the country, the company P o u l t r y denters, Im- trol and locking system for com- operates from Lahore, the busi- F e e d s , p o r t e r s , munication cabinets of PTCL ness hub of Pakistan. Paper, d i s t r i b u t e r s data centers. E-Links is the sole authorised S u g a r , and stockists of Mesan ™ Access control sys- distributor/indenter /stockist of C h e m i c a l electrical com- tems is an electronic system that renowned European and Asian and Ghee ponents. has designed to control through manufacturers in Pakistan. Mills etc. To learn a network. It recognizes and au- The Products offered by E- E - L i n k s more about the thenticates an authorization of a links Pakistan include voltage Pakistan is company, you person to enter into the premise AC/DC breakers, Medium & Low e x c l u s i v e can visit thereby giving complete protec- Capacitors & Fuse Links,Digital distributor tion ensuring security with the electronic meters, Energy and brand system. Analyser, Cam switches, Electro ambassador for Alfa Electric- E-Links puts another feather Mechanical relays & Locks, Italy, Efen-Germnay, Gioven- E-Links introduced energy in its cap by offering Sezgin- Under Over Voltage relays, zana-Italy, Gruppo management software that Turkey Low cost CTs that out Timers, Low Voltage Current Energia-Italy, Georg Jordan- yields cost saving and utility bill perform their expensive name- Transformer, Wiring ducts and Malaysia, Hobut-UK, Klemsan- tracking. brand equivalent. (DIN) rail components for au- Turkey, Sezgin-Turkey, Lumel KIO- Klemsan Internet Object Keeping with the past practice tomation and distribution enclo- S.A-Poland, Mesan-Turkey, is a Web energy management of introducing high quality and sures. Relpol-Poland, SEZ-Solovakia, software, connects with smart low cast products, E-Links of- The main costumers of E- ZEZ Silko-Czech Republic and meters, sensor and business fered current transformers of Links Pakistan include WAPDA, Broyce-UK. data to provide comprehensive Sezgin-Turkey. 14

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Local industry should start reverse engineering to offer cheap solutions Mian Ahsan Ali, MD Powerzone Engineering & Services Shares his vision with Engineering Post Powerzone Engineering and Services was dantly available in the country. This decreases vided a brilliant idea for the future prospects of founded with the aim of providing com- the overall cost of production in the country and engineering. He said “Under the current sce- plete power backup solution at an afford- creates a lucrative business opportunity for the nario what the local industry can do is start re- able price. Currently Powerzone Engineering & people. With little support from the government verse engineering the products currently Services is providing Perkins & Cummins Gen- Pakistan can lure in international organiza- available in the market and start producing erators in all the major cities of Pakistan like tions to establish manufacturing plants in Pak- them in a lower price range than original follow- Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad etc. Power- istan providing billions of dollars’ worth of ing the strategy of Chinese.” zone’s Automatic Power Diesel Generators are revenue to the country. During the conversation Powerzone Engineering and Services has the best quality generators in Pakistan. Power- started to opt for innovative solutions for the zone can provide top-notch generators in Pak- problems being faced by the industry. During istan at the cheapest possible. the exclusive interview Mian Ahsan revealed to During An exclusive talk with Engineering Engineering Post that Powerzone Engineering Post, Mian Ahsan Ali Managing Director Pow- Services has imported specialized fabrication erzone Engineering and Services shared his in- machinery from Chinese sources to produce in- sights regarding the future prospects of ternational quality fabrications in Pakistan. engineering sector in Pakistan. “I believe that “Our capabilities now include production of all it is the need of the hour that we start taking kind of fabrications including sensors canopies, decisive steps to overcome our shortcomings. panels, electrical panels etc.” he disclosed Our main focus should be to work towards in- Mian Ahsan said that he and his company creasing exports of the country. First we have were very optimistic for the future of the coun- to change our mindset only then we can hope to try in general and the engineering sector in par- elevate our status” he said. ticular. He said that he had learned from his Mr Mian Ahsan Ali explained that by being a teachers and elders that “In life there is either dynamic and growing business, Powerzone En- success or learning. There is no concept of Fail- gineering has created a vibrant environment for Mian Ahsan revealed that “Plenty of companies ure” its people and associates. “By meeting cus- want to establish their manufacturing plants in In his concluding remarks he said that the tomer’s needs and challenging our people, we Pakistan to take advantage of cheap labor and workforce of the country needs to work particu- envision becoming preferred and the most influ- produce economical products. But due to the un- larly on their work ethic “We will only start pro- ential power partners in Pakistan.” Overall the stable economic conditions of the market and gressing the day we start working properly for generator and power backup market is worth lack of sufficient support from the government our goals. In our current 8 hour jobs we work $23 billion globally. This goes to show the huge these companies are not willing to take that for a maximum of 3 hours and waste the rest of potential of this business leap of faith. The negative propaganda from the the time. This attitude not only damages the in- Pakistan has the upper hand over other mar- media is not helping either.” stitution but also begs the question; will any kets in the world because low cost labor is abun- During the conversation, Mian Ahsan pro- such earning be Halal or Haram?” 15

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Bahum Associates The trusted name in providing comprehensive solutions for standby power needs Having a com- maintain ample stock of spare bined experi- parts, consumables and lubri- ence of 35 cants in our countrywide ware- houses in order to provide years of excellence efficient customer service. in engineering ex- Bahum has a state-of-the-art workshops to rebuild and over- pertise in Pakistan haul engines along with mobile workshops to provide onsite and abroad. Bahum services. These workshops are equipped with all recommended Associates feel tools, software and expert engi- neers. We can rebuild/overhaul proud in providing engines from10 kVA to 1500 kVA. We keep the skill-set of comprehensive solu- our engineers updated through local and foreign trainings. tions for standby power needs for a variety of industries and sectors. The company operates on the objective of providing world- class, state of the art, efficient and re- liable solutions to all your engineering needs and require- time as market grown, we diversi- Solar inverters in Pakistan. Bahum ments. We provide solutions for AC fied ourselves in emerging fields of provide a complete range of prod- and DC standby powers, which technologies and currently serving ucts, services, warranty and service comprises of generator sets, solar local market of power, health, tele- contracts we represent in local mar- inverters and battery banks to pro- com, agriculture and construction ket on behalf of Huawei and other vide uninterrupted power to your industries and providing solutions principals. equipment and infrastructures. based on alternate energy. The company have countrywide Bahum solutions are based on The strong presence of the com- regional offices and sub-offices with world’s renowned Huawei Fusion- pany in Pakistan as a provider of teams to provide services to their Solar Smart PV Solar Inverters, high quality equipment, services individual customers and corporate Perkins engines UK, Leroy Somer and turnkey solutions in the field of clients as and when required. All (Nidec) alternators and Narada standby power has enabled ap- regions have certified engineers to VRLA and lithium batteries. With pointment of dealer for Huawei head their teams/mobile teams. We 16


ENGINEERING POST March-2020 MOHMAND DAM to be completed in 2025: Wapda Chairman Construction work on multi- rigation tunnel and re-regulation purpose Mohmand Dam pond. Hydropower Project has Speaking on the occasion, the been carrying out day and night. Chairman said that Mohmand Resultantly, the project is moving Dam is the 5th highest concrete- ahead with a good pace and face-rock-fill Dam (CFRD) in the WAPDA is confident to complete world. He further said that the the project during high flow sea- total priority land has already son in 2025 as per the timelines. been acquired with the unprece- This was stated by WAPDA dented support of the locals, Dis- Chairman Lt Gen. Muzammil trict Administration of Tribal Hussain (Retd) during his visit to District Mohmand and the (CBM) in the project area for pleted in five years and eight Mohmand Dam Hydropower Proj- Provincial Government of KP and socio-economic development of months. It will store about 1.2 ect being constructed at River the locals. He appreciated million acre feet (MAF) of water, Swat in Tribal District the security forces for en- generate 800 megawatt (MW), Mohmand of Khyber hanced security arrange- contribute 2.86 billion units of Pakhtunkhwa (KP). WAPDA ments in the project area low-cost hydel electricity annu- General Manager Land Acqui- to enable the project man- ally to the National Grid and help sition and Resettlement Brig. agement to carry out con- mitigate floods in Peshawar, Shoaib Taqi (Retd), General struction work day and Charsadda and Naushera. Be- Manager and Project Director night to meet the construc- sides supplementing 160,000 Javed Afridi, representatives tion schedule. acres of existing land, about of the Consultants and the Dilating upon the bene- 16,700 acres of new land will also Contractors and other senior fits of the project, the be irrigated because of Mohmand WAPDA officers were also Chairman said that Dam. In addition, 300 million gal- present on the occasion. with concerted efforts by WAPDA Mohmand Dam Hydropower Proj- lons water per day will also be The Chairman during the visit Land Acquisition and Resettle- ect is historic and unique in na- provided to Peshawar for drink- had a detailed round of the under- ment officers. He further said ture being constructed after the ing purpose. Annual benefits of construction access roads, offices that Rs. 4.53 billion will be spent delay of over five decades. The the project have been estimated and colony, diversion tunnels, ir- on Confidence Building Measures project is scheduled to be com- at Rs. 51.6 billion, he added. 18

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Need stressed for harnessing Information and Communication Technology innovations for national wealth creation Engineering Post Revolution. With the intensive decision sys- Report advent of 4th Indus- tems. Therefore,we trial Revolution , new have to harness these The world is mov- opportunities of pros- Information and Com- ing fast towards perity are being cre- munication Technol- 5G, Industrial ated accordingly. ogy (ICT) innovations Internet of Things and According to the ex- for national wealth Artificial Intelligence, perts in the sector con- creation. which are the key cerned, the new They said that Pak- technologies for wealth creation para- istan presently stands where we can become rising wave of new ranked lowest Fourth Industrial digm is based on data- at a juncture of time part of and surf the technological era to be amongst South Asian counted in the global countries. It is ranked arena, now it is high at 127 in ACT adop- time to expand on our tion out of 140 accomplishments and economies while India put concerted efforts is ranked at 117, into other areas as Bangladesh at 102, well, especially exten- Nepal at 101 and Sri sive utilization of Lanka at 109 are ICTs I industry, agri- quite ahead of Pak- culture and other sec- istan. Republic of tors of the national Korea is ranked very economy, a multi-di- low at 125, however, in mensional and holis- Digical Skills amongst tic approach would the population Pak- enable us to become istan is a little better more competitive, the ranked at 75 and in work has already been graduate skills sets at started in some areas 51 while India is far in this regard which ahead at 48 and 36 need to be further respectively. Also , built upon in future. Malaysia, Singapore As for the perform- are ranked 24 and 20 ance of the Informa- respectively in Overall tion Technology sector skills, 11 and 6 in Dig- is concerned during ical Skills and 6 and 5 last financial year in graduate skill sets. 2018-19, official In Innovation capa- sources pointedly bility, Pakistan is stated, National In- ranked at 75, while cubation Centers India is ranked at 31, (NICs) have been es- China, Singapore, tablished at federal Korea and Malaysia and provincial head- are ranked at 24,14, 8, quarters Islamabad, and 30 respectively. Karachi,Lahore , Pe- The leader in Innova- shawar and Quetta. tion Capability is Ger- Presently about 200 many. start-ups are housed It is evident that in these facilities. Fur- Pakistan is behind on thermore, many of most of the dimen- these start-ups have sions even in the re- the potential to create gional context and marketable products other countries are and services have been moving very fast thus accordingly approved creating a bigger gap for appropriate fund- and posing a serious ing. challenge for develop- Pakistan’s growing ing countries Pakistan ICT sector is somehow for catching up. 20


ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Market expansion, current progress and future prospects An Exclusive interview with Mr Jawed Zaman from A to Zee Switchgear Engineering (SMC – Pvt) Ltd. Ato Zee Engineer- quality and fast pace of and reliability of prod- Zaman during a recent ing Services was work A to Zee ucts. Moreover interview with Engi- established in switchgear has man- the company neering Post revealed 1994 in Karachi, Pak- aged to pick up a large takes special that even in this time of istan. In the last 26 chunk of market share measures to economic crunch, A to years the company has of switchgear manufac- procure raw Zee switchgear is one evolved according to turing. The company materials in of the few companies the customer require- has earned the trust of advance. This ments and is now its customers and con- substantially re- known as one of the sultants by providing duces the produc- most sophisticated the best quality avail- tion time after switchgear and panel able in Pakistan. One of order is received board manufacturing the main reasons for as the raw ma- company in the entire their success is the in- terial is already country. creasing trust of con- available. Due to their superior sultants on the quality Mr. Jawed which are performing during the exclusive in- very well. To cater for terview with Engineer- the enormous volume of ing Post further said work, the company is that A to Zee planning to expand their Switchgear has always manufacturing facility. believed in utilizing the “We have decided to es- most modern and up to tablish a larger manu- date machinery for the facturing facility on a manufacturing of prod- huge plot which is more ucts. In this regard the than 2000yard in size. company has acquired This will not only in- the latest CNC bus bar crease our manufactur- machine which will ar- ing capacity but also rive by the end of Feb- increase the efficiency of ruary 2020. “The CNC work,” he said busbar machine will Currently A to Zee further reduce the de- Switchgear is working livery time of products on a number of projects and at the same time and more are in the enhance the quality of pipeline. The main rea- products,” he said. son for this massive in- Owing to the colossal flow of work is the top success of A to Zee notch quality and excel- switchgear some rivals lent delivery time pro- have started spewing vided by the company. hateful and negative Their recent ventures claims regarding the include provision of quality of products pro- switchgear to Kasim duced by the company. Textile, Young’s food, For all those people Mr ASRTO Flims and ACT Jawed Zaman has pro- Polyos. Many projects vided special message. are in the pipeline “Anyone who wants to ready to be finalised by verify the quality of our the mid of this year. products is welcome to Recently A to Zee come and check it by Switchgear was de- themselves. All our im- clared channel partner port bills as well as by Schneider Electric other related quality for their type tested documents are always switch gear. By the available for verifica- first week of March tion to anyone who 2020, A to Zee wants. The floor of A to switchgear will most Zee switchgear is al- likely deliver its first ways open for potential order of type tested customers to visit and switchgear to Artistic see the process first Milliners. hand because, seeing is Mr Jawed Zaman believing.” 22


ENGINEERING POST March-2020 J.Foster International offering quality Power Generation Solutions J.Foster interna- tumers. The mid and Pakistan, Fauji food, “LOVOL is used in tional has been lower financial range of engro foods and many small scale auto- working in the customers are provided others. We are also pro- motive indus- power generation sector with LOVOL generators viding the complete tries, brands, for more than 25 years which are similar in range of products re- Clinics and now. Their diverse range quality but lie in the low quired in the poultry sec- small hospi- of products helps them price bracket. tor” tals. The distinguish their prod- Mr. M.Javed, Director J.Foster International is reliabil- ucts from their competi- J.Foster international assembling 13 kVA to ity of tors in the market. during an exclusive in- 1250 kVA Generators in t h i s J.Foster international terview with Engineer- Pakistan. Keeping in has the capacity to cater ing Post revealed that mind the need of small to the needs of customers “We are dealing with the scale businesses J.Foster from all walks of life. dairy industry of Pak- is also assembling Perkins provide exclu- istan on a very large LOVOL and QC technol- sive High end generators scale. Our clients include ogy generators in the to the affording cos- market leader Nestle market. brand is so high that troduced the best quality more than 80% of poultry of solar solutions in the farms in Pakistan are market” explained using LOVOL generators Mr.M.Javed. in their setup “He said. Another important mar- Keeping in view the ket being targeted by green initiative of the J.Foster international is government and the the Firefighting equip- overall impact of climate ment used in Pakistan. change, J.Foster interna- The engines used in fire- tional is also venturing fighting equipment are into solar power solu- also being provide by tions. For pursuing this J.Foster in Pakistan. endeavor the company Due to the economic in- has introduced Q Cell stability and volatile con- solar panels in Pakistan. dition of the market Q cell is a German brand business slow all over the being manufactured in country. M. Javed shared China. While comment- his views regarding this ing on the project matter “Although the M.Javed said, “The relia- times are tough right bility of solar units de- now, we are hoping that pends solely on the as industries start func- manufacturing quality. tioning again the de- Low quality products can mand of our product will be potentially hazardous soar massively. Hoping and can also cause finan- for lasting peace and cial loss the costumer prosperity in Pakistan” that is why we have in- he commented. OGDCL’s conference on Clean Fuels - Bio Fuels 2020 Aspecial conference on clean energy genera- tion by the title of Clean Fuels - Bio Fuels 2020 was organised by the Petroleum and Natural Resources Division at OGDCL audito- rium. The event was attended by experts from leading energy departments and academia. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Pe- troleum Nadeem Babar while addressing the cer- emony said that the government had removed bureaucratic hurdles to facilitate private sector in the energy sector. He stressed to replace previous trends of producing expensive energy with cheaper energy to overcome the circular debt. Almost 41 percent of electricity produced in June 2018 in Pakistan was produced from im- ported oil which is not good for energy security of the country. Developed countries are producing cheaper electricity through biomass and waste. Nadeem Babar stressed the need for taking prac- tical measures to produce energy through alterna- tive resources including biomass. Bio Fuels have the potential to become a central source of fuel in the country within the next 10 years as Pakistan is an agricultural country and can easily produce the raw material required for generation of elec- tricity through bio fuels. 24


ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Ministry of science urged to work on development of Reko Diq The Senate If you work on this Deliberating over gies (PUEET), Ad- Center For Artificial medical Materials. Standing Com- project, it would give the Task Force of vanced Skills Develop- Intelligence in Health The meeting was at- mittee on Sci- immense benefit to the MoST regarding ment through Sciences, establish- tended by Senator ence and Technology whole country, the progress of on-going International Scholar- ment of Facilities for Nuzhat Sadiq, and chaired by Senator committee observed. projects the committee ships, Indigenous Raw Industrial Production senior officers from the Mushtaq Ahmed Khan During the meeting was informed that the Material Assessment of Nanomaterials in Ministry of Science has urged the Ministry the MoST was also task force is currently For Supply Chain of Latif Ebrahim Jamal and Technology, of Science and Tech- asked to increase the working on six proj- Li-ion Battery and Nanotechnology Cen- NUST, NIE, PEC, PSF nology (MoST) to work pace of work on the de- ects, Pak University of Prototype Develop- ter, and establishment and people from other on the development of velopment of Space Engineering and ment in Pakistan, es- of Center for Advanced concerned depart- Reko Diq project. Technology projects. Emerging Technolo- tablishment of a Technologies in Bio- ments. 26

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 35th All Pakistan IEEEP Students Seminar at DHA SUFFA University On 29th January and storage, and spoke applications which were IEEEP student seminar. Student technical semi- 2020, The Institu- about their commercial given due coverage in the He further stated that the nar has provided a liaison tion of Electrical & between Final Year Stu- Electronics Engineers dents and Industry Pro- fessionals. Pakistan (IEEEP), in col- At the closing cere- laboration with DHA mony, Mr. Asad Said Jafar, CEO & Chairman Suffa University (DSU) of Signify (formerly known as Philips Pak- Karachi organized the istan) spoke about the local capacity building 35th All Pakistan IEEEP and how that can be syn- ergized to produce glob- Students Seminar at ally recognized entrepreneurs. He also DSU’s premises. appreciated the efforts of DSU and IEEEP for pro- Prof. Dr. Atta ur viding the students with this opportunity to show- Rehman (NI), Pakistan’s case their skills and hard work. Mr. Asad Said prominent scientist, Jafar congratulated DSU and IEEEP for organizing Chairman of Prime Min- the event. ister's Task Force on Sci- At the 35th IEEEP Student Seminar, under- ence and Technology, Vice graduate students from all over Pakistan submit- Chairman of Prime Min- ted their final year re- search work and ister's Task Force on presentations. In total 36 papers were presented in Technology-Driven five technical sessions. The organizing committee Knowledge-Economy, Co- of DSU’s Electrical Engi- neering Department Chair Task Force on In- strictly checked the qual- ity of technical papers formation Technology and presented at the seminar as per the HEC policy. former Chairman HEC The Jury selected the top six papers for participa- graced the inaugural ses- tion in IEEEP Multitopic Symposium 2020 and sion as Chief Guest. award of medals and cash prizes at the IEEEP In- While addressing the au- ternational Symposium later in February 2020. dience, Dr. Atta ur The event was widely at- tended by students of Rehman highlighted that Electrical, Computer & Software education is the lifeline of Engineering/Computer Science, Electronics, Bio- a nation. The progress medical & other ICT re- lated fields. The and prosperity of any participants lauded the efforts of IEEEP Karachi country depend on the and DHA Suffa Univer- sity for bringing new tech- standard and quality of nological trends under discussion. IEEEP’s ef- its education system. He forts were highly fruitful in terms of encouraging appreciated DHA Karachi students and improving the industry-academia re- and DHA Suffa Univer- lationship. sity for providing quality 27 higher education facilities to the community. Fur- thermore, he insisted on the need for having in- digenous solutions for en- ergy challenges. Vice-Chancellor DSU, Engr. Prof. Dr. Muham- mad Afzal Haque pre- sented Memento to Dr. Atta ur Rehman. In his opening remarks, VC DSU reminded the youth that they are left with no choice but to keep pace with the rapid growth in scientific and technologi- cal fields, if they are to survive in the comity of nations with peace & dig- nity. Engr Irfan Ahmed, Chairman IEEEP Karachi Centre, high- lighted the research being done at the local universi- ties in the fields of renew- ables, energy efficiency

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Pyramid Automation Celebrates Success in 2019 Pyramid Automation arranged Annual General Meeting (AGM) was arranged on 25th Jan 2020 at Lahore Country Club to celebrate the achievements and major projects accomplished during 2019. AGM started in the main hall and Representatives of each depart- ment i.e. Sales, Engineering, Finance & HRD presented their annual performance & achieve- keep PA flag high in the market during 2020 Mahmood Group & Ibrahim Textiles Harmon- ments during the last year 2019, New Year's and for the years to come. ics Filters Solution and Nishat Hyundai Car targets were undertaken by the whole team to Major Projects that were celebrated are Plant Power Quality Analysis Study. As Pyra- mid Offers complete services in the area of Power Quality Management, starting from on- site testing and analysis to design and instal- lation of complete solutions on turnkey basis. Power Quality is the new challenge for in- dustries as the ratio of nonlinear load is rela- tively very high. To overcome the new challenges of technology Pyramid has taken step to extend its services in this area by pro- viding complete solutions in the area of Power Quality and Management System. Since the inception of company in 2003 Mr. Shafique Ahmed the CEO of Pyramid Automa- tion is working with the vision to contribute in the development of Country by helping the Pakistan’s local industries to continuous im- prove the productivity and in generation of re- liable power with the help of continuous power quality monitoring and Management Systems. Generators Synchronization and Power Management solutions benefit many industries in Pakistan and they are saving Millions annu- ally. Pyramid Automation feels proud on this achievement with successful integration of world’s leading and most advance technology in the industry of Pakistan. The event was a great success as all PA team contributed their best inputs to improve the level of services & after sale support to our cus- tomers including expansion of ware house & lo- gistics, improving the work environment to increase the efficiency and performance to cope up with the increasing customer demands. The day was full of activities after AGM a cricket match as played between Sales Vs En- gineering teams which was a big fun enjoyed by all members, other activities included Bad- minton, Table Tennis and Billiards matches between individuals and everyone enjoyed the activities. PA team now plans to organize such events on regular basis as such activities will complement our force with recreational events on regular basis. 28

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 MoU on energy between Pakistan and Turkey Pakistan and Turkey have signed a memo- randum of understanding (MoU) on inten- sifying cooperation in the energy sector. Federal Minister for Energy Omar Ayub Khan and his Turkish Counterpart Fatih Donmez inked the MoU in the presence of Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Erdogan. In energy sector specifically in the area of hydrocarbons, in exploration and \\production (E&P) and sharing of best practices in natural gas distribution, transmission, wholesale markets, and in liquefied petroleum gas market, the MoU envisions promo- tion of bilateral scientific, technological, adminis- trative and commercial cooperation. The MoU was signed by the Turkish Minister of Trade, Ruhsar Peckan, and the Adviser to Prime Minis- ter on Finance and Revenue, Abdul Hafeez Sheikh. This MoU includes the cooperation for es- tablishment of Electronic Data Exchange for and documents regarding international movements of smuggling methods and customs offences. of available information. The MoU would assure the goods and vehicles between the parties. It also The vital benefits arising from the signed MoU assistance by Turkish Customs Agency and includes assistance to each other in order to im- include an institutionalized information ex- would promote bilateral trade, including transit prove customs practices between the two coun- change mechanism between Pakistan and trade, in the region which would lead to safe- tries. Both countries will communicate, share and Turkey. It is expected to bring reduced risk of guard/promotion of economic interests of both exchange all available information relating to im- evasion of duties and taxes, reduced clearance Turkey and Pakistan. The signing of this MoU ports, exports, and transit operations. The two time for import or export cargo through applica- would also Increase confidence of Pakistan's in- countries will cooperate in combating different tion of risk-assessment techniques on the basis ternational trading partners. 29

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 HVACR socie headquarter The HVACR soci- from all across the General Secretary, ety of Pakistan country including along with the previ- inaugurated its Karachi, Lahore and ous presidents, cut the headquarters in the Faisalabad. ribbon to officially city of Islamabad. The The inauguration mark the opening of simple yet impressive ceremony started with the society headquar- inauguration cere- the ceremonial ribbon ters. All attendees mony, organized in the cutting ceremony. prayed for the success newly developed head- Engr Khurram R. and growth of HVACR quarters located in the Malik President, Pak- society. F-8 sector of Islam- istan HVACR society The first meeting abad was widely at- and Mr. Ahmad chaired by President tended by members Naeem Chughtai, Hon. Khurram Malik was held at the HVACR so- ciety headquarters. During the meeting he thanked the core mem- bers involved like Azeem Ashraf, Usman Chughtai, Sajjad Haider and Mr Saqib and appreciated the achievements of every- one else involved. “I am amazed by our con- struction team which 30

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 ety inaugurated r at Islamabad has completed the con- have access to techni- the promotion of art & struction project in 8 cal lectures, profiles of science of HVACR in weeks’ time,” he said other members and Pakistan. The Society Chairman HVACR other features. A spe- is a sole representa- society Islamabad cial media cell was tive body on HVACR chapter Usman also launched during and was established Ahmed Chughtai the event which will some 24 years ago to while talking to Engi- update the day to day promote the cause of neering Post said “We events of the society HVACR profession always felt the need of on all its social media and industry in Pak- a state-of the art office platforms. istan. It is an affiliate to host foreign delega- HVACR society was Society to ASHRAE, tions. This office will established in 1993 for USA. fulfill that need and reduce our depend- ence on expensive ho- tels” A soft launching of the HVACR society mobile application was also held at the event. All the mem- bers of HVACR society will get a unique ID to log in to the applica- tion where they will 31

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Supported By PHVACR Society International conference on Mechanical engineering organised at UET Lahore University of En- hore Chapter supported tional levels. Mr. Nisar gineering and the event by setting up Mohyuddin, Mr T e c h n o l o g y its exhibition. The soci- Ramzan Saeed and Mr. (UET) Lahore organ- ety presented in the Muhammad Faheem ized 1st International premier plenary session shahbaz also given pre- Conference on Mechan- and also arranged a full sentations on various ical Engineering session for 2 hours in topics. (ICME- The 2020). Min- theme of ister of the con- Punjab for ference higher edu- was inno- cation Raja vation. In Yassir Hu- this re- mayun Sar- gard PEC fraz an- partici- nounced pated in the 30 awards event as to encour- chief guest. age inno- Chairman Pakistan the conference present- vation for students Engineering Council ing technology and worth Rs. 1 million (PEC) Jawed Salim products. The society each. A committee of Qureshi, Vice Chancel- also provided sponsor- vice chancellors of Pak- lor UET Prof Dr Syed ship to the event. Ch istan will select topics Mansoor Sarwar, na- Abdur Rauf, Chairman from all domains of ed- tional and international Advisory Council given ucation and students delegates, students and brief presentation on would work on these faculty members at- Society activities and topics by preparing tended the event in it’s achievement in their projects. These great numbers. HVACR sector both at awards will be given to PHVACR Society La- National and Interna- first top 30 best proj- 32

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 ects. After that PEC ence. While 73 presen- will help them to regis- tations and 74 posters ter their papers, sell were selected to be pre- their projects locally sented in the confer- and internationally. In ence. the result the selling While addressing the price will also be given occasion Chairman to the student. PEC Jawed Salim 147 research papers Qureshi said that this is from Pakistan, not a biggest pride for Malaysia, Turkey, me that I am Chairman France, Denmark, UK of PEC but the real and Bosnia were re- pride is that I am an ceived in the confer- Alumni of UET. 33

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Cable Voltage Drop Calculation Using BS 7671 Mr. Muhammad Faheem Meer GM Cables & Pipes (Pvt) Ltd Voltage drop (mV/A/m), so is the dif- that voltage ference in drop is calcu- voltage at sending lated for actual and receiving end corrected cur- of a circuit and rent flowing in defined as the the circuit. amount of voltage Temperature loss that occurs correction factor through all or (Ct) according to part of a circuit. BS 7671 can be Dropping is due calculated using to increased re- following for- Ca - rating factor for ture and power correc- tional voltage drop mV sistance (imped- mula; ambient temperature tion factors accurately, (mV/A/m) remains ap- ance) in a circuit, Ct = Cg - rating factor for BS 7671 offers voltage plicable. typically caused 230+tp−(Ca2 x grouping drop factors separately Using above formu- by an increased load, or Conventional Voltage Cg2 x Cs2 x Cd2 – Ib2 / Cs - rating factor for in resistive and induc- lae, voltage drop and energy used to operate drop (Vd) = (mV/A/m) x It2) x (tp−30)\\ soil thermal resistivity tive components for ca- percentage voltage drop electric loads, in the Length of section x load 230+tp Cd - rating factor for bles above 16 mm2. of a given section ac- form of extra connec- current /1000 Where, depth of burial Resistive component cording to BS 7671 is tions, components, or Where, tp - the maximum Similarly, the power of voltage drop factor calculated as follows; high-resistance conduc- (mV/A/m) is voltage permitted normal oper- factor is also split into mVr - (mV / A / m)r For cables having tors. drop factor of particular ating temperature in oC active and reactive com- Reactive component conductor cross-section Conventional voltage cable under use of the cable ponents in BS 7671; of voltage drop factor up to 16 mm2; drop factor value of each BS 7671 however, Ib - load current Cos ɸ - active power mVx - (mV / A / m)x Voltage Drop Vd = [ ( type/size of cable is tab- provides further accu- (Amp) of the circuit factor component of Values of resistive Ct x Cos ɸ ) x (tabulated ulated in mV/A/m in racy in the calculations (current intended to be load and reactive voltage mV/A/m) ] x L x Ib/ 1000 various standards and and suggests to apply carried by the cable Sin ɸ - reac- drop components are For cables having voltage drop in cable temperature correction It - value to tabu- tive power factor compo- given in cable data ta- conductor x-section particular cable section and power factor correc- lated current (Amp) for nent of load [Sin (Cos-1 bles appendix 4 in greater than 16 mm2 can be determined tion to conventional the cable (BS 7671 ap- (pf)] BS7671. For cables up V. Drop Vd = [Ct x using following formula; voltage drop factor pendix 4, tables) To utilize tempera- to 16 mm2, conven- Cos ɸ x (tabulated Vr ) 34

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 + Sin ɸ x (tabulated Vx ] x L x Ib/ ial Vd = 4.574 V mVr - (mV / A / m)r value of cable 1000 Cos ɸ - power factor of load Percentage Voltage Drop (%Vd) = (table 4E3B BS 7671) Percentage Voltage Drop (%Vd) = Sin ɸ - Sin [Cos-1 (pf)] Vd/Uo x 100 mVx - (mV / A / m)x value of cable Vd/Uo x 100 L - Length of cable in meters = 1.14% (table 4E3B BS 7671) Uo = Line Voltage whose voltage drop is being calcu- Exercise – 2; Cable data; Voltage drop calculations accord- lated To calculate voltage drop accord- Cable size 4 core 120 mm2 copper ing to BS 7671 are elaborated by fol- mVr - (mV / A / m)r value of cable ing to BS 7671 Eighteenth Edition conductor lowing two exercises; (table 4E3B BS 7671) (2018) of 600/1000 V, 4 core 120 mm2 tp - Maximum operating temper- Exercise – 1; mVx - (mV / A / m)x value of cable Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC cable 70 meter ature = 70oC (PVC insulation) To calculate voltage drop accord- (table 4E3B BS 7671) run buried in ground in flat forma- It - Tabulated current carrying ing to BS 7671 Eighteenth Edition Cable data; tion at 0.7 m depth at ground tem- capacity of cable It = 192 A (table (2018) of 600/1000 V, 4 core 50 mm2 Cable size 4 core 50 mm2 copper perature of 35oC. Cable to be 4D4A column 5) Cu/XLPE/PVC cable 60 meter run conductor operated in 3 phase 400 V AC line Ib - Load current of cable = 150 A laid flat in cable tray along with one tp - Maximum operating temper- voltage for 150 amps load having (given) more circuit at ambient temperature ature = 90oC (XLPE insulation) power factor of 0.80. Uo - Line voltage = 400 V of 40oC. Cable to be operated in 3 It - Tabulated current carrying Solution; Ca - rating factor for ambient phase 400 V AC line voltage for 100 capacity of cable It = 192 A (table Voltage Drop Vd = [ Ct x Cos ɸ x temperature = 0.84 (table 4B2) amps load having power factor of 4E2A column 9) mVr + Sin ɸ x mVx ] x L x Ib/ 1000 Cg - rating factor for grouping 0.87. Ib - Load current of cable = 100 A Where, = 1 (single circuit) Solution; (given) Ct = Temperature Correction fac- Cs - rating factor for soil ther- Voltage Drop Vd = [ Ct x Cos ɸ x Uo - Line voltage = 400 V tor mal resistivity 1 (TR assumed as 2.5 mVr + Sin ɸ x mVx ] x L x Ib/ 1000 Ca - rating factor for ambient Ct = 230+tp−(Ca2 x Cg2 x Cs2 x K.m/W) Where, temperature = 0.91 (table 4B1) Cd2 – Ib2 / It2) x (tp−30)/230+tp Cd - rating factor for depth of Ct = Temperature Correction fac- Cg - rating factor for grouping Where, burial (1 table 4B4) tor = 0.88 (table 4C1) tp - the maximum permitted nor- L - Length of cable under calcula- Ct = 230+tp−(Ca2 x Cg2 x Cs2 x Cs - rating factor for soil ther- mal operating temperature in oC of tion = 70 m Cd2 – Ib2 / It2) x (tp−30)/ 230+tp mal resistivity (1 for cable tray) the cable Cos ɸ - power factor of load= Where, Cd - rating factor for depth of Ib - load current (Amp) of the cir- 0.80 tp - the maximum permitted nor- burial (1 for cable tray) cuit (current intended to be carried Sin ɸ - Sin [Cos-1 (0.8)] mal operating temperature in oC of L - Length of cable under calcula- by the cable) = 0.60 the cable tion = 60m It - value to tabulated current mVr - (mV / A / m)r value of (90oC for XLPE insulated cables Cos ɸ - active power factor of load (Amp) for the cable (BS 7671 appen- cable = 0.33 (table 4D4B column 4) and 70oC for PVC insulated cables) = 0.87 dix 4, tables) mVx - (mV / A / m)x value Ib - load current (Amp) of the cir- Sin ɸ - Sin [Cos-1 (0.87)] = Ca - rating factor for ambient tem- of cable = 0.135 (table 4D4B column cuit (current intended to be carried 0.49 perature 4) by the cable) mVr - (mV / A / m)r value of cable Cg - rating factor for grouping Calculations; It - value to tabulated current = 0.86 (table 4E2B column 4) Cs - rating factor for soil thermal Ct = 230+tp−(Ca2 x Cg2 x Cs2 x (Amp) for the cable (BS 7671 appen- mVx - (mV / A / m)x value of cable resistivity Cd2 – Ib2 / It2) x (tp−30)/ 230+tp dix 4, tables) = 0.135 (table 4E4B column 4) Cd - rating factor for depth of bur- = 0.987 Ca - rating factor for ambient Calculations; ial Voltage Drop Vd = [ Ct x Cos ɸ x temperature Ct = 230+tp−(Ca2 x Cg2 x Cs2 x Cos ɸ - power factor of load mVr + Sin ɸ x mVx ] x L x Ib/ 1000 = 3.587 V Cg - rating factor for grouping Cd2 – Ib2 / It2) x (tp−30)/230+tp Sin ɸ - Sin [Cos-1 (pf)] Cs - rating factor for soil thermal Ct = 0.930 L - Length of cable in meters Percentage Voltage Drop (%Vd) = resistivity Voltage Drop Vd = [ Ct x Cos ɸ x whose voltage drop is being calcu- Vd/Uo x 100 Cd - rating factor for depth of bur- mVr + Sin ɸ x mVx ] x L x Ib/ 1000 lated = 0.897 % 35

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 The Best Engineering & Business Practices I By Engr. Mohammad Iqbal Mirza, CEO, Green Leaves ance of products he is the environment of soci- our, but without taking moral and sexual stan- doctors, engineers, creating, because there is ety we live in, and educa- and accepting responsi- dards. Our behaviour judges, lawyers, account- always a room for im- tion system we have bility. This has affected and style in normal life ants or financial man- provement and the room enforced on our children. the behaviour of growing exactly like we see lack of agers, army officers and for improvement always We can see the deteriora- and young people. Pri- truth in advertisement, bureaucrats to an ele- owes to either deficiency tion of the family unit, marily, it has given us manipulation and propa- vated standard and ex- in engineering practices where the focus on chil- unethical practices in gation of political views pects to perform on or the engineering dren training on social business, workplaces, on TV talk shows, and higher ethical plane. Un- process developed, which norms and religious val- distortion of facts and re- distortion of news in fortunately, all these pro- again is because of engi- ues is on continuous de- ality, loss of patience and print and electronic fessionals have neering practices. cline. It has resulted in tolerance, increased em- media. All this has tacit disappointed the society Quran says: Lo! The habits we carry satisfying one’s own phasis on litigation to approval of the society. and the abundance of The noblest of and practice have an ori- needs, desires and im- solve disputes and differ- Contrarily, the society corruption element you, in the sight of gin. Its building blocks pulses, such as power, ences of opinion and dec- in general tends to hold among these highly Allah, is the best in con- are laid in our homes, wealth, rank and hon- imation of long held the professions, such as, adored professionals of duct (49:13). What do we society has rendered it a understand from this failed society. The expec- verse? Simply, whoever tation of society is justi- is the best in practices as fied, because all the ordained, is the most no- professional are consid- blest. The concept of ered a bulwark of ethics right and wrong, good and morality. Now the and bad, acceptable or dilemma is, that these non-acceptable is a uni- enduring bulwarks of de- versal truth, despite all cision making are being the ills and immorality ridiculed and the prevailing in all societies younger generation is around the globe. The not being equipped with reason being, we have abilities to judge and dis- been created by the One tinguish the right from Creator, from the same wrong. material and in the same Engineers like all process. other professions are There isn’t no doubt, highly respected by the since the first man on society and the society is this planet, although justified in its expecta- human being has tried to tion to see engineers and give the best of his intel- all other professionals lect to create a better to contributing in the build- the best world in mate- ing of society on ethical rial science in creating and moral grounds. comfort for himself, yet it Ethics is a vast subject, it lacks the beauty and begins with your saying essence of nature we see hello to designing and around. The comfort pro- constructing Taj Mahal, vided by an air-condi- Pyramids of Egypt or Eif- tioner in summer and fel Tower of Paris. The winter has no parallel to engineering students the natural cool breeze and young practicing en- and natural heat pro- gineers shall understand vided by the nature. I the factors impacting find only one reason that ethical decision making the engineering practices in engineering practices, are way behind of “The for instance the ability to Best Practices” that has distinguish right from created a beautiful na- wrong in the wake an ture on this planet. ethical dilemma. It is a general observa- There has been, and is tion and expectation that a direct relationship be- if we buy an expensive tween engineering and thing right from a dress business, but in this era to a house hold items to of 21st century the need an industrial machine, has increased more than we expect it to give the ever. We are witnessing best performance and increasing involvement run for a longer period of of engineers in initiating time. Allah the Almighty formation of companies have created human in which they make busi- being in the best of ness decisions as well as stature (Quran 95:3), so engineering decisions. In He expects human being very large companies giving the best of his po- during the process of tentials. The progress product development en- and development in gineers are in close con- every field of art and sci- tact with marketing, ence owes to untiring sales and business man- thinking process and se- agers. When we talk ries of laborious experi- about best practices in mentation by the man. engineering firms and The man has not stopped corporations, it doesn’t trying to improve the mean personal ethic ambience and perform- only, but it does mean 36

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 both the engineering wee or mammoth self-in- sible to teach ethics? Yes, and business ethics. terest; similarly to be of course it can be! From “Ethics” or “morals” moral is to be fair and Adam to today each gen- are two terms used regu- considerate to others, eration recognized the larly, it simply means particularly to show need to prepare the next habits or customs known them the respect we de- generation to take the re- as standard of good con- mand for ourselves; it is sponsibilities in protect- duct or character. Ac- to acknowledge also ing critical human values cording to the Oxford other people’s right to and leave behind legacy Dictionary of Philosophy, life, liberty and property. of maintaining order and the golden rule is defined Ethics regulates our creating an environment as follows: basic instinct in promot- where peace and har- “Do unto others as you ing harmony in the com- mony is harboured. We would have them do unto munity and thereby cannot afford to be on- you. In some form this is reducing conflict and dis- looker and just watch found in almost all reli- order. We expect others undisciplined individuals gions and ethical sys- to behave orderly and do acting recklessly destroy- tems”. And this principle not do against social val- ing values the human so- was stated several times ues so that the social val- ciety built in centuries. by our Prophet (Peace be ues in society remain The ethical behaviour upon him). The primary protected. is fundamental to the expression of this teach- Ethics says no to cer- making of an engineer ing is stated in the fol- tain things that could do into a true professional, lowing authoritative harm to others physi- because the society de- tradition: cally as well as mentally; pends on professionals Anas ibn Malik re- being unethical under- for everything they need ported: The Messenger of mines profession’s and to sustain life and its Allah, peace and bless- society’s laid down prin- needs. The professionals ings be upon him, said: ciples and it doesn’t re- are the only ones who “None of you has faith stricts or reduces possess esoteric knowl- until he loves for his personal freedom, rather edge, so they must learn brother what he loves for it allows human being to ethics. The curriculum himself”. Ethics de- choose freely between being taught shall have mands to do the right good and bad. Every soci- all required ethics in it. thing and consider the ety in east and west ac- The engineer designing a well-being of others knowledges ethics to be machine or a process or equivalent to your own; the right choice to en- even a house owes re- and act in ways that aim hance happiness and sponsibly that all those to maximize the good; to wellbeing of humanity people who are directly be ethical is to be right- throughout the world. or indirectly associated eous that means our con- Ethics bring order in our with it are safe. A bad de- duct and character is daily life and enhances sign is harmful for the based on principle and a our ability to achieve our environment also. The commitment to observe it objective. After knowing damages to ozone layer is as our duty regardless of what ethics is? Is it pos- the result of processes 37

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 that were designed by is professional and per- because of the technolog- fore they must be the time in his consider- profession, influenced by engineers. There are nu- sonal both. Our religion ical advancement equipped with the ation. Herbert Hoover, the profession's defined merous cases that have has great emphasis on thought out and built by knowledge and ability to the president of United goals. Engineering prac- taken human lives and business ethics, a whole engineers. The todays’ fully and cogently ex- States of America who tice is the application of damages to the property book can be written on world cannot be imag- plain their actions as was himself an engineer 'the theory and princi- due to poor designs or business ethics Islam ined without engineers, well as the methods to be has said: ples of science and math- processes not taken care asks us to observe. they have made it a used to implement their “His acts, step by step, ematics to research and of before coming into op- Therefore, the life of any world much better and decisions. It is important are in hard substance. develop economical solu- eration. Professional or- professional should have more efficient. It is seen that the curriculum de- He cannot bury his mis- tions to technical pro- ganizations are taking business ethics-profes- that engineers lack in signed for engineers takes in the graves like grams, for instance, it is care of ethical issues by sionalism in manage- business and profes- shall help the young en- the doctors. He cannot the link between per- developing code of ethics, ment, quality, safety, sional ethics, because the gineers ready to enter argue them into thin air ceived social needs and but there is much more and awareness of inter- education focus is more their profession to prac- or blame the judge like commercial applications. to be done in this regard. national business ethics. on developing technical tice desired developed the lawyers. He cannot, Engineering is not just What does “engineer- We praise the engi- ability and building ca- code of ethics. In engi- like the architects, cover about introducing inno- ing Practices” mean? neers or engineering pro- pacity to solve multifari- neering practices, the en- his failures with trees vative machines, com- Very often we hear fession because they ous problems; the ethical gineer’s approach to and vines. He cannot, puter technology, and “Practice, what you solve innumerable press- and moral part has been ensure high safety stan- like the politicians, newer physical or chemi- preach or carry out in ing problems of people ignored or received less dards minimizing risks screen his shortcomings cal process to make life of practice, what you advo- affecting their happiness attention. In order to en- and reducing accidents by blaming his oppo- common man less oner- cate”, so engineers have and well-being. All the sure that the trust we in- at workplaces during op- nents and hope that the ous or giving nations to apply what they have modern and ongoing vest in engineers for the erational activities of people will forget. The overwhelming power learned during their technological advances well-being of the society plants and machinery is engineer simply cannot over other nations of the course of studies. Engi- are the result of hard is upheld and not governed by ethics. The deny that he did it. If his world. Engineering as a neering practices has two work of engineers do. breached. The engineers best engineering prac- works do not work, he is profession has an obliga- dimension, the technical The quality of life and owe their responsibilities tices are integrated with damned.” tion to improve the world and Ethical, the ethical comfort we enjoy today is to society at large, there- best ethics that are all Every profession, be it for the common good. engineering, medicine, The professional educa- teaching, nursing, or law tion of engineers shall share a common set of impart specialized tenets. As practitioners, knowledge, problem- they are required to: solving skills, and good • Provide service judgment for the service that benefits human be- of society. These three ings and meets their so- domains of engineering cial needs. education are aimed at • Have basic forming engineers who knowledge and skill both are intellectually academic and practical. trained, practically • Have the ability adept, and ethically re- to perform complicated sponsible for their work. professional assign- Every professional engi- ments. neer, therefore, is re- • Have the ability quired not only to to decide in times of un- achieve a certain degree certainty or critical situ- of intellectual and tech- ations. nical mastery, but also to • Learn from his acquire a practical wis- and other experiences. dom that brings together • Participate in the knowledge and skills creating an effective and in a way that he best responsible professional serves a particular pur- community. pose for the good of hu- The practical manifes- manity. tation of above tenets varies from profession to (To be continued) 38

ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Schneider Electric introduces ArcFM for the first time in Pakistan Schneider Electric ArcFM is a highly re- Solution features: Pakistan (Pri- silient, consolidated Based on the indus- vate) Limited, work management so- try-leading Esri Ar- Karachi has intro- lution that includes cGIS® existing duced 1st time in Pak- spatial asset manage- platform in K-Electric, istan the GIS ArcFM ment, network plan- EcoStruxure™ GIS (Geographic Informa- ning and analysis, ArcFM will provide tion System) and have operational awareness, configurable models signed the Contract field mobility and and a set of sophisti- Agreement for its im- seamless integration cated tools that make plementation with K- with key enterprise up a graphical, data- Electric Limited. GIS systems in K-Electric. rich environment for managing K-Electric’s was later bought by are upstream or down- assets. Schnider Electric. It stream from that spot, • Visualize, navi- was built with Power, highlight them on the gate and manage net- Water, and Gas utili- map, and select them work assets in one ties in mind so there for further reporting. It reliable application i.e are very specific tools does this in a few sec- GIS Arc FM built to handle those onds using the most up • Easy cus- things. The logical net- to date data about tomization as needed work is built on top of which switches or • Selectable func- ESRI's geometric net- valves are open or tionality extensions work that lets cus- closed. • S c a l a b i l i t y , tomers do instant It can trace up the from project GIS to en- tracing. They can click wires from those call terprise spatial initia- on a single wire or fuse locations to see where tives Maintenance on a pole and do an up- they common wire or ArcFM is a custom stream or downstream device is upstream of app built on top of trace and it will select them and create an in- ESRI by Miner and all the wires, switches, cident to send a crew Miner in early 90's. It transformers, etc. that on the map. 40


ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Make in Pakistan LED lights Association urges to stop smuggled products The local light-emit- ing under the chairman- unregistered companies sale at lower ting diode (LED) ship of Chief Executive are becoming a chal- prices in market lights manufactur- (CEO) EDB to stop in- lenge in local market in as compared to ing industry has shared flux of smuggled prod- competition with organ- local manufactur- its concerns with the En- ucts and unregistered ized sector manufactur- ers. The govern- gineering Development companies. The mem- ers. They import ment is requested Board (EDB) and other bers of LED lights Asso- sub-standard and haz- to take corrective stakeholders at a meet- ciation underlined that ardous products and measures in order to not only protect the local industry but ensure con- sumer protection. Under the present government's \"Make in Pak- istan\" strategy, it Ltd, DS Technology, Pakistani LED Lights is requested to support Dai-Ichi Lighting, Dai- manufacturing industry the LED industry in Shida Energy Saver is quite capable for sup- technology acquisition Lamp, Saz Electronics ply of every type of LED and standardization/cer- Lighting Co, Areebah light in local as well as tification to become one Technology, Pak Lamps in international market. of the major export sec- Ltd, Orion Lighting, and This industry has not tors for the national Novapack; and officials only earned good re- economy. from National Energy sponse in the interna- The meeting was at- Efficiency & Conserva- tional market by tended by Secretary tion Authority exporting the LED General LED Lighting (NEECA). Representa- Lights to Canada, US, Manufacturers Associa- tive of companies pre- UAE, United Kingdom tion, Managing Director sented detailed issues on and other countries but Micropak (Pvt.) Ltd; rep- which CEO-EDB asked also served well in the resentatives of OSAKA, them to send detail pro- domestic market substi- Paramount Lighting posal for tariff rationali- tuting maximum quan- Company, Pak Lamps zation for the budget. tum of imports. 42


ENGINEERING POST March-2020 Federal government’s sectorial strategy and priority for key sectors in PSDP 2019 -20 Engineering Post Report new as well as on-going, were ap- (BOT) basis. No provincial road ity enhancement of major crops propriately funded. Provincial was taken up for funding in the through efficient irrigation prac- Federal Government adopted schemes of small dams were se- PSDP except for the less-devel- tices, provision of laser land level- sectorial and priority, ac- lected for funding in less devel- oped areas of Balochistan, South ing machinery, reduction in cost of cording to availability of re- oped regions/ districts under the Punjab, South Khyber production by adopting right com- sources and felt-needs, in vision of equitable regional devel- Pukhtoonkhwah, ex-FATA and bination of use of fertilizers and allocations of funds in the formu- opment. Gilgit-Baltistan. East west re- certified high yield seeds, en- lation of its Public Sector Develop- In transport and communica- gional connectivity and inter- hanced export of agriculture value ment Programme (PSDP) which is tions sector, focus was out on the provincial connectivity were also –added projects and reduction in presently in 8th month of its im- completion of ongoing projects, ini- given preference in order to im- export of raw material, coordi- plementation. tiating commercially visible proj- prove the linkages and within nated research and development In the water sector, large mega ects on Public Private Partnership country trade. of command area were given due dams and drainage projects, both (PPP)/Build-Own and Transfer In Agriculture sector, productiv- consideration and priority. 44

ENGINEERING POST January-2020 HVACR Society Lahore Chapter inaugurated “Skills Development Center” ciety with Mr. Ahmad Naeem this center. Mr. Khurram Malick Chughtai, Hon. General Secretary while talking to Engineering Post and a big number of team mem- highlighted that the opening of bers. The event was also attended this skill development center is by Islamabad’s chapter chairman just the start from Lahore. “Other Mr. Usman Chughtai, Mr. Mo- chapter shall soon have these PHVACR Society Lahore ployment. The Skill Development hammad Amir, Chairman Lahore skills development center too”. Mr. Chapter, under the leader- committee was headed by Mr. Saj- Chapter, Mr. Mahmood and his Ahmad Naeem said that we have ship of its chapter chairman jad Haider, who, with the help of team from Faisalabad, Mr. Ali purely intended this center to play Mr. Muhammad Aamer inaugu- his team worked day and night to Hussain, ex-chairman Lahore our part in the social uplift. Mr. rated “Skill Development Center” bring this idea into reality in the chapter with many other senior Sajjad Haider and his team re- at Lahore. The idea behind this shortest possible time. The Center and respected members. Executive ceived a big round of applaud from opening is to train the labor in was inaugurated by Mr. Khurram council reportedly generated a the participants for their untiring HVACR sector and to create em- R. Malick, President PHVACR So- handsome fund from within for and dedicated efforts. 45

ENGINEERING POST January-2020 Overview of Pakistan’s Energy Sector – Problems and Potentials By Engr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal tivating forces, net metering, long and excrement cakes. As per an ex- present force age level. In the present haul renegotiating office and minia- amination about Balochistan and power emergency as of late govern- turized scale financing plans for ad- Sindh area in April 2007, it was eval- ment permitted sugar factories to vancing corporate part interest in the uated that family units use all things supply their surplus catalyst to a fur- sustainable power source (RE) seg- considered 920 kg of wood in winter thest reaches of 700 MW to the na- ment. Taking the market develop- and 560 kg of wood in summer while tional matrix. It is assessed that ment, innovative improvements, in Sindh the numbers are 640 kg and sugarcane bagasse can conceivably ongoing cost decreases and new 400 kg individually. In Balochistan, be utilized to create 2000 MW of elec- money related instruments into ac- around half of the populace gathers tric force. Anyway by and by it is count, the GoP chose to free the mar- their own kindling, while in Sindh hard to get greater power from sugar ket and induce more challenge most family units need to purchase processes because of framework con- among the private area players for their wood. The consuming of bio- finements on the grounds that the conveying power from RE assets (for mass in wasteful stoves and without vast majority of the sugar plants are example wind/sun based) at ideal tax appropriate venting or air exhaust situated in remote rustic regions Pakistan has consistently been a rates. The National Electric Power causes genuine medical issues. As which are not by any means associ- vitality merchant and is excep- Regulatory Authority, in its yearly per WHO gauges indoor air contam- ated with the national network. tionally subject to non-renew- State of the Industry Report, infers ination is liable for in excess of Huge Hydropower has end up able energy sources. With the rising that roughly 20% all things consid- 50,000 unexpected passing for each being the least expensive wellspring petroleum derivative costs, the ex- ered, 32,889 out of 161,969, are not year in Pakistan. of power. In spite of the high accessi- pense of oil bringing in is making an associated with the framework. In- Biomass accessibility in Pakistan bility of hydro power assets low inter- imprint on Pakistan's remote trade deed, even those family units that is additionally across the board. ests right now the usage of this holds. The rising oil cost along, with are measurably associated experi- Roughly 50,000 tons of strong waste, potential source. Littler (under 50 the rising interest for continuous ence day by day power outages with 225,000 tons of yield buildup and MW) locales are accessible all force, is making extra weight on the the goal that it is evaluated that in more than 1 million tons of creature through the nation. The miniatur- effectively delicate power matrix of excess of 144 million individuals the fertilizer are delivered every day. It ized scale - hydropower segment has Pakistan. Accordingly, to fulfill this nation over don't have solid access to is assessed that potential generation been moderately settled at this point. expanding need, the Government of power. Therefore, Pakistani family of biogas from domesticated animals Since the mid-80s smaller scale Pakistan, in its new spending plan units utilize a blend of advancements buildups is 8.8 to 17.2 billion meters3 hydro power plants supply power to for the monetary year 2014-2015, has to control their homes and organiza- of gas for each year (proportional to approximately 40,000 provincial designated $340 million to its vitality tions. 55 to 106 TWh of vitality). Huge families. The greater part of the improvement portfolio. Already Gov- More than 50 % of the populace, sugar industry in Pakistan likewise plant is network based and arranged ernment of Pakistan (GoP) had de- mostly in provincial Pakistan, de- produces power from biomass vitality in the Northern Areas and Chitral. clared different approaches and pends on customary biomass for for use in sugar plants. Yearly power Little Hydropower is considered as empowering conditions, for example, cooking. Regular cooking energizes creation from bagasse is assessed at another promising choice for off-ma- feed-in tax/forthright tax, charge mo- incorporate kindling, agrarian waste 5,700 GWh – about 6% of Pakistan's trix age of power. 46

ENGINEERING POST January-2020 47

ENGINEERING POST January-2020 Haveli Bahadarshah and Balloki power plants to be privatized by April The privatisation of Company Limited bidding process. Chair- man NEPRA reported sig- R L N G - b a s e d (NPPMCL). The meeting nificant progress in 1,223MW Balloki was jointly chaired by the and 1,230MW Haveli Ba- Minister for Privatisa- relation to matters within hadur power plants is in tion/Chairman, Privatisa- his purview. its final stages and is ex- tion Commission (PC) and The Special Assistant to pected to be completed by Special Assistant to Prime the Prime Minister on Pe- mid of April 2020. Minister on Petroleum, troleum, Nadeem, said This was disclosed by Nadeem Baber. that Ministry of Energy Minister Mohammed The committee dis- and Petroleum had been mian Soomro during the cussed in detail the fully cooperating and 8th meeting of the Trans- progress in relation to a would be persistent in its action Committee for Pri- range of matters in con- support to resolve rele- vatisation of National nection with proposed pri- power plants: Haveli Ba- after 12 investors were vant matters in order to Power Parks Management vatization of two RLNG hadarshah and Balloki, pre-qualified for the final expedite the process. 48

ENGINEERING POST January-2020 Malaysian Proton Cars will be available in Pakistan by end of 2020 Malaysia’s Proton Motors mad and the Prime Minister of has entered into a Joint Pakistan, His Excellency Mr Imran Venture (JV) with Pak- Khan, had recently signed a cere- istan’s Al-Haj group to produce monial marble plaque at an event Proton Cars in Pakistan. According held in Islamabad. to the press statement released by With an initial investment of US Proton motors the plant, to be built $30 million the plant will create at a Green- 2,000 direct field site in employ- Karachi, ment op- will be portunities owned and in its first operated by three years ALHAJ Au- of opera- tomotive, tions. It is the official estimated distributor that a fur- for Proton ther 20,000 vehicles in indirect Pakistan jobs will and is ex- also be cre- pected to commence operations by ated as a result of the new plant the first half of 2021. Malaysian- being commissioned. made Proton vehicles (CBU) will be The Malaysian-based Corpora- made available in Pakistan in the tion, Proton was established in second half of 2020. 1983 and has so far sold more than Under the JV the first ever CKD 3 million cars. Proton cars are sold assembly plant for Proton vehicles in more than 25 countries including will be established in Pakistan at a Britain, Singapore and Australia. Greenfield site near the southern This will be Proton’s first assembly port of Karachi. Prime Minister of plant to be set up in any South Malaysia, Dr Mahathir Moham- Asian Country. 49

ENGINEERING POST January-2020 The second edition of Cinema Build KSA 2020 kicked off in Riyadh The event is supported by The Quality of Life Program as the Leading Government Partner The second edition of Cinema Kingdom, whether in terms of the first place in ticket sales in the Mid- leaders and experts will exchange Build KSA Forum kicked off size of the entire industry, or its eco- dle East last January, where movies opinions and provide solutions for on 19th February in Fairmont nomic, cultural and social impact. from 22 countries were shown and overcoming the challenges in deliv- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The event is Al Mazroo added: \"Since the inau- rated in Kingdom, in addition to that ering projects for numerous develop- organised by Eyes of Cities in asso- guration of the cinema sector, one of 12 of these movies were shown in ers in short period well as executing ciation with The Great Minds Group the initiatives of the Quality of Life the Kingdom before the United projects on time while meeting re- and supported by the Quality of Life Program which is one of the Saudi States of America. Moreover, 2020 quired specifications and interna- Program, as one of the Saudi Vision Vision 2030 realization programs in goals were achieved in terms of the tional standards. 2030 realization programs. Building collaboration with the General Au- number of visits, as we exceeded 3.8 With more than 300 attendees and developing the cinema sector in thority of Audio-visual Media. Nine million targeted visits to cinemas in along with 25 international speakers Saudi will for sure enhance the qual- ity of life of individuals and families. The agenda of the forum was de- signed to shed light on the most im- portant topics related to building cinematic projects in the Kingdom while keeping pace with interna- tional standards of cinema. The event's opening panel discussion fo- cused about laying the right founda- tion for sustainable growth to achieve the Vision 2030 cinema goals. Exploring the groundwork licenses were issued to operate cine- 2019. New cinemas are set to open as well as over 30 sponsor and ex- needed to achieve both short-term mas and 14 cinemas were opened in in Jubail, Taif, Al-Ahsa, Dhahran, hibitor, Day one of the forum was a and long-term goals as well as the Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Khobar, Hail and other cities in the Kingdom great success and concluded with a lessons learned from the first few and Jizan. This has created hun- this year.\" closing speech by the conference completed cinema projects in KSA, dreds of job opportunities and al- The forum’s sessions and discus- chairman Paul Schwarz, Technical presenting takeaways plans for both lowed millions of citizens and sions cover all topics related to build- Director, Acoustic Research Labora- the cinema exhibitors and regula- residents to enjoy watching pre- ing futuristic cinemas over two days, tory. tors. mieres of their favourite movies at starting from architectural and tech- Commenting on the event the the same time as the rest of the nical considerations for designing For more information, please contact spokesperson for the Quality of Life world. \" state-of-the-art cinemas, moving to Galia Baker Program, Mazroa Al-Mazroo, af- \"The launch of the cinema sector the importance of acoustics and the PR Manager firmed that the cinema sector is one is a remarkable success story in our latest innovations used on global +971508974782 of the most promising areas in the program. The Kingdom achieved level. In addition to that, industry [email protected] 50

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