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["INDEX 349 reason 67, 68, 85, 107, 116, S Solon 18, 19, 36 280\u201381 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 240 Saint-Simon, Henri de 165, 170, 190 Sophism 18 redistribution 274, 302, 303, 327 Salamanca, School of 54, 84\u201387, 91, 94, Sorel, Georges 169, 200\u201301 Reformation 71, 84, 90 Soto, Hernando de 183 regicide 109 324 South Africa 223\u201324, 269, 294\u201395, religion 25, 27, 146, 184\u201385, 198, 199, Sarkozy, Nicolas 129 Sartre, Jean-Paul 288, 289, 306 304, 313 209, 215, 224, 281 Schmitt, Carl 88, 254\u201357, 296 South America 84, 275, 312 Renaissance 39, 76, 80 Schopenhauer, Arthur 196, 198 sovereign 24, 26, 28, 30, 45\u201346, 88\u201389, Renan, Ernst 282 Schumpeter, Joseph 113 republic 53, 68, 76, 94, 106, 116, 136, science 165, 200 92, 101, 122, 255\u201356 secularism 71 sovereignty 92, 98, 100, 222, 254, 310 163, 170, 218 self-determination 13, 308\u201309 republicanism 49, 80, 112, 141, self-interest 33, 43, 98\u201399, 280 of people 93, 123\u201324, 138\u201339, 249 Sen, Amartya 300, 303 Soviet Union, see Russia Bol\u00edvar 162\u201363 Senghor, L\u00e9opold S\u00e9dar 338 Spain 184, 250 Paine 136\u201339 separation of powers 49, 84, 85,107, Spanish America 162\u201363, 204, 304 Rousseau 120\u201325 Spanish Civil War 218, 219, 250 revisionism 202\u201303 110\u201311, 146 SPD, Germany 168, 194, 202\u201303 revolution 14\u201315, 116\u201317, 190, 192, separatism 296 Spengler, Oswald 336 Shang Yang 19, 32, 48 Spring and Autumn period 18, 22, 28 194, 218 Shariati, Ali 323 Sri Lanka 329 mass 228\u201333, 234\u201335 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 186 Stalin, Joseph 218, 232, 240\u201341, 264, permanent 242\u201345, 253 Shen Buhai 48 violent 169 Shen Dao 48 322, 338\u201339 revolutionary socialism 234\u201335, 253, slavery 14, 156, 161, 168, 252, 27 Trotsky and 242, 243, 244 state 92, 310 312\u201313 abolitionism 182 minimal 272, 326\u201327 Ricoeur, Paul 196 Master\u2013Slave 157\u201359 state socialism 240\u201341 rights 100, 106, 117, 182 slave morality 198\u201399 statecraft 45, 76\u201381 Thoreau on 186\u201387 Steel, David 275 Bill of Rights 85, 98, 106, 108, 109, Smith, Adam 72, 147 Strauss, Leo 257 136, 138, 150\u201353, 276 Smuts, Jan Chrisiaan 224 strikes 201, 234\u201335, 250 social activism 252 structuralism 310\u201311 and duties 85, 172\u201373 Social Choice theory 126 Su\u00e1rez, Francisco 54, 70, 84, 87, 90\u201391, 94 individual 94, 132, 172\u201373, 326 social contract 13, 40, 70, 84, 88, 91, suffrage 117, 136\u201339, 148, 154, 186, 207 libertarian 326\u201327 Suffragettes 186, 207 natural 131\u201333, 148, 151 92, 93, 116, 127, 128, 254 Sui dynasty 48 property rights 134\u201339, 183 Hobbes 98\u2013103, 120 Sukhanov, Nikolay 233 state\u2019s 161 Locke 106\u201308, 326 Sun Tzu 18, 27, 28\u201331, 44, 56, 160 universal 86\u201387, 140\u201341, 172 Rawls 300, 302, 303 Sun Yat-Sen 32, 33, 212\u201313, 218, 263 ritual 25, 32 Rousseau 120\u201325 syndicalism 200\u201301 Robespierre, Maximilien 335 social democracy 218, 327 Rome 18, 19, 39, 49, 52, 54, 60,64, 110, social groups 92\u201393 T social insurance 210, 211 111, 238 social justice 274, 298\u2013303, 318\u201321 Tacitus 142 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 219, 242, 247, social reform 211, 335 Takshashila 44\u201345, 47 socialism 14, 169, 170\u201371, 183, 190, Taliban 313 337 Tawney, Richard 336 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 110, 118\u201325, 194, 210, 228, 322 taxation 72, 73, 140, 327 libertarian 314\u201315, 336 Tea Party movement 280 139, 146, 154\u201355, 162, 300, 335 revisionism 202\u201303 terrorism 268, 269, 329 social contract 89, 92, 116, 120, revolutionary 234\u201335, 253, 312\u201313 Thatcher, Margaret 236, 272, 275, 280 state 240\u201341 Theodosius I, Emperor 52 122\u201325, 206, 326 sociology 214\u201315 state of nature 100, 102, 103, 121 Socrates 18, 36\u201337, 38, 39, 186 Rouzade, L\u00e9onie 286 Roy, Manabendra Nath 253 Ruskin, John 290 Russia 194, 246, 322 Lenin 226\u201333 Revolution 169, 190, 194, 202, 218, 280, 312 Stalin 240\u201341 Trotsky 242\u201345 USSR 170, 218, 219, 234, 322","350 INDEX Thoreau, Henry David 186\u201387, 222 virtue 32, 33, 36, 113 Westphalia, Peace of (1648) 89 Tocqueville, Alexis de 110, 170\u201371 cardinal and theological 53, 58 will, general 120\u201325 Tokugawa Ieyasu 333 Confucian 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 39 William III of England 108 Tolstoy, Leo 223 good life 37, 38, 42, 70 Wilson, Woodrow 162 totalitarianism 13, 39, 125, 219, 242, political 40, 58\u201359 Wollstonecraft, Mary 117, 130, 245, 265, 282\u201383 Virtuous City 52, 59 154\u201355, 207 trade unions 201, 234 Vitoria, Francisco de 84\u201385, 86\u201387, women 14, 112, 117, 154\u201355, 207, Trotsky, Leon 242\u201345 Turkey 218, 248\u201349 90, 94 284\u201389, 328, 334, 336 tyranny 15, 39, 43, 49, 70, 168 Voltaire 85, 110, 116, 117, 146, 185 working class 14, 168, 190\u201391, 200\u201301, of majority 125, 176\u201377 W 228\u201331, 243, 250\u201351, 259 World War I 218, 231, 232, 238, 250, U Wagner, Richard 197 Walesa, Lech 234, 235 255, 263 United Nations 60, 64, 69, 140 Walzer, Michael 268, 324\u201325, 326, 327 World War II 219, 244, 268, 337, United States 84, 106, 112\u201313, 169, war 13, 28\u201331, 48, 76, 78, 107, 123, 160, 339 171, 181, 186\u201387, 219, 225, 282 168, 244, 268, 329 Bill of Rights 109, 150\u201353 ethics of 268 XY civil rights 187, 268, 269, 308 guerrilla warfare 312\u201313, 324 Civil War 168\u201369, 182, 205, 318 of independence 116\u201317, 164 Yeltsin, Boris 322 conservatism 280 just war 52, 55, 56\u201357, 62\u201369, 87, Yugoslavia 338 Constitution 90, 91, 93, 109, 111, 112, 247, 324\u201325 Z 150\u201352, 161, 182, 252 pro\ufb01teering 247 Declaration of Independence 60, 85, revolutionary war 162\u201363 Zapata, Emiliano 218, 246 as state of nature 99\u2013101 Zhou dynasty 22, 23 140\u201341, 176, 182, 253 Warring States 18, 22, 27, 33, 48, 332 Zia ul-Haq, General 278 foreign wars 269, 324 Washington, George 334 Zionism 169, 208\u201309 Founding Fathers 112\u201313, 139, wealth 300\u201301 Zizek, Slavoj 233 Webb, Beatrice 169, 210, 336 Zola, \u00c9mile 208 150\u201353, 334 Weber, Max 169, 214\u201315, 296, 314 Great Depression 218, 219 welfare state 169, 176, 202, 210, 268, gun ownership 150\u201353 269, 274\u201375 interventionism 204\u201305, 247 New Deal 219, 242, 337 Patriot Act 254, 257 Revolutionary War 116, 137,152, 205, 334 slavery 161, 168 utilitarianism 44, 146\u201349, 179\u201380, 198 utility 76, 78, 80 Utopianism 13, 15, 59, 335, 336 V Venezuela 162\u201363, 204, 205, 242 Vietnam 268, 269, 300, 318, 319, 320, 324, 337 violence 169, 200, 201, 251, 253,257, 306, 308, 309","351 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dorling Kindersley and Tall Tree Ltd (bl). 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