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Home Explore Concordia Connection: Winter 2010

Concordia Connection: Winter 2010

Published by Concordia University - Portland, 2015-06-18 14:36:01

Description: Reaching Out


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C oncCoonrdneication P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N • W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 REACHING OUT

A Teachable Moment A \"hoop\" that made all the difference For those of us who had the “opportunity” to attend summer school as high school students, we might remember thinking: “I got through it.” “It was required.” “I can’t remember much about it.” In other words, summer school for most people is just a hoop to jump through to graduate. That was not the case for the 25 ninth-graders who attended summer school last year through a new partnership between Concordia’s College of Education and De La Salle North Catholic High School. De La Salle is a faith-based private school in north Portland, with the goal of developing tomorrow's community leaders by making quality education accessible to aspiring and motivated young people. The De La Salle model provides ethnically diverse youth with opportunities to succeed through small classes, high expectations, and active participation in a corporate internship program. The summer school focused on students who would benefit from an extra boost before entering high school, and was led by six instructors: three Concordia students, and three Portland Teachers’ Program students. At the conclusion of the program, students shared how much they appreciated being a part of the program and what a difference it made; in short, how much they enjoyed summer school! Most spoke of the encouragement they received from their instructors and other participants and the confidence they'd earned as a result. The instructors expressed gratitude for the opportunity to participate – especially after hearing students describe, in detail, the impact they had on each student. What made the difference? It was a combination of an innovative curriculum, engaging lesson plans, and daily feedback and exchange opportunities between students and instructors. Sometimes what can first appear to be a hurdle or “hoop” can actually turn into a spring board. - Keylah Boyer Frazier, ’97 Director of Undergraduate Studies College of Education

P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N • W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 Campus Life. Concordia hosts humanitarian and author Greg2 Mortenson; Hagen campus center returns to a student union; the campus comes together to save lives through blood donations, and more. Concordia Teacher Corps: Reaching Out, Creating Dreamers. Concordia students are 10 reaching out to the community, tutoring local students, serving as role models, and making a difference.16 Current Issues. See how a private, liberal arts education can still be within reach for most families despite the economy. 20 Alumni Notes. News and highlights of life after Concordia. WINTER 2010 28 Navy & White. Catch up on the latest news Concordia Connection is published twice from Concordia Athletics. per year by Concordia University in Portland, Oregon. 35 Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2009 Please address all correspondence to: 53 Nailed to the Door Concordia Connection Concordia University 2811 NE Holman Street Portland, Oregon 97211 or email: [email protected] Editor: Jeanie-Marie Price Contributing Editor: Kassie Boehringer Art Director: Christine Dodge Graphic designer, photographer: Katrina Dinges EDITORIAL BOARD:Andrea Bruno, Matt English, Keylah Frazier, Ron Miolla, Kelly O'Gara, Andrea Scofield, Dr. Michael Thomas, Dr. Sonja Vegdahl Winter 2010 1

Campus LifeConcordia claimed Lutheran as their religion. quiet lounge and study space; theWelcomes Continuing a trend that started creation of a mixed-use space on theRecord Class when Concordia began enrolling second floor that was formerly the This fall, Concordia University’s women in the 1950’s, 63 percent of library now houses couches, tables, undergraduates are women and 37 pool tables, and other traditionalcampus was abuzz with 1,900 percent are men. student union items; as well as thestudents, record enrollment for a Cavalier Café, a grab-and-go coffeecampus that just eight years ago had Hagen shop. The first floor of Hagen nowroughly 800 students. These 1,900 Campus houses the main dining hall onstudents are enrolled primarily on the Center campus, but in the re-design, it willPortland campus, but students also Returns to its also accommodate space for theattend Concordia in Bend, Medford, Roots Associated Students of ConcordiaKlamath Falls, and online. University, Christian Life Ministries, Last year, the university enrolled Now that the Library has a new a Center for Student Involvement for1,065 undergraduate students and home outside of Hagen Campus other clubs and groups, and a space644 graduate students; this year the Center, the university has begun to for service saw a five percent increase refurbish and re-orient the building “The re-orientation of Hagenin undergraduates to 1,117 students into a true student union. The second into a student union creates a centraland a 22 percent increase in graduate floor of Hagen will begin to look and gathering place that will become thestudents to 784. feel more like a place for students to living room of the campus,” said Vice The 1,900 students represent 28 gather and to hang out: “Old Guild Provost for Enrollment and Studentstates and seven countries. Sixty-five Hall” will become a Services, Glenn Smith. “Students canpercent of students noted a Christian study, play, hear a lecture, eat in twoaffiliation, 10 percent of whom different venues, get their mail, find out about service or a club, attend a concert, and worship all under MAY « August 1 - 22 Dr. Mark Jager, professor of Health Care Administration, was named Dean of the Eight Concordia nursing students traveled to India to get a College of Health & Human Services. first-hand look at their community healthcare programs. The students visited several programs including a school for the2 concordia connection deaf and a leprosy hospital.

Campus Lifeone roof. This ongoing project will Common different religions. The Spirit ofhelp us to better recruit and retain Ground the Unity prize rewards outstandingstudents.” Theme of efforts toward the expansion 2009 Summer of dialogue and increasedStrategic Peace Institute understanding among the Jewish,Planning Christian, and Muslim faiths. ThisGenerates On September 10, 2009, Concordia year it was given to three recipients:Conversation University hosted the Summer Peace Rabbi Emeritus Joshua Stampfer, Institute, organized by the Wholistic who served Portland’s Congregation Over the past eight months, the Peace Institute and its Nobel Peace Neveh Shalom for 40 years and leadsConcordia campus, and a variety Laureate Program. More than 100 several organizations working forof external constituents, have been international and local experts came education and peace; Frank Afranji,engaged in a dialogue about the together at the institute to discuss the a Palestinian Muslim who serves asuniversity’s mission, vision, and Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to work vice-president of Portland Generalvalues as a part of the ongoing to find common ground. Featured Electric and is on the board of thestrategic planning process. Over the speakers at the event included Aziz Muslim Educational Trust; and thesummer, the Board of Regents Aha Sarah, a Palestinian from Israel; Reverend Dr. Rodney Page, retiredapproved the recommendations Lee Gordon, an Israeli from Israel; executive director of Ecumenicalof the faculty and staff to reaffirm the Rev. David Burrell, director of the Ministries of Oregon and pastthe current mission statement and University of Notre director of Church World Service andacknowledged the maturation and Dame’s Tantur Center Witness, an organization working toexpansion of the institutional core in Jerusalem; and John eradicate hunger and poverty andvalues (Christian, Community, Dickson of the World promote peace and justice.Excellence, Service, and Teaching and Trade Association.Learning). Next, the Concordia The Summer Peacecommunity completed an effort to Institute began witheducate themselves about institutional the awarding of thestrengths and weaknesses, as well first Harold Schnitzeras environmental threats and “Spirit of Unity”opportunities. The university is now prize, which wasactively involved in the process of made possible by acrafting a vision (a preferred future) for grant from PortlandConcordia for the year 2020. There are business, civic, andopportunities for alumni and friends philanthropic leaderto have a voice in the process as the Harold Schnitzer, whoplanning process continues to unfold. has long supportedIf you are interested in learning more, or the promotion of tolerance andwant to get involved, contact Johnnie understanding among the world’sDriessner at [email protected]. « August 21 SEPTEMBER 20 The George R. White Library & Learning Center More than 60 students, teachers, and alums gathered for the seventh officially opened its doors to the new crop of students arriving on campus, after a soiree the night annual TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language)before honoring the Whites and the many other donorsand supporters who helped to make the library possible. Back to School Barbecue. The TESL program includes international teachers from Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Russia. TESL graduates serve as teachers all over the world. Winter 2010 3

Campus LifeGreg Mortenson, Humanitarian andCo-Author of Three Cups of Tea, EchoesConcordia’s Mission at Campus Lecture Third-graders from Portland’s visit by humanitarian, 2009 Nobel complex lessons, specifically spendingFaubion Elementary School were Peace Prize nominee, and best- time on the issue of education abroadjoined on Thursday, October 22 by selling author of Three Cups of Tea, and the 120 million children (7810 four-year-olds from the Yamhill Greg Mortenson. Mortenson spent million of whom are girls) acrossHead Start program at Concordia’s an hour with the children, teaching the globe who do not have theJody Thurston Northwest Center for them simple things he has learned opportunity to go to school.Children’s Literature. The children on his journeys (how to say “what’s Mortenson joined the schoolgathered at Concordia for a special happening” in Swahili) and more kids Thursday morning after OCTOBER 10 »October 11 OCTOBER 24 More than 85 Concordia freshmen participated The Center for Volga German in a new initiative, the CU Freshmen Day of Concordia students involved in the One Studies celebrated the opening Service. The students donated a total of 255 Voice AIDS Awareness club along with of its new home in the George R. other student leaders volunteered White Library & Learning Center. hours working on cleaning and beautification as route monitors for the Portland The event included a ribbon projects in the Concordia neighborhood. AIDS Walk (which helped to raise cutting and genealogy workshop. $325,000 for HIV research).4 concordia connection

Campus Lifespeaking to a sold-out crowd of and literacy, with an emphasis on1,400 on Wednesday evening in the girls’ education.Concordia University gymnasium. At Mortenson was brought tothe lecture, Mortenson shared details campus, and his book Three Cups ofof his childhood in Tanzania and Tea made mandatory reading for thehow watching his father’s approach freshmen class, because of histo building a hospital in Kilimanjaro commitment to service and toinfluenced his approach to helping inspiring change in the lives ofcommunities build schools in remote others. After a failed attempt toparts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. climb K2 in 1993, Mortenson found himself in Korphe, a By involving the community and remote Pakistani village. He wasgetting “buy-in,” the schools have deeply touched by the tenacitylocal support and have been able to and generosity of the villagers,avoid retribution by the Taliban and and promised to return andother opposition groups. Mortenson build a school. Mortenson’ssaid that fighting terrorism only promise grew into a remarkableperpetuates a cycle of violence, and humanitarian campaign that nowthat there should be a global priority includes 78 schools and other servicesto promote peace through education that serve 28,000 children, including 18,000 girls, in rural and volatile regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Published in 2007, Three Cups of Tea details Mortenson’s experiences and has remained on the New York Times bestseller list for more than 130 weeks. In addition to his lecture and visit with the children, Mortenson addressed more than 250 local educators at an afternoon tea hosted by the Office of Admission, met with Concordia’s Board of Regents and Board of Directors, led chapel on campus, and met with members of Concordia’s faculty. His appearance was sponsored in part by The VTM Group, thanks to Concordia University Foundation's newest board member, Rich Baek.OCTOBER 31 November 3 Winter 2010 5 The Center for Applied Lutheran Concordia University’s Environmental Leadership at Concordia University Stewardship speaker series hosted Travis hosted its inaugural symposium, Williams, executive director of Willamette “Tough Questions/Thoughtful Riverkeeper, who explored the diversity of the Answers: What Does it Mean to be a Willamette River, as well as issues of pollution and the river’s overall health.Lutheran in a Post-Church World.”

sCtaamypcuosnLnifeected...Join CU Circle Northwest landscape. From Gulag to Freedom Author [ISBN: 1-934961-03-5], retails for Your exclusive online Releases $29.95 or $80 for the trilogy. Both connection to classmates and Final prices include shipping, and all the Concordia community that: Installment proceeds from the sale of the books of Historical benefit the Center for Volga German reconnects you with friends Trilogy Studies at Concordia University. For more information, visit: gives you access to job openings In the late 18th century, Russia’s Catherine the Great, herself a native and career assistance, as well as German, invited those escaping Concordia to posting jobs and recruiting alums religious and political persecution Names First in Central Europe to settle along Sam Johnson plugs you into all that is Russia’s Volga River. The first Scholar immigrants, expecting fertile fields happening at CU and tidy little houses already built, Since 2006, Concordia University found only windswept steppe. From has hosted the annual Sam Johnson Register and become a member at Gulag to Freedom, the third volume in Memorial Banquet, which was the historical fiction trilogy by local established in memory of the Rev. Sam author Sigrid Weidenweber, follows Johnson, pastor at Portland’s Highland Katya, a descendant of the first Volga Church from 1968-1981. Johnson was Other opportunities to stay connected: German settlers, as she faces the a prominent African American leader hardships of Soviet collectivization involved with community activities and deportation, and finally in Portland during the 1960s and immigrates to the San Joaquin Valley 1970s. The funds raised from this of Central California. event assist students from North and for more information contact The trilogy, The Volga Flows Northeast Portland in pursuing a the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations, Forever, also includes Catherine college education. [ISBN: 1-934961-00-0], which This fall, Concordia awarded the at 503-493-6454 brings to life the fascinating first Sam Johnson Scholarship to a or [email protected] historical character of Catherine junior, Leilanie Lewis. She transferred the Great, and The Volga Germans to Concordia this fall to major in [ISBN: 1-934961-02-7], which exercise and sport science with follows the Meininger family and an emphasis on coaching and other early German immigrants as athletic training. As a student leader they transform the barren Russian and athlete, Lewis demonstrates leadership and community involvement, while contributing to the campus life at Concordia University.November 13-14 »November 18 November 21 Members of the Portland Area Deaconesses metConcordia hosted nearly Oregon State Senator Chip on campus for their November meeting, including100 prospective students Shields paid a visit to the alumnae Karen Burgess-Cassler ’73, Sue Heise ’66, Ruth Nickodemus ’67,and their families during Concordia campus where he met and Sarah J. Brandt-Wilson ’60.Preview Weekend. with students and university leaders to discuss the Oregon Opportunity6 concordia connection Grant program.

Campus LifeCU Student Saving Lives ThroughCampus Blood Drives Senior Kim Lindow excels in both Lindow has taken the asking to life and something she will continueacademics and athletics, but it is her heart and personally recruits the to do long after she leaves thepassion for helping others that is majority of Concordia’s blood donors. Concordia campus.making a difference for hundreds of Because of her efforts, Lindow was “The most rewarding thing aboutfamilies. one of only 14 student-athletes volunteering is knowing that you will For more than a year, Lindow, an from across the country invited change lives by giving some of yourhonors student and member of the to participate in the Red Cross/ time,” said Lindow. “I may never knowCavalier volleyball and golf teams, NAIA Youth Leadership Program the people who receive my blood,has organized several successful in Washington D.C. For two weeks, but I will have made a difference inblood drives on campus for the Lindow met with Red Cross leaders, their lives, and their families’ lives asOregon Trail Chapter of the American learned more about the organization, well. This is what keeps me donatingRed Cross. Through her efforts, the and how she is making a difference blood, volunteering for the RedConcordia community has donated for her community. Cross, and making a difference in my186 pints of blood since July of 2008, For Lindow, volunteering is part of community.”which equates to enough blood tosave 558 lives. Donate blood and save lives “Every two seconds someoneneeds blood,” said Lindow. “Within Find out if you are eligiblefive days of donating, you can save to donate blood, and getthe lives of three people in your involved in a blood drivecommunity. And, while 78 percent of near you. Visit the Red Crossus are eligible to give blood, only five online at of us actually do. The mainreason people donate is because theywere asked.” Winter 2010 7

The Soiree Campus Life The dedication Three Events Celebrate the Opening of the George R. White Library & Learning Center More than 1,000 neighbors, donors and members of the Concordia community gathered to celebrate the opening of the new George R. White Library & Learning Center, Campus Green, and Concordia Place Apartments. Three events, including an evening soiree, dedication ceremony, and open house showcased the new facilities. A resource for both the campus and the community, the George R. White Library & Learning Center has welcomed thousands of visitors, and more than 591 neighbors have received free library cards. 8 concordia connection

Campus LifeCommunity open house Winter 2010 9

Feature Story Concordia Teacher Corps: Reaching Out, Creating Dreamers by Anna Young When Concordia University senior Jeanne Garrett found out that she could volunteer with Concordia Teacher Corps (CTC), she was both surprised and excited for the opportunity. “I honestly thought that Concordia Teacher Corps was only for education majors,” she said. Now, nearing completion of her psychology degree and with more than 300 hours donated to the program, Garrett describes the joy she has experienced tutoring and mentoring children through the program. “It almost seems selfish on my part,” she said, “because I feel so good when I'm working with them. I really like my job.”10 concordia connection

Feature StoryWinter 2010 11

Feature Story c\"oTanherseefifsCeatecmotnniovtc,neomgrvdSLoaooHeriaailugdtahhueiOrSrsvrhcntahiampoumotaaltnset,(deLooÊEenPdrt)srres,ptsrean.e\"nurshdip This may not seem like the typical sentiment of Since its inception, CTC has grown dramatically,seniors in practicum work, but it is testament to the serving 343 students during the 2007-2008 school yeartype of volunteers drawn to CTC and is an example and more than 1,000 for the 2008-2009 school year.of Concordia’s mission of preparing leaders for the CTC is active at nearly 20 sites through 14 partnershipstransformation of society. (including the “I Have a Dream” Foundation where Garrett mentors). Nearly 100 Concordia students from the Portlandcampus, and from Concordia’s Bachelor of Arts in Exemplary of an active CTC partnership, the “I HaveEducation program in Klamath Falls, serve as tutors a Dream” Foundation at Rigler School follows onefor elementary, middle, and high school students. “My class of student “dreamers” in after-school tutoring andpersonal, long range goal is to have 10 percent of our extra-curricular opportunities from third grade throughstudent body engaged with CTC each semester,” said high school, and then transfers them to correspondDr. Lynn Keyne-Michaels, professor of Education and with college program coordinators through collegecoordinator of CTC. completion. Although tutoring is centered on math and reading, students also participate in specialty classes Several years ago, Keyne-Michaels, along with Gary such as the environmental science course that GarrettWithers, executive vice president of external affairs, and teaches, knitting, drama, art, boys and girls clubs, and aJoseph Mannion, dean of the College of Education, school newspaper. Garrett speaks enthusiastically aboutbrainstormed creative ways to help with the growing one program in particular called “garage band” in whichneed for tutors in North and Northeast Portland. With children make their own music. “It was really interestingthe blessing and support of Concordia President, Charles to watch them start with nothing and then build anSchlimpert, the idea for CTC was born and launched in entire song,” she said. Dreamers Sierra and Emily, two of2006. The program has been sustained in large part because Garrett’s mentees, boast that they wrote 12 to13 songsof support from the Pacific Power Foundation, Bank each with the class and got to take them home on a CD.of America, the Wheeler Foundation, Dick and CarilynAlexander, Oregon Campus Compact, Oregon Mentors, Garrett chose the program at Rigler because itOregon State Police, Calvary Lutheran Church in Seattle, is voluntary for the children, provides her with anSchoolhouse Supplies, and the Jubitz Family Foundation. opportunity to help those students who need extra12 concordia connection

Feature Storyattention, and promotes success in said that becauseother areas of school. When asked to CTC volunteers are college studentsteach her own specialty class, Garrett hesitated at first, themselves, dreamers are encouraged to ask questionsthinking, “This puts a lot of pressure on me, because I’m about college, and to participate in athletic and studentnot an education major.” But when she chose to teach life events that expose them to the excitement of going toenvironmental science, she found that she could share a university. Added Garrett, “They just get so excited toher passion with students. She was also attracted to the know that there’s an opportunity for college.”extension of these opportunities to parents and familymembers of the children. After graduation, Garrett plans “The Concordia tutors are among our most consistent,to use her psychology degree to work with families to help motivated, and effective volunteers,” said Sarah Oramas,create more stable home lives for children as a foundation volunteer program coordinator for Leadership andfor growth and social support. Entrepreneurship High School (LÊP), another partner in the CTC program. “Knowing how to make a difference Where CTC has a tremendous impact is in the comes from having models of caring behavior, awarenessmatching of college volunteers with children for whom of the needs of others, a sense of personal responsibilitycollege is a financial challenge, encouraging interest in to contribute to the larger society, and opportunities foreducation beyond high school. In the Dreamers program, volunteering, leadership, and service. By volunteering atvolunteers take students to various job sites to help themcreate goals and make a plan for what they will do after LÊP, Concordia tutors have helped to createschool. Partial scholarships needed role models for ourfor college are offeredas an incentive to studeFnotwsr.”awcwom.cpule-pteolristtlaonf tdh.WeeCidnTutCe/rtpe2aa0r1ctn0heersr,cvoirs1pi3t:sthose who completethe program. JulieRichards, oneof two programcoordinators,

Feature Story “This partnership has greatly enhanced our after established a bond with Sierra as someone she could programs for both elementary and middle school “Developing that relationship with her,” related Garrett,youth,” said Tanya Wolfersperger, deputy director of “helped me understand who I was in my role, not onlyHacienda Community Development Corporation. as a person, but as a helper in this program: to model“The Concordia students assist the children with their behavior, and to be open to questions that challenge us.”homework, but more importantly, the student tutors havedeveloped relationships with our youth, serving both as Through CTC, Concordia volunteers not only gainmentors and friends.” practical experience, but also form bonds with students that leave both parties forever changed. Upon returning to For Garrett, offering extra help in areas of need opened the program after a term away, the children were exciteda door for her to build relationships with several students. to see Garrett again this fall, lighting up and calling outOne girl in particular found a soft spot in Garrett’s her name when they saw her for the first time. “Of courseheart. Emily, a girl Garrett describes as very sweet and Emily ran right up to me and said, ‘I need to catch youintelligent, often asks for help even when she doesn’t up on my summer!’” recalled Garrett. “It’s a really goodneed it. When asked what she thinks of Garrett, dreamer feeling when they remember.”Emily praises, “She’s fun! She always answers questions,and she’s always playing with the kids that no one else is For these children, mentors like Garrett improvepaying attention to.” academic performance and make lasting impressions. In Garrett’s specialty environmental science class, adreamer named Sierra asked questions that required ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Anna YoungGarrett to do additional research on the subject. By is a senior majoring in English. Shecoming to the next session with an answer, Garrett plans to pursue a career in writing.PHOTO BELOW: Through the Concordia Teacher Corps program, Concordia students like Jeanne Garrett (center) aremaking a difference in the lives of hundreds of local students, including Emily (left) and Sierra (right). The girls benefit fromGarrett’s guidance and friendship, through the “I Have a Dream” Foundation at Rigler School in northeast Portland.14 concordia connection

Take control of your legacy. It’s never too early to start thinking about establishing your intended legacy. If estate planning is something you’re curious about, or you need assistance updating an old plan, we are happy to help you. Visit our website for a checklist to get you started today.’s amazing to think As you make your plans, we hope you’ll consider making a gift tothat because some sustain Concordia’s mission into the future. By doing this, you cangenerous people keep your assets for life and invest in tomorrow’s leaders.thought to planahead years ago, I’m If you have already included Concordia University in your estatebenefiting today. My plans, simply let us know. We would like to welcome you intoConcordia education our Luminary Society, a special group of individuals who havewouldn’t be possible remembered Concordia in their future giving.without their legacyof giving. For more information or if you have questions, contact Erinn DeGroot at (800) 752-4736 or [email protected]. » Kayla Vickaryous Concordia Student | 800-752-4736

Current Issuesdespite the economyHigher Education Still Within Reachby Kassie Boehringer “Concordia can be financially competitive with four-year state schools,” said Cullen. “Concordia relieved a lot of financial stress for me and my family,” said Concordia senior Ben Lanier of his financial aid package. “I don’t have to take the time and go work instead of spending time on my schoolwork. A major part of being successful in college is focusing on your schoolwork.”Because of his financial aid package from Concordia, senior Ben Lanier doesn’t have to jugglehis studies and a job. The increasing cost of college University. Despite the Parents (and grandparents) oftuition is nothing new. According economy, financial aid young children can start saving forto the U.S. Census Bureau, private programs remain strong. college through state-sponsored 529college tuition has grown 154 percent With proper planning and plans and other long-term financingon average during the last three a little legwork, families candecades, while family income has still fit private college tuitionincreased only 10 percent. With the into their budgets.rising costs of higher education and At Concordia, 100 percenta struggling economy, many families of eligible students receiveare worried that a private liberal arts some sort of financial aid, with moreeducation is out of reach. than 95 percent of freshmen receiving Not so, says Jim Cullen, director gift aid (grants and scholarships)of enrollment services at Concordia averaging over $12,000 per student.16 concordia connection

Current Issuesoptions. Money contributed to 529 to submit a FAFSA in order to be comparing schools.accounts, for example, grows tax considered for financial aid packages. Despite the national loan crisis,deferred and, as long as the money is “Students should not wait to be college loans are still available andused for qualified higher education admitted before submitting a FAFSA,” have not been impacted by theexpenses, you will avoid federal said Cullen. “But the FAFSA cannot economy. Loans through the Federalincome taxes when it is withdrawn. be completed before January 1 for the Family Education Loan ProgramSome states, including Oregon, following academic year.” (FFELP) are not credit-based.offer tax benefits to residents who Cullen added that completing the According to Cullen, the number ofcontribute to 529 plans from their FAFSA early can have advantages, but private lenders involved in FFELP hasown state. Cullen recommends it needs to include reliable financial decreased, but that has not reduceddiscussing long-term financial aid information, such as your tax return the amount of loans available tooptions with a financial planner. from the previous calendar year. students. When students reach middle Financial aid packages may consist A quality college education isschool or early high school, Cullen of a combination of scholarships an investment, and one that willencourages families to begin thinking and grants, and self help aid such continue to pay off no matter whatabout scholarships. as work study and loans. Because the economic climate. Fortunately, “Most scholarships are based scholarships and grants do not have the dream of a college education canon student performance, primarily to be repaid, they should weigh more still be within reach for students andacademic,” said Cullen. “Students heavily to the total aid amount when their families.need to be aware thattheir performance inhigh school will affecttheir eligibility forscholarships and toplan ahead.” Colleges anduniversities determinea family’s financialneed primarilythrough the FreeApplication forFederal Student Aid, orFAFSA. Once studentsreach their senior yearin high school and areapplying for colleges,families also needAt Concordia, 100 percent of eligible students receive some sort of financial aid,with more than 95 percent of freshmen receiving grants and scholarships. Winter 2010 17

Just another reason to swing bycampus for a visit... Cafe 1905 proudly serves coffee by Sisters Coffee Company (partly owned and run by Concordia alumni!) If you haven't visited campus since the George R. White Library & Learning Center opened last August, swing by for a superb cup of coffee and check out the impressive LEED certified building. COMMUNITY MEMbER Your NamCHe HReIrSe Located on the first floor, Cafe 1905 exclusively serves Sisters Coffee, which uses only DODGE the highest quality Arabica beans and is exceptionally flavorful. During your visit, be sure to stop by the main desk in the lobby of the library to sign up for a free library card. With this card you will have access to thousands of books, countless CDs, and more than 50 full text journals and newspaper article databases. my.CU ID: G00123456 Concordia University welcomes our alumni, neighbors and friends; my.CU ID: G00928581 we hope you'll visit soon and share a cup of coffee with us.WWW.CU-PORTLAND.EDUPresent this coupon for $1.00 off any beverage – – Located on the first floor of the George R. White Library & Learning Center, Concordia University, 2800 NE Liberty Street, Portland OR 97211 This coupon is valid through June 30, 2010 and must be presented at time of purchase.

Make your mark on Concordia.Buy a brick for you or a loved one on the Concordia Legacy Pathway.It’s a gift that will last for generations and commemorate your life, or thelife of a family member or friend, in a meaningful and memorable way.A Moment in History ?DID YOU KNOW >Concordia University’s George R. White Library & Learning The George R. WhiteCenter is now open. The pathway that welcomes future Library & Learninggenerations of students, neighbors, and visitors to theheart of campus features customized messages on bricks, Center is 74,000 sq. ft.,offering a unique opportunity to make a lasting impression with double the numberon the university and neighborhood community. of volumes, state-of-Alumni... the-art classrooms, faculty offices, aMemorialize the formative years you spent on Concordia’s community meetingcampus or honor a fellow alumnus with a lasting tribute. space, six importantMake your legacy an enduring part of the landscape. centers of learning, andParents... a coffee house.Commemorate a pivotal chapter in your graduate’s life Each brick you purchasewith a memorable gift that will permanently honor his or will honor Concordia’sher accomplishments. history and help pave the Neighbors... way for the future. Celebrate this community and what it means for you to live and thrive here with a brick that shares your connection to the Concordia neighborhood with future generations. order your $125 tax-deductible bricks at or call 1-800-752-4736YOUR NAME HERE –PORTLAND, OREGON–

Alumni NotesAluNmonteisWhat’s new in your life? 1994Stay in touch and keep us posted on all of your news.New baby, new job, new spouse, new house, great Ron Malm runs a fitnessvacation, milestone anniversaries, recent retirement... program for kids calledsend us an e-mail and give us the update on what’s “Focused Fitness,” whichhappening in your life. Feel free to include photos, engages students in fun,including high-resolution (300 dpi) wedding and baby and meaningful lessonspictures: that promote activity, proper nutrition, and higher levels of fitness. In addition, EMAIL: [email protected] he runs “Five for Life,” a training program to help teachers promote fitness throughOr send mail to Alumni Notes, 2811 NE Holman Street , Portland, OR 97211 movement. He works with school districts around the country on implementing these concepts. 199750’s1959 1975 Lisa Mallory MAT is currently teaching Karen (Marth) Mills has been married fifth grade in the Eastern Province of Minori Yasuda Saudi Arabia for the world’s largest oil company, Saudi-Aramco. The companyfor 46 years and recently moved from Sone lives in school represents over 55 countries. She left teaching in Ore. and Calif. for aPuyallup, Wash. to Henderson, Nev. She Tokyo, Japan. three-year experience in Indonesia and now Saudi Arabia. She is 45 minuteshas three children and six grandchildren From January to from Bahrain and a 40 minute flight from Dubai, and writes, “I really loveranging from eight to 18 years old. She April 2009, Minori international teaching!”taught at Missouri Synod Lutheran and her husband, 1999churches in Snohomish, Wash., Monterey, Masahiko, enjoyed a cruise around the Kym Buchanan started his fourth year as a professor of Education at the University ofCalif., and Federal Way, Wash. and writes, world. They traveled to 24 countries with Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He“My fondest memories are of Concordia- 38 stops. Minori would like to get in and his wife, Jodi, recently celebrated their tenthPortland. We were a small group and touch with old friends from the class of anniversary. They have two daughters, Bayli (5) andbecame close to one another. I still recall ’75. You can reach her at Dani (2). Kym's research focuses on motivationthe special moments in the chapel.” [email protected]. and technology, including 1961 1990Rev. Dr. Terry Kriesel HS ’59 recently teaching and using ’s ’shad a “very enjoyable” year serving as a games. He encourages you to learn more at60 90missionary on behalf of the Evangelical Steve Simmons recently took over as the men’s soccer coachLutheran Church of America as a visiting at Oregon State Universityprofessor at China Lutheran Seminary after spending the previous(Taiwan) in their pastoral counseling six years as the men’s coach atprogram. His wife, Carol Kriesel JC ’61, Northern Illinois Universityaccompanied him on the trip. Kriesel (NIU). In 2006, Simmonswrites that he is “enjoying retirement was voted the Great Lakesafter serving as a professor of Behavioral Region Coach of the Year afterMedicine at the University of Iowa, leading the NIU Huskies toCollege of Medicine and the University of the Mid-American ConferenceArizona, College of Medicine.” Championship and the second round of the NCAA men’s soccer tournament.20 concordia connection

Alumni NotesCU Grad Finds Success in Soccer and Medicine Garrett Staples, a 2009 graduate of Concordia University, currently stands where many dream of being, but few achieve: the crossroads of a professional medical career and a career as a professional athlete. And Staples is confident that he can have it all. After all, this has been his path since coming to Concordia as a freshman soccer player and Pre-Med major in 2005. Juggling action in the classroom and on the field is nothing new for Staples. While taking classes and playing soccer at Concordia, Staples spent his evenings at Oregon Health & Science University researching the relationship between various types of fat in the diet with the incidence of skin cancer. Staples would sometimes show up at the lab after 9 p.m. or later and stay until 2 a.m. “It took a year to do the research,” Staples said. “I designed the project and spent almost a year to breed the mice, harvest the samples, process the samples, and enter the data. It was an incredible experience.” According to one of Staples’ professors, Dr. Charles Kunert, his research could have lasting implications. “His fundamental research is critical to better understanding this form of cancer, which is one of the world's most prevalent,” Kunert said. “I have more opportunities now because Now that he has graduated, of my relationship and connection with the his career in medicine is only temporarily on hold and he is ready Concordia community.\" » Garrett Staples '09 to see the world. He will start by playing professional soccer. After spending last summer asthe Portland Timbers’ (Portland’s professional soccer team) Under 23 teamgoal-keeper, this former four-time All-American from Eugene, Ore., willenter into training camp with the Portland Timbers first team, an incrediblechallenge…and opportunity. “I’m just going to go out and work as hard as I can,” Staples said. “All I’veever done in my life is work as hard as I can, and do the best I can at all things.I am pumped to have this opportunity.” Staples points to his time at Concordia as a life-changing experience. “I have had so many great experiences at Concordia. Any hardshipswere made easier because of my relationship with my professors and theentire faculty,” Staples said. “I have more opportunities now because of myrelationship and connection with the Concordia community. I am so happy withmy choice to attend school here.” And the faculty and coaching staff that helped Staplesthrough his time at Concordia now has the chance to watchone of its own make a name for himself—both on the turfand in medicine. “My number one goal is to maximize my experiences and see moreof the world before I get too serious,” Staples said. “Eventually I wantto practice medicine, it’s been a longtime goal of mine, and I hope totransition from soccer and athletics into a work role that I enjoy.” Winter 2010 21

Alumni Notes Jennifer (Swisegood) de la Motte 2001 gave birth to twins, Brooke Marie andReunion Henry Jack, on August 14, 2009. Jennifer Dawn (Miller) Weekend is currently a director of Christian Bungard Education at Good Shepherd Lutheran writes, “Since october 22-24, 2010 Church in Turlock, Calif. graduating in 2001, I Celebrate your Concordia 2000 have married connections and see how (2002) and we have grown! Gustavo Aguiar have had and his wife, two beautiful children, Kaelee (5) All alumni are invited back to campus for Patricia Rebelo, and Talan (3). I have also attained my an unforgettable weekend of reminiscing are living in master’s degree in Education with and fun! Special celebrations for the Recife, Brazil. an emphasis on reading and literacy. milestone classes of ten years (2000), They have a I was just notified on November 20, twenty years (1990), and fifty years for two-year-old 2009 that I passed my National Board the Junior College class of 1960. Join daughter, for Professional Teaching standards us for a retrospective of Concordia’s Raquel, and another baby is expected and I can now say I am a National music and choir with current music in April of 2010. He writes, “I have Board Certified Teacher! Life is Great director Kurt Berentsen and former been working for Sebrae (small and I couldn't be happier!!” directors Dale Fisk and Ray Sievert. business supporting system), a Other festivities for the weekend nonprofit organization that provides Chad and Katie (Holts) VanDeMark include worship services, the Alumni small businesses with tools for success ’02 welcomed a baby boy, William Basketball games, and the Alumni of and sustainability in the market.” Lewis, on September 14, 2009. Distinction Award and Athletic Hall of Fame induction celebration. 2002 Don’t miss this opportunity to Sarah (Hames) Elliott and her husband, reconnect with your friends, Tim, welcomed Noah Timothy to their classmates, faculty, and staff. family on June 30, 2009. He was 8 lbs., 3 oz. and 21 inches long. Visit in late summer or early fall for more detailed information. Dara (Berquist) Lindberg gave birth to Beth French recently became a licensed her fourth child, Addison Rose Lindberg, psychologist for the State of Oregon. on June 11, 2009. She joins siblings, Kendall (15), Max (5), and Gracie (4). Dara continues to teach first grade in Auburn, Wash.22 concordia connection

Concordia University Alumni & Friends TourAlumni Notes led by professors Dwaine Brandt & Norm MetzlerOnce a DecadeIt Only HappensEvery ten yearsJoin us for the Oberammergau Passion Play and Tour of Historic Luther Sites Every ten years since the 17th century, the villagers in the Alps of Southern Germany perform the famous Oberammergau Passion Play portraying the last week of Jesus’ life. Be a part of the next historic event and visit the locations that influenced the great reformer, Martin Luther, on a twelve-day tour of Germany, Czech Republic, and Austria. Your guides, Concordia University professors Dwaine Brandt and Norm Metzler, will lead you and fellow Concordia alumni on an adventure of fun, fellowship, spiritual growth, and historical significance. In addition to the 2010 Passion Play, you will enjoy a Rhine cruise, a visit to the Buchenwald concentration camp, a tour of Bach’s church in Leipzig, and much more. Tour dates are May 16 to 27, 2010. For complete tour information, to make a reservation and guarantee your spot, go to For any additional information please contact the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations by emailing [email protected], or calling 1-800-752-4736.May 16, 2010Winter2010 23

Alumni NotesConcordia Honors Alumni of Distinction left to right: Robert Sylwester HS ’45, Lynn R. Kahle ’73, & William E. Oman ’97 oncordia University honored three and research, and the Education named “Best Sports Management alumni for their exemplary leadership Press Association has given him two School” by Sports Illustrated.and service with the Alumni of Distinction Distinguished Achievement awards Dr. Kahle currently holds theAward, at the reunion in October. Robert for his synthesis of cognitive science. Ehrman Giustina ProfessorshipSylwester HS ’45, Lynn R. Kahle ’73, and Dr. Sylwester’s most recent books in Marketing at the UniversityWilliam E. Oman ’97 were recognized for include The Adolescent Brain: Reaching of Oregon. He is ranked amongliving out Concordia’s mission as leaders for Autonomy (2007, Corwin Press) andin the transformation of society within How to Explain a Brain: An Educators the top marketing professorstheir communities. Given annually, the Handbook of Brain Terms and Cognitive in the world and is an expertAlumni of Distinction Award is building a Processes (2005, Corwin Press). on consumer and fan attitudestradition of honoring outstanding alumni. Lynn R. Kahle ’73 is a third and values, public policy,Each recipient is a graduate of Concordia generation Concordia graduate. In sports marketing, internationalHigh School, Concordia College, or fact, his great-grandfather was in the business, and communication. Dr.Concordia University in Portland, Oregon. first Concordia class in 1905. Kahle has published more than 100 Son of Concordia’s first president FWJ After graduating from Concordia, books and has received numerousSylwester, Robert Sylwester grew up on Dr. Kahle received his PhD in social awards for his work.the Concordia campus and graduated Bill Oman ’97 came to Concordiafrom Concordia’s high school in 1945. with the dream of becoming a teacherHe followed in his father’s footsteps as after already receiving two bachelor’san educator and serves as an Emeritus degrees. Armed with a SecondaryProfessor of Education at the University Education Certificate from Concordia,of Oregon. Mr. Oman got his first job as a Social Dr. Sylwester’s major focus of study Studies teacher at Hudson’s Bay Highis on the educational implications and School in Vancouver, Wash.applications of new developments in At Hudson’s Bay, Mr. Oman coachedscience and technology. As an expert wrestling, cross country, and track;in the field, he has written 20 books served as the student body advisor andand more than 200 journal articles. senior project coordinator; and was chairHe also writes a monthly column for of the Social Studies department.the acclaimed Internet journal, BrainConnection. Dr. Sylwester has made They are living out Concordia’s mission as leaders in themore than 1,600 conference and inservice transformation of society within their communities.presentations on educationally significantdevelopments in brain/stress theory psychology from the University Mr. Oman went on to earn his of Nebraska and has taught at master’s degree in Educational universities around the world, Administration and, in 2002, became including Technion University in an associate principal for Kelso High Israel, Griffith University in Australia, School in Kelso, Wash. He later served Singapore Management University, as associate principal for Fort Vancouver and Hanyang University in South High School in Vancouver, Wash. for four Korea. Since 1983, Dr. Kahle has years before returning to Hudson’s Bay been on the faculty of the Lundquist to become principal in 2007. In addition College of Business at the University to his position as principal of Hudson’s of Oregon. He was instrumental in Bay, Mr. Oman also teaches future founding the highly regarded James educators as an adjunct faculty member H. Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, in Concordia’s College of Education.24 concordia connection

Alumni Notes2003 2006Desiree (Manning) Tom Arnold returned toMossberger and her Gresham, Ore. in August ofhusband purchased their 2008 with his wife, Amy, andfirst home in Tualatin, Ore. son, Taylor, after completing thein November of 2008. academic portion of his Master of Divinity. He started his vicarageAnnie Powell is in the fifth assignment in Gresham.year of her PhD in cellbiology at Oregon Health 2005& Science University. Herprimary research article, Concordia University athletics alumni Melissa Smith and Thomas A. Bier ’06“Inflammation and and staff teamed up for the 2009 Hood to MBA ’09 were married on July 25, 2009.proliferation act together Coast relay race last August. Led by Jason Thomas serves as Concordia's Help Deskto mediate intestinal cell fusion,” was Hagen, the CU team, named “Navy Never Supervisor.accepted for publication in the journal Fades,” finished the 197-mile race in 25PLoS ONE. In addition, she was invited hours, 15 minutes, and 11 seconds, placing Nick Caleb recently graduated from theto write a book chapter called, Cell fusion them 120th out of 1,004 teams. Watch for University of Oregon School of Law andand stem cells, for the text, Cell Fusions: Navy Never Fades to compete in Hood began attending Tilburg University in TheRegulation and Control, due out in 2010 to Coast in 2010. Participants include Netherlands to pursue a master’s degreefrom Springer Press. She is currently Robert Lossett ’06, Brian Iblings ’04, in Law and Technology.writing her second primary research Tommy Trullinger ’07, Joe Navarro ’95,article and hoping to complete her PhD Christopher Paulk earned a Master ofthesis in the coming months. current MAT student and assistant coach Public Policy Degree from Georgetown of CU Men’s Basketball team; Dustin University in May of 2008. He is now2004 Johnson ’07, Joseph Beytebiere ’05, working with the National Guard Bureau Nick Thompson ’04, and Matt English, (NGB) in Arlington, Va. to developLeigh Ann (Stohl) Durham and her CU athletic director, Eric Little ’06, Tim the interagency/intergovernmentalhusband, Justin Durham ’03, welcomed organization that is intended to improvea baby girl on August 6, 2009. Madison Tubra ’05, and Jason Talley ’04. coordination of response between NGBJune was 7 lbs., 13 oz. and 19 inches long. and agencies such as FEMA and the US Delisha Pittman is entering her Coast Guard.Tod Picket MAT completed the second year of the Counselingrequirements for national teacher Psychology PhD program at thecertification. He teaches math and University of Georgia. She receivedscience at Frontier Middle School in her MA in Counseling Psychology fromthe Evergreen School District (Wash.). Lewis & Clark (Ore.) in 2008.He is also the “voice of the Cavaliers”as the play-by-play announcer for Charlotte (May) Bohlmann and herall CU-Portland men’s and women’s husband, Eric Bohlmann ’06, welcomed ahome basketball games. daughter, Norah Louise, on August 5, 2009. Stephanie Kerns McCrae MAT is chair of the performing arts department at Evergreen High School in Vancouver, Wash. She and her students were recently featured in The Oregonian for their production of “The Outsiders.” Winter 2010 25

Alumni Notes2007 2008Tim Brown, along with his wife, Sara Jeanie-Marie Price MBA was recently DarcyEustice-Brown ’07, and son, Dylan named director of Communications (Barnhart)Patrick, recently moved into their new for the Portland Schools Foundation. Pappe and herhome in southeast Portland, Ore. Sara is In May, she and her husband, Erik, husband, Adam,the director of Christian Education and welcomed daughter, Lenora Mae welcomed a babyFamily Ministry at Good Shepherd in Christensen, who joined big brother, girl, Ava Grace, Harris (5). on May 27, 2009. Vancouver, Wash. She weighed Tim works at Penske 9 lbs., 9 oz. Truck Leasing in Portland. Dylan Jessica Finch is turned one on living in San Jose, June 9, 2009. Calif. and recently became engaged to her longtime boyfriend, Derek Sibilia. JoAnn Jackson MBA became a Jennier Kassner-Wetter and her husband, grandmother for Joshua, welcomed their first child, Abigail the second time Naomi, on June 17, 2009. She was 6 lbs., when grandson, 9 oz. and 19 inches long. Ethan, was born on June 1, 2009.In Memoriam Robert “Bob” Schackel died on November 19, 2009 at the age of 76. After graduating from Concordia Academy in 1951, and Concordia Junior College in 1953, Bob completed his education at Pacific Lutheran University in 1955. After graduation, he served in the Army for two years, and later began working for St. Regis Paper Company. Bob was an active bowler, golfer, and skier, and a lifelong member of the Lutheran church. He is survived by his son, Keith. Jonathan Cleveland ’90, died in his sleep on January 17, 2010 at the age of 46. For almost 20 years, Jon served as director of Christian Education at Trinity Lutheran Church in Portland. Last March, Jon moved to Nevada where he was installed as the director of Christian Education at Trinity Lutheran Church in Gardenville. Jon was known for his enthusiastic and outgoing personality, and his special gift for working with youth. He is survived by three daughters, ages 26, 24, and 15; two brothers and three sisters, his stepfather, and a host of nephews and nieces.March 14 April 8 to 11 May 16 to 27Lenten Service 14th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Germany trip to the OberammergauSt. Michael’s Lutheran Church Series Conference Passion Play and tour of historicPortland, Ore. Concordia Campus Luther sitesMarch 19 to 27 May 1 October 22 to 24Spring Choir Tour Spring Commencement Reunion Weekend, with specialIdaho, Western Montana, Eastern gatherings for the classes of ’60,Washington, and Northern Utah May 14 to 25 ’90, and ‘00; and a retrospective of “Treasures of Greece” Tour Concordia's music and choir. Stay in the loop and get details on above events & more at concordia connection

2009Alumni Highlights1) Third from the left, Karl Mundorff MBA ‘05, at Concordia’s 15th Annual CEO 7) The new inductees to the 50 Year Club who were honored at the Fall Musical Roundtable. Mundorff was joined by (left to right) Brian O’Keefe, Chuck Stetson, Spotlight, Reunion Weekend (Oct. 09) and Alan Holmer. (April 09) 8) Rev. Dr. Art Wahlers and President Charles Schlimpert honoring Rev. Dr. John Scheck2) 50th Class Reunion for the Concordia High School Class of 1959 (June 09) at the Fall Musical Spotlight, Reunion Weekend (Oct. 09)3) Rev. Dr. Erhardt (EP) Weber, President Emeritus, Don Lorenz, Walter Lierman '72, and 9) President Charles Schlimpert and Professor Jan Albrecht honoring William Oman ’97 Michael Madison ‘81 at the George R. White Library & Learning Center’s Dedication at the Alumni of Distinction Reception, Reunion Weekend (Oct. 09) Service (Aug. 09) 10) President Charles Schlimpert and Dean Charles Kunert honoring Dr. Robert Sylwester4) Faculty Emeriti Dr. Robert Schmidt, Rev. Dr. Art Wahlers, Rev. Dr. John Scheck, HS ’45 at the Alumni of Distinction Reception, Reunion Weekend (Oct. 09) Rev. Dr. Richard Reinisch, Dr. Dwaine Brandt, Rev. Hans Georg Rudolf Spalteholz, Rev. Dr. Erhardt (EP) Weber. George R. White Library & Learning Center’s Dedication 11) Women’s alumni basketball players at the annual Alumni Basketball Games (Oct. 09) Service (Aug. 09) 12) Men’s alumni basketball players at the annual Alumni Basketball Games (Oct. 09)5) Concordia Bend MBA Student & Alumni Reunion BBQ at the home of Tom and Martha Daniels, associate director of the Bend MBA program (Sept. 09) 13) Coates Apartments Dedication, Reunion Weekend (Oct. 09)6) George Weller honored at the Fall Musical Spotlight, Reunion Weekend (Oct. 09) Winter 2010 27

Navy & WhiteFormer CU Players Find Success as Coachesby Ian Ruder On paper, last March’s game between Hudson mentally. There are other programs that will get a bunch Bay High School and Mountain View High School of really good athletes and say ‘go play.’ I don’t know if it’s was nothing more than your typical non-conference right or wrong, it’s just the way we do it.” Washington state high school baseball game. If you had to pick out a player who embodied the way In the two teams’ quests for the playoffs, Hudson Vance’s teams have played, you’d be hard pressed to find Bay’s 11-10 extra-inning win would mean little, but for anyone better than Coiteux. In the same vein, Coiteux’s head coaches Ben McGrew ’04 and Aaron Coiteux ’05, quick rise to success as the head coach at Mountain both alumni of Concordia’s baseball program, there was View High School (Wash.) showed many of the reasons something more at stake: Cavalier pride. Concordia alums are finding success as coaches. From the first time Coiteux set foot on “The Yard” “There were definitely (Concordia’s old field) after transferring from Gonzaga, some bragging rights on the Vance could see his coaching potential. line,” McGrew said. “He was obviously a great, great player, but he also The showdown between had the baseball smarts,” Vance said. “He loved the game Cavalier alumni was not a and he always had a passion for doing it the right way. one-time thing. With more He’s one of those guys, like most of us coaches, who loved than 25 former Concordia practice, even as a player.” players and coaches now After two all-conference and all-region selections as a coaching in the high school player and a year working as an assistant coach, Coiteux and college ranks, Concordia took over the struggling Mountain View H. S. baseball alumni across the Northwest program in 2006. are facing off more and Coming off a one-win season in which the Thunder more and having a bigger lost five games by 20 runs or more, Coiteux knew the impact than ever before in program needed a spark. shaping the next generation He got his assistants and community members together of baseball players. and put in over 300 hours improving the school’s field. Concordia head coach “I felt like if the community, the kids, and the Rob Vance admitted to being momentarily surprised by administrators saw how much I cared for the field, they’d the sheer number of coaches who have passed through his give me that same effort in playing, understanding the program, but, upon reflection, saw the trend as the logical game, and trying to compete,” he said. result of what he has been trying to do since taking over In his first year coaching, the Thunder won five games as head coach in 1999. and only lost twice. Last year, the Thunder won eight “Probably our philosophy lends itself more to those games and made the playoffs for the first time in 13 years. who go into coaching,” he said. “We teach. We’re going to teach the fundamentals of the game, both physically and28 concordia connection

Navy & White The road back to relevance wasn’t easy, but Coiteux Where are They Now... 29discovered he had a huge resource at his fingertips inthe form of the network of Concordia alumni who were Grad Yr Name, Position, Schoolcoaching. “I talked to Ben McGrew a lot because he’d gone 1999 Byron Limbrickthrough the exact same thing that I was going to go Assistant Coach – Union High Schoolthrough because he got the head job the year before,” hesaid. “We always call each other every couple of weeks and 2000 Tim Stadelmeir ask questions like, how do you do this, how do you do Head Coach – Twin Falls High Schoolthat. Being from Concordia really helps out.” McGrew said the benefits of the Concordia coaching 2001 Kevin Moorenetwork have been invaluable. Assistant Coach – Vallivue High School “You have a chance after the game to ask, hey whatdid you think about our team and they can tell you some 2002 Corey Parrishthings,” he said. “They might see some things that you Junior Varsity Head Coach – Hillsboro High Schooldon’t necessarily see, and they can help you out a little bit.You don’t necessarily get that with other coaches.” 2003 Tim Jones So why has a small Lutheran school that currently has Assistant Coach – Coeur d'Alene High Schoolno home field or practice facility (see Athletic Complexstory on page 31) become such a hotbed for producing 2003 Matt Kosderka coaches? Head Coach – Wilsonville High School Former players and coaches all point towards Vance’sunderstanding of Concordia’s values and strengths, and 2003 Rick Skinnerhis ability to find and mold players who fit them. Head Coach – Centralia Community College “At a smaller college, you have to have thatcommunication, that peacefulness where someone can 2004 Kevin Bairdcome up to you and ask you a question,” Coiteux said. Assistant Coach – Evergreen High School “You don’t have all the bells and whistles to throw out.You have to be personable and you have to be truthful and 2004 Ben McGrewRob is all that, plus he knows baseball inside and out.” Head Coach – Hudson's Bay High School Jimmy Rudig ’09, an assistant coach at West Linn HighSchool, seconded Coiteux’s assertion. 2004 Mark Robertson “Being such a small school, Concordia may not be able Assistant Coach – Aloha High Schoolto compete for the most talented players in the area, butwhat we do benefit from is that many of the players have 2004 Steve Shorta strong love for the game and are hungry to learn more Assistant Coach – Hockinson High Schooland become better players,” he said. Along with having a deep love for baseball, Vance 2005 Chris Bairdidentified patience and a strong “baseball IQ” as the Assistant Coach – Evergreen High Schoolcommon threads uniting the alumni who are nowcoaching. 2005 Matt Bailey He downplayed his own role in teaching others how to Assistant Coach – Scappoose High Schoolcoach. “Obviously, with our education program here it kind 2005 Aaron Coiteuxof naturally fits for a lot of those guys to go right into Head Coach – Mountain View High Schoolcoaching,” he said. “I think some of them came in herethinking they were going to coach, but not all. I’ll bet for 2005 Jimmy Rudighalf of them it became a natural thing where they realized Assistant Coach – West Linn High Schoolthat even if they weren’t great players, hey they workedwell with kids, they could get information, and they 2006 Josh Brandtenjoyed doing this every afternoon.” Assistant Coach – Central High School (continued on next page) 2006 Adam Hackstedt Assistant Coach – Mountain View High School 2006 Dan Thigpen Assistant Coach – Walla Walla Community College 2007 Kyle Well Assistant Coach – Reynolds High School 2008 Neil Barrett Assistant Coach – LaSalle High School 2008 Neal Glynn Head Coach – Silverton High School 2008 Jason Grisham Assistant Coach – Canby High School 2008 Mike Hall Junior Varsity Head Coach – Reynolds High School 2009 Casey McCloud Assistant Coach – West Linn High School 2010 Paul Jacques Assistant Coach – Corvallis High School Winter 2010

Navy & White My observations, along with being a player of his, has allowed me to pick out things that I thought were the most effective...which will be very valuable to me throughout my coaching career. » Jimmy Rudig '05 Rudig and others suggest Vance deserves more credit. “He basically told it how it was, and “My observations, along with being a player of his, he made it so it was relevant towardshas allowed me to pick out things that I thought were the players,” Parrish said.the most effective and those that I thought were less After four years as an assistanteffective, which will be very valuable to me throughout coach at Hillsboro High, Parrish ismy coaching career,” Rudig said. Tim Stadelmeir said his one year now applying thosecoaching under Vance prepared him for same lessons as thehis current job as head coach at Twin Falls school’s junior varsity head coach.High School in Idaho. Last year Vance’s team finished 12 games “That opportunity has helped in my under .500 and missed the playoffs, butdevelopment as a coach. I was able to work was still selected the Cascade Collegiatewith college baseball players on a day- Conference Team Champion of basis, working on the finer details The award honors the team that bestof the game,” he said. “Now, as a head embodies the values behind NAIA sports andhigh school baseball coach, I know what is selected by league coaches.commitments it takes to be a successful Vance took the award in student and athlete, so I try and “We’re not going to aspire to get thatinstill that same work ethic with my high award every year. I don’t expect the guys toschool baseball program so they are prepared for college.” be goody two shoes nicey-nice because were If the coaching success of his former players and trying to win,” he said. “But it was kind of cool, especiallycoaches initially came as a surprise to Vance, it has since because the other coaches voted on it, so they must havetransformed into an affirmation of the values he is seen something that we’re doing right.”instilling as head coach. “None of my coaches or myself are perfect and I don’t Despite leading the Cavaliers to over 200 wins and expect the kids to be perfect. But we try to make goodmultiple Cascade Collegiate Conference championships, decisions and want them to do the same,” he said. “HavingVance has never judged his success solely on wins and some values and morals aboutlosses. How his players develop as people is equally how you live your life is a bigimportant. part of it. The negatives about “I look at the whole person. Obviously graduation is a baseball happen, but that doesn’tbig piece of it, and hopefully there has been some baseball change who you are as a personsuccess,” he said. “But then you look at the other pieces and what you’re trying to doof it too. Some of these guys met their future wives here with your life after college.”or they moved on to jobs. I think that’s a big piece of it, Based on the ever-growingseeing these guys discover their potential.” number of alumni coaching Corey Parrish ’02 played on one of the championship around the Northwest, it looksteams and said it wouldn’t have been possible without as though Vance’s message isVance’s interpersonal skills. getting through loud and clear.30 concordia connection

Navy & WhiteNew Athletic Complex Coming Soon By Ian Ruder henever Concordia baseball All the needed property has been This year the team will play all of coach Rob Vance gets frustrated purchased, the plans have been its games on the bluff at thewith the long commutes, crazy finalized, and construction is slated University of Portland.schedules, and other difficulties to begin as soon as the school raises “It’s a little painful in the interim,”arising from his team’s lack of a the first $3 million of the project’s Vance said.home field, all he has to do is take $7 million budget. With a six to nine Thinking about the multitude ofa deep breath, close his eyes, and month build time, the field should be benefits the new athletic complex willdream about next year. ready for the 2011 baseball season. bring helps to ease the pain. “When Developing the new home for CU The opening will be a huge relief you can bring a recruit in and sellsoccer and baseball is the university’s for Vance and all of the coaches who them on that stuff and say 'hey notnumber one capital priority. had to find a new home when The only do we have a great institution, Expectations run high, that despite Yard—the school’s old field—was shut but take a look at where we’re goingthe challenging economy, construction down and construction started in May to be practicing and playing,' that’s acan begin this academic year on the 2008 on the now completed library. big deal,” he facilities planned for the four The school is also working withblock area just north of the new the community to make the fieldGeorge R. White Library & Learning available during the summer andCenter. The magnificent new arena when it’s not in use, according to Garywill feature a state-of-the-art Withers, Concordia’s executive vicesynthetic turf and full lighting that president for external affairs.will dramatically expand the use of “In addition to a resource for allthe facilities for the Cavalier’s and the student athletes it’s going toCU’s community partners. be an incredible resource for the With fields and stands for baseball community,” he said.and soccer, team rooms, lights, Athletic Director, Matt English,and much more, the complex is estimates that “community usagethe realization of almost a decade should exceed 50 percent.”of planning. For Vance and otherConcordia coaches, it is a dream Concordia University Women's Soccer vs. Portland State University Women's Soccercome true. “In baseball in the Northwest, you Life hasn’t been easy since The Yard For more information on the newhave several really, really nice places,” closed. Last year, the team commuted athletic complex or to find out howVance said. “Our new field will be as an hour each way to practice at Clark you can help make it a reality, visitgood as anybody’s.” Community College in Vancouver, Wash., and then split its home success/athleticcomplex. games between Wilsonville and the University of Portland. Winter 2010 31

Navy & White Women's start at the NAIA Cross Country National Championships at Fort Vancouver, Vancouver, Washington CU hosts Cross Country Nationals Last Fall Concordia University, benefitted 200 deserving high schoolJoin the Team! along with the Cascade Collegiate students from De La Salle North Support Concordia Conference (CCC), hosted the Catholic High School in Portland. Athletics Year Round NAIA Cross Country National At the event, the Cavaliers At Concordia, we believe in shaping leaders who will Championships at the Fort boasted top-15 finishes in both transform the world around them. By becoming a Cavalier Vancouver National Historic competitions, with the women Club member, you provide scholarships, equipment, and Site. The event not only placing an all-time best program support to make student-athletes' dreams come brought the annual race With more than 12th overall, and the true. Join the team today, or west of the Mississippi men nearly matching gift a membership to someone for the first time since 600 runners the effort with a 13th- special, at or by calling 503-280-8505. 1980, but it also brought participating, place result. Combined, some of the country’s Concordia and the CU programs Go Cavs Go! best harriers to the tallied the eighth-best 503-280-8505 | WWW.GOCUGO.COM running-centric region the conference score in the nation. of the Pacific Northwest. Sophomore standout 32 concordia connection A dream of CCC collected its first Alice Taylor (Auckland, Commissioner Dave Haglund and CU New Zealand) provided taste of hosting the top CU individual cross country coach a national-level performance by Randy Dalzell for finishing in 13th place years, and later enriched event. out of 330 competitors and developed by countless to earn the school’s first helpers and volunteers NAIA All-American honor in throughout the process, the women’s cross country. event all came together with the With 10 of the 14 Concordia crack of a gun on November 21, participants returning next year, the 2009.With more than 600 runners Cavaliers will look to climb the participating, Concordia and the standings next year when the school conference collected its first taste hosts the grand event for the second of hosting a national-level event straight season. and further advanced Concordia into prominence among the elite of the NAIA. Nike, presenting sponsor for the championships, played an integral role in the event’s success. In addition to support of the actual races, Nike hosted two major events as part of the pre-meet festivities, including a Champions of Character clinic which Martin Romero-Clark, CU Cross Country Runner

Alumni NotesConcordia University Alumni & Friends Tour led by Dr. Michael A. Thomas Treasures of GreeceMay 13 to 24, 2010Embark on a journey through Greece worthy of Homer’s epics.Along your travels through Athens, Olympia, and Cape Sounion, ascend the mythicalmountain perches of Greek gods and their temples. Stand where the first Olympic athletescompeted, visit the site where the Oracle once foretold the future, and walk the cavernousstreets where Christianity took root and forever changed the Western world.Led by Dr. Michael A. Thomas, associate professor of Classical Languages/Humanities,this 12-day adventure includes stays in Athens, Patras, and Argolida, and a cruise throughthe mythic Greek Islands. For more information contact Dr. Michael A. Thomas,503-493-6429 or [email protected] 2010 33

This moment made possible due to generous donors.Students at Concordia University are finding ways to serve communities near and far. Some volunteer atneighborhood schools, teaching young minds the joy of reading, music, and art. Some wash the feet of AIDSpatients at a local hospice. Others have traveled to New Orleans to build homes. In sharing their time and talentswith others, they are living out the mission of Concordia and acquiring an education of the mind and heart.Soon one of these students will be calling you to share recent developments on campus and to ask for yoursupport. Considering that 95% of Concordia students receive need-based financial assistance, your generousresponse to this call would make all the difference. We look forward to talking with you soon.

Annual ReportP O R T L A N D, O R E G O N FISCAL YEAR 2009Concordia’s Dreams Take Shape

Concordia’s Dreams Take Shape [ L E T T ER F RO M T HE P RE S I D EN T & C HAIR M AN ]By any measure, 2009 was a very special year at Concordia University. We experienced the joyof moving into the recently completed George R. White Library & Learning Center, which isnow bustling with students and our Concordia neighbors who have quickly adopted it as theirown (just as we had hoped). Fall freshman enrollment is at an all-time high, as is our overallenrollment, which is now at 1,900 students.Armed with determination, knowledge, and compassion, Concordia students, faculty, and staffare engaging with our community and our world more than ever before. We were involved ina myriad of service projects out in the community, and our faculty and renowned experts, oneverything from building schools in Afghanistan to the human trafficking epidemic, addressedaudiences on campus.This new year will not see any less activity. We continue our work with a deep gratitude for theblessings God has given to this campus, trusting that His hand will guide us to and throughthe opportunities and challenges of being a university that serves, teaches, and transforms thestudents entrusted to us.We are proud of our Concordia faculty, staff, and students who make Concordia’s missioncome alive on campus and throughout our community. Because of their dedication we trulyare preparing leaders for the transformation of society. We are equally as proud to be partnerswith so many of you, individuals, families, businesses, and foundations, who commit resourcesso generously to the University.Thanks for your continued interest and support in Concordia University. May God grant youa blessed 2010! Charles E. Schlimpert, Ph.D. Robert Fowls President Chairman Concordia University Board of Regents36 concordia connection

Annual Report[ ]FY 2009 Revenue Sources [ ]FY 2009 in Review Auxiliary Other in the door TUITION & FEES $26,451,474 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | FY DATA Services revenue GIFTS & GRANTS $3,702,050 AUXILIARY SERVICES $2,295,475 6.79% 4.0% OTHER REVENUE SOURCES $1,317,952 Gifts out the door $33,766,951& Grants SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS ACADEMIC INSTRUCTION $8,213,199 10.95% ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS $8,253,909 STUDENT SERVICES $1,852,053 tuition & Fees INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT $2,323,153 78.25% AUXILIARY SERVICES $7,460,962 $4,219,071 $32,322,347 NET REVENUE Disposal of buildings for $1,444,604 athletic field expansion temporary unrealized losses on $1,082,347 investments & other assets change for the year $1,837,611 -$1,475,354 [ ]FY 2009 Expenditures [ ]FY 2008 in Review Auxiliary scholarships in the door TUITION & FEES $25,430,956 Services & grants GIFTS & GRANTS $4,397,066 25.41% AUXILIARY SERVICES $2,556,948 13.05% OTHER REVENUE SOURCES $316,374 InstITutional out the door $32,701,344 support SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS 23.08% ACADEMIC INSTRUCTION $7,969,662 ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS $6,918,501 academic STUDENT SERVICES $1,115,230 instruction INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT $2,798,190 AUXILIARY SERVICES $6,905,341 25.54% $4,026,404 $29,733,328 NET REVENUE $2,968,016studentservices 7.19% academic support programs 5.73% Winter 2010 37

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORSAnnual Report KEY hank you for being a part of the Concordia community, a group of individuals and Torganizations who empower students to take big ideas from the classroom into the world. Your commitment Honordemonstrates your care,compassion,and leadership, the very same traits we hope to see in every Concordia graduate. Together, we create a thriving and unique experience for our students as they serve the Portland community and other communities throughout the Pacific RollNorthwest and the world.We hope you will continue to be our partner in this endeavor. † : Deceased + : Friends of Nursing member * : Cavalier Club member ������ : Friend of Music member { Lifetime Giving } [ T H ROU G H JUN E 3 0 , 2 0 0 9 ] The Founders Society Concordia Founders have made a lifetime commitment of $1 million or more, and have helped to transform Concordia. Individuals Corporations & Foundations Rod and Valorie Boucher * M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust + Dr. Robert and Mrs. Virginia Hilken *+������ Irvin W. Monk Portland General Electric Dr. George and Mrs. Geri White ������ Thrivent Financial for Lutherans *+������ The Cornerstone Society The Cornerstone Society, named in honor of the first building on campus and the cornerstone which still resides at Concordia, recognizes lifetime gifts of $100,000 to $999,999. Individuals Lee and Grace† Goodman Dorothy Ruff† Churches & Congregations Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Schlimpert *+������ Anonymous Herman and Vernice Goschie Lutheran Church Missouri Synod James and Ramona Barnard *+ Galeon and Naida Schoenthal ������ Jack† and Nancy Behnken Gene and Jean Grippin Frieda Schulenberg† Corporations & Foundations Douglas and Kathy Hone +������ Edwin G. Sirovy† Bettie Bendewald AK Media Northwest Calvin and Betty Jones ������ Rich and Lisa Smith * Bank of America Alan and Cynthia Boyce Clifford Horn Memorial Fund Dr. Charles and Mrs. Virginia Brondos +������ Bill and Carol Lawson Scott and Michelle Smith * CNH District The Collins Foundation Keren Brown Wilson and Michael Deshane Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Irma Lien ������ Louise Solheim The Ford Family Foundation Florence Linquist Hawn † James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation + Muriel Burke ������ Rev. Hans and Mrs. Christa Spalteholz *������ Juan Young Trust Richard and Rhonda Muhly Olive Swenson† Knueppel Lutheran Scholarship Foundation Thomas and Susan Buuck *������ Thomas and Denise Muhly +������ Hide Tanigami and Judy Bogard-Tanigami +������ Dennis† and Janet E. Clifton + Gerhard F. Neils Sr.† George Thurston Jr. and Jody Thurston *+������ Anna Neils† Ray and Deanna Dally Erna K. Nusz† Mary Ausplund Tooze ������ Pete† and Marjorie M. Olson + Rev. Dr. Art and Mrs. Carol Wahlers *+������ Russell des Cognets Jr. Mr. Ross Edwards Sr. and Dr. Gloria Edwards + Frank† and Carol A. Gebhard 38 concordia connection

Annual ReportThe Cornerstone Society (continued) Mary Ausplund Tooze Trust ������ Oregon Community Foundation + Sodexo * Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund + Oregon Independent College Foundation Inc. + William Erchinger UnitrustKresge FoundationLutheran Outdoor Ministries Meyer Memorial Trust Scott's Excavating *Margaret Ragland Charitable Remainder TrustThe Linden SocietyNamed for the graceful Linden tree outside Luther Hall, the Linden Society recognizes those who have committed $20,000 to $99,999 inlifetime commitments to Concordia.Individuals Corporations & FoundationsMelvin and Sari Aho * Larry and Nancy Holtzen Peggy Sharp Aho Construction *Dr. Richard and Mrs. Carilyn Alexander Dennis and Denise Stoecklin *+ Boeing Company ������ Myron and Ellen Huettig Douglas Strain† Coca Cola of Oregon *Grieg and Clarice Anderson Roy F. Strauch† Collins Medical Trust + Keith and Sharon Huettig Dr. Robert and Mrs. Ruth Sylwester Concordia College GuildSusan L. Baker John Taylor Edwards Family Foundation Jane Hull Wilkins * Fern Tiegs† EFTC Northwest OperationsWilliam and Barbara Balke * Adele Jacke† Donald and Sigrid Weidenweber Elsa Neils TrustGeorge Battermann† Melvin† and Oweda Johnsen Floyd and Elinor† Wentz Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund +Alvin and Marilynn† Berg + Terry and Cathy Wilson *+ Foundation for Independent Higher EducationMildred Bever† Henry Jones Edward and Sandy Wisniewski The Fuller FoundationDr. Harold Bialkowsky† Gary and Katie Withers *+������ Group Mackenzie Engineering *Ray† and Louise Bisterfeldt Dr. Lynn Kahle and Ms. Debi Eisert Michael B. Wray IBM Foundation George Zier† In Focus Systems Inc.Bill and Nancy Blount Dorothy J. Kahle-Jenkins The Jackson FoundationRev. Louis Brandes† Douglas and Bobbi Kindred + Churches & Congregations The Melvin and Oweda Johnsen Private Foundation, Inc. +Dr. Dwaine and Mrs. Rachel Brandt *+������ Lewis Klitzke† Kellogg FoundationJulie and Michael Bronkala Beulah Knueppel† Beautiful Savior Lutheran, Reedsport, OR Key Bank of Oregon * Gerald and Margery Koll +������ Beautiful Savior Lutheran, Spokane, WA ������ KXL AM/FM RadioBarry and Debra Caldwell Marlyn J. and Lola† Kottsick + Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Renton, WA ������ LCMS World Mission Dr. Frederick and Mrs. Eunice Kramer +������ Calvary Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, WA ������ Marquis CompaniesJeannine B. Cowles Bruce and Raejean Kuhnau + Christ Lutheran Church, Meridian, ID Menashe and Sons Jewelers * Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Kunert *+������ Christ the King Lutheran Church, Coeur D Alene, ID Mervin Simpson Trust FundMatt and Nancy Crawford Lloyd† and Margaret Larson Christ the Vine Lutheran Church, Damascus, OR ������ Morgan Stanley Dean WitterJohn† and Barbara Crowley Faith Lutheran Church, East Wenatchee, WA NACCO Materials Handling Group Inc.Everett† and Frances Curdy Gilbert and Janet Larson Faith Lutheran Church, Sequim, WA ������ Northwest Christian Community FoundationDon and Bev Darsow + Jacob Litt† First Lutheran Church, Missoula, MT ������ Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Portland, OR The Weidenweber Family FundSusan and Richard Dasen Betty M. Lubcke Hope Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA ������ Northwest District of the LCMS *Grace Deierlein† Geneva Maier† Immanuel Lutheran Church, Twin Falls, ID ������ The ODS CompaniesFranklin† and Joyce J. DeVaul + Herman† and Irma Martens Memorial Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA ������ Pacific Power Foundation +Dr. Johnnie and Mrs. Kimberly Driessner *+������ Ferris† and Mae Martin + Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Portland, OR Rose Tucker Charitable TrustDavid and Laurie Eash + Harvey W. Mauth + St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Beaverton, OR ������ Samuel T. and Mary K. Naito Foundation St. John Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA ������ Shell Oil CompanyReginald and Linda Eklund R. LaVerne and Shirley Meacham St. Paul Lutheran Church, Grants Pass, OR Thrivent Financial for Lutherans - Pacific Northwest Region * St. Peter Lutheran Church, Medford, OR ������ Thrivent Financial for Lutherans - Northeast Portland ChapterWillard and Doris Evans Jack and Linda Menashe * St. Peter Lutheran Church, Lodi, CA Trust Management Walter Miller + Trinity Lutheran Church, Hillsboro, OR ������ Union Pacific FoundationFred and June Fangmann Trinity Lutheran Church, Gardnerville, NV United RentalsHerbert Finke† Steven and Mimi Musella West Portal Lutheran Church, San Francisco, CA US BankHenry T. and Barbara† Fuqua Zion Lutheran Church, Snohomish, WA ������ US West FoundationBarney Getzinger† Samuel Naito Zion Lutheran Church, Fairbanks, AK ������ USAID Dr. Olaf and Dr. Christine Nordling *+ Zion Lutheran Church, Corvallis, OR ������ Verizon FoundationDr. Tyler and Mrs. Kelly Gill Dr. Burton W. Onstine Wessinger FoundationMathilde Grunow† Wheeler FoundationDiane and Ted Gunning + Mrs. Judith and Dr. Edward Pahl Zerox OPBFrancis† and Irene Gunning Dale and Sherry PorathJames and Audrey Harbolt *������ Wallace† and Mona Quammen +Stanley† and Minnetta† Hellman Blanche Raasch†Richard and Jeaninne Helmstetter Steven R. Reinisch Walter Rieck†Gregory and Linda Hewitson Reinhardt Riekenberg†Ottillia Hilken† Richard Paul and Jane RoeDouglas and Laurie HilkenKen Hoefs + Rusty and Arlis Roetman ������ Don† and Mina Lee SandauBart and Dorothy HoemannMarian Hoffman† Rev. Max and Mrs. Amy Schaefer ������Frank† and Louise Holert Drs. Gordon and Beverly Schumacher Henry and Shirley Schutte Winter 2010 39

Annual Report { Annual Gifts } We thankfully recognize those who have made contributions in the most recent fiscal year, between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009.CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS FWJ Circle [$25,000 or more] Weber Circle [$10,000 – $24,999] The FWJ Circle commemorates the service of FWJ Sylwester, The Weber Circle commemorates the service of President Concordia’s first president, who served the institution from 1905-1946. E.P. Weber who served the institution from 1958 to 1983. Individuals Churches & Congregations Individuals Corporations & Foundations Grieg and Clarice Anderson Northwest District of LCMS, Portland, OR * Anonymous Coca Cola of Oregon* James and Ramona Barnard *+ Dr. Richard and Mrs. Carilyn Alexander Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Alan and Cynthia Boyce Corporations & Foundations Keren Brown Wilson and Michael Deshane The Fuller Foundation Jeannine B. Cowles Group Mackenzie Engineering * Dr. Dwaine and Mrs. Rachel Brandt *������ Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Barbara Crowley The Jackson Foundation Dr. Charles and Mrs. Virginia Brondos* Ray and Deanna Dally Joyce J. DeVaul+ Juan Young Trust Thomas and Susan Buuck * Robert and Beverly Fowls Northwest Christian Community Foundation Janet E. Clifton The Collins Foundation Jerry and Cathy Gauche Edwards Family Foundation Irene Gunning The Weidenweber Family Fund Russell des Cognets Jr. Mary Ausplund Tooze Trust Doug and Kathy Hone + Pacific Power Foundation Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund + Myron and Ellen Huettig Samuel T. and Mary K. Naito Foundation Ray and Deanna Dally Meyer Memorial Trust Douglas and Bobbi Kindred Star Falls Farm LLC M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust Gerald and Margery Koll +������ Mr. Ross Edwards Sr. and Dr. Gloria Edwards Oregon Community Foundation Richard and Rhonda Muhly Oregon Independent College Foundation Inc. Gerald and Pamela Muhly Willard and Doris Evans Sodexo Samuel Naito Thrivent Financial for Lutherans *+������ Galeon and Naida Schoenthal ������ Gene and Jean Grippin Rev. Dan and Mrs. Karina Wehrspann ������ Stanley† and Minnetta† L. Hellman Donald and Sigrid Weidenweber Dr. Robert and Mrs. Virginia Hilken *+������ Jeff and Debbie Zawada * Thomas and Denise Muhly Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Schlimpert *+������ Hide Tanigami and Judy Bogard-Tanigami George Thurston Jr. and Jody Thurston Mary Ausplund Tooze ������ Dr. George and Mrs. Geri White Michael B. Wray Coates Circle [$5,000 – $9,999] Named in honor of Concordia’s second president, Thomas Coates, who served the institution from 1946 to 1957. Individuals Wayne Lillich Corporations & Foundations Brent and Lisa Mai ������ Rod and Valorie Boucher Jack and Linda Menashe * Advisor Charitable Gift Fund David and Laurie Eash Stephen and Beverly Norton Bank of America Charitable Foundation Matthew A. English * Rev. Harold and Mrs. Ruth Roellig IBM Foundation Arthur and Cleora† Flegel Steven and Rosalind Schreiber Key Bank of Oregon * Herman and Vernice Goschie Robert and Flora Smick The Melvin and Oweda Johnsen Private Foundation, Inc. Diane and Ted Gunning Alan Sylwester Menashe and Sons Jewelers * Douglas and Laurie Hilken Irene Wright† Portland General Electric Keith and Sharon Huettig Shell Oil Company Melvin† and Oweda Johnsen The VTM Group John E. Leveen 40 concordia connection

Annual ReportThe President’s Circle [$1,500-$4,999]The President’s Circle honors the contributions of Concordia’s four presidents. The current president, Chuck Schlimpert, is now in his 27th yearof service. President’s Circle members have made a commitment to Concordia of at least $1,500 each in the reporting year.Individuals Michael and Phyllis Madison * Churches & Congregations Corporations & Foundations Richard and Kay Martin *Drs. David and Jan Albrecht *������ Sandra Martin-Boehm and Henry Boehm Jr. Christ the Vine Lutheran Church, Damascus, OR AcumedCharles and Kathy Allcock Rev. Walter and Mrs. Norma Meinhart +������ Faith Lutheran Church, East Wenatchee, WA Argonaut GroupBob and Gayle Bernards Fountain of Life Lutheran Church, Sun City, AZ Bloomsbury Publishing PlcThomas and Melissa Bier ������ Rev. Tyrus and Mrs. Sharon Miles ������ Immanuel Lutheran Church, Twin Falls, ID Halton FoundationDouglas and Beth Brauer Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Saint Louis, MO Herbert M. Kuempel Fund of the OregonDr. Stephen and Mrs. Retta Braun ������ Myron and Corrine Molnau * Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Yakima, WA ������ Community FoundationAndrea and Frank Bruno Dr. Burton W. Onstine Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Portland, OR Intel FoundationDr. John and Mrs. Lyla Buuck * St. Peter Lutheran Church, Medford, OR Mervin Simpson Trust FundMichael and Jane Compton * Mrs. Judith and Dr. Edward Pahl Zion Lutheran Church, Portland, OR Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts ProgramRandy and Charlene Dalzell * Zion Lutheran Church, Snohomish, WA NACCO Materials Handling Group Inc.Dr. Johnnie and Mrs. Kimberly Driessner *+������ Rick Porter PacifiCorpRev. John and Dr. Jeanette Eggert ������ Porter W. Yett CompanyAllan G. Engelmeyer Bruce E. Richards Random House, Inc.Eric and Trisha English * ScholasticRev. George Leon and Mrs. Lois Gogl ������ Paul and Stephanie Riess Union Corner ConstructionSue Halton United Way of the Columbia-WillametteJames and Audrey Harbolt Dr. Joel and Mrs. Mary Schuldheisz * Wheeler FoundationKen Hoefs Drs. Gordon and Beverly SchumacherJane Hull Wilkins *Harold and Dorothy Hummel Dr. Norm and Mrs. Darlene SellPeter and Janet JohnsonMary Ann Johnson Peggy SharpPaul Kelly Jr. and Lynn KellyMarlyn J. Kottsick Forrest C. SothDr. Frederick and Mrs. Eunice Kramer ������Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Kunert *������ Dennis and Denise StoecklinDr. Kenneth and Mrs. Irma LienDr. Karen Kalbfleisch Lind Dr. David L. SylwesterDaniel and Judy Lorenz ������ Doris and Alfred Sylwester Dr. Robert and Mrs. Ruth Sylwester Karla Theis and Mick Rice Dr. Michael and Mrs. Kimberly Thomas John and Jane Van Der Brook ������ Rev. Robert and Mrs. Virginia† Visser Larry and Sherrie Wade Rev. Dr. Art and Mrs. Carol Wahlers *+������ LaVerne Weimer Terry and Cathy Wilson+ Gary and Katie Withers *+������ Dr. Daniel L. WrightThe Dean’s Club [$1,000-$1,499]Named for the esteemed leaders of Concordia University’s five colleges, the dean’s club recognizes donors of $1,000-$1,499.Individuals Clifford and Faye Grimmell Alwin and Helen Probst Churches & Congregations Wallace† and Mona Quammen +Melvin and Sari Aho * Dean and Eunice Hill Steven R. Reinisch Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, ORJohn C. Andresen Elnor Riess Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Tigard, OR ������Rev. Dr. Erhart and Mrs. Anita Bauer ������ Russell and Kristin Hulvey ������ Julia M. Riess ������ St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK ������Dr. Ernest and Mrs. Marlene BaughmanAlvin and Marilynn† Berg Lois Klaus Rev. Dr. Warren and Mrs. Judy Schumacher ������ Corporations & FoundationsDorna Bewley Andrea and Ray Scofield *Brian Booth and Gwyneth Gamble-Booth Charlotte J. Kolzow ������ Jeffrey and Karen Shipman Aho Construction *Margarete H. Carlson ������ Cathy R. Silak American Benefits GroupDoug and Rosemary Caudell Donald and Maureen Kranich ������ Rev. Hans and Mrs. Christa Spalteholz ������ Boyds Miller PressAlison and Joshua Chai Rev. Walter and Mrs. Ione Tietjen Chevron Matching Gifts PlanRuth Cramblit Steven and Denise Krause ������ David S. Tucker * Mobil Foundation Inc.Bonner and Jack Cutting Bruce and Raejean Kuhnau + Robert Waggner Guardian Life Insurance Matching Gift AdministrationGrace Deierlein† Mr. Kurt and Dr. Ann Widmer + John P. Angel Foundation Inc.Terry and Cynthia English * Dr. Lola M. Lackey Mary Sidney SocietyEugene Farnstrom * Sam and Adeline Mallett + National Geographic School PublishingHenry T. Fuqua Mae Martin + Vancouver Painting, Inc. *Sarah E. Gifford Jerry and Julie McGuire R. LaVerne and Shirley Meacham Walter Miller + Elmer and Francine Morlok ������ Marjorie M. Olson +������ Paul E. Patterson Winter 2010 41

Annual Report The Sylwester Society [$500-$999] Named for Concordia’s first president, FWJ Sylwester, the Sylwester Society recognizes his contributions and those of the entire Sylwester family.CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Individuals Jane M. Koivisto Robert and Sherrie Stahl Corporations & Foundations Stephen and Christine Kramer Ted and Mariella Sylwester Dr. Donna and Mr. Warren Bachand + Dr. Jim and Mrs. Linda Kuhlmann Dr. Patricia Sylwester Avamere Health Services, Inc. William and Rose Barnett Dr. Trish K. Lichau Kevin Taylor * Bellamy and Son * George Battermann† Robert and Debbie Lindow * DeLoris Thaete Boeing Company Murray and Beverly Bawden Don Lorenz ������ Ken and Marta Thrasher Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild Kurtis and Floy Berentsen ������ Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Ruth Mannion James and Teresa Tucker ������ Bridgetown Printing Co. Frances Biagioli and Craig Santos Dr. Lewis Marquardt and Dr. Dona Reeves-Marquardt Rob and Diane Vance * Capitol Electric Company Inc. * Norwood and Hazel Borsvold Harvey W. Mauth Dr. Mark Wahlers and Mrs. Yoshino Cascade AIDS Project Pauline M. Braun ������ Clarence Medack Okaniwa-Wahlers * Concordia Alehouse * Alvin M. Bryant† ������ Lela and Zane Miller John and Marjorie Walchli ������ Don-Frank Floor Covering * Aaron and Julie Christian * Karl W. Mundorff Floyd and Elinor† Wentz Kivel & Howard LLP Gene and Michele Christian + Gerhard F. Neils Sr.† Dr. William and Mrs. Thelma Wiest Les Schwab Tires * Reginald and Linda Eklund Frank Nichols Marshall Cavendish Coporation Sarah and Timothy Elliott John Olson Churches & Congregations Minister & Glaeser Surveying, Inc. * Ronald† and Linda M. Everson Chad and Ashley Peterson * Nike * Scott Fanning Janet S. Plog Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Spokane, WA Northwest Bank Rev. Richard and Mrs. Edith Gross George N. Prange Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Renton, WA ������ The ODS Companies Gail and James Hankel * Rev. James and Mrs. Linda Pressnell Calvary Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, WA Orca Book Publishers Alvin Henry Rev. Kerry D. Reese ������ Faith Lutheran Church, Sequim, WA ������ Orchards Veterinary Clinic * Gary and Susan Heuer Mina Lee Sandau Faith Lutheran Church, Mountain Home, ID Penguin Group Inc. Rev. Mark and Mrs. Miriam Hoelter *������ Mrs. Kathy and Rev. Wallace Schulz Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Portland, OR Silicon Forest Electronics, Inc. Patricia Holian Rev. Max and Mrs. Amy Schaefer ������ Lutheran Women's Missionary League- US Bank Shirley Hurrell Berne and Grace Schepman Portland, Beaverton, OR ������ Dr. Lynn Kahle and Ms. Debi Eisert Earl and Carol Schroeder Messiah Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA ������ Eldon and Emily Kahny Dolores E. Sharadin St. John Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA Darrell and Margaret Kemper Drs. Glenn and Jane Smith St. Paul Lutheran Church, Grants Pass, OR Dr. Lynn E. Keyne-Michaels George and Elaine Kimball The Holman Club [$250-$499] Since its founding in 1905, Concordia has resided on Holman Street in Northeast Portland, becoming the namesake for the neighborhood, community, and many local businesses. Individuals Paul and Sue Acuna Laurel W. Davis William and Donna Lance Bill and LaVaughn Rannow Jeffrey and Marilyn Allen ������ Erinn and Dustin DeGroot * James and Cyndee Lightheart * George and Jane Roley ������ Joyce and Robert Arima * Stephen J. DeKlotz Rev. Victor and Mrs. Joan Lillich ������ Ozzie and Coralie Rose * Elmer Atrops Robert and Cheri Dickman * Fred and Barbara Ann Loemker Mark and Joyce Rosenau Dr. Michael and Mrs. Marie Bateman Keith and Sylvia Diefenderfer Nancy Mindemann Ruth and Harry Roth Dorothy J. Bellin Paul Drake Douglas Morlok Mark Rothert * Ralph Birkel M. Patton Echols Jr. and Beth Echols ������ Dr. Martin C. Mueller ������ Dorothy Rue Tim and Brenda Bomberry Cynthia and Kirk Einspahr Kathleen and Graham Munce Rev. John and Mrs. Eleanor Scholz ������ Paula K. Bowlby Amy C. Gehrke Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Leslie Munson ������ Kenneth and Ruth Schultz Paul and Gale Brandstetter Rev. Wilbur and Mrs. Karen Gehrke ������ Maxine Niebling ������ Robert and Shirley Sieverkropp James A. Brauer Jr. Ray and Dinah Granning Esther M. Niedner Rev. Arnold and Mrs. Marie Steinbeck ������ Randolph and Carol Cate Lorraine A. Herr ������ Robert and Caralee Olson *������ Gretchen P. Stelling ������ Carl and Joan Christian Rev. Dr. Herbert and Mrs. Carol Hoefer *������ Timothy R. Overholser *������ John and Carolyn Stucky ������ Brittany E. Closner Jerry and Mary Kamprath Rev. Clemens and Mrs. Carol Pera Patrick J. Sweeney * Dr. Gary and Mrs. Svea Cooke Rev. James M. Kolb ������ Dr. Sergei Polozov and Mrs. Elena Polozova Dr. James Sylwester Matt and Nancy Crawford Deborah Kramer Jeanie-Marie Price and Erik Christensen * Jean and Martin Sylwester Otto and Joan Crumroy ������ Rev. Theodore Kriefall Carolyn and Rex Pugmire Robert and Sara Sylwester Trina D'Amico and Rick Brumble Darlene and Rick Lane David and Geraldine Quam Glen and Eileen Tanke 42 concordia connection

Annual ReportThe Holman Club (continued) Churches & Congregations Corporations & FoundationsMaxine and Owen Thomas Anchorage Lutheran Church, Anchorage, AK ������ Mount Grum Lutheran Church, Copper Center, AK ������ AHSGR - Council of Northwest ChaptersKirk and Valerie Tracey CharlesbridgeBeverly A. Ulbricht Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Milton, WA Our Savior Lutheran Church, Waldport, OR Chronicle BooksNick and Norma Warneke ������ Community Foundation for Southwest WashingtonMatthew G. Warmbier ������ Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Hermiston, OR ������ Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Emerick Construction Company *Terry and Carol White Fluor Foundation ������Rev. Dennis and Mrs. Gail Wildermuth Bible Students Retirement Centers, Portland, OR ������ Snohomish, WA ������ Fortis Construction Inc. *Dr. JonDavid Wyneken and Mrs. Anna Dzirkalis Kane/Miller Book PublishersAlan and Allison Zimmerman ������ Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA ������ St. John Lutheran Church, Salem, OR KPMG Peat Marwick Mid Valley Plaza LLC Grace Lutheran Church, Blaine, WA Trinity Lutheran Church, Olympia, WA ������ NNN Darien Business Center 9 LLC ������ Peachtree Publishers Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church, Victoria, BC ������ Zion Lutheran Church, Fairbanks, AK ������ Radisson Hotel (Portland Airport) Hope Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA ������ Zion-Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Odessa, WA Lutheran Collegiate Music Association, Mequon, WI ������ Memorial Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WAThe Centennial Club [$100-$249]Created in honor of Concordia’s 100th birthday in 2005, the Centennial Club honors our distinguished history while looking towarda hopeful future.Individuals Myrtle Bosch Phyllis M. Daline * Ronald and Barbara Franklin * Rev. Richard and Mrs. Joann Braem Roger and Trudy Danielson ������ Pamela and Dallas FreemanThe Aaron Family * Carol and Steve Brandon Joel T. David Edna P. French†Thomas and Bonnie Aasum Barbara and Willian Braun Rev. Tom Decker Luke and Tammy FrerichsMark and Teresa Adams ������ Marianne Brendemuhl ������ Trudy Demian ������ Maynard and Irma FuerstenauRev. Don and Mrs. Darcy Adolf Nicholas and Barbara Bretz Margie L. Denner Daniel GagelinDan Agee Maurice and Eva Bristol Roscoe E. Dimock * Nancy GanschowHoward Ahlskog Terry and Kristie Brown Maria and Dan Dinca Estella GarnerJeanne and Adel Al-Ghamdi Richard and Cynthia Brown * Marcus Dobberfuhl Carol A. Gebhard ������Arthur E. Anderson Father Brown James A. Dobberstine Madeline and Paul GefrohCheryl L. Anglin Andy and Nancy Bryant ������ Gerald Doblie ������ Donna and Robert Geisler ������Robert and Tokie Arima * Wray and Dorothy Buck Rudolph and Ruth Ann Domke ������ James and Barbara GoingHasan Artharee Bobby Burck Sue Easton-Green Chris and Lisa Goodwin *June A. Bachman Richard Burton David and Jo Ann Eaton ������ Thomas Manor III and Daphne Graham-ManorDr. David and Mrs. Darlyne Bales Rev. Gene Bush Madge M. Eaton Lawrence and Kimberlea GreenDr. Lois and Mr. Theodore Banke Dolores Butler Philip Eggers Nancy J. GregorySherri and Eugene Bassett Susan Calvert Richard Egner Jr. and Gail Egner ������ Darryl A. GregoryJames and Sharla Beall Dr. Gordon and Mrs. Christy Canzler Rev. Keith and Mrs. Virginia Eilers ������ Howard and Ruth GreyRoy Beaty Michael W. Carr Anita and James Eller ������ Karen and Richard GriceHelen A. Beckel Josh and Ruth Cepeda * Lois J. Ellison Clarence and Linda GroeberJames and Celia Beckett ������ Patty and Chuck Chaffin Wayne Engel ������ Larry GrossKarolina A. Bedacht Anita K. Chase Loretta Esposito Michael and Nancy HaasHans and Cynthia Behrens Jane Cheadle Martin and Joanne Estergreen ������ Rev. Dr. James and Mrs. Patty HagelganzRobert and Monica Bellizzi Robert and Arleen Christian Erik W. Evans Stephen and Vicki HagenAlice Beltran Anita and David Christian * Quinten and Dorothy Fadness Elizabeth HagoodDonald L. Benscoter Davin and Norma Clauson * William Farina and Marion Buckley Warren HallBetty C. Bergt Joan Clifton Leroy Feldman Ellen R. Hall ������Sheila Bernadelli Lamb and Alex Lamb ������ Jason Coburn Lenora Ferry Judy K. Hall ������Carmen Bernier-Grand Edward and Mary Cordell Steve and Pamela Finney William and Carolyn HamakerJanet L. Betterman ������ Cindy L. Cosby * Scott Fischer Mark and Melanie Hambelton *Kendall Bicknell Jonathan and Karen Coyne ������ Larry Fleckenstein * Corinne Hannam ������Rev. Edward and Mrs. Margaret Bierman Estelle and Jack Crabtree ������ Martha Foat ������ Dean R. HansenCarol and Thomas Bisterfeldt Frances M. Crane ������ Ronald R. Fonger Stephen HarcourtLinda M. Blake James and Christine Cullen * Larry and Jane Foster James and Kathy HartPeter H. Blankers David Culver Jessica E. Fowls Pamela and Richard HawleyLaurie Bloch Frances Curdy Charles and Grace Fox ������ Clifton and Wendy HazenDorothy L. BlumeRev. Gary D. Bomberger Winter 2010 43

Annual ReportCONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS The Centennial Club (continued) Paul Leavy Elmer and Marjorie Petersen Robert and Joan Stone ������ Tony Leineweber Joyce Peterson Randy and Denise Stuart * Ralph and Denise Hennig Thomas Liming John and Elizabeth Pfleiger ������ Chris Swallom Glenn and Carol Herbold Arthur and Vernette Linnemann Kirk and Shery Phillips Larry and Debbi Swartz Michael and Donna Hergert Ken and Leslie Lomax Doris Poindexter Margaret A. Sylwester Georgia Hering Thomas and Rebecca Lucke Jahna and Joseph Pollock Timothy and Norma Sylwester Mark Hettum Thor and Kathy Lundh Rev. Robert and Mrs. Marie Porterfield Donald and Suzanne Sylwester M. Ray and Janet Hewitt Edward and Dollie Lynch Rev. William and Mrs. Pat Potthoff Sara Taylor Karen E. Hicks Ted and Kelly Lyster ������ September and David Price Herb Tuebner Steve High Darcy L. Madison * Jennifer A. Prince Susan Tofflemire ������ Bob Hinman Rev. Dr. Robert F. Maltzahn James and Lisa Pronovost * Mark and Marcia Tracht Leon and Ruby Holman Marjorie B. Mannion * Scott E. Quinn Nola and Gary Treece ������ Robert and Norma Howe Pat and Shirley Mannion * David Raff Rev. Paul and Mrs. Caroline Tuchardt ������ Bev Huckfeldt Paula Mantei * Donald and Ruth Rahe Greg and Patti Turner Mark and Sara Hudspeth Jerome Martin Jr. Manny Ramirez Mrs. Jane and Cdr. Michael Turner Bonita E. Huebner ������ Peter E. Maynard ������ Roberta M. Reeves * Cynthia J. Turnley-Rutan Donald and Debora Huecker Ronald J. McClintock Rev. Dr. Richard and Mrs. Irene Reinisch ������ Rev. Marty Tyler and Mrs. Debora Gaylord-Tyler Della L. Hulvey ������ Scott and Kelly McCray Ruth Anne Rietmann ������ Kimberly A. Tyrrell Robert and Mary Hunziker Mike and Kathleen McCullaugh Vernon and Ellen Risseeuw John and Patricia Urquhart Jennifer Hutchins David and Lynne McNamee Mark C. Robertson Leo Valenzuela ������ Richard and Gloria Hyde ������ Alex and Jill McNeil Luther and Shirley Robinson John and Nadyne Vandamme ������ Rev. Harold and Mrs. Helen Iben Gary and Diane Meier ������ Rev. Jonathan and Mrs. Kathy Rockey ������ Herb and Blanche VanDorn Cliff and Judy Ikerd Dr. Carlos Messerli Rev. and Mrs. Larry Rohlfing ������ Rosemary Veseth Steven and Veronika Illias Rev. Norman and Mrs. Mary Metzler Jon and Sue Rose Fred Viehweg Ruth and Robert Ilten ������ Roger Meyer Robert and Lois Rosenoff Norman D. Viehweg James and Mavis Isaak ������ Mrs. Catherine and Rev. A. Meyer Kenneth Samuelson Wesley and Judy Visser Margaret Ivey ������ Scott A. Milam Steve and Deb Sandau Alice Voges Jean Jesse Reta W. Miletich * Donald and Jean Sarcletti ������ Shirley A. Vradenburgh Madeline Jewett Anita Miller ������ Mary P. Sauer Todd Waetzig and Cristal Howell-Waetzig Edgar and Virginia Johnson Charles and Susan Miller * James and Donna Schaefer Susan and Eldon Wagner Lavonne D. Josey ������ Hugh and Constance Miller * Betsy Scheel Edward and Barbara Wagner Marsha Jurgenson Jonathan and Carol Miller ������ Daniel and Barbara Schlewitz Richard and Michelle Wall ������ Rev. Kasimir and Mrs. Barbara Kachmarek Erlend and Ruth Millikan ������ Jay and Sheila Schmidt Ralph and Marie Walsh Ralph Kacsir * Pat and Jarke Mitchell ������ Gerald and Elizabeth Schmidt ������ Clarence Walston Ron Kamprath George Mohring Rev. John and Mrs. Connie Schmidt ������ Rev. Michael and Mrs. Elizabeth Warmbier ������ Louis and Nancy Kardonsky * Scott Montgomery * Dr. Robert and Mrs. Karin Schmidt ������ Rev. Bill Warren Solomon and Margaret Kaulukukui * Thetford B. Moore Jacob and Valeria Schmitt Vivian Wascher Jimmy Kawaihalau * Homer and Gayle Morgan ������ Steve Scholz * Janice A. Watkins ������ Susan D. Keil ������ Kevin and Jill Murray Rev. David and Mrs. Phyllis Schroeder Tom Watson Kenneth Keller Robert and Laura Mursch ������ Richard and Doris Schroeder Dana R. Webb Claudia and Kevin Kenny Russell and Charlotte Nacapuy Verlyn P. Schulz ������ George and Diana Webber Robert Kile Sr. and Goldie Kile ������ Cheryl L. Nelson Thomas and Diane Sciarretta Bernice Wegener Cheryl and Edward Kirkland * Elizabeth J. Nevue Cindy Scobie Marilyn Wegener Gail Kisling Tim and Cynthia Newkirk Loretta Searles-Tucker Jay and Robin Wendlandt Bruce and Barbara Kleinert Rev. Robert and Mrs. Priscilla Newton David W. Seifert Jerry and Charolotte Westerholm Kristine Klinkhammer Paula T. Nirschl-Robb * Michael and Jeanne Seppa Laura and Scott White ������ Gordon and Joanne Kloehn Werner Nistler Jr. and Colleen Nistler * Rev. William and Mrs. Bette Shimkus ������ Rev. Lloyd and Mrs. Sharon Willweber Thyra E. Knapp ������ Dorothy M. Olson Gerald and Wanda Sievers Walter and Juanita Wilmarth Billie and Howard Kober Eric and Margaret Orn Henry Sievers Mark A. Wilton Margene Koch Rev. Glenn O'Shoney Kenneth and Marie Skersick Rev. Paul and Mrs. Bertha Winterstein Harvey and Jackie Kolberg ������ Dr. Orval Oswald Ruth Slinde Arnold and Marcia Wittrock ������ Lloyd and Sharon Krebs ������ Terry L. Palmer Bill and Becky Smead Thomas Wolfe Jane Krueger Rev. Daniel and Mrs. Sharon Parshall ������ Ernest and Vivian Smith Daniel Worley and Kandee Bahr-Worley Rev. Bruce and Mrs. Cynthia Kuenzel Lois L. Paul Elizabeth Smith and Kenneth Meade * Richard and Karen Wrye ������ Loretta Labahn Ricardo and Tania Pecina * Omar and Pearl Sommer Bob and Judy Wunderlich ������ Christopher and Cheryl Lail Beverly and Rodney Peloquin Donald and Darla Speer Richard and Susan Yamamoto * Alvin and Norma Landy * Barbara J. Penn *������ Sgt. Winfred and Mrs. Charlotte Stanley Joel and Pauline Ylvisaker ������ Frank and Naomi Larsen ������ Vera Jean Peters George and Lynda Staples Leroy and Mary Zarn ������ Rev. Ernie and Mrs. Kathy Lassman ������ Christian and Cheryl Peters Tom Stein Thomas E. Latter Wilbur Peters Katherine E. Steiner Mark and Kathy Lawson Linda and Michael Lawyer 44 concordia connection

Annual ReportChurches & Congregations Corporations & FoundationsAlaska Pastoral Conference, Portland, OR Saint Michael Lutheran Church, Portland, OR ������ AHSGR - Golden Gate Chapter Northwest Information Services, Inc. *Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Anchorage, AK ������ Saint Peter Lutheran Church, Cornelius, OR ������ Anvil Media Inc. Riek Living Trust ������Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Aloha, OR ������ Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Rathdrum, ID Arte Publico Press Righteous ClothingBethlehem Lutheran Church Lutheran Women's St. Paul Women's Guild, Grants Pass, OR Benscoter Lov Trust Second Story Press Missionary League, Yakima, WA St. John Lutheran Church, Oakdale, CA Craft Brewers Alliance Inc. Thrivent Financial For Lutherans -Faith Lutheran Church, Homer, AK ������ Star of the North Lutheran Church Lutheran Daniel E. Blanchard Income Cap Trust ������ Mid Willamette ChapterImmanuel Lutheran Church, Tonasket, WA Women's Missionary League, Kenai, AK Dynasty Construction, Inc. * Umpqua BankImmanuel Women's Guild, Sandy, OR Zion Lutheran Church, Corvallis, OR Faubion Elementary School PTA Union Pacific CorporationKansas District of the LCMS, Topeka, KS Zion Lutheran Church Guild, Portland, OR Jimmy O's Pizzeria * West Shore Apartments ������Memorial Lutheran Church, Bremerton, WA Zion Lutheran School, Corvallis, OR Mexican Affair * Women's International League for PeaceOur Redeemer Lutheran Church, Chugiak, AK ������ Mike Pursel Advertising * and Freedom NorthSouth BooksConcordia Contributors [$1-$99]Every gift is significant to Concordia, and together we create hope and opportunities for Concordia students.IndividualsJohn Aaberg Jacob and Paulina Baker ������ Leonhard and Shirley Boehm Carolyn P. CainesRoger and Neva Abele Forrest and Marilyn Baker ������ Carl Bojanowski Barbara F. CampbellDonald R. Abrahamson ������ John and Ruhiyyih Baker ������ John and Lisa Bolinger Janice CampbellC.C. Adachi Beth Frances M. Balliet Jeffrey N. Booth ������ Scott and Shelley CampbellSpike and Kathleen Adams Dencil and Hildegard Bandy Joseph and Linda Borecki Anthony CangemiJ. C. and M. Aguayo * David and Laura Barksdale ������ Vera Boriack William B. CarlsenPaul and Jean Akre ������ Wendy Barton Rosie B. Bornslater Bob and Barbara Carlson ������Larry and Carleen Albee Ronald and Kelly Bateman Donna Boswell Carol CarpenterIyola Alden Lee and Lauri Batterman ������ Nathan Bower ������ Jerry and Bobbie Carr ������Carole A. Alexander Otto Batty Tracy and Gerri Boyer ������ Jane Carrasco-Chew ������Carole F. Alexander Louis and Inez Bauer ������ Carole Braaten ������ Michael and Bette Carroll ������Steven and Teresa Alexander Robert K. Bauer Carolyn F. Bradley ������ Mike CarverMrs. Julia and Lt. Col. Brian Allen * Richard Beals ������ Marilyn Brandmire ������ Harold and Dorothy CavenerDebbie Allen Helmet and Margit Becker ������ Paul Brandt Rebecca ChandlerRev. Richard and Mrs. Eleanor Allen ������ Charles Bednarz ������ Elvira Brandt ������ Darryl W. ChinTed and Patricia Almeida Vikki Behrens Paul A. Branlund Donald and Rebecca China *Nadun and Mie Amarasinghe Pat and Fred Beierle Jennifer Brandsfield Earl ChipmanRichard and Donna Ames Augustin and Claudia Belindean ������ Virgil and Isabel Brassey Jeff and Beth ChristensenRobert Ames Jr. and Mary Ames Ila Bellas Dolores and Robert Brehm M. Chung *Richard R. Andersen Bettie Bendewald Ivan Brink Jr. and Denise Brink ������ Malcolm E. ChurchKaren M. Anderson ������ Thomas and Deborah Benke ������ Deborah and Otoniel Brito Marcel CiochinaAnnetta L. Anderson ������ Nancy G. Bennani ������ Daryle and Patricia Broadsword Herbert ClausNorma Anderson Patrick and Beverly Bennett ������ Jesse Brough Ron ClaytonMarilyn Anderson Georgia Bergman-Harper and Robert Harper ������ Marcus and Kristen Brown ������ Claire A. CobbCarol Anderson and E. K. Anderson Jr. Donna and Robert Bernadelli Joanne and Richard Brown Lenetta Colbert ������Judith A. Anderson Jutta Berndt Leo L. Browne Frank Colletto Sr.Margaret Anderson James and Patricia Berto James T. Brueckner * Bernice ConderJohn and Fern Anderson Lois Bickel Lois Brumberg Rev. Victor ConstienLinda Andrews Lorna J. Biernacki-Olson ������ Rev. Duane Brunette Seth and Paula Cooney ������Kerri A. Angermund Rev. Dr. Geary Bird Robert and Marlene Bump Dan and Lynne Coons *Gilberto and Evelyn Ariola Russel and Joan Black Connie Bunch and William Bunch Jr. E. Lindsay Coppinger ������Steven and Deeann Arlow ������ Astrid and R. K. Blackwell Mary Bundy Patrice and John CorneliusRandolph and Karen Arronson * Roberta A. Blagg Julie Burchstead ������ Dorence and Sharon CoteCharles and Sharon Asker Gary and Rachelle Blanchard Verna Burfield ������ Donald R. Cox Jr.Matthew and Caroline Atkinson ������ Marilyn L. Blechschmidt ������ Vern and Janis Burke ������ Judith D. Cox ������Scott Audiss Judith and Robert Blevens Anthony S. Burns Laverne Crabb ������Jack and Janis Badley Robert Blood Jr. Delores and Bill Butler ������ John CramerBeverly Bain Corlene Blue ������ James and Beverly Byrd ������ Michael and Lisa Cramer ������Gerald L. Baird Barry and Becky Boe James and Susan Cain * Thomas Crawford Winter 2010 45

Annual ReportCONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Concordia Contributors (continued) Joanne Ermold ������ Melani and Christopher Graeser Esther Higaki * Dan and Janette Cristofaro Violet Ernst Joelene D. Grande Ross J. Higaki * Frances C. Crowell * Patricia Eskam ������ Paul D. Graslie Alice Hill Sears ������ Janice M. Cuciti William and Alison Esmeier Ed and Jan Grassel Jane N. Hinatsu Kathleen Cushman Patricia Estrada ������ Rev. David and Mrs. Phyllis Grauer Jane Hinrichs Eugene and Peggy Dammel Allen and Alice Evenson Ted and Eileen Graves ������ Janet and Ron Hipp Kimberly and John Daniel ������ Scott and Leanne Evenson Victor R. Greb ������ Wayne and Ruth Hjelmstad Deborah and Bruce Dannemeyer Rev. Daniel Faragalli ������ Thomas and Sylvia Green ������ Cliff Hjelt ������ George and Karen Daskalakis Christopher and Ruth Faye Carrie and Timothy Greene ������ Mildred M. Hnidey Diane Daudt Keith and Vara Fellger ������ Roy and Jean Gregory * David and Connie Hodgson ������ Rev. Clark and Mrs. Kathleen Davis Eileen Fery Lynn M. Greunke Arlene and William Hoehne Ed and Linda Davis ������ Bill and Peggy Fetters Sharlene J. Grey ������ Georgia and Jack Hoffman ������ Dolores and Rolland Davis Mark and Kathy Ficken Shirley A. Grill Joyce Hoffman Michael and Annette Davison ������ Robert and Mildred Fickenscher Diana Grisham ������ Paul and Jane Hoffmann Erin S. Davolt Margaret Fields ������ Larry Grosshans Dorothy Hoffmann Esther Dawson ������ Maxine Fiman Wolfgang and Diane Grube ������ William and Elizabeth Hofmann Scott E. Day Helen Firnhaber Ricardo A. Guerra * Glenn and Margaret Hollinger ������ Miriam A. De Lap Rev. Carl Fischer Joanne Gulla Eeda Holmer ������ Mark and Pauline Dehart ������ Glenn E. Fish James and Kathy Gullidge ������ Harold and Irene Holtz ������ Susan and Jim DeJonge Leland and Genevieve Fisk Frances Haas ������ Dennis and Marilyn Holtzen James and Suann Denning ������ Vivian A. Fleener Elizabeth Hagans ������ Gary W. Hoops * Bruce and Suzanne Dennis ������ John Floyd and Colleen Keane Floyd Jeanna K. Hall Carolyn J. Hope ������ Helen Dennis ������ Bonnie L. Fogarty * Michelle and Edward Hall Gerd and Anette Horten ������ Warren Deppe Hedy J. Safranski William Hall Brad and Nancy Horton Tim and Susan Dewald ������ Warren Fordyce Jr. and Penny Fordyce ������ Mark and Cheryl Halldorson Marianna Hosler ������ Elaine Dexheimer Eric and Cindi Forster Terry S. Halley Roy House Jackie Dickenson Buster Foster Rita M. Hamann * Gerald and Lyndsey Houser Janet Dickinson Harriett L. Foster James and Clarice Hamer Joerene Hout ������ William Dieterich and Lori Vick Dieterich Michael S. Francis * Mark and Bobbette Hamilton Dean Hovdey and Patricia Boydstun-Hovdey Jonathan and Ryah Dietzen Rev. Grant and Mrs. JoAnne Francis Anita Hammond ������ LaVonne Hovland ������ Katrina R. Dinges Michael and Bonnie Frederick Joyce K. Hamreus Marland and Lois Howard Rosemarie and Dirk Dirksen Art and Dorothy Freitag Douglas and Elaine Hansen ������ David Howell Dan Divine Rev. Donald and Mrs. Eileen Frerichs ������ Rev. David and Mrs. Joan Harms ������ Donna J. Hoyt Christine C. and Ken Dodge Howard and Karen Freudenberg Evelyn I. Harper ������ Catherine and Joseph Hubbard ������ Francena Doran Shirley Fricke ������ Don and Judy Hart ������ Rosemarie and Brian Hulvey Maj Singler and Jeanie Doyle Singler ������ Joanne L. Fritz Janice I. Hart Barbara Hundahl Gordon and Martha Drake Gregory and Barbara Froman ������ John and Gloria Harter Larry Hunt Sam A. Dreith Susan L. Frymark ������ Sandra Hartje ������ Patrick and Marilyn Hunter ������ Kathleen K. Drew ������ Eleanor Funk Ted and Judi Hasse Donna Hurst ������ Gisela H. Dullenty Tim and Alice Funkhouser ������ Jacqueline Haug-Schulz Tim and Brenda Ihssen Nancy J. Dunlap Daniel and Dana Funrue James Hawes June Illias Donald and Ruth Dussault Michelle R. Fusco Steven C. Hawkes ������ Rodger and Susan Immer Marcine DuVall Gary and Kathleen Gable James and Virgean Hazel Dr. John and Dr. Marlene Inverso ������ Daniel and Julie Eaton ������ Virginia Gaines Helen and Orlin Heck ������ LaLonnie S. Iotte M. Patton and Karylinn Echols ������ Marilyn S. Gannon Tyrus Hegna Cliff Iotte and Susan Rutledge Carter Echols ������ Wilma Gardner William and Jeanette Heidtbrink ������ Rev. John Isbell III Joan L. Eckert Barbara Gates ������ Thomas Heinz Rev. Myron and Mrs. Tamara Ista Glenn Edwards Diane Gatke ������ Paul and Cindy Hellerstedt Robert and Darlene Jacke ������ Marian Edwards Andrea S. Gehrke ������ Betty and Joseph Hennig Lois Jaech Nancy and Gregory Edwards Ronald and Jerilyn Gerhardstein ������ Robert Henninger Linda H. James Mark and Leigh Ehrhardt ������ Chuck and Kathy Gerken Thomas and Suzanne Herberger Nancy Jarrell Larry Eisenhardt Myra J. Gibeson ������ William and Leslie Hering ������ Karen Jenkins Neil and Jacqueline Eklund Marvis Gilnett Sherry and Thomas Hering Richard and Mary Jenkins David and Carolyn Elfman Richard Gimeno Rev. Carlos Hernandez Pamela J. Jensen Louise Eller E. I. and Donald Ginter ������ Nancy Herodes ������ Rev. Ralph Joeckel Jock and Karen Elliott Trudy and Rod Glassett David and Cheryl Herr ������ Philip Johnson ������ Dr. Kenneth Ellwein Vivian L. Glick Craig and Nancy Herren John Johnson Arlene Engel ������ Forrest and Laura Gluesing ������ Ron and Marilyn Hess ������ Glen and Vienna Johnson ������ Jeff England ������ Thomas and Karen Goldsby Rev. Martin and Mrs. Janet Hewitt D. R. Johnson * June Engstrom ������ Norman and Darlene Gores Kandy Hibbs-Davis Judy Johnson Bernadine I. Erickson 46 concordia connection

Annual ReportLlewellyn and Maria Johnston ������ Dennis and Karen Lawler Claude E. McCorkell * Carol MundtRobert A. Johnston ������ Frank Lawrence Kevin and Maryann McCrann Meryl and Laverne MurphyShirley J. Jones Michael G. Lemon Micah and Regina McDonald ������ Jo L. Murray ������John and Pennie Jones Norbert and Thelma Lenz Kay A. McEwen ������ John and Ann MyersRaymond Jubitz ������ Annette Leoni-Hart ������ Mildred McGlothlin Carolyn L. MyersEugene and Donna Kahn ������ Emma LeRoy Keith and Merry McGranaham ������ Paul MyhreDelores A. Kannas ������ Jennifer and Terros Letourneau Murphy and Enid McGraw Russell and Mildred Myrom *Richard and Kathy Karmy Jennifer and Duane Lighthall Keith and Janis McGraw Valerie L. NashifJudith M. Kasner Dara and Jim Lindberg * Maxine McGrew ������ Rev. Milton and Mrs. Eleanor NaussCarole L. Kathman Jennine Lindberg ������ Jon T. McKim Shirley B. NaussRev. Roland and Mrs. Leone Kauth PG Lindell Cindy and Tom McLemore John NazzaroGlenn and Jeannette Kautz Annetta Lindskog Josh and Elisabeth McMillon * Duane and Linda Neiffer ������Ryan and Eicka Keefauver ������ Allen and Rhonda Lindskog Richard and Joyce McOmie Ralph and Orpha Neils ������Kristina and Troy Keefe ������ Michelle and Kevin Linehan Christine L. McPherson William and Lori NelsonGreg and Colette Keeton ������ Frank and Nancy Lingenfelter Rosemary and Eric Medford Jonathan and Diane Nelson ������Naomi Keil ������ Lois and Mark Linnemann Gordon and Lena Meeske Gary Nelson ������Betty and Harold Kelly ������ Clyde List Gary and Maureen Meier ������ Irene and Ken NelsonSteven and Ann Kelly ������ Delbert Litz Gladys Meier Marion R. NerlingBrian P. Kerbs * John and Heather Livernois John D. Meisenhelder Helmut and Agnes NeumannMelvin and Lila Kern ������ Ray Loen Robin and Ann Melvin ������ Marvin and Carol NeveuDr. Jim and Mrs. Patricia Kerr Bill and Gloria Logan Michael and Barbara Meray Tuat and Hong NguyenGlen and Kathy Kersey Kathryn and Stephen Long Victor Messerli Ross T. Nichols ������Cynthia Kersten ������ Jeanine Loose Dr. Janet G. Metzger Mavis L. NickelsJoanne Keup John and Trish Loper Geraldine Metzger Erwin and Lillian NickodemusVaughn and Bea Kilborn Loraine Losser Erich and Delores Meueller Paul and Sharon NielsonDee and Rosemary King Becky R. Love Ron and Norma Meyer Mark J. NiermanMarge Kinoshita and David Young Dorothy Ludke Robert and Judith Meyer Deb Nowatzki and Ronald StewartBeatrice Kirchner * Marilyn and Bruce Ludke ������ Rita Michelotti Delores NunnSally Kirkvold ������ Mary and John Luebke Jason and Cindy Middleton Diane M. Nuno ������Ronnie and Luanna Kitchener ������ Evelyn and John Lund David and Jane Miletich Barry and Judith NupenRebecca C. Klimper Douglas and Sherri Maben ������ Alice Miller Carol and Gerald OberstMiriam Kling James and LeAnn Maddry ������ Gary and Sandra Miller Michael OBryant and Sandra Westbrook-OBryantJohn and Deborah Knapp Raymond and Marna Maier Mim J. Miller ������ Dr. Donald and Mrs. Kathleen Ogard ������Cheryl Knapp Roger L. Mailand Linda Miller Bill and Shirley O'Hare ������Rose M. Knauf Eugene and Gail Malberg Kimberly Millier Robert and Claudia OhldeAnn L. Knuth ������ Neal and Irene Mandelko Chris and Mary Mills Robert and Elaine Olguin ������Phyllis Kochert Harley and Andrea Mangold ������ Gregg Mindt E. W. Oliver *Donald and Ruth Koenig ������ Marjorie Mann Kimberly Mingo Jay OlshenDavid G. Kohl Priscilla and James Manning ������ Rev. Wallace and Mrs. Dorothy Misterek ������ Michael and Juliann Olson ������Rev. Noel and Mrs. Linda Koss ������ Ione and Stuart Marcy ������ Sandra J. Mitchell Frank and Margaret OlsonAlbert and Betty Kraft Ben Markin ������ Pat and Jarka Mitchell ������ Shelia Olson ������Marilyn and David Kramer Michael and Donna Marsak A. and Heather Mitchell ������ Jon and Nelda Osgood ������Don Kramer Donald and Martha Martens Marvin and Elizabeth Mizell Marjorie and James Otto ������Barry and Anne Kramer Lee R. Martin Ron and Cynthia Moe-Lobeda James and Violet Overgaard ������Rebecca Kramer William and DeElda Martin ������ Chuck and Anne Moen Joan OverholserJeffrey and Rebecca Kranich ������ Joseph and Roseanne Martin Fred and Betty Mollat Steven and Karen PadenBetty J. Kraus ������ Marion Martin Lois Monks John and Tamalyn PageRichard and Lorna Kretchmar Mike Martin Oliver and Venita Moore ������ Kendall M. PalmerJohn Kretzschmar * Ronald Martin * Terry and Ruth Moore Phyllis W. Parker ������Loren Kreutner Terry and Jackie Martin * Pat Moored ������ Leslie A. Parker ������Charlotte and Gordon Kroemer ������ Janet Martin ������ Joseph and Susan Morelli Candye ParkinDr. Walter Krueger ������ Peggy M. Martin ������ Dennis and Jacqueline Morner ������ Gregory and Rafaela PascualRev. Phil Kuehnert ������ Dr. and Mrs. Doug Martin ������ Aaron Morse Jeffrey J. PashakBob and Billi Kuhlmann Thomas and Mary Mathew ������ Frank and Verna Moser Franklin and Linda Paudler ������William F. Kuhn Kimberly J. Matthews Erich P. Mueller Nancy R. PaulDenise Larsen ������ David Matz ������ Drs. Reed and Erin Mueller Charles and Jacquelyn Paye ������Donald and Doris Larson Randy and Janice Mauk * Richard Mueller Esther PearsallMargaret Larson Teresa and Davie Maxwell Michelle N. Mulhair Krystal PeaseRon and Raelene Larson ������ J.L. Maxwell ������ Patrick K. Mullaley Sally M. Peatow ������Judith A. Laubach * Julie M. McAndrew Ron Muller ������ Cecil R. Peloquin Winter 2010 47

Annual ReportCONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Concordia Contributors (continued) Janet J. Rosen Robert and Kristina Seth ������ Katherine and Jeffrey Swanstrom Gary and Dianne Peters Steven Rosenbaum Khalid Hameed Shaida Barbara P. Swenson Rev. Richard and Mrs. Ellen Peterson Justin D. Rosenblad Ellen M. Shalton ������ Paul and Jana Syring ������ RJ and Waverly Jane Peterson ������ Jennifer L. Roser Steven and Kathleen Sharek Gary Tanner Jr. and Lisa Tanner ������ Thomas and Kathryn Petke ������ Alfred and Lorraine Roth * Kathryn M. Sharpe John and Susan Taylor Paul and Beverly Pfeifer ������ Dr. Henry and Mrs. Phyllis Rowold David Shaver Jr. and Mertie Shaver ������ Carson and Gudrun Taylor ������ Ellen J. Phifer Norma and Webster Ruble ������ Carmon L. Shaw ������ Frederick and Carol Teller * Wayne and Phyllis Picker ������ Debbie Ruegsegger Bernieta V. Sherman Steven Tendler ������ LaVon S. Pierce Teri Ruen Destin and Jill Shigano Patrick Terrell Jenny Piland-Bennett Heriberto and Patricia Ruiz Richard and Kathleen Shouse Rowena A. Tetz Hubert and Elaine Pillette Rev. Edwin and Mrs. Carol Rumerfield Tarry and Pamela Shuell Harold and Juanita Tews Mary S. Pirie ������ Rev. Bruce and Mrs. Carol Rumsch Donna J. Sigler ������ Ernest and Donna Thaete Janet and Jon Pitcher Peggy Jo Runcorn ������ Ernest and Carol Silva ������ Terri Theisen and Tom Williamson Alfred and Grace Ploetz Randall H. Russell * Brenda Simmons Robert Thoelke Paula J. Politte Sylvia Rylander ������ Charles Simonsen ������ Karen K. Thomas Laszlo and Janet Pomazi ������ LaVern and Edward Sager ������ Jeanette M. Simonson Dana Thomas ������ James and Jan Pomerenk Charles Sams III Kevin and Stefanie Simpson Maye A. Thompson ������ Luella Pool ������ Warren and Nancy Sanders * Sarbjit Singh Ann E. Thompson-Hague Ronald and Anita Popp Bob and Becky Sanford ������ Linda and Bernard Sisco * Lora Thornberry Irv Potter Jane and Stephen Santora Peter Skipper Richard and Elaine Thornes Margaret P. Pownall-Kalberg James Sappington Robert and Ilona Skipper ������ Rev. Donald and Mrs. Betty Tigges Joshua and Diana Pressnell Marilyn G. Sarvela ������ Anna and Larry Skoglund ������ Barbara Tilden Howard and Noreen Purcell ������ Rev. Alvin and Mrs. Helen Sasse Richard and Rebekka Sleeper ������ Gary and Shirley Tonn Ed and Rebecca Quesnell Dr. Sam and Mrs. Ruth Ann Saunders Joy M. Slobodzian ������ Gerald Torgerson Sr. and Nada Torgerson ������ Mike Quesnell ������ Bruce and Connie Saxton Alex G. Smith Ed and Marjorie Tradup Kathleen Quinn Betty and Robert Schaefer Diane Smith ������ Elizabeth A. Trainor Brenda Quint Gaebel Lynette and Bill Schamber Clare Snoozy ������ Gunar and Carla Tranum ������ Rev. Gerald and Mrs. Jane Rabe ������ Rev. Kenneth and Mrs. Sandra Schauer ������ Richard and Barbara Snow Dan and Cheryl Treakle ������ Rev. Christopher and Mrs. Julie Raffa Paul Schaus Jr. and Nola Schaus Edmund Somerfeld Tami Trent Susan Rajek ������ John Scheck Jr. and Lori Scheck Garry and Esther Sorensen Rev. Orlando and Mrs. Linda Trier ������ Janet Range and Eric Swehla Rev. Dr. John and Mrs. Marianne Scheck Michael and Nancy Southard ������ William and Louise Tucker Muhammad A. Ra'oof Richard and Iris Schelske Rhoda and Donald Spidal Susan and Bradley Tucker ������ Saundra and Henry Rassi Ruth Schermer Paula M. Spooner * Laurel and W. Dayton Turner Dr. Loraine Rathman Cliff Schinnerer Diane C. Staff Richard and Evelyn Ulrich Dr. Don and Mrs. Barb Rau ������ James and Rose Schlewitz Rev. Stephen Stahlhut Eric and Brenda Upprano ������ Torleif and Valborg Redal Nathan and Christina Schmidt Jennifer R. Stanford Ruth and Raymond Uyeshiro * Jim and Kay Reese ������ Daphne Schmidt ������ Arlen and Linda Stange Thomas and Joyce Vaca Paul Reffstrup Gretchen Schmidt-Zinda ������ LaReina R. Starr Joanne Vahsholtz ������ Becky Register ������ Larry and Donna Schmitz ������ Norman and Doris Steiner Michael and Angela Vahsholtz-Andersen ������ Krista M. Reichard Glenn and Debbie Schneider Robert Steiner Eugene Van Tassell Kenneth Reid Rev. Philip Schoenherr Judy Stephens ������ Kara Vander Linden Barbara Reigert and Dwight Reigert II Rev. Eugene and Mrs. Schooler ������ Gary and Barbara Stephenson ������ Bradley and Melissa Varvil ������ James and Lynda Reimann David E. Schramm Christine Stevens Jeff and Dayle Vaughan * Rev. Tim and Mrs. Charlotte Renstrom Karl and Radene Schroeder ������ Michael and Lora Stewart ������ Albert and Mary Verhofstadt Roy and Ruth Reyes Rev. Albert and Mrs. Janet Schudde Joe Stidham Rev. Tim and Mrs. Janet Verity Patrick K. Rhea Gerald and Olive Schuler ������ Ann M. Stokes * Allen and Sue Vernon Arnold Rice ������ Virginia Schultz ������ Paul F. Stokes * Edward and Susan Vesely * Art Richards LeRoy and Janet Schultz Dallas and Sandra Stoller Frances Victor ������ Nicholas and Janet Richmond Rev. Anthony J. Schultz *������ Jennifer M. Stone-Hill Wesley Vigars Scott E. Rickards Kenneth and Karen Schuster ������ Shirley Streufert Elder and Teresa Villela Susan Riley Medina M. Schwab Rev. Philip and Mrs. Becky Streufert Cam and Jane Vincent ������ Lois Ristau Bernard and Joan Schwarz Lori and Mark Strodtbeck Dennis and Kay Vockrodt ������ Caroline E. Ritchie ������ Larry and Anna Schwarz Thomas and Windi Struck ������ Larry and Verna Vogeltanz William and Rosina Robbins Richard L. Scroggs ������ Rita M. Stuen Don and Ruth Volkert Alan H. Robinson Lee N. Seater Gerald and Donna Stuewe David and Abby Von Ruden ������ Linda K. Robinson Mary Seher John and Amy Stuhr Margaret Von Stein Norma Robinson Carolene Seitz ������ Don and Jayne Sturm * Susan Vorderstrasse ������ Yolanda Rodriguez Laura and Richard Sela ������ Jim and Mary Suchland ������ Angela D. Vossenkuhl Harry Roelfs Mark and Brooke Sellmann Evelyn M. Sullivan Derik and Amanda Vowels * Terry Rae Rogers Paul and Lisa Serventi ������ Raymond and Carrie Summers ������ Christina Vowels * Mary Kay Vitro 48 concordia connection

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