The Moscow United Methodist Church126 Church Street Office Phone: 570-842-7251Moscow, PA 18444 e-newsletter December 15, 2017 Holy Night of Miracles, a cantata of hope for Christmas by Lloyd Larson will be performed at Moscow United Methodist Church duringour 11 a.m. worship on Sunday, December 17, 2017. Hear the Christmasstory through song and narration with our choir under the direction of Norm Campbell. After worship join us for refreshments downstairs. Merry Christmas!Sunday, Dec 24 – Worship 11 a.m. No Sunday school – resumes 1/7/17 Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 7 p.m.
On Sunday, December 10, 2017, The Moscow United Methodist Church’sLearning Tree Preschool provided special music in worship with some Christmassongs. This second year of our preschool has seen much growth. Preschool boardchair, Heather Phillips introduced our young students and predicted thecontinued growth and success of this wonderful MUMC outreach ministry. Thanksto all who help to make The Learning Tree a wonderful place to learn. Forenrollment information, call 570-249-0200. Each month Pastor Jean shares a story and a lesson about a fruit of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:22) with our Learning Tree students. Last week we learned about Joy in the Christmas story.
For Our VolunteersStaff-Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Trustees and Church Council Members SPRC & Trustee Training At Elm Park UMC Located at 712 Linden St., Scranton, PA Saturday, January 13th Registration Starts at 9:30 a.m. Training is 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and is free. This is a wonderful opportunity for all individuals who serve or will be serving on the SPRC or Trustee Committees of our church to learn more about their role in this particular ministry of the church. In addition, we welcome any members of the Administrative Council to join in increasing their knowledge of these committees. Our Assisting Elders Deb Rose and Doug Sivers will be leading these discussions and we are strongly encouraged to carpool together to Elm Park to participate in these training sessions. Please call (570) 901-1569 or email [email protected] the District Office to register for this event by Friday, January 5th. Light refreshments will be served.
A monthly article to help our congregation know about our church finances, the different funds Moscow United Methodist Church has and to better understand how our funds operate in support of our ministries.MUMC’s Financing of Ministries for Christ End of Year Giving As we come to end of another year of God’s blessings in our ministries at Moscow UnitedMethodist Church, we want to say “Thank You” to the many church family members and friendswho help us in so many ways including their generous financial support and compassionate givingto others. Your witness to Christ by giving to God through the ministries of MUMC show yourfaith and discipleship more than words can say. These last few weeks of the year are a great timeto catch-up on giving to our church before the year ends and also thankfully consider howgenerous God has been to us in the giving the greatest gift ever, his Son Jesus Christ, for thesalvation of the world! Estimates of Giving for Next Year Help MUMC Plan and Grow! Thank you also to all in our congregation who have turned in an Estimate of giving cardsfor 2018 as we commit our lives to the vision of reaching new people for Jesus Christ throughour financial generosity. We are asking all church family and friends to prayerfully consider howGod might use them through our church to help in the making of disciples for Jesus Christ for thetransformation of the world. The Estimate of Giving brochure (located at the back of the church)encourages us all to think about stepping out in faith and stepping up our giving a percentagepoint this year if we are able. Information about giving through automatic monthly bankwithdrawals is also provided. This helps our church tremendously as our treasurers know a certainamount of money will come in at the beginning of each month to help us pay our bills throughoutthe year.Automatic Bank Donations Help Our Church Pay Our Bills When Needed Thank you to our church members who use automated bank payments to finance theirgiving to the church! Each month, on the first Monday of the month, withdrawals from members’accounts are made and deposited directly in the church’s general fund and trustees maintenanceaccounts to insure that payroll and other time-sensitive invoices can be paid on time. To arrangeto give to MUMC this way, see the estimate of giving cards at the back of the church whichprovide a form for automated bank donations or call Linda Verrastro who handles this for ourchurch 570-689-2843.
Our Capital Improvement Fund Coin Jug is Back! This past summer, MUMC has reinitiated its capital improvement fund campaigning as away to raise needed funds for capital improvements at our church facilities without dipping intothe church’s modest investments and savings. This year the trustees plan to repave and reroof theparsonage garage and next year – you guessed it! - another facility project need will arise. Thanksto our initial supporters who have donated $2100 toward our capital improvement fund for theparsonage repair effort. Thanks to our church members who have dressed up the old CapitalImprovement Fund Coin Jug and placed it just outside the sanctuary which change, cash andchecks can be dropped intoThank you to our new Financial Secretary, Lar Nelson! Please know all your giving and financial information is kept confidential. Should your lifesituation, financial situation, or your family’s decision about giving change you can easily adjustyour giving commitment. Our financial secretary, Laurence Nelson, 570-507-6540 [email protected], will answer your questions. Thank You! Your giving helps you become what God wants you to be because God uses our generosityto help us grow, to create new life in us, and to foster in us “the mind that was in Jesus Christ.”Philippians 2:5 Thank You to All Our Angels
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