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Home Explore April 2022 E newsletter

April 2022 E newsletter

Published by Moscow UMC, 2022-04-07 16:03:35

Description: This is the April edition of our Newsletter for the Moscow United Methodist Church.

Keywords: newsletter,moscow umc,moscow pa,church news


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The Moscow United Methodist Church 126 Church Street Phone: (570)842-7251 Moscow, PA 18444 Email: [email protected] Website: April 2022 e-Newsletter Table of Contents: Pastor Letter (2) Holy Week Services (5) Financial Report (5) Christian Connection (5) Preschool News (6) Trustees Foundations in Faith (8) Sunday School (7) District News (8) Laity Listening Session (9) Vision Team (13) Easter Flowers(14) Donation Station(15) Ministries and Outreach (15) Vacation Bible School (16) CPR/AED Classes (16) Prayer Network (17) 1

Pastor’s Letter “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 We are nearing the conclusion of our Lenten journey. Time seems to be flying by. The Spring season has begun to show itself with some vibrant colors appearing from the ground. The cold of winter is evolving into the warmth of new beginnings. The living beauty of God’s landscape of creation is revealing the wonder of God’s ever promising love, just in time for Easter. During these final days of this holy season of focused repentance and Spring cleaning of the soul, I pray that everyone has grown closer to the Lord and can feel the gentle presence of the divine walking with you. A productive Lent allows for the resurrection to be actively evident in our living that by sunrise on Easter morning those yet to believe cannot miss the hopeful joy that shines through each person who already knows the heavenly security Jesus made possible. This year, not only does the pandemic continue on, but our neighbors (as Jesus defines them) worldwide are also in the grips of war. It is a time we must hold fast to our core Christian beliefs, be firmly centered on Christ, and keep the faith - confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see, for what we see and hear, the known and unknown circumstances around us are too much to bear. On our own, we would be lost, by the strength of God, we can be secure that ultimately the power of love will overcome the love of power. When we feel as if there is nothing we can do, there is – pray. Prayer brings us into sacred connection with those in need. It is a bond that cannot be broken. 2

Have faith. Believe in the miraculous love of Christ, that conquers anything and everything. Donate as you are able. A list of ways to give to aid Ukraine is included in this newsletter. Be in devotion. Stay in close communication with the Lord for in doing so, we become spiritually ready to discover more that can be done to help people who are going through affliction, especially those currently caught in the tribulation of worldly powers that cause war and grief. The gospel scripture above was Jesus talking to his disciples about his departure. They were surly feeling lost, not knowing or understanding or accepting that what he was telling them would come to be. These are powerful words of security, that no matter what they could have peace within through the steadfast, spiritual non anxious presence of Jesus. The peace of Christ compares to nothing we experience on the earth. That is the light of peace filled hope we are to keep. Let that peace lead us forth through the troubles of the world and keep us steady on the Lenten path. Let that light break through the coldness of hardship and evil, conditioning us to strength upon strength. Take heart! Jesus has overcome the world. In the scripture below, the victory had been won. Jesus’ passionate purpose was complete. The resurrection broke through the sting of death, offering a promising future that the everlasting paradise of heavenly living anew awaits all who believe in Jesus’ sacrifice to a miraculous reality that is so incredible and peaceful, our finite minds truly have no words to express the joy we shall experience, when our faith is transformed into the resurrection reality of 3

Easter. May each and every person arise on Easter morning with at least a sense of that joy which awaits, praising the One who makes all living possible. Shout aloud the Good News that Jesus lives. Make people that have yet to know the Living Lord wonder in awe of the unflustered, pure elation that is Easter, as witnessed through your beaming behavior with the Son shining. Your Savior lives! Celebrate and be glad in hopeful expectation! The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Matthew 28:5-8 4

HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICES Palm Sunday 10:00 a.m. Maundy Thursday Maple Lake UMC 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Tenebrae Service 7:00 p.m. Sunrise Service, Easter Sunday 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunday 10:00 a.m. Everyone is highly encouraged to attend Holy Week services. They are deeply expressive and instructive, explaining what it actually means to walk with Jesus to the cross and encounter His ultimate sacrifice made for all people. Without listening to and experiencing the pain and suffering Jesus went through giving His life for our sins, one truly cannot celebrate the resurrection with complete appreciation. Give yourself a gift this year, attend these services of the Passion Narrative, taking in ALL the emotions of Holy Week and Easter. FINANCIAL REPORT General Fund February 2022: Income $6,760. / Expenses $10,794. (-$4,034.) Year-to-Date: Income $15,030. / Expenses $23,515. (- $8,485.) March 2022: Income $6,819. / Expenses $13,524. (-$6,705.) 5

Year-to-Date: Income $21,849. / Expenses $37,039. (- $15,190.) All monthly Ministry Shares are paid. Monthly: $1,396.75 / YTD: $4,190.25 March 31st Account Balance: $3,944.00 CHRISTIAN CONNECTIONS Christian Connections, the virtual Bible study, will meet on the following Tuesday evenings in April at 6:15: 12th, 19th, 26th. The discussion group will be focusing on Easter and the sightings of the Risen Lord. The link for Christian Connections is sent out weekly. Join in for enlightening spiritual conversations that help us to better live our beliefs as Christians in society. 6

LEARNING TREE PRESCHOOL Fundraiser update: The preschool has received a grant in the amount of $2500 to be used for the children’s learning opportunities and activities. Cards for a Cause raised $323, and the Mendicino’s Gift Card sale raised $960. The Preschool will have an Open House on Sunday, April 10 from 12-2p.m. We encourage anyone interested in our program to join us to meet the preschool teachers and see our classroom. This month we welcomed Spring. We focused on the letters Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss and Tt. Numbers 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Our themes were St. Patrick's day, inventions, and green alligators. Celebrating Saint Patrick's day was a favorite in our class. We worked together to make a leprechaun trap, unfortunately Pickles O'Reilly was too tricky to catch. We discovered small green footprints and he left behind a trail of gold coins! Lucky charms cereal was everywhere, and all our chairs were turned upside down. We ended St. Patrick's Day with green cupcakes and smiles all around! Crafting is on the top of our list of things we love! We enjoy cutting, painting, decorating and displaying our weekly crafts. Suns and bumblebees can be seen hanging from our walls with high hopes of March leaving gentle like a Lamb. Happy Spring!! 7

VISION TEAM The Vision Team had its first meeting and it was a productive beginning to our journey in creating the centered vision that will lead MUMC into the future. The Vision Team will also be forming a Vision Statement to keep us on the track of moving toward accomplishing the vision made. The Vision Statement will function in unison with our Mission Statement “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”. The vision process will include much input from the congregation, as we all serve in unison for the common good of our neighbors, community, and beyond, giving glory to God in all we do in ministry and mission. TRUSTEES The Moscow United Methodist Church trustees met on Wednesday, March 16th. They approved new garage doors and overhead motors for the parsonage. The project should be completed by the end of May. Billy Havenstrite is completing his Eagle Scout project by dismantling the terrace garden at the lower entrance. This terrace garden has caused significant water issues for the church building. He will retain the blocks and timbers and create a new purpose for the space. The trustees are grateful for Billy taking on this project. The trustees will continue to discuss options for the new space at the next meeting. In 2005, the estate of Marian Richards donated 7 cemetery plots to the church. They are in various locations of Moscow Cemetery. If you know of someone in financial need of one or more of these plots, please contact Carol Verrone. As always, if you see 8

something around the church that needs attention, please contact any trustee. FOUNDATIONS IN FAITH HYMN Crown Him with Many Crowns Matthew Bridges (1800- 1894) Godfrey Thring (1823-1903) This worshipful text is the combined effort of two distinguished Anglican clergymen, each of whom desired to write at hymn of exaltation to our suffering but now victorious Lord. Matthew Bridges was born in Essex, England and left the Church of England (Anglican) to become Roman Catholic in 1848. He lived his later years in Quebec, Canada, returning to England before his death. Matthew Bridges’ version first appeared in 1851 with six stanzas. Twenty-three years later Godfrey Thring wrote six additional stanzas, which appeared in his collection, HYMNS AND SACRED LYRICS. The original six stanzas mention six crowns: Crown him…the Lamb upon the throne (stanza one) Crown him the Virgin’s son (original stanza two) Crown him the Son of God (original stanza three) Crown him the Lord of Love (original stanza four) 9

Crown him the Lord of Peace (original stanza five) Crown him the Lord of Years (original stanza six) The hymn’s present form as included in our hymnal includes stanzas one, three and four by Bridges and stanza two by Thring. The tune, “Diademata”, (the Greek word for crowns), was composed specifically for this text by George Elvey, noted organist at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, England. This hymn was first published in the Appendix of Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1868. Other texts using this tune include: Maker in Whom We Live, Make Me A Captive, Lord and Soldiers of Christ, Arise. One final secular note: St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, has been the site of many royal weddings including: Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones, June 1999. Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, April 2005. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, May 2018. Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank, October 2018. 10

SUNDAY SCHOOL Our Sunday School continues to meet weekly at 9am. The children have been having fun learning about the importance of prayer and talking to God, as well as The Ten Commandments and an introduction to Lent. The kids made chocolate covered strawberries for themselves as well as extras to share with their families for Valentine’s Day. We made flags to welcome Jesus on Palm Sunday, the students will be having a parade in church. The kids also decorated cross suncatchers for the residents of Academy Gardens. Adult Sunday School continues to meet in Pastor Lori’s office at 9am on Sundays. They will be continuing a special discussion about the Lenten Season. 11

BULLETIN BOARDS Carole Phillips has been updating our bulletin boards. She has done an amazing job and we cannot thank her enough for taking on this huge task. She has added some pictures of various events, as well as a “Disciples in Action” board. She has been working with Pastor Lori to update the information found in the Narthex as well. If anyone has any information or pictures they would like to see on the bulletin boards, please talk to Carole. MINISTRIES AND OUTREACH Donation Station: We continue our monthly Donation Stations in the narthex of the church building. Each month we collect for a different charity. For the month of March we collected items for Griffin Pond Animal Shelter. We are working on scheduling a day for the Sunday School students to drop off the items at Griffin Pond so they can meet some of the animals that will benefit from the generous donations. For the month of April we are collecting items for the people of Ukraine. Their needs include baby food in plastic containers, new clothing, new blankets, first aid kits, dry food for the soldiers (lightly boxed, expiration date 3-6+ months), smaller bottles of personal hygiene items, hand and foot warmers, pillar candles (no glass), small first aid kits, feminine hygiene products, wrapped bars of soap, flashlights with batteries attached (not inside), band- 12

aids, gauze rolls and pads, adhesive and non adhesive dressings, wound treatments, alcohol swabs/pads. Plastic Bags: We are currently collecting plastic grocery bags, as well as other types of plastic, such as plastic mailing envelopes, produce bags, newspaper bags, and plastic overwrap. If the plastic is stretchy, it is acceptable. If the plastic tears like paper or makes a loud crinkling or crunching sound (such as chip bags and flower wrap), it cannot be used. Our goal is to collect 500 pounds of plastic to get a bench made of the recycled materials in return. By donating your plastic bags to the church you will be helping with our goal, and keeping those items out of landfills. Most of the items we are collecting are not accepted by curbside recycling programs because they get caught in the sorting machines, so this is a wonderful way to make use of those items. So far we have collected 364 pounds of plastic that will be turned into a lovely bench instead of ending up in a landfill. Crochet/knit hats: We are collecting handmade hats for babies born at Geisinger CMC in Scranton. Any pattern that makes a newborn or preemie sized hat works, but we do ask that you use softer yarn, as a baby’s skin is delicate. If you need a pattern, please contact the church office. So far we have donated 33 hats. Soda Tabs: We continue to collect soda tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Thank to everyone who has and continued to collect tabs for this wonderful organization! 13

EASTER FLOWERS If you would like to purchase Easter Flowers please contact Lois Linko by Monday April 11. We are selling Easter Lilies, Hyacinths, and Tulips for $12 each. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL We will be hosting Vacation Bible School again this summer. We have scheduled it for Monday July, 11 through Wednesday July, 13 from 6-8pm. Our theme is Christmas In July. Watch our Facebook and Website for more information as it gets closer. CPR/AED CLASSES If anyone would like to be on the for a future CPR/AED, please contact Jennie in the office at [email protected] or (570)842-7251. The classes are $20, which include your certification through the American Heart Association, and an information booklet. The classes are 3-4 hours long and cover how to perform CPR, how to use a defibrillator, and basic First Aid (if you choose). Classes are taught by one of our members, Mark Chmielewski, who is a Nurse Educator with St. Luke’s Emergency Transport Services. This is a great opportunity to learn how to use our newly installed AED that is on the wall in the coatroom before you enter the sanctuary. This AED was donated in memory of Gary Reigal. 14

LAITY LISTENING SESSIONS Listening sessions with clergy and laity have been and continue within districts according to church clusters. Our North Pocono Cluster date and time is April 28 at Maple Lake United Methodist Church. The sessions are opportunities for churches and leaders to communicate their various needs and how the district and conference will make decisions on how better to connect and help meet the needs of the local churches. DISTRICT AND CONFERENCE SWB DISTRICT RESPONSE TO INVASION OF UKRAINE Monetary donations can be made to the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s (UMCOR) International Disaster Response and Recovery through Advance #982450. United Methodist Global Ministries’ Advance #14053A supports pastors in Ukraine and Moldova. Donations can also be given through your local church Advance #982450 (2470) or 14053A (2995). In the SWB District, you are invited to collect the following medical supplies that will be shipped to the Ukraine through Mission Central. We're asking each of the churches in our clusters to collect the following: Back Mountain Cluster & Endless Mountain Clusters - Gauze Rolls and Pads (Back Mountain Cluster drop-off location at Trucksville) Wilkes-Barre Cluster & Carbondale/Montrose Clusters - Band-Aids & Wound Treatment Ointments (Carbondale/Montrose Cluster drop-off locations @ New Milford and Tompkinsville) 15

Scranton Cluster & Northeast/Honesdale Area - Alcohol Swabs/Pads Northern Pocono Area & Central Clusters - Adhesive Dressings Please collect supplies through the month of March. SUSQUEHANNA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2022 The 13th Session of the Susquehanna Annual Conference is scheduled for June 1-3, 2022, at the Hershey Lodge & Convention Center in Hershey, PA. The theme for 2022 is: Behold I Am Doing A New Thing. UMC GENERAL CONFERENCE POSTPONED TO 2024 Who makes decisions for The United Methodist Church if there is no one person in charge? Good question. The only body that can set official policy and speak for the denomination is the General Conference. General Conference organizers announced that The United Methodist Church’s top lawmaking assembly, long postponed by pandemic must wait until 2024 citing long wait times for visas. “The visa issue is a reality that is simply outside our control as we seek to achieve a reasonable threshold of delegate presence and participation. Ultimately our decision reflects the hope that 2024 will afford greater opportunity for global travel and a higher degree of protection for the health and safety of delegates and attendees.” General Conference was scheduled to be in Minneapolis this year. In the press statement, the commission said a new already-secured venue would be announced at a later date as soon as logistical planning is complete. Please be in prayer for this postponement of General Conference and for our denomination, as there are important decisions waiting to be made from the original 16

scheduled year of 2020, including the decision of moving forward in the subject of human sexuality. 17

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