The Moscow United Methodist Church126 Church Street Office Phone: 570-842-7251Moscow, PA 18444 e-newsletter December 8, 2017 Advent is a season of “waiting.” It is a time of waiting for the Christ child tobe born anew in our hearts, for God to “create a new heaven and a new earth”and for Christ to come again and the reign of God come to this world. Advent tellsa story of pregnancy and birth, divine gift-giving, the fulfillment of promises madelong ago and a holy light growing ever brighter. In the Bible, angels are the beings who announce the fulfillment of God’spromises to his beloved people. The word “angel” initially meant messenger. ThisAdvent, we consider how the angels of the Christmas story are symbols of themessages we still need to hear and wake up to in our fearful time. Each week in worship this Advent we will hear an angel message – amessage of the fulfillment of God’s gifts of hope, peace, joy, love and new life inJesus Christ. Our hope is that in our hearing we can come to see the angelsamong us who continue to announce God’s saving goodness. Perhaps we too,will join with the angels to shine God’s light, show God’s love and invite God’sbeloved world to rejoice with us in the gift of Jesus.
Do Your Christmas Shopping Online & Moscow UMC Benefits – Here’s How
What if you knew where all of your money was going eachmonth? What if you were debt-free, investing and makingwise spending decisions? With Dave Ramsey’s classFinancial Peace University, you CAN take control of yourmoney and start planning for your future. If you’re interestedin learning more about the class, contact John Havenstrite [email protected] or 570-906-9212. We’re offering it atMoscow United Methodist Church just for you startingMonday January 15, 2018. Register at
Hey North Pocono Seniors and Graduates… Information sheets – FAQs – Available at Church or call: 570-842-7251/email: [email protected]: Coming Soon – Information about MUMC’s August and Melba Fleckenstein Scholarship for MUMC seniors
Be an AngelMoscow UMC’s Project Joy and Angel Tree Programs areAdvent mission programs that invite MUMC churchfriends and the community to provide Christmas gifts tochildren and youth in local families that might bestruggling (Project Joy) or in which one parent isincarcerated (Angel Tree). Take an angel from theChristmas tree in the church lobby with informationabout the child/youth (age, sizes, Christmas wish, etc).Purchase a gift, wrap it and tape the angel card to it.Bring your gift back and place under the tree byDecember 17. Project Joy is a mission of the MoscowUMC & UMYF in partnership with the North PoconoSchool District, Head Start and the North PoconoMinisink Lions Club.
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